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55 (2021) 485–495
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Research article
486 D.T. An et al. / Agr. Nat. Resour. 55 (2021) 485–495
the main challenges to human well-being in the 21st century. 2020) as well as WSS (Belder et al., 2004; Pascual and Wang,
A report by the Vietnamese Ministry of Natural Resources 2017; Hasan et al., 2019) are considered effective adaptation
and Environment showed that Kien Giang province is faced solutions and are broadly ongoing in many parts of the world
a lack of IWDs in lowland farming areas due to saline intrusion (Arimi, 2014; Bai and Xiao, 2020). These practice solutions
and drought events in 2016 (Dang, 2021; Lee and Dang, can help to reduce the negative ICV as well as contributing to
2018). Approximately 86,200 ha of the rice area in Kien maintaining crop yield and increasing profits.
Giang province was affected by drought and salinity with total Thus, the main objective of the current research focused
damage of approximately VND 2.35 billion during the drought on determining the RUE as well as establishing the CCC for
stages of 2014–2016 (Asia Pacific Network, 2010). lowland rice paddies across Kien Giang province based on the
In the context of IWDs for lowland agriculture due to Aquacrop model of the Food and Agriculture Organization of
the impacts of climate variability (ICV), studies on rainfed the United Nations (FAO). This model was applied to detect
use efficiency (RUE) have been widely deployed around the the interactions between environmental factors for a typical
world (Deryng et al., 2014; Bai and Xiao, 2020). For example, case to highlight the role of environmental factors for irrigation
in South and Southeast Asia, Zeigler and Puckridge (1995) activities as well as providing insight on links between CCC,
conducted a study on improving sustainable productivity in RUE and crop yield.
rainfed lowland rice. They reported that rice cultivation regions
are suitable for the application of water-saving solutions Materials and Methods
(WSSs). In central-northern India, Bouman and Tuong (2001)
deployed a study on WSSs for irrigating lowland rice and Study area
reported that irrigation water input reduced approximately 23%
with a crop yield decrease of 6%. Belder et al. (2004) assessed Kien Giang province is located southwestern Vietnam,
the effectiveness of WSSs on lowland rice and indicated (9°23’50”N–10°32’30”N and 104°26’40”E–105°32’40”E),
that using irrigation water could be reduced by up to 15% as shown in Fig. 1. Kien Giang province has diverse terrain
without affecting crop yield. Yang et al. (2007) established with a long coastline and many islands, mountains and rivers,
a WSS to increase crop yield in lowland paddies and their with the costal territory being relatively flat, with elevations in
results identified a WSS with savings of 24.5% to 29.2% the range 0.5–2.5 m above mean sea level (Nhan et al., 2011;
and increased rice yield of 7.4–11.3%. In the lower Mekong Son et al., 2014). The province has approximately 575.7 ha
Basin, Mainuddin et al. (2013) implemented a study on the of agricultural land of which 354.0 ha is in rice production,
rainfed rice yield under future climate scenarios. Their results accounting for 61.5% of the total agricultural land area (Trang,
suggested that altering the CCC could lead to increased crop 2016). Rice production is commonly based on irrigation from
yield. In Vietnam, Deb et al. (2015) investigated the ICV on the rivers combined with abundant rainfed supply (Mainuddin
rice yield in the lowland paddies of Ca Mau province and their et al., 2013), where the rainfed use efficiency is considered
results indicated that altering the CCC enhanced the crop yield as that part of the rainfall which is effectively utilized by the
in the context of climate variability. plants after subtracting lost rainfed volume due to runoff and
In recent years, the lowland rice paddies in Kien Giang percolation (Inthavong et al., 2014).
province have been exposed regularly to the potential risks of The climate in the province is affected from November to
climate change, leading to a decline in crop yield (Trang, 2016; April by the northeast monsoon circulation in the dry season and
Vu et al., 2018). Agricultural production has been strongly from May to October by the southwest monsoon circulation in
affected by climatic variables because the growth phases of the wet season (Auffhammer et al., 2011; Nguyen et al., 2015).
rice cultivation crops are closely involved with meteorological The area has a tropical monsoon climate, being hot and humid
factors (Asia Pacific Network, 2010; Nhan et al., 2011). with an average annual rainfall up to 2,146 mm and an average
Kien Giang is a coastal cultivation area where agricultural annual temperature varying from 26.4°C to 28.0°C. In general,
production is vulnerable to climate variability due to saline the climate has basic advantages as there are few natural
intrusion and drought, leading to a lack of IWDs. disasters such as tropical depressions and abundant sunshine
In the context of water scarcity for lowland agriculture, radiation, heat and rainfall (Table 1), so it is very favorable for
applying short-duration rice varieties (Kima et al., 2014; many kinds of plants (Food and Agriculture Organization of the
Won et al., 2020), altering the CCC (Sacks et al., 2010; Ding, United Nations, 2016; Kontgis et al., 2019).
D.T. An et al. / Agr. Nat. Resour. 55 (2021) 485–495 487
Table 1 Features of annual average rainfall (AAR) and standard deviation (SD) at rainfall observation stations in study area
Station AAR (mm) SD (mm) Latitude (N) Longitude (E)
Ha Tien 2677 608.2 10o22’00 105o30’14”
Kien Luong 2687 118.6 10°18'12” 104°38'18”
Rach Gia 2127 356.2 10°01´18” 105°05´26”
Chau Thanh 2481 281.5 09o53’00” 105o11’17”
Tan Hiep 2835 776.8 10o06’55” 105o17’00”
Y = fHIHI *B (7)
where Y x and Y are the maximum and actual crop
yields, respectively, ETx and ET are the maximum and where fHI is a multiplier which considers the stresses
actual evapotranspiration levels, respectively, and Ky is the that adjust the HI from its reference value. The adjustment of
proportionality factor between relative crop yield decline and the HI to irrigation water deficits depends on the timing and
relative reduction in evapotranspiration. ET in Equation 1 is extent of stress during the crop cycle (Steduto et al., 2012).
defined by Equation 2: In the AquaCrop model, water use efficiency (WUE) is based
on the relationship between crop yield and evapotranspiration
ET = E + Tr (2) (Steduto et al., 2012), as shown in Equation 8:
where Rn is the radiation at the soil surface, G is the soil
heat flux density, T is the average daily temperature, u2 is the
wind speed at 2.0 m height, es is the saturation vapour pressure,
ea is the actual vapour pressure, Δ is the slope of the vapour
pressure curve and γ is the psychrometric constant.
The aboveground biomass production (B) of the crop cycle
is defined by multiplying WP* by for that day, as
shown in Equation 6:
Fig. 3 Flow chart of AquaCrop model simulation
D.T. An et al. / Agr. Nat. Resour. 55 (2021) 485–495 489
Table 2 Meteorological variables observed in study area for planting crop seasons
Year Tn (oC) Tx (oC) TR (mm) RH (%) SD (hr/d) WS (m/s) ETo (mm/d)
2011 20.3 33.4 2418.8 83 6.5 2.8 5.3
2012 20.7 33.6 1941.5 80 6.3 2.9 5.8
2013 20.2 33.1 2299.2 81 6.4 3.1 5.6
2014 21.1 33.7 1941.7 79 6.9 2.8 5.7
2015 19.5 33.2 1528.6 78 7.1 2.6 5.9
2016 19.4 32.7 2268.4 80 7.2 2.5 5.5
2017 19.0 32.9 2499.5 82 6.7 2.9 5.4
2018 20.7 32.7 2561.3 82 6.5 2.7 5.1
2019 18.0 32.9 2434.6 81 6.9 3.1 5.2
Average 19.9 33.2 2210.4 80 6.7 2.8 5.3
Tn, Tx = minimum and maximum air temperature, respectively; TR = total rainfall; RH = relative humidity; SD = sunshine duration, WS = wind speed;
ETo = reference evapotranspiration
The soil properties at the experimental locations were 180 kg/ha, respectively. In addition, OM2517 is known as
collected from field surveys and analyzed based on United a high yielding variety, with good pest resistance and is planted
States Department of Agriculture software (Gerakis and Baer, widely in the area. Detailed information about the amount of
2000; Saxton and Rawls, 2006). The results from the standard irrigation, observed rainfed supply and fertilizer rates (N, P, K)
laboratory procedures for soil sample analysis were classified are provided in Table 4.
as silty clay loam to silt loam and the percentages of each soil
are provided in Table 3. The average volumetric water content Results and Discussion
for a 0.6 m soil profile depth at saturation, field capacity
(FC), total available soil moisture (FC-WP), total available Model performance assessment
water (TAW), permanent wilting points (PWP), hydraulic
conductivity (K) and physicochemical properties (K+, Na+, Most studies apply calibration and validation procedures to
Ca2+, Mg2+ and pH) are presented in Table 3. appraise the performance of a model (Greaves and Wang, 2016;
With the subtropical climate in the study area, rice was Dang, 2021). In the current study, as a first step, the calibration
grown annually based on single-crop, double-crop rice procedure was conducted to compare the simulated model
paddies and a few areas of triple-crop rice paddies (Fig. 2A). and observed crop yield during the period 2000–2010 and
In general, the CCC of the first cropping season was the second step for validation was also carried out in the same
around 18–30 November and was harvested 20–28 February, way as the calibration procedure for the period 2011–2019.
while the second cropping season started 20–31 March The calibration and validation procedures were evaluated based
and was harvested 20–25 June. The short-duration variety on the indication of the index of agreement (d), the coefficient
OM2517 was grown with 85 d to 95 d length for the growth of determination (R2) and the root mean square error (RMSE),
cycle with the planting density varying from 160 kg/ha to as presented in Dang (2021).
Table 3 Soil profile characteristic of soil samples in 0.6 m depth in the study area
Three investigated locations
Ha Tien Kien Luong Rach Gia
Sand (%) 22 28 24
Silt (%) 61 54 51
Clay (%) 27 18 25
Soil features Silty clay loam Silt loam Silty clay loam
FC (% vol) 39 41 43
PWP (% vol) 24 15 17
K (mm/d) 15 2.0 2.7
K+(ppm) 19 17 21
Na+(ppm) 28 16 31
Ca2+(ppm) 45 38 29
Mg2+(ppm) 25 28 34
pH 5.6 5.8 5.4
FC = field capacity; PWP = permanent wilting point; K = hydraulic conductivity
490 D.T. An et al. / Agr. Nat. Resour. 55 (2021) 485–495
Table 4 Collected information on irrigation, rainfed supply and fertilizer rates for growth and development stages of rice plants across the study area
Location Crop Total observed rainfed supply Total irrigated water Fertilizer rate applied (kg/ha)
(mm) (mm)
Ha Tien First 30.8 202.8 34.9 23.4 50 20 60 50 40 60 50 30
Second 47.9 70.5 189.2 302.8 40 40 0 0 50 65 50 35
Kien Luong First 38.9 198.6 45.9 33.7 40 20 50 40 50 45 45 40
Second 53.2 85.4 177.5 287.6 40 40 10 0 60 60 50 40
Rach Gia First 27.5 193.2 16.3 16.9 60 10 70 60 40 50 50 30
Second 41.2 68.3 209.7 334.1 45 55 10 0 50 50 40 50
First = winter-spring crop season; Second = summer-autumn crop season; I = initial stage of rice crop; II = developmental stage of rice crop; III = middle
stage of rice crop; IV = late stage of rice crop.
Fig. 4 Relationship between simulated model and observed crop yield at three experimental locations across study area: (A) first cropping season;
(B) second cropping season, where dotted lines are plots of y = x, d is the index of agreement, R2 is the coefficient of determination and RMSE
is the relative root mean squared error.
D.T. An et al. / Agr. Nat. Resour. 55 (2021) 485–495 491
Table 5 Performance results of AquaCrop model in calibration and validation processes based on statistical analysis
Location Crop Calibration Validation
Ha Tien First 0.86 0.87 11% 0.84 0.82 13%
Second 0.83 0.85 17% 0.78 0.78 18%
Kien Luong First 0.83 0.85 13% 0.82 0.74 15%
Second 0.77 0.81 19% 0.75 0.80 19%
Rach Gia First 0.89 0.92 12% 0.79 0.76 14%
Second 0.85 0.87 20% 0.74 0.73 17%
First = winter-spring crop; Second = summer-autumn crop; d = index of agreement; R2 = coefficient of determination; RMSE = relative root mean
squared error
Model validation The results indicated that the RUE would notably improve
if the CCC of both the first and second cropping seasons
Model validation was also deployed by comparing the were altered compared to the CCC (Figs. 5A–5B). In the first
simulated results and observed crop yields for two planting cropping season, the total RUE would increase on average
crop seasons at three experimental locations covering 16.6%, 17.9% and 14.2% at Ha Tien, Kien Luong and Rach Gia
the study area in the period 2011–2019. The validation process stations, respectively, (Table 6) when the CCC is commences
of the AquaCrop model run with the calibrated parameters in the first week of November while the corresponding values
produced good results with averages of d = 0.78, R2 = 0.77 for the second cropping season would decrease by 8.8%, 10.8%
and RMSE = 15% (Table 5). Specifically, the statistical and 8.9% (Table 6) when the CCC commences in the fourth
indicators between the simulated results and observed week of March.
crop yields for both planting crop seasons had values of Specifically, the RUE increased steadily in the initial,
d = 0.78–0.84, R 2 = 0.78–0.82 and RMSE = 13–18% at development, middle and late stages of the first cropping
Ha Tien station, values of d = 0.75–0.82, R2 = 0.74–0.80 season with increases in the ranges at the three experimental
and RMSE = 15–19% at Kien Luong station and values locations being 10.6%–14.4%, 12.8%–17.5%, 17.0–23.1% and
of d = 0.74–0.79, R 2 = 0.73–0.76 and RMSE = 14–17% 29.0%–35.0%, respectively, (Table 6). This is essential for the
at Rach Gia station (Table 5). The goodness of fit between normal growth of rice plants because the regular distribution of
the simulated results and observed crop yield based on the rainfed supply for the growth and development stages of rice
validation process confirmed the applicability of the AquaCrop plants will help to avoid a lack of supply of irrigation water
model for determining RUE and crop yields across the study during the crop’s growth cycle, especially during the grain
area. filling or harvesting stages, as this would seriously affect crop
Crop cultivation periods and rainfed use efficiency In the second cropping season, when the CCC was adjusted
forward 1 wk hydrologically, there were only minor changes
For years, the rice paddies have been sown without in RUE compared to the corresponding baseline values with
considering adverse environmental conditions such as the 6.8–9.7% and 10.0–11.0% for initial and middle stages,
effects of irrigation water salinity, drought during the growth respectively, while there were major increases in RUE in the
stage and high intensity rainfall during flowering, grain filling development stage and a major decrease in the late stage of the
stages and the harvesting stage, resulting in reduced crop yield. rice plants (Figs. 6A–6B). This was most suitable for the grain
According to Deb et al. (2015), increasing salinity in irrigation filling process as well as harvesting activities, by avoiding
water during the growing and developing stages of rice can a high concentration of rainfed supply during the harvest stage,
lead to decreased crop yield. which could easily result in crop losses. According to Dang
(2021), the crop yield would significantly reduce if the rice
plants were subjected to daily high intensity rainfed supply
during the flowering and harvesting phases.
492 D.T. An et al. / Agr. Nat. Resour. 55 (2021) 485–495
Fig. 5 Comparison of rainfed and rainfed use efficiency at three experimental locations after adjusting crop cultivation calendar: (A) in first cropping
season; (B) in second cropping season
Table 6 Comparison of rainfed use efficiency before and after adjusted crop cultivation calendar corresponding to growth and development stages of rice
planting crops across study area
Stage First cropping season Second cropping season
Ha Tien Kien Luong Rach Gia Ha Tien Kien Luong Rach Gia
Rainfed use efficiency before adjusting crop cultivation calendar
Initial 21.6 27.7 19.6 39.1 44.2 35.3
Growth 144.1 154.3 150.1 56.6 65.5 52.4
Middle 26.6 33.0 11.7 146.3 128.0 151.2
Late 15.7 29.3 14.7 222.0 199.9 232.2
Total 208.0 244.3 196.1 464.0 437.6 471.1
Rainfed use efficiency after adjusting crop cultivation calendar
Initial 23.8 31.0 22.3 45.7 49.5 40.5
Growth 165.7 180.5 168.1 63.4 69.6 56.3
Middle 31.9 38.6 14.4 160.9 139.5 167.8
Late 21.2 37.8 19.1 151.0 125.9 155.6
Total 242.6 288.0 224.0 421.0 399.5 441.3
I (%) 10.6 12.7 14.4 6.8 9.7 9.2
II (%) 15.3 17.5 12.8 22.6 16.9 28.5
III (%) 20.4 17.0 23.1 10.0 9.0 11.0
IV (%) 35.0 29.0 30.0 -32.0 -37.0 -33.0
Change in total RUE (%) +16.6 +17.9 +14.2 -8.8 -10.8 -8.9
I, II, II and IV = percentage change in initial, growth, middle and late stages, respectively, of rainfed use efficiency (RUE) before and after adjusted crop
cultivation calendar; change in total RUE = change in total rainfed use efficiency
D.T. An et al. / Agr. Nat. Resour. 55 (2021) 485–495 493
Fig. 6 Trend in crop yield increase at three experimental locations (Ha Tien, Kien Luong and Rach Gia) across study area corresponding to appropriate
crop cultivation calendars for (A) first cropping season and (B) second cropping season
Crop cultivation periods and crop yield daily rainfed supply of approximately 1.6 mm, 4.6 mm, 2.4
mm and 4.6 mm for the initial, growth, middle and late stages,
The results showed that the crop yield of rice cultivation respectively, and enhanced the optimal crop yield by up to
paddies improved substantially if the flowering and harvesting 7.1 t/ha at the Ha Tien, Kien Luong and Rach Gia experiment
stages of rice crops receive an appropriate amount of daily stations (Table 7).
rainfed supply. Specifically, for the first cropping season, When the CCC was delayed by one hydrological week,
a shift to two hydrological weeks earlier resulted in the rice the rice paddies received high daily rainfed supply during
cultivation paddies receiving an average daily rainfed supply the development and middle stages but received lower daily
of approximately 1.3 mm, 5.7 mm, 0.9 mm and 1.7 mm for rainfed supply in the late stage, which suited harvest activities
the initial, growth, middle and late stages, respectively, and as well as reducing yield losses due to flooding and rice plants
a maximum increase in crop yield of approximately 5.9% falling over due to high intensity rainfed supply.
(Fig. 6A). The results showed that a shift to two hydrological Studies on crop yield optimization solutions in the Plain of
weeks earlier in the CCC was consistent with actual Reeds and Ca Mau Peninsula regions of Vietnam by Dang (2021)
environmental factors in the study area. Similarly, for the and Deb et al. (2015) reported that the crop yield of the second
second cropping season, a delay of one hydrological week cropping season declined if the grain filling and harvesting
resulted in the rice cultivation paddies receiving an average stages were subjected to high intensity rainfed supply.
Table 7 Crop yield corresponding to different crop cultivation times for two planting crop seasons at three experimental locations
Period Ha Tien Kien Luong Rach Gia
Crop yield Increased rate Crop yield Increased rate Crop yield Increased rate
(t/ha) (%) (t/ha) (%) (t/ha) (%)
First crop season
Current 6.8 - 6.5 - 6.6 -
280 7.0 2.9 6.7 3.1 6.8 3.0
270 7.3 5.9 6.9 6.2 6.9 4.5
260 7.0 2.9 6.6 1.5 6.7 1.5
Second crop season
Current 6.3 5.9 6.2
85 6.7 6.1 6.2 5.6 6.6 6.5
95 6.9 4.6 6.5 4.3 6.9 4.2
105 7.1 3.0 6.7 2.9 7.1 3.4
Current = current crop yield, where 280, 270, 260, 85, 95 and 105 d are crop planting times according to calendar dates.
494 D.T. An et al. / Agr. Nat. Resour. 55 (2021) 485–495
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