Study On Joint Disease On Working Women Athlete

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 7 Issue 1, January-February 2023 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Study on Joint Disease on Working Women Athlete

Dr. Vinod Chahal
Associate Professor of Physical Education, Pt.CLS. Govt. College, Karnal, Haryana, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Dr. Vinod

Rising interest in studying the psyches of female athletes is a direct Chahal "Study on Joint Disease on
result of the 50-year upsurge in female sports activity. In this Working Women Athlete" Published in
summary, we look at how mental and emotional toughness, International
awareness of the present moment, and adequate rest all play a role in Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research
athletes' performance. Those who have a vested interest in an
and Development
athlete's training must also be able to identify and address the role (ijtsrd), ISSN:
that anxiety and depression may play in the development of sport- 2456-6470,
related injuries. Moreover, females are disproportionately affected by Volume-7 | Issue-1, IJTSRD53872
both disordered eating and the negative outcomes of social media February 2023,
use. Finally, if we can have a better grasp of how female athletes pp.1364-1367, URL:
think about injury and rehabilitation, we may have a better chance of
getting them back into competition. The purpose of this article is to
offer a broad overview of the ways in which a female athlete's mental Copyright © 2023 by author (s) and
and emotional health impact her athletic performance, injury risk, and International Journal of Trend in
recovery from injury. Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
KEYWORDS: Psychology; female athlete; resilience; anxiety and Open Access article
depression; burnout; kinesiophobia distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

With the passage of Title IX legislation half a century whereas the term "coper" is used to describe athletes
ago, women's athletic involvement has increased in who show the ability to improve and perform well
popularity, prevalence, and stature, and as a result, despite adversity.
more and more research has been devoted to better
This year's research by Sorkkila et al. analysed data
understanding the physiological effects of women's
gathered over three years from 491 Finnish female
athletics. Therefore, there is a large body of literature
high school athletes on resilience, burnout, and
on topics like improving athletic performance with
dropping out of sports (2). Female athletes who
weight and high-intensity interval training, avoiding
reported higher levels of burnout were less resilient
musculoskeletal injuries like ACL tears with targeted
and more likely to quit competing compared to their
neuromuscular training programmes, and recovering
counterparts who did not experience any burnout. The
from orthopaedic trauma like a broken bone or a
athletes who showed the fewest signs of burnout also
dislocated joint with the help of cutting-edge physical
performed best on validated resilience questionnaires.
and occupational therapy. The inherited and taught
These surveys asked participants to assess their
psychological features and behaviours that influence a
agreement with statements such "I tend to bounce
female athlete's experience in sport, however, have
back fast during stressful situations" (3). The results
typically received less attention. Here, we'll take a
of this research highlight the significance of resilience
look at what we know about the female athlete's mind
in preventing overtraining, burnout, and the eventual
specifically with an eye on identifying characteristics
retirement of an athlete. Adolescent female athletes
and habits that prove useful (or harmful) in the
may benefit more from this discovery than their male
competitive arena. "The function of mental processes
counterparts since they are more vulnerable to
and behaviour in boosting personal assets and
burnout and its negative effects (such as sports-
safeguarding an individual from the potential negative
related injury and dropout) (4).
influence of stresses" is how psychologists have
described psychological resilience. (1). Some people Three hundred and seventy-four Japanese collegiate
use the term "grit" to describe those who are resilient, athletes participated in a recent research that

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD53872 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 1 | January-February 2023 Page 1364
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
examined the connection between resilience and research shows that getting enough sleep improves
stress coping strategies. Statistically significant links performance on the field and reduces the risk of
were observed between resilience and coping injury (10). A 2018 research by Dumortier et al.
strategies for stress by the authors. Highly resilient looked at the sleeping patterns of 26 professional
people, according to these studies, are more likely to female gymnasts (11). These researchers found that
utilise problem-focused coping strategies including there were statistically significant correlations
getting more knowledge about or help with a difficult between less hours of sleep, more time spent
issue, eliminating the cause of the stress, or removing exercising, and worse athletic performance. These
themselves from the unpleasant circumstance. The results provide credence to the idea that getting
authors also point out that resilient athletes are less enough sleep is crucial for optimising an athlete's
prone to resort to emotion-focused coping methods performance during competition.
like emotional outbursts and avoidance when facing Moreover, sleep-deprived athletes report more mood
adversity (5). Trainers, coaches, and health care disorders and worse performance (12). Coaches and
professionals who work with female athletes would medical personnel must be aware of danger indicators
benefit greatly from the ability to recognise protective to watch out for, such as weariness, since athletes
and harmful coping behaviours because it would often fail to mention their psychological concerns. De
allow them to both identify those who may be at Souza et al. found that both male and female athletes
increased risk of experiencing stress and its had a statistically significant increase in
associated negative effects and develop behavioural psychological discomfort and stress symptoms when
interventions for female athletes with maladaptive tiredness was a factor (14). Although the precise
stress coping patterns. correlations between sleep deprivation, mood
In a 2013 paper, Tamminen et al. drew on interviews instability, and poor performance remain unknown, it
with female athletes from across the globe to better is obvious that all three are interconnected..
define the athletes' experiences with hardship and
Anxiety and depression
subsequent personal development, highlighting the A female athlete's state of mind is crucial to her
relevance of personal resilience for female athletes performance. Here, we investigate the problem of
(6). Athletes spoke out to researchers about issues anxiety and depression among female athletes,
including bullying, eating disorders, and sports- including its prevalence, causes, and consequences.
related injuries they had faced as participants or as
victims. Athletes discussed how they had learned to Studies on the prevalence of anxiety and depression
use their struggles as building blocks for their future in the general population consistently reveal that
success. Each athlete's feeling of self-confidence and women are more likely to be affected than men are.
personal efficacy grew as she overcame adversity and Altemus et al. is only one of several study groups that
realised she was up to the challenge, becoming has discovered greater rates of psychological illnesses
resilient as a result. in female patients (15). High rates of anxiety and
sadness have also been repeatedly documented when
Mindfulness studying the sports population as a whole. According
Mindfulness has been shown to have significant to a 2018 literature study by Wolanin et al., reported
beneficial impacts on athletic performance and well- rates of depression in athletes varied from 15.6% to
being, both via natural and taught practises. A group 21.0%. (16). Performance expectations, overtraining,
of researchers led by Baltzell et al. (2014) published sports-related injury, and abrupt career termination
their findings on the implementation of a mindfulness were all named as potential triggers for anxiety and
meditation training programme with a Division I depression among athletes.
women's soccer team (7). Participants reported a
"...increased capacity to accept and experience a new Male athletes had lower rates of anxiety and
connection with their emotions, both on and off the depression than female athletes, yet both sexes suffer
field (7)" after 12 weeks of mindfulness training. This from these mental health issues at alarming rates. As
indicates the connection between mindfulness and a result, maybe it shouldn't come as a surprise that
resilience as a potentially beneficial stress coping anxiety and depression are more common among
habit, and suggests that mindfulness may be a good female athletes than among their male counterparts.
skill for athletes to use when facing hardship. Recently, Rice et al. conducted a comprehensive
review and meta-analysis of the current literature, and
Sleep habits they discovered that female athletes were
The quality and quantity of sleep a female athlete gets considerably more likely to express anxiety than male
has a significant impact on both her physical and athletes (P0.001) (17). Yang et al. looked examined
mental performance. In reality, a large body of the prevalence of depression among college athletes

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD53872 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 1 | January-February 2023 Page 1365
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
and found that women were 1.32 times more likely to not what it's for. To that end, this paper serves merely
suffer from depression than men (18). Weber et al as a guide and is thus of a generic character, falling in
2018.'s research on anxiety and depression among line with the reasonable, objective practise of the
athletes revealed that women were more likely than healthcare professional. Each patient's care will be
men to suffer from these conditions, and, surprisingly, based on their unique set of symptoms and medical
they discovered no association between age and history. It is essential that proper insurance be in
anxiety or sadness (19). This is significant because it place to safeguard the interests of the team doctor, the
shows that middle school athletes are just as player, and the sponsoring company.
vulnerable to the mental health issues that have
previously been associated with much older players.
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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD53872 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 1 | January-February 2023 Page 1367

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