Experiment 4-5 2023
Experiment 4-5 2023
Experiment 4-5 2023
Aim: Perform the inverse kinematics of the different robot of given DH parameters using
Equipment Required:
1. Computer with RoboAnalyzer software installed
2. 2-DOF planar robot with DH parameters
Inverse kinematics problem deals with the determination of joint variables given a desired
position and orientation for the tool. The inverse kinematics problem is significant because
manipulation tasks are usually formulated in terms of the desired tool position and orientation.
Analysis of Inverse Kinematics is in general more difficult and not straightforward like Forward
Kinematics problem. Exact solution of Inverse Kinematics problem for complex configure
manipulator is very difficult. The solution of Inverse Kinematics problem for control of a robot
manipulator is attempted using various methods such as algebraic methods, geometric methods,
and numerical methods. Algebraic methods are used to obtain closed-form solutions, but these
methods, do not guarantee closed form solution.
Given the end-effector position and orientation from Forward kinematics problem, the inverse
kinematics approach is used to obtain the joint angles. But as stated in the introduction inverse
kinematics is more difficult problem than forward kinematics as its include much complexity.
The relationship between forward and inverse kinematics is shown in Figure 1. In general there
are two main solution techniques for inverse kinematics problem one is analytic approach and
other is numerical method. Analytic approach comprises of geometric and algebraic solutions in
which joint variables are solved analytically according to given configuration data.
Solving the problem of finding the required joint angles to place the tool frame, {T}, relative to
the station frame, {S}, is split into two parts. First, frame transformations are performed to find
the wrist frame, {W}, relative to the base frame, {B}, and then the inverse kinematics are used to
solve for the joint angles.
1. By clicking on the “show” button below each solution we can see the orientation
configuration of the robot for the desired result.
2. Pictures of each solution window and the robot screenshot need to be taken as the
solution for the inverse kinematics of a given robot.
In this lab, we learned how to perform the inverse kinematics of a robot using the RoboAnalyzer
software. We also observed the effect of changing the joint angles and DH parameters on the
position and orientation of the end-effector. The inverse kinematics is an important tool for
determining the solution for joint orientation for the desired end effector position and orientation
which is essential for tasks such as trajectory planning and motion control.
Experiment 5
Aim: Make a 3R robot and simulate its motion.
Equipment Needed:
Viva Voce
1. What is a 3R robot?