Foe Exam Coverage

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The October 2022 Fire Officer Exams covered the following topics:

 General Ability (25%): Verbal, Analytical and Numerical

 Fire Suppression (30%)
o Pre-Fire Planning; 
o Firefighting Techniques and Procedures; 
o Tools, Equipment and Apparatus
 Fire Safety and Prevention (20%): 
o Fire Code of the Philippines; 
o Fire Safety Related Codes, NFPA Laws and other BFP Issuances
(Building Code, Electrical Code); 
o BFP Citizens Charter, SOP/MCs on Fire Safety Inspection
 Fire Investigation (15%)
o The Law on Arson in the Philippines (RPC); 
 Constitutional Rights of the Accused
 Prima Facie Evidence of Arson
 Rulesof Court
o Procedures and Techniques; 
 Identification, Preservation and Handling of Evidence
 OtherRelated Procedure and Techniques
o SOP’s in Fire and Arson Investigation
 Administrative Matters (10%)
o RA 6975, 9263 & 9592 and its IRR; 

o CSC Rules and Regulations and Qualification Standards; 

o BFP Memo Circulars and SOP’s on Administrative Matters

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