Ysi 3167 Manual
Ysi 3167 Manual
Ysi 3167 Manual
YSI Conductivity Calibrator Solutions are secondary standard solutions for the calibration of conductivity cells together with
conductance meters. The solutions are provided in two ranges of accuracy. The YSI 3161, 3163, and 3165 solutions are made
to close tolerances and intended primarily for use in laboratory applications where other factors which strongly influence
conductivity can also be tightly controlled or accurately measured. The YSI 3160, 3167, 3168, and 3169 solutions are made to
less exacting tolerances and are intended mainly for use in field applications where other factors are less subject to close
control or measurement.
Units of Measure
Resistance = Ohms = Ω Conductance = siemens = s = mho
1 US Gallon = 3.785L 1 US Quart = 0.9462L
Conductance = 1/Resistance = Ω
Temperature has a large effect on conductivity. Calibration should be performed as close as practical to 25°C,
preferably with a water bath to control temperature. If room temperature is stable and between 20°C and 30°C, the calibrator
may be thermally equilibrated with the room, and then the temperature may be measured at the moment of calibration to an
accuracy of ±0.1°C, or as precisely as possible. Electrically compensated readings may be taken on instruments so equipped.
This may be less accurate because the temperature coefficient of the compensator may not match that of the solution, the
circuitry of the compensator may introduce additional sources of electrical error, and because of the uncertainty in the
temperature measurement. If the compensator is adjustable, set it to 1.9%/°C for YSI 3161 or 3163, and for 3160, 3167 and
3168 solutions; and to 1.8%/°C for YSI 3165 and 3169 solutions. To minimize compensator errors, calibrate at a temperature
as close as possible to 25.00°C.
Dip Cells: Select a glass or plastic container several inches taller than the working part of the cell and at least two
inches greater in diameter. Clean and dry this container, then fill it with calibrator solution to a depth at least two inches greater
than the working part of the cell. Rinse the cell by pouring a little calibrator solution into and over it. Connect the cell to the
conductance meter and immerse the cell in the calibrator solution. For approximately two minutes, stir the solution
intermittently with the cell and move the cell up and down to force liquid through it. Take care to purge the cell of bubbles.
Position the cell in the approximate center of the calibrator solution, and at least one inch from any wall or from the surface of
the solution. Record the temperature reading and record (or adjust) the conductance meter reading.
Flow Cells: Purge the cell by passing ten to twenty times its own volume of Conductivity Calibrator Solution through
it. (The volume of any connecting tubing or fittings must be considered part of the cell volume for this operation). When the cell
temperature is stable, record the temperature and record or adjust the conductance meter reading. Micro cells may give high
readings if the solution is completely stagnant-maintain some flow of solution through the cell during calibration, preferably the
same rate of flow that would be used to measure an unknown solution.
YSI Incorporated
Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387 USA•Phone 937-767-7241•800-765-4974•Fax 937-767-9353
If the calibration was performed at 25.00°C or is ostensibly corrected to 25.00°C, the meter reading for the calibration solution
should have been the nominal 25.00°C value of 1,000, 1,413, 10,000, 50,000 or 100,000 µSiemens/cm. Adjustable meters can
be trimmed to agree exactly with the nominal value of the calibrator solution. If the meter is not adjustable, or is to be used with
several different probes, calculate a cell constant or a correction factor as follows:
Conductivity readings on unknown solutions with this cell and meter may then be taken according to:
For meters which presume a cell constant (not necessarily a round number) and give a reading in conductivity, it is
more practical to calculate a correction factor by the formula:
Note that the meter calibration is a factor in all these readings. Unless meters are accurately calibrated, different cal
Constants or correction factors will be obtained from the same cell and solution with different meters, or even on different
ranges of the same meter. For independent calibration of conductance meters, use the YSI 3166 Conductance and
Resistance Calibrator Set. If meters are not independently calibrated, the cell constant or correction factor calibrated above will
apply only to the very cell, meter, range and mode (for meters which read in both ohms and Siemens or mhos) used in the
calibration. Calibrate each cell in each range and each mode for best results.
When calibrating without temperature compensation at a temperature other than 25.00°C, you must factor into the
equations given above the Calibrator Solution conductivity at the temperature of calibration instead of the nominal 25.00°C
value. See the discussion of Temperature Effects, below.
Apart from errors due to conductance meter calibration, cell constants may vary slightly with conductivity and with cell
history. Calibration should therefore be undertaken with a Calibrator Solution as near in value as possible to the value of the
unknown solutions to be measured. For unknowns of very low conductivity use the 1,000 µSiemens/cm Calibrator Solutions.
Calibrator values lower than 1,000 µSiemens/cm would be unstable and are not well documented. Recalibrate at six-
month intervals, or following any visible change in cell condition. Cell fouling, cleaning or replatinization may have a substantial
effect on cell constants, as will any mechanical bending or displacement of the electrodes.
Temperature Effects
The conductivity of the Calibrator Solutions at various temperatures may be calculated from the following equation:
Conductivity = (Conductivity at 25.00°C)x(A+Bt+Ct )
where t = temperature in °C (ITPS68)
at 25.00°C A B C
1,000 µSiemens/cm 0.5407 0.0173 0.000043
1,413 µSiemens/cm 0.5413 0.0173 0.000043
10,000 µSiemens/cm 0.5538 0.0168 0.000042
50,000 µSiemens/cm 0.5666 0.0163 0.000041
100,000 µSiemens/cm 0.5825 0.0157 0.000040
YSI Incorporated
Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387 USA•Phone 937-767-7241•800-765-4974•Fax 937-767-9353
Numerical Examples
It is desired to measure the conductivity of groundwater which is expected to be in a range between 3,000 and 8,000
µSiemens at 25°C. A 10,000 µSiemens/cm Calibrator Solution is selected for this example. About 900 ml of solution is poured
into a clean and dry 1,000 ml Erlenmeyer flask. The flask and its contents are equilibrated to room temperature. A dip cell is
connected to a conductance meter. The cell is rinsed with a small quantity of Calibrator Solution, which is then discarded. The
cell is immersed in the Calibrator Solution in the flask. After two minutes of stirring, the solution temperature is measured with
a ±0.1°C thermometer and found to be 22.1°C. From the equation, the conductivity of the Calibrator Solution is then calculated
as follows:
The tolerance of the Calibrator Solution at this temperature is ±0.35%. The conductance meter reading is 9,200
µSiemens. Therefore, the cell constant is calculated as follows:
When a groundwater specimen yields a meter reading of 4,000 µSiemens the actual conductivity is:
There is an additional error depending on the uncertainty in the measurement of the temperature. In general, this
error is approximately an additional ±0.2% for each 0.1°C uncertainty in the temperature. In the example, if it is assumed that
the temperature is 22.1±0.1°C, then the cell constant is 1.028±0.0057/cm.
Store below 30°C (86°F) to minimize the likelihood of error due to evaporation of water or to microbial growth. Do not freeze;
the bottle may break. If a container does freeze, thaw it completely and mix the contents before removing any solution. Discard
if expiration date is past, or if color, turbidity, or visible microbial growth develops. Solutions that have been opened are not
secure against microbial invasion, and must be discarded within one month of opening.
These solutions are nonflammable, unreactive and are believed to be of a very low order of toxicity. However, swallowing large
amounts of potassium salts may lead to cardiac arrhythmias. If swallowed, induce vomiting. If splashed in the eye, rinse the
eye thoroughly with clean water. Although precautions have been taken to exclude microorganisms from these products, they
are not sold as medically sterile.
YSI Incorporated
Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387 USA•Phone 937-767-7241•800-765-4974•Fax 937-767-9353
Primary reference solutions are prepared according to the recommendation (IR No. 56-1981) of the Organization
Internationale de Metrologie Legale (OIML). The OIML recommendation is the recognized international reference. This
recommendation is substantially consistent with ASTM Standard Test Method D1125-77.
Potassium chloride (NIST SRM 999, National Institute of Standards and Technology) is dried for five hours at 500°C
after which the purity is at least 99.98%. Taking the potassium chloride as 100%, on the basis that the impurities are salts of
similar conductivity, a specified mass (corrected to vacuo) is dissolved in distilled, deionized water to yield 1,000.00 grams of
solution (corrected to vacuo). The initial conductivity of the distilled water equilibrated to atmospheric CO2, approximately 1.3
µSiemens/cm, is then added to the value tabulated below to obtain the assigned conductivity of the primary reference solution.
The primary reference solution nearest in conductivity to each YSI Conductivity Calibrator Solution is used to inspect
that solution. This solution will be within stated tolerances at both the beginning and the end of the shelf life interval.
All YSI products are warranted for one year or until the expiration date against defects in materials and workmanship when
used for their intended purpose and maintained according to instructions. Contact your dealer for warranty service.
Limitation of Warranty
This Warranty does not apply to YSI product damage or failure caused by (i) failure to install, operate or use the product in
accordance with YSI’s written instructions, (ii) abuse or misuse of the product, (iii) failure to maintain the product in accordance
with YSI’s written instructions or standard industry procedure, (iv) any improper repairs to the product, (v) use by you of
defective or improper components or parts in servicing or repairing the product, or (vi) modification of the product in any way
not expressly authorized by YSI.
This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a
particular purpose. YSI’s liability under this warranty is limited to repair or replacement of the product, and this shall be your
sole and exclusive remedy for any defective product covered by this warranty. In no event shall YSI be liable for any special,
indirect, incidental or consequential damages resulting from any defective product covered by this warranty.
YSI Incorporated
Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387 USA•Phone 937-767-7241•800-765-4974•Fax 937-767-9353