Pezzelle Sandro Final PHD Thesis
Pezzelle Sandro Final PHD Thesis
Pezzelle Sandro Final PHD Thesis
Sandro Pezzelle
Raffaella Bernardi
November 2018
Sandro Pezzelle
Defining the meaning of vague quantifiers (‘few’, ‘most’, ‘all’) has been, and still is,
the Holy Grail of a mare magnum of studies in philosophy, logic, and linguistics. The
way by which they are learned by children has been largely investigated in the realm
of language acquisition, and the mechanisms underlying their comprehension and pro-
cessing have received attention from experimental pragmatics, cognitive psychology,
and neuroscience. Very often their meaning has been tied to that of numbers, amounts,
and proportions, and many attempts have been made to place them on ordered scales.
The contribution of this work is two-fold: On the cognitive level, it sheds new light
on various issues concerning the meaning and use of such expressions, and provides
experimental evidence supporting the validity of the foundational theories. On the com-
putational level, it proposes a novel, theoretically-informed approach to the modeling
of vague and context-dependent expressions from both linguistic and visual data. By
carefully analyzing the performance and errors of the models, I show the effectiveness
of neural networks in performing challenging, high-level tasks. At the same time, I
highlight commonalities and differences with human behavior.
My first, most heartfelt thanks are for my supervisor Raffaella Bernardi3 1 . At the be-
ginning of the journey, she told me: Doing research is like running, it’s a lot more fun
if you do it with someone. She was right, running with her was the best training ever.
Thanks, Raffa, for the constant and wise guidance through good and bad moments, suc-
cesses and failures. It is the backbone of this work. I am very grateful to the members of
my Oversight Committee Manuela Piazza, Roberto Zamparelli6 and Marco Baroni5 for
their invaluable feedback and support, and to the reviewers Judith Degen, Lucia Specia,
and Jakub Szymanik for their precious comments and observations. Thanks to Leah
Mercanti and the Doctoral Program Committee for making CIMeC a great place.
Thanks to the members of the ‘Gilda club’ Marta Mangiarulo, Flavio Ragni, Addison
Smith, Ionut Sorodoc, and Simone Viganò for the pizza-pasta combo, the political fo-
rums, the ping-pong debacles. You became more than friends. Thanks to Mirko Broilo,
Alessia De Felice, Carola Canella, Luca Ducceschi, Demetrio Ferro, Marco Pagani,
Mariagrazia Popeo, Ben Timberlake for making Rovereto (and indievano) so special.
Last but not least, I would like to say grazie to mamma, papà, Annica, and Marco. To
my second parents Egle and Rino, and my longtime friends Andrea, Marco, Salvo for
being always there. Thanks to Alice. You keep smiling, we go far.
Some people have a number in subscript. This is because they are in the picture! To find who is who,
count them clockwise starting from the left-most standing person. Hint: the ninth is me.
This thesis collects several articles which have been published during my PhD. As such,
most of the contents of this thesis have appeared in the following publications:
• Pezzelle, S., Steinert-Threlkeld, S., Bernardi, R., & Szymanik, J. (2018). Some
of them can Be Guessed! Exploring the Effect of Linguistic Context in Predict-
ing Quantifiers. In Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association
for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers) (Vol. 2, pp. 114–119).
(Chapter 3)
• Pezzelle, S., Bernardi, R., & Piazza, M. (2018). Probing the mental representation
of quantifiers. Cognition, 181, 117–126. (Chapter 4)
• Pezzelle, S., Marelli, M., & Bernardi, R. (2017). Be Precise or Fuzzy: Learning
the Meaning of Cardinals and Quantifiers from Vision. In Proceedings of the
15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational
Linguistics: Volume 2, Short Papers, (Vol. 2, pp. 337–342). (Chapter 5)
• Sorodoc, I., Pezzelle, S., Dimiccoli, M., Herbelot, A., & Bernardi, R. (2018).
Learning quantification from images: A structured neural architecture. Natural
Language Engineering, 24(3), 363–392. (Section 2.6 and 2.7)
Sarà perché, anche se non ti conoscevo, è come se ti fossi stato compagno di banco.
Sarà per quel sorriso furbetto, che tradisce un’intelligenza curiosa, instancabile.
Sarà che nei tuoi capelli arruffati, nella tua barba scompigliata e nella tua
determinazione vorremmo vederci tutti un po’ riflessi.
Sarà perché uno slogan, uno soltanto, ce l’abbiamo pure noi.
E lo urliamo in silenzio, a testa alta.
Abstract i
Acknowledgements iii
1 Introduction 1
2 Theoretical Framework 7
3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.3 Datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.4.1 Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.5 Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.6 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.7 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.2 Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.4 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
5.2 Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
5.2.2 Datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
5.3 Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
5.4 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
5.5 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
5.5.3 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
6.3.1 Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
6.3.2 Dataset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
6.4 Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
6.5 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
6.7 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
7 Conclusion 87
Bibliography 89
List of Tables
3.1 Cues that might help human participants to predict the correct quantifier
(1-Sent). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.2 Examples of cases that are correctly guessed in 3-Sent (but not in
1-Sent). Linguistic context that appears to be particularly helpful to
retrieve the correct quantifier is in bold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.3 Accuracy of models and humans. Values in bold are the highest in the
column. *Note that due to an imperfect balancing of data, chance level
for humans (computed as majority class) is 0.124. . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4.1 Descriptive statistics. Columns are sorted with respect to ascending pro-
portion of targets (b), which also corresponds to ascending cardinality
of targets (c). Values in brackets refer to SD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
4.2 AIC scores for each of the models. Bold values (lowest) correspond
to best models. Empty cells indicate cases for which the number of
datapoints was too low to perform statistical analyses. . . . . . . . . . . 46
4.3 Estimate, z-value and p-value of the quadratic term for each of the best
models. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
4.4 AIC score, estimate, z-value and p-value of the quadratic term (linear
term for ‘almost all’) for each of the best models in the subitizing range. 48
5.3 Left: Q nn-cos, retrieved cases in top-2 positions. Right: same for C
nn-dot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
6.2 Performance of the models in the tasks of set comparison (setComp),
vague quantification (vagueQ), proportional estimation (propTarg), and
absolute number of targets (nTarg). Values in bold are the highest. . . . 79
6.3 Unseen dataset. Performance of the models in each task. Values in bold
are the highest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
List of Figures
3.1 Given a target sentence st , or st with the preceding and following sen-
tence, the task is to predict the target quantifier replaced by <qnt>. . . 22
4.3 Density plot reporting the frequency distribution of responses for the 9
quantifiers (y-axis) against the proportion of targets in the scene (x-axis). 45
4.4 Density plots reporting frequency distribution of responses against pro-
portion of targets for scenes whose number of targets is within the
subitizing range (left) and exceeding it (right). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.6 Line plot reporting the average semantic similarity between quantifiers. 50
5.1 How many pets are dogs? Three/Most. Image credits: . 58
6.2 Two scenes included in our dataset. The letfmost one depicts a ratio 1:4
(3 animals, 12 artifacts, 15 total items), the rightmost one a ratio 2:3 (6,
9, 15). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
6.5 PCA visualization of the last layer (before softmax) of the proportional
task in the MTL model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Chapter 1
There are many ways to communicate quantities. A football commentator, after yet an-
other goal by the visiting team, might notice that ‘Most of the supporters of the home
team are leaving the stadium’. Alternatively, he might state that ‘The home fans who
are leaving the stadium are seven thousands’ or that, ‘In the home fans area, there are
more empty seats than occupied ones’. Similarly, he might say that ‘Three quarters (or
seventy-five percent) of the home fans are leaving before the game ends’. Though refer-
ring to the same event, these sentences convey different quantitative information. The
first, containing the quantifier most, is rather ‘vague’: The supporters who are leaving
the stadium are likely more than half of the total and probably not all. The second, in
contrast, is very ‘precise’:1 We know the absolute number of people who are leaving,
though we cannot infer whether they constitute the majority of the home fans or, rather,
just a small fraction. The third, by means of a comparative, gives us a precise (though
A note on the terminology. In this thesis, the term vague and the concept of ‘vagueness’ are used
to refer to quantifiers whose interpretation can be borderline and not generally-agreed (Van Deemter,
2012). Consistently, I do not consider quantifiers like ‘at most 5’ or ‘fewer than 8’ as vague since these
expressions establish a clear-cut division between two sets of numbers, such that 7 is undoubtedly less
than 8 (Van Deemter, 2012). Similar reasons hold for numbers, comparatives, and proportions, that I
therefore consider as precise. As a general note, it is worth mentioning that vague expressions such as
‘few’ or ‘many’ are not ambiguous as words like ‘bank’ or ‘pitcher’. While the latter have several, well-
defined and different meanings, the former have a non-specific but single meaning (Tuggy, 1993). I refer
the reader to Van Deemter (2012) for a detailed discussion on vagueness and its relation with ambiguity.
2 Chapter 1. Introduction.
rather coarse) answer to the previous question. The fourth, by specifying a fraction
(proportion), provides us with the exact percentage of disappointed supporters.
Being merely quantitative, the meaning of number words, comparatives, fractions and
proportions is straightforward. Being vague and context-dependent, the meaning of
quantifiers is not. The former are clearly ordered on quantitative scales: ‘one’, ‘two’,
‘three’; ‘less’, ‘same’, ‘more’; 10%, 50%, 90%. The latter are often claimed to be, but
both the existence and the nature of such a scale is highly debated (Holyoak and Glass,
1978; Routh, 1994; Moxey and Sanford, 2000). Indeed, the notion of a ‘quantifier scale’
has been largely investigated by psychological and psycholinguistic work aimed at link-
ing the meaning of these expressions to scales of numbers, amounts, proportions (see
Section 2.3). Though generally shared among scholars, the intuition that quantifiers are
ordered terms (e.g. that ‘very few’ refers to something less than ‘few’) has been repeat-
edly shown to be more fragile than expected. For example, Moxey and Sanford (1993b)
demonstrated that any quantitative difference between the quantifiers ‘few’, ‘very few’,
‘only a few’, ‘not many’, and ‘a few’ disappears when participants are prevented from
comparing one expression against the others. To account for these results, Moxey and
Sanford (1993b) proposed that the difference between these expressions, rather than
quantitative, might be in the perspective they take to this information. Intuitively, this is
not the case for numbers or proportions, where an ordering between elements on solely
quantitative bases can always be found. Finally, the use of quantifiers has been shown
to also depend on the context (Degen and Tanenhaus, 2015), expectations (Degen and
Goodman, 2014), and individual differences among speakers (Yildirim et al., 2016).
One computational way to study the meaning of these expressions is using Distribu-
tional Semantics Models (DSMs) (Landauer and Dumais, 1997; Turney and Pantel,
2010; Baroni et al., 2014). Based on the hypothesis that similar words occur in similar
contexts (Harris, 1954; Firth, 1957), DSMs use large corpora of texts to build meaning
representations that encode statistics on word associations and co-occurrences. In stan-
dard count DSMs, the meaning of a word is initially represented as a N-dimensional
vector encoding the raw frequency of the target word in each of the N contexts. The
vector is further reduced/transformed by means of various techniques such as Singular
Value Decomposition (SVD) to obtain a higher order semantic representation. A more
recent approach exploits neural networks to predict word vectors (embeddings) on the
basis of the surrounding words (Mikolov et al., 2013; Pennington et al., 2014). In both
approaches, the resulting vectors are typically used to compute the degree of semantic
similarity/relatedness between pairs of words. In particular, this measure is operational-
Figure 1.1: Heatmap reporting pairwise similarity between vectors of number words.
ized in terms of the cosine of the angle between the vectors: The closer the vectors, the
higher their semantic similarity.
As can be seen in Figure 1.1, the expected pattern is generally confirmed among num-
bers. Except for ‘zero’, which turns out to be very dissimilar from all other elements,
increasing values from left to right (and from top to bottom) are observed for almost
all cases. For example, the similarity between ‘eight’ and the other numbers starts very
low (0.15 with ‘zero’) and slowly increases as soon as the numbers get higher: 0.5 with
‘one’, 0.7 with ‘two’, 0.79 with ‘three’, and so on. In contrast, the patterns of similarity
among quantifiers (Figure 1.2) are much less straightforward: ‘all’ is closer to ‘none’
The corpus was previously pre-processed to ensure that multi-word quantifiers (e.g. ‘the smaller
part’) are treated as a single word (i.e. ‘the smaller part’).
4 Chapter 1. Introduction.
Figure 1.2: Heatmap reporting pairwise similarity between vectors of quantifier words.
(0.43) compared to ‘most’ (0.39), and ‘few’ is closer to ‘many’ (0.62) than to ‘almost
none’ (0.19). Though just exploratory, such analysis confirms that numbers and quan-
tifiers have a very different semantics. The former, perhaps except ‘zero’, display an
almost exclusively quantitative meaning and are thus well ordered on a numerical scale.
The latter, whose meaning is something more complex (and different) than numbers,
amounts, proportions (Nouwen, 2010) display a much intricate pattern of similarities,
possibly dependent on lexical-semantic besides quantitative factors.3
Coming back to our football commentator, it might be that his sentence ‘Most of the
supporters of the home team are leaving the stadium’ was not at all intended to tell us
something about the number of people disappointed by the match. Perhaps his inten-
tion was just to express the sadness of the moment, and although the supporters leaving
were just, e.g., one-fifth of the total, viewers at home were able to understand the rea-
sons of his exaggeration. However, a more pragmatically plausible option is that the
professional speaker wanted to reliably describe what was happening in the stadium,
and after rapidly seeing that significantly more than half of the home-fans seats were
empty, he said that to the microphone. If this was the case, the choice of using the
quantifier ‘most’ was aimed at communicating a somehow ‘objective’ quantity that was
For example, there seems to be an effect of antonymy, in a way that antonyms are generally similar
to each other (see, e.g., ‘none’-‘all’, ‘almost none’-‘almost all’, etc.).
In this thesis, I investigate vague, non-numerical quantifiers (‘none’, ‘few’, ‘almost all’,
‘many’, ‘all’, etc.) from a novel, cognitively-inspired computational perspective. By
carrying out several behavioral studies with human speakers, I seek to answer several
questions concerning their meaning and use: Is the choice of quantifiers modulated
by the linguistic context? Do quantifiers lie on a mental, semantically-ordered scale?
Which are the features of such a scale? By exploiting recent advances in computational
linguistics and computer vision, I test the performance of state-of-art neural networks in
performing the same tasks and propose novel architectures to model the speakers’ use
of quantifiers in grounded contexts. In particular, I ask the following questions: Can
the meaning of quantifiers be learned from visual scenes? How does this mechanism
compare with that subtending comparatives, numbers, and proportions? The contribu-
tion of this work, thus, is two-fold: On the cognitive level, it sheds new light on various
issues concerning the meaning and use of such expressions and provides experimen-
tal evidence supporting the validity of the foundational theories. On the computational
level, it proposes a novel, theoretically-informed approach to the modeling of vague
and context-dependent expressions from both linguistic and visual data. By carefully
analyzing the performance and errors of the models, I show their effectiveness in per-
forming challenging, high-level tasks while highlighting commonalities and differences
with human behavior.
In Chapter 3, I study the role of linguistic context in modulating the choice of 9 fre-
quently used English quantifiers. Tested in the challenging task of predicting a missing
quantifier from either short or longer texts, humans and the models are shown to use dif-
ferent strategies, the former relying more on the information conveyed by the broader
context, the latter being more effective in exploiting lexical-semantic cues. Moreover,
both humans and the models make ‘plausible’ errors, that is, they are almost always able
to grasp the ‘magnitude’ of the missing quantifier. This supports the idea that quantifiers,
in language, are loosely ordered on some sort of quantitative scale. The characteristics
of such a scale are explored in Chapter 4. By means of two behavioral experiments with
human participants and a ‘balanced’ set of 9 Italian quantifiers, I show that quantifier
words are mentally organized on an ordered, non-linear compressed scale which is sim-
6 Chapter 1. Introduction.
ilar to that of perceptual quantities. Moreover, quantifiers turn out to be best predicted
by proportional information when used to refer to objects in visual scenes. Both find-
ings are in line with the idea that representations of quantifiers are mainly constructed by
mapping them to the representations of quantities that we derive from perception. Along
these lines, Chapter 5 explores the computational mechanisms underlying the learning
of numbers and quantifiers from vision. I show that while numbers in the subitizing
range require a model including a precise identification of the instances to be counted,
quantifiers ‘no’, ‘few’, ‘most’, and ‘all’ are better learned by a model capitalizing on
a fuzzy measure of similarity. Building on all this converging evidence, in Chapter 6 I
use the same visual stimuli and the same 9 quantifier words explored in Chapter 4 and
propose that comparatives (‘more’), quantifiers (‘most’), and proportions (‘80%’) can
be jointly learned from visual scenes by means of a multi-task computational model.
The motivation is that these expressions are governed by the same cognitive mecha-
nism, which is different from that underlying numbers. By using I prove that sharing a
core mechanism is beneficial for all these tasks, while numbers are shown to require a
radically different operation.
In the next chapter, I briefly introduce the theoretical framework which motivates the
questions explored in this work. While each of the following chapters is accompanied
by a detailed and somehow more specific motivation, the aim of Chapter 2 is to pro-
vide a general overview of the problems connected with the semantics, the use, and
the modeling of quantifiers. Some notions on the technical background subtending the
computational models presented in the following chapters are also provided.
Chapter 2
Theoretical Framework
The core idea is that a quantifier like ‘some’ or ‘every’ expresses a relation between
two sets. The GQT formalization includes a typology of quantifiers. In particular,
noun/determiner phrases (i.e. ‘some donkeys’) correspond to the type (1) quantifier.
This type is called (1) because it expresses an unary relation, that is a set. Determiner-
like quantifiers like ‘some’ or ‘every’ represent the type (1, 1), where (1, 1) stands for a
binary relation, that is a relation between two sets. To illustrate:
2. many(A, B) is true iff kAk ∩ kBk > n, where n is some large number
See Peters et al. (2006) for an exhaustive overview.
8 Chapter 2. Theoretical Framework.
That is, the sentence ‘some donkeys fly’ is true if and only if the intersection of the
donkeys and the flying things is not empty. That implies that the sentence always holds
truth except in the case when no donkeys fly. In other words, it is true either when only
one donkey out of all donkeys in the world can fly or when all of them do. In the case of
‘many donkeys fly’, the sentence is true if the cardinality of the flying donkeys is larger
than some contextual norm n.
Another interesting distinction within GQT has been proposed between first order (FO)
and higher order (HO) quantifiers (van Benthem, 1986). The former class includes
quantifiers that are definable in first-order logic and can be computed by simple devices
without cycles (e.g. finite automata, that is, simple idealized machines used to either
accept or reject an input). In contrast, the latter class includes quantifiers which are
not definable in first-order logic and require computability models using some internal
memory (see Szymanik and Zajenkowski (2010)). That is, the meaning of the latter
would require some more complex operations to be recognized and verified in a context
compared to the former. By definition, FO include Aristotelean quantifiers such as ‘no’,
‘some’, ‘all’ as well as cardinal/numerical quantifiers like ‘at least three’, ‘at most two’.
The reason is that Aristotelean can be translated into numerical ones. For example,
‘some’ can be rephrased as ‘at least one’, ‘no’ as ‘at most zero’, and so on. In contrast,
HO include both proportional quantifiers such as ‘more than half’, ‘most’ and parity
quantifiers such as ‘an even/odd number of’, whose comprehension would require to
keep some information in the memory. According to Clark (2011), GQT formalization
would thus imply a direct connection between quantifiers and numbers interpretation
(see section 2.4).
2.2. Pragmatics: Scalar Implicatures 9
To sum up, GQT defines the semantics of quantifiers in terms of set relations. As
such, the meaning of these expressions is logically unambiguous. Though extremely
powerful, the formalization provided by GQT has been repeatedly shown to be poorly
connected with the pragmatic use of quantifiers (Nouwen, 2010). For example, the in-
terpretation of ‘some’ as ‘at least one and possibly all’ has appeared to be too broad and
coarse-grained compared to speakers’ use in real contexts. In the next section, I briefly
review the pragmatic approach on quantifiers, which is aimed at studying the use and
interpretation of quantifiers in real-communication contexts.
The pragmatic approach focuses on the informative strength of utterances (i.e., units of
speech) containing a quantifier. Typically, the focus is on a particular type of implica-
ture, called ‘scalar implicature’ (Grice, 1975), which consists in the attribution of an
implicit meaning that is neither expressed nor strictly implied by the utterance contain-
ing the quantifier. For example, in the utterance ‘Some of the home supporters left the
stadium’, the use of ‘some’ would implicate that ‘Not all of the home supporters left
the stadium’. Crucially, this view is in contrast with GQT (see section 2.1), accord-
ing to which ‘some’ would be logically consistent with ‘all’, in a way that using the
former term would not exclude that ‘all’ of the supporters are leaving the stadium. In
conversational settings, however, speakers are ordinarily required to be as informative
as possible (but not more informative than required). Therefore, the choice of using a
given quantifier would be determined by its position on the implicational scale, which
ranges from informatively weaker to stronger elements. Horn (1972), for example, pro-
posed the following scale, ordered from weaker to stronger elements: ‘one’, ‘some/a
few’, ‘several’, ‘many’, ‘half’, ‘most/a majority’, ‘all/every’.
would depend on multiple cues that are available in the context. Evidence for the latter
possibility was brought by Degen and Tanenhaus (2011), who employed a ‘gumball’
paradigm (i.e., visual scenes depicting a variable number of gumballs) to investigate the
role of various cues in affecting the scalar implicature of ‘some’. Their results showed
that the syntactic form of the quantifier phrase, the availability of alternatives, and the
size of the referred set affect various aspects of the processing of the scalar implica-
ture. The same experimental paradigm was employed by Degen and Tanenhaus (2015)
to explore the ‘naturalness’ of quantifiers and number terms when used to refer to sets
containing a variable number of gumballs (ranging from 0 to 13). ‘Some’ turned out to
be more natural in some settings (e.g., when referring to small sets) compared to others
(e.g., when referring to the set containing all 13 gumballs), thus bringing new evidence
in favor of the context-driven view of scalar implicatures. Further work strengthened
this claim by showing that both prior knowledge (Degen and Goodman, 2014) and the
availability of lexical alternatives (Degen and Tanenhaus, 2016) have an early role in
the pragmatic utterance interpretation.
By supporting the hypothesis that scalar implicatures vary on the basis of various con-
textual factors, this line of work brings important evidence in favor of the vague and
context-dependent status of quantifiers (see section 2.3). At the same time, the prag-
matic approach postulates the existence of a quantifier scale whose elements are clearly
ordered on the basis of their informative strength. While pragmatics is crucial to explore
the use and interpretation of quantifiers, it does not directly focus on the general seman-
tics of these expressions. Instead of answering the question ‘What does some mean?’, it
rather focuses on questions like ‘What does the use of some implicate in an utterance?’
or ‘Under which circumstances and to what extent the use of some implicates, e.g., not
all?’. In the next section, I review some linguistic and psychological work aimed at
studying the meaning of quantifiers from a quantitative perspective, namely by linking
their semantics to scales of exact numbers or proportions. Crucially, contextual factors
are often not taken into account in these accounts, based on the assumption that the
meaning of quantifiers is well-defined and stable across situations.
One of the very first attempts to link the meaning of quantifiers to exact quantities is
represented by Graves and Hodge (1943), who normatively assigned a percentage to a
2.3. Quantifiers, Quantities, and Contextual Effects 11
large number of quantifying expressions such as ‘none’ (0%), ‘a part’ (20%), ‘not much’
(10%), ‘the greater part’ (70%), and so on. Although the aim of the work was to help
writers to properly use these expressions in English, this proposal is interesting for at
least two reasons. First, it overtly assumes that the meaning of quantifiers is defined by
proportions – not, e.g., by absolute numbers. Second, the percentage assigned to each
quantifier is thought to be fixed and not affected by any contextual effect.
While intriguing, such a well-defined picture has been repeatedly shown to become
much less clear when taking into account a number of factors. For instance, Moxey
and Sanford (1993a) demonstrated that when preventing participants from comparing
one quantifier versus another (i.e., when removing lexical alternatives; see section 2.2)
in the task of assigning a precise number to a given quantifier word, any difference
between quantifiers ‘a few’, ‘only a few’, ‘not many’, ‘few’, and ‘very few’ disappeared.
Moreover, they showed that the number assigned to a given quantifier heavily depends
on the context, with e.g. ‘lots of stars in the sky’ being matched with a rather different
number compared to e.g. ‘lots of typos in this thesis’. Similarly, Newstead and Collis
(1987) found that low-magnitude quantifiers such as ‘few’ and ‘several’ refer to greater
percentages when describing small sets compared to larger sets. That is, the assigned
percentage is affected by the cardinality of the set and thus not stable across conditions.
Since quantifiers are often used for communication purposes that are different or wider
in scope compared to that of conveying quantity information, many scholars maintained
that they cannot be simply considered as words that stand for numbers, amounts, propor-
tions (Paterson et al., 2009; Nouwen, 2010). The supporting evidence is provided by the
fact that in sentences like ‘There are many people in this queue’ the meaning of ‘many’
could depend on speaker’s expectations (e.g., he/she thought there was a shorter queue)
and psychological attitude (e.g. he/she does not like waiting in a queue) besides purely
quantitative aspects. Moreover, quantifier meanings have been shown to depend on both
listeners’ adaptation to the statistics of the linguistic environment (Yildirim et al., 2013)
and talker variability (Yildirim et al., 2016).
12 Chapter 2. Theoretical Framework.
While a certain correspondence between quantifier meanings and scales of exact num-
bers or proportions is observed, such correspondence has been repeatedly proved to be
affected by a wide range of contextual factors. Indeed, these factors have appeared to
be something more than simple pragmatic add-ons to numerical information, being re-
sponsible of affecting the semantics of quantifiers besides their interpretation. Though
it is generally accepted that quantities alone cannot account for the whole meaning of
such expressions, however, it has been proposed that the quantitative aspects of quanti-
fier semantics are better linked to an approximate – rather than exact – representation of
quantities. In the next section, I discuss work aimed at exploring this connection from a
cognitive and neuroscience perspective.
Some interesting insight on the interplay between numerical information and quanti-
fiers meaning has emerged from fMRI studies. The issue has been firstly investigated
2.4. Quantifiers and the Brain 13
by McMillan et al. (2005), who conjectured that precise number sense is required in or-
der to understand quantifiers. To test their hypothesis, they carried out a neuroimaging
study where participants were presented with a sentence containing a quantifier (e.g.
‘some apples are green’) followed by a visual scenes containing both target (i.e. ‘green
apples’) and distractor objects (i.e. ‘non-green apples’). Participants were asked to
judge the truth of the sentence with respect to the visual stimulus. Their results showed
that all quantifiers recruited right inferior parietal cortex (IPC), that is the area typi-
cally associated with numerosity processing (see for a review Kadosh et al. (2008)).
These findings led the authors to claim that precise numerical information is required
for understanding all types of quantifiers (see also Clark and Grossman (2007)). Similar
conclusions were drawn by Heim et al. (2012), who performed a complex parametric
study to investigate the neural networks involved in the comprehension and verification
of proportional quantifiers. Overall, their results revealed that numerical processing is
required to understand (proportional) quantifiers in grounded contexts.
A different pattern of results was found by Troiani et al. (2009), who focused on the
distinction between Aristotelean (e.g. ‘some’, ‘all’ ) and numerical quantifiers (e.g. ‘at
least three’, ‘an odd number of’). The aim of the study was to show that the latter are
associated with numerical information, whereas the former are not. Consistent with
their hypotheses, only numerical quantifiers were found to be supported by a parietal-
dorsolateral prefrontal network (in IPC) depending on quantity-based or numerical pro-
cessing. Logical quantifiers, in contrast, turned out to be associated with rostral medial
prefrontal cortex involved in elementary logic operations, and supported by a selective
visual-spatial attention mechanism in posterior cingulate cortex. The authors claimed
that such a dissociation is in line with the two separate learning processes reported in
children acquisition of numbers and quantifiers (Hurewitz et al., 2006; Papafragou and
Schwarz, 2006; Halberda et al., 2008). Consistent results were obtained by Morgan
et al. (2011), who investigated the neural representation of logical/Aristotelean (e.g.
‘some’, ‘all’), cardinal (e.g. ‘at least three’), and majority (e.g. ‘at least half’) quan-
tifiers in patients with corticobasal syndrome (CBS), posterior cortical atrophy (PCA),
and behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD).
Similarly to Troiani et al. (2009), a dissociation was found between (a) cardinal (i.e. re-
quiring quantity processing) and (b) logical-majority quantifiers (i.e. requiring executive
functioning). Using a semantic distance judgment task, Wei et al. (2014) investigated
brain activation for six types of materials, including Arabic digits (e.g. ‘1’, ‘2’), num-
ber words (e.g. ‘one’, ‘two’), dot arrays (e.g. ‘•’, ‘• •’), and quantifiers (i.e. ‘none’,
14 Chapter 2. Theoretical Framework.
‘few’, ‘several’, ‘some’, ‘many’, ‘abundance’, ‘myriad’). Their results showed a clear
dissociation between the quantity processing of quantifiers and that of numbers and nu-
merosities. In particular, the latter stimuli elicit more activation in the right intraparietal
sulcus (IPS) than quantifiers do. Also, the processing of quantifiers turned out to be
more associated with brain regions for general semantic processing, namely left middle
temporal gyrus and inferior frontal gyrus. This findings led the authors to claim that,
consistently with the results by Troiani et al. (2009), ‘pure’ quantifiers are not processed
in IPS, but rather in the brain’s language areas.
To wrap up, McMillan et al. (2005) reported a similar activation in IPC for all quanti-
fiers (e.g. ‘at least three’ and ‘some’) in grounded contexts. Similarly, Heim et al. (2012)
demonstrated a role of IPS during both estimation and comparison, which are required
steps for assessing the validity of a proportional quantifier. In contrast, Wei et al. (2014)
reported no activation in IPS for any quantifiers in a semantic judgment task. Finer-
grained dissociations were found by Troiani et al. (2009) and Morgan et al. (2011),
who showed that only numerical quantifiers elicit brain areas associated with quantity
processing in grounded tasks. Overall, these results might suggest that numerical in-
formation comes into play for some classes of quantifiers (i.e. numerical, proportional,
parity), but not for others (i.e. Aristotelean). Moreover, it seems to be involved when
a ‘quantitative’ interpretation of quantifiers is explicitly required, namely in grounded
contexts. In the next section, I discuss some behavioral work aimed at exploring the role
of quantitative information in visually-grounded quantifiers.
Coventry et al. (2005) used visual scenes containing both striped and white fish to in-
vestigate the role of a number of perceptual factors in affecting quantifiers appropriate-
2.5. Quantifiers Grounded in Vision 15
ness. They varied (a) number of target (range 3-18) and distractor objects (range 0-18),
(b) spacing between objects, (c) spatial disposition of the objects in the scene (either
grouped or mixed). All these factors turned out to affect quantifiers interpretation, but
only when the number of targets exceeded the ‘subitizing’ range (i.e., the range of car-
dinalities, typically up to 3-4, which can be automatically and precisely enumerated;
see Revkin et al. (2008)). That is, the meaning of low-magnitude quantifiers turned out
to be ‘stable’ and somehow not affected by other factors than target cardinality.
The same set of quantifiers used by Coventry et al. (2005) was also explored by Coven-
try et al. (2010), who investigated (a) how judgments about quantifiers are affected by
the presence of distractor objects and (b) whether the kind and function of objects af-
fect the judgments. They employed visual stimuli where targets and distractors were
either semantically similar (men-women) or different (men-crocodiles). Moreover, they
manipulated the function of both target and distractor objects (playing golf-not playing
golf ). In all cases, a reliable effect of the number of distractors was observed. Moreover,
in contrast with Coventry et al. (2005), the number of distractors was found to play a
role also in the subitizing range.
Finally, an unpublished paper (van Tiel et al., in preparation) used visual stimuli to
investigate whether the focal ranges (i.e. prototypical numbers/proportions) associated
with quantifiers match the traditional semantic formalization (e.g., that ‘half’ is equal
to exactly 50%). To test their hypotheses, the authors experimented with visual scenes
where the proportion of red and black dots varied. Participants were asked to produce
a quantifier to describe the scene. The results showed that the proportion of target dots
associated with each quantifier did not clearly match the expected interpretation.
Overall, these studies indicate that the meaning of quantifiers in grounded contexts is
mostly described by quantitative features such as either the cardinality of the sets or
the proportion of target objects in the scene. On the one hand, this suggest that quan-
tifiers are mentally represented on an ordered, quantitative scale whose representation
and components, however, none of these studies explicitly investigated. On the other,
these findings support the hypothesis that at least some components of the meaning of
quantifiers are directly connected with approximate numerical information, partly in
line with the evidence reported in section 2.4. In the next sections, I discuss computa-
tional approaches to the modeling of quantifiers in language (section 2.6) and previous
work aimed at extracting quantity information from visual inputs (section 2.7).
16 Chapter 2. Theoretical Framework.
The problem of algorithmically describing logical quantifiers was first addressed by van
Benthem (1986) using automata (see section 2.1). Following these first efforts, a lot of
work has been done in computational formal semantics to model quantifiers in language
(see e.g. Szabolcsi (2010); Keenan and Paperno (2012); Szymanik (2016) for a in-depth
overview). For example, Szymanik and Zajenkowski (2010) compared the time needed
for understanding different types of quantifiers and showed a psychologically-relevant
distinction between quantifiers recognized by different types of automata.
Recently, distributional semantics (see Chapter 1) has turned to the problem, with Ba-
roni et al. (2012) demonstrating that some entailment relations hold between quantifier
vectors obtained from large corpora, and Herbelot and Vecchi (2015) mapping a dis-
tributional vector space to a formal space from which the quantification of a concept-
property pair can be predicted. By focusing on the distributional representation of ‘ev-
ery’, Capetola (2013), showed the limitations of such an approach in modeling the dy-
namic representation of quantification. One way to overcome these limitations has been
2.7. Modeling Quantities: Computer Vision 17
proposed by Lewis and Steedman (2013), who showed the benefits of combining dis-
tributional semantics with formal logical semantics for the representation of function
words such as quantifiers. Overall, this work highlighted the limitations of the distri-
butional approach in capturing the semantics of quantifiers (see also the results of our
exploratory study in Chapter 1).
In recent years, quantifiers have received renewed attention along with the explosion of
neural networks for language modeling (see Figure 2.1 for a schematic representation of
a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) and a brief description of one of the most popular
architectures, namely Long-Short Term Memory (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997)).
These models have been applied, for example, to solve the tasks of Natural Language
Inference (Nangia et al., 2017; Ghaeini et al., 2018) and Question Answering (Andreas
et al., 2016), where quantifiers were among the cases used to evaluate the models in
those specific tasks. However, no previous work exploited these architectures to specif-
ically explore quantifiers and their semantic representation.
The first attempt to model quantification mechanisms from visual inputs dates back
to Dehaene and Changeux (1993). Using a forerunner neural network, this study showed
that approximate numerosity could be extracted from a visual input without serial count-
ing, bringing computational evidence to the psycholinguistic observation that infants
develop numerosity abilities before being able to count. More recently, Rajapakse et al.
(2005) used a similar network to reproduce the human use of quantifiers in grounded
contexts. The model was trained on human annotations of images consisting of white
and stripy fish (from Coventry et al. (2005)). Given an image, the model had to predict
which number of fish was stripy, using the given quantifiers. The authors showed that
both spacing and the number of objects played a role in the prediction. Crucially, both
these studies were carried out before the revolutionary advent of Convolutional Neural
Networks (CNNs)2 , which gave rise to a new era in the field of Computer Vision (see
Figure 2.2 for a schematic representation of VGG-16 (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014),
one of the most popular and successful CNNs for image feature extraction).
Exploiting CNNs, a number of works in Computer Vision have proposed specific ar-
See LeCun et al. (2015) for a general but detailed overview on CNNs.
18 Chapter 2. Theoretical Framework.
Figure 2.2: Schematic representation of VGG-16 (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014), one
of the most popular Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for image feature extrac-
tion. CNNs are designed to process data that is structured in multiple arrays. This is the
case of color images, which are composed of three 2D arrays containing pixel intensi-
ties in the three RGB channels. Generally speaking, the architecture of a CNN includes
various types of layers: Convolutional layers followed by non-linear transformations
(e.g. ReLu), pooling layers, and fully-connected layers. Convolutional layers are used
to extract local features from the input image while preserving the spatial relationships
between pixels. The role of pooling layers, instead, is to merge semantically similar fea-
tures into one. Finally, fully-connected (FC) layers are Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs)
whose units are connected to every unit in the subsequent layer. FCs encode high-level
features of the input image, such as information on the object class (e.g. ‘dog’). Indeed,
the final FC is typically used to perform object classification by means of a softmax ac-
tivation function. Note that VGG-16 includes 13 convolutional layers, 5 pooling layers,
and 3 FC layers followed by softmax. Image credits:
chitectures for counting digits (Seguı́ et al., 2015), people in the crowd (Zhang et al.,
2015a), or penguins (Arteta et al., 2016). With a more cognitive flavor, Chattopadhyay
et al. (2017) proposed a ‘divide-and-conquer’ strategy to split the image into subparts
and count the objects in each subpart by mimicking the subitizing mechanism (see sec-
tion 2.5). Inspired by the same cognitive ability is Zhang et al. (2015b), who trained
a CNN to detect and count the salient objects in the image. Except Suhr et al. (2017),
who built a dataset for visual reasoning to be evaluated against various types of quantity
expressions including existential quantifiers, however, these works exclusively focused
on exact numbers.
2.7. Modeling Quantities: Computer Vision 19
Focused on the modeling of approximate quantities is Stoianov and Zorzi (2012), who
experimented with hierarchical generative models and showed their effectiveness in
learning ANS as a statistical property of synthetic images. Tested on the task of set
comparison (‘more/less’), their proposed networks were shown to obtain a remarkable
93% accuracy. As for quantifiers, to our knowledge no previous studies focused on
the learning of such expressions from visual scenes. Besides the studies reported in
this dissertation, two other works from our group3 tackled these issues. In particu-
lar, Sorodoc et al. (2016) proposed a model to assign the correct quantifier to synthetic
scenes of colored dots, whereas Sorodoc et al. (2018) operationalized the same task
in a Visual Question Answering (VQA) fashion, using real images and object-property
queries (e.g. ‘How many dogs are black?’). Overall, the results of these studies showed
that vague quantification can be learned by neural networks, though the performance is
much lower when using real images and complex queries. Moreover, in both studies,
quantifiers were simplistically operationalized in terms of ranges of proportions (as in
Chapter 5). In this thesis, I seek to overcome this issue by collecting (Chapter 4) and
modeling human data (Chapter 6).
For an overview, see
20 Chapter 2. Theoretical Framework.
Chapter 3
In this chapter, I study the role of linguistic context in modulating the choice of quanti-
fiers. Tested in the task of predicting a missing quantifier from a local context (single-
sentence) and a global context (multi-sentence) condition, humans and state-of-the-art
computational models are shown to use different strategies: The former are boosted by
the information conveyed by the broader context, the latter are more effective in exploit-
ing local lexical-semantic cues. Overall, both humans and the models make ‘plausible’
errors, that is, they are almost always able to grasp the ‘magnitude’ of the missing quan-
tifier. This supports the idea that quantifiers are loosely ordered on a quantitative scale.
3.1 Introduction
Cloze deletion test (Oller, 1973) is a typical exercise which is used to evaluate a lan-
guage learner. In this task, a word is removed and learners must exploit their language
abilities to understand the context and the vocabulary in order to identify the correct
word. Since the comprehension of the missing word is boosted by the surrounding lin-
guistic context, the larger the linguistic context, the easier the test becomes. Indeed, it
has been recently shown that higher-ability test takers rely more on global information,
with lower-ability test takers focusing more on the local context, namely information
contained in the words immediately surrounding the gap (McCray and Brunfaut, 2018).
In this chapter, I exploit a cloze-test setting and explore the role of linguistic context in
predicting quantifiers (see Figure 3.1). Both human and model performance is evalu-
ated in a local (single-sentence) and a global context (multi-sentence) condition to study
22 Chapter 3. Quantifiers and Linguistic Contexts.
Figure 3.1: Given a target sentence st , or st with the preceding and following sentence,
the task is to predict the target quantifier replaced by <qnt>.
the role of context and assess the cognitive plausibility of the models. As discussed in
Chapter 2, quantifiers are of central importance in linguistic semantics and its inter-
face with cognitive science (Barwise and Cooper, 1981; Peters and Westerståhl, 2006;
Szymanik, 2016). Moreover, the choice of quantifier is known to depend both on local
context (e.g., positive and negative quantifiers license different patterns of anaphoric
reference) and global context (the degree of positivity/negativity is modulated by dis-
course specificity) (Paterson et al., 2009). Finally, and more generally, the ability of
predicting function words in the cloze test has been shown to represent a benchmark test
for human linguistic competence (Smith, 1971; Hill et al., 2016a).
Our conjecture is that human performance will be boosted by more context and that
this effect will be stronger for proportional quantifiers (e.g. ‘few’, ‘many’, ‘most’)
than for logical quantifiers (e.g. ‘none’, ‘some’, ‘all’) because the former are more
dependent on discourse context (Moxey and Sanford, 1993a; Solt, 2016). In contrast,
we expect models to be very effective in exploiting the local context (Hill et al., 2016a)
but to suffer with a broader context, due to their reported inability to handle longer
sequences (Paperno et al., 2016). Both hypotheses are confirmed. The best models
are very effective in the local context condition, where they significantly outperform
humans. Moreover, model performance declines with more context, whereas human
performance is boosted by the higher accuracy with proportional quantifiers like ‘many’
and ‘most’. Finally, best-performing models and humans are found to make similar
errors. In particular, they tend to confound quantifiers that denote a similar ‘magnitude’,
namely they confound e.g. ‘most with ‘many’, but not e.g. ‘few’ with ‘almost all’ (Bass
et al., 1974; Newstead and Collis, 1987).
3.2. Related Work 23
The contribution of this chapter is twofold. First, a new task and results for training
models to learn semantically-rich function words are presented.1 Second, the role of
linguistic context in both humans and the models is carefully analyzed, with implica-
tions for cognitive plausibility and future modeling work.
Studies on the interplay between linguistic context and function words date back at least
to Smith (1971). In this study, it was claimed that (a) function words are easier to pre-
dict in a cloze test than content words and (b) larger context is beneficial for content
words but detrimental for function words. The main reason for (a) is that predicting
function words implies choosing among a limited number of options, whereas content
words have much many alternatives. Strictly related, the main reason for (b) is that
function words would depend more on clues that are immediately close to the deleted
word rather than on the ‘meaning’ of the broader context (Rankin and Thomas, 1980).
Though generally considered as belonging to the class of function words, quantifiers
display a somehow hybrid status. Indeed, they are semantically-rich expressions whose
meaning has been usually tied to some sort of quantitative information (Graves and
Hodge, 1943; Bass et al., 1974; Hammerton, 1976; Newstead and Collis, 1987). As
such, their choice has been shown to depend both on local and global context (Paterson
et al., 2009). For example, the presence of a local Polarity Item (PI) like ‘any’ (‘none
of them has any constraints’) restrict the choice only to those quantifiers that can li-
cense it (Krifka, 1995). Moreover, quantifiers like ‘few’ or ‘many’ are dependent on a
contextual norm (Partee, 2008; Solt, 2009), whose cardinality can be inferred from the
meaning of the (broader) surrounding context.
Computational models have been extensively tested on the cloze test. However, most
previous work (see, among others, Hermann et al. (2015); Onishi et al. (2016)) has
focused on content words and named entities, whereas there has been little interest in
modeling function words. A notable exception is represented by Hill et al. (2016a),
who evaluated a number of models in the task of predicting prepositions besides verbs,
nouns and named entitities. Crucial for our purposes, they showed that Long-Short Term
Memory (LSTM) models outperform humans in predicting prepositions (‘on’, ‘at’, etc.).
Moreover, adding context decreases their performance. Based on this evidence, the
Data and code can be found at
24 Chapter 3. Quantifiers and Linguistic Contexts.
authors claimed that LSTM predictions are almost exclusively based on local contexts.
Similar conclusions can be drawn from recent work challenging computational models
with larger and more sophisticated language contexts (Paperno et al., 2016; Chu et al.,
2016). In these studies, state-of-the-art models were shown to fail in predicting words
that require understanding the broader context.
3.3 Datasets
We build two datasets. One dataset – 1-Sent – contains datapoints that only include
the sentence with the quantifier (the target sentence, st ). The second – 3-Sent – con-
tains datapoints that are 3-sentence long: the target sentence (st ) together with both the
preceding (sp ) and following one (sf ). To directly analyze the effect of the linguistic
context in the task, the target sentences are exactly the same in both settings. Indeed,
1-Sent is obtained by simply extracting all target sentences <st > from 3-Sent (<sp ,
st , sf >).
The 3-Sent dataset is built as follows: (1) We split our source corpus into sentences
and select those starting with a ‘quantifier of’ construction. Around 391K sentences
of this type are found. (2) We tokenize the sentences and replace the quantifier at the
beginning of the sentence (the target quantifier) with the string <qnt>, to treat all
A concatenation of BNC, ukWaC, and a 2009-dump of Wikipedia Baroni et al. (2014).
3.4. Human Evaluation 25
Table 3.1: Cues that might help human participants to predict the correct quantifier
target quantifiers as a single token. (3) We filter out sentences longer than 50 tokens
(less than 6% of the total), yielding around 369K sentences. (4) We select all cases for
which both the preceding and the following sentence are at most 50-tokens long. We
also ensure that the target quantifier does not occur again in the target sentence. (5) We
ensure that each datapoint <sp , st , sf > is unique. The distribution of target quantifiers
across the resulting 309K datapoints ranges from 1152 cases (‘more than half’) to 93801
cases (‘some’). To keep the dataset balanced, we randomly select 1150 points for each
quantifier, resulting in a dataset of 10350 datapoints. This was split into train (80%),
validation (10%), and test (10%) sets while keeping the balancing. Then, 1-Sent is
obtained by extracting the target sentences <st > from <sp , st , sf >.
3.4.1 Method
We ran two crowdsourced experiments, one per condition. In both, native English
speakers were asked to pick the correct quantifier to replace <qnt> after having care-
fully read and understood the surrounding linguistic context. When more than one
quantifier sounds correct, participants were instructed to choose the one they think best
for the context. To make the results of the two surveys directly comparable, the same
randomly-sampled 506 datapoints from the validation sets are used. To avoid biasing
responses, the 9 quantifiers were presented in alphabetical order. The surveys were car-
ried out via CrowdFlower.3 Each participant was allowed to judge up to 25 points. To
assess the judgments, 50 unambiguous cases per setting were manually selected by the
native-English author and used as a benchmark. Overall, we collected judgments from
26 Chapter 3. Quantifiers and Linguistic Contexts.
205 annotators in 1-Sent (avg. 7.4 judgments/annotator) and from 116 in 3-Sent
(avg. 13.1). Accuracy is then computed by counting cases where at least 2 out of 3
annotators agree on the correct answer (i.e., inter-annotator agreement ≥ 0.67).
Overall, the task turns out to be easier in 3-Sent (131/506 correctly-guessed cases;
0.258 accuracy) compared to 1-Sent (112/506; 0.221 acc.). Broader linguistic context
is thus generally beneficial to the task. To gain a better understanding of the results, we
analyze the correctly-predicted cases and look for linguistic cues that might be helpful
for carrying out the task. Table 3.1 reports examples from 1-Sent for each cue.
By carefully looking into the sentences used for the experiment, we identify 8 main
types of cues and manually annotate the cases accordingly. Annotation is performed by
one of the authors by reading the target sentences several times and checking for the
presence of any of the following cues: (1) PIs: Polarity Items like ‘ever’, ‘never’, ‘any’
that are licensed by specific quantifiers (e.g., the sentence ‘*most of the students have
ever been here’ is ungrammatical; see Krifka (1995)); (2) Contrast Q: a contasting-
magnitude quantifier embedded in an adversative clause (e.g. ‘few of the Xs . . . but
most (of the) Ys’); (3) Support Q: a supporting-magnitude quantifier embedded in
a coordinate or subordinate clause (e.g. ‘some of Xs . . . and possibly many (of the)
3.4. Human Evaluation 27
text quantifier
a number of examples of technophobic ideas can be found in multiple forms of art, ranging from literary
works such as ”Frankenstein” to classic films like ”Metropolis”. <qnt> these works portray the darker side
many of
of technology as seen by the technophobic. As technologies become increasingly complex and difficult
to understand, people are more likely to harbor anxieties relating to their use of modern technologies.
you have highlighted the fact that there is very limited business experience within the teaching profession.
<qnt> us have experienced industry over an extensive period. Apprenticeships in Germany and in other few of
places are linked very tightly with the business community.
the weather goes smoothly over the points of union betwixt the twin summers. <qnt> the storms are
very loud or variable. The average temperature during the day, in December, was about sixty-five degrees few of
in the shade, but on one day a little damp snow fell.
by 1995 there were 120 of them, receiving tuition in: fiddle bagpipes drums tin whistle keyboard guitar voice
drama at enrolment, each young person is offered the choice of tuition on up to three different instruments.
<qnt> them choose an instrument they already play for their first choice and the tutors look to see a most of
significant improvement in their proficiency at the end of the week. Tutors, however, also actively
encourage the children to try something new.
Table 3.2: Examples of cases that are correctly guessed in 3-Sent (but not in
1-Sent). Linguistic context that appears to be particularly helpful to retrieve the cor-
rect quantifier is in bold.
Figure 3.2 (left) depicts the distribution of annotated cues in correctly-guessed cases of
1-Sent. Around 44% of these cases include cues besides meaning, suggesting that
almost half of the cases can be possibly guessed by means of lexical factors such as
PIs, quantity information, etc. As seen in Figure 3.2 (right), the role played by the
meaning becomes much higher in 3-Sent. Of the 74 cases that are correctly guessed
in 3-Sent, but not in 1-Sent, more than 3 out of 4 do not display cues other than
meaning. In the absence of lexical cues at the sentence level, the surrounding context
thus plays a crucial role, as reported in Table 3.2. By looking at these examples, it is
clear that the presence of the preceding and following sentence makes the task more
feasible compared to the presence of the target sentence only. This role is particularly
accentuated in quantifiers like ‘many’, ‘almost all’, and ‘most’, where correctly-guessed
cases annotated as relying on semantic information only represent 100%, 100%, and
85% cases, respectively.
28 Chapter 3. Quantifiers and Linguistic Contexts.
3.5 Models
We test several models, that we briefly describe below. All models except FastText
are implemented in Keras and use ReLu as activation function; they are trained for 50
epochs with categorical crossentropy, initialized with frozen 300-d word2vec embed-
dings (Mikolov et al., 2013) pretrained on GoogleNews.4 A thorough ablation study
is carried out for each model to find the best configuration of parameters.5 The best
configuration is chosen based on the lowest validation loss.
BoW-sum Same as above, but the text is encoded as the sum of the embeddings.
FastText Simple network for text classification that has been shown to obtain perfor-
mance comparable to deep learning models (Joulin et al., 2016). FastText represents
text as a hidden variable obtained by means of a BoW representation.
CNN Simple Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for text classification.6 It has
two convolutional layers (Conv1D) each followed by MaxPooling. A dense layer
precedes softmax.
LSTM Standard Long-Short Term Memory network (LSTM) (Hochreiter and Schmid-
huber, 1997). Variable-length sequences are padded with zeros to be as long as the max-
imum sequence in the dataset. To avoid taking into account cells padded with zero, the
‘mask zero’ option is used.
Available here:
We experiment with all possible combinations obtained by varying (a) optimizer: adagrad, adam,
nadam; (b) hidden layers: 64 or 128 units; (c) dropout: 0.25, 0.5, 0.75.
Adapted from:
3.6. Results 29
1-Sent 3-Sent
val test val test
chance 0.111 0.111 0.111 0.111
BoW-conc 0.270 0.238 0.224 0.207
BoW-sum 0.308 0.290 0.267 0.245
fastText 0.305 0.271 0.297 0.245
CNN 0.310 0.304 0.298 0.257
LSTM 0.315 0.310 0.277 0.253
bi-LSTM 0.341 0.337 0.279 0.265
Att-LSTM 0.319 0.324 0.287 0.291
AttCon-LSTM 0.343 0.319 0.274 0.288
Humans 0.221* —— 0.258* ——
Table 3.3: Accuracy of models and humans. Values in bold are the highest in the
column. *Note that due to an imperfect balancing of data, chance level for humans
(computed as majority class) is 0.124.
bi-LSTM The Bidirectional LSTM (Schuster and Paliwal, 1997) combines informa-
tion from past and future states by duplicating the first recurrent layer and then combin-
ing the two hidden states. As above, padding and mask zero are used.
Att-LSTM LSTM augmented with an attention mechanism (Raffel and Ellis, 2016).
A feed-forward neural network computes an importance weight for each hidden state of
the LSTM; the weighted sum of the hidden states according to those weights is then fed
into the final classifier.
3.6 Results
Table 3.3 reports the accuracy of all models and humans in both conditions. We have
three main results. (1) Broader context helps humans to perform the task, but hurts
model performance. This can be seen by comparing the 4-point increase of human
accuracy from 1-Sent (0.22) to 3-Sent (0.26) with the generally worse perfor-
mance of all models (e.g. AttCon-LSTM, from 0.34 to 0.27 in val). (2) All mod-
els are significantly better than humans in performing the task at the sentence level
30 Chapter 3. Quantifiers and Linguistic Contexts.
none few a few some many more half most almost all all
Figure 3.3: Human vs AttCon-LSTM accuracy (val) across quantifiers, loosely or-
dered by magnitude.
(1-Sent), whereas their performance is only slightly better than humans’ in 3-Sent.
AttCon-LSTM, which is the best model in the former setting, achieves a significantly
higher accuracy than humans’ (0.34 vs 0.22). By contrast, in 3-Sent, the performance
of the best model is closer to that of humans (0.29 of Att-LSTM vs 0.26). It can be
seen that LSTMs are overall the best-performing architectures, with CNN showing some
potential in the handling of longer sequences (3-Sent). (3) As depicted in Figure 3.3,
quantifiers that are easy/hard for humans are not necessarily easy/hard for the models.
Compare ‘few’, ‘a few’, ‘more than half’, ‘some’, and ‘most’: while the first three are
generally hard for humans but predictable by the models, the last two show the opposite
pattern. Moreover, quantifiers that are guessed by humans to a larger extent in 3-Sent
compared to 1-Sent, thus profiting from the broader linguistic context, do not experi-
ence the same boost with models. Human accuracy improves notably for ‘few’, ‘a few’,
‘many’, and ‘most’, while model performance on the same quantifiers does not.
To check whether humans and the models make similar errors, we look into the distribu-
tion of responses in 3-Sent (val), which is the most comparable setting with respect
to accuracy. Table 3.4 reports responses by humans (top) and AttCon-LSTM (bot-
tom). Human errors generally involve quantifiers that display a similar magnitude as
the correct one. To illustrate, ‘some’ is chosen in place of ‘a few’, and ‘most’ in place
3.6. Results 31
none 19 1 2 0 2 0 0 0 12
few 5 9 2 6 5 0 3 0 2
a few 0 0 7 17 9 0 4 0 4
some 0 0 3 14 5 0 4 0 3
many 0 1 0 3 18 0 3 0 7
more than half 0 0 0 2 2 11 10 4 2
most 0 0 0 1 7 0 23 4 8
almost all 0 1 0 3 2 1 7 2 6
all 0 0 2 1 5 0 4 3 28
none 39 15 13 10 0 20 5 3 10
few 3 48 18 7 9 20 5 1 4
a few 7 13 31 18 5 15 12 8 6
some 5 18 16 17 16 19 9 5 10
many 2 18 18 15 20 17 10 6 9
more than half 2 7 2 3 10 82 2 1 6
most 8 14 14 12 12 26 15 5 9
almost all 5 9 15 10 8 37 15 6 10
all 7 12 10 15 21 13 7 4 26
Table 3.4: Responses by humans (top) and AttCon-LSTM (bottom) in 3-Sent (val).
Values in bold are the highest in the row.
of either ‘almost all’ or ‘more than half’. A similar pattern is observed in the model’s
predictions, though we note a bias toward ‘more than half’. Zooming into human re-
sponses, an interesting, bucking case is represented by the frequent choice of ‘all’ in
place of ‘none’ (but never vice versa). On the one hand, this pattern seems to suggest an
interchangeability of the quantifiers at the extremes of the quantifier scale, possibly due
to their less context-dependent status in the absence of clear morpho-syntactic cues. On
the other hand, the direction of the effect indicates that, when in doubt, the ‘positive’
interpretation is always preferred by speakers.
One last question concerns the types of linguistic cues exploited by the model (see sec-
tion 3.4.2). We consider those cases which are correctly guessed by both humans and
AttCon-LSTM in each setting and analyze the distribution of annotated cues. Though
limited to a subset of datapoints, such analysis should be indicative of the overall be-
havior of the model: if the model genuinely understands the meaning of the text and
mostly capitalizes on semantic information, we should consequently observe a higher
number of cases that are annotated as containing only semantic information. In con-
trast, if the model learns associations between a quantifier and specific lexical items
or morpho-syntactic patterns, we should observe a higher number of correct responses
within datapoints displaying these cues.
Figure 3.4 (left) depicts the distribution of cues among the 44 cases that are correctly
predicted by both speakers and the model in 1-Sent. As can be observed, half of the
32 Chapter 3. Quantifiers and Linguistic Contexts.
cases contain lexical or morpho-syntactic cues. That is, they might be guessed by effec-
tively learning associations in the linguistic data. Zooming into these cases, it is worth
mentioning that 83% and 80% cases of correctly-guessed ‘none’ and ‘few’, respectively,
are annotated as containing cues other than meaning. A similar distribution can be ob-
served in the rightmost panel reporting the 39 cases guessed by both humans and the
model in 3-Sent, where the non-semantic cues represent 41% cases. Though higher
than in 1-Sent, the number of cases that cannot guessed by exploiting cues other than
meaning is still relatively low, especially when compared to the distribution oberved
in speakers’ responses (rightmost panel of Figure 3.2). Such analysis suggests that the
model capitalizes more on lexical, morpho-syntactic information rather than exploiting
the meaning of the context, either local or global. Since this observation is in contrast
with that reported for human performance, that is observed to be significantly boosted
by the meaning conveyed by the broader context, we conjecture this to be the main dif-
ference between speakers and humans. In the absence of lexical or morpho-syntactic
cues, speakers use semantic information conveyed by the global context, whereas mod-
els employ this strategy to a much lesser extent.
3.7. Discussion 33
3.7 Discussion
It is worth mentioning that, overall, the accuracy in the task was found to be extremely
low, both for humans and the models. This result could be due to several reasons,
such as the difficulty of the dataset and/or the inherent overlapping use of the quantifiers
employed in the study. To better investigate the former issue, the same experiment could
be replicated by using linguistic contexts coming from different sources. To explore the
latter, one possibility could be to experiment with a smaller and perhaps less overlapping
set of quantifiers. Intuitively, the availability of less alternatives might make the task
Interestingly, humans revealed to be almost always able to grasp the ‘magnitude’ of the
missing quantifier, even when picking up the ‘wrong’ one. This finding, on the one
hand, is consistent with the well-reported overlapping meaning and use of these expres-
sions (Moxey and Sanford, 1993a). On the other hand, it provides indirect evidence to
the existence of a mental, ordered scale of quantifiers, an issue that has been largely de-
bated in literature (Holyoak and Glass, 1978; Routh, 1994; Moxey and Sanford, 2000).
It is worth mentioning, however, that such a scale appears rather coarse, with speak-
ers often confounding quantifiers with similar magnitudes (e.g ‘a few’ with ‘some’ and
‘almost all’ with ‘all’). Moreover, differently from Moxey and Sanford (1993a), in our
34 Chapter 3. Quantifiers and Linguistic Contexts.
In the next chapter, I explore the nature and the characteristics of the mental scale of
quantifiers by means of two behavioral experiments.
Chapter 4
4.1 Introduction
One of the common goals of linguists and cognitive scientists is to uncover and formally
characterize how linguistic symbols are mentally represented. In this chapter, I tackle
this issue by focusing on quantifiers, a class of words that had long been considered
36 Chapter 4. Probing the Quantifier Scale: Two Behavioral Studies.
First, from a formal semantic perspective they are conceived as non-referential (Mon-
tague, 1973; Barwise and Cooper, 1981; Westerståhl, 1985; van Benthem, 1986; Keenan
and Stavi, 1986; Szabolcsi, 2010): Differently from many other words, quantifiers do
not denote objects, but instead relations between sets of objects. Second, quantifiers
are widely affected by the linguistic context of use. This particularly holds for some
quantifiers, like ‘few’ and ‘many’, which have therefore been proposed to be non-
extensional (Keenan and Stavi, 1986; Westerståhl, 1985): The two sentences ‘Many
doctors attended the meeting this year’ and ‘Many lawyers attended the meeting this
year’ (even assuming that the doctors and lawyers attending the respective meetings are
equal in number) might have different truth values depending on the number of doctors
and lawyers who used to attend the meeting. Third, from a pragmatic perspective it has
been shown how the different degree of information or logical strength of the quantifiers
(that ‘some’ is less informative than ‘all’) affects the implicit information that people
infer from an utterance (Horn, 1984). For example, listening to the sentence ‘Some
students were satisfied with the marks’ a hearer would infer that ‘Not all the students
were satisifed’. Fourth, quantifiers cannot be simplistically considered as words that
stand for amounts, numbers, proportions (Moxey and Sanford, 1993b, 2000; Paterson
et al., 2009; Nouwen, 2010). Even when expressing approximately the same quantity
(e.g. ‘few’ and ‘a few’), quantifiers differ from each other with respect to the perspec-
tive they give to this quantity, by bringing the hearer to focus on either the target set (‘a
few’) or the non-target set (‘few’). For instance, ‘few of these cars break down’ is likely
to bring the hearer’s attention to the vast majority of cars that do not break down. ‘A few
of these cars break down’, instead, is more likely to bring the attention to the cars that do
break. This difference in the focus influences the hearer’s behavior in a positive/negative
way (Moxey and Sanford, 2000; Paterson et al., 2009). Consequently, quantifiers have
been described in terms of probability distributions over scales (Moxey and Sanford,
1993b; Yildirim et al., 2013; Schöller and Franke, 2017). Finally, the variability of
quantifiers across conditions, together with their rather elusive status with respect to
the traditional linguistic classifications, have brought some researchers to take the ex-
treme stance that devising a general semantics for these expressions might not even be
possible (Nouwen, 2010).
comprehension of quantifiers (Heim et al., 2012; Shikhare et al., 2015; Deschamps et al.,
2015),1 cognitive science has not been successful at characterizing how humans men-
tally represent quantifiers. Historically, even if there has been a shared intuitive as-
sumption that quantifiers might be internally represented on an ordered scale (which
some conceived as governed by absolute quantities, e.g. Newstead et al. (1987), and
other by proportions, e.g. Graves and Hodge (1943); Hammerton (1976)), there has
been little attempt at formally trying to capture the features of such scale in a quantita-
tive manner. One approach has been to investigate the conditions of the external world
that trigger the use of the different quantifiers: Subjects, presented with sets of a var-
ious number of target and non-target (visual) items, are asked either to pick, among a
predetermined list, the quantifier that best fits the scene or to rate the appropriateness
of a list of scene-quantifier associations. Studies of this sort are only very few, and
they are hard to compare as they each investigate different sets of quantifiers, as well
as slightly different aspects of the stimuli (some analyze the effect of the number of
targets, e.g. Newstead and Coventry (2000), some the number of both targets and non-
targets, e.g. Coventry et al. (2005, 2010), some the proportion of targets in the scene,
e.g. Oaksford et al. (2002), often taking into account perceptual factors like the size
of the items, their spatial arrangements or their category, e.g. Newstead and Coventry
(2000); Coventry et al. (2010)), though without investigating the potential interactions
across all the possible variables. Moreover, the experimental design of all these studies
lacks cases where the various effects can be disentangled, for example visual scenes
with a small number of targets corresponding to a high proportion (e.g., 3 targets out of
4 total objects).
Although with some inconsistencies, the results of these studies overall suggest that
quantifiers are evaluated by taking into account the number of both targets and non-
targets such that, given a fixed number of non-targets, scenarios with increasing tar-
gets are associated with quantifiers implying ‘larger’ quantities. A notable exception
is that, when the targets are very few, the number of non-targets seems not to play a
role (Coventry et al., 2005). This indirectly suggests that quantifiers might be repre-
sented on an internal scale based on proportions which behaves somewhat differently
for small sets. What these studies lack, however, is a quantitative characterization of the
laws subtending the relation between quantifiers and perceptual stimulation and thus a
These works typically employ a verification task: Given a scene depicting a variable proportion of
target and non-target dots and a sentence embedding a quantified expression, participants are asked to
quickly verify the semantic truth value of the sentence. What these studies showed is that errors and
reaction times are typically affected by perceptual difficulty in observance to Weber’s law.
38 Chapter 4. Probing the Quantifier Scale: Two Behavioral Studies.
Another complementary approach that psychologists have used to infer the structure of
mental representations is that of directly asking subjects to compare words pairwise and
to rate, on a given scale, their semantic similarity in a purely linguistic context (with
no direct relation to concrete objects/sets). This way, the potential confounds due to the
constraints imposed by perception are eliminated. In this approach, the analysis of the
global pattern of rated distances across words can then be used to reconstruct the in-
ternal geometry of the representational space of those words (using Multi-Dimensional
Scaling, e.g. Arnold (1971); Steyvers et al. (2004)). To our knowledge, this approach
has been applied to the domain of quantifiers only by Holyoak and Glass (1978), who
experimented with a set of five items. Studies of this sort would be crucial for comple-
menting the studies that explore quantifiers in grounded conditions. In particular, the
comparison across the grounded and abstract use of quantifiers is useful to approach the
question of to what extent the mental representations of quantifiers (and, more gener-
ally, of symbols) are, or are not, constrained by the way we perceptually elaborate the
objects or objects features to which the symbols are typically used to refer to.
While the abstract view of semantics predicts that symbols are mainly organized ac-
cording to purely linguistic variables (frequency of use, frequency of association in the
lexicon, antinomy, etc.), the grounded cognition view predicts that symbols are men-
tally represented in a way that at least partially reflects (or is isomorphic to) the way we
perceive the world through our senses. This should be reflected both in how subjects
use quantifiers to describe perceptual scenes, and in purely abstract contexts when they
evaluate quantifiers among each other. This approach has been taken for example in the
number domain, where several pieces of data indicate that the internal representation
of number symbols (words or Arabic digits, denoting cardinals) appears as governed
by the same representational constraints that govern the perception of numerosities in
concrete sets, namely on an internal scale which appears overall logarithmically com-
pressed (see Piazza and Eger (2016), for a recent review). This is the case both when
number symbols are compared among each other and when they are used to describe
perceptual scenes (e.g. Izard and Dehaene (2008)).
The aim of this chapter is to export this approach to study the mental space of quanti-
fiers, its main dimensions, and its internal geometry, and to contrast the predictions from
the abstract cognition and the grounded cognition comparing grounded-perceptual and
abstract tasks: Using a common list of quantifiers and two large groups of subjects, one
4.2. Methods 39
4.2 Methods
Figure 4.1: Schematic representation of the experiment. After a fixation cross of 500ms,
a trial is presented for 1, 000ms. Then the participant is asked to click on the quantifier
that better describes the scene.
Before starting, two instruction pages describing the task were displayed. Participants
were asked to be as accurate and fast as possible. The task consisted of attending the
visual scene and to select the quantifier which better answered the question: ‘How many
of the objects are animals?’. Particular focus was put on the fact that the quantifier had
to be chosen always with respect to the set of animals (target set). This choice was
aimed at diminishing the chance of errors merely due to wrong associations between
the question and the target set. By fixing the set of animals as the target set, in fact,
participants should be more focused on the quantification task per se. Importantly, the
9 quantifiers were never presented in any kind of order during the instructions.
After reading the instructions and having clarified any possible doubt with the exper-
imenter, a training session was provided to get familiar with the task. The training
session comprised of 5 trials which were not included in the 340 test stimuli. The pro-
cedure was the same as the test session (see Figure 4.1 for a schematic representation of
the experiment): A white fixation cross was presented for 500ms in the center of a grey
background screen; afterwards, a visual scene was displayed for 1, 000ms followed by
the 9 quantifiers presented in a 3*3-cell grid centered in the middle of the screen. The
4.2. Methods 41
cells were well-spaced to prevent unwanted clicks, and highlighted by a darker shade of
grey. Importantly, quantifiers were presented at each trial in a randomized position to
avoid any familiarization effects. The task was to click on the chosen quantifier in the
shortest possible time. After the response, a fixation cross appeared for 500ms followed
by the next stimulus. After the first 5 training trials, a display was presented offering
the possibility to train for extra 5 trials, different from the previous ones and also not
included in the test set. Participants were asked to choose between training more or
moving to the test session.
Before starting the test session, an instruction page was presented to specify that the
experiment comprised of 10 blocks of 34 stimuli each. Subjects were reminded of the
task. After left-clicking the mouse, participants started the first block of the experiment.
At the end of each block, participants were allowed to take a self-paced pause. On
each trial we recorded the chosen quantifier, its position on the grid, and the time taken
to give the response. For each trial we also recorded a number of perceptual features
describing the visual scene, such as the cardinality of animals and artifacts, their size
(small, medium, large), and the ratio between animals and artifacts.
Responses by all participants were retained. 15 participants were in the age range 18-23,
11 in the range 24-29, 4 in the range 30-36. Seventeen requested and obtained university
credits for their participation.
The visual scenes used in the experiment consisted in multiple colored pictures of an-
imals (hence, targets) and artifacts (hence, non-targets) displayed on the top of a grey
background (see Figure 4.2). Scenes differed on the total number of items displayed,
that could vary from 3 to 20. Across scenes, the number of targets and non-targets var-
ied such that different targets:non-targets ratios were equally represented. Crucially,
each ratio corresponded to a fixed proportion of targets with respect to the total number
of objects (i.e., targets+non-targets) in the scene. For example, ratio 1:3 corresponded
to 25% of targets (see Figure 4.2). We used 17 ratios, each presented 20 times during
the experiment, out of which 8 were ‘positive’ (targets > 50%), 8 ‘negative’ (targets <
50%) and 1 ‘parity’ (targets = 50%). Because each ratio could be generated by differ-
ent combinations of cardinalities (e.g., ratio 1:4 could result from the combination of 1
target and 4 non-targets, as well as 2 targets and 8 non-targets, etc.), for each ratio we
42 Chapter 4. Probing the Quantifier Scale: Two Behavioral Studies.
Figure 4.2: One visual scene used in the experiment, representing a targets:non-targets
ratio of 1:3 (i.e. 25% of total items are targets).
Visual scenes were generated with an inhouse Matlab script using the following pipeline:
Two pictures, one depicting a target (e.g. an instance of a hedgehog) and one depicting
a non-target (e.g. an istance of a basketball) were randomly chosen from a sample of
the database by Kiani et al. (2007) including 100 instances of targets and 145 instances
of non-targets. The sample was previously obtained by manually selecting pictures de-
picting whole items (not just parts) and whose color, orientation, and shape were not
deceptive (for example, we discarded pictures depicting butterfly-shaped pasta as their
target/non-target categorization could have been problematic). The target and the non-
target pictures were randomly inserted by the script onto a 5*5-cell virtual grid. In order
to inject some variability, each picture was randomly assigned to one orientation on the
vertical axis (right or left) and one size (large, medium, small size, corresponding to ap-
proximately 5.3◦ , 3.4◦ , and 2.3◦ of visual angle). None of the scenes contained objects
that were all the same size. As for the orientation, its effect is less measurable since
it depends on the visual properties of the object (see, e.g., the different effects on the
hedgehog and the basketball in Figure 4.2). However, this is not an issue since we are
not interested in formally investigating the role of object orientation in the task. In total,
340 visual scenes were included in the experiment, together with additional 10 trials for
4.3. Analysis and Results 43
One participant’s responses were discarded due to the repeated choice of the judgement
1 (i.e. ‘highly dissimilar’) in 55 out of 81 cases (68%). Responses by thirty-two par-
ticipants (9 males, 22 females, 1 n.d.) were retained. 13 participants were in the age
range 18-23, 14 in the range 24-29, 3 in the range 30-36, 2 in the range 37-42. Fifteen
requested and obtained university credits for their participation.
All 30 participants successfully completed the experiment and provided each 340 re-
sponses. In total, 10, 200 datapoints were collected. To ensure the quality of the re-
sponses, we removed those datapoints for which the reaction times exceeded the aver-
age of 2.5 SD. We did not perform any other filtering of the data. In total, 257 responses
44 Chapter 4. Probing the Quantifier Scale: Two Behavioral Studies.
quantifier (a) resp (b) % targ (c) n targ (d) n non-targ (e) n total
none 604 0.01 (0.09) 0.13 (1.01) 11.35 (5.04) 11.48 (4.93)
almost none 861 0.19 (0.13) 1.69 (1.95) 7.81 (4.67) 9.45 (5.12)
few 1241 0.26 (0.13) 2.92 (1.58) 9.63 (4.96) 12.55 (5.40)
the smaller part 1135 0.32 (0.13) 3.79 (2.01) 8.99 (4.56) 12.78 (5.26)
some 1396 0.44 (0.13) 4.97 (2.30) 6.82 (3.66) 11.79 (4.79)
many 770 0.64 (0.14) 8.75 (3.76) 4.89 (2.66) 13.65 (4.53)
most 2110 0.69 (0.13) 8.82 (4.21) 3.90 (2.30) 12.72 (5.03)
almost all 1222 0.80 (0.12) 9.38 (5.08) 2.24 (2.00) 11.62 (5.68)
all 604 0.99 (0.09) 11.31 (5.04) 0.15 (1.13) 11.47 (4.99)
Table 4.1: Descriptive statistics. Columns are sorted with respect to ascending propor-
tion of targets (b), which also corresponds to ascending cardinality of targets (c). Values
in brackets refer to SD.
were discarded, equal to 2.52% of total. All statistical analyses were performed in the
R environment on the resulting sample. For each quantifier, in Table 4.1 we report the
following descriptive statistics: (a) The total number of responses assigned, (b) the aver-
age proportion of targets out of total number of items, (c) the average number of targets,
(d) the average number of non-targets, (e) the average total number of items. Note that
quantifiers are sorted according to ascending (b), which also corresponds to ascending
As can be seen in the table, ‘most’ is the most used quantifier with 2, 110 responses.
Low-magnitude quantifiers (‘none’, ‘almost none’, ‘few’, ‘the smaller part’) are used
3, 841 times (38.6%), high-magnitude quantifiers (‘all’, ‘almost all’, ‘many’, ‘most’)
4, 706 times (47.3%). As far as both the proportion and the cardinality of targets are
concerned, the quantifiers turn out to be ordered on the following scale: ‘none’, ‘almost
none’, ‘few’, ‘the smaller part’, ‘some’, ‘many’, ‘most’, ‘almost all’, ‘all’. By looking
at the proportions defining each quantifier, an almost perfect mirroring can be observed
between ‘none-all’ (∼ 0%-100%), ‘almost none-almost all’ (∼ 20%-80%), ‘the smaller
part-most‘ (∼ 30%-70%). Such a pattern can be better observed in Figure 4.3, which
shows the frequency distribution of responses across proportions of targets. As can
be seen, the quantifiers involved in these pairs have similar ‘peaks’ and distributions,
though different frequencies.
In order to explore the role of cardinality of the target items in the scene, we separated
the trials where the target items fell within the range of extremely well enumerable
cardinalities (i.e. the so called ‘subitizing’ range, corresponding to scenes containing
up to 3 animals) from those containing more than 3 items. The distribution of responses
4.3. Analysis and Results 45
Figure 4.3: Density plot reporting the frequency distribution of responses for the 9
quantifiers (y-axis) against the proportion of targets in the scene (x-axis).
can be observed in Figure 4.4, which reports quantifiers frequency for scenes within the
subitizing range (leftmost panel) and exceeding the subitizing range (rightmost panel).
It should be noted that while in the former the whole range of quantifiers is used (though
‘many’ has an extremely low frequency), in the latter both ‘none’ and ‘almost none’
disappear, with an increasing use of quantifiers like ‘most’ and ‘many’. It is worth
mentioning that the choice of setting the subitizing threshold to 3 was aimed at making
our results directly comparable to those reported by Coventry et al. (2005, 2010), who
experimented with such setting.
Figure 4.4: Density plots reporting frequency distribution of responses against propor-
tion of targets for scenes whose number of targets is within the subitizing range (left)
and exceeding it (right).
46 Chapter 4. Probing the Quantifier Scale: Two Behavioral Studies.
Table 4.2: AIC scores for each of the models. Bold values (lowest) correspond to best
models. Empty cells indicate cases for which the number of datapoints was too low to
perform statistical analyses.
Seven variables were used as predictors: (a) proportion of targets, (b) cardinality of
targets, (c) cardinality of non-targets, (d) subitizing/non-subitizing range (dichotomic
dummy variable), (e) average size of targets, (f) average size of non-targets2 . In total,
52 models were tested. All models were mixed-effect logistic regressions (Baayen et al.,
2008) with one fixed predictor (see above) and 3 random factorial variables, namely (1)
participant, (2) experimental block, and (3) position of the quantifier in the response
The average size of the targets was obtained by dividing their weigthed sum (each large target was
multiplied by 1, medium ones by 0.75, small ones by 0.5) by the number of targets in the scene. The
same criteria and procedure were used for non-targets. For intuitive reasons, scenes containing either 0
targets or 0 non-targets were excluded from this analysis.
4.3. Analysis and Results 47
Table 4.3: Estimate, z-value and p-value of the quadratic term for each of the best
grid. By including these random variables in the models, we ensured that significant
effects were estimated for the whole set and not just for a sample of stimuli. That is,
we ensured that the effects were not due to the variability among participants, blocks of
stimuli, position of the quantifier word in the response grid. To better fit the data, all
the models except (d) treated the predictor as a second-order polynomial variable. Logit
models were performed using the function lmer() implemented in the package lme4.
To compare different models, raw AIC scores and AIC weights were used. Since, in all
cases, AIC weights for the lowest-AIC model approximated 1 (i.e. the total weight of
the models considered), Table 4.2 reports only AIC scores for all models. As can be
seen, for 8 quantifiers out of 9, the best model (i.e. the one with the lowest information
loss) turned out to be the one using proportion of targets (% targ). In one case, namely
‘almost none’, the best model was instead the one using cardinality of targets (n targ)
as the predictor. The models based on all other predictors (cardinality of non-targets,
subitizing/non-subitizing range, and either targets or non-targets average size) never
emerged as the best ones for any quantifier.
It is worth stressing that AIC scores do not say anything about the absolute quality of the
model, i.e. the testing of the null hypothesis. Once established the best models based on
the AIC score, we could inspect them using the traditional null-hypothesis testing. For
all best models, both the linear and the quadratic term of the polynomial variable turned
out to be highly significant (p<.0001), meaning that each quantifier can be reliably
predicted against the other quantifiers by means of the polynomial form of the given
predictor. In Table 4.3, we report Estimate, z-value and p-value of the quadratic term
(2nd order term) for each of the selected models.
Based on the well-reported effects due to subitizing, we analyzed separately the dat-
48 Chapter 4. Probing the Quantifier Scale: Two Behavioral Studies.
Table 4.4: AIC score, estimate, z-value and p-value of the quadratic term (linear term
for ‘almost all’) for each of the best models in the subitizing range.
apoints within the subitizing range, i.e. cardinality of targets up to 3 included. The
intuition behind that is that when the target items are very easily enumerable (in the
subitizing range), their absolute number might be a better predictor of the quantifier
used by subjects than the proportion. To test this hypothesis, the same kind of analysis
as above was performed on the split data (3, 771 datapoints). For all quantifiers except
‘almost all’, the best models turned out to be the polynomial ones, whereas for ‘almost
all’ the best model was the linear one. Table 4.4 reports AIC score, Estimate, z-value,
and p-value of the quadratic term (linear term for ‘almost all’) for the best models in the
subitizing range. As can be noticed, in the subitizing range the low-magnitude quan-
tifiers ‘none’, ‘almost none’, and ‘few’ are better modeled by the absolute number of
animals rather than by the proportion of targets. This suggests that the choice of these
quantifiers in this range relies more on evaluating the set of targets on its own than
comparing it against the set of non-targets.
Figure 4.5: Heatmap reporting the average semantic similarity between quantifiers pairs.
The lighter the blue, the more similar the pair.
The pattern of estimated similarities across quantifiers indicated that quantifiers are rep-
resented on an ordered but highly non-linear scale. A visualization of that can be ob-
served in Figure 4.5, where a heatmap depicting the average semantic similarity between
quantifier pairs is reported. Three interesting features can be appreciated: First, the or-
dered aspect of the internal scale can be seen by observing a roughly graded decrease
in similarity as pairs move away from the diagonal. This indicates a rough ‘distance
effect’, indexing an internal ordered scale. This distance effect appears stronger for
low-magnitude quantifiers compared to high-magnitude ones. This can be appreciated
qualitatively by inspecting Figure 4.6, where the bell functions peaking around the low-
magnitude quantifiers (‘few’, ‘the smaller part’, ‘almost none’, ‘none’) appear sharper
compared to those characterizing the high-magnitude quantifiers (‘many’, ‘most’, ‘al-
most all’, ‘all’).
Second, it appears that this graded effect is mostly confined in quantifiers that refer to
similar magnitudes, and disappears for very distant quantifiers. Indeed, there seems to
be a clear-cut distinction between low-magnitude and high-magnitude quantifiers. In
this respect, ‘some’ turns out to be a ‘hinge’ between low- and high-magnitude quanti-
50 Chapter 4. Probing the Quantifier Scale: Two Behavioral Studies.
Figure 4.6: Line plot reporting the average semantic similarity between quantifiers.
fiers. It should be observed that none of the items are judged to be as extremely simi-
lar/dissimilar to it, with the lowest average similarity being equal to 3.08 (‘all-some’),
and the highest being equal to 4.8 (‘few-some’). Though halfway between low- and
high-magnitude quantifiers, however, ‘some’ results to be closer to the former than
to the latter group. Finally, we observe a rather small but systematic linguistic ‘anti-
nomy effect’: For each quantifier (with the exception of ‘some’) the most dissimilar
item is represented not by the extreme on the other side of the scale, but by its linguistic
antonym: The lowest similarity ratings are those among ‘none-all’, ‘almost none-almost
all’, ‘the smaller part-most’, ‘few-many’ (this can be appreciated by the presence of an
orthogonal diagonal to the main one in the similarity matrix).
To pool together the pattern of judgements and reconstruct the shape of the internal rep-
resentation, we performed a metric Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) analysis. Such
technique is commonly used to visualize the degree of similarity between objects by
placing them on a N-dimensional space where distances between them are preserved.
Figure 4.7 shows the results of the analysis when taking into account two dimensions.
By performing a goodness-of-fit analysis, it turned out that the first dimension only, de-
picted along the x-axis in the plot, accounts for 98.66% of the variance of the original
data (R2 =0.9866, F(1, 34)=2496.81, p<.0001). As shown in Figure 4.7, such dimen-
sion clearly separates low-magnitude quantifiers from high-magnitude quantifiers, with
‘some’ somehow in between, though closer to the former block. By including the second
dimension, the variance accounted for by the model increases to 98.80% (R2 =0.9880,
4.4. Discussion 51
Figure 4.7: Plot reporting the absolute distance of quantifiers as resulting from a two-
dimension metric MDS analysis.
F(1, 34)=2803.18, p<.0001), which is almost a perfect fit. Such dimension neatly repre-
sents magnitude: From low to high, along the y-axis. This analysis further confirms that
low-magnitude quantifiers are better separated among them, indicating that they corre-
spond to sharper representations. This allows their ordering on a scale to emerge very
clearly, with ‘none’ being followed by ‘almost none’ that, in turn, is followed by ‘few’
and ‘the smaller part’ (which are not well separated among each other), and eventually
by ‘some’. On the contrary, high-magnitude quantifiers, while still being ordered along
a scale, are extremely close to each other, indicating that their representations overlap
4.4 Discussion
In this chapter, I explored the use of quantifiers in both their visually-grounded and
abstract representation. By asking participants to choose the quantifier that best repre-
sented the quantity of animals in a number of visual scenes, Experiment 1 was aimed at
investigating the factors which contribute in determining the visually-grounded repre-
sentation of such linguistic expressions. We showed that the proportion of targets is the
best predictor for 8 quantifiers out of 9, with ‘almost none’ being better described by the
cardinality of the target set. When zooming into the subitizing range, with cardinality
52 Chapter 4. Probing the Quantifier Scale: Two Behavioral Studies.
of animals up to 3, the absolute number of targets turned out to be the best predictor for
‘none’ and ‘few’ besides ‘almost none’, thus suggesting that when the information about
precise number is available it becomes crucial for discriminating among low-magnitude
These findings are generally in line with previous studies investigating the appropriate-
ness of quantifiers evaluated against visual scenes (Coventry et al., 2005, 2010). Using a
different experimental design (evaluating the appropriateness of a number of quantifier-
embedding sentences against a given visual scene), a different set of quantifiers (‘a few’,
‘few’, ‘several’, ‘many’, ‘lots of’), and without constraining the exposure time to the
scene, these works showed that the number of both targets and non-targets is predictive
of the quantifier appropriateness. With cardinality of targets equal to 3 (their subitiz-
ing case), however, the use of quantifiers was no longer affected by the cardinality of
the non-target objects. An exception was represented by ‘few’, which was affected by
both (Coventry et al., 2010). On the one hand, our finding that proportion is overall
the best predictor is not in contradiction with the effect of both number of targets and
number of non-targets. Rather, we believe ours to be just a better measure to assess the
contribution of both sets in determining quantifiers’ use. On the other hand, the results
we obtained in the subitizing range reinforce and better prove the increasingly impor-
tant role of precise number in discriminating between low-magnitude quantifiers. In our
study, interestingly, the only low-magnitude quantifier whose interpretation turned out
to be best predicted by the proportion of targets also in the subitizing range was ‘the
smaller part’, whose reading is intuitively more proportional compared to the others.
Finally, it is worth stressing that our 340 visual scenes were balanced with respect to
ratios, whereas the 36 used by Coventry et al. (2005, 2010) were balanced for target
cardinality. Moreover, in the present work each ratio was represented by all possible
combinations of cardinalities, whereas Coventry and colleagues experimented with ra-
tios that were mostly depicted by just one combination. Finally, our subitizing range
included four cardinalities, namely 0, 1, 2, and 3 – not just the number 3.
As far as the effect of object size is concerned, we found this factor not to be among
the most predictive ones. This finding is in partial contrast with the results reported
by Newstead and Coventry (2000), who showed a role of size in the task of evaluating
quantifiers over scenes depicting dots placed in a container. In that study, both the dots
and the container size were found to play a role: Low-magnitude quantifiers were found
to be more appropriate when the dots were small and when the container was big. In our
task, we solely investigated the size of the items, and found that this parameter was not
4.4. Discussion 53
among the best predictors of quantifiers’ use. This difference might be due to the differ-
ent experimental settings: First, our scenes contain both target and non-target objects –
not only targets. Second, we vary the size of the objects in a way that there are no scenes
depicting, e.g., only small or large objects. Third, we employ a larger set of quantifiers,
thus participants have more alternatives compared to the previous study. Moreover, con-
trary to us, Newstead and Coventry (2000) allowed subjects to explore the scenes for an
infinite time, such that they might have used a different visuo-spatial strategy (namely,
exact counting), and that might have influenced the enumeration process. Though we
showed that object size is not among the most predictive factors of quantifier use, in
our setting we could not rule out the possibility that participants relied on information
regarding the area occupied by objects. To address this issue, the total number of pixels
occupied in each scene by target and non-target objects should be controlled.
By asking participants to rate the degree of semantic similarity between quantifier pairs,
Experiment 2 was aimed at testing whether these expressions are mentally ordered and,
if so, which are the features of the resulting scale. We showed that, even without relying
on any quantitative or contextual information, quantifiers do lie on an ordered scale,
as resulting from a Multi-Dimensional Scaling Analysis (Kruskal and Wish, 1978). In
particular, low-magnitude quantifiers (‘none’, ‘almost none’, ‘few’, ‘the smaller part’)
turned out to be perceived as being fairly distant from each other, thus suggesting that
their abstract semantic representation is well defined and nicely ordered on a scale. In
contrast, high-magnitude quantifiers (‘many’, ‘most’, ‘almost all’, ‘all’) turned out to
greatly overlap, though always along an ordered scale. Overall, these results suggest
that the mental representation of quantifiers is ordered and highly non-linear, with small
quantifiers better represented compared to large ones. This is highly reminiscent to
the well-reported logarithmic scale inferred both from comparative judgements across
numerical symbols and from the use of numerical symbols in perceptual quantifica-
tion (Nieder and Miller, 2003; Dehaene, 2003; Dehaene et al., 2008).
It is worth stressing that, in doing this task, neither quantitative (numbers, proportions,
etc.) nor explicit contextual (semantic) information was provided. That is, quantifiers
were judged in isolation, solely on the basis of their bare semantic similarity, while
in Holyoak and Glass (1978) participants were asked to rate dissimilarities between pair
of sentences embedding different quantifiers. Another interesting finding was the ten-
54 Chapter 4. Probing the Quantifier Scale: Two Behavioral Studies.
dency to assign the lowest rating (i.e. lowest semantic similarity) to the direct antonym.
For example, the most dissimilar word from ‘few’ was ‘many’, and not ‘none’. While
straightforward for the pair ‘none-all’, which also represent the two extreme endpoints
of the scale, this finding is in principle not trivial in all the other cases. This finding falls
off the prediction that quantifiers should solely lie on a quantitative scale (e.g. numeri-
cal or proportional) and suggests that, when asked to judge the semantic similarity of a
word pair, speakers also take into account lexico-semantic features, such as information
regarding the direct antonym (Miller and Fellbaum, 1991), as also reported by Hill et al.
Finally, it should be mentioned that previous work has investigated the scalar nature
of quantifiers from very different perspectives. With a set of 5 quantifiers and a task
which was similar to ours, for example, Holyoak and Glass (1978) claimed that quan-
tifiers can be described in terms of an unidimensional scale, essentially representing
analog quantities. The authors, however, did not overtly exclude that information re-
garding other non-quantitative related semantic features might still be included in the
memory representation of quantifiers. In contrast with the unidimensional nature of the
quantifier scale was Routh (1994), whose results on a freesort task with 20 quantifiers
suggested that several other components are in place beyond the quantity scale. Another
study (Montalto et al., 2010) also adopted a similar paradigm where a number of Ital-
ian quantifiers (yet different from the list of quantifiers investigated in our study) were
compared to each other on a magnitude scale: Given pairs of quantifiers subjects had to
indicate if and which of the two indicated the largest amount. Differently from our ex-
periment, however, subjects were given the possibility to indicate that the two quantifiers
did not differ in the implicated amount. Results suggested that subjects lump quantifiers
in two blocks, one comprising low and the other high-magnitude ones, with no hint of
a continuous scale. However, there is the serious possibility that these results do not
directly reflect the true mental scale but rather the degree of certainty, such that when
prompted with uncertain decisions subjects indicated an absence of differentiation.
4.4. Discussion 55
As for the theoretical implications of our work, our results provide evidence in support
of some well-established assumptions on quantifiers. First, our findings show that quan-
tifiers neither correspond to an exact number of entities nor to a fixed proportion (see
section 2.3). This can be taken as an evidence in favor of their non-referential status,
even in the new light shed by the integration of perception and quantifiers.
Second, our results do not shed new light on the proposal that ‘few’ and ‘many’ are
not-extensional since, in our experiments, contextual factors were deliberately avoided.
However, it is worth noticing that in Experiment 1 the meaning of ‘few’ is found to be
ambiguous: It mostly depends on the number of targets in the subitizing range, on the
proportion of targets in the whole data. This might be seen as an effect of a perceptual
‘contextual’ factor: ‘Few’ is more dependent on the perceptual context than are other
quantifiers. However, the same effect was not observed for ‘many’.
Third, our results are consistent with the literature on scalar implicatures (Grice, 1975)
in the pragmatic use of quantifiers. In particular, both the ordering of quantifiers (from
low- to high- magnitudes) and their narrow range of application observed in Experi-
ment 1 suggest that, to some extent, speakers interpret such expressions as having an
upper boundary which excludes the use of more informative options when these options
are not true or uncertain (Horn, 1984). That is, participants choose the most informa-
tive quantifier ‘all’ (and not e.g. ‘some’, which would be logically true) when they
are certain about its applicability (see also Degen and Tanenhaus (2015)). Similar im-
plications can be drawn from Experiment 2, where the characteristics of the abstract
representation might indicate that speakers have an internal representation of quantifier
informative strength. Based on our findings, one possibility is that scalar implicatures
are stronger for low-magnitude quantifiers (which turn out to be extremely well-defined
and distinct from each other) than for high-magnitude ones (which are perceived to be
very similar). We leave this issue for future research and refer the reader to Oaksford
et al. (2002) for interesting results on the use of quantifiers as referring to different
ranges of numerosities and their effect on informativeness.
Fourth, the results of Experiment 2 are in line with the position that the meaning of
quantifiers is not only about amounts, numbers, or proportions. Indeed, similarity judg-
ments provided by participants turned out to be dependent on lexico-semantic factors
(e.g. antonymy) besides magnitude. This evidence is also in line with previous findings
56 Chapter 4. Probing the Quantifier Scale: Two Behavioral Studies.
Fifth, our results overall suggest that the meanings of quantifiers are at least partially
tied to the representation of quantities. Though this is probably not enough to devise a
general semantics for such expressions, we believe quantitative aspects to constitute the
basis of quantifier meanings.
In sum, our results indicate that, in grounded contexts, quantifiers primarily represent
proportions and not absolute cardinalities. They also show that quantifiers are mentally
represented on a quantity scale which is well ordered and highly non-linear, bearing
interesting similarities to the mental representation of both numerical quantities and
continuous magnitudes. While our results cannot endorse one possibility over the other,
they firmly support the view that quantifiers are mentally represented in a way that
partially reflects the way we perceive quantities through our senses.
In the next chapter, I build on the evidence that numbers and quantifiers have differ-
ent quantitative representations, and test whether two computational mechanisms are
required to learn them from visual scenes.
Chapter 5
Quantifiers vs Cardinals:
Two Computational Mechanisms
In this chapter, I focus on the computational operations underlying the use of cardinals
(one, two, three, and four) and quantifiers (no, few, most, and all) when referring to
objects that are grounded in visual scenes. Inspired by the evidence that, in humans, the
two processes imply fairly different cognitive (see Chapter 4) and neural mechanisms,
I propose that distinct models are required for learning the meaning of such expres-
sions from images containing multiple objects. I show that a model capitalizing on a
‘fuzzy’ measure of similarity is effective for learning quantifiers, whereas the learning
of cardinals is better accomplished when ‘exact’ information is provided.
5.1 Introduction
In everyday life, people can refer to quantities by using either cardinals (e.g. one, two,
three) or natural language quantifiers (e.g. few, most, all). Although they share a num-
ber of syntactic, semantic and pragmatic properties (Hurewitz et al., 2006), and they are
both learned in a fairly stable order of acquisition across languages (Wynn, 1992; Kat-
sos et al., 2016), these quantity expressions underlie fairly different cognitive and neu-
ral mechanisms. First, they are handled differently by the language acquisition system,
with children recognizing their disparate characteristics since early development, even
before becoming ‘full-counters’ (Hurewitz et al., 2006; Sarnecka and Gelman, 2004;
Barner et al., 2009). Second, while the neural processing of cardinals relies on the brain
58 Chapter 5. Quantifiers vs Cardinals: Two Computational Mechanisms.
Figure 5.1: How many pets are dogs? Three/Most. Image credits:
region devoted to the representation of quantities, quantifiers rather elicit regions for
general semantic processing (Wei et al., 2014). Intuitively, cardinals and quantifiers re-
fer to quantities in a different way, with the former representing a mapping between a
word and the exact cardinality of a set, the latter expressing a ‘fuzzy’ numerical concept
denoting set relations or proportions of sets (Barner et al., 2009). As a consequence,
speakers can reliably answer questions involving quantifiers even in contexts that pre-
clude counting (Pietroski et al., 2009), as well as children lacking exact cardinality con-
cepts can understand and appropriately use quantifiers in grounded contexts (Halberda
et al., 2008; Barner et al., 2009). That is, knowledge about (large) precise numbers is
neither necessary nor sufficient for learning the meaning of quantifiers.
Inspired by this evidence, the present study proposes two computational models for
learning the meaning of cardinals and quantifiers from visual scenes. Our hypothesis
is that learning cardinals requires taking into account the number of instances of the
target object in the scene (e.g. number of dogs in Figure 5.1). Learning quantifiers,
instead, would be better accomplished by a model capitalizing on a measure evaluat-
ing the ‘fuzzy’ amount of target objects in the scene (e.g. proportion of ‘dogness’ in
Figure 5.1). In particular, we focus on those cases where both quantification strate-
gies might be used, namely scenes containing target (dogs) and distractor objects (cats).
Our approach is thus different from salient objects detection, where the distinction tar-
gets/distractors is missing (Borji et al., 2015; Zhang et al., 2015b, 2016). With respect
to cardinals, our approach is similar to Seguı́ et al. (2015), who propose a model for
counting people in natural scenes, and to more recent work aimed at counting either
everyday objects in natural images (Chattopadhyay et al., 2017) or geometrical objects
with attributes in synthetic scenes (Johnson et al., 2017). With respect to quantifiers,
5.1. Introduction 59
our approach is similar to Sorodoc et al. (2016), who use quantifiers no, some, and all to
quantify over sets of colored dots. Differently from ours, however, all these works tackle
the issue as either a classification problem or a Visual Question Answering task, with
less focus on learning the meaning representation of each cardinal/quantifier. To our
knowledge, this is the first attempt to jointly investigate both mechanisms and to obtain
the meaning representaton of each cardinal/quantifier as resulting from a language-to-
vision mapping.
Based on their geometric intepretation, we propose to use cosine and dot product sim-
ilarity between the target object and the scene as our functions for modeling quantifiers
and cardinals, respectively. The former, ranging from -1 to 1, evaluates the similarity
between two vectors with respect to their orientation and irrespectively of their mag-
nitudes. That is, the more two vectors are overall similar, the closer they are. Ideally,
cosine similarity between an image depicting a dog and a scene containing either 3 or 10
dogs without distractors (hence, ‘all’) should be equal to 1. Therefore, it would indicate
that the the proportion of ‘dogness’ in the scene is highest. Dot product, on the other
hand, is defined as the product of the cosine between two vectors and their Euclidean
magnitudes. By taking into account the magnitudes, this measure ideally encodes in-
formation regarding the number of times a target object is repeated in the scene. In the
above-mentioned example, indeed, dot product would be 3 and 10, respectively. In this
simplified setting, thus, it would be equal to the number of ‘dogs’.
5.2 Data
In order to test our hypothesis, we need a dataset of visual scenes which crucially in-
clude multiple objects. Moreover, some objects in the scene should be repeated, so
that we might say, for instance, that out of 5 objects ‘three’/‘most’ are dogs. Although
a large number of image datasets are currently available (see Lin et al. (2014) among
many others), no one fully satisfies these requirements. Typically, images depict one
salient object and even when multiple salient objects are present, only a handful of
cases contain both targets and distractors (Zhang et al., 2015b, 2016).
To bypass these issues, in the present work we experiment with synthetic visual scenes
(hence, scenarios) that are made up by at most 9 images each representing one object.
The choice of using a ‘patchwork’ of object-depicting images is motivated by the need
of representing a reasonably large variability (e.g. ‘few’ refer to scenes containing 2
target objects out of 7 as well as 1/5, 4/9, etc.). This way, we avoid matching a quantifier
always with the same number of target objects (except no, that is always represented by
0 targets), and allow cardinals to be represented by scenes with different numbers of
distractors. At the same time, we get rid of any issues related to object localization.
We experiment with quantifiers (hence, Qs) no, few, most, and all, which we defined
a priori by ratios 0%, 1-49%, 51-99% and 100%, respectively. Consistently with our
goals, this arguably simplified setting does neither take into account pragmatic uses of
Qs (i.e. we treat them as lying on an ordered scale) nor reflect possible overlappings.
For these reasons, we avoid using quantifiers as some whose meaning overlaps with the
meaning of many others. As far as cardinals (hence, Cs) are concerned, we experiment
with scenarios in which the cardinality of the targets ranges from 1 to 4. Cs up to 4
are acquired by children incrementally at subsequent stages of their development, with
higher numbers being learned upon this knowledge with the ability of counting (Barner
et al., 2009). Also, Cs ranging from 1 to 3-4 are widely known to exhibit some peculiar
properties (i.e. their exact number can be immediately and effortlessly grasped) due to
which they are usually referred to as ‘subitizing’ range (Piazza et al., 2011; Railo et al.,
5.2. Data 61
We use images from ImageNet (Deng et al., 2009). Starting from the full list of 203
concepts and corresponding images extracted by Cassani (2014), we discarded those
concepts whose corresponding word had low/null frequency in the large corpus used
in (Baroni et al., 2014). To get rid of issues related to concept identification, we used a
single representation for each of the 188 selected concepts. Technically, we computed
a centroid vector by averaging the 4096-dimension visual features of the corresponding
images, which were extracted from the fc7 of a CNN (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014).
We used the VGG-19 model pretrained on the ImageNet ILSVRC data (Russakovsky
et al., 2015) implemented in the MatConvNet toolbox (Vedaldi and Lenc, 2015). Cen-
troid vectors were reduced to 100-d via PCA and further normalized to length 1 before
being used to build the scenarios. When building the scenarios, we put the constraint
that distractors have to be different from each other. Moreover, only distractors whose
visual cosine similarity with respect to the target is lower than the average are selected.
For each scenario, target and distractor vectors are summed together. As a result, each
scenario is represented by a 100-d vector.
We also experimented with scenarios where vectors are concatenated to obtain a 900-d
vector (empty ‘cells’ are filled with 0s vectors) and further reduced to 100-d via PCA.
Since the pattern of results in the only-vision evaluation (see section 5.3.1) turned out
to be similar to the results obtained in the ‘summed’ setting, we will only focus on the
‘summed’ setting.
5.2.2 Datasets
We built one dataset for Cs and one for Qs, each containing 4512 scenarios.1 We then
split each of the two in one 3008-datapoint Training Dataset (Train) for training and
validation and one 1504-datapoint Testing Dataset (Test) for testing. The two datasets
were split according to their ‘combinations’, that is the mixture of targets and distractors
in the scenario. As reported in Table 5.1, we kept 4 different combinations for each C/Q
in Train and 2 in Test. Note that the numerator refers to the number of targets, the
denominator to the total number of objects. The number of distractors is thus given
by the difference between the two values. To illustrate, in Train-q ‘few’ is represented
A visual representation of our scenarios is provided in the rightmost side of Figure 5.4, while Fig-
ure 5.1 is only intended to provide a more intuitive overview of the task.
62 Chapter 5. Quantifiers vs Cardinals: Two Computational Mechanisms.
Train-q Train-c
no few most all one two three four
0/1 1/6 2/3 1/1 1/1 2/2 3/3 4/4
0/2 2/5 3/4 2/2 1/3 2/3 3/4 4/5
0/3 2/7 3/5 3/3 1/4 2/5 3/5 4/6
0/4 3/8 4/5 4/4 1/6 2/7 3/8 4/7
Test-q Test-c
no few most all one two three four
0/5 1/7 4/6 5/5 1/2 2/4 3/7 4/8
0/8 4/9 6/8 9/9 1/7 2/9 3/9 4/9
by scenarios 1/6, 2/5, 2/7, and 3/8, whereas in Test-q ‘few’ is represented by scenarios
1/7 and 4/9. The initial 4512 scenarios have been obtained by building a total of 24
different scenarios (6 combinations * 4 C/Q classes) for each of the 188 objects. A
particular effort has been paid in making the datasets as balanced as possible. When
designing the combinations for ‘few’ and ‘most’, for example, we controlled for the
proportion of targets in the scene, in order to avoid making one of the two easier to learn.
Also, combinations were thought to avoid biasing cardinals toward fixed proportions of
5.3 Experiments
As a first step, we carry out a preliminary evaluation aimed at exploring our visual data.
If our intuition about the information encoded by the two similarity measures is correct
(see section 5.1), we should observe that cosine is more effective than dot product in
distinguishing between different Qs, while the latter should be better than cosine for Cs.
Moreover, Qs/Cs should lie on an ordered scale. To test our hypothesis, we compute
cosine distances (i.e. 1−cosine, to avoid negative values) and dot product similarity
for each target-scenario pair in both Train and Test (e.g. dog vs 2/5 dogs). Figure 5.2
reports the distribution of Qs with respect to cosine (left) and Cs with respect to dot
product (right) in Train. As can be seen from the boxplots, both Qs and Cs are ordered
on a scale. In particular, cosine distance is highest in no scenarios (where the target is
not present), lowest in all scenarios. For Cs, dot product is highest in four scenarios,
5.3. Experiments 63
Figure 5.2: Left: Qs against cosine distance. Right: Cs against dot product.
Our intuition is further confirmed by the results of a radial-kernel SVM classifier fed
with either cosine or dot product similarities as predictors.2 Qs are better predicted by
cosine than dot product (78.6% vs 63.8%), whereas dot product is a better predictor of
Cs than cosine (68.7% vs 44.7%). As shown in Figure 5.3, the ordered scale is indeed
represented to a much lesser extent when Qs are plotted against dot product (left) and
Cs against cosine (right). A similar pattern of SVM results and similar plots emerged
when experimenting with Test.
Our core proposal is that the meaning of each C/Q can be learned by means of a cross-
modal mapping between the linguistic representation of the target object (e.g. dog, mug,
etc.) and a number of scenarios representing the target object in a given C/Q setting
(e.g. ‘two’/‘few’ dogs). In our approach, each word (e.g. dog) is represented by a 400-d
embedding built with the CBOW architecture of word2vec (Mikolov et al., 2013) and
the best-predictive parameters of Baroni et al. (2014) on a 2.8B tokens corpus. The
original 400-d vectors are further reduced to 100-d via PCA before being fed into the
Figure 5.4 reports a single learning event of our proposed model. Each C/Q (e.g. two,
few) is learned as a separate function that maps each of the 188 words representing our
We experimented with linear, polynomial, and radial kernels. We only report results obtained with
default radial kernel, that turned out to be the overall best model.
64 Chapter 5. Quantifiers vs Cardinals: Two Computational Mechanisms.
2 ●
1.0 ●
● ●
Figure 5.3: Left: Qs against dot product. Right: Cs against cosine distance.
selected concepts to its corresponding 4 scenarios in Train (see section 5.2.2). To illus-
trate, the meaning of few is learned by mapping each word into the 4 visual scenes where
the amount of ‘targetness’ is less than 50% (see section 5.2), whereas two is learned by
mapping each word to the scenarios where the number of targets is 2, and so on. This
mapping, we conjecture, would mimic the multimodal mechanism by which children
acquire the meaning of both Cs and Qs (see Halberda et al. (2008)). Once learned, the
function representing each C/Q can be evaluated against scenarios containing an unseen
mixture of (known) target objects and distractors. If it has encoded the correct meaning
of the quantified expression, the function will retrieve the unseen scenarios containing
the correct quantity (either exact or fuzzy) of target objects.
Figure 5.4: One learning event of our proposed cross-modal mapping. Cosine is used
for quantifiers (few), dot product for cardinals (two).
5.4. Results 65
We experiment with three different models: linear (lin), cosine neural network (nn-cos),
dot-product neural network (nn-dot). The first model is a simple linear mapping. The
second is a single-layer neural network (activation function ReLU) that maximizes the
cosine similarity between input (linguistic) and output vector (visual). The third is a
similar neural network that approximates to 1 the dot product between input and output.
We evaluate the mapping functions by means of a retrieval task aimed at picking up
the correct scenarios from Test among the set of 8 scenarios built upon the same target
object. Recall that in Test there are 2 combinations * 4 C/Q classes for each concept.
5.4 Results
As reported in Table 5.2, nn-cos is overall the best model for Qs, whereas nn-dot is
the best model for Cs. In particular, mean average precision (mAP) is higher in nn-
cos for 3 out of 4 Qs, with only most reaching slightly better mAP in Q nn-dot due to
the high number of cases confounded with all by the Q nn-cos model (see Table 5.3).
Conversely, both mAP and precision at top-2 positions (P2) for Cs are always higher
in nn-dot compared to the other models. From a qualitative analysis of the results, it
emerges that both the best-predictive models make ‘plausible’ errors, i.e. they confound
Cs/Qs that are close to each other in the ordered scale. Table 5.3 reports the confusion
matrices for the best performing models. Besides retrieving more cases of all instead
of (correct) most, the Q nn-cos model often confounds few with no. Similarly, the C
nn-dot model often confounds three with four, one with two, two with three, and so
on. Overall, both models pick up very few or no responses that are on the opposite end
of the ‘scale’, thus suggesting that the meaning representation they learn encodes, to a
66 Chapter 5. Quantifiers vs Cardinals: Two Computational Mechanisms.
Table 5.3: Left: Q nn-cos, retrieved cases in top-2 positions. Right: same for C nn-dot.
certain extent, information about the ordered position of the quantified expressions.
5.5 Discussion
In this work, we focused on the objective functions needed to learn cardinals and quan-
tifiers and we employed a ‘one expression, one model’ approach. That is, we modeled
each cardinal (e.g. one) and quantifier (e.g. few) via a dedicated network rather than
using a unique model for all. This setting was partially inspired by neuroscience work
suggesting that, in human brain, each number would activate specific neurons, also
known as ‘number neurons’ (Nieder, 2016). Moreover, this approach allowed us to bet-
ter contrast the two versions of each model (three, if we include the linear one) and
5.5. Discussion 67
gain a better understanding of the role of the objective function. However, a valuable
and only partially competing approach would be to implement a single model for learn-
ing several cardinals or quantifiers at a time. Even further, one possibility would be to
test a unique architecture in the task of modeling jointly cardinals and quantifiers, or
quantifiers and other, more compatible quantity expressions (e.g. comparatives).
5.5.3 Limitations
Though we proved the validity of our intuition on the different learning mechanisms,
both the visual scenes (fully synthetic) and the definition of quantifiers (fixed ranges of
proportions) were arguably rather simplistic. In the next chapter, I overcome most of
these limitations by both using the more complex visual data introduced in Chapter 4
and by computationally modeling the probabilities associated with the human choice
of quantifiers in grounded contexts. Following the intuition described in section 5.5.2,
I propose a multi-task learning architecture for jointly modeling quantifiers (‘most’),
comparatives (‘more’), and proportions (‘80%’). As for the visual scenes, they differ
from those used in this chapter by several aspects: They depict a higher number of total
objects (up to 20) and the size, orientation and spatial arrangement of the objects are
randomly varied.
68 Chapter 5. Quantifiers vs Cardinals: Two Computational Mechanisms.
Chapter 6
6.1 Introduction
Understanding and producing sentences like ‘There are more cars than parking lots’,
‘Most of the supporters wear blue t-shirts’, ‘Twenty percent of the trees have been
planted last year’, or ‘Seven students passed the exam’, is a fundamental competence
which allows speakers to communicate information about quantities. Crucially, the type
of information conveyed by these expressions, as well as their underlying cognitive
70 Chapter 6. A Multi-Task Model for Learning Quantity Expressions from Vision.
First, comparatives (‘more’, ‘less’), quantifiers (‘some’, ‘most’, ‘all’), and proportions
(‘20%’, ‘two thirds’) express a comparison or relation between sets (e.g., between the
set of cars and the set of parking lots). Such relational information is rather coarse
when expressed by comparatives and vague quantifiers, more precise when denoted by
proportions. In contrast, numbers (‘one’, ‘six’, ‘twenty-two’) denote the exact, absolute
cardinality of the items belonging to one set (e.g., the set of students who passed the
Second, during language acquisition, these expressions are neither learned at the same
time nor governed by the same rules. Recent evidence showed that children can under-
stand comparatives at around 3.3 years (Odic et al., 2013; Bryant, 2017), with quantifiers
being learned a few months later, at around 3.4-3.6 years (Hurewitz et al., 2006; Minai,
2006; Halberda et al., 2008). Crucially, knowing the meaning of numbers, an ability
that starts not before the age of 3.5 years (Le Corre and Carey, 2007), is not required
to understand and use these expressions. As for proportions, they are acquired signifi-
cantly later, being fully mastered only at the age of 9 or 10 (Hartnett and Gelman, 1998;
Moss and Case, 1999; Sophian, 2000).
Third, converging evidence from cognition and neuroscience supports the hypothesis
that some important components of these expressions of quantity are grounded on a
preverbal, non-symbolic system representing magnitudes (Piazza, 2010). This system,
often referred to as Approximate Number System (ANS), is invariant to the sensory
modality and almost universal in the animal domain, and consists in the ability of holis-
tically extracting and comparing approximate numerosities (Piazza and Eger, 2016).
In humans, it is present since the youngest age, with 6-month-old infants being able
to automatically compare sets and combine them by means of proto-arithmetical op-
erations (Xu and Spelke, 2000; McCrink and Wynn, 2004). Since it obeys Weber’s
law, according to which highly differing sets (e.g. 2:8) are easier to discriminate than
highly similar sets (e.g. 7:8), ANS has been recently claimed to be a ratio-based mech-
anism (Sidney et al., 2017; Matthews et al., 2016). In support of this, behavioral find-
ings indicate that, in non-symbolic contexts (e.g. visual scenes), proportional values
are extracted holistically, i.e. without relying on the pre-computed cardinalities of the
sets (Fabbri et al., 2012; Yang et al., 2015). Indeed, people are fairly accurate in provid-
ing the proportion of targets in a scene, even in high-speed settings (Healey et al., 1996;
6.1. Introduction 71
Figure 6.1: Toy representation of the quantification tasks and corresponding outputs
explored in the chapter. Note that quantification always refers to animals (target set).
Altogether, this suggests that performing (1) set comparison, (2) vague quantification,
and (3) proportional estimation, which all rely on information regarding relations among
sets, underlies increasingly-complex steps of the same mechanism. Notably, such com-
plexity would range from ‘more/less’ judgements to proportional estimation, as sug-
gested by the increasing precision of ANS through years (Halberda and Feigenson,
2008), the reported boundary role of ‘half’ in early proportional reasoning (Spinillo
and Bryant, 1991), and the different age of acquisition of the corresponding linguistic
expressions. Finally, the ratio-based operation underlying these task would be different
from (and possibly conflicting with) that of estimating the absolute numerosity of one
set. Indeed, absolute numbers are found to interfere with the access to proportions (Fab-
bri et al., 2012).
Inspired by this converging evidence, the present work proposes a computational frame-
work to explore various quantification tasks in the visual domain (see Figure 6.1). In
particular, we investigate whether ratio-based quantification tasks can be modeled by a
single, multi-task learning neural network. Given a synthetic scene depicting animals
(in our setting, the ‘target’ objects) and artifacts (‘non-target’), our model is designed
to jointly perform all the tasks by means of an architecture that reflects their increasing
complexity.1 To perform proportional estimation (the most complex), the model builds
on the representations learned to perform vague quantification and, in turn, set com-
parison (the least complex). We show that the multi-task model achieves both higher
accuracy and higher generalization power compared to the one-task models. In con-
Data and code can be found at
72 Chapter 6. A Multi-Task Model for Learning Quantity Expressions from Vision.
trast, we prove that introducing the absolute number task in the loop is not beneficial
and indeed hurts the performance.
Our main contribution lies in the novel application and evaluation of a multi-task learn-
ing architecture on the task of jointly modeling 3 different quantification operations. On
the one hand, our results confirm the interdependency of the mechanisms underlying the
tasks of set comparison, vague quantification, and proportional estimation. On the other,
we provide further evidence on the effectiveness of these computational architectures.
In recent years, the task of extracting quantity information from visual scenes has been
tackled via Visual Question Answering (VQA). Given a real image and a natural lan-
guage question, a VQA computational model is asked to understand the image, the
linguistic query, and their interaction to provide the correct answer. So-called count
questions, i.e. ‘How many Xs have the property Y?’, are very frequent and have been
shown to be particularly challenging for any model (Antol et al., 2015; Malinowski
et al., 2015; Ren et al., 2015; Fukui et al., 2016). The difficulty of the task has been
further confirmed by the similarly poor performance achieved even on the ‘diagnostic’
datasets, which include synthetic visual scenes depicting geometric shapes (Johnson
et al., 2017; Suhr et al., 2017).
More akin to our work is Stoianov and Zorzi (2012), who showed that hierarchical gen-
6.2. Related Work 73
erative models learn ANS as a statistical property of (synthetic) images. Their networks
were tested on the task of set comparison (‘more/less’) and obtained 93% accuracy. A
few studies specifically focused on the learning of quantifiers. Sorodoc et al. (2016)
proposed a model to assign the correct quantifier to synthetic scenes of colored dots,
whereas Sorodoc et al. (2018) operationalized the same task in a VQA fashion, using
real images and object-property queries (e.g. ‘How many dogs are black?’). Overall,
the results of these studies showed that vague quantification can be learned by neural
networks, though the performance is much lower when using real images and complex
queries. Finally, Pezzelle et al. (2017) (Chapter 5) investigated the difference between
the learning of cardinals and quantifiers from visual scenes, showing that they require
two distinct computational operations. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt to
jointly investigate the whole range of quantification mechanisms. Moreover, we are the
first to exploit a multi-task learning paradigm for exploring the interactions between set
comparison, vague quantification, and proportions.
Multi-Task Learning (MTL) has been shown to be very effective for a wide range of
applications in machine learning (for an overview, see Ruder (2017)). The core idea is
that different and yet related tasks can be jointly learned by a multi-purpose model rather
than by separate and highly fine-tuned models. Since they share representations between
related (or ‘auxiliary’) tasks, multi-task models are more robust and generalize better
than single-task models. Successful applications of MTL have been proposed in CV to
improve object classification (Girshick, 2015), face detection and rotation (Zhang et al.,
2014; Yim et al., 2015), and to jointly perform a number of tasks as object detection,
semantic segmentation, etc. (Misra et al., 2016; Li and Hoiem, 2016). Though, recently,
a few studies applied MTL techniques to either count or estimate the number of objects
in a scene (Sun et al., 2017; Sindagi and Patel, 2017), to our knowledge none of them
were devoted to the learning of various quantification mechanisms.
In the field of natural language processing (NLP), MTL turned out to be beneficial for
machine translation (Luong et al., 2016) and for a range of tasks such as chunking,
tagging, semantic role labelling, etc. (Collobert et al., 2011; Søgaard and Goldberg,
2016; Bingel and Søgaard, 2017). In particular, Søgaard and Goldberg (2016) showed
the benefits of keeping low-level tasks at the lower layers of the network, a setting
which enables higher-level tasks to make a better use of the shared representations.
74 Chapter 6. A Multi-Task Model for Learning Quantity Expressions from Vision.
Since this finding was also in line with previous evidence suggesting a natural order
among different tasks (Shen and Sarkar, 2005), further work proposed MTL models in
which several increasingly-complex tasks are hierarchically ordered (Hashimoto et al.,
2017). The intuition behind this architecture, referred to as ‘joint many-task model’
in the source paper (Hashimoto et al., 2017), as well as its technical implementation,
constitute the building blocks of the model proposed in the present study.
6.3.1 Tasks
Given a visual scene depicting a number of animals (targets) and artifacts (non-targets),
we explore the following tasks, represented in Figure 6.1:
(a) set comparison (hence, setComp), i.e. judging whether the targets are ‘more’,
‘same’, ‘less’ than non-targets;
(b) vague quantification (hence, vagueQ), i.e. predicting the probability to use each of
the 9 quantifiers (‘none’, ‘almost none’, ‘few’, ‘the smaller part’, ‘some’, ‘many’,
‘most’, ‘almost all’, ‘all’) to refer to the target set;
(c) proportional estimation (hence, propTarg), i.e. predicting the proportion of targets
choosing among 17 ratios, ranging from 0 to 100%.
Tasks (a) and (c) are operationalized as classification problems and evaluated through
accuracy. That is, only one answer out of 3 and 17, respectively, is considered as correct.
Given the vague status of quantifiers, whose meanings are ‘fuzzy’ and overlapping, task
(b) is evaluated by means of Pearson’s correlation (r) between the predicted and the
ground-truth probability vector (cf. section 6.3.2), for each datapoint.2 The overall
r is obtained by averaging these scores. It is worth mentioning that we could either
evaluate (b) in terms of a classification task or operationalize (a) and (c) in terms of
a correlation with human responses. The former evaluation is straightforward and can
be easily carried out by picking the quantifier with the highest probability. The latter,
We also experimented with Mean Average Error and dot product and found the same patterns of
results (not reported).
6.3. Tasks and Dataset 75
Figure 6.2: Two scenes included in our dataset. The letfmost one depicts a ratio 1:4 (3
animals, 12 artifacts, 15 total items), the rightmost one a ratio 2:3 (6, 9, 15).
in contrast, implies relying on behavioral data assessing the degree of overlap between
ground-truth classes and speakers’ choice. Though interesting, such evaluation is less
crucial given the discrete, non-overlapping nature of the classes in tasks (a) and (c).
The tasks are explored by means of a MTL network that jointly performs the three
quantification operations (see section 6.4.2). The intuition is that solving the lower-
level tasks would be beneficial for tackling the higher-level ones. In particular, provid-
ing a proportional estimation (‘80%’) after performing vagueQ (‘most’) and setComp
(‘more’) should lead to a higher accuracy in the highest-level task, which represents a
further step in complexity compared to the previous ones. Moreover, lower-level tasks
might be boosted in accuracy by the higher-level ones, since the latter include all the
operations that are needed to carry out the former. In addition to the MTL model, we
test a number of ‘one-task’ networks specifically designed to solve one task at a time
(see section 6.4.1).
6.3.2 Dataset
We built a large dataset of synthetic visual scenes depicting a variable number of ani-
mals and artifacts on the top of a neutral, grey background (see Figure 6.2). In doing
so, we employed the same methodology and materials used in Chapter 4, where the use
of quantifiers in grounded contexts was explored by asking participants to select the
most suitable quantifier for a given scene. Since the category of animals was always
treated as the ‘target’, and that of artifacts as the ‘non-target’, we will henceforth use
this terminology throughout the chapter. The scenes were automatically generated by
an in-house script using the following pipeline: (a) Two natural images, one depict-
76 Chapter 6. A Multi-Task Model for Learning Quantity Expressions from Vision.
ing a target object (e.g. a butterfly) and one depicting a non-target (e.g. a mug) were
randomly picked up from a sample of the dataset by Kiani et al. (2007). The sample
was obtained in Chapter 4, where we manually selected pictures depicting whole items
(not just parts) and whose color, orientation and shape were not deceptive. In total, 100
unique instances of animals and 145 unique instances of artifacts were included; (b)
The proportion of targets in the scene (e.g. 20%) was chosen by selecting one among
17 pre-defined ratios between targets:non-targets (e.g. 1:4, ‘four non-targets to one tar-
get’). Out of 17 ratios, 8 were positive (targets > 50%), 8 negative (targets < 50%),
and 1 equal (targets = 50%); (c) The absolute number of targets/non-targets was chosen
to equally represent the various combinations available for a given ratio (e.g., for ratio
1:4: 1-4, 2-8, 3-12, 4-16), with the constraint of having a number of total objects in the
scene (targets+non-targets) ranging from 3 to 20. In total, 97 combinations were repre-
sented in the dataset, with an average of 5.7 combinations/ratio (min 2, max 18); (d) To
inject some variability, the instances of target/non-target objects were randomly resized
according to one of three possible sizes (i.e. medium, big, and small) and flipped on the
vertical axis before being randomly inserted onto a 5*5-cell virtual grid. As reported in
Table 6.1, 17K scenes balanced per ratio (1K scenes/ratio) were generated and further
split into train (70%), validation (10%), and test (20%).
Ground-truth classes for the tasks of setComp and propTarg were automatically assigned
to each scene while generating the data. For vagueQ, we took the probability distribu-
tions obtained on a dataset of 340 scenes (see Chapter 4) and we applied them to our
datapoints, which were built in the exact same way. These probability distributions had
been collected by asking participants to select, from a list of 9 quantifiers (reported
in section 6.3.1), the most suitable one to describe the target objects in a visual scene
presented for 1 second. In particular, they were computed against the proportion of
targets in the scene, which in that study was shown to be the overall best predictor for
quantifiers. To illustrate, given a scene containing 20% of targets (cf. leftmost panel
in Figure 6.2), the probability of choosing ‘few’ (ranging from 0 to 1) is 0.38, ‘almost
none’ 0.27, ‘the smaller part’ 0.25, etc. It is worth mentioning that, for scenes contain-
ing either 100% or 0% targets the probability of choosing ‘all’ and ‘none’, respectively,
is around 1. In all other cases, the distribution of probabilities is fuzzier and reflects the
6.4. Models 77
largely overlapping use of quantifiers, as in the example above. On average, the proba-
bility of the most-chosen quantifier across ratios is 0.53. Though this number cannot be
seen as a genuine inter-annotator agreement score, it suggests that, on average, there is
one quantifier which is preferred over the others.
6.4 Models
In this section, we describe the various models implemented to perform the tasks. For
each model, several settings and parameters were evaluated by means of a thorough
ablation analysis. Based on a number of factors like performance, speed, and stability
of the networks, we opted for using ReLU nonlinear activation at all hidden layers and
the simple and effective Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) as optimizer (lr = 0.01).
We run each model for 100 epochs and saved weights and parameters of the epoch with
the lowest validation loss. The best model was then used to obtain the predictions in the
test set. All models were implemented using Keras.3
We implemented separate models to tackle one task at a time. For each task, in partic-
ular, both a network using ‘frozen’ (i.e. pretrained) visual features and one computing
the visual features in an ‘end-to-end’ fashion were tested.
One-Task-End2end These models are MLP networks that take as input the 203*203-
pixel image and compute the visual features by means of the embedded Inception v3
78 Chapter 6. A Multi-Task Model for Learning Quantity Expressions from Vision.
Figure 6.3: Architecture of the multi-task-prop model jointly performing (a) set
comparison, (b) vague quantification, and (c) proportional estimation. Given a 203*203-
pixel image as input, the model extracts a 25*2048 representation from the last Convolu-
tional layer of the Inception v3. Subsequently, the vectors are reduced twice via ReLU
hidden layers to 1024 and 512 dimensions. The 512-d vectors are concatenated and
reduced, then a softmax layer is applied to output a 3-d vector with probability distribu-
tions for task (a). The same structure (i.e., 2 hidden layers, concatenation, reduction, and
softmax) is repeated for tasks (b) and (c). All the tasks are trained with cross-entropy.
To evaluate tasks (a) and (c), in testing, we extract the highest-probability class and
compute accuracy, whereas task (b) is evaluated via Pearson’s correlation against the
9-d ground-truth probability vector.
module, which outputs 25*2048-d vectors (the grey and colored box in Figure 6.1).
Subsequently, the 25 feature vectors are reduced twice via ReLU hidden layers, then
concatenated, reduced (ReLU), and fed into a softmax layer to obtain the probability
The multi-task-prop model performs 3 tasks at the same time with an architecture
that reproduces in its order the conjectured complexity (see Figure 6.3 and its caption
for technical details). The model has a core structure, represented by layers 1-5 in the
6.5. Results 79
Table 6.2: Performance of the models in the tasks of set comparison (setComp), vague
quantification (vagueQ), proportional estimation (propTarg), and absolute number of
targets (nTarg). Values in bold are the highest.
figure, which is shared across tasks and trained with multiple outputs. In particular, (a)
layers 1, 2, and 3 are trained using information regarding the output of all 3 tasks. That
is, these layers are updated three times by as many backpropagation passes: One on the
top of setComp output, the second on the top of vagueQ output, the third on the top
of propTarg output; (b) layers 4 and 5 are affected by information regarding the output
of vagueQ and propTarg, and thus updated twice; (c) layers 6 and 7 are updated once,
on the top of the output of propTarg. Importantly, the three lower layers in Figure 6.3
(concatenation, ReLU, softmax) are not shared between the tasks, but specialized to
output each a specific prediction. As can be noted, the order of the tasks reflects their
complexity, since the last task in the pipeline has 2 more layers than the preceding one
and 4 more than the first one.
6.5 Results
Table 6.2 reports the performance of each model in the various tasks (note that the lowest
row and the rightmost column report results described in section 6.6.1). In setComp, all
the models are neatly above chance/majority level (0.47). The one-task-end2end
model achieves a remarkable 0.90 acc., which is more than 10% better compared to the
simple one-task-frozen model (0.78). The same pattern of results can be observed
for vagueQ, where the Pearson’s correlation (r) between the ground-truth and the pre-
dicted probability vector is around 0.96, that is more than 30% over the simpler model
(0.62). This gap increases even more in propTarg, where the accuracy of the frozen
model is more than 40 points below the one achieved by the one-task-end2end
model (0.21 against 0.66). These results firmly indicate that, on the one hand, the
frozen representation of the visual scene encodes little information about the propor-
80 Chapter 6. A Multi-Task Model for Learning Quantity Expressions from Vision.
Figure 6.4: PropTarg. Heatmap reporting the errors made by the multi-task-prop
model. Note that labels refer to ratios, i.e. 14 stands for ratio 1:4 (20% targets).
tion of targets (likely due to the the different task for which they were pretrained, i.e.
object classification). On the other hand, computing the visual features in an end-to-end
fashion leads to a significant improvement, suggesting that the network learns to pay
attention to features that are helpful for specific tasks.
The most interesting results, however, are those achieved by the multi-task model, which
turns out to be the best in all the tasks. As reported in Table 6.2, sharing the weights be-
tween the various tasks is especially beneficial for propTarg, where the accuracy reaches
0.92, that is, more than 25 points over the end-to-end, one-task model. An almost perfect
performance of the model in this task can be observed in Figure 6.4, which reports the
confusion matrix with the errors made by the model. As can be seen, the few errors are
between ‘touching’ classes, e.g. between ratio 3:4 (43% of targets) and ratio 2:3 (40%).
Since these classes differ by a very small percentage, we gain indirect evidence that the
model is learning some kind of proportional information rather than trivial associations
between scenes and orthogonal classes.
To further explore this point, one way is to inspect the last layer of the proportional task
(i.e. the 32-d turquoise vector in Figure 6.3). If the vectors contain information regard-
ing the proportion of targets, we should expect scenes depicting the same proportion
to have a similar representation. Also, scenes with similar proportions (e.g. 40% and
43%) would be closer to each other than are scenes with different proportions (e.g. 25%
and 75%). Figure 6.5 depicts the results of a two-dimensional PCA analysis performed
6.5. Results 81
Figure 6.5: PCA visualization of the last layer (before softmax) of the proportional task
in the MTL model.
on the vectors of the last layer of the proportional task (the 32-d vectors).4 As can be
noted, scenes depicting the same proportion clearly cluster together, thus indicating that
using these representations in a retrieval task would lead to a very high precision. Cru-
cially, the clusters are perfectly ordered with respect to proportion. Starting from the
purple cluster on the left side (90%) and proceeding clockwise, we find 83% (green),
80% (turquoise), 75% (brown), and so on, until reaching 10% (light blue). Proportions
0% (blue) and 100% (yellow) are neatly separated from the other clusters, being at the
extremes of the ‘clock’.
An improvement in the results can be also observed for setComp and vaqueQ, where the
model achieves 0.99 acc. and 0.98 r, respectively. Figure 6.6 reports, for each quantifier,
the probability values predicted by the model against the ground-truth ones. As can be
seen, the red lines (model) approximate very closely the green ones (humans). In the
following section, we perform further experiments to provide a deeper evaluation of the
We used
82 Chapter 6. A Multi-Task Model for Learning Quantity Expressions from Vision.
As discussed in section 6.1, the cognitive operation underlying setComp, vagueQ, and
propTarg is different compared to that of estimating the absolute number of objects in-
cluded in one set. To investigate whether such dissociation emerges at the computational
level, we tested a modified version of our proposed multi-task model where propTarg
task has been replaced with nTarg, namely the task of predicting the absolute number
of targets. One-task models were also tested to evaluate the difficulty of the task when
performed in isolation. Since the number of targets in the scenes ranges from 0 to 20,
nTarg is evaluated as a 21-class classification task (majority class 0.13).
hurt by the highest-level task, and experience a drop of around 14 and 17 points com-
pared to the one-task-end2end model, respectively. These findings seem to cor-
roborate the incompatibility of the operations needed for solving the tasks.
Previous work exploring MTL suggested that defining a hierarchy of increasingly com-
plex tasks is beneficial for jointly learning related tasks (see section 6.2.2). In the
present work, the order of the tasks was inspired by cognitive and linguistic abilities
(see section 6.1). Though cognitively implausible, it might still be the case that the
model is able to learn even when reversing the order of the tasks, i.e. from the conjec-
tured highest-level to the lowest-level one. To shed light on this issue, we tested the
multi-task-prop model after reversing its architecture. That is, propTarg is now
the first task, followed by vagueQ, and setComp.
In contrast with the pattern of results obtained by the original pipeline, no benefits are
observed for this version of MTL model compared to one-task networks. In particular,
both vagueQ (0.32 r) and propTarg (0.08 acc.) performance are around chance level,
with setComp reaching just 0.65 acc., i.e. 25 point lower than the one-task-end2end
model. The pipeline of increasing complexity motivated theoretically is thus confirmed
at the computational level.
Table 6.3: Unseen dataset. Performance of the models in each task. Values in bold are
the highest.
We built an additional dataset using the exact same pipeline described in section 6.3.2.
This time, however, we randomly selected one combination per ratio (17 combinations
in total) to be used only for validation and testing. The remaining 80 combinations
were used for training. A balanced number of datapoints for each combination were
generated in val/test, whereas datapoints in training set were balanced with respect to
ratios, by randomly selecting scenes among the remaining combinations. The unseen
dataset included around 14K datapoints (80% train, 10% val, 10% test).
Table 6.3 reports the results of the models on the unseen dataset. Starting from set-
Comp, we note a similar and fairly high accuracy achieved by the two one-task models
(0.76 and 0.79, respectively). In vagueQ, in contrast, the one-task-end2end model
neatly outperforms the simpler model (0.92 vs. 0.55 r). Finally, in propTarg both mod-
els are at chance level, with an accuracy that is lower than 0.07. Overall, this pattern of
results suggests that propTarg is an extremely hard task for the separate models, which
are not able to generalize to unseen combinations. The multi-task-prop model,
in contrast, shows a fairly high generalization power. In particular, it achieves 0.54 acc.
in propTarg, that is, almost 10 times chance level.
The overall good performance in predicting the correct proportion can be appreciated in
Figure 6.7, where the errors are represented by means of a heatmap. The error analysis
reveals that end-of-the-scale proportions (0% and 100%) are the easiest, followed by
proportions 75% (3:1), 67% (2:1), 50% (1:1), and 60% (3:2). More in general, negative
ratios (targets < 50%) are mispredicted to a much greater extent than are positive ones.
Moreover, the model shows a bias toward some proportions, that the model seems ‘to
see everywhere’. However, the fact that the errors are found among the adjacent ratios
(similar proportions) seems to be a convincing evidence that the model learns repre-
sentations encoding genuine proportional information. Finally, it is worth mentioning
that in setComp and vagueQ the model achieves very high results, 0.94 acc. and 0.96 r,
6.7. Discussion 85
Figure 6.7: PropTarg. Heatmap with the errors made by the multi-task-prop
model in the unseen dataset.
6.7 Discussion
As far as numbers are concerned, our results clearly show that learning the precise
cardinality of one set requires a different, competing mechanism compared to the one
needed for quantifiers. This, one the one hand, is in line with behavioral evidence show-
ing the interference of precise number to the access to proportional information (Fabbri
et al., 2012). On the other hand, these findings are in line with those reported in Chap-
ter 5, where cardinals and quantifiers were found to require different computational
86 Chapter 6. A Multi-Task Model for Learning Quantity Expressions from Vision.
Chapter 7
Quantifiers are mysterious creatures. On the one hand – the word itself leaves no doubt
– they are used to quantify, that is, to express the quantity of something. On the other
hand, these expressions are vague, that is, they have “a single but nonspecific mean-
ing” (Tuggy, 1993, p. 168). As discussed in Chapter 1, quantifiers can be used in similar
contexts as numbers or proportions, but the information they convey can be either purely
quantitative or something more/different than quantities (see Chapter 2). Their intrigu-
ing status has fascinated theorists since Aristotle (see Bonevac (2012)), and a myriad
of issues related to their use and comprehension, meaning and formalization have been
explored by many perspectives (Chapter 2).
In Chapter 3 I explored the role of linguistic context in modulating the choice of quan-
tifiers in discourse. I showed that a broader context helps speakers in predicting the
missing quantifier, whereas state-of-the-art neural language models are hurt by more
context. Though the task turned out to be challenging, both humans and the models
were able to grasp the magnitude of the missing quantifier. I considered this finding as
an evidence in favor of an ordering (i.e., a scale) among quantifiers. With precisely the
88 Chapter 7. Conclusion.
aim of investigating the mental scale of quantifiers, in Chapter 4 I proposed two behav-
ioral studies: One exploring the abstract representation of quantifier words, the other
focusing on the use of quantifiers in grounded contexts. In both settings, the represen-
tation of quantifiers turned out to resemble that of numbers and continuous quantities,
thus supporting the intuition that some important components of the meaning of these
expressions are quantitative. When used to describe visual scenes, moreover, quantifiers
turned out to be better described by proportions rather than numbers. Along these lines,
in Chapter 5 I investigated the nature of the computational mechanisms underlying the
learning of quantifiers and numbers from their use in multimodal contexts (language and
vision). I showed that two different operations are required, in line with previous evi-
dence. Building on all the previous findings, in Chapter 6 I proposed that comparatives,
quantifiers and proportions might be governed by the same, relation-based mechanism.
I showed that a multi-task neural network jointly learning the meaning of these expres-
sions from visual scenes outperforms the models learning one task at a time. Also,
consistently with previously-obtained results, I showed that numbers require a radically
different operation.
These results lead to several additional questions. For example, can the computational
architectures proposed in Chapter 5 and 6 be successfully applied to datasets of real
scenes? Though we lack an empirical answer to this question, the encouraging results
obtained by Sorodoc et al. (2018) in a Visual Question Answering (VQA) tasks in-
volving quantifiers and real images seem to suggest that, in principle, moving to real
scenes should be perfectly possible. However, we might obtain lower results due to
an imperfect multi-object recognition, or because of the natural bias that is present in
real images. Another question concerns the applicability of our computational methods
to other modalities than vision. For example, is the pipeline of increasing complexity
found in Chapter 6 specific to vision (non-symbolic level), or is it shared across modal-
ities, in primis language? Since linguistic expressions of quantity are grounded on a
non-symbolic system, we might expect that a model trained on one modality can be
applied to another, at least to some extent. Even further, jointly learning representations
from both modalities might represent an even more natural, human-like way to learn
and refer to quantities. Finally, some issues remain open on the cognitive and linguistic
level. As suggested by the results of the abstract task in Chapter 4 (the one involv-
ing quantifier words), the mental representation of quantifiers would be tied to quantity
information. This holds, at least to some extent, when quantifiers are used in a linguis-
tic context (Chapter 3). However, some other components were repeatedly noticed to
come into play in the linguistic use of quantifiers, such as the lexical-semantic effect of
antonymy. To illustrate, ‘few’ was judged to be the most dissimilar item from ‘many’,
though – if we put them on a scale – the most distant one should be ‘all’. This is-
sue, together with the impact of experimenting with a larger set of quantifiers including
lower-frequency expressions, deserves to be investigated in future work.
It is worth mentioning that several intuitions and methodologies presented in this thesis
can be applied to other domains than quantifiers. For example, an intuitively valuable
application could involve gradable adjectives (GAs) like ‘minuscule’, ‘small’, ‘big’,
‘very big’, ‘huge’, etc. These expressions share a number of commonalities with quan-
tifiers: They have a partially overlapping distribution, they can have antonyms (‘many’-
‘few’ and ‘tall’-‘short’), they can be gradable by degree adverbs (‘very many books’
and ‘very big book’) and by inflection for comparative and superlative degrees (‘few’,
‘fewer’, ‘fewest’ and ‘tall’, ‘taller’, ‘tallest’). Moreover, both quantifiers and GAs are
usually claimed to lie on ordered scales and have flexible, context-sensitive meanings.
Finally, they are both learned by children in grounded contexts, by having experience of
many instances uttered in real-life (Halberda et al., 2008; Barner and Snedeker, 2008).
To mention some possible directions, humans and models could be tested in the task
of guessing a missing GA from texts (Chapter 3), as well as a Multi-Task Learning
approach (Chapter 6) could be applied to the learning of GAs from vision.
Overall, this thesis contributes to the theoretical debate on quantifiers and proves the
validity of using a multi-perspective, multi-modal approach to the study of complex,
high-level linguistic expressions. Being semantically vague but frequently used in real-
life situations, quantifiers represent a particularly interesting case where language, per-
ception, and human cognition are irretrievably intertwined. However, quantifiers are
just one of the countless linguistic phenomena that might be investigated using a similar
approach. I hope my thesis can be of inspiration for future work in this direction.
90 Chapter 7. Conclusion.
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