Calculation of Compounds in Portland Cement

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P A P E R N O21.

Portland Cement Association Fellowship

at the
National Bureau of Standards

of Compounds in
Portland Cement



Publications of the
a t the Bureau of Standards
Reprint3 of papers not marked with asterisk may be obtained upon application to R H.
Bogue, Research Director, Portland Cement Association Fellowship, Bureau of Standards,
Washington, D. C.
Paper No.
*1 ‘IStudies on the System CaO-FezOa-SiOz,” by W. C. HANSENAND R. H.
Journal of the American ChemLcaZ Society, 48,1261 (1926); Le Ciment, 13,398 (1926)
*2 ‘The Determination of Uncombined Lime in Portland Cement,” by WM.
Industrzal and Engineerzng Chemistry, 18, 739 (1926).
3 “A Digest of the Literature on the Constitution of Portland Cement Clinker,”
by R. H. BOGUE.
Concrete, July, 1926, to February, 1927.
*4 iiPortland Cement Research,” by R. H. BOGWE.
Proceedings of the Amerzcan Society for Testing Materials, 26, Pt. 11, 403 (1926).
*5 “The Preparation and Optical Properties of Calcium Hydroxide Crystals,”
American Journal of Science, 13. 209 (1927).
6 “Studies on the System Ca0-Alz03-SiOz. The Composition 8Ca0 f
7ou:nal of Physical Chemistry, 31, 607 (1927); Zement, 16, 51 (1927); Rock Products,
Apnl 16, 64 (1927).
*7 “The Preparation of Optically Clear Selenium for Use in Index Media,” by
American Mznerolo8cst, 12, 43 (1927).
*8 “X-Ray Diffraction Measurements on Some oi the Pure Compounds of
Portland Cement,” by E. A. HARRINGTON.
American Iournal of Science, 3, 467 (1927).
*9 “Portland Cement in Concrete Engineering,” by R. H. BOGUE.
Proceedings of the American Concrete Institute, 23, 355 (1927); Concrete, 30, 33 (1927).
10 “The Combination of Lime in Portland Cement Compounds, Preliminary
Investigation,” by W. C. HANSENAND R. H. BOGIJE.
Industrial and Engineering Chemzstry, 19, 1260 (1927); Rock Products, March 3, 46
111 “Studies on the Hydrolysis of Compounds Which M a y Occur in Portland
Cement,” by WM. LERCHAND R. H. BocuE.
Journal of Physical Chemistry, 31, 1627 (1927).
*12 “Further Studies on Portland Cement Compounds by the X-Ray DBaction
Method,” by W. C. HANSEN.
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 11, 68 (1928).
*13 itstudies on the Syste cium Oxide-Alumina-Ferric Oxide,” by W. C.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 50, 396 (1928).
*14 i‘Equilibrium Studies on Alumina and Ferric Oxide and Combinations of
These with Magnesia and Calcium Oxide,” by W. C. HANSENAND I,. T.
American Journal of Science, 15, 226 (1928).
(Continued on third MYCT page)
[Reprinted from Analytical Edition, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry,
Vol. 1, No. 4, Page 192. October 15, 1929.1

Calculation of the Com-

pounds in Portland
R. H. Bogue

The bases for a calculation of the compounds present

in Portland cement from chemical analyses are pre-
sented. Arithmetical and diagrammaticalmethods are
given for such a calculation. The compounds con-
sidered are 4Ca0.AlpO~.Fez0,, 3CaO.A120a, 2Ca0.Si02,
3CaO.SiO2, uncombined MgO, uncombined CaO, and
CaSO4. Other components than those included in
these compounds are not at present considered as their
forms of combination are not known.

YSTEMS containing combinations of the components

S CaO, MgO, &03, FeZO3,and SiOz have been studied

and reported by this and other laboratories (3, 6, 7, 8,
10, 11). It has been found that when these components are
intimately mixed in proportions similar to those found in Port-
land cements, and burned to equilibrium, the following coni-
pounds are formed: 4Ca0.A1203.Fe203,3Ca0.A1~03, 2Ca0.Si02,
3CaO.Si02, and MgO.
Nofe-In a former publication (6) it was reported t h a t MgO enters into
solid solution with 4CaO.AhOs.Fe~O~.the end member of the series being
4Ca0.2MgO.A1~03.Fe:Oa. Magnesia in excess of that required for the above
combination was found t o remain as uncombined MgO. More recent in-
formation obtained in this laboratory indicates that the amount of the solid
solution is much smaller than had previously been reported. Although
there is no reasonable doubt that a large part of the magnesia remains
uncombined, the exact nature and degree of the reaction by which the
4CaO.AI?Oa.FezOa is changed in color and pleochroism in the presence of a
small amount of magnesia has not been determined. This problem is under
further investigation. At present the magnesia may be considered as re-
maining essentially uncombined, and the iron compound as existing essen-
tially in the form of 4CaO.AhO~.FezOr

In addition to the five components listed above, commercial

Portland cements contain small amounts of other materials
in variable quantity. These may include sods, potash, titania,
manganese oxides, phosphates, and perhaps still other mate-
rials. The total amount of these lesser components, however,
probably does not often exceed 2 per cent.
The manner of combination of these lesser components is
1 Received June 17, 1929. Publication approved by the Director of
the National Bureau of Standards, U. S. Department of Commerce. Paper
No. 21 of the Portland Cement Association Fellowship at the Bureau of

not known. It is possible that some of them, as perhaps the

alkalies, may have a significant influence on the relative
amounts of the major compounds that are formed, but since
the manner of their combination is not yet known, the effects
of their presence cannot now be evaluated. Consequently,
it is not possible at present to consider those components in
the calculation of cement constitution.
It is assumed that the compounds of Portland cement are
essentially the same as those of the pure five-component
system given above when the components are present in the
proportions found in commercial cements. The general
correctness of this assumption has been confirmed by infonna-
tion obtained from cooling curves (J), from microscopic exami-
nations (1) and from x-ray diffraction photographs (1).
Manner of Reaction
The manner in which the components react determines the
relative amounts of the resulting compounds. Information
obtained at this laboratory leads t o the following generaliza-
(1) The ferric oxide reacts with alumina and lime to form
4CaO.Al20s.Fe~03. (See note.)
(2) The magnesia remains essentially in the form of uncom-
bined MgO.
(3) The alumina remaining from combination as 4Ca0.-
A120s.FezOareacts with lime to form 3Ca0 &OJ.
(4) The lime remaining from the above combinations reacts
with the silica. The compound 2CaO.SiOe is formed, and any
CaO then uncombined reacts with the 2CaO.SiO2 to form
3Ca0.Si02. If CaO remains after converting all of the 2CaO.Si0~
to 3CaO.SiO2, it will be present as uncombined G O .
The formation of the compounds as described assumes that
a condition of equilibrium has been reached during the prog-
ress of the reactions in the kiln. A small amount of uncom-
bined CaO may remain in the clinker, however, indicating (if
the composition is such that the CaO would be completely
combined a t equilibrium) that the reactions are not altogether
complete. This departure from complete combination is not
usually of sufficient magnitude to produce a change in the
nature of the compounds formed, but it does produce a change
in the relative amounts of the compounds produced. For that
reason it is important that free CaO in the cement be de-
termined (9)and that the amount present be taken into con-
sideration in the calculation of the constitution. If this is
not done, an error of usually small but uncertain magnitude
may be introduced.
The “insoluble residue” obtained in a cement analysis is
composed of quartz, titania, and several other materials.
The amount of the residue is usually very small, about 0.2
per cent. Because of the low quantity of this material and
the variable and uncertain nature of its composition, it seems
inexpedient t o attempt to introduce a correction factor for it.

I n unusual cases where the amount of the residue is high, it

may be desirable to analyze it to ascertain if an appreciable
quantity of silica has remained as free quartz. If the residue
is found to contain an appreciable amount of silica, then the
silica content of the residue should be deducted from the
total SiOa to obtain the value of the Si02taking part in the
The “ignition loss” consists essentially of moisture and car-
bon dioxide that have been taken up by the cement following
the burning operation. In calculating the constitution, this
value is accordingly set down without further change.
By means of the information given above, the relative
amounts of the compounds present in Portland cement or
clinker may be calculated from the chemical analyses. It is
essential in any caae to consider the so3 content and calculate
that to CaSOd.
Accuracy of Computations
The accuracy of the computations depends on the correct-
ness of both the postulations and the analytical values. The
postulations as given represent the best available information,
but are subject to revision and extension as has been pointed
out. The general correctness of the analytical values will
vary with the conditions of test and the personal factor. In
any case it is not recommended that analyses be considered
as accurate beyond the first decimal place.
An examination of the factors given below will show that
errors of analysis often are magnified in the computations for
compound composition. Thus a plus error (other values re-
maining fixed) of 0.2 per cent CaO or uncombined CaO (ex-
pressed as percentage of the cement) will increase the com-
puted 3CaO.Si0~about 0.8 per cent and decrease the com-
puted 2CaO.Si02 about 0.6 per cent. A plus error of 0.2 per
cent Fez03 will increase the computed 4CaO.dzOa.FezOa
about 0.6 per cent, decrease the 3CaO.&O3 about 0.3 per
cent, decrease the 3CaO.Si02 about 0.3 per cent, and increase
the 2CaO.Si02 about 0.2 per cent. A plus error of 0.2 per
cent A1201will increase the computed 3CaO.&Oa about 0.5
per cent, decrease the 3CaO.SiOz about 1.3 per cent, and in-
crease the 2CaO.Si02 about 1.0 per cent. A plus error of 0.2
per cent Si02 will decrease the computed 3Ca0.Si02about 1.5
per cent and increase the 2CaO.SiO2, 1.3per cent. For these
reasons only analytical data that are believed to be reliable
should be employed for the computation of compound com-
position, and an expression of the compounds 4Ca0.A1203.-
FezOa, 3Cao.Ai203, 3Ca0.Si02, and 2CaO.Si02 should not be
given to a cioser approximation than the nearest whole num-
Method of Calculation
Each per cent of SO3 enters into combination with 0.70
per cent CaO to form 1.70 per cent CaS04:

CaO - 56.07
80.065 = 0.70 per cent CaO.. . . . . . . . . . . . . (cl)
Each per cent of Fez03enters into combination with 0.64
per cent A1203:
- 101'92 - 0.64 per cent A l z 0 3 . .......
and with 1.40 per cent CaO:
- - - = - 224.28
Fe203 159.68
1.40 per cent G O . . ........ . . . . (cz)
to form 3.04 per cent 4CaO.Al2O3.Fez03.
The total MgO is recorded as uncombined MgO.
The total A1203 minus (al) gives the A1203 ( U Z ) available for
combination as 3CaO.AlZO3. Each per cent of (az) will enter
into combination with 1.65 per cent CaO to form 2.65 per
cent 3CaO.AlZOa:
3Ca0 - 168.21
A1203 lol, 92 1.65 per cent CaO.. ........... ' (c3)

The amount of CaO available for combination with Si02

is obtained by subtracting from the total CaO the sum of the
uncombined CaO, the CaO (el) combined as CaS04, the CaO
(c2) combined as 4CaO.Al2O8.Fe~O3, and the CaO (c3) com-
bined as 3CaO.Al203:
Total CaO - (uncombined CaO + c1 + c2 + c3) =
CaO available to combine with SiO2. . . . . .(c)
The total SiOz (s), unless corrected for silica in the "insolu-
ble residue," is calculated first to combine with CaO t o
form 2CaO.Si02. Each per cent of Si02 (s) will combine with
CaO to form 2.87 per cent 2CaO.SiO2:
2Cao'Sio2= 172 20 = 2,87 per cent 2Ca0.SiOs
SiOz 60.06
This first approximation to the value of 2Ca0.Si02 is sub-
tracted from the Si02 (s) +CaO (c), which gives the CaO
(c4) available to combine with 2CaO.Si02 t o form 3Ca0.Si02.
Each per cent of CaO (c4) combines with 2Ca0.Si02to form
4.07 per cent 3CaO.SiO2:
3Ca0.Si02 - -
228'27 = 4.07 per cent 3CaO.SiO2
CaO 56.07
The 3CaO.Si02 subtracted from the total Si02 (s) + CaO
(c) gives the true amount of 2CaO.Si02 present.
If the computed 3Ca0.Si02is greater than s c, no 2Ca0.-
SiOz is present. I n that case each per cent of SiO, (s) com-
bines with CaO to form 3.80 per cent 3CaO.Si0~:

This amount of 3CaO.SiOz subtracted from SiOz (s) CaO +

(c) gives the percentage of uncombined CaO. The above
condition can obtain only when the lime is in excess of that
which can go into combination a t equilibrium, and the un-
combined CaO has not been determined and deducted as pre-
viously described.

Application of the Method

A diagrammatic method for obtaining these relations has
been found useful in computing the amounts of the compounds
from chemical analyses. Such a method has not the precision
of the mathematical factors, but the values read are probably
within the accuracy of the analytical procedures and the
method has the advantage of speed and simplicity.
I n Figures 1 and 2 the relations expressed in the factors
given above are plotted in a convenient form. As an illustra-
tion of the use of the diagrams and the factors, an analysis of
a commercial cement and the computation of compounds are
presented. A chart (Table I) will be found an aid in the
proper recording of the significant figures. The analytical
data we given on the chart, together with the values as read
from the diagrams. A few abbreviations appear on the chart:
C A F for 4CaO.Al2O3.Fe203, C3A for 3CaO.Al203, C3S for
3CaO.SiO2, and C2S for 2CaO.SiO2.
The values for ignition loss, 1.1, and magnesia, 3.7, are
transferred to the lower horizontal row, wherein are placed
the compounds of the cement.
The value for free CaO, 0.3, is transferred t o the “free CaO”
column opposite CaO, and brought down to the lower row
The value for SO3, 2.0, is transferred to the “so3 eq.”
column, and the CaO equivalent read from the lower diagram
in Figure 1.
I n this case only, both readings are taken from the horizontal
axls. It is desired t o find the CaO equivalent of 2.0 so3 in the
formation of CaSO,. The point 2.0 on the horizontal axis of the
lower diagram in Figure 1 is followed upward on the vertical
coordinate until it intercepts the radial line for SOa. The di-
agonal coordinate is then followed until the radial line for CaO
is intercepted. The vertical coordinate is again followed down
from that point t o the horizontal axis, and the value 1.4 obtained.
The value read, 1.4, is placed at c1 and the sum of the two,
3.4, is placed at the bottom of the column under “CaSOd.”
The value for Fe203, 3.4, is transferred to the “Fe203eq.”
column and the Alz03and CaO equivalent to the Fe203read
from the lower diagram in Figure 1.
It is desired in this case t o find the A1203and CaO equivalents
of 3.4 Fez03 in the formation of 4Ca0.AlzOa.FezOa. The point
3.4 on the vertical axis of the lower diagram in Figure 1is followed
on the diagonal coordinate until it intercepts the radial line for
Alz03. The vertical coordinate is then followed down from that
point and the value 2.2 A1203 read off on the horizontal axis.
The point 3.4 on the vertical axis is again followed on the di-
agonal coordinate until it intercepts the radial line for CaO.
Again the vertical coordinate is followed downward and the value
4.8 CaO read off on the horizontal axis.
The values as read are placed in the column a t their proper
places: the AlzO3, 2.2, at al; and the CaO, 4.8, a t CZ. The
three figures in the column are now added to give the 4Ca0.-
Al2O3.Fe203. This value to the nearest whole number is

placed a t the base of the column. The amount also may be

read directly from the diagram if desired.
Table I - C h a r t Used for Recording Significant Data i n Computation
of Compounds


ca3.8 c 52.5
-ilzOa a12. 2 022.3
per03 3.4
SiOn s 22.3
Free CaO



The value al, 2.2, is subtracted from A.l203, 4.5, t o give a2,
2.3, the A1& available to combine as 3Ca0.A1203, which is
placed in the “A1203 eq.” column a t a2. The CaO equivalent
of this, 3.8, is read from the upper diagram of Figure 1 and
placed a t c3. The two values are added t o give the 3Ca0.-
A 1 2 0 3 and that figure to the nearest whole number brought
to the foot of the column. This value also may be read di-
rectly if desired.
The CaO, c, available for combination with the silica is
now found by subtracting from the total CaO the free CaO,
cl, CZ, and c3: 62.8 - (0.3 + + +
1.4 4.8 3.8) = 52.5which
is set down at c. The total SiOz, 22.3 (unless corrected for
the quartz in the insoluble residue) is set down a t s.
The computed tricalcium silicate and dicalcium silicate
are now read directly from the diagram (2) in Figure 2.
The point is found which is the intersection of the vertical
coordinate representing Si02 (s) and the horizontal coordinate
representing the CaO (c) available for combination with the
silica. The 3Ca0.Si02 corresponding to this point, 44 per
cent, is read to the nearest whole number on the diagonal
coordinate that is parallel to the lower right base line, as
indicated. The 2Ca0.Si02, 31 per cent, is read on the diag-
onal coordinate that is parallel to the upper left base line, as
indicated. These values are set down in the lower row of
compounds under C3Sand C2S, respectively.
In the event that the point represented by the intersection
of the coordinates for CaO and SiO2 lies to the left of the
diagram, there is present an excess of lime above that required
to convert all of the 2CaO.SiO2 to 3CaO.Si02. I n that case
there is some uncombined CaO present and no dicalcium sili-
cate. The tricalcium silicate content is found by reading that
value a t the point where the Si02 coordinate intersects the
upper left boundary of the figure. The lime required for that .
compound is then read off on the CaO (horizontal) coordinate
and the remaining lime is uncombined. For example, con-
sider that c = 59.0 and s = 20.5. The SiOz coordinate cuts the
.. ..

upper boundary a t a point represented by about 78 per cent

3Ca0.Si02. The CaO required is read to be 57.5 per cent.
The free CaO is then 1.5 per cent. Such a value should be re-
corded in the “free CaO” column opposite SiOz and brought
to the lower row of compounds.
The upper right boundary curve as drawn represents the
compositions a t which the sum of the two calcium silicates is
80 per cent. The remaining material includes all other com-
pounds-as 3CaO.&O3, 4CaO.Al~03.Fez03,MgO, alkalies,
free CaO if present, CaSO,, and any other constituents. The
lower left boundary curve as drawn represents the composi-
tions at which the sum of the two silicates is 65 per cent, the
remaining 35 per cent being the other compounds as above.
It is probable that most commercial cements fall within these
limits, but the diagram may be extended up to the line repre-
senting 100 per cent 2CaO.Si02 plus 3CaO.Si02, and down
as far as desired. The upper left boundary is the line for
zero 2Ca0.Si02 and the lower right boundary is cut at 20 per
cent 3Ca0.Si02 since Portland cements will scarcely be found
with less than that amount of the tribasic silicate. If de-
sired, however, the diagram may be extended to the lower
right to zero 3CaO.SiOz.
The data necessary to construct the diagrams in Figure 1
are obtainable from the factors previously given. The fol-
lowing locations of the external angles of the diagram in Fig-
ure 2 will define the position of that figure.
48.64 58.95 53.81 44.70
17.38 21.05 26.19 21.30

The diagrams must be prepared with the highest precision and

should be drawn to such a scale that estimates may properly
be made to 1per cent.
There now appear on the bottom row of the chart the values
for all of the compounds which we are able a t present to cal-
culate from the chemical analysis of a cement.
Table 11-Comparison of Computations b y Factors and by Diagram

CaO 62.8 44.4 44.4

MgO 3.7 30.5 30.6
AIzOI 4.5 6.1 6.1
FezOa 3.4 10.3 10.4

SiOn 22.3 3.7
so3. 2.0 0.3 0.3
Ignition loss 1.1 3.4 3.4
Insoluble” Ignition loss 1.1 1.1
Free CaOa
Total 99.8 99.8 100.0
a Not included in total.

The use of factors in the calculation gives values differing

but slightly from those obtained by the use of the diagrams.
This is brought out in Table 11,in which are shown the values

obtained by factors and by the diagrams from the composition

represented by the analysis given. I n this case, in order to
demonstrate the difference, the values are expressed t o the
first decimal place.
Literature Cited
(1) Brownmiller, Paper in preparation.
(2) Griin and Kunze, Zemesl, 17, 1166 (1928); Concrete, S4, 115 (1929).
used a diagram of similar co8rdinates.
(3) Hansen, J . Am. Chem. SOL. SO, 2155 (1928).
(4) Hansen, Bur. S~andardsJ . Reseaach, in press.
(5) Hansen and Bogue, J . Am. Chem. SOC..48, 1261 (1928).
(6) Hansen and Brownmiller, .4m.J . Sci., 16, 225 (1928).
(7) Hansen. Brownmiller, and Bogue. J . Am. Chem. SOC.,SO, 396 (1928).
(8) Hansen, Dyckerhoff, Asbton, and Bogue,J . Phys. Chcm., S1,607 (1927).
(9) Lerch and Bogue. IND.GNG. CHSM.,18, 739 (1926).
(10) Rankin and Merwin, A m . J . Sci., 46, 301 (1918).
(11) Rankin and Wright, Ibid., S9, 1 (1915).





3 52




*15 “A New Registering Photodensitometer,” by E. A. H
lournal of Ihe Optzcal Society of America, 16, 211 (1928).
16 “A Precision Method for Measuring Temperatures of Refractive Index
Liquids on a Crystal Refractometer and on a Wicroscope Slide,” by d. W.
Amerzcan Mzneralogist, 13, 411 (1925).
*17 “A Digest of the Literature on the Nature of the Setting and Hardening
Processes in Portland Cement,” by R. H. BOGUR.
Rock Products, May, 1928, to September, 1928, inclusive.
18 “Phase Equilibria in the System 2CaO.SiO~-MgO-SCa0.3Al~O~,”by W.
1. A m . Chem. Soc., 50, 3081 (1928).
19 “The Sulphoaluminates of Calcium,” by WM. LBRCH,I?. W. ASHTON,AND
Bureau of Standards, J . of Research, 2 (19291, 715, Resear

20 “The Cause of Unsoundness in Portland Cement,

,No. 2 (1929), 119.

Ind. Eng. Chem (Analytical Bdztzon), 1. I92 (1929).

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