Krok 2- 2020 (General Medicine) - עותק
Krok 2- 2020 (General Medicine) - עותק
Krok 2- 2020 (General Medicine) - עותק
me/krok2GeneralMedicine) - 1
3. Phlegmon of the newborn burning pain in his left subcostal region that
4. Adiponecrosis irradiates to the left lumbar region. These signs
5. Hemangioma appeared after a meal. The Ortner’s and Mayo-
Robson’s signs are positive. In the blood;
8. A 35-year old forestry officer was delivered to the leukocytosis and increased ESR. In the urine;
hospital on the 7th day after the onset of the elevated diastase levels. Make the diagnosis:
disease. He complains of chills, elevated body 1. Chronic cholecystitis in the exacerbation stage
temperature up to 40.0 C, sharp headache, and 2. Chronic pancreatitis in the exacerbation stage
myalgias. On examination his face is puffy and 3. Gastric ulcer Performation
hyperemic, the tongue is dry, “chalk-dusted”. In the 4. Chronic gastritis in the exacerbation stage
left inguinal area, a sharply painful conglomeration 5. Renal colic
of enlarged lymph nodes can be palpated. The skin
over the conglomeration is hyperemic and tense. 12. A 25-year old man was hospitalized with
What etiotropic therapy should be prescribed to this complaints of pain in his lower abdomen and right
patient? lumbar area that appeared one hour ago. The
1. Human immunoglobulin intravenously patients general state is moderately severe. Body
2. Ribavirin temperature- 38.2C, heart rate-102/min. The tongue
3. Streptomycin is dry. The abdomen is painful on deep palpation j
4. Administration of heterologous serum the right iliac area and in the petit triangle. Aure-
5. Ketoconazole Rozanov and Gabay signs are positive. Make the
provisional diagnosis:
9. A woman complains of a severe pain in her throat 1. Acute appendicitis
on the left, difficult swallowing and mouth opening, 2. Cecal tumor
elevated body temperature, and general malaise. The 3. Acute cholecystitis
onset of the disease was 4 days ago after a case of 4. Right-sided renal colic
tonsillitis. Examination detects a trismus of the 5. Intestinal obstruction
masticatory muscles; the left tonsil is displaced
toward the midline; the anterior palatal arch is 13. A 45-year old woman was hospitalized with
infiltrated and protruding. The regional lymph nodes complaints of periodical severe headaches against
on the right are enlarged and painful on palpation. the background of elevated blood pressure up to
Make the diagnosis: 180/90 mmHg, muscle weakness, and frequent
1. Lacunar tonsillitis urination (at night as well). Her anamnesis states
2. Infectious mononucleosis that despite combining various antihypertensive
3. Tonsillar tumor drugs and adjusting the dosage her arterial
4. Peritonsillar abscess hypertension cannot be corrected with drugs. The
5. Acute pharyngitis patient’s blood serum potassium levels are 2.0
mmmol/L, blood serum sodium level are
10. A 30-year old woman complains of itching skin, 160mmmol/L. Ultrasound imaging detects three
predominantly in the evening and at night. The dimensional formations approximately 1.0 cm in
condition lasts for 2 weeks already. On the skin of diameter in the both adrenal glands. Selective
interdigital folds, mammary glands, abdomen, endovascular blood sampling from the suprarenal
buttocks, and thighs there are numerous fine vein was performed which revealed significant
papular and papulovesicular rashes located in pairs, increase of cortisol and aldosterone levels. Make the
excoriations. There is no rash on the face and neck. diagnosis:
Similar rash is observed in the husband of the 1. Pheochromocytoma
patient. What is the most likely diagnosis? 2. Cushing's disease
1. Eczema 3. Androsteroma
2. Scabies 4. Aldosteroma
3. Epidermophytosis 5. Cushing's syndrome
4. Neurodermatitis
5. Herpes 14. During winter epidemics of influenza caused
predominantly by virus A/California/04/2009 (H1N1),
11. A 48-year-old man came to a doctor with on the 2nd day after the disease onset a 30-year old
complaints of vomiting that brings no relief and a hospitalized man presented with high fever, dry
Krok 2- 2020 (General Medicine) ( - 3
17. A dweller of the northern Dnieper area, a 21. A 37-year old woman received an occupational
fisherman, for the last several days has been trauma that resulted in a severe vision impairment.
complaining of a discomfort in his right subcostal Now she needs to be trained for another occupation.
region, periodical episodes of diahhrea, intermittent What type of rehabilitation should be doctor choose
with constipation, frequent skin rashes. Abdominal for the patient in this case?
ultrasound shows enlarged liver and pancreatic 1. Occupational rehabilitation
head. Make the provisional diagnosis: 2. Target rehabilitation
1. Onchocerciasis 3. Psychological rehabilitation
2. Ornithosis 4. Social rehabilitation
3. Trichinellosis 5. Medical rehabilitation
4. Taeniasis
5. Opisthrochiasis 22. A 45-year old man has been suffering from
ankylosing spondylitis for 15 years. For the last 3
18. A 9-year-old boy fell off a tree and hit the back of years he has been noticing facial swelling and
his head. A brief loss of consciousness was edemas of the limbs. Objectively he assumes a
observed. The child’s condition is satisfactory, he “beggar’s” position. X-ray shows “bamboo spine”
has a headache and vertigo. Skull X-ray scans changes in the thoracic and lumbar segments. Heart
shows depressed fracture of the occipital bone in ultrasound shows aortic regurgitation. Complete
the area of the external occipital protuberance. What blood count: Hb-106g/L; leukocytes- 8.9 x 109 /L;
treatment tactics is indicated for this patient? ESR-40mm/hour. Daily proteinuria-9.6 grams per 24
Krok 2- 2020 (General Medicine) ( - 4
hours. Blood creatinine-230 mcmol/L. What is the cough. 3days later a dyspnea at rest increased to
cause of kidney failure in this case? 35/minute. Downward from her right shoulder blade
1. Concomitant heart disease angle, percussion detects a dull sound. No vocal
2. Pyelonephritis fremitus, respiratory sounds cannot be auscultated.
3. Renal amyloidosis What is the treatment tactics?
4. Urolithiasis 1. Artificial lung ventilation
5. Medicine side effects 2. Antibiotic therapy
3. Pleural tap
23. A 72-year-old man with pneumonia complains of 4. Oxygen therapy
marked dyspnea, chest pain, severe cough with 5. Physiotherapy
expectoration, temperature is 39.5-40 C, no urination
for the last 24 hours. Objectively, the patient is 27. Disease onset was acute. A child developed
conscious. Respiratory rate is 36/min. Percussion general weakness, pain in the joints, and fever. Later
sound is dull over the right lower pulmonary lobe; these signs became accompanied by itching skin
on auscultation there is bronchial respiration and rash manifested as erythematous spots 2-5 mm in
numerous moist crackles. Blood pressure is 80/60 size. The rash gradually turned hemorrhagic. Large
mmHg. Heart rate is 120/min. Heart sounds are joints are painful and swollen ;pain attacks
muffled, there is tachycardia. What tactics should periodically occur in paraumbilical area; there are
the family doctor choose for the management for signs of intestinal hemorrhage. What is the most
this patient? likely diagnosis?
1. Hospitalization into the neurology unit 1. Scarlet fever
2. Hospitalization into the intensive care unit 2. Hemorrhagic meningoencephalitis
3. Outpatient treatment 3. Hemorrhagic vasculitis (Henoch-Schonlein
4. Hospitalization into the pulmonary unit purpura)
5. Treatment in the day patient facility 4. Rheumatism
5. Streptococcal impetigo
24. A 3-month-old child with sighs of rickets
presents with positive Chvostek, Trousseau, and 28. A 16-year-old boy developed dizziness. His heart
Maslov signs. One days ago, the parents witnessed rate is 35/min, blood pressure is 85/45mmHg, heart
a cyanotic attack in their child- the child broke into a borders are not enlarged. Heart sounds are loud and
cold sweat, the eyes bulged, and respiratory arrest clear. ECG shows P waves disconnected from QRS
occurred. One minute later the child drew in a loud complex, dissociation and different rhythm of atria
breath and child’s condition normalized again. What and ventricles is accompanied by varying location of
is the cause the described signs of the disease? P wave in relation to QRST complex. This
1. Increase of blood phosphorus levels presentation is the most characteristic of the
2. Increase of blood calcium levels following disease:
3. Decrease of blood calcium levels 1. Atrioventricular block (II degree)
4. Metabolic acidosis 2. Extrasystole
5. Decrease of blood phosphorus levels 3. Complete atrioventricular block (III block)
4. Atrioventricular dissociation
25. For 20 years the role of excessive weight in 5. Sinus bradycardia
ischemic heart disease development among the
working age male production over 40 was studied. It 29. 40% of workers who, who polish the art glass,
was determined that overweight men developed using an abrasive disk, and have a long record of
ischemic heart disease more often. What type of employment, are diagnosed with ulnar neuritis, 21%-
epidemiological study is it? with vegetative polyneuritis, and 12% – with
1. Cohort study vegetomyofascitis of the upper limbs. These
2. Experimental study pathologies are associated with the following
3. Case report harmful factor:
4. Case-control study 1. Noise
5. Vase series report 2. Vibration
3. Electromagnetic field
26. A 35-year old woman had acute onset of the 4. Dust
disease that started with fever up to 39.0C and 5. Microclimate
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37. When planning treatment of a patient, it was 41. A 48-year-old woman complains of disturbed
decided to use a medicine with evidence level A. menstrual cycle; her periods last for 7-9 days and
what trials produce the evidence that allows to are excessively profuse throughout the last half-
classify the medicine level as A? year. She notes occasional hot flashes in her head,
1. Case-control studies insomnia, irritability, and headaches. Her skin is of
2. Expert consensus normal color. Blood pressure – 150/90mmHg, pulse
3. Data obtained from one randomized clinical trial –90/min, rhythmic. The abdomen is soft and
4. Data obtained from several randomized clinical painless. Bimanual examination shows no uterine
trials enlargement, the appendages cannot be detected.
5. Data obtained from many non-randomized trials The vaginal fornixes are free. What is the most likely
38. You witnessed a car accident. When examining 1. Adrenogenital syndrome
the place of the accident you noticed a man of about 2. Climacteric syndrome
30 years, who was hit by the car. He is unconscious. 3. Premenstrual syndrome
On his neck on the left there is a profuse 4. Uterine myoma
hemorrhage with bright-red blood. How to stop this 5. Stein- leventhal syndrome (polycystic ovary
hemorrhage? syndrome)
1. Maximal hyperextension of the neck
2. Digital occlusion, Mikulich method 42. The body of a citizen was found at the place of
3. Apply a plaster cast his dwelling. On his face, neck, and hands there
4. Apply a neck brace were detected irregular-shaped wounds, varying
5. Put him in a stable position from 2×3 cm to 4×5 cm in size. The skin and
underlying tissues are absent in the wounds. The
39. A patient was brought into the pulmonology margins of the wounds are uneven, with major and
department with complaints of inspiratory dyspnea minor scalloping along the edges and no signs of
and dry cough at the highest point of inhalation. On bleeding. What is the initiating mechanism of these
the examination the following is observed: pale skin, wounds?
cyanotic lips, “Hippocratic fingers”. Auscultation 1. Blast injury
detects Velcro-type crackles (like opening a Velcro 2. Animal bite wounds
fastener). X- ray shows a “ground glass opacity” 3. Multiple stab and incised wounds
pattern. What is the most likely diagnosis? 4. Local effect of cold
1. Hand-Schuller-Christian disease 5. Pellet gunshot wound
2. Exogenous allergic alveolitis
3. Idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis 43. A family doctor performed an external obstetrical
4. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis examination on a pregnant woman and determined
5. Pulmonary histiocytosis X that her uterine fundus is located at the level of the
navel. What is the most likely term of pregnancy in
40. A 31-year-old drug-addicted person complains of this woman?
a cough with bloody expectorations, dyspnea, 1. 24 weeks
persistent fever, and leg edemas. The jugular veins 2. 8 weeks
are distended. There is a coarse pansystolic murmur 3. 16 weeks
detected above the base of the xiphoid process and 4. 40 weeks
in the second intercostal space on the left, close to 5. 32 weeks
the edge of the sternum. Heart sounds are clear,
arrythmia is detected, heart rate is 128/min, pulse- 44. A 19-year-old young man complains of cough
82/min, blood pressure is 100/70 mmHg. What is the with expectoration of purulent sputum in amount of
most likely diagnosis? 100 ml per day, hemoptysis, dyspnea, increased
1. Infective endocarditis body temperature up to 37.8 C, general weakness,
2. Lutembacher syndrome weight loss. The patients condition lasts for 4 years.
3. Coarctation of the aorta Exacerbations occur 2-3 times a year. The patient
4. Community acquired pneumonia presents with malnutrition, pale skin, cyanosis of the
5. Pulmonary embolism lips, drumstick (clubbed fingers). Tympanic
percussion sound in the lungs, weakened
respiration, and various numerous moist crackles in
Krok 2- 2020 (General Medicine) ( - 7
the lower pulmonary segments on the left can be 2. Performation of gastric ulcer
observed in this patient. in blood: erythrocytes-3.2 x 3. Saturnism (lead poisoning)
1012/L, leukocytes- 8.4 x 109/L, ESR-56 mm/hour. On 4. Acute appendicitis
X-ray: lung fields are emphysematous, the left 5. Acute cholecystitis
pulmonary root is deformed and dilated. What is the
most likely diagnosis? 48. A 28-year old man, a teacher, after an emotional
1. Multiple bronchiectasis of the left lung stress developed painful muscle spasms in his right
2. Left-sided pulmonary cystic dysplasia hand that occur during writing; now he has to hold
3. Chronic left-sided pneumonia the pen between the second and the third fingers. He
4. Chronic abscess of the left lung has no problems with typing or writing on the black
5. Suppuration of the cyst in the left lung board, no other motor disturbances or neurological
pathologies are detected. What is the most likely
45. A 5-year-old child had acute onset of the disease diagnosis?
that manifested in body temperature up to 39.5 C, 1. neuropathy of the right ulnar nerve
marked chills, weakness, inertness, skin pallor, and 2. Writer's cramp
headache. 8 hours later a hemorrhagic rash 3. Parkinsonism
developed on the skin of the buttocks and les. The 4. Neuropathy of the right radial nerve
child is sluggish, the body temperature has dropped, 5. Cortical agraphia
blood pressure is 80/40, respirations are 28-30/min,
diuresis is decreased. Make the provisional 49. An 18-year-old patient complains of skin rash.
diagnosis: The patient has been suffering from this condition
1. thrombocytopenic purpura for 5 years. The first instance of this disease
2. Hemorrhagic vasculitis (Henoch-Schonlein purpura) occurred after a car accident. Objectively, the patient
3. Measles presents with a papular rash covered in silvery
4. Meningococcemia scales, “thimble” sign (small pits on the nails)
5. Reye syndrome affected joints. What is the most likely diagnosis?
1. Panaritium
46. A 45-year old man came to the hematologist with 2. Rheumatism
complaints of general weakness, elevated body 3. Onychomycosis
temperature, excessive sweating, enlarged cervical 4. Psoriasis
lymph nodes. Objectively, his body temperature is 5. Lupus erythematosus
37.5 C, the skin is pale and dry, the posterior
cervical lymph nodes are dense and elastic, upto 2 50. A 26-year-old woman was hospitalized into the
cm in diameter, mobile. There are no peculiarities in gynecological department with the complains of
the patient’s heart and lungs. Hepatosplenomegaly body temperature up to 38.2 C, fever, general
was detected. What examination is necessary to weakness, and dirty-red blood discharge from her
determine the scope of pathologic process? genital tracts. She is hemodynamically stable. Two
1. Bone scintigraphy days ago, she underwent a medical abortion on the
2. Abdominal X-ray 8th week of pregnancy. Ultrasound detects the
3. Complete blood count remains of the fertilized egg in her uterine cavity.
4. Ultrasound of the cervical lymph nodes What are the tactics of the patient management in
5. Computed tomography this case?
1. Pipelle biopsy
47. A 39-year-old man, a battery attendant suddenly 2. Uterine cavity treatment with antibiotic solutions
developed weakness, loss of appetite, nonlocalized 3. Revision of the uterine cavity with vacuum
colicky abdominal pains, and nausea. Objectively, aspirator. Antibiotic therapy
his skin, its grey, there is pink-gray stripe on his 4. Laparotomy, extirpation of the uterus and tubes.
gums; the abdomen is soft and sharply painful. Abdominal drainage
Blood test detected erythrocytes with basophilic 5. Laparotomy, supravaginal uterine amputation.
stippling and anemia. The patient has a history of Abdominal drainage
peptic ulcer disease of the stomach. Constipations
occur each 3-4 days. What is the most likely 51. A 32-year-old woman complains of general
provisional diagnosis? weakness, low-grade, fever persisting for 4 months,
1. Chronic alcoholism lumbar pain, and dysuria. Anamnesis includes
Krok 2- 2020 (General Medicine) ( - 8
frequent acute respiratory diseases, overexposure 55. A 73-year-old woman came to the family
to cold, low-calorie diet, a case of pulmonary physician for one of her regular follow-up
tuberculosis in childhood. Clinical urine analysis; pH examinations. Three months ago she was found to
4.8 leukocytosis, hematuria. Complete blood count: have type 2 diabetes mellitus. She was keeping to
leukocytosis, lymphocytosis, raised ESR, urography her diet and exercise plan and taking Phyto
concludes; dilation of renal pelvis and calyceal preparations. On examination her fasting glucose
system of both kidneys, foci of the calcification in was within the range of 7.8-8.6mmol/L,HbA1c- 7.9%.
the projection of right kidney parenchyma. What is height –164cm, weight –83kg. What blood glucose
the most likely diagnosis? controlling medicine should be prescribed first in
1. Right renal cyst the course of her pharmacological therapy?
2. Acute glomerulonephritis 1. Glibenclamide
3. Nephrotuberculosis 2. Glimepiride
4. Right renal carcinoma 3. Gliclazide
5. Chronic pyelonephritis 4. Insulin
5. metformin
52. A woman with the pregnancy term of 8 weeks
complains of elevated temperature up to 37.6 C, skin 56. A 23-year-old woman came to the gynecological
rash that can be characterized as macular clinic. she complains of pain, itching, and burning in
exanthema, enlargement of posterior cervical and her vulva, general weakness, indisposition, elevated
occipital lymph nodes, small amount of bloody body temperature up to37.2 C, and headache. On
discharge from the genital tracts. She was examined examination in the vulva there are multiple vesicles
by the infectious diseases specialist and diagnosed up to 2-3 mm in diameter with clear contents against
with rubella. What tactics should be obstetrician- the background of hyperemia and mucosal edema.
gynecologist choose? Make the provisional diagnosis:
1. Abortion 1. Genital herpes infection
2. Prescription of antibacterial therapy 2. Primary syphilis
3. Treatment of insipient abortion 3. Cytomegalovirus infection
4. Prescription of hemostatic therapy 4. Vulvar cancer
5. Prescription of antiviral therapy 5. Papillomavirus infection
53. Forensic autopsy of a body of a 59-year-old man, 57. On ultrasound of the thyroid gland. A 47-year-old
who died suddenly at home without signs of violent woman presents with a hypoechoic node 1.6 cm in
death, shows pink skin and mucosa, liquid bright- diameter with blurred margins and intranodular
red blood, and bright-red plethoric internal organs. hypervascularization. The doctor suspects thyroid
Forensic toxicology testing detected 1.44% of carcinoma. What method should be used to verify
ethanol in the blood and carboxyhemoglobin levels the diagnosis?
of 55%. What is the cause of death? 1. Determine TSH levels in the blood
1. Carbon monoxide poisoning 2. Case monitoring
2. Alcohol poisoning 3. Position emission tomography (PET)
3. Arsenic poisoning 4. Fine-needle aspiration biopsy
4. Aniline poisoning 5. Thyroid scintigraphy
5. Potassium cyanide poisoning
58. A 34-year-old multipara was brought to the labor
54. A patient underwent suture plication of the ward with regular labor activity. Her pelvic size 26-
perforated duodenal ulcer. On the 3rd day after the 29-32-22 cm. Vaginal examination shows 6 cm
operation he started producing a large amount of cervical dilation, the amniotic sac is unbroken. The
discharge from the abdominal drain tube. The fetus is in the breech presentation, with buttocks
discharge contains bile and has high amylase levels. pressed to the entrance into the lesser pelvis. The
What complication occurred in the patient? promontory cannot be reached, no exostoses. Feta
1. Hemorrhage from the ulcer heart rate is 140/min, expected fetal weight is 2800g.
2. Suture incompetence of the ulcerative defect What labor tactics should be chosen?
3. Acute postoperative pancreatitis 1. External obstetric version of fetus
4. Early postoperative adhesive obstruction 2. Fetal extraction from the pelvic end
5. Acute cholecystitis 3. Classic combined external-internal version of the
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1. Retinol 2. Ramipril
2. Riboflavin 3. Torasemide
3. Ascorbic acid 4. Digoxin
4. Thiamine 5. Bisoprolol
5. Calciferol
71. A 35-year old woman complaints of a pain in her
68. A 25-year-old woman was brought into the right axillary region. She has been suffering from
gynecological department with profuse bloody this condition for a week. Her body temperature is 38
discharge from her genital tracts. She is 12 weeks C. in the right axillary region there are 2 formations,
pregnant, the pregnancy is planned. Within the last 3 2 cm in size each. The skin over the formations is
days she was experiencing pains in her lower dark red and thin, palpation produces a yellow-white
abdomen that eventually started resembling cramps, discharge from the fistular openings. What is the
ahe developed bleeding. Her skin is pale, pulse- most likely diagnosis?
88/min, blood pressure-100/60mmHg, body 1. Hydradenitis
temperature –36.8C. Vaginal examination; the uterus 2. Lymphadenitis
size corresponds to 11 weeks of gestation, the 3. Carbuncle
cervical canal allows inserting 1 finger and contains 4. Folliculitis
fragments of the fertilized ovum, the discharge is 5. Furuncle
bloody and profuse. What is the most likely
diagnosis? 72. A newborn has a round red formation in the
1. Disturbed menstrual cycle, hyperpolymenorrhea suprapubic region. Examination shows that urine is
2. 12-week pregnancy, spontaneous abortion in being discharged in pulses from the two orifices
progress located in the lower part of this formation. Name this
3. 12-week pregnancy, threatened spontaneous developmental anomaly:
abortion 1. Bladder agenesis
4. Full-term pregnancy, term labor 2. Urachal cyst
5. Disturbed menstrual cycle, amenorrhea 3. Vesico-umbilical fistula
4. Bladder diverticulum
69. A 38-year-old woman has been suffering from 5. Bladder exstrophy
glomerulonephritis for 20 years. For approximately
16 years she has been presenting with progressing 73. A 12-year-old girl after a case of respiratory
renal parenchymal arterial hypertension that became infection developed dyspnea at rest, paleness of
refractory and accompanied by leg edemas. She skin. Heart rate is 110/min, BP is 90/55 mmHg. Heart
receives a combination of 100mg losartan and 20mg sounds are muffled. Borders of relative heart
lercanidipine with insufficient antihypertensive dullness: right- the left parasternal line, upper- the III
effect. What medicine can she be recommended for rib, left- 1,0 cm outwards from the midclavicular line.
intensification of the antihypertensive effect of her Make the provisional diagnosis:
therapy? 1. Functional cardiomyopathy
1. Doxazosin 2. Somatoform autonomic dysfunction
2. Bisoprolol 3. Exudative pericarditis
3. Torasemide 4. Infectious myocarditis
4. Lisinopril 5. Hypertrophic cardiopathy
5. Urapidil
74. A 20-year old man suffers from headache,
70. A 68-year old woman with congestive heart general weakness, and face edema that appears in
failure and left ventricular ejection fraction of less the morning. 18 days earlier he had a case of
than 40% receives the following pharmacotherapy tonsillitis. Objectively, his skin is pale, there are
scheme: ramipril, torasemide, bisoprolol, edema under his eyes. Hear rate is 60/min, blood
clopidogrel and digoxin. During one of her regular pressure is 185/100 mmHg. The sign of
examination, frequent polymorphic ventricular costovertebral angle tenderness (punch sign in the
extrasystole were detected in the patient. What lumbar region) is negative. Urinalysis: color of “meat
medicine should be removed from her therapy slops”, protein-4.5 g/, altered erythrocytes- 40-45 in
scheme? the vision field, leukocytes- 5-6 in the vision field.
1. Clopidogrel 24-hour diuresis is 400 mL. What is the most likely
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89. During a regular examination, an 8-year old girl fatty acids. What is the most likely diagnosis?.
with type 1 diabetes mellitus presents with a 1. Celiac disease
swelling on the anterior surface of her hip. The 2. Lactase deficiency
swelling is 3 cm in diameter, dense, painless on 3. Functional diahhrea
palpation. The skin over this formation has normal 4. Irritable bowel syndrome
color and temperature. Localization of the swelling 5. Mucoviscidosis
matches the place where the girl usually receives
her insulin injections. What is the most likely cause 94. In a pediatric clinic, located in a rural area, there
of this clinical presentation? are 9 children, who simultaneously fell ill. The
1. Development of atrophic lipodystrophy following signs were detected: low physical activity,
2. Development of hypertrophic lipodystrophy acrocyanosis of the nasolabial triangle and
3. Formation of post-injection abscess fingertips, mucosal cyanosis, tachycardia, dyspnea.
4. Allergic response It was determined that all the sick children were fed
5. Formation of post-injection infiltration with a formula that was dissolved in the water taken
from a dug well. Laboratory analysis revealed high
90. A district doctor has diagnosed one of his levels of methemoglobin in the blood of the children.
patients with dysentery. What accounting document These signs can be caused by increased content of
reflects this type of morbidity? a certain element in the water. Name this element:
1. Control card of a patient registered for regular check- 1. Selenium
ups 2. Sulfates
2. Certificate of temporary disability 3. Methyl mercury
3. Urgent report 4. Nitrates
4. Statistical report 5. Lead
5. Report on a major non-epidemic disease
95. A 48-year old woman was delivered into the
91. A 48-year old woman has been hospitalized due surgical unit with wounds in her thigh. On
to development of tachysystolic atrial fibrillation. examination the wound surface has a dirty-gray
She has lost 5 kg of body weight within 2 months. coating with unpleasant sweet smell. The wound
On palpation there is a node in the left lobe of the content resembles a raspberry jelly. Skin tissues
thyroid gland. What pathology resulted in the around the wound are glossy and turgid. Palpation
development of this condition? reveals moderate crepitation in the tissues. What
1. Atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis bacteria is the most likely to cause such
2. Nontoxic nodular goiter inflammation?
3. Chronic thyroiditis 1. Blue pus bacillus
4. Autoimmune thyroiditis 2. Streptococci
5. Toxic nodular goiter 3. Staphylococci
4. Anaerobic non-clostridial
92. A pregnant woman at 32 weeks of gestation with 5. Anaerobic clostridial
the risk of preterm labor undergoes a treatment to
prevent fetal respiratory distress syndrome. What 96. A 45-year old man underwent a cardiac surgery
medicine was she prescribed? one week ago. His general state has been
1. Dexamethasone deteriorating since then: dyspnea at rest,
2. Misoprostol retrosternal pain that irradiates to the neck, marked
3. Gynipral ( hexoprenaline) weakness. Objectively, his body temperature is
4. Oxytocin hectic. His cardiac borders are expanded, apical
5. Progesterone beat is weakened. Auscultation detects pericardial
friction rub. What is the most likely diagnosis?
93. After semolina was introduced into the diet, a1- 1. Pulmonary embolism
year old child for 2 months has been presenting with 2. Acute cardiac aneurism
loss of appetite, irritability, loss of body mass, and 3. Myocardial infarction
loss of previously learned skills. The feces are 4. Acute myogenic dilation of the heart
copious and foul smelling. The skin is pale and dry, 5. Acute pericarditis
the hair is brittle. The abdomen is distended, while
the limbs are thin. Stool test shows high levels of
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97. A 23-year-old woman with type 1 diabetes father of the child had bronchial asthma. Objectively,
mellitus during the 2nd week of community-acquired the boy’s face is pale and slightly swollen.
pneumonia developed nausea and vomiting. In the Respirations are 22/min. Auscultation detects
evening she has lost her consciousness and was vesicular respiration over the lungs. Rhinoscopy
hospitalized. Objectively, the patient’s skin is pale shows swollen and pale nasal mucosa. What
and dry. Her respiration is long, the tongue is dry, disease can be suspected?
with brown deposit. Her heart rate is 129/min, blood 1. Allergic rhinitis
pressure is 85/50mmHg. Palpation of the patient’s 2. Recurrent respiratory disease
abdomen provokes no response. the liver is +3 cm. 3. Acute rhinitis
Acetone test is markedly positive, blood glucose is 4. Acute adenoiditis
26 mmol/l. Make the provisional diagnosis: 5. Acute maxillary sinusitis
1. Hyperosmolar coma
2. Infectious toxic shock 101. After a long drive with the window open a man
3. Hepatic coma developed a facial asymmetry; he cannot close his
4. Lacticaemic coma right eye, his right nasolabial fold is smoothed out,
5. Ketoacidotic coma movements of expression are absent on the right,
there is a disturbance of taste sensation in the
98. A 54-year-old woman complains of fogged vision tongue on the right. No other neurological
in her right eye, rainbow circles in her vision, abnormalities were detected. What disease can be
headache, and nausea. Within the last month she provisionally diagnosed in this case?
twice experienced a similar condition, but back the 1. Neuropathy of the oculomotor nerve
all the signs eventually disappeared and her sight 2. Neuropathy of the facial nerve
was restored. Currently, all the signs have beed 3. Trigeminal ganglionitis
persisting for over 2 days. Objectively, the patient 4. Ischemic stroke
has eyelid edema, congestive injection of the 5. Neuropathy of the trigeminal nerve
eyeball, corneal opacity, shallow anterior chamber of
the eye, and dilated pupil that is unresponsive to the 102. A 45-year old man with thrombophlebitis of the
light. Her intraocular pressure is 48mmHg. Make the deep veins in his legs suddenly after physical
diagnosis: exertion developed sharp pain in his thorax on the
1. Cyclitis right, dyspnea, and hemoptysis. Objectively his
2. Iridocyclitis condition is severe; he presents with acrocyanosis,
3. Keratitis shortening of pulmonary percussion sound on the
4. Iritis right, and weakened respiration. Respiration is
5. Glaucoma 30/min, blood pressure is 110/80mm Hg. ECG shows
sinus tachycardia, his heart rate is 120/min, the
99. A pregnant woman of 34 weeks of gestation electrical axis of the heart deviates to the right. S1-
underwent dopperometry of umbilical circulation, Q3. What is the most likely diagnosis?
which revealed a reverse diastolic component. 1. Right-sided exudative pleurisy
Objectively, the height of the uterus is 27 cm above 2. Pulmonary embolism
the pubic bone, head of the fetus is mobile and 3. Community acquires right sided pneumonia
located above the entrance to the lesser pelvis. Fetal 4. Spontaneous pneumothorax
heartbeat is 136/min. Vaginal examination shows 5. Cancer of the right lung
that the uterine cervix is closed, its length is 3 cm.
What tactics should the obstetrician choose? 103. On laboratory investigation of a pork sample
1. Repeated dopplerometry next day there is 1 dead trichinella detected in 24 sections.
2. Urgent cesarean section This meat should be:
3. Labor induction with oxytocin 1. Processed and sold through public catering network
4. Fetal biophysical profile 2. Allowed for sale with no restrictions
5. Ultrasound photometry of the fetus 3. Processed for boiled sausage production
4. Handed over for technical disposal
100. A 10-year-old boy came to the polyclinic with 5. Frozen until the temperature of -10 degree C is
complaints of stuffy nose. It is known that these reached in the deep layers, with subsequent exposure to
signs occur in the child periodically (in spring and cold for 15 days
autumn). He has a history of atopic dermatitis. The
Krok 2- 2020 (General Medicine) ( - 15
104. A surgery unit received a person with an 3. Tuberculosis of the right lung
incised stab wound on the upper third of the right 4. Cancer of the right lung
thigh. Examination detects an incised stab wound 5. Chronic bronchitis
3.0×0.5×2.0 cm in size on the inner surface of the
upper third of the right thigh. Bright red blood flow 108. A 43-year old man complains of facial edema,
from deep within the wound in a pulsing stream. dyspnea, and difficult swallowing that appeared 3
Characterize this type of bleeding: hours after he was stung by an insect. Objectively,
1. Venous the skin of his eyelids, cheeks and lips is acutely
2. Capillary hyperemic and edematous. What medicines should
3. Arterial he be prescribed for emergency aid?
4. Mixed 1. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
5. Parenchymatous 2. Diuretics
3. Muscle relaxants
105. During regular examination of a 2-year old boy, 4. Antihistamines
he presents with enlarged left kidney, painless on 5. Glucocorticoids - (Glucocorticosteroids)
palpation. The right kidney was undetectable on
palpation. Excretory urography shows no contrast 109. A 19-year-old girl complains of moderate,
on the right. Cytoscopy detected hemi atrophy of the itching and hair loss on her head. Objectively, on the
urinary bladder trigone, the right ureteral orifice is skin of her occipital region there is a single round
not detected. What pathology is it? erythematous focus 3 cm in diameter with clear
1. Agenesis of the right ureter margins. Asbestos- like scales can be observed on
2. Agenesis of the right kidney the surface of the lesion. The hair in the focus of the
3. Dystopia of the right kidney lesion is broken off at the length of 6-8 cm. What is
4. Ectopic right ureteral orifice the most likely diagnosis?
5. Hypoplasia of the right kidney 1. Psoriasis
2. Seborrhea
106. A 56-year-old woman has been working as a 3. Microsporia
disinfector for 19 years. She complains of general 4. Scabies
weakness, nausea, bitter taste in her mouth, heavy 5. Trichophytosis
sensation in her right subcostal area, and rapid
fatigability. Objectively, her body temperature is 37.1 110. A 26-year-old man complains of chills, rhinitis,
C, the sclerae are icteric, and the liver is enlarged. dry cough, and fever up to 38C. Examination shows
Total bilirubin is 40 mcmol/L. What is the likely him to be in a moderately severe condition; there are
diagnosis? small pale pink non-merging spots on the skin of his
1. Chronic cholecystitis back, abdomen, and extremities. Palpation reveals
2. Biliary dyskinesia enlarged occipital and axillary lymph nodes. No
3. Occupational toxic hepatitis information about vaccination history could be
4. Chronic pancreatitis obtained. What is the likely etiology of this disease?
5. Acute cholecystitis 1. Epstein-Barr virus
2. Meningococcus
107. A 57-year-old man, a miner, complaints of a 3. Streptococcus
pain in his chest, dyspnea on physical exertion, 4. Rubella virus
excessive sweating, constant sub febrile 5. Mumps virus
temperature, and cough that produces blood-
steaked sputum. He has been smoking for 111. A 3-year-old child has been brought to a
approximately 40 years (2 packs a day) and hospital with pain in the legs, fever, and loss of
frequently has ”pneumonias”. Survey chest X-ray appetite. Objectively: pale skin and mucosa,
shows a triangular shadow in the middle lobe of the hemorrhagic rash. Lymph nodes are enlarged,
right lung. One of the apices of the shadow points to painless, dense and elastic, not matted together.
the lung root. Cardiac and mediastinal shadows are Bones, joints and abdomen are painful. The liver and
displaced toward the affected area. Make the spleen are enlarged. Hemogram: Hb-88g/L, color
provisional diagnosis: index- 1.3, platelets- 80 x 109/L, leukocytes- 25.8 x
1. Right-sided pleuropneumonia 109/L, lymphoblasts- 70%, ESR-52 mm/hour. Make
2. Pneumoconiosis the provisional diagnosis:
Krok 2- 2020 (General Medicine) ( - 16
uterine cavity the physician scrapped off a sample of margin, the lower splenic pole is at the umbilical
encephaloid matter. What is the most likely level. In blood: erythrocytes- 3.5 x 1012/L, Hb- 88 g/L,
diagnosis in this case? leukocytes- 86 x 109/L, band neutrophils- 1%,
1. Endometrial carcinoma segmented neutrophils-10%, lymphocytes- 85%,
2. Subserous uterine myoma eosinophils-2%, basophils-0%, monocytes-2%,
3. Adenomyosis erythrocyte sedimentation rate- 15 mm/hour,
4. Cervical carcinoma Gumprecht shadows. What is the most likely
5. Ovarian carcinoma diagnosis?
1. Acute leukemia
121. Children from a certain township presents with 2. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
brittle teeth, malocclusion, dental enamel erosions, 3. Lymphogranulomatosis
and dental pigmentation that looks like yellow- 4. Chronic myeloid leukemia
brown spots. What is the likely cause of this 5. Lymphocytic leukemoid reaction
1. High levels of sulfates in water 125. A multigravida, labor II, 36-37 weeks of
2. High levels of nitrates gestation, has gone into labor. Her waters broke 8
3. High levels if fluorine in water hours ago, the labor activity continues for the last 4
4. Low levels of fluorine in water hours, it is regular, with contractions that last 35
5. Low levels of sulfates in water seconds and occur every 3 –4 minutes. The child is
in the cephalic presentation, with the head pressed
122. A 65-year old man with acute anterior to the entrance into the lesser pelvis. The parturient
myocardial infarction developed an asphyxia attack. woman complains of a sudden sharp abdominal
Examination detected diffuse cyanosis. In the lungs pain. Her pulse is100/min, blood pressure is 110/70-
there are numerous heterogenous wet crackles. 100/70 mmHg. The uterus is tense and does not
Heart rate is 100/min. Blood pressure is 120/100 mm relax between the contractions. Fetal heartbeat is
Hg. What complication occurred in this patient? muffled- 100/min. The amniotic fluid is blood-colored
1. Cardiogenic shock and continues to leak. What is the most likely
2. Ventricular septal rupture diagnosis?
3. Pulmonary edema 1. Uterine rupture
4. Hypertensive crisis 2. Cervical rupture
5. Pulmonary embolism 3. Rupture of the umbilical vessels
4. Premature detachment of the normally positioned
123. A 7-year-old boy after a fall from a height placenta
presents with rapid and shallow breathing and 5. Partial placenta previa
cyanotic face. The right half of his thorax is
distended and takes no part in the respiration. 126. A 52-year-old woman has been suffering for 2
Percussion detects tympanitis in the affected area, years from dull, occassionally exacerbating pain in
while auscultation detects no breathing there. What her right subcostal area, occuring after eating high-
pathology is the most likely cause of this clinical fat foods, bitter taste in her mouthin the morning,
presentation? What instrumental examination would constipations, and flatulence. Objectively, she is
be most informative in this case? obese, her body temperature is 36.9 C; there is a
1. Tension cyst of the right lung. Tracheobronchoscopy coating on the root of her tongue; abdomen is
2. Right-sided tension pneumothorax. Chest X-ray moderately distended and painful in the area of the
3. Right-sided hemothorax. Survey X-ray of the chest gallbladder projection. What examination would be
4. Airway foreign body. Diagnostic therapeutic most helpful for diagnosis making?
bronchoscopy 1. Ultrasound
5. Mediastinitis. Survey X-ray of the chest 2. Duodenoscopy
3. Liver scanning
124. A 58-year old man complains of weakness and 4. Cholecystography
tumor-like formations that appeared on the anterior 5. Duodenal probe
surface of his neck and in the inguinal region.
Palpation detects soft painless mobile cervical and 127. A 21-year-old man was hospitalized on the 2nd
inguinal lymph nodes up to 2cm in diameter. The day of the disease. His general condition is severe,
liver protrudes by 2cm from the edge of the costal body temperature is 39C. On his skin there are
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