Quiz Water Treatment 3
Quiz Water Treatment 3
Quiz Water Treatment 3
4. Your MLSS level is 1,800 mg/L and your return sludge suspended solids value 11. What is the main reason why MCRT is increased during the winter season?
is 2,300 mg/L in a conventional activated sludge plant. What change would a. To improve sludge settling
typically be made to the return sludge flow? b. To increase DO levels in the aeration tank
a. Decrease the flow rate c. To reduce straggler floc in the effluent
b. Increase the flow rate d. To increase solids inventory since bacteria activity is slower
c. Keep the flow rate steady
d. Keep the flow rate steady but increase the sludge wasting rate 12. Sludge wasting rates affect:
a. Nitrification ability
5. Which of the following biological processes can produce alkalinity? b. Growth rate of microorganisms
a. Carbonaceous BOD removal c. Aeration tank solids inventory
b. Denitrification d. All of the above
c. Nitrification
1c, 2d, 3d, 4a, 5b, 6a, 7d, 8a, 9b, 10c, 11d, 12d
d. Phosphorus removal by chemical addition with ferrous chloride Answers:
6. The nitrification process is controlled by temperature and what other factor? For those who have questions concerning operator certification require
ments and scheduling, please contact Tanya May Jennings at 315-422-7811
a. SRT
ext. 4, [email protected], or visit www.nywea.org/OpCert.
b. Sludge settling rate
c. Phosphorus levels
d. Hydraulic loading