The Champion Legal Ads: 06-29-23

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To provide General Contractor 2023 @ 9:00 am 028, Project No.

028, Project No. 102-35 for There will be mandatory site 7/13 local permits as well as re-
services for the construction Final Questions Due July 5, Group B Fire Sprinkler Installa- visits beginning at 9:00 AM ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS quired easements or rights of
(Site, Bldg. and Systems) of the 2023 not later than 2:00 pm tion++. The Owner shall not EST on Friday, June 30, 2023. City of Chamblee, Georgia way for the project will be ob-
Owner’s Construction Project at Final Addendum Issued (if ne- consider late proposals. Attendance at each site is man- 3518 Broad Street tained prior to Construction.
the Briar Vista Elementary cessary) July 12, 2023 not later Scope of Services datory. Chamblee, Georgia 30341 Obtaining the Bidding Docu-
School and Henderson Mill Ele- than 2:00 pm To provide General Contractor Schedule for Selection (dates General Notice ments
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023Page 15
mentary School as specified Proposals Due July 27, 2023 services for the construction are subject to change) City of Chamblee, Georgia is Information and Bidding Docu-
per the Proposal Documents. not later than 2:00 pm and installation of a fully func- Virtual Mandatory Pre-Propos- requesting Bids for the con- ments for the Project can be
Request for Proposal (“RFP”) Public Acknowledgement July tional fire sprinkler system at al Conference* June 29, 2023 struction of the following viewed at the following desig-
documents will be available 31, 2023 not later than 5:00 pm Group B Fire Installation at @10:00 am Project: nated locations:
Thursday, June 8, 2023, and Anticipated Board Review and Brockett Elementary School, Mandatory Site Visits June 30, ++N. Shallowford at N. City of Chamblee, City Hall
may be obtained from the Approval September 11, 2023 Evansdale Elementary School, 2023 @ 9:00 am Peachtree & Ellwyn Dr. Round- 3518 Broad Street
DeKalb County Board of Edu- *OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTEND- Margaret Harris Comprehens- Final Questions Due July 19, about++ Chamblee, Georgia 30341
cation website at https://dekalb- ANCE* ive School, Stone Mill Element- 2023 not later than 2:00 pm Bids for the construction of the Phone: (770) 986-5010 Plans Meeting will be held via ary School and Stone Moun- Final Addendum Issued (if ne- Project will be received at the
and Specifications are avail- TEAMS. Please refer “Virtual tain Elementary School as spe- cessary) July 26, 2023 not later Chamblee City Hall located at Kimley-Horn
able electronically in PDF Mandatory Pre-Proposal Con- cified per the Proposal Docu- than 2:00 pm 3518 Broad Street, Chamblee, 3930 East Jones Bridge Road
format and can be emailed to ference” for instructions to re- ments. Proposals Due August 10, Georgia, until 10:00 A.M. local Suite 350
prospective Respondents free ceive meeting link. Request for Proposal (“RFP”) 2023 not later than 2:00 pm time, July 25, 2023. At that time Peachtree Corners, Georgia
of charge by submitting a re- Except as expressly provided documents will be available Public Acknowledgement Au- the Bids received will be pub- 30092
quest to angela_arlene-myr- in, or permitted by, the Propos- Thursday, June 15, 2023, and gust 14, 2023 not later than licly opened and read aloud. Phone: (678) 502-1883
[email protected]. al Documents, from the date of may be obtained from the 5:00 pm The Project includes the follow- Prospective Bidders are urged
VRTUAL MANDATORY PRE- issuance of the RFP until final DeKalb County Board of Edu- Anticipated Board Review and ing Work: to register with the Engineer as
PROPOSAL CONFERENCE Owner action of approval of cation website at https://dekalb- Approval October 16, 2023 Conversion of the existing a plan holder, even if Bidding
A virtual mandatory Pre-Pro- contract award, the Contractor Plans *OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTEND- North Peachtree Road at North Documents are obtained from a
posal Conference will be held submitting a Proposal shall not and Specifications are avail- ANCE* Shallowford Road intersection plan room or source other than
via TEAMS at 10:00 a.m. local initiate any communication or able electronically in PDF The meeting will be held via into a single lane compact the Issuing Office in either elec-
time on Thursday, June 22, discussion concerning the format and can be emailed to TEAMS. Please refer to “Virtu- roundabout. Full depth pave- tronic or paper format. The Is-
2023. Prospective bidders must Project, the RFP or the Con- prospective Respondents free al Mandatory Pre-Proposal ment reconstruction, milling of suing Office will periodically dis-
provide the following informa- tractor’s Proposal or any part of charge by submitting a re- Conference” for instructions to existing asphalt, concrete medi- tribute official notifications, ad-
Ad For Bid tion by 5:00 PM, EST on Wed-
nesday, June 21, 2023:
thereof with any employee,
agent, or representative of the
quest to angela_arlene-myr-
[email protected].
receive meeting link.
Except as expressly provided
an/concrete central truck apron,
concrete vertical curb, con-
denda, and other information
relevant to submitting a Bid for
040-476304 6/8,6/22,6/29,7/6 1. Individual Name and Title Owner. Any violation of this re- VRTUAL MANDATORY PRE- in, or permitted by, the Propos- crete sidewalk, concrete drive- the Project. Neither Owner nor
ADVERTISEMENT FOR 2. Company Name striction may result in the rejec- PROPOSAL CONFERENCE al Documents, from the date of ways, new roadway signing Engineer will be responsible for
SEALED PROPOSALS 3. Telephone Number tion of the Contractor’s Propos- A virtual mandatory Pre-Pro- issuance of the RFP until final and striping, storm drainage, Bidding Documents, including
GENERAL CONTRACTOR 4. Email Address al. posal Conference will be held Owner action of approval of landscaping, traffic control, addenda, if any, obtained from
Proposals will be received elec- This information must be sent The Owner reserves the right to via TEAMS at 10:00 a.m. local contract award, the Contractor erosion/sediment control meas- sources other than the desig-
tronically on the DeKalb County to dcsd-op-solicitation@dekalb- reject any or all proposals, and time on Thursday, June 29, submitting a Proposal shall not ures, labor, materials and nated website.
School District (“Owner”) web- A meeting link to waive technicalities and in- 2023. Prospective bidders must initiate any communication or equipment necessary to install The Issuing Office for the Bid-
site at will be sent to all those provid- formalities. provide the following informa- discussion concerning the the authorized work. ding Documents is:
https://dekalbschoolsga.ion- ing the above information no tion by 5:00 PM, EST on Wed- Project, the RFP or the Con- No proposal will be considered Kimley-Horn
later than 10:30 AM, EST on 040-476421 6/15,6/29,7/6,7/13 nesday, June 22, 2023: tractor’s Proposal or any part unless it is accompanied by 3930 East Jones Bridge Road, until 2:00 p.m. local ADVERTISEMENT FOR
time on Thursday, July 27, Thursday, June 22, 2023. 1. Individual Name and Title thereof with any employee, satisfactory evidence that the Suite 350
There will be a mandatory site SEALED PROPOSALS 2. Company Name agent, or representative of the Bidder holds Georgia State Peachtree Corners, Georgia
2023 for General Contractor GENERAL CONTRACTOR
services for ++RFP No. 23-752- visit at 9:00 AM, EST on Friday, 3. Telephone Number Owner. Any violation of this re- Contractor's License of proper 30092
June 23, 2023. Attendance is Proposals will be received elec- 4. Email Address striction may result in the rejec- classification and in full force Phone: (678) 502-1883
017, for Briar Vista tronically on the DeKalb County
Elementary(Project No. 357-35) mandatory. This information must be sent tion of the Contractor’s Propos- and effect, in compliance with Email: adam.gomez@kimley-
Schedule for Selection (dates School District (“Owner”) web- to dcsd-op-solicitation@dekalb- al. Act. O.C.G.A. 43 14, or qualific-
and Henderson Mill Element- site at
ary School (Project No. 351-35) are subject to change) A meeting link The Owner reserves the right to ations with the Georgia Depart- Prospective Bidders may ob-
Virtual Mandatory Pre-Propos- https://dekalbschoolsga.ion- will be sent to all those provid- reject any or all proposals, and ment of Transportation for simil- tain or examine the Bidding
Major Building Systems Re- until 2:00 p.m. local
placement++. The Owner shall al Conference* June 22, 2023 ing the above information no to waive technicalities and in- ar work, in compliance with Act. Documents at the Issuing Of-
@10:00 am time on Thursday, August10, later than 9:30 AM, EST on formalities. O.C.G.A. 43-41-17. fice on Monday through
not consider late proposals. 2023 for General Contractor
Scope of Services Mandatory Site Visit June 23, Thursday, June 29, 2023. All required federal, state, and Thursday between the hours of
2023 @ 9:00 am services for ++RFP No. 23-752- There will be mandatory site 040-476422 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6, local permits as well as re- 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., and
To provide General Contractor 028, Project No. 102-35 for 7/13
services for the construction Final Questions Due July 5, visits beginning at 9:00 AM quired easements or rights of may obtain a digital copy of the
2023 not later than 2:00 pm Group B Fire Sprinkler Installa- EST on Friday, June 30, 2023. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS way for the project will be ob- Bidding Documents from the Is-
(Site, Bldg. and Systems) of the tion++. The Owner shall not City of Chamblee, Georgia
Owner’s Construction Project at Final Addendum Issued (if ne- Attendance at each site is man- tained prior to Construction. suing Office for a nonrefund-
cessary) July 12, 2023 not later consider late proposals. datory. 3518 Broad Street Obtaining the Bidding Docu- able fee of $25.00. Make de-
the Briar Vista Elementary Scope of Services Chamblee, Georgia 30341
School and Henderson Mill Ele- than 2:00 pm Schedule for Selection (dates ments posit checks for Bidding Docu-
Proposals Due July 27, 2023 To provide General Contractor are subject to change) General Notice Information and Bidding Docu- ments payable to the City of
mentary School as specified services for the construction City of Chamblee, Georgia is
per the Proposal Documents. not later than 2:00 pm Virtual Mandatory Pre-Propos- ments for the Project can be Chamblee, Georgia. Partial
Public Acknowledgement July and installation of a fully func- al Conference* June 29, 2023 requesting Bids for the con- viewed at the following desig- sets of Bidding Documents will
Request for Proposal (“RFP”) tional fire sprinkler system at struction of the following
documents will be available 31, 2023 not later than 5:00 pm @10:00 am nated locations: not be available from the Issu-
Anticipated Board Review and Group B Fire Installation at Mandatory Site Visits June 30, Project: City of Chamblee, City Hall ing Office.
Thursday, June 8, 2023, and Brockett Elementary School, ++N. Shallowford at N.
may be obtained from the Approval September 11, 2023 2023 @ 9:00 am 3518 Broad Street Instructions to Bidders.
*OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTEND- Evansdale Elementary School, Final Questions Due July 19, Peachtree & Ellwyn Dr. Round- Chamblee, Georgia 30341 For all further requirements re-
DeKalb County Board of Edu- Margaret Harris Comprehens- about++
cation website at https://dekalb- ANCE* 2023 not later than 2:00 pm Phone: (770) 986-5010 garding bid submittal, qualifica-
Meeting will be held via ive School, Stone Mill Element- Final Addendum Issued (if ne- Bids for the construction of the tions, procedures, and contract Plans ary School and Stone Moun- Project will be received at the
and Specifications are avail- TEAMS. Please refer “Virtual cessary) July 26, 2023 not later Kimley-Horn award, refer to the Instructions
Mandatory Pre-Proposal Con- tain Elementary School as spe- than 2:00 pm Chamblee City Hall located at 3930 East Jones Bridge Road to Bidders that are included in
able electronically in PDF cified per the Proposal Docu- 3518 Broad Street, Chamblee,
format and can be emailed to ference” for instructions to re- Proposals Due August 10, Suite 350 the Bidding Documents.
ceive meeting link. ments. 2023 not later than 2:00 pm Georgia, until 10:00 A.M. local Peachtree Corners, Georgia This Advertisement is issued
prospective Respondents free Request for Proposal (“RFP”) time, July 25, 2023. At that time
of charge by submitting a re- Except as expressly provided Public Acknowledgement Au- 30092 by:
in, or permitted by, the Propos- documents will be available gust 14, 2023 not later than the Bids received will be pub- Phone: (678) 502-1883 Jon Walker, City Manager
quest to angela_arlene-myr- Thursday, June 15, 2023, and licly opened and read aloud.
[email protected]. al Documents, from the date of 5:00 pm Prospective Bidders are urged City of Chamblee, Georgia
issuance of the RFP until final may be obtained from the Anticipated Board Review and The Project includes the follow- to register with the Engineer as
VRTUAL MANDATORY PRE- DeKalb County Board of Edu- ing Work:
PROPOSAL CONFERENCE Owner action of approval of Approval October 16, 2023 a plan holder, even if Bidding
contract award, the Contractor cation website at https://dekalb- *OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTEND- Conversion of the existing Documents are obtained from a
A virtual mandatory Pre-Pro- Plans North Peachtree Road at North
posal Conference will be held submitting a Proposal shall not ANCE* plan room or source other than
initiate any communication or and Specifications are avail- The meeting will be held via Shallowford Road intersection the Issuing Office in either elec-
via TEAMS at 10:00 a.m. local able electronically in PDF into a single lane compact
time on Thursday, June 22, discussion concerning the TEAMS. Please refer to “Virtu- tronic or paper format. The Is-
Project, the RFP or the Con- format and can be emailed to al Mandatory Pre-Proposal roundabout. Full depth pave- suing Office will periodically dis-
2023. Prospective bidders must prospective Respondents free ment reconstruction, milling of
provide the following informa- tractor’s Proposal or any part Conference” for instructions to tribute official notifications, ad-
thereof with any employee, of charge by submitting a re- receive meeting link. existing asphalt, concrete medi- denda, and other information
tion by 5:00 PM, EST on Wed-
nesday, June 21, 2023:
Contact Us
agent, or representative of the quest to angela_arlene-myr- Terms & Conditions
Except as expressly provided an/concrete central truck apron, Index
relevant to submitting a Bid for
Owner. Any violation of this re- [email protected]. in, or permitted by, the Propos- concrete vertical curb, con- the Project. Neither Owner nor
1. Individual Name and Title crete
2. Company Name address: tion striction may result in the rejec-
The Champion
Newspaper, al Documents,
Clients placing from
legalthe date of agree
advertising to sidewalk,
read the firstconcrete drive-
publication Engineer will be responsible
Attorney/Court for
Notices N/A
of the Contractor’s Propos- PROPOSAL CONFERENCE issuance
of any data of submitted
the RFP until in any form toways,
final new roadway
The Champion signing
to verify Bidding Documents, including
3. Telephone
Number Attn: Legal Advertising
A virtual mandatory Pre-Pro- its accuracy and shall notify the and
newspaper striping,
of any storm drainage,
corrections Court Calendars N/A
4. Email al. Owner action of approval of addenda, if any, obtained from
This information must be sent
The Owner reserves Box the 1347
right to posal Conference will be held
required by 3 p.m. on the Friday following the first publication.
contract award, the Contractor landscaping, traffic control, Adoption Notices
sources other than the desig-
Decatur, Ga.,
reject any or all proposals, and30031-1347
via TEAMS at 10:00 a.m. local submitting
Fax a Proposal
and e-mail acceptance of legal erosion/sediment
shall not control meas-
advertising is contingent upon nated Advertisements
website. for Bids 15, 65
to dcsd-op-solicitation@dekalb- A meeting link PH:to waive technicalities and in-
404-373-7779 time on Thursday, June 29,
x1009 acceptance
initiate any by any client of the
communication ures,conditions
or following labor, materials
and their useand TheCondemnations
Issuing Office for the Bid- 16
dingNotices of is:
Incorporation 17
2023. Prospective bidders must of fax and e-mail shall signify acceptance of the conditions:
equipment necessary to install

will be sent to all those provid- formalities. FAX:678-605-6597 discussion concerning the Documents
provide the following informa- Project,
1. the RFP will
The Champion or the Con-
not be the authorized
responsible for any errorswork.that occur Notices to Debtors & Creditors 17
ing the above information no E-mail: [email protected] Divorces
later than 10:30 AM, EST on
tion by 5:00 PM, EST on Wed- tractor’s
in Proposal
transmission, or any identification
including part No proposal will be that
and notification considered
an 3930 East Jones 20Bridge Road,
nesday, June 22, 2023: error has occurred. Publication of any transmission as received by
unless it is accompanied Foreclosures 43
Thursday, June 22, 2023. thereof
fulfills thewith any employee,
obligation of our publication to the sending client. Suite 350
There Physical address:
will be a mandatory site 627-H East College Ave. Name and Title
1. Individual agent, or representative of the satisfactory evidence that the Insurance
Peachtree Corners,Statements
Georgia N/A
Ga. 30030Company Name
2. Bidder holds Georgia State 30092 Juvenile Court 21
visit Decatur, Owner. Any violation of not
thisbere-held responsible
2. The Champion shall for any transmis-
at 9:00 AM, EST on Friday, 3. Telephone Number sion directed to the publication but not received by
Contractor's it. Theofdecision
License proper
23, 2023. hours: 9 a.m.
Attendance is to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. striction
of may resultshall
the publication in theberejec-
final on determining receipt of any Phone: Legislation
(678) 502-1883 N/A
4. Email Address tion of the Contractor’s Propos-
message. classification and in full force Email: adam.gomez@kimley-
Name Changes 22
mandatory. This information must be sent and effect, in compliance with
Schedule al.
Probate Court 24
Selection (dates
deadline is 12 noon Thursday fortosubsequent dcsd-op-solicitation@dekalb- 3.
The The Champion
Owner reserves has thenoright
to way
Act. to confirm
O.C.G.A. authenticity
43 14, or qualific- Prospective Bidders may ob-
are Thursday
subject to change)
publication. Legal ad requests must specify date(s) the ad is link of a transmission received or whether it was transmitted by an au- Public Hearings 29 A meeting reject anyagent
thorized or allofproposals,
a legal client ationsnot
and and shall withbethe
held Georgia Depart-
responsible tainPublic
or examine
Notices the Bidding 30
to Mandatory
be published.Pre-Propos-
Holidays may alter advertising deadlines. will be sentPlease check
to all those provid- ment of Transportation for simil-
al Conference* to waive
for technicalities
determining this. and in- Documents at the Issuing Of-
Public Sales 31
the LegalJune 22, 2023 calendar at
Advertising ing the above information no formalities. ar work, in compliance with Act. f i c eService
o n M o nby d aPublication
y through
@10:00 am
deadlines/ prior to major holidays for early deadline notices.
later than 9:30 AM, EST on 4. All clients using fax or e-mail for transmission of legal data
O.C.G.A. 43-41-17. of any
Mandatory Site Visit June 23, agree to hold this publication harmless for consequences Thursday between
Sheriff Sales the hours of 37
Thursday, June 29, 2023. breach of confidentiality which might occur. All required federal, state, and 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., and
2023 @ 9:00 am
Foreclosures, Sheriff’s Sales, Marshal Sales and There
Tax will beare
Sales mandatory
held onsite local permits as well as re- Tax Sales 39
may obtain a digital copy of the
Final Questions Due July 5, 5. Facsimile and e-mail cannot replace quiredthe easements
submission or of ac-
rights Trade Namefrom Registrations 38
2023the notcourthouse
later than 2:00steps
pm on the first Tuesday of each month.
visits beginning at 9:00 AM
Foreclosure curate source documents, but can provide a quicker, easier way of Bidding
Documents the Is-
Addendum and Tax(ifSales
Issued ne- notices publish four consecutive
EST onweeks
Friday, June
prior30,to2023. to transmit such data for those who way wishfor the project
to use it. We arewillglad
be ob-
to suing Office Notices
for a nonrefund- 39
the July
cessary) first12,
Tuesday of each month.
2023 not later
Attendance at each site is man- cooperate by implementing fax and tained e-mail prior to Construction.
availability after clarify- ableMarshal Sales
fee of $25.00. Make de- N/A
datory. ing user risks as identified currently.Obtaining the Bidding Docu-
posit *N/A
checks= Not Applicable
for Bidding Docu-
than 2:00 pm Schedule for Selection (dates ments
Proposals Due July 27, 2023 ments payable to the City of
are subject to change) Information and Bidding Docu- Chamblee, Georgia. Partial
not later than 2:00 pm Virtual Mandatory Pre-Propos- ments for the Project can be
Public Acknowledgement July sets of Bidding Documents will
al Conference* June 29, 2023 viewed at the following desig- not be available from the Issu-
31, 2023 not later than 5:00 pm
authorized to do business in persons having any interest in 12.00 feet to a point 48.00 feet 35+08.31 on said construction (AREA 2)
Georgia by the Georgia Insur- or claim against such property, left of and opposite station centerline laid out for Boulder- All that tract or parcel of land ly-
ance Department, listed in the as above set forth, are re- 127+02.00 on said construc- crest Road; thence S ing and being in Land Lot 76
Department of the Treasury's quired by the Order of the tion centerline laid out for Con- 89°42'14.3" E a distance of &77 of the 15 Land District
Publication of Companies Hold- Judge of said Court to sur- tinental Way; thence S 15.00 feet to a point 54.28 feet and/or 1342 Georgia Militia Dis-
ing Certificates of Authority as render possession of the prop- 89°20'29.6" E a distance of left of and opposite station trict of DeKalb County, Geor-
Page 16 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023 
Acceptable Surety on Federal
Bonds and as Acceptable Rein-
erty to the Department of
Transportation no later than 30
160.00 feet to a point 48.00
feet left of and opposite sta-
35+08.58 on said construction
centerline laid out for Boulder-
gia, being more particularly de-
scribed as follows:
040-476702 6/22,6/29 040-476942 6/29 suring Companies and have an days from filing of the Declara- tion128+62.00 on said con- crest Road; thence S Beginning at a point 60.00 feet
DEKALB COUNTY SCHOOL INVITATION TO BID ON THE A.M. Best rating of A-, Class V tion of Taking. struction centerline laid out for 0°17'45.7" W a distance of left of and opposite Station
DISTRICT PINE LAKE DAM REPAIR or higher. That in accordance with the Of- Continental Way; thence N 190.16 feet to a point 33.95 131+10.00 on the construction
ADVERTISEMENT FOR PROJECT BID NO. The Owner will award the Con- ficial Code of Georgia Annot- 0°39'30.4" E a distance of feet left of and opposite station centerline of Continental Way
SOLICITATIONS ++PW 2023-0003++ tract to the lowest "qualified" ated Section 32-3-13 through 12.00 feet to a point 60.00 feet 138+75.38 on said construc- on Georgia Highway Project
Sealed responses will be re- The City of Pine Lake is solicit- bidder, subject to the Owner's 32-3-19, if the owner, or any of left of and opposite station tion centerline laid out for Con- No. IMNH0-0285-01(352); run-
ceived by the DeKalb County ing competitive sealed bids right to reject any or all bids, to the owners, or any person hav- 128+62.00 on said construc- tinental Way; thence N ning thence N 0°39'30.4" E a
School District in the Purchas- from qualified contractors for waive technicalities, and to ing a claim against or interest in tion centerline laid out for Con- 89°18'15.5" W a distance of distance of 12.00 feet to a point
ing Department, 1701 Moun- PINE LAKE DAM REPAIR make an award deemed in its said property, shall be dissatis- tinental Way; thence S 772.65 feet to a point 27.33 72.00 feet left of and opposite
tain Industrial Boulevard, Stone WITH ASSOCIATED IM- best interests. fied with the compensation, as 89°20'29.6" E a distance of feet left of and opposite station station 131+10.00 on said con-
Mountain, Georgia 30083, be- PROVEMENTS. Sealed bids estimated in the Declaration of 688.00 feet to a point 60.00 131+04.47 on said construc- struction centerline laid out for
fore 2:00 P.M. EST, July 18, will be received by the City of Taking and deposited in Court, feet left of and opposite station tion centerline laid out for Con- Continental Way; thence S
2023, for ++RFP 24-556 Mov- Pine Lake at the Pine Lake City such person or persons, or any 135+50.00 on said construc- tinental Way; thence N 89°20'29.6" E a distance of
ing Services++. Responses Hall, 425 Allgood Road, Stone Condemnation of them, shall have the right, at tion centerline laid out for Con- 89°12'55.5" W a distance of 334.00 feet to a point 72.00
must be received before 2:00 Mountain, Georgia 30083, until any time subsequent to the fil- tinental Way; thence N 442.76 feet to a point 28.31 feet left of and opposite station
P.M. EST, Tuesday, July 18, 3:00 p.m. local time on 31th 050-476898 6/29,7/6 ing of the Declaration and the 0°39'30.4" E a distance of 5.00 feet left of and opposite station 134+44.00 on said construc-
2023. Responses received day, of July, 2023. The bids will CITATION deposit of the fund into Court feet to a point 65.00 feet left of 126+61.72 on said construc- tion centerline laid out for Con-
after the stated deadline will not be opened by staff and the res- IN THE SUPERIOR COURT but not later than 30 days fol- and opposite station 135+50.00 tion centerline laid out for Con- tinental Way; thence S
be accepted. Responses will be ults will be posted later that day OF lowing the date of service as on said construction centerline tinental Way; thence N 0°39'30.4" W a distance of
acknowledged on Tuesday, Ju- via email to the bid submitters. DEKALB COUNTY provided for in the Official Code laid out for Continental Way; 89°12'55.5" W a distance of 12.00 feet to a point 60.00 feet
ly 18, 2023, beginning at 3:00 Any bid received after 3:00 GEORGIA of Georgia Annotated Sections thence S 89°20'29.6" E a dis- 366.31 feet back to the point of left of and opposite station
P.M. EST. p.m. will not be accepted. Bid DEPARTMENT OF TRANS- 32-3-8 through 32-3-10 to file tance of 129.51 feet to a point beginning. Containing 1.306 134+44.00 on said construc-
Solicitations may be down- envelope must be marked on PORTATION with the Court a notice of ap- 65.00 feet left of and opposite acres more or less. tion centerline laid out for Con-
loaded from: https://dekalb- the outside with Bid Number, vs peal, the same to be in writing station 136+79.51 on said con- PERMANENT EASEMENT tinental Way; thence N Name of Bidder, date and time 1.306 acres of land; and cer- and made a part of the record struction centerline laid out for (AREA 1) 89°20'29.6" W a distance of
spx of opening. tain easement rights; and Joint in the proceedings. Continental Way; thence south- All that tract or parcel of land ly- 334.00 feet back to the point of
The DeKalb County Board of Work required under the Con- Development Authority of The said property, as thus af- easterly 46.67 feet along the ing and being in Land Lot 76 beginning. Containing 4008.00
Education reserves the right to tract would include repair & DeKalb County, Newton County fected, is described as follows: arc of a curve (said curve hav- and 77of the 15 Land District SF more or less.
reject any or all solicitations restabilization of approximately and Gwinnett County; Vesta SEE PAGE 20-A; 20-B; 20-C; ing a radius of 2565.00 feet and and/or 1342 Georgia Militia Dis- PERMANENT EASEMENT
and to waive informalities or 145 if section of Pine Lake Bouldercrest, LLC; Comcast of 20-D; 20-E; FOR DESCRIP- a chord distance of 46.67 feet trict of DeKalb County, Geor- (AREA 3)
technicalities in any solicitation Dam adjacent to Snapfinger Georgia/Virginia Inc.; JazAt- TION on a bearing of S 88°49'13.1" gia, being more particularly de- All that tract or parcel of land ly-
received. Creek in accordance with lanta 438, LLC; DeKalb County, This 2nd day of November, E) to the point 65.00 feet left of scribed as follows: ing and being in Land Lot 76
DEKALB COUNTY BOARD OF provided construction docu- GA; Satellite Communications, 2022. and opposite station 137+25.00 Beginning at a point 100.00 and 77 of the 15 Land District
EDUCATION ments. Ltd.; KeyBank National Associ- Debra DeBerry on said construction centerline feet left of and opposite Station and/or 1342 Georgia Militia Dis-
Ms. Carla L. Smith, Vendor Interested parties should con- ation; Synovus Bank; Irvin Clerk Superior Court laid out for Continental Way; 35+00.00 on the construction trict of DeKalb County, Geor-
Services Executive Director tact Beth Farmer at bmfarm- Johnson, DeKalb County Tax DEKALB COUNTY thence S 1°42'03.5" W a dis- centerline of Bouldercrest Road gia, being more particularly de-
Dr. Vasanne Tinsley, Interim [email protected] to request a Commissioner tance of 16.00 feet to a point on Georgia Highway Project scribed as follows:
Superintendent bid package. ++DOCKET NO. 22CV5381++ PROPERTY OWNERS: Irvin 49.00 feet left of and opposite No. IMNH0-0285-01(352); run- Beginning at a point 100.00feet
June 14, 2023 Clark Patterson Lee IN REM Johnson, DeKalb County Tax station 137+25.00 on said con- ning thence N 88°40'30.3" W a left of and opposite Station
Ad Control #1208 3011 Sutton Gate Drive, Suite The said named persons and Commissioner struction centerline laid out for distance of 14.00 feet to a point 33+75.00 on the construction
040-476703 6/22,6/29 130 any and all other persons PROJECT/P.I. NO.: IMNHO- Continental Way; thence south- 114.00 feet left of and opposite centerline of Bouldercrest Road
DEKALB COUNTY SCHOOL Suwanee, GA 30024 known and unknown claiming 0285-01(352), P.I. 713300 easterly 76.47 feet along the station 35+00.00 on said con- on Georgia Highway Project
DISTRICT (770)831-9000 any right, title, power, interest, COUNTY: DeKalb arc of a curve (said curve hav- struction centerline laid out for No. IMNH0-0285-01(352); run-
ADVERTISEMENT FOR Bids shall be entered as a lump ownership, equity, claim or de- PARCEL NO.: 40 ing a radius of 2549.00 feet and Bouldercrest Road; thence N ning thence S 35°27'31.3" W a
SOLICITATIONS sum price and as described in mand in and to the lands here- REQUIRED R/W: 1.306 acres a chord distance of 76.47 feet 1°19'29.7" E a distance of distance of 26.73 feet to a point
Sealed responses will be re- the project manual. inafter described, and all occu- of land; and certain limited ac- on a bearing of S 87°26'22.6" 72.97 feet to a point 114.00 115.00 feet left of and opposite
ceived by the DeKalb County One complete set of drawings pants, tenants, lessees, li- cess rights E) to the point 49.00 feet left of feet left of and opposite station station 33+52.87 on said con-
School District in the Purchas- and specifications shall be censees and all holders, own- PROPERTY OWNERS: Joint and opposite station 138+00.00 35+72.97 on said construction struction centerline laid out for
ing Department via provided electronically. No par- ers and users of ways and Development Authority of on said construction centerline centerline laid out for Boulder- Bouldercrest Road; thence N
https://dekalbschoolsga.ion- tial sets of working drawings or easements in, across, over and DeKalb County, Newton County laid out for Continental Way; crest Road; thence N 1°19'29.7" E a distance of before specifications shall be issued. under said land are hereby no- and Gwinnett County; Vesta thence N 35°27'31.3" E a dis- 88°39'12.9" W a distance of 47.13 feet to a point 115.00
2:00 P.M. EST, July 18, 2023, Questions shall be emailed to tified, under the provisions of Bouldercrest, LLC; Comcast of tance of 46.16 feet to a point 86.00 feet to a point 200.00 feet left of and opposite station
for ++RFP 24-549 Automotive Clark Patterson Lee, Attention: the Official Code of Georgia Georgia/Virginia, Inc.; JazAt- 100.00 feet left of and opposite feet left of and opposite station 34+00.00 on said construction
and Bus Repair and Pine Lake City Engineer, PINE Annotated Sections 32-3-4 lanta 438, LLC; DeKalb County, station 33+75.00 on said con- 35+73.00 on said construction centerline laid out for Boulder-
Services++. Responses must LAKE DAM REPAIR, Bid No. through 32-3-19, providing for Georgia; Satellite Communica- struction centerline laid out for centerline laid out for Boulder- crest Road; thence S
be received before 2:00 P.M. PW 2023-003 at the exercise of the power of tions, Ltd.; KeyBank National Bouldercrest Road; thence N crest Road; thence N 88°40'30.3" E a distance of
EST, Tuesday, July 18, 2023. [email protected] . Ques- eminent domain by the State of Association; Synovus Bank; 1°19'29.7" E a distance of 54°37'19.5" E a distance of 15.00 feet to a point 100.00
Responses received after the tions will be received up to the Georgia, or any of its subdivi- Irvin Johnson, DeKalb County 225.00 feet to a point 100.00 137.20 feet to a point 90.00 feet left of and opposite station
stated deadline will not be ac- 24th day, of July, 2023 at 5:00 sions, or by any county of such Tax Commissioner feet left feet left of and opposite station 34+00.00 on said construction
cepted. Responses will be ac- pm. Responses will be made State, as follows: RIGHT OF WAY of and opposite station 36+55.00 on said construction centerline laid out for Boulder-
knowledged on Tuesday, July through email. Contractor shall That the above stated case, be- All that tract or parcel of land ly- 36+00.00 on said construction centerline laid out for Boulder- crest Road; thence S
18, 2023, beginning at 3:00 provide email address on fac- ing a condemnation in rem ing and being in Land Lot 76 & centerline laid out for Boulder- crest Road; thence S 1°19'29.7" W a distance of
P.M. EST via Microsoft Teams. simile and/or at time of bid against the property herein- 77 of the 15 Land District crest Road; thence S 88°40'30.3" E a distance of 25.00 feet back to the point of
Solicitations may be down- package request and/or pick after described, was filed in and/or 1342 Georgia Militia Dis- 88°40'30.3" E a distance of 36.11 feet to a point 53.89 feet beginning. Containing 540.95
loaded from: https://dekalb- up. said Court on the 8th day of trict of DeKalb County, Geor- 36.06 feet to a point 63.94 feet left of and opposite station SF more or less. Bids in the case of Corpora- June, 2022; That, in accord- gia, being more particularly de- left of and opposite station 36+55.00 on said construction DRIVEWAY EASEMENT
spx tions not chartered in Georgia, ance with provisions of the scribed as follows: 36+00.00 on said construction centerline laid out for Boulder- All that tract or parcel of land ly-
The DeKalb County Board of must be accompanied by prop- aforesaid Official Code, a De- Beginning at a point 55.00 feet centerline laid out for Boulder- crest Road; thence S ing and being in Land Lot 76 &
Education reserves the right to er certification stating that said claration of Taking, duly author- left of and opposite Station crest Road; thence S 0°47'21.1" W a distance of 4.93 77 of the 15 Land District
reject any or all solicitations Corporation is authorized to do ized and properly executed as 123+05.69 on the construction 0°17'45.7" W a feet to a point 53.84 feet left of and/or 1342 Georgia Militia Dis-
and to waive informalities or business in the State of Geor- provided by the Official Code, centerline of Continental Way distance of 45.02 feet to a point and opposite station 36+50.07 trict of DeKalb County, Geor-
technicalities in any solicitation gia. No Bidder may withdraw has been made and filed in on Georgia Highway Project 63.13 feet left of and opposite on said construction centerline gia, being more particularly de-
received. his Bid within ninety (90) days said case, declaring the neces- No. IMNH0-0285-01(352); run- station 35+54.98 on said con- laid out for Bouldercrest Road; scribed as follows:
DEKALB COUNTY BOARD OF after the actual date of the sity for and exercising the ning thence northeasterly struction centerline laid out for thence N 89°12'38.9" W a dis- Beginning at a point 53.89 feet
EDUCATION opening thereof. power of taking the said de- 234.18 feet along the arc of a Bouldercrest Road; thence S tance of 11.00 feet to a point left of and opposite Station
Ms. Carla L. Smith, Executive All Bidders are required to sub- scribed lands for State-aid pub- curve (said curve having a radi- 89°20'44.5" E a distance of 64.84 feet left of and opposite 36+55.00 on the construction
Director, Vendor Services mit a Bid Bond or a certified lic road purposes, thereby vest- us of 1055.00 feet and a chord 8.01 feet to a point 55.12 feet station 36+49.97 on said con- centerline of Bouldercrest Road
Dr. Vasanne Tinsley, Interim check made payable to the City ing the title to same in the De- distance of 233.70 feet on a left of and opposite station struction centerline laid out for on Georgia Highway Project
Superintendent of Pine Lake in the amount of partment of Transportation and, bearing of N 84°17'57.8" E) to 35+55.08 on said construction Bouldercrest Road; thence S No. IMNH0-0285-01(352); run-
June 12, 2023 five percent (5%) of the total in pursuance of such authority, the point 55.00 feet left of and centerline laid out for Boulder- 0°17'45.7" W a distance of ning thence N 88°40'30.3" W a
Ad Control #1209 amount bid. The successful the Department of Transporta- opposite station 125+27.67 on crest Road; thence S 49.98 feet to a point 63.94 feet distance of 36.11 feet to a point
bidder will be required to fur- tion has deposited with the said construction centerline laid 0°17'45.7" W a distance of left of and opposite station 90.00 feet left of and opposite
040-476897 6/29
nish a contract performance Clerk of the Superior Court of out for Continental Way; thence 21.50 feet to a point 54.73 feet 36+00.00 on said construction station 36+55.00 on said con-
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS bond and payment bond in the N 0°39'30.4" E a distance of left of and opposite station centerline laid out for Boulder- struction centerline laid out for
DeKalb County, Georgia said County $829,900.00 as
amount of one hundred per- the just compensation for the 5.00 feet to a point 60.00 feet 35+33.58 on said construction crest Road; thence N Bouldercrest Road; thence S
Week of JUNE 29, 2023 cent (100%) of the total amount left of and opposite station centerline laid out for Boulder- 88°40'30.3" W a distance of 54°37'19.5" W a distance of
Request for Solicitation No. 23- said lands described; and all
bid and provide insurance cov- persons claiming such fund or 125+27.67 on said construc- crest Road; thence N 36.06 feet to a point 100.00 137.20 feet to a point 200.00
101569 Refer to the Index for erage as required by the con- tion centerline laid out for Con- 89°40'21.0" W a distance of feet left of and opposite station feet left of and opposite station
the page number in which the any interest therein, are hereby
tract documents. The Bid Bond required to make known their tinental Way; thence S 15.00 feet to a point 69.73 feet 36+00.00 on said construction 35+73.00 on said construction
Display ad is located or certified check must be en- 89°20'29.6" E a distance of left of and opposite station centerline laid out for Boulder- centerline laid out for Boulder-
++23-101579 Compressed Nat- claims to the Court;
closed in the envelope with the In accordance with the provi- 174.33 feet to a point 60.00 35+33.32 on said construction crest Road; thence S crest Road; thence S
ural Gas (CNG) Fuel Station sealed bid. feet left of and opposite station centerline laid out for Boulder- 1°19'29.7" W a distance of 57°01'01.7" W a distance of
Operations, Preventative Main- sions of the Official Code of
Bonding Company must be li- Georgia Annotated, the 127+02.00 on said construc- crest Road; thence S 100.00 feet back to the point of 102.90 feet to a point 285.00
tenance, & Repair Services 23- censed to do business in Geor- tion centerline laid out for Con- 0°17'45.7" W a distance of beginning. Containing 6,724.33 feet left of and opposite station
101590 DeKalb Industrial Way Plaintiff-Condemnor has prayed
gia, licensed to do business by the Court for Immediate pos- tinental Way; thence S 25.01 feet to a point 69.28 feet SF more or less. 35+15.00 on said construction
a t Wil sc ot t Drive Traffi c the Georgia Secretary of State, 0°39'30.4" W a distance of left of and opposite station PERMANENT EASEMENT centerline laid out for Boulder-
Si g nal + + session of said property, and all
authorized to do business in persons having any interest in 12.00 feet to a point 48.00 feet 35+08.31 on said construction (AREA 2) crest Road; thence N
Georgia by the Georgia Insur- or claim against such property, left of and opposite station centerline laid out for Boulder- All that tract or parcel of land ly- 1°19'29.7" E a distance of
ance Department, listed in the as above set forth, are re- 127+02.00 on said construc- cr e s t R o a d ; t h e n c e S ing and being in Land Lot 76 135.00 feet to a point 285.00
Department of the Treasury's quired by the Order of the tion centerline laid out for Con- 89°42'14.3" E a distance of &77 of the 15 Land District feet left of and opposite station
Publication of Companies Hold- Judge of said Court to sur- tinental Way; thence S 15.00 feet to a point 54.28 feet and/or 1342 Georgia Militia Dis- 36+50.00 on said construction
ing Certificates of Authority as render possession of the prop- 89°20'29.6" E a distance of left of and opposite station trict of DeKalb County, Geor- centerline laid out for Boulder-
Acceptable Surety on Federal erty to the Department of 160.00 feet to a point 48.00 35+08.58 on said construction gia, being more particularly de- crest Road; thence N
Bonds and as Acceptable Rein- Transportation no later than 30 feet left of and opposite sta- centerline laid out for Boulder- scribed as follows: 57°38'05.5" E a distance of
suring Companies and have an days from filing of the Declara- tion128+62.00 on said con- crest Road; thence S Beginning at a point 60.00 feet 90.14 feet to a point 210.00
A.M. Best rating of A-, Class V tion of Taking. struction centerline laid out for 0°17'45.7" W a distance of left of and opposite Station feet left of and opposite station
or higher. That in accordance with the Of- Continental Way; thence N 190.16 feet to a point 33.95 131+10.00 on the construction 37+00.00 on said construction
The Owner will award the Con- ficial Code of Georgia Annot- 0°39'30.4" E a distance of feet left of and opposite station centerline of Continental Way centerline laid out for Boulder-
crest Road; thence N thereby vesting the title to struction centerline laid out for sustained with respect to each
1°19'29.7" E a distance of same in the Department of Holcombe - North of Redan; claim, including when, where,
135.00 feet to a point 285.00 Transportation; and, in pursu- thence N 30°37'31.9" E a dis- and how Temco Engineering,
feet left of and opposite station ance of such authority, the De- tance of 34.20 feet to a point Inc. was or is involved.
36+50.00 on said construction partment of Transportation has 33.59 feet right of and opposite All claims are to be in writing
centerline laid out for Boulder- deposited with the Clerk of the station 97+40.00 on said con- accompanied by all information

crest Road; thence N The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023Page 17
Superior Court of said County struction centerline laid out for described above, hand de-
57°38'05.5" E a distance of $30,000.00 as the just com- Holcombe - North of Redan; livered into the hands of Tom
90.14 feet to a point 210.00 pensation for the said lands de- thence S 1°49'27.6" W a dis- McCloskey or delivered by 100-476574 6/22,6/29 100-476801 06/29, 07/06 110-476309 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29
feet left of and opposite station scribed; and all persons claim- tance of 157.93 feet back to the United States Postal Service NOTICE OF NOTICE OF INTENT NOTICE TO DEBTORS
37+00.00 on said construction ing such fund or any interest point of beginning. Containing Certified Mail, Return Receipt INCORPORATION TO INCORPORATE AND CREDITORS
centerline laid out for Boulder- therein, are hereby required to 0.050 acres more or less. Requested, into the hands of Notice is given that Articles of Notice is given that Articles of All creditors of the Estate of
crest Road; thence N make known their claims to the The title, estate, or interest in Tom McCloskey, at the mailing Incorporation which incorpor- Incorporation which will incor- ++Barbara Ann Peterson++,
39°11'59.7" E a distance of Court; the above described land, re- address 5420 Chelsen Wood ate ++ainsk8, inc++ have been porate ++Candleberry Place late of DeKalb County, de-
57.01 feet to a point 175.00 In accordance with the provi- quired by condemnor and now Drive, Johns Creek, Georgia delivered to the Secretary of Homecowners Association, ceased, are hereby notified to
feet left of and opposite station sions of the Official Code of taken by condemnor for public 30097. State for filing in accordance Inc.++ have been delivered to render in their demands to the
37+45.00 on said construction Georgia Annotated, the use is as follows: A permanent In accordance with O.C.G.A.
with the Georgia Non profit the Secretary of State for filing undersigned according to law,
centerline laid out for Boulder- Plaintiff-Condemner has prayed easement is condemned for the Section 14-2-1407(b)(2), ex-
Corporation Code. The initial in accordance with the Georgia and all persons indebted to
crest Road; thence N the Court for Immediate pos- right to construct and maintain cept for claims that are contin-
69°31'24.7" E a distance of a slope and to relocate and gent at the time of the filing of registered office of the corpora- Nonprofit Corporation Code. said Estate are required to
session of said property, and all
80.78 feet to a point 100.00 persons having any interest in maintain utilities, and may also the notice of intent to dissolve tion is located at 4325 1st Av- The initial registered office of make immediate payment.
feet left of and opposite station or claim against such property, be used temporarily for silt con- or that arise after the filing of enue, No. 593, Tucker, DeKalb the corporation is located at This 8th day of June, 2023.
37+75.00 on said construction as above set forth, are re- trol if deemed necessary by the the notice of intent to dissolve, County, Georgia 30085-0076. 160 Clairemont Avenue, Suite Felix Peterson Executor, of the
centerline laid out for Boulder- quired by the Order of the Department of Transportation a claim against the corporation The initial registered agent of 650, Decatur, DeKalb County, Estate of Barbara Ann
crest Road; thence S Judge of said Court to sur- and is shown described within not otherwise barred will be the corporation at such ad- Georgia 30030 and its initial re- Peterson, Deceased
88°40'30.3" E a distance of render possession of the prop- on the plat sheet 60-0029 barred unless a proceeding to dress is JASON TATUM. gistered agent at such address 13779 LARK SONG DR
44.99 feet to a point 55.01 feet erty to the Department of dated the 8 day of April, 2022, enforce the claim is com- LISA M GABLE is Rachel E. Conrad. GERMANTOWN, MD 20874
left of and opposite station Transportation no later than 30 and plat sheet 60-0045 dated menced within two years after ROBERTSON & Gable, LLC
37+75.00 on said construction days from filing of the Declara- the7th day of April 2022; Last publication of the notice. 5875 Peachtree Industrial 100-476802 6/29,7/06 110-476310 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29
centerline laid out for Boulder- tion of Taking. Revised: N/A and attached Blvd., Suite 170 NOTICE OF GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY
crest Road; thence S That in accordance with the Of- hereto as Annex 1-A. Peachtree Corners, GA 30092 INCORPORATION NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND
0°47'21.1" W a distance of ficial Code of Georgia Annot- CREDITORS
120.01 feet back to the point of ated Section 32-3-13 through Charter Notice is given that Articles of
All creditors of the ESTATE OF
beginning. Containing 0.715 32-3-19,if the owner, or any of Dissolution 100-476575 6/22,6/29
Incorporation that will incorpor-
ate ++/Descendants of Mace- ++ERNIE RUTH KILCHRISS
AC / 31,145.4 SF more or less. the owners, or any person hav- 100-476570 6/22,6/29 CASTO AKA RUTH K.
NOTICE OF donia Church and Cemetery of
Also, granted is the right to an ing a claim against or interest in 080-476576 6/22,6/29 NOTICE OF INTENT CASTO++ late of DeKalb
easement for the construction said property, shall be dissatis- NOTICE OF INTENT County, Georgia, are hereby
of a driveway as shown de- Notice is given that Articles of Notice is given that Articles of been delivered to the Secret-
fied with the compensation, as TO VOLUNTARILY DISSOLVE notified to render their de-
scribed within the attached plat estimated in the Declaration of Incorporation which incorpor- organization that will incorpor- ary of State for filing in accord-
A CORPORATION mands to the undersigned ac-
dated May 18,2018; Last re- Taking and deposited in Court, ate ++Silver Trace Commons ate ++Haven Charity Solutions ance with the Georgia Busi- cording to law, and all persons
Notice is given that a Notice of
vised: Sheet No. 45 on10-08- such person or persons, or any Phase 2 Homeowners Associ- Inc.++ have been delivered to ness Nonprofit Corporation indebted to said Estate are re-
Intent to Dissolve ++GREB++,
20; Sheet No. 46 on 01-11-21; of them, shall have the right, at ation, Inc++ have been de- the Secretary of State for filing Code. The initial registered of- quired to make immediate pay-
a Georgia corporation with its
Sheet No. 47, 48 and 49 on any time subsequent to the fil- livered to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Georgia fice of the corporation is loc- ments.
registered office at 1363 JUN-
N/A, and Sheet No. 58 on 07- ing of the Declaration and the for filing in accordance with the Business Corpoaration Code. ated at 380 Eva Davis Way Se, Dated: May 25, 2023
EAU CT TUCKER GA 30084 Georgia Nonprofit Corporation
10-21 and attached hereto as deposit of the fund into Court The initial registered office of #304, Atlanta, GA 30317 and Roland Wayne Casto
will be delivered to the Secret- Code. The initial registered of-
Annex 1-A. Said easement but not later than 30 days fol- the corporation is located at its initial registered agent at Executor of the Estate of Ernie
shall expire five (5) years upon ary of State for filing in accord- fice of the corporation is loc-
lowing the date of service as 4867 Ashford Dunwoody Rd, such address is Sabrina Ruth Kilchriss Casto
completion and final accept- provided for in the Official Code ance with the Georgia Busi- ated at 160 Clairemont Avenue, AKA Ruth K. Casto
Ste 12318, Dunwoody, GA Yamini-Aquell.
ance of said project by the De- of Georgia Annotated Sections ness Corporation Code. Suite 650, Decatur, DeKalb c/o Law Office of Peatsa C.
30338 and its initial registered
partment of Transportation. 32-3-8 through 32- 3-10 to file 080-476899 6/29,7/6 County, Georgia 30030 and its Wallace LLC
agent at such address is An-
050-476943 6/29,7/6 with the Court a notice of ap- NOTICE OF INTENT TO initial registered agent at such P. O. Box 2555
address is Rachel E. Conrad. zhelika Husikyan.
CITATION peal, the same to be in writing VOLUNTARILY DISSOLVE A 100-476803 6/29, 07/06 Tucker GA 30085-2055
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT and made a part of the record CORPORATION NOTICE OF INCORPORA- 770-938-3919
OF DEKALB COUNTY in the proceedings. Notice is given that a Notice of TION 110-476311 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29
GEORGIA The said property, as thus af- Intent to Dissolve ++Temco En- 100-476704 6/22,6/29
100-476571 6/22,6/29 Notice is given that articles of NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND
DEPARTMENT OF fected, is described as follows: gineering, Inc.++, a Georgia NOTICE OF INTENT NOTICE OF INTENT CREDITORS
incorporation that will incorpor-
TRANSPORTATION SEE PAGE 20-A; FOR DE- corporation with its registered TO INCORPORATE TO INCORPORATE All creditors of the estate of
ate ++S Douglas Children Fund
VS. SCRIPTION office at 1117 Perimeter Cen- Notice is given that Articles of Notice is given that Articles of ++WESLEY BROWN, SR.++,
This 10th day of August, 2022. Inc.++ haven been delivered to
CERTAIN EASEMENT ter West, Suite North 300, At- Incorporation which incorpor- Incorporation which will incor- Estate number 2018-0163, de-
Debra DeBerry the Secretary of State for filing
RIGHTS; and lanta, Georgia 30338, has been ate ++Silverton Townhome As- porate ++Peachy Tea Tyme ceased, late of Dekalb County,
Clerk Superior Court delivered to the Secretary of in accordance with the Georgia
Avondale TH Equities, LLC; sociation, Inc++ have been de- Foundation incorporation++ Georgia are hereby notified to
DEKALB COUNTY State for filing in accordance Business Nonprofit Corpora-
DeKalb County, Georgia; Fan- livered to the Secretary of State have been delivered to the render their demands by filing
nie Mae; and Irvin Johnson, with the Georgia Business Cor- tion Code. The initial re-
for filing in accordance with the Secretary of State for filing in same with the Probate Court of
DeKalb County Tax Commis- PROJECT/P.I. NUMBER: poration Code. gistered office of the corpora-
Georgia Nonprofit Corporation accordance with the Georgia Dekalb County, 556 N. Mc-
sioner 0013914 This Notice of Intent to Volun- Code. The initial registered of- tion is located at 5507 Perimet- Donough Street, 1100 Judicial
Nonprofit Business Corpora-
++DOCKET NO. 22CV6085++ COUNTY: DEKALB tarily Dissolve a Corporation in- fice of the corporation is loc- er Lofts Circle, Atlanta, GA Tower, Decatur, GA, 30030 ac-
tion Code. The initial re-
IN REM PARCEL NUMBER: 812 cludes information specified in ated at 160 Clairemont Avenue, 30346 and its initial registered cording to law, and all persons
gistered office of the corpora-
The said named persons and CERTAIN EASEMENT O.C.G.A. Section 14-2-1407. Suite 650, Decatur, DeKalb agent at such address is Victor- indebted to said Estate are re-
RIGHTS tion will be located at 702 Mar-
any and all other persons Request that persons with County, Georgia 30030 and its ia C. Simon. quired to make immediate pay-
PROPERTY OWNERS: tin Road, Stone Mountain, GA
known and unknown claiming claims against the corporation, initial registered agent at such ment to the undersigned.
Avondale TH Equities LLC; Temco Engineering, Inc., 30088 and the initial registered
any right, title, power, interest, address is Rachel E. Conrad. This the 8 day of June, 2023.
ownership, equity, claim or de- DeKalb County, Georgia; Fan- present them in accordance agent at such address is Tenille 100-476804 6/29, 07/06 Attorney
mand in and to the lands here- nie Mae; and Irvin Johnson, with O.C.G.A. Section 14-2- Davis. NOTICE OF TED N. ECHOLS, ESQ.
inafter described, and all occu- DeKalb County Tax Commis- 1407(b). INCORPORATION ECHOLS LAW GROUP, P.C.
sioner In accordance with O.C.G.A. 100-476572 6/22,6/29
pants, tenants, lessees, li- Notice is given that Articles of 505 Corporate Center Dr., Ste
All that tract or parcel of land ly- Section 14-2-1407(b), all claims NOTICE OF INTENT
censees and all holders, own- 100-476787 6/22,6/29 Incorporation that will incorpor- 106
ing and being in Land Lots 221 must include all of the follow- TO INCORPORATE
ers and users of ways and NOTICE OF ate ++WALDO World Inc.++ Stockbridge, GA 30281
and 228, 15 Land District of ing described information and Notice is given that Articles of
easements in, across, over and INCORPORATION have been delivered to the
DeKalb County, Georgia, be- may be delivered to the mail- Incorporation which incorpor-
under said land are hereby no- Notice is given that articles of Secretary of State for filing in 110-476312 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29
ing more particularly described ing address set forth below: ate ++Castleberry Pointe
tified, under the provisions of incorporation that will incorpor- NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND
as follows: Homeowners Association, accordance with the Georgia
the Official Code of Georgia (1) the full legal name, date of ate ++Bolton Legacy Inc and CREDITORS
Permanent Easement birth, residential address, resid- Inc++ have been delivered to Business Nonprofit Corpora-
Annotated Sections 32-3-4 Bolton Holdings LLC,++ have All creditors of the Estate of
BEGINNING at a point of inter- ential telephone number, and the Secretary of State for filing tion Code. The initial re-
through 32-3-19, providing for been delivered to the Secret- ++Paul William Sloniowski++
section between the existing mobile telephone number of in accordance with the Georgia gistered office of the corpora-
the exercise of the power of ary of State for filing in accord- late of DeKalb County, de-
Western right of way line of each claimant; and the full leg- Nonprofit Corporation Code. tion is located at 1112 Houston
eminent domain by the State of ance with the Georgia Non- ceased, are hereby notified to
Holcombe Road with the East- al name, date of birth, residen- The initial registered office of Mill Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30329
Georgia, or any of its subdivi- profit Corporation Code. The render in their demands to the
ern property line of the con- tial address, residential tele- the corporation is located at and its initial registered agent
sions, or by any county of such initial registered office of the undersigned according to law,
demnees, said point being phone number, and mobile 160 Clairemont Avenue, Suite at such address is Morris Co-
State, as follows: corporation is located at 1583 and all persons indebted to
36.42 feet right of and opposite telephone number of each per- 650, Decatur, DeKalb County, hen.
That the above stated case, be- Peachcrest Cove Decatur, GA said Estate are required to
station 98+95.74 on said con- son who was a witness to, or Georgia 30030 and its initial re-
ing a condemnation in rem 30032 and its initial registered make immediate payment.
struction centerline laid out for who has any documents of any gistered agent at such address
against the property herein agent at such address is This 20th day of March 2023
after described, was filed in Holcombe - North of Redan on
Georgia Highway
nature relating to, in any way, is Rachel E. Conrad.
LaDena Bolton. Debtor & Creditor Krista Pavla Sloniowski Execut-
said Court on the 5th day of Ju- each claim. or of the Estate of Paul William
ly, 2022; That, in accordance Project/P.I.No. 0013914; run- (2) (i) a description of the spe- 110-476308 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 Sloniowski, Deceased
with provisions of the aforesaid ning thence N 89°28'55.0" W a cific time, date, and location 100-476573 6/22,6/29 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND R. Mansell McCord, Attorney
Official Code, a Declaration of distance of 13.59 feet to a point where each claim arose; (ii) a NOTICE OF INTENT 100-476788 6/22,6/29 CREDITORS 2970 Clairmont Road, NE,
Taking, duly authorized and 50.00 feet right of and opposite description of the specific TO INCORPORATE NOTICE OF All creditors of the estate of Suite 130
properly executed as provided station 98+95.24 on said con- nature of each claim, including Notice is given that Articles of INCORPORATION ++MEGHAN MORGAN GIB- Brookhaven, GA 30329
by the Official Code, has been struction centerline laid out for when, where, and how Temco Incorporation which incorpor- Notice is given that articles of NEY++ late of DeKalb County,
made and filed in said case, Holcombe -North of Redan; Engineering, Inc. was or is in- ate ++Lake Preserve at Jack- incorporation that will incorpor- deceased, are hereby notified
declaring the necessity for and thence N 0°32'03.7" E a dis- volved; (iii) a description of the son Homeowners Association, ate ++Friends of Bolton for to render in their demands to
exercising the power of taking tance of 128.31 feet to a point specific nature of all damages, Inc++ have been delivered to DeKalb Inc++, have been de- the undersigned according to
the said described lands for 50.00 feet right of and opposite injuries, losses, and personal the Secretary of State for filing livered to the Secretary of State law, and all persons indebted to
State-aid public road purposes, station 97+70.00 on said con- injuries alleged to have been in accordance with the Georgia for filing in accordance with the said estate are required to
thereby vesting the title to struction centerline laid out for sustained with respect to each Nonprofit Corporation Code. Georgia Nonprofit Corporation make immediate payment.
same in the Department of Holcombe - North of Redan; claim, including when, where, The initial registered office of Code. The initial registered of- This 29th day of May, 2023
Transportation; and, in pursu- thence N 30°37'31.9" E a dis- and how Temco Engineering, the corporation is located at fice of the corporation is loc- Name: Mathew Morgan
ance of such authority, the De- tance of 34.20 feet to a point Inc. was or is involved. 160 Clairemont Avenue, Suite ated at 1583 Peachcrest Cove Title: Executor
partment of Transportation has 33.59 feet right of and opposite All claims are to be in writing 650, Decatur, DeKalb County, Decatur, GA 30032 and its ini- Address:
deposited with the Clerk of the station 97+40.00 on said con- accompanied by all information Georgia 30030 and its initial re- tial registered agent at such ad- 1031 E. Lake Dr Decatur Ga,
Superior Court of said County struction centerline laid out for described above, hand de- gistered agent at such address dress is LaDena Bolton. 30030
$30,000.00 as the just com- Holcombe - North of Redan; livered into the hands of Tom is Rachel E. Conrad.
pensation for the said lands de- thence S 1°49'27.6" W a dis- McCloskey or delivered by
scribed; and all persons claim- tance of 157.93 feet back to the United States Postal Service
ing such fund or any interest point of beginning. Containing Certified Mail, Return Receipt
therein, are hereby required to 0.050 acres more or less. Requested, into the hands of
Page 18 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023 
110-476313 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 110-476318 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 110-476323 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 110-476328 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 110-476405 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 110-476432 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6 110-476517 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6
NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND Notice to Debtors and Creditors Notice to Debtors and Creditors Notice to Debtors and Creditors NOTICE TO DEBTORS Notice to Creditors and Debtors NOTICE TO DEBTORS
CREDITORS All creditors of the estate of All creditors of the estate of All creditors of the estate of AND CREDITORS All creditors of the estate of AND CREDITORS
All creditors of the Estate of ++Jacob Haigler Wamsley II++ ++Melva Noel++ late of Dekalb + + N E L L I E M A E All creditors of the Estate of ++Gretchen Shelton STATE OF GEORGIA
++Wiley Harrison++ late of late of Dekalb County, de- County, deceased, are hereby TREADWELL++ late of Dekalb ++Rillie Mae Kennedy++, late Thompson++, DeKalb County, COUNTY OF DEKALB
DeKalb County, deceased, are ceased, are hereby notified to notified to render in their de- County, deceased, are hereby of DeKalb County, deceased, deceased, are hereby notified All creditors of the Estate of
hereby notified to render in render in their demands to the mands to the undersigned ac- notified to render in their de- are hereby notified to render in to render in their demands to ++Jane Mamie Nesbitt, Estate
their demands to the under- undersigned according to law, cording to law, and all persons mands to the undersigned ac- their demands to the under- the undersigned according to No 2022-1896++, deceased,
signed according to law, and all and all persons indebted to indebted to said estate are re- cording to law, and all persons law, and all persons indebted to
signed according to law, and all late of DeKalb County, Geor-
persons indebted to said Es- said estate are required to quired to make immediate pay- indebted to said estate are re- said estate are required to
persons indebted to said Es- gia, are hereby notified to
tate are required to make im- make immediate payment. ment. quired to make immediate pay- make immediate payment. This
mediate payment. This 25th day of May, 2023 This 29th day of May, 2023 ment. tate are required to make im- 6th day of June, 2023. render in their demands to the
This 31st day of May 2023 Name: Jacob Haigler Wamsley Name: Melinda Noel Coley This 24th day of May, 2023 mediate payment. Molly Thompson Hottel, Ex- undersigned according to law,
Gloria Harrison Administrator of III Title: Executor Name: LINDA JONES-WILLI- This 26th day of May, 2023 ecutor of the Estate of and all persons indebted to law,
the Estate of Wiley Harrison, Title: Executor Address: 4172 East Beach AMS James David Leach Gretchen Shelton Thompson, and all persons indebted to
Deceased Address: c/o Wilton Sanders, Drive, Norfolk, VA 23518 Title: ADMINISTRATOR Executor of the Estate of C/O Dana P. Shaffner, Esq., said Estate are required to
c/o Lawrence G. Morton, Esq. 3060 Mercer Univ Dr., Ste 200, Address: 3502 BASSWOOD Rillie Mae Kennedy, Deceased Shaffner Law Office PC make immediate payment.
2200 Century Parkway NE, Atlanta, GA 30341 COURT, DECATUR, GA 30034 P.O. Box 1283 2566 Shallowford RD NE, This 5/25/2023
Suite 800 Lawrenceville GA 30046 Ste 104 PMB 322, Administrator's name:
Atlanta, Georgia 30345 110-476324 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 Atlanta, Georgia 30345 Darrell Maurice Garrett
Notice to Debtors and Creditors 110-476401 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 110-476426 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6 (770) 551-9366 Estate of
All creditors of the estate of GEORGIA NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND
110-476314 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 110-476319 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 Jane Mamie Nesbitt, Deceased
++Robert Allison Bly++ late of DEKALB COUNTY CREDITORS
NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND Notice to Debtors and Creditors 3636 Panola Rd, Suite A
Dekalb County, deceased, are NOTICE TO CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of 110-476433 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6
CREDITORS All creditors of the estate of Lithonia Georgia 30038
hereby notified to render in All creditors of the Estate of ++Almond L. Dawson Jr.++ late Notice to Debtors and Creditors
All creditors of the Estate of ++Brenda Faye Canady++ late Attorney Name:
their demands to the under- ++WILLIAM BARRY LYONS++, of DeKalb County, deceased, STATE OF GEORGIA
++Barbara Jean Carter++, late of Dekalb County, deceased, signed according to law, and all E. Noreen Banks
late of DeKalb County, Geor- are hereby notified to render in DEKALB COUNTY
of DeKalb County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in persons indebted to said es- Banks-Ware, Esq
gia, are hereby notified to their demands to the under- PC-2023-0744
are hereby notified to render in their demands to the under- tate are required to make im- 3636 Panola Rd, Suite A
render in their demands to the signed according to law, and all NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to
their demands to the under- signed according to law, and all mediate payment. Lithonia Georgia 30038
undersigned according to law, persons indebted to said Es- all persons having demands
signed according to law, and all persons indebted to said es- This 23rd day of May, 2023 and all persons indebted to tate are required to make im- against ++Annie Mae Platt++,
persons indebted to said Es- tate are required to make im- Name: Charlye R. Bly 110-476518 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6
said Estate are required to mediate payment. late of said County, deceased,
tate are required to make im- mediate payment. Title: Administrator This 15TH day of June 2023 to present them to me, prop- NOTICE TO DEBTORS
mediate payment. This 26th day of May, 2023 make immediate payment.
Address: 107 Old Rosser Rd., Lisa Moman Edgeson Adminis- erly made out within the time AND CREDITORS
This 8TH day of June, 2023 Name: Stephen M. Scriber Lilburn, GA 30047 This 22nd day of May, 2023
trator of the Estate of Almond l. prescribed by law, so as to STATE OF GEORGIA
Clovis Oliver Carter Adminis- Title: Attorney for Administrator, John William Lyons Dawson Jr., Deceased show their character and COUNTY OF DEKALB
trator, of the Estate of Barbara Sheril Canady-Brown the Executor of the Estate of 2034 Spink St. NW amount, and persons indebted Creditors of the Estate of
Jean Carter, Deceased Address: 1100 Peachtree William Barry Lyons Atlanta, GA 30318 to said deceased are required ++CHARLES LEON WAT-
Clovis Oliver Carter Street NE, Suite 200, Atlanta, 110-476325 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 Deceased to make immediate payment to SON++, deceased, late of
3596 Greystone Circle GA 30309 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND Kelly C. Holloway me. DeKalb County, Georgia, are
Atlanta, GA 30341 DEBTORS Epps, Holloway, DeLoach 110-476427 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6 Atlanta, Georgia, June 7, 2023. notified to render their de-
GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY & Hoipkemier, LLC NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND Charles Hightower c/o James
All creditors of the Estate of CREDITORS mands to the undersigned ac-
1220 Langford Drive R. Fletcher II Attorney for Ex-
110-476315 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 ++Carmine S. Gragnaniello++, All creditors of the Estate of cording to law; and all persons
110-476320 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 Building 200, Suite 101 ecutor. 328 SE Alexander
NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND deceased, late of Dekalb ++VERDAS GHOLSTON, Street Suite #10, Marietta, GA indebted to said Estate are re-
NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND Watkinsville, GA 30677
CREDITORS County, Georgia, are hereby SR.++, deceased, Late of 30060 quired to make immediate pay-
All creditors of the Estate of CREDITORS notified to render their de- ment to the undersigned.
110-476402 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 DeKalb County, are hereby no-
++Peeples, William++, late of All creditors of the Estate of mands to the undersigned ac- This 24th day of May, 2023
NOTICE TO DEBTORS tified to render in their de-
DeKalb County, deceased, are ++Lena Rea Little++, late of cording to law; and all persons ANNE SORRELL WATSON
AND CREDITORS mands to the undersigned ac- 110-476434 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6
hereby notified to render their Dekalb County, deceased, are indebted to said estate are re- by KDL
STATE OF GEORGIA cording to law, and all persons Notice to Debtors and Creditors
demands to the undersigned hereby notified to render their quired to make immediate pay- 4355 Georgetown Square
DEKALB COUNTY indebted to said Estate are re- All creditors of the estate of
according to law, and all per- demands to the undersigned ment to the undersigned. Apt 220
All creditors of the Estate of quired to make immediate pay- ++Frank Slover++ late of
sons indebted to said are re- according to law and all per- This 31st day of May, 2023. Dunwoody GA 30338
++CARLTON RAY ment. Dekalb County, deceased, are
quired to make immediate pay- sons indebted to the said es- Sincerely, ADMINISTRATRIX
WHITE++,deceased, late of This 13th day of June, hereby notified to render in
ment. This 1st day of June tate are required to make im- Debra Gragnaniello KYLE D LaFON
2023.Shannon M. Pawley, Esq. their demands to the under-
2023. Claims and payments mediate payment to Timothy Administrator of the Estate of DeKalb County, Georgia, are LaFON & HALL
Attorney for Liliana Roman signed according to law, and all
should be mailed to: Little, Successor Administrator, Carmine S. Gragnaniello, the hereby notified to render in LaFON & HALL
Finch, Executor persons indebted to said es-
Luanne M. Bonnie Estate No. 2018-0696, 3730 deceased their demands to the under- ATTORNEYS FOR
The Estate and Asset Protec- tate are required to make im-
820 Church St. Chateauguay Dr. Decatur, GA c/o Schulten Ward Turner & signed according to law, and all ADMINISTRATRIX
tion Law Firm mediate payment.
Decatur, Georgia 30030 30034. This 17th day of May Weiss persons indebted to said Es- PO Box 1276
125 Clairemont Avenue, #550 This 15th day of June, 2023
404-371-1540 2023. Publication Dates: June 260 Peachtree Street, NW, tate are required to make im- Roswell, GA 30077-1276
Decatur, GA 30030 Name: Samuel James Slover
8, 2023, June 15, 2023, June Suite 2700 mediate payment. 404/370-0696 Title: Executor 110-476519 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/7
22, 2023, June 29, 2023. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 FRANCES BAILEY WHITE
110-476316 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 Address: 1440 Altamont Drive, NOTICE TO DEBTORS
NOTICE TO DEBTORS Executor of the Estate of 110-476430 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 Decatur, GA 30033 AND CREDITORS
110-476321 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 3298 Kingfisher Drive CREDITORS
All creditors of the Estate of 110-476326 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 ++Alice Harber Linton++, late
Notice to Debtors and Creditors Decatur, GA 30034 All creditors of the Estate of 110-476435 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6
++Otha L Pittman++, late of NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND ++Leonard Williams Notice to Debtors and Creditors of DeKalb County, deceased,
DeKalb County, deceased, are All creditors of the estate of are hereby notified to render in
CREDITORS 110-476403 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 Thibadeau++, late of DeKalb All creditors of the estate of
hereby notified to render in ++Raymond Dale Cattanach++ their demands to the under-
All creditors of the estate of NOTICE TO DEBTORS County, Georgia, deceased, ++James Earl Baker, I++, late
late of Dekalb County, de- signed according to law, and all
their demands to the under- ++Joyce E. Green Herd++, late AND CREDITORS are notified to submit their de- of Dekalb County, deceased,
ceased, are hereby notified to
signed according to law, and all of DeKalb County, deceased, All creditors of the Estate of mands to the undersigned ac- are hereby notified to render in persons indebted to said Es-
render in their demands to the
persons indebted to said Es- are hereby notified to render in ++Anne Elizabeth Sorrell cording to law, and all persons their demands to the under- tate are required to make im-
undersigned according to law,
tate are required to make im- their demands to the under- Dent++, late of DeKalb County, indebted to the Estate are re- signed according to law, and all mediate payment to me.
and all persons indebted to
mediate payment. signed according to law, and all deceased, are hereby notified quired to make immediate pay- persons indebted to said es- This 30th day of May, 2023
said estate are required to
This 8th day of June, 2023. persons indebted to said es- to render in their demands to ment. tate are required to make im- George Eric Linton
make immediate payment.
Carrie Williams, Executor of the tate are required to make im- the undersigned according to This 15TH day of JUNE, 2023. mediate payment. c/o Jospeh H. Fowler, Esq.
This 8th day of June, 2023
Estate of Otha L Pittman, De- mediate payment. law, and all persons indebted to Carolyn A. Thibadeau, as Ex- This 7th day of June, 2023 P.O. Box 489
Name: Sandra K. Goetz, Ex-
ceased This 31st day of May 2023. said estate are required to ecutor of the Estate of Leonard Florine Mullino Baker, Person- Douglasville, GA 30133
706 Avenue St. Joyce Herd Evans, Executor make immediate payment” Williams Thibadeau, Deceased al Representative
Title: c/o Scott B. Fields, Esq. 110-476567 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13
c/o Dione Traci Duckett, Esq. This 19th day of May, 2023 320 Ponce de Leon Place, c/o William R. Jenkins, Jenkins
McDonough, GA 30253 Address: 1215 Hightower Trail, NOTICE TO DEBTORS
DUCKETT LAW LLC Leslie Anne Dent Decatur, GA 30030 & Roberts LLC
Suite C-200, Atlanta, GA 30350 AND CREDITORS
PO Box 91898 as Executor of the Estate of Post Office Box 87238, Col-
110-476317 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 East Point, GA 30364 STATE OF GEORGIA
Anne Elizabeth Sorrell Dent lege Park, Georgia 30337-0238
NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND 110-476431 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6 COUNTY OF DEKALB
c/o Melissa S. Hills, Esq.
CREDITORS 881 Piedmont Avenue Notice to Debtors and Creditors All creditors of the Estate of
GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY: 110-476322 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 110-476327 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 Atlanta, Georgia 30309 All creditors of the estate of 110-476436 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6 ++Timothy Edwards
All debtors and creditors of the Notice to Debtors and Creditors Notice to Debtors and Creditors ++Idamay B. Shaw++ late of Notice to Debtors and Creditors Kiedinger++, deceased, late of
Estate of ++Sally Smith++, late All creditors of the estate of All creditors of the estate of 110-476404 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 Dekalb County, deceased, are All creditors of the estate of DeKalb County, are hereby no-
of DeKalb County, Georgia, are ++Stanley Kendall Rivers++ ++Quanisha Lashay Ball++ late NOTICE TO DEBTORS hereby notified to render in ++David Earnest Williams++ tified to render in their de-
hereby notified to render in late of Dekalb County, de- of Dekalb County, deceased, AND CREDITORS their demands to the under- late of Dekalb County, de- mands to the undersigned ac-
their demands to the under- ceased, are hereby notified to are hereby notified to render in All creditors of the Estate of signed according to law, and all ceased, are hereby notified to cording to law, and all persons
signed according to law, and all render in their demands to the their demands to the under- ++DOLORES M HEATH-PIT- persons indebted to said es- render in their demands to the indebted to said Estate are re-
persons indebted to said Es- undersigned according to law, signed according to law, and all NEY++, late of DeKalb County, tate are required to make im- undersigned according to law, quired to make immediate pay-
tate are required to make im- and all persons indebted to persons indebted to said es- mediate payment. Dated this and all persons indebted to
deceased, are hereby notified ment to me.
mediate payments to me. said estate are required to tate are required to make im- 5th day of June, 2023. Mar- said estate are required to
This 1st day of June, 2023. to render in their demands to This 9th day of June 2023.
make immediate payment. mediate payment. the undersigned according to garet Jo Shaw, as Executor of make immediate payment. J. Enrique Morales, Esq.
Coleman Mobley Nalley This 8th day of June, 2023 This 8th day of June, 2023 the Estate of Idamay B. Shaw This 8th day of June, 2023
Executor of the Estate of Sally law, and all persons indebted to Attorney to the Administrator
Name: Clementine B. Rivers Name: Courtney Jayann Address: 2247 Brianwood Name: Davelle Williams and
Smith, Deceased Title: Administrator Thompkins, Administrator said Estate are required to Court, Decatur, GA 30033; At- Tawanda Williams of the Estate of
c/o Kristy L. Treadaway, Address: c/o Legacy Title: c/o Cassandra F. Ceron, make immediate payment. torney: Leslie L. Cadle, Smith Title: Administrator of the Es- Timothy Edwards Kiedinger
Attorney Legal,3554 Habersham @ Esq. This 23rd day of MAY, 2023. Hawkins, Hollingsworth & tate of David Earnest Williams Deceased
P. O. Box 5007 Northlake, Bldg. H, Tucker, GA Address: 1215 Hightower Trail, Daniel Heath, Executor Reeves, LLP, PO Box 6495, Address: 34 Independence SARAH KIEDINGER
Rome, GA 30162-5007 30084 Suite C-200, Atlanta, GA 30350 2524 Lake Flair Ct NE Macon, GA 31208 Ave, Freeport, NY 11520 260 CHANDLER DRIVE
(706) 291-8853 Atlanta, GA 30345 LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30043
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023Page 19
110-476568 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 110-476707 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20 110-476710 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 110-476716 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 110-476721 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 110-476726 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 110-476805 6/29,7/6,7/13,
NOTICE TO DEBTORS STATE OF GEORGIA NOTICE TO DEBTORS Notice to Debtors and Creditors Notice to Debtors and Creditors Notice to Debtors and Creditors 7/20
AND CREDITORS COUNTY OF DEKALB AND CREDITORS All creditors of the estate of All creditors of the estate of All creditors of the estate of NOTICE TO DEBTORS
All creditors of the Estate of NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND All creditors of the Estate of ++Cynthia Kellogg++ late of ++Christopher Tait Allers++ late ++James R. Vinson++ late of AND CREDITORS
++Shirley Richard Campbell++ CREDITORS ++Pamela Denise Crawford Dekalb County, deceased, are of Dekalb County, deceased, Dekalb County, deceased, are All creditors of the Estate of
late of DeKalb County, Geor- All creditors and debtors of the Prince++, late of DeKalb hereby notified to render in are hereby notified to render in hereby notified to render in ++Marie Pineda Wiman++, de-
gia, deceased, are hereby noti- ++ESTATE OF JASON TRENT County, deceased, are hereby their demands to the under- their demands to the under- their demands to the under- ceased, late of DeKalb County,
fied to render their demands to PEARSON++, deceased, late notified to render in their de- signed according to law, and all signed according to law, and all signed according to law, and all Georgia, are hereby notified to
the undersigned according to of Dekalb County, Georgia, are persons indebted to said es- persons indebted to said es- persons indebted to said es-
mands to the undersigned ac- render in their demands to the
law, and all persons indebted to hereby notified to render their tate are required to make im- tate are required to make im- tate are required to make im-
cording to law, and all persons below-named Administrator ac-
said Estate are required to demands to the undersigned mediate payment. mediate payment. mediate payment.
make immediate payment. according to law, and all per- indebted to said Estate are re- This 22nd day of June, 2023 This 22nd day of June, 2023 This 13th day of June, 2023 cording to law, and all persons
This 8th day of June, 2023 sons indebted to the estate are quired to make immediate pay- Name: Shurun Shunta Bur- Name: Justin Pierce Allers Name: Kellie Vinson indebted to said Estate are
Theatrice Samantha Penn,Ex- required to make immediate ment. roughs, Administrator Title: Executor Title: Administrator hereby notified to make imme-
ecutor payment to me. This 15th day of June, 2023. Title: c/o Scott B. Fields, Esq. Address: c/o Weyer Law 520 Address: 3936 High Chaparral diate payment to the below-
2170 Greencrest Drive, NE This 9th day of June, 2023. Jabari Prince, Sr. Address: 1215 Hightower Trail, W. Ponce de Leon Ave., Unit Drive, Martinez, GA 30907 named Administrator. This
Atlanta, Georgia 30345 Rosemary A. Spahn, Administrator, of the Estate of Suite C-200, Atlanta, GA 30350 1064, Decatur, GA 30031 12th day of June, 2023, Willi-
110-476569 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 Administrator Pamela Denise Crawford 110-476789 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 am Scott Wiman Administrator
NOTICE TO DEBTORS Estate of Jason Trent Pearson, Prince, Deceased 110-476722 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND of the Estate of Marie Pineda
AND CREDITORS deceased. 3302 Creekway Dr. Notice to Debtors and Creditors CREDITORS Wiman, deceased , 2897 Lone
All creditors of the Estate of 91 Lakeview Drive Decatur, GA 30034 All creditors of the estate of All creditors of the Estate of Star Trail, Atlanta GA 30340.
Leicester, VT 05733 110-476717 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 ++David McFalls Sr.++ late of
++MICHAEL LYNN NICKER- ++Carole Kincaid++, late of Charles F. Hicks, Attorney for
John William Bass, Jr. Notice to Debtors and Creditors Dekalb County, deceased, are
SON++, deceased, late of DeKalb County, deceased, are the Estate of Marie Pineda Wi-
SOUTH GEORGIA LAW AS- All creditors of the estate of hereby notified to render in hereby notified to render in man, Deceased
DeKalb County, Georgia, are SOCIATES, LLC 110-476712 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 ++HAMZA M. YUSUF A/K/A their demands to the under- their demands to the under-
hereby notified to render in 126 N. BROAD ST. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND HAMZA MOHAMED YUSUF++ signed according to law, and all signed according to law, and all
their demands to the under- PO BOX 3379 CREDITORS late of Dekalb County, de- persons indebted to said es- persons indebted to said es- 110-476806 6/29,7/6,7/13,
signed according to law, and all THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA All creditors of the Estate of ceased, are hereby notified to tate are required to make im- tate are required to make im- 7/20
persons indebted to said Es- 31799-3379 ++Gene Edward Wade++ late render in their demands to the mediate payment. mediate payment.
tate are required to make im- of DeKalb County, deceased, undersigned according to law, This 12th day of June, 2023 NOTICE TO DEBTORS
110-476708 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 This 14th day of June 2023
mediate payment. are hereby notified to render in and all persons indebted to Name: David McFalls Jr. AND CREDITORS
IN THE PROBATE COURT OF Latawsha Little-Hill, Esq.
Dated this 9th day of June, their demands to the under- said estate are required to Title: Personal Representative All creditors of the Estate of
DEKALB COUNTY Attorney for Brent Dhuyvetters
2023 signed according to law, and all make immediate payment. Address: 175 Church Road ++Helen Ray Allen a/k/a Helen
STATE OF GEORGIA Executor of the Estate of Car-
persons indebted to said Es- This 7th day of June, 2023 Stockbridge, GA 30281 Lois Allen++, late of DeKalb
tate are required to make im- Name: MOHAMED AHMED County, Georgia, deceased,
Administrator JESSE DEMMONS, ESTATE (ESTATE NO. 2023-0216)
mediate payment. Title: ADMINISTRATOR are hereby notified to render in
SUZANNE TUCKER PLYBON, NO. 2023-0850 110-476723 6/23,6/29,7/6,7/13 Georgia Will and Probate Law-
This 12th day of June 2023 Address: 775 Stone Mill Manor, their demands to the under-
ESQUIRE DECEASED Notice to Debtors and Creditors yers, LLC
Kimberly Young Administrator Lithonia, Georgia 30058 signed according to law, and all
Arnall Golden Gregory LLP NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND All creditors of the estate of 4500 Hugh Howell Road
of the Estate of Gene Edward ++Leeroy A. Clarke++ late of
171 17th Street NW, Suite CREDITORS 600 Heritage Place persons indebted to said Es-
Wade, Deceased Dekalb County, deceased, are
2100 GEORGIA, Tucker GA 30084 tate are required to make im-
Kimberly Young hereby notified to render in
Atlanta, Georgia 30363 DEKALB COUNTY (770) 493-4924 mediate payment.
2936 Idaho Falls Drive their demands to the under-
KATHRYN BALDWIN HECK- IN RE: JESSE DEMMONS, Beavercreek OH 45431 110-476718 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 110-476790 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 This 13th day of June, 2023.
DECEASED NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND signed according to law, and all NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND Randall Lee Allen, Executor
ER, persons indebted to said es-
ESTATE NO. 2023-0850 CREDITORS CREDITORS 2753 Mabry Road
ESQUIRE tate are required to make im-
All creditors of the estate of 110-476713 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 All creditors of the estate of All creditors of the Estate of Brookhaven, GA 30319
Arnall Golden Gregory LLP NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND mediate payment.
++Jesse Demmons++, de- ++Leardis L. Leonard++, late of ++Joseph Kincaid++, late of 110-476807 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20
171 17th Street NW, Suite CREDITORS DeKalb County, deceased, are This 22nd day of June, 2023
ceased, late of Dekalb County, DeKalb County, deceased, are NOTICE TO DEBTORS
2100 are hereby notified to render an OF THE ESTATE OF OLIVER hereby notified to render in Name: Vivette Clarke C/O Mey- hereby notified to render in
Atlanta, Georgia 30363 HAGER their demands to the under- erson Law Firm AND CREDITORS
account of their demands to the their demands to the under-
undersigned, according to the GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY signed according to law, and all Title: 120 Village Circle signed according to law, and all All creditors of the Estate of
110-476705 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 law, and all persons indebted to All creditors of the Estate of persons indebted to said es- Address: Senoia, GA 30276 persons indebted to said es- ++Walter Houghton Bishop++,
NOTICE TO DEBTORS said and all persons indebted ++Oliver Hager++, decedent, tate are required to make im- tate are required to make im- late of DeKalb County, de-
AND CREDITORS to said estate are hereby re- late of Dekalb County, are mediate payment. 110-476724 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 mediate payment. ceased, are hereby notified to
All creditors of the Estate of quired to make immediate pay- hereby notified to render in This 8th day of June, 2023. Notice to Debtors and Creditors This 14th day of June 2023 render in their demands to the
++Lizzie Mae Washington Sim- ment to the undersigned. their demands to the under- A. Diane Baker, Esq. All creditors of the estate of Latawsha Little-Hill, Esq. undersigned according to law,
mons++, late of DeKalb This 6/22/2023. signed according to law, and all Baker Law Group, LLC ++Surays Subba++ late of Attorney for Brent Dhuyvetters and all persons indebted to
County, deceased, are hereby Scott J. Rizzo persons indebted to said es- 555 Sun Valley Drive, Suite N-4 Dekalb County, deceased, are Executor of the Estate of said Estate are required to
notified to render in their de- Attorney for the estate of Jesse tate are required to make im- Roswell, GA 30076 hereby notified to render in Joseph Kincaid, make immediate payment.
mands to the undersigned ac- Demmons, deceased mediate payment to me. Attorney for Dartameon Ed- their demands to the under- (ESTATE NO. 2023-0213) This 14th day of June, 2023.
cording to law, and all persons 15720 Brixham Hill Ave, Suite /s/ Tanner W. Pittman ward Leonard signed according to law, and all Georgia Will and Probate Law- Martha Bishop, Executor of the
300 Administrator of the Estate of Administrator of the Estate of persons indebted to said es- yers, LLC Estate of Walter H Bishop, de-
indebted to said Estate are re-
Charlotte, NC 28277 Oliver Hager Leardis L. Leonard. tate are required to make im- 4500 Hugh Howell Road ceased March 3, 2023
quired to make immediate pay-
Crystal Nasir c/o Tanner Pittman, LLC mediate payment. 600 Heritage Place 1859 Westminster Way
ment. 133 Main St. This 12th day of June, 2023
Executor of the estate of Jesse Tucker GA 30084 Atlanta, GA 30307
This 6/22/2023 LaGrange, Georgia 30240 Name: Brian M. Douglas
Demmons, deceased (770) 493-4924
Rhonda Brown Johnson, Ex- 959 North Monroe Avenue Title: Administrator 110-476808 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20
ecutor 110-476719 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 110-476793 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 NOTICE TO DEBTORS
Lindenhurst, NY 11757 Address: 900 Circle 75 Park- NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND
for of the Estate of 110-476714 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 Notice to Debtors and Creditors way, Ste. 800, Atlanta, GA AND CREDITORS
110-476709 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 Notice to Debtors and Creditors All creditors of the estate of CREDITORS
Lizzie Mae Washington Sim- 30339 All creditors of the Estate of
NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND All creditors of the estate of ++Barbara Goodson++ late of All creditors of the Estate of
mons CREDITORS ++GEORGE COLLINS, JR.++ ++Wayne Morris Kemp++, late
Bruce R Hawkins, Jr ++Barbara Arline McWilliams Dekalb County, deceased, are 110-476725 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 of DeKalb County,Georgia, de-
STATE OF GEORGIA a/k/a Barbara McWilliams++ hereby notified to render in late of DeKalb County, de-
Attorney for Rhonda Brown GREENE COUNTY Notice to Debtors and Creditors ceased, are hereby notified to ceased, are hereby notified to
Johnson, Executor late of Dekalb County, de- their demands to the under- All creditors of the estate of render their demands to the un-
All creditors of the Estate of ceased, are hereby notified to signed according to law, and all render in their demands to the
PO Box 871222 ++Maurice Well, III++, de- ++Bernice Cummings++ late of undersigned according to law, dersigned according to law,
render in their demands to the persons indebted to said es- Dekalb County, deceased, are
Stone Mountain, Georgia ceased, late of Dekalb County, and all persons indebted to and all persons indebted to
undersigned according to law, tate are required to make im- hereby notified to render in
30087 Georgia, are hereby notified to and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to said Estate are required to
mediate payment. their demands to the under-
110-476706 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 render their demands to the un- said estate are required to This 8th day of June, 2023 make immediate payment. make immediate payment.
dersigned according to law, signed according to law, and all This 22 day of JUNE, 2023 This 12th day of June, 2023.
NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND make immediate payment. Name: Barbara Goodson c/o
and all persons indebted to persons indebted to said es- ALISHA COLLINS Administrat-
CREDITORS This 13th day of June, 2023 Broel Law, LLC Evelyn Tissura Kemp, Executor
said Estate are required to tate are required to make im- or, of the Estate of GEORGE
All creditors of the Estate of Name: Kurt Wayne McWilliams Title: Administrator 1316 Sanden Ferry Drive
make immediate payments to mediate payment. COLLINS, JR., Deceased
++Marilyn Gayle Bolden++, de- c/o Broel Law, LLC Address: 331 North Marietta Decatur, Georgia 30033
the undersigned representat- This 13th day of June, 2023 31 EASTON AVENUE
ceased, late of DeKalb County, Title: Executor Parkway, Marietta, GA 30060
ives of said Estate. Name: Tameka Cummings, c/o BUFFALO, NY 14215
Georgia, are hereby notified to Address: 331 North Marietta
This 14th day of June, 2023. Broel Law, LLC
render their demands to the un- Pkwy, Marietta, GA 30060
Tahirih C. Cohee, Title: Administrator
dersigned according to law,
c/o Dell Law Firm, PC Address: 331 North Marietta
and all persons indebted to
1040 Founders Row, Ste. B 110-476720 6/26,6/29,7/6,7/13 Parkway, Marietta, Georgia
said Estate are required to
Greensboro, Georgia 30642 110-476715 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 Notice to Debtors and Creditors 30060
make immediate payment to
th e u n d e rs i gned , O m ek a Executrix of The Estate of Notice to Debtors and Creditors All creditors of the estate of
Bolden-Williams, Executor, C/O Maurice Well, III All creditors of the estate of ++Margaret S Panter++ late of
LeAnne Sears, Esquire, ++Deandre Jay Legacy++ late Dekalb County, deceased, are
Wessels & Gerber, P.C., 51 of Dekalb County, deceased, hereby notified to render in
Jefferson Pkwy, Newnan, Geor- are hereby notified to render in their demands to the under-
gia 30263 (678) 782-7422. their demands to the under- signed according to law, and all
signed according to law, and all persons indebted to said es-
persons indebted to said es- tate are required to make im-
tate are required to make im- mediate payment.
mediate payment. This 9th day of June, 2023
This 14th day of June, 2023 Name: Laura P Ozment
Name: Catherine Alsobrook Title: Executor
Title: Administrator Address: c/o Hoffman and As-
Address: 320 East Clayton soc. 6100 Lake Forrest Drive,
Street, Suite 418, Athens, Atlanta, GA 30328
Georgia 30601
Memorial Drive, Stone Moun- By order for service by publica-
tain, GA 30083, an answer in tion dated May 26, 2023, you
writing within sixty (60) days of are hereby notified that on the
the date of the Order of Public- 30th day of March 2023, a suit
ation. was filed against you for di-
Witness the Honorable Asha F. vorce.
Page 20 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023  Jackson, Judge of this Court.
This 30th day of May , 2023.
You are required to file with the
Clerk of the Superior Court, and
110-476809 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20 110-476814 6/29,7/06,7/13, 110-476903 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20 110-476907 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20 Debra DeBerry 120-476408 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 serve upon petitioner's attor-
NOTICE TO DEBTORS 7/20 NOTICE TO DEBTORS State of Georgia Clerk of Court NOTICE OF PUBLICATION ney, Shanelle Clarke, Clarke
AND CREDITORS NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS County of DeKalb. DeKalb County Superior Court In the Superior Court Law Office, LLC PO Box 606,
All creditors of the Estate of AND CREDITORS STATE OF GEORGIA Notice to Debtors and Creditors Prepared By: of DeKalb County Stone Mountain, GA 30086, an
++Barbara B Pike++, late of All creditors of the Estate of COUNTY OF DEKALB All creditors of the Estate of Respectfully Submitted by, State of Georgia answer in writing within sixty
DeKalb County, deceased, are ++Robert Prince All debtors and creditors of the ++James Edward Gay A/K/A /s/Manchilot Civil Action# ++22FM8904++ (60) days of the date of the or-
hereby notified to render in Cunningham++, late of DeKalb Estate of ++Sean Sappleton++, James Ed Gay++, late of Law Office of Manchilo Guadie, Lashonda Watson der for publication.
their demands to the under- County, deceased, are hereby deceased, late of Dekalb DeKalb County, Georgia, de- Inc. Plaintiff This 6th day of June 2023.
County, Georgia, are hereby ceased, are hereby notified to 6157 Memorial Drive WITNESS, the Honorable
signed according to law, and all notified to render in their de- vs.
notified to render in their de- render in their demands to the Stone Mountain GA 30083 Judge Shondeana C. Morris of
persons indebted to said Es- mands to the undersigned ac- Antonio Lamar Sanders
mands to the undersigned ac- undersigned according to law; 120-476406 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 this Superior Court.
tate are required to make im- cording to law, and all persons cording to law, and all persons and all persons indebted to Defendant Debra DeBerry
mediate payment. indebted to said Estate are re- NOTICE OF PUBLICATION To: Antonio Lamar Sanders
indebted to said Estate are re- said estate are required to In the Superior Court Dekalb County Superior Court
This 15th day of June, 2023. quired to make immediate pay- quired to make immediate pay- make immediate payment. 4719 Central Dr Unit 12G Clerk
Douglas R. Thompson, Attor- ment. of DeKalb County Stone Mountain, GA 30083
ment to the undersigned. This This 22nd day of June, 2023. 120-476438 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6
ney for Emily Phillips Pike Ex- This 16th day of June, 2023. State of Georgia By Order of the Court, for ser-
20th day of June, 2023. Estate of James Edward Gay IN THE SUPERIOR COURT
ecutor for Estate of Barbara B Cathy Cunningham Groves, Civil Action# ++23FM4768++ vice by publication dated the
Pike Administrator Law Offices Stanley M. Lefco, Jeffery Mims, Administrator Kim Walker 27th day of March, 2023 You
1872-C Independence Square Robert Prince Cunningham, P.C., with Will Annexed are hereby notified that on the QUINNESHA CARTER,
Dunwoody, Georgia 30338 Deceased 4651 Roswell Road, 3186 Pat Mullis Road vs. 27th day of March, 2023 The Plaintiff,
Cathy Cunningham Groves Suite G-602, Cadwell, GA 31009 Onochie Nwafor above-named Plaintiff filed suit V.
P.O. Box 70 Atlanta, Georgia 30342, Margaret Greer Evans Defendant against you for: Divorce. OSBORNE CARTER,
110-476810 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20 Dubois, Wyoming 82513 attorney for Joy Sappleton, Ad- Attorney at Law To: Onochie Nwafor You are required to file with Defendant.
NOTICE TO DEBTORS ministrator of the Estate of State Bar No. 488189 Lagos, Nigeria the Clerk of Superior Court, and Civil Action File No.
110-476900 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20
AND CREDITORS NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND Sean Sappleton. (478) 272-2885" By Order of the Court, for ser- to serve upon the plaintiff or ++22FM2426++
All creditors of the Estate of CREDITORS vice by publication dated the plaintiff's attorney whose name NOTICE OF PUBLICATION
++Kenneth Brett Choate++, 25th day of May, 2023 You are OSBORNE CARTER
late of DeKalb County, Geor-
All creditors of ++SIRLENA
COBB++, deceased, are Divorce hereby notified that on the 16th
and address is: 3058 Waldrop
Cir, Decatur, GA 30034 An- 473 Washington Street
gia, deceased, are notified to hereby notified to render in 110-476904 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20 day of May, 2023 The above- swer in writing within sixty (60) Newark, NJ 07102
submit their demands to the un- their demands to the under- DEBTOR'S AND CREDITOR'S 120-476329 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 named Plaintiff filed suit against days of the date of the Order of You are hereby notified that the
dersigned according to law and signed according to law, and all NOTICE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT you for: Annulment. above-styled action seeking Di-
all persons indebted to the Es- persons indebted to said Es- All persons having claims OF DEKALB COUNTY You are required to file with vorce was filed against you in
STATE 0F GEORGIA Witness the Honorable Asha
tate are required to make im- tate are required to make im- against ++Dorcas Edith Lind- the Clerk of Superior Court, and said court on February 24,
LYDIA JENKINS, F. Jackson, Judge of the 2022, and that by reason of an
mediate payment. mediate payment. say Wilbur++ late of DeKalb to serve upon the plaintiff or DeKalb Superior Court.
This 20th day of June, 2023. County, deceased, or against Petitioner, plaintiff's attorney whose name Order for Service of Summons
This 9th day of June, 2023. This the 1st day of June, 2023
Mr. Kinnon Radford her estate, are required to v. and address is: Kim Walker, by Publication entered by the
William Franklin Choate, as Ex- STEVEN GODWIN, Debra DeBerry
1422 Spring Chase Circle present the same to the under- 2714 Parkway Trail, Lithonia, court on November 22, 2022,
ecutor of the Estate of Kenneth Respondent. Clerk of Superior Court you are hereby commanded
Brett Choate, deceased. 338 Stone Mountain, GA 30083 signed, properly itemized and GA 30058 Answer in writing
BRADLEY G. PYLES proven, within the time re- Civil Action File No. 556 N. McDonough Street and required to file with the
Adams Street Decatur, GA ++22FM7085-10++ within sixty (60) days of the G-130 Annex clerk of said court and serve
Attorney for Administrator quired by Law. And all persons date of the Order of Publica-
30030 Post Office Box 1797 indebted to said deceased, or NOTICE 0F PUBLICATION Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 upon Sarah T. Austin, Plaintiff"
Attorney: TO: Steven Godwin tion. s attorney, whose address is
Macon, GA 31202-1797 her estate, are requested to 120-476409 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29
A. Thomas Stubbs, Esq. (478) 745-1651 make immediate payment to 2416 Brantley Way, Apt. A. Witness the Honorable Atlanta Legal Aid Society, 246
Gregory A. Adams, Judge of NOTICE OF PUBLICATION
Stubbs Law Office, LLC the undersigned. Milledgeville, GA 31061 Sycamore Street, Suite 120,
110-476901 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20 the DeKalb Superior Court. In the Superior Court
125 Clairemont Avenue, Suite NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND This 20th day of June, 2023. You are hereby notified that the Decatur, GA
above-styled action seeking Di- This the 26th day of May, 2023. of DeKalb County
440 CREDITORS Wendy A. Urie, Administratrix 30030, an answer to the Peti-
vorce was filed against you in Debra DeBerry State of Georgia tion within sixty (60) days of the
Decatur, GA 30030 All creditors of the Estate of Estate of Dorcas Edith Lindsay
said court on August 10, 2022, Clerk of Superior Court Civil Action# ++23FM3049++ date of the Order for Service by
++Nathaniel McFarland++, late Wilbur
and that by reason of an Order 556 N. McDonough Street Michael Neal Publication.
of DeKalb County, deceased, Attorney: John A. Donsbach
Donsbach Law Group, LLC for Service of Summons by G-130 Annex Plaintiff Witness the HONORABLE Sta-
are hereby notified to render in vs.
110-476811 6/29,7/06,7/13, P.O. Box 212139 Publication entered by the court Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 cey Hydrick, Judge of said
their demands to the under- Rachsun Neal
7/20 signed according to law, and all Martinez, GA 30917 on August 10, 2022, you are 120-476407 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 court.
NOTICE TO DEBTORS hereby commanded and re- Defendant This the 9th day of March,
persons indebted to said es- NOTICE OF PUBLICATION
AND CREDITORS tate are required to make im- quired to file with the clerk of To: Rachgun Neal 2023.
said court and serve upon In the Superior Court
All creditors of the Estate of mediate payment. 318 Whitney Chase Debra DeBerry
Sarah T. Austin, Petitioner's at- of DeKalb County Clerk of Superior Court
++Donna Alisa McCloud John- This 22nd day of June 2023 Stone Mountain, GA 30088
110-476905 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20 torney, whose address is At- State of Georgia DeKalb County, Georgia
son++, deceased, late of Latawsha Little-Hill, Esq. Notice to Debtors and Creditors By Order of the Court, for ser-
lanta Legal Aid Society, 246 Civil Action# ++23FM3044++
DeKalb County, are hereby no- Attorney for Betty McFarland All creditors of the estate of vice by publication dated the 120-476501 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6
Sycamore Street, Suite 120, Trier Harris
tified to render in their de- Executor of the Estate of Nath- ++WINFORD WRIGHT 16th day of March, 2023 You IN THE SUPERIOR COURT
Decatur, GA 30030, an answer Plaintiff OF DEKALB COUNTY
mands to the undersigned ac- aniel McFarland, THOMPSON A/K/A WINFORD are hereby notified that on the
to the Petition within sixty (60) vs. STATE OF GEORGIA
cording to law, and all persons (ESTATE NO. 2023-0834) W. THOMPSON++ late of 16th day of March, 2023 The
days of the date of the Order Aramide Adefemiwa CHERISTY LEONARD,
indebted to said Estate are re- Georgia Will and Probate Law- Dekalb County, deceased, are above-named Plaintiff filed suit
yers, LLC 4500 Hugh Howell for Service by Publication. Defendant Plaintiff,
quired to make immediate pay- hereby notified to render in against you for: Divorce.
Road Witness the Honorable Tan- To: Aramide Adefemiwa vs.
ment to me. their demands to the under- gela Barrie, Judge of said You are required to file with
600 Heritage Place signed according to law, and all ADDRESS UKNOWN ELIAS CHARLES TOTERA,
This 12th day of June, 2023. court. the Clerk of Superior Court, and
Tucker GA 30084 persons indebted to said es- By Order of the Court, for ser- Defendant.
J. Enrique Morales, Esq. This the 31st day of May, 2023. to serve upon the plaintiff or
(770) 493-4924 tate are required to make im- vice by publication dated the TO: Elias Charles Totera
Attorney to the Administrator of Debra DeBerry plaintiff's attorney whose name
mediate payment. 10th day of May, 2023 You are 1435 Boggs Road, Apt. O
the Clerk of Superior Court and address is: Michael Neal,
110-476902 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20 This 9th day of June, 2023 hereby notified that on the 16th Duluth, GA 30096
Estate of Donna Alisa Mc- DeKalb County, Georgia 3257 ABBEYWOOD DRIVE Civil Action
NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND Name: DAVID THOMPSON day of March, 2023 The above-
Cloud Johnson, Deceased DECATUR GA 30034 Answer File No.: ++23FM2710++
CREDITORS Title: EXECUTOR named Plaintiff filed suit against
Braxton Johnson 120-476330 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 in writing within sixty (60) days NOTICE OF SUMMONS
All creditors of the Estate of Address: 2882 Pineview Street, you for: Divorce.
2060 Silver Hill Rd IN THE SUPERIOR COURT of the date of the Order of Pub- SERVICE BY PUBLICATION
++David Byron Lee++ late of Duluth, Georgia 30096 You are required to file with
Stone Mountain, GA 30087 OF DEKALB COUNTY lication. By order for service by publica-
DeKalb County, deceased, are the Clerk of Superior Court, and
STATE OF GEORGIA Witness the Honorable Mark tion dated April 25, 2023, you
hereby notified to render in to serve upon the plaintiff or
AHMED J. AHMED Anthony Scott, Judge of the are hereby notified that on the
their demands to the under- plaintiff's attorney whose name
110-476813 6/29,7/06, 7/13, Petitioner, DeKalb Superior Court. 3rd day of March, 2023, the
signed according to law, and all and address is: 2453 SOFT
7/20 110-476906 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20 v. This the 15th day of May, 2023. Plaintiff, Cheristy Leonard, filed
persons indebted to said Es- MAPLE ST DORAVILLE GA
tate are required to make im-
CREDITORS CREDITORS Respondent. 30360 Answer in writing within You are required to file with the
mediate payment. Clerk of Superior Court
STATE OF GEORGIA, STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION NO. sixty (60) days of the date of Clerk of the Superior Court of
This 20th day of June 2023 556 N. McDonough Street
COUNTY OF DEKALB. COUNTY OF DEKALB ++23FM5121-2++ the Order of Publication. DeKalb County, and serve
John J. McManus, Attorney of G-130 Annex
IN RE: Estate of Virginia Lee IN RE: ESTATE OF SUSAN NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Witness the Honorable Shon- upon Plaintiff's Attorney, J.
the Estate of David Byron Lee, Decatur, GA. 30030-3356
Calvert, Deceased (#2023- LYNN MYERS By Order for Service by Public- deana C. Morris, Judge of the Latasha Walker, Esq. and The
0261) All creditors of the estate of ation dated the 30th day of DeKalb Superior Court. 120-476437 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6 J. Latasha, Walker Law Firm,
4228 1st Ave., Suite 14
All creditors of the Estate of ++SUSAN LYNN MYERS++, May, 2023 you are hereby noti- This the 16th day of May, 2023. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT LLC, whose address is 1115
Tucker, GA 30084
++Virginia Lee Calvert++, de- deceased, late of DeKalb fied that on the 30th day of Debra DeBerry OF DEKALB COUNTY Mount Zion Road, Suite 9, Mor-
ceased, late of DeKalb County, County, are hereby notified to May, 2023, the Petitioner Clerk of Superior Court STATE OF GEORGIA row, GA 30260, an answer in
Georgia, are hereby notified to render their demands to the un- herein filed suit against you for TANEKA McDONALD writing within sixty (60) days of
556 N. McDonough Street
render their demands to the un- dersigned according to law, Divorce. Petitioner, the date of the order for public-
and all persons indebted to You are required to file with the G-130 Annex v.
dersigned according to law, Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 ation.
and all persons indebted to said estate are required to Clerk of the Superior Court of SADE ROBINSON WITNESS, the Honorable
said estate are required to make immediate payment to DEKALB County, and to serve Respondent. Gregory A. Adams, Judge of
make immediate payment to me. upon the Petitioner’s Attorney, CIVIL ACTION this Superior Court.
us. This 22nd day of June, 2023. Manchilo Guadie of Law Office ++FILE NO. 23FM3462++ This the 1 day of May, 2023.
This 16th day of June, 2023. DAVID VINCENT MYERS of Manchilo Guadie, Inc., 6157 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Debra DeBerry
Dale Calvert, Executor Administrator (or Executor) of Memorial Drive, Stone Moun- By order for service by publica- Deputy Clerk, Superior Court
Estate of Virginia Lee Calvert SUSAN LYNN MYERS, de- tain, GA 30083, an answer in tion dated May 26, 2023, you
T. Wesley Robinson ceased writing within sixty (60) days of are hereby notified that on the
Hulsey, Oliver & Mahar, LLP ATTORNEY: the date of the Order of Public- 30th day of March 2023, a suit
P. O. Box 1457 FOSTER, FOSTER, & SMITH, ation. was filed against you for di-
Gainesville, Georgia 30503 LLC Witness the Honorable Asha F. vorce.
141 S. McDonough Street Jackson, Judge of this Court. You are required to file with the
Jonesboro, GA 30236 This 30th day of May , 2023. Clerk of the Superior Court, and
Debra DeBerry serve upon petitioner's attor-
Clerk of Court ney, Shanelle Clarke, Clarke
DeKalb County Superior Court Law Office, LLC PO Box 606,
Prepared By: Stone Mountain, GA 30086, an
granted. Due to the pandemic venile Court of DeKalb County,
By Order of the Court, for ser- To: Robert Smith caused by COVID-19 this mat- 4309 Memorial Drive, Decatur,
vice by publication dated the By Order of the Court service ter may be held virtually via Georgia 30032, on any day,
1st day of December, 2022 You for service by publication dated Zoom. In addition, computer Monday through Friday,
are hereby notified that on the 4/24/2023 You are hereby noti- access will be available at the between the hours of 8:30 a.m.
9th day of September, 2022 fied that on 1/18/2023. The DeKalb County Juvenile Court and 5:00 p.m.
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023Page 21
The above-named Plaintiff filed above-named Plaintiff filed suit if needed. This hearing will be held via
suit against you for: Divorce against you for: Divorce. You may file in the office of the ZOOM video conferencing by
120-476505 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6 Without Minor Children. 120-476556 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 120-476795 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 You are required to file with Clerk of this Court and serve consent of the parties. Your
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION You are required to file with NOTICE OF PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT the Clerk of Superior Court, and upon Petitioner’s attorney, case is scheduled to occur on
In the Superior Court the Clerk of Superior Court, and In the Superior Court OF DEKALB COUNTY STATE to serve upon the plaintiff Leslie Y. Abbott, PO Box 3306; Tuesday, August 1, 2023. You
of DeKalb County to serve upon the plaintiff or of DeKalb County OF GEORGIA whose name and address is: Decatur, Georgia 30031, within must contact the DeKalb
State of Georgia plaintiff's attorney whose name State of Georgia NICOLE KIMBERLEE LEWIS, Louistine Dowdy, 1025 Nimble- sixty (60) days of the date of County Juvenile Court (404)
Civil Action# ++23FM4134++ and address is: Justin Martin, Civil Action# ++22FM9355++ Plaintiff, wood Way Stone Mountain, GA the first publication, your an- 294-2716 to receive further in-
Dominique Jackson 2345 PEACHWOOD CIR NE Simone Kembou Menyou vs. 30088 an Answer in writing swer to the Division’s petition. structions on how to participate
Plaintiff APT 2302 ATLANTA GA 30345 Plaintiff REGINALD LLOYD LEWIS, within sixty (60) days of the A party is entitled to counsel in in your hearing. The website for
Defendant. these proceedings and the the Court is:www.dekalbjuven-
vs. Answer in writing within sixty vs. date of the Order of Pyblication.
CIVIL ACTION Court will appoint an attorney
Andre Jackson (60) days of the date of the Or- Lindell Ronta Strickland Witness the Honorable Shan-
++FILE NO. 23FM2974++ for you if you are unable, You are commanded to appear
Defendant der of Publication. Defendant NOTICE OF PUBLICATION deana Morris, Judge of the without undue financial hard- via video conferencing on the
To: Andre Jackson Witness the Honorable Asha F To: Lindell Ronta Strickland STATE OF GEORGIA DeKalb Superior Court. ship to employ counsel. Notice 1st day of August at 10:30 a.m.
3908 East 14th Ave Jackson, Judge of the DeKalb 2089 MANHATTAN PKW COUNTY OF DEKALB This the 20th day of June, is hereby given that a provi- to show cause why the request
Gary IN 46403 Superior Court. DECATUR GA 30035 Notice is hereby given that 2023. sional hearing may be conduc- of the Division to adjudicate the
By Order of the Court, for ser- This the 1st day of December, By Order of the Court, for ser- NICOLE KIMBERLEE LEWIS, Debra DeBerry ted on the date listed above by above-named child should not
vice by publication dated the 2022. vice by publication dated the through her counsel, John B. Clerk of Superior Court the court pursuant to O.C.G.A. be granted, and you may file in
17th day of May, 2023 You are Debra DeBerry 14th day of November, 2022 Jackson, the undersigned, filed 556 N. McDonough Street § 15-11-163. Findings of Fact the office of the Clerk of this
hereby notified that on the 25th Clerk of Superior Court You are hereby notified that on a Verified Complaint for Di- G-130 Annex and orders of disposition made Court and serve upon Petition-
day of April, 2023 The above- 556 N. McDonough Street the 28th day of October, 2022 vorce with the Superior Court of Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 at the provisional hearing may er’s Attorney, Cynthia Roberts-
named Plaintiff filed suit against G-130 Annex The above-named Plaintiff filed Dekalb County, Georgia, on the become final at a final hearing Emory, P.O. Box 71757, Newn-
you for: Dissolution/ Divorce/ Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 suit against you for: Divorce. 14th day of March, 2023, pray- unless parties served by public- an GA 30271, within thirty (30)
Separate Maintenance. 120-476508 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6 You are required to file with ing for a divorce from REGIN- Deprived ation appear at the final hear- days of the 13th of June 2023
You are required to file with the Clerk of Superior Court, and ALD LLOYD LEWIS. Notice is ing. your answer to the Division’s
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION hereby given pursuant to law to WITNESS, Temika W. Murry, Petition.
the Clerk of Superior Court, and In the Superior Court to serve upon the plaintiff or 160-476331 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29
to serve upon the plaintiff or plaintiff's attorney whose name any interested or affected party NOTICE TO APPEAR Judge This 13th day of June 2023.
of DeKalb County to appear in said Court and to This the 24th day of May, 2023 Antionette Johnson-Brantley
plaintiff's attorney whose name and address is: Kembou Mevy- STATE OF GEORGIA
State of Georgia file objections to such Com- COUNTY OF DEKALB Antoninette L. Brantley, Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb
and address is: 5784 Civil Action# ++23FM3201++ ou Simone, 2089 MANHAT-
plaint. Objections must be filed IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb County
WINDGATE LANE LITHONIA Cariah Claxton TAN PKW DECATUR GA with said Court within thirty (30) County
GA 30058 Answer in writing 30035 Answer in writing within DEKALB COUNTY.
Plaintiff of the date hereof. In the interest of:
within sixty (60) days of the
date of the Order of Publica-
vs. sixty (60) days of the date of
the Order of Publication.
160-476504 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6
Di-andre Folkes /s/ John B. Jackson 11/16/2019, Age: 16 YRS,
tion. Witness the Honorable Yolan- Georgia Bar No. 387190 COURT
Defendant Case Number: 23J01062++ 170-476439 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6
Witness the Honorable Park- da C. Parker Smith, Judge of Attorney for Plaintiff Petitioner: Claudia Lucas Huinil
er-Smith, Yolanda, Judge of the 4371 GLENWOOD RD APT N1 the DeKalb Superior Court. LAW OFFICE OF JOHN B. PROCEEDINGS DEKALB COUNTY
DeKalb Superior Court. This the 17th day of November, JACKSON Respondent: Nazario Vail Vail
This the 17th day of May, 2023 By Order of the Court, for ser- 2022. 110 Wagon Yard Plaza MOTHER, MAYNOR BAMACA- IN THE INTEREST OF FILE
Carrollton, Georgia 30117 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION
Debra DeBerry vice by publication dated the Debra DeBerry BIMICA, FATHER and ALL NO. ++20J01386
Phone: (770) 834-0345 To: NAZARIO VAIL VAIL
Clerk of Superior Court 31st day of May, 2023 You are Clerk of Superior Court KNOWN, UNKNOWN, AND By Order for Service by Public- A. P. AGE: 8 DOB: 10-28-14
556 N. McDonough Street 556 N. McDonough Street Fax: (770) 406-6609 UNNAMED PUTATIVE, LEG- CASE # 23J01456++
hereby notified that on the 22nd ation dated 06/02/2023.
G-130 Annex day of March, 2023 The above- G-130 Annex AL or BIOLOGICAL FATHERS You are hereby notified that on Child/Children Under the Age of
Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 named Plaintiff filed suit against Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 120-476815 06/29,07/06,07/13, of the above-named children, 04/25/2023, the Petitioner filed 18
120-476506 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6 120-476727 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 07/20 WHOSE WHEREABOUTS a Dependency Complaint for NOTICE OF TERMINATION
you for: Divorce.
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION You are required to file with
OF DEKALB COUNTY STATE In the Superior Court GREETINGS: Pursuant to Or- cas. TO: Angel Hope Hogg, the bio-
In the Superior Court the Clerk of Superior Court, and der of this Court, you are logical mother and any
of DeKalb County to serve upon the plaintiff or OF GEORGIA of DeKalb County You are required to appear in
Dnojamye Thomas hereby notified that on May 23, person or video conference for known/unknown, named/un-
State of Georgia plaintiff's attorney whose name State of Georgia
Plaintiff 2023 a Petition of Dependency a hearing at the Dekalb County named putative, biological
Civil Action# ++23FM2615++ and address is: Cariah Claxton, Civil Action# ++23FM5006++ and/or legal father of the
Virgen Maria Borges Martinez was filed in this Court by the Juvenile Court, 4309 Memorial
Charlesa Edwards 4371 GLENWOOD RD APT N1 Shelia Howard Georgia Department of Human above-named child.
Defendant Plaintiff Drive, Decatur, Georgia 30032,
Plaintiff DECATUR GA 30032 Answer Services, through its agent, GREETINGS: Pursuant to an
To: Virgen Marian Borges Mar- vs. on 7/13/2023, at 10:30 a.m.
vs. in writing within sixty (60) days tinez with the DeKalb County Divi- Order of this Court dated May
Eddy Howard Witness the Honorable DESIR-
Joshua Edwards of the date of the Order of Pub- 6306 AZALEA GARDEN sion of Family and Children EE SUTTON PEAGLER, Judge 29, 2023 you are hereby noti-
Defendant lication. Defendant Services (hereinafter referred to fied that a Petition for Termina-
DRIVE of this Court. This 9th day of
To: Joshua Edwards Witness the Honorable Shon- DUNWOODY, Georgia 30338 To: Eddy Howard as “the Division”), whose ad- tion of Parental Rights has
June, 2023.
ADDRESS UKNOWN deana C Morris, Judge of the CIVIL ACTION NO. 186 Oak Drive dress is 2300 Parklake Drive been filed against you in this
By Order of the Court, for ser- DeKalb Superior Court. ++22FM8484-1++ Atlanta, GA 30358 NE, Atlanta, DeKalb County, 160-476908 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20 Court by the Georgia Depart-
vice by publication dated the This the 1st day of June, 2023. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION By Order of the Court service Georgia 30345, alleging the NOTICE OF DEPENDENCY ment of Human Services,
3rd day of May, 2023 You are Debra DeBerry By order for service by publica- for service by publication dated whereabouts of the above men- PROCEEDINGS through its agent, the DeKalb
hereby notified that on the 28th Clerk of Superior Court tion dated February 21 , June 13, 2023 You are hereby tioned parties are unknown. IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF County Division of Family and
day of February, 2023 The 2023,you are hereby notified notified that on June 24, 2023 The Petitioner asks the Court to DEKALB COUNTY Children Services (Division),
556 N. McDonough Street
that on the 28th day of Septem- The above-named Plaintiff filed transfer temporary legal cus- STATE OF GEORGIA located at 2300 Parklake Dr.,
above-named Plaintiff filed suit G-130 Annex
ber 2022, Dnojamye Thomas suit against you for: Divorce. tody of the above-named child IN THE INTEREST OF: ++FILE Atlanta, Georgia 30345 al-
against you for: Divorce. Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 to the Division of Family and NO. 153171 S.B. SEX: F DOB: leging that the whereabouts of
You are required to file with filed suit against you for Di- You are required to file with
120-476527 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6 vorce Children Services on the 04-02-2008 CASE NO. the biological mother and fath-
the Clerk of Superior Court, and the Clerk of Superior Court, and
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION You are required to file with the grounds that the child is de- 23J00771++ er and the identity and where-
to serve upon the plaintiff or to serve upon the plaintiff's at- abouts of any unknown putat-
In the Superior Court Clerk of the Superior Court, and pendent as that term is defined A CHILD UNDER THE AGE OF
plaintiff's attorney whose name torney whose name and ad- by O.C.G.A. § 15-11-2(22). 18 ive father are unknown. The
of DeKalb County serve upon plaintiff's attorney,
and address is: Charlesa Ed- dress is: 4000 Moore Creek A free copy of the Petition may To: LAQUITA BROUGHTON, above-named children are in
State of Georgia Katrina Williams, The Williams
wards Answer in writing within Drive, Conley, GA 30288 An- be obtained from the Clerk of BIOLOGICAL MOTHER, the temporary custody of the
Civil Action# ++21FM9001-9++ Watson Law Firm, LLC 265 S.
sixty (60) days of the date of swer in writing within sixty (60) the Juvenile Court of DeKalb whereabouts unknown, and Division pursuant to a prior or-
Carl Conway Culver Street, Lawrenceville,
the Order of Publication. days of the date of the Order of County, 4309 Memorial Drive, any known/unknown, der of the Court finding the chil-
Plaintiff GA 30046.
Witness the Honorable Sta- an answer in writing within sixty Publication. Decatur, Georgia 30030, on named/unnamed, putative, bio- dren to be dependent. The Pe-
cey K Hydrick, Judge of the (60) days of the date of the or- Witness the Honorable Nora any day, Monday through Fri- logical or legal father(s) tition asks the Court to termin-
Paula Conway
DeKalb Superior Court. der for publication. Polk, Judge of the DeKalb Su- day, between the hours 8:30 Greetings: Pursuant to an Or- ate the parental rights and ob-
Defendant a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Please con- der of this Court dated June 13, ligations of the parents, with re-
This the 5th day of June, 2023. This the 21 day of perior Court.
To: Paula Conway tact the Clerk’s office at 678- 2023, you are hereby notified spect to the children, and of the
Debra DeBerry February,2203. This the 16th day of June,
ADDRESS UNKNOWN 409-4252 or email that a Dependency Petition was children to them arising out of
Clerk of Superior Court WITNESS, the Honorable 2023.
By Order of the Court service [email protected] filed against you in this Court the parental relationship, in-
556 N. McDonough Street Courtney L. Johnson, Judge of Debra DeBerry
for service by publication dated ov for information regarding by the Georgia Department of cluding the right to inheritance,
G-130 Annex the Dekalb Superior Court. Clerk of Superior Court
10/27/2022 You are hereby no- electronic filing and virtual ac- Human Services, through its and that the children be com-
Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 Debra DeBerry 556 N. McDonough Street
tified that on 10/14/2021 The Deputy Clerk, Superior Court cess. agent, the DeKalb County Divi- mitted to the Georgia Depart-
120-476507 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 G-130 Annex
above-named Plaintiff filed suit Ground Floor, 556 N Mc- You are hereby commanded to sion of Family and Children’s ment of Human Services, with
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Decatur, GA. 30030-3356
against you for: Divorce. Donough St be and appear at the DeKalb Services, alleging that the the right to proceed for adop-
In the Superior Court You are required to file with # 1100, Decatur, GA 30030 120-476947 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20 County Juvenile Court, 4309 whereabouts of the parents of tion. A free copy of the petition
of DeKalb County the Clerk of Superior Court, and NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor- the above-named child are un- may be obtained from the Clerk
State of Georgia to serve upon the plaintiff's at- In the Superior Court gia 30030 by person or via known. The Petition asks the of the Juvenile Court of DeKalb
Civil Action# ++22FM7935++ torney whose name and ad- of DeKalb County Zoom (Zoom ID 581-751-2155) Court to grant temporary legal County, 4309 Memorial Dr.,
Justin Martin dress is: Sterns-montgomery & State of Georgia on custody of the above-named Decatur, Georgia 30032, on
Plaintiff Proctor, 291 SE Alexander St, Civil Action# ++23FM1394++ July 11, 2023, at 12:00 o’clock child to the Division on the any day, Monday through Fri-
vs. Marietta, GA 30060-2084 An- Louistine Dowdy p.m., before Judge Temika W. grounds that the child is de- day, between the hours of 8:30
Eric P Traskos Plaintiff Murry to show cause why the pendent as that term is defined a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
swer in writing within sixty (60)
Defendant vs. request of the Division regard- by O.C.G.A. section 15-11-2. A You are commanded to be and
days of 10/27/2022. ing legal custody of the above- free copy of the petition be ob- appear at the DeKalb County
To: Eric P Traskos Witness the Honorable Brian Robert Smith
named children should not be tained from the Clerk of the Ju- Juvenile Justice Center, 4309
ADDRESS UKNOWN E Lake, Judge of the DeKalb Defendant Memorial Dr., Decatur, Geor-
granted. Due to the pandemic venile Court of DeKalb County,
By Order of the Court, for ser- Superior Court. To: Robert Smith caused by COVID-19 this mat- 4309 Memorial Drive, Decatur, gia 30032 on the 17th day of
vice by publication dated the This the 9th day of June, 2023. By Order of the Court service ter may be held virtually via Georgia 30032, on any day, August 2023 at 9:00 a.m. to
1st day of December, 2022 You Debra DeBerry for service by publication dated Zoom. In addition, computer Monday through Friday, show cause why the request of
are hereby notified that on the Clerk of Superior Court 4/24/2023 You are hereby noti- access will be available at the between the hours of 8:30 a.m. the Division to terminate your
9th day of September, 2022 556 N. McDonough Street fied that on 1/18/2023. The DeKalb County Juvenile Court and 5:00 p.m. parental rights to the above-
The above-named Plaintiff filed G-130 Annex above-named Plaintiff filed suit if needed. This hearing will be held via named child should not be
suit against you for: Divorce Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 against you for: Divorce. You may file in the office of the ZOOM video conferencing by granted.
Without Minor Children. You are required to file with Clerk of this Court and serve consent of the parties. Your This hearing will be held virtu-
You are required to file with the Clerk of Superior Court, and upon Petitioner’s attorney, case is scheduled to occur on ally via ZOOM at the same date
the Clerk of Superior Court, and to serve upon the plaintiff Leslie Y. Abbott, PO Box 3306; Tuesday, August 1, 2023. You and time listed above. The
to serve upon the plaintiff or whose name and address is: Decatur, Georgia 30031, within must contact the DeKalb ZOOM ID number for this hear-
Memorial Dr., Decatur, Geor- Decatur, Georgia 30030, on of Family and Children Ser- change the name(s) of the fol-
gia 30032 on the 17th day of any day, Monday through Fri- vices (hereinafter referred to as lowing minor child(ren) from:
August 2023 at 9:00 a.m. to day, between the hours 8:30 “the Division”), whose address Abenezer Adiniasu Gebremari-
show cause why the request of a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Please con- is 2300 Parklake Drive NE, At- am to Abenezer Adiniasu
the Division to terminate your tact the Clerk’s office at 678- lanta, DeKalb County, Georgia Girma.
parental rights to the above- 409-4252 or email 30345, alleging the where- Any interested party has the
Page 22
named child should not be
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023 
[email protected]
ov for information regarding
abouts of the above-named right to appear in this case and
parties are unknown. The file objections within the time
This hearing will be held virtu- electronic filing and virtual ac- above-named children is in the 200-476334 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 prescribed in OCGA §§19-12-1 200-476415 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29
ally via ZOOM at the same date
and time listed above. The
You are hereby commanded to
temporary custody of the Divi-
sion pursuant to a prior order of
(f)(2) and (3). NOTICE OF PETITION TO
Dated: 05/31/2023
ZOOM ID number for this hear- be and appear at the DeKalb the Court finding the children to 200-475771a 6/29,7/6,7/13, STATE OF GEORGIA Adimasu Worku DeKalb County Superior Court
ing is 9970-509-5447. Com- County Juvenile Court, 4309 be dependent. The Petition IN RE THE NAME CHANGE Petitioner, Pro se State of Georgia
puters will be available at the Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor- asks the Court to terminate par- OF: 4362 E Ponce de Leon #D Civil Action Case Number
DeKalb County Juvenile Court gia 30030 by person or via NOTICE OF PETITION TO PAUL-JOSEPH AHERN DE-
ental rights and obligations of Clarkston, GA 30021 ++23FM5148++
if needed. You may file in the Zoom (Zoom ID 963-656- the parents, with respect to the CHANGE NAME OF ADULT SUTTER
DeKalb County Superior Court Debra DeBerry Kourtney Taylor Richardson
office of the Clerk of this Court 85416) on children, arising out of the par- a/k/a PAGE JOAN AUDENZIA
State of Georgia Clerk of Superior Court filed a petition in the DeKalb
and serve upon Petitioner’s at- July 3, 2023, at 9:00 o’clock ental relationship, including the Petitioner.
Civil Action Case Number 200-476412 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 County Superior Court on 31
torney, Jerry W. Thacker, PO. a.m., before Judge Linda Brat- right to inheritance, and that the CIVIL ACTION NO.
Box 83480 Conyers, Georgia ton-Haynes, to show cause ++23FM4661++ ++23FM5068++ NOTICE OF PETITION May, 2023 to change the name
child be committed to the Geor-
30013 prior to August 17, 2023 why the request of the Division gia Department of Human Ser- Anthony Dywayne McAllister NOTICE OF PETITION TO TO CHANGE NAME(S) from: Kourtney Taylor Richard-
your answer to the Divisions’ to grant the Termination of Par- vices with the right to proceed Sr filed a petition in the DeKalb CHANGE NAME OF AN OF MINOR CHILD(REN) son to Kourtney Richardson
Petition. ental Rights should not be for adoption. County Superior Court on ADULT DeKalb County Superior Court Drake.
The biological fathers may lose granted. Due to the pandemic A free copy of the Petition may 5/11/2023, to change the name Petitioner Paul-Joseph Ahern State of Georgia Any interested party has the
all rights to the children and the caused by COVID-19 this mat- be obtained from the Clerk of from: Anthony Dywayne McAl- Desutter, through undersigned Civil Action Case Number right to appear in this case and
Court may enter an order ter- ter may be held virtually via the Juvenile Court of DeKalb lister Sr to Jabez Ben Israel. counsel, filed a Petition to ++23FM5076++ file objections within 30 days
minating all such father’s rights Zoom. In addition, computer County, 4309 Memorial Drive, Any interested party has the Change Name of an Adult (“Pe- Gabriella D Gabriel filed a pe- after the Petition was filed.
to the child and such father access will be available at the Decatur, Georgia 30030, on right to appear in this case and tition”) in the Superior Court of tition in the DeKalb County Su- Dated: 31 May 2023
may not object to the termina- DeKalb County Juvenile Court any day, Monday through Fri- file objections within 30 days DeKalb County on May 26, perior Court on 5/26/2023, to Kourtney Taylor Richardson
tion of his parental rights un- if needed. day, between the hours 8:30 after the Petition was filed. 2023 to change Petitioner’s change the name(s) of the fol- Petitioner, Pro se
less, within thirty (30) from the You may file in the office of the a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Please con- name as follows: 1559 BUTTERNUT COVE
Dated: 5/9/2023 lowing minor child(ren) from:
receipt of this Petition, unless Clerk of this Court and serve tact the Clerk’s office at 678- From: Paul-Joseph Ahern De- STONE MOUNTAIN GA 30083
he files a petition to legitimate upon Petitioner’s attorney, Anthony Dywayne McAllister Sr sutter To: Page Joan Audenzia Malia Isabelle Gabriel-Pope to
409-4252 or email Debra DeBerry
the children and files notice of Leslie Y. Abbott, PO Box 3306; Petitioner, Pro se Any interested party has the Malia Isabelle Gabriel Pope.
[email protected] Clerk of Superior Court
the filing of the petition to legit- Decatur, Georgia 30031, within ov for information regarding Debra DeBerry right to appear in this case and Any interested party has the
imate with the DeKalb County sixty (60) days of the date of electronic filing and virtual ac- Clerk of Superior Court file objections within thirty (30) right to appear in this case and
Juvenile Court. the first publication, your an- cess. days after the Petition was file objections within the time 200-476416 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29
A party is entitled to counsel in swer to the Division’s petition. You are hereby commanded to filed. prescribed in OCGA §§19-12-1 NOTICE OF PETITION TO
these proceedings and the The putative father(s) shall lose be and appear at the DeKalb Respectfully submitted this (f)(2) and(3). CHANGE NAME OF ADULT
200-476332 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29
Court will appoint an attorney all rights to the child and will County Juvenile Court, 4309 26th day of May, 2023. Dated: 5/26/2023 DeKalb County Superior Court
for you if you are unable, not be entitled to object to the Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor- /s/ Andrew Z. Smith Gabriella Dunashi Gabriel State of Georgia
without undue financial hard- termination of his rights unless gia 30030 by person or via Andrew Z. Smith Petitioner, Pro se Civil Action Case Number
ship, to employ counsel. within thirty (30) days from the Zoom (Zoom ID 581-751-2155) Georgia Bar No. 945798 531 LINCOLN CT AVE NE ++23FM5212++
In re the Name Change of:
WITNESS, Desire Sutton receipt of this Petition, he files on [email protected] ATLANTA GA 30329
LEGESE LEMESA REGASA Elise Diane Martin filed a peti-
Peagler, Judge a petition to legitimate the child August 16, 2023, at 12:00 GREENBERG TRAURIG, LLP Debra DeBerry
Petitioner tion in the DeKalb County Su-
This the 2nd of June 2023. and files notice of the filing of o’clock p.m., before Judge Terminus 200 Clerk of Superior Court
CIVIL ACTION NO. perior Court on June 1, 2023,
/S/ Antoinette Brantley the petition to legitimate with Temika W. Murry, to show 3333 Piedmont Road North-
++23FM5084++ 200-476413 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 to change the name from: Elsie
Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb the DeKalb County Juvenile cause why the request of the east, Suite 2500
County Court. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Division to grant the Termina- Atlanta, Georgia 30305
§15-11-283 tion of Parental Rights should Telephone: 678-553-2145
NAME OF ADULT OF MINOR CHILD(REN) Any interested party has the
170-476800 6/22,6/29,7/3,7/13 A party is entitled to counsel in not be granted. Due to the pan- Facsimile: 678-553-2124
LEGESE LEMESA REGASA DeKalb County Superior Court right to appear in this case and
NOTICE TO APPEAR these proceedings and the demic caused by COVID-19 Counsel for Petitioner
filed a petition in the in the Su- State of Georgia
STATE OF GEORGIA Court will appoint an attorney this matter may be held virtu- 200-476410 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 file objections within 30 days
perior Court of DeKalb County, Civil Action Case Number
COUNTY OF DEKALB for you if you are unable, ally via Zoom. In addition, com- NOTICE OF PETITION TO after the Petition was filed.
State of Georgia on 26th day of ++23FM4544-10++
IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF without undue financial hard- puter access will be available at CHANGE NAME OF ADULT Dated: June 1, 2023
May, 2023, to change her
DEKALB COUNTY ship, to employ counsel. No- the DeKalb County Juvenile DeKalb County Ephrem D Yirqu filed a peti- Elsie Diane Martin
name as follows: LEGESE
In the interest of tice is hereby given that a pro- Court if needed. Superior Court tion in the DeKalb County Su- Petitioner, Pro se
++T.J.Y., Sex: M. DOB: visional hearing may be con- You may file in the office of the perior Court on May 8, 2023, to 1608 Kings Crossing
KASSAHUN State of Georgia
06/24/2020, Case Number ducted on the date listed above Clerk of this Court and serve change the name(s) of the fol- Stone Mountain, GA 30087
Any interested party has the Civil Action Case#
23J00450++. by the court pursuant to upon Petitioner’s attorney, lowing minor child(ren) from: Debra DeBerry
right to appear in this case and ++23FM5184++
NOTICE OF TERMINATION O.C.G.A. § 15-11-163. Find- Leslie Y. Abbott, PO Box 3306; Bethany Shambel Yirqu to Clerk of Superior Court
file objections within the pre- In re:
PROCEEDINGS ings of Fact and orders of dis- Decatur, Georgia 30031, within Bethany Ephrem Yirqu and
scribed time in O.C.G.A § 19- Kanta Seta Cadogan
TO: THE PUTATIVE FATHER, position made at the provision- sixty (60) days of the date of Lidya Shambel Yirqu to Lidya
12-1(f)(2) and (3). Petitioner.
and ALL KNOWN/UNKNOWN al hearing may become final at the first publication, your an- Ephrem Yirqu 200-476417 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29
This the 26th day of May, 2023. Kanta Seta Cadogan filed a
AND UNNAMED PUTATIVE, a final hearing unless parties swer to the Division’s petition. NOTICE OF PETITION TO
Respectfully Submitted by, Petition in the DeKalb County Any interested party has the
LEGAL or BIOLOGICAL FATH- served by publication appear at The putative father(s) shall lose CHANGE NAME OF ADULT
/s/ Manchilot right to appear in this case and
ERS, WHOSE WHERE- the final hearing. all rights to the child and will Superior Court on 5/31/2023 to DeKalb County Superior Court
Manchilo Guadie, Esq. file objections within the time
ABOUTS ARE UNKNOWN. WITNESS, the Honorable Linda not be entitled to object to the change the name from: Kanta State of Georgia
Attorney for Petitioner prescribed in OCGA §§19-12-1
GREETINGS: Pursuant to Or- Bratton-Haynes, Judge termination of his rights unless Seta Cadogan to Kay Love. Civil Action Case Number
Please Serve: (f)(2)and(3).
der of this Court, you are This the 11th day of June 2023. within thirty (30) days from the Any interested party has the ++23FM4991++
Law Office of Manchilo Guadie, Dated: 04/14/2023
hereby notified that on or about Antoninette L. Brantley, receipt of this Petition, he files right to appear in this case and
Inc. Ephrem D Yirqu Jennifer Rachel Barwick-
February 24, 2023, a Petition Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb a petition to legitimate the child file objections within 30 days
6157 Memorial Drive Petitioner, Pro se Gnemi filed a petition in the
For Termination of Parental County and files notice of the filing of after the Petition was filed.
Stone Mountain, GA 30083 DeKalb County Superior Court
Rights was filed in this Court by 170-476909 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20 the petition to legitimate with Dated: 5/26/2023 790 RIDGELAND TRL
the DeKalb County Juvenile CLARKSTON GA 30021 on May 24, 2023, to change the
the Georgia Department of Hu- NOTICE TO APPEAR Kanta Seta Cadogan
man Services, through its Court. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. 200-476414 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 name from: Jennifer Rachel
STATE OF GEORGIA Petitioner, Pro se
agent, DeKalb County Division COUNTY OF DEKALB §15-11-283 200-476333 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 NOTICE OF PETITION TO Barwick-Gnemi to Rachel Bar-
10 Perimeter Summit Blvd NE wick Gnemi.
of Family and Children Ser- IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF A party is entitled to counsel in IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Unit 4116 CHANGE NAME OF ADULT
vices (hereinafter referred to as DEKALB COUNTY these proceedings and the OF DEKALB COUNTY DeKalb County Superior Court Any interested party has the
Atlanta, GA 30319 right to appear in this case and
“the Division”), whose address In the interest of Court will appoint an attorney STATE OF GEORGIA State of Georgia
is 2300 Parklake Drive NE, At- ++A.C., Sex: F. DOB: for you if you are unable, In re the Name Change of Civil Action Case Number file objections within 30 days
without undue financial hard- Debra DeBerry after the Petition was filed.
lanta, DeKalb County, Georgia 03/22/2013, Case Number NAM PHUONG LE, ++23FM5066++
ship, to employ counsel. No- Clerk of Superior Court Dated: 05/24/23
30345, alleging the where- 23J01396. I.C., Sex: F. DOB: Petitioner Ashlee May-Wa Haley filed a
abouts of the above-named 09/08/2009, Case Number tice is hereby given that a pro- CIVIL ACTION FILE 200-476411 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 Jennifer Rachel Barwick-Gnemi
visional hearing may be con- NOTICE OF PETITION petition in the DeKalb County
parties are unknown. The 23J01397++. NUMBER ++23FM4136++ Petitioner, Pro se
above-named child is in the ducted on the date listed above TO CHANGE NAME(S) Superior Court on 26 May,
temporary custody of the Divi- by the court pursuant to CHANGE NAME OF MINOR CHILD(REN) 2023, to change the name
sion pursuant to a prior order of TO: QUANTONIA CRAYTON, O.C.G.A. § 15-11-163. Find- Notice is hereby given that DeKalb County Superior Court from: Ashlee May-wa Haley to
Ashlee May-wa Williams. Debra DeBerry
the Court finding the child to be MOTHER, EUGENE EDWARD, ings of Fact and orders of dis- NAM PHUONG LE, filed his pe- State of Georgia Clerk of Superior Court
dependent. The Petition asks PUTATIVE FATHER, and ALL position made at the provision- tition to the Superior Court of Civil Action Case Number Any interested party has the
the Court to terminate parental KNOWN/UNKNOWN AND UN- al hearing may become final at DEKALB County, Georgia, on ++23FM5153++ right to appear in this case and
rights and obligations of the NAMED PUTATIVE, LEGAL or a final hearing unless parties the 24th day of April, 2023, Adimasu Girma Worku filed a file objections within 30 days 200-476440 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6
parents, with respect to the BIOLOGICAL FATHERS, served by publication appear at praying for change in name of petition in the DeKalb County after the Petition was filed. SUPERIOR COURT OF
child, arising out of the parent- WHOSE WHEREABOUTS the final hearing. petitioner from NAM PHUONG Dated: 5/18/2023 DEKALB COUNTY
Superior Court on 5/31/2023, to
al relationship, including the ARE UNKNOWN. WITNESS, the Honorable LE to BRANDON NAM LE. Ashlee May-wa Haley STATE OF GEORGIA
Judge Temika W. Murry change the name(s) of the fol-
right to inheritance, and that the GREETINGS: Pursuant to Or- Notice is hereby given pursu- Petitioner, Pro se In re:
This the 19th day of August lowing minor child(ren) from:
child be committed to the Geor- der of this Court, you are ant to law to any interested or 5100 W MOUNTAIN ST J203 Ja'Terrio Lakeith Ware a/k/a
gia Department of Human Ser- 2023. affected party to appear in said Abenezer Adiniasu Gebremari- Shynise Denise Ware
hereby notified that on or about STONE MOUNTAIN GA 30083
vices with the right to proceed February 24, 2023, a Petition Antoninette L. Brantley, Court and to file objections to am to Abenezer Adiniasu Petitioner.
Girma. Debra DeBerry
for adoption. For Termination of Parental Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb such name change. Objections Civil Action
Any interested party has the Clerk of Superior Court
A free copy of the Petition may Rights was filed in this Court by County must be filed with said Court File Number ++23FM234++
be obtained from the Clerk of the Georgia Department of Hu- within 30 days of the filing of right to appear in this case and NOTICE OF PETITION TO
the Juvenile Court of DeKalb man Services, through its said petition. file objections within the time CHANGE NAME OF ADULT
County, 4309 Memorial Drive, agent, DeKalb County Division This 24th Day of April, 2023. prescribed in OCGA §§19-12-1 Petitioner herein filed a petition
Decatur, Georgia 30030, on of Family and Children Ser- Respectfully submitted, (f)(2) and (3). in the Superior Court of DeKalb
any day, Monday through Fri- vices (hereinafter referred to as LAW OFFICE OF TRUONG, Dated: 05/31/2023 County on 1st day of June,
day, between the hours 8:30 “the Division”), whose address P.C. Adimasu Worku 2023, for a legal name change
a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Please con- is 2300 Parklake Drive NE, At- CUONG MINH TRUONG Petitioner, Pro se from Ja'Terrio Lakeith Ware to
tact the Clerk’s office at 678- lanta, DeKalb County, Georgia Bar No. 717397 4362 E Ponce de Leon #D Shynise Denise Ware. Any in-
409-4252 or email 30345, alleging the where- Attorney for Petitioner Clarkston, GA 30021 terested party has the right to
[email protected] abouts of the above-named P.O. Box 47247 Debra DeBerry appear in this case and file ob-
ov for information regarding parties are unknown. The Atlanta, GA 30362 Clerk of Superior Court jections within 30 days after the
electronic filing and virtual ac- above-named children is in the Petition was filed.
cess. temporary custody of the Divi- This 1st day of June, 2023
You are hereby commanded to sion pursuant to a prior order of Kathleen Lynch 700679
be and appear at the DeKalb the Court finding the children to Attorney for Petitioner
in the Superior Court of DeKalb
County on 1st day of June,
2023, for a legal name change
from Ja'Terrio Lakeith Ware to
Shynise Denise Ware. Any in-
terested party has the right to

appear in this case and file ob- The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023Page 23
jections within 30 days after the
Petition was filed. 200-476509 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6 200-476512 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6 200-476516 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6 200-476559 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 200-476562 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 200-476565 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13
Attorney for Petitioner OF MINOR CHILD(REN) DeKalb County Superior Court DeKalb County Superior Court DeKalb County Superior Court OF MINOR CHILD(REN) DeKalb County Superior Court
1180 Peachtree St NE DeKalb County Superior Court State of Georgia State of Georgia State of Georgia DeKalb County Superior Court State of Georgia
Suite 1600 State of Georgia Civil Action Case Number Civil Action Case Number Civil Action Case Number State of Georgia Civil Action Case Number
Atlanta, GA 30309 Civil Action Case Number ++23FM5235++ ++23FM5208-10++ ++23FM5457++ Civil Action Case# ++23FM5506++
(P) 470-855-2962 ++23FM5269++ Medina Janay Jackson filed a Varnetta Dolora Brown Ed- Kyle Gabriel Johnson filed a ++23FM5473++ Chantal Ki-Channa Sterling
(F) 404-572-5100
Michael B Schardan filed a petition in the DeKalb County wards filed a petition in the petition in the DeKalb County Dayan Carla Bookman filed a filed a petition in the DeKalb
[email protected]
petition in the DeKalb County Superior Court on 6/2/2023, to DeKalb County Superior Court Superior Court on June 9, petition in the DeKalb County County Superior Court on June
200-476441 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6 Superior Court on 6/5/2023, to change the name from: Med- on 6/1/23, to change the name 2023, to change the name Superior Court on June 9, 12th, 2023, to change the
NOTICE OF PETITION change the name(s) of the fol- ina Janay Jackson to Malika from: Varnetta Dolora Brown to from: Kyle Gabriel Johnson to 2023, to change the name(s) of name from: Chantal Ki-Channa
TO CHANGE NAME(S) lowing minor child(ren) from: Ali. Varnetta Dolora Edwards. Malie Kato. the following minor child(ren) Sterling to Chantal Ki-Channa
OF MINOR CHILD(REN) Stella Evangeline Schardan to Any interested party has the Any interested party has the Any interested party has the from: Amari Tekoa Bookman to Taylor.
DeKalb County Superior Court Ferdinand Phillip Schardan. right to appear in this case and right to appear in this case and right to appear in this case and Amarie Tekoa Bookman. Any interested party has the
State of Georgia Any interested party has the file objections within 30 days file objections within 30 days file objections within 30 days Any interested party has the right to appear in this case and
Civil Action Case Number right to appear in this case and after the Petition was filed. after the Petition was filed. after the Petition was filed. right to appear in this case and file objections within 30 days
++23FM5424++ file objections within the time Dated: 11/9/22 Dated: 6/1/2023 Dated: June 9, 2023 file objections within the time after the Petition was filed.
GETENET ALEMU filed a pe- prescribed in OCGA §§19-12-1 Medina J Jackson Varnetta D Edwards Kyle Gabriel Johnson prescribed in OCGA §§19-12-1 Dated: 6/12/23
tition in the DeKalb County Su- (f)(2)and(3). Petitioner, Pro se Petitioner, Pro se Petitioner, Pro se (f)(2)and(3). Chantal Kichanna Sterling
perior Court on 6/8/2023, to Dated: June 2, 2023 3218 ABBEYWOOD DR 5734 ROCKBRIDGE RD APT 3104 HILLINGTON DR NE Dated: June 9, 2023 Petitioner, Pro se
change the name(s) of the fol- Michael B Schardan DECATUR GA 30034 110 STONE MOUNTAIN GA ATLANTA GA 30345 Dayan Carla Bookman 2282 Rolling Trail
lowing minor child(ren) from: Petitioner, Pro se Debra DeBerry 30087 Debra DeBerry Petitioner, Pro se Lithonia, GA 30058
MICAEL HABTEMARIAM 275 FOREST GLEN CIR Clerk of Superior Court Debra DeBerry Clerk of Superior Court 2046 WEDGEWOOD DR Debra DeBerry
GETENET to MICHAEL AVONDALE ESTATES GA Clerk of Superior Court STONE MOUNTAIN GA 30088 Clerk of Superior Court
200-476513 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6 200-476560 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13
NOTICE OF PETITION TO 200-476557 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 NOTICE OF PETITION TO 200-476566 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13
Any interested party has the Debra DeBerry Clerk of Superior Court
right to appear in this case and Clerk of Superior Court DeKalb County Superior Court CHANGE NAME OF ADULT DeKalb County Superior Court 200-476563 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 OF PETITION
file objections within the time
200-476510 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6 State of Georgia DeKalb County Superior Court State of Georgia NOTICE OF PETITION TO TO CHANGE NAME(S)
prescribed in OCGA §§19-12-1
NOTICE OF PETITION TO Civil Action Case Number State of Georgia Civil Action Case Number CHANGE NAME OF ADULT OF MINOR CHILD(REN)
CHANGE NAME OF ADULT ++23FM5159++ Civil Action Case Number ++23FM5079++ DeKalb County Superior Court DeKalb County Superior Court
Dated: 6/8/2023
DeKalb County Superior Court Ariam Mekonnen Tekle filed a ++23FM5250++ Liza-Anne Cabral filed a peti- State of Georgia State of Georgia
State of Georgia petition in the DeKalb County Mary Elizabeth Rich filed a pe- tion in the DeKalb County Su- Civil Action Case Number Civil Action Case Number
Petitioner, Pro se
Civil Action Case Number Superior Court on May 31st, tition in the DeKalb County Su- perior Court on May 26, 2023, ++23FM5494++ ++23FM3561++
++23FM5279++ 2023 to change the name from: perior Court on 6/2/23, to to change the name from: Liza- Mary Louise Thelwell filed a TSIGEHANA KITAW filed a
APT 3304
Monica Anderson Colquitt filed Ariam Mekonnen Tekle to change the name from: Mary Anne Cabral to Liza Anne Mon- petition in the DeKalb County petition in the DeKalb County
a petition in the DeKalb County Ariam Grace Mekonnen-Jack- Elizabeth Rich to Elizabeth roe. Superior Court on 6/12/2023, to Superior Court on 04/03/23, to
Debra DeBerry
Superior Court on June 5, son. Parker Rich. Any interested party has the change the name from: Mary change the name(s) of the fol-
Clerk of Superior Court
2023, to change the name Any interested party has the Any interested party has the right to appear in this case and Louise Thelwell to Mary Louise lowing minor child(ren) from:
200-476442 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6 from: Monica Anderson Colquitt right to appear in this case and right to appear in this case and file objections within 30 days Ibrahim. AMEN ABISALOM FISHAY to
NOTICE OF PETITION TO to Monica Lanee Anderson. file objections within 30 days file objections within 30 days after the Petition was filed. Any interested party has the AMEN MESFIN HAILU.
CHANGE NAME OF ADULT Any interested party has the after the Petition was filed. after the Petition was filed. Dated: April 29, 2023 right to appear in this case and Any interested party has the
DeKalb County Superior Court right to appear in this case and Dated: 5/23/2023 Dated: 5/31/2023 Liza-Anne Cabral file objections within 30 days right to appear in this case and
State of Georgia file objections within 30 days Ariam Mekonnen Tekle Mary Elizabeth Rich Petitioner, Pro se after the Petition was filed. file objections within the time
Civil Action Case Number after the Petition was filed. Petitioner, Pro se Petitioner, Pro se 5360 FIELDGREEN DR Dated: June 12, 2023 prescribed in OCGA §§19-12-1
++23FM5392++ Dated: 6/5/2023 1123 Village Ct SE 1839 JOPPA LANE STONE MOUNTAIN GA 30088 Mary Louise Thelwell (f)(2) and(3).
Chelsey Jordyn Robinson filed Monica Anderson Colquitt Atlanta, GA 30316 TUCKER GA 30084 Debra DeBerry Petitioner, Pro se Dated: 04/03/23
a petition in the DeKalb County Petitioner, Pro se Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry Clerk of Superior Court 1743 DUNBARTON DR TSIGEHANA KITAW
Superior Court on 6/5/2023, to 8344 FALLING ROCKS WAY Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court LITHONIA GA 30058 Petitioner, Pro se
200-476561 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13
change the name from: Chel- LITHONIA GA 30058 Debra DeBerry 501 BROCKETT WAY
200-476514 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6 200-476558 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 NOTICE OF PETITION TO
sey Jordyn Robinson to Chel- Debra DeBerry Clerk of Superior Court CLARKSTON GA 30021
sey Jordyn Smith Robinson. Clerk of Superior Court Debra DeBerry
CHANGE NAME OF ADULT TO CHANGE NAME(S) DeKalb County Superior Court 200-476564 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13
Any interested party has the Clerk of Superior Court
200-476511 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6 DeKalb County Superior Court OF MINOR CHILD(REN) State of Georgia NOTICE OF PETITION TO
right to appear in this case and
NOTICE OF PETITION TO State of Georgia DeKalb County Superior Court Civil Action Case Number CHANGE NAME OF ADULT 200-476728 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13
file objections within 30 days IN THE SUPERIOR COURT
CHANGE NAME OF ADULT Civil Action Case Number State of Georgia ++23FM5472++ DeKalb County Superior Court
after the Petition was filed. OF DEKALB COUNTY
DeKalb County Superior Court ++23FM3458++ Civil Action Case Number Taliba Khabir filed a petition in State of Georgia
Dated: 6/5/2023 STATE OF GEORGIA
State of Georgia Shanaque Rashon Jackson ++22FM10150++ the DeKalb County Superior Civil Action Case Number
Chelsey Jordyn Robinson CIVIL ACTION
Civil Action Case Number filed a petition in the DeKalb Briana C Jackson filed a peti- Court on June 9, 2023 to ++23FM5553++
Petitioner, Pro se ++FILE NO. 23FM5588++
++23FM5230++ County Superior Court on tion in the DeKalb County Su- change the name from: Taliba Thi Hien Diu Nguyen filed a
Tacarra Hamer filed a petition March, 30, 2023, to change the perior Court on 11/29/2022 to Khabir to Queen Lotus Yamuna petition in the DeKalb County
Decatur, GA 30032 CHANGE NAME
in the DeKalb County Superior name from: Shanaque Rashon change the name(s) of the fol- Sri Taliba Menta. Superior Court on 6/13/2023, to
Debra DeBerry GEORGIA
Court on 06/02/2023 to change Jackson to Shana Jackson lowing minor child(ren) from: Any interested party has the change the name from: Thi
Clerk of Superior Court DeKalb County
the name from: Tacarra Hamer West. Liam Carter Young to Channen right to appear in this case and Hien Diu Nguyen to Diu Nguy-
200-476443 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6 Notice is hereby given that on
to Tacarra Hamer-Barnwell. Any interested party has the Liam Grice. file objections within 30 days en Lee. June 13, 2023 Nardine Soraya
NOTICE OF PETITION TO Any interested party has the Any interested party has the after the Petition was filed. Any interested party has the
right to appear in this case and Abdul-Melendez filed her peti-
CHANGE NAME OF ADULT right to appear in this case and right to appear in this case and Dated: 6/9/2023 right to appear in this case and
file objections within 30 days tion to the Superior Court of
DeKalb County Superior Court file objections within 30 days file objections within the time Taliba Khabir file objections within 30 days
after the Petition was filed. DeKalb County, Georgia, pray-
State of Georgia after the Petition was filed. prescribed in OCGA §§19-12-1 Petitioner, Pro se after the Petition was filed.
Dated: March 30, 2023 ing for a change in the name of
Civil Action Case Number Dated: 6/2/2023 (f)(2) and (3). 2589 Welligton Walk Place Dated: 6/13/23
Shanaque Rashon Jackson petitioner from Nardine
++23FM5324++ Tacarra Hamer Dated:05-06-2021 Lithonia, GA 30058 Thi Hien Diu Nguyen Soraya Abdul-Melendez to
Petitioner, Pro se
Rita Dey filed a petition in the Petitioner, Pro se Briana C. Jackson Debra DeBerry Petitioner, Pro se Nadine Soraya Abdul. Notice is
DeKalb County Superior Court 5714 Boggs Dr Petitioner, Pro se Clerk of Superior Court 2249 Capehart Cir NE hereby given pursuant to law to
on 6/6/2023, to change the Stone Mountain, GA 30088 5181 W MOUNTAIN ST Atlanta, GA 30345 any interested or affected party
Debra DeBerry
name from: Rita Dey to Rita Debra DeBerry #2473 Debra DeBerry to appear in said Court and to
Clerk of Superior Court
Dhar. Clerk of Superior Court STONE MOUNTAIN GA 30083 Clerk of Superior Court file objections to such name
Any interested party has the 200-476515 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6 change.
right to appear in this case and Clerk of Superior Court Objections must be filed with
file objections within 30 days CHANGE NAME OF ADULT said Court within 30 days of the
after the Petition was filed. DeKalb County Superior Court filing of said petition, and a
Dated: 6/6/2023 State of Georgia copy provided to Petitioner’s
Rita Dey Civil Action Case Number Counsel: Jody A. Miller, Esq.,
Petitioner, Pro se ++23FM5329++ 400 Galleria Parkway, Suite
3300 Pin Oak Circle Meseret Asefa Getaneh filed a 1500, Atlanta,
Doraville, GA 30340 petition in the DeKalb County Georgia 30339.
Debra DeBerry Superior Court on June 6, This 13 day of June, 2023.
2023, to change the name Jody A. Miller, Esq.
Clerk of Superior Court
from: Meseret Asefa Getaneh Attorney for Petitioner
to Meseret Asefa Daniel. Georgia Bar No. 507180
Any interested party has the 400 Galleria Parkway
right to appear in this case and Suite 1500
file objections within 30 days Atlanta, Georgia 30339
(678) 385-5930
after the Petition was filed.
Dated: June 6, 2023
Meseret Asefa Getaneh
Petitioner, Pro se
Debra DeBerry
Clerk of Superior Court
to before a notary public or be- with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections,
Elizabeth Ann Zaharopoulos, fore a probate court clerk, and unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an
filed a Petition in the DeKalb filing fees must be tendered indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate
County Superior Court on June with your pleadings/objections, court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re-
15, 2023 to change the name unless you qualify to file as an quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If
from: Elizabeth Ann Zaharo- indigent party. Contact probate any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear-
Page 24 ton.
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023 
poulos to Elizabeth Casali Kee- court personnel for the re-
quired amount of filing fees. If
ing will be scheduled at a later
date. If no objections are filed,
ing will be scheduled at a later
date. If no objections are filed,
ing will be scheduled at a later
date. If no objections are filed,
ing will be scheduled at a later
date. If no objections are filed,
200-476729 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 Any interested party has the any objections are filed, a hear- the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted
NOTICE OF PETITION TO right to appear in this case and ing will be scheduled at a later without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing.
CHANGE NAME OF ADULT file objections within 30 days date. If no objections are filed, Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove
DeKalb County Superior Court after the Petition was filed. the petition may be granted Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court
State of Georgia Dated: 6/15/2023 without a hearing. Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the
Civil Action Case Number Elizabeth Ann Zaharopoulos Bedelia C Hargrove the Probate Court Probate Court Probate Court Probate Court
++23FM 5490-9++ Petitioner, Pro se Judge of the Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
Tyanna Aurianna Williams 568 Stratford Green Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the 1100 1100 1100 1100
Probate Court Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030
filed a petition in the DeKalb Avondale Estates, GA 30002
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601
County Superior Court on Debra DeBerry
1100 220-476340 06/08, 06/15, 220-476342 06/08, 06/15, 220-476444 6/15, 6/22, 6/29,
6/9/2023, to change the name Clerk of Superior Court Decatur, Georgia 30030
from: Tyanna Aurianna Willi- 06/22, 06/29/2023 06/22, 06/29/2023 7/6
200-476912 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20 404-371-2601 NOTICE ++2023-1074++ NOTICE ++2023-1079++ NOTICE ++2023-1030++
ams to Alana Kennedy Carter. NOTICE OF PETITION 220-476338 6/8, 6/15, 6/22, TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and
Any interested party has the TO CHANGE NAME(S) 6/29 to whom it may concern:
to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern:
right to appear in this case and OF MINOR CHILD(REN) 220-476336 06/08, 06/15, NOTICE ++2023-1058++ MARKEA FELECIA CUSHION WANDA YANCEY RODWELL DANA SWINFORD CRAFT has
file objections within 30 days DeKalb County Superior Court 06/22, 06/29/2023 TO: All Interested Parties and has petitioned to be appointed has petitioned to be appointed petitioned to be appointed Ad-
after the Petition was filed. State of Georgia NOTICE ++2023-1046++ to whom it may concern: Administrator(s) of the estate of Administrator(s) of the estate of ministrator of the estate of
Dated: 6/9/2023 Civil Action Case Number TO: All Interested Parties and DONNA ROSS ARCHIE has WAYNE MURRAY deceased, LESA MICHELLE YANCEY ROYCE EDWARD SWIN-
Tyanna Aurianna Williams ++23FM5682++ to whom it may concern: petitioned to be appointed Ad- of said County. The GLENN deceased, of said FORD deceased, of said
Petitioner, Pro se Dr Ariel King filed a petition in STEPHANIE LASONDE ministrator of the estate of DE- Petitioner(s) has also applied County. The Petitioner(s) has County. The Petitioner has also
2212 Briarcliff Gables Cir NE ROBINSON has petitioned to BORAH DOVE ROSS de- for waiver of bond and/or grant also applied for waiver of bond applied for waiver of bond
the DeKalb County Superior
Atlanta, GA 30329 be appointed Administrator(s) ceased, of said County. The of certain powers contained in and/or grant of certain powers and/or grant of certain powers
Court on 6/16/2023, to change of the estate of PAULINE Petitioner(s) has also applied
Debra DeBerry O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12-
the name(s) of the following BANKS ROBINSON deceased, for waiver of bond and/or grant
Clerk of Superior Court ested parties are hereby noti- 261. All interested parties are 261. All interested parties are
minor child(ren) from: Viktorija of said County. The of certain powers contained in hereby notified to show cause
200-476791 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 fied to show cause why said hereby notified to show cause
Padrostyte to Victoria Anya Petitioner(s) has also applied O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- Petition should not be granted. why said Petition should not be why said Petition should not be
NOTICE OF PETITION TO King. for waiver of bond and/or grant ested parties are hereby noti- All objections to the Petition granted. All objections to the granted. All objections to the
CHANGE NAME OF ADULT Any interested party has the of certain powers contained in fied to show cause why said must be in writing, setting forth Petition must be in writing, set- Petition must be in writing, set-
DeKalb County Superior Court right to appear in this case and O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- Petition should not be granted. the grounds of any such objec- ting forth the grounds of any ting forth the grounds of any
State of Georgia file objections within the time ested parties are hereby noti- All objections to the Petition tions, and must be filed with the such objections, and must be such objections, and must be
Civil Action Case Number
prescribed in OCGA §§19-12-1 fied to show cause why said must be in writing, setting forth Court on or before 07/10/2023. filed with the Court on or be- filed with the Court on or be-
(f)(2) and (3). Petition should not be granted. the grounds of any such objec- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All fore 07/10/2023. fore 07/17/2023.
Alexandra King Mettersl
Dated: 6/16/2023 All objections to the Petition tions, and must be filed with the objections to the petition must BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
filed a petition in the DeKalb
Dr Ariel King must be in writing, setting forth Court on or before 07/10/2023. be in writing, setting forth the objections to the petition must objections to the petition must
County Superior Court on May
Petitioner, Pro se the grounds of any such objec- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All grounds of any such objections. be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the
26, 2023, to change the name
627 Masters Drive tions, and must be filed with the objections to the petition must All objections should be sworn grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections.
from: Alexandra King Metters to
Stone Mountain, GA 30087 Court on or before 07/10/2023. be in writing, setting forth the to before a notary public or be- All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn
Alexandra King-Metters Mon-
Debra DeBerry BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All grounds of any such objections. fore a probate court clerk, and to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be-
objections to the petition must All objections should be sworn filing fees must be tendered fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and
Any interested party has Clerk of Superior Court
be in writing, setting forth the to before a notary public or be- with your pleadings/objections, filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered
the right to appear in this case 200-476913 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20 grounds of any such objections. fore a probate court clerk, and unless you qualify to file as an with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections,
and file objections within 30
NOTICE OF PETITION TO All objections should be sworn filing fees must be tendered indigent party. Contact probate unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an
days after the Petition was
CHANGE NAME OF ADULT to before a notary public or be- with your pleadings/objections, court personnel for the re- indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate
DeKalb County Superior Court fore a probate court clerk, and unless you qualify to file as an quired amount of filing fees. If court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re-
Dated: April 29, 2023
State of Georgia filing fees must be tendered indigent party. Contact probate any objections are filed, a hear- quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If
Alexandra King Metters
Civil Action Case Number with your pleadings/objections, court personnel for the re- ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear-
Petitioner, Pro se
++23FM5815++ unless you qualify to file as an quired amount of filing fees. If date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later
India Graden filed a petition in indigent party. Contact probate any objections are filed, a hear- the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed,
the DeKalb County Superior court personnel for the re- ing will be scheduled at a later without a hearing. the petition may be granted the petition may be granted
Debra DeBerry
quired amount of filing fees. If date. If no objections are filed, Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. without a hearing.
Clerk of Superior Court Court on 6/22/2023, to change
any objections are filed, a hear- the petition may be granted Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove
200-476910 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20 the name from: India Graden to ing will be scheduled at a later without a hearing. Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court
SUPERIOR COURT OF India Laryea. date. If no objections are filed, Bedelia C Hargrove Probate Court Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of
DEKALB COUNTY Any interested party has the the petition may be granted Judge of the Probate Court Probate Court
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. the Probate Court
STATE OF GEORGIA right to appear in this case and without a hearing. Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
In re: file objections within 30 days Bedelia C Hargrove Probate Court Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 1100
Philip Lee Rogers Jr. after the Petition was filed. Judge of the Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030
Petitioner. Dated: 6/22/2023 Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the 1100 404-371-2601 404-371-2601
Civil Action File Number 220-476341 06/08, 06/15,
India Graden Probate Court Decatur, Georgia 30030 220-476343 06/08, 06/15, 220-476445 06/22, 06/29,
++23FM5800++ 06/22, 06/29/2023
3367 Kelowna Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 404-371-2601 06/22, 06/29/2023 07/06, 07/13
Tucker, GA 30084 1100 NOTICE ++2023-1083++ NOTICE ++2023-0931++
CHANGE NAME OF ADULT TO: All Interested Parties and
Debra DeBerry Decatur, Georgia 30030 to whom it may concern: TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and
Petitioner herein filed a petition Clerk of Superior Court 404-371-2601
in the Superior Court of DeKalb VALRIE MARLENE KNIGHTS to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern:
220-476339 6/8, 6/15, 6/22, has petitioned y to be appoin- ERIK JENSEN has petitioned KIMBERLY MONIQUE BELL
County on 21st day of June, 6/29
2023, for a legal name change
from Philip Lee Rogers Jr. to
Administration 220-476337 6/8, 6/15, 6/22, NOTICE ++2023-1064++
ted Administrator(s) of the es-
to be appointed
Administrator(s) of the estate of
has petitioned to be appointed
Administrator of the estate of
6/29 TO: All Interested Parties and KNIGHTS deceased, of said RHONDA DEANNE JENSEN KEEVIN JERMAINE BELL de-
Valaree Love Rogers. Any in- 220-476335 6/8, 6/15, 6/22, NOTICE ++2023-1048++ to whom it may concern:
terested party has the right to County. The Petitioner(s) has deceased, of said County. The ceased, of said County. The
6/29 TO: All Interested Parties and CYNTHIA GLENDA also applied for waiver of bond Petitioner(s) has also applied Petitioner has also applied for
appear in this case and file ob- NOTICE ++2023-0054++ to whom it may concern: LAWRENCE DUGAS-ELLI-
jections within 30 days after the and/or grant of certain powers for waiver of bond and/or grant waiver of bond and/or grant of
TO: Unknown Father/Heirs of HOLLY SHIUE GALLA has pe- OTT has petitioned to be ap- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- of certain powers contained in certain powers contained in
Petition was filed. the Estate and to whom it may titioned to be appointed Admin- pointed Administrator of the es-
This 21st day of June 2023. 261. All interested parties are O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter-
concern: istrator of the estate of DANIEL tate of GENOVA HIGHTOWER hereby notified to show cause ested parties are hereby noti- ested parties are hereby noti-
/s/ Talis C. Trevino REGINALD MARQUIS CODY JAMES SHINE, JR. deceased, LAWRENCE deceased, of said
Talis C. Trevino why said Petition should not be fied to show cause why said fied to show cause why said
has petitioned to be appointed of said County. The Petitioner County. The Petitioner has also granted. All objections to the Petition should not be granted. Petition should not be granted.
GA Bar No. 181896 Administrator(s) of the estate of has also applied for waiver of applied for waiver of bond
Holland & Knight LLP Petition must be in writing, set- All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition
CARLA RUTH CODY de- bond and/or grant of certain and/or grant of certain powers ting forth the grounds of any must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth
1180 West Peachtree Street ceased, of said County. The powers contained in O.C.G.A. § contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12-
NW such objections, and must be the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec-
Petitioner(s) has also applied 53-12-261. All interested 261. All interested parties are filed with the Court on or be- tions, and must be filed with the tions, and must be filed with the
Suite 1800 for waiver of bond and/or grant parties are hereby notified to hereby notified to show cause
Atlanta, Georgia 30309 fore 07/10/2023. Court on or before 07/10/2023. Court on or before 07/17/2023.
of certain powers contained in show cause why said Petition why said Petition should not be BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
Fax 404.881.0470 O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- should not be granted. All ob- granted. All objections to the
[email protected] objections to the petition must objections to the petition must objections to the petition must
ested parties are hereby noti- jections to the Petition must be Petition must be in writing, set- be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the
Attorney for Petitioner fied to show cause why said in writing, setting forth the ting forth the grounds of any grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections.
200-476911 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20 Petition should not be granted. grounds of any such objections, such objections, and must be All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn
NOTICE OF PETITION TO All objections to the Petition and must be filed with the Court filed with the Court on or be- to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be-
CHANGE NAME OF ADULT must be in writing, setting forth on or before 07/10/2023. fore 07/10/2023. fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and
DeKalb County the grounds of any such objec- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered
Superior Court tions, and must be filed with the objections to the petition must objections to the petition must with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections,
State of Georgia Court on or before 07/10/2023. be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an
Civil Action Case BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate
++23FM5635++ objections to the petition must All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re-
In re: be in writing, setting forth the to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If
grounds of any such objections. fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear-
Elizabeth Ann Zaharopoulos
All objections should be sworn filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later
Petitioner. with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections,
to before a notary public or be- date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed,
Elizabeth Ann Zaharopoulos, fore a probate court clerk, and unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an
filed a Petition in the DeKalb the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted
filing fees must be tendered indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing.
County Superior Court on June with your pleadings/objections, court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove
15, 2023 to change the name unless you qualify to file as an quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If Judge of the Probate Court
Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court
from: Elizabeth Ann Zaharo- indigent party. Contact probate any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the
Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Tiffany Kinslow, Clerk of the
poulos to Elizabeth Casali Kee- court personnel for the re- ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later Probate Court Probate Court
Probate Court
ton. quired amount of filing fees. If date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
Any interested party has the any objections are filed, a hear- the petition may be granted the petition may be granted 1100 1100 1100
right to appear in this case and ing will be scheduled at a later without a hearing. without a hearing. Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030
file objections within 30 days date. If no objections are filed, Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601
after the Petition was filed. the petition may be granted Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court
with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections,
unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an
indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate
court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re-
quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If
any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear-

ing will be scheduled at a later The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023Page 25
ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later
date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed,
the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted
without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing.
Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove
Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court
Tiffany Kinslow, Clerk of the Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the
Probate Court Probate Court the Probate Court Probate Court Probate Court Probate Court Probate Court
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100
Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030
404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601
220-476447 06/15, 06/22, 220-476449 06/15, 06/22, 220-476451 6/15, 6/22, 6/29, 220-476453 6/15, 6/22, 6/29, 220-476455 06/15, 06/22, 220-476457 06/15, 06/22, 220-476459 06/15, 06/22,
06/29, 07/06/2023 06/29, 07/06/2023 7/6 7/6 06/29, 07/06/2023 06/29, 07/06/2023 06/29, 07/06/2023
NOTICE ++2023-1130++ NOTICE ++2023-0616++ NOTICE ++2023-0948++ NOTICE ++2023-1087++ NOTICE ++2023-1106++ NOTICE ++2023-1113++ NOTICE ++2023-1122++
TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and
to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern:
tioned to be appointed Adminis- be appointed Administrator(s) ER has petitioned to be appoin- SON has petitioned to be ap- has petitioned to be appointed has petitioned to be appointed tioned to be appointed Adminis-
trator(s) of the estate of of the estate of HADERA ted Administrator(s) of the es- pointed Administrator of the es- Administrator(s) of the estate of Administrator(s) of the estate of trator(s) of the estate of ALAN
ceased, of said County. The County. The Petitioner(s) has ceased, of said County. The JOHNSON deceased, of said NETT deceased, of said ceased, of said County. The said County. The Petitioner(s)
Petitioner(s) has also applied also applied for waiver of bond Petitioner(s) has also applied County. The Petitioner has also County. The Petitioner(s) has Petitioner(s) has also applied has also applied for waiver of
for waiver of bond and/or grant and/or grant of certain powers for waiver of bond and/or grant applied for waiver of bond also applied for waiver of bond for waiver of bond and/or grant bond and/or grant of certain
of certain powers contained in contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- of certain powers contained in and/or grant of certain powers and/or grant of certain powers of certain powers contained in powers contained in O.C.G.A. §
O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- 261. All interested parties are O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- 53-12-261. All interested
ested parties are hereby noti- hereby notified to show cause ested parties are hereby noti- 261. All interested parties are 261. All interested parties are ested parties are hereby noti- parties are hereby notified to
fied to show cause why said why said Petition should not be fied to show cause why said hereby notified to show cause hereby notified to show cause fied to show cause why said show cause why said Petition
Petition should not be granted. granted. All objections to the Petition should not be granted. why said Petition should not be why said Petition should not be Petition should not be granted. should not be granted. All ob-
All objections to the Petition Petition must be in writing, set- All objections to the Petition granted. All objections to the granted. All objections to the All objections to the Petition jections to the Petition must be
must be in writing, setting forth ting forth the grounds of any must be in writing, setting forth Petition must be in writing, set- Petition must be in writing, set- must be in writing, setting forth in writing, setting forth the
the grounds of any such objec- such objections, and must be the grounds of any such objec- ting forth the grounds of any ting forth the grounds of any the grounds of any such objec- grounds of any such objections,
tions, and must be filed with the filed with the Court on or be- tions, and must be filed with the such objections, and must be such objections, and must be tions, and must be filed with the and must be filed with the Court
Court on or before 07/17/2023. fore 07/17/2023. Court on or before 07/17/2023. filed with the Court on or be- filed with the Court on or be- Court on or before 07/17/2023. on or before 07/17/2023.
objections to the petition must objections to the petition must objections to the petition must BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the petition must objections to the petition must
be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the objections to the petition must objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the
grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections.
All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn
to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be-
fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and
filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered
with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections,
unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an
indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate
court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re-
quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If
any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear-
ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later
date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed,
the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted the petition may be granted
without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. the petition may be granted the petition may be granted without a hearing. without a hearing.
Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove
Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court
Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the
Probate Court Probate Court Probate Court Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Probate Court Probate Court
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
1100 1100 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 1100
Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030
404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 404-371-2601
220-476448 06/15, 06/22, 220-476450 6/15, 6/22, 6/29, 220-476452 06/15, 06/22, 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 220-476458 06/15, 06/22, 220-476730 06/22, 06/29,
06/29, 07/06/2023 7/6 06/29, 07/06/2023 220-476454 06/15, 06/22, 220-476456 06/15, 06/22, 06/29, 07/06/2023 07/06, 07/13/2023
NOTICE ++2023-1086++ NOTICE ++2023-0849++ NOTICE ++2023-0985++ 06/29, 07/06/2023 06/29, 07/06/2023 NOTICE ++2023-1118++ NOTICE ++2021-1083++
TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and NOTICE ++2023-1102++ NOTICE ++2023-1107++ TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and
to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern:
JANICE LEIGH BAILEY has ZARA SALEH has petitioned to JAMES LEE BRADFORD has to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: VANESSA LOUISE JORDAN RODERICK DENARD LOR-
petitioned to be appointed Ad- be appointed Administrator of petitioned to be appointed Ad- NIKISHA LAQUA BROOKS has MARK WASHINGTON has pe- has petitioned to be appointed ETT has petitioned to be ap-
ministrator(s) of the estate of the estate of AMIRA MA- ministrator(s) of the estate of petitioned to be appointed Ad- titioned to be appointed Admin- Administrator(s) of the estate of pointed Successor Administrat-
JOY GULLIKSEN deceased, of HAMAT, MINOR CHILD de- PATRICIA EBNER BRAD- ministrator(s) of the estate of istrator(s) of the estate of VAN- DAVID WAYNE JORDAN de- or(s) of the estate of CARO-
said County. The Petitioner(s) ceased, of said County. The FORD deceased, of said EMMITT DION DANIEL de- ESTER J DILLARD deceased, ceased, of said County. The LYN ELAINE LOVETT de-
has also applied for waiver of Petitioner has also applied for County. The Petitioner(s) has ceased, of said County. The of said County. The Petitioner(s) has also applied ceased, of said County. The
bond and/or grant of certain waiver of bond and/or grant of also applied for waiver of bond Petitioner(s) has also applied Petitioner(s) has also applied for waiver of bond and/or grant Petitioner(s) has also applied
powers contained in O.C.G.A. § certain powers contained in and/or grant of certain powers for waiver of bond and/or grant for waiver of bond and/or grant of certain powers contained in for waiver of bond and/or grant
53-12-261. All interested O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- of certain powers contained in of certain powers contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- of certain powers contained in
parties are hereby notified to ested parties are hereby noti- 261. All interested parties are O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- ested parties are hereby noti- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter-
show cause why said Petition fied to show cause why said hereby notified to show cause ested parties are hereby noti- ested parties are hereby noti- fied to show cause why said ested parties are hereby noti-
should not be granted. All ob- Petition should not be granted. why said Petition should not be fied to show cause why said fied to show cause why said Petition should not be granted. fied to show cause why said
jections to the Petition must be All objections to the Petition granted. All objections to the Petition should not be granted. Petition should not be granted. All objections to the Petition Petition should not be granted.
in writing, setting forth the must be in writing, setting forth Petition must be in writing, set- All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition must be in writing, setting forth All objections to the Petition
grounds of any such objections, the grounds of any such objec- ting forth the grounds of any must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objec- must be in writing, setting forth
and must be filed with the Court tions, and must be filed with the such objections, and must be the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec- tions, and must be filed with the the grounds of any such objec-
on or before 07/17/2023. Court on or before 07/17/2023. filed with the Court on or be- tions, and must be filed with the tions, and must be filed with the Court on or before 07/17/2023. tions, and must be filed with the
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All fore 07/17/2023. Court on or before 07/17/2023. Court on or before 07/17/2023. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All Court on or before 07/24/2023.
objections to the petition must objections to the petition must BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the petition must BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the objections to the petition must objections to the petition must objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the objections to the petition must
grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections. be in writing, setting forth the
All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. All objections should be sworn grounds of any such objections.
to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn to before a notary public or be- All objections should be sworn
fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- fore a probate court clerk, and to before a notary public or be-
filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered fore a probate court clerk, and
with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, filing fees must be tendered
unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an with your pleadings/objections,
indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate unless you qualify to file as an
court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate court personnel for the re- indigent party. Contact probate
quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- quired amount of filing fees. If court personnel for the re-
any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- quired amount of filing fees. If
ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear-
date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later
the petition may be granted the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed,
without a hearing. without a hearing. the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted without a hearing. the petition may be granted
Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing.
Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove
Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court
Probate Court the Probate Court Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Probate Court Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court Probate Court Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court
1100 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 1100 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100
404-371-2601 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030
404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601
with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections,
unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an
indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate
court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re-
quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If
any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear-
Page 26
ing will be scheduled at a later
date. If no objections are filed,
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023 
ing will be scheduled at a later
date. If no objections are filed,
ing will be scheduled at a later
date. If no objections are filed,
ing will be scheduled at a later
date. If no objections are filed,
ing will be scheduled at a later
date. If no objections are filed,
ing will be scheduled at a later
date. If no objections are filed,
ing will be scheduled at a later
date. If no objections are filed,
the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted
without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing.
Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove
Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court
Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the
Probate Court Probate Court the Probate Court the Probate Court Probate Court Probate Court Probate Court
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100
Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030
404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601
220-476731 06/22, 06/29, 220-476733 06/22, 06/29, 220-476735 6/22, 6/29, 7/6, 220-476737 06/22, 06/29, 220-476739 06/22, 06/29, 220-476741 6/22, 6/29, 7/6, 220-476743 06/22, 06/29,
07/06, 07/13/2023 07/06, 07/13/2023 7/13 07/06, 07/13/2023 07/06, 07/13/2023 7/13 07/06, 07/13/2023
NOTICE ++2023-1176++ NOTICE ++2023-1166++ NOTICE ++2023-0919++ NOTICE ++2023-1135++ NOTICE ++2023-1146++ NOTICE ++2023-1138++ NOTICE ++2023-1161++
TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: Kevin C. Pride, Terrance TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and
to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: Arthur Pride and Troy Paul to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern:
tioned to be appointed Adminis- GROVES has petitioned to be tioned to be appointed Adminis- has petitioned to be appointed cern: petitioned to be appointed Ad- petitioned to be appointed Ad-
trator(s) of the estate of BRID- appointed Administrator(s) of trator of the estate of JOHN D Administrator(s) of the estate of SHADDONE PRIDE has peti- ministrator of the estate of ministrator(s) of the estate of
GETT MYREE deceased, of the estate of ROBERT PRINCE TILLMAN deceased, of said SHIRLEY ANN BARBER de- tioned to be appointed Adminis- RONALD EUGENE PUCKETT MARIE PINEDA WIMAN de-
said County. The Petitioner(s) CUNNINGHAM deceased, of County. The Petitioner has also ceased, of said County. The trator(s) of the estate of JAC- deceased, of said County. The ceased, of said County. The
has also applied for waiver of said County. The Petitioner(s) applied for waiver of bond Petitioner(s) has also applied QUELINE PRIDE deceased, of Petitioner(s) has also applied Petitioner(s) has also applied
bond and/or grant of certain has also applied for waiver of and/or grant of certain powers for waiver of bond and/or grant said County. All interested for waiver of bond and/or grant for waiver of bond and/or grant
powers contained in O.C.G.A. § bond and/or grant of certain contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- of certain powers contained in parties are hereby notified to of certain powers contained in of certain powers contained in
53-12-261. All interested powers contained in O.C.G.A. § 261. All interested parties are O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- show cause why said Petition O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter-
parties are hereby notified to 53-12-261. All interested hereby notified to show cause ested parties are hereby noti- should not be granted. All ob- ested parties are hereby noti- ested parties are hereby noti-
show cause why said Petition parties are hereby notified to why said Petition should not be fied to show cause why said jections to the Petition must be fied to show cause why said fied to show cause why said
should not be granted. All ob- show cause why said Petition granted. All objections to the Petition should not be granted. in writing, setting forth the Petition should not be granted. Petition should not be granted.
jections to the Petition must be should not be granted. All ob- Petition must be in writing, set- All objections to the Petition grounds of any such objections, All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition
in writing, setting forth the jections to the Petition must be ting forth the grounds of any must be in writing, setting forth and must be filed with the Court must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth
grounds of any such objections, in writing, setting forth the such objections, and must be the grounds of any such objec- on or before 07/24/2023. the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec-
and must be filed with the Court grounds of any such objections, filed with the Court on or be- tions, and must be filed with the BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All tions, and must be filed with the tions, and must be filed with the
on or before 07/24/2023. and must be filed with the Court fore 07/24/2023. Court on or before 07/24/2023. objections to the petition must Court on or before 07/24/2023. Court on or before 07/24/2023.
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All on or before 07/24/2023. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All be in writing, setting forth the BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
objections to the petition must BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the petition must objections to the petition must grounds of any such objections. objections to the petition must objections to the petition must
be in writing, setting forth the objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the All objections should be sworn be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the
grounds of any such objections. be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. to before a notary public or be- grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections.
All objections should be sworn grounds of any such objections. All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn fore a probate court clerk, and All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn
to before a notary public or be- All objections should be sworn to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- filing fees must be tendered to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be-
fore a probate court clerk, and to before a notary public or be- fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and with your pleadings/objections, fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and
filing fees must be tendered fore a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered unless you qualify to file as an filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered
with your pleadings/objections, filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, indigent party. Contact probate with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections,
unless you qualify to file as an with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an court personnel for the re- unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an
indigent party. Contact probate unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate quired amount of filing fees. If indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate
court personnel for the re- indigent party. Contact probate court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- any objections are filed, a hear- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re-
quired amount of filing fees. If court personnel for the re- quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If ing will be scheduled at a later quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If
any objections are filed, a hear- quired amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- date. If no objections are filed, any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear-
ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later the petition may be granted ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later
date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, without a hearing. date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed,
the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted the petition may be granted Bedelia C Hargrove the petition may be granted the petition may be granted
without a hearing. the petition may be granted without a hearing. without a hearing. Judge of the Probate Court without a hearing. without a hearing.
Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove
Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court
Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the
Probate Court Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the the Probate Court Probate Court 1100 Probate Court Probate Court
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Decatur, Georgia 30030 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 1100 404-371-2601 1100 1100
Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 220-476740 06/22, 06/29, Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030
404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 07/06, 07/13/2023 404-371-2601 404-371-2601
220-476732 06/22, 06/29, 404-371-2601 220-476736 6/22, 6/29, 7/6, 220-476738 6/22, 6/29, 7/6, NOTICE ++2023-1150++ 220-476742 06/22, 06/29, 220-476744 06/22, 06/29,
07/06, 07/13/2023 220-476734 6/22, 6/29, 7/6, 7/13 7/13 TO: All Interested Parties and 07/06, 07/13/2023 07/06, 07/13/2023
NOTICE ++2011-2138++ 7/13 NOTICE ++2023-1103++ NOTICE ++2023-1136++ to whom it may concern: NOTICE ++2023-1156++ NOTICE ++2023-1163++
TO: All Interested Parties and NOTICE ++2023-0752++ TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and PATRICIA ANN WILLIAMS has TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and
to whom it may concern: TO: All Interested Parties and to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: petitioned to be appointed Ad- to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern:
PAMELA EARNESTINE to whom it may concern: GLENN R DICKSON has peti- EUGENIE THOMAS has peti- ministrator(s) of the estate of SHARON YVONNE BEATRICE ARMORETTE KEL-
CHAMPION has petitioned to MARY CAROL BENSON has tioned to be appointed Adminis- tioned to be appointed Adminis- JARON WILLIAMS deceased, HENDRICKS has petitioned to LEY has petitioned to be ap-
be appointed Administrator(s) petitioned to be appointed Ad- trator of the estate of HAROLD trator of the estate of MAURICE of said County. The be appointed Administrator(s) pointed Administrator(s) of the
of the estate of ROBERT DAR- ministrator of the estate of LEVI R DICKSON deceased, of said ANTHONY THOMAS de- Petitioner(s) has also applied of the estate of VERDINE estate of HARVEY ALEXAN-
NELL CHAMPION deceased, BENSON deceased, of said County. The Petitioner has also ceased, of said County. The for waiver of bond and/or grant SIMPSON USHER deceased, DER KELLEY deceased, of
of said County. The County. The Petitioner has also applied for waiver of bond Petitioner(s) has also applied of certain powers contained in of said County. The said County. The Petitioner(s)
Petitioner(s) has also applied applied for waiver of bond and/or grant of certain powers for waiver of bond and/or grant O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- Petitioner(s) has also applied has also applied for waiver of
for waiver of bond and/or grant and/or grant of certain powers contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- of certain powers contained in ested parties are hereby noti- for waiver of bond and/or grant bond and/or grant of certain
of certain powers contained in contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- 261. All interested parties are O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- fied to show cause why said of certain powers contained in powers contained in O.C.G.A. §
O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- 261. All interested parties are hereby notified to show cause ested parties are hereby noti- Petition should not be granted. O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- 53-12-261. All interested
ested parties are hereby noti- hereby notified to show cause why said Petition should not be fied to show cause why said All objections to the Petition ested parties are hereby noti- parties are hereby notified to
fied to show cause why said why said Petition should not be granted. All objections to the Petition should not be granted. must be in writing, setting forth fied to show cause why said show cause why said Petition
Petition should not be granted. granted. All objections to the Petition must be in writing, set- All objections to the Petition the grounds of any such objec- Petition should not be granted. should not be granted. All ob-
All objections to the Petition Petition must be in writing, set- ting forth the grounds of any must be in writing, setting forth tions, and must be filed with the All objections to the Petition jections to the Petition must be
must be in writing, setting forth ting forth the grounds of any such objections, and must be the grounds of any such objec- Court on or before 07/24/2023. must be in writing, setting forth in writing, setting forth the
the grounds of any such objec- such objections, and must be filed with the Court on or be- tions, and must be filed with the BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All the grounds of any such objec- grounds of any such objections,
tions, and must be filed with the filed with the Court on or be- fore 07/24/2023. Court on or before 07/24/2023. objections to the petition must tions, and must be filed with the and must be filed with the Court
Court on or before 07/24/2023. fore 07/24/2023. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All be in writing, setting forth the Court on or before 07/24/2023. on or before 07/24/2023.
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the petition must objections to the petition must grounds of any such objections. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
objections to the petition must objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the All objections should be sworn objections to the petition must objections to the petition must
be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. to before a notary public or be- be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the
grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn fore a probate court clerk, and grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections.
All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- filing fees must be tendered All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn
to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and with your pleadings/objections, to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be-
fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered unless you qualify to file as an fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and
filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, indigent party. Contact probate filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered
with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an court personnel for the re- with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections,
unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate quired amount of filing fees. If unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an
indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- any objections are filed, a hear- indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate
court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If ing will be scheduled at a later court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re-
quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- date. If no objections are filed, quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If
any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later the petition may be granted any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear-
ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, without a hearing. ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later
date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted the petition may be granted Bedelia C Hargrove date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed,
the petition may be granted the petition may be granted without a hearing. without a hearing. Judge of the Probate Court the petition may be granted the petition may be granted
without a hearing. without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the without a hearing. without a hearing.
Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove
Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court
Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of the Probate Court Probate Court 1100 Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the
Probate Court the Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Decatur, Georgia 30030 Probate Court Probate Court
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 1100 404-371-2601 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
1100 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 1100
Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030
404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601
with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections,
unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an
indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate
court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re-
quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If
any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear-

ing will be scheduled at a later The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023Page 27
ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later
date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed,
the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted
without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing.
Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove
Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court
Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Summer Manuel, Clerk of the Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the
Probate Court Probate Court Probate Court Probate Court Probate Court Probate Court Probate Court
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100
Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030
404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601
220-476914 6/29, 7/6, 7/13, 220-476916 6/29, 7/6, 7/13, 220-476918 6/29, 7/6, 7/13, 220-476920 06/29, 07/06, 220-476924 06/29, 07/06,
7/20 7/20 7/20 07/13, 07/20/2023 07/13, 07/20/2023
NOTICE ++2022-2653++ NOTICE ++2023-1104++ NOTICE ++2023-1192++ NOTICE ++2023-1207++ NOTICE ++2023-1214++ Dismiss Administrator
TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and 220-476922 06/29, 07/06, TO: All Interested Parties and
to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: 07/13, 07/20/2023 to whom it may concern: 240-476926 6/29
tioned to be appointed Adminis- petitioned to be appointed Ad- CASTER has petitioned to be petitioned to be appointed Ad- TO: All Interested Parties and has petitioned to be appointed PROBATE COURT OF
trator of the estate of VIVIAN ministrator of the estate of appointed Administrator of the ministrator(s) of the estate of to whom it may concern: Administrator(s) of the estate of DEKALB COUNTY
County. The Petitioner has also ceased, of said County. The CRAVENS deceased, of said ceased, of said County. The SON has petitioned to be ap- ceased, of said County. The SMITH for DISCHARGE as AD-
applied for waiver of bond Petitioner has also applied for County. The Petitioner has also Petitioner(s) has also applied pointed Administrator(s) of the Petitioner(s) has also applied MINISTRATOR OF THE ES-
and/or grant of certain powers waiver of bond and/or grant of applied for waiver of bond for waiver of bond and/or grant estate of DENISE PAULETTE for waiver of bond and/or grant TATE OF BILLIE BALLARD,
contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- certain powers contained in and/or grant of certain powers of certain powers contained in HUTCHERSON deceased, of of certain powers contained in DECEASED
261. All interested parties are O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- said County. The Petitioner(s) O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- TO: All Interested Parties
hereby notified to show cause ested parties are hereby noti- 261. All interested parties are ested parties are hereby noti- has also applied for waiver of ested parties are hereby noti- This is to notify you to file ob-
why said Petition should not be fied to show cause why said hereby notified to show cause fied to show cause why said bond and/or grant of certain fied to show cause why said jection, if there is any, to the
granted. All objections to the Petition should not be granted. why said Petition should not be Petition should not be granted. powers contained in O.C.G.A. § Petition should not be granted. above referenced petition, in
Petition must be in writing, set- All objections to the Petition granted. All objections to the All objections to the Petition 53-12-261. All interested All objections to the Petition this Court on or before
ting forth the grounds of any must be in writing, setting forth Petition must be in writing, set- must be in writing, setting forth parties are hereby notified to must be in writing, setting forth 07 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 3 .
such objections, and must be the grounds of any such objec- ting forth the grounds of any the grounds of any such objec- show cause why said Petition the grounds of any such objec- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
filed with the Court on or be- tions, and must be filed with the such objections, and must be tions, and must be filed with the should not be granted. All ob- tions, and must be filed with the objections to the petition must
fore 07/31/2023. Court on or before 07/31/2023. filed with the Court on or be- Court on or before 07/31/2023. jections to the Petition must be Court on or before 07/31/2023. be in writing, setting forth
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All fore 07/31/2023. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All in writing, setting forth the BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All grounds of any such objections.
objections to the petition must objections to the petition must BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the petition must grounds of any such objections, objections to the petition must All pleadings/objections must
be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the and must be filed with the Court be in writing, setting forth the be signed before a notary pub-
grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections. on or before 07/31/2023. grounds of any such objections. lic or before a probate court
All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn grounds of any such objections. All objections should be sworn BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All All objections should be sworn clerk, and filing fees must be
to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- All objections should be sworn to before a notary public or be- objections to the petition must to before a notary public or be- tendered with your
fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and to before a notary public or be- fore a probate court clerk, and be in writing, setting forth the fore a probate court clerk, and pleadings/objections, unless
filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered fore a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered grounds of any such objections. filing fees must be tendered you qualify to file as an indi-
with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, All objections should be sworn with your pleadings/objections, gent party. Contact probate
unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an to before a notary public or be- unless you qualify to file as an court personnel at the follow-
indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate fore a probate court clerk, and indigent party. Contact probate ing address/telephone number
court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- indigent party. Contact probate court personnel for the re- filing fees must be tendered court personnel for the re- for the required amount of fil-
quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If court personnel for the re- quired amount of filing fees. If with your pleadings/objections, quired amount of filing fees. If ing fees. If any objections are
any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- quired amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- unless you qualify to file as an any objections are filed, a hear- filed, a hearing will be sched-
ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later indigent party. Contact probate ing will be scheduled at a later uled at a later date. If no objec-
date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, court personnel for the re- date. If no objections are filed, tions are filed, the petition may
the petition may be granted the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted quired amount of filing fees. If the petition may be granted be granted without a hearing.
without a hearing. without a hearing. the petition may be granted without a hearing. any objections are filed, a hear- without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove
Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove ing will be scheduled at a later Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court
Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court date. If no objections are filed, Judge of the Probate Court Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the
Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of Judge of the Probate Court Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the the petition may be granted Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Probate Court
Probate Court the Probate Court Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Probate Court without a hearing. Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Bedelia C Hargrove 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100
1100 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 Judge of the Probate Court 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030
Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601
404-371-2601 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 Probate Court 404-371-2601
404-371-2601 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
220-476915 6/29, 7/6, 7/13,
220-476917 06/29, 07/06,
07/13, 07/20/2023 220-476919 06/29, 07/06,
220-476921 6/29, 7/6, 7/13,
220-476925 06/29, 07/06,
07/13, 07/20/2023 Dismiss Executor
NOTICE ++2022-2008++ 07/13, 07/20/2023 Decatur, Georgia 30030 NOTICE ++2023-0853++
NOTICE ++2023-1194++ NOTICE ++2023-1205++
TO: All Interested and to whom NOTICE ++2023-1206++ 404-371-2601 TO: Unknown heirs and All In- 250-476927 6/29/2023
TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and
it may concern: to whom it may concern: TO: All Interested Parties and to whom it may concern: terested Parties and to whom it NOTICE ++2022-2027++
has petitioned to be appointed SONIA BROOKS YOUNG has to whom it may concern: JONI TABB has petitioned to may concern: PROBATE COURT OF
Administrator of the estate of petitioned to be appointed Ad- ANTHONY RAY GOLDWAITE be appointed Administrator of JODY SMITH WAITES has pe- DEKALB COUNTY
BARBARA JEAN SPENCE, ministrator(s) of the estate of has petitioned to be appointed the estate of DORA TABB-WI- 220-476923 06/29, 07/06, titioned to be appointed Admin- RE: PETITION of KRISTEN
A/K/A BARBARA MELTON de- CHRISTOPHER M. YOUNG Administrator(s) of the estate of ER deceased, of said County. 07/13, 07/20/2023 istrator(s) of the estate of VER- RUIZ for DISCHARGE as EX-
ceased, of said County. The deceased, of said County. The KIM ANITA GOLDTHWAITE The Petitioner has also applied NOTICE ++2023-1213++ NA CECILLE MATHEWS de- ECUTOR OF THE ESTATE OF
Petitioner has also applied for Petitioner(s) has also applied deceased, of said County. The for waiver of bond and/or grant TO: All Interested Parties and ceased, of said County. The EDWARD LAWRENCE
waiver of bond and/or grant of for waiver of bond and/or grant Petitioner(s) has also applied of certain powers contained in to whom it may concern: Petitioner(s) has also applied SCHOLL, DECEASED
certain powers contained in of certain powers contained in for waiver of bond and/or grant O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- SAVANNAH RENEE for waiver of bond and/or grant TO: All Interested Parties
O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- of certain powers contained in ested parties are hereby noti- PRIESTLEY has petitioned to of certain powers contained in This is to notify you to file ob-
ested parties are hereby noti- ested parties are hereby noti- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- fied to show cause why said be appointed Administrator(s) O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- jection, if there is any, to the
fied to show cause why said fied to show cause why said ested parties are hereby noti- Petition should not be granted. of the estate of DEANNA LYNN ested parties are hereby noti- above referenced petition, in
Petition should not be granted. Petition should not be granted. fied to show cause why said All objections to the Petition PHILLIPS deceased, of said fied to show cause why said this Court on or before
All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition Petition should not be granted. must be in writing, setting forth County. The Petitioner(s) has Petition should not be granted. 07 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 3 .
must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth All objections to the Petition the grounds of any such objec- also applied for waiver of bond All objections to the Petition BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec- must be in writing, setting forth tions, and must be filed with the and/or grant of certain powers must be in writing, setting forth objections to the petition must
tions, and must be filed with the tions, and must be filed with the the grounds of any such objec- Court on or before 07/31/2023. contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- the grounds of any such objec- be in writing, setting forth
Court on or before 07/31/23. Court on or before 07/31/2023. tions, and must be filed with the BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All 261. All interested parties are tions, and must be filed with the grounds of any such objections.
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All Court on or before 07/31/2023. objections to the petition must hereby notified to show cause Court on or before 07/31/2023. All pleadings/objections must
objections to the petition must objections to the petition must BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All be in writing, setting forth the why said Petition should not be BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All be signed before a notary pub-
be in writing, setting forth the be in writing, setting forth the objections to the petition must grounds of any such objections. granted. All objections to the objections to the petition must lic or before a probate court
grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. be in writing, setting forth the All objections should be sworn Petition must be in writing, set- be in writing, setting forth the clerk, and filing fees must be
All objections should be sworn All objections should be sworn grounds of any such objections. to before a notary public or be- ting forth the grounds of any grounds of any such objections. tendered with your
to before a notary public or be- to before a notary public or be- All objections should be sworn fore a probate court clerk, and such objections, and must be All objections should be sworn pleadings/objections, unless
fore a probate court clerk, and fore a probate court clerk, and to before a notary public or be- filing fees must be tendered filed with the Court on or be- to before a notary public or be- you qualify to file as an indi-
filing fees must be tendered filing fees must be tendered fore a probate court clerk, and with your pleadings/objections, fore 07/31/2023. fore a probate court clerk, and gent party. Contact probate
with your pleadings/objections, with your pleadings/objections, filing fees must be tendered unless you qualify to file as an BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All filing fees must be tendered court personnel at the follow-
unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an with your pleadings/objections, indigent party. Contact probate objections to the petition must with your pleadings/objections, ing address/telephone number
indigent party. Contact probate indigent party. Contact probate unless you qualify to file as an court personnel for the re- be in writing, setting forth the unless you qualify to file as an for the required amount of fil-
court personnel for the re- court personnel for the re- indigent party. Contact probate quired amount of filing fees. If grounds of any such objections. indigent party. Contact probate ing fees. If any objections are
quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If court personnel for the re- any objections are filed, a hear- All objections should be sworn court personnel for the re- filed, a hearing will be sched-
any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- quired amount of filing fees. If ing will be scheduled at a later to before a notary public or be- quired amount of filing fees. If uled at a later date. If no objec-
ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- date. If no objections are filed, fore a probate court clerk, and any objections are filed, a hear- tions are filed, the petition may
date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later the petition may be granted filing fees must be tendered ing will be scheduled at a later be granted without a hearing.
the petition may be granted the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, without a hearing. with your pleadings/objections, date. If no objections are filed, Bedelia C Hargrove
without a hearing. without a hearing. the petition may be granted Bedelia C Hargrove unless you qualify to file as an the petition may be granted Judge of the Probate Court
Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. Judge of the Probate Court indigent party. Contact probate without a hearing. Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of
Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the court personnel for the re- Bedelia C Hargrove the Probate Court
Summer Manuel, Clerk of the Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court Probate Court quired amount of filing fees. If Judge of the Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
Probate Court Probate Court Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. any objections are filed, a hear- Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the 1100
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court 1100 ing will be scheduled at a later Probate Court Decatur, Georgia 30030
1100 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Decatur, Georgia 30030 date. If no objections are filed, 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 404-371-2601
Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 404-371-2601 the petition may be granted 1100
404-371-2601 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 without a hearing. Decatur, Georgia 30030
404-371-2601 Bedelia C Hargrove 404-371-2601
Judge of the Probate Court
creation of the temporary appointment of a temporary er as guardian, or if a parent qualify to file as an indigent
guardianship, the Petition will guardian or the appointment of who is not a natural guardian party. Contact probate court
be dismissed. If a natural the Petitioner as temporary files an objection to the Peti- personnel at the following ad-
guardian files an objection to guardian, must be in writing, tion, a hearing on the matter dress/telephone number for the
the appointment of the Petition- setting forth the grounds of any shall be scheduled at a later required amount of filing fees. If
er as guardian, or if a parent such objections, and be filed date. If no objection is filed, the any objections are filed, a hear-
Page 28 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023 
who is not a natural guardian
files an objection to the Peti-
with this Court no later than Petition may be granted without
a hearing.
ing will be scheduled at a later
date. If no objections are filed,
fourteen (14) days after this no-
250-476928 6/29/2023 250-476930 6/29/2023 tion, a hearing on the matter 270-476798 6/22 &6/29 tice is mailed, or ten (10) days BEDELIA C HARGROVE the petition may be granted
NOTICE ++2021-2255++ NOTICE ++2022-0295++ shall be scheduled at a later Estate No: ++2023-1189++ after this notice is personally PROBATE JUDGE without a hearing.
PROBATE COURT OF PROBATE COURT OF date. If no objection is filed, the CITATION served upon you, or ten (10) By: Bedelia C Hargrove
DEKALB COUNTY DEKALB COUNTY Petition may be granted without GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY days after the second publica- Kimberly H. Curry Judge of the Probate Court
RE: PETITION of JAMES RE: PETITION of ALEXIS a hearing. IN RE: PETITION OF DON- tion of this notice if you are PROBATE CLERK/DEPUTY Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of
CHARGE as EXECUTOR OF EXECUTOR OF THE ESTATE PROBATE JUDGE TEMPORARY LETTERS OF tions should be sworn to be- 556 N. McDonough Street, Rm 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
THE ESTATE OF MARION OF DANIEL F BYRNE, DE- By: GUARDIANSHIP fore a notary public or Georgia 1100 1100
WILES TROTTI, DECEASED CEASED Kimberly H. Curry ESTATE OF KEIRAH GISEL probate court clerk and filing Decatur, GA 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030
TO: All Interested Parties TO: All Interested Parties PROBATE CLERK/DEPUTY DOWNER fees must be tendered with 404-371-2663 404-371-2601
This is to notify you to file ob- This is to notify you to file ob- CLERK DATE OF MAILING, IF ANY: your objections, unless you
jection, if there is any, to the jection, if there is any, to the 556 N. McDonough Street, Rm N/A
above referenced petition, in above referenced petition, in 1100 DATE OF SECOND PUBLICA-
qualify to file as an indigent
party. Contact Probate Court Miscellaneous Will
this Court on or before this Court on or before Decatur, GA 30030 TION, IF ANY: 6/29 personnel for the required
07 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 3 . 07 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 3 . 404-371-2663 TO: DENNIS ANTHIONY amount of filing fees. 290-476349 06/08, 06/15, 300-476467 6/15, 6/22, 6/29,
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All 270-476797 6/22 & 6/29 DOWNER ,FATHER OF NOTE: If a natural guardian 06/22, 06/29/2023 7/6
objections to the petition must objections to the petition must Estate No: ++2023-1195++ KEIRAH GISEL DOWNER, files a timely objection to the IN RE: Estate of MARSHA NOTICE ++2023-1014++
be in writing, setting forth be in writing, setting forth CITATION (MINOR) creation of the temporary MARY HARTLEY RE: PETITION OF MELISSA
grounds of any such objections. grounds of any such objections. GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY You are hereby notified that guardianship, the Petition will Estate No. ++2023-1052++ SUZETTE THOMSON TO
All pleadings/objections must All pleadings/objections must IN RE: PETITION OF DONNETTE KAYE IRVING has be dismissed. If a natural Petition By Personal Repres- PROBATE IN SOLEMN FORM
be signed before a notary pub- be signed before a notary pub- TAWANNA WILLIAMS filed a Petition seeking to be guardian files an objection to entative for THE WILL OF MARTHA MAR-
lic or before a probate court lic or before a probate court WILSON FOR TEMPORARY appointed temporary guardian the appointment of the Petition- Waiver of Bond and Grant of IE HENDERSON, DECEASED,
clerk, and filing fees must be clerk, and filing fees must be LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP of the above-named Minor. All er as guardian, or if a parent Certain Powers UPON WHICH AN ORDER OR
tendered with your tendered with your ESTATE OF NATALIE BRAY objections to the Petition to the who is not a natural guardian NOTICE SERVICE WAS GRANTED BY
pleadings/objections, unless pleadings/objections, unless THOAMS appointment of a temporary files an objection to the Peti- GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY THIS COURT.
you qualify to file as an indi- you qualify to file as an indi- DATE OF MAILING, IF ANY: guardian or the appointment of tion, a hearing on the matter PROBATE COURT TO: Judy Leslie Kinnard,
gent party. Contact probate gent party. Contact probate N/A the Petitioner as temporary shall be scheduled at a later TAMMY DEE BERKHOUDT Donna Elaine Denmark, Cheryl
court personnel at the follow- court personnel at the follow- DATE OF SECOND PUBLICA- guardian, must be in writing, date. If no objection is filed, the has petitioned for waiver of Ann Denmark, Chandra Gale
ing address/telephone number ing address/telephone number TION, IF ANY: 6/29 setting forth the grounds of any Petition may be granted without bond and for the grant of cer- Denmark, Melissa Kelly
for the required amount of fil- for the required amount of fil- TO: KELVIN THOMAS ,FATH- such objections, and be filed a hearing. tain powers contained in Kinnard, Melissa Jane Kinnard
ing fees. If any objections are ing fees. If any objections are ER OF NATALIE BRAY with this Court no later than BEDELIA C HARGROVE O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- This is to notify you to file ob-
filed, a hearing will be sched- filed, a hearing will be sched- THOAMS, (MINOR) fourteen (14) days after this no- PROBATE JUDGE ested parties are hereby noti- jection, if there is any, to the
uled at a later date. If no objec- uled at a later date. If no objec- You are hereby notified that tice is mailed, or ten (10) days By: fied to show cause why said Petition to Probate Will in Sol-
tions are filed, the petition may tions are filed, the petition may TAWANNA WILLIAMS after this notice is personally Kimberly H. Curry Petition should not be granted. emn Form, in this Court on or
be granted without a hearing. be granted without a hearing. WILSON has filed a Petition served upon you, or ten (10) PROBATE CLERK/DEPUTY All objections to the Petition before 07/17/2023.
Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove seeking to be appointed tem- days after the second publica- CLERK must be in writing, setting forth BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court porary guardian of the above- tion of this notice if you are 556 N. McDonough Street, Rm the grounds of any such objec- objections to the Petition must
Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the named Minor. All objections to served by publication. All objec- 1100 tions, and must be filed with the be in writing, setting forth the
Probate Court Probate Court the Petition to the appointment tions should be sworn to be- Decatur, GA 30030 Court on or before 07/10/2023. grounds of any such objections.
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. of a temporary guardian or the fore a notary public or Georgia 404-371-2663 BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All All objections should be sworn
1100 1100 appointment of the Petitioner probate court clerk and filing 270-476931 6/29 & 7/6 pleadings/objections must be to before a notary public or be-
Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 as temporary guardian, must fees must be tendered with Estate No: ++2010-1092++ signed under oath before a not- fore a Probate Court Clerk, and
404-371-2601 404-371-2601 be in writing, setting forth the your objections, unless you CITATION ary public or before a probate filing fees must be tendered
250-476929 06/29/2023 grounds of any such objections, qualify to file as an indigent GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY court clerk, and filing fees must with your objections, unless
NOTICE ++2021-1104++ and be filed with this Court no party. Contact Probate Court IN RE: PETITION OF SHYNI- be tendered with your plead- you qualify to file as an indi-
PROBATE COURT OF Temp Guardian later than fourteen (14) days personnel for the required TRA LATRICE LOCKETT FOR ings/objections, unless you
qualify to file as an indigent
gent party. Contact Probate
Court personnel for the re-
DEKALB COUNTY after this notice is mailed, or amount of filing fees. TEMPORARY LETTERS OF
RE: PETITION of JULIANNA 270-476796 6/22 & 6/29 ten (10) days after this notice is NOTE: If a natural guardian GUARDIANSHIP party. Contact probate court quired amount of filing fees. If
KAUDERER BURKE for DIS- Estate No: ++2023-1060++ personally served upon you, or files a timely objection to the ESTATE OF KEAIRA JALIAH personnel at the following ad- any objections are filed, a hear-
CHARGE as EXECUTOR OF CITATION ten (10) days after the second creation of the temporary LOCKETT dress/telephone number for the ing will be scheduled at a later
THE ESTATE OF BEATRICE GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY publication of this notice if you guardianship, the Petition will DATE OF SECOND PUBLICA- required amount of filing fees. If date. If no objections are filed,
A. MEYER, DECEASED IN RE: PETITION OF are served by publication. All be dismissed. If a natural TION, IF ANY: 7/6 any objections are filed, a hear- the Petition may be granted
TO: All Interested Parties MICHELE WESTBROOK FOR objections should be sworn to guardian files an objection to TO: LARRY GIBBSON, FATH- ing will be scheduled at a later without a hearing.
This is to notify you to file ob- TEMPORARY LETTERS OF before a notary public or Geor- the appointment of the Petition- ER OF KEAIRA JALIAH LOCK- date. If no objections are filed, Bedelia C Hargrove
jection, if there is any, to the GUARDIANSHIP gia probate court clerk and fil- er as guardian, or if a parent ETT, MINOR the petition may be granted Judge of the Probate Court
above referenced petition, in ESTATE OF ERIC VIDULL ing fees must be tendered with who is not a natural guardian You are hereby notified that without a hearing. Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the
this Court on or before JACKSON your objections, unless you files an objection to the Peti- SHYNITRA LATRICE LOCK- Bedelia C Hargrove Probate Court
07 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 3 . DATE OF MAILING, IF ANY: qualify to file as an indigent tion, a hearing on the matter ETT has filed a Petition seek- Judge of the Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All N/A party. Contact Probate Court shall be scheduled at a later ing to be appointed temporary Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the 1100
objections to the petition must DATE OF SECOND PUBLICA- personnel for the required date. If no objection is filed, the guardian of the above-named Probate Court Decatur, Georgia 30030
be in writing, setting forth TION, IF ANY: 6/29 amount of filing fees. Petition may be granted without Minor. All objections to the Peti- 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 404-371-2601
grounds of any such objections. TO: SHANIQUA TYANA JACK- NOTE: If a natural guardian a hearing. tion to the appointment of a 1100 300-476932 06/29, 07/06,
All pleadings/objections must SON, MOTHER OF ERIC files a timely objection to the BEDELIA C HARGROVE temporary guardian or the ap- Decatur, Georgia 30030 07/13, 07/20/2023
be signed before a notary pub- VIDULL JACKSON, UN- creation of the temporary PROBATE JUDGE pointment of the Petitioner as 404-371-2601 NOTICE ++2023-0366++
lic or before a probate court KNOWN, FATHER (MINOR) guardianship, the Petition will By: temporary guardian, must be in 290-476466 6/15, 6/22, 6/29, RE: PETITION OF GULEID
clerk, and filing fees must be You are hereby notified that be dismissed. If a natural Kimberly H. Curry writing, setting forth the 7/6 ADAM TO PROBATE IN SOL-
tendered with your MICHELE WESTBROOK has guardian files an objection to PROBATE CLERK/DEPUTY grounds of any such objections, IN RE: Estate of MARTIN H EMN FORM THE WILL OF
pleadings/objections, unless filed a Petition seeking to be the appointment of the Petition- CLERK and be filed with this Court no STECKEL JAMAL FARAH ALI, DE-
you qualify to file as an indi- appointed temporary guardian er as guardian, or if a parent 556 N. McDonough Street, Rm later than fourteen (14) days Estate No. ++2023-0741++ CEASED, UPON WHICH AN
gent party. Contact probate of the above-named Minor. All who is not a natural guardian 1100 after this notice is mailed, or Petition By Personal Repres- ORDER OR SERVICE WAS
court personnel at the follow- objections to the Petition to the files an objection to the Peti- Decatur, GA 30030 ten (10) days after this notice is entative for GRANTED BY THIS COURT.
ing address/telephone number appointment of a temporary tion, a hearing on the matter 404-371-2663 personally served upon you, or Waiver of Bond and Grant of TO: Unknown heirs and All In-
for the required amount of fil- guardian or the appointment of shall be scheduled at a later 270-476799 6/22 & 6/29 ten (10) days after the second Certain Powers terested Parties
ing fees. If any objections are the Petitioner as temporary date. If no objection is filed, the Estate No: ++2023-1167++ publication of this notice if you NOTICE This is to notify you to file ob-
filed, a hearing will be sched- guardian, must be in writing, Petition may be granted without CITATION are served by publication. All GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY jection, if there is any, to the
uled at a later date. If no objec- setting forth the grounds of any a hearing. GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY objections should be sworn to PROBATE COURT Petition to Probate Will in Sol-
tions are filed, the petition may such objections, and be filed BEDELIA C HARGROVE IN RE: PETITION OF ANGELA before a notary public or Geor- SUSAN K STECKEL has peti- emn Form, in this Court on or
be granted without a hearing. with this Court no later than PROBATE JUDGE MARIE SMITH FOR TEMPOR- gia probate court clerk and fil- tioned for waiver of bond and before 07/31/2023.
Bedelia C Hargrove fourteen (14) days after this no- By ARY LETTERS OF GUARDI- ing fees must be tendered with for the grant of certain powers BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
Judge of the Probate Court tice is mailed, or ten (10) days Kimberly H. Curry ANSHIP your objections, unless you contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- objections to the Petition must
Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the after this notice is personally PROBATE CLERK/DEPUTY ESTATE OF LAYLA MIARIE qualify to file as an indigent 261. All interested parties are be in writing, setting forth the
Probate Court served upon you, or ten (10) CLERK JOHNSON party. Contact Probate Court hereby notified to show cause grounds of any such objections.
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. days after the second publica- 556 N. McDonough Street, Rm DATE OF MAILING, IF ANY: personnel for the required why said Petition should not be All objections should be sworn
1100 tion of this notice if you are 1100 N/A amount of filing fees. granted. All objections to the to before a notary public or be-
Decatur, Georgia 30030 served by publication. All objec- Decatur, GA 30030 DATE OF SECOND PUBLICA- NOTE: If a natural guardian Petition must be in writing, set- fore a Probate Court Clerk, and
404-371-2601 tions should be sworn to be- 404-371-2663 TION, IF ANY: 6/29 files a timely objection to the ting forth the grounds of any filing fees must be tendered
fore a notary public or Georgia TO: LEONARD WARREN creation of the temporary such objections, and must be with your objections, unless
probate court clerk and filing JOHNSON ,FATHER OF LAY- guardianship, the Petition will filed with the Court on or be- you qualify to file as an indi-
fees must be tendered with LA MIARIE JOHNSON, be dismissed. If a natural fore 07/17/2023. gent party. Contact Probate
your objections, unless you (MINOR) guardian files an objection to BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All Court personnel for the re-
qualify to file as an indigent You are hereby notified that the appointment of the Petition- pleadings/objections must be quired amount of filing fees. If
party. Contact Probate Court ANGELA MARIE SMITH has er as guardian, or if a parent signed under oath before a not- any objections are filed, a hear-
personnel for the required filed a Petition seeking to be who is not a natural guardian ary public or before a probate ing will be scheduled at a later
amount of filing fees. appointed temporary guardian files an objection to the Peti- court clerk, and filing fees must date. If no objections are filed,
NOTE: If a natural guardian of the above-named Minor. All tion, a hearing on the matter be tendered with your plead- the Petition may be granted
files a timely objection to the objections to the Petition to the shall be scheduled at a later ings/objections, unless you without a hearing.
creation of the temporary appointment of a temporary date. If no objection is filed, the qualify to file as an indigent Bedelia C Hargrove
guardianship, the Petition will guardian or the appointment of Petition may be granted without party. Contact probate court Judge of the Probate Court
be dismissed. If a natural the Petitioner as temporary a hearing. personnel at the following ad- Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the
guardian files an objection to guardian, must be in writing, BEDELIA C HARGROVE dress/telephone number for the Probate Court
the appointment of the Petition- setting forth the grounds of any PROBATE JUDGE required amount of filing fees. If 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
er as guardian, or if a parent such objections, and be filed By: any objections are filed, a hear- 1100
who is not a natural guardian with this Court no later than Kimberly H. Curry ing will be scheduled at a later Decatur, Georgia 30030
files an objection to the Peti- fourteen (14) days after this no- PROBATE CLERK/DEPUTY date. If no objections are filed, 404-371-2601
tion, a hearing on the matter tice is mailed, or ten (10) days CLERK the petition may be granted
shall be scheduled at a later after this notice is personally 556 N. McDonough Street, Rm without a hearing.
date. If no objection is filed, the served upon you, or ten (10) 1100 Bedelia C Hargrove
Petition may be granted without days after the second publica- Decatur, GA 30030 Judge of the Probate Court
(404) 349-0022 or via email at
.com. If you choose to join this
inspection, he will coordinate
with you about the day to con-
duct the inspection at the Prop-
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023Page 29 erty.
Additionally, please provide Mr.
300-476933 6/29, 7/6, 7/13, 310-476351 6/8, 6/15, 6/22, 310-476353 6/8, 6/15, 6/22, 310-476748 6/22, 6/29, 7/6, 310-476934 06/29, 07/06, 320-476937 6/29 Reece with any available in-
7/20 6/29 6/29 7/13 07/13, 07/20/2023 CITY OF TUCKER formation you believe will as-
NOTICE ++2021-2549++ NOTICE ++2023-1049++ NOTICE ++2023-1047++ NOTICE ++2023-0674++ NOTICE ++2023-0084++ NOTICE OF sist his analysis of the property.
RE: PETITION OF JANE TO: All Interested Parties TO: All Interested Parties TO: All Interested Parties TO: All Interested Parties PUBLIC HEARING This includes any relevant in-
LAFEVER JOHNSON TO The Petition of Alison The Petition of Dorothy Ann The Petition of Olivia Jameson, The Petition of JOAN S. MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL formation relating to the Prop-
PROBATE IN SOLEMN FORM Nyantekyi, for a year’s support Moore, for a year’s support for a year’s support from the MURA., for a year’s support PUBLIC HEARING: MONDAY, erty, the surrounding area
THE WILL OF ELEANOR M from the estate of Eric Opoku- from the estate of James J estate of Tony M. Jameson, Jr., from the estate of Ryan Louis SEPTEMBER 11, 2023, AT and/or the local real estate
MARBUT, DECEASED, UPON nyantekyi, Jr., Deceased, for Moore, Deceased, for De- Deceased, for Decedent’s Sur- Mura, Sr., Deceased, for De- 7:00 P.M. market including sales or lease
WHICH AN ORDER OR SER- Decedent’s Surviving Spouse cedent’s Surviving Spouse and viving Spouse, having been cedent’s Surviving Spouse, CITY HALL contracts, surveys, building
VICE WAS GRANTED BY and minor child, having been minor child, having been duly duly filed, all interested per- having been duly filed, all inter- ADDRESS: 1975 LAKESIDE plans, septic line location in-
THIS COURT. duly filed, all interested per- filed, all interested persons are sons are hereby notified to ested persons are hereby noti- PARKWAY, SUITE 350B, formation, tanks, etc. as this in-
TO: JACK TAYLOR RIDGE- sons are hereby notified to hereby notified to show cause, show cause, if any they have, fied to show cause, if any they TUCKER, GA 30084 formation may assist his ana-
WAY, JR. show cause, if any they have, if any they have, on or before on or before 07/24/2023, why have, on or before 07/31/2023, Zoning Ordinance Text Amend- lysis of the Property and his ap-
This is to notify you to file ob- on or before 07/10/2023, why 07/10/2023, why said Petition said Petition should not be why said Petition should not be ment ++TA-23-0003++ praisal assignment. He will
jection, if there is any, to the said Petition should not be should not be granted. granted. granted. Consideration of amendments copy and return any informa-
Petition to Probate Will in Sol- granted. All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition to the City of Tucker City Code, tion you provide as soon as
emn Form, in this Court on or All objections to the Petition must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth Chapter 46, including the cre- possible. He will also thor-
before 07/31/2023. must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec- ation of a new zoning district oughly consider any informa-
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All the grounds of any such objec- tions, and must be filed on or tions, and must be filed on or tions, and must be filed on or with various tiers for tion you share; however, as the
objections to the Petition must tions, and must be filed on or before the time stated in the before the time stated in the before the time stated in the Lawrenceville Highway. appraiser, he will reach his
be in writing, setting forth the before the time stated in the preceding sentence. All plead- preceding sentence. All plead- preceding sentence. All plead- own, independent estimate of
grounds of any such objections. preceding sentence. All plead- ings/objections should be ings/objections should be ings/objections should be value.
All objections should be sworn ings/objections should be sworn to before a notary public sworn to before a notary public sworn to before a notary public If you have any questions with-
to before a notary public or be- sworn to before a notary public or before a Probate Court or before a Probate Court or before a Probate Court Public Notice in his appraisal expertise,
fore a Probate Court Clerk, and or before a Probate Court Clerk, and filing fees must be Clerk, and filing fees must be Clerk, and filing fees must be please contact Mr. Reece at
filing fees must be tendered Clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your objections, tendered with your objections, tendered with your objections, 330-476358 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 ReeceRealtyResources@gmail
with your objections, unless tendered with your objections, unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an Appraiser’s Publication of .com or (404) 349-0022. His of-
you qualify to file as an indi- unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact Probate indigent party. Contact Probate indigent party. Contact Probate Invitation to Owners to fice hours are Monday through
gent party. Contact Probate indigent party. Contact Probate Court personnel for the re- Court personnel for the re- Court personnel for the re- Accompany Inspection of Friday between 8:00 a.m. and
Court personnel for the re- Court personnel for the re- quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If Property 6:00 p.m. EST. If he does not
quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- To: (1) Ingleside Land Com- answer your call, please leave
any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later pany him a message and a tele-
ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed date. If no objections are filed date. If no objections are filed Notice of Publication phone number to return the
date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed the Petition may be granted the Petition may be granted the Petition may be granted Re: ++304 Creighton Avenue, call. Any questions outside of
the Petition may be granted the Petition may be granted without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. Scottdale, Georgia 30079++ his appraisal expertise should
without a hearing. without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove (the “Property”) be directed to the DeKalb
Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court DeKalb County – Cedar Park County Government, ATTN:
Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court By: By: By: Expansion Caleb Wittenmyer, Department
Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the By: Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of Daisha Muhammad, Clerk of Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the TO WHOM IT MAY CON- of Parks, Recreation, and Cul-
Probate Court Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the the Probate Court the Probate Court Probate Court CERN: tural Affairs, who may be con-
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. DeKalb County plans to ex- tacted at (404) 904-3028 at
1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 1100 1100 pand Cedar Park and reques- Cwittenmyer@dekalbcountyga.
Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 ted an appraisal of the real es- gov.
404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 tate necessary for such expan- Please note, a copy of this No-
404-371-2601 310-476354 6/8, 6/15, 6/22, 310-476749 6/22, 6/29, 7/6, sion, including the property lis- tice is also being sent via certi-
Year’s Support 310-476352 06/08, 06/15,
06/22, 06/29/2023
NOTICE ++2022-2647++
NOTICE ++2022-1822++
Public Hearing ted above. DeKalb County
hired Carlton Reece, an inde-
fied mail to the following indi-
viduals and entities: (1) KMRS
NOTICE ++2023-1063++ TO: All Interested Parties TO: All Interested Parties pendent Georgia-licensed and Properties, LLC, c/o Patricia
310-476350 6/8, 6/15, 6/22, The Petition of Courtney Maria The Petition of Jannine Taylor 320-476935 6/29 certified appraiser, to complete Sims, Registered Agent, and
TO: All Interested Parties
6/29 Evans, for a year’s support f/k/a Jannine Deraney, for a CITY OF TUCKER this appraisal assignment. This (2) KMRS Properties, LLC, c/o
The Petition of Edwin M May,
NOTICE ++2023-1055++ from the estate of Kelvin Gus year’s support from the estate NOTICE OF Notice was first published on Melvin Sims, Member.
III for a year’s support from the
TO: All Interested Parties Evans, Deceased, for De- of Jared Buford Deraney, De- PUBLIC HEARING June 1, 2023 and will be pub-
estate of Jennifer Maloof May,
The Petition of Mark A.C. cedent’s Surviving Spouse and ceased, for Decedent’s minor PLANNING COMMISSION lished four total times within 330-476359 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29
Deceased, for Decedent’s Sur-
Robinson as Emergency Con- minor child, having been duly children, having been duly filed, PUBLIC HEARING: thirty days of the first publica- Appraiser’s Publication of
viving Spouse having been duly
servator for Roena G. Kelley, filed, all interested persons are all interested persons are THURSDAY, JULY 20, 2023, tion. The purpose of this public- Invitation to Owners to
filed, all interested persons are
for a year’s support from the hereby notified to show cause, hereby notified to show cause, AT 7:00 P.M. ation is to: (1) explain the ap- Accompany Inspection of
hereby notified to show cause,
estate of Charles E. Kelley, De- if any they have, on or before if any they have, on or before CITY HALL praisal process to you; (2) en- Property
if any they have, on or before
ceased, for Decedent’s Surviv- 07/10/2023, why said Petition 07/24/2023, why said Petition ADDRESS: 1975 LAKESIDE courage you to provide prop- To: (1) Ingleside Land Com-
07/10/2023, why said Petition
ing Spouse and minor child, should not be granted. should not be granted. PARKWAY, SUITE 350B, erty information to Mr. Reece pany
should not be granted.
having been duly filed, all inter- All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition TUCKER, GA 30084 that you believe will assist his Notice of Publication
All objections to the Petition
ested persons are hereby noti- must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth Zoning Ordinance Text Amend- appraisal of the property; and Re: ++319 3rd Avenue,
must be in writing, setting forth
fied to show cause, if any they the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec- ment ++TA-23-0003++ (3) invite, and give the oppor- Avondale Estates, Georgia
the grounds of any such objec-
have, on or before 07/10/2023, tions, and must be filed on or tions, and must be filed on or Consideration of amendments tunity to, you to join his inspec- 30002++
tions, and must be filed on or
why said Petition should not be before the time stated in the before the time stated in the to the City of Tucker City Code, tion of the property. DeKalb County – Cedar Park
before the time stated in the
granted. preceding sentence. All plead- preceding sentence. All plead- Chapter 46, including the cre- The appraisal will estimate the Expansion
preceding sentence. All plead-
All objections to the Petition ings/objections should be ings/objections should be ation of a new zoning district fair market value of the portion TO WHOM IT MAY CON-
ings/objections should be
must be in writing, setting forth sworn to before a notary public sworn to before a notary public with various tiers for of the Property needed for CERN:
sworn to before a notary public
the grounds of any such objec- or before a Probate Court or before a Probate Court Lawrenceville Highway. DeKalb County’s park expan- DeKalb County plans to ex-
or before a Probate Court
tions, and must be filed on or Clerk, and filing fees must be Clerk, and filing fees must be sion project, plus consequen- pand Cedar Park and reques-
Clerk, and filing fees must be
before the time stated in the tendered with your objections, tendered with your objections, 320-476936 6/29 tial damages, if any, to the re- ted an appraisal of the real es-
tendered with your objections,
preceding sentence. All plead- unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an CITY OF TUCKER maining property less any con- tate necessary for such expan-
unless you qualify to file as an
ings/objections should be indigent party. Contact Probate indigent party. Contact Probate NOTICE OF sequential benefits that may be sion, including the property lis-
indigent party. Contact Probate
sworn to before a notary public Court personnel for the re- Court personnel for the re- PUBLIC HEARING caused by the park project ac- ted above. DeKalb County
Court personnel for the re-
or before a Probate Court quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL quisition. The appraisal will be hired Carlton Reece, a Geor-
quired amount of filing fees. If
Clerk, and filing fees must be any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- PUBLIC HEARING: MONDAY, performed consistent with the gia-licensed and certified ap-
any objections are filed, a hear-
tendered with your objections, ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later AUGUST 14, 2023, AT 7:00 laws of the State of Georgia praiser, to complete this ap-
ing will be scheduled at a later
unless you qualify to file as an date. If no objections are filed date. If no objections are filed P.M. and will further meet, or ex- praisal assignment. This No-
date. If no objections are filed
indigent party. Contact Probate the Petition may be granted the Petition may be granted CITY HALL ceed, the Code of Professional tice was first published on June
the Petition may be granted
Court personnel for the re- without a hearing. without a hearing. ADDRESS: 1975 LAKESIDE Ethics and the Uniform Stand- 1, 2023 and will publish this In-
without a hearing.
quired amount of filing fees. If Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove PARKWAY, SUITE 350B, ards of Professional Appraisal vitation four times within thirty
Bedelia C Hargrove
any objections are filed, a hear- Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court TUCKER, GA 30084 Practice. While DeKalb County days of the first publication.
Judge of the Probate Court
ing will be scheduled at a later By: By: Zoning Ordinance Text Amend- hired Mr. Reece to perform this The purpose of this publication
date. If no objections are filed Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the ment ++TA-23-0003++ appraisal, he has a legal oblig- is to: (1) explain the appraisal
Tiffany Hubbert, Clerk of the
the Petition may be granted Probate Court Probate Court Consideration of amendments ation to provide a fair, compet- process to you; (2) encourage
Probate Court
without a hearing. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. to the City of Tucker City Code, ent, and unbiased analysis of you to provide property inform-
556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
Bedelia C Hargrove 1100 1100 Chapter 46, including the cre- the Property and the impact, if ation to Mr. Reece that you be-
Judge of the Probate Court Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 ation of a new zoning district any, the acquisition has on the lieve will assist his appraisal of
Decatur, Georgia 30030
By: 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 with various tiers for Property and the remaining the property; and (3) invite you
Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Lawrenceville Highway property. to join his inspection of the
Probate Court Mr. Reece is required by law to property.
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. offer you the opportunity to ac- The appraisal will estimate the
1100 company his inspection of the fair market value of the portion
Decatur, Georgia 30030 property. If you wish to join this of the Property needed for
404-371-2601 inspection, please contact him DeKalb County’s park expan-
within thirty days of the first sion project, plus consequen-
publication of this Notice at tial damages, if any, less any
(404) 349-0022 or via email at consequential benefits that may
ReeceRealtyResources@gmail be caused by the park project
.com. If you choose to join this acquisition. The appraisal will
inspection, he will coordinate be performed consistent with
with you about the day to con- the laws of the State of Geor-
duct the inspection at the Prop- gia and will further meet, or ex-
erty. ceed, the Code of Professional
Additionally, please provide Mr. Ethics and the Uniform Stand-
Reece with any available in- ards of Professional Appraisal
formation you believe will as- Practice. While DeKalb County
sist his analysis of the property. hired Mr. Reece to perform this
This includes any relevant in- appraisal, he has a legal oblig-
consequential benefits that may held from 8:30 o’clock A.M. to of by paying a nominal fee and 61. (2) Paint sprayer Toyota 2021 Corolla
be caused by the park project 9:00 o’clock A.M. Voting will oc- requesting in writing to: 62. Concrete saw 5YFEPMAE2MP209223 TAG#
acquisition. The appraisal will cur immediately thereafter. The Kimberly Nesbitt, State Pro- 63. Electric screwdriver JHQ9740 OH
be performed consistent with election is for the Board Mem- gram Delivery Administrator 64. Push lawn mower
the laws of the State of Geor- bers whose terms expire June Office of Program Delivery 65. Tabletop grill Kia 2014 Cadenza
gia and will further meet, or ex- 2, 2023. Each Elector who has Attn: Courtney Cedor 66. Dvd player KNALN4D75E5140582 TAG#
Page 30
ceed, the Code of Professional
Ethics and the Uniform Stand-
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023 
arrived at the registration table
by 9:00 A.M. shall be able to
[email protected]
600 West Peachtree St NW,
67. Jacket (brown)
68. Car jack

ards of Professional Appraisal vote. All voting is required to be Suite 1550 69. Xbox 360 330-476760 6/22,6/29 330-476762 6/22,6/29 Oldsmobile <unknown> Cutlass
Practice. While DeKalb County in person. A map of the CID is Atlanta, GA 30308 70. Exercise equipment ABANDONED MOTOR ABANDONED MOTOR 3R47F9D477895 TAG# <un-
hired Mr. Reece to perform this on file with the DeKalb County 404-865-3467 71. Laundry baskets VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT known> GA
appraisal, he has a legal oblig- Tax Commissioner and on the Any written request or commu- 72. Nespresso frother NOTICE NOTICE
ation to provide a fair, compet- Assembly CID website. All nication in reference to this 73. (2) remote control cars You are hereby notified, in ac- You are hereby notified, in ac- Infiniti 2003 G35
ent, and unbiased analysis of Electors, as designated under project or notice SHOULD in- 74. Sanyo tv cordance with OCGA 40-11-19 cordance with OCGA § 40-11- JNKCV51E23M022275 TAG#
the Property and the impact, if the CID Act, are invited to at- clude the Project and P. I. 75. Tool bits (a) (2), that each of the below- 19(a) (2), that each of the be- TCS9168 GA
any, the acquisition has on the tend and cast their votes. A Numbers as noted at the top of 76. Stanley tool parts referenced vehicles are sub- low-referenced vehicles are
Property and the remaining Board of Directors meeting will this notice. 77. Misc. Items ject to a lien and a petition may subject to a lien and a petition Honda 1999 Accord
property. be held immediately after the be filed in court to foreclose a may be filed in court to fore- 1HGCG5652XA098415 TAG#
Mr. Reece is required by law to voting has ended for the 330-476471 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6 330-476758 6/22,6/29 lien for all amounts owed. If the close a lien for all amounts S0886352 GA
offer you the opportunity to ac- Caucus of Electors. PUBLIC NOTICE ABANDONED MOTOR lien is foreclosed, a court shall owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a
company his inspection of the DEKALB COUNTY VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT order the sale of the vehicle to court shall order the sale of the Honda 2001 Civic
property. If you wish to join this POLICE DEPARTMENT NOTICE satisfy the debt. vehicle to satisfy the debt. 2HGES16531H558674 TAG#
inspection, please contact him This is to serve as ++Notice of (TOWING OR STORAGE The vehicles are currently loc- The vehicles are currently loc- AZ63661 CT
within thirty days of the first transfer of unclaimed articles in COMPANY) ated at Chancey’s Wrecker ated at 2481 Old Covington
publication of this Notice at 330-476468 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6 possession of the DeKalb You are hereby notified, in ac- Service 539 McDaniel Mill Rd Hwy SW Conyers, GA 30012 Anyone with an ownership in-
404)349-0022, email at NOTICE OF LOCATION AND County Police Department++ cordance with OCGA 40-11-19 SW Conyers, Ga 30012 The vehicles subject to liens as terest in any of these vehicles
ReeceRealtyResources@gmail DESIGN APPROVAL for over 90 days to “property- (a) (2), that each of the below- The vehicles subject to liens as stated above are identified as: should contact the following
.com. If you choose to join this ++P. I. 0012596++” to be sold for profit. referenced vehicles are sub- stated above are identified as: business immediately:
inspection, he will coordinate DEKALB & FULTON Funds from sales will be ap- ject to a lien and a petition may ++Honda 2017 Civic Quick Drop Impounding, Tow-
with you about the day he in- COUNTIES plied to the DeKalb County be filed in court to foreclose a Vehicle Make: ++CHEVROLET SHHFK7H49HU409145++ ing, and Recovery
tends to be at the Property. Notice is hereby given in com- General Fund. lien for all amounts owed. If the Year: 1997 Model:VAN TAG# CLY7847 GA 2481 Old Covington Hwy SW
Additionally, please provide Mr. pliance with Georgia Code 22- Transfer of all property will be lien is foreclosed, a court shall V e h i c l e I D # : Conyers GA 30012
Reece with any available in- 2-109 and 32-3-5 that the made under the supervision of order the sale of the vehicle to 1GCEG15W4V1107249++ Chevrolet 2007 IMPALA 330-476888 6/29
formation you believe will as- Georgia Department of Trans- Sgt. A.B. Williams. satisfy the debt. Vehicle License #: QFD6100 2G1WT58N379234012 TAG# PUBLIC NOTICE
sist his analysis of the property. portation has approved the Items to be sold are as follows: The vehicles are currently loc- State:GA Picked up from: 2595 AN APPLICATION HAS BEEN
This includes any relevant in- Location and Design of this ated at 2490 S Stone Mountain CANDLER RD, DECATUR , Chevrolet 2005 EQUINOX FILED FOR A PACKAGE
formation relating to the Prop- project. 1. (2) GE range hoods Lithonia RD Lithonia GA 30058. GA, 30032 2CNDL73F656169094 TAG # STORE WITH RETAIL PACK-
erty, the surrounding area The date of location and design 2. Dell computer The vehicles subject to liens as HDK9353 NC AGE MALT BEVERAGES,
and/or the local real estate approval is: May 31, 2023 3. HP monitor stated above are identified as: Vehicle Make: SATURN WINE, AND DISTILLED SPIR-
market including sales or lease The proposed operational im- 4. (6) Pillows Vehicle Make: GMC Year:1996 Year:2008 Model:VUE Honda 2006 Accord ITS SALES FOR ++KNV18,
contracts, surveys, building provements are located in the 5. (5) Playstation controllers Model: G-SERIES V e h i c l e I D # : 1HGCM56386A101470 TAG# LLC++ LOCATED AT 1989
plans, septic line location in- city of Atlanta at the intersec- 6. (6) Guitars V e h i c l e I D # : 3GSCL33P38S726605 Vehicle CEB5391 GA HOSEA L. WILLIAMS DRIVE,
formation, tanks, etc. as this in- tions of SR42/ US23/Moreland 7. Iphone 8 Plus 1GDHG31K8TF851413 Vehicle License #:TDE8540 State:GA SUITE C, ATLANTA, GA
formation may assist his ana- Avenue at SR154/Memorial 8. Misc. tools w/ bag License #: PWN8258 State GA Picked up from: 2929 TURN- 30317. THE OWNER IS
lysis of the Property and my ap- Drive, and Moreland Avenue at 9. Table saw ER HILL ROAD, LITHONIA, Ford 2002 Focus KNV18, LLC, VINIT K. VYAS
praisal assignment. He will CS2213/Arkwright Place. More- 10. Air compressor Vehicle Make: BMW Year: GA, 30038 3FAFP37382R225024 TAG# (SOLE MEMBER), WHOSE
copy and return any informa- land Avenue improvements are 11. (2) Car speakers 2012 Model: 5 SERIES NO TAG ADDRESS IS 1989 HOSEA L.
tion you provide as soon as proposed between the two in- 12. Bose sound bar V e h i c l e I D # : Vehicle Make: FORD WILLIAMS DRIVE, SUITE C,
possible. He will also thor- tersections ending north of the 13. Playstation 3 WBAFU9C54CC788033 Year:2005 Model:FREESTAR Honda 2008 Odyssey ATLANTA, GA 30317.
oughly consider any informa- Arkwright Place intersection 14. (4) Shovel Vehicle License #: RXB1076 V e h i c l e I D # : 5FNRL38768B031266 TAG#
tion you share; however, as the 15. Misc. tools State GA 2FMZA52265BA56445 Vehicle CKH6975 GA 330-476889 6/29,7/6
and will include a 2-ft to 10-ft
appraiser, he will reach his 16. (3) Swords License #:TCS7697 State:GA STATE BAR OF GEORGIA
raised median from Memorial
own, independent estimate of 17. Edger Anyone with an ownership in- Picked up from: 4842 COVING- Anyone with an ownership in- STATE DISCIPLINARY
Drive to north of the proposed
value. 18. (3) Sledgehammer terest in any of these vehicles TON HWY, DECATUR, GA, terest in any of these vehicles BOARD
mid-block crossing. The Me-
If you have any questions with- 19. Rifle case should contact the following 30035 should contact the following NOTICE OF INVESTIGATION
morial Drive intersection will
in his appraisal expertise, 20. (3) Tools bags business immediately: business immediately: Service by Publication
have signal upgrades and the
please contact Mr. Reece at 21. Toy car kit Business Name: TCC Anyone with an ownership in- TO: Dell Jackson
replacement of the sidewalk
ReeceRealtyResources@gmail 22. Clarinet Address: 4943 FORREST RUN terest in any of these vehicles Quick Drop Impounding, Tow- Georgia State Bar No. 386329
and wheelchair ramps. Ark-
.com or (404) 349-0022. His of- 23. Legos LITHONIA, GA 30038 should contact the following ing, and Recovery Re: Office of General Counsel
wright Place improvements will
fice hours are Monday through 24. Airmax shoes 8.5 Telephone #: 678.907.0997 business immediately: 2481 Old Covington Hwy SW ++File No. 230046++
extend east to Mortimer Street
Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 25. Air Jordan shoes 8.5 ++GMC 1996 G-SERIES ID # Business Name: Chanceys Conyers GA 30012 A Notice of Investigation has
and will include modifying to
6:00 p.m. EST. If he does not 26. (2) hammers 1GDHG31K8TF851413 / BMW Wrecker Service been issued in accordance with
right in right out control at Mo- 330-476763 6/22,6/29
answer your call, please leave 27. Blender 2012 5 SERIES ID#W Address: 539 MCDANIEL MILL Bar Rule 4-204.1 based upon a
reland Avenue intersection ABANDONED MOTOR
him a message and a tele- 28. Dyson vacuum BAFU9C54CC788033++ RD grievance filed against you.
along with removing the signal, VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT
phone number to return the 29. (2) Machete CONYERS, GA 30012 Service of a Notice of Investig-
a 10-ft sidewalk constructed 330-476759 6/22,6/29 NOTICE
call. Any questions outside of 30. Misc. tools Telephone #: (770) 483-0698 ation by publication is author-
parallel on the north side tying ABANDONED MOTOR You are hereby notified, in ac-
his appraisal expertise should 31. Stihl weed Wacker ized by Bar Rule 4-204.1 (c).
the proposed mid-block pedes- VEHICLE PETITION cordance with OCGA § 40-11-
be directed to the DeKalb 32. Maasdam comealong 330-476761 6/22,6/29 Pursuant to Bar Rule 4-
trian hybrid beacon crossing to ADVERTISEMENT 19(a) (2), that each of the be-
County Government, ATTN: wench ABANDONED MOTOR 204.3(a), you are required to
the East Side Trolley Green- Vehicle Make: ++Hyundai Year: low-referenced vehicles are
Caleb Wittenmyer, Department 33. Toolbox VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT file with the State Disciplinary
way Trail project; and 5-ft to 7-ft 2015 Model: Santa Fe Vehicle subject to a lien and a petition
of Parks, Recreation, and Cul- 34. (9) Weed eaters NOTICE Board member assigned to in-
sidewalks are proposed on the Vin#: 5XYZT3LB0FG259250++ may be filed in court to fore-
tural Affairs, who may be con- 35. (3) Power drills You are hereby notified, in ac- vestigate the grievance filed
south side. The project lies in Vehicle Licensec# JEH 648/ close a lien for all amounts
tacted at (404) 904-3028 at 36. Bolt cutters cordance with OCGA § 40-11- against you a written response
Fulton County Land Lot 13 and OK owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a
Cwittenmyer@dekalbcountyga. 37. Saw blades 19(a) (2), that each of the be- to the Notice of Investigation
DeKalb County Land Lots 177 WA1LFAFP5EA013229 court shall order the sale of the
gov. 38. Playstation 4 low-referenced vehicles are within 30 days of July 6, 2023.
and 208. Present location of vehicle: vehicle to satisfy the debt.
Please note, a copy of this No- 39. (3) Playstation 3 subject to a lien and a petition Pursuant to Bar Rule 4-
Moreland Avenue typical sec- 2258 Lithonia Industrial Blvd The vehicles are currently loc-
tice is also being sent via certi- 40. Mech Power tool kit may be filed in court to fore- 204.3(d), your failure to answer
tion includes 10-ft lanes, 2-ft to Lithonia, GA 30058. ated at 2481 Old Covington
fied mail to the following indi- 41. Electric chainsaw close a lien for all amounts the Notice of Investigation may
10-ft raised median, 5-ft to 10-ft You are hereby notified that a Hwy SW Conyers, GA 30012
viduals and entities: (1) Darla 42. Construction light owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a result in your suspension from
sidewalk, 2-ft landscape buffer. petition was filed in the Magis- The vehicles subject to liens as
Duvall. 43. Stihl leaf blower court shall order the sale of the the practice of law in Georgia
Arkwright Place typical section trate Court of Dekalb County to stated above are identified as:
44. Toro leaf blower vehicle to satisfy the debt. until an answer is filed.
330-476362 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 includes 11-ft lanes, 5-ft & 10-ft foreclose a lien for all amounts
NOTICE OF ASSEMBLY sidewalks, 2-ft to 10-ft land- 45. Murray push mower The vehicles are currently loc- ++Nissan 2011 Sentra 330-476890 6/29
owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a
COMMUNITY scape buffer. The total project 46. Homelite chainsaw ated at 2481 Old Covington 3N1AB6AP7BL626375++ Public Notice
court shall order the sale of the
IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT length is approximately 0.2 47. Leaf blower Hwy SW Conyers, GA 30012 TAG# <unknown> Drew Charter School will hold a
vehicle to satisfy the debt
ELECTION & BOARD miles. 48. Gams controllers The vehicles subject to liens as Special Call Executive Commit-
Anyone with an ownership in-
MEETING Georgia Dept. of Transporta- 49. Dewalt Drill saw stated above are identified as: Acura 1995 Legend tee Meeting on ++July 6, 2023,
terest in this vehicle may file an
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN as tion would be responsible for 50. (4) Misc tools w/ toolbag JH4KA7695SC009720 TAG# at 9:00 am++.
answer to this petition on or be-
provided in the DEKALB acquiring property rights for this 51. Leveler ++Ford 2010 Focus <unknown> The meeting will occur at Drew
fore 07/07/2023.
COUNTY COMMUNITY IM- project. 52. Tool kits 1FAHP3FN5AW257646++ Charter School’s Yates Cam-
Answer forms may be found in
PROVEMENT DISTRICT ACT Drawings or maps or plats of 53. Glacier bay bath faucet TAG# TBW6648 GA Mitsubishi 2011 Eclipse pus in the Eva Davis Board
the Magistrate Court Clerk’s of-
OF 2008 (Ga. L. 2008, p. the proposed project, as ap- 54. Echo hedge trimmer 4A37L2EF3BE016534 TAG# Room, located at 300 Eva Dav-
fice located at 556 N Mc-
3817), as amended (CID Act) proved, are on file and are 55. Bosch sander Chevrolet 2005 Tahoe 2M6838R TX is Way, Atlanta, GA 30317.
Donough St. Decatur, GA
that a Caucus of Electors of the available for public inspection 56. Pioneer car stereo 30030. 1GNEC13T15R275038 TAG# 330-476891 6/29,7/6
Assembly Community Improve- at the Georgia Department of 57. Blue bag Forms may also be obtained RNX2639 GA Suzuki 2007 Forenza NOTICE OF PROPOSED
ment District (CID) shall be held Transportation: 58. Amplifier online at www.georgiamagis- KL5JD56Z07K547432 TAG# POLLING PLACE CHANGES
at Assembly Yards Construc- Borden S. Polk, Area Manager 59. Table Saw Kia 2016 Sorento <unknown> The DeKalb County Board of
tion Trailer - 5801 Peachtree District 7, Area 1 60. Proxima projector 5XYPG4A36GG142321 TAG# Registration and Elections (the
Road, Doraville, GA 30341 on [email protected] 61. (2) Paint sprayer CTA2345 GA Ford <unknown> F250 BRE) hereby gives notice to the
++June 27, 2023++. The pur- 5025 New Peachtree Rd 62. Concrete saw TAG# <unknown> voters of DeKalb County that it
pose of the caucus is to elect Chamblee, Georgia 30341 63. Electric screwdriver Anyone with an ownership in- is considering the following
Board Members to serve. The 470-432-5749 64. Push lawn mower terest in any of these vehicles Kia 2014 FORTE ++polling place changes for the
posts to be filled at this meet- Any interested party may ob- 65. Tabletop grill should contact the following KNAFX4A66E5060212 TAG# November 7, 2023, General
ing are Posts 1, 4 and 6. Regis- tain a copy of the drawings or 66. Dvd player business immediately: 2M6735R TX Election++. These changes will
tration for the election shall be maps or plats or portions there- 67. Jacket (brown) become effective following the
held from 8:30 o’clock A.M. to of by paying a nominal fee and 68. Car jack Quick Drop Impounding, Tow- Toyota 2021 Corolla second publication of this no-
9:00 o’clock A.M. Voting will oc- requesting in writing to: 69. Xbox 360 ing, and Recovery 5YFEPMAE2MP209223 TAG# tice unless the BRE receives
cur immediately thereafter. The Kimberly Nesbitt, State Pro- 70. Exercise equipment 2481 Old Covington Hwy SW JHQ9740 OH public comment in opposition to
election is for the Board Mem- gram Delivery Administrator 71. Laundry baskets Conyers GA 30012 such changes, in which case
bers whose terms expire June Office of Program Delivery 72. Nespresso frother Kia 2014 Cadenza the BRE will hold a special
2, 2023. Each Elector who has Attn: Courtney Cedor 73. (2) remote control cars KNALN4D75E5140582 TAG# called meeting to consider pub-
arrived at the registration table [email protected] 74. Sanyo tv <unknown> lic comments received and fur-
by 9:00 A.M. shall be able to 600 West Peachtree St NW, 75. Tool bits ther action on the proposed
vote. All voting is required to be Suite 1550 76. Stanley tool parts Oldsmobile <unknown> Cutlass changes.
in person. A map of the CID is Atlanta, GA 30308 77. Misc. Items 3R47F9D477895 TAG# <un- Precinct ID
on file with the DeKalb County 404-865-3467 known> GA Precinct Name
Tax Commissioner and on the Any written request or commu- Previous Location
second publication of this no- SAE9410 GA enced vehicle is subject to a li- niture.
tice unless the BRE receives en and a petition may be filed B7-Dedrick Brown-Household C029 Felicia Durah tires, video
public comment in opposition to Hyundai 2007 Elantra in court to foreclose a lien for Goods, Boxes, Furniture. games, controlers, totes, bags
such changes, in which case KMHDU46D47U203575 TAG# all amounts owed. If the lien is B16-Cuevin Stringer-House-
the BRE will hold a special SAJ8750 GA foreclosed, a court shall order hold Goods, Boxes, Furniture. C082 Tatianna Hutton king
called meeting to consider pub- the sale of the vehicle to satis- B112-Valcenia Henderson- mattress, box spring, bed frame

lic comments received and fur- The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023Page 31
Nissan 1996 Pathfinder fy the debt. Household Goods, Boxes, Fur-
ther action on the proposed JN8AR05Y6TW026116 TAG# The vehicle is currently located niture. C083 Shanika Sales boxes,
changes. <unknown> at 2481 Old Covington Hwy SW B142-Rashika Rucker-House- bags, totes, cushions, wheel 340-476770 6/22,6/29
Precinct ID
Precinct Name You are hereby notified, in ac-
Conyers, GA 30012
Anyone with an ownership in-
Public Sale hold Goods, Boxes, Furniture.
B143-Ronald O’neal-House-
covers, luggage NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE
The following self-storage Cube
Previous Location cordance with OCGA § 40-11- terest in this vehicle should 340-476764 6/22,6/29 hold Goods, Boxes, Furniture. C112 Dwight Williams clothes contents containing household
Proposed Location 19(a) (2), that the above-refer- contact the following business Public Notice C17-Shelomi Smith-Household hamper, shoes, totes, air com- and other goods will be sold for
enced vehicle is subject to a li- immediately: Notice of Sale Goods, Boxes, Furniture. pressor cash by 3549 Church St. Clark-
BE en and a petition may be filed Quick Drop Impounding, Tow- To be sold to the C18-Shelomi Smith-Household ston, GA 30021 to satisfy a li-
Briarwood in court to foreclose a lien for ing, and Recovery Highest Bidder at Goods, Boxes, Totes. C 324 Sandra Horsley chan- en on ++07/13/2023 at approx.
Briarwood Recreation Center all amounts owed. If the lien is 2481 0ld Covington Hwy SW Facility location C108-Melissa Davis-House- deliers, boxes, tables, clothes 2:00 PM++ at
2235 Briarwood Way NE foreclosed, a court shall order Conyers GA 30012 Storage World Inc. hold Goods, Boxes, Furniture. hamper, totes
Atlanta, GA 30319 the sale of the vehicle to satis- 330-476895 6/29,7/6 On ++July 6, 2023++ D3-Willard K. Walker-House- 340-476768 6/22,6/29
Montclair Elementary fy the debt. ABANDONED MOTOR Storage World Inc. has the right hold Goods, Boxes, Furniture. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Cube # 202 Jordynn Quinn
1680 Clairmont Place, NE The vehicle is currently located VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT to hold the auction with re- D59-Denario Martinez-House- The following self-storage Cube Cube # 1033 Ariel Osbey
Atlanta, GA 30329 at 2481 Old Covington Hwy SW NOTICE serve. hold Goods, Boxes, Furniture. contents containing household Cube # 1040 Kalid Jibro
Conyers, GA 30012 You are hereby notified, in ac- All sales to be paid by cash. D103-Erica Johnson-House- and other goods will be sold for Cube # 1178 Chasity Gooden
CV Anyone with an ownership in- cordance with OCGA § 40-11- Contents of the units are hold Goods, Boxes, Furniture. cash, debit or credit card by Cube # 1188 Andrew Hall
Clairemont East (Dec) terest in this vehicle should 19(a) (2), that each of the be- unknown and will be available D128-Jerry Colbert-Household 3831 Redwing Cir. Decatur, GA Cube # 2013 Marquez Forte
Decatur Recreation Department contact the following business low-referenced vehicles are at the time of the auction. Goods, Boxes, Furniture. 30032 to satisfy a lien on Cube # 2111 David Greene
231 Sycamore St immediately: subject to a lien and a petition Storage World Inc. D138-Tyronda Mcneil-House- ++07/13/2023 at approx. 2:00 Cube # 2200 Darya Bell
Decatur, GA 30030 Quick Drop Impounding, Tow- may be filed in court to fore- 3122 Panthersville Rd hold Goods, Boxes, Furniture. PM++ at Cube # 2203 China Anderson
First Baptist Church ing, and Recovery close a lien for all amounts Decatur, GA 30034 E51-Quana Griffin-Household Cube # 2212 Fatmata Kumala
of Decatur 2481 0ld Covington Hwy SW owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a 404-244-2131 Goods, Boxes, Furniture. Cube # 3096 Lakeitcha Jack-
300 Clairmont Avenue Conyers GA 30012 court shall order the sale of the Time: 1:00 P.M. E129-Cortez Harris-Household CUBE # 35 Charles Loyal son
Decatur, GA 30030 vehicle to satisfy the debt. A13 Darrell Wright- Household Goods, Boxes, Furniture. CUBE # 152 Lisa Beasley Cube # 3110 Arriyon Kleckley
330-476893 6/29,7/6 The vehicles are currently loc- furniture E227-Deasiah Gray-House- CUBE # 170 Ernest Wilson Cube # 3118 LaToya Smith
IB ABANDONED MOTOR ated at 2481 Old Covington A22 Andrews Bampo- House- hold Goods, Boxes, Furniture. CUBE # 190 Sade Henry Cube # 3134 Troy Mitchell
Indian Creek VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT Hwy SW Conyers, GA 30012 hold furniture E237-Jamar Boyd-Household CUBE # 228 Antonious Bragg Cube # 3184 Regina Cawley
Indian Creek Baptist Church NOTICE The vehicles subject to liens as A43 Philos Cannada- House- Goods, Boxes, Furniture. CUBE # 232 Jenny Alston Cube # 3185 Keisha Alexander
3901 Rockbridge Road You are hereby notified, in ac- stated above are identified as: hold items E249-Shamika Bledsoe-House- CUBE # 275 Mahlet Barkers Cube # 3188 Sekelajah
Stone Mountain, GA 30083 cordance with OCGA § 40-11- B24 Mario Hall- Household fur- hold Goods, Furniture, Boxes. CUBE # 288 Jasmine Reed Alghanee
Indian Creek Elementary 19(a) (2), that each of the be- ++BMW 2008 3-SERIES niture E259-Joy Kitchen-Household CUBE # 339 Erica Ward
724 N Indian Creek Drive low-referenced vehicles are WBAWL73588PX52059++ C17 Damon Pope- Household Goods, Boxes, Furniture. CUBE # 442 Jon Markham
Clarkston, GA 30021 subject to a lien and a petition TAG# CCC1610 GA furniture E306-Paulette Melvin-House- CUBE # 448 Tarzeaunce Mad-
may be filed in court to fore- C26 Carlos Grant- Household hold Goods, Boxes, Furniture. dox 340-476771 6/22,6/29
MK close a lien for all amounts Honda 1999 Civic furniture F10-Luis Carrero-Household CUBE # 506 Randolph Hickson NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE
Montreal owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a 2HGEJ6671XH579257 TAG# D28 Wyndell Balland- House- Goods, Boxes, Furniture. CUBE # 685 Brenda Mitchell The following self-storage Cube
Lawrenceville Road United court shall order the sale of the HKE-5105 NC hold items F13-Terry Mcdowell-House- Bitjoka contents containing household
Methodist Church vehicle to satisfy the debt. D32 Mylita Washington- House- hold Goods, Boxes, Furniture. CUBE # 693 Ibrahim Pasha and other goods will be sold for
3142 Lawrenceville Hwy The vehicles are currently loc- Honda 1997 Accord hold furniture F14-Devona Roberts-House- CUBE # 757 Latanya Williams cash by 3103 N Decatur Rd.
Tucker, Ga 30084 ated at 2481 Old Covington 1HGCE6673VA024950 TAG# D33 Marvinia Wilson- House- hold Goods, Boxes, Furniture. CUBE # 794 Sheri Chastain Scottdale, GA 300791 to satis-
Living Grace Lutheran Church Hwy SW Conyers, GA 30012 RYI9617 GA hold furniture F319-Ciera Haynes-Household CUBE # 821 Katrina Otto fy a lien on ++07/13/2023 at
1812 Cooledge Road The vehicles subject to liens as D35 Selma Herrin- Household Goods, Boxes, Furniture. CUBE # 835 Ursula Johnson approx. 2:00 PM++
Tucker, GA 30084 stated above are identified as: Anyone with an ownership in- furniture F367-Zenobia Griffin-House- CUBE # 889 Travis Spurley
terest in any of these vehicles E24 Damon Pope- Household hold Goods, Boxes, Furniture. CUBE # 923 Christal Campbell
WF ++Chrysler 2015 200 should contact the following furniture CUBE # 929 Marquieta Ed- Cube #1222 Myron Jamahl
Winnona Park 1C3CCCAB4FN665845++ business immediately: E34 Juliette Rogers- House- mondson Russell
Decatur Legacy Park Cochran TAG# P373470 GA Quick Drop Impounding, hold furniture CUBE # 1031 Paticia Wooten Cube #1616 Lisa Thornton
Building Towing, and Recovery H13 Antonio Few- Household 340-476765 6/22,6/29 CUBE # 1087 Jerusha N. Allen Cube #2318 Marcus Tucker
500 S Columbia Drive Lexus 1994 ES 300 2481 Old Covington Hwy SW furniture Public Sale CUBE # 1212 Jada Cobbs Cube #2326 Marcus Tucker
Decatur, GA 30030 JT8GK13T7R0021038 TAG# Conyers GA 30012 H27 Dotruell Jordan- House- Pursuant to the Georgia Self- CUBE # 1311 Wanda McDaniel Cube #2342 Daphne Buchanan
Columbia Theological Seminary CSF6153 GA hold furniture service Storage Facility Act, no- CUBE # 1320 Jasmyne Jones
701 South Columbia Dr. 330-476896 6/29,7/6 I01 Dana Singleton- House- tice is hereby given that SS pettway Cube #2510 Caitlin Cunning-
Decatur, GA 30030 Anyone with an ownership in- ABANDONED MOTOR hold furniture Shepherd Drive Decatur, LLC CUBE # 1372 Cornelius Palmer ham
terest in any of these vehicles VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT B327 Charles Green- House- d/b/a Simply Self Storage at CUBE # 270271 Sharee Cube #3338 Teasha Sumlin
A complete list of polling loca- should contact the following NOTICE hold furniture 2804 H.F. Shepherd Drive Dec- Wilkins Cube #3429 Rachelle Pike
tions can be found at business immediately: You are hereby notified, in ac- D126 Ronnie Coleman- House- atur, GA 30034 will sell at pub- CUBE # 12781279 DeKalb Pre- Cube #3512 LaShenika Adams
https://www.dekalbcountyga.go Quick Drop Impounding, Tow- cordance with OCGA § 40-11- hold furniture lic auction the personal prop- paratory Academy BrooKS- Cube #3520 Johnathan John-
v/voter-registration- ing, and Recovery 19(a) (2), that each of the be- D220 Caprece Thomas- erty in the below-listed occu- LONG son
elections/current-election-in- 2481 Old Covington Hwy SW low-referenced vehicles are Household item pants' leased unit(s) to satisfy CUBE # 13621363 Jack Mc Cube # 4109 Christion Gullatt
formation. Any comments on Conyers GA 30012 subject to a lien and a petition D226 Andrea Sims- Household the owner's lien. The personal Donald Cube # 4237 SHANDREKA
the proposed changes may be 330-476894 6/29,7/6 may be filed in court to fore- items property stored therein by the MILLER
340-476769 6/22,6/29
directed to the DeKalb County ABANDONED MOTOR close a lien for all amounts D230 Deborah Smith- House- following occupants may in- Cube # 4317-4319 Tawana
Board of Registration & Elec- VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a hold items clude but is not limited to gen- Jones
The following self-storage unit
tions at 4380 Memorial Drive, NOTICE court shall order the sale of the D257 Valora Morris- House- eral household, office and per- contents containing household
Suite 300, Decatur, GA 30032 vehicle to satisfy the debt. hold items sonal items, furniture, boxes, and other goods will be sold for
or via email at ++Ford 1997 F150 The vehicles are currently loc- E115 Renita Boyce- House- clothes, and appliances. The cash by CubeSmart 2936 Me-
[email protected]. 1FTDF1725VNA47421++ TAG ated at 2481 Old Covington hold furniture unit(s) will be sold at public 340-476772 6/22,6/29
morial Dr SE, Atlanta Ga 30317
On this 22nd day of June 2023 # TGK3126 GA Hwy SW Conyers, GA 30012 E116 Leslie Graham- House- auction through the online auc- NOTICE OF SALE
404-563-7699 to satisfy a lien
Keisha L. Smith The vehicles subject to liens as hold furniture tion services of www.Stor- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN
on ++July 13th, 2023 at approx.
Executive Director, DeKalb Jeep 2015 Cherokee stated above are identified as: E212 Terry Brown- Household with bids that the undersigned intends to
2:00 PM++ at
County Voter Registration & 1C4PJMCS3FW795325 TAG # furniture opening at ++12pm. on July 13, sell the personal property de- HY-
Elections CVL6771 GA ++ Chevrolet 2010 Cobalt I119 Labria Pearson- House- 2023 and closing at 12pm. on scribed below to enforce a lien
330-476892 6/29,7/6 1G1AB5F52A7112735++ hold furniture July 20, 2023++. "http://www.storagetreasures.c imposed on said property un-
ABANDONED MOTOR Mazda 2006 MAZDA3 TAG# <unknown> om/" der The Georgia Storage Facil-
VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT JM1BK12F461415769 TAG # Public Notice UNIT# NAME CONTENTS ity Act. The undersigned will
NOTICE <unknown> Nissan 2008 Altima Notice of Sale Store: #398 (Cube # 150) Quan sell at public sale by competit-
1N4AL21E78C216736 TAG# To be sold to the A054 Deshawn Jean tv, totes, Printup ive bidding on ++Thursday the
++Volvo 2004 C70 Pontiac 2003 Vibe QAM7328 GA Highest Bidder at crib, washer/ dryer, salon chair, Store: #398 (Cube #1005) 13th day of July, 2023 at 12:00
YV1NC63D04J041561++ TAG 5Y2SN62LX3Z434608 TAG # Facility location sofa, bags, ring light, boxes & Kenyatta Simmons PM++ with bidding to take
# QPGL41 FL TCS9816 GA Chevrolet 2014 CRUZE Storage World, Inc. more Store: #398 (Cube #1009) Den- place on Said
1G1PC5SB1E7481093 TAG# Storage World Inc. has the right ise Robinson property is SecurCare Self
Chrysler 2014 Town & Country Honda 2000 Civic <unknown> to hold the auction with re- Store: #398 (Cube #1038) Storage, 3751 Longmire Way,
2C4RC1CG4ER454553 TAG# JHMEJ6674YS002147 TAG # serve. B109 Takena Jones dresser, Valayjha Hogan Doraville, GA, 30340 DeKalb
CTH4444 GA <unknown> Anyone with an ownership in- All sales to be paid by cash. hand trucks, boxes, totes, Store: #398 (Cube #1087) Gary County Chavez-Ortiz, J. Sacra-
terest in any of these vehicles Contents of the units are lamp, chairs, ironing board, Robinson mento 00513 Miter saw, Tools,
Dodge 2006 Charger You are hereby notified, in ac- should contact the following unknown and will be available shelves, computer ports, baby Store: #398 (Cube #1135) carpets, rings, hardwood floors
2B3kA43G16H370983 TAG# cordance with OCGA § 40-11- business immediately: at the time of the auction. gate, & hydraulic jack Sonya Brown . Browder, Robert 00518 Fur-
<unknown> 19(a) (2), that the above-refer- Quick Drop Impounding, Tow- Storage World Store: #398 (Cube #2027) De- niture, glass cabinet, Toes, lad-
enced vehicle is subject to a li- ing, and Recovery 3909 Flat Shoals Pkwy B112 Kenneth Rippy Jr dryer, ric Goodwin der, miscellaneous, golf club
Nissan 2014 JUKE en and a petition may be filed 2481 Old Covington Hwy SW Decatur GA 30034 trailblazer, microwave, chair, Store: #398 (Cube #2154) Des- set. Paul Acloque 00331
JN8AF5MR4ET358897 TAG# in court to foreclose a lien for Conyers GA 30012 404-458-5144 boxes, bags, floor mats, (CAR mond Shumaker Speakers, boxes, cleaning sup-
<unknown> all amounts owed. If the lien is July 6th, 2023 CAN NOT BE SOLD) Store: #398 (Cube #2201) Ash- plies, plumbing, miscellaneous
foreclosed, a court shall order Time: 2:00 P.M. ley Jackson . Purchases must be paid for at
Hyundai 2013 SONATA HY- the sale of the vehicle to satis- A310-Rhonda Satterfield- C013 Darrius Davis bicycle, Store: #398 (Cube #3233) the time of purchase at storage
BRID fy the debt. Household Goods, Boxes, Fur- sofa, armoire, luggage, misc. Shonda Fernandez facility by cash only. All pur-
KMHEC4A45DA086956 TAG# The vehicle is currently located niture. furniture, bags, & more Store: #398 (Cube #3235- chased items are sold as is,
SAE9410 GA at 2481 Old Covington Hwy SW B7-Dedrick Brown-Household 3236) Julius Lindesey where is, and must be re-
Conyers, GA 30012 Goods, Boxes, Furniture. C029 Felicia Durah tires, video moved within 48 hours of the
Hyundai 2007 Elantra Anyone with an ownership in- B16-Cuevin Stringer-House- games, controlers, totes, bags sale. A refundable $100 cash
KMHDU46D47U203575 TAG# terest in this vehicle should hold Goods, Boxes, Furniture. deposit for each unit won is re-
SAJ8750 GA contact the following business B112-Valcenia Henderson- C082 Tatianna Hutton king quired. Sale is subject to can-
immediately: Household Goods, Boxes, Fur- mattress, box spring, bed frame cellation in the event of settle-
Nissan 1996 Pathfinder Quick Drop Impounding, Tow- niture. ment between owner and oblig-
JN8AR05Y6TW026116 TAG# ing, and Recovery B142-Rashika Rucker-House- C083 Shanika Sales boxes, ated party.
<unknown> 2481 0ld Covington Hwy SW hold Goods, Boxes, Furniture. bags, totes, cushions, wheel
Conyers GA 30012 B143-Ronald O’neal-House- covers, luggage
You are hereby notified, in ac- hold Goods, Boxes, Furniture.
cordance with OCGA § 40-11- C17-Shelomi Smith-Household C112 Dwight Williams clothes
vintage clothes Carlos Hill 2109 lawn mower, SON, BRITTANY; 1414 -
G710 Penny Pace household tools, boxes ROBINSON, BRITTANY; 1416
G723 Kayla Mitchell 1 bed- Marwin White 2116 Ping Pont - Thomas, Yolanda
room, dining room table, kit- Table, Boxes, Exercise Equip- PUBLIC STORAGE # 25987,
chen items, desk ment, Welder 1750 Montreal Cir, Tucker, GA
30084, (678) 256-3954
Page 32 The Champion Legal Section,
The auction will be listed and
advertised on www.stor-
The auction will be listed
advertised on www.stor-
and JUne 29 - july 5, 2023  Time: 12:30 PM
Sale to be held at www.stor-
340-476773 6/22,6/29 Purchases 340-476777 6/22,6/29 Purchases 340-476861 6/29 340-476864 6/29,7/6
STORAGE TREASURES must be made with cash only Public Sale must be made with cash only NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE A023 - Campbell, Patrice; A105
AUCTION and paid at the above refer- Extra Space Storage will hold a and paid at the above refer- Transport Funding, LLC, Over- To satisfy the owner's storage - addison, Simone; A130 -
Extra Space Storage will hold a enced facility in order to com- public auction to sell personal enced facility in order to com- land Park, Kansas will offer the lien, PS Retail Sales, LLC will Scott, Christina; A190 - Willi-
public auction to sell personal plete the transaction. Extra property described below be- plete the transaction. Extra following property at public sale sell at public lien sale on ++Ju- ams, Charquez; B051 - Berrian,
property described below be- Space Storage may refuse any longing to those individuals lis- Space Storage may refuse any at Arrow Truck Sales, Inc. 3233 ly 20, 2023++, the personal Miranda; B075 - Muldrow, Lu-
longing to those individuals lis- bid and may rescind any pur- ted below at the location indic- bid and may rescind any pur- MORELAND AVENUE, Conley, property in the below-listed venia; C064 - Wilks-Reed, Brid-
ted below at the location indic- chase up until the winning bid- ated: chase up until the winning bid- GA 30288 on 07/10/2023 com- units, which may include but gette; D067 - Humble N Flow
ated: der takes possession of the 3076 Memorial DR SE Atlanta, der takes possession of the mencing at 10:00 am are not limited to: household Enterprise Mann, Elizabeth;
735 Hambrick Rd Stone Moun- personal property. GA 30317 on ++July 12 2023, personal property. ++2014 FL CASCADIA | and personal items, office and D155 - addison, Simone; E101
tain, Ga 30083 404-276-4304, at 1:00 pm++ RAISED ROOF SLEEPER other equipment. The public - McClain, Faith; E135 - Free-
++July 7, 2023 @ 10 am++ 3AKJGLBG5ESFY5255++ sale of these items will begin at man, Barry; E143 - Cruz, Elijah;
340-476775 6/22,6/29 Tytaina Douglas 1032 House- 340-476779 6/22,6/29 The property may be inspected 09:30 AM and continue until all E185 - Haynes, Jessica; F026 -
Margie Bienvenue STORAGE TREASURES hold Items Public Sale by appointment prior to the units are sold. Lien sale to be Williams, Daphne Bianca; F040
A36 AUCTION Aleatha Spencer 2012 House- Extra Space Storage will hold a sale. held at the online auction web- - Sanders, Torrell; F048 - Deer-
Boxes Extra Space Storage will hold a hold Items public auction to sell personal Inquiries: site, ing, Aubrey; F075 - Longval,
public auction to sell personal Asiajionna Griggs 2023 House- property described below be- 404-366-5121, Rodrick; G040 - Saxby, Marcus
Samantha Brown property described below be- hold Items longing to those individuals lis- Cash sales only. where indicated. For online li-
A38 longing to those individuals lis- Patricia Jones 2220 House- ted below at the location indic- 340-476862 6/29 en sales, bids will be accepted Public sale terms, rules, and
Clothes , household items ted below at the location indic- hold Items ated: NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE until 2 hours after the time of regulations will be made avail-
ated: Faatema Bell 2303 Household 5502 Memorial Drive, Stone Transport Funding, LLC, Over- the sale specified. able prior to the sale. All sales
leafus thomas 1989 Montreal Rd Tucker, GA Items Mountain, GA 30083 on ++July land Park, Kansas will offer the are subject to cancellation. We
B35 30084 on ++July 7, 2023 at Shanitra Lewis 2308 House- 07, 2023 at 2:00 pm++ following property at public sale PUBLIC STORAGE # 00509, reserve the right to refuse any
Grill, yard equipment and 10:00 a.m.++ hold Items atArrow Truck Sales, Inc. 3233 1438 Montreal Road, Tucker, bid. Payment must be in cash
boxes A7 Patricia Annan tables chairs MORELAND AVENUE, Conley, GA 30084, (678) 304-6454 or credit card-no checks. Buy-
Mister Saffold-Unit #403- Laquita Thompson 3070 ice machine GA 30288 on07/10/2023 com- Time: 09:30 AM ers must secure the units with
Ajhia Harris Clothes boxes Household Items C9 Jessica Rener boxes, mencing at 10:00 am Sale to be held at www.stor- their own personal locks. To
D15 Angel Williams-Unit #2059- clothes, shoes, blankets ++2018 PETE 579 | RAISED claim tax-exempt status, origin-
2 bedroom and boxes Washer dryer chair and bed The auction will be listed and F34 Tarsheem Thomas Bed, ROOF SLEEPER A027 - Young, Princeton; C016 al RESALE certificates for each
Kadeem Estwick-Unit #2159- advertised on www.stor- adjustable base, kitchenware, 1XPBDP9X2JD488740++ - Carson, Gina; D028 - Dolgo- space purchased is required.
TANIA ARMSTEAD Household items, etc... Purchases clothing, bedroom dresser set. The property may be inspected polov, Ilya; E034 - McCullough, By PS Retail Sales, LLC, 701
D24 Brian Smith-Unit #2199-House- must be made with cash only G23 Courtney Jones Furniture, by appointment prior to the Bruce; E042 - Walling, Western Avenue, Glendale, CA
Furniture & boxes hold items and paid at the above refer- boxes, bags sale. Christina; E046 - Henley, Brian; 91201. (818) 244-8080.
Saschenna Smith-Unit #3105- enced facility in order to com- G40 The Rehab Church sound Inquiries: E137 - Wright, Craig; F017 -
Deramours James Household products plete the transaction. Extra equipment, 404-366-5121 bauer, Kent; G011 - Scott, 340-476865 6/29,7/6
E26 Renee Owens-Unit #3111-Cab- Space Storage may refuse any furniture, boxes, bags, totes. Cash sales only. ArmaJean; G050 - Holden, NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE
Clothes inets chairs and files bid and may rescind any pur- I 39 renee chaddan 4 flat Tiara; G065 - Ward, Patrick; To satisfy the owner's storage
340-476863 6/29,7/6
Joi Mitchell-Unit #3115-House- chase up until the winning bid- screens tvs, two G109 - Brinson, Kyesha lien, PS Retail Sales, LLC will
Nicole Scott hold items der takes possession of the 65in flatscreen tvs and two 55in PUBLIC STORAGE # 20491, sell at public lien sale on ++Ju-
E58 Andrea Pope-Unit #3186- personal property. tvs both adult and children 3400 Lawrenceville Hwy, Tuck- ly 20, 2023++, the personal
Pursuant to the lien granted by
washer, dyer, bedroom queen Boxes, bar stoles, home décor clothes, shoes, er, GA 30084, (678) 801-6672 property in the below-listed
the Georgia Self-Storage Facil-
set, and mattress, and boxes Joi Mitchell-Unit #4023-House- I26 claudia Rose Clothes Time: 09:30 AM units, which may include but
ity Act, notice is hereby given
hold items 340-476778 6/22,6/29 I60 Shaquana Davis Kids bed- Sale to be held at www.stor- are not limited to: household
that the undersigned self-stor-
Tarren Lassiter Ayanna Chung-Unit #4041- STORAGE TREASURES room furniture house hold items and personal items, office and
age units will be sold at a pub-
E62 Household items AUCTION I7 Hope Hall household items A034 - Davis, Snowki; A043 - other equipment. The public
lic sale by competitive bidding,
household items, clothing, Amber Davis-Unit #4053-Sofa, Extra Space Storage will hold a I84 Kyra Jones household Hill, Chris; A081 - Matthews, Ki- sale of these items will begin at
to satisfy the lien of the Lessor,
boxes and personal items trunk public auction to sell personal items ana; A093 - Moore, Angela; 09:00 AM and continue until all
with Metro Storage LLC as
Pearl Williams-Unit #4104- property described below be- J14 Christina Rush home A097 - Griggs, Michael; A106 - units are sold. Lien sale to be
managing agent for Lessor, for
Santino Majok Household Goods/Personal longing to those individuals lis- goods Gamble, Alexis; B026 - Clark, held at the online auction web-
rental and other charges due
H33 Property ted below at the location indic- K185 Cassandra Lowe 2bd rm, Travis; B059 - Ramos Zerona, site,
from the undersigned. The said
household items no furniture Monique White-Unit #4193- ated: living rm, Olga Marina; C032 - Wright,,
property has been stored and is
Home goods, Boxes 2329 Panola RD. Lithonia, GA microwave, bags and boxes Eric; C073 - Hamlett, Xanthia where indicated. For online li-
located at the respective ad-
The auction will be listed and 30058 ++7/7/2023 at 1:00 K207B Janeva Mitchell clothes PUBLIC STORAGE # 00516, en sales, bids will be accepted
dress below. Units up for auc-
advertised on www.stor- The auction will be listed and PM++ K94 Carol Offem-Utre House- 1844 Mtn Industrial Blvd, Tuck- until 2 hours after the time of
tion will be listed for public bid- Purchases advertised on www.stor- hold furnishings er, GA 30084, (678) 466-6104 the sale specified.
ding on-line at www.Stor-
must be made with cash only Purchases Felicia Chavers 104 living set, L133 Towanna Bryant small Time: 09:45 AM beginning
and paid at the above refer- must be made with cash only Couch, Love seat, Three Beds furniture, kitchen items, work Sale to be held at www.stor- PUBLIC STORAGE # 25983,
five days prior to the sched-
enced facility in order to com- and paid at the above refer- and three dressers supplies, boxes and totes 4340 Dunwoody Park, Dun-
uled auction date and time. The
plete the transaction. Extra enced facility in order to com- Makayla Clayton 129 Queen L191 Sarina Scott Bedroom, liv- A013 - Huff, Linda; A015 - Al- woody, GA 30338, (678) 436-
terms of the sale will be by lot
Space Storage may refuse any plete the transaction. Extra Bed Set, Dresser, Sectional, ing room, w/d, other household lan, Chris; A027 - Arredondo, 3733
to the highest bidder for cash
bid and may rescind any pur- Space Storage may refuse any Dining Table, Boxes, TV, items... Anna; A074 - Rhodes, Vincent; Time: 11:30 AM
only. A 10% buyer’s premium
chase up until the winning bid- bid and may rescind any pur- Lamp, Shoes, Clothes L205 Terrence Lewis Boxes, A078 - Wright, Brandon; A102 - Sale to be held at www.stor-
will be charged per unit. All
der takes possession of the chase up until the winning bid- Mark Alonzo 189 Furniture, tote Hines, Lamar; A116 - Cannon,
sales are final. Metro Self Stor-
personal property. der takes possession of the home supplies, electronics L38 Yonus Ali bed, mattress, Durel; A127 - Thompson, Fred- B025 - Horton, Bettina; B062 -
age LLC reserves the right to
340-476774 6/22,6/29 personal property. Nolan Hogues 215 Washer & clothes, shoes, boxes, night- erick; A128 - Mason, Tanaysia; Smith, Tasharyia; B090 - John,
withdraw any or all units, par-
STORAGE TREASURES dryer , tvs , bed , kitchen table, stand, couch, coffee table A189 - STRICKLAND, ZAIRE; Ricardo; B230 - Jones,
tial or entire, from the sale at
AUCTION boxes L89 Nathaniel Calloway Jr King A191 - Davis, Beverly; A193 - Lorenzo; B235 - Chapman
any time before the sale or to
ONE FACILITY – MULTIPLE Stephanie Starege 228 bed, glass table, McNally, Heather; A194 - willi- King, Gwendolyn; B243 - Allen,
refuse any bids. The property
UNITS 340-476776 6/22,6/29 bed,matters,dresser,tv, boxes TV, Clothing, misc items ams, eric; A202 - Jones, Rory; Dawn; B264 - Aklin, Donte;
to be sold is described as “gen-
Extra Space Storage will hold a Public Sale TeQuilia Douglas 240 dressers, X27 Quintrell Loyal Clothes, A224 - Howard, Ricardo; A241 B320 - Wafford, Darran; B333 -
eral household items” unless
public auction to sell personal Extra Space Storage will hold a beds, bedding, boxes and totes etc...Household items - Horne, Ronald; A243 - Jack- Belser, Justice; B419 - Horton,
otherwise noted. All contents
property described below be- public auction to sell personal jodi watson 382 Totes and son, Cecil; A266 - Johnson, Shakina; B455 - Sladden, Felix;
must be removed completely
longing to those individuals lis- property described below be- boxes The auction will be listed and Jamarco; B015 - Cruse, Kelvin; B506 - Stewart, Jarael; B520 -
from the property within 48
ted below at the location indic- longing to those individuals lis- Ronda Graham 403 House- a d v e r t i s e d o n w w w . s t o r- C012 - Finesse Express LLC Thomas, Felisha; B525 - Ky-
hours or sooner or are deemed
ated: ted below at the location indic- hold furniture, boxes, home de- Purchases White, Fernando; C015 - ann, Veronica; B590 - Ware,
abandoned by bidder/buyer.
1257 S Hairston Rd, Stone ated: cor, bags must be made with cash only Singleton, Audrey; C054 - Har- Freddie; B591 - Pinder, Joy
Sale rules and regulations are
Mountain, GA 30088, ++July 7, Extra Space 2232 Mountain In- Ronald Belton 705 Tools, 3 and paid at the above refer- ton, Briana; C064 - Ibrahim, PUBLIC STORAGE # 28138,
available at the time of sale.
2023, at 11:00 AM++ dustrial Blvd, Tucker, GA queen beds, dressers, living enced facility in order to Fethi; D023 - Williams, Joetta; 3679 McElroy Road, Doraville,
Property includes the storage
30084 on ++July 07,2023 at room set, dining room set complete the transaction. Extra D025 - Ervin, Thomany; D048 - GA 30340, (678) 541-8635
unit contents belonging to the
J1045 Caretta Brown boxes, 11:00 am++ Tracey Maul 833 beds, couch, Space Storage may refuse any Porter, Kevin; D054 - Jackson, Time: 11:45 AM
following tenants at the follow-
entertainment center tables, tv's, washer, dryer bid and may rescind Jermirria Sale to be held at www.stor-
ing locations:
K2019 Walter Ford bed washer Unit # 1050 - Brandon Battle - Anika Spencer 837 Bedroom any purchase up until the win- PUBLIC STORAGE # 08051,
Metro Self Storage: 3391 N
and dryer rails dining room ta- Mattress, Dresser, Bags, Totes set, living room set, dining ning bidder takes possession of 2660 Mountain Industrial Blvd, A001 - vera, luis; A003 - Mur-
Druid Hills Road, Decatur, GA
ble stereo equipment clothes room set, home decor, boxes, the personal property Tucker, GA 30084, (678) 567- ray, Donovan; A012 - Fluellen,
30033. The bidding will close
J921 Alisia Clarke boxes, Unit # 1077 - Darlene CLark- totes, bags 6787 Keith; A062 - Okungbowa, Es-
on the website StorageTreas-
clothes, tv, tv stand Couch, Mattress, Boxes, Bags, Maurice McClusky 927 Video Time: 10:15 AM ohe; A094 - SMITH, ALEISEA; and a high bidder will
G750 Lucretia Gibson sofa, Equipment, TV's, Clothes, 340-476860 6/29 Sale to be held at www.stor- A111 - Leaks, Aysia; C012 -
be selected on ++July 20th,
totes Unit # 1182 – Alexis Humphrey- Shoes, Furniture, Boxes, Totes NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Torres, Ruth; D053 - Jones,
2023, at 10 AM++
G712 Donnell Johnson Jew- Boxes, Totes, Mattress, Dress- Triniti Waul 1123 Clothes, Sofa, Transport Funding, LLC, Over- 0133 - Haynes, Richard; 0138 - Jovonne; E051 - Jewell, john-
Unit Name of Occupant De-
elry, laptops, tools, bikes, tvs, er, Bags Queen Mattress and Founda- land Park, Kansas will offer the Haynes, Richard; 0227 - Cook, nie; F602 - Gonzalez, Evan;
scription of Property
queen bed, cell phones and tion, Toys, 2 TV's, Boxes following property at public sale Cartressia; 0336 - Owens, F813 - Swanson, Reginald
equipment pressure washer, The auction will be listed and Telesha Bennett 1812 washer, atArrow Truck Sales, Inc. 3233 Lashasta ; 0411 - Greene, PUBLIC STORAGE # 08392,
D059 Deborah Echols Boxes,
vintage clothes advertised on www.stor- dryer, couch, dresser, night MORELAND AVENUE, Conley, Ashanti; 1125 - Dyce, Schalon; 4300 Peachtree Road NE, At-
Bed, Dresser
G710 Penny Pace household Purchases stand, mattress GA 30288 on 07/07/2023 com- 1233 - Holritch, Benoir; 1252 - lanta, GA 30319, (404) 480-
4013 Joel Lee Plummer Boxes,
G723 Kayla Mitchell 1 bed- must be made with cash only miketa Weems 1937 Washer & mencing at 10:00 am Cameron, Anika; 1315 - Per- 3893
Bags, Clothes
room, dining room table, kit- and paid at the above refer- dryer, table, boxes and mirror ++2017 KW T680 | RAISED kins, madison; 1413 - ROBIN- Time: 12:00 PM
chen items, desk enced facility in order to com- Carlos Hill 2109 lawn mower, ROOF SLEEPER SON, BRITTANY; 1414 - Sale to be held at www.stor-
plete the transaction. Extra tools, boxes 1XKYDP9X7HJ162251++ ROBINSON, BRITTANY; 1416
The auction will be listed and Space Storage may refuse any Marwin White 2116 Ping Pont The property may be inspected - Thomas, Yolanda 1028 - Walker, Mario; 1277 -
advertised on www.stor- bid and may rescind any pur- Table, Boxes, Exercise Equip- by appointment prior to the PUBLIC STORAGE # 25987, moore, LaTonya; 1325 - Lopez, Purchases chase up until the winning bid- ment, Welder sale. 1750 Montreal Cir, Tucker, GA Angeline; 1379 - Gibson,
must be made with cash only der takes possession of the Inquiries: 30084, (678) 256-3954 tanetta; 1509 - Smith, George;
and paid at the above refer- personal property. The auction will be listed and 404-366-5121 Time: 12:30 PM 3312 - Adefemiwa, Ace; 3467 -
enced facility in order to com- advertised on www.stor- Cash sales only. Sale to be held at www.stor- Scott, Breanna
plete the transaction. Extra Purchases PUBLIC STORAGE # 08053,
Space Storage may refuse any must be made with cash only A023 - Campbell, Patrice; A105 3692 Clairmont Road, Atlanta,
bid and may rescind any pur- and paid at the above refer- - addison, Simone; A130 - GA 30341, (678) 293-8537
chase up until the winning bid- enced facility in order to com- Scott, Christina; A190 - Willi- Time: 12:15 PM
Sale to be held at www.stor- site, Think V rumph, Videll; 0653 - Kim; G006 - Miller II, Reginald; curtis; E623 - Perry, Natasha; Lamps , Toaster Oven , Kids, Christopher, Leslee; 0708 - G019 - Hopkins, Kevin; H009 - E636 - Reid, Cyval; F711 - Toys , Bags , Totes . Battle,
1028 - Walker, Mario; 1277 - where indicated. For online li- bido, Ivaneliz; 0726 - Nelson, Byrd, LarTissya; H014 - Payne, Smith, Cassandra Samuel C299 Washer Dryer ,
moore, LaTonya; 1325 - Lopez, en sales, bids will be accepted Felicia; 0756 - Washington, Michael; H018 - Whitehead, Mi- PUBLIC STORAGE # 28136, Dollie , Furniture , Tools , Sew-
Angeline; 1379 - Gibson, until 2 hours after the time of Jamilya; 0757 - King, Jessica; chael; J008 - Clark, Whintey; 2940 North Decatur Road, Dec- ing Machine , Jump Box , Flat
tanetta; 1509 - Smith, George; the sale specified. 0805 - Richardson, Ana; 0816 - J048 - Johnson, Teairis; J056 - atur, GA 30033, (404) 618- Screen Television , Bags , Mat-

3312 - Adefemiwa, Ace; 3467 - The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023Page 33
Sewell, Latasha; 0918 - Ba- Hernandez, Channon; J058 - 0009 tress Box Springs . Jester,
Scott, Breanna PUBLIC STORAGE # 28135, haga, mahamadou; 0925 - Perry, Ralph; J062 - Garrett, Time: 12:15 PM Jacinta C312 Display Case ,
PUBLIC STORAGE # 08053, 2080 Briarcliff Road NE, At- Proby, Joseph; 0930 - King, Jemeil; J066 - Bryant, Sale to be held at www.stor- 340-476868 6/29,7/6 Granite Table , Bags , Kids
3692 Clairmont Road, Atlanta, lanta, GA 30329, (404) 793- Nia; 514D - Taylor, Tamica Ternando; J078 - Sanders, NOTICE OF SALE Toys , Boxes Totes , Clock .
GA 30341, (678) 293-8537 0836 PUBLIC STORAGE # 25592, Quevin; K032 - Hambrick, La- 0358 - Battle, Kiara; 0436 - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Hall, Wanda C380 Boxes Totes
Time: 12:15 PM Time: 12:15 PM 5260 Minola Drive, Lithonia, favia; K036 - Lambert-Presid- Best, Comer; 0442 - Harris, that the undersigned intends to , Aquarium , Kids Tricycle , Ta-
Sale to be held at www.stor- Sale to be held at www.stor- GA 30038, (404) 445-7828 ent, Tiera Georgina; L058 - Wil- Okima; 0460 - Mulloon, Gabri- sell the personal property de- ble , Kids Rocking Chair . Time: 10:15 AM liams, Candace; L087 - Cald- elle; 0507 - Brooks, Oginga; scribed below to enforce a lien Gwinn III, Jeff (Tre) C272 ,
0108 - Harvey, Briana; 0221 - 1013 - Walton, Erica; 1031 - Sale to be held at www.stor- well, Gary; L098 - White, Loren- 1122 - Jones, Joshua; 1230 - imposed on said property un- C363 , C364 Furniture , Dollies
Masson, Lorraine; 0314 - De- Robinson, Michael; 1129 - zanna; L123 - Stevens, Jen- Everett, Courtney; 1259 - der The Georgia Storage Facil- , Refrigerators , Washers Dry-
meke, Tegabu; 0412 - Gibbs, Joseph, Marlena; 1188 - Gallo- A0010 - Jones, Vernon; A0011 nifer; L128 - Reid, William; Roberts, Phillip; 1275 - Dumas, ity Act. The undersigned will ers , Dish Washers , Mattress
Alisha; 0633 - Smith, Cory; way, Glenillia; 1272 - Nauls, - Singleton, Dionne; A0204 - L156 - Wright, Sharon; L175 - Alberta; 1300C - Smile, Noela; sell at public sale by competit- Box Springs and Chain Saw .
0721 - Mahone, Andrew; 0834 - Takiyah; 1317B - Toledo, Ryan; Hoggs, Emmanuel; A0612 - Hubert, Al; L207 - Redden, 1300T - Rener, Nickcole D ive bidding on Thursday the Purchases must be paid for at
Cheers, Vyvian M; 0914 - Per- 1328 - Sol, Shine; 1331 - As- Turner, Ebonee; A0806 - Shakiera; L218 - Dixon, Taylor; PUBLIC STORAGE # 26667, ++13th day of July, 2023 at the time of purchase at storage
kins, Cliffton; 1014 - burnell, bury, Brannon; 1355A - Clem- Thompkins, Likeyshia; A0809 - L229 - Jenkins Jr, Larry; L243 - 3375 N Druid Hills Road, Dec- 12:00 PM++ with bidding to facility by cash only. All pur-
jadrian; 1305 - Kendrick, Er- ons, Antoneashia; 1364A - Samuel, Teana; A2007 - Ross, Blasini, Aimee; M027 - atur, GA 30033, (404) 666- take place on chased items are sold as is,
netta; 1522 - Pledger, Elantra; Schaeffer, Joshua; 1368 - Sil- Marissa; A2019 - Thomas, Lawrence, Audrey; P009 - 4363 Said property is SecurCare Self where is, and must be re-
1602 - Ragan, Matt vers, Zenia; 1381A - Lawrence, Penny; A2028 - Hammond, Steel, Willie Time: 12:30 PM Storage, 3031 East Ponce De moved within 48 hours of the
PUBLIC STORAGE # 08055, Evan N; 1385A - foster , Taieysa; A2040 - Harris, Brit- PUBLIC STORAGE # 21712, Sale to be held at www.stor- Leon Avenue, Decatur, GA, sale. A refundable $100 cash
1865 Savoy Drive, Chamblee, Kamara; 1444 - Johnson, tany; A5009 - Boles, Therese; 4200 Snapfinger Woods Drive, 30030 Johnson, Jahina 1078 deposit for each unit won is re-
GA 30341, (678) 809-5444 Chayne; 2032 - Edwards Jr., B0020 - Jackson, Jeffery; Decatur, GA 30035, (404) 573- C019 - Williams, Geneva; C042 washer, dryer ,shelves ,chair quired. Sale is subject to can-
Time: 12:30 PM Carlos; 2067 - Shannon, B0023 - Coleman, Leigh; 4891 - WOODWARD, JASON; D016 ,totes ,sofa ,furniture ,tv. cellation in the event of settle-
Sale to be held at www.stor- Robyn; 2094 - CHANEY, CAR- B0035 - Collins, Cortney; Time: 11:15 AM - Johnson, Paul; D032 - James, Raheeam 1281 clean- ment between owner and oblig- OLANN; 2244 - Shaw, Joseph; B0209 - Jr., Reginald Walker; Sale to be held at www.stor- Cheely, Rickey; E017 - Gordon, ing supplies, shelves, baskets, ated party.
1183 - Willis, Anthony; 1280 - 2250 - Byfield, Lekan; 2309 - B0217 - Evans, Ericka; B0406 - Josephine; H002 - Warfield, Al- blankets, shoes. Shepherd,
thompson, dyvar; 1340 - No Burch, Paul; 2375 - Jr., Henry Hughes, Tracy; B0502 - Nol- B002 - Harris, Kennita; B008 - lison; J035 - bailey, shadece; Khaleem 2242 tv, lamps, win-
Pressure Landscaping Watson, Graham; 2390 - McGuire, Julie; bert, Warren; B0504 - Brown, Buylding, Sean; B027 - J055 - Scott, Jordan; J094 - dow frames, chairs, light fix-
Maurice; 1344 - Warren, 2420 - Spann, Courtney; 2421 - Robert; C07 - Lawrence, Shar- Shivers, Rodney; B034 - PHIL- Adams, Shane; J124 - Bailey, tures, printers, tables. James,
Steven; 2101 - Whitaker, Luth- Capers, Dejhana; 2423 - Jack- onda; C17 - TOUSSAINT, LIPS, JOHN; B037 - Presley, Shadece; J190 - Smith, Cry- Daniel 2105 bikes, boxes,
er; 2117 - Moore, Kashawn; son, Quentin; 2458 - Mason, LAUREL Leo; B038 - SMITH, JESSICA; shenda; K007 - Tucker, Zion; chair, lawnmower, dolley, doll- 340-476870 6/29,7/6
2172 - Gardener, Kalib; 2212 - Reggie; 2461 - blaser, nathan; PUBLIC STORAGE # 08393, C021 - WALSH, CHAPMAN; K010 - Griffin, Trenton; K020 - house, furniture. Greene, NOTICE OF SALE
Thomas, Jasmine; 2233 - 3032 - Walters, Ericka; 3120 - 1210 Clairmont Rd, Decatur, C027 - Hann, Deondre; C028 - Rewis, Jennifer; K037 - Harvey, Ashanti 2085 clothes, counter NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN
Gentry, Tamara S; 2291 - Johnson, Chayne; 3127 - John- GA 30030, (404) 445-7924 Cody, Silvia; C048 - Ellsworth, Kashif; K082 - Hairston, Aysha top, pots and pans, totes, shelf, that the undersigned intends to
Gomez, Pricilla; 2295 - Bailey, son, Chayne; 3286 - Thorpe, Time: 10:30 AM Kenneth; C049 - hassan, PUBLIC STORAGE # 28152, bags. Haynes, JoAnna 1093 sell the personal property de-
Wendy; 2305 - Adegbola, Kaileah; 3359 - Scott, Jordan; Sale to be held at www.stor- muhsin; C088 - Edwards, Der- 3748 Covington Hwy, Decatur, Christmas dcor, boxes, toy box, scribed below to enforce a lien
Babatunde 3360 - Sainnoval, Paige; 3458 - icka; D075 - Perkins, Greg; GA 30032, (404) 736-6783 Christmas tree. Feagin , Clar- imposed on said property un-
PUBLIC STORAGE # 27210, miller, John; 3478 - Morris, 2524 - Smith, Phillip; 3109 - D080 - Whitmore, Iman; D081 - Time: 12:45 PM ence 1183 clothes, tools, paint, der The Georgia Storage Facil-
1801 Savoy Drive, Chamblee, Micah; 3518 - Taylor, Phalan; Thomas, Jada; 3342 - PHIL- Pruitt, Princess; E004 - Sale to be held at www.stor- boxes. Lofton, Eddie 1168 ity Act. The undersigned will
GA 30341, (470) 575-0587 A019 - miller, John; A047 - LIPS, SUMMER; 3408 - Robin- Mitchell, Gerald; E012 - Dean, boxes, wood, electrical equip- sell at public sale by competit-
Time: 12:45 PM Murray, Tiffany; B020 - Balde, son, Howard; 3516 - Anderson, Dominique; E043 - Austin, 1014 - Allen, Ellissa; 1015 - ment, headboard, air condition- ive bidding on Thursday the
Sale to be held at www.stor- Oumar; B034 - Schofield, India b Rashun; E049 - crowder, Mullins, Corderius; 1017 - er, counters. Sims, Valerie ++13th day of July, 2023 at Shynae; B054 - Kaboom! LLc PUBLIC STORAGE # 20490, Tashawna; E053 - Mccray, R’IFFYS EXZOTICA smith, 1025 children items, stools, 11:00 AM++ with bidding to
2046 - Mbaya, Marcel; 2115 - Coleman, Danny; E028 - 5038 Covington Hwy, Decatur, Jalen; E122 - Hann, Deondre; Jabari; 106 - Canty, Sheika; boxes, dolley, bike. Purchases take place on
Miller, Velena; 2117A - Brooks, bautista, emmanuel; F024 - GA 30035, (404) 348-4205 F006 - Wimberly, Shannon; 1109 - Franklin, Makaila; 1136 - must be paid for at the time of Said property is SecurCare Self
David; 2125 - Purvis, Tiffany; Jones, Stacia; G019 - Williams, Time: 10:45 AM F018 - Hunt, Tony; G011 - Smith, Corie; 1137 - Bridges, purchase at storage facility by Storage, 4141 Snapfinger
2172 - Harris, Lyric; 3049 - Tierney; G037 - Dowling, Sale to be held at www.stor- Washington, Tony; G036 - Nori; 1151 - Williams, Craig; cash only. All purchased items Woods Drive, Decatur, GA,
Ates, Jeremy ; 3071 - Hughes, Blane; G058 - Fabre, Carol Jordan, Antonio; G051 - Heard, 116 - Curry, Starita; 118 - Gar- are sold as is, where is, and 30035 DeKalb County Turner,
Dashaun; 3085 - roberts, Public sale terms, rules, and A011 - Thomas, Karl; A012 - Tabitha; H026 - Washington, nett, Priscilla; 1219 - Cleveland, must be removed within 48 Quinton 00217 dolly, file cabin-
yvonne; 3133 - Bailey, Latasha; regulations will be made avail- Mason, Dominique; A025 - Kadejha; H027 - mbye, ab- Gabriel; 1525 - Ali, Cherissa; hours of the sale. A refundable et, speaker, garden tools, tiles,
3158 - Brayboy , Clay; 3164 - able prior to the sale. All sales Dorsey, Brande; A026 - doulie 1554 - Maul, Sheila; 1557 - $100 cash deposit for each unit tires, car doors, boxes, vacs
Campbell, Camille; 3195 - are subject to cancellation. We Church-Johnson, Maria; A050 - PUBLIC STORAGE # 25981, dennard, latissa; 1606 - Oginni, won is required. Sale is subject racks, boards. Roberson ,
Poverty Ends With me Greggs, reserve the right to refuse any Drummond, Treneva; A064 - 1504 Austin Dr, Decatur, GA Antonette; 1613 - Smith, Dar- to cancellation in the event of Chante 00313 bags. Codding-
Monique; 3202 - Mothershed, bid. Payment must be in cash McDowell, Veronica; A074 - 30032, (404) 602-0050 rell; 1717 - Holung, Jillian; 1809 settlement between owner and ton, Jennifer 00509 ladder, fish-
William; 4016 - Thomas, Janee; or credit card-no checks. Buy- Anderson, James; A077 - Time: 11:30 AM - Pace, Tonya; 1833 - Jerkins, obligated party. ing rod, aquarium, shop vac, tv,
4034 - Hampton, Semetra; ers must secure the units with Campbell, Ileshia; A078 - Dix, Sale to be held at www.stor- Desron; 1851 - Bassey, An- pans, dresser, boxes, saw,
4053 - Bennett, Evelyn; 4128 - their own personal locks. To Abrina; A080 - Taylor, Charle- thony; 1852 - Durden, Kyrah; 340-476869 6/29,7/6 washer, tool box, table, rugs,
Chandler, Taylor; 4129 - Mcfad- claim tax-exempt status, origin- setta; A082 - Patrick, Anthony; A022 - Shaw, Tann; A035 - 1903 - New alkemy Greene, NOTICE OF SALE paint, fan. Lemuel Woolbright
den, Kwuetta; 4150 - gayle, al RESALE certificates for each A100 - Myers, Kathlynn; A102 - Wimberly, Peggy; A223 - Saffo, Kassi Nikole; 1906 - Hughes, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 00103 boxes, curtain rod, mat-
Star; 4165 - Cooper, Monica; space purchased is required. Webb, Imani; A106 - Timothy, Shulett; B009 - Butler, Sabrina; Antonio; 1916 - Kirks, David; that the undersigned intends to tress, clothes, towels, totes,
4167 - Chen, Christen; 5025 - By PS Retail Sales, LLC, 701 Timaiya; A128 - Mitchell-Bit- B032 - Morrison, Wilnitka; B034 1917 - Miley, Josh Daniel; 1937 sell the personal property de- grill, xmas tree, guitar, chair,
ruff, Bernard; 5043 - Baarnett, Western Avenue, Glendale, CA joka, Brenda; B004 - Billings, - Bradford, James; B036 - - Williams, Chantella; 2005 - scribed below to enforce a lien bed frame, rugs. Jones, Tracey
Toodd; 5049 - Rivers, Cookie; 91201. (818) 244-8080. Jazsmine; B024 - Barnes, Bates, Destiny; B090 - Stroud, Williams, Katrina; 2015 - Troy, imposed on said property un- 00P01 black international flat
5086 - Lucas, Jalil; 5089 - 340-476867 6/29,7/6 Octavious; B030 - Dorris, Natasha; B093 - Evans, Lav- Ikeeshya; 2020 - dennard, la- der The Georgia Storage Facil- bed tow truck. Boatwright,
Mothershed, William; 5109 - NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Tiffany; C002 - Watson, James; ern; C002 - Evans, Lavern; tissa; 203 - McLean, Theresa; ity Act. The undersigned will Jazmine 00519 2 bags, tv. Pur-
GRAHAM, BRIDGETT; 5116 - To satisfy the owner's storage C024 - Arrey-Mbi, Alivia; C044 - C022 - Howard, Tiffany; C036 - 2043 - thompson, Stephanie; sell at public sale by competit- chases must be paid for at the
Lovely, Chantel lien, PS Retail Sales, LLC will Haynes, Renata; D001 - pittman, keyetta; C055 - Allen, 2102 - Robinson, Ariel; 2109 - ive bidding on Thursday the time of purchase at storage fa-
sell at public lien sale on ++Ju- Kendrick, Charlene; D005 - Wil- Jermaine; C058 - Smith, Phillips, Tracie; 2119 - Bailey, ++13th day of July, 2023 at cility by cash only. All pur-
Public sale terms, rules, and ly 26, 2023++, the personal liams, Kia; D028 - Curry, Joseph; C059 - Gaillard, Car- LaQuan; 329 - Bradley, Wes- 11:00 AM++ with bidding to chased items are sold as is,
regulations will be made avail- property in the below-listed George; D060 - Duffie, Van; men; C076 - Chambers, Oneil; ley J; 330 - Childs, Patrick; 413 take place on where is, and must be re-
able prior to the sale. All sales units, which may include but D072 - maxwell, Hassan; D077 D023 - Justice, Cornelius; D025 - Townsel, Arianna; 519 - Said property is SecurCare Self moved within 48 hours of the
are subject to cancellation. We are not limited to: household - Crews, Myracle; D079 - Kel- - Btay, Jacqueline; D050 - Muldrow, Tyrone; 833 - Taylor, Storage, 1520 Austin Drive, sale. A refundable $100 cash
reserve the right to refuse any and personal items, office and ley, Deon; F019 - Foote, Valen- Walton, Juwan; D55B - Brittian, Eric; 912 - Tyler, Marvin Decatur, GA, 30032 Loyal, deposit for each unit won is re-
bid. Payment must be in cash other equipment. The public cia; G005 - Watford, Brandi; Mosses; D705 - Williams, Charles A030 Sofa and love quired. Sale is subject to can-
or credit card-no checks. Buy- sale of these items will begin at G009 - Hood, Kimberly Tequilla; E008 - Paul, Shea; Public sale terms, rules, and seat , Cooler , Commercial cellation in the event of settle-
ers must secure the units with 09:30 AM and continue until all Douglas; G021 - Jennings, E034 - peoples, Makayla; E037 regulations will be made avail- Canopy , Rolling Metal Cart , ment between owner and oblig-
their own personal locks. To units are sold. Lien sale to be Krystale; G026 - Lowe, - king, Robert; E084 - Cham- able prior to the sale. All sales Gas Container , Boxes . ated party.
claim tax-exempt status, origin- held at the online auction web- Tonyele; H001 - Molinaro, Nat- berlin, Frank are subject to cancellation. We Thomas, Germaine A045 Totes
al RESALE certificates for each site, ale; H016 - fields, Kamisha; PUBLIC STORAGE # 23207, reserve the right to refuse any Boxes , Mattress Box Springs ,
space purchased is required., H056 - parrish, Jarvis; H070 - 4343 Covington Hwy, Decatur, bid. Payment must be in cash Shelves , Kids Toys , Clothes.
By PS Retail Sales, LLC, 701 where indicated. For online li- Brotherson, Felicia; H079 - GA 30035, (404) 596-5473 or credit card-no checks. Buy- Branden Harris A052 Couch , 340-476871 6/29,7/6
Western Avenue, Glendale, CA en sales, bids will be accepted Samuels, Tyrhonda; I008 - Time: 12:00 PM ers must secure the units with AC Window Unit , Totes Boxes NOTICE OF SALE
91201. (818) 244-8080. until 2 hours after the time of Peacock, Julius; J008 - Sale to be held at www.stor- their own personal locks. To , Shelfs , Mattress Box Springs NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN
the sale specified. Hamilton, Tameaka claim tax-exempt status, origin- , Hoover Board , Flat Screen that the undersigned intends to
340-476866 6/29,7/6 PUBLIC STORAGE # 20601, A035 - Calvin, Algernon; A044 - al RESALE certificates for each Television , Lamps , Humidifier sell the personal property de-
NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE PUBLIC STORAGE # 08050, 3687 Flat Shoals Road, Dec- perkins, Renita; A049 - Bratts, space purchased is required. . Thomas, Veronique B139 scribed below to enforce a lien
To satisfy the owner's storage 840 Hambrick Road, Stone atur, GA 30034, (404) 573- Chionie; A066 - Davis, Eric; By PS Retail Sales, LLC, 701 Mimi Refrigerator , Sewing Ma- imposed on said property un-
lien, PS Retail Sales, LLC will Mountain, GA 30083, (404) 4859 A087 - Batson, Ricky; A099 - Western Avenue, Glendale, CA chine , Luggage , Totes Bags , der The Georgia Storage Facil-
sell at public lien sale on ++Ju- 445-0091 Time: 11:00 AM Christopher, Symrah; A104 - 91201. (818) 244-8080. Dumbbells , Printer . Crosby, ity Act. The undersigned will
ly 19, 2023++, the personal Time: 10:00 AM Sale to be held at www.stor- Brown, Tyrone; A105 - Wright, Camille B229 Wicker Chairs , sell at public sale by competit-
property in the below-listed Sale to be held at www.stor- Travis; A117 - Jordan, Latrevi- Hand Trucks , BBQ Grill , Cool- ive bidding on Thursday the
units, which may include but B003 - Mckee, Pamela; B004 - us; A122 - Bolton, Jeffrey; er , Vacuum , Totes Boxes , ++13th day of July, 2023 at
are not limited to: household 0108 - DeVaughn, LaSchanda; Foster, Tyree; B020 - Wood- A155 - Baty, Mariea; B218 - Furniture . Tarver, Eddie C280 11:00 AM++ with bidding to
and personal items, office and 0223 - Maduro, Cindy; 0235 - son, Sade; C030 - roebuck, James, Cassandra; B238 - Clothes , Shoes , Luggage , take place on
other equipment. The public Fontes, Ymani; 0247 - gunning, Kiera; C059 - Jones, Teresa; Walker, Stephanie; B271 - and Cookware . Gwinn, Martha Said property is iStorage, 4775
sale of these items will begin at Nichole; 0303 - Canty, Nata- D054 - Blackwood, Rechelle; Goodluck, Ordu; B292 - sharp, C289 Mattress Box Springs , Peachtree Rd, Chamblee, GA,
10:00 AM and continue until all sha; 0308 - butler, Cashet; E013 - Payne, Michael; E017 - shamir; B316 - Edwards, Tan- Totes Box , End Table , and 30341-3111 Christian, Prin-
units are sold. Lien sale to be 0333 - Sherman, Tyteanna; Fluellen, Shantavia; F010 - Spi- ya; B324 - grant, Luchon; B347 Bed Rails . Rivers, Katherine cess 4701 Boxes, totes, Bags,
held at the online auction web- 0536 - Jordon, Shana; 0541 - ers, Pauliseeya; F015 - Smith, - Lester, Kerika; C425 - mack, C295 Kids Bike , Microwave , Fan. Spencer, Fatima 4327
site, Think V rumph, Videll; 0653 - Kim; G006 - Miller II, Reginald; curtis; E623 - Perry, Natasha; Lamps , Toaster Oven , Kids Furniture, Mirrors, Couch., Christopher, Leslee; 0708 - G019 - Hopkins, Kevin; H009 - E636 - Reid, Cyval; F711 - Toys , Bags , Totes . Battle, Mathis, Russell 5336 Boxes,
where indicated. For online li- bido, Ivaneliz; 0726 - Nelson, Byrd, LarTissya; H014 - Payne, Smith, Cassandra Samuel C299 Washer Dryer , Clothes. Price, Donald 4424
en sales, bids will be accepted Felicia; 0756 - Washington, Michael; H018 - Whitehead, Mi- PUBLIC STORAGE # 28136, Dollie , Furniture , Tools , Sew- Boxes, Clothes, Bike. Baker,
until 2 hours after the time of Jamilya; 0757 - King, Jessica; chael; J008 - Clark, Whintey; 2940 North Decatur Road, Dec- ing Machine , Jump Box , Flat Rhoshawnda 5608 Totes,
the sale specified. 0805 - Richardson, Ana; 0816 - J048 - Johnson, Teairis; J056 - atur, GA 30033, (404) 618- Screen Television , Bags , Mat- Boxes, Furniture, Couch. Pur-
Sewell, Latasha; 0918 - Ba- Hernandez, Channon; J058 - 0009 tress Box Springs . Jester, chases must be paid for at the
PUBLIC STORAGE # 28135, haga, mahamadou; 0925 - Perry, Ralph; J062 - Garrett, Time: 12:15 PM Jacinta C312 Display Case , time of purchase at storage fa-
2080 Briarcliff Road NE, At- Proby, Joseph; 0930 - King, Jemeil; J066 - Bryant, Sale to be held at www.stor- Granite Table , Bags , Kids cility by cash only. All pur-
lanta, GA 30329, (404) 793- Nia; 514D - Taylor, Tamica Ternando; J078 - Sanders, Toys , Boxes Totes , Clock . chased items are sold as is,
0836 PUBLIC STORAGE # 25592, Quevin; K032 - Hambrick, La- 0358 - Battle, Kiara; 0436 - Hall, Wanda C380 Boxes Totes where is, and must be re-
Time: 12:15 PM 5260 Minola Drive, Lithonia, favia; K036 - Lambert-Presid- Best, Comer; 0442 - Harris, , Aquarium , Kids Tricycle , Ta- moved within 48 hours of the
Furniture, Mirrors, Couch. Acctng rcrds/Sales Sampls, gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip; Set, Deep Freshers, Bedroom Furn/Mach/Equip; A2214 Ter-
Mathis, Russell 5336 Boxes, Merchandise; 3003 Serena 1195 Terry Florence: Hsld Sets, T.V's, Mattresses, Wash- bea Gaston: Hsld gds/Furn,
Clothes. Price, Donald 4424 Turner: Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Ste- gds/Furn; 1213 Roderick Lee: er& Dryer Boxes, Bags,; 347 TV/Stereo Equip; A2330
Boxes, Clothes, Bike. Baker, reo Equip; 3011 Keanna Hosk- Hsld gds/Furn; 1244 corey Kenyatta Y Stevenson: Hsld Jordan Manuel: Hsld gds/Furn,
Rhoshawnda 5608 Totes, ings: Hsld gds/Furn; 3046 Newkirk: gds/Furn, ; 367 Tennethia TV/Stereo Equip; A2335
Boxes, Furniture, Couch. Pur- Keanna Hoskings: Hsld Tools/Applnces; 1254 beatrix Lester: Hsld gds/Furn; 442 Kar- DEAN7 Johnson: Hsld
Page 34
chases must be paid for at the
time of purchase at storage fa- Tools/Applnces, Off
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023 
gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip, norris: Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Ste-
reo Equip, Tools/Applnces, Off
en Williams: Hsld gds/Furn, 3 gds/Furn, Tools/Applnces, Off
Furn/Mach/Equip; B108
mattress, head board, dresser,
cility by cash only. All pur- Furn/Mach/Equip, Clothing and Furn/Mach/Equip; 1385 Ber- 340-476879 6/29,7/6 340-476881 6/29,7/6 boxes; 599 Joretta Powell: Hsld Trakeiyia Bell: Hsld gds/Furn,
chased items are sold as is, jewelry; 3148 Shandrise nadine Jones: Public Sale Public Sale gds/Furn; 685 Karen Able: Hsld TV/Stereo Equip, Tools/Ap-
where is, and must be re- McNelly: Hsld gds/Furn, Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Stereo In accordance with the provi- In accordance with the provi- gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip; 694 plnces, Off Furn/Mach/Equip;
moved within 48 hours of the Tools/Applnces; 3240 Naquana Equip; 1422 Tatiana Renfrow: sions of State law, there being sions of State law, there being James Walker: Hsld gds/Furn, B143 Deletha Adams: Hsld
sale. A refundable $100 cash James: Hsld gds/Furn, Boxes; Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Stereo due and unpaid charges for due and unpaid charges for Tools/Applnces, Deep Freezer, gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip,
deposit for each unit won is re- 4004 Sophia Harris: Hsld Equip; 1507 Katrice Simmons: which the undersigned is en- which the undersigned is en- Totes, File Cabinet; 707 Mi- Tools/Applnces, Off
quired. Sale is subject to can- gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip; Hsld gds/Furn; titled to satisfy an owner and/or titled to satisfy an owner and/or chael Brannon: Hsld gds/Furn, Furn/Mach/Equip; C109 shan-
cellation in the event of settle- 4056 Victoria Garcia: Hsld 1510 Myya Green: Hsld manager's lien of the goods manager's lien of the goods 2 bed sets, Washer , Dryer; non howard: Hsld gds/Furn;
ment between owner and oblig- gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip, gds/Furn; 1712 Kiyara John- hereinafter described and hereinafter described and 761 Louise Christopher: Hsld C120 Cellini Parker: Hsld
ated party. Tools/Applnces; 4214 Da- son: Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Stereo stored at the Life Storage loca- stored at the Life Storage loca- gds/Furn, Chairs, Lamp, Cool- gds/Furn, Lndscpng/Cnstrctn
340-476872 6/29,7/6 monte Kelly: Hsld gds/Furn, Equip, Tools/Applnces; 1715 tion(s) listed below. #7212, 650 tion(s) listed below. er, Stroller, Speaker, Vacuum, Equip, Vehicle; D106 Shaveon
STORAGE TREASURES TV/Stereo Equip; 4221 Ora Melissa Martin: Hsld Dekalb Industrial Way, Decatur, #1110, 1491 N Hairston Rd, Painting, Boxes, Totes; 771 Richardson: Hsld gds/Furn,
AUCTION Wade: Hsld gds/Furn; 4241 Ed- gds/Furn; 1784 Devon Davis: GA 30033. (404) 666-4577 Stone Mountain, GA 30083. April Watkins: Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip, Off
Extra Space Storage will hold a win L Vega: Hsld gds/Furn, Tools/Applnces; 1845 Lamont (470) 938-6597 Tools/Applnces; 789 Latoya Furn/Mach/Equip; E107 Nancy
public auction to sell personal TV/Stereo Equip, Tools/Ap- Credle: Hsld gds/Furn; 1864 1032 Ashley Gaskin: Hsld Rabsatt: Hsld gds/Furn, Bryant: Hsld gds/Furn.
property described below be- plnces; 4260 Robert Matthews: Djuna Nicolett Carr: Hsld gds/Furn; 1069 Charlize Gar- 1009 Leonard Forest: Hsld TV/Stereo Equip, ; 819 Bruce
longing to those individuals lis- TV/Stereo Equip. gds/Furn, rett: Hsld gds/Furn; 1080 Ant- gds/Furn; 1013 Lantz Washing- J o h n s o n : H s l d g d s / F u r n, And, due notice having been
ted below at the location indic- And, due notice having been TV/Stereo Equip, Tools/Ap- wyone Surrett: Hsld gds/Furn; ton: Hsld gds/Furn; 2019 Swan Tools/Applnces; 820 Ashley given, to the owner of said
ated: given, to the owner of said plnces, Off Furn/Mach/Equip; 2025 chaz J hunter: Hsld Robinson: Hsld gds/Furn; 2064 Young: Hsld gds/Furn, Mat- property and all parties known
2661 Briarcliff Rd NE, Atlanta, property and all parties known 1907H Jevon Nurse: Hsld gds/Furn; 2248 James Butler: Lakisha tress, Boxspring, Boxes; 829 to claim and interest therein,
GA 30329 ++July 20, 2023, @ to claim and interest therein, gds/Furn; 1951 Yolanda J In- Hsld gds/Furn; 2251 Deletha Mosley: Hsld gds/Furn; 2081 Lawrence Farihna: Hsld and the time specified in such
12:00 PM++ and the time specified in such gram: Hsld gds/Furn; Adams: Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Ste- Corie James: Hsld gds/Furn; gds/Furn, storage bins; 952 notice for payment of such hav-
notice for payment of such hav- 2021 Christopher Young: Hsld reo Equip, Tools/Applnces, Off 3009 Chazmine Lindsey: Hsld Kimberly Reid: Hsld gds/Furn, ing expired, the goods will be
Jeff Miller ing expired, the goods will be gds/Furn; 2036 chareka jones: Furn/Mach/Equip, Acctng gds/Furn; 3062 Kelly Wynn: TV/Stereo Equip, Off sold to the highest bidder or
123 sold to the highest bidder or Hsld gds/Furn; 2050 Tchaka rcrds/Sales Sampls; 3191 Ros- Hsld gds/Furn; Furn/Mach/Equip. otherwise disposed of at a pub-
Household and furniture otherwise disposed of at a pub- Gaines: Hsld gds/Furn. anna Walker: Hsld gds/Furn, 4004 Gaylynn Watts: Hsld lic auction to be held online at
Claudia Hanmonds lic auction to be held online at TV/Stereo Equip; 3205 LaToya gds/Furn; 4007 Reggia Lee: And, due notice having been,
2054, And, due notice having been Phillips: Hsld gds/Furn; 3207 Hsld gds/Furn; 6027 Dave An- given, to the owner of said which will end on ++Tuesday,
Boxes, Bins, Toys which will end on ++Tuesday, given, to the owner of said Jaiyla Wheeler: Hsld gds/Furn; derson: Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Ste- property and all parties known July 25, 2023 at 10 AM.++
Zhareisha Samuel July 25, 2023 at 10 AM.++ property and all parties known 3228 Keith Todd: Desk and reo Equip, to claim and interest therein,
2072 to claim and interest therein, boxes. Tools/Applnces, Acctng and the time specified in such 340-476884 6/29,7/6
TVS, electronics, furniture, etc 340-476875 6/29,7/6 and the time specified in such rcrds/Sales Sampls; 6029 notice for payment of such hav- Public Sale
Nicole Lloyd Public Sale notice for payment of such hav- And, due notice having been Timothy Whittaker: Hsld ing expired, the goods will be In accordance with the provi-
2396 In accordance with the provi- ing expired, the goods will be given, to the owner of said gds/Furn; 6048 Darius Chives: sold to the highest bidder or sions of State law, there being
Couch, Love Seat, Boxes, Bed sions of State law, there being sold to the highest bidder or property and all parties known Hsld gds/Furn; 8005 otherwise disposed of at a pub- due and unpaid charges for
Room, TV, Stand due and unpaid charges for otherwise disposed of at a pub- to claim and interest therein, Therron Dumas: Hsld gds/Furn; lic auction to be held online at which the undersigned is en-
which the undersigned is en- lic auction to be held online at and the time specified in such 8045 June Austin: Hsld, titled to satisfy an owner and/or
The auction will be listed and titled to satisfy an owner and/or, notice for payment of such hav- gds/Furn; 8060 Renesha Ur- which will end on ++Tuesday, manager's lien of the goods
advertised on www.stor- manager's lien of the goods which will end on ++Tuesday, ing expired, the goods will be gent: Hsld gds/Furn; 8066 July 25, 2023 at 10 AM.++ hereinafter described and Purchases hereinafter described and July 25, 2023 at 10 AM.++ sold to the highest bidder or Pierre Louis Paulette: stored at the Life Storage loca-
must be made with cash only stored at the Life Storage loca- otherwise disposed of at a pub- Hsld gds/Furn; 8189 Helen 340-476883 6/29,7/6 tion(s) listed
and paid at the above refer- tion(s) listed below. lic auction to be held online at Moore: Hsld gds/Furn; 9103 Public Sale below.
enced facility in order to com- #0633, 5208 Peachtree Blvd, 340-476878 6/29,7/6, Demirus George: Hsld In accordance with the provi- #0151, 4427 Tilly Mill Road,
plete the transaction. Extra Chamblee, GA 30341. (470) Public Sale which will end on ++Tuesday, gds/Furn; 11018 Trenton Per- sions of State law, there being Doraville, GA 30360. (770) 455-
Space Storage may refuse any 282-6818 In accordance with the provi- July 25, 2023 at 10 AM.++ kins: Hsld gds/Furn; due and unpaid charges for 3104
bid and may rescind any pur- sions of State law, there being 11036 Kim Wright: Hsld which the undersigned is en- 1104 Anita Thomas: Hsld
chase up until the winning bid- Alonzo Maxwell-Traylor: Hsld due and unpaid charges for 340-476880 6/29,7/6 gds/Furn. titled to satisfy an owner and/or gds/Furn; 2025 Darlene Os-
der takes possession of the gds/Furn; 1069 Joe Smart: which the undersigned is en- Public Sale manager's lien of the goods borne: Hsld gds/Furn; 2209
personal property Tools/Applnces, Off titled to satisfy an owner and/or In accordance with the provi- And, due notice having been hereinafter described and Marvin Arias: Tools/Applnces;
Furn/Mach/Equip; 1104 Alex manager's lien of the goods sions of State law, there being given, to the owner of said stored at the Life Storage loca- 4044 Yolonda
340-476873 6/29,7/6 Hansen: Hsld gds/Furn; 2065 due and unpaid charges for property and all parties known tion(s) listed below. #8241, Houston: Hsld gds/Furn, Off
Public Sale hereinafter described and
Lamyia Cooper: Hsld gds/Furn; stored at the Life Storage loca- which the undersigned is en- to claim and interest therein, 6434 Covington Hwy, Lithonia, Furn/Mach/Equip; 4060 Marla
Extra Space Storage will hold a 2078 Gregory Jacobs: Off titled to satisfy an owner and/or and the time specified in such GA 30058. (770) 462-8261 Marcia: Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Ste-
public auction to sell personal tion(s) listed below.#1103,
Furn/Mach/Equip; 3087 Darrell 5951 Covington Hwy, Decatur, manager's lien of the goods notice for payment of such hav- reo Equip; 9025 Violet McKen-
property described below be- Jackson: Hsld gds/Furn, Off hereinafter described and ing expired, the goods will be A1019 Roy Robinson: Hsld zie: Hsld
longing to those individuals lis- GA 30035. (470) 220-1982
Furn/Mach/Equip, Acctng stored at the Life Storage loca- sold to the highest bidder or gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip, gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip,
ted below at the location indic- rcrds/Sales Sampls; 4045 tion(s) listed below.#0378, otherwise disposed of at a pub- Tools/Applnces, Off Tools/Applnces, Off
ated: 3693 Clairmont Rd, B213 Jamar Williamson: Hsld
Shaniah Velasquez: Hsld gds/Furn; C306 Raenique Jack: 2910 N Decatur Rd, Decatur, lic auction to be held online at- Furn/Mach/Equip, Acctng Furn/Mach/Equip.
Chamblee, GA 30341, gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip; GA 30033. (404) 292-0666, rcrds/Sales Sampls; A1024 al- And, due notice having been
++07/20/2023 at 10:50 am++ Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Stereo
5159 Marquietra Prather: Hsld Equip; D427 Shawn Williams: which will end on ++Tuesday, lan gordon: Hsld gds/Furn; given, to the owner of said
gds/Furn. trailer and detailing equipment.; 2F02 Maizah McCann: Hsld July 25, 2023 at 10 AM.++ A1046 darlene henson: Hsld property and all parties known
4029 Cymone Regine House- gds/Furn; 4A13 Mary Walker: 340-476882 6/29,7/6 gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip; to claim and interest therein,
hold items E508 kenyatta chatfield:
And, due notice having been TV/Stereo Equip, Clothes; Hsld gds/Furn; 4B04 Tracy Public Sale A1051 Steven James: Hsld and
given, to the owner of said E568 Ka-Aron Powell: Hsld Bishop: Hsld gds/Furn; 4B08 In accordance with the provi- gds/Furn; A1092 Takiya Bar- the time specified in such no-
The auction will be listed and property and all parties known Sequana Blondell: Hsld sions of State law, there being rant: Hsld gds/Furn; A1105 Tyr- tice for payment of such hav-
advertised on www.stor- gds/Furn, Tools/Applnces;
to claim and interest therein, E569 Ladunte' Stephens: gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip, due and unpaid charges for honda Samuels: Hsld gds/Furn, ing expired, the goods will be Purchases and the time specified in such Tools/Applnces; 4E18 Ronzell which the undersigned is en- TV/Stereo Equip, Tools/Ap- sold to the highest bidder or
must be made with cash only clothes; E570 Stanford Shirley:
notice for payment of such hav- Hsld gds/Furn; E592 De- Jones: Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Ste- titled to satisfy an owner and/or plnces, Off Furn/Mach/Equip; otherwise disposed of at a pub-
and paid at the above refer- ing expired, the goods will be reo Equip; 5D07 Evelyn Wat- manager's lien of the goods A1113 Natasha Perry: Hsld lic auction to be held online at
enced facility in order to com- montay Cofer: Hsld gds/Furn,
sold to the highest bidder or TV/Stereo Equip, Tools/Ap- son: Hsld gds/Furn. hereinafter described and gds/Furn; A1119 Kimberly,
plete the transaction. Extra otherwise disposed of at a pub- stored at the Life Storage loca- Leake: Acctng rcrds/Sales which will end on ++Tuesday,
Space Storage may refuse any plnces; E595 Hazel Jay: kids
lic auction to be held online at toys, kids kart, boxes; G727 And, due notice having been tion(s) listed below. #1105, Sampls; A1124 Steven John- July 25, 2023 at 10 AM++.
bid and may rescind any pur-, given, to the owner of said 6231 Hillandale Dr, Lithonia, son: Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Stereo 340-476885 6/29,7/6
chase up until the winning bid- Natasha Scott: Hsld gds/Furn,
which will end on ++Tuesday, Acctng rcrds/Sales Sampls; property and all parties known GA 30058. (678) 782-8150 Equip; A1147 Renee Bonds: Public Sale
der takes possession of the July 25, 2023 at 10 AM.++ to claim and interest therein, Hsld gds/Furn, Off In accordance with the provi-
personal property. H828 Charles Brooks: Hsld
gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip, and the time specified in such 104 Jah-keima Bute: Hsld Furn/Mach/Equip; A1233 Jen- sions of State law, there being
340-476874 6/29,7/6 340-476876 6/29,7/6 Tools/Applnces, Vehicle, notice for payment of such hav- gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip, nifer Simmons: Hsld gds/Furn; due and unpaid charges for
Public Sale Public Sale boxes; H842 Raenique Jack- ing expired, the goods will be Totes, Clothes, 2 T.V; 126 Ron- A1249 Juana Randolph: Hsld which the undersigned is en-
In accordance with the provi- In accordance with the provi- son: Hsld gds/Furn, Sporting sold to the highest bidder or nie Frasier: Hsld gds/Furn, gds/Furn; A1342 Karin McNair: titled to satisfy an owner and/or
sions of State law, there being sions of State law, there being goods; I908 Jessie Turner: otherwise disposed of at a pub- Desk, Sofas, Totes, Suit Hsld gds/Furn; A1531 Kimani manager's lien of the goods
due and unpaid charges for due and unpaid charges for bins, clothing; J108 Tre'Rashad lic auction to be held online at Cases, Mattress, Boxes filled Wesley: Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Ste- hereinafter described and
which the undersigned is en- which the undersigned is en- Mays: boxes; J122 Kim Davis:, with insulin med; 204 LaChar- reo Equip, Tools/Applnces; stored at the Life Storage loca-
titled to satisfy an owner and/or titled to satisfy an owner and/or Hsld gds/Furn; J123 Jared Fee: which will end on ++Tuesday, sia Durden: Hsld gds/Furn, A2075 Anitra Rogers: Hsld tion(s) listed below.
manager's lien of the goods manager's lien of the goods Hsld gds/Furn; J165 Sir Strozi- July 25, 2023 at 10 AM.++ Comforters, Purses, Clothing, gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip, #1055, 1274 Crown Pointe
hereinafter described and hereinafter described and er: Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Mattress, Headboard, Lamp, Tools/Applnces; A2102 Kaira Parkway, Dunwoody, GA
stored at the Life Storage loca- stored at the Life Storage loca- Equip, Tools/Applnces; K1136 Mini refrigerator, Kids bike, Wall Passmore: Hsld gds/Furn; 30338. (770) 399-5877
tion(s) listed below. tion(s) listed below. Brandon Davenport: Hsld Art; 217 Alleah Lloyd: Hsld A2145 Stacie Mock: Hsld
#0411, 1890 Briarwood Rd NE, #0913, 4561 Covington Hwy, gds/Furn; K1155 Christopher gds/Furn; 250 JoElle Johnson: gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip, Off 1024 Devin Whatley: Hsld gds/
Atlanta, GA 30329. Decatur, GA 30035. (678) 705- Collymore: Hsld gds/Furn. Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Furn/Mach/Equip; A2147 Furn; 2032 Quantaine Malone:
(404) 425-5010 1700 Equip, Off Furn/Mach/Equip, Sheena Looney: Hsld gds/Furn; Hsld gds/ Furn, TV/ Stereo
And, due notice having been Personal items, pictures etc.; A2166 Aja charyese Smith: Equip, Off Furn /Mach /Equip,
5 Anthony J Watson: Hsld 1116 Jabari Harris: Hsld given, to the owner of said 307 Camrie Dowdell: Hsld Hsld gds/Furn; A2178 KAJava Acctng rcrds /Sales Sampls;
gds/Furn; 1055 Acosta Sales gds/Furn; 1155 Maurice property and all parties known gds/Furn; 314 Kameka Spring- Griggs: Hsld gds/Furn; A2205 2090 Atlanta Society of Radi-
and Marketing: Hsld gds/Furn, We a k l e y : Hs l d g d s / Fu rn , to claim and interest therein, field: Hsld gds/Furn; 327 Ad- Chardae Sledge: Hsld ologic Technolog: Off Furn/
Business Inventory; 1185 Carla TV/Stereo Equip, Boxes; 1170 and the time specified in such rienne Jones: Hsld gds/Furn, gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip, Mach/ Equip; 3018 Pierre
L Reynolds: Hsld gds/Furn, Quiara Encarnacion: Hsld notice for payment of such hav- Tools/Applnces, Livingroom Tools/Applnces, Off McKoy: Hsld gds/ Furn; 3047
Acctng rcrds/Sales Sampls, gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip; ing expired, the goods will be Set, Deep Freshers, Bedroom Furn/Mach/Equip; A2214 Ter- Andrea Days: Hsld gds/ Furn,
Merchandise; 3003 Serena 1195 Terry Florence: Hsld sold to the highest bidder or Sets, T.V's, Mattresses, Wash- bea Gaston: Hsld gds/Furn, Mattress, box spring, suitcase,
Turner: Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Ste- gds/Furn; 1213 Roderick Lee: otherwise disposed of at a pub- er& Dryer Boxes, Bags,; 347 TV/Stereo Equip; A2330 table, chairs, fan, toys, totes,
reo Equip; 3011 Keanna Hosk- Hsld gds/Furn; 1244 corey lic auction to be held online at Kenyatta Y Stevenson: Hsld Jordan Manuel: Hsld gds/Furn, boxes; 3102 Elizabeth Fransi-
ings: Hsld gds/Furn; 3046 Newkirk:, gds/Furn, ; 367 Tennethia TV/Stereo Equip; A2335 oli: Hsld gds /Furn, TV/Stereo
Keanna Hoskings: Hsld Tools/Applnces; 1254 beatrix which will end on ++Tuesday, Lester: Hsld gds/Furn; 442 Kar- DEAN7 Johnson: Hsld Equip, Mattress, Box Spring, In-
gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip, norris: Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Ste- July 25, 2023 at 10 AM.++ en Williams: Hsld gds/Furn, 3 gds/Furn, Tools/Applnces, Off strument, table, chair, star
Tools/Applnces, Off reo Equip, Tools/Applnces, Off mattress, head board, dresser, Furn/Mach/Equip; B108 wars boxes, ironing board ,dol-
Furn/Mach/Equip, Clothing and Furn/Mach/Equip; 1385 Ber- boxes; 599 Joretta Powell: Hsld Trakeiyia Bell: Hsld gds/Furn, lies, suitcase, totes, bags; 3135
jewelry; 3148 Shandrise nadine Jones: gds/Furn; 685 Karen Able: Hsld TV/Stereo Equip, Tools/Ap- Siko Travel & Tour LLC: Hsld
McNelly: Hsld gds/Furn, Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Stereo gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip; 694 plnces, Off Furn/Mach/Equip; gds/Furn, Off Furn/ Mach
Tools/Applnces; 3240 Naquana Equip; 1422 Tatiana Renfrow: James Walker: Hsld gds/Furn, B143 Deletha Adams: Hsld /Equip; 3168 Suzzette-Ann
Andrea Days: Hsld gds/ Furn, Tools/Applnces, Boxes; 2153
Nancy Pritchett: Hsld gds/Furn; $TBD interest, $TBD attorney's
Mattress, box spring, suitcase,
table, chairs, fan, toys, totes, 2183 Darry Israel: Hsld fees.
boxes; 3102 Elizabeth Fransi- gds/Furn; 2193 Clas Johnson: You are required to file with
oli: Hsld gds /Furn, TV/Stereo Hsld gds/Furn; B108 Alexis the Clerk of the State Court,
Equip, Mattress, Box Spring, In- Newton: Hsld gds/Furn; B123 and to serve upon plaintiff's at-

strument, table, chair, star The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023Page 35
Jestacia Jones: Hsld gds/Furn; torney, Michael C. Kaplan an
wars boxes, ironing board ,dol- D103 Carlos Lawrence: Hsld Answer in writing within sixty
lies, suitcase, totes, bags; 3135 gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip; 340-476946 6/29,7/6 (60) days of the date of the Or- 350-476357 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 350-476368 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 350-476370 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29
Siko Travel & Tour LLC: Hsld E148 Nicole Jackson: Clothes; Public Sale der for Publication. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE OF SERVICE BY
gds/Furn, Off Furn/ Mach F117 Tifani Nicole Sistrunk: In accordance with the provi- Witness the Honorable Ana OF DEKALB COUNTY OF DEKALB COUNTY STATE PUBLICATION
/Equip; 3168 Suzzette-Ann Hsld gds/Furn; G106 Tiffany sions of State law, there being Maria Martinez, Judge of this STATE OF GEORGIA OF GEORGIA Suleiman, LLC
Simmons: Hsld gds /Furn; 4022 Buford: Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Ste- due and unpaid charges for State Court. BC35, LLC SOUTHERN STATE INVEST- v.
Quoya Kyzer: Hsld gds/ Furn; reo Equip; G117 Ernest which the undersigned is en- This the 14th day of March, Plaintiff, MENTS, LLC, Cordell Pierce, Unknown Heirs
4034 Christopher Ward: Hsld Thompkins: Hsld gds/Furn, titled to satisfy an owner and/or 2023 v. Plaintiff, of Cordell Pierce, Zetta Pierce,
gds /Furn, Off Furn /Mach TV/Stereo Equip, Tools/Ap- manager's lien of the goods Kimberly Brock, Interim Clerk MUKESH C. PATEL, V. and Alexis Pierce Moore
/Equip, Leather work chair, plnces, Off Furn/Mach/Equip. hereinafter described and NOLITAN GROUP, LLC, JEANETTE ROBINSON; CIVIL ACTION FILE NO .
State Court of DeKalb County
tables, heater, performance stored at the Life Storage loca- RISHI PATEL, LARRY ROBINSON; ++23CV1111++
By: Kelly Johnson
pad box, fan, dolly, pots, and And, due notice having been tion(s) listed below. THE ESTATE OF TIMOTHY HILL; SUPERIOR COURT OF
given, to the owner of said #0690, 2595 Candler Rd, Dec- Deputy Clerk HASMITA PATEL and LASHEILA DANIEL; and DEKALB COUNTY
totes with unforeseen items.;
4048 Naquan Wright: Hsld gds/ property and all parties known atur, GA 30032. (404) 212- For: State Court AYESHA PATEL KATRINA DENNIS CHANEY, TO: CORDELL PIERCE; UN-
Furn. to claim and interest therein, 1125 of DeKalb County Defendants. Defendants. KNOWN HEIRS OF CORDELL
and the time specified in such DeKalb County Courthouse CIVIL ACTION NO. To: LaSheila Daniel, Defendant PIERCE; ALEXIS PIERCE
And, due notice having been notice for payment of such hav- 123 Antonio Henderson: Hsld 556 N. McDonough Street ++21CV3779++ Address Unknown MOORE; AND ALL OTHER
given, to the owner of said ing expired, the goods will be gds/Furn, Tools/Applnces; 412 Decatur, Georgia 30030 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Civil Action No. PERSONS UNKNOWN WHO
property and all parties known sold to the highest bidder or Sonya Jackson: Hsld gds/Furn; 350-475647 5/18,5/25,6/1,6/8 TO: ++22CV10317++ MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST IN
to claim and interest therein, otherwise disposed of at a pub- 420 Antez Lucas: Hsld ,6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 Ayesha Patel NOTICE OF PUBLICATION THE PROPERTY ADVERSE
and the time specified in such lic auction to be held online at gds/Furn; 424 SERVICE BY PUBLICATION 2860 Cravey Drive By order for service by publica- TO PETITIONER’S INTEREST.
notice for payment of such hav-, Chloe Prewitt: Hsld gds/Furn; I, Roche-Berry, Herman Atlanta, GA 30345 tion dated May 3, 2023, You are hereby notified pursu-
ing expired, the goods will be which will end on ++Tuesday, 507 Steven Waters: Hsld Joseph, a living and private By Order Granting Service by LaSheila Daniel, is hereby noti- ant to Order of Superior Court
sold to the highest bidder or July 25, 2023 at 10 AM.++ gds/Furn; 702 Walter Barber Jr: man, on this 18th day of May in Publication dated May 16, fied that SOUTHERN STATE of DeKalb County Judge Asha
otherwise disposed of at a pub- Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Stereo the year two thousand twenty- 2023, you are hereby notified INVESTMENTS, LLC filed suit F. Jackson, entered on May 16,
lic auction to be held online at Equip; 710 three, declare this NOTICE to that on the 27th day of April, against you for Declaratory 2023, that a Petition to Quiet, Adrienne Studiemeyer: Hsld any CLAIMS or LIABILITIES 2021, Plaintiff filed its Verified Judgment on December 6, Title with the above referenced
which will end on ++Tuesday, 340-476944 6/29,7/6 gds/Furn; 833 Dwayne Ander- against ESTATE(s) known as Complaint for Damages, Inter- 2022. style was filed on January 5,
July 25, 2023 at 10 AM.++ Public Sale son: Hsld gds/Furn, Tools/Ap- HERMAN JOSEPH ROCHE- locutory Injunction, Temporary LaSheila Daniel is required to 2023 in the Superior Court of
Extra Space Storage will hold a plnces; 940 Edwina Uzzle: Hsld BERRY, along with any attach- Restraining Order, Permanent file with the Clerk of the Superi- DeKalb County by Suleiman,
340-476886 6/29,7/6 public auction to sell personal gds/Furn; 950 ments or interests in said prop- Injunction and Receivership. or Court, and serve upon LLC ("Petitioner"). The Petition,
Public Sale property described below be- Roderica Neal: Hsld gds/Furn, erty located at ++1537 Boulder You are required to file with the Plaintiff's Attorney, Travis An- if granted, will declare Petition-
In accordance with the provi- longing to those individuals lis- Tools/Applnces; 956 Aziza Walk Dr SE, Atlanta, Dekalb Clerk of the Superior Court of dres, an answer in writing with- er to be the fee simple owner of
sions of State law, there being ted below at the location indic- Fulton: Hsld gds/Furn; 991 County Georgia Parcel Num- DeKalb County and serve upon in sixty (60) days of the date of that tract or parcel of land loc-
due and unpaid charges for ated: Jamesha Woodall: Hsld ber 15 110 03 041++ : LEGAL the Plaintiff’s counsel Beth E. the order for publication. ated in Land Lot 68 of the 18th
which the undersigned is en- 1248 Zonolite Rd NE Atlanta, gds/Furn; 995 Dexter DESCRIPTION OF LAND: ALL Rogers at the address 9040 Witness, the Honorable Judge District of DeKalb County, and
titled to satisfy an owner and/or GA 30306 ++07/20/2023 @ Hollingsworth: Hsld gds/Furn; THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF Roswell Road, Suite 205, At- Courtney L. Johnson of this Su- fully described at Exhibit "A" to
manager's lien of the goods 10:30 am++ 999 Latasha Towler: Hsld LAND LYING AND BEING IN lanta, GA 30350, an answer to perior Cami. the Petition. You are hereby
hereinafter described and gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip, LAND LOT 110 OF THE 15TH the Complaint within (60) sixty This day 31st of May, 2023. given notice of this action and
stored at the Life Storage loca- 2C12 Jim Conant Couch, mat- Tools/Applnces; 9027 Zakilya DISTRICT, DEKALB COUNTY, days of the date of the Order DEPUTY CLERK, directed that you may file any
tion(s) listed below. #8709, 673 tress, table, boxes, shelves and Rivers: Hsld GEORGIA, BEING LOT 26, Granting Service by Publica- Superior Court of DeKalb pleading you desire in re-
Decatur Village Way, Decatur, keyboard gds/Furn; B234 Quixote Willi- BOULDER WALK SUBDIVI- tion. County, Georgia sponse to the Petition within
GA 30033. (404) 430-3000 4B05 Evan Lanham Chair, ta- ams: Hsld gds/Furn; C110 SION, PHASE II, AS PER WITNESS: The Honorable FOR: Travis Andres thirty (30) days of the aforesaid
ble, boxes, pictures, totes, tool Stanella Victor: Hsld gds/Furn; PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT Asha Jackson, Judge of this Georgia Bar No. 302040 order by serving Petitioner's at-
1033 Eric Roberts: Hsld box and drum set F212 William Robbins: Clothes; BOOK 137, PAGES 29-34, Court. Attorney for Plaintiff torney, John C. Clark, Clark
gds/Furn; 1069 Robert Lamar: 5B04 Michael Dallaporta III F215 Jovante DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA This 6/15/2023. Fidelity National Law Group Law Group, LLC, 951 Edge-
Hsld gds/Furn; 2064 Andrew Boxes, sports equipment, totes Mcclain: Hsld gds/Furn; F235 RECORDS, are hereby noticed By: Debra DeBerry 4170 Ashford Dunwoody Road wood Avenue NE, Atlanta,
Ullrich: Hsld gds/Furn; 2067 Sarah Rogers: Hsld gds/Furn; to come forward and make Clerk of Superior Court of Suite 475 Georgia 30305 and filing said
Dazjohn Cooper: Hsld The auction will be listed and H117 Mary Johnson: Hsld Public any such claims or liabil- DeKalb County Atlanta, GA 30319 response with the Clerk of Su-
gds/Furn; 2131 Marco Rodrig- a d v e r t i s e d o n w w w . s t o r- gds/Furn, Tools/Applnces; I116 ities within 60 days of the No- 350-476367 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 350-476369 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 perior Court of DeKalb County.
uez: Hsld gds/Furn; 3089 Mar- Purchases Nadine tice, after which time any and IN THE SUPERIOR COURT IN THE SUPERIOR COURT 350-476371 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29
cel Sobczak: Hsld gds/Furn, must be made with cash only Turner: Hsld gds/Furn, all said claims shall be null and OF DEKALB COUNTY OF DEKALB COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLICATION
TV/Stereo Equip; 4139 Andrea and paid at the above refer- Tools/Applnces; J126 Elijah void. STATE OF GEORGIA STATE OF GEORGIA In the State Court
Smith: Hsld gds/Furn; 5070 enced facility in order to com- Eggers: Hsld gds/Furn, 350-475914 6/1,6/8,6/15,6/22 VININGS CREST CONDOMIN- ++Case No.: 23FM10253++ of DeKalb County
Sharon Scanlan: Hsld plete the transaction. Extra Tools/Applnces. 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20 IUM Yeimi Yaneth Diaz Linares State of Georgia
gds/Furn. Space Storage may refuse any IN THE SUPERIOR COURT 0F ASSOCIATION, INC., Plaintiff Action No.
bid and may rescind any pur- And, due notice having been DEKALB COUNTY PLAINTIFF, VS
given, to the owner of said ++23A00614++
And, due notice having been chase up until the winning bid- STATE OF GEORGIA v Luis Alfonso Jeronimo Gonza- Nikita Greer,
given, to the owner of said der takes possession of the property and all parties known GLENWORTH EUGENE, BRENTNOL MENTORE, lez
to claim and interest therein, Plaintiff
property and all parties known personal property. Petitioner, DEFENDANT. Defendant
to claim and interest therein, and the time specified in such vs.
and the time specified in such notice for payment of such hav- CHRISTALINE ANSELM, Dwight McNeil,
notice for payment of such hav- ing expired, the goods will be MANOU SALVADOR, NOTICE OF PUBLICATION FENDANT(S): Defendant
ing expired, the goods will be sold to the highest bidder or Respondents. By Order for Service by Public- You are hereby summoned and To: Dwight McNeil
sold to the highest bidder or otherwise disposed of at a pub- Civil Action File No. 21FM8889 ation dated the 18th day of required to file electronically 6027 Arbor Links Road
340-476945 6/29,7/6
otherwise disposed of at a pub- Public Sale lic auction to be held online at AMENDED May, 2023, all interested with the Clerk of said court at Lithonia, GA 30058
lic auction to be held online at In accordance with the provi-, NOTICE OF PUBLICATION parties are hereby notified that By Order for service by public-, sions of State law, there being which will end on ++Tuesday, To: Christaline Anselm on August 12, 2022, Plaintiff sweb and serve upon the ation dated 5/16/2023, you are
which will end on ++Tuesday, due and unpaid charges for July 25, 2023 at 10 AM++ By Order for Service by Public- filed its Verified Complaint for Plaintiff’s attorney, whose hereby notified that on
July 25, 2023 at 10 AM.++ which the undersigned is en- ation dated 2nd day of May, 23. Money Owed and to Foreclose name, address and email is: 2/8/2023, Nikita Greer filed suit
titled to satisfy an owner and/or You are hereby notified that on on Real Property against De- Paula Lavagnino Lee, Esq. against you for $TBD principal,
340-476887 6/29,7/6 manager's lien of the goods Service By Pub the 11TH day of October, 2021, fendant Brentnol Mentore, said 3006 Clairmont Rd. #112, At- $TBD interest, and $TBD attor-
Public Sale hereinafter described and the Petitioner filed suit against case being filed in the Superior lanta, GA 30329 ney's fees.
In accordance with the provi- stored at the Life Storage loca- 350-473665a 6/15,6/22,6/29, you for Petition for Legitimation Court of DeKalb County and [email protected] You are required to file with
sions of State law, there being tion(s) listed below. 7/6 and Custody. assigned Civil Action File No. An answer to the complaint the Clerk of the State Court,
due and unpaid charges for #8489, 3810 Pleasantdale Rd, NOTICE OF PUBLICATION You are required to file with the 22CV7179. which is herewith served upon and to serve upon plaintiff's at-
which the undersigned is en- Atlanta, GA 30340. (470) 682- In the State Court Clerk of the Superior Couit of Defendant Brentnol Mentore is you, within 30 days after ser- torney, DeMone Lee an An-
titled to satisfy an owner and/or 3605 Dekalb County, and to serve hereby directed and required to vice of this summons upon you,
of DeKalb County swer in writing within sixty (60)
manager's lien of the goods upon the Petitioner Glenworth file with the Clerk of the Superi- exclusive of the day of service.
hereinafter described and State of Georgia days of the date of the order for
24 Tasha Pearson: Hsld Eugene at this address, or Court of DeKalb County, If you fail to do so, judgment by
stored at the Life Storage loca- Civil Action Number. publication.
gds/Furn, Off Furn/Mach/Equip, Ground Floor 556 N. Mc- Georgia and to serve upon default will be taken against
tion(s) listed below. ++21A05007-6++ Donough St. #1100, Decatur, Plaintiff’s attorney an Answer to you for the relief demanded in Witness the Honorable Kim-
salon chairs; 58 Amos Winslow: First Tech Federal Credit Uni-
#8364, 5636 Redan Rd, Stone GA 30030, an answer to the this lawsuit, in writing, within the complaint. berly Anderson, Judge of this
Boxes and bags; 123 Ana
Mountain, GA 30088. (770) on, complaint within sixty (60) sixty (60) days of the date of This 2ND day of DECEMBER, State Court.
Laura Gatica: Boxes; 407
847-6810 Christen Quezada: Hsld Plaintiff days of the date of the first pub- the Order for Publication. 2022. This 25th day of May, 2023.
gds/Furn, Boxes; 456 Clarence vs. lication of notice. Witness the Honorable Shon- Honorable Debra DeBerry Kimberly Brock, Clerk
1016 Kim Strong: Hsld Johnson: Tools/Applnces, Off Olatayo A Agboola Witness the Honorable Asha F. deana C. Morris, Judge of the Clerk of Superior Court State Court of DeKalb County
gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip; Furn/Mach/Equip; 465 Clar- Defendant Jackson Judge of this Court. Superior Court of DeKalb By /s/ Tamakia Allsop By: P Nesbitt
1070 Tiffani Thompson: Hsld ence Johnson: Tools/Applnces, To: Olatayo A Agboola This 2nd day of May, 23 County. Deputy Clerk Deputy Clerk
gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip, Off Furn/Mach/Equip; 628 Ben- 4001 S River Lane Debra DeBerry This 18th day of May, 2022. For: State Court
Boxes; 1071 Jereme Thomas: jamin Brethour: Hsld gds/Furn. Ellenwood, GA 30294 Clerk, Superior Court of Dekalb Deputy Clerk, Superior Court of of DeKalb County
Hsld gds/Furn, TV/Stereo And, due notice having been By Order for service by public- County DeKalb County DeKalb County Courthouse
Equip, Tools/Applnces; 2005 given, to the owner of said ation dated March 06, 2023, 556 N. McDonough Street
Michael Pumphrey: Hsld property and all parties known you are hereby notified that on Decatur, Georgia 30030
gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip; to claim and interest therein, November 05, 2021, First Tech
2055 Tai Wakefield: Hsld and the time specified in such Federal Credit Union, filed suit
gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip, notice for payment of such hav- against you for $TBD principal,
Tools/Applnces, Boxes; 2153 ing expired, the goods will be
Nancy Pritchett: Hsld gds/Furn; $TBD interest, $TBD attorney's
sold to the highest bidder or fees.
2183 Darry Israel: Hsld otherwise disposed of at a pub-
gds/Furn; 2193 Clas Johnson: You are required to file with
lic auction to be held online at
Hsld gds/Furn; B108 Alexis the Clerk of the State Court,,
Newton: Hsld gds/Furn; B123 which will end on ++Tuesday, and to serve upon plaintiff's at-
Jestacia Jones: Hsld gds/Furn; July 25, 2023 at 10 AM.++ torney, Michael C. Kaplan an
D103 Carlos Lawrence: Hsld Answer in writing within sixty
gds/Furn, TV/Stereo Equip; (60) days of the date of the Or-
E148 Nicole Jackson: Clothes; der for Publication.
F117 Tifani Nicole Sistrunk: Witness the Honorable Ana
Hsld gds/Furn; G106 Tiffany Maria Martinez, Judge of this
PARCEL ID 15 147 06 002 ence. TOGETHER WITH all PANY, LLC; deemed on or before the time
ALSO KNOWN AS 2031 FLAT right, title, and interest running FAIRINGTON VILLAGE CON- and date stated above by pay-
SHOALS RD., ATLANTA, GA with the above-described prop- DOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, ment of the redemption price as
30317 erty; and TOGETHER with all INC.; fixed and provided by law to the
You are hereby notified pursu- rights, members, privileges and DEKALB COUNTY; undersigned at the following
ant to Order of Superior Court appurtenant easements. ALL PARTIES KNOWN AND address:
Page 36 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023 
of DeKalb County Judge Court- The tax deed to which this no-
tice relates is dated June 7,
UNKNOWN HAVING OF RE- John Odol Okeg Ojego
c/o John Coleman, Esq.
ney L. Johnson, dated June 5, CORD IN DEKALB COUNTY
350-476489 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/3 350-476491 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6 350-476493 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6 2023, that a petition to Quiet 2022, and is recorded at Deed ANY RIGHT, TITLE, IN- Coleman Law, LLC
IN THE MAGISTRATE COURT NOTICE OF PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Title with the above referenced Book 30485, Page 89 in the Of- TEREST IN, OR LIEN UPON 675 Seminole Avenue, Suite
OF DEKALB COUNTY STATE The following Notice of Publica- OF DEKALB COUNTY style was filed on March 23, fice of the Clerk of the Superior 3201 FAIRINGTON VILLAGE 302
OF GEORGIA tion is filed for Defendant STATE OF GEORGIA 2021 and amended on August Court of Dekalb County, Geor- DRIVE, LITHONIA, GA, IN- Atlanta, Georgia 30307
To: IBRRAHIM ABDUR-RAB- Richard Allen Perkins: Granite City Holdings, LLC; 7, 2022, in the Superior Court gia. This notice also consti- CLUDING ANY TENANT / 404.974.4537
BANI You are hereby notified that an Petitioner, of DeKalb County by A.L.T. En- tutes a demand for possession OWNER / OCCUPANT OF Please be governed accord-
1296 Crescentwood Lane action has been commenced v. terprises, LLC (“Petitioner”). of the property described THE SUBJECT PROPERTY; ingly.
Unit 128 against you in the Circuit Court Malinda Thurman or any Un- The Petition, if granted will de- herein on and after the fore- RE: FORECLOSURE OF ++3201 FAIRINGTON VIL-
Decatur, Georgia 30032 of Jefferson County (Bessemer known Estate Representative clare Petitioner to be the fee closure date and time set out EQUITY OF REDEMPTION LAGE DRIVE, LITHONIA,
Civil Action Number 22M10973 Division), State of Alabama or Unknown Heirs-at-Law; simple owner of that tract or above in the event the property FOR TAX SALE DEED (REF. GA,/16 074 14 036++
++(01-CV-2022-900027)++, the Barks Design, LLC; Meadow parcel of land located in Land is not timely redeemed. That a O.C.G.A. § 48-4-45, 46) 350-476555 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13
JENNIFER RUSSELL object and general nature of Brook Land Co. or its unknown Lot 147 of the 15th District of party is named in this notice is Take notice that:
vs. which is negligence/ wanton- successors, assigns, or share- DeKalb County, and fully de- not determinative that such The right to redeem the follow-
IBRRAHIM ABDUR-RABBANI ness in causing, or contributing holders; William A. Scott as Co- party has a legal right to re- In the Superior Court
scribed at Exhibit “A” to the Pe- ing described property, to wit
NOTICE of PUBLICATION to cause, an automobile colli- Executor under the Last Will deem. will expire and be forever fore- of DeKalb County
tition. You are hereby given no-
By order for service by publica- sion that occurred on May 1, and Testaments of Reid B. tice of this action and directed The property may be re- closed and barred as of four State of Georgia
tion dated May 30, 2023, you 2021 in Jefferson County, Scott and Ruth S. Scott; Reid that you may file any pleading deemed on or before the time o’clock (4 p.m.) on and after Ju- Civil Action# ++22FM2063++
are hereby notified that on Alabama. You are further noti- B. Scott Jr. as Co-Executor un- you desire in response to the and date stated above by pay- ly 24, 2023, or within 30 days Deborah Oswald
November 04, 2022, JEN- fied that this notice will run for 4 der the Last Will and Testa- Petition within sixty (60) days of ment of the redemption price as after legal service of the Notice Plaintiff
NIFER RUSSELL filed suit consecutive weeks. You are re- ments of Reid B. Scott and the aforesaid order by serving fixed and provided by law to the pursuant to OCGA 48-4-45 et vs.
against you for $9816.15 prin- quired to answer within thirty Ruth S. Scott; Petitioner’s attorney, Oronda undersigned at the following seq., whichever date is later: Lashon Hussey
cipal, $0.00 interest, and $0.00 (30) days after the last publica- Respondents. M. Smith, O.M. Smith Law address: All that tract or parcel of land ly- Defendant
attorney's fees. tion. The last date of publica- CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. Group, LLC, 1115 Mt. Zion Rd., Joshua Simon ing and being in Land Lot 74 of To: Lashon Hussey
You are required to file with the tion will be July 6, 2023. Your 23CV3319 Suite 23, Morrow, GA 30260 c/o John Coleman, Esq. the 16th District of Dekalb ADDRESS UKNOWN
Clerk of the Magistrate Court, answer will be due on or be- NOTICE OF SERVICE OF and filing said response with Coleman Law, LLC County, Georgia, and being By Order of the Court, for ser-
and to serve upon plaintiff's at- fore August 7, 2023. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION the Clerk of Superior Court of 675 Seminole Avenue, Suite more particularly described as vice by publication dated the
torney, an Answer in writing TO: Fulton County. 302 follows: Condominium Unit 10th day of January, 2023 You
within sixty (60) days of the 350-476492 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6 a. Malinda Thurman or any Un- Atlanta, Georgia 30307 3201 of Building 3, Fairington are hereby notified that on the
date of the Order for Publica- Notice to Foreclose Right of known Estate Representative 350-476495 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6 404.974.4537 Village Condominium, a Con- 21st day of January, 2022 The
tion. WITNESS, the Honorable Redemption or Unknown Heirs-at-Law (3184 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE Please be governed accord- dominium, Phase 1, as more above-named Plaintiff filed suit
Berry! A. Anderson, Judge of State of Georgia Altacrest Drive, Scottdale, GA OF RIGHT TO REDEEM ingly. particularly described and de-
this Magistrate Court. County of Dekalb 30079); ++1955 CLAIRMONT TER- against you for: changing the
[REF. O.C.G.A., Section 48-4-5 lineated in the declaration of
This 7th day of June, 2023, To: b. Meadow Brook Land Co. or RACE N.E., ATLANTA, GA/ 18 condominium for Fairington Vil- last name.
et seq.; 48-4-45 & 48-4-46]
Kimberly Brock, Clerk 1. Robert L. Rowland its unknown successors, as- 204 02 029++ lage Condominium, Recorded You are required to file with
Magistrate Court of DeKalb 2. Estate of Robert L. Rowland signs, or shareholders; INC; 350-476496 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6 in Deed Book 16426, Page the Clerk of Superior Court, and
County. 3. Heirs of Robert L. Rowland c. William A. Scott as Co-Ex- LENDINGONE, LLC; NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE 649, et seq., DeKalb County, to serve upon the plaintiff or
By P Tucker 4. Occupant/Tenant/Resident ecutor under the Last Will and TOORAK CAPITAL PART- OF RIGHT OF REDEMPTION Georgia Records, as may be plaintiff's attorney whose name
Deputy Clerk of Real Property Described Be- Testaments of Reid B. Scott NERS, LLC OR ITS UN- STATE OF GEORGIA amended, as well as plat in and address is: Deborah Os-
low and Ruth S. Scott (1900 SE KNOWN SUCCESSORS, AS- COUNTY OF DEKALB Condo Plat Book 146 Page 80 wald, 2186 CLOVERDALE DR,
For: Magistrate Court of DeKalb 5. All Parties Who Claim an In- Oak Grove Blvd, Milwaukie, OR SIGNS, OR SHAREHOLDERS; To: and floor plan records at Condo ATLANTA GA 30316 Answer in
County DeKalb County Court- terest in the Real Property De- 97267); DEKALB COUNTY; 1. All persons known or un- Plat Book 146 Page 76, afore- writing within sixty (60) days of
house scribed Below You are hereby notified that the ALL PARTIES KNOWN AND known who may claim an in- said records; being the same the date of the Order of Public-
556 N. McDonough Street TAKE NOTICE THAT: above styled action, seeking to UNKNOWN HAVING OF RE- terest in property known as property conveyed by Limited ation.
Decatur, GA 30030 The right to redeem the follow- remove clouds on the Petition- CORD IN DEKALB COUNTY 4621 Ellisbury Drive; Warranty Deed dated Witness the Honorable Asha F
++22M10973/IBRRAHIM AB- ing property, to wit: er’s title to certain real property ANY RIGHT, TITLE, IN- 2. Resident/Tenant/Occupant; 10/23/2015 and recorded in Jackson, Judge of the DeKalb
DUR-RABBANI++ All that tract or parcel of land caused by the equities of re- TEREST IN, OR LIEN UPON 3. Douglas Hope Carter; Deed Book 25234, Page 199, Superior Court.
350-476490 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/3 conveyed by deed to Robert L. demption following a tax sale, 1955 CLAIRMONT TERRACE 4. Georgia Department of Rev- DeKalb County records, the de- This the 10th day of January,
IN THE MAGISTRATE COURT Rowland recorded at Deed as specifically provided by N.E., ATLANTA, GA, INCLUD- enue; scription contained therein be- 2023.
OF DEKALB COUNTY STATE Book 2651, Page 214, Dekalb O.C.G.A § 23-3-44, related to ING ANY TENANT / OWNER / 5. DeKalb County; ing incorporated by reference
County, Georgia records, be- property located at ++3184 Debra DeBerry
OF GEORGIA OCCUPANT OF THE SUB- 6. City of Dunwoody; and herein; further subject to the
ing known as 7411 Pleasant Altacrest Drive, Dekalb County declaration as amended and all Clerk of Superior Court
Hill Road, Lithonia, Georgia Tax Parcel ID 18 046 03 076++ matters referenced therein, as 556 N. McDonough Street
1296 Crescentwood Lane RE: FORECLOSURE OF Take notice that: Pursuant to
30058 and being known as tax was filed against you in the Su- EQUITY OF REDEMPTION well as all matters shown on G-130 Annex
Unit 128 O.C.G.A. §48-4-45 and §48-4-
parcel No. 16-187-01-005 per perior Court of Dekalb County FOR TAX SALE DEED (REF. 46, the right to redeem the fol- the condominium plat and floor Decatur, GA. 30030-3356
Decatur, Georgia 30032
Civil Action Number 22M10973 the records of the Dekalb on the March 27, 2023, and O.C.G.A. § 48-4-45, 46) lowing described property, to plan records noted above; be- 350-476781 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13
County Tax Commissioner and that by reason of an Order for Take notice that: wit: ing commonly known as 3201 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE
JENNIFER RUSSELL the plat maps of the Dekalb Service of Summons by Public- The right to redeem the follow- Property Location: ++4621 El- Fairington Village Drive accord- OF RIGHT TO REDEEM
vs. County Tax Assessor. ation entered by the Court on ing described property, to wit lisbury Drive ing to the present system of TO:
HAFID ABDUR-RABBANI This property now known as the 1st day of June, 2023 you will expire and be forever fore- Map Reference No./Parcel No.: numbering properties in DeKalb Defs in Fi Fa Susan C. Lee and
NOTICE of PUBLICATION ++7411 Pleasant Hill Road, are hereby commanded and re- closed and barred as of four 18 354 09 014++ County, and also being known Peter Lee; Occupant/Resident
By order for service by publica- Lithonia, Georgia 30058++ quired to file with the Clerk of o’clock (4 p.m.) on and after Ju- will expire and be forever fore- as tax parcel number 16 074 14 of 2597 Bloom Cir, DeKalb
tion dated May 30, 2023, you (street address) and having tax said Court and serve upon ly 24, 2023, or within 30 days closed and barred on July 24, 036 per the maps and records County, GA; Villages at
are hereby notified that on parcel identification number 16- John Coleman, Attorney at after legal service of the Notice 2023. The tax deed to which of the DeKalb County tax as- Thorncrest Homeowners’ Asso-
November 04, 2022, JEN- 187-01-005, Law, whose address is 675 pursuant to OCGA 48-4-45 et this notice relates is dated June sessor and tax commissioner, ciation, Inc.; All persons having
NIFER RUSSELL filed suit Will expire and be forever Seminole Ave. NE, Suite 302, seq., whichever date is later: 7, 2022 and is recorded in the incorporated herein by refer- of record in DeKalb County any
against you for $9816.15 prin- barred and foreclosed from the Atlanta, GA 30307 an Answer All that tract or parcel of land ly- office of the Clerk of the Superi- ence. TOGETHER WITH all right, title, interest in, or lien
cipal, $0.00 interest, and $0.00 right of redemption as of mid- to the Complaint within sixty ing and being in Land Lots 204 or Court of DeKalb County, right, title, and interest running upon + +2597 Bloom Cir,
attorney's fees. night on 07/10/2023 or within (60) days. and 235 of the 18th District of Georgia, in Deed Book 30485, with the above-described prop- DeKalb Co., GA++; All credit-
You are required to file with the 30 days after legal service of WITNESS, the Honorable Dekalb County, Georgia, being Page 87. erty; and TOGETHER with all ors of any of the foregoing; and
Clerk of the Magistrate Court, the Notice pursuant to Gregory A. Adams, Judge of part of lot No. 10, in Block ”B”, The property may be re- rights, members, privileges and ALL THE WORLD.
and to serve upon plaintiff's at- O.C.G.A. § 48-4-45, et seq., said Court. of the subdivision of Unit 1 of deemed at any time before the appurtenant easements. TAKE NOTICE THAT:
torney, an Answer in writing whichever date is later. This the 1st day of June, 2023. Clairmont Terrace as delin- close of business on the afore- The tax deed to which this no- Pursuant to O.C.G.A. §48-4-45
within sixty (60) days of the The tax deed to which this no- Debra DeBerry, eated on a plat of survey of mentioned barment date, by tice relates is dated June 7, and 48-4-46, the right to re-
date of the Order for Publica- tice relates is dated Clerk of Superior Court, Dekalb property of M.V. Morris made payment of the redemption 2022, and is recorded at Deed deem the following described
tion. WITNESS, the Honorable 11/07/2017, and is recorded at County by Watts and Browning, Re- price as fixed and provided by Book 30485, Page 78 in the Of- property, previously owned by
Berry! A. Anderson, Judge of Deed Book 26634, Page 103, 350-476494 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6 gistered Engineers, Dated law to Deed Co, LLC at the of- fice of the Clerk of the Superior tax fi. fa. defendants Susan C.
this Magistrate Court. Dekalb County, Georgia re- NOTICE OF SERVICE BY 08/19/1957, and Recorded in fices of W. Shannon Sams Court of Dekalb County, Geor- Lee and Peter Lee, to wit:
This 7th day of June, 2023, cords. PUBLICATION Plat Book 15, Page 77, and Law, PC at 4355 Cobb Pkwy, gia. This notice also consti- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
Kimberly Brock, Clerk Said property may be re- A.L.T. ENTERPRISES, LLC said plat being re-rerecorded at Ste. J-505, Atlanta, GA 30339. tutes a demand for possession CEL OF LAND lying and being
Magistrate Court of DeKalb deemed at any time on or be- V. Plat Book 26, Page 155, of the property described in Land Lot 257 of the 18th Dis-
County. fore the time and date stated OASIS HEALTHCARE SYS- Dekalb County, Georgia Re- 350-476497 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/5 herein on and after the fore- trict, 2nd Section, of DeKalb
By P Tucker above, by payment of the re- TEMS, LLC, MILTON TAYLOR, cords; being that same prop- NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE closure date and time set out County, Georgia and being
Deputy Clerk demption price as fixed and JR. AND OTHER INTER- erty conveyed in Warranty OF RIGHT TO REDEEM above in the event the property more particularly described as
provided by law to the under- ESTED PARTIES WHO CLAIM Deed dated 11/6/2020 in Deed [REF. O.C.G.A., Section 48-4-5 is not timely redeemed. That a follows:
For: Magistrate Court of DeKalb signed at the following address: AN INTEREST TO PETITION- Book 28849, Page 250, afore- et seq.; 48-4-45 & 48-4-46] party is named in this notice is TO LOCATE THE POINT OF
County DeKalb County Court- Launchpad Real Estate Invest- ER’S TITLE TO PARCEL ID 15 said records; being commonly TO: not determinative that such BEGINNING, commence at a
house ments, LLC, c/o James P. 147 06 002, DEKALB known as 1955 Clairmont Ter- HOLLYWOOD 9, LLC AND ITS party has a legal right to re- point along the southerly right-
556 N. McDonough Street Blum, Jr., Esq., Blum & Camp- COUNTY, GEORGIA race, N.E. according to the UNKNOWN SUCCESSORS, deem. of-way of Pounds Drive, said
Decatur, GA 30030 bell, LLC, 3000 Langford Road, CIVIL ACTION FILE NO: present system of numbering ASSIGNS, OR SHAREHOLD- The property may be re- point being located at the inter-
++22M10973/HAFID ABDUR- Bldg. 100, Peachtree Corners, ++21CV2827-1++ properties in DeKalb County, ERS; deemed on or before the time section of the 60’ Right-of-Way
RABBANI++ GA 30071; 470-365-2890; SUPERIOR COURT OF and also being known as tax WESTMOORE LENDING and date stated above by pay- of Pounds Drive and the 50’
[email protected] DEKALB COUNTY parcel number 18 204 02 029 PARTNERS II, LLC AND ITS ment of the redemption price as Right-of-Way of Grace Court;
Take due notice and govern TO: MILTON TAYLOR, JR. per the maps and records of UNKNOWN SUCCESSORS, fixed and provided by law to the Thence, proceed North
yourself accordingly. WHO MAY OR MAY NOT the DeKalb County tax as- ASSIGNS, OR SHAREHOLD- undersigned at the following 36°55’55” West a distance of
HAVE A CLAIM ADVERSELY sessor and tax commissioner, ERS; address: 55.30 feet to a point, said point
TO PETITIONER’S TITLE TO incorporated herein by refer- WALKER CONCRETE COM- John Odol Okeg Ojego being an Iron Pin (#4 Re-bar);
PARCEL ID 15 147 06 002 ence. TOGETHER WITH all PANY, LLC; c/o John Coleman, Esq. Thence, proceed South
ALSO KNOWN AS 2031 FLAT right, title, and interest running FAIRINGTON VILLAGE CON- Coleman Law, LLC 22°31’35” West a distance of
SHOALS RD., ATLANTA, GA with the above-described prop- DOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, 675 Seminole Avenue, Suite 79.84 feet to a point located at
30317 erty; and TOGETHER with all INC.; 302 the corner of Unit 41, Thence
You are hereby notified pursu- rights, members, privileges and DEKALB COUNTY; Atlanta, Georgia 30307 proceed North 30°22’36” West
ant to Order of Superior Court appurtenant easements. ALL PARTIES KNOWN AND 404.974.4537 along the rear of the Town-
of DeKalb County Judge Court- The tax deed to which this no- UNKNOWN HAVING OF RE- Please be governed accord- home unit a distance of 52.37
ney L. Johnson, dated June 5, tice relates is dated June 7, CORD IN DEKALB COUNTY ingly. feet to a point, said point being
2023, that a petition to Quiet 2022, and is recorded at Deed ANY RIGHT, TITLE, IN- ++3201 FAIRINGTON VIL- the TRUE POINT OF BEGIN-
Title with the above referenced Book 30485, Page 89 in the Of- TEREST IN, OR LIEN UPON LAGE DRIVE, LITHONIA, NING.
style was filed on March 23, fice of the Clerk of the Superior 3201 FAIRINGTON VILLAGE GA,/16 074 14 036++ Thence, from said Point of Be-
2021 and amended on August Court of Dekalb County, Geor- DRIVE, LITHONIA, GA, IN- ginning thus established, pro-
Thence, proceed South mons by publication entered by torney, Noah Moore an Answer torney, McLaine Merrick an An- swer to this lawsuit, in writing, ing same and all expenses of COUNTY, GEORGIA RE-
22°31’35” West a distance of the Court on the 15th day of in writing within sixty (60) days swer in writing within sixty (60) within sixty (60) days of the the sale, as provided in the De- CORDS, WHICH PLAT,
79.84 feet to a point located at June, 2023, you are com- of the date of the order for pub- days of the date of the order for date of the Order for Publica- claration (notice of attempt to PLANS AND DECLARATION
the corner of Unit 41, Thence manded and required to file lication. publication.Witness the Honor- tion. collect attorney's fees having AND ALL RECORDED
proceed North 30°22’36” West with the Clerk of said Court and Witness the Honorable Ana able Kimberly K. Anderson, Witness the Honorable Court- been given). The excess, if AMENDMEN TS THERETO
along the rear of the Town- serve upon Kevin A. Maxim Maria Martinez, Judge of this Judge of this State Court. ney L Johnson, Judge of the any, will be distributed to the ARE, BY REFERENCE, IN-

home unit a distance of 52.37 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023
and Bridget B. James of The State Court. This the 15th day of June, Superior Court of Dekalb person or persons legally en- Page 37
feet to a point, said point being Maxim Law Firm, P.C., Whose This the 7th day of June, 2023. 2023. County. titled thereto. MADE A PART HEREOF.
the TRUE POINT OF BEGIN- address is 1718 Peachtree Kimberly Brock, Clerk Kimberly Brock, Clerk This 21 day of June, 2023. To the best knowledge and be- THIS CONVEYANCE IS MADE
NING. Street, Suite 599, Atlanta, GA State Court of DeKalb County State Court of DeKalb County Deputy Clerk, Superior Court of lief of the undersigned, the SUBJECT TO ALL THE PRO-
Thence, from said Point of Be- 30309, an Answer to the Peti- By: K Johnson By: P Nesbitt Dekalb County party in possession of the Sub- VISIONS IN SAID DECLARA-
ginning thus established, pro- tion within Deputy Clerk Deputy Clerk Prepared and presented by: ject Property, commonly re- TION AND THE GEORGIA
ceed South 59°37’24” West a 60 days of the date of the or- For: State Court For: State Court /s/ Dylan K. Steed ferred to as ++2875 Snapfinger CONDOMINIUM ACT, OFFI-
distance of 49.10 feet to a der for service by publication. of DeKalb County of DeKalb County Dylan K. Steed Manor, Decatur, Georgia CIAL COD OF GEORGIA AN-
point; Thence proceed North WITNESS the Honorable Tan- Georgia Bar No. 824694 30035++ is Reginald McClure. NOTATED, SECTION 44-3-70
DeKalb County Courthouse DeKalb County Courthouse
30°15’04” West a distance of gela M. Barrie, Judge. Attorney for Plaintiff Said property will be sold sub- ET SEQ. THE PROPERTY
25.99 feet to a point; Thence 556 N. McDonough Street 556 N. McDonough Street Winter Capriola Zenner ject to (a) any outstanding ad
This 7th day of June, 2023. HEREIN CONVEYED IS IN-
proceed North 59°37’24” East a /s/ Debra DeBerry Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 3490 Piedmont Rd NE valorem taxes (including taxes TENDED SOLELY FOR USE
distance of 49.04 feet to a Clerk, Superior Court of DeKalb 350-476785 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 350-476938 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20 Ste 800 which are a lien but not yet due AS PROVIDED IN SAID DE-
point; Thence proceed South County NOTICE OF PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Atlanta, GA 30305 and payable), (b) any matters CLARATION
30°22’36” East a distance of FOR: Kevin A. Maxim, Esq. In the State Court OF DEKALB COUNTY (404) 844-5700 which might be disclosed by an SUBJECT TO ALL EASE-
25.99 feet to a point, said point Bridget B. James, Esq. of DeKalb County STATE OF GEORGIA [email protected] accurate survey and inspection MENTS AND RESTRICTIONS
being the TRUE POINT OF BE- The Maxim Law Firm, P.C. State of Georgia RIVER VISTA ESTATES of the property, (c) the Declara- OF RECORD.
GINNING. 1718 Peachtree St., N.W., Action No. HOMEOWNERS ASSOCI- tion, as amended, and (d) all The debt secured by the Asso-
Tract described herein contain- Suite 599 ++22A01962-6++ ATION, INC.,
Sheriff’s Sale matters of record superior to ciation’s judgment lien, which
ing 0.03 acres of land (1,276 Atlanta, GA 30309 Laura A Garcia Soto the lien first set out above, and as of April 5, 2023 totaled
square feet), more or less, Plaintiff vs. 360-476372 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 any encumbrances, zoning or- $21,753.48, has been and is
shown as Townhome Unit 43, 350-476783 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 MICHELE GIDDENS, NOTICE OF JUDICIAL dinances, restrictions, coven- hereby declared due because
on a Residential As-Built sur- NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Defendant. FORECLOSURE SALE ants and matters of record su- of failure to pay the indebted-
Everth Noel Rocha Jaime, CIVIL ACTION
vey for Townhome units 41-44, In the State Court Defendant STATE OF GEORGIA perior to the lien first set out ness as and when due and in
Job Number 70485 by Front- of DeKalb County ++FILE NO. 22CV9678++ DEKALB COUNTY above. the manner provided for in the
To: Everth Noel Rocha Jaime NOTICE OF PUBLICATION
line Surveying and Mapping, State of Georgia Under and by virtue of The sale will be conducted sub- Declaration. Assessments, at-
3659 Buford Highway By Order for Service by Public-
Inc., dated 12/24/19, also Action No. O.C.G.A. § 44-3-109, the De- ject to (1) confirmation that the torney’s fees, costs, and in-
C4 ation dated the 8th day of May,
known as 2597 Bloom Circle ++22A02214++ claration of Condominium for sale is not prohibited under the terest continue to accrue and
Brookhaven, GA 30324 2023, all interested parties are
per the current numbering sys- Glenda Martinez, Snapfinger Manor, as may be United States Bankruptcy are also secured by the Associ-
tem in DeKalb County, Geor- By Order for service by public- hereby notified that on Novem- Code, and (2) final confirma-
Plaintiff amended (the “Declaration”), ation’s lien. The lien remaining
gia.DeKalb Co. Tax Parcel ID: ation dated 6/6/2023, you are ber 9, 2022, Plaintiff River Vista tion and audit of the status of
vs. filed of record in the DeKalb unsatisfied, this sale will be
18 257 01 048 hereby notified that on Estates Homeowners’ Associ- the lien with the holder of the made for the purpose of pay-
Raquel C Estep, County, Georgia land records,
will expire and be forever fore- 5/4/2023, Laura A Garcia Soto ation, Inc. filed its Verified and that Court Order dated Order to foreclose. ing same and all expenses of
closed and barred on and after Defendant filed suit against you for $TBD Complaint against Defendant Sanpfinger Manor Condomini-
December 28th, 2022 in Civil the sale, as provided in the De-
August 7, 2023. To: Raquel C Estep principal, $TBD interest, and Michele Giddens, said case be- um Association, Inc. claration (notice of attempt to
Action File Number 21CV7484
The tax deed to which this no- 3016 Ember Dr $TBD attorney's fees. ing filed in the Superior Court of c/o Lueder, Larkin & Hunter, collect attorney's fees having
there will be sold by the DeKalb
tice relates is dated June 7, Apt 202 You are required to file with DeKalb County and assigned County Sheriff’s Office at pub- LLC been given). The excess, if
2023 and is recorded in the of- Decatur, GA 30034 the Clerk of the State Court, Civil Action File No. 22CV9678. lic outcry to the highest bidder ATTN: Darrelyn S. Hughes any, will be distributed to the
fice of the Clerk of the Superior By Order for service by public- and to serve upon plaintiff's at- Defendant Michele Giddens are for cash before the Courthouse 5900 Windward Parkway person or persons legally en-
Court of DeKalb County, Geor- ation dated 5/11/2023, you are torney, David M Thomas an An- hereby directed and required to door of DeKalb County, Geor- Suite 390 titled thereto.
gia, in Deed Book 30485, Page hereby notified that on swer in writing within sixty (60) file with the Clerk of the Superi- gia within the legal hours of Phone: (770) 685-7000 To the best knowledge and be-
84. 6/16/2022, Glenda Martinez days of the date of the order for or Court of DeKalb County, sale on the first Tuesday in Ju- Fax: (770) 685-7002 lief of the undersigned, the
The property may be re- filed suit against you for TBD Georgia and to serve upon ly 2023, to wit, July 4, 2023, [email protected] party in possession of the Sub-
deemed at any time before the principal, TBD interest, TBD at- Plaintiff’s attorney an Answer to which is a holiday, the sale will Our File No. 1637-1700-4 ject Property, commonly re-
Witness the Honorable Ana
date stated above by payment torney's fees. this lawsuit, in writing, within be the next day Wednesday, THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING ferred to as ++ 6189 Redan
Maria Martinez, Judge of this sixty (60) days of the date of
of the redemption price as fixed You are required to file with July 5, 2023, the following de- AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- Overlook, Lithonia, Georgia
State Court. the Order for Publication.
and provided by law to Douglas the Clerk of the State Court, scribed property: TEMPTING TO COLLECT A 30058++ is Chatoya Lewis.
This the 7th day of June, 2023. Witness the Honorable Gregory DEBT. ANY INFORMATION
McKillip, attorney for Mr. and to serve upon plaintiff's at- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Said property will be sold sub-
Deeds, LLC, 22 N Main St., Kimberly Brock, Clerk A Adams, Judge of the Superi- OBTAINED WILL BE USED
torney, an Answer in writing CEL OF LAND LYING AND ject to (a) any outstanding ad
Bldg B, Watkinsville, GA State Court of DeKalb County or Court of DeKalb County. FOR THAT PURPOSE. valorem taxes (including taxes
within sixty (60) days of the BEING IN LAND LOTS 97 AND
30677. Note: redemption must By: Kelly Johnson This 15th day of May, 2023. 128 OF THE 15TH DISTRICT which are a lien but not yet due
date of the order for publica- 360-476373 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29
be made only to Douglas McK- Deputy Clerk Debra DeBerry AND LAND LOT 9 OF THE and payable), (b) any matters
illip personally, and redemption For: State Court Clerk, Superior Court of 16TH DISTRICT, DEKALB FORECLOSURE SALE which might be disclosed by an
funds cannot be left at the law Witness the Honorable Wayne of DeKalb County DeKalb County accurate survey and inspection
firm address. Tender must be Purdom, Judge of this State DeKalb County Courthouse Prepared and presented by: BLDG. #5, UNIT #18, of the property, (c) the Declara-
made as required in O.C.G.A. § Court. 556 N. McDonough Street /s/ Griffin M. Bell SNAPFINGER MANOR CON- tion, as amended, and (d) all
Under and by virtue of the De-
48-4-42 in lawful money of the This the 12th day of June, Decatur, Georgia 30030 Griffin M. Bell DOMINIUM, AS PER PLAT claration of Condominium for matters of record superior to
United States (no revocable 2023. Georgia Bar No. 270545 RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK Redan Square Condominium, the lien first set out above, and
monetary instrument will satis- Kimberly Brock, Clerk 350-476812 6/29,7/6,7/13, Winter Capriola Zenner, LLC 128, PAGE 112, REVISED AT as may be amended (the “De- any encumbrances, zoning or-
fy the requirements of the State Court of DeKalb County 7/20 Attorneys for Plaintiff PLAT BOOK 147, PAGE 50, claration”), O.C.G.A. §44-3- dinances, restrictions, coven-
above-cited statute.) Last By: P S Harris NOTICE OF PUBLICATION 3490 Piedmont Road NE, Suite DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA 109(c) filed of record in the ants and matters of record su-
minute redemption is a com- Deputy Clerk In the State Court 800 RECORDS, SUBJECT TO DeKalb County, Georgia land perior to the lien first set out
plicated legal process and if For: State Court Atlanta, Georgia 30305 THAT CERTAIN DECLARA- records, and the Court Order above.
of DeKalb County
you are planning redemption, of DeKalb County (404) 844-5700, TION OF CONDOMINIUM FOR December 9th , 2022 in Civil The sale will be conducted sub-
State of Georgia [email protected]
please review and comply with DeKalb County Courthouse Civil Action No. SNAPFINGER MANOR CON- Action File Number 22CV6093 ject to (1) confirmation that the
the 72 Hour Redemption Policy 556 N. McDonough Street 350-476939 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20 DOMINIUM, DATED NOVEM- there will be sold by the DeKalb sale is not prohibited under the
posted at the law firm. The title Decatur, Georgia 30030 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BER 1, 2002, FILED FOR RE- County Sheriff’s Office at pub- United States Bankruptcy
issues with this property are Dornise Henderson and Kaina
OF DEKALB COUNTY CORD JANUARY 16, 2003, lic outcry to the highest bidder Code, and (2) final confirma-
complex. The inclusion of any Henderson, tion and audit of the status of
350-476784 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 STATE OF GEORGIA AND RECORDED IN DEED for cash before the Courthouse
given party appearing in the To: Plaintiff the lien with the holder of the
line in the above Notice DOES vs. HOME ASSOCIATION, INC., SEQ., AMENDED AT DEED Order to foreclose.
In the State Court gia within the legal hours of
NOT NECESSARILY MEAN Sharlaine Bell PLAINTIFF, BOOK 16670, PAGE 364, AND Redan Square Condominium
of DeKalb County sale on the first Tuesday in Ju-
that such party/ies possess a State of Georgia v DEED BOOK 16861, PAGE ly 2023, to wit, July 4, 2023, Association, Inc.
redemption right. Defendant ANETRIA REKAY BURNETT, 782, AND WHICH DECLARA- which is a holiday, the sale will c/o Lueder, Larkin & Hunter,
Action No. To: Sharlaine Bell
350-476782 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13 DEFENDANT. TION MAY AGAIN BE be the next day, Wednesday, LLC
++22A04669-6++ 2238 Terrance Ct
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION CIVIL ACTION AMENDED FROM TIME TO July 5, 2023, the following de- ATTN: Darrelyn S. Hughes
Eyonna Kemp Lithonia, GA 30058 5900 Windward Parkway
Plaintiff Suite 390
vs. By Order for service by public- By Order for Service by Public- TAINED THEREIN ARE IN- Phone: (770) 685-7000
Plaintiff Fannie Barber, ation dated April 20, 2023, you ation dated the 30th day of CORPORATED HEREIN AND BEING IN LAND LOT 101 OF Fax: (770) 685-7002
vs. Defendant are hereby notified that on April, 2023, all interested MADE A PART HEREOF BY THE 16TH DISTRICT, DEKALB [email protected]
CARL ENGELMAN D/B/A BC To: Fannie Barber November 29, 2022, Dornise parties are hereby notified that REFERENCE. COUNTY, GEORGIA, AND BE- Our File No. 800-1800-4
TRADING, 1797 Northwick Place Henderson and Kaina Hender- on July 28, 2022, Plaintiff Key- ING MORE PARTICULARLY THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING
Defendant Lithonia, GA 30058 son filed suit against you for stone Gates Townhome Asso- The debt secured by the Asso- DESCRIBED AS CONDOMINI- AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT-
Civil Action File No: other address ciation, Inc. filed its Verified ciation’s judgment lien, which UM UNIT 127, REDAN TEMPTING TO COLLECT A
$TBD principal, $TBD interest,
++23CV1563++ 4386 Lincoln Jones Rd. Complaint for Money Owed and as of March 31, 2023 totaled SQUARE CONDOMINIUMS, DEBT. ANY INFORMATION
and $TBD attorney's fees.
To: CARL ENGELMAN d/b/a Ellenwood, GA 30294 to Foreclose on Real Property $14,481.81 has been and is PHASE VI, A CONDOMINIUM, OBTAINED WILL BE USED
You are required to file with FOR THAT PURPOSE.
BC TRADING By Order for service by public- against Defendant Anetria hereby declared due because AS SHOWN ON A PLAT RE-
the Clerk of the State Court, of failure to pay the indebted-
5331 Forest Springs Dr ation dated 6/6/2023, you are Rekay Burnett, said case be- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 189,
Atlanta, GA 30338 and to serve upon plaintiff's at- ing filed in the Superior Court of ness as and when due and in
hereby notified that on PAGE 1, DEKALB COUNTY,
You are hereby notified that the torney, McLaine Merrick an An- Dekalb County and assigned the manner provided for in the GEORGIA RECORDS, TO-
12/2/2022, Eyonna Kemp filed swer in writing within sixty (60)
above-styled Petition to Do- suit against you for $TBD prin- Civil Action File No. 22CV6758. Declaration. Assessments, at- GETHER WITH ALL RIGHT
mesticate Foreign Judgment days of the date of the order for Defendant Anetria Rekay Bur- torney’s fees, costs, and in- TITLE AND INTEREST IN
cipal, $TBD interest, and $TBD publication.Witness the Honor-
was filed against you in the Su- attorney's fees. nett is hereby directed and re- terest continue to accrue and SAID CONDOMINIUM AND
perior Court of DeKalb County, able Kimberly K. Anderson, quired to file with the Clerk of are also secured by the Associ- RESTRICTIONS FOR REDAN
You are required to file with Judge of this State Court.
State of Georgia on January the Superior Court of Dekalb ation’s lien. The lien remaining SQUARE CONDOMINIUMS,
the Clerk of the State Court, This the 15th day of June, County, Georgia and to serve unsatisfied, this sale will be
24, 2023 and that by reason of RECORDED IN DEED BOOK
an order for service of sum- and to serve upon plaintiff's at- 2023. upon Plaintiff’s attorney an An- made for the purpose of pay- 17926, PAGE 234, DEKALB
mons by publication entered by torney, Noah Moore an Answer Kimberly Brock, Clerk swer to this lawsuit, in writing, ing same and all expenses of COUNTY, GEORGIA RE-
the Court on the 15th day of in writing within sixty (60) days State Court of DeKalb County within sixty (60) days of the the sale, as provided in the De- CORDS, WHICH PLAT,
June, 2023, you are com- of the date of the order for pub- By: P Nesbitt date of the Order for Publica- claration (notice of attempt to PLANS AND DECLARATION
manded and required to file lication. Deputy Clerk tion. collect attorney's fees having AND ALL RECORDED
with the Clerk of said Court and Witness the Honorable Ana For: State Court Witness the Honorable Court- been given). The excess, if AMENDMENTS THERETO
serve upon Kevin A. Maxim Maria Martinez, Judge of this of DeKalb County ney L Johnson, Judge of the any, will be distributed to the ARE, BY REFERENCE, IN-
and Bridget B. James of The State Court. Superior Court of Dekalb person or persons legally en- CORPORATED HEREIN AND
DeKalb County Courthouse
Maxim Law Firm, P.C., Whose This the 7th day of June, 2023. County. titled thereto. MADE A PART HEREOF.
556 N. McDonough Street To the best knowledge and be-
address is 1718 Peachtree Kimberly Brock, Clerk This 21 day of June, 2023. THIS CONVEYANCE IS MADE
Street, Suite 599, Atlanta, GA Decatur, Georgia 30030 Deputy Clerk, Superior Court of lief of the undersigned, the
State Court of DeKalb County SUBJECT TO ALL THE PRO-
30309, an Answer to the Peti- By: K Johnson Dekalb County party in possession of the Sub- VISIONS IN SAID DECLARA-
tion within Prepared and presented by: ject Property, commonly re- TION AND THE GEORGIA
strictions for the Meadows at ing same and all expenses of
Wynbrooke and Wynbrooke the sale, as provided in the
Subdivision, and (d) all matters Georgia Condominium Act,
of record superior to the lien, O.C.G.A. § 44-3-70, et seq.,
including but not limited to, the and the Declaration. The ex-
Security Deed from AOVM In- cess, if any, will be distributed
Page 38 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023 
vestments, LLC to Atlanta
Private Lending, LLC recorded
to the person of persons leg-
ally entitled thereto. To the best
360-476375 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 at Deed Book 28731, Page knowledge and belief of the un- 370-476539 6/22,6/29 370-476542 6/22,6/29 370-476545 6/22,6/29 370-476548 6/22,6/29
FORECLOSURE records, last assigned to Kirk- sion of the Subject Property REGISTRATION REGISTRATION REGISTRATION REGISTRATION
State of Georgia land Financial, LLC with such known as ++14104 Fairington OF TRADE NAME OF TRADE NAME OF TRADE NAME OF TRADE NAME
DeKalb County assignment recorded in Deed Ridge Circle, Lithonia, GA++ is State of Georgia, State of Georgia, State of Georgia, State of Georgia,
Pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 44-3- Book 28736, Page 670, DeKalb Enem Investments, LLC. County of DeKalb County of DeKalb County of DeKalb County of DeKalb
220, the Amended and Re- County, Georgia records, and Said property will be sold sub- The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby
stated Declaration of Coven- any encumbrances, zoning or- ject to (a) any outstanding ad certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct-
ants, Conditions and Restric- dinances, restrictions, coven- valorem taxes (including taxes ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of
tions for the Meadows at Wyn- ants and matters of record su- which are a lien but not yet due DeKalb, at 2732 Kelly Lake Rd DeKalb, at 2946 S. Rainbow Dr DeKalb, at 3708 Clairmont DeKalb, at 2959 North Druid
brooke and Wynbrooke Subdi- perior to this lien. and payable), (b) any superior Decatur, GA 30032 the State of Suite 102 Decatur, GA 30034 Road Chamblee, GA 30341 the Hills Road Atlanta, GA 30329
vision, recorded at Deed Book The sale will be conducted sub- security deed of record, (c) any Georgia, under the name the State of Georgia, under the State of Georgia, under the the State of Georgia, under the
21740, Page 147 et seq., ject to (1) confirmation that the matters which might be dis- ++Euphoria Publications++. name ++Skull Ink Tatoos & name ++Foundation Academy, name ++VIP Petcare++. Said
DeKalb County, Georgia Re- sale is not prohibited under the closed by an accurate survey Said business has been re- Piercings++. Said business has Brookhaven Center++. Said business has been registered
cords, the Final Default Judg- United States Bankruptcy and inspection of the property, gistered under Cloud 9 Prime been registered under business has been registered under Community Veterinary
ment of the DeKalb County Su- Code, and (2) final confirma- (d) the Declaration, as LLC. Skull3Empire LLC. under FA003 BROOKHAVEN Clinics, LLC.
perior Court entered against tion and audit of the status of amended, and (e) all matters of This affidavit is made in compli- This affidavit is made in compli- LLC. This affidavit is made in compli-
Defendant AOVM Investments, the lien with the holder of the record superior to the lien first ance with GA Code Annotated, ance with GA Code Annotated, This affidavit is made in compli- ance with GA Code Annotated,
LLC dated February 2, 2022, Order to foreclose. set out above, and any encum- Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Title 10, Chapter 1, Section ance with GA Code Annotated, Title 10, Chapter 1, Section
Civil Action Number 19CV8396- Wynbrooke Community Associ- brances, zoning ordinances, re- 490. 490. Title 10, Chapter 1, Section 490.
2 there will be sold by DeKalb ation, Inc. strictions covenants and mat- Webb, Tameaka Johnson, Kenneth 490. Smith, Michael
County Sheriff’s Office at pub- Laura C. Horlock ters of record superior to the li- Applicant / Owner Applicant / Owner Burpee, Timothy Luke Applicant / Owner
lic outcry to the highest bidder Pankey & Horlock, LLC en first set out above. Sworn to and subscribed this Sworn to and subscribed this Applicant / Owner Sworn to and subscribed this
for cash before the Courthouse 1441 Dunwoody Village Park- The sale will be conducted sub- 8th day of June, 2023. 12th day of June, 2023. Sworn to and subscribed this 2nd day of June, 2023.
door of DeKalb County, Geor- way ject to (1) confirmation and Instrument number Instrument number 1st day of June, 2023. Instrument number
gia within the legal hours of Suite 200 audit of the status of the lien 2023TN00243 2023TN00246 Instrument number 2023TN00235
sale on the first Tuesday in Ju- Atlanta, Georgia 30338 with the holder of the Order to Filed on June 8, 2023 Filed on June 12, 2023 2023TN00231 Filed on June 2, 2023
ly 2023, to wit, July 4, 2023, 770-670-6250 foreclose. The DeKalb County Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry Filed on June 1, 2023 Debra DeBerry
which is a holiday, the sale will THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING Sheriff’s Office makes no war- Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court Debra DeBerry Clerk of Superior Court
be the next day Wednesday, AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- ranties whatsoever as to the In DeKalb County, Georgia In DeKalb County, Georgia Clerk of Superior Court In DeKalb County, Georgia
July 5, 2023, the following TEMPTING TO COLLECT A above-described property. The 370-476540 6/22,6/29 370-476543 6/22,6/29 In DeKalb County, Georgia 370-476549 6/22,6/29
property: DEBT. ANY INFORMATION DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office AFFIDAVIT FOR AFFIDAVIT FOR 370-476546 6/22,6/29 AFFIDAVIT FOR
All that tract or parcel of land ly- OBTAINED WILL BE USED specifically makes no warranty REGISTRATION REGISTRATION AFFIDAVIT FOR REGISTRATION
ing and being in Land Lot 31 of FOR THAT PURPOSE. of title as to defects of title or OF TRADE NAME OF TRADE NAME REGISTRATION OF TRADE NAME
the 18th District of DeKalb survey or liens and encum- State of Georgia, State of Georgia, OF TRADE NAME State of Georgia,
County, Georgia, being Lot 42, 360-476376 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 brances or other title defects in County of DeKalb County of DeKalb State of Georgia, County of DeKalb
Block B, Wynbrooke Subdivi- NOTICE OF JUDICIAL conjunction with the sale. The The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby County of DeKalb The undersigned hereby
sion, Unit I, as per plat recor- FORECLOSURE DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- The undersigned hereby certifies that they are conduct-
ded in Plat Book 88, Page 75, STATE OF GEORGIA reserves the right to reject any ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of certifies that they are conduct- ing a business in the County of
Dekalb County, Georgia re- DEKALB COUNTY and all bids made, regardless DeKalb, at 4450 Lashley Drive DeKalb, at 2946 S. Rainbow Dr ing a business in the County of DeKalb, at 4330 Bowman In-
cords, which plat is referred to Under and by virtue of of the amount, for the pur- Tucker, GA 30084 the State of Suite 102 Decatur, GA 30034 DeKalb, at 3039 Briarcliff Road dustrial Ct Conley, GA 30288
and incorporated herein by ref- O.C.G.A. § 44-3-70 et seq., the chase of the above-described Georgia, under the name the State of Georgia, under the NE Atlanta, GA 30329 the the State of Georgia, under the
erence; being improved prop- Declaration of Protective Cov- property. Govern yourself ac- ++ZOMMA++. Said business name ++Kyngs Salon & State of Georgia, under the name ++Lakewood Auto++.
erty known as 6868 Wyn- enants, Conditions, Restric- cordingly. has been registered under ATH Barber++. Said business has name ++Foundation Academy, Said business has been re-
brooke Cove, according to the tions and Easements for Fair- Fairington Ridge Condominium GEO, LLC. been registered under Briarcliff Center++. Said busi- gistered under Lakewood Auto
present system of numbering ington Ridge Condominium As- Association, Inc. This affidavit is made in compli- Skull3Empire LLC. ness has been registered un- LLC.
houses in DeKalb County, sociation, Inc., as amended c/o Cobb, Olson & Andrle LLC ance with GA Code Annotated, This affidavit is made in compli- der FA004 BRIARCLIFF LLC. This affidavit is made in compli-
Georgia. (the “Declaration”), filed of re- Frank R. Olson – GA Bar Title 10, Chapter 1, Section ance with GA Code Annotated, This affidavit is made in compli- ance with GA Code Annotated,
cord there will be sold by the 553077 490. Title 10, Chapter 1, Section ance with GA Code Annotated, Title 10, Chapter 1, Section
The debt secured by the lien, DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office John D. Andrle – GA Bar Carellas, Theodore T. 490. Title 10, Chapter 1, Section 490.
which totals $9,839.50 has at public outcry to the highest 488330 Applicant / Owner Johnson, Kenneth 490. Atkins, Toddrick
been and is hereby declared bidder for cash before the 500 Sugar Mill Road, Suite Sworn to and subscribed this Applicant / Owner Burpee, Timothy Luke Applicant / Owner
due because of failure to pay Courthouse door of DeKalb 160-B 13th day of June, 2023. Sworn to and subscribed this Applicant / Owner Sworn to and subscribed this
the indebtedness as and when County, Georgia within the leg- Atlanta, GA 30350 Instrument number 12th day of June, 2023. Sworn to and subscribed this 2nd day of June, 2023.
due in the manner provided for al hours of sale on the first (770) 450-6168 2023TN00244 Instrument number 1st day of June, 2023. Instrument number
in the Amended and Restated Tuesday in July 2023, to wit, [email protected] Filed on June 13, 2023 2023TN00247 Instrument number 2023TN00236
Declaration of Covenants, Con- July 4, 2023, which is a holiday, [email protected] Debra DeBerry Filed on June 12, 2023 2023TN00232 Filed on June 2, 2023
ditions and Restrictions for the the sale will be the next day, Clerk of Superior Court Debra DeBerry Filed on June 1, 2023 Debra DeBerry
Meadows at Wynbrooke and
Wynbrooke Subdivision, and
Wednesday, July 5, 2023, the
following described property:
Trade Name In DeKalb County, Georgia Clerk of Superior Court
In DeKalb County, Georgia
Debra DeBerry
Clerk of Superior Court
Clerk of Superior Court
In DeKalb County, Georgia
370-476541 6/22,6/29
the By-Laws. The debt remain- All that tract or parcel of land ly- In DeKalb County, Georgia
370-476538 6/22,6/29 AFFIDAVIT FOR 370-476544 6/22,6/29 370-476550 6/22,6/29
ing in default, this sale will be ing and being in Land Lot 74 of
made for the purpose of pay- the 16th District of DeKalb
ing same and all expenses of County, Georgia, being Build-
the sale, as provided in the ing 14, Unit 14104, Fairington
State of Georgia, County of DeKalb State of Georgia, OF TRADE NAME State of Georgia,
Georgia Property Owners’ As- Ridge Condominium as per plat
County of DeKalb The undersigned hereby County of DeKalb State of Georgia, County of DeKalb
sociation Act, O.C.G.A. § 44-3- recorded in Plat Book 170,
The undersigned hereby certifies that they are conduct- The undersigned hereby County of DeKalb The undersigned hereby
220, et. seq., and the Amended Pages 5-8, DeKalb County,
certifies that they are conduct- ing a business in the County of certifies that they are conduct- The undersigned hereby certifies that they are conduct-
and Restated Declaration of Georgia Records, which plat is
ing a business in the County of DeKalb, at 4727 N. ROYAL AT- ing a business in the County of certifies that they are conduct- ing a business in the County of
Covenants, Conditions and Re- incorporated herein by refer-
DeKalb, at 5317 Peachtree LANTA DRIVE, SUITE G DeKalb, at 29 Rockyford Rd NE ing a business in the County of DeKalb, at 6603 Tee Bow Ct
strictions for the Meadows at ence thereto, subject to that
Blvd Suite 204 Chamblee, GA TUCKER, GA 30084 the State Atlanta, GA 30317 the State of DeKalb, at 340 Allendale Drive Lithonia, GA 30038 the State of
Wynbrooke and Wynbrooke certain Declarations of Con-
30341 the State of Georgia, un- of Georgia, under the name Georgia, under the name SE Atlanta, GA 30317 the State Georgia, under the name
Subdivision (notice of attempt dominium for Fairington Village
der the name ++Cenac Land- ++ATI RESTORATION AT- ++Built Best++. Said business of Georgia, under the name ++Georgia Boys Auto
to collect attorney's fees hav- Condominium, filed for record
scape++. Said business has LANTA++. Said business has has been registered under Built ++Dunn Smothers Group++. Brokers++. Said business has
ing been given). The excess, if September 22, 2005, and re-
been registered under been registered under LANG Best Creative Shop LLC. Said business has been re- been registered under Georgia
any, will be distributed to the corded at Deed Book 17926,
Peachtree Landscape Group ENTERPRISES LTD. CO. This affidavit is made in compli- gistered under Warrick Dunn Boys Investment Group, LLC.
person or persons legally en- Page 309, which declarations
LLC. This affidavit is made in compli- ance with GA Code Annotated, Holdings, LLC. This affidavit is made in compli-
titled thereto. may be amended.
This affidavit is made in compli- ance with GA Code Annotated, Title 10, Chapter 1, Section This affidavit is made in compli- ance with GA Code Annotated,
To the best knowledge and be- The Association is in posses-
ance with GA Code Annotated, Title 10, Chapter 1, Section 490. ance with GA Code Annotated, Title 10, Chapter 1, Section
lief of the undersigned, the sion of a Writ of Fieri Facias the
Title 10, Chapter 1, Section 490. Murphy, Natasha Title 10, Chapter 1, Section 490.
party (or parties) in possession total of which is valued at
490. CASENHISER, KEVIN Applicant / Owner 490. Jackson, Jarvis
of the subject property known $6,154.16 as of the Court Or-
Tobin, Ilan Applicant / Owner Sworn to and subscribed this Dunn, Warrick Applicant / Owner
as ++6868 Wynbrooke Cove, der dated July 20, 2022. Said
Applicant / Owner Sworn to and subscribed this 12th day of June, 2023. Applicant / Owner Sworn to and subscribed this
Stone Mountain, Georgia debt is secured by the Associ-
Sworn to and subscribed this 12th day of June, 2023. Instrument number Sworn to and subscribed this 5th day of June, 2023.
30087++ is AOVM Invest- ation’s lien and has been, and
7th day of June, 2023. Instrument number 2023TN00248 2nd day of June, 2023. Instrument number
ments, LLC. is hereby, declared due be-
Instrument number 2023TN00245 Filed on June 12, 2023 Instrument number 2023TN00237
The unit will be sold subject to cause of failure to pay the in-
2023TN00242 Filed on June 12, 2023 Debra DeBerry 2023TN00234 Filed on June 5, 2023
(a) any outstanding ad valorem debtedness as and when due
Filed on June 7, 2023 Debra DeBerry Clerk of Superior Court Filed on June 2, 2023 Debra DeBerry
taxes, including taxes which and in the manner provided for
Debra DeBerry Clerk of Superior Court In DeKalb County, Georgia Debra DeBerry Clerk of Superior Court
are a lien but not yet due and the Declaration. Assessments,
Clerk of Superior Court In DeKalb County, Georgia Clerk of Superior Court In DeKalb County, Georgia
payable, (b) any matters which attorney’s fees, costs, and in-
In DeKalb County, Georgia In DeKalb County, Georgia
might be disclosed by an accur- terest continue to accrue and
ate survey and inspection of are also secured by the Associ-
the property, (c) the Amended ation’s lien. The debt remain-
and Restated Declaration of ing in default, this sale will be
Covenants, Conditions and Re- made for the purpose of pay-
strictions for the Meadows at ing same and all expenses of
Wynbrooke and Wynbrooke the sale, as provided in the
Subdivision, and (d) all matters Georgia Condominium Act,
of record superior to the lien, O.C.G.A. § 44-3-70, et seq.,
including but not limited to, the and the Declaration. The ex-
Security Deed from AOVM In- cess, if any, will be distributed
vestments, LLC to Atlanta to the person of persons leg-
Private Lending, LLC recorded ally entitled thereto. To the best
at Deed Book 28731, Page knowledge and belief of the un-
770, DeKalb County, Georgia dersigned, the party in posses-
records, last assigned to Kirk- sion of the Subject Property
land Financial, LLC with such known as ++14104 Fairington

Case Z-23-01
ADDRESS: 2628 Homeland
Drive | APPLICANT: Patrick
Hutchinson / Cantsink LLC
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023
REQUEST: Request for a Page 39
change in zoning conditions for
370-476551 6/22,6/29 370-476554 6/22,6/29 the property at 2628 Homeland 390-475927 390-475947 390-475959 390-475969
AFFIDAVIT FOR AFFIDAVIT FOR Drive. 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT
REGISTRATION REGISTRATION 22-R30203563-JUL-OJG 22-R30214011-JUL-SY1 22-R30214683-JUL-RJS 22-R30215090-JUL-ELM
OF TRADE NAME OF TRADE NAME Case Z-23-02 To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
County of DeKalb County of DeKalb pressway | APPLICANT: Bax- Defendant: TOMMY D VERDELL JR Defendant: LLC
The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby ter Russell / Dillard Sellers DAVID STEPHANE LECROY Defendant: CATRICE RHONE Defendant:
certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- REQUEST: Request to rezone All that parcel of land being de- CARMELL D VERDELL All that parcel of land being de- 3000 EMBER DRIVE CV2021
ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of the subject property from M-1 scribed as Parcel 15 211 01 TOMMY D VERDELL JR scribed as Parcel 15 101 09 LLC
DeKalb, at 1870 S. Hampton DeKalb, at 3543 Chamblee (Light Manufacturing) to R-3 015 and 305 GORDON AVE All that parcel of land being de- 018 and 3775 TREE BARK All that parcel of land being de-
Lane Atlanta, GA 30316 the Tucker Rd Atlanta, GA 30341 (Apartments). NE in deed book 28080 page scribed as Parcel 15 063 01 TRL in deed book 29557 page scribed as Parcel 15 121 02
State of Georgia, under the the State of Georgia, under the 00352 less and except all par- 089 and 4559 DOGWOOD 00166 less and except all par- 002 and 3000 EMBER DR in
name ++Grayscale Industrial name ++Wings R Us++. Said Case V-23-07 cels other than 15 211 01 015. FARMS DR in deed book cels other than 15 101 09 018. deed book 29427 page 00106
Transport++. Said business business has been registered ADDRESS: 4422 Northeast Ex- Levied on 05/12/2023 for the 30356 page 00399 less and ex- Levied on 05/12/2023 for the less and except all parcels oth-
has been registered under under WRQ Inc. pressway | APPLICANT: Bax- amount of $6,565.99 to satisfy cept all parcels other than 15 amount of $5,832.36 to satisfy er than 15 121 02 002.
Grayscale Industrial Servicing This affidavit is made in compli- ter Russell / Dillard Sellers certain state, county, and city 063 01 089. certain state, county, and city Levied on 05/12/2023 for the
LLC. ance with GA Code Annotated, REQUEST: Variance from Sec. fieri facias For tax, penalties, Levied on 05/12/2023 for the fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $202,845.80 to satis-
This affidavit is made in compli- Title 10, Chapter 1, Section 23-905 to increase the maxim- interest and legal cost for amount of $5,471.70 to satisfy interest and legal cost for ear(s) fy certain state, county, and city
ance with GA Code Annotated, 490. um unit density to 40 units per year(s) 2021, 2022. certain state, county, and city 2022. fieri facias For tax, penalties,
Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Kim, Won Hee acre. fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for
490. Applicant / Owner interest and legal cost for 390-475960 year(s) 2022
Tepper, Jordan Sworn to and subscribed this Case V-23-08 year(s) 2022. 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 390-475975
Applicant / Owner 30th day of May, 2023. ADDRESS: 4422 Northeast Ex- 22-R30214710-JUL-ELM 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT
To: Owner/Tenant: 390-475949
Sworn to and subscribed this Instrument number pressway | APPLICANT: Bax- To: Owner/Tenant: 22-R30215210-JUL-ELM
HILLS HOMES ATLANTA LLC 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT
5th day of June, 2023. 2023TN00239 ter Russell / Dillard Sellers VILLAS AT PANTHERSVILLE To: Owner/Tenant:
Defendant: 22-R30214193-JUL-MLP
Instrument number Filed on May 30, 2023 REQUEST: Variance from Sec. LLC GLOBAL CHILD CARE EN-
All that parcel of land being de- To: Owner/Tenant:
2023TN00238 Debra DeBerry 23-905 to decrease the re- Defendant: TERPRISES
scribed as Parcel 15 013 01 JIN & JIN INC
Filed on June 5, 2023 Clerk of Superior Court quired minimum lot area for a VILLAS AT PANTHERSVILLE Defendant:
008 and 1745 CEDAR GROVE Defendant:
Debra DeBerry In DeKalb County, Georgia property zoned R-3. LLC GLOBAL CHILD CARE EN-
RD in deed book page less and JIN & JIN INC
Clerk of Superior Court All that parcel of land being de- TERPRISES
except all parcels other than 15 All that parcel of land being de-
In DeKalb County, Georgia Case V-23-09 scribed as Parcel 15 104 03
370-476552 6/22,6/29 Zoning Matters ADDRESS: 4422 Northeast Ex-
013 01 008.
Levied on 05/12/2023 for the
scribed as Parcel 15 076 01 005 and 2929 PANTHERS-
All that parcel of land being de-
scribed as Parcel 15 126 12
AFFIDAVIT FOR pressway | APPLICANT: Bax- 012 and 2584 BOULDER- VILLE RD in deed book 28576
amount of $338.88 to satisfy CREST RD SE in deed book 002 and 4177 RAINBOW DR in
REGISTRATION 380-476940 6/29 ter Russell / Dillard Sellers page 00155 less and except all deed book 20787 page 00767
CITY OF BROOKHAVEN certain state, county, and city 18441 page 00429 less and ex-
OF TRADE NAME REQUEST: Variance from Sec. parcels other than 15 104 03 less and except all parcels oth-
NOTICE OF fieri facias For tax, penalties, cept all parcels other than 15
State of Georgia, 23-905 to decrease the re- 005. er than 15 126 12 002.
PUBLIC HEARING interest and legal cost for 076 01 012.
County of DeKalb quired minimum lot area for a Levied on 05/12/2023 for the Levied on 05/12/2023 for the
BOARD OF APPEALS PUB- year(s) 2022. Levied on 05/12/2023 for the
The undersigned hereby property zoned R-3. amount of $559,111.62 to satis- amount of $27,846.56 to satis-
certifies that they are conduct- LIC HEARING: 390-475941 amount of $9,002.52 to satisfy fy certain state, county, and city
certain state, county, and city fy certain state, county, and city
ing a business in the County of WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 2023 Case V-23-10 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties,
DeKalb, at 2701 Candler Rd AT 7:00 P.M. ADDRESS: 4422 Northeast Ex- 22-R30213712-JUL-ELM fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for
Suite C Decatur, GA 30034 the CITY OF BROOKHAVEN pressway | APPLICANT: Bax- To: Owner/Tenant: year(s) 2022. year(s) 2022.
State of Georgia, under the COUNCIL CHAMBER ter Russell / Dillard Sellers TIGER PAW PROPERTIES year(s) 2022.
ADDRESS: 4362 PEACHTREE REQUEST: Variance from Sec. LLC 390-475963 390-475977
name ++Shell Foodmart++. 390-475953
ROAD, BROOKHAVEN, GA 23-1102 to eliminate the minim- Defendant: 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT
Said business has been re- 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT
30319 um buffer requirements. TIGER PAW PROPERTIES 22-R30214829-JUL-RJS 22-R30215382-JUL-SY1
gistered under Shell Candler, 22-R30214296-JUL-OJG
VIRTUAL MEETING LLC To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
LLC. To: Owner/Tenant:
WEB ADDRESS: Case V-23-11 All that parcel of land being de- KWONIA RUTLEDGE STONE TEAM LLC
This affidavit is made in compli- RATTLER INVESTMENT
HTTPS://US02WEB.ZOOM.US/ ADDRESS: 4422 Northeast Ex- scribed as Parcel 15 043 02 RODNEY RUTLEDGE Defendant:
ance with GA Code Annotated, GROUP LLC T
J/170980441 pressway | APPLICANT: Bax- 132 and 3841 ROLLING PL in Defendant: STONE TEAM LLC
Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Defendant:
THE FOLLOWING VARIANCE ter Russell / Dillard Sellers deed book 22788 page 00727 KWONIA RUTLEDGE All that parcel of land being de-
APPLICATION INVOLVING REQUEST: Variance from Sec. less and except all parcels oth- RODNEY RUTLEDGE scribed as Parcel 15 136 01
Patel, Tuhinkumar GROUP LLC T
PROPERTY LOCATED WITH- 23-1203 to reduce the minim- er than 15 043 02 132. All that parcel of land being de- 008 and 2658 MIRIAM LN in
Applicant / Owner All that parcel of land being de-
IN THE CITY OF um number of required parking Levied on 05/12/2023 for the scribed as Parcel 15 109 01 deed book 29919 page 00043
Sworn to and subscribed this scribed as Parcel 15 081 16
BROOKHAVEN IS SCHED- spaces. amount of $4,943.99 to satisfy 088 and 1752 MARY LOU LN less and except all parcels oth-
5th day of June, 2023. 012 and 1126 PLUMA DR SE
ULED FOR PUBLIC HEARING ++V-23-05,V-23-06,Z-23-01,Z- certain state, county, and city SE in deed book 05859 page er than 15 136 01 008.
Instrument number in deed book 27670 page
AS STATED ABOVE. 23-02,V-23-07,V-23-08,V-23- fieri facias For tax, penalties, 00333 less and except all par- Levied on 05/12/2023 for the
2023TN00240 00268 less and except all par-
CASE #: ++VAR23-00022++ 09,V-23-10,V-23-11++ interest and legal cost for cels other than 15 109 01 088. amount of $5,306.51 to satisfy
Filed on June 5, 2023 cels other than 15 081 16 012.
APPLICANT: TODD SHOE- year(s) 2022. Levied on 05/12/2023 for the certain state, county, and city
Debra DeBerry Levied on 05/12/2023 for the
MAKER fieri facias For tax, penalties,
Clerk of Superior Court
In DeKalb County, Georgia PROPERTY LOCATION: 1303 Tax Sales 390-475942 amount of $2,544.99 to satisfy
amount of $5,853.46 to satisfy
certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for
CITADEL DRIVE 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT certain state, county, and city year(s) 2022.
370-476553 6/22,6/29 fieri facias For tax, penalties,
REQUEST: VARIANCES 390-000000 22-R30213914-JUL-OJG fieri facias For tax, penalties, 390-475980
AFFIDAVIT FOR interest and legal cost for
FROM SECTION 27-957 TO TAX COMMISSIONER To: Owner/Tenant: interest and legal cost for 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT
REGISTRATION year(s) 2022.
REDUCE THE RETAINING Ex-Officio Sheriff LESLIE E RECTOR year(s) 2022. 22-R30215535-JUL-MLP
OF TRADE NAME WALL SIDE SETBACK AND Tax Sales Defendant: To: Owner/Tenant:
State of Georgia, LESLIE E RECTOR 390-475955 390-475965
TO INCREASE THE MAXIM- Georgia, DeKalb County 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT VSP ATLANTA LLC
County of DeKalb UM RETAINING WALL Will be sold the first Tuesday in All that parcel of land being de- 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT Defendant:
The undersigned hereby scribed as Parcel 15 058 07 22-R30214369-JUL-ELM 22-R30214919-JUL-RJS
HEIGHT ON AN RS-ZONED JULY, 2023 next at public out- To: Owner/Tenant: VSP ATLANTA LLC
certifies that they are conduct- LOT. cry before the Courthouse door 031 and 3442 BLAZING PINE To: Owner/Tenant: All that parcel of land being de-
ing a business in the County of PATH B in deed book 21653 AXOM ENTERPRISES LLC NEOPHYTE VENTURES LLC
in said county within the legal Defendant: scribed as Parcel 15 141 06
DeKalb, at 3527 Memorial hours of sale to the highest bid- page 00495 less and except all Defendant: 124 and 1895 SOUTHHAMP-
Drive Unit W Decatur, GA 380-476941 6/29 parcels other than 15 058 07 AXOM ENTERPRISES LLC NEOPHYTE VENTURES LLC
ZONING MATTERS der for cash, unless previously All that parcel of land being de- TON LN in deed book 30025
30032 the State of Georgia, un- paid the following described 031. All that parcel of land being de- page 00332 less and except all
der the name ++One Wed, July 5, 2023 at 6 pm: Levied on 05/12/2023 for the scribed as Parcel 15 087 06 scribed as Parcel 15 115 05
Planning Commission properties to wit: 026 and 1379 GATES DR in parcels other than 15 141 06
Medical++. Said business has "Real Property" amount of $7,127.93 to satisfy 018 and 3221 PINE SPRINGS 124.
been registered under Iora Mon, July 17, 2023 at 6 pm: certain state, county, and city MNR in deed book 21555 page deed book 26255 page 00501
City Council 390-475925 less and except all parcels oth- Levied on 05/12/2023 for the
Health Georgia, P.C. fieri facias For tax, penalties, 00295 less and except all par- amount of $1,676.66 to satisfy
This affidavit is made in compli- Location: 3725 Park Avenue, 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT interest and legal cost for cels other than 15 087 06 018. er than 15 115 05 026.
Doraville, GA 30340. 22-R30177758-JUL-ELM Levied on 05/12/2023 for the certain state, county, and city
ance with GA Code Annotated, year(s) 2008, 2009, 2010, Levied on 05/12/2023 for the fieri facias For tax, penalties,
Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Virtual option available. Visit To: Owner/Tenant: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, amount of $4,858.68 to satisfy amount of $5,650.74 to satisfy for agen- DEKALB COUNTY certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for
490. 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, certain state, county, and city year(s) 2022.
Diamond, Andrew das and meeting links. Defendant: 2021, 2022. fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties,
Applicant / Owner All that parcel of land being de- interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for 390-475981
Sworn to and subscribed this Case V-23-05 scribed as Parcel 16 139 03 390-475944 year(s) 2022. year(s) 2022. 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT
6th day of June, 2023. ADDRESS: 3439 Alison Drive | 022 and 6758 KLONDIKE WAY 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 22-R30215607-JUL-OJG
Instrument number APPLICANT: Tim Snyder in deed book page less and ex- 22-R30213973-JUL-RJS 390-475957 390-475968 To: Owner/Tenant:
2023TN00241 REQUEST: Variance from Sec. cept all parcels other than 16 To: Owner/Tenant: 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT HERITAGE CHILD DEVELOP-
Filed on June 6, 2023 23-703 to permit a fence high- 139 03 022. DC RENOVATIONS AND IN- 22-R30214597-JUL-ELM 22-R30215015-JUL-ELM MENT CEN
Debra DeBerry er than 6 feet. Levied on 05/12/2023 for the VESTMENTS To:Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: Defendant:
Clerk of Superior Court amount of $398.96 to satisfy Defendant: AXOM ENTERPRISES LLC L D LATIMER HERITAGE CHILD DEVELOP-
In DeKalb County, Georgia Case V-23-06 certain state, county, and city DC RENOVATIONS AND IN- Defendant: Defendant: MENT CEN
ADDRESS: 3439 Alison Drive | fieri facias For tax, penalties, VESTMENTS AXOM ENTERPRISES LLC L D LATIMER All that parcel of land being de-
APPLICANT: Tim Snyder interest and legal cost for All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 15 144 02
REQUEST: Variance from Sec. year(s) 2020, 2021. scribed as Parcel 15 061 02 scribed as Parcel 15 096 03 scribed as Parcel 15 118 02 055 and 1256 MORELAND
23-601 to permit a shed to be 247 and 3695 SAPPHIRE CT in 005 and 3063 SNAPFINGER 118 and 2771 TERRATIM LN in AVE SE in deed book 19909
closer than 5 feet to a property deed book 24372 page 00132 RD in deed book 21154 page deed book 03033 page 00564 page 00387 less and except all
line. less and except all parcels oth- 00693 less and except all par- less and except all parcels oth- parcels other than 15 144 02
er than 15 061 02 247. cels other than 15 096 03 005. er than 15 118 02 118. 055.
Case Z-23-01 Levied on 05/12/2023 for the Levied on 05/12/2023 for the Levied on 05/12/2023 for the Levied on 05/12/2023 for the
ADDRESS: 2628 Homeland amount of $5,541.66 to satisfy amount of $6,263.56 to satisfy amount of $2,660.34 to satisfy amount of $7,941.32 to satisfy
Drive | APPLICANT: Patrick certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city
Hutchinson / Cantsink LLC fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties,
REQUEST: Request for a interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for
change in zoning conditions for year(s) 2022. year(s) 2022. year(s) 2022. year(s) 2022.
the property at 2628 Homeland

Case Z-23-02
Page 40 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023 
390-475984 390-475993 390-476000 390-476006 390-476013 390-476020 390-476031
6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT
22-R30215671-JUL-ELM 22-R30216215-JUL-ELM 22-R30216436-JUL-OJG 22-R30216473-JUL-OJG 22-R30216638-JUL-MLP 22-R30216948-JUL-SY1 22-R30217175-JUL-RJS
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
Defendant: LLC Defendant: GROUP LLC T Defendant: Defendant: Defendant:
All that parcel of land being de- HOUSES AND HOMES USA All that parcel of land being de- RATTLER INVESTMENT All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de-
scribed as Parcel 15 146 10 LLC scribed as Parcel 15 176 01 GROUP LLC T scribed as Parcel 15 186 04 scribed as Parcel 15 196 01 scribed as Parcel 15 206 02
063 and 1655 FLAT SHOALS All that parcel of land being de- 126 and 1405 NEWTON AVE All that parcel of land being de- 029 and 1520 COLUMBIA CIR 007 and 4065 INDIAN CREEK 069 and 2027 OAKVIEW RD in
AVE SE in deed book 05004 scribed as Parcel 15 168 09 SE in deed book 30216 page scribed as Parcel 15 178 03 in deed book 30025 page CIR in deed book 22170 page deed book 28762 page 00545
page 00241 less and except all 009 and 1966 PORTER PL in 00770 less and except all par- 056 and 417 PASLEY AVE in 00653 less and except all par- 00629 less and except all par- less and except all parcels oth-
parcels other than 15 146 10 deed book 29019 page 00556 cels other than 15 176 01 126. deed book 27670 page 00282 cels other than 15 186 04 029. cels other than 15 196 01 007. er than 15 206 02 069.
063. less and except all parcels oth- Levied on 05/12/2023 for the less and except all parcels oth- Levied on 05/12/2023 for the Levied on 05/12/2023 for the Levied on 05/12/2023 for the
Levied on 05/12/2023 for the er than 15 168 09 009. amount of $6,480.55 to satisfy er than 15 178 03 056. amount of $520.12 to satisfy amount of $7,369.16 to satisfy amount of $5,987.21 to satisfy
amount of $5,488.90 to satisfy Levied on 05/12/2023 for the certain state, county, and city Levied on 05/12/2023 for the certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city
certain state, county, and city amount of $9,027.52 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $703.82 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties,
fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for
interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2022. fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2022. year(s) 2021, 2022. year(s) 2022.
year(s) 2022. interest and legal cost for 390-476001 interest and legal cost for 390-476026
year(s) 2022. 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT year(s) 2022. 390-476015 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT
22-R30216447-JUL-ELM 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 22-R30217115-JUL-RJS 390-476032
390-475985 To: Owner/Tenant: 22-R30216674-JUL-ELM To: Owner/Tenant: 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT
6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 390-475994 390-476008 To: Owner/Tenant: 22-R30217194-JUL-ELM
6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT L D LATIMER 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT DELORES DELL HAYWARD
22-R30215674-JUL-ELM Defendant: TIGER PAW PROPERTIES EST To: Owner/Tenant:
To: Owner/Tenant: 22-R30216328-JUL-SY1 22-R30216526-JUL-SY1 LLC FALANDA JOHNSON
To: Owner/Tenant: L D LATIMER To: Owner/Tenant: EDDIE HAYWARD
L D LATIMER All that parcel of land being de- Defendant: Defendant: Defendant:
Defendant: scribed as Parcel 15 177 01 Defendant: DELORES DELL HAYWARD
L D LATIMER 041 and 1345 MEMORIAL DR LLC EST All that parcel of land being de-
All that parcel of land being de- SYCAMORE PARTNERS LLC SYCAMORE PARTNERS LLC All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 15 207 02
All that parcel of land being de- in deed book 05615 page All that parcel of land being de- EDDIE HAYWARD
scribed as Parcel 15 146 10 00691 less and except all par- scribed as Parcel 15 187 01 All that parcel of land being de- 059 and 1674 MEMORIAL DR
074 and 942 BOULDER- scribed as Parcel 15 171 10 scribed as Parcel 15 182 03 209 and 3508 SWEETGUM LN SE in deed book 26476 page
004 and 513 QUILLIAN AVE in cels other than 15 177 01 041. 019 and 2711 R GLENWOOD scribed as Parcel 15 202 06
CREST RD SE in deed book Levied on 05/12/2023 for the in deed book 22890 page 019 and 2443 SAINT PATRICK 00518 less and except all par-
06572 page 00544 less and ex- deed book 29834 page 00441 AVE REAR in deed book 00268 less and except all par- cels other than 15 207 02 059.
less and except all parcels oth- amount of $1,465.18 to satisfy 29834 page 00549 less and ex- ST in deed book 07664 page
cept all parcels other than 15 certain state, county, and city cels other than 15 187 01 209. 00478 less and except all par- Levied on 05/12/2023 for the
146 10 074. er than 15 171 10 004. cept all parcels other than 15 Levied on 05/12/2023 for the amount of $30,225.56 to satis-
Levied on 05/12/2023 for the fieri facias For tax, penalties, 182 03 019. cels other than 15 202 06 019.
Levied on 05/12/2023 for the interest and legal cost for amount of $5,089.26 to satisfy Levied on 05/12/2023 for the fy certain state, county, and city
amount of $3,413.32 to satisfy amount of $2,790.66 to satisfy Levied on 05/12/2023 for the certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties,
certain state, county, and city year(s) 2022. amount of $725.78 to satisfy amount of $5,931.40 to satisfy
certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for
fieri facias For tax, penalties, 390-476002 certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for year(s) 2021, 2022.
fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties,
interest and legal cost for 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2022.
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for
year(s) 2022. 22-R30216450-JUL-OJG interest and legal cost for
year(s) 2022. year(s) 2022.
To:Owner/Tenant: year(s) 2022. 390-476016 390-476033
T NAN ELLINGTON 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 390-476029 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT
390-475996 Defendant: 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 22-R30217195-JUL-ELM
390-475989 22-R30216778-JUL-MLP
6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT T NAN ELLINGTON 390-476009 22-R30217158-JUL-OJG To: Owner/Tenant:
6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT To: Owner/Tenant:
22-R30216351-JUL-OJG All that parcel of land being de- 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT To: Owner/Tenant: FALANDA JOHNSON
To: Owner/Tenant: scribed as Parcel 15 177 02 22-R30216528-JUL-SY1 HOMER YOUNG Defendant:
To: Owner/Tenant: CORP
Defendant: AVE SE in deed book 04064 SYCAMORE PARTNERS LLC Defendant: All that parcel of land being de-
Defendant: Defendant:
LINCOLN DACOSTA page 00296 less and except all Defendant: HOMER YOUNG scribed as Parcel 15 207 02
All that parcel of land being de- parcels other than 15 177 02 SYCAMORE PARTNERS LLC AUDREY M WATKINS 060 and 1684 MEMORIAL DR
All that parcel of land being de- CORP
scribed as Parcel 15 171 22 043. All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- in deed book 25938 page
scribed as Parcel 15 156 12 EDWARD F GLOVER
010 and 2925 GLENWOOD Levied on 05/12/2023 for the scribed as Parcel 15 182 03 scribed as Parcel 15 205 03 00298 less and except all par-
052 and 1888 TWIN FALLS RD All that parcel of land being de-
AVE SE in deed book 12737 amount of $7,311.40 to satisfy 020 and 511 QUILLIAN AVE 032 and 2097 HOSEA L WILLI- cels other than 15 207 02 060.
in deed book 27387 page scribed as Parcel 15 190 01
page 00320 less and except all certain state, county, and city SE in deed book 29834 page AMS DR NE in deed book Levied on 05/12/2023 for the
00221 less and except all par- 090 and 4503 COVINGTON
parcels other than 15 171 22 fieri facias For tax, penalties, 00441 less and except all par- 06915 page 00788 less and ex- amount of $4,794.89 to satisfy
cels other than 15 156 12 052. HWY in deed book 19378 page
010. interest and legal cost for cels other than 15 182 03 020. cept all parcels other than 15 certain state, county, and city
Levied on 05/12/2023 for the 00275 less and except all par-
Levied on 05/12/2023 for the year(s) 2022. Levied on 05/12/2023 for the 205 03 032. fieri facias For tax, penalties,
amount of $4,463.93 to satisfy cels other than 15 190 01 090.
amount of $1,700.91 to satisfy 390-476003 amount of $2,705.09 to satisfy Levied on 05/12/2023 for the interest and legal cost for
certain state, county, and city Levied on 05/12/2023 for the
certain state, county, and city 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT certain state, county, and city amount of $6,649.15 to satisfy year(s) 2022.
fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $8,562.78 to satisfy
fieri facias For tax, penalties, 22-R30216451-JUL-OJG fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city
interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city
interest and legal cost for To: Owner/Tenant: interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties,
year(s) 2022. fieri facias For tax, penalties,
year(s) 2022. SARAH WILLIS HER ESTATE year(s) 2022. interest and legal cost for 390-476035
interest and legal cost for
ADMINISTRATOR EXECUT- year(s) 2022. year(s) 2022. 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT
390-475990 390-475997 OR AND HEIRS KNOWN AND 390-476011 390-476030 22-R30217208-JUL-MLP
6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT UNKNOWN AND TO ALL THE 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 390-476017 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT To: Owner/Tenant:
22-R30215946-JUL-OJG 22-R30216377-JUL-ELM WORLD 22-R30216530-JUL-OJG 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 22-R30217166-JUL-RJS KOVA REAL ESTATE LLC
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: MARILYN D WILLIS To: Owner/Tenant: 22-R30216824-JUL-RJS To: Owner/Tenant: Defendant:
Defendant: Defendant: SARAH WILLIS HER ESTATE Defendant: CHERYL FRANKLIN EMILY MAXEY HER ESTATE All that parcel of land being de-
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- OR AND HEIRS KNOWN AND All that parcel of land being de- CHERYL FRANKLIN OR AND HEIRS KNOWN AND 163 and 67 VINSON DR in
scribed as Parcel 15 156 16 scribed as Parcel 15 172 11 UNKNOWN AND TO ALL THE scribed as Parcel 15 182 04 All that parcel of land being de- UNKNOWN AND TO ALL THE deed book 29362 page 00144
027 and 1535 SNAPFINGER 160 and 1989 SWAZEY DR in WORLD 036 and 2749 MEMORIAL DR scribed as Parcel 15 191 04 WORLD less and except all parcels oth-
RD in deed book 21842 page deed book 06883 page 00483 MARILYN D WILLIS in deed book 29933 page 064 and 4315 GLENHAVEN Defendant: er than 15 208 01 163.
00428 less and except all par- less and except all parcels oth- All that parcel of land being de- 00588 less and except all par- DR n deed book 30546 page JOHN MAXEY Levied on 05/12/2023 for the
cels other than 15 156 16 027. er than 15 172 11 160. scribed as Parcel 15 177 02 cels other than 15 182 04 036. 00358 less and except all par- EMILY MAXEY HER ESTATE amount of $7,038.85 to satisfy
Levied on 05/12/2023 for the Levied on 05/12/2023 for the 080 and 378 MONUMENT AVE Levied on 05/12/2023 for the cels other than 15 191 04 064. ADMINISTRATOR EXECUT- certain state, county, and city
amount of $7,445.74 to satisfy amount of $4,335.30 to satisfy SE in deed book 13784 page amount of $6,601.82 to satisfy Levied on 05/12/2023 for the OR AND HEIRS KNOWN AND fieri facias For tax, penalties,
certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city 00349 less and except all par- certain state, county, and city amount of $5,768.56 to satisfy UNKNOWN AND TO ALL THE interest and legal cost for
fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, cels other than 15 177 02 080. fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city WORLD year(s) 2022.
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for Levied on 05/12/2023 for the interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, All that parcel of land being de-
year(s) 2022. year(s) 2022. amount of $7,544.84 to satisfy year(s) 2022. interest and legal cost for scribed as Parcel 15 205 04
certain state, county, and city year(s) 2022. 390-476036
085 and 2070 DUNWOODY ST
fieri facias For tax, penalties, 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT
NE in deed book 01987 page
390-475992 390-475998 interest and legal cost for 390-476012 390-476018 22-R30217232-JUL-ELM
00649 less and except all par-
6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT year(s) 2022. 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT To: Owner/Tenant:
cels other than 15 205 04 085.
22-R30216158-JUL-RJS 22-R30216382-JUL-ELM 22-R30216609-JUL-ELM 22-R30216859-JUL-OJG PACIFIC HIGHLAND INVEST-
Levied on 05/12/2023 for the
To: Owner/Tenant: To:Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: MENTS L
amount of $5,953.93 to satisfy
certain state, county, and city
Defendant: Defendant: Defendant: Defendant: PACIFIC HIGHLAND INVEST-
fieri facias For tax, penalties,
interest and legal cost for
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de-
year(s) 2022.
scribed as Parcel 15 165 07 scribed as Parcel 15 172 12 scribed as Parcel 15 184 20 scribed as Parcel 15 193 01 scribed as Parcel 15 209 02
098 and 3807 AUSTIN PARK 028 and 643 PARKER AVE in 077 and 0 WHITE OAK LN in 005 and 1491 S HAIRSTON 070 and 157 HUTCHINSON ST
LN in deed book 27208 page deed book 21193 page 00754 deed book 23797 page 00313 RD in deed book 22278 page NE in deed book 27788 page
00136 less and except all par- less and except all parcels oth- less and except all parcels oth- 00501 less and except all par- 00775 less and except all par-
cels other than 15 165 07 098. er than 15 172 12 028. er than 15 184 20 077. cels other than 15 193 01 005. cels other than 15 209 02 070.
Levied on 05/12/2023 for the Levied on 05/12/2023 for the Levied on 05/12/2023 for the Levied on 05/12/2023 for the Levied on 05/12/2023 for the
amount of $3,144.77 to satisfy amount of $4,311.70 to satisfy amount of $17,852.50 to satis- amount of $3,062.92 to satisfy amount of $9,672.05 to satisfy
certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city fy certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city
fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties,
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for
year(s) 2022. year(s) 2022. year(s) 2022. year(s) 2022. year(s) 2022.
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023 Page 41
390-476037 390-476049 390-476058 390-476064 390-476072 390-476080 390-476089
6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT
22-R30217233-JUL-ELM 22-R30217782-JUL-OJG 22-R30218087-JUL-ELM 22-R30218191-JUL-OJG 22-R30219052-JUL-RJS 22-R30219242-JUL-ELM 22-R30219404-JUL-RJS
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
PACIFIC HIGHLAND INVEST- Defendant: All that parcel of land being de- LINCOLN DACOSTA All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- LEROY LAMAR
MENTS L INTOWN REAL ESTATE scribed as Parcel 15 250 01 ANGELA DACOSTA scribed as Parcel 16 045 03 scribed as Parcel 16 058 07 MARCIA LAMAR
All that parcel of land being de- HOLDINGS 062 and 3263 BERKSHIRE LN All that parcel of land being de- 025 and 3649 SALEM GLEN 228 and 5737 STRATHMOOR All that parcel of land being de-
scribed as Parcel 15 209 02 LLC in deed book 22526 page scribed as Parcel 15 256 02 RD in deed book 10005 page MANOR CIR in deed book scribed as Parcel 16 065 01
071 and 151 HUTCHINSON ST All that parcel of land being de- 00484 less and except all par- 002 and 4744 ELAM RD in 00536 less and except all par- 30144 page 00150 less and ex- 109 and 5934 SOUTHLAND
NE in deed book 27788 page scribed as Parcel 15 224 01 cels other than 15 250 01 062. deed book 14190 page 00541 cels other than 16 045 03 025. cept all parcels other than 16 DR in deed book 11165 page
00769 less and except all par- 165 and 1225 S HAIRSTON Levied on 05/12/2023 for the less and except all parcels oth- Levied on 05/12/2023 for the 058 07 228. 00099 less and except all par-
cels other than 15 209 02 071. RD in deed book 25745 page amount of $31,977.34 to satis- er than 15 256 02 002. amount of $6,079.08 to satisfy Levied on 05/12/2023 for the cels other than 16 065 01 109.
Levied on 05/12/2023 for the 00596 less and except all par- fy certain state, county, and city Levied on 05/12/2023 for the certain state, county, and city amount of $2,011.28 to satisfy Levied on 05/12/2023 for the
amount of $9,612.52 to satisfy cels other than 15 224 01 165. fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $2,678.78 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city amount of $5,601.50 to satisfy
certain state, county, and city Levied on 05/12/2023 for the interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city
fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $7,932.40 to satisfy year(s) 2022. fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2022. interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties,
interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for 390-476076 year(s) 2022. interest and legal cost for
year(s) 2022. fieri facias For tax, penalties, 390-476059 year(s) 2022. 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 390-476081 year(s) 2022.
390-476040 interest and legal cost for 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 22-R30219127-JUL-ELM 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT
6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT year(s) 2022. 22-R30218088-JUL-ELM To: Owner/Tenant: 22-R30219321-JUL-ELM 390-476090
22-R30217287-JUL-OJG 390-476050 To: Owner/Tenant: CGP MANAGEMENT AND AS- To: Owner/Tenant: 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT
To: Owner/Tenant: 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT EMAA LLC SOCIATES CGP MANAGEMENT & ASSO- 22-R30219418-JUL-RJS
PENTAGRAM HOUSING LLC 22-R30217785-JUL-ELM Defendant: LLC CIATES To: Owner/Tenant:
Defendant: To: Owner/Tenant: EMAA LLC Defendant: LLC HILLS HOMES ATLANTA LLC
PENTAGRAM HOUSING LLC REDAN LUCKY PROPERTIES All that parcel of land being de- CGP MANAGEMENT AND AS- Defendant: Defendant:
All that parcel of land being de- LLC scribed as Parcel 15 250 01 SOCIATES CGP MANAGEMENT & ASSO- HILLS HOMES ATLANTA LLC
scribed as Parcel 15 212 02 Defendant: 064 and 3280 MOUNTAIN DR LLC CIATES All that parcel of land being de-
All that parcel of land being de-
105 and 337 CLIFFORD AVE REDAN LUCKY PROPERTIES in deed book 22526 page All that parcel of land being de- LLC scribed as Parcel 16 066 01
scribed as Parcel 16 001 13
NE in deed book 07791 page LLC 00484 less and except all par- scribed as Parcel 16 054 04 All that parcel of land being de- 074 and 5848 BELLINGRATH
009 and 873 BRANDY OAKS
00658 less and except all par- All that parcel of land being de- cels other than 15 250 01 064. 006 and 3149 PATUXENT scribed as Parcel 16 061 02 WAY in deed book 28194 page
LN in deed book 26457 page
cels other than 15 212 02 105. scribed as Parcel 15 224 03 Levied on 05/12/2023 for the TRCE in deed book 25908 093 and 5612 TUNBRIDGE 00472 less and except all par-
00545 less and except all par-
Levied on 05/12/2023 for the 001 and 4794 REDAN RD in amount of $10,278.66 to satis- page 00374 less and except all WELLS RD in deed book cels other than 16 066 01 074.
cels other than 16 001 13 009.
amount of $7,777.40 to satisfy deed book 28969 page 00244 fy certain state, county, and city parcels other than 16 054 04 24258 page 00600 less and ex- Levied on 05/12/2023 for the
Levied on 05/12/2023 for the
certain state, county, and city less and except all parcels oth- fieri facias For tax, penalties, 006. cept all parcels other than 16 amount of $1,215.26 to satisfy
amount of $307.76 to satisfy
fieri facias For tax, penalties, er than 15 224 03 001. interest and legal cost for Levied on 05/12/2023 for the 061 02 093. certain state, county, and city
certain state, county, and city
interest and legal cost for Levied on 05/12/2023 for the year(s) 2022. amount of $4,788.10 to satisfy Levied on 05/12/2023 for the fieri facias For tax, penalties,
fieri facias For tax, penalties,
year(s) 2022. amount of $29,139.08 to satis- certain state, county, and city amount of $4,151.78 to satisfy interest and legal cost for
interest and legal cost for
fy certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city year(s) 2022.
390-476044 390-476060 year(s) 2022.
6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT fieri facias For tax, penalties, 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, 390-476091
22-R30217652-JUL-RJS interest and legal cost for 22-R30218089-JUL-ELM 390-476066 year(s) 2022. interest and legal cost for 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT
To: Owner/Tenant: year(s) 2022. To: Owner/Tenant: 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 390-476077 year(s) 2022. 22-R30219425-JUL-OJG
BAMA PROPERTIES LLC 390-476056 EMAA LLC 22-R30218242-JUL-SY1 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 390-476082 To: Owner/Tenant:
Defendant: 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT Defendant: To: Owner/Tenant: 22-R30219194-JUL-SY1 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT HUNT VALLEY INC
BAMA PROPERTIES LLC 22-R30217964-JUL-MLP EMAA LLC GECKO PROPERTIES LLC To: Owner/Tenant: 22-R30219361-JUL-ELM Defendant:
All that parcel of land being de- To: Owner/Tenant: All that parcel of land being de- Defendant: AUSTIN BENTON To: Owner/Tenant: HUNT VALLEY INC
scribed as Parcel 15 220 01 NEW QUARTZ LLC scribed as Parcel 15 250 01 GECKO PROPERTIES LLC Defendant: TIGER PAW PROPERTIES All that parcel of land being de-
096 and 1119 OAKWOOD KOVA REAL ESTATE LLC 067 and 3262 MOUNTAIN DR All that parcel of land being de- AUSTIN BENTON LLC scribed as Parcel 16 067 01
MANOR CT in deed book Defendant: in deed book 22526 page scribed as Parcel 16 002 02 All that parcel of land being de- Defendant: 031 and 20 R HUNT VALLEY
25575 page 00410 less and ex- NEW QUARTZ LLC 00484 less and except all par- 052 and 1079 PARKWEST CT scribed as Parcel 16 057 02 TIGER PAW PROPERTIES DR in deed book 06763 page
cept all parcels other than 15 KOVA REAL ESTATE LLC cels other than 15 250 01 067. in deed book 22224 page 060 and 5740 MILLER GROVE LLC 00337 less and except all par-
220 01 096. All that parcel of land being de- Levied on 05/12/2023 for the 00296 less and except all par- RD in deed book 26691 page All that parcel of land being de- cels other than 16 067 01 031.
Levied on 05/12/2023 for the scribed as Parcel 15 237 13 amount of $16,705.76 to satis- cels other than 16 002 02 052. 00359 less and except all par- scribed as Parcel 16 061 14 Levied on 05/12/2023 for the
amount of $5,849.09 to satisfy 063 and 2030 HOWARD CIR fy certain state, county, and city Levied on 05/12/2023 for the cels other than 16 057 02 060. 144 and 1579 DILLARD RD in amount of $7,414.09 to satisfy
certain state, county, and city NE in deed book 29888 page fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $1,894.60 to satisfy Levied on 05/12/2023 for the deed book 23393 page 00255 certain state, county, and city
fieri facias For tax, penalties, 00569 less and except all par- interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city amount of $5,245.61 to satisfy less and except all parcels oth- fieri facias For tax, penalties,
interest and legal cost for cels other than 15 237 13 063. year(s) 2022. fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city er than 16 061 14 144. interest and legal cost for
year(s) 2022. Levied on 05/12/2023 for the interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, Levied on 05/12/2023 for the year(s) 2017, 2018, 2019,
390-476047 amount of $9,187.04 to satisfy 390-476061 year(s) 2021,2022. interest and legal cost for amount of $4,986.32 to satisfy 2020, 2022.
6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT certain state, county, and city 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT year(s) 2022. certain state, county, and city
22-R30217759-JUL-ELM fieri facias For tax, penalties, 22-R30218105-JUL-OJG 390-476078 fieri facias For tax, penalties, 390-476094
To: Owner/Tenant: interest and legal cost for To: Owner/Tenant: 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT interest and legal cost for 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT
TIGER PAW PROPERTIES year(s) 2022. BRITTANY ANDERSON 22-R30219196-JUL-OJG year(s) 2022. 22-R30219492-JUL-ELM
LLC BRAD ANDERSON To: Owner/Tenant: 390-476085 To: Owner/Tenant:
390-476057 To: Owner/Tenant:
Defendant: Defendant: SANDERS GENEVA L HER 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT TIGER PAW PROPERTIES
6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT LANDA PROPERTIES LLC
22-R30218082-JUL-MLP Defendant:
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- Defendant: JERMAINE CUNNINGHAM TIGER PAW PROPERTIES
24 COVINGTON ROAD LAND All that parcel of land being de-
scribed as Parcel 15 223 01 scribed as Parcel 15 250 12 SANDERS GENEVA L HER Defendant: LLC
TRUST scribed as Parcel 16 002 05
345 and 1369 TO LANI FARM 010 and 700 EMERIL DR in ESTATE PERS REP AND WIL- JERMAINE CUNNINGHAM All that parcel of land being de-
RD in deed book 23114 page deed book 29539 page 00049 LIE PAUL WALKER All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 16 070 05
GUARANTY ST in deed book 29979 page
00557 less and except all par- less and except all parcels oth- All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 16 063 01 189 and 1976 WOODLOT TRL
Defendant: 00004 less and except all par-
cels other than 15 223 01 345. er than 15 250 12 010. scribed as Parcel 16 057 02 065 and 5605 PATTILLO WAY in deed book 23036 page
24 COVINGTON ROAD LAND cels other than 16 002 05 015.
Levied on 05/12/2023 for the Levied on 05/12/2023 for the 070 and 5648 MILLER GROVE in deed book 24377 page 00798 less and except all par-
TRUST Levied on 05/12/2023 for the
amount of $5,169.09 to satisfy amount of $6,593.48 to satisfy RD in deed book 05161 page 00462 less and except all par- cels other than 16 070 05 189.
FREEPORT TITLE AND amount of $329.00 to satisfy
certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city 00153 less and except all par- cels other than 16 063 01 065. Levied on 05/12/2023 for the
GUARANTY certain state, county, and city
fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, cels other than 16 057 02 070. Levied on 05/12/2023 for the amount of $4,148.32 to satisfy
All that parcel of land being de- fieri facias For tax, penalties,
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for Levied on 05/12/2023 for the amount of $5,827.15 to satisfy certain state, county, and city
scribed as Parcel 15 249 10 interest and legal cost for
year(s) 2022. year(s) 2022. amount of $13,689.62 to satis- certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties,
077 and 24 COVINGTON RD in year(s) 2022.
fy certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for
deed book 18202 page 00161
fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for year(s) 2022.
less and except all parcels oth- 390-476062 390-476069
er than 15 249 10 077. interest and legal cost for year(s) 2022.
6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT year(s) 2011, 2012, 2013, 390-476095
Levied on 05/12/2023 for the 22-R30218119-JUL-SY1 22-R30218268-JUL-ELM 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT
amount of $12,943.20 to satis- 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018,
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: 2019, 2020, 2022. 22-R30219535-JUL-ELM
fy certain state, county, and city MOKELIA WILSON TIGER PAW PROPERTIES To: Owner/Tenant:
fieri facias For tax, penalties, DERRICK VINSON LLC LANDA PROPERTIES LLC
interest and legal cost for Defendant: Defendant: Defendant:
DERRICK VINSON LLC All that parcel of land being de-
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 16 071 13
scribed as Parcel 15 252 04 scribed as Parcel 16 002 05 031 and 5801 STRATHMOOR
020 and 672 HEATHMOOR PL 035 and 1106 VILLAGE MAIN MANOR CIR in deed book
in deed book 22152 page ST in deed book 23107 page 29979 page 00004 less and ex-
00706 less and except all par- 00720 less and except all par- cept all parcels other than 16
cels other than 15 252 04 020. cels other than 16 002 05 035. 071 13 031.
Levied on 05/12/2023 for the Levied on 05/12/2023 for the Levied on 05/12/2023 for the
amount of $2,263.80 to satisfy amount of $3,877.19 to satisfy amount of $327.94 to satisfy
certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city
fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties,
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for
year(s) 2022. year(s) 2022. year(s) 2022.
Page 42 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023 
390-476097 390-476101 390-476114 390-476126 390-476138 390-476151 390-476157
6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT
22-R30219632-JUL-SY1 22-R30219704-JUL-ELM 22-R30220663-JUL-ELM 22-R30221284-JUL-SY1 22-R30222126-JUL-RJS 22-R30222981-JUL-RJS 22-R30223075-JUL-ELM
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
Defendant: SOCIATES Defendant: KENNETH RAY UERJI BUCHRA HINSENE Defendant: Defendant:
All that parcel of land being de- Defendant: All that parcel of land being de- RAY BOVELLA A BENS AND TESFAYE ADDISU TEKA All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de-
scribed as Parcel 16 074 08 CGP MANAGEMENT AND AS- scribed as Parcel 15 207 02 KENNETH RAY UERJI BUCHRA HINSENE scribed as Parcel 18 311 15 scribed as Parcel 18 337 03
102 and 3100 PARC LOR- SOCIATES 061 and 1690 MEMORIAL DR All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- 018 and 2666 BONNIE AVE in 001 and 5938 BUFORD HWY
RAINE in deed book 26574 LLC in deed book 23673 page scribed as Parcel 16 181 01 scribed as Parcel 18 095 02 deed book 25904 page 00220 in deed book 30022 page
page 00082 less and except all All that parcel of land being de- 00500 less and except all par- 152 and 8134 WHITE OAK 022 and 1021 OTELLO AVE in less and except all parcels oth- 00280 less and except all par-
parcels other than 16 074 08 scribed as Parcel 16 074 16 cels other than 15 207 02 061. LOOP in deed book 30389 deed book 27713 page 00107 er than 18 311 15 018. cels other than 18 337 03 001.
102. 144 and 10203 FAIRINGTON Levied on 05/12/2023 for the page 00733 less and except all less and except all parcels oth- Levied on 05/12/2023 for the Levied on 05/12/2023 for the
Levied on 05/12/2023 for the RIDGE CIR in deed book amount of $1,675.60 to satisfy parcels other than 16 181 01 er than 18 095 02 022. amount of $5,880.92 to satisfy amount of $127,051.78 to satis-
amount of $6,374.86 to satisfy 25340 page 00117 less and ex- certain state, county, and city 152. Levied on 05/12/2023 for the certain state, county, and city fy certain state, county, and city
certain state, county, and city cept all parcels other than 16 fieri facias For tax, penalties, Levied on 05/12/2023 for the amount of $4,418.99 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties,
fieri facias For tax, penalties, 074 16 144. interest and legal cost for amount of $5,352.50 to satisfy certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for
interest and legal cost for Levied on 05/12/2023 for the year(s) 2022. certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2022. year(s) 2022.
year(s) 2018, 2019, 2020, amount of $1,979.86 to satisfy 390-476121 fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for 390-476152 390-476159
2022. certain state, county, and city 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT interest and legal cost for year(s) 2022. 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT
390-476098 fieri facias For tax, penalties, 22-R30221040-JUL-OJG year(s) 2022. 390-476141 22-R30222994-JUL-ELM 22-R30223085-JUL-SY1
6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT interest and legal cost for To: Owner/Tenant: 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
To: Owner/Tenant: 390-476108 GROUP LLC T 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT To: Owner/Tenant: MENT AUTHORITY LEZ
Defendant: 22-R30220090-JUL-RJS Defendant: To: Owner/Tenant: Defendant: Defendant: JOSE C ALVARADO GONZA-
All that parcel of land being de- SHONA D HOLDER GROUP LLC T Defendant: All that parcel of land being de- MENT AUTHORITY All that parcel of land being de-
scribed as Parcel 16 074 12 Defendant: DONNA NOLAN ARLENTHEYA TUCKER scribed as Parcel 18 201 21 THE CITY OF DORAVILLE scribed as Parcel 18 341 01
080 and 2794 NORFAIR LOOP SHONA D HOLDER All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- 010 and 2360 LOGAN CIR 302 All that parcel of land being de- 050 and 4276 WINTERS
in deed book 30144 page All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 16 126 02 scribed as Parcel 18 016 08 in deed book 25206 page scribed as Parcel 18 321 08 CHAPEL RD in deed book
00150 less and except all par- scribed as Parcel 16 096 01 008 and 6526 DESHON CT in 057 and 488 PRINCE OF 00592 less and except all par- 002 and 5597 BUFORD HWY 27739 page 00257 less and ex-
cels other than 16 074 12 080. 1 1 0 a n d 62 6 7 B R A N C H deed book 27670 page 00267 WALES in deed book 27732 cels other than 18 201 21 010. in deed book 30555 page cept all parcels other than 18
Levied on 05/12/2023 for the BROOK WAY in deed book less and except all parcels oth- page 00356 less and except all Levied on 05/12/2023 for the 00363 less and except all par- 341 01 050.
amount of $1,969.90 to satisfy 13022 page 00487 less and ex- er than 16 126 02 008. parcels other than 18 016 08 amount of $5,568.94 to satisfy cels other than 18 321 08 002. Levied on 05/12/2023 for the
certain state, county, and city cept all parcels other than 16 Levied on 05/12/2023 for the 057. certain state, county, and city Levied on 05/12/2023 for the amount of $5,453.32 to satisfy
fieri facias For tax, penalties, 096 01 110. amount of $4,805.30 to satisfy Levied on 05/12/2023 for the fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $185,090.12 to satis- certain state, county, and city
interest and legal cost for Levied on 05/12/2023 for the certain state, county, and city amount of $2,865.57 to satisfy interest and legal cost for fy certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties,
year(s) 2022. amount of $5,630.60 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city year(s) 2022. fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for
390-476099 certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for year(s) 2022.
6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2022. interest and legal cost for year(s) 2022. 390-476161
22-R30219694-JUL-ELM interest and legal cost for 390-476122 year(s) 2022. 22-R30222851-JUL-RJS 390-476153 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT
To: Owner/Tenant: year(s) 2022. 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT To: Owner/Tenant: 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 22-R30223112-JUL-RJS
CGP MANAGEMENT AND AS- 390-476112 22-R30221089-JUL-ELM 390-476132 JONATHAN GOSS 22-R30222995-JUL-ELM To: Owner/Tenant:
SOCIATES 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT To: Owner/Tenant: 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT Defendant: To: Owner/Tenant: JOHN KESTER
Defendant: To: Owner/Tenant: SOCIATES To: Owner/Tenant: All that parcel of land being de- MENT AUTHORITY JOHN KESTER
CGP MANAGEMENT AND AS- CGP MANAGEMENT AND AS- LLC TRACY REED-BROWN scribed as Parcel 18 282 19 THE CITY OF DORAVILLE All that parcel of land being de-
SOCIATES SOCIATES Defendant: Defendant: 012 and 3064 QUANTUM LN in Defendant: scribed as Parcel 18 345 13
All that parcel of land being de- Defendant: SOCIATES All that parcel of land being de- less and except all parcels oth- MENT AUTHORITY 1217 in deed book - page less
scribed as Parcel 16 074 16 CGP MANAGEMENT AND AS- LLC scribed as Parcel 18 031 02 er than 18 282 19 012. THE CITY OF DORAVILLE and except all parcels other
080 and 6104 FAIRINGTON SOCIATES All that parcel of land being de- 068 and 516 TRAILSIDE WAY Levied on 05/12/2023 for the All that parcel of land being de- than 18 345 13 048.
RIDGE CIR in deed book LLC scribed as Parcel 16 131 01 in deed book 28666 page amount of $5,723.98 to satisfy scribed as Parcel 18 321 08 Levied on 05/12/2023 for the
24258 page 00619 less and ex- All that parcel of land being de- 009 and 1373 ROGERS LAKE 00389 less and except all par- certain state, county, and city 009 and 5629 BUFORD HWY amount of $5,794.04 to satisfy
cept all parcels other than 16 scribed as Parcel 16 103 05 RD in deed book 24258 page cels other than 18 031 02 068. fieri facias For tax, penalties, REAR in deed book 30555 certain state, county, and city
074 16 080. 003 and 6296 MARBUT 00598 less and except all par- Levied on 05/12/2023 for the interest and legal cost for page 00363 less and except all fieri facias For tax, penalties,
Levied on 05/12/2023 for the FARMS TRL cels other than 16 131 01 009. amount of $5,176.69 to satisfy year(s) 2022. parcels other than 18 321 08 interest and legal cost for
amount of $2,021.65 to satisfy in deed book 24258 page Levied on 05/12/2023 for the certain state, county, and city 009. year(s) 2022.
certain state, county, and city 00609 less and except all par- amount of $612.64 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties, Levied on 05/12/2023 for the 390-476162
fieri facias For tax, penalties, cels other than 16 103 05 003. certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for amount of $9,580.60 to satisfy 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT
interest and legal cost for Levied on 05/12/2023 for the fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2022. certain state, county, and city 22-R30223138-JUL-ELM
To: Owner/Tenant:
year(s) 2022. amount of $3,901.92 to satisfy interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, To: Owner/Tenant:
390-476100 certain state, county, and city year(s) 2022. interest and legal cost for WINDSOR AT CONVER-
390-476134 LLC
6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT fieri facias For tax, penalties, 390-476123 year(s) 2022. GENCE 211 LLC
6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT Defendant:
22-R30219695-JUL-SY1 interest and legal cost for 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 390-476155 HS MASTER DEVELOPMENT
To: Owner/Tenant: year(s) 2022. 22-R30221099-JUL-OJG 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT LLC
To: Owner/Tenant: LLC
SEMAJ INVESTMENTS LLC 390-476113 To: Owner/Tenant: JAMES ALMAND LAZENBY All that parcel of land being de- 22-R30223061-JUL-ELM Defendant:
Defendant: 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT ANDY WEDDERBURN Defendant: scribed as Parcel 18 299 11 To: Owner/Tenant: WINDSOR AT CONVER-
All that parcel of land being de- To: Owner/Tenant: ANDY WEDDERBURN All that parcel of land being de- DUNWOODY WAY in deed INGS LLC HS MASTER DEVELOPMENT
scribed as Parcel 16 074 16 2936 SELF STORAGE LLC All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 18 050 14 book 21066 page 00299 less Defendant: LLC
089 and 6303 FAIRINGTON Defendant: scribed as Parcel 16 132 01 037 and 537 EASTLAND DR n and except all parcels other MARSHALL CREEK HOLD- All that parcel of land being de-
RIDGE CIR in deed book All that parcel of land being de- 015 and 1461 COFFEE RD in deed book 10061 page 00107 than 18 299 11 007. INGS LLC scribed as Parcel 18 348 04
24777 page 00459 less and ex- scribed as Parcel 15 203 03 deed book 11924 page 00402 less and except all parcels oth- Levied on 05/12/2023 for the All that parcel of land being de- 027 and 209 PERIMETER
cept all parcels other than 16 010 and 2930 MEMORIAL DR less and except all parcels oth- er than 18 050 14 037. amount of $3,667.27 to satisfy scribed as Parcel 18 334 01 CENTER PKWY NE in deed
074 16 089. in deed book page less and ex- er than 16 132 01 015. Levied on 05/12/2023 for the certain state, county, and city 198 and 2306 PERIMETER book 19213 page 00359 less
Levied on 05/12/2023 for the cept all parcels other than 15 Levied on 05/12/2023 for the amount of $5,228.92 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties, PARK DR in deed book 22562 and except all parcels other
amount of $291.84 to satisfy 203 03 010. amount of $4,643.12 to satisfy certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for page 00053 less and except all than 18 348 04 027.
certain state, county, and city Levied on 05/12/2023 for the certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2022. parcels other than 18 334 01 Levied on 05/12/2023 for the
fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $378.92 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for 198. amount of $72,064.70 to satis-
interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city 390-476147 Levied on 05/12/2023 for the fy certain state, county, and city
interest and legal cost for year(s) 2022.
year(s) 2022. fieri facias 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT amount of $19,442.66 to satis- fieri facias For tax, penalties,
year(s) 2022.
For tax, penalties, interest and 22-R30222934-JUL-RJS fy certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for
legal cost for year(s) 2022. 390-476135 To: Owner/Tenant: fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2022.
6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT TRI STAR 1 DEVELOPMENT interest and legal cost for
22-R30221893-JUL-SY1 LLC year(s) 2022.
To: Owner/Tenant: Defendant:
Defendant: LLC
SHERYL VERNON THACKER All that parcel of land being de-
All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 18 299 16
scribed as Parcel 18 057 03 008 and 3460 CHAMBLEE
008 and 800 BRIARPARK CT DUNWOODY WAY in deed
NE in deed book 05971 page book 21066 page 00299 less
00675 less and except all par- and except all parcels other
cels other than 18 057 03 008. than 18 299 16 008.
Levied on 05/12/2023 for the Levied on 05/12/2023 for the
amount of $5,192.58 to satisfy amount of $2,312.39 to satisfy
certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city
fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties,
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for
year(s) 2022. year(s) 2022.
AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN No. 746, DeKalb County, Geor- cission of judicial and nonjudi- Please note that, pursuant to CORDS, WHICY PLAT IS
PLAT BOOK 87, PAGE 138, gia records, conveying the cial sales in the State of Geor- O.C.G.A. §44-14-162.2, the se- INCORPORATED HEREIN
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA after-described property to se- gia, the Deed Under Power and cured creditor is not required to AND MADE A PART HEREOF
RECORDS, WHICH PLAT IS cure a Note of even date in the other foreclosure documents amend or modify the terms of BY REFERENCE.
INCORPORATED HEREIN BY original principal amount of may not be provided until final the loan. Said property being known as:
REFERENCE FOR A MORE $127,000.00, with interest at confirmation and audit of the To the best knowledge and be- 6374 CARRIAGE CROSSING
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023
COMPLETE DESCRIPTION the rate specified therein, as status of the loan as provided lief of the undersigned, the Page 43
OF SAID PROPERTY. last assigned to Carrington in the preceding paragraph. party/parties in possession of To the best of the
390-476163 390-476167 Said property being known as: Mortgage Services, LLC by as- Funds used at sale shall be in the subject property known as undersigned’s knowledge, the
6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT 3336 HARVESTER WOODS signment that is or to be recor- certified funds and payable to 940 NIMBLEWOOD WAY, party or parties in possession
22-R30223148-JUL-RJS 22-R30223179-JUL-MLP DECATUR, GA 30034 ded in the DeKalb County, “Bell Carrington Price & Gregg, STONE MOUNTAIN, GA 30088 of said property is/are SAMUEL
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To the best of the Georgia Records, there will be LLC”. is/are: Tamera R. Johnson or C. TUCKER or tenant(s).
SAMUEL ESSON JONAH JR JAMES BRADLEY DUKE undersigned’s knowledge, the sold by the undersigned at pub- Carrington Mortgage Services, tenant/tenants. Said property The debt secured by said Se-
SPECIAL JAMES B DUKE party or parties in possession lic outcry to the highest bidder LLC as Attorney in Fact for will be sold subject to (a) any curity Deed has been and is
FAYE JONAH TR Defendant: of said property is/are OTIS for cash at the DeKalb County Richard Green. outstanding ad valorem taxes hereby declared due and pay-
Defendant: JAMES BRADLEY DUKE HUTCHINSON or tenant(s). Courthouse within the legal Any information obtained on (including taxes which are a li- able because of, among other
SAMUEL ESSON JONAH JR JAMES B DUKE The debt secured by said Se- hours of sale on the first Wed- this matter may be used by the en, but not yet due and pay- possible events of default, fail-
SPECIAL All that parcel of land being de- curity Deed has been and is nesday in July, 2023, the fol- debt collector to collect the able), (b) any matters which ure to pay the indebtedness as
FAYE JONAH scribed as Parcel 18 359 03 hereby declared due and pay- lowing described property: debt. Bell Carrington Price & might be disclosed by an accur- provided for in the Note and
All that parcel of land being de- 052 and 4857 N PEACHTREE able because of, among other All that tract or parcel of land ly- Gregg, LLC, 339 Heyward ate survey and inspection of said Security Deed. The debt
scribed as Parcel 18 349 12 RD in deed book 29862 page possible events of default, fail- ing and being in Land Lot 123 Street, 2nd Floor, Columbia, the property, and (c) all mat- remaining in default, this sale
019 and 4722 CYPRESS 00303 less and except all par- ure to pay the indebtedness as of the 16th District, DeKalb SC 29201 (803)-509-5078. File: ters of record superior to the will be made for the purpose of
CMNS in deed book 22448 cels other than 18 359 03 052. provided for in the Note and County, Georgia and being Lot ++23-41941/Green++ Security Deed first set out paying the same and all ex-
page 00777 less and except all Levied on 05/12/2023 for the said Security Deed. The debt 59, Block C1, Laurel Post 420-475592 5/18,5/25,6/1,6/8 above, including, but not lim- penses of sale, including attor-
parcels other than 18 349 12 amount of $9,749.99 to satisfy remaining in default, this sale Close Subdivision, Unit Three, 6/15,6/22,6/29 ited to, assessments, liens, en- ney’s fees (notice of intent to
019. certain state, county, and city will be made for the purpose of as per plat recorded at Plat Notice of Sale Under Power cumbrances, zoning ordin- collect attorney’s fees having
Levied on 05/12/2023 for the fieri facias For tax, penalties, paying the same and all ex- Book 88, Page 101, DeKalb State of Georgia, ances, easements, restrictions, been given).
amount of $5,855.76 to satisfy interest and legal cost for penses of sale, including attor- County records, which plat is County of DeKalb covenants, etc. Said property will be sold sub-
certain state, county, and city year(s) 2022. ney’s fees (notice of intent to referred to hereby as reference Under and by virtue of the The sale will be conducted sub- ject to the following: (1) any
fieri facias For tax, penalties, collect attorney’s fees having for more particular description Power of Sale contained in a ject to (1) confirmation that the outstanding ad valorem taxes
interest and legal cost for 390-476168 been given). and delineation of the lot di- sale is not prohibited under the (including taxes which are a li-
6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT Security Deed given by Tam-
year(s) 2022. Said property will be sold sub- mensions thereof. era R. Johnson to Mortgage U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) en, whether or not yet due and
22-R30223189-JUL-MLP ject to the following: (1) any Tax ID: 16 123 02 022 final confirmation and audit of payable); (2) the right of re-
390-476164 To: Owner/Tenant: Electronic Registration Sys-
6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT outstanding ad valorem taxes The debt secured by said Se- tems, Inc., as nominee for Fair- the status of the loan with the demption of any taxing author-
SOVEREIGN ENTERTAIN- (including taxes which are a li- curity Deed has been and is holder of the security deed. ity; (3) any matters which might
22-R30223149-JUL-MLP MENT INC way Independent Mortgage
To: Owner/Tenant: en, whether or not yet due and hereby declared due because Corporation d/b/a Premier Cap- Pursuant to O.C.G.A. §9-13- be disclosed by an accurate
Defendant: payable); (2) the right of re- of, among other possible 172.1, which allows for certain survey and inspection of the
Defendant: demption of any taxing author- events of default, failure to pay Creditor), dated April 21, 2010, procedures regarding the res- property; and (4) any assess-
MENT INC ity; (3) any matters which might the indebtedness as and when cission of judicial and nonjudi- ments, liens, encumbrances,
ALANTE MAYBIN All that parcel of land being de- and Recorded on May 25, 2010
All that parcel of land being de- be disclosed by an accurate due and in the manner as Book No. 21983 and Page cial sales in the State of Geor- zoning ordinances, restrictions,
scribed as Parcel 18 363 07 survey and inspection of the provided in the Note and Se- gia, the Deed Under Power and covenants, and matters of re-
scribed as Parcel 18 349 12 112 and 4886 VALLEY VIEW No. 115, DeKalb County, Geor-
198 and 4763 LAUREL WALK property; and (4) any assess- curity Deed. Because the debt gia records, conveying the other foreclosure documents cord superior to the Security
CT in deed book 29833 page ments, liens, encumbrances, remains in default, this sale will may not be provided until final Deed first set out above.
in deed book 24575 page 00680 less and except all par- after-described property to se-
00653 less and except all par- zoning ordinances, restrictions, be made for the purpose of cure a Note of even date in the confirmation and audit of the Said sale will be conducted
cels other than 18 363 07 112. covenants, and matters of re- paying the same and all ex- status of the loan as provided subject to the following: (1)
cels other than 18 349 12 198. Levied on 05/12/2023 for the original principal amount of
Levied on 05/12/2023 for the cord superior to the Security penses of this sale, as provided $91,216.00, with interest at the in the preceding paragraph. confirmation that the sale is not
amount of $9,905.70 to satisfy Deed first set out above. in the Security Deed and by Funds used at sale shall be in prohibited under the U.S. Bank-
amount of $4,804.22 to satisfy certain state, county, and city rate specified therein, as last
certain state, county, and city Said sale will be conducted law, including attorney's fees assigned to Carrington Mort- certified funds and payable to ruptcy Code; and (2) final con-
fieri facias For tax, penalties, subject to the following: (1) (notice of intent to collect attor- “Bell Carrington Price & Gregg, firmation and audit of the status
fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for gage Services, LLC by assign-
interest and legal cost for confirmation that the sale is not ney's fees having been given). ment that is or to be recorded LLC”. of the loan with the holder of
year(s) 2022. prohibited under the U.S. Bank- Carrington Mortgage Services, Carrington Mortgage Services, the Security Deed.
year(s) 2022. in the DeKalb County, Georgia
390-476165 390-999999 ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- LLC holds the duly endorsed Records, there will be sold by LLC as Attorney in Fact for The name, address, and tele-
6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT TAX COMMISSIONER firmation and audit of the status Note and is the current assign- the undersigned at public out- Tamera R. Johnson. phone number of the individual
22-R30223155-JUL-MLP Ex-Officio Sheriff of the loan with the holder of ee of the Security Deed to the cry to the highest bidder for Any information obtained on or entity who has full authority
To: Owner/Tenant: DeKalb County the Security Deed. property. Carrington Mortgage cash at the DeKalb County this matter may be used by the to negotiate, amend, and modi-
LECKY TARA FAYE PICKY Suite 100 The name, address, and tele- Services, LLC is the entity with Courthouse within the legal debt collector to collect the fy all terms of the mortgage is
PICKENS LLC, NETWORK 4380 Memorial Dr phone number of the individual the full authority to negotiate, hours of sale on the first Wed- debt. Bell Carrington Price & as follows:
PROPERTIES AND INVEST- Decatur, GA 30032 or entity who has full authority amend, and modify all terms of nesday in July, 2023, the fol- Gregg, LLC, 339 Heyward, LLC
MENTS LLC Refer to: Delinquent Collections to negotiate, amend, and modi- the loan. lowing described property: Street, 2nd Floor, Columbia, 5465 Legacy Drive, Suite 400
Defendant: 404-298-3053 fy all terms of the mortgage is Pursuant to O.C.G.A. §44-14- All that tract or parcel of land ly- SC 29201 (803)-509-5078. File: Plano, TX 75024
LECKY TARA FAYE PICKY as follows: 162.2, Carrington Mortgage ing and being in land Lot 31, ++23-53179 /Johnson++ 866-970-7105
PICKENS LLC, NETWORK Selene Finance LP Services, LLC may be contac- 6th District of DeKalb County, 420-475696 5/25,6/8,6/15,6/22 Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A.
Foreclosures: Residential 3501 Olympus Boulevard, 5th ted at: 1-800-790-9502 or by Georgia, Being Lot 8, Main- 6/29 § 44-14-162.2, the above indi-
MENTS LLC Floor, Suite 500 writing to 1600 South Dou- street, Phase One, Unit Five, STATE OF GEORGIA vidual or entity is not required
All that parcel of land being de- 420-474426 4/13, 6/8,6/15, Dallas, TX 75019 glass Road, Suite 110 and 200- as per Plat recorded in Plat COUNTY OF DEKALB by law to negotiate, amend, or
scribed as Parcel 18 352 07 6/22,6/29 877-768-3759 A, Anaheim, CA 92806-5951. Book 78, Page 11, DeKalb NOTICE OF SALE UNDER modify the terms of the mort-
015 and 4822 CHAMBLEE STATE OF GEORGIA Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A. Please note that, pursuant to County, Georgia Records, POWER gage.
DUNWOODY RD in deed book COUNTY OF DEKALB § 44-14-162.2, the above indi- O.C.G.A. §44-14-162.2, the se- Which Plat is incorporated Pursuant to the power of sale THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING
29868 page 00074 less and ex- NOTICE OF SALE UNDER vidual or entity is not required cured creditor is not required to herein and made a Part hereof contained in the Security Deed AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT-
cept all parcels other than 18 POWER by law to negotiate, amend, or amend or modify the terms of by reference. executed by S AMUEL C. TEMPTING TO COLLECT A
352 07 015. Pursuant to the power of sale modify the terms of the mort- the loan. Tax ID: 16 031 13 070 TUCKER to MORTGAGE DEBT. ANY INFORMATION
Levied on 05/12/2023 for the contained in the Security Deed gage. To the best knowledge and be- The debt secured by said Se- ELECTRONIC REGISTRA- OBTAINED MAY BE USED
amount of $14,472.09 to satis- executed by OTIS HUTCHIN- THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING lief of the undersigned, the curity Deed has been and is TION SYSTEMS, INC., AS FOR THAT PURPOSE.
fy certain state, county, and city SON to MORTGAGE ELEC- AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- party/parties in possession of hereby declared due because N O M I N E E F O R LOANDEPOT.COM, LLC,
fieri facias For tax, penalties, TRO NI C REG I STRATI O N TEMPTING TO COLLECT A the subject property known as of, among other possible LOANDEPOT.COM, LLC in the as Attorney-in-Fact for
interest and legal cost for SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMIN- DEBT. ANY INFORMATION 6544 EASTBRIAR DRIVE, events of default, failure to pay original principal amount of SAMUEL C. TUCKER
year(s) 2022. EE FOR TAYLOR, BEAN & OBTAINED MAY BE USED LITHONIA, GA 30058 is/are: the indebtedness as and when $139,428.00 dated February Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid,
WHITAKER MORTGAGE FOR THAT PURPOSE. Richard Green and Gail P. due and in the manner 24, 2014 and recorded in Deed Crane & Partners, PLLC
390-476166 SELENE FINANCE LP, 13010 Morris Rd.
CORP. in the original principal Green or tenant/tenants. Said provided in the Note and Se- Book 24295, Page 42, DeKalb
6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29DT as Attorney-in-Fact for Suite 450
amount of $184,603.00 dated property will be sold subject to curity Deed. Because the debt County records, said Security
22-R30223169-JUL-RJS OTIS HUTCHINSON Alpharetta, GA 30004
December 13, 2007 and recor- (a) any outstanding ad valorem remains in default, this sale will Deed being last transferred to
To: Owner/Tenant: Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, Phone: 470.321.7112
ded in Deed Book 20561, Page taxes (including taxes which be made for the purpose of LOANDEPOT.COM, LLC in
CRAIG DAVID KRIEGER Crane & Partners, PLLC Firm File No. ++20-070012 -
709, DeKalb County records, are a lien, but not yet due and paying the same and all ex- Deed Book 26347, Page 321,
Defendant: 10700 Abbott’s Bridge Road DaG /TUCKER++
said Security Deed being last payable), (b) any matters which penses of this sale, as provided DeKalb County records, the un-
transferred to SELENE FIN- might be disclosed by an accur- in the Security Deed and by dersigned will sell at public out-
All that parcel of land being de- Duluth, GA 30097
ANCE, LP in Deed Book ate survey and inspection of law, including attorney's fees cry to the highest bidder for 420-475697 5/25,6/1,6/8,6/15
scribed as Parcel 18 355 06 Phone: 470.321.7112
24787, Page 459, DeKalb the property, and (c) all mat- (notice of intent to collect attor- cash, before the Courthouse 6/22,6/29
008 and 4486 BINGHAMTON Firm File No. ++19-258653 -
County records, the under- ters of record superior to the ney's fees having been given). door in said County, or at such NOTICE OF SALE UNDER
CT in deed book 20221 page LiV /HUTCHINSON++
signed will sell at public outcry Security Deed first set out Carrington Mortgage Services, other place as lawfully desig- POWER
00051 less and except all par-
to the highest bidder for cash, 420-475037 5/4,5/11,5/18,5/25, above, including, but not lim- LLC holds the duly endorsed nated, within the legal hours of STATE OF GEORGIA
cels other than 18 355 06 008.
before the Courthouse door in 6/1,6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 ited to, assessments, liens, en- Note and is the current assign- sale, on July 05, 2023, the COUNTY OF DEKALB
Levied on 05/12/2023 for the
said County, or at such other Notice of Sale Under Power cumbrances, zoning ordin- ee of the Security Deed to the property in said Security Deed Under and by virtue of the
amount of $5,904.67 to satisfy
place as lawfully designated, State of Georgia, ances, easements, restrictions, property. Carrington Mortgage and described as follows: power of sale contained with
certain state, county, and city
within the legal hours of sale, County of DeKalb covenants, etc. Services, LLC is the entity with ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- that certain Security Deed
fieri facias For tax, penalties,
on 7/5/2023, the property in Under and by virtue of the The sale will be conducted sub- the full authority to negotiate, CEL OF LAND LYING AND dated March 9, 2018, from
interest and legal cost for
said Security Deed and de- Power of Sale contained in a ject to (1) confirmation that the amend, and modify all terms of BEING IN LAND LOT 98 OF Joseph Crutchfield to Mort-
year(s) 2022.
scribed as follows: Security Deed given by Richard sale is not prohibited under the the loan. THE 16TH DISTRICT, OF gage Electronic Registration
ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Green to Mortgage Electronic U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) Pursuant to O.C.G.A. §44-14- DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, Systems, Inc., as nominee for
CEL OF LAND LYING AND Registration Systems, Inc., as final confirmation and audit of 162.2, Carrington Mortgage AND BEING LOT 23, BLOCK B Victorian Finance, LLC, recor-
BEING IN LAND LOT 93, 15TH nominee for Cityworth Mort- the status of the loan with the Services, LLC may be contac- OF CARRIAGE TRACE, UNIT ded on March 12, 2018 in Deed
DISTRICT, DEKALB COUNTY, gage, LLC (the Secured Credit- holder of the security deed. ted at: 1-800-790-9502 or by ONE, AS PER PLAT RECOR- Book 26795 at Page 788
GEORGIA, AND BEING LOT or), dated March 13, 2018, and Pursuant to O.C.G.A. §9-13- writing to 1600 South Dou- DED IN PLAT BOOK 100, Dekalb County, Georgia re-
20, BLOCK A, HARVESTER Recorded on March 20, 2018 172.1, which allows for certain glass Road, Suite 110 and 200- PAGE 95 OF DEKALB cords, having been last sold,
COMMUNITY SUBDIVISION, as Book No. 26809 and Page procedures regarding the res- A, Anaheim, CA 92806-5951. COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- assigned, transferred and con-
AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN No. 746, DeKalb County, Geor- cission of judicial and nonjudi- Please note that, pursuant to CORDS, WHICY PLAT IS veyed to Lakeview Loan Servi-
PLAT BOOK 87, PAGE 138, gia records, conveying the cial sales in the State of Geor- O.C.G.A. §44-14-162.2, the se- INCORPORATED HEREIN cing, LLC by Assignment and
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA after-described property to se- gia, the Deed Under Power and cured creditor is not required to AND MADE A PART HEREOF said Security Deed having
RECORDS, WHICH PLAT IS cure a Note of even date in the other foreclosure documents amend or modify the terms of BY REFERENCE. been given to secure a note
INCORPORATED HEREIN BY original principal amount of may not be provided until final the loan. Said property being known as: dated March 9, 2018, in the
REFERENCE FOR A MORE $127,000.00, with interest at confirmation and audit of the To the best knowledge and be- 6374 CARRIAGE CROSSING amount of $309,700.00 said
COMPLETE DESCRIPTION the rate specified therein, as status of the loan as provided lief of the undersigned, the STONE MOUNTAIN, GA 30087 note being modified by Loan
OF SAID PROPERTY. last assigned to Carrington in the preceding paragraph. party/parties in possession of To the best of the Modification agreement and re-
Said property being known as: Mortgage Services, LLC by as- Funds used at sale shall be in the subject property known as undersigned’s knowledge, the corded on February 11, 2020 in
3336 HARVESTER WOODS signment that is or to be recor- certified funds and payable to 940 NIMBLEWOOD WAY, party or parties in possession OR Book 28101 OR Page 356
DECATUR, GA 30034 ded in the DeKalb County, “Bell Carrington Price & Gregg, STONE MOUNTAIN, GA 30088 of said property is/are SAMUEL in the real property records of
To the best of the Georgia Records, there will be LLC”. is/are: Tamera R. Johnson or C. TUCKER or tenant(s). Dekalb County, Georgia, and
veyed to Lakeview Loan Servi- bertelli Law Attorney for vey and inspection thereof, and TRICT, G.M., DEKALB ERIC MAURICE COOK the secured creditor. Drive Fishers, IN 46037, Tele-
cing, LLC by Assignment and Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC all assessments, liens, encum- COUNTY, GEORGIA, AND BE- THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY The property is or may be in phone No.: 855-690-5900.
said Security Deed having as Attorney in Fact for Joseph brances, restrictions, coven- ING KNOWN AND DESIG- BE HELD TO BE ACTING AS the possession of Jennese L. Nothing in O.C.G.A. Section
been given to secure a note Crutchfield 100 Galleria Park- ants, and matters of record to NATED AS LOT 19, OF THE A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN- Wimbley, successor in interest 44-14-162.2 shall be construed
dated March 9, 2018, in the way, Suite 960 Atlanta, GA the Security Deed. Pursuant to VILLAS AT ROGERS CROSS- DER FEDERAL LAW. IF SO, or tenant(s). to require the secured creditor
amount of $309,700.00 said 30339 Phone: (770) 373-4242 O.C.G.A.Section 44-14-162.2, ING, AS PER THAT PLAT OF ANY INFORMATION OB- Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC to negotiate, amend, or modify
Page 44
note being modified by Loan
Modification agreement and re-
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023 
By: Rohan Rupani For the Firm
the name, address and tele-
phone number of the individual
as Attorney-in-Fact for Jen-
nese L. Wimbley
the terms of the security instru-
ment. Said property will be sold
corded on February 11, 2020 in DEBT COLLECTOR AT- or entity who shall have the full PLAT FOR THE VILLAS AT Attorney Contact: Rubin Lublin, File no. ++23-080485/Wimb- subject to any outstanding ad
OR Book 28101 OR Page 356 TEMPTING TO COLLECT A authority to negotiate, amend ROGERS CROSSING," BY LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place, ley++ valorem taxes (including taxes
in the real property records of DEBT. ANY INFORMATION or modify all terms of the above CLARK DESIGN GROUP, Suite 100, Peachtree Corners, LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP* which are a lien, whether or not
Dekalb County, Georgia, and OBTAINED WILL BE USED described mortgage is as fol- P.C., PLANNERS, SURVEY- GA 30071 Attorneys and Counselors at now due and payable), any
said Note being in default, the FOR THAT PURPOSE. - ++23- lows: Nationstar Mortgage LLC ORS, ENGINEERS, CERTI- Telephone Number: (877) 813- Law matters which might be dis-
undersigned will sell at public 004778 A-4784206/Crutch- d/b/a Mr. Cooper, 8950 FIED BY STEVEN LYNN 0992 Case No. ++TMS-23- 211 Perimeter Center Parkway, closed by an accurate survey
outcry during the legal hours of field++ 05/25/2023, Cypress Waters Blvd, Coppell, CLARK G.R.L.S. NO. 18426, 01836-1/COOK++ N.E., Suite 130 and inspection of the property,
sale before the door of the 06/01/2023, 06/08/2023, TX 75019, 888-480-2432 . The AND H. LANIER DUNN, Ad Run Dates 05/25/2023, Atlanta, GA 30346 any assessments, liens, en-
courthouse of Dekalb County, 06/15/2023, 06/22/2023, foregoing notwithstanding, G.R.L.S. NO. 2243, RECOR- 06/08/2023, 06/15/2023, (770) 220-2535/***CF_REFER- cumbrances, zoning ordin-
Georgia, on July 5, 2023 the 06/29/2023 nothing in O.C.G.A. Section 44- DED IN PLAT BOOK 147, 06/22/2023, 06/29/2023 ENCE_INITIALS*** ances, restrictions, covenants,
following described real prop- 420-475698 5/25,6/1,6/8,6/15 14-162.2 shall require the se- PAGES 17-19, IN THE OF- 420-475701 5/25,6/1,6/8,6/15 and any other matters of re-
erty (hereinafter referred to as 6/22,6/27 cured creditor to negotiate, FICE OF THE CLERK OF THE 6/22,6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20,7/27 *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING cord superior to the Security
the "Property"): ALL THAT NOTICE OF SALE UNDER amend or modify the terms of SUPERIOR COURT OF STATE OF GEORGIA AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. Deed first set out above. To the
TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND POWER the mortgage instrument. The DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, COUNTY OF DEKALB ANY INFORMATION OB - best knowledge and belief of
LOT 97, 16TH DISTRICT, COUNTY OF DEKALB Under (1) to confirmation that the sale ATED HEREIN BY REFER- POWER THAT PURPOSE. in possession of the property is
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, and by virtue of the power of is not prohibited under U.S. ENCE. TAX ID#: 16-131-06- Because of a default under the (are) Nichole P Prindle or ten-
BEING LOT 255, THE GATES sale contained with that certain Bankruptcy code and (2) to fi- 019 SUBJECT TO ANY EASE- terms of the Security Deed ex- 420-475703 5/25,6/1,6/8,6/15, ant(s) or other occupants. The
OF SOUTHLAND SUBDIVI- Security Deed dated Decem- nal confirmation and audit of MENTS OR RESTRICTIONS ecuted by Jennese L. Wimbley 6/22,6/29 sale will be conducted subject
SION, UNIT SIX, AS PER ber 3, 1998, from Willie C. the status of the loan with the OF RECORD to Mortgage Electronic Regis- Notice Of Sale Under Power to (1) confirmation that the sale
PLAT RECORDED AT PLAT Momon and Regina A. Momon holder of the Security Deed. Al- Said legal description being tration Systems, Inc. as nomin- Georgia, Dekalb County is not prohibited under the U.S.
BOOK 139, PAGES 51-54, to North American Mortgage bertelli Law Attorney for Feder- controlling, however the prop- ee for American Financial Re- Under and by virtue of the Bankruptcy Code, (2) final con-
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA Company, recorded on Decem- al Home Loan Mortgage Cor- erty is more commonly known sources, Inc. dated February Power of Sale contained in that firmation and audit of the status
RECORDS, WHICH PLAT IS ber 29, 1998 in Deed Book poration, as trustee for Freddie as 1540 ROGERS PRE- 28, 2019, and recorded in Deed certain Security Deed given by of the loan with the holder of
INCORPORATED HEREIN BY 10424 at Page 568 Dekalb Mac Seasoned Credit Risk SERVE RD, LITHONIA, GA Book 27423, Page 81, DeKalb Nichole P Prindle to Mortgage the Security Deed, and (3) any
THIS REFERENCE AND County, Georgia records, hav- Transfer Trust, Series 2017- 30058. County Records, said Security Electronic Registration Sys- right of redemption or other li-
MADE A PART HEREOF. The ing been last sold, assigned, 3,as owner of the Related Mort- The indebtedness secured by Deed having been last sold, as- tems, Inc., as Grantor, as nom- en not extinguished by fore-
debt secured by the Security transferred and conveyed to gage Loan as Attorney in Fact said Security Deed has been signed, transferred and con- inee for Freedom Mortgage closure. The sale is conducted
Deed and evidenced by the Federal Home Loan Mortgage for Willie C. Momon and Re- and is hereby declared due be- veyed to Lakeview Loan Servi- Corporation, its successors and on behalf of the secured credit-
Note and has been, and is Corporation, as trustee for gina A. Momon 100 Galleria cause of default under the cing, LLC, securing a Note in assigns, dated 12/5/2019, and or under the power of sale
hereby, declared due and pay- Freddie Mac Seasoned Credit Parkway, Suite 960 Atlanta, GA terms of said Security Deed. the original principal amount of recorded on 12/6/2019, in In- granted in the aforementioned
able because of, among other Risk Transfer Trust, Series 30339 Phone: (770) 373-4242 The indebtedness remaining in $192,042.00, the holder there- strument No.: 2019174423, security instrument, specifically
possible events of default, fail- 2017-3,as owner of the Re- By: Rohan Rupani For the Firm default, this sale will be made of pursuant to said Deed and Deed Book 27970, Page 150, being Freedom Mortgage Cor-
ure to make the payments as lated Mortgage Loan by As- THIS FIRM IS ACTING AS A for the purpose of paying the Note thereby secured has de- DeKalb County, Georgia re- poration as Attorney in Fact for
required by the terms of the signment and said Security DEBT COLLECTOR AT- same, all expenses of the sale, clared the entire amount of said cords, as last assigned to Free- Nichole P Prindle. Nestor Solu-
Note. The debt remaining is in Deed having been given to se- TEMPTING TO COLLECT A including attorneys’ fees (no- indebtedness due and payable dom Mortgage Corporation by tions, LLC, 2850 Redhill Ave,
default and this sale will be cure a note dated December 3, DEBT. ANY INFORMATION tice to collect same having and, pursuant to the power of assignment recorded on Suite 240, Santa Ana, CA
made for the purposes of pay- 1998, in the amount of OBTAINED WILL BE USED been given) and all other pay- sale contained in said Deed, 6/30/2022 in Instrument No.: 92705, (888) 403-4115, ++TS #
ing the Security Deed, accrued $130,000.00, and said Note be- FOR THAT PURPOSE. - ++22- ments provided for under the will on the first Tuesday, Au- 2022101401 Deed Book 2023-05511-GA/Prindle++ For
interest, and all expenses of ing in default, the undersigned 013668 A-4785583/Momon++ terms of the Security Deed. gust 1, 2023, during the legal 30430, Page 549. The subject sale information, visit:
the sale, including attorneys' will sell at public outcry during 05/25/2023, 06/01/2023, Said property will be sold on an hours of sale, before the Court- Security Deed was modified by
fees. Notice of intention to col- the legal hours of sale before 06/08/2023, 06/15/2023, “as-is” basis without any rep- house door in said County, sell Loan Modification recorded as or call
lect attorneys' fees has been the door of the courthouse of 06/22/2023, 06/29/2023 resentation, warranty or re- at public outcry to the highest Book 30281 Page 177 and re- (888) 902-3989.
given as provided by law. To Dekalb County, Georgia, on Ju- course against the above- bidder for cash, the property corded on 04/21/2022 and
the best of the undersigned's ly 5, 2023 the following de- 420-475699 5/25,6/8,6/15 named or the undersigned. The described in said Deed, to-wit: modified by Loan Modification 420-475704 5/25,6/8,6/15,6/22
knowledge, the person(s) in scribed real property (herein- 6/22,6/29 sale will also be subject to the All that tract or parcel of land ly- recorded as Book 30648 Page 6/29
possession of the property is after referred to as the "Prop- NOTICE OF SALE UNDER following items which may af- ing and being in Land Lot 131 634 and recorded on STATE OF GEORGIA
Joseph Crutchfield. The prop- erty"): ALL THAT TRACT OR POWER fect the title: any outstanding of the 16th District of DeKalb 11/07/2022, conveying the COUNTY OF DEKALB
erty, being commonly known as PARCEL OF LAND LYING GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY ad valorem taxes (including County, Georgia, being Lot 81, after-described property to se- NOTICE OF SALE UNDER
6557 Norcliffe Dr, Stone Mtn, AND BEING IN LAND LOT 92 By virtue of a Power of Sale taxes which are a lien, whether Block A, Rogers Crossing, cure a Note in the original prin- POWER
GA, 30087 in Dekalb County, OF THE 16TH DISTRICT, contained in that certain Secur- or not now due and payable); Phase One, as per plat recor- cipal amount of $206,756.00, Pursuant to the power of sale
will be sold as the property of DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, ity Deed from ERIC MAURICE the right of redemption of any ded in Plat Book 122, Pages with interest thereon as contained in the Security Deed
Joseph Crutchfield, subject to BEING LOT 39, BLOCK A OF COOK to MORTGAGE ELEC- taxing authority; matters which 42-43, DeKalb County, Geor- provided for therein, there will executed by LAURIE
any outstanding ad valorem WATERTON SUBDIVISION, TRO NI C REG I STRATI O N would be disclosed by an ac- gia Records, which plat is incor- be sold at public outcry to the SWYGERT to JPMORGAN
taxes (including taxes which UNIT ONE, AS PER PLAT RE- SYSTEMS INC. AS GRANTEE, curate survey or by an inspec- porated herein and made a part highest bidder for cash before CHASE BANK, N.A. in the ori-
are a lien and not yet due and CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 102, AS NOMINEE FOR EQUITY tion of the property; all zoning hereof by reference thereto; be- the Courthouse door of DeKalb ginal principal amount of
payable), any matters affecting PAGES 40-42, IN DEKALB PRIME MORTGAGE LLC, ordinances; assessments; li- ing improved property known County, Georgia, within the leg- $133,000.00 dated May 6,
title to the property which would COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- dated September 23, 2022, re- ens; encumbrances; restric- as 6636 Hill Creek Cove ac- al hours of sale on 7/5/2023, 2011 and recorded in Deed
be disclosed by accurate sur- CORDS, WHICH PLAT IS IN- corded September 30, 2022, in tions; covenants, and any oth- cording to the present system the following described prop- Book 22499, Page 641, DeKalb
vey and inspection thereof, and CORPORATED HEREIN BY Deed Book 30591, Page 35, er matters of record superior to of numbering in said state and erty: All That Tract Or Parcel Of County records, said Security
all assessments, liens, encum- REFERENCE AND MADE A DeKalb County, Georgia Re- said Security Deed. county; Map Reference Num- Land Lying And Being In Land Deed being last transferred to
brances, restrictions, coven- PART OF THIS DESCRIP- cords, said Security Deed hav- To the best of the knowledge ber 16 131 01 184. Lot 255 Of The 18th District, NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE
ants, and matters of record to TION. The debt secured by the ing been given to secure a and belief of the undersigned, Said property is known as 6636 Dekalb County, Georgia, Being LLC D/B/A MR. COOPER in
the Security Deed. Pursuant to Security Deed and evidenced Note of even date in the origin- the owner and party in posses- Hill Creek Cove, Lithonia, GA Lot 29, Block A, Sterling Acres Deed Book 30425, Page 489,
O.C.G.A.Section 44-14-162.2, by the Note and has been, and al principal amount of Two Hun- sion of the property is ERIC 30058, together with all fix- Subdivision, As Per Plat Recor- DeKalb County records, the un-
the name, address and tele- is hereby, declared due and dred Thirty Thousand Seven MAURICE COOK, or tures and personal property at- ded In Plat Book 58, Page 2, dersigned will sell at public out-
phone number of the individual payable because of, among Hundred Forty-Three and tenants(s). tached to and constituting a Dekalb County Records, And cry to the highest bidder for
or entity who shall have the full other possible events of de- 00/100 dollars ($230,743.00), The sale will be conducted sub- part of said property, if any. Being Known As 4722 Darlene cash, before the Courthouse
authority to negotiate, amend fault, failure to make the pay- with interest thereon as ject (1) to confirmation that the Said property will be sold sub- Way, Tucker, Georgia 30084. door in said County, or at such
or modify all terms of the above ments as required by the terms provided for therein, said Se- sale is not prohibited under the ject to any outstanding ad Said property is commonly other place as lawfully desig-
described mortgage is as fol- of the Note. The debt remain- curity Deed having been last U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) valorem taxes (including taxes known as 4722 Darlene Way nated, within the legal hours of
lows: Nationstar Mortgage LLC ing is in default and this sale sold, assigned and transferred to final confirmation and audit which are a lien, whether or not Tucker, GA 30084 The in- sale, on July 05, 2023, the
d/b/a Mr. Cooper, 8950 will be made for the purposes to EQUITY PRIME MORT- of the status of the loan with now due and payable), the right debtedness secured by said property in said Security Deed
Cypress Waters Blvd, Coppell, of paying the Security Deed, GAGE LLC, there will be sold the holder of the Security Deed. of redemption of any taxing au- Security Deed has been and is and described as follows:
TX 75019, 888-480-2432. The accrued interest, and all ex- at public outcry to the highest The entity having full authority thority, any matters which might hereby declared due because ALL THAT TRACT OF PAR-
foregoing notwithstanding, penses of the sale, including at- bidder for cash at the DeKalb to negotiate, amend or modify be disclosed by an accurate of, among other possible CEL OF LAND LYING AND
nothing in O.C.G.A. Section 44- torneys' fees. Notice of inten- County Courthouse, within the all terms of the loan (although survey and inspection of the events of default, failure to pay BEING IN LAND LOT 183 OF
14-162.2 shall require the se- tion to collect attorneys' fees legal hours of sale on the first not required by law to do so) is: property, any assessments, li- the indebtedness as and when THE 18TH DISTRICT OF
cured creditor to negotiate, has been given as provided by Wednesday in July, 2023, all Allied First Bank, SB dba Ser- ens, encumbrances, zoning or- due and in the manner DEKALB COUNTY GEORGIA
amend or modify the terms of law. To the best of the under- property described in said Se- vbank, Loss Mitigation Dept., dinances, restrictions, coven- provided in the Note and Se- AND BEING LOT 11 BLOCK
the mortgage instrument. The signed's knowledge, the per- curity Deed including but not 3138 E. Elwood St., Phoenix, ants, and matters of record su- curity Deed. The debt remain- "B" MONCRIEF FOREST SUB-
sale will be conducted subject son(s) in possession of the limited to the following de- AZ 85034, Telephone Number: perior to the Security Deed first ing in default, this sale will be DIVISION ACCORDING TO
(1) to confirmation that the sale property are Willie C. Momon scribed property: 866-867-0330. Nothing in set out above. made for the purpose of pay- PLAT 55 PAGE 151 OF THE
is not prohibited under U.S. and Regina A. Momon. The ALL THAT CERTAIN LOT, O.C.G.A. Section 44-14-162.2 The proceeds of said sale will ing the same and all expenses DEKALB COUNTY RECORDS
Bankruptcy code and (2) to fi- property, being commonly PARCEL OR TRACT OF shall be construed to require a be applied to the payment of of the sale, as provided in the WHICH PLAT IS INCORPOR-
nal confirmation and audit of known as 6233 Springwater Ln, LAND, SITUATE AND LYING secured creditor to negotiate, said indebtedness and all ex- Security Deed and by law, in- ATED HEREIN AND MADE A
the status of the loan with the Lithonia, GA, 30058 in Dekalb IN THE CITY OF LITHONIA, amend, or modify the terms of penses of said sale as provided cluding attorneys' fees (notice PART THEREOF OF REFER-
holder of the Security Deed. Al- County, will be sold as the COUNTY OF DEKALB, STATE the mortgage instrument. in said Deed, and the balance, of intent to collect attorneys’ ENCE.
bertelli Law Attorney for property of Willie C. Momon OF GEORGIA, AND BEING EQUITY PRIME MORTGAGE if any, will be distributed as fees having been given). The BY FEE SIMPLE DEED FROM
Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC and Regina A. Momon, subject MORE PARTICULARLY DE- LLC provided by law. entity having full authority to MICHAEL L. RAYBURN AND
as Attorney in Fact for Joseph to any outstanding ad valorem SCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ALL as Attorney in Fact for The sale will be conducted sub- negotiate, amend or modify all SUZANNE M. RAYBURN AS
Crutchfield 100 Galleria Park- taxes (including taxes which THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF ERIC MAURICE COOK ject (1) to confirmation that the terms of the loan (although not SET FORTH IN DEED BOOK
way, Suite 960 Atlanta, GA are a lien and not yet due and LAND, TOGETHER WITH ANY THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY sale is not prohibited under the required by law to do so) is: 9358, PAGE 666 DATED
30339 Phone: (770) 373-4242 payable), any matters affecting IMPROVEMENTS THEREON, BE HELD TO BE ACTING AS U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) Freedom Mortgage Corpora- 02/24/1997 AND RECORDED
By: Rohan Rupani For the Firm title to the property which would LYING AND BEING IN LAND A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN- to final confirmation and audit tion, Attention: Loss Mitigation ON 3/14/1997, DEKALB
THIS FIRM IS ACTING AS A be disclosed by accurate sur- LOT 131 OF THE 16TH DIS- DER FEDERAL LAW. IF SO, of the status of the loan with Department, 10500 Kincaid COUNTY RECORDS, STATE
DEBT COLLECTOR AT- vey and inspection thereof, and TRICT, G.M., DEKALB ANY INFORMATION OB - the secured creditor. Drive Fishers, IN 46037, Tele- OF GEORGIA.
TEMPTING TO COLLECT A all assessments, liens, encum- COUNTY, GEORGIA, AND BE- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR The property is or may be in phone No.: 855-690-5900. Said property being known as:
DEBT. ANY INFORMATION brances, restrictions, coven- ING KNOWN AND DESIG- THAT PURPOSE. the possession of Jennese L. Nothing in O.C.G.A. Section 1566 MONCRIEF CIRCLE
OBTAINED WILL BE USED ants, and matters of record to NATED AS LOT 19, OF THE Attorney Contact: Rubin Lublin, Wimbley, successor in interest 44-14-162.2 shall be construed DECATUR, GA 30033
FOR THAT PURPOSE. - ++23- the Security Deed. Pursuant to VILLAS AT ROGERS CROSS- LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place, or tenant(s). to require the secured creditor To the best of the
004778 A-4784206/Crutch- O.C.G.A.Section 44-14-162.2, ING, AS PER THAT PLAT OF Suite 100, Peachtree Corners, Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC to negotiate, amend, or modify undersigned’s knowledge, the
field++ 05/25/2023, the name, address and tele- SURVEY DATED JULY 13, GA 30071 as Attorney-in-Fact for Jen- the terms of the security instru- party or parties in possession
06/01/2023, 06/08/2023, phone number of the individual 2004, ENTITLED, "FINAL Telephone Number: (877) 813- nese L. Wimbley ment. Said property will be sold of said property is/are LAURIE
06/15/2023, 06/22/2023, or entity who shall have the full PLAT FOR THE VILLAS AT 0992 Case No. ++TMS-23- File no. ++23-080485/Wimb- subject to any outstanding ad SWYGERT or tenant(s).
06/29/2023 authority to negotiate, amend ROGERS CROSSING," BY 01836-1/COOK++ ley++ valorem taxes (including taxes The debt secured by said Se-
or modify all terms of the above CLARK DESIGN GROUP, Ad Run Dates 05/25/2023, LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP* which are a lien, whether or not curity Deed has been and is
described mortgage is as fol- P.C., PLANNERS, SURVEY- 06/08/2023, 06/15/2023, Attorneys and Counselors at now due and payable), any hereby declared due and pay-
OF GEORGIA. $75,500.00, with interest at the confirmation and audit of the lips, successor in interest or Security Deed. MidFirst Bank, property (the "Property"): ALL 136.34’ TO A CONCRETE
Said property being known as: rate specified therein, as last status of the loan as provided tenant(s). through its division Midland THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF RIGHT-OF-WAY MONUMENT
1566 MONCRIEF CIRCLE assigned to Nationstar Mort- in the preceding paragraph. US Bank Trust National Associ- Mortgage is the entity with au- LAND LYING AND BEING IN FOUND 50’ LEFT OF AND OP-
DECATUR, GA 30033 gage, LLC d/b/a Mr. Cooper by Funds used at sale shall be in ation, Not In Its Individual Ca- thority to negotiate, amend and LAND LOT 96 OF THE 15TH POSITE OF STA. 30+52.47 ON
To the best of the assignment that is or to be re- certified funds and payable to pacity But Solely As Owner modify the terms of the Note DISTRICT OF DEKALB CONSTRUCTION GA HWY
undersigned’s knowledge, the corded in the DeKalb County, “Bell Carrington Price & Gregg, Trustee For VRMTG Asset and Security Deed. MidFirst COUNTY, GEORGIA, AND BE- PROJ NO. STP-165-1(60);

party or parties in possession The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023
Georgia Records, there will be LLC”. Trust as Attorney-in-Fact for Bank, through its division Mid- ING MORE PARTICULARLY Page 45
of said property is/are LAURIE sold by the undersigned at pub- Nationstar Mortgage, LLC d/b/a Anna D Phillips land Mortgage’s address is 999 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ALONG AFORESAID RIGHT-
SWYGERT or tenant(s). lic outcry to the highest bidder Mr. Cooper as Attorney in Fact File no. ++23- N.W. Grand Blvd., Oklahoma TO ARRIVE AT THE TRUE OF-WAY AND FOLLOWING A
The debt secured by said Se- for cash at the DeKalb County for ++Ernestine Granville++. 080509/Phillips++ City, OK 73118. MidFirst Bank, POINT OF BEGINNING, BE- CURVE TO THE RIGHT, AN
curity Deed has been and is Courthouse within the legal Any information obtained on LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP* through its division Midland GIN AT A POINT ON THE ARC DISTANCE OF 55.395’
hereby declared due and pay- hours of sale on the first Tues- this matter may be used by the Attorneys and Counselors at Mortgage may be contacted by SOUTHWESTERN SIDE OF AS SUBTENDED BY A
able because of, among other day in August, 2023, the follow- debt collector to collect the Law telephone at 1-800-552-3000. SNAPFINGER ROAD 1,885.28 CHORD OF S14◦51’37”E A
possible events of default, fail- ing described property: debt. Bell Carrington Price & 211 Perimeter Center Parkway, To the best of the FEET NORTHWESTERL Y DISTANCE OF 55.39’, WITH A
ure to pay the indebtedness as All that parcel of land in Land Gregg, LLC, 339 Heyward N.E., Suite 130 undersigned's knowledge and FROM FLAT SHOALS ROAD RADIUS OF 1550’, TO THE
provided for in the Note and Lot 63 of the 15th District, Street, 2nd Floor, Columbia, Atlanta, GA 30346 belief, the party in possession (50 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY), POINT OF BEGINNING. TO-
said Security Deed. The debt Dekalb County, State of Geor- SC 29201 (803)-509-5078. File: (770) 220-2535/***CF_REFER- of the property is believed to be AS MEASURED ALONG THE GETHER WITH all the improve-
remaining in default, this sale gia, as more fully described in 23-53570 ENCE_INITIALS*** Joan Gilford aka Joan K. Gil- SOUTHWESTERN SIDE OF ments and fixtures now erec-
will be made for the purpose of Deed Book 5654, Page 497, 420-475723 5/25,6/1,6/8,6/15 ford and Liza N. Gilford aka THE 50 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY ted on or affixed to the Prop-
paying the same and all ex- ID# 15-063-01-056, being 6/22,6/29 *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING Liza N. Massey and The Rep- OF SNAPFINGER ROAD; erty, and all easements, rights,
penses of sale, including attor- known and designated as Lot STATE OF GEORGIA AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. resentative of Estate of Joan RUNNING THENCE SOUTH appurtenances, and rents, all of
ney’s fees (notice of intent to 27, Block B, Dogwood Farms, COUNTY OF DEKALB ANY INFORMATION OB - Gilford aka Joan K. Gilford, or 65 DEGREES 51 MINUTES which shall be deemed to be
collect attorney’s fees having Unit 1, filed in Plat Book 62, NOTICE OF SALE UNDER TAINED WILL BE USED FOR tenant(s). WEST 25 FEET TO THE and remain a part of the Prop-
been given). Page 101. POWER THAT PURPOSE. MidFirst Bank, SOUTHWESTERN SIDE OF erty. The debt secured by said
Said property will be sold sub- Tax ID: 15 063 01 056 Because of a default under the as Transferee, Assignee, and THE 100 FOOT RIGHT OF Deed to Secure Debt has been
ject to the following: (1) any The debt secured by said Se- terms of the Security Deed ex- 420-475824 6/1,6/8,6/15,6/22, Secured Creditor WAY OF SNAPFINGER ROAD and is hereby declared due be-
outstanding ad valorem taxes curity Deed has been and is ecuted by Anna D Phillips to 6/29 As attorney-in-fact for the afore- TO THE TRUE POINT OF BE- cause of among other possible
(including taxes which are a li- hereby declared due because Washington Mutual Bank, FA NOTICE OF SALE UNDER said Grantor GINNING; RUNNING THENCE events of default, failure to pay
en, whether or not yet due and of, among other possible dated September 11, 2003, and POWER CONTAINED IN CB Legal, LLC NORTH 25 DEGREES 33 the indebtedness as and when
payable); (2) the right of re- events of default, failure to pay recorded in Deed Book 15271, SECURITY DEED Attorneys at Law MINUTES WEST ALONG THE due and in the manner
demption of any taxing author- the indebtedness as and when Page 691, as last modified in STATE OF GEORGIA, Glenridge Highlands II SOUTHWESTERN SIDE OF provided in the Note and Deed
ity; (3) any matters which might due and in the manner Deed Book 26632, Page 511, COUNTY OF DeKalb 5565 Glenridge Connector, THE 100 FOOT RIGHT OF to Secure Debt. The debt re-
be disclosed by an accurate provided in the Note and Se- DeKalb County Records, said Pursuant to a power of sale Suite 350 WAY OF SNAPFINGER ROAD maining in default, this sale will
survey and inspection of the curity Deed. Because the debt Security Deed having been last contained in a certain security Atlanta, GA 30342 190 FEET; RUNNING THENCE be made for paying the same
property; and (4) any assess- remains in default, this sale will sold, assigned, transferred and deed executed by Joan Gilford (770) 392-0041 SOUTH 65 DEGREES 51 and all expenses of this sale,
ments, liens, encumbrances, be made for the purpose of conveyed to US Bank Trust Na- and Liza N. Gilford, hereinafter ++21-6639 /Gilford++ MINUTES WEST 320 FEET; as provided in the Deed to Se-
zoning ordinances, restrictions, paying the same and all ex- tional Association, Not In Its In- referred to as Grantor, to Na- THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE RUNNING THENCE SOUTH cure Debt and by law, includ-
covenants, and matters of re- penses of this sale, as provided dividual Capacity But Solely As tional City Mortgage Co. dba HELD TO BE ACTING 25 DEGREES 33 MINUTES ing attorneys' fees; notice of in-
cord superior to the Security in the Security Deed and by Owner Trustee For VRMTG As- Commonwealth United Mort- AS A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN- EAST 190 FEET; RUNNING tent to collect attorneys' fees
Deed first set out above. law, including attorney's fees set Trust, securing a Note in gage Company recorded in DER FEDERAL LAW. THENCE NORTH 65 DE- having been given. Said Prop-
Said sale will be conducted (notice of intent to collect attor- the original principal amount of Deed Book 9983, beginning at IF SO, ANY INFORMATION GREES 51 MINUTES EAST erty will be sold subject to (a)
subject to the following: (1) ney's fees having been given). $86,000.00, the holder thereof page 135 and modified at Deed OBTAINED WILL BE USED 320 FEET TO THE SOUTH- any outstanding ad valorem
confirmation that the sale is not Nationstar Mortgage, LLC d/b/a pursuant to said Deed and Book 24132, Page 720, of the FOR THAT PURPOSE. WESTERN SIDE OF THE 100 taxes (including taxes which
prohibited under the U.S. Bank- Mr. Cooper holds the duly en- Note thereby secured has de- deed records of the Clerk of the 420-475826 6/1,6/8,6/15,6/22 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY OF are a lien, but not yet due and
ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- dorsed Note and is the current clared the entire amount of said Superior Court of the aforesaid 6/29,7/6 SNAPFINGER ROAD AND payable), (b) unpaid water and
firmation and audit of the status assignee of the Security Deed indebtedness due and payable state and county, and by virtue NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE THE TRUE POINT OF BEGIN- sewage bills that constitute a li-
of the loan with the holder of to the property. Nationstar and, pursuant to the power of of a default under the terms of SALE UNDER POWER NING, CONTAINING 1.395 en against the Property wheth-
the Security Deed. Mortgage, LLC d/b/a Mr. sale contained in said Deed, said security deed, and the re- GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY ACRES AND BEING DE - er due and payable or not yet
The name, address, and tele- Cooper is the entity with the full will on the first Wednesday, Ju- lated note, the undersigned at- Under and by virtue of the SCRIBED ACCORDING TO due and payable and which
phone number of the individual authority to negotiate, amend, ly 5, 2023, during the legal torney-in-fact for the aforesaid Power of Sale contained in a SURVEY FOR W. D. may not be of record, (c) the
or entity who has full authority and modify all terms of the hours of sale, before the Court- Grantor (which attorney-in-fact Deed to Secure Debt given by ROBERTS PREPARED BY right of redemption of any tax-
to negotiate, amend, and modi- loan. house door in said County, sell is the present holder of said se- ROLLIN SIXTY TRANSPORT- JAMES W. WOOLLEY, SUR- ing authority, (d) any matters
fy all terms of the mortgage is Pursuant to O.C.G.A. §44-14- at public outcry to the highest curity deed and note secured ATION LLC, A GEORGIA LIM- VEYOR, DATED OCTOBER 9, which might be disclosed by an
as follows: 162.2, Nationstar Mortgage, bidder for cash, the property thereby) will sell at the usual ITED LIABILITY COMPANY to 1975. LESS AND EXCEPT accurate survey and inspection
Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a LLC d/b/a Mr. Cooper may be described in said Deed, to-wit: place of conducting Sheriff's ILS LENDING LLC, A TEXAS THAT PORTION OF THE SUB- of the Property, and (e) all mat-
Mr. Cooper contacted at: (833) 685-2565 or All that certain parcel of land sales in said county within the LIMITED LIABILITY COM- JECT PROPERTY DEEDED ters of record superior to the
8950 Cypress Waters Blvd. by writing to 350 Highland situate in Land Lot 221 of the legal hours of sale, to the PANY, dated MAY 4, 2022, re- TO THE GEORGIA DEPART- Deed to Secure Debt first set
Coppell, TX 75019 Drive, Lewisville, TX 75067. 15th district of DeKalb County, highest bidder on the first Wed- corded in BOOK 30319 PAGES MENT OF TRANSPORTA- out above, including, but not
1-888-480-2432 Please note that, pursuant to State of Georgia, being known nesday in July 2023, July 5, 453-473 AND BOOK 30356 TION FROM ALERT ELEC- limited to, assessments, liens,
Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A. O.C.G.A. §44-14-162.2, the se- as Lot 6, Block A, Pendley Hills 2023, all property described in PAGES 333-353, in the Office TRIC COMPANY, INC. AND encumbrances, zoning ordin-
§ 44-14-162.2, the above indi- cured creditor is not required to subdivision, Unit II, Section II, said security deed including but of the Clerk of Superior Court of JIMMY H. GREENE TO GEOR- ances, easements, restrictions,
vidual or entity is not required amend or modify the terms of as per Plat recorded in Plat not limited to the following de- DEKALB County, Georgia Re- GIA DEPARTMENT OF and/or covenants. ILS LEND-
by law to negotiate, amend, or the loan. Book 33, Page 60, Dekalb scribed property: cords, conveying the after-de- TRANSPORTATION DATED ING LLC, A TEXAS LIMITED
modify the terms of the mort- To the best knowledge and be- County, Georgia records, which All that tract or parcel of land ly- scribed real property to secure 12/10/2007 FILED 12/21/2007 LIABILITY COMPANY is the
gage. lief of the undersigned, the said plat is incorporated herein ing and being in Land Lot 30 of a Note in the original principal RECORDED IN DEED BOOK secured creditor under the
THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING party/parties in possession of by this reference and made a the 16th District of DeKalb amount of THREE HUNDRED 20519, PAGE 764, DEKALB Deed to Secure Debt and loan
AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- the subject property known as part of this description. County, Georgia, being known TEN THOUSAND TWO HUN- COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- being foreclosed. The following
TEMPTING TO COLLECT A 4373 DOGWOOD FARMS Said property is known as 1268 as Lot 13, Block F, Hidden DRED AND 00/100 CORDS, AS AFFECTED BY entity shall have full authority to
DEBT. ANY INFORMATION DRIVE, DECATUR, GA 30034 Renee Dr, Decatur, GA 30035, Hills, Unit Two, as per plat re- $310,200.00, with interest THAT CERTAIN AFFIDAVIT negotiate, amend, and modify
OBTAINED MAY BE USED is/are: Ernestine Granville or together with all fixtures and corded in Plat Book 61, Page thereon at the rate as set forth AFFECTING TITLE DATED all terms of the above-de-
FOR THAT PURPOSE. tenant/tenants. Said property personal property attached to 41, DeKalb County, Georgia re- therein, as assigned to ILS 12/16/2013 FILED 12/19/2013 scribed Deed to Secure Debt
NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE will be sold subject to (a) any and constituting a part of said cords, which plat by reference GROWTH FUND I LP, A RECORDED IN DEED BOOK and associated notes on be-
LLC D/B/A MR. COOPER, outstanding ad valorem taxes property, if any. is incorporated herein and TEXAS LIMITED PARTNER- 24182, PAGE 800, AFORE- half of ILS LENDING LLC, A
as Attorney-in-Fact for (including taxes which are a li- Said property will be sold sub- made a part hereof. SHIP recorded on JULY 15, SAID RECORDS. ALSO RE- TEXAS LIMITED LIABILITY
LAURIE SWYGERT en, but not yet due and pay- ject to any outstanding ad Said legal description being 2022 at INSTRUMENT FERRED TO AS: ALL THAT COMPANY: the loan servicing
Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, able), (b) any matters which valorem taxes (including taxes controlling, however, the Prop- 2022111074 in BOOK 30459 TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND agent LOAN SOURCE LLC, at
Crane & Partners, PLLC might be disclosed by an accur- which are a lien, whether or not erty is more commonly known PAGES 241-244, then to ILS LYING AND BEING IN LAND PO BOX 1611 / 210 MARKET
13010 Morris Rd. ate survey and inspection of now due and payable), the right as: 5419 Fieldgreen Drive, RE CAPITAL LLC, A TEXAS LOT 96 OF THE 15TH LAND STREET, EL CAMPO TX
Suite 450 the property, and (c) all mat- of redemption of any taxing au- Stone Mountain, GA 30088 LIMITED LIABILITY COM- DISTRICT OF DEKALB 77437 (979) 541-1250; ILS
Alpharetta, GA 30004 ters of record superior to the thority, any matters which might Said property will be sold on an PANY recorded on JULY 20, COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING LENDING LLC, A TEXAS LIM-
Phone: 470.321.7112 Security Deed first set out be disclosed by an accurate “as-is” basis without any rep- 2022 as INSTRUMENT NUM- MORE PARTICULARLY DE- ITED LIABILITY COMPANY is
Firm File No. ++23-113830 - above, including, but not lim- survey and inspection of the resentation, warranty or re- BER 2022113576 in BOOK SCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BE- not required by law to negoti-
DaG / SWYGERT++ ited to, assessments, liens, en- property, any assessments, li- course against the above- 30466 PAGES 482-485; as last GINNING AT A CONCRETE ate, amend, or modify the
420-475706 5/25,6/1,6/8,6/15 cumbrances, zoning ordin- ens, encumbrances, zoning or- named or the undersigned. The assigned to ILS LENDING LLC, RIGHT-OF-WAY MONUMENT terms of the loan or mortgage
6/22,6/29,7/6,7/15,7/20,7/27 ances, easements, restrictions, dinances, restrictions, coven- sale will be subject to the fol- A TEXAS LIMITED LIABILITY FOUND 50’ LEFT OF AND OP- instrument. To the best know-
Notice of Sale Under Power covenants, etc. ants, and matters of record su- lowing items which may affect COMPANY by assignment re- POSITE OF STA. 29+97.19 ON ledge and belief of the under-
State of Georgia, The sale will be conducted sub- perior to the Security Deed first the title: any outstanding ad corded on FEBRUARY 3, 2023, CONSTRUCTION OF signed, the party in possession
County of DeKalb ject to (1) confirmation that the set out above. valorem taxes (including taxes at INSTRUMENT 2023011588 SNAPFINGER RD ON GA of the Property is: ROLLIN
Under and by virtue of the sale is not prohibited under the The proceeds of said sale will which are a lien but not yet due BOOK 2582 PAGES 298-300 HWY PROJ NO. STP-165- SIXTY TRANSPORTATION
Power of Sale contained in a U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) be applied to the payment of and payable); any matters in the Office of the Clerk of Su- 1(60); THENCE, LEAVING LLC, A GEORGIA LIMITED LI-
Security Deed given by Ern- final confirmation and audit of said indebtedness and all ex- which might be disclosed by an p e ri o r Co u r t o f DEKALB AFORESAID RIGHT-OF-WAY, ABILITY COMPANY or tenant
estine Granville to Mortgage the status of the loan with the penses of said sale as provided accurate survey and inspection County, Georgia Records, RUNNING S66◦13’55”W A DIS- and said Property is more com-
Electronic Registration Sys- holder of the security deed. in said Deed, and the balance, of the property; any assess- there will be sold by the under- TANCE OF 283.91’ TO A ½” monly known as 3089
tems, Inc., as nominee for Pursuant to O.C.G.A. §9-13- if any, will be distributed as ments, liens, encumbrances, signed at public outcry to the RE-BAR FOUND; THENCE SNAPFINGER ROAD, DEC-
GMAC Mortgage Corporation 172.1, which allows for certain provided by law. zoning ordinances, restrictions, highest bidder for cash AT 556 RUNNING N25◦14’48”W A ATUR, GEORGIA 30034-3622.
(the Secured Creditor), dated procedures regarding the res- The sale will be conducted sub- and all other matters of record N MCDONOUGH ST, DEC- DISTANCE OF 189.73’ TO A ½ The sale will be conducted sub-
November 15, 2002, and Re- cission of judicial and nonjudi- ject (1) to confirmation that the superior to the said Security ATUR, GEORGIA 30030 or at RE-BAR FOUND; THENCE ject to (1) confirmation that the
corded on December 2, 2002 cial sales in the State of Geor- sale is not prohibited under the Deed. The sale will be conduc- any other location as may be RUNNING N65◦58’44”E A DIS- sale is not prohibited under the
as Book No. 13928 and Page gia, the Deed Under Power and U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) ted subject (1) to confirmation directed by the Superior Court TANCE OF 301.63’ TO A ½” U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2)
No. 160, DeKalb County, Geor- other foreclosure documents to final confirmation and audit that the sale is not prohibited of DEKALB County of the State RE-BAR SET ON AFORESAID final confirmation and audit of
gia records, conveying the may not be provided until final of the status of the loan with under the U.S. Bankruptcy of Georgia within the legal RIGHT-OF-WAY; THENCE the status of the loan with the
after-described property to se- confirmation and audit of the the secured creditor. Code and (2) to final confirma- hours of sale on the first Tues- RUNNING, ALONG AFORE- holder of the Deed to Secure
cure a Note of even date in the status of the loan as provided The property is or may be in tion and audit of the status of day being AUGUST 1, 2023, SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY, Debt. The undersigned will ex-
original principal amount of in the preceding paragraph. the possession of Anna D Phil- the loan with the holder of the the following described real S21◦58’56”E A DISTANCE OF ecute a Deed Under Power to
$75,500.00, with interest at the Funds used at sale shall be in lips, successor in interest or Security Deed. MidFirst Bank, property (the "Property"): ALL 136.34’ TO A CONCRETE the purchaser as authorized by
rate specified therein, as last certified funds and payable to tenant(s). through its division Midland THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF RIGHT-OF-WAY MONUMENT the aforementioned Deed to
assigned to Nationstar Mort- “Bell Carrington Price & Gregg, US Bank Trust National Associ- Mortgage is the entity with au- LAND LYING AND BEING IN FOUND 50’ LEFT OF AND OP- Secure Debt. ILS LENDING
gage, LLC d/b/a Mr. Cooper by LLC”. ation, Not In Its Individual Ca- thority to negotiate, amend and LAND LOT 96 OF THE 15TH POSITE OF STA. 30+52.47 ON LLC as attorney in fact for
assignment that is or to be re- Nationstar Mortgage, LLC d/b/a pacity But Solely As Owner modify the terms of the Note DISTRICT OF DEKALB CONSTRUCTION GA HWY ++ROLLIN SIXTY TRANS-
corded in the DeKalb County, Mr. Cooper as Attorney in Fact Trustee For VRMTG Asset and Security Deed. MidFirst COUNTY, GEORGIA, AND BE- PROJ NO. STP-165-1(60); PORTATION LLC++, by
Georgia Records, there will be for ++Ernestine Granville++. Trust as Attorney-in-Fact for Bank, through its division Mid- ING MORE PARTICULARLY THENCE CONTINUING, STEPHANIE WILSON as au-
sold by the undersigned at pub- Any information obtained on Anna D Phillips land Mortgage’s address is 999 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ALONG AFORESAID RIGHT- thorized agent at PO BOX 1611
lic outcry to the highest bidder this matter may be used by the File no. ++23- N.W. Grand Blvd., Oklahoma TO ARRIVE AT THE TRUE OF-WAY AND FOLLOWING A / 210 MARKET STREET, EL
for cash at the DeKalb County debt collector to collect the 080509/Phillips++ City, OK 73118. MidFirst Bank, POINT OF BEGINNING, BE- CURVE TO THE RIGHT, AN CAMPO TX 77437 (979) 541-
Courthouse within the legal debt. Bell Carrington Price & LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP* through its division Midland GIN AT A POINT ON THE ARC DISTANCE OF 55.395’ 1250.
hours of sale on the first Tues- Gregg, LLC, 339 Heyward Attorneys and Counselors at Mortgage may be contacted by SOUTHWESTERN SIDE OF AS SUBTENDED BY A
final confirmation and audit of CIATION, AS INDENTURE BY U.S. BANK NATIONAL AS- prohibited under the U.S. Bank- debtedness as and when due possession of the subject prop-
the status of the loan with the TRUSTEE ON BEHALF OF SOCIATION, AS INDENTURE ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- and in the manner provided in erty known as 3548 GLENS-
holder of the Deed to Secure AND WITH RESPECT TO TRUSTEE (the Secured Credit- firmation and audit of the status the Note and Deed to Secure FORD DRIVE, DECATUR,
Debt. The undersigned will ex- AJAX MORTGAGE LOAN or), by assignment, conveying of the loan with the holder of Debt. Because the debt re- GEORGIA 30032 is/are:
ecute a Deed Under Power to TRUST 2019 E, MORTGAGE the after described property to the security deed. Pursuant to mains in default, this sale will HIRAM MORGAN AND CE-
the purchaser as authorized by BACKED SECURI TIES, secure a Note of even date in O.C.G.A. Section 9 13 172.1, be made for the purpose of LESTINE MORGAN or
Page 46
the aforementioned Deed to
Secure Debt. ILS LENDING
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023 
SERIES 2019 E (the current in-
vestor on the loan), is the en-
the original principal amount of which allows for certain proced-
ures regarding the rescission of
paying the same and all ex-
penses of this sale, as provided
tenant/tenants. Said property
will be sold subject to (a) any
$112,524.65, with interest at
LLC as attorney in fact for tity with the full authority to ne- the rate specified therein, there judicial and nonjudicial sales in in the Deed to Secure Debt and 420-476194 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 outstanding ad valorem taxes
++ROLLIN SIXTY TRANS- gotiate, amend, and modify all will be sold by the undersigned the State of Georgia, the Deed by law, including attorney’s Notice of Sale Under Power (including taxes which are a li-
PORTATION LLC++, by terms of the loan. Pursuant to at public outcry to the highest Under Power and other fore- fees (notice of intent to collect State of Georgia en, but not yet due and pay-
STEPHANIE WILSON as au- O.C.G.A. § 44 14 162.2, bidder for cash at the DEKALB closure documents may not be attorney’s fees having been County of DEKALB able), (b) any matters which
thorized agent at PO BOX 1611 GREGORY FUNDING LLC County Courthouse within the provided until final confirmation given). U.S. BANK NATIONAL Under and by virtue of the might be disclosed by an accur-
/ 210 MARKET STREET, EL may be contacted at: legal hours of sale on the first and audit of the status of the ASSOCIATION, AS INDEN- Power of Sale contained in a ate survey and inspection of
CAMPO TX 77437 (979) 541- GREGORY FUNDING LLC, Wednesday in July, 2023, the loan as provided in the preced- TURE TRUSTEE ON BEHALF Deed to Secure Debt given by the property, and (c) all mat-
1250. P.O. BOX 230579, TIGARD, following described property: ing paragraph. AJAX MORT- OF AND WITH RESPECT TO HIRAM MORGAN AND CE- ters of record superior to the
OR 97281, 866 712 5698. ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- GAGE LOAN TRUST 2019 G, AJAX MORTGAGE LOA N LESTINE MORGAN to MORT- Deed to Secure Debt first set
Please note that, pursuant to CEL OF LAND LYING AND MORTGAGE BACKED SE- TRUST 2019 G, MORTGAGE GAGE ELECTRONIC REGIS- out above, including, but not
420-476190 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/26 O.C.G.A. § 44 14 162.2, the se- BEING IN LAND LOT 70 OF CURITIES, SERIES 2019 G, BACKED SECURITIES, TRATION SYSTEMS, INC. limited to, assessments, liens,
Notice of Sale Under Power cured creditor is not required to THE 16TH DISTRICT DEKALB BY U.S. BANK NATIONAL AS- SERIES 2019 G holds the duly (‘’MERS’’) AS NOMINEE FOR encumbrances, zoning ordin-
State of Georgia, amend or modify the terms of COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING SOCIATION, AS INDENTURE endorsed Note and is the cur- MID ATLANTIC FINANCIAL ances, easements, restrictions,
County of DEKALB. the loan. To the best know- LOT 112, BLOCK A, UNIT II, TRUSTEE as Attorney in Fact rent assignee of the Security SERVICES, INC. , dated covenants, etc. The sale will be
Under and by virtue of the ledge and belief of the under- AMBERLY VILLAGE SUBDIVI- for MARY L MASON. THIS Deed to the property. 08/11/2006, and Recorded on conducted subject to (1) con-
Power of Sale contained in a signed, the party/parties in pos- SION, AS PER PLAT RECOR- LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A GREGORY FUNDING LLC, 08/22/2006 as Book No. 19065 firmation that the sale is not
Deed to Secure Debt given by session of the subject property DED IN PLAT BOOK 75, PAGE DEBT COLLECTOR AT- acting on behalf of and, as ne- and Page No. 620, DEKALB prohibited under the U.S. Bank-
TIANNA A MITCHELL to known as 1137 SHERRING- 117, DEKALB COUNTY TEMPTING TO COLLECT A cessary, in consultation with County, Georgia records, as ruptcy Code; and (2) final con-
INC. (‘’MERS’’) AS NOMINEE TIANNA A MITCHELL or ten- HEREIN AND MADE A PART FOR THAT PURPOSE. TRUSTEE ON BEHALF OF cured Creditor), by assignment, the security deed. Pursuant to
FOR WACHOVIA MORT- ant/tenants. Said property will HEREOF BY THIS REFER- ++00000009808080/ AND WITH RESPECT TO conveying the after described O.C.G.A. Section 9 13 172.1,
GAGE CORPORATION , dated be sold subject to (a) any out- ENCE. The debt secured by MASON++ BARRETT DAFFIN AJAX MORTGAGE LOAN property to secure a Note of which allows for certain proced-
08/14/2003, and Recorded on standing ad valorem taxes (in- said Deed to Secure Debt has FRAPPIER TURNER & EN- TRUST 2019 G, MORTGAGE even date in the original prin- ures regarding the rescission of
11/18/2003 as Book No. 15563 cluding taxes which are a lien, been and is hereby declared GEL, LLP 4004 Belt Line Road, BACKED SECURITIES, cipal amount of $40,000.00, judicial and nonjudicial sales in
and Page No. 747, DEKALB but not yet due and payable), due because of, among other Suite 100 Addison, Texas SERIES 2019 G (the current in- with interest at the rate spe- the State of Georgia, the Deed
County, Georgia records, as (b) any matters which might be possible events of default, fail- 75001 Telephone: (972) 341 vestor on the loan), is the en- cified therein, there will be sold Under Power and other fore-
last assigned to U.S. BANK disclosed by an accurate sur- ure to pay the indebtedness as 5398. tity with the full authority to ne- by the undersigned at public closure documents may not be
NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS vey and inspection of the prop- and when due and in the man- 420-476192 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 gotiate, amend, and modify all outcry to the highest bidder for provided until final confirmation
INDENTURE TRUSTEE ON erty, and (c) all matters of re- ner provided in the Note and Notice of Sale Under Power terms of the loan. Pursuant to cash at the DEKALB County and audit of the status of the
BEHALF OF AND WITH RE- cord superior to the Deed to Deed to Secure Debt. Because State of Georgia O.C.G.A. § 44 14 162.2, Courthouse within the legal loan as provided in the preced-
SPECT TO AJAX MORT- Secure Debt first set out above, the debt remains in default, this County of DEKALB GREGORY FUNDING LLC hours of sale on the first Wed- ing paragraph. WELLS FARGO
GAGE LOAN TRUST 2019 E, including, but not limited to, as- sale will be made for the pur- Under and by virtue of the may be contacted at: nesday in July, 2023, the fol- BANK, N.A. as Attorney in Fact
MORTGAGE BACKED SE- sessments, liens, encum- pose of paying the same and Power of Sale contained in a GREGORY FUNDING LLC, lowing described property: ALL for HIRAM MORGAN AND CE-
CURITIES, SERIES 2019 E brances, zoning ordinances, all expenses of this sale, as Deed to Secure Debt given by P.O. BOX 230579, TIGARD, THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LESTINE MORGAN. THIS
(the Secured Creditor), by as- easements, restrictions, coven- provided in the Deed to Secure DAVID L ROY AND BRID- OR 97281, 866 712 5698. LAND LYING AND BEING IN LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A
signment, conveying the after ants, etc. The sale will be con- Debt and by law, including at- GETTE L ROY to BENEFICIAL Please note that, pursuant to LAND LOT 187 OF THE 15TH DEBT COLLECTOR AT-
described property to secure a ducted subject to (1) confirma- torney’s fees (notice of intent to MORTGAGE CO. OF GEOR- O.C.G.A. § 44 14 162.2, the se- DISTRICT, DEKALB COUNTY, TEMPTING TO COLLECT A
Note of even date in the origin- tion that the sale is not prohib- collect attorney’s fees having GIA , dated 07/23/2004, and cured creditor is not required to GEORGIA, BEING LOT 17, DEBT. ANY INFORMATION
al principal amount of ited under the U.S. Bankruptcy been given). AJAX MORT- Recorded on 07/28/2004 as amend or modify the terms of BLOCK F, ATTALOMA PARK, OBTAINED WILL BE USED
$134,000.00, with interest at Code; and (2) final confirma- GAGE LOAN TRUST 2019 G, Book No. 16422 and Page No. the loan. To the best know- AS PER PLAT OF SURVEY FOR THAT PURPOSE.
the rate specified therein, there tion and audit of the status of MORTGAGE BACKED SE- 194, AS AFFECTED BY MODI- ledge and belief of the under- RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK ++00000009801564/MOR-
will be sold by the undersigned the loan with the holder of the CURITIES, SERIES 2019 G, F I C A T I O N B O O K 2 7 7 7 8, signed, the party/parties in pos- 26, PAGE 7, WHICH PLAT IS GAN++ BARRETT DAFFIN
at public outcry to the highest security deed. Pursuant to BY U.S. BANK NATIONAL AS- PAGE 796, DEKALB County, session of the subject property INCORPORATED HEREIN BY FRAPPIER TURNER & EN-
bidder for cash at the DEKALB O.C.G.A. Section 9 13 172.1, SOCIATION, AS INDENTURE Georgia records, as last as- known as 4364 GAILSMILL REFERENCE. THIS PROP- GEL, LLP 4004 Belt Line Road,
County Courthouse within the which allows for certain proced- TRUSTEE holds the duly en- signed to U.S. BANK NATION- CIR, ELLENWOOD, GEOR- ERTY IS ALSO KNOWN AS Suite 100 Addison, Texas
legal hours of sale on the first ures regarding the rescission of dorsed Note and is the current AL ASSOCIATION, AS INDEN- GIA 30294 is/are: DAVID L 3548 GLENSFORD DRIVE, 75001 Telephone: (972) 341
Wednesday in July, 2023, the judicial and nonjudicial sales in assignee of the Security Deed TURE TRUSTEE ON BEHALF ROY AND BRIDGETTE L ROY DECATUR, GEORGIA 30032, 5398.
following described property: the State of Georgia, the Deed to the property. GREGORY OF AND WITH RESPECT TO or tenant/tenants. Said prop- ACCORDING TO THE 420-476196 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29
ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Under Power and other fore- FUNDING LLC, acting on be- AJAX MORTGAGE LOA N erty will be sold subject to (a) PRESENT SYSTEM OF NUM- Notice of Sale Under Power
CEL OF LAND LYING AND closure documents may not be half of and, as necessary, in TRUST 2019 G, MORTGAGE any outstanding ad valorem BERING HOUSES IN DEKALB State of Georgia
BEING IN LAND LOT 224 OF provided until final confirmation consultation with AJAX MORT- BACKED SECURITIES, taxes (including taxes which COUNTY, GEORGIA. The debt County of DEKALB
THE 15TH DISTRICT OF and audit of the status of the GAGE LOAN TRUST 2019 G, SERIES 2019 G (the Secured are a lien, but not yet due and secured by said Deed to Se- Under and by virtue of the
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, loan as provided in the preced- MORTGAGE BACKED SE- Creditor), by assignment, con- payable), (b) any matters which cure Debt has been and is Power of Sale contained in a
AND BEING KNOWN AS LOT ing paragraph. U.S. BANK NA- CURITIES, SERIES 2019 G, veying the after described prop- might be disclosed by an accur- hereby declared due because Deed to Secure Debt given by
8, BLOCK A, SHERRINGTON TIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS BY U.S. BANK NATIONAL AS- erty to secure a Note of even ate survey and inspection of of, among other possible DIANE A MIZELL to JPMOR-
SUBDIVISION, UNIT ONE, AC- INDENTURE TRUSTEE ON SOCIATION, AS INDENTURE date in the original principal the property, and (c) all mat- events of default, failure to pay GAN CHASE BANK, N.A. ,
CORDING TO THE PLAT OF BEHALF OF AND WITH RE- TRUSTEE (the current investor amount of $251,994.23, with in- ters of record superior to the the indebtedness as and when dated 06/23/2006, and Recor-
RECORD IN PLAT BOOK 51, SPECT TO AJAX MORT- on the loan), is the entity with terest at the rate specified Deed to Secure Debt first set due and in the manner ded on 08/01/2006 as Book No.
PAGE 160, DEKALB COUNTY. GAGE LOAN TRUST 2019 E, the full authority to negotiate, therein, there will be sold by the out above, including, but not provided in the Note and Deed 18982 and Page No. 134,
RECORDS, SAID PLAT IS IN- MORTGAGE BACKED SE- amend, and modify all terms of undersigned at public outcry to limited to, assessments, liens, to Secure Debt. Because the DEKALB County, Georgia re-
CORPORATED HEREIN AND CURITIES, SERIES 2019 E as the loan. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. the highest bidder for cash at encumbrances, zoning ordin- debt remains in default, this cords, as last assigned to JP-
MADE APART HEREOF BY Attorney in Fact for TIANNA A § 44 14 162.2, GREGORY the DEKALB County Court- ances, easements, restrictions, sale will be made for the pur- MORGAN CHASE BANK, NA-
REFERENCE. The debt se- MITCHELL. THIS LAW FIRM FUNDING LLC may be contac- house within the legal hours of covenants, etc. The sale will be pose of paying the same and TIONAL ASSOCIATION (the
cured by said Deed to Secure IS ACTING AS A DEBT COL- ted at: GREGORY FUNDING sale on the first Wednesday in conducted subject to (1) con- all expenses of this sale, as Secured Creditor), by assign-
Debt has been and is hereby LECTOR ATTEMPTING TO LLC, P.O. BOX 230579, July, 2023, the following de- firmation that the sale is not provided in the Deed to Secure ment, conveying the after de-
declared due because of, COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- TIGARD, OR 97281, 866 712 scribed property: ALL THAT prohibited under the U.S. Bank- Debt and by law, including at- scribed property to secure a
among other possible events of FORMATION OBTAINED WILL 5698. Please note that, pursu- TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- torney’s fees (notice of intent to Note of even date in the origin-
default, failure to pay the in- BE USED FOR THAT PUR- ant to O.C.G.A. § 44 14 162.2, LYING AND BEING IN LAND firmation and audit of the status collect attorney’s fees having al principal amount of
debtedness as and when due P O S E . the secured creditor is not re- LOT 31 OF THE 18TH DIS- of the loan with the holder of been given). WELLS FARGO $96,982.00, with interest at the
and in the manner provided in ++00000009809195/MITCHEL quired to amend or modify the TRICT OF DEKALB COUNTY, the security deed. Pursuant to BANK, N.A. holds the duly en- rate specified therein, there will
the Note and Deed to Secure L++ BARRETT DAFFIN FRAP- terms of the loan. To the best GEORGIA, BEING LOT 176, O.C.G.A. Section 9 13 172.1, dorsed Note and is the current be sold by the undersigned at
Debt. Because the debt re- PIER TURNER & ENGEL, LLP knowledge and belief of the un- BLOCK B OF SWEET WATER which allows for certain proced- assignee of the Security Deed public outcry to the highest bid-
mains in default, this sale will 4004 Belt Line Road, Suite 100 dersigned, the party/parties in SUBDIVISION, UNIT ONE AC- ures regarding the rescission of to the property. WELLS der for cash at the DEKALB
be made for the purpose of Addison, Texas 75001 Tele- possession of the subject prop- CORDING TO PLAT RECOR- judicial and nonjudicial sales in FARGO BANK, N.A., acting on County Courthouse within the
paying the same and all ex- phone: (972) 341 5398. erty known as 5813 CALICO DED IN PLAT BOOK 96, PAGE the State of Georgia, the Deed behalf of and, as necessary, in legal hours of sale on the first
penses of this sale, as provided 420-476191 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 CT, LITHONIA, GEORGIA 116 AND REVISED AT PLAT Under Power and other fore- consultation with FEDERAL Wednesday in July, 2023, the
in the Deed to Secure Debt and Notice of Sale Under Power 30058 is/are: MARY L MASON BOOK 97, PAGE 28, DEKALB closure documents may not be HOME LOAN MORTGAGE following described property:
by law, including attorney’s State of Georgia or tenant/tenants. Said prop- COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- provided until final confirmation CORPORATION (the current ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
fees (notice of intent to collect County of DEKALB erty will be sold subject to (a) CORDS, WHICH PLAT IS IN- and audit of the status of the investor on the loan), is the en- CEL OF LAND LYING AND
attorney’s fees having been Under and by virtue of the any outstanding ad valorem CORPORATED HEREIN BY loan as provided in the preced- tity with the full authority to ne- BEING IN LAND LOT 106 OF
given). U.S. BANK NATIONAL Power of Sale contained in a taxes (including taxes which REFERENCE THERETO FOR ing paragraph. U.S. BANK NA- gotiate, amend, and modify all THE 15TH DISTRICT OF
ASSOCIATION, AS INDEN- Deed to Secure Debt given by are a lien, but not yet due and A MORE ACCURATE AND TIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS terms of the loan. Pursuant to DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA
TRUST 2019 E, MORTGAGE 12/07/2007, and Recorded on the property, and (c) all mat- AND RESTRICTIONS OF RE- GAGE LOAN TRUST 2019 G, FARGO BANK, N.A., 3476 DIVISION, UNIT ONE (1) AS
SERIES 2019 E holds the duly and Page No. 665, AS AF- Deed to Secure Debt first set BARGAINED PREMISES. TAX CURITIES, SERIES 2019 G as MILL, SC 29715, 800 288 PLAT BOOK 36, PAGE 150,
endorsed Note and is the cur- FECTED BY MODIFICATION out above, including, but not MAP OR PARCEL ID Attorney in Fact for DAVID L 3212. Please note that, pursu- DEKALB COUNTY GEORGIA
rent assignee of the Security BOOK 22079, PAGE 187, limited to, assessments, liens, NO.: 1503101051 The debt se- ROY AND BRIDGETTE L ROY. ant to O.C.G.A. § 44 14 162.2, RECORDS AND BEING MORE
Deed to the property. DEKALB County, Georgia re- encumbrances, zoning ordin- cured by said Deed to Secure THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING the secured creditor is not re- PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED
GREGORY FUNDING LLC, cords, as last assigned to AJAX ances, easements, restrictions, Debt has been and is hereby AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- quired to amend or modify the AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING
acting on behalf of and, as ne- MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST covenants, etc. The sale will be declared due because of, TEMPTING TO COLLECT A terms of the loan. To the best AT A POINT LOCATED ON
cessary, in consultation with 2019 G, MORTGAGE BACKED conducted subject to (1) con- among other possible events of DEBT. ANY INFORMATION knowledge and belief of the un- THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF
U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSO- SECURITIES, SERIES 2019 G, firmation that the sale is not default, failure to pay the in- OBTAINED WILL BE USED dersigned, the party/parties in SHILOH DRIVE, A DISTANCE
CIATION, AS INDENTURE BY U.S. BANK NATIONAL AS- prohibited under the U.S. Bank- debtedness as and when due FOR THAT PURPOSE. possession of the subject prop- OF 258.2 FEET EASTERLY AS
TRUSTEE ON BEHALF OF SOCIATION, AS INDENTURE ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- and in the manner provided in ++00000009807876/ROY++ erty known as 3548 GLENS- MEASURED ALONG THE
AND WITH RESPECT TO TRUSTEE (the Secured Credit- firmation and audit of the status the Note and Deed to Secure BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER FORD DRIVE, DECATUR, NORTHERLY SIDE OF
AJAX MORTGAGE LOAN or), by assignment, conveying of the loan with the holder of Debt. Because the debt re- TURNER & ENGEL, LLP 4004 GEORGIA 30032 is/are: SHILOH DRIVE FROM A
TRUST 2019 E, MORTGAGE the after described property to the security deed. Pursuant to mains in default, this sale will Belt Line Road, Suite 100 Ad- HIRAM MORGAN AND CE- POINT FORMED BY THE IN-
BACKED SECURITIES, secure a Note of even date in O.C.G.A. Section 9 13 172.1, be made for the purpose of dison, Texas 75001 Telephone: LESTINE MORGAN or TERSECTION OF NORTH-
SERIES 2019 E (the current in- the original principal amount of which allows for certain proced- paying the same and all ex- (972) 341 5398. tenant/tenants. Said property ERLY SIDE OF SHILOH
vestor on the loan), is the en- $112,524.65, with interest at ures regarding the rescission of penses of this sale, as provided will be sold subject to (a) any DRIVE WITH THE EASTERLY
tity with the full authority to ne- the rate specified therein, there judicial and nonjudicial sales in in the Deed to Secure Debt and outstanding ad valorem taxes SIDE OF BATTLE FORREST
gotiate, amend, and modify all will be sold by the undersigned the State of Georgia, the Deed by law, including attorney’s (including taxes which are a li- DRIVE; RUNNING THENCE
terms of the loan. Pursuant to at public outcry to the highest Under Power and other fore- fees (notice of intent to collect en, but not yet due and pay- EASTERLY AS MEASURED
O.C.G.A. § 44 14 162.2, bidder for cash at the DEKALB closure documents may not be attorney’s fees having been able), (b) any matters which ALONG THE NORTHERLY
OF 258.2 FEET EASTERLY AS tion and audit of the status of THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY MERGER TO WACHOVIA § 44 14 162.2, GREGORY not limited to the following de- Secured Creditor
MEASURED ALONG THE the loan with the holder of the ALONG THE LINE WHICH DI- BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCI- FUNDING LLC may be contac- scribed property: As attorney-in-fact for the afore-
NORTHERLY SIDE OF security deed. Pursuant to VIDES SAID LOTS 21 AND 22, ATION as Attorney in Fact for ted at: GREGORY FUNDING All that tract or parcel of land ly- said Grantor
SHILOH DRIVE FROM A O.C.G.A. Section 9 13 172.1, ONE HUNDRED NINETY FIVE MILTON R HAASE AND ANN L LLC, P.O. BOX 230579, ing and being in Land Lot 86, CB Legal, LLC
POINT FORMED BY THE IN- which allows for certain proced- (195) FEET MORE OR LESS HAASE. THIS LAW FIRM IS TIGARD, OR 97281, 866 712 15th District, DeKalb County, Attorneys at Law
TERSECTION OF NORTH- ures regarding the rescission of TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY ACTING AS A DEBT COL- 5698. Please note that, pursu- Georgia being part of Lot 54, Glenridge Highlands II

ERLY SIDE OF SHILOH The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023
judicial and nonjudicial sales in SIDE OF REDCLIFF COURT LECTOR ATTEMPTING TO ant to O.C.G.A. § 44 14 162.2, Block A, Sun Valley Subdivi- Page 47
5565 Glenridge Connector,
DRIVE WITH THE EASTERLY the State of Georgia, the Deed AND THE POINT OF BEGIN- COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- the secured creditor is not re- sion, Unit One, as per plat re- Suite 350
SIDE OF BATTLE FORREST Under Power and other fore- NING. FORMATION OBTAINED WILL quired to amend or modify the corded at Plat Book 30, Page Atlanta, GA 30342
DRIVE; RUNNING THENCE closure documents may not be PARCEL ID: 18 370 02 067 BE USED FOR THAT PUR- terms of the loan. To the best 27, DeKalb County Records; (770) 392-0041
EASTERLY AS MEASURED provided until final confirmation PROPERTY ADDRESS: 5036 P O S E . knowledge and belief of the un- which plat is hereby referred to ++19-5724 /Barr++
ALONG THE NORTHERLY and audit of the status of the REDCLIFF COURT The debt ++00000009619206/HAASE++ dersigned, the party/parties in and made a part of this descrip- THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE
SIDE OF SHILOH DRIVE A loan as provided in the preced- secured by said Deed to Se- BARRETT DAFFIN possession of the subject prop- tion; being improved property HELD TO BE ACTING
DISTANCE OF 82 FEET TO A ing paragraph. JPMORGAN cure Debt has been and is FRAPPIER TURNER & EN- erty known as 506 SHEP- known as No. 2391 Clifton AS A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN-
POINT; RUNNING THENCE CHASE BANK, NATIONAL AS- hereby declared due because GEL, LLP 4004 Belt Line Road, PARD RD, STONE MOUN- Springs Road, according to the DER FEDERAL LAW.
NORTHERLY A DISTANCE OF SOCIATION as Attorney in Fact of, among other possible Suite 100 Addison, Texas TAIN, GEORGIA 30083 is/are: present system of numbering IF SO, ANY INFORMATION
150.1 FEET TO A POINT; for DIANE A MIZELL. THIS events of default, failure to pay 75001 Telephone: (972) 341 CHARLES W ALLMAN or ten- houses in DeKalb County, OBTAINED WILL BE USED
RUNNING THENCE WEST- LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A the indebtedness as and when 5398. ant/tenants. Said property will Georgia. FOR THAT PURPOSE.
ERLY A DISTANCE OF 74.2 DEBT COLLECTOR AT- due and in the manner 420-476198 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 be sold subject to (a) any out- Beginning at a point on the
FEET TO A POINT; RUNNING TEMPTING TO COLLECT A provided in the Note and Deed Notice of Sale Under Power standing ad valorem taxes (in- southwest side of Clifton 420-476201 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29
THENCE SOUTHERLY A DIS- DEBT. ANY INFORMATION to Secure Debt. Because the State of Georgia cluding taxes which are a lien, Springs Road a distance of This is an attempt to collect a
TANCE OF 154.1 FEET TO A OBTAINED WILL BE USED debt remains in default, this County of DEKALB but not yet due and payable), 897.5 feet southeast from the debt and any information ob-
POINT LOCATED ON THE FOR THAT PURPOSE. sale will be made for the pur- Under and by virtue of the (b) any matters which might be intersection of the southerly tained will be used for that pur-
NORTHERLY SIDE OF ++00000009782756/MIZELL++ pose of paying the same and Power of Sale contained in a disclosed by an accurate sur- side of Corbin Avenue with the pose.
SHILOH DRIVE AND THE BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER all expenses of this sale, as Deed to Secure Debt given by vey and inspection of the prop- southwest side of Clifton NOTICE OF SALE UNDER
POINT OF BEGINNING AND TURNER & ENGEL, LLP 4004 provided in the Deed to Secure CHARLES W ALLMAN to erty, and (c) all matters of re- Springs Road as measured POWER
BEING IMPROVED PROP- Belt Line Road, Suite 100 Ad- Debt and by law, including at- CITIFINANCIAL SERVICES, cord superior to the Deed to along the southwest side of GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY
ERTY KNOWN AS NO 2472 dison, Texas 75001 Telephone: torney’s fees (notice of intent to INC. , dated 05/31/2007, and Secure Debt first set out above, Clifton Springs Road; running Under and by virtue of Power of
SHILOH DRIVE, ACCORDING (972) 341 5398. collect attorney’s fees having Recorded on 06/01/2007 as including, but not limited to, as- thence southeast along the Sale contained in the Security
TO THE PRESENT SYSTEM 420-476197 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 been given). WELLS FARGO Book No. 19999 and Page No. sessments, liens, encum- southwest side of Clifton Deed from Gwen Dowell to Old
OF NUMBERING HOUSES IN Notice of Sale Under Power BANK, N.A., SUCCESSOR BY 44, DEKALB County, Georgia brances, zoning ordinances, Springs Road a distance of 85 Merchants Mortgage, Inc.
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA. State of Georgia MERGER TO WACHOVIA records, as last assigned to easements, restrictions, coven- feet to an iron pin; running dated March 14, 2006, filed for
The debt secured by said Deed County of DEKALB BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCI- LAST NOTEHOLDER ants, etc. The sale will be con- thence southwest at an interior record March 29, 2006, recor-
to Secure Debt has been and is Under and by virtue of the ATION holds the duly en- NEEDED (the Secured Credit- ducted subject to (1) confirma- angle of 89 24' with the preced- ded at Deed Book 18555, page
hereby declared due because Power of Sale contained in a dorsed Note and is the current or), by assignment, conveying tion that the sale is not prohib- ing course a distance of 168.9 674, DeKalb County, Georgia
of, among other possible Deed to Secure Debt given by assignee of the Security Deed the after described property to ited under the U.S. Bankruptcy feet to an iron pin; running Records, in the original princip-
events of default, failure to pay MILTON R HAASE AND ANN L to the property. WELLS secure a Note of even date in Code; and (2) final confirma- thence northwest at an interior al amount of $290,700.00; as
the indebtedness as and when HAASE to WACHOVIA BANK, FARGO BANK, N.A., acting on the original principal amount of tion and audit of the status of angle of 90 00' with the preced- assigned to American Home
due and in the manner NATIONAL ASSOCIATION , behalf of and, as necessary, in $162,460.59, with interest at the loan with the holder of the ing course a distance of 85 feet Mortgage Servicing, Inc., suc-
provided in the Note and Deed dated 07/03/2007, and Recor- consultation with WELLS the rate specified therein, there security deed. Pursuant to to an iron pin; running thence cessor in interest to Option One
to Secure Debt. Because the ded on 07/23/2007 as Book No. FARGO BANK, N.A., SUC- will be sold by the undersigned O.C.G.A. Section 9 13 172.1, northeast a distance of 168 feet Mortgage Corporation, by As-
debt remains in default, this 20151 and Page No. 419, CESSOR BY MERGER TO at public outcry to the highest which allows for certain proced- to an iron pin on the southwest signment dated November 11,
sale will be made for the pur- DEKALB County, Georgia re- WACHOVIA BANK, NATION- bidder for cash at the DEKALB ures regarding the rescission of side of Clifton Springs Road 2008, filed for record April 4,
pose of paying the same and cords, as last assigned to AL ASSOCIATION (the current County Courthouse within the judicial and nonjudicial sales in and the Point of Beginning. 2011, recorded at Deed Book
all expenses of this sale, as WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., investor on the loan), is the en- legal hours of sale on the first the State of Georgia, the Deed Said legal description being 22420, page 505, aforesaid re-
provided in the Deed to Secure SUCCESSOR BY MERGER tity with the full authority to ne- Wednesday in July, 2023, the Under Power and other fore- controlling, however, the Prop- cords; as assigned to Residen-
Debt and by law, including at- TO WACHOVIA BANK, NA- gotiate, amend, and modify all following described property: closure documents may not be erty is more commonly known tial Funding Company, LLC, by
torney’s fees (notice of intent to TIONAL ASSOCIATION (the terms of the loan. Pursuant to THE FOLLOWING DE- provided until final confirmation as: 2391 Clifton Springs Road, Assignment dated March 29,
collect attorney’s fees having Secured Creditor), by assign- O.C.G.A. § 44 14 162.2, SCRIBED PROPERTY: ALL and audit of the status of the Decatur, GA 30034 2006, filed for record April 4,
been given). JPMORGAN ment, conveying the after de- WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF loan as provided in the preced- Said property will be sold on an 2011, recorded at Deed Book
CHASE BANK, NATIONAL AS- scribed property to secure a may be contacted at: WELLS LAND LYING AND BEING IN ing paragraph. LAST NOTE- “as-is” basis without any rep- 22420, Page 506, aforesaid re-
SOCIATION holds the duly en- Note of even date in the origin- FARGO BANK, N.A., 3476 LAND LOT 39 OF THE 18TH HOLDER NEEDED as Attor- resentation, warranty or re- cords; as assigned to 21st
dorsed Note and is the current al principal amount of STATEVIEW BLVD, FORT DISTRICT, DEKALB COUNTY, ney in Fact for CHARLES W course against the above- Mortgage Corporation, by As-
assignee of the Security Deed $170,000.00, with interest at MILL, SC 29715, 800 288 GEORGIA, BEING LOT 7, OF ALLMAN. THIS LAW FIRM IS named or the undersigned. The signment dated June 19, 2013,
to the property. JPMORGAN the rate specified therein, there 3212. Please note that, pursu- OWENS MILL SUBDIVISION, ACTING AS A DEBT COL- sale will be subject to the fol- filed for record July 22, 2013,
CHASE BANK, NATIONAL AS- will be sold by the undersigned ant to O.C.G.A. § 44 14 162.2, UNIT I, AS SHOWN ON PLAT LECTOR ATTEMPTING TO lowing items which may affect recorded at Deed Book 23908,
SOCIATION, acting on behalf at public outcry to the highest the secured creditor is not re- RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- the title: any outstanding ad page 798, aforesaid records
of and, as necessary, in con- bidder for cash at the DEKALB quired to amend or modify the 75, PAGE 1 66 , DEKALB FORMATION OBTAINED WILL valorem taxes (including taxes (the “Security Deed”), said Se-
sultation with JPMORGAN County Courthouse within the terms of the loan. To the best COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- BE USED FOR THAT PUR- which are a lien but not yet due curity Deed being given to se-
CHASE BANK, NATIONAL AS- legal hours of sale on the first knowledge and belief of the un- CORDS, WHICH PLAT IS IN- POSE. ++00000009198482/ and payable); any matters cure the obligations of Grantor
SOCIATION (the current in- Wednesday in July, 2023, the dersigned, the party/parties in CORPORATED HEREIN BY ALLMAN++ BARRETT DAFFIN which might be disclosed by an to Lender as set forth in a
vestor on the loan), is the en- following described property: possession of the subject prop- REFERENCE FOR A MORE FRAPPIER TURNER & EN- accurate survey and inspection Promissory Note (“Note”) of
tity with the full authority to ne- THE FOLLOWING REAL erty known as 5036 REDCLIFF COMPLETE DESCRIPTION. GEL, LLP 4004 Belt Line Road, of the property; any assess- even date as amended, modi-
gotiate, amend, and modify all PROPERTY SITUATE IN COURT, DUNWOODY, GEOR- BEING THE SAME FEE Suite 100 Addison, Texas ments, liens, encumbrances, fied, or revised from time to
terms of the loan. Pursuant to COUNTY OF DEKALB AND GIA 30338 is/are: MILTON R SIMPLE PROPERTY CON- 75001 Telephone: (972) 341 zoning ordinances, restrictions, time (the Note”), and later as-
O.C.G.A. § 44 14 162.2, JP- STATE OF GEORGIA, DE- HAASE AND ANN L HAASE or VEYED BY DEED FROM 5398. and all other matters of record signed to 21st Mortgage Cor-
MORGAN CHASE BANK, NA- SCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: tenant/tenants. Said property COLEEN ARLETTE DIALLO superior to the said Security poration the current holder of
TIONAL ASSOCIATION may LAND LYING AND BEING IN will be sold subject to (a) any N/K/A COLEEN COX BALLAH 420-476200 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 Deed. The sale will be conduc- the Security Deed and Note,
be contacted at: JPMORGAN LAND LOT 370 OF THE 18TH outstanding ad valorem taxes TO CHARLES ALLMAN, NOTICE OF SALE UNDER ted subject (1) to confirmation with interest at the rate spe-
CHASE BANK, NATIONAL AS- DISTRICT OF DEKALB (including taxes which are a li- DATED 09/29/2005 RECOR- POWER CONTAINED that the sale is not prohibited cified therein, there will be sold,
SOCIATION, 3415 VISION COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING en, but not yet due and pay- DED ON 10/04/2005 IN BOOK IN SECURITY DEED under the U.S. Bankruptcy by the undersigned at public
DRIVE, COLUMBUS, O H LOT 21, BLOCK H, UNIT able), (b) any matters which 17964, PAGE 652 IN DEKALB STATE OF GEORGIA, Code and (2) to final confirma- outcry to the highest bidder for
43219, 866 550 5705. Please EIGHT OF KINGSLEY SUBDI- might be disclosed by an accur- RECORDS, STATE OF GA. COUNTY OF DeKalb tion and audit of the status of cash, before the Courthouse
note that, pursuant to O.C.G.A. VISION, ACCORDING TO ate survey and inspection of The debt secured by said Deed Pursuant to a power of sale the loan with the holder of the Door at DEKALB COUNTY,
§ 44 14 162.2, the secured PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT the property, and (c) all mat- to Secure Debt has been and is contained in a certain security Security Deed. MidFirst Bank, Georgia, within the legal hours
creditor is not required to BOOK 58, PAGE 103, DEKALB ters of record superior to the hereby declared due because deed executed by Denia Barr, through its division Midland of sale on the first Wednesday
amend or modify the terms of COUNTY RECORDS, AND BE- Deed to Secure Debt first set of, among other possible hereinafter referred to as Grant- Mortgage is the entity with au- in July 2023, the following de-
the loan. To the best know- ING MORE PARTICULARLY out above, including, but not events of default, failure to pay or, to Mortgage Electronic Re- thority to negotiate, amend and scribed property:
ledge and belief of the under- DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: limited to, assessments, liens, the indebtedness as and when gistration Systems, Inc., as modify the terms of the Note All that tract or parcel of land ly-
signed, the party/parties in pos- BEGINNING AT A POINT ON encumbrances, zoning ordin- due and in the manner nominee for Homestar Finan- and Security Deed. MidFirst ing and being in Land Lot 4 of
session of the subject property THE SOUTHWESTERLY SIDE ances, easements, restrictions, provided in the Note and Deed cial Corp. recorded in Deed Bank, through its division Mid- the 15th District, DeKalb
known as 2472 SHILOH DR, OF REDCLIFF COURT, AT covenants, etc. The sale will be to Secure Debt. Because the Book 26281, beginning at page land Mortgage’s address is 999 County, Georgia, being Lot 23
DECATUR, GEORGIA 30034 THE LINE WHICH DIVIDES conducted subject to (1) con- debt remains in default, this 334, and as clarified by affi- N.W. Grand Blvd., Oklahoma of Holly Hill, Phase IV, accord-
is/are: DIANE A MIZELL or ten- LOTS 21 AND 22, SAID firmation that the sale is not sale will be made for the pur- davit at Deed Book 28297, City, OK 73118. MidFirst Bank, ing to the plat recorded in Plat
ant/tenants. Said property will BLOCK, SUBDIVISION AND prohibited under the U.S. Bank- pose of paying the same and Page 180, and as modified at through its division Midland B o o k 1 1 8 , p a g e s 7 5 - 7 7,
be sold subject to (a) any out- PLAT; THENCE RUNNING ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- all expenses of this sale, as Deed Book 29665, Page 286, Mortgage may be contacted by DeKalb County, Georgia Re-
standing ad valorem taxes (in- NORTHWESTERLY ALONG firmation and audit of the status provided in the Deed to Secure of the deed records of the Clerk telephone at 1-800-552-3000. cords, which plat is incorpor-
cluding taxes which are a lien, THE SOUTHWESTERLY SIDE of the loan with the holder of Debt and by law, including at- of the Superior Court of the To the best of the ated herein by reference
but not yet due and payable), OF REDCLIFF COURT FIFTY the security deed. Pursuant to torney’s fees (notice of intent to aforesaid state and county, and undersigned's knowledge and thereto for a more accurate and
(b) any matters which might be (50) FEET TO AN IRON PIN O.C.G.A. Section 9 13 172.1, collect attorney’s fees having by virtue of a default under the belief, the party in possession complete description.
disclosed by an accurate sur- AT THE LINE WHICH DI- which allows for certain proced- been given). LAST NOTE- terms of said security deed, of the property is believed to be Said legal description is con-
vey and inspection of the prop- VIDES LOTS 20 AND 21, SAID ures regarding the rescission of HOLDER NEEDED holds the and the related note, the under- Denia Barr aka Denia Dixon, or trolling however, the property is
erty, and (c) all matters of re- BLOCK, SUBDIVISION AND judicial and nonjudicial sales in duly endorsed Note and is the signed attorney-in-fact for the tenant(s). commonly known as 3975
cord superior to the Deed to PLAT; THENCE NORTH- the State of Georgia, the Deed current assignee of the Secur- aforesaid Grantor (which attor- MidFirst Bank, Broadleaf Walk, Ellenwood,
Secure Debt first set out above, WESTERLY ALONG THAT Under Power and other fore- ity Deed to the property. ney-in-fact is the present hold- as Transferee, Assignee, and Georgia 30294.
including, but not limited to, as- LINE WHICH DIVIDES SAID closure documents may not be GREGORY FUNDING LLC, er of said security deed and Secured Creditor PARCEL # 15-004-03-139
sessments, liens, encum- LOTS 20 AND 21, TWO HUN- provided until final confirmation acting on behalf of and, as ne- note secured thereby) will sell As attorney-in-fact for the afore- The indebtedness secured by
brances, zoning ordinances, DRED (200) FEET MORE OR and audit of the status of the cessary, in consultation with at the usual place of conduct- said Grantor said Security Deed has been
easements, restrictions, coven- L ESS; THENCE SOUTH- loan as provided in the preced- LAST NOTEHOLDER ing Sheriff's sales in said CB Legal, LLC and is hereby declared due be-
ants, etc. The sale will be con- WESTERLY, TWO HUNDRED ing paragraph. WELLS FARGO NEEDED (the current investor county within the legal hours of Attorneys at Law cause of default under the
ducted subject to (1) confirma- SIXTY (260) FEET MORE OR BANK, N.A., SUCCESSOR BY on the loan), is the entity with sale, to the highest bidder on Glenridge Highlands II terms of said Security Deed
tion that the sale is not prohib- LESS TO THE LINE WHICH MERGER TO WACHOVIA the full authority to negotiate, the first Wednesday in July 5565 Glenridge Connector, and Note, including, but not lim-
ited under the U.S. Bankruptcy DIVIDES THE ABOVE MEN- BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCI- amend, and modify all terms of 2023, all property described in Suite 350 ited to, the nonpayment of the
Code; and (2) final confirma- TIONED LOTS 21 AND 22, ATION as Attorney in Fact for the loan. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. said security deed including but Atlanta, GA 30342 indebtedness as and when
tion and audit of the status of THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY MILTON R HAASE AND ANN L § 44 14 162.2, GREGORY not limited to the following de- (770) 392-0041 due. The indebtedness remain-
the loan with the holder of the ALONG THE LINE WHICH DI- HAASE. THIS LAW FIRM IS FUNDING LLC may be contac- scribed property: ++19-5724 /Barr++ ing in default, this sale will be
security deed. Pursuant to VIDES SAID LOTS 21 AND 22, ACTING AS A DEBT COL- ted at: GREGORY FUNDING All that tract or parcel of land ly- THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE made for the purpose of pay-
O.C.G.A. Section 9 13 172.1, ONE HUNDRED NINETY FIVE LECTOR ATTEMPTING TO LLC, P.O. BOX 230579, ing and being in Land Lot 86, HELD TO BE ACTING ing the same, all expenses of
which allows for certain proced- (195) FEET MORE OR LESS COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- TIGARD, OR 97281, 866 712 15th District, DeKalb County, AS A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN- the sale, including attorneys’
ures regarding the rescission of TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY FORMATION OBTAINED WILL 5698. Please note that, pursu- Georgia being part of Lot 54, DER FEDERAL LAW. fees and other payments
judicial and nonjudicial sales in SIDE OF REDCLIFF COURT BE USED FOR THAT PUR- ant to O.C.G.A. § 44 14 162.2, Block A, Sun Valley Subdivi- IF SO, ANY INFORMATION provided for under the terms of
the State of Georgia, the Deed AND THE POINT OF BEGIN- P O S E . the secured creditor is not re- sion, Unit One, as per plat re- OBTAINED WILL BE USED the Security Deed and Note.
Under Power and other fore- NING. ++00000009619206/HAASE++ quired to amend or modify the corded at Plat Book 30, Page FOR THAT PURPOSE. Said property will be sold sub-
closure documents may not be PARCEL ID: 18 370 02 067 BARRETT DAFFIN terms of the loan. To the best 27, DeKalb County Records; ject to the following items which
provided until final confirmation PROPERTY ADDRESS: 5036 FRAPPIER TURNER & EN- knowledge and belief of the un- which plat is hereby referred to may affect the title to said prop-
and audit of the status of the REDCLIFF COURT The debt GEL, LLP 4004 Belt Line Road, dersigned, the party/parties in and made a part of this descrip- erty: all zoning ordinances;
due. The indebtedness remain- thence southeasterly, along the (a) any outstanding ad valorem penses of this sale, as provided city but solely in its capacity as amend and modify all terms of
ing in default, this sale will be northeasterly line of said Lot 9, taxes (including taxes which in the Security Deed and by Indenture Trustee of CIM Trust the mortgage with the debtor is:
made for the purpose of pay- one-hundred eight six and eight are a lien, but not yet due and law, including attorney's fees 2021-NR1 by Assignment re- Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc.
ing the same, all expenses of tenths (186.8) feet to a point; payable), (b) any matters which (notice of intent to collect attor- corded in Deed Book 30894, Attention: Loss Mitigation De-
the sale, including attorneys’ running thence in a northwest- might be disclosed by an accur- ney's fees having been given). Page 284, Dekalb County, partment
fee s and other payments erly direction, four hundred ate survey and inspection of Bank of America, NA holds the Georgia records, conveying the 3217 S. Decker Lake Drive
Page 48
provided for under the terms of
the Security Deed and Note.
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023 
ninety (490) feet to a point; run-
ning thence southwesterly two
the property, and (c) all mat-
ters of record superior to the
duly endorsed Note and is the after-described property to se-
cure a Note of even date in the
Salt Lake City, Utah 84119
current assignee of the Secur-
Said property will be sold sub- hundred twenty nine and five 420-476203 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 Security Deed first set out ity Deed to the property. Car- original principal amount of The foregoing notwithstanding,
ject to the following items which tenths (229.5) feet to a point on 7/6,7/13,7/20,7/27 above, including, but not lim- rington Mortgage Services, LLC $168,000.00, with interest at nothing in OC.G.A. Section 44-
may affect the title to said prop- the northeasterly line of Lot 10, Notice of Sale Under Power ited to, assessments, liens, en- is the entity with the full author- the rate specified therein, there 14-162.2 shall be construed to
erty: all zoning ordinances; ninety five (95) feet to a point; State of Georgia, cumbrances, zoning ordin- ity to negotiate, amend, and will be sold by the undersigned require the secured creditor to
matters which would be dis- and running thence southerly, County of DeKalb ances, easements, restrictions, modify all terms of the loan. at public outcry to the highest negotiate, amend or modify the
closed by an accurate survey along the easterly line of said Under and by virtue of the covenants, etc. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. §44-14- bidder for cash before the terms of the Deed to Secure
or by inspection of the property; Lot 10, seventy (70) feet to the Power of Sale contained in a The sale will be conducted sub- 162.2, Carrington Mortgage Courthouse door of DeKalb Debt described herein.
any outstanding taxes, includ- northeasterly side of the cul-de- Security Deed given by Lauren- ject to (1) confirmation that the Services, LLC may be contac- County, Georgia, within the leg- This sale is conducted on be-
ing but not limited to, ad valor- sac of Valley View Court and ise Laurius to Mortgage Elec- sale is not prohibited under the ted at: 1-800-790-9502 or by al hours of sale on the first half of the secured creditor un-
em taxes, which constitute li- the point of beginning. tronic Registration Systems, U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) writing to 1600 South Dou- Wednesday in July, 2023, to der the power of sale granted in
ens upon said property; spe- The debt secured by the Deed Inc., as nominee for Taylor, final confirmation and audit of glass Road, Suite 110 and 200- wit: July 5, 2023, the following the aforementioned security in-
cial assessments; and all out- to Secure Debt is evidenced by Bean and Whitaker Mortgage the status of the loan with the A, Anaheim, CA 92806-5951. described property: strument, specifically being
standing bills for public utilities a Real Estate Note dated Octo- Corp. (the Secured Creditor), holder of the security deed. Please note that, pursuant to All that tract or parcel of land ly- U.S. Bank National Associ-
which constitute liens upon said ber 14, 2021 (the “Note”) in the dated April 21, 2009, and Re- Pursuant to O.C.G.A. §9-13- O.C.G.A. §44-14-162.2, the se- ing and being in Land Lot 160 ation, not in its individual capa-
property; To the best of the original principal amount of corded on May 15, 2009 as 172.1, which allows for certain cured creditor is not required to of the 15th District, Dekalb city but solely in its capacity as
knowledge and belief of the un- $499,200.00 from Sovereign Book No. 21436 and Page No. procedures regarding the res- amend or modify the terms of County, Georgia, being Lot Indenture Trustee of CIM Trust
dersigned, the party in posses- Entertainment, Inc. to WCH 715, DeKalb County, Georgia cission of judicial and nonjudi- the loan. 276, Block F, Hairston Forrest, 2021-NR1
sion of the property is Gwen Athens, LLC. records, conveying the after- cial sales in the State of Geor- To the best knowledge and be- Phase 2, Unit 1, as per plat re- as attorney in fact for
Dowell and /or tenant(s). The debt secured by the Deed described property to secure a gia, the Deed Under Power and lief of the undersigned, the corded in Plat Book 125, Page Angela Stinson
The sale will be conducted sub- to Secure Debt and evidenced Note of even date in the origin- other foreclosure documents party/parties in possession of 116-121, Dekalb County, Geor- Richard B. Maner, P.C.
ject (1) to confirmation that the by the Note has been and is al principal amount of may not be provided until final the subject property known as gia records, said plat being in- 180 Interstate N Parkway, Suite
sale is not prohibited under the hereby declared due and pay- $49,094.00, with interest at the confirmation and audit of the 699 WREN WALK, STONE corporated herein and made 200
United States Bankruptcy Code able because of grantor's fail- rate specified therein, as last status of the loan as provided MOUNTAIN, GA 30087 is/are: reference hereto. Atlanta, GA 30339
and (2) to final confirmation and ure to comply with certain terms assigned to Carrington Mort- in the preceding paragraph. Gary L. Munson and Donna Subject to all zoning ordin- 404.252.6385
audit of the status of the loan and conditions in the Deed to gage Services, LLC by assign- Funds used at sale shall be in Razor-Munson or tenant/ten- ances, easements and restric- THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING
with the holder of the Security Secure Debt and Note. The ment that is or to be recorded certified funds and payable to ants. Said property will be sold tions of record affecting said AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT-
Deed. 21ST Mortgage Corpora- debt remaining in default, this in the DeKalb County, Georgia “Bell Carrington Price & Gregg, subject to (a) any outstanding bargained premises. TEMPTING TO COLLECT A
tion, and its counsel are acting sale will be made for the pur- Records, there will be sold by LLC”. ad valorem taxes (including The debt secured by said Deed DEBT. ANY INFORMATION
as debt collectors. Any informa- pose of paying the indebted- the undersigned at public out- Carrington Mortgage Services, taxes which are a lien, but not to Secure Debt has been and is OBTAINED WILL BE USED
tion obtained will be used for ness including all accrued and cry to the highest bidder for LLC as Attorney in Fact for yet due and payable), (b) any hereby declared due because FOR THAT PURPOSE.
that purpose. unpaid interest thereon and at- cash at the DeKalb County ++Laurenise Laurius++. matters which might be dis- of, among other possible ++FC23-046/Stinson++
21ST MORTGAGE CORPOR- torney fees and all expenses of Courthouse within the legal Any information obtained on closed by an accurate survey events of default, failure to pay 420-476207 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29
ATION., as Attorney-in-Fact for the sale. hours of sale on the first Tues- this matter may be used by the and inspection of the property, the indebtedness as and when Notice of Sale Under Power
++Gwen Dowell++. The property will be sold as the day in August, 2023, the follow- debt collector to collect the and (c) all matters of record su- due and in the manner Georgia, DeKalb County
Contact: Jason Godwin property of Sovereign Enter- ing described property: debt. Bell Carrington Price & perior to the Security Deed first provided in the Note and Deed Under and by virtue of the
Godwin Law Group tainment, Inc., who, to the best All that tract or parcel of land ly- Gregg, LLC, 339 Heyward set out above, including, but to Secure Debt. The debt re- Power of Sale contained in a
3985 Steve Reynolds Blvd, of the undersigned's know- ing and being in Land Lot 191 Street, 2nd Floor, Columbia, not limited to, assessments, li- maining in default, this sale will Deed to Secure Debt given by
Bldg D ledge and belief, is the party in of the 15th District, Dekalb SC 29201 (803)-509-5078. File: ens, encumbrances, zoning or- be made for the purpose of Marsha Moore Harding and
Norcross, GA 30093 possession of the property and County, Georgia, being Lot 55, 23-53628 dinances, easements, restric- paying the same and all ex- William R. Harding to Wells
Phone: 470-427-2683 the record title owner of the Block H, Unit IV of Woodridge 420-476204 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 tions, covenants, etc. Be ad- penses of this sale, as provided Fargo Bank, N.A., dated Octo-
Email: jgodwin@godwinlaw- property. Subdivision, as per plat thereof 7/6,7/13,7/20,7/27 vised that said property will be in the Deed to Secure Debt and ber 25, 2005, and recorded in Notice has been given of inten- recorded in Plat Book 59, Page Notice of Sale Under Power sold subject to the redemption by law, including attorney’s Deed Book 18063, Page 776,
420-476202 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 tion to enforce provisions for 162, Dekalb County, Georgia State of Georgia, County of rights of the United States of fees (notice of intent to collect DeKalb County, Georgia re-
NOTICE OF SALE UNDER collection of attorney fees and records, which recorded plat is DeKalb America under 26 U.S.C. attorney’s fees having been cords, as last transferred to
POWER foreclosure in accordance with incorporated herein by refer- Under and by virtue of the §7425(d)(1). given). Federal Home Loan Mortgage
GEORGIA legal requirements and the ence and made a part of this Power of Sale contained in a The sale will be conducted sub- Said property is commonly Corporation, as Trustee for the
DEKALB COUNTY terms of the Deed to Secure description. Security Deed given by Gary L. ject to (1) confirmation that the known as 4562 Galleon Cross- benefit of the Freddie Mac
Under and by virtue of the Debt and Note. Tax ID: 15 192 05 013 Munson to Bank of America, sale is not prohibited under the ing, Decatur, GA 30035, to- Seasoned Loans Structured
power of sale contained in the The property, commonly known The debt secured by said Se- N.A. (the Secured Creditor), U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) gether with all fixtures and per- Transaction Trust, Series 2018-
Deed to Secure Debt, Assign- as 4886 VALLEY VIEW curity Deed has been and is dated January 25, 2006, and final confirmation and audit of sonal property attached to and 2 by Assignment recorded in
ment of Lease and Rents, and COURT, DUNWOODY, GEOR- hereby declared due because Recorded on February 24, the status of the loan with the constituting a part of said prop- Deed Book 30873, Page 56,
Security Agreement from Sov- GIA 30338, will be sold subject of, among other possible 2006 as Book No. 18450 and holder of the security deed. erty. To the best knowledge DeKalb County, Georgia re-
ereign Entertainment, Inc. to to any and all unpaid taxes, un- events of default, failure to pay Page No. 209, DeKalb County, Pursuant to O.C.G.A. §9-13- and belief of the undersigned, cords, conveying the after-de-
WCH Athens, LLC recorded in paid water and sewer assess- the indebtedness as and when Georgia records, conveying the 172.1, which allows for certain the party (or parties) in posses- scribed property to secure a
Deed Book 29969, Page 610, ments, matters which would be due and in the manner after-described property to se- procedures regarding the res- sion of the subject property is Note of even date in the origin-
DeKalb County, Georgia re- disclosed by an accurate sur- provided in the Note and Se- cure a Note of even date in the cission of judicial and nonjudi- (are): Angela Stinson or tenant al principal amount of
cords (the “Deed to Secure vey or inspection, unpaid as- curity Deed. Because the debt original principal amount of cial sales in the State of Geor- or tenants. $262,400.00, with interest at
Debt”), the undersigned will sell sessments, general subdivi- remains in default, this sale will $196,910.00, with interest at gia, the Deed Under Power and Said property will be sold sub- the rate specified therein, there
at public outcry during the leg- sion restriction, if any, and oth- be made for the purpose of the rate specified therein, as other foreclosure documents ject to (a) any outstanding ad will be sold by the undersigned
al hours of sale before the door er restrictions and easements paying the same and all ex- last assigned to Bank of Amer- may not be provided until final valorem taxes (including taxes at public outcry to the highest
of the courthouse in DeKalb of record, if any. penses of this sale, as provided ica, NA by assignment that is or confirmation and audit of the which are a lien, but not yet bidder for cash before the
County, Georgia, on the first Pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 44-14- in the Security Deed and by to be recorded in the DeKalb status of the loan as provided due and payable), (b) any mat- Courthouse door of DeKalb
Wednesday in July, 2023, to 162.2, the name, address, and law, including attorney's fees County, Georgia Records, in the preceding paragraph. ters which might be disclosed County, Georgia, within the leg-
the highest bidder for cash, the telephone number of the indi- (notice of intent to collect attor- there will be sold by the under- Funds used at sale shall be in by an accurate survey and in- al hours of sale on the first
following described real prop- vidual or entity who has author- ney's fees having been given). signed at public outcry to the certified funds and payable to spection of the property, and Wednesday in July, 2023, to
erty: ity to negotiate, amend, and Carrington Mortgage Services, highest bidder for cash at the “Bell Carrington Price & Gregg, (c) all matters of record superi- wit: July 5, 2023, the following
All that tract or parcel of land ly- modify all terms of the Deed to LLC holds the duly endorsed DeKalb County Courthouse LLC”. or to the Deed to Secure Debt described property:
ing and being in Land Lot 363 Secure Debt and related loan Note and is the current assign- within the legal hours of sale on Bank of America, NA as Attor- first set out above, including, All that tract or parcel of land ly-
of the 18th District of DeKalb documents is as follows: ee of the Security Deed to the the first Tuesday in August, ney in Fact for ++Gary L. Mun- but not limited to, assessments, ing and being in Land Lot 327,
County, Georgia, being Lot 9-A, David Ouderkirk property. Carrington Mortgage 2023, the following described son++. liens, encumbrances, zoning 18th District, DeKalb County,
Block B, Dogwood Estates WCH Athens, LLC Services, LLC is the entity with property: Any information obtained on ordinances, easements, restric- Georgia and being Lot 4, Block
Subdivision, as per plat recor- 21 Brookhaven Drive the full authority to negotiate, All that or parcel of land lying this matter may be used by the tions, covenants, etc. D, Unit 2, Devonshire, as per
ded in Plat Book 53, Page 165, Atlanta, Georgia 30319 amend, and modify all terms of and being in Land Lot 128, of debt collector to collect the The sale will be conducted sub- plat recorded in Plat Book 46,
DeKalb County records, and (404) 695-9279 the loan. the 16th district, Dekalb debt. Bell Carrington Price & ject to (1) confirmation that the Page 157, DeKalb County,
being more particularly de- [email protected] Pursuant to O.C.G.A. §44-14- County, Georgia, and being Lot Gregg, LLC, 339 Heyward sale is not prohibited under the Georgia records, which said
scribed as follows: Notwithstanding the foregoing, 162.2, Carrington Mortgage 80, Chester Hills, as per plat re- Street, 2nd Floor, Columbia, U.S. Bankruptcy Code; (2) plat is hereby referenced and
Beginning at a point on the nothing shall require WCH Services, LLC may be contac- corded in Plat Book 61-84, SC 29201 (803)-509-5078. File: O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1; incorporated herein.
northeasterly side of the cul-de- Athens, LLC to negotiate, ted at: 1-800-790-9502 or by P a g e s 1 1 0 -1 1 1 , D e k a l b 23-53882 and (3) final confirmation and The debt secured by said Deed
sac of Valley View Court, four amend or modify the terms of writing to 1600 South Dou- County, Georgia records, which audit of the status of the loan to Secure Debt has been and is
hundred sixty nine (469) feet the Deed to Secure Debt. glass Road, Suite 110 and 200- recorded plat is incorporated 420-476205 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 with the holder of the security hereby declared due because
southeasterly, easterly and The sale will be conducted sub- A, Anaheim, CA 92806-5951. herein by reference for a more Notice of Sale Under Power deed. of, among other possible
southeasterly from a proposed ject to (i) confirmation that the Please note that, pursuant to complete description of said Georgia, DeKalb County Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section events of default, failure to pay
street (said point of beginning sale is not prohibited under the O.C.G.A. §44-14-162.2, the se- property. Under and by virtue of the 9-13-172.1, which allows for the indebtedness as and when
being at the southeastern U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (ii) cured creditor is not required to Tax ID: 16 128 01 052 Power of Sale contained in a certain procedures regarding due and in the manner
corner of Lot 10 of said block final confirmation and audit of amend or modify the terms of The debt secured by said Se- Deed to Secure Debt given by the rescission of judicial and provided in the Note and Deed
and subdivision) and running the status of the loan with WCH the loan. curity Deed has been and is Angela Stinson to Mortgage nonjudicial sales in the State of to Secure Debt. The debt re-
thence southeasterly along the Athens, LLC. To the best knowledge and be- hereby declared due because Electronic Registration Sys- Georgia, the Deed Under maining in default, this sale will
curvature of the northeasterly Jimmy C. Luke, II, as lief of the undersigned, the of, among other possible tems, Inc. ("MERS") as nomin- Power and other foreclosure be made for the purpose of
side of the cul-de-sac of Valley Attorney-in-fact for WCH party/parties in possession of events of default, failure to pay ee for the CIT Group / Con- documents may not be paying the same and all ex-
View Court, sixty-five (65) feet Athens, LLC the subject property known as the indebtedness as and when sumer Finance, Inc., dated Au- provided until final confirmation penses of this sale, as provided
to the northwest corridor of Lot State Bar No. 191817 4550 CYPRESS RIDGE due and in the manner gust 26, 2005, and recorded in and audit of the status of the in the Deed to Secure Debt and
9 of said block and subdivision, Martin Bagwell Luke, P.C. COURT, STONE MOUNTAIN, provided in the Note and Se- Deed Book 17887, Page 52, loan as provided in the preced- by law, including attorney’s
running thence easterly along 400 Northridge Road, Suite GA 30083 is/are: Laurenise curity Deed. Because the debt DeKalb County, Georgia re- ing paragraph. fees (notice of intent to collect
the northerly line of said Lot 9, 1225 Laurius and Charles Jordan- remains in default, this sale will cords, as last transferred to Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section attorney’s fees having been
sixty four and eight-tenths Atlanta, Georgia 30350 Lloyd or tenant/tenants. Said be made for the purpose of U.S. Bank National Associ- 44-14-162.2, the entity that has given).
(64.8) feet to a point; running ++Sovereign Entertainment, property will be sold subject to paying the same and all ex- ation, not in its individual capa- full authority to negotiate, Said property is commonly
thence southeasterly, along the Inc.++ (a) any outstanding ad valorem penses of this sale, as provided city but solely in its capacity as amend and modify all terms of known as 3935 Edenton Court
northeasterly line of said Lot 9, taxes (including taxes which in the Security Deed and by Indenture Trustee of CIM Trust the mortgage with the debtor is: NE, Brookhaven, GA 30319, to-
one-hundred eight six and eight are a lien, but not yet due and law, including attorney's fees 2021-NR1 by Assignment re- Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. gether with all fixtures and per-
tenths (186.8) feet to a point; payable), (b) any matters which (notice of intent to collect attor- corded in Deed Book 30894, Attention: Loss Mitigation De- sonal property attached to and
running thence in a northwest- might be disclosed by an accur- ney's fees having been given). Page 284, Dekalb County, partment constituting a part of said prop-
erly direction, four hundred ate survey and inspection of Bank of America, NA holds the Georgia records, conveying the 3217 S. Decker Lake Drive erty. To the best knowledge
ninety (490) feet to a point; run- the property, and (c) all mat- duly endorsed Note and is the after-described property to se- Salt Lake City, Utah 84119 and belief of the undersigned,
ning thence southwesterly two ters of record superior to the current assignee of the Secur- cure a Note of even date in the 1-888-818-6032 the party (or parties) in posses-
hundred twenty nine and five Security Deed first set out ity Deed to the property. Car- original principal amount of The foregoing notwithstanding, sion of the subject property is
tenths (229.5) feet to a point on above, including, but not lim- rington Mortgage Services, LLC $168,000.00, with interest at nothing in OC.G.A. Section 44- (are): Marsha Harding and Wil-
the northeasterly line of Lot 10, ited to, assessments, liens, en- is the entity with the full author- the rate specified therein, there 14-162.2 shall be construed to liam Harding or tenant or ten-
ninety five (95) feet to a point; cumbrances, zoning ordin- ity to negotiate, amend, and will be sold by the undersigned require the secured creditor to ants.
known as 3935 Edenton Court following items which may af- ing in default, this sale will be PLAT BEING INCORPOR- attorney's fees (notice of intent
NE, Brookhaven, GA 30319, to- fect the title: a) zoning ordin- made for the purpose of pay- ATED HEREIN BY REFER- to collect attorney’s fees hav-
gether with all fixtures and per- ances; b) matters which would ing the same and all expenses ENCE THERETO. ing been given) and all other
sonal property attached to and be disclosed by an accurate of this sale, as provided in Se- The indebtedness secured by payments provided for under
constituting a part of said prop- survey or by an inspection of curity Deed and by law, includ- said Security Deed has been the terms of the Security Deed
erty. To the best knowledge the property; c) any outstand- ing attorney’s fees (notice of in- and is hereby declared due and and Note.

and belief of the undersigned, The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023
ing ad valorem taxes, including tent to collect attorney’s fees payable because of, among Page 49
Said property will be sold sub-
the party (or parties) in posses- taxes, which constitute liens having been given). other possible events of de- ject to any outstanding ad
sion of the subject property is 420-476210 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 upon said property whether or Your mortgage servicer can be fault, non-payment of the 420-476213 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 valorem taxes (including taxes
(are): Marsha Harding and Wil- NOTICE OF SALE UNDER not now due and payable; d) contacted at 800-603-0836 - monthly installments as re- NOTICE OF SALE UNDER which are a lien, but not yet
liam Harding or tenant or ten- POWER special assessments; e) the Loss Mitigation Dept., or by quired by said Note and Secur- POWER due and payable), any matters
ants. STATE OF GEORGIA, right of redemption of any tax- writing to SN Servicing Corpor- ity Deed. The debt remaining in Under and by virtue of the which might be disclosed by an
Said property will be sold sub- COUNTY OF DEKALB ing authority; f) all outstanding ation (Servicer), 323 Fifth default, this sale will be made Power of Sale contained in a accurate survey and inspection
ject to (a) any outstanding ad By virtue of a Power of Sale bills for public utilities which Street, Eureka, CA 95501, to for the purpose of paying the Security Deed from ++Primalo- of the property, any assess-
valorem taxes (including taxes contained in that certain Secur- constitute liens upon said prop- discuss possible alternatives to same and all expenses of this gist, LLC, a Georgia limited li- ments or easements, liens,
which are a lien, but not yet ity Deed from Desiree Maynard erty; g) all restrictive covenants, avoid foreclosure. sale, as provided in the Secur- ability company to Sherman zoning ordinances, restrictions,
due and payable), (b) any mat- to MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC easements, rights-of-way and Said property will be sold sub- ity Deed and by law, including Bridge Alt Fund, LP++, dated covenants, and any security
ters which might be disclosed REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, any other matters of record su- ject to any outstanding ad attorney's fees (notice of intent August 8, 2018, and recorded deeds, mortgages or deeds of
by an accurate survey and in- INC., ACTING SOLELY AS perior to said Security Deed. To valorem taxes (including taxes to collect attorney’s fees hav- on August 14, 2018, in Book trust or any matters of record
spection of the property, and NOMINEE FOR SUNTRUST the best of the knowledge and which are a lien, but not yet ing been given) and all other 27087, Page 291, of the superior to the Security Deed
(c) all matters of record superi- MORTGAGE, INC., dated July belief of the undersigned, the due and payable), any matters payments provided for under DeKalb County, Georgia Re- first set out above.
or to the Deed to Secure Debt 21, 2009 and recorded on Au- owners and party in posses- which might be disclosed by an the terms of the Security Deed cords; as last assigned to The sale will be conducted sub-
first set out above, including, gust 10, 2009 in Deed Book sion of the property are Desir- accurate survey and inspection and Note. Chondrite REO (7), Inc. (Se- ject (1) to confirmation that the
but not limited to, assessments, 21593, Page 299, in the Office ee Maynard and or tenant(s). of the property, any assess- Said property will be sold sub- cured Creditor); conveying the sale is not prohibited under the
liens, encumbrances, zoning of the Clerk of Superior Court of The sale will be conducted sub- ments, liens, encumbrances, ject to any outstanding ad after-described property to se- U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2)
ordinances, easements, restric- Dekalb County, Georgia, said ject to 1) confirmation that the zoning ordinances, restrictions, valorem taxes (including taxes cure a Note in the original prin- to final confirmation and audit
tions, covenants, etc. Security Deed having been giv- sale is not prohibited under the covenants, and matters of re- which are a lien, but not yet cipal amount of $293,130.00 of the status of the loan with
The sale will be conducted sub- en to secure a Note of even U.S. Bankruptcy code and 2) fi- cord superior to the Security due and payable), any matters with interest thereon as set the holder of the security deed.
ject to (1) confirmation that the date, in the original principal nal confirmation and audit of Deed first set out above. which might be disclosed by an forth therein, there will be sold Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section
sale is not prohibited under the amount of Eighty-Eight Thou- the status of the loan with the To the best knowledge and be- accurate survey and inspection at public outcry to the highest 9-13-172.1, which allows for
U.S. Bankruptcy Code; (2) sand and 00/100 dollars holder of the Security Deed. lief of the undersigned, the of the property, any assess- bidder for cash before the certain procedures regarding
O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1; ($88,000.00) with interest Federal Home Loan Mortgage party in possession of the prop- ments or easements, liens, courthouse door of DeKalb the rescission of judicial and
and (3) final confirmation and thereon as provided therein, as Corporation, as Trustee for the erty is Rhonnecia C. Bryant; or zoning ordinances, restrictions, County, Georgia, within the leg- non-judicial sales in the State
audit of the status of the loan last transferred to Federal benefit of the Freddie Mac tenant(s); and said property is covenants, and any security al hours of sale on Wednesday, of Georgia, the Deed Under
with the holder of the security Home Loan Mortgage Corpora- Seasoned Loans Structured more commonly known as deeds, mortgages or deeds of July 5, 2023, the following de- Power and other foreclosure
deed. tion, as Trustee for the benefit Transaction Trust, Series 2021- 3415 Arbor Creek Point, At- trust or any matters of record scribed property: documents may not be
Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section of the Freddie Mac Seasoned 1 as Attorney-in-Fact for ++De- lanta, GA 30340 a/k/a 3415 Ar- superior to the Security Deed ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- provided until final confirmation
9-13-172.1, which allows for Loans Structured Transaction siree Maynard++ Contact: Pad- bor Creek Pt, Atlanta, GA first set out above. CEL OF LAND LYING AND and audit of the status of the
certain procedures regarding Trust, Series 2021-1, recorded gett Law Group: 6267 Old Wa- 30340 a/k/a 3415 Arbor Crk Pt, The sale will be conducted sub- BEING IN LAND LOT 163 IN loan as provided immediately
the rescission of judicial and in Deed Book 30893, Page ter Oak Road, Suite 203, Talla- Atlanta, GA 30340. ject (1) to confirmation that the THE 18TH DISTRICT OF above.
nonjudicial sales in the State of 376, aforesaid records, will be hassee, FL 32312; (850) 422- The sale will be conducted sub- sale is not prohibited under the DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA The entity that has full author-
Georgia, the Deed Under sold at public outcry to the 2520 Ad Run Dates: 06/08/23; ject (1) to confirmation that the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) AND BEING MORE PARTICU- ity to negotiate, amend, and
Power and other foreclosure highest bidder for cash before 06/15/23; 06/22/23; 06/29/23 sale is not prohibited under the to final confirmation and audit LARLY DESCRIBED AS FOL- modify all terms of the mort-
documents may not be the courthouse door of Dekalb U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) of the status of the loan with LOWS: COMMENCING AT A gage with the debtor is: Chon-
provided until final confirmation County, Georgia, or at such 420-476211 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 to final confirmation and audit the holder of the security deed. POINT AT THE RIGHT-OF- drite REO (7), Inc., C/O SHER-
and audit of the status of the place as has or may be law- NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE of the status of the loan with Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section WAY INTERSECTIONS OF MAN BRIDGE ALT FUND, LP
loan as provided in the preced- fully designated as an alternat- SALE UNDER POWER the holder of the security deed. 9-13-172.1, which allows for THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY 4600 Fuller Drive, Suite 200,
ing paragraph. ive location, within the legal DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA U.S. Bank Trust National Asso- certain procedures regarding O F WIL SO N RO AD, (60 ' Irving, TX 75038, 1-866-912-
Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section hours of sale on the first Wed- THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO ciation, as Trustee of LB-Igloo the rescission of judicial and RIGHT-OF-WAY), AND THE 0622. Please understand that
44-14-162.2, the entity that has nesday in July, 2023, all prop- COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- Series IV Trust as Attorney in non-judicial sales in the State WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY OF the secured creditor is not re-
full authority to negotiate, erty described in said Security FORMATION OBTAINED WILL Fact for ++Rhonnecia C. Bry- of Georgia, the Deed Under MONCRIEF CIRCLE (60' quired to negotiate, amend, or
amend and modify all terms of Deed including but not limited BE USED FOR THAT PUR- ant++. Power and other foreclosure RIGHT-OF-WAY), THENCE modify the terms of the mort-
the mortgage with the debtor is: to the following described prop- POSE. Quinn Legal, P.A. documents may not be WESTERLY 399 FEET ALONG gage instrument.
Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. erty: All that tract or parcel of Under and by virtue of the 19321 US Hwy 19 N, Suite 512 provided until final confirmation THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY To the best of the
Attention: Loss Mitigation De- land lying and being in Land Power of Sale contained in a Clearwater, FL 33764 and audit of the status of the LINE OF WILSON ROAD TO undersigned's knowledge and
partment Lot 229 of the 16th District, Security Deed given by Rhon- Phone: (727) 474-9603 loan as provided immediately AN IPP (#4 RB), THENCE belief, said property is also
3217 S. Decker Lake Drive DeKalb County, Georgia, be- necia C. Bryant to Bank of [email protected] above. TURNING AND LEAVING known as 3031 Wilson Road,
Salt Lake City, Utah 84119 ing Lot 35, Black A, Unit One of America, N.A., dated January By: /s/ Erin M. Rose Quinn The entity that has full author- SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY S Decatur, GA 30032, and the
1-888-818-6032 Harmony Hills Subdivision, as 24, 2008, and recorded in Deed Erin M. Rose Quinn, Esq. ity to negotiate, amend, and 00°21'45" E A DISTANCE OF party in possession of the prop-
The foregoing notwithstanding, per plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 20609, Page 19, Dekalb Georgia Bar Number 547833 modify all terms of the mort- 70.50 FEET TO A POINT AND erty is/are Primalogist, LLC, a
nothing in OC.G.A. Section 44- Bo o k 1 0 6 , Pa g e s 3 8 -3 9, County, Georgia Records, as 420-476212 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 gage with the debtor is: CAR- THE TRUE POINT OF BEGIN- Georgia limited liability com-
14-162.2 shall be construed to DeKalb County, Georgia Re- last transferred to U.S. Bank 7/6,7/16,7/20,7/27 RINGTON MORTGAGE SER- NING. pany or a tenant or tenants of
require the secured creditor to cords, which recorded plat is in- Trust National Association, as NOTICE OF SALE UNDER VICES, LLC, 1600 South Dou- FROM THE POINT OF BEGIN- said property.
negotiate, amend or modify the corporated herein by reference Trustee of LB-Igloo Series IV POWER glass Road, Suite 200-A, Ana- N I N G A S T HU S E S T A B - Chondrite REO (7), Inc.
terms of the Deed to Secure and made a part of this descrip- Trust by assignment recorded Under and by virtue of the heim, CA 92806, 1-800 561- LISHED; THENCE WITH A As Attorney-in-Fact for
Debt described herein. tion. Being the same property in Deed Book 30627, Page 663 Power of Sale contained in a 4567. Please understand that BEARING OF S 00°21'45" E A ++Primalogist, LLC++, a Geor-
This sale is conducted on be- conveyed in a Deed Under in the Office of the Clerk of Su- Security Deed from VENUS the secured creditor is not re- DISTANCE OF 139.93 FEET gia limited liability company
half of the secured creditor un- Power dated May 5, 2009, re- perior Court of Dekalb County, MORGAN to Mortgage Elec- quired to negotiate, amend, or TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A SOLOMON | BAGGETT, LLC
der the power of sale granted in corded May 28, 2009 in Deed Georgia Records, conveying tronic Registration Systems, modify the terms of the mort- BEARING OF S 86°39'42" W A 3763 Rogers Bridge Road
the aforementioned security in- Book 21459, Page 485, DeKalb the after-described property to Inc., as nominee for Atl.Dis- gage instrument. DISTANCE OF 69.19 FEET TO Duluth, GA 30097
strument, specifically being County, Georgia Records. Said secure a Note in the original count Home Loans dba Amer- To the best of the A POINT; THENCE WITH A (678) 243-2515
Federal Home Loan Mortgage property may more commonly principal amount of three hun- icas Discount Home Loans, undersigned's knowledge and BEARING OF N 02°56'03" W A THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS
Corporation, as Trustee for the be known as 1756 Harmony dred fifty thousand dollars and LLC, its successors and as- belief, said property is also DISTANCE OF 139.85 FEET A DEBT COLLECTOR AT-
benefit of the Freddie Mac Hills Court, Lithonia, GA 30058. 00/100 ($350,000.00), with in- signs, dated July 21, 2008, and known as 4761 Klondike Cove, TO AN IPF (#4 RB); THENCE TEMPTING TO COLLECT A
Seasoned Loans Structured The debt secured by said Se- terest thereon as set forth recorded on July 30, 2008, in Lithonia, GA 30038, and the WITH A BEARING OF N DEBT. ANY INFORMATION
Transaction Trust, Series 2018- curity Deed has been and is therein, there will be sold at Book 20968, Page 532, of the party in possession of the prop- 86°44'35" E A DISTANCE OF OBTAINED WILL BE USED
2 hereby declared due because public outcry to the highest bid- DeKalb County, Georgia Re- erty is/are VENUS MORGAN or 75.48 FEET TO A POINT AND FOR THAT PURPOSE.
as attorney in fact for of, among other possible der for cash before the court- cords; as last assigned to CAR- a tenant or tenants of said THE TRUE POINT OF BEGIN- Publish: 6/8/23,
Marsha Moore Harding and events of default, non-payment house door of Dekalb County, RINGTON MORTGAGE SER- property. NING; SAID TRACT OR PAR- 6/15/23,6/22/23, 6/29/23
William R. Harding of the monthly installments on Georgia, within the legal hours VICES, LLC (Secured CARRINGTON MORTGAGE CEL OF LAND CONTAINS
Richard B. Maner, P.C. said loan. The debt remaining of sale on July 5, 2023, the fol- Creditor); conveying the after- SERVICES, LLC 0.232 ACRES MORE OR 420-476218 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29
180 Interstate N Parkway, Suite in default, this sale will be lowing described property: described property to secure a As Attorney-in-Fact for LESS. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE
200 made for the purpose of pay- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Note in the original principal ++VENUS MORGAN++ Together with Ingress/Egress SALE UNDER POWER
Atlanta, GA 30339 ing the same and all expenses CEL OF LAND LYING AND amount of $110,888.00 with in- SOLOMON | BAGGETT, LLC easement recorded at 7154, DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA
404.252.6385 of this sale, including attorney’s BEING IN LAND LOT 295 OF terest thereon as set forth 3763 Rogers Bridge Road Page 549, Dekalb County, Under and by virtue of the
THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING fees (notice of intent to collect THE 18TH DISTRICT, DEKALB therein, there will be sold at Duluth, GA 30097 Georgia Records. Subject to Power of Sale contained in a
AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- attorney’s fees having been COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING public outcry to the highest bid- (678) 243-2515 any Easements or Restrictions Security Deed given by Eddie
TEMPTING TO COLLECT A given). The individual or entity LOT 21, ARBOR CREEK SUB- der for cash before the court- THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS of Record. K. Collins and Olympia Collins
DEBT. ANY INFORMATION that has full authority to negoti- DIVISION AS PER PLAT RE- house door of DeKalb County, A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- Parcel ID Numbers: 18-163-04- to Mortgage Electronic Regis-
OBTAINED WILL BE USED ate, amend and modify all CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 103, Georgia, within the legal hours TEMPTING TO COLLECT A 012. tration Systems, Inc., as
FOR THAT PURPOSE. terms of the loan is Federal PAGES 98 & 99, DEKALB of sale on the first TUESDAY in DEBT. ANY INFORMATION The indebtedness secured by grantee, as nominee for Au-
++FC23-012/Harding++ Home Loan Mortgage Corpora- COUNTY RECORDS, WHICH August, 2023, the following de- OBTAINED WILL BE USED said Security Deed has been rora Loan Services, dated
tion, as Trustee for the benefit PLAT IS INCORPORATED scribed property: FOR THAT PURPOSE. and is hereby declared due and December 1, 2007, and recor-
of the Freddie Mac Seasoned HEREIN BY REFERENCE ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Publish: 6/8/2023, 6/15/2023, payable because of, among ded in Deed Book 13121, Page
Loans Structured Transaction THERETO. CEL OF LAND LYING AND 6/22/2023, 6/29/2023, other possible events of de- 795, Dekalb County, Georgia
Trust, Series 2021-1, 6200 S. The debt secured by said Se- BEING IN LAND LOTS 231 7/6/2023, 7/13/2023, fault, non-payment of the Records, subsequently modi-
Quebec Street, Greenwood Vil- curity Deed has been and is AND 250 OF THE 11TH DIS- 7/20/2023, 7/27/2023 monthly installments as re- fied by a Loan Modification
lage, CO. 80111, 800-315- hereby declared due because TRICT, DEKALB COUNTY, quired by said Note and Secur- Agreement recorded October
4757. Said property will be sold of, among other possible GEORGIA, BEING LOT 33, ity Deed. The debt remaining in 19, 2016 in Book 25863, Page
on an “as-is” basis without any events of default, failure to pay BLOCK A, KLONDIKE ON THE default, this sale will be made 666 in the amount of Two Hun-
representation, warranty or re- the indebtedness as and when RIVER, UNIT I, AS PER PLAT for the purpose of paying the dred Five Thousand Four Hun-
course against the above- due and in the manner RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK same and all expenses of this dred Thirty-Eight and 31/100
named or the undersigned. The provided in the Note and Se- 104, PAGE 89 , DEKALB sale, as provided in the Secur- ($205,438.31) Dekalb County,
sale will also be subject to the curity Deed. The debt remain- COUNTY RECORDS, SAID ity Deed and by law, including Georgia Records, as last trans-
following items which may af- ing in default, this sale will be PLAT BEING INCORPOR- attorney's fees (notice of intent ferred to U.S. Bank Trust Na-
fect the title: a) zoning ordin- made for the purpose of pay- ATED HEREIN BY REFER- to collect attorney’s fees hav- tional Association, not in its in-
ances; b) matters which would ing the same and all expenses ENCE THERETO. ing been given) and all other dividual capacity but solely as
be disclosed by an accurate of this sale, as provided in Se- The indebtedness secured by payments provided for under owner trustee for RCF 2 Ac-
survey or by an inspection of curity Deed and by law, includ- said Security Deed has been the terms of the Security Deed quisition Trust by assignment
the property; c) any outstand- ing attorney’s fees (notice of in- and is hereby declared due and and Note. recorded on September 26,
ing ad valorem taxes, including tent to collect attorney’s fees payable because of, among Said property will be sold sub- 2022 in Book 30581 Page 784
taxes, which constitute liens having been given). other possible events of de- ject to any outstanding ad in the Office of the Clerk of Su-
upon said property whether or Your mortgage servicer can be fault, non-payment of the valorem taxes (including taxes perior Court of Dekalb County,
not now due and payable; d) contacted at 800-603-0836 - monthly installments as re- which are a lien, but not yet Georgia Records, conveying
special assessments; e) the Loss Mitigation Dept., or by quired by said Note and Secur- due and payable), any matters the after-described property to
right of redemption of any tax- writing to SN Servicing Corpor- ity Deed. The debt remaining in which might be disclosed by an secure a Note in the original
ferred to U.S. Bank Trust Na- er of the security deed and (3) the possession of Thongmee if any, will be distributed as if any, will be distributed as due and in the manner the 18th District, Dekalb
tional Association, not in its in- any right of redemption or oth- Smoot, successor in interest or provided by law. provided by law. provided in the Note and Se- County, Georgia, Being Lot 88,
dividual capacity but solely as er lien not extinguished by fore- tenant(s) The sale will be conducted sub- The sale will be conducted sub- curity Deed. The debt remain- Mountain Oaks Subdivision,
owner trustee for RCF 2 Ac- closure. US Bank Trust National Associ- ject (1) to confirmation that the ject (1) to confirmation that the ing in default, this sale will be Unit One, Phase Six, as per
quisition Trust by assignment U.S. Bank Trust National Asso- ation, Not In Its Individual Ca- sale is not prohibited under the sale is not prohibited under the made for the purpose of pay- plat recorded in Plat Book 103,
recorded on September 26, ciation, not in its individual ca- pacity But Solely As Owner U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) ing the same and all expenses Page 42, DeKalb County,
Page 50
2022 in Book 30581 Page 784
in the Office of the Clerk of Su-
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023 
pacity but solely as owner trust-
ee for RCF 2 Acquisition Trust
Trustee For VRMTG Asset
Trust as Attorney-in-Fact for
to final confirmation and audit
of the status of the loan with
to final confirmation and audit
of the status of the loan with
of this sale, as provided in Se-
curity Deed and by law, includ-
Georgia records, which recor-
ded plat is incorporated herein
perior Court of Dekalb County, as Attorney in Fact for Eddie K. Thongmee Smoot the secured creditor. the secured creditor. ing attorney’s fees (notice of in- by this reference and made a
Georgia Records, conveying Collins and Olympia Collins. File no. ++23-080362/Smoot++ The property is or may be in The property is or may be in tent to collect attorney’s fees part of this description. Said
the after-described property to Brock & Scott, PLLC LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP* the possession of Larry L the possession of Sabrena having been given). property being known as 6680
secure a Note in the original 4360 Chamblee Dunwoody Attorneys and Counselors at Lewis, successor in interest or Swinger, Johnathan White, Your mortgage servicer, Rush- Poplar Grove Way according to
principal amount of Two Hun- Road Law tenant(s). Jasmine Ramey and Jada more Loan Management Ser- the present system of number-
dred Five Thousand Four Hun- Suite 310 211 Perimeter Center Parkway, Nationstar Mortgage LLC as At- Ramey, successor in interest or vices, LLC, as servicer for ing houses in DeKalb County,
dred Thirty-Eight and 31/100 Atlanta, GA 30341 N.E., Suite 130 torney-in-Fact for Larry L. Lewis tenant(s). PMIT REI 2021-A LLC, can be Georgia.
dollars ($205,438.31), with in- 404-789-2661 Atlanta, GA 30346 File no. ++23-080453/ Lewis++ US Bank Trust National Associ- contacted at 888-504-7200 or Parcel ID: 18 025 03 161
terest thereon as set forth B&S file no.: ++23- (770) 220-2535/***CF_REFER- LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP* ation, Not In Its Individual Ca- by writing to 15480 Laguna The debt secured by said Se-
therein, there will be sold at 00101/Collins++ ENCE_INITIALS*** Attorneys and Counselors at pacity But Solely As Owner Canyon Road, Suite 100, curity Deed has been and is
public outcry to the highest bid- 420-476220 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 Law Trustee For VRMTG Asset Irvine, CA 92618, to discuss hereby declared due because
der for cash before the court- STATE OF GEORGIA *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING 211 Perimeter Center Parkway, Trust as Attorney-in-Fact for possible alternatives to avoid of, among other possible
house door of Dekalb County, COUNTY OF DEKALB AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. N.E., Suite 130 Sabrena Swinger foreclosure. events of default, failure to pay
Georgia, within the legal hours NOTICE OF SALE UNDER ANY INFORMATION OB- Atlanta, GA 30346 File no. ++23- Said property will be sold sub- the indebtedness as and when
of sale on July 5, 2023, the fol- POWER TAINED WILL BE USED FOR (770) 220-2535/***CF_REFER- 080536/Swinger++ ject to any outstanding ad due and in the manner
lowing described property: Because of a default under the THAT PURPOSE. ENCE_INITIALS*** LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP* valorem taxes (including taxes provided in the Note and Se-
ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- terms of the Security Deed ex- 420-476221 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 Attorneys and Counselors at which are a lien, but not yet curity Deed. The debt remain-
CEL OF LAND LYING AND ecuted by Thongmee Smoot to STATE OF GEORGIA *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING Law due and payable), any matters ing in default, this sale will be
BEING IN LAND LOT 23 OF JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. COUNTY OF DEKALB AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. 211 Perimeter Center Parkway, which might be disclosed by an made for the purpose of pay-
THE 15TH DISTRICT, OF dated March 22, 2013, and re- NOTICE OF SALE UNDER ANY INFORMATION OB- N.E., Suite 130 accurate survey and inspection ing the same and all expenses
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, corded in Deed Book 23683, POWER TAINED WILL BE USED FOR Atlanta, GA 30346 of the property, any assess- of this sale, as provided in Se-
AND BEING LOT 90, OF Page 64, DeKalb County Re- Because of a default under the THAT PURPOSE. (770) 220-2535/***CF_REFER- ments, liens, encumbrances, curity Deed and by law, includ-
PINDERS RIDGE, UNIT I, AS cords, said Security Deed hav- terms of the Security Deed ex- ENCE_INITIALS*** zoning ordinances, restrictions, ing attorney’s fees (notice of in-
PER PLAT RECORDED IN ing been last sold, assigned, ecuted by Larry L. Lewis to 420-476222 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 covenants, and matters of re- tent to collect attorney’s fees
PLAT BOOK 110, PAGE 22 OF transferred and conveyed to Mortgage Electronic Registra- STATE OF GEORGIA *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING cord superior to the Security having been given).
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA US Bank Trust National Associ- tion Systems, Inc. as nominee COUNTY OF DEKALB AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. Deed first set out above. Your mortgage servicer, Rush-
RECORDS, WHICH PLAT IS ation, Not In Its Individual Ca- for Home America Mortgage, NOTICE OF SALE UNDER ANY INFORMATION OB- To the best knowledge and be- more Loan Management Ser-
INCORPORATED HEREIN pacity But Solely As Owner Inc. dated February 28, 2007, POWER TAINED WILL BE USED FOR lief of the undersigned, the vices, LLC, as servicer for U.S.
AND MADE A PART HEREOF Trustee For VRMTG Asset and recorded in Deed Book Because of a default under the THAT PURPOSE. parties in possession of the Bank Trust National Associ-
BY REFERENCE. Trust, securing a Note in the 19761, Page 65, DeKalb terms of the Security Deed ex- property are Alexander Malone ation, as Trustee of BKPL-EG
THE IMPROVEMENTS original principal amount of County Records, said Security ecuted by Sabrena Swinger to 420-476223 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 or tenant(s); and said property Holding Trust, can be contac-
THEREON BEING KNOWN AS $82,609.00, the holder thereof Deed having been last sold, as- Mortgage Electronic Registra- NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE is more commonly known as ted at 888-504-7200 or by writ-
3977 AMBROSE COURT, EL- pursuant to said Deed and signed, transferred and con- tion Systems, Inc., as Nominee SALE UNDER POWER 5312 Tracey Drive , Stone ing to 15480 Laguna Canyon
LENWOOD, GA 30294 Note thereby secured has de- veyed to Nationstar Mortgage for, National Guaranty Mort- DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA Mountain, GA 30088. Road, Suite 100, Irvine, CA
TAX ACCOUNT NO. 15-23-1- clared the entire amount of said LLC, securing a Note in the ori- gage dated August 18, 2006, THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO The sale will be conducted sub- 92618, to discuss possible al-
62. indebtedness due and payable ginal principal amount of and recorded in Deed Book COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- ject (1) to confirmation that the ternatives to avoid foreclosure.
The debt secured by said Se- and, pursuant to the power of $128,000.00, the holder there- 19113, Page 294, DeKalb FORMATION OBTAINED WILL sale is not prohibited under the Said property will be sold sub-
curity Deed has been and is sale contained in said Deed, of pursuant to said Deed and County Records, said Security BE USED FOR THAT PUR- U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) ject to any outstanding ad
hereby declared due because will on the first Wednesday, Ju- Note thereby secured has de- Deed having been last sold, as- POSE. to final confirmation and audit valorem taxes (including taxes
of, among other possible ly 5, 2023, during the legal clared the entire amount of said signed, transferred and con- Under and by virtue of the of the status of the loan with which are a lien, but not yet
events of default, failure to pay hours of sale, before the Court- indebtedness due and payable veyed to U.S. Bank Trust Na- Power of Sale contained in a the holder of the security deed. due and payable), any matters
the indebtedness as and when house door in said County, sell and, pursuant to the power of tional Association not in its Indi- Security Deed given by Alexan- PMIT REI 2021-A LLC as Attor- which might be disclosed by an
due and in the manner at public outcry to the highest sale contained in said Deed, vidual Capacity but solely as der Malone to ney in Fact for Alexander accurate survey and inspection
provided in the Note and Se- bidder for cash, the property will on the first Wednesday, Ju- Owner Trustee for VRMTG As- dated September 12, 2003 and Malone of the property, any assess-
curity Deed. The debt remain- described in said Deed, to-wit: ly 5, 2023, during the legal set Trust, securing a Note in recorded on October 9, 2003 in McMichael Taylor Gray, LLC ments, liens, encumbrances,
ing in default, this sale will be ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- hours of sale, before the Court- the original principal amount of Deed Book 15417, Page 115, 3550 Engineering Drive, Suite zoning ordinances, restrictions,
made for the purpose of pay- CEL OF LAND LYING AND house door in said County, sell $220,000.00, the holder there- DeKalb County, Georgia Re- 260 covenants, and matters of re-
ing the same and all expenses BEING IN LAND LOT 31 OF at public outcry to the highest of pursuant to said Deed and cords, and later assigned to Peachtree Corners, GA 30092 cord superior to the Security
of this sale, as provided in Se- THE 16TH DISTRICT, DEKALB bidder for cash, the property Note thereby secured has de- PMIT REI 2021-A LLC by As- 404-474-7149 Deed first set out above.
curity Deed and by law, includ- COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING described in said Deed, to-wit: clared the entire amount of said signment of Security Deed re- MTG File No.: + +GA2022- To the best knowledge and be-
ing attorney’s fees (notice of in- LOT 4, BLOCK "B", PROP- All that tract or parcel of land ly- indebtedness due and payable corded on May 24, 2023 in 00228 /Malone++ lief of the undersigned, the
tent to collect attorney’s fees ERTY OF BRAWOOD HOMES, ing and being in Land Lot 156, and, pursuant to the power of Deed Book 30922, Page 37, parties in possession of the
having been given). INC. SUBDIVISION AS PER 15th District, Dekalb County, sale contained in said Deed, DeKalb County, Georgia Re- 420-476224 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 property are Bruce H. Daniels
The entity having full authority PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT Georgia, being Lot 15, Block C, will on the first Wednesday, Ju- cords, conveying the after-de- NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE and Eboni Blount or tenant(s);
to negotiate, amend or modify BOOK 55, PAGE 137, DEKALB Unit III, Worthington Valley, as ly 5, 2023, during the legal scribed property to secure a SALE UNDER POWER and said property is more com-
all terms of the loan (although COUNTY RECORDS, WHICH per plat recorded in Plat Book hours of sale, before the Court- Note in the original principal DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA monly known as 6680 Poplar
not required by law to do so) is: PLAT IS INCORPORATED 43, Page 160, Dekalb County house door in said County, sell a m o u n t o f O n e Hu n d re d THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO Grove Way, Stone Mountain,
Selene Finance they can be HEREIN BY REFERENCE Records, which plat is here re- at public outcry to the highest Twenty-One Thousand Five COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- GA 30087.
contacted at (877) 735-3637 for AND MADE A PART OF THIS ferred to and made a part of bidder for cash, the property Hundred Fifty And 00/100 Dol- FORMATION OBTAINED WILL The sale will be conducted sub-
Loss Mitigation Dept, or by writ- DESCRIPTION. this description, being im- described in said Deed, to-wit: lars ($121,550.00), with in- BE USED FOR THAT PUR- ject (1) to confirmation that the
ing to 3501 Olympus Said property is known as 1131 proved property having a split- All that tract or parcel of land ly- terest thereon as set forth POSE. sale is not prohibited under the
Boulevard, 5 th Floor, Suite Redan Way, Stone Mountain, level brick and frame house ing and being in Land Lot 147, therein, there will be sold at Under and by virtue of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2)
500, Coppell, Texas 75019, to GA 30088, together with all fix- thereon and being more partic- 15th District, DeKalb County, public outcry to the highest bid- Power of Sale contained in a to final confirmation and audit
discuss possible alternatives to tures and personal property at- ularly shown on survey pre- Georgia, being Lot 14, Block B, der for cash before the court- Security Deed given by Bruce of the status of the loan with
avoid foreclosure. tached to and constituting a pared by Georgia Land Survey- Unit Two, Montvallo Estates house door of DeKalb County, H. Daniels and Eboni Blount to the holder of the security deed.
Said property will be sold sub- part of said property, if any. ing Co., Inc., dated January 5, Subdivision, as per plat recor- Georgia, within the legal hours Mortgage Electronic Registra- U.S. Bank Trust National Asso-
ject to any outstanding ad Said property will be sold sub- 1977. ded in Plat Book 35, Page 145, of sale on July 5, 2023 the fol- tion Systems, Inc., as nominee ciation, as Trustee of BKPL-EG
valorem taxes (including taxes ject to any outstanding ad Subject to any right of way DeKalb County, Records, which lowing described property: for The CIT Group/Consumer Holding Trust as Attorney in
which are a lien, but not yet valorem taxes (including taxes deeds or other easements of plat is hereby referred to and All that tract or parcel of land ly- Finance, Inc. dated July 28, Fact for Bruce H. Daniels and
due and payable), any matters which are a lien, whether or not record. made a part of this description. ing and being in Land Lot 35 of 2005 and recorded on August Eboni Blount
which might be disclosed by an now due and payable), the right Said property is known as 3666 Said property is known as 1912 the 16th District, Dekalb 8, 2005 in Deed Book 17745, McMichael Taylor Gray, LLC
accurate survey and inspection of redemption of any taxing au- Elkridge Dr, Decatur, GA Montvallo Terrace SE, Atlanta, County, Georgia and being Lot Page 248, DeKalb County, 3550 Engineering Drive, Suite
of the property, any assess- thority, any matters which might 30032, together with all fix- GA 30316, together with all fix- 3, Block F of Muirfield Subdivi- Georgia Records, and later as- 260
ments, liens, encumbrances, be disclosed by an accurate tures and personal property at- tures and personal property at- sion, Unit Three, as shown and signed to U.S. Bank Trust Na- Peachtree Corners, GA 30092
zoning ordinances, restrictions, survey and inspection of the tached to and constituting a tached to and constituting a designated on a plat thereof re- tional Association, as Trustee 404-474-7149
covenants, and matters of re- property, any assessments, li- part of said property, if any. part of said property, if any. corded in Plat Book 71, Page of BKPL-EG Holding Trust by MTG File No.: ++GA2023-
cord superior to the Security ens, encumbrances, zoning or- Said property will be sold sub- Said property will be sold sub- 132, in the Clerk's Office for the Assignment of Security Deed 00175/Daniels/ Blount++
Deed first set out above. dinances, restrictions, coven- ject to any outstanding ad ject to any outstanding ad Superior Court of Dekalb recorded on April 7, 2022 in 420-476225 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29
To the best knowledge and be- ants, and matters of record su- valorem taxes (including taxes valorem taxes (including taxes County, Georgia to which plat Deed Book 30250, Page 353, NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE
lief of the undersigned, the perior to the Security Deed first which are a lien, whether or not which are a lien, whether or not reference is hereby made for a DeKalb County, Georgia Re- SALE UNDER POWER
party in possession of the prop- set out above. now due and payable), the right now due and payable), the right more complete and accurate cords, conveying the after-de- DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA
erty is Olympia H. Collins or The proceeds of said sale will of redemption of any taxing au- of redemption of any taxing au- description as to the metes, scribed property to secure a THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO
tenant(s); and said property is be applied to the payment of thority, any matters which might thority, any matters which might bounds and location of said Note in the original principal COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN-
more commonly known as said indebtedness and all ex- be disclosed by an accurate be disclosed by an accurate property. amount of Two Hundred Four FORMATION OBTAINED WILL
3977 Ambrose Ct, Ellenwood, penses of said sale as provided survey and inspection of the survey and inspection of the Being the same property con- Thousand And 00/100 Dollars BE USED FOR THAT PUR-
GA 30294. in said Deed, and the balance, property, any assessments, li- property, any assessments, li- veyed to Alexander Malone by ($204,000.00), with interest POSE.
The sale will be conducted sub- if any, will be distributed as ens, encumbrances, zoning or- ens, encumbrances, zoning or- deed from Cornelia J. Kenny, thereon as set forth therein, Under and by virtue of the
ject to (1) confirmation that the provided by law. dinances, restrictions, coven- dinances, restrictions, coven- recorded 01/14/1997 in Deed there will be sold at public out- Power of Sale contained in a
sale is not prohibited under the The sale will be conducted sub- ants, and matters of record su- ants, and matters of record su- Book 9287, Page 45. cry to the highest bidder for Security Deed given by A & E
U.S. Bankruptcy Code (2) final ject (1) to confirmation that the perior to the Security Deed first perior to the Security Deed first Parcel ID: 16 035 01 193 cash before the courthouse Realty Group LLC to Kiavi
confirmation and audit of the sale is not prohibited under the set out above. set out above. The debt secured by said Se- door of DeKalb County, Geor- Funding, Inc. dated April 7,
status of the loan with the hold- U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) The proceeds of said sale will The proceeds of said sale will curity Deed has been and is gia, within the legal hours of 2022 and recorded on April 8,
er of the security deed and (3) to final confirmation and audit be applied to the payment of be applied to the payment of hereby declared due because sale on July 5, 2023 the follow- 2022 in Deed Book 30252,
any right of redemption or oth- of the status of the loan with said indebtedness and all ex- said indebtedness and all ex- of, among other possible ing described property: Page 207, DeKalb County,
er lien not extinguished by fore- the secured creditor. penses of said sale as provided penses of said sale as provided events of default, failure to pay All that tract or parcel of land ly- Georgia Records, and later as-
closure. The property is or may be in in said Deed, and the balance, in said Deed, and the balance, the indebtedness as and when ing and being in Land Lot 25 of signed to LHome Mortgage
U.S. Bank Trust National Asso- the possession of Thongmee if any, will be distributed as if any, will be distributed as due and in the manner the 18th District, Dekalb Trust 2021-RTL1, a Delaware
ciation, not in its individual ca- Smoot, successor in interest or provided by law. provided by law. provided in the Note and Se- County, Georgia, Being Lot 88, Statutory Trust by Assignment
pacity but solely as owner trust- tenant(s) The sale will be conducted sub- The sale will be conducted sub- curity Deed. The debt remain- Mountain Oaks Subdivision, of Security Deed recorded on
ee for RCF 2 Acquisition Trust US Bank Trust National Associ- ject (1) to confirmation that the ject (1) to confirmation that the ing in default, this sale will be Unit One, Phase Six, as per May 11, 2023 in Deed Book
as Attorney in Fact for Eddie K. ation, Not In Its Individual Ca- sale is not prohibited under the sale is not prohibited under the made for the purpose of pay- plat recorded in Plat Book 103, 30901, Page 732, DeKalb
Collins and Olympia Collins. pacity But Solely As Owner U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) ing the same and all expenses Page 42, DeKalb County, County, Georgia Records, con-
Brock & Scott, PLLC Trustee For VRMTG Asset to final confirmation and audit to final confirmation and audit of this sale, as provided in Se- Georgia records, which recor- veying the after-described
4360 Chamblee Dunwoody Trust as Attorney-in-Fact for of the status of the loan with of the status of the loan with curity Deed and by law, includ- ded plat is incorporated herein property to secure a Note in the
Road Thongmee Smoot the secured creditor. the secured creditor. ing attorney’s fees (notice of in- by this reference and made a original principal amount of
Suite 310 File no. ++23-080362/Smoot++ The property is or may be in The property is or may be in tent to collect attorney’s fees part of this description. Said Five Hundred Forty-Six Thou-
Atlanta, GA 30341 LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP* the possession of Larry L the possession of Sabrena having been given). property being known as 6680 sand Two Hundred And 00/100
404-789-2661 Attorneys and Counselors at Lewis, successor in interest or Swinger, Johnathan White, Your mortgage servicer, Rush- Poplar Grove Way according to Dollars ($546,200.00), with in-
Trust 2021-RTL1, a Delaware To the best knowledge and be- having been given). THO M PSO N PR O PERTY, sion of the property is RASHAD THE EAST SIDE OF RUS-
Statutory Trust by Assignment lief of the undersigned, the Your mortgage servicer, Rush- AND MORE PARTICULARLY CAMPBELL AKA RASHAD T. SELL STREET AT THE POINT
of Security Deed recorded on parties in possession of the more Loan Management Ser- DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: CAMPBELL, or tenants(s). OF BEGINNING.
May 11, 2023 in Deed Book property are A&E Realty Group vices, LLC, as servicer for U.S. BEGINNING AT A POINT ON The sale will be conducted sub- SUBJECT TO RESTRICTIVE
30901, Page 732, DeKalb LLC or tenant(s); and said Bank Trust National Associ- THE EASTERN SIDE OF ject (1) to confirmation that the COVENANTS AND GENERAL
County, Georgia Records, con- property is more commonly ation, not in its individual capa- WEST AUSTIN ROAD 506.6 sale is not prohibited under the UTILITY EASEMENTS OF RE-

veying the after-described The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023
known as 542 South Candler city, but solely as trustee of Cit- FEET SOUTHERLY FROM U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) CORD. Page 51
property to secure a Note in the Street, Decatur, GA 30030. igroup Mortgage Loan Trust THE SOUTHEASTERN to final confirmation and audit Said legal description being
original principal amount of The sale will be conducted sub- 2018-B, can be contacted at CORNER OF WEST AUSTIN 420-476231 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 of the status of the loan with controlling, however the prop-
Five Hundred Forty-Six Thou- ject (1) to confirmation that the 888-504-7200 or by writing to ROAD AND MIDWAY ROAD; NOTICE OF SALE UNDER the holder of the Security Deed. erty is more commonly known
sand Two Hundred And 00/100 sale is not prohibited under the 15480 Laguna Canyon Road, AND RUNNING THENCE POWER The entity having full authority as 67 RUSSELL STREET NE,
Dollars ($546,200.00), with in- U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92618, to SOUTHERLY ALONG THE GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY to negotiate, amend or modify ATLANTA, GA 30317.
terest thereon as set forth to final confirmation and audit discuss possible alternatives to EASTERN SIDE OF WEST By virtue of a Power of Sale all terms of the loan (although The indebtedness secured by
therein, there will be sold at of the status of the loan with avoid foreclosure. AUSTIN ROAD 100 FEET; contained in that certain Secur- not required by law to do so) is: said Security Deed has been
public outcry to the highest bid- the holder of the security deed. Said property will be sold sub- THENCE EAST 234.7 FEET; ity Deed from RASHAD CAMP- GITSIT Solutions, LLC f/k/a and is hereby declared due be-
der for cash before the court- LHome Mortgage Trust 2021- ject to any outstanding ad THENCE NORTH 100 FEET; BELL AKA RASHAD T. CAMP- Kondaur Capital, LLC, Loss cause of default under the
house door of DeKalb County, RTL1, a Delaware Statutory valorem taxes (including taxes THENCE WEST 248 FEET TO BELL to MORTGAGE ELEC- Mitigation Dept., 333 South An- terms of said Security Deed.
Georgia, within the legal hours Trust as Attorney in Fact for A which are a lien, but not yet THE POINT OF BEGINNING. TRO NI C REG I STRATI O N ita Drive Suite 400, Orange, CA The indebtedness remaining in
of sale on July 5, 2023 the fol- & E Realty Group LLC due and payable), any matters Said legal description being SYSTEMS INC. AS GRANTEE, 92868, Telephone Number: default, this sale will be made
lowing described property: McMichael Taylor Gray, LLC which might be disclosed by an controlling, however the prop- AS NOMINEE FOR QUICKEN 888-566-3287. Nothing in for the purpose of paying the
All that tract or parcel of land ly- 3550 Engineering Drive, Suite accurate survey and inspection erty is more commonly known LOANS INC., dated July 11, O.C.G.A. Section 44-14-162.2 same, all expenses of the sale,
ing and being in Land Lot 214 260 of the property, any assess- as 1486W AUSTIN ROAD, 2018, recorded July 18, 2018, shall be construed to require a including attorneys’ fees (no-
of the 15th District of Dekalb Peachtree Corners, GA 30092 ments, liens, encumbrances, DECATUR, GA 30032. in Deed Book 27033, Page secured creditor to negotiate, tice to collect same having
County, Georgia and being 404-474-7149 zoning ordinances, restrictions, The indebtedness secured by 710, DeKalb County, Georgia amend, or modify the terms of been given) and all other pay-
more particularly described as MTG File No.: ++GA2023- covenants, and matters of re- said Security Deed has been Records, said Security Deed the mortgage instrument. ments provided for under the
follows: 02265/A & E Realty Group cord superior to the Security and is hereby declared due be- having been given to secure a GITSIT SOLUTIONS LLC terms of the Security Deed.
Beginning at an iron pin found LLC++ Deed first set out above. cause of default under the Note of even date in the origin- as Attorney in Fact for Said property will be sold on an
on the Easterly right of way of 420-476226 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 To the best knowledge and be- terms of said Security Deed. al principal amount of Four RASHAD CAMPBELL AKA “as-is” basis without any rep-
South Candler Street, 805 feet NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE lief of the undersigned, the The indebtedness remaining in Hundred Thirty-Three Thou- RASHAD T. CAMPBELL resentation, warranty or re-
Southerly, as measured along SALE UNDER POWER parties in possession of the default, this sale will be made sand Eight Hundred Three and THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY course against the above-
the Easterly right of way, South DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA property are Anthony Hughes for the purpose of paying the 00/100 dollars ($433,803.00), BE HELD TO BE ACTING AS named or the undersigned. The
Candler Street, from the inter- THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO or tenant(s); and said property same, all expenses of the sale, with interest thereon as A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN- sale will also be subject to the
section of the Easterly right of COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- is more commonly known as including attorneys’ fees (no- provided for therein, said Se- DER FEDERAL LAW. IF SO, following items which may af-
way South Candler Street and FORMATION OBTAINED WILL 2313 Bouldercliff Way, Atlanta, tice to collect same having curity Deed having been last ANY INFORMATION OB - fect the title: any outstanding
the Northerly line of Land Lot BE USED FOR THAT PUR- GA 30316. been given) and all other pay- sold, assigned and transferred TAINED WILL BE USED FOR ad valorem taxes (including
214 of said District and County; POSE. The sale will be conducted sub- ments provided for under the to GITSIT Solutions LLC, there THAT PURPOSE. taxes which are a lien, whether
running thence Southerly along Under and by virtue of the ject (1) to confirmation that the terms of the Security Deed. will be sold at public outcry to Attorney Contact: Rubin Lublin, or not now due and payable);
the Easterly right of way South Power of Sale contained in a sale is not prohibited under the Said property will be sold on an the highest bidder for cash at LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place, the right of redemption of any
Candler Street 50 feet to an Security Deed given by An- U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) “as-is” basis without any rep- the DeKalb County Court- Suite 100, Peachtree Corners, taxing authority; matters which
iron pin found; running thence thony Hughes to Mortgage to final confirmation and audit resentation, warranty or re- house, within the legal hours of GA 30071 would be disclosed by an ac-
South 85 Degrees 36 Minutes Electronic Registration Sys- of the status of the loan with course against the above- sale on the first Wednesday in Telephone Number: (877) 813- curate survey or by an inspec-
50 Seconds East 225.26 feet to tems, Inc. as nominee for the holder of the security deed. named or the undersigned. The July, 2023, all property de- 0992 Case No. ++KCP-22- tion of the property; all zoning
a point; running thence North Homecomings Financial, LLC U.S. Bank Trust National Asso- sale will also be subject to the scribed in said Security Deed 06107-7/CAMPBELL++ ordinances; assessments; li-
09 Degrees 09 Minutes 40 dated November 2, 2022 and ciation, not in its individual ca- following items which may af- including but not limited to the Ad Run Dates 06/08/2023, ens; encumbrances; restric-
Seconds East 49.95 feet to an recorded on November 17, pacity, but solely as trustee of fect the title: any outstanding following described property: 06/15/2023, 06/22/2023, tions; covenants, and any oth-
point; running thence North 85 2006 in Deed Book 19379, Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust ad valorem taxes (including ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- 06/29/2023 er matters of record superior to
Degrees 34 Minutes 45 Page 345, DeKalb County, 2018-B as Attorney in Fact for taxes which are a lien, whether CEL OF LAND LYING AND 420-476232 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/28 said Security Deed.
Seconds West 225.26 feet to Georgia Records, and later as- Anthony Hughes or not now due and payable); BEING IN LAND LOT 334 OF NOTICE OF SALE UNDER To the best of the knowledge
the iron pin found on the East- signed to U.S. Bank Trust Na- McMichael Taylor Gray, LLC the right of redemption of any THE 18TH DISTRICT OF POWER and belief of the undersigned,
erly right of way of South Cand- tional Association, not in its in- 3550 Engineering Drive, Suite taxing authority; matters which DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY the owner and party in posses-
ler Street, and the point of be- dividual capacity, but solely as 260 would be disclosed by an ac- BEING UNIT 1, THE TOWNS By virtue of a Power of Sale sion of the property is TECH
ginning, being improved prop- trustee of Citigroup Mortgage Peachtree Corners, GA 30092 curate survey or by an inspec- AT NORTH PEACHTREE contained in that certain Secur- MART DIRECT LLC , or ten-
erty known as No. 542 South Loan Trust 2018-B by Assign- 404-474-7149 tion of the property; all zoning SUBDIVISION, AS PER PLAT ity Deed from TECH MART ants(s).
Candler Street, according to ment of Security Deed recor- MTG File No.: ++GA2022- ordinances; assessments; li- THEREOF RECORDED IN DIRECT LLC to GROUND- The sale will be conducted sub-
the present system of number- ded on May 11, 2023 in Deed 00200/ Hughes++ ens; encumbrances; restric- PLAT BOOK 257, PAGES 21- FLOOR REAL ESTATE 1, LLC, ject (1) to confirmation that the
ing of houses in the City of Book 30902, Page 420, DeKalb tions; covenants, and any oth- 25, DEKALB COUNTY, GEOR- dated May 4, 2021, recorded sale is not prohibited under the
Decatur, DeKalb County, Geor- County, Georgia Records, con- 420-476229 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 er matters of record superior to GIA RECORDS, WHICH RE- May 6, 2021, in Deed Book U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2)
gia, and being more particu- veying the after-described NOTICE OF SALE UNDER said Security Deed. CORDED PLAT IS INCOR- 29344, Page 763, DeKalb to final confirmation and audit
larly shown on survey pre- property to secure a Note in the POWER To the best of the knowledge PORATED HEREIN BY REF- County, Georgia Records, said of the status of the loan with
pared by Georgia Land Survey- original principal amount of GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY and belief of the undersigned, ERENCE AND MADE A PART Security Deed having been giv- the holder of the Security Deed.
ing Co. Inc. dated October Three Hundred Eight Thou- By virtue of a Power of Sale the owner and party in posses- OF THIS DESCRIPTION. en to secure a Note of even The entity having full authority
22,1986. sand Seven Hundred Eighty- contained in that certain Secur- sion of the property is JOHN- Said legal description being date in the original principal to negotiate, amend or modify
Tax ID #: 15 214 01 094 Eight And 00/100 Dollars ity Deed from JOHNNIE A NIE A CAREY, JR., SHEILA controlling, however the prop- amount of Six Hundred Thirty- all terms of the loan (although
The debt secured by said Se- ($308,788.00), with interest CAREY, JR. and SHEILA CAREY, or tenants(s). erty is more commonly known Six Thousand One Hundred not required by law to do so) is:
curity Deed has been and is thereon as set forth therein, CAREY to MORTGAGE ELEC- The sale will be conducted sub- as 4134 CHARLOTTE WAY, and 00/100 dollars Groundfloor Holdings GA LLC,
hereby declared due because there will be sold at public out- TRO NI C REG I STRATI O N ject (1) to confirmation that the ATLANTA, GA 30341-1357. ($636,100.00), with interest Loss Mitigation Dept., 475
of, among other possible cry to the highest bidder for SYSTEMS INC. AS GRANTEE, sale is not prohibited under the The indebtedness secured by thereon as provided for therein, County Road 520 Suite 200,
events of default, failure to pay cash before the courthouse AS NOMINEE FOR FOUNDA- U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) said Security Deed has been said Security Deed having Marlboro, NJ 07746, Tele-
the indebtedness as and when door of DeKalb County, Geor- TION FINANCIAL GROUP, to final confirmation and audit and is hereby declared due be- been last sold, assigned and phone Number: 404-793-0222.
due and in the manner gia, within the legal hours of dated April 25, 2007, recorded of the status of the loan with cause of default under the transferred to GROUND- Nothing in O.C.G.A. Section
provided in the Note and Se- sale on July 5, 2023 the follow- May 2, 2007, in Deed Book the holder of the Security Deed. terms of said Security Deed. FLOOR PROPERTIES GA 44-14-162.2 shall be construed
curity Deed. The debt remain- ing described property: 19907, Page 330, DeKalb The entity having full authority The indebtedness remaining in LLC, there will be sold at pub- to require a secured creditor to
ing in default, this sale will be All that tract or parcel of land ly- County, Georgia Records, said to negotiate, amend or modify default, this sale will be made lic outcry to the highest bidder negotiate, amend, or modify the
made for the purpose of pay- ing and being in Land Lot 141, Security Deed having been giv- all terms of the loan (although for the purpose of paying the for cash at the DeKalb County terms of the mortgage instru-
ing the same and all expenses of the 15th District, Dekalb en to secure a Note of even not required by law to do so) is: same, all expenses of the sale, Courthouse, within the legal ment.
of this sale, as provided in Se- County, Georgia, being Lot 73, date in the original principal Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc., including attorneys’ fees (no- hours of sale on the first Wed- GROUNDFLOOR PROPER-
curity Deed and by law, includ- Block B, of Preserve at East At- a m o u n t o f O n e Hu n d re d Loss Mitigation Dept., 3217 S. tice to collect same having nesday in July, 2023, all prop- TIES GA LLC
ing attorney’s fees (notice of in- lanta Subdivision, as per plat Twenty-Four Thousand Nine Decker Lake Dr., Salt Lake been given) and all other pay- erty described in said Security as Attorney in Fact for
tent to collect attorney’s fees recorded in Plat Book 164, Hundred Fifty and 00/100 dol- City, UT 84119, Telephone ments provided for under the Deed including but not limited TECH MART DIRECT LLC
having been given). Page 80, Dekalb County, Geor- lars ($124,950.00), with in- Number: 888-818-6032. Noth- terms of the Security Deed. to the following described prop- THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY
Your mortgage servicer, KIAVI gia Records, which plat is incor- terest thereon as provided for ing in O.C.G.A. Section 44-14- Said property will be sold on an erty: BE HELD TO BE ACTING AS
FUNDING, INC, as servicer for porated and made a part here- therein, said Security Deed 162.2 shall be construed to re- “as-is” basis without any rep- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN-
LHome Mortgage Trust 2021- of by reference. Being known having been last sold, as- quire a secured creditor to ne- resentation, warranty or re- CEL OF LAND LYING AND DER FEDERAL LAW. IF SO,
RTL1, a Delaware Statutory as 2313 Bouldercliff Way, ac- signed and transferred to Wilm- gotiate, amend, or modify the course against the above- BEING IN LAND LOT 204 OF ANY INFORMATION OB-
Trust, can be contacted at 415- cording to the present system ington Savings Fund Society, terms of the mortgage instru- named or the undersigned. The THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB TAINED WILL BE USED FOR
964-4975 or by writing to 2 Al- of numbering in Dekalb County, FSB, not in its individual capa- ment. sale will also be subject to the COUNTY, GEORGIA, AND BE- THAT PURPOSE.
legheny Center, Suite 200, Georgia. city but solely as Owner Trust- WILMINGTON SAVINGS following items which may af- ING MORE PARTICULARLY Attorney Contact: Rubin Lublin,
Nova Tower Two, Pittsburgh, Tax ID #: 15 141 02 114 ee of CSMC 2019-RPL10 FUND SOCIETY, FSB, NOT IN fect the title: any outstanding DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place,
PA 15212, to discuss possible The debt secured by said Se- Trust, there will be sold at pub- ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY ad valorem taxes (including BEGINNING AT A POINT ON Suite 100, Peachtree Corners,
alternatives to avoid foreclos- curity Deed has been and is lic outcry to the highest bidder BUT SOLELY AS OWNER taxes which are a lien, whether THE EAST SIDE OF RUS- GA 30071
ure. hereby declared due because for cash at the DeKalb County TRUSTEE OF CSMC 2019- or not now due and payable); SELL STREET (FORMERLY Telephone Number: (877) 813-
Said property will be sold sub- of, among other possible Courthouse, within the legal RPL10 TRUST the right of redemption of any KNOWN AS HAYNES 0992 Case No. ++GRND-22-
ject to any outstanding ad events of default, failure to pay hours of sale on the first Wed- as Attorney in Fact for taxing authority; matters which STREET) 300 FEET NORTH- 06071-4/TECH MART DIRECT
valorem taxes (including taxes the indebtedness as and when nesday in July, 2023, all prop- JOHNNIE A CAREY, JR., would be disclosed by an ac- ERLY FROM THE NORTH- LLC++
which are a lien, but not yet due and in the manner erty described in said Security SHEILA CAREY curate survey or by an inspec- EAST CORNER OF RUSSELL Ad Run Dates 06/08/2023,
due and payable), any matters provided in the Note and Se- Deed including but not limited THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY tion of the property; all zoning STREET AND KNOX STREET 06/15/2023, 06/22/2023,
which might be disclosed by an curity Deed. The debt remain- to the following described prop- BE HELD TO BE ACTING AS ordinances; assessments; li- AND RUNNING NORTHERLY 06/29/2023
accurate survey and inspection ing in default, this sale will be erty: A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN- ens; encumbrances; restric- ALONG THE EAST SIDE OF
of the property, any assess- made for the purpose of pay- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- DER FEDERAL LAW. IF SO, tions; covenants, and any oth- RUSSELL STREET 43 FEET
ments, liens, encumbrances, ing the same and all expenses CEL OF LAND LYING AND ANY INFORMATION OB- er matters of record superior to TO A POINT; THENCE EAST-
zoning ordinances, restrictions, of this sale, as provided in Se- BEING IN LAND LOT 197 OF TAINED WILL BE USED FOR said Security Deed. ERLY 100 FEET TO A POINT;
covenants, and matters of re- curity Deed and by law, includ- THE 15TH DISTRICT OF THAT PURPOSE. To the best of the knowledge THENCE SOUTHERLY 43
cord superior to the Security ing attorney’s fees (notice of in- DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, Attorney Contact: Rubin Lublin, and belief of the undersigned, FEET TO A POINT; THENCE
Deed first set out above. tent to collect attorney’s fees BEING LOT 2 OF H.S. LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place, the owner and party in posses- WESTERLY 100 FEET TO
To the best knowledge and be- having been given). THO M PSO N PRO P ERTY, Suite 100, Peachtree Corners, sion of the property is RASHAD THE EAST SIDE OF RUS-
lief of the undersigned, the Your mortgage servicer, Rush- AND MORE PARTICULARLY GA 30071 CAMPBELL AKA RASHAD T. SELL STREET AT THE POINT
parties in possession of the more Loan Management Ser- DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Telephone Number: (877) 813- CAMPBELL, or tenants(s). OF BEGINNING.
property are A&E Realty Group vices, LLC, as servicer for U.S. BEGINNING AT A POINT ON 0992 Case No. + +SPS-22- The sale will be conducted sub- SUBJECT TO RESTRICTIVE
LLC or tenant(s); and said Bank Trust National Associ- THE EASTERN SIDE OF 01499-2/CAREY++ ject (1) to confirmation that the COVENANTS AND GENERAL
property is more commonly ation, not in its individual capa- WEST AUSTIN ROAD 506.6 Ad Run Dates 06/08/2023, sale is not prohibited under the UTILITY EASEMENTS OF RE-
known as 542 South Candler city, but solely as trustee of Cit- FEET SOUTHERLY FROM 06/15/2023, 06/22/2023, U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) CORD.
Street, Decatur, GA 30030. igroup Mortgage Loan Trust THE SOUTHEASTERN 06/29/2023 to final confirmation and audit Said legal description being
The sale will be conducted sub- 2018-B, can be contacted at CORNER OF WEST AUSTIN of the status of the loan with controlling, however the prop-
ject (1) to confirmation that the 888-504-7200 or by writing to ROAD AND MIDWAY ROAD; the holder of the Security Deed. erty is more commonly known
sale is not prohibited under the 15480 Laguna Canyon Road, AND RUNNING THENCE The entity having full authority as 67 RUSSELL STREET NE,
U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92618, to SOUTHERLY ALONG THE to negotiate, amend or modify ATLANTA, GA 30317.
tions; covenants, and any oth- 155, DEKALB COUNTY RE- for the purpose of paying the Wednesday in July, 2023, all THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY
er matters of record superior to CORDS, WHICH RECORDED same, all expenses of the sale, property described in said Se- BE HELD TO BE ACTING AS
said Security Deed. PLAT IS INCORPORATED including attorneys’ fees (no- curity Deed including but not A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN-
To the best of the knowledge HEREIN BY REFERENCE tice to collect same having limited to the following de- DER FEDERAL LAW. IF SO,
and belief of the undersigned, AND MADE A PART OF THIS been given) and all other pay- scribed property: ANY INFORMATION OB-
the owner and party in posses- DESCRIPTION. ments provided for under the ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR
Page 52 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023 
sion of the property is MARIET
Said legal description being terms of the Security Deed.
Said property will be sold on an
Attorney Contact: Rubin Lublin,
controlling, however the prop- BEING IN LAND LOT 163 OF
420-476235 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 JANICE DAVIS, ESTATE erty is more commonly known 420-476240 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 “as-is” basis without any rep- THE 18TH DISTRICT, DEKALB LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place,
NOTICE OF SALE UNDER AND/OR HEIRS-AT-LAW OF as 2031 SHADY LANE, TUCK- NOTICE OF SALE UNDER resentation, warranty or re- COUNTY, GEORGIA AND Suite 100, Peachtree Corners,
POWER MARIET BATES , or tenants(s). ER, GA 30084. POWER course against the above- BING LOT 14, BLOCK A, GA 30071
GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY The sale will be conducted sub- The indebtedness secured by GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY named or the undersigned. The MONCRIELD FOREST SUBDI- Telephone Number: (877) 813-
By virtue of a Power of Sale ject (1) to confirmation that the said Security Deed has been By virtue of a Power of Sale sale will also be subject to the VISION AS PER PLAT RE- 0992 Case No. ++BAC-23-
contained in that certain Secur- sale is not prohibited under the and is hereby declared due be- contained in that certain Secur- following items which may af- CORDED AT PLAT BOOK 33, 01192-2/CARTER++
ity Deed from MARIET BATES U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) cause of default under the ity Deed from KAZM HOUSES fect the title: any outstanding PAGE 161, DEKALB COUNTY Ad Run Dates 06/08/2023,
to MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC to final confirmation and audit terms of said Security Deed. LLC to CIVIC FINANCIAL SER- ad valorem taxes (including RECORDS, WHICH PLAT IS 06/15/2023, 06/22/2023,
REGISTRATION SYSTEMS of the status of the loan with The indebtedness remaining in VICES, LLC, dated July 14, taxes which are a lien, whether REFERRED TO HEREBY AS 06/29/2023
INC. AS GRANTEE, AS NOM- the holder of the Security Deed. default, this sale will be made 2021, recorded July 14, 2021, or not now due and payable); REFERENCE FOR MORE
INEE FOR OPTEUM FINAN- The entity having full authority for the purpose of paying the in Deed Book 29556, Page the right of redemption of any PARTICULAR DESCRIPTION 420-476245 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29
CIAL SERVICES, LLC, dated to negotiate, amend or modify same, all expenses of the sale, 745, DeKalb County, Georgia taxing authority; matters which AND DELINEATION OF THE NOTICE OF SALE
February 17, 2005, recorded all terms of the loan (although including attorneys’ fees (no- Records, said Security Deed would be disclosed by an ac- LOT DIMENSIONS THEREOF. UNDER POWER
March 18, 2005, in Deed Book not required by law to do so) is: tice to collect same having having been given to secure a curate survey or by an inspec- ASSESSOR`S PARCEL NO: GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY
17224, Page 490, DeKalb LoanCare, LLC, Loss Mitiga- been given) and all other pay- Note of even date in the origin- tion of the property; all zoning 18-163-04-034 Under and by virtue of the
County, Georgia Records, said tion Dept., 3637 Sentara Way, ments provided for under the al principal amount of Three ordinances; assessments; li- Said legal description being Power of Sale contained in a
Security Deed having been giv- Virginia Beach, VA 23452, terms of the Security Deed. Hundred Four Thousand and ens; encumbrances; restric- controlling, however the prop- Security Deed given by Connie
en to secure a Note of even Telephone Number: 800-909- Said property will be sold on an 00/100 dollars ($304,000.00), tions; covenants, and any oth- erty is more commonly known C Bowen to Mortgage Electron-
date in the original principal 9525. Nothing in O.C.G.A. Sec- “as-is” basis without any rep- with interest thereon as er matters of record superior to as 1595 MONCRIEF CIR, ic Registration Systems, Inc.,
amount of Two Hundred Three tion 44-14-162.2 shall be con- resentation, warranty or re- provided for therein, said Se- said Security Deed. DECATUR, GA 30033. as grantee, as nominee for Ir-
Thousand Five Hundred strued to require a secured course against the above- curity Deed having been last To the best of the knowledge The indebtedness secured by win Mortgage Corporation, its
Ninety-Two and 00/100 dollars creditor to negotiate, amend, or named or the undersigned. The sold, assigned and transferred and belief of the undersigned, said Security Deed has been successors and assigns, dated
($203,592.00), with interest modify the terms of the mort- sale will also be subject to the to Civic Real Estate Holdings the owner and party in posses- and is hereby declared due be- March 10, 2006, recorded in
thereon as provided for therein, gage instrument. following items which may af- III, LLC, there will be sold at sion of the property is KAZM cause of default under the Deed Book 18517, Page 566,
said Security Deed having HSBC BANK USA, NATIONAL fect the title: any outstanding public outcry to the highest bid- HOUSES LLC , or tenants(s). terms of said Security Deed. DeKalb County, Georgia Re-
been last sold, assigned and ASSOCIATION AS TRUSTEE ad valorem taxes (including der for cash at the DeKalb The sale will be conducted sub- The indebtedness remaining in cords and as modified by that
transferred to HSBC Bank FOR OPTEUM MORTGAGE taxes which are a lien, whether County Courthouse, within the ject (1) to confirmation that the default, this sale will be made certain Loan Modification
USA, National Association as ACCEPTANCE CORPORA- or not now due and payable); legal hours of sale on the first sale is not prohibited under the for the purpose of paying the Agreement recorded in Deed
Trustee for Opteum Mortgage TION, ASSET-BACKED PASS- the right of redemption of any Wednesday in July, 2023, all U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) same, all expenses of the sale, Book 24022, Page 506, DeKalb
Acceptance Corporation, Asset- THROUGH CERTIFICATES, taxing authority; matters which property described in said Se- to final confirmation and audit including attorneys’ fees (no- County, Georgia Records, as
Backed Pass-Through Certific- SERIES 2005-2 would be disclosed by an ac- curity Deed including but not of the status of the loan with tice to collect same having last transferred to MIDFIRST
ates, Series 2005-2, there will as Attorney in Fact for curate survey or by an inspec- limited to the following de- the holder of the Security Deed. been given) and all other pay- BANK by assignment recorded
be sold at public outcry to the MARIET BATES tion of the property; all zoning scribed property: The entity having full authority ments provided for under the in Deed Book 23828, Page
highest bidder for cash at the THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY ordinances; assessments; li- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- to negotiate, amend or modify terms of the Security Deed. 140, DeKalb County, Georgia
DeKalb County Courthouse, BE HELD TO BE ACTING AS ens; encumbrances; restric- CEL OF LAND LYING AND all terms of the loan (although Said property will be sold on an Records, conveying the after-
within the legal hours of sale on A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN- tions; covenants, and any oth- BEING IN LAND LOT 170 OF not required by law to do so) is: “as-is” basis without any rep- described property to secure a
the first Wednesday in July, DER FEDERAL LAW. IF SO, er matters of record superior to THE 15TH DISTRICT OF Fay Servicing, LLC, Loss Mitig- resentation, warranty or re- Note in the original principal
2023, all property described in ANY INFORMATION OB - said Security Deed. DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, ation Dept., 425 S. Financial course against the above- amount of NINETY-SIX THOU-
said Security Deed including TAINED WILL BE USED FOR To the best of the knowledge BEING LOT 13 AND PART OF Place Suite 2000, Chicago, IL named or the undersigned. The SAND ONE HUNDRED
but not limited to the following THAT PURPOSE. and belief of the undersigned, LOT 12, BLOCK "G", EAST 60605, Telephone Number: sale will also be subject to the THIRTY-NINE AND 0/100
described property: Attorney Contact: Rubin Lublin, the owner and party in posses- LAKE TERRACE SUBDIVI- 800-495-7166. Nothing in following items which may af- DOLLARS ($96,139.00), with
ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place, sion of the property is FIRM SION, AS PER PLAT RECOR- O.C.G.A. Section 44-14-162.2 fect the title: any outstanding interest thereon as set forth
CEL OF LAND LYING AND Suite 100, Peachtree Corners, ENGINEERING CONSTRUC- DED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE shall be construed to require a ad valorem taxes (including therein, there will be sold at
BEING IN LAND LOT 46 OF GA 30071 TION GROUP LLC , or 80, DEKALB COUNTY RE- secured creditor to negotiate, taxes which are a lien, whether public outcry to the highest bid-
THE 16TH DISTRICT, DEKALB Telephone Number: (877) 813- tenants(s). CORDS AND BEING MORE amend, or modify the terms of or not now due and payable); der for cash before the court-
COUNTY, 0992 Case No. ++LNC-22- The sale will be conducted sub- PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED the mortgage instrument. the right of redemption of any house door of DeKalb County,
GEORGIA, BEING LOT 1, 05208-8BATES++ ject (1) to confirmation that the AS FOLLOWS: CIVIC REAL ESTATE HOLD- taxing authority; matters which Georgia, or at such place as
BLOCK "B", OF SAD- Ad Run Dates 06/08/2023, sale is not prohibited under the BEGINNING AT A POINT OF INGS III, LLC would be disclosed by an ac- may be lawfully designated as
DLERIDGE SUBDIVISION, AS 06/15/2023, 06/22/2023, U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF as Attorney in Fact for curate survey or by an inspec- an alternative, within the legal
PER PLAT RECORDED IN 06/29/2023 to final confirmation and audit LYNN IRIS DRIVE KAZM HOUSES LLC tion of the property; all zoning hours of sale on the first Wed-
PLAT BOOK 112, PAGES 420-476237 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 of the status of the loan with (FORMERLY DEKALB THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY ordinances; assessments; li- nesday in July, 2023, the fol-
110-113, DEKALB COUNTY, NOTICE OF SALE UNDER the holder of the Security Deed. COUNTY DRIVE) FIVE HUN- BE HELD TO BE ACTING AS ens; encumbrances; restric- lowing described property:
GEORGIA, RECORDS, SAID POWER The entity having full authority DRED SIXTY (560) FEET A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN- tions; covenants, and any oth- SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED
BEING INCORPORATED By virtue of a Power of Sale all terms of the loan (although ALONG THE SOUTHERLY ANY INFORMATION OB- said Security Deed. HEREOF
HEREIN AND contained in that certain Secur- not required by law to do so) is: SIDE OF LYNN IRIS DRIVE TAINED WILL BE USED FOR To the best of the knowledge The debt secured by said Se-
MADE A PART HEREOF FOR ity Deed from FIRM ENGIN- Groundfloor Holdings GA LLC, FROM THE CORNER THAT PURPOSE. and belief of the undersigned, curity Deed has been and is
A MORE COMPLETE DE- EERING CONSTRUCTION Loss Mitigation Dept., 475 FORMED BY THE INTERSEC- Attorney Contact: Rubin Lublin, the owner and party in posses- hereby declared due because
SCRIPTION. GROUP LLC to GROUND- County Road 520 Suite 200, TION OF THE SOUTHERLY LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place, sion of the property is ROBERT of, among other possible
Said legal description being FLOOR REAL ESTATE 1, LLC, Marlboro, NJ 07746, Tele- SIDE OF LYNN IRIS DRIVE Suite 100, Peachtree Corners, M CARTER, ESTATE AND/OR events of default, failure to pay
controlling, however the prop- dated July 30, 2021, recorded phone Number: 404-793-0222. WITH EASTERLY SIDE OF GA 30071 HEIRS AT LAW OF ROBERT the indebtedness as and when
erty is more commonly known September 16, 2021, in Deed Nothing in O.C.G.A. Section HOOPER STREET; RUN Telephone Number: (877) 813- M CARTER , or tenants(s). due and in the manner
as 4983 W SADDLE RIDGE Book 29728, Page 222, DeKalb 44-14-162.2 shall be construed THENCE EASTERLY ALONG 0992 Case No. ++FAY-22- The sale will be conducted sub- provided in the Note and Se-
DRIVE, LITHONIA, GA 30038. County, Georgia Records, said to require a secured creditor to THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF 04483-3/KAZM HOUSES ject (1) to confirmation that the curity Deed. The debt remain-
The indebtedness secured by Security Deed having been giv- negotiate, amend, or modify the LYNN IRIS DRIVE NINETY LLC++ sale is not prohibited under the ing in default, this sale will be
said Security Deed has been en to secure a Note of even terms of the mortgage instru- (90) FEET TO LOT 14, SAID Ad Run Dates 06/08/2023, U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) made for the purpose of pay-
and is hereby declared due be- date in the original principal ment. BLOCK AND SUBDIVISION; 06/15/2023, 06/22/2023, to final confirmation and audit ing the same and all expenses
cause of default under the amount of Three Hundred GROUNDFLOOR REAL ES- RUN THENCE SOUTHWEST- 06/29/2023 of the status of the loan with of this sale, as provided in the
terms of said Security Deed. Thirty-Two Thousand Five Hun- TATE 1, LLC ERLY ALONG THE NORTH- 420-476242 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 the holder of the Security Deed. Security Deed and by law, in-
The indebtedness remaining in dred Twenty and 00/100 dol- as Attorney in Fact for WESTERLY LINE OF SAID NOTICE OF SALE UNDER The entity having full authority cluding attorney's fees (notice
default, this sale will be made lars ($332,520.00), with in- FIRM ENGINEERING CON- LOT 14 ONE HUNDRED FIFTY POWER to negotiate, amend or modify pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-1-11
for the purpose of paying the terest thereon as provided for STRUCTION GROUP LLC FIVE AND NINE-TENTHS GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY all terms of the loan (although having been given).
same, all expenses of the sale, therein, said Security Deed THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY (155.9) FEET TO LOT 23, By virtue of a Power of Sale not required by law to do so) is: Said property will be sold sub-
including attorneys’ fees (no- having been last sold, as- BE HELD TO BE ACTING AS SAID BLOCK AND SUBDIVI- contained in that certain Secur- Bank of America, N.A., as suc- ject to any outstanding ad
tice to collect same having signed and transferred to A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN- SION; RUN THENCE WEST- ity Deed from ROBERT M cessor by merger to BAC Home valorem taxes (including taxes
been given) and all other pay- GROUNDFLOOR REAL ES- DER FEDERAL LAW. IF SO, ERLY ALONG THE NORTH- CARTER to BANK OF AMER- Loans Servicing, LP f/k/a Coun- which are a lien, but not yet
ments provided for under the TATE 1, LLC, there will be sold ANY INFORMATION OB - ERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 23, ICA, N.A., dated October 19, trywide Home Loans Servicing, due and payable), the right of
terms of the Security Deed. at public outcry to the highest TAINED WILL BE USED FOR FIFTY (50) FEET TO A POINT; 2013, recorded October 30, LP, Loss Mitigation Dept., 7105 redemption of any taxing au-
Said property will be sold on an bidder for cash at the DeKalb THAT PURPOSE. RUN THENCE NORTHERLY 2013, in Deed Book 24107, Corporate Drive, Plano, TX thority, any matters which might
“as-is” basis without any rep- County Courthouse, within the Attorney Contact: Rubin Lublin, ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Page 156, DeKalb County, 75024, Telephone Number: be disclosed by an accurate
resentation, warranty or re- legal hours of sale on the first LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place, (150) FEET TO THE SOUTH- Georgia Records, said Security 800-846-2222. Nothing in survey and inspection of the
course against the above- Wednesday in July, 2023, all Suite 100, Peachtree Corners, ERLY SIDE OF LYNN IRIS Deed having been given to se- O.C.G.A. Section 44-14-162.2 property, any assessments, li-
named or the undersigned. The property described in said Se- GA 30071 DRIVE AND THE POINT OF cure a Note of even date in the shall be construed to require a ens, encumbrances, zoning or-
sale will also be subject to the curity Deed including but not Telephone Number: (877) 813- BEGINNING. original principal amount of secured creditor to negotiate, dinances, restrictions, coven-
following items which may af- limited to the following de- 0992 Case No. ++GRND-22- Said legal description being Seventy-Six Thousand Three amend, or modify the terms of ants, and any matters of re-
fect the title: any outstanding scribed property: 06085-1/FIRM ENGINEERING controlling, however the prop- Hundred and 00/100 dollars the mortgage instrument. cord including, but not limited
ad valorem taxes (including ALL THAT TRACT AND PAR- CONSTRUCTION GROUP erty is more commonly known ($76,300.00), with interest BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. to, those superior to the Secur-
taxes which are a lien, whether CEL OF LAND LYING AND LLC++ as 2457 LYNN IRIS DR, DEC- thereon as provided for therein, as Attorney in Fact for ity Deed first set out above.
or not now due and payable); BEING IN LAND LOT 187 OF Ad Run Dates 06/08/2023, ATUR, GA 30032. said Security Deed having ROBERT M CARTER Said property will be sold on an
the right of redemption of any THE 18TH DISTRICT OF 06/15/2023, 06/22/2023, The indebtedness secured by been last sold, assigned and THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY "as-is" basis without any rep-
taxing authority; matters which DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA 06/29/2023 said Security Deed has been transferred to BANK OF AMER- BE HELD TO BE ACTING AS resentation, warranty or re-
would be disclosed by an ac- AND BEING LOT 27, SUBDIVI- and is hereby declared due be- ICA, N.A., there will be sold at A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN- course against the above-
curate survey or by an inspec- SION OF CARL M, CAIN AND cause of default under the public outcry to the highest bid- DER FEDERAL LAW. IF SO, named or the undersigned.
tion of the property; all zoning C.C. EDWARDS PROPERTY, terms of said Security Deed. der for cash at the DeKalb ANY INFORMATION OB - MIDFIRST BANK is the holder
ordinances; assessments; li- PER PLAT THEREOF RECOR- The indebtedness remaining in County Courthouse, within the TAINED WILL BE USED FOR of the Security Deed to the
ens; encumbrances; restric- DED IN PLAT BOOK 22, PAGE default, this sale will be made legal hours of sale on the first THAT PURPOSE. property in accordance with
tions; covenants, and any oth- 155, DEKALB COUNTY RE- for the purpose of paying the Wednesday in July, 2023, all Attorney Contact: Rubin Lublin, OCGA § 44-14-162.2.
er matters of record superior to CORDS, WHICH RECORDED same, all expenses of the sale, property described in said Se- LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place, The entity that has full author-
said Security Deed. PLAT IS INCORPORATED including attorneys’ fees (no- curity Deed including but not Suite 100, Peachtree Corners, ity to negotiate, amend, and
To the best of the knowledge HEREIN BY REFERENCE tice to collect same having limited to the following de- GA 30071 modify all terms of the mort-
and belief of the undersigned, AND MADE A PART OF THIS been given) and all other pay- scribed property: Telephone Number: (877) 813- gage with the debtor is: Mid-
the owner and party in posses- DESCRIPTION. ments provided for under the ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- 0992 Case No. ++BAC-23- land Mortgage, a division of
sion of the property is MARIET Said legal description being terms of the Security Deed. CEL OF LAND LYING AND 01192-2/CARTER++ MidFirst Bank, 999 N.W. Grand
BATES, ALPHONSO BATES, controlling, however the prop- Said property will be sold on an BEING IN LAND LOT 163 OF Ad Run Dates 06/08/2023, Boulevard Suite 100, Ok-
JANICE DAVIS, ESTATE erty is more commonly known “as-is” basis without any rep- THE 18TH DISTRICT, DEKALB 06/15/2023, 06/22/2023, lahoma City, OK 73118-6116,
AND/OR HEIRS-AT-LAW OF as 2031 SHADY LANE, TUCK- resentation, warranty or re- COUNTY, GEORGIA AND 06/29/2023 800-654-4566.
MARIET BATES , or tenants(s). ER, GA 30084. course against the above- BING LOT 14, BLOCK A, Note, however, that such entity
The sale will be conducted sub- The indebtedness secured by named or the undersigned. The MONCRIELD FOREST SUBDI- is not required by law to negoti-
OCGA § 44-14-162.2. NINE AND 0/100 DOLLARS ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- month unless said date falls on above. The entity that has full author-
The entity that has full author- ($148,899.00), with interest CEL OF LAND LYING AND Toliver or tenant or tenants. a Federal Holiday, in which Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. as ity to negotiate, amend, and
ity to negotiate, amend, and thereon as set forth therein, BEING IN LAND LOT 59 OF Bank of America is the entity or case being the first Wednes- agent and Attorney in Fact for modify all terms of the mort-
modify all terms of the mort- there will be sold at public out- THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB individual designated who shall day of said month), the follow- Louis Curtis Jackson a/k/a gage with the debtor is: M&T
gage with the debtor is: Mid- cry to the highest bidder for COUNTY, GEORGIA, AND BE- have full authority to negotiate, ing described property: Louis Jackson Bank , One Fountain Plaza,
land Mortgage, a division of cash before the courthouse ING LOT 40, BLOCK A, POP- amend and modify all terms of All that tract or parcel of land ly- Aldridge Pite, LLP, Six Pied- Buffalo, NY 14203, 800-724-

MidFirst Bank, 999 N.W. Grand The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023
door of DeKalb County, Geor- LAR SPRINGS HEIGHTS SUB- the mortgage. ing and being in Land Lot 37 of mont Center, 3525 Piedmont 1633. Page 53
Boulevard Suite 100, Ok- gia, or at such place as may be DIVISION, UNIT TWO, AS PER Bank of America Home Loan the 15th District of Dekalb Road, N.E., Suite 700, Atlanta, Note, however, that such entity
lahoma City, OK 73118-6116, lawfully designated as an al- PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT Assistance Dept. 7105 Corpor- County Georgia, being Lot 34, Georgia 30305, (404) 994- is not required by law to negoti-
800-654-4566. ternative, within the legal hours BOOK 112, PAGE 3, DEKALB ate Drive Plano, TX 75024 Block A, Unit Three, Brook 7400. ate, amend or modify the terms
Note, however, that such entity of sale on the first Wednesday COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- (800) 669-6650 Glen Subdivision, as per plat 1125-380A of the loan.
is not required by law to negoti- in July, 2023, the following de- CORDS, WHICH PLAT IS IN- Note, however, that such entity recorded in Plat Book 81, page THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- To the best knowledge and be-
ate, amend or modify the terms scribed property: CORPORATED HEREIN BY or individual is not required by 26, Dekalb County Records, ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR lief of the undersigned, the
of the loan. SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED REFERENCE AND MADE A law to negotiate, amend or which plat is incorporated ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A party in possession of the prop-
To the best knowledge and be- HERETO AND MADE A PART PART HEREOF. modify the terms of the loan. herein by this reference and DEBT. ANY INFORMATION erty is Cheryl Yvonne Cum-
lief of the undersigned, the HEREOF MR/chr 7/5/23 Said property will be sold sub- made a part of this description. OBTAINED WILL BE USED mings or a tenant or tenants
party in possession of the prop- The debt secured by said Se- ++Our file no. 5213818 - Tax Map Reference: 15 037 01 FOR THAT PURPOSE. and said property is more com-
ject to: (a) any outstanding ad
erty is Connie C Bowen, Mirkie curity Deed has been and is FT17/SILLS++ 099 ++1125-380A/JACKSON++ monly known as 6455 Lester
valorem taxes (including taxes
Whitehead and Michael Myrie hereby declared due because The debt secured by said Se- 420-476251 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 Ln, Stone Mtn, Georgia 30087.
or a tenant or tenants and said which are a lien, but not yet curity Deed has been and is Should a conflict arise between
of, among other possible 420-476249 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 NOTICE OF SALE
property is more commonly events of default, failure to pay due and payable), (b) unpaid hereby declared due because the property address and the
known as 11103 Waldrop Pl, the indebtedness as and when water or sewage bills that con- of, among other possible legal description the legal de-
Decatur, Georgia 30034. due and in the manner stitute a lien against the prop- events of default, failure to pay Under and by virtue of the scription will control.
Should a conflict arise between provided in the Note and Se- erty whether due and payable the indebtedness as and when Power of Sale contained in a The sale will be conducted sub-
Pursuant to the Power of Sale
the property address and the curity Deed. The debt remain- or not yet due and payable and due and in the manner Security Deed given by Cheryl ject (1) to confirmation that the
contained in a Security Deed
legal description the legal de- ing in default, this sale will be which may not be of record, (c) provided in the Note and Se- Yvonne Cummings to Mort- sale is not prohibited under the
given by John Toliver to BANK
scription will control. made for the purpose of pay- the right of redemption of any curity Deed. The debt remain- gage Electronic Registration U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2)
OF AMERICA, N.A. dated
The sale will be conducted sub- ing the same and all expenses taxing authority, (d) any mat- ing in default, this sale will be Systems, Inc., as grantee, as to final confirmation and audit
5/20/2002 and recorded in
ject (1) to confirmation that the of this sale, as provided in the ters which might be disclosed made for the purpose of pay- nominee for Fairway Independ- of the status of the loan with
sale is not prohibited under the Deed Book 13284 Page 767 ing the same and all expenses the holder of the security deed.
Security Deed and by law, in- by an accurate survey and in- ent Mortgage Corporation, its
U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) cluding attorney's fees (notice DeKalb County, Georgia re- of this sale, as provided in the Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC
spection of the property, and successors and assigns, dated
to final confirmation and audit pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-1-11 cords; as last transferred to or Security Deed and by law, in- as Attorney in Fact for
(e) any assessments, liens, en- November 20, 2020, recorded
of the status of the loan with having been given). acquired by BANK OF AMER- cluding attorney’s fees (notice in Deed Book 28864, Page 8, Cheryl Yvonne Cummings
cumbrances, zoning ordin-
the holder of the security deed. Said property will be sold sub- ICA, N.A., conveying the after- of intent to collect attorney’s DeKalb County, Georgia Re- McCalla Raymer
ances, restrictions, covenants,
MIDFIRST BANK ject to any outstanding ad described property to secure a fees having been given). cords, as last transferred to Leibert Pierce, LLC
and matters of record superior
as Attorney in Fact for valorem taxes (including taxes Note in the original principal Said property is commonly Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC 1544 Old Alabama Road
to the Security Deed first set
Connie C Bowen which are a lien, but not yet amount of $112,800.00, with in- known as 3661 Hofstra Ct, by assignment recorded in Roswell, Georgia 30076
McCalla Raymer out above. Decatur, GA 30034-5613 to-
due and payable), the right of terest at the rate specified Deed Book 29934, Page 557,
Leibert Pierce, LLC redemption of any taxing au- The sale will be conducted sub- gether with all fixtures and per- EXHIBIT “A”
therein, there will be sold by the DeKalb County, Georgia Re-
1544 Old Alabama Road thority, any matters which might ject to (1) confirmation that the sonal property attached to and All that tract or parcel of land ly-
undersigned at public outcry to cords, conveying the after-de-
Roswell, GA 30076 be disclosed by an accurate sale is not prohibited under the constituting a part of said prop- ing and being in Land Lot 23, of
the highest bidder for cash be- scribed property to secure a survey and inspection of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) erty, if any. To the best know- Note in the original principal the 18th District, DeKalb
fore the Courthouse door of
EXHIBIT “A” property, any assessments, li- final confirmation and audit of ledge and belief of the under- amount of TWO HUNDRED County, Georgia, and being Lot
DeKalb County, Georgia (or
ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- ens, encumbrances, zoning or- the status of the loan with the signed, the party (or parties) in TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND 31, Block A, Chester Hills, as
such other area as designated
CEL OF LAND LYING AND dinances, restrictions, coven- holder of the Security Deed. possession of the subject prop- EIGHT HUNDRED THIRTY- per plat recorded in Plat Book
by Order of the Superior Court
BEING IN LAND LOT 58, 71 & ants, and any matters of re- Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section erty is (are): Estate/Heirs of FOUR AND 0/100 DOLLARS 132, Pages 110-111, DeKalb
of said county), within the legal
72 OF THE 15TH DISTRICT, cord including, but not limited 9-13-172.1, which allows for Louis Curtis Jackson or tenant ($225,834.00), with interest County, Georgia Records,
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, hours of sale on July 5, 2023 or tenants. which recorded plat is incorpor-
to, those superior to the Secur- certain procedures regarding thereon as set forth therein,
BEING BUILDING #11, UNIT # ity Deed first set out above. (being the first Tuesday of said Wells Fargo Home Equity Col- ated herein by reference for a
the rescission of judicial and there will be sold at public out-
11103 OF WALDROP PARK Said property will be sold on an month unless said date falls on lections Group is the entity or more complete description of
non-judicial sales in the State cry to the highest bidder for
CONDOMINIUM, PHASE 3 AS "as-is" basis without any rep- a Federal Holiday, in which individual designated who shall said property.
of Georgia, the Deed Under cash before the courthouse
PER PLAT RECORDED AT resentation, warranty or re- case being the first Wednes- have full authority to negotiate, door of DeKalb County, Geor- MR/ca 7/5/23
Power and other foreclosure
PLAT BOOK 148, PAGE 11-15, course against the above- day of said month), the follow- amend and modify all terms of gia, or at such place as may be ++Our file no. 23-11629GA -
documents may not be
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA named or the undersigned. ing described property: the mortgage. lawfully designated as an al- FT5/CUMMINGS++
provided until final confirmation
RECORDS, SUBJECT TO MIDFIRST BANK is the holder ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Wells Fargo Home Equity Col- ternative, within the legal hours 420-476253 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29
THAT CERTAIN DECLARA- and audit of the status of the lections Group Wells Fargo
of the Security Deed to the CEL OF LAND LYING AND of sale on the first Wednesday NOTICE OF SALE
TION OF CONDOMINIUM FOR property in accordance with loan as provided immediately Home Equity Solutions 7000
BEING IN LAND LOT 187 OF in July, 2023, the following de- UNDER POWER,
WADROP PARK CONDOMINI- OCGA § 44-14-162.2. above. Vista Drive West Des Moines,
UM, RECORDED IN DEED The entity that has full author- BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. as IA 50266 1-866-623-1022
BOOK 16160, PAGE 624, ET. ity to negotiate, amend, and agent and Attorney in Fact for Note, however, that such entity HERETO AND MADE A PART contained in a Security Deed
SEQ., AMENDED AT DEED modify all terms of the mort- John Toliver or individual is not required by HEREOF given by Priscilla L. Fevriere to
BOOK 16559, PAGE 552, gage with the debtor is: Mid- Aldridge Pite, LLP, Six Pied- law to negotiate, amend or The debt secured by said Se- Mortgage Electronic Registra-
AMENDED AT DEED BOOK land Mortgage, a division of mont Center, 3525 Piedmont modify the terms of the loan. curity Deed has been and is tion Systems, Inc., as grantee,
95, PAGES 16-17, DEKALB
16731, PAGE 409, AMENDED MidFirst Bank, 999 N.W. Grand Road, N.E., Suite 700, Atlanta, Said property will be sold sub- hereby declared due because as nominee for WMC Mort-
AT DEED BOOK 16731, PAGE Boulevard Suite 100, Ok- Georgia 30305, (404) 994- ject to: (a) any outstanding ad of, among other possible gage Corp., its successors and
796, AMENDED AT DEED PLAT IS HEREBY RE- valorem taxes (including taxes
lahoma City, OK 73118-6116, 7400. events of default, failure to pay assigns dated 8/18/2006 and
BO O K 1 7 2 6 0 , P A G E 5 3 , 800-654-4566. FERRED TO AND MADE A which are a lien, but not yet
1016-5472A the indebtedness as and when recorded in Deed Book 19079
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA Note, however, that such entity PART OFTHIS DESCRIPTION, due and payable), (b) unpaid
THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- due and in the manner Page 366 DeKalb County,
RECORDS, WHICH DECLAR- is not required by law to negoti- BEING IMPROVED PROP- water or sewage bills that con-
ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR provided in the Note and Se- Georgia records; as last trans-
ATION MAY BE AMENDED ate, amend or modify the terms ERTY KNOWN AS NO. 1629 stitute a lien against the prop- curity Deed. The debt remain- ferred to or acquired by
FROM TIME TO TIME AND of the loan. SWEETGUM HILL, ACCORD- erty whether due and payable ing in default, this sale will be Deutsche Bank National Trust
WHICH TERMS AND CONDI- To the best knowledge and be- ING TO THE PRESENT SYS- or not yet due and payable and made for the purpose of pay- Company as Trustee for MAS-
TIONS ARE INCORPORT- lief of the undersigned, the TEM OF NUMBERING which may not be of record, (c) ing the same and all expenses TR Specialized Loan Trust
ATED HEREIN. FOR THAT PURPOSE. the right of redemption of any
party in possession of the prop- HOUSES IN DEKALB of this sale, as provided in the 2007-02 Mortgage Pass-
MR/jay 7/5/23 erty is Estate of Lewis V. Sills ++1016-5472A/TOLIVER++ taxing authority, (d) any mat-
COUNTY, GEORGIA. Security Deed and by law, in- Through Certificates, convey-
++Our file no. 5403413 - and Michelle Sills or a tenant or The debt secured by said Se- 420-476250 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 ters which might be disclosed cluding attorney's fees (notice ing the after-described prop-
FT17/BOWEN++ tenants and said property is curity Deed has been and is NOTICE OF SALE by an accurate survey and in- pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-1-11 erty to secure a Note in the ori-
420-476247 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 more commonly known as hereby declared due because UNDER POWER, spection of the property, and having been given). ginal principal amount of
NOTICE OF SALE 3418 Leyanne Court, Decatur, of, among other possible DEKALB COUNTY (e) any assessments, liens, en- Said property will be sold sub- $213,600.00, with interest at
UNDER POWER Georgia 30034. Should a con- events of default, failure to pay Pursuant to the Power of Sale cumbrances, zoning ordin- ject to any outstanding ad the rate specified therein, there
GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY flict arise between the property the indebtedness as and when contained in a Security Deed ances, restrictions, covenants, valorem taxes (including taxes will be sold by the undersigned
Under and by virtue of the address and the legal descrip- given by Louis Curtis Jackson and matters of record superior which are a lien, but not yet at public outcry to the highest
due and in the manner
Power of Sale contained in a tion the legal description will a/k/a Louis Jackson to Wells to the Security Deed first set due and payable), the right of bidder for cash before the
provided in the Note and Se- out above.
Security Deed given by Lewis V control. Fargo Bank, N.A. dated redemption of any taxing au- Courthouse door of DeKalb
The sale will be conducted sub- curity Deed. The debt remain- The sale will be conducted sub-
Sills and Michelle Sills to West- 8/22/2019 and recorded in thority, any matters which might County, Georgia (or such other
ject (1) to confirmation that the ing in default, this sale will be ject to (1) confirmation that the
minster Mortgage Corporation, Deed Book 28014 Page 497 be disclosed by an accurate area as designated by Order of
sale is not prohibited under the made for the purpose of pay- DeKalb County, Georgia re- sale is not prohibited under the
dated August 25, 2000, recor- survey and inspection of the the Superior Court of said
ded in Deed Book 11566, Page U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) ing the same and all expenses cords; as last transferred to or U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) property, any assessments, li- county), within the legal hours
142, DeKalb County, Georgia to final confirmation and audit of this sale, as provided in the acquired by Wells Fargo Bank, final confirmation and audit of ens, encumbrances, zoning or- of sale on July 5, 2023 (being
Records and as modified by of the status of the loan with Security Deed and by law, in- N.A., conveying the after-de- the status of the loan with the dinances, restrictions, coven- the first Tuesday of said month
that certain Loan Modification the holder of the security deed. cluding attorney’s fees (notice scribed property to secure a holder of the Security Deed. ants, and any matters of re- unless said date falls on a Fed-
Agreement recorded in Deed MIDFIRST BANK of intent to collect attorney’s Note in the original principal Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section cord including, but not limited eral Holiday, in which case be-
Book 30356, Page 161, DeKalb as Attorney in Fact for fees having been given). amount of $80,000.00, with in- 9-13-172.1, which allows for to, those superior to the Secur- ing the first Wednesday of said
County, Georgia Records, as Lewis V Sills and Said property is commonly terest at the rate specified certain procedures regarding ity Deed first set out above. month), the following de -
last transferred to MIDFIRST Michelle Sills known as 1629 Sweet Gum therein, there will be sold by the the rescission of judicial and Said property will be sold on an scribed property:
BANK by assignment recorded McCalla Raymer Hill, Decatur, GA 30032 togeth- undersigned at public outcry to non-judicial sales in the State "as-is" basis without any rep- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
in Deed Book 27047, Page Leibert Pierce, LLC er with all fixtures and personal the highest bidder for cash be- of Georgia, the Deed Under resentation, warranty or re- CEL OF LAND LYING AND
515, DeKalb County, Georgia 1544 Old Alabama Road property attached to and consti- fore the Courthouse door of Power and other foreclosure course against the above- BEING IN LAND LOT 86 OF
Records, conveying the after- Roswell, GA 30076 tuting a part of said property, if DeKalb County, Georgia (or documents may not be named or the undersigned. THE 16TH DISTRICT OF
described property to secure a such other area as designated provided until final confirmation Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA,
any. To the best knowledge
Note in the original principal EXHIBIT “A” by Order of the Superior Court and audit of the status of the is the holder of the Security AND BEING LOT 49, OF FAIR-
and belief of the undersigned, loan as provided immediately
amount of ONE HUNDRED ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- of said county), within the legal Deed to the property in accord- INGTON FARMS S.F.D., UNIT
CEL OF LAND LYING AND the party (or parties) in posses- above.
FORTY-EIGHT THOUSAND hours of sale on July 5, 2023 ance with OCGA § 44-14- II, AS PER PLAT RECORDED
BEING IN LAND LOT 59 OF sion of the subject property is Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. as
EIGHT HUNDRED NINETY- (being the first Tuesday of said 162.2. IN PLAT BOOK 128, PAGE 26-
THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB (are): Estate/Heirs of John agent and Attorney in Fact for
NINE AND 0/100 DOLLARS month unless said date falls on The entity that has full author- 29 OF DEKALB COUNTY,
($148,899.00), with interest COUNTY, GEORGIA, AND BE- Toliver or tenant or tenants. a Federal Holiday, in which Louis Curtis Jackson a/k/a ity to negotiate, amend, and GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH
thereon as set forth therein, ING LOT 40, BLOCK A, POP- Bank of America is the entity or case being the first Wednes- Louis Jackson modify all terms of the mort- PLAT IS INCORPORATED
there will be sold at public out- LAR SPRINGS HEIGHTS SUB- individual designated who shall day of said month), the follow- Aldridge Pite, LLP, Six Pied- gage with the debtor is: M&T HEREIN AND MADE A PART
cry to the highest bidder for DIVISION, UNIT TWO, AS PER have full authority to negotiate, ing described property: mont Center, 3525 Piedmont Bank , One Fountain Plaza, HEREOF BY REFERENCE.
cash before the courthouse PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT amend and modify all terms of All that tract or parcel of land ly- Road, N.E., Suite 700, Atlanta, Buffalo, NY 14203, 800-724- The debt secured by said Se-
door of DeKalb County, Geor- BOOK 112, PAGE 3, DEKALB the mortgage. ing and being in Land Lot 37 of Georgia 30305, (404) 994- 1633. curity Deed has been and is
gia, or at such place as may be COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- Bank of America Home Loan the 15th District of Dekalb 7400. Note, however, that such entity hereby declared due because
lawfully designated as an al- CORDS, WHICH PLAT IS IN- Assistance Dept. 7105 Corpor- County Georgia, being Lot 34, 1125-380A is not required by law to negoti- of, among other possible
ternative, within the legal hours CORPORATED HEREIN BY ate Drive Plano, TX 75024 Block A, Unit Three, Brook THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- ate, amend or modify the terms events of default, failure to pay
of sale on the first Wednesday REFERENCE AND MADE A (800) 669-6650 Glen Subdivision, as per plat ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR of the loan. the indebtedness as and when
in July, 2023, the following de- PART HEREOF. Note, however, that such entity recorded in Plat Book 81, page ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A To the best knowledge and be- due and in the manner
29 OF DEKALB COUNTY, water or sewage bills that con- of this sale, as provided in the degrees 01 minutes 43 CORPORATED HEREIN AND
GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH stitute a lien against the prop- Security Deed and by law, in- seconds West as measured the MADE A PART HEREOF BY
PLAT IS INCORPORATED erty whether due and payable cluding attorney's fees (notice property now or formerly be- THIS REFERENCE. A.P.N. 15
HEREIN AND MADE A PART or not yet due and payable and pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-1-11 longing to Cristopher M. Behm 010 01 097/3401123
HEREOF BY REFERENCE. which may not be of record, (c) having been given). a distance of 292.05 feet to The debt secured by said Se-
The debt secured by said Se- the right of redemption of any Said property will be sold sub- point marked by 3/8" rebar curity Deed has been and is
Page 54
curity Deed has been and is The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023 
taxing authority, (d) any mat-
ters which might be disclosed
ject to any outstanding ad found; running thence South 07
degrees 48 minutes 00
hereby declared due because
hereby declared due because valorem taxes (including taxes of, among other possible
of, among other possible 420-476254 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 by an accurate survey and in- which are a lien, but not yet seconds West a distance of events of default, failure to pay 420-476259 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29
events of default, failure to pay NOTICE OF SALE spection of the property, and due and payable), the right of 91.03 feet to point marked by the indebtedness as and when NOTICE OF SALE
the indebtedness as and when UNDER POWER, (e) any assessments, liens, en- redemption of any taxing au- 1/2" rebar found; running due and in the manner UNDER POWER
due and in the manner DEKALB COUNTY cumbrances, zoning ordin- thority, any matters which might thence North 81 degrees 05 provided in the Note and Se- GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY
provided in the Note and Se- Pursuant to the Power of Sale ances, restrictions, covenants, be disclosed by an accurate minutes 15 seconds West a curity Deed. The debt remain- Under and by virtue of the
curity Deed. The debt remain- contained in a Security Deed and matters of record superior survey and inspection of the distance of 24.95 feet to point ing in default, this sale will be Power of Sale contained in a
ing in default, this sale will be given by Nathaniel J. Small to to the Security Deed first set property, any assessments, li- marked by 1/2" rebar found; made for the purpose of pay- Security Deed given by Kan-
made for the purpose of pay- BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. out above. ens, encumbrances, zoning or- thence South 08 degrees 49 ing the same and all expenses dice Dallas to Mortgage Elec-
ing the same and all expenses dated 8/7/2017 and recorded in The sale will be conducted sub- dinances, restrictions, coven- minutes 27 seconds West a of this sale, as provided in the tronic Registration Systems,
of this sale, as provided in the Deed Book 26428 Page 533 ject to (1) confirmation that the ants, and any matters of re- distance of 164.97 feet to point Security Deed and by law, in- Inc., as grantee, as nominee for
Security Deed and by law, in- DeKalb County, Georgia re- sale is not prohibited under the cord including, but not limited marked by 1" open top found; cluding attorney’s fees (notice Equity Prime Mortgage LLC, its
cluding attorney’s fees (notice cords; as last transferred to or U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) to, those superior to the Secur- running thence North 79 de- of intent to collect attorney’s successors and assigns, dated
of intent to collect attorney’s acquired by BANK OF AMER- final confirmation and audit of ity Deed first set out above. grees 39 minutes 51 seconds fees having been given). April 26, 2021, recorded in
fees having been given). ICA, N.A., conveying the after- the status of the loan with the Said property will be sold on an West a distance of 75.00 feet to Said property is commonly Deed Book 29345, Page 265,
Said property is commonly described property to secure a holder of the Security Deed. "as-is" basis without any rep- point marked by open top known as 2465 Boulder DeKalb County, Georgia Re-
known as 2962 Fairton Trail, Note in the original principal Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section resentation, warranty or re- found; running thence North 08 Springs Pt, Ellenwood, GA cords, as last transferred to
Lithonia, GA 30038 together amount of $66,000.00, with in- 9-13-172.1, which allows for course against the above- degrees 00 minutes 46 30294 together with all fixtures Data Mortgage, INC. DBA, Es-
with all fixtures and personal terest at the rate specified certain procedures regarding named or the undersigned. seconds East a distance of and personal property at- sex Mortgage by assignment
property attached to and consti- therein, there will be sold by the the rescission of judicial and Ameris Bank 330.00 feet to an iron pin set; tached to and constituting a recorded in Deed Book 30267,
tuting a part of said property, if undersigned at public outcry to non-judicial sales in the State is the holder of the Security running thence North 66 de- part of said property, if any. To Page 223, DeKalb County,
any. To the best knowledge the highest bidder for cash be- of Georgia, the Deed Under Deed to the property in accord- grees 25 minutes 15 seconds the best knowledge and belief Georgia Records, conveying
and belief of the undersigned, fore the Courthouse door of Power and other foreclosure ance with OCGA § 44-14- East a distance of 59.76 feet to of the undersigned, the party the after-described property to
the party (or parties) in posses- DeKalb County, Georgia (or documents may not be 162.2. a 1" SRF; running thence North (or parties) in possession of the secure a Note in the original
sion of the subject property is such other area as designated provided until final confirmation The entity that has full author- 09 degrees 04 minutes 07 subject property is (are): principal amount of TWO HUN-
(are): Priscilla L. Fevriere or by Order of the Superior Court and audit of the status of the ity to negotiate, amend, and seconds East as measured Beverly L. Sewell or tenant or DRED EIGHTY-FOUR THOU-
tenant or tenants. of said county), within the legal loan as provided immediately modify all terms of the mort- along properly now or formerly tenants. SAND FOUR HUNDRED
PHH Mortgage Corporation is hours of sale on July 5, 2023 above. gage with the debtor is: Ameris belonging to Gina M. Gian- Gregory Funding LLC is the en- THREE AND 0/100 DOLLARS
the entity or individual desig- (being the first Tuesday of said BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. as Bank, 1 Corporate Drive, Suite fagna distance of 203.00 feet to tity or individual designated ($284,403.00), with interest
nated who shall have full au- month unless said date falls on agent and Attorney in Fact for 360, Lake Zurich, IL 60047, iron pin set located on the who shall have full authority to thereon as set forth therein,
thority to negotiate, amend and a Federal Holiday, in which Nathaniel J. Small 8006694268. Southwesterly side of the right negotiate, amend and modify there will be sold at public out-
modify all terms of the mort- case being the first Wednes- Aldridge Pite, LLP, Six Pied- Note, however, that such entity of way of Cartecay Drive and all terms of the mortgage. cry to the highest bidder for
gage. day of said month), the follow- mont Center, 3525 Piedmont is not required by law to negoti- the point of beginning. Gregory Funding LLC Gregory cash before the courthouse
PHH Mortgage Corporation ing described property: Road, N.E., Suite 700, Atlanta, ate, amend or modify the terms Subject Property Address: Funding PO Box 230579 Tigard door of DeKalb County, Geor-
1661 Worthington Rd Suite 100 ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Georgia 30305, (404) 994- of the loan. 1351 Cartecay Drive, Atlanta, OR 97281 866-712-5698 gia, or at such place as may be
West Palm Beach, FL 33409 CEL OF LAND LYING AND 7400. To the best knowledge and be- GA 30319 lawfully designated as an al-
(800) 750-2518 BEING IN LAND LOT 40 OF 1016-5480A lief of the undersigned, the Parcel ID: 18 238 06 020 Note, however, that such entity ternative, within the legal hours
Note, however, that such entity THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- party in possession of the prop- MR/j.d 7/5/23 or individual is not required by of sale on the first Wednesday
or individual is not required by COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR erty is James Richard Glisson ++Our file no. 23-11461GA - law to negotiate, amend or in July, 2023, the following de-
law to negotiate, amend or LOT 11B, BLOCK B, CONLEY ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A or a tenant or tenants and said FT18/GLISSON++ modify the terms of the loan. scribed property:
modify the terms of the loan. DOWNS SUBDIVISION, DEBT. ANY INFORMATION property is more commonly 420-476257 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 Said property will be sold sub- SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED
Said property will be sold sub- PHASE II, AS PER PLAT RE- OBTAINED WILL BE USED known as 1351 Cartecay Drive NOTICE OF SALE ject to: (a) any outstanding ad HERETO AND MADE A PART
ject to: (a) any outstanding ad CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 94, FOR THAT PURPOSE. Ne, Brookhaven, Georgia UNDER POWER, valorem taxes (including taxes HEREOF
valorem taxes (including taxes PAGE 35, DEKALB COUNTY, ++1016-5480A/SMALL++ 30319. Should a conflict arise DEKALB COUNTY which are a lien, but not yet The debt secured by said Se-
which are a lien, but not yet GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH 420-476255 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 between the property address Pursuant to the Power of Sale due and payable), (b) unpaid curity Deed has been and is
due and payable), (b) unpaid RECORDED PLAT IS INCOR- NOTICE OF SALE and the legal description the contained in a Security Deed water or sewage bills that con- hereby declared due because
water or sewage bills that con- PORATED HEREIN BY THIS UNDER POWER legal description will control. given by Beverly L. Sewell to stitute a lien against the prop- of, among other possible
stitute a lien against the prop- REFERENCE AND MADE A GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY The sale will be conducted sub- Mortgage Electronic Registra- erty whether due and payable events of default, failure to pay
erty whether due and payable PART OF THIS DESCRIP- Under and by virtue of the ject (1) to confirmation that the tion Systems, Inc., as grantee, or not yet due and payable and the indebtedness as and when
or not yet due and payable and TION. Power of Sale contained in a sale is not prohibited under the as nominee for Ditech Finan- which may not be of record, (c) due and in the manner
which may not be of record, (c) The debt secured by said Se- Security Deed given by James U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) cial LLC, its successors and as- the right of redemption of any provided in the Note and Se-
the right of redemption of any curity Deed has been and is Richard Glisson to Mortgage to final confirmation and audit signs. dated 6/18/2018 and re- taxing authority, (d) any mat- curity Deed. The debt remain-
taxing authority, (d) any mat- hereby declared due because Electronic Registration Sys- of the status of the loan with corded in Deed Book 26996 ters which might be disclosed ing in default, this sale will be
ters which might be disclosed of, among other possible tems, Inc., as grantee, as nom- the holder of the security deed. Page 318 DeKalb County, by an accurate survey and in- made for the purpose of pay-
by an accurate survey and in- events of default, failure to pay inee for Fidelity Bank d/b/a Fi- Ameris Bank Georgia records; as last trans- spection of the property, and ing the same and all expenses
spection of the property, and the indebtedness as and when delity Bank Mortgage, its suc- as Attorney in Fact for ferred to or acquired by U.S. (e) any assessments, liens, en- of this sale, as provided in the
(e) any assessments, liens, en- due and in the manner cessors and assigns, dated James Richard Glisson Bank National Association, as cumbrances, zoning ordin- Security Deed and by law, in-
cumbrances, zoning ordin- provided in the Note and Se- May 11, 2015, recorded in McCalla Raymer Indenture Trustee on behalf of ances, restrictions, covenants, cluding attorney's fees (notice
ances, restrictions, covenants, curity Deed. The debt remain- Deed Book 24942, Page 544, Leibert Pierce, LLC and with respect to Ajax Mort- and matters of record superior pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-1-11
and matters of record superior ing in default, this sale will be DeKalb County, Georgia Re- 1544 Old Alabama Road gage Loan Trust 2021-F, Mort- to the Security Deed first set having been given).
to the Security Deed first set made for the purpose of pay- cords, as last transferred to Roswell, GA 30076 gage-Backed Securities, Series out above. Said property will be sold sub-
out above. ing the same and all expenses Ameris Bank by assignment re- 2021-F, conveying the after-de- The sale will be conducted sub- ject to any outstanding ad
The sale will be conducted sub- of this sale, as provided in the corded in Deed Book 30902, EXHIBIT “A” scribed property to secure a ject to (1) confirmation that the valorem taxes (including taxes
ject to (1) confirmation that the Security Deed and by law, in- Page 766, DeKalb County, All that tract or parcel of land ly- Note in the original principal sale is not prohibited under the which are a lien, but not yet
sale is not prohibited under the cluding attorney’s fees (notice Georgia Records, conveying ing and being in Land Lot 238, amount of $46,650.00, with in- U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) due and payable), the right of
U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) of intent to collect attorney’s the after-described property to of the 18th District of DeKalb terest at the rate specified final confirmation and audit of redemption of any taxing au-
final confirmation and audit of fees having been given). secure a Note in the original County, Georgia, being a part therein, there will be sold by the the status of the loan with the thority, any matters which might
the status of the loan with the Said property is commonly principal amount of FOUR of Lot 1, all of Lot 2, and part of undersigned at public outcry to holder of the Security Deed. be disclosed by an accurate
holder of the Security Deed. known as 3884 Conley Downs HUNDRED SEVENTEEN Lot 22, Block "9" of Brookhaven the highest bidder for cash be- Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section survey and inspection of the
Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section Dr, Decatur, GA 30034-4770 THOUSAND AND 0/100 DOL- Fields Subdivision, as per fore the Courthouse door of 9-13-172.1, which allows for property, any assessments, li-
9-13-172.1, which allows for together with all fixtures and LARS ($417,000.00), with in- boundary survey prepared for DeKalb County, Georgia (or certain procedures regarding ens, encumbrances, zoning or-
certain procedures regarding personal property attached to terest thereon as set forth Haven REI, by Caleb A. such other area as designated the rescission of judicial and dinances, restrictions, coven-
the rescission of judicial and and constituting a part of said therein, there will be sold at McGaughey, Registered Land by Order of the Superior Court non-judicial sales in the State ants, and any matters of re-
non-judicial sales in the State property, if any. To the best public outcry to the highest bid- Surveyor, No. 3174, dated April of said county), within the legal of Georgia, the Deed Under cord including, but not limited
of Georgia, the Deed Under knowledge and belief of the un- der for cash before the court- 28, 2014, which plat is incor- hours of sale on July 5, 2023 Power and other foreclosure to, those superior to the Secur-
Power and other foreclosure dersigned, the party (or parties) house door of DeKalb County, porated herein by reference for (being the first Tuesday of said documents may not be ity Deed first set out above.
documents may not be in possession of the subject Georgia, or at such place as a more complete description, month unless said date falls on provided until final confirmation Said property will be sold on an
provided until final confirmation property is (are): Nathaniel J. may be lawfully designated as and being more particularly de- a Federal Holiday, in which and audit of the status of the "as-is" basis without any rep-
and audit of the status of the Small or tenant or tenants. an alternative, within the legal scribed as follows: case being the first Wednes- loan as provided immediately resentation, warranty or re-
loan as provided immediately Bank of America is the entity or hours of sale on the first Wed- Beginning at an iron pin set loc- day of said month), the follow- above. course against the above-
above. individual designated who shall nesday in July, 2023, the fol- ated on the Southwesterly side ing described property: U.S. Bank National Associ- named or the undersigned.
Deutsche Bank National Trust have full authority to negotiate, lowing described property: of the 40-foot right of way of PROPERTY: 2465 BOULDER ation, as Indenture Trustee on Data Mortgage, INC. DBA, Es-
Company as Trustee for MAS- amend and modify all terms of SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED Cartecay Drive (f/k/a Chestatee SPRINGS PT, ELLENWOOD, behalf of and with respect to sex Mortgage is the holder of
TR Specialized Loan Trust the mortgage. HERETO AND MADE A PART Drive), 260.23 feet Southeast- GA 30294 Ajax Mortgage Loan Trust the Security Deed to the prop-
2007-02 Mortgage Pass- Bank of America Home Loan HEREOF erly as measured along the ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- 2021-F, Mortgage-Backed Se- erty in accordance with OCGA
Through Certificates as agent Assistance Dept. 7105 Corpor- The debt secured by said Se- right of way of Cartecay Drive CEL OF LAND LYING AND curities, Series 2021-F as § 44-14-162.2.
and Attorney in Fact for Priscilla ate Drive Plano, TX 75024 curity Deed has been and is from the intersection of the BEING IN LAND LOT 10 OF agent and Attorney in Fact for The entity that has full author-
L. Fevriere (800) 669-6650 hereby declared due because Cartecay Drive with the West- THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB Beverly L. Sewell ity to negotiate, amend, and
Aldridge Pite, LLP, Six Pied- Note, however, that such entity of, among other possible ern right of way of Sylvan COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING Aldridge Pite, LLP, Six Pied- modify all terms of the mort-
mont Center, 3525 Piedmont or individual is not required by events of default, failure to pay Circle; running thence South 61 LOT 38, UNIT ONE OF mont Center, 3525 Piedmont gage with the debtor is: Data
Road, N.E., Suite 700, Atlanta, law to negotiate, amend or the indebtedness as and when degrees 22 minutes 24 BOULDER SPRINGS SUBDI- Road, N.E., Suite 700, Atlanta, Mortgage, INC. DBA, Essex
Georgia 30305, (404) 994- modify the terms of the loan. due and in the manner seconds East as measured VISION, AS PER PLAT OF Georgia 30305, (404) 994- Mortgage, 9726 Old Bailes
7400. Said property will be sold sub- provided in the Note and Se- along the Southwesterly side of SAID SUBDIVISION RECOR- 7400. Road, Suite 200, Fort Mill, SC
1017-6160A ject to: (a) any outstanding ad curity Deed. The debt remain- the right of way of Cartecay DED IN PLAT BOOK 93, PAGE 1144-449A 29707, 877-297-5484.
THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- valorem taxes (including taxes ing in default, this sale will be Drive a distance of 56.00 feet 101, DEKALB COUNTY, THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- Note, however, that such entity
ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR which are a lien, but not yet made for the purpose of pay- to a point marked by 1/2" rebar GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR is not required by law to negoti-
ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A due and payable), (b) unpaid ing the same and all expenses found; running thence South 09 PLAT IS SPECIFICALLY IN- ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A ate, amend or modify the terms
DEBT. ANY INFORMATION water or sewage bills that con- of this sale, as provided in the degrees 01 minutes 43 CORPORATED HEREIN AND DEBT. ANY INFORMATION of the loan.
OBTAINED WILL BE USED stitute a lien against the prop- Security Deed and by law, in- seconds West as measured the MADE A PART HEREOF BY OBTAINED WILL BE USED To the best knowledge and be-
FOR THAT PURPOSE. erty whether due and payable cluding attorney's fees (notice property now or formerly be- THIS REFERENCE. A.P.N. 15 FOR THAT PURPOSE. lief of the undersigned, the
++1017-6160A/FEVRIERE++ or not yet due and payable and pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-1-11 longing to Cristopher M. Behm 010 01 097/3401123 ++1144-449A/SEWELL++ party in possession of the prop-
which may not be of record, (c) having been given). a distance of 292.05 feet to The debt secured by said Se- erty is Kandice Dallas and Jen-
the right of redemption of any Said property will be sold sub- point marked by 3/8" rebar curity Deed has been and is osi Valencia Dallas or a tenant
taxing authority, (d) any mat- ject to any outstanding ad found; running thence South 07 hereby declared due because or tenants and said property is
ters which might be disclosed valorem taxes (including taxes degrees 48 minutes 00 of, among other possible more commonly known as
by an accurate survey and in- which are a lien, but not yet seconds West a distance of events of default, failure to pay 2397 Hanover Woods, Lithonia,
spection of the property, and due and payable), the right of 91.03 feet to point marked by the indebtedness as and when Georgia 30058. Should a con-
(e) any assessments, liens, en- redemption of any taxing au- 1/2" rebar found; running due and in the manner flict arise between the property
cumbrances, zoning ordin- thority, any matters which might thence North 81 degrees 05 provided in the Note and Se- address and the legal descrip-
of the loan. Perry to Gnapie B. Gbogou as Book 25603, Page 659, DeKalb AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- ciation, not in its individual ca- the legal hours of sale, on July
To the best knowledge and be- set forth in Deed Book 25463 County records, said Security TEMPTING TO COLLECT A pacity but solely as owner trust- 05, 2023, the property in said
lief of the undersigned, the Page 307 dated 03/18/2016, Deed being last transferred to DEBT. ANY INFORMATION ee for RCF 2 Acquisition Trust Security Deed and described
party in possession of the prop- recorded 03/24/2016, DEKALB LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVI - OBTAINED MAY BE USED is the holder of the Security as follows:
erty is Kandice Dallas and Jen- County, GEORGIA. CING, LLC. in Deed Book FOR THAT PURPOSE. Deed to the property in accord- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
osi Valencia Dallas or a tenant Tax ID: 15-027-01-154 26961, Page 21, DeKalb LAKEVIEW LOAN ance with OCGA § 44-14- CEL OF LAND LYING AND

or tenants and said property is The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023
Being real property commonly County records, the under- SERVICING, LLC, 162.2. BEING IN LAND LOT 86 OF Page 55
more commonly known as known as 3461 Rockmill Dr, El- signed will sell at public outcry as Attorney-in-Fact for The entity that has full author- THE 15TH DISTRICT OF
2397 Hanover Woods, Lithonia, lenwood, GA 30294. to the highest bidder for cash, COREY JOSEPH CLAY AND ity to negotiate, amend, and DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, 420-476265 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29
Georgia 30058. Should a con- The debt secured by the before the Courthouse door in KENAN L COLLINS modify all terms of the mort- BEING LOT 10, BLOCK C, STATE OF GEORGIA
flict arise between the property above-referenced security deed said County, or at such other Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, gage with the debtor is: Selene UNIT THREE SUN VALLEY COUNTY OF DEKALB
address and the legal descrip- has been declared due be- place as lawfully designated, Crane & Partners, PLLC Finance, 3501 Olympus SUBDIVISION, AS PER PLAT NOTICE OF SALE
tion the legal description will cause of the default in the pay- within the legal hours of sale, 13010 Morris Rd. Boulevard, 5th Floor, Suite 500, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK UNDER POWER
control. ment of said debt per the terms on July 05, 2023, the property Suite 450 Dallas, TX 75019, 7136252034. 38, PAGE 62, DEKALB Pursuant to the power of sale
The sale will be conducted sub- of the note and other possible in said Security Deed and de- Alpharetta, GA 30004 Note, however, that such entity COUNTY RECORDS; BEING contained in the Security Deed
ject (1) to confirmation that the defaults by the borrower or the scribed as follows: Phone: 470.321.7112 is not required by law to negoti- IMPROVED PROPERTY WITH executed by ARTHUR L. MUR-
sale is not prohibited under the successor thereto. The debt re- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- ++Firm File No. 23-118722 - ate, amend or modify the terms A TWO STORY BRICK RAY to MORTGAGE ELEC-
U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) maining in default, this sale will CEL OF LAND TYING AND DaG/COLLINS++ of the loan. HOUSE THEREON KNOWN TRO NI C REG I STRATI O N
to final confirmation and audit be made for the purpose of BEING IN LAND LOT 12 OF To the best knowledge and be- AS NO. 3158 WESLOCK SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMIN-
of the status of the loan with paying the debt and all ex- THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB 420-476262 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 lief of the undersigned, the CIRCLE, ACCORDING TO EE FOR AMERICAN MORT-
the holder of the security deed. penses of this sale including at- COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING NOTICE OF SALE party in possession of the prop- THE PRESENT SYSTEM OF GAGE EXCHANGE INC. in the
Data Mortgage, INC torney’s fees (notice of intent to LOT 29, BLOCK A, CEDAR UNDER POWER erty is Betty S Williams and NAMING STREETS AND original principal amount of
. DBA, Essex Mortgage collect attorney’s fees having WALK SUBDIVISION, PHASE GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY Acute Investors Group LLC or a NUMBERING HOUSES IN $151,000.00 dated September
as Attorney in Fact for been given). IIB, AS PER PLAT RECORD- Under and by virtue of the tenant or tenants and said DEKALB, GEORGIA. 29, 2003 and recorded in Deed
Kandice Dallas Said sale will be made subject ER IN PLAT BOOK 148, PAGE Power of Sale contained in a property is more commonly Said property being known as: Book 15386, Page 708, DeKalb
McCalla Raymer to the following items which 34-36, DEKALB COUNTY, Security Deed given by Betty S known as 2885 Chapel Ridge 3158 WESTLOCK DR DEC- County records, said Security
Leibert Pierce, LLC may affect the title to said prop- GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH Williams to Mortgage Electron- Cir, Decatur, Georgia 30034. ATUR, GA 30034 Deed being last transferred to
1544 Old Alabama Road erty: All restrictive covenants, RECORDER PLAT IS INCOR- ic Registration Systems, Inc., Should a conflict arise between To the best of the MCLP ASSET COMPANY,
Roswell, GA 30076 easements and rights-of-way PORATED HEREIN BY THIS as grantee, as nominee for the property address and the undersigned’s knowledge, the INC., in Deed Book 30707, appearing of record, if any; all REFERENCE AND MADE A Quicken Loans Inc., its suc- legal description the legal de- party or parties in possession Page 209, DeKalb County re-
EXHIBIT “A” zoning ordinances; matters PART OF THIS DESCRIP- cessors and assigns, dated Au- scription will control. of said property is/are DETRA cords, the undersigned will sell
All that tract or parcel of land ly- which would be disclosed by an TION. gust 23, 2012, recorded in The sale will be conducted sub- MITCHELL TOLBERT AND at public outcry to the highest
ing and being in Land Lot 217 accurate survey or by an in- Said property being known as: Deed Book 23245, Page 230, ject (1) to confirmation that the CLETIS TOLBERT or tenant(s). bidder for cash, before the
of the 16th District, DeKalb spection of the property; all out- 1829 CEDAR WALK LN CON- DeKalb County, Georgia Re- sale is not prohibited under the The debt secured by said Se- Courthouse door in said
County, Georgia, being Lot standing or unpaid bills and as- LEY, GA 30288 cords, as last transferred to U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) curity Deed has been and is County, or at such other place
185, Mason's Mill Estates, sessments for street improve- To the best of the U.S. Bank Trust National Asso- to final confirmation and audit hereby declared due and pay- as lawfully designated, within
Phase II, as per plat recorded ments, curbing, garbage, water, undersigned’s knowledge, the ciation, not in its individual ca- of the status of the loan with able because of, among other the legal hours of sale, on July
in Plat Book 281, pages 119- sewage and public utilities party or parties in possession pacity but solely as owner trust- the holder of the security deed. possible events of default, fail- 05, 2023, the property in said
123, DeKalb County, Georgia which may be liens upon said of said property is/are COREY ee for RCF 2 Acquisition Trust U.S. Bank Trust National Asso- ure to pay the indebtedness as Security Deed and described
records, which recorded plat is property; and any outstanding JOSEPH CLAY AND KENAN L by assignment to be recorded ciation, not in its individual ca- provided for in the Note and as follows:
incorporated herein by refer- taxes, assessments and other COLLINS or tenant(s). in the Office of the Clerk of Su- pacity but solely as owner trust- said Security Deed. The debt ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
ence and made a part of this liens superior to the security The debt secured by said Se- perior Court of DeKalb County, ee for RCF 2 Acquisition Trust remaining in default, this sale CEL OF LAND LYING AND
description. deed being foreclosed hereby. curity Deed has been and is Georgia Records, conveying as Attorney in Fact for will be made for the purpose of BEING IN LAND LOT 81 OF
MR/ca 7/5/23 To the best knowledge and be- hereby declared due and pay- the after-described property to Betty S Williams paying the same and all ex- THE 18TH DISTRICT, DEKALB
++Our file no. 23-11594GA - lief of the undersigned, the able because of, among other secure a Note in the original McCalla Raymer penses of sale, including attor- COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING
FT18/DALLAS++ above-described property is in possible events of default, fail- principal amount of ONE HUN- Leibert Pierce, LLC ney’s fees (notice of intent to LOT 405, BLOCK B, DOCK-
420-476260 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 the possession of the borrower ure to pay the indebtedness as DRED SEVENTY-FOUR 1544 Old Alabama Road collect attorney’s fees having SIDE AT WATER’S EDGE,
NOTICE OF SALE and/or other persons with the provided for in the Note and THOUSAND FOUR HUN- Roswell, GA 30076 been given). UNIT IV, AS PER PLAT RE-
UNDER POWER consent and acquiescence of said Security Deed. The debt DRED SEVENTY-FIVE AND Said property will be sold sub- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 95,
STATE OF GEORGIA the borrower. remaining in default, this sale 0/100 DOLLARS EXHIBIT “A” ject to the following: (1) any PAGE 63, DEKALB COUNTY
DEKALB COUNTY Pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 44-14- will be made for the purpose of ($174,475.00), with interest Tax Id Number(s): 15 099 07 outstanding ad valorem taxes RECORDS, WHICH RECOR-
By virtue of a power of sale 162.2, the name, address and paying the same and all ex- thereon as set forth therein, 006 (including taxes which are a li- DED PLAT IS INCORPOR-
contained in a certain security telephone number of the per- penses of sale, including attor- there will be sold at public out- Land Situated in the County of en, whether or not yet due and ATED HEREIN BY REFER-
deed from Gnapie B. Gbogou son or entity who shall have full ney’s fees (notice of intent to cry to the highest bidder for DeKalb in the State of GA payable); (2) the right of re- ENCE AND MADE AS PART
to Mortgage Electronic Regis- authority to negotiate, amend, collect attorney’s fees having cash before the courthouse ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- demption of any taxing author- HEREOF.
tration Systems, Inc., as or modify all terms of the been given). door of DeKalb County, Geor- CEL OF LAND lying and being ity; (3) any matters which might Said property being known as:
grantee, as nominee for Free- above-described mortgage is Said property will be sold sub- gia, or at such place as may be in Land Lots 94 and 99 of the be disclosed by an accurate 655 SCENIC VIEW STONE
dom Mortgage Corporation, its as follows: ject to the following: (1) any lawfully designated as an al- 15th District, DeKalb County, survey and inspection of the MOUNTAIN, GA 30087
successors and assigns and re- Freedom Mortgage Corporation outstanding ad valorem taxes ternative, within the legal hours Georgia, being Lot 26, Block C, property; and (4) any assess- To the best of the
corded as Instrument No. 951 W Yamato Road, Suite 175 (including taxes which are a li- of sale on the first Wednesday Unit Three, The Summit at ments, liens, encumbrances, undersigned’s knowledge, the
2021059794 in Book No. Boca Raton, FL 33431 en, whether or not yet due and in July, 2023, the following de- Chapel Lake Subdivision, as zoning ordinances, restrictions, party or parties in possession
29226, at Page No. 605 855-690-5900 payable); (2) the right of re- scribed property: per plat recorded in Plat Book covenants, and matters of re- of said property is/are AR-
DeKalb County records given The foregoing notwithstanding, demption of any taxing author- SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED 100, page 90, DeKalb County, cord superior to the Security THUR L. MURRAY or
to secure a note in the original nothing in O.C.G.A. § 44-14- ity; (3) any matters which might HERETO AND MADE A PART Georgia records. Deed first set out above. tenant(s).
amount of $128,016.00 with in- 162.2 shall be construed to re- be disclosed by an accurate HEREOF Commonly known as: 2885 Said sale will be conducted The debt secured by said Se-
terest on the unpaid balance quire Freedom Mortgage Cor- survey and inspection of the The debt secured by said Se- Chapel Ridge Cir, Decatur, GA subject to the following: (1) curity Deed has been and is
until paid, as last assigned to poration to negotiate, amend, property; and (4) any assess- curity Deed has been and is 30034 confirmation that the sale is not hereby declared due and pay-
Freedom Mortgage Corpora- or modify the terms of the Se- ments, liens, encumbrances, hereby declared due because MR/ca 7/5/23 prohibited under the U.S. Bank- able because of, among other
tion by virtue of the assign- curity Deed described herein. zoning ordinances, restrictions, of, among other possible ++Our file no. 23-11019GA - ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- possible events of default, fail-
ment recorded at Book 30840 Freedom Mortgage Corpora- covenants, and matters of re- events of default, failure to pay FT8/WILLIAMS++ firmation and audit of the status ure to pay the indebtedness as
Page 274 in the DeKalb County tion as Attorney in Fact for cord superior to the Security the indebtedness as and when of the loan with the holder of provided for in the Note and
records, the following de- Gnapie B. Gbogou Deed first set out above. due and in the manner 420-476264 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 the Security Deed. said Security Deed. The debt
scribed property will be sold at Attorney Contact: Said sale will be conducted provided in the Note and Se- STATE OF GEORGIA The name, address, and tele- remaining in default, this sale
public outcry to the highest bid- Miller, George & subject to the following: (1) curity Deed. The debt remain- COUNTY OF DEKALB phone number of the individual will be made for the purpose of
der for cash at the courthouse Suggs, PLLC confirmation that the sale is not ing in default, this sale will be NOTICE OF SALE or entity who has full authority paying the same and all ex-
door of DEKALB COUNTY, 3000 Langford Road, prohibited under the U.S. Bank- made for the purpose of pay- UNDER POWER to negotiate, amend, and modi- penses of sale, including attor-
Georgia, or such other location Building 100 ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- ing the same and all expenses Pursuant to the power of sale fy all terms of the mortgage is ney’s fees (notice of intent to
within the legal hours of sale on Peachtree Corners, GA 30071 firmation and audit of the status of this sale, as provided in the contained in the Security Deed as follows: collect attorney’s fees having
the first Wednesday in July, Phone: 404-793-1447 of the loan with the holder of Security Deed and by law, in- executed by DETRA NEWREZ LLC D/B/A Shell- been given).
2023, to wit: July 05, 2023, the Fax: 404-738-1558 the Security Deed. cluding attorney's fees (notice MITCHELL TOLBERT AND point Mortgage Servicing Said property will be sold sub-
following described property: ++23GA373-0028/ Gbogou++ The name, address, and tele- pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-1-11 CLETIS TOLBERT to MORT- 75 Beattie Place, Suite 300 ject to the following: (1) any
File No.: 923968 THIS COMMUNICATION IS phone number of the individual having been given). GAGE ELECTRONIC REGIS- Greenville , SC 29601 outstanding ad valorem taxes
The Land referred to herein be- FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR or entity who has full authority Said property will be sold sub- TRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS 866-825-2174 (including taxes which are a li-
low is situated in the County of ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A to negotiate, amend, and modi- ject to any outstanding ad GRANTEE, AS NOMINEE FOR Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A. en, whether or not yet due and
DEKALB, State of GA, and is DEBT. ANY INFORMATION fy all terms of the mortgage is valorem taxes (including taxes FINANCE AMERICA, LLC in § 44-14-162.2, the above indi- payable); (2) the right of re-
described as follows: OBTAINED WILL BE USED as follows: which are a lien, but not yet the original principal amount of vidual or entity is not required demption of any taxing author-
All that tract or parcel of land FOR THAT PURPOSE. LoanCare, LLC due and payable), the right of $93,750.00 dated September by law to negotiate, amend, or ity; (3) any matters which might
tying and being in Land Lot 27, 420-476261 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 3637 Sentara Way redemption of any taxing au- 24, 2003 and recorded in Deed modify the terms of the mort- be disclosed by an accurate
15th District, DeKalb County, STATE OF GEORGIA Virginia Beach, VA 23452 thority, any matters which might Book 15372, Page 432, DeKalb gage. survey and inspection of the
Georgia, being Lot 5. Block A, COUNTY OF DEKALB 1-800-274-6600 be disclosed by an accurate County records, said Security THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING property; and (4) any assess-
Unit One, Rockmill Subdivision. NOTICE OF SALE Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A. survey and inspection of the Deed being last transferred to AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- ments, liens, encumbrances,
as per plat recorded in Plat UNDER POWER § 44-14-162.2, the above indi- property, any assessments, li- CITIBANK, N.A., NOT IN ITS TEMPTING TO COLLECT A zoning ordinances, restrictions,
Book 108, Pages 19-21, Pursuant to the power of sale vidual or entity is not required ens, encumbrances, zoning or- INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY BUT DEBT. ANY INFORMATION covenants, and matters of re-
DeKalb County, Georgia Re- contained in the Security Deed by law to negotiate, amend, or dinances, restrictions, coven- SOLELY AS OWNER TRUST- OBTAINED MAY BE USED cord superior to the Security
cords, which plat is hereby re- executed by COREY JOSEPH modify the terms of the mort- ants, and any matters of re- EE FOR NEW RESIDENTIAL FOR THAT PURPOSE. Deed first set out above.
ferred to and made a part of CLAY AND KENAN L COLLINS gage. cord including, but not limited MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST CITIBANK, N.A., NOT IN ITS Said sale will be conducted
this description, being im- to MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING to, those superior to the Secur- 2018-5 in Deed Book 30777, INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY BUT subject to the following: (1)
proved property known as 3461 REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- ity Deed first set out above. Page 98, DeKalb County re- SOLELY AS OWNER TRUST- confirmation that the sale is not
Rockmill Drive according to the INC., AS GRANTEE, AS NOM- TEMPTING TO COLLECT A Said property will be sold on an cords, the undersigned will sell EE FOR NEW RESIDENTIAL prohibited under the U.S. Bank-
present system of numbering INEE FOR HOMESTAR FIN- DEBT. ANY INFORMATION "as-is" basis without any rep- at public outcry to the highest MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST ruptcy Code; and (2) final con-
property in DeKalb County, ANCIAL CORP. in the original OBTAINED MAY BE USED resentation, warranty or re- bidder for cash, before the 2018-5, firmation and audit of the status
Georgia. principal amount of FOR THAT PURPOSE. course against the above- Courthouse door in said as Attorney-in-Fact for of the loan with the holder of
Being the same property as $166,920.00 dated June 7, LAKEVIEW LOAN named or the undersigned. County, or at such other place DETRA MITCHELL TOLBERT the Security Deed.
conveyed from Marquise L. 2016 and recorded in Deed SERVICING, LLC, U.S. Bank Trust National Asso- as lawfully designated, within AND CLETIS TOLBERT The name, address, and tele-
Perry to Gnapie B. Gbogou as Book 25603, Page 659, DeKalb as Attorney-in-Fact for ciation, not in its individual ca- the legal hours of sale, on July Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, phone number of the individual
set forth in Deed Book 25463 County records, said Security COREY JOSEPH CLAY AND pacity but solely as owner trust- 05, 2023, the property in said Crane & Partners, PLLC or entity who has full authority
Page 307 dated 03/18/2016, Deed being last transferred to KENAN L COLLINS ee for RCF 2 Acquisition Trust Security Deed and described 13010 Morris Rd. to negotiate, amend, and modi-
recorded 03/24/2016, DEKALB LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVI - Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, is the holder of the Security as follows: Suite 450 fy all terms of the mortgage is
County, GEORGIA. CING, LLC. in Deed Book Crane & Partners, PLLC Deed to the property in accord- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Alpharetta, GA 30004 as follows:
Tax ID: 15-027-01-154 26961, Page 21, DeKalb 13010 Morris Rd. ance with OCGA § 44-14- CEL OF LAND LYING AND Phone: 470.321.7112 Selene Finance LP
Being real property commonly County records, the under- Suite 450 162.2. BEING IN LAND LOT 86 OF ++Firm File No. 23-112616 - 3501 Olympus Boulevard,
known as 3461 Rockmill Dr, El- signed will sell at public outcry Alpharetta, GA 30004 The entity that has full author- THE 15TH DISTRICT OF DaG/TOLBERT++ 5th Floor, Suite 500
lenwood, GA 30294. to the highest bidder for cash, Phone: 470.321.7112 ity to negotiate, amend, and DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, Dallas, TX 75019
The debt secured by the before the Courthouse door in ++Firm File No. 23-118722 - modify all terms of the mort- BEING LOT 10, BLOCK C, 877-768-3759
above-referenced security deed said County, or at such other DaG/COLLINS++ gage with the debtor is: Selene UNIT THREE SUN VALLEY Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A.
has been declared due be- place as lawfully designated, Finance, 3501 Olympus SUBDIVISION, AS PER PLAT § 44-14-162.2, the above indi-
phone number of the individual 27125, Page 514. Instrument of the loan. DATED 3-3-17, REVISED 9-18- ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- Security Deed and by law, in-
or entity who has full authority 2018152236. To the best knowledge and be- 17, RECORDED IN PLAT firmation and audit of the status cluding attorney’s fees (notice
to negotiate, amend, and modi- APN: 18 046 03 245 lief of the undersigned, the BOOK 257, PAGES 117-121, of the loan with the holder of of intent to collect attorney’s
fy all terms of the mortgage is Commonly known as: 375 party in possession of the prop- DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA the Security Deed. fees having been given).
as follows: Reed Street, Scottdale, GA erty is Evelyn Layton and Es- RECORDS; THENCE SOUTH The name, address, and tele- Said property is commonly
Selene Finance LP 30079 tate of Jack Layton or a tenant 59 DEGREES 08 MINUTES 48 phone number of the individual known as 6092 Windsong Way,
Page 56
3501 Olympus Boulevard,
5th Floor, Suite 500
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023 
The debt secured by said Se-
curity Deed has been and is
or tenants and said property is
more commonly known as
or entity who has full authority
to negotiate, amend, and modi-
Stone Mountain, GA 30087 to-
gether with all fixtures and per-
Dallas, TX 75019 hereby declared due because 420-476268 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 3083 San Jose Drive, Decatur, POINT AT THE NORTHWEST fy all terms of the mortgage is sonal property attached to and
877-768-3759 of, among other possible NOTICE OF SALE Georgia 30032. Should a con- CORNER OF LOT 111, SAID as follows: constituting a part of said prop-
Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A. events of default, failure to pay UNDER POWER flict arise between the property POINT BEING THE TRUE LoanCare, LLC erty, if any. To the best know-
§ 44-14-162.2, the above indi- the indebtedness as and when GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY address and the legal descrip- POINT OF BEGINNING. 3637 Sentara Way ledge and belief of the under-
vidual or entity is not required due and in the manner Under and by virtue of the tion the legal description will FROM SAID PONT OF BEGIN- Virginia Beach, VA 23452 signed, the party (or parties) in
by law to negotiate, amend, or provided in the Note and Se- Power of Sale contained in a control. NING, AS THUS ESTAB- 1-800-274-6600 possession of the subject prop-
modify the terms of the mort- curity Deed. The debt remain- Security Deed given by Jack The sale will be conducted sub- LISHED, THENCE FOLLOW- Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A. erty is (are): Eileen Jackson
gage. ing in default, this sale will be Layton and Evelyn Layton to ject (1) to confirmation that the ING THE CENTER COMMON § 44-14-162.2, the above indi- Brooks or tenant or tenants.
THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING made for the purpose of pay- Capital 1 Mortgage of Georgia, sale is not prohibited under the WALLS BETWEEN LOTS 110 vidual or entity is not required Rushmore Loan Management
AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- ing the same and all expenses Inc., dated June 28, 1991, re- U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) AND 111, SOUTH 23 DE- by law to negotiate, amend, or Services, LLC is the entity or in-
TEMPTING TO COLLECT A of this sale, as provided in the corded in Deed Book 6993, to final confirmation and audit GREES 25 MINUTES 32 modify the terms of the mort- dividual designated who shall
DEBT. ANY INFORMATION Security Deed and by law, in- Page 722, DeKalb County, of the status of the loan with SECONDS EAST A DIS- gage. have full authority to negotiate,
OBTAINED MAY BE USED cluding attorney’s fees (notice Georgia Records and as modi- the holder of the security deed. TANCE OF 48.00 FEET TO A THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING amend and modify all terms of
FOR THAT PURPOSE. of intent to collect attorney’s fied by that certain Loan Modi- MidFirst Bank POINT; THENCE FOLLOW- AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- the mortgage.
MCLP ASSET COMPANY, fees having been given). fication Agreement recorded in as Attorney in Fact for ING THE OUTSIDE FACE OF TEMPTING TO COLLECT A Rushmore Loan Management
INC., Said property is commonly Deed Book 30444, Page 47, Jack Layton and THE BUILDING, NORTH 66 DEBT. ANY INFORMATION Services, LLC PO Box 52708
as Attorney-in-Fact for known as 375 Reed St, DeKalb County, Georgia Re- Evelyn Layton DEGREES 34 MINUTES 28 OBTAINED MAY BE USED Irvine, CA 92619 888.504.7300
ARTHUR L. MURRAY Scottdale, GA 30079 together cords, as last transferred to McCalla Raymer SECONDS EAST A DIS- FOR THAT PURPOSE. Note, however, that such entity
Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, with all fixtures and personal MidFirst Bank by assignment Leibert Pierce, LLC TANCE OF 11.92 FEET TO A LAKEVIEW LOAN or individual is not required by
Crane & Partners, PLLC property attached to and consti- recorded in Deed Book 10377, 1544 Old Alabama Road POINT; THENCE NORTH 23 SERVICING, LLC, law to negotiate, amend or
13010 Morris Rd. tuting a part of said property, if Page 593, DeKalb County, Roswell, GA 30076 DEGREES 25 MINUTES 32 as Attorney-in-Fact for modify the terms of the loan.
Suite 450 any. To the best knowledge Georgia Records, conveying SECONDS WEST A DIS- TIA WESTMORELAND Said property will be sold sub-
Alpharetta, GA 30004 and belief of the undersigned, the after-described property to EXHIBIT “A” TANCE OF 3.00 FEET TO A Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, ject to: (a) any outstanding ad
Phone: 470.321.7112 the party (or parties) in posses- secure a Note in the original All that tract or parcel of land ly- POINT; THENCE NORTH 66 Crane & Partners, PLLC valorem taxes (including taxes
++Firm File No. 22-069824 - sion of the subject property is principal amount of FIFTY- ing and being in Land Lot 185, DEGREES 34 MINUTES 28 13010 Morris Rd. which are a lien, but not yet
GaR/MURRAY++ (are): Kangela Freeman and FOUR THOUSAND THREE 15th District of DeKalb County, SECONDS EAST A DIS- Suite 450 due and payable), (b) unpaid
Dorian Alexander or tenant or HUNDRED FIFTY AND 0/100 Georgia being Lot 9, Block "C", TANCE OF 8.00 FEET TO A Alpharetta, GA 30004 water or sewage bills that con-
420-476266 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 tenants. DOLLARS ($54,350.00), with C.H. Chaffin Property, recor- POINT; THENCE FOLLOW- Phone: 470.321.7112 stitute a lien against the prop-
NOTICE OF SALE cenlar is the entity or individual interest thereon as set forth ded in Plat Book 31, page 146, ING THE CENTER COMMON ++Firm File No. 22-027290 - erty whether due and payable
UNDER POWER, designated who shall have full therein, there will be sold at in the Office of the Clerk of Su- WALLS BETWEEN LOTS 111 DaG/WESTMORELAND++ or not yet due and payable and
DEKALB COUNTY authority to negotiate, amend public outcry to the highest bid- perior Court, DeKalb County, AND 112, NORTH 23 DE- which may not be of record, (c)
Pursuant to the Power of Sale and modify all terms of the der for cash before the court- Georgia, which recorded plat is GREES 25 MINUTES 32 420-476271 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 the right of redemption of any
contained in a Security Deed mortgage. house door of DeKalb County, incorporated herein by refer- SECONDS WEST A DIS- NOTICE OF SALE taxing authority, (d) any mat-
given by Kangela Freeman and cenlar Mortgage Servicing Rep- Georgia, or at such place as ence and made a part of this TANCE OF 40.00 FEET TO A UNDER POWER, ters which might be disclosed
Dorian Alexander to Mortgage resentative 425 Phillips may be lawfully designated as description. POINT; THENCE FOLLOW- DEKALB COUNTY by an accurate survey and in-
Electronic Registration Sys- Boulevard Ewing, NJ 08618 an alternative, within the legal MR/meh 7/5/23 ING THE OUTSIDE FACE OF Pursuant to the Power of Sale spection of the property, and
tems, Inc., as grantee, as nom- customerservice@loanadminis- hours of sale on the first Wed- ++Our file no. 5933111 - THE BUILDING, SOUTH 66 contained in a Security Deed (e) any assessments, liens, en-
inee for E Mortgage Capital 1-800-223-6527 nesday in July, 2023, the fol- FT17/LAYTON++ DEGREES 34 MINUTES 28 given by Richard Jackson and cumbrances, zoning ordin-
Inc., its successors and as- Note, however, that such entity lowing described property: 420-476269 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 SECONDS WEST A DIS- Eileen Jackson Brooks to ances, restrictions, covenants,
signs dated 5/6/2022 and re- or individual is not required by SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED .STATE OF GEORGIA TANCE OF 7.42 FEET TO A EquiFirst Corporation dated and matters of record superior
corded in Deed Book 30330 law to negotiate, amend or HERETO AND MADE A PART COUNTY OF DEKALB POINT; THENCE NORTH 23 12/18/2000 and recorded in to the Security Deed first set
Page 602 DeKalb County, modify the terms of the loan. HEREOF NOTICE OF SALE DEGREES 25 MINUTES 32 Deed Book 11796 Page 607 out above.
Georgia records; as last trans- Said property will be sold sub- The debt secured by said Se- UNDER POWER SECONDS WEST A DIS- Dekalb County, Georgia re- The sale will be conducted sub-
ferred to or acquired by United ject to: (a) any outstanding ad curity Deed has been and is Pursuant to the power of sale TANCE OF 5.00 FEET TO A cords; as last transferred to or ject to (1) confirmation that the
Shore Financial Services, LLC valorem taxes (including taxes hereby declared due because contained in the Security Deed POINT; THENCE SOUTH 66 acquired by U.S. Bank Nation- sale is not prohibited under the
d/b/a United Wholesale Mort- which are a lien, but not yet of, among other possible executed by TIA WESTMORE- DEGREES 34 MINUTES 28 al Association, not in its indi- U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2)
gage, conveying the after-de- due and payable), (b) unpaid events of default, failure to pay LAND to MORTGAGE ELEC- SECONDS WEST A DIS- vidual capacity but solely as In- final confirmation and audit of
scribed property to secure a water or sewage bills that con- the indebtedness as and when TRO NI C REG I STRATI O N TANCE OF 12.50 FEET TO A denture Trustee for the CIM the status of the loan with the
Note in the original principal stitute a lien against the prop- due and in the manner SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMIN- POINT, SAID POINT BEING Trust 2019-R2, conveying the holder of the Security Deed.
amount of $408,000.00, with in- erty whether due and payable provided in the Note and Se- EE FOR BANKSOUTH MORT- THE TRUE POINT OF BEGIN- after-described property to se- Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section
terest at the rate specified or not yet due and payable and curity Deed. The debt remain- GAGE COMPANY, LLC in the NING. cure a Note in the original prin- 9-13-172.1, which allows for
therein, there will be sold by the which may not be of record, (c) ing in default, this sale will be original principal amount of PARCEL ID: 16 058 02 147 cipal amount of $340,000.00, certain procedures regarding
undersigned at public outcry to the right of redemption of any made for the purpose of pay- $196,612.00 dated January 30, Said property being known as: with interest at the rate spe- the rescission of judicial and
the highest bidder for cash be- taxing authority, (d) any mat- ing the same and all expenses 2020 and recorded in Deed 2374 BELMONT PL LITHONIA, cified therein, there will be sold non-judicial sales in the State
fore the Courthouse door of ters which might be disclosed of this sale, as provided in the Book 28086, Page 682, DeKalb GA 30058 by the undersigned at public of Georgia, the Deed Under
DeKalb County, Georgia (or by an accurate survey and in- Security Deed and by law, in- County records, said Security To the best of the outcry to the highest bidder for Power and other foreclosure
such other area as designated spection of the property, and cluding attorney's fees (notice Deed being last transferred to undersigned’s knowledge, the cash before the Courthouse documents may not be
by Order of the Superior Court (e) any assessments, liens, en- pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-1-11 LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVI- party or parties in possession door of Dekalb County, Geor- provided until final confirmation
of said county), within the legal cumbrances, zoning ordin- having been given). CING, LLC in Deed Book of said property is/are TIA gia (or such other area as des- and audit of the status of the
hours of sale on July 5, 2023 ances, restrictions, covenants, Said property will be sold sub- 30194, Page 287, DeKalb WESTMORELAND or ignated by Order of the Superi- loan as provided immediately
(being the first Tuesday of said and matters of record superior ject to any outstanding ad County records, the under- tenant(s). or Court of said county), within above.
month unless said date falls on to the Security Deed first set valorem taxes (including taxes signed will sell at public outcry The debt secured by said Se- the legal hours of sale on July U.S. Bank National Associ-
a Federal Holiday, in which out above. which are a lien, but not yet to the highest bidder for cash, curity Deed has been and is 5, 2023 (being the first Tues- ation, not in its individual capa-
case being the first Wednes- The sale will be conducted sub- due and payable), the right of before the Courthouse door in hereby declared due and pay- day of said month unless said city but solely as Indenture
day of said month), the follow- ject to (1) confirmation that the redemption of any taxing au- said County, or at such other able because of, among other date falls on a Federal Holiday, Trustee for the CIM Trust 2019-
ing described property: sale is not prohibited under the thority, any matters which might place as lawfully designated, possible events of default, fail- in which case being the first R2 as agent and Attorney in
All that tract or parcel of land ly- U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) be disclosed by an accurate within the legal hours of sale, ure to pay the indebtedness as Wednesday of said month), the Fact for Richard Jackson and
ing and being in land Lot 46 of final confirmation and audit of survey and inspection of the on July 05, 2023, the property provided for in the Note and following described property: Eileen Jackson Brooks
the 18th District, Dekalb the status of the loan with the property, any assessments, li- in said Security Deed and de- said Security Deed. The debt ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Aldridge Pite, LLP, Six Pied-
County, Georgia, being Lots 1 holder of the Security Deed. ens, encumbrances, zoning or- scribed as follows: remaining in default, this sale CEL OF LAND LYING AND mont Center, 3525 Piedmont
and 2 in Block 4 of the Mead- Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section dinances, restrictions, coven- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- will be made for the purpose of BEING IN LAND LOT 176 OF Road, N.E., Suite 700, Atlanta,
ow Brook Subdivision, plat of 9-13-172.1, which allows for ants, and any matters of re- CEL OF LAND LYING AND paying the same and all ex- THE 18TH DISTRICT OF Georgia 30305, (404) 994-
which is recorded In the Office certain procedures regarding cord including, but not limited BEING IN LAND LOT 58 OF penses of sale, including attor- DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, 7400.
of the clerk of the Superior the rescission of judicial and to, those superior to the Secur- THE 16TH DISTRICT, DEKAIB ney’s fees (notice of intent to BEING KNOWN AS LOT 4, 1208-3356A
Court, Dekalb County, Georgia, non-judicial sales in the State ity Deed first set out above. COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING collect attorney’s fees having BLOCK "C", OF UNIT ONE, OF THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT-
and more particularly de- of Georgia, the Deed Under Said property will be sold on an LOT 111, BELMONT HILLS been given). BRENTWOOD SUBDIVISION, ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR
scribed as follows: Power and other foreclosure "as-is" basis without any rep- SUBDIVISION, AND BEING Said property will be sold sub- ACCORDING TO THE PLAT ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A
Beginning at the North comer documents may not be resentation, warranty or re- MORE PARTICULARLY DE- ject to the following: (1) any OF RECORD IN PLAT BOOK DEBT. ANY INFORMATION
of Reed and Zion Streets, and provided until final confirmation course against the above- SCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: outstanding ad valorem taxes 68, PAGE 34, OF THE OBTAINED WILL BE USED
running thence North one hun- and audit of the status of the named or the undersigned. COMMENCING AT A POINT (including taxes which are a li- DEKALB COUNTY RECORDS FOR THAT PURPOSE.
dred (100) feet, more or less, to loan as provided immediately MidFirst Bank is the holder of ON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT- en, whether or not yet due and AND WHICH PLAT IS INCOR- ++1208-3356A/JACKSON/
an alley; and thence East along above. the Security Deed to the prop- OF-WAY OF COVINGTON payable); (2) the right of re- PORATED HEREIN BY REF- BROOKS++
said alley fifty (50) feet, more or United Shore Financial Ser- erty in accordance with OCGA HIGHWAY, U.S. HWY 278 demption of any taxing author- ERENCE.
less, and thence South one vices, LLC d/b/a United Whole- § 44-14-162.2. (VARIABLE R/W) LOCATED A ity; (3) any matters which might The debt secured by said Se- 420-476272 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29
hundred (100) feet, more or sale Mortgage as agent and At- The entity that has full author- DISTANCE OF 984.50 FEET be disclosed by an accurate curity Deed has been and is STATE OF GEORGIA
less; and thence West fifty (50) torney in Fact for Kangela Free- ity to negotiate, amend, and EAST OF THE CENTERLINE survey and inspection of the hereby declared due because COUNTY OF DEKALB
feet, more or less, to the Point man and Dorian Alexander modify all terms of the mort- OF PANOLA ROAD AS MEAS- property; and (4) any assess- of, among other possible NOTICE OF SALE
of Beginning. Aldridge Pite, LLP, Six Pied- gage with the debtor is: Mid- URED ALONG THE SOUTH- ments, liens, encumbrances, events of default, failure to pay UNDER POWER
Being the same property con- mont Center, 3525 Piedmont land Mortgage, a division of ERLY SIDE OF SAID RIGHT- zoning ordinances, restrictions, the indebtedness as and when Pursuant to the power of sale
veyed to Dorian Alexander and Road, N.E., Suite 700, Atlanta, MidFirst Bank, 999 N.W. Grand OF-WAY AND 20.57 FEET covenants, and matters of re- due and in the manner contained in the Security Deed
Kangela Freeman, as joint ten- Georgia 30305, (404) 994- Boulevard Suite 100, Ok- SOUTH ALONG SAID RIGHT- cord superior to the Security provided in the Note and Se- executed by DOREEN
ants with right of survivorship 7400. lahoma City, OK 73118-6116, OF-WAY TO A 1/2" REBAR Deed first set out above. curity Deed. The debt remain- CARTER to MORTGAGE
by Limited Warranty Deed from 1010-1997A 800-654-4566. FOUND, SAID POINT BEING Said sale will be conducted ing in default, this sale will be ELECTRONIC REGISTRA-
Dorian Alexander, dated Au- THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- Note, however, that such entity LABELED POB ON PLAT FOR subject to the following: (1) made for the purpose of pay- TION SYSTEMS, INC. ACT-
gust 31, 2018, recorded on ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR is not required by law to negoti- BELMONT HILLS BY SCI DE- confirmation that the sale is not ing the same and all expenses ING SOLELY AS NOMINEE
September 5, 2018 as Book ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A ate, amend or modify the terms VELOPMENT SERVICES prohibited under the U.S. Bank- of this sale, as provided in the FOR EMBRACE HOME
27125, Page 514. Instrument DEBT. ANY INFORMATION of the loan. DATED 3-3-17, REVISED 9-18- ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- Security Deed and by law, in- LOANS, INC. in the original
2018152236. OBTAINED WILL BE USED To the best knowledge and be- 17, RECORDED IN PLAT firmation and audit of the status cluding attorney’s fees (notice principal amount of
APN: 18 046 03 245 FOR THAT PURPOSE. lief of the undersigned, the BOOK 257, PAGES 117-121, of the loan with the holder of of intent to collect attorney’s $102,338.00 dated April 13,
Commonly known as: 375 ++1010-1997A/FREEMAN/ AL- party in possession of the prop- DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA the Security Deed. fees having been given). 2012 and recorded in Deed
Reed Street, Scottdale, GA EXANDER++ erty is Evelyn Layton and Es- RECORDS; THENCE SOUTH The name, address, and tele- Said property is commonly Book 22994, Page 92, DeKalb
30079 tate of Jack Layton or a tenant 59 DEGREES 08 MINUTES 48 phone number of the individual known as 6092 Windsong Way, County records, said Security
The debt secured by said Se- or tenants and said property is SECONDS EAST A DIS- or entity who has full authority Stone Mountain, GA 30087 to- Deed being last transferred to
curity Deed has been and is more commonly known as TANCE OF 942.55 FEET TO A to negotiate, amend, and modi- gether with all fixtures and per- LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVI-
hereby declared due because 3083 San Jose Drive, Decatur, POINT AT THE NORTHWEST fy all terms of the mortgage is sonal property attached to and CING, LLC in Deed Book
of, among other possible Georgia 30032. Should a con- CORNER OF LOT 111, SAID as follows: constituting a part of said prop- 30151, Page 265, DeKalb
events of default, failure to pay flict arise between the property POINT BEING THE TRUE LoanCare, LLC erty, if any. To the best know- County records, the under-
the indebtedness as and when address and the legal descrip- POINT OF BEGINNING. 3637 Sentara Way ledge and belief of the under- signed will sell at public outcry
LOANS, INC. in the original gage. of, among other possible gage with the debtor is: Selene PAGE 16, DEKALB COUNTY ters which might be disclosed
principal amount of THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING events of default, failure to pay Finance, 3501 Olympus RECORDS, AND BEING by an accurate survey and in-
$102,338.00 dated April 13, AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- the indebtedness as and when Boulevard, 5th Floor, Suite 500, MORE PARTICULARLY DE- spection of the property, and
2012 and recorded in Deed TEMPTING TO COLLECT A due and in the manner Dallas, TX 75019, 7136252034. SCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: (e) any assessments, liens, en-
Book 22994, Page 92, DeKalb DEBT. ANY INFORMATION provided in the Note and Se- Note, however, that such entity BEGINNING AT A POINT ON cumbrances, zoning ordin-
County records, said Security OBTAINED MAY BE USED curity Deed. The debt remain- is not required by law to negoti- THE SOUTHWESTERLY SIDE ances, restrictions, covenants,

Deed being last transferred to The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023Page 57
FOR THAT PURPOSE. ing in default, this sale will be ate, amend or modify the terms OF HARTS MILL ROAD (SEX- and matters of record superior
LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVI- LAKEVIEW LOAN made for the purpose of pay- of the loan. TON ROAD) THREE HUN- to the Security Deed first set
CING, LLC in Deed Book SERVICING, LLC, ing the same and all expenses 420-476274 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 To the best knowledge and be- DRED TWENTY TWO AND out above.
30151, Page 265, DeKalb as Attorney-in-Fact for of this sale, as provided in the NOTICE OF SALE lief of the undersigned, the TWO TENTHS (322.2) FEET The sale will be conducted sub-
County records, the under- DOREEN CARTER Security Deed and by law, in- UNDER POWER party in possession of the prop- SOUTHEASTERLY, AS MEAS- ject to (1) confirmation that the
signed will sell at public outcry Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, cluding attorney’s fees (notice GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY erty is John George, Thelma L. URED ALONG THE SOUTH- sale is not prohibited under the
to the highest bidder for cash, Crane & Partners, PLLC of intent to collect attorney’s Under and by virtue of the George and Kirsten George- WESTERLY SIDE OF HARTS U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2)
before the Courthouse door in 13010 Morris Rd. fees having been given). Power of Sale contained in a Ryans or a tenant or tenants MILL ROAD, FROM THE final confirmation and audit of
said County, or at such other Suite 450 Said property is commonly Security Deed given by John and said property is more com- POINT OF INTERSECTION OF the status of the loan with the
place as lawfully designated, Alpharetta, GA 30004 known as 4051 Windsor Oak George and Thelma L. George monly known as 6325 Pawleys THE SOUTHWESTERLY SIDE holder of the Security Deed.
within the legal hours of sale, Phone: 470.321.7112 Drive, Doraville, GA 30340 to- to Mortgage Electronic Regis- Isles, Lithonia, Georgia 30058. OF HARTS MILL ROAD AND Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section
on July 05, 2023, the property ++Firm File No. 22-022069 - gether with all fixtures and per- tration Systems, Inc., as Should a conflict arise between THE WEST LINE OF LAND 9-13-172.1, which allows for
in said Security Deed and de- DaG/CARTER++ sonal property attached to and grantee, as nominee for Bo- the property address and the LOT 306; SAID POINT OF BE- certain procedures regarding
scribed as follows: 420-476273 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 constituting a part of said prop- ston Financial, Inc., its suc- legal description the legal de- GINNING ALSO BEING THE the rescission of judicial and
THE FOLLOWING DE- NOTICE OF SALE erty, if any. To the best know- cessors and assigns, dated scription will control. EAST LINE OF LOT 3, SAID non-judicial sales in the State
SCRIBED REAL PROPERTY, UNDER POWER, ledge and belief of the under- May 17, 2002, recorded in The sale will be conducted sub- SUBDIVISION AND PLAT; of Georgia, the Deed Under
TO WIT: DEKALB COUNTY signed, the party (or parties) in Deed Book 13291, Page 472, ject (1) to confirmation that the THENCE RUNNING SOUTH- Power and other foreclosure
ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Pursuant to the Power of Sale possession of the subject prop- DeKalb County, Georgia Re- sale is not prohibited under the EASTERLY ALONG THE documents may not be
CEL OF LAND LYING AND contained in a Security Deed erty is (are): Joel Vega and cords, as last transferred to U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) SOUTHWESTERLY SIDE OF provided until final confirmation
BEING IN LAND LOT 58 OF given by Joel Vega to Mort- Martha Vega or tenant or ten- U.S. Bank Trust National Asso- to final confirmation and audit HARTS MILL ROAD ONE and audit of the status of the
THE 15TH DISTRICT, OF gage Electronic Registration ants. ciation, not in its individual ca- of the status of the loan with HUNDRED TWO AND loan as provided immediately
DEKALB COUNTY GEORGIA, Systems, Inc., as grantee, as Gregory Funding LLC is the en- pacity but solely as owner trust- the holder of the security deed. TWENTY FIVE HUN- above.
AND BEING LOT 6, BLOCK A nominee for Countrywide Home tity or individual designated ee for RCF 2 Acquisition Trust U.S. Bank Trust National Asso- DREDTHS (102.25) FEET TO Wilmington Savings Fund Soci-
OF WALDROP FARMS, AS Loans, Inc., its successors and who shall have full authority to c/o U.S. Bank Trust National ciation, not in its individual ca- THE WEST LINE OF SAID ety, FSB, not in its individual
PER PLAT RECORDED IN assigns dated 3/23/2007 and negotiate, amend and modify Association by assignment re- pacity but solely as owner trust- LOT 5, SAID SUBDIVISION capacity, but solely as Owner
PLAT BOOK 124, PAGE 84-89 recorded in Deed Book 19839 all terms of the mortgage. corded in Deed Book 30894, ee for RCF 2 Acquisition Trust AND PLAT; THENCE SOUTH Trustee of CSMC 2019-RPL11
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA Page 11 DeKalb County, Geor- Gregory Funding LLC Gregory Page 49, DeKalb County, as Attorney in Fact for ALONG THE WEST LINE OF Trust. as agent and Attorney in
RECORDS, WHICH PLAT IS gia records; as last transferred Funding PO Box 230579 Tigard Georgia Records, conveying John George and SAID LOT 5 TWO HUNDRED Fact for Debra Nicholson Dav-
INCORPORATED HEREIN to or acquired by U.S. Bank Na- OR 97281 866-712-5698 the after-described property to Thelma L. George FIVE AND THREE TENTHS ies
AND MADE A PART HEREOF tional Association, as Inden- Note, however, that such entity secure a Note in the original McCalla Raymer (205.3} FEET; THENCE WEST Aldridge Pite, LLP, Six Pied-
BY REFERENCE. ture Trustee on behalf of and or individual is not required by principal amount of ONE HUN- Leibert Pierce, LLC ONE HUNDRED AND TENTH mont Center, 3525 Piedmont
TAX ID: 15 058 03 006 with respect to Barclays Mort- law to negotiate, amend or DRED THIRTEEN THOU- 1544 Old Alabama Road (100.1) FEET TO THE EAST Road, N.E., Suite 700, Atlanta,
PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3328 gage Trust 2022-RPL1, Mort- modify the terms of the loan. SAND TWO HUNDRED AND Roswell, GA 30076 LINE OF THE ABOVE MEN- Georgia 30305, (404) 994-
WALDROP FARMS WAY, gageBacked Securities, Series Said property will be sold sub- 0/100 DOLLARS TIONED LOT 3; THENCE 7400.
DECATUR, GA 30034 2022-RPL1, conveying the ject to: (a) any outstanding ad ($113,200.00), with interest EXHIBIT “A” NORTH ALONG THE EAST 1208-3832A
Said property being known as: after-described property to se- valorem taxes (including taxes thereon as set forth therein, ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- LINE OF SAID LOT 3 TWO THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT-
3328 WALDROP FARMS cure a Note in the original prin- which are a lien, but not yet there will be sold at public out- CEL OF LAND LYING AND HUNDRED TWENTY FOUR ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR
WAY, DECATUR, GA 30034 cipal amount of $131,840.00, due and payable), (b) unpaid cry to the highest bidder for BEING IN LAND LOT 100, OF AND FIVE TENTHS (224.5} ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A
To the best of the with interest at the rate spe- water or sewage bills that con- cash before the courthouse THE 16TH DISTRICT, DEKALB FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST- DEBT. ANY INFORMATION
undersigned’s knowledge, the cified therein, there will be sold stitute a lien against the prop- door of DeKalb County, Geor- COUNTY, GEORGIA AND BE- ERLY SIDE OF HARTS MILL OBTAINED WILL BE USED
party or parties in possession by the undersigned at public erty whether due and payable gia, or at such place as may be ING LOT 10, BELLE ISLE ROAD AND THE POINT OF FOR THAT PURPOSE.
of said property is/are outcry to the highest bidder for or not yet due and payable and lawfully designated as an al- SUBDIVISIONS, AS PER PLAT BEGINNING. ++1208-3832A/DAVIES++
DOREEN CARTER or cash before the Courthouse which may not be of record, (c) ternative, within the legal hours RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUM- 420-476278 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29
tenant(s). door of DeKalb County, Geor- the right of redemption of any of sale on the first Wednesday 109, PAGE 62, DEKALB BER: 18-306-06-016 NOTICE OF SALE
The debt secured by said Se- gia (or such other area as des- taxing authority, (d) any mat- in July, 2023, the following de- COUNTY RECORDS, WHICH The debt secured by said Se- UNDER POWER,
curity Deed has been and is ignated by Order of the Superi- ters which might be disclosed scribed property: PLAT IS INCORPORATED curity Deed has been and is DEKALB COUNTY
hereby declared due and pay- or Court of said county), within by an accurate survey and in- SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED HEREIN BY REFERENCE. hereby declared due because Pursuant to the Power of Sale
able because of, among other the legal hours of sale on July spection of the property, and HERETO AND MADE A PART MR/mac 7/5/23 of, among other possible contained in a Security Deed
possible events of default, fail- 5, 2023 (being the first Tues- (e) any assessments, liens, en- HEREOF ++Our file no. 5381016 - events of default, failure to pay given by Marjorie Y. Allen to
ure to pay the indebtedness as day of said month unless said cumbrances, zoning ordin- The debt secured by said Se- FT18/GEORGE++ the indebtedness as and when Generation Mortgage Com-
provided for in the Note and date falls on a Federal Holiday, ances, restrictions, covenants, curity Deed has been and is 420-476275 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 due and in the manner pany dated 5/16/2008 and re-
said Security Deed. The debt in which case being the first and matters of record superior hereby declared due because NOTICE OF SALE provided in the Note and Se- corded in Deed Book 20850
remaining in default, this sale Wednesday of said month), the to the Security Deed first set of, among other possible UNDER POWER, curity Deed. The debt remain- Page 699 DeKalb County,
will be made for the purpose of following described property: out above. events of default, failure to pay DEKALB COUNTY ing in default, this sale will be Georgia records; as last trans-
paying the same and all ex- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- The sale will be conducted sub- the indebtedness as and when Pursuant to the Power of Sale made for the purpose of pay- ferred to or acquired by Mort-
penses of sale, including attor- CEL OF LAND LYING AND ject to (1) confirmation that the due and in the manner contained in a Security Deed ing the same and all expenses gage Assets Management,
ney’s fees (notice of intent to BEING IN LAND LOT 338 OF sale is not prohibited under the provided in the Note and Se- given by Debra Nicholson Dav- of this sale, as provided in the LLC, conveying the after-de-
collect attorney’s fees having THE 18TH DISTRICT OF U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) curity Deed. The debt remain- ies to Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Security Deed and by law, in- scribed property to secure a
been given). DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, final confirmation and audit of ing in default, this sale will be dated 6/25/2009 and recorded cluding attorney’s fees (notice Note in the original principal
Said property will be sold sub- BEING LOT 1, BLOCK R, SEC- the status of the loan with the made for the purpose of pay- in Deed Book 21531 Page 170 of intent to collect attorney’s amount of $180,000.00, with in-
ject to the following: (1) any TION THREE-A, UNIT TWO, holder of the Security Deed. ing the same and all expenses Dekalb County, Georgia re- fees having been given). terest at the rate specified
outstanding ad valorem taxes OAKCLIFF ESTATES SUBDI- Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section of this sale, as provided in the cords; as last transferred to or Said property is commonly therein, there will be sold by the
(including taxes which are a li- VISION, ACCORDING TO 9-13-172.1, which allows for Security Deed and by law, in- acquired by Wilmington Sav- known as 1501 Harts Mill Rd undersigned at public outcry to
en, whether or not yet due and PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT certain procedures regarding cluding attorney's fees (notice ings Fund Society, FSB, not in #1, Atlanta, GA 30319 together the highest bidder for cash be-
payable); (2) the right of re- BOOK 34, PAGE 50, DEKALB the rescission of judicial and pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-1-11 its individual capacity, but with all fixtures and personal fore the Courthouse door of
demption of any taxing author- COUNTY RECORDS AND BE- non-judicial sales in the State having been given). solely as Owner Trustee of property attached to and consti- DeKalb County, Georgia (or
ity; (3) any matters which might ING MORE PARTICULARLY of Georgia, the Deed Under Said property will be sold sub- CSMC 2019-RPL11 Trust., tuting a part of said property, if such other area as designated
be disclosed by an accurate DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Power and other foreclosure ject to any outstanding ad conveying the afterdescribed any. To the best knowledge by Order of the Superior Court
survey and inspection of the BEGINNING AT AN IRON PIN documents may not be valorem taxes (including taxes property to secure a Note in the and belief of the undersigned, of said county), within the legal
property; and (4) any assess- LOCATED AT THE NORTH- provided until final confirmation which are a lien, but not yet original principal amount of the party (or parties) in posses- hours of sale on July 5, 2023
ments, liens, encumbrances, EAST CORNER OF THE IN- and audit of the status of the due and payable), the right of $130,000.00, with interest at sion of the subject property is (being the first Tuesday of said
zoning ordinances, restrictions, TERSECTION OF WINDSOR loan as provided immediately redemption of any taxing au- the rate specified therein, there (are): Debra Nicholson Davies month unless said date falls on
covenants, and matters of re- OAK DRIVE AND GREEN OAK above. thority, any matters which might will be sold by the undersigned or tenant or tenants. a Federal Holiday, in which
cord superior to the Security DRIVE; THENCE RUNNING U.S. Bank National Associ- be disclosed by an accurate at public outcry to the highest Rushmore Loan Management case being the first Wednes-
Deed first set out above. NORTH ALONG THE EAST ation, as Indenture Trustee on survey and inspection of the bidder for cash before the Services, LLC is the entity or in- day of said month), the follow-
Said sale will be conducted SIDE OF WINDSOR OAK behalf of and with respect to property, any assessments, li- Courthouse door of Dekalb dividual designated who shall ing described property:
subject to the following: (1) DRIVE 153.1 FEET TO AN Barclays Mortgage Trust 2022- ens, encumbrances, zoning or- County, Georgia (or such other have full authority to negotiate, ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
confirmation that the sale is not IRON PIN; THENCE NORTH- RPL1, MortgageBacked Secur- dinances, restrictions, coven- area as designated by Order of amend and modify all terms of CEL OF LAND LYING AND
prohibited under the U.S. Bank- EASTERLY 110 FEET TO AN ities, Series 2022-RPL1 as ants, and any matters of re- the Superior Court of said the mortgage. BEING IN LAND LOT 253 OF
ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- IRON PIN; THENCE SOUTH agent and Attorney in Fact for cord including, but not limited county), within the legal hours Rushmore Loan Management THE 15TH DISTRICT OF
firmation and audit of the status ALONG THE WEST LINE OF Joel Vega to, those superior to the Secur- of sale on July 5, 2023 (being Services, LLC PO Box 52708 DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA,
of the loan with the holder of LOT 2, SAID BLOCK AND Aldridge Pite, LLP, Six Pied- ity Deed first set out above. the first Tuesday of said month Irvine, CA 92619 888.504.7300 BEING LOT 19, BLOCK B,
the Security Deed. SUBDIVISION, 170.9 FEET TO mont Center, 3525 Piedmont Said property will be sold on an unless said date falls on a Fed- Note, however, that such entity DURHAM CROSSING SUBDI-
The name, address, and tele- AN IRON PIN LOCATED ON Road, N.E., Suite 700, Atlanta, "as-is" basis without any rep- eral Holiday, in which case be- or individual is not required by VISION, AS PER PLAT RE-
phone number of the individual THE NORTH SIDE OF GREEN Georgia 30305, (404) 994- resentation, warranty or re- ing the first Wednesday of said law to negotiate, amend or CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 83,
or entity who has full authority OAK DRIVE; THENCE RUN- 7400. course against the above- month), the follow ing de- modify the terms of the loan. PAGE 124, DEKALB COUNTY,
to negotiate, amend, and modi- NING WEST ALONG THE 1144-445A named or the undersigned. scribed property: Said property will be sold sub- GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH
fy all terms of the mortgage is NORTH SIDE OF GREEN OAK THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- U.S. Bank Trust National Asso- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- ject to: (a) any outstanding ad RECORDED PLAT IS INCOR-
as follows: DRIVE 100 FEET TO THE ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ciation, not in its individual ca- CEL OF LAND LYING AND valorem taxes (including taxes PORATED HEREIN BY THIS
LoanCare, LLC IRON PIN LOCATED AT THE ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A pacity but solely as owner trust- BEING IN LAND LOT 306 OF which are a lien, but not yet REFERENCE AND MADE A
3637 Sentara Way NORTHEAST CORNER OF DEBT. ANY INFORMATION ee for RCF 2 Acquisition Trust THE 18TH DISTRICT OF due and payable), (b) unpaid PART OF THIS DESCRIP-
Virginia Beach, VA 23452 THE INTERSECTION OF OBTAINED WILL BE USED is the holder of the Security DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, water or sewage bills that con- TION. SAID PROPERTY BE-
1-800-274-6600 WINDSOR OAK DRIVE AND FOR THAT PURPOSE. Deed to the property in accord- AND BEING LOT 4, SUBDIVI- stitute a lien against the prop- ING KNOWN AS 719 DURHAM
Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A. GREEN OAK DRIVE AT THE ++1144-445A/VEGA++ ance with OCGA § 44-14- SION OF A. R. MCADOO erty whether due and payable CROSSING ACCORDING TO
§ 44-14-162.2, the above indi- POINT OF BEGINNING 162.2. PROPERTY, ACCORDING TO or not yet due and payable and THE PRESENT SYSTEM OF
vidual or entity is not required The debt secured by said Se- The entity that has full author- PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT which may not be of record, (c) NUMBERING PROPERTY IN
by law to negotiate, amend, or curity Deed has been and is ity to negotiate, amend, and BOOK 23, PAGE 31, AND RE- the right of redemption of any DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA.
modify the terms of the mort- hereby declared due because modify all terms of the mort- VISED IN PLAT BOOK 24, taxing authority, (d) any mat- SUBJECT TO ANY EASE-
gage. of, among other possible gage with the debtor is: Selene PAGE 16, DEKALB COUNTY ters which might be disclosed MENTS OR RESTRICTIONS
THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING events of default, failure to pay Finance, 3501 Olympus RECORDS, AND BEING by an accurate survey and in- OF RECORD.
AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- the indebtedness as and when Boulevard, 5th Floor, Suite 500, MORE PARTICULARLY DE- spection of the property, and The debt secured by said Se-
TEMPTING TO COLLECT A due and in the manner Dallas, TX 75019, 7136252034. SCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: (e) any assessments, liens, en- curity Deed has been and is
DEBT. ANY INFORMATION provided in the Note and Se- Note, however, that such entity BEGINNING AT A POINT ON cumbrances, zoning ordin- hereby declared due because
OBTAINED MAY BE USED curity Deed. The debt remain- is not required by law to negoti- THE SOUTHWESTERLY SIDE ances, restrictions, covenants, of, among other possible
FOR THAT PURPOSE. ing in default, this sale will be ate, amend or modify the terms OF HARTS MILL ROAD (SEX- and matters of record superior events of default, failure to pay
LAKEVIEW LOAN made for the purpose of pay- of the loan. TON ROAD) THREE HUN- to the Security Deed first set the indebtedness as and when
SERVICING, LLC, ing the same and all expenses To the best knowledge and be- DRED TWENTY TWO AND out above. due and in the manner
as Attorney-in-Fact for of this sale, as provided in the lief of the undersigned, the TWO TENTHS (322.2) FEET The sale will be conducted sub- provided in the Note and Se-
DOREEN CARTER Security Deed and by law, in- party in possession of the prop- SOUTHEASTERLY, AS MEAS- ject to (1) confirmation that the curity Deed. The debt remain-
Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, cluding attorney’s fees (notice erty is John George, Thelma L. URED ALONG THE SOUTH- sale is not prohibited under the ing in default, this sale will be
MENTS OR RESTRICTIONS is not required by law to negoti- RECORDED AT PLAT BOOK The debt secured by said Se- ment of Security Instruments
OF RECORD. ate, amend or modify the terms 167, PAGES 80-82, DEKALB curity Deed has been and is recorded May 15, 2023 in Deed
The debt secured by said Se- of the loan. COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- hereby declared due and pay- Book 30906, Page 728 afore-
curity Deed has been and is To the best knowledge and be- CORDS, WHICH PLAT IS IN- able because of, among other said records (as assigned,
hereby declared due because lief of the undersigned, the CORPORATED HEREIN BY possible events of default, fail- amended and/or modified, the
of, among other possible party in possession of the prop- THIS REFERENCE AND ure to pay the indebtedness as “Security Deed”), securing that
Page 58
events of default, failure to pay The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023 
erty is Elayne B Bell, Estate of
Charles M Bell and Charles M
MADE A PART HEREOF. provided for in the Note and
said Security Deed. The debt
certain Note dated April 22,
the indebtedness as and when The debt secured by said Se- 2022 in the original principal
due and in the manner 420-476281 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 Bell or a tenant or tenants and curity Deed has been and is 420-476283 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 remaining in default, this sale amount of $643,000.00 ex-
provided in the Note and Se- NOTICE OF SALE said property is more com- hereby declared due because STATE OF GEORGIA will be made for the purpose of ecuted by Grantor payable to
curity Deed. The debt remain- UNDER POWER monly known as 4184 of, among other possible COUNTY OF DEKALB paying the same and all ex- Holder (as amended and/or
ing in default, this sale will be GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY Wyndham Park Cir, Decatur, events of default, failure to pay NOTICE OF SALE penses of sale, including attor- modified, the “Note”), there will
made for the purpose of pay- Under and by virtue of the Georgia 30034. Should a con- the indebtedness as and when UNDER POWER ney’s fees (notice of intent to be sold at public outcry by
ing the same and all expenses Power of Sale contained in a flict arise between the property due and in the manner Pursuant to the power of sale collect attorney’s fees having Holder, as attorney-in-fact for
of this sale, as provided in the Security Deed given by Elayne address and the legal descrip- provided in the Note and Se- contained in the Security Deed been given). Grantor, to the highest bidder
Security Deed and by law, in- B Bell and Charles M Bell to tion the legal description will curity Deed. The debt remain- executed by CYNTHIA JO Said property will be sold sub- for cash between the legal
cluding attorney’s fees (notice JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., control. ing in default, this sale will be GOODMAN to MORTGAGE ject to the following: (1) any hours for sale before the Court-
of intent to collect attorney’s dated April 21, 2006, recorded The sale will be conducted sub- made for the purpose of pay- ELECTRONIC REGISTRA- outstanding ad valorem taxes house door in DeKalb County,
fees having been given). in Deed Book 20167, Page ject (1) to confirmation that the ing the same and all expenses TION SYSTEMS, INC. AS (including taxes which are a li- Georgia, on Wednesday, July
Said property is commonly 159, DeKalb County, Georgia sale is not prohibited under the of this sale, as provided in the NOMINEE FOR FIRST OP- en, whether or not yet due and 5, 2023, the following de-
known as 719 Durham Xing, Records, as last transferred to U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) Security Deed and by law, in- TION MORTGAGE in the ori- payable); (2) the right of re- scribed land, improvements
Stone Mountain, GA 30083- U.S. Bank Trust National Asso- to final confirmation and audit cluding attorney’s fees (notice ginal principal amount of demption of any taxing author- and appurtenances (herein-
4688 together with all fixtures ciation, not in its individual ca- of the status of the loan with of intent to collect attorney’s $146,000.00 dated October 31, ity; (3) any matters which might after collectively referred to as
and personal property at- pacity but solely as owner trust- the holder of the security deed. fees having been given). 2007 and recorded in Deed be disclosed by an accurate the “Premises”) to wit:
tached to and constituting a ee for RCF 2 Acquisition Trust U.S. Bank Trust National Asso- Said property is commonly Book 20431, Page 678, DeKalb survey and inspection of the MORE COMMONLY KNOWN
part of said property, if any. To by assignment to be recorded ciation, not in its individual ca- known as 3882 Pin Oak St, County records, said Security property; and (4) any assess- AS: 4893 Ashford Walk, At-
the best knowledge and belief in the Office of the Clerk of Su- pacity but solely as owner trust- Lithonia, GA 30038 together Deed being last transferred to ments, liens, encumbrances, lanta, GA 30338 TAX PARCEL
of the undersigned, the party perior Court of DeKalb County, ee for RCF 2 Acquisition Trust with all fixtures and personal U.S. BANK TRUST NATIONAL zoning ordinances, restrictions, ID/APN: 18 363 01 123. All that
(or parties) in possession of the Georgia Records, conveying as Attorney in Fact for property attached to and consti- ASSOCIATION, NOT IN ITS covenants, and matters of re- tract or parcel of land lying and
subject property is (are): the after-described property to Elayne B Bell and tuting a part of said property, if INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY BUT cord superior to the Security being in Land Lot 363 of the
Beverly Allen-Temple or tenant secure a Note in the original Charles M Bell any. To the best knowledge SOLELY AS OWNER TRUST- Deed first set out above. 18th District of DeKalb County,
or tenants. principal amount of ONE HUN- McCalla Raymer and belief of the undersigned, EE FOR RCF 2 ACQUISITION Said sale will be conducted Georgia, being Lot 3, Ashford
PHH Mortgage Corporation is DRED EIGHTY-FOUR THOU- Leibert Pierce, LLC the party (or parties) in posses- TRUST in Deed Book 30805, subject to the following: (1) Walk, as recorded in Plat Book
the entity or individual desig- SAND SIX HUNDRED 1544 Old Alabama Road sion of the subject property is Page 393, DeKalb County re- confirmation that the sale is not 101, Page 101, DeKalb County,
nated who shall have full au- TWENTY-FIVE AND 0/100 Roswell, GA 30076 (are): Estate and/or Heirs of cords, the undersigned will sell prohibited under the U.S. Bank- Georgia Records, which plat is
thority to negotiate, amend and DOLLARS ($184,625.00), with Noreen Alfred or tenant or ten- at public outcry to the highest ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- hereby referred to for a more
modify all terms of the mort- interest thereon as set forth EXHIBIT “A” ants. bidder for cash, before the firmation and audit of the status complete description. Together
gage. therein, there will be sold at ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- PHH Mortgage Corporation is Courthouse door in said of the loan with the holder of with the perpetual non-exclus-
PHH Mortgage Corporation public outcry to the highest bid- CEL IN LAND LYING AND BE- the entity or individual desig- County, or at such other place the Security Deed. ive driveway easement for in-
Loss Mitigation 1661 Worthing- der for cash before the court- ING IN LAND LOT 94, 15TH nated who shall have full au- as lawfully designated, within The name, address, and tele- gress and egress as stated in
ton Rd Suite 100 West Palm house door of DeKalb County, DISTRICT, DEKALB COUNTY thority to negotiate, amend and the legal hours of sale, on July phone number of the individual that Private Drive Easement
Beach, FL 33409 888-918- Georgia, or at such place as GEORGIA, BEING LOT 26, modify all terms of the mort- 05, 2023, the property in said or entity who has full authority and Maintenance Agreement,
1110 may be lawfully designated as BLOCK A OF WYNDHAM gage. Security Deed and described to negotiate, amend, and modi- dated 11/26/96, filed 12/6/96,
Note, however, that such entity an alternative, within the legal PARK, UNIT ONE AS PER PHH Mortgage Corporation as follows: fy all terms of the mortgage is recorded in Deed Book 9233,
or individual is not required by hours of sale on the first Wed- PLAT RECORDED AT PLAT 1661 Worthington Rd Suite 100 ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- as follows: Page 605, DeKalb County,
law to negotiate, amend or nesday in July, 2023, the fol- BOOK 89, PAGE 142, DEKALB West Palm Beach, FL 33409 CEL OF LAND LYING AND Selene Finance LP Georgia Records, and as
modify the terms of the loan. lowing described property: COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- (800) 750-2518 BEING IN LAND LOT 106 OF 3501 Olympus Boulevard, shown on the plat recorded in
Said property will be sold sub- SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED CORDS WHICH PLAT IS IN- Note, however, that such entity THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB 5th Floor, Suite 500 Plat Book 101, Page 101,
ject to: (a) any outstanding ad HERETO AND MADE A PART CORPORATED HEREIN AND or individual is not required by COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING Dallas, TX 75019 DeKalb County, Georgia Re-
valorem taxes (including taxes HEREOF MADE A PART HEREOF BY law to negotiate, amend or LOT 33, BLOCK J, OF BATTLE 877-768-3759 cords, which plat is incorpor-
which are a lien, but not yet The debt secured by said Se- REFERENCE. modify the terms of the loan. FORREST SUBDIVISION, Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A. ated herein by express refer-
due and payable), (b) unpaid curity Deed has been and is MR/jay 7/5/23 Said property will be sold sub- UNIT TWO, PER PLAT OF § 44-14-162.2, the above indi- ence made a part hereof.
water or sewage bills that con- hereby declared due because ++Our file no. 22-09392GA - ject to: (a) any outstanding ad SURVEY RECORDED IN vidual or entity is not required TOGETHER WITH the rents,
stitute a lien against the prop- of, among other possible FT8/BELL++ valorem taxes (including taxes PLAT BOOK 38, PAGE 94, by law to negotiate, amend, or issues and profits thereof, all
erty whether due and payable events of default, failure to pay 420-476282 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 which are a lien, but not yet DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA modify the terms of the mort- plans, specifications, shop
or not yet due and payable and the indebtedness as and when NOTICE OF SALE due and payable), (b) unpaid RECORDS, gage. drawings and other technical
which may not be of record, (c) due and in the manner UNDER POWER, water or sewage bills that con- SAID PLAT IS INCORPOR- THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING descriptions prepared for con-
the right of redemption of any provided in the Note and Se- DEKALB COUNTY stitute a lien against the prop- ATED HEREIN BY REFER- AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- struction, repair or alteration of
taxing authority, (d) any mat- curity Deed. The debt remain- Pursuant to the Power of Sale erty whether due and payable ENCE AND BEING MORE TEMPTING TO COLLECT A the Property and any improve-
ters which might be disclosed ing in default, this sale will be contained in a Security Deed or not yet due and payable and PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED DEBT. ANY INFORMATION ments thereon, and all amend-
by an accurate survey and in- made for the purpose of pay- given by Noreen Alfred to Mort- which may not be of record, (c) AS FOLLOWS: OBTAINED MAY BE USED ments and modifications there-
spection of the property, and ing the same and all expenses gage Electronic Registration the right of redemption of any BEGINNING AT AN IRON PIN FOR THAT PURPOSE. of, and all other construction re-
(e) any assessments, liens, en- of this sale, as provided in the Systems, Inc., as grantee, as taxing authority, (d) any mat- ON THE EASTERLY SIDE OF U.S. BANK TRUST NATIONAL lated agreements in any way
cumbrances, zoning ordin- Security Deed and by law, in- nominee for BNC MORTGAGE, ters which might be disclosed BATTLE FORREST DRIVE ASSOCIATION, NOT IN ITS relating to the development,
ances, restrictions, covenants, cluding attorney's fees (notice INC., its successors and as- by an accurate survey and in- 216.8 FEET NORTHEAST- INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY BUT construction or use of the Prop-
and matters of record superior pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-1-11 signs dated 4/27/2007 and re- spection of the property, and ERLY AS MEASURED ALONG SOLELY AS OWNER TRUST- erty, SUBJECT HOWEVER, to
to the Security Deed first set having been given). corded in Deed Book 19933 (e) any assessments, liens, en- THE EASTERLY SIDE OF EE FOR RCF 2 ACQUISITION the right, power and authority
out above. Said property will be sold sub- Page 277 DeKalb County, cumbrances, zoning ordin- BATTLE FORREST DRIVE TRUST, given to and conferred upon
The sale will be conducted sub- ject to any outstanding ad Georgia records; as last trans- ances, restrictions, covenants, AND FOLLOWING THR as Attorney-in-Fact for Lender by the provisions set
ject to (1) confirmation that the valorem taxes (including taxes ferred to or acquired by U.S. and matters of record superior CURVATURE THEROF FROM CYNTHIA JO GOODMAN forth below to collect and apply
sale is not prohibited under the which are a lien, but not yet BANK NATIONAL ASSOCI- to the Security Deed first set ITS INTERSECTION WITH Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, such rents, issues and profits.
U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) due and payable), the right of ATION, as Trustee for Struc- out above. THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF Crane & Partners, PLLC For the Purpose of Securing: 1.
final confirmation and audit of redemption of any taxing au- tured Asset Securities Corpora- The sale will be conducted sub- ELKFORN DRIVE; THENCE 10700 Abbott’s Bridge Road Performance of each agree-
the status of the loan with the thority, any matters which might tion Mortgage Pass-Through ject to (1) confirmation that the RUNNING NORTHERLY Suite 170 ment of Borrower incorporated
holder of the Security Deed. be disclosed by an accurate Certificates, Series 2007-BC4, sale is not prohibited under the ALONG THE EASTERLY SIDE Duluth, GA 30097 by reference or contained
Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section survey and inspection of the conveying the after-described U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) OF BATTLE FORREST DRIVE Phone: 470.321.7112 herein. 2. Payment of the in-
9-13-172.1, which allows for property, any assessments, li- property to secure a Note in the final confirmation and audit of AND FOLLOWING THE ++Firm File No. 22-063273 - debtedness evidenced by a
certain procedures regarding ens, encumbrances, zoning or- original principal amount of the status of the loan with the CURVATURE THEROF 73.4 DaG/GOODMAN++ promissory note of even date
the rescission of judicial and dinances, restrictions, coven- $246,000.00, with interest at holder of the Security Deed. FEET TO AN IRON PIN; 420-476287 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 herewith, and any extension or
non-judicial sales in the State ants, and any matters of re- the rate specified therein, there Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section THENCE EASTERLY 150.0 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER renewal thereof, in the princip-
of Georgia, the Deed Under cord including, but not limited will be sold by the undersigned 9-13-172.1, which allows for FEET TO AN IRON PIN; POWER al sum of $643,000.00 ex-
Power and other foreclosure to, those superior to the Secur- at public outcry to the highest certain procedures regarding THENCE SOUTHERLY 78.0 STATE OF GEORGIA ecuted by Borrower in favor of
documents may not be ity Deed first set out above. bidder for cash before the the rescission of judicial and FEET TO AN IRON PIN; COUNTY OF DEKALB Lender. 3. Payment of such fur-
provided until final confirmation Said property will be sold on an Courthouse door of DeKalb non-judicial sales in the State THENCE WESTERLY 157.0 Under and by virtue of the ther sums as the then record
and audit of the status of the "as-is" basis without any rep- County, Georgia (or such other of Georgia, the Deed Under FEET TO THE EASTERLY power of sale contained in that owner of such Property here-
loan as provided immediately resentation, warranty or re- area as designated by Order of Power and other foreclosure SIDE OF BATTLE FORREST certain Construction Security after may borrow from Lender,
above. course against the above- the Superior Court of said documents may not be DRIVE AND THE IRON PIN AT Deed, Assignment of Leases when evidenced by another
Mortgage Assets Management, named or the undersigned. county), within the legal hours provided until final confirmation THE POINT OF BEGINNING, and Rents, Security Agree- note (or notes) reciting it is so
LLC as agent and Attorney in U.S. Bank Trust National Asso- of sale on July 5, 2023 (being and audit of the status of the BEING IMPROVED PROP- ment and Fixture Filing from secured. 4. All obligations un-
Fact for Marjorie Y. Allen ciation, not in its individual ca- the first Tuesday of said month loan as provided immediately ERTY KNOWN AS 2948 Beautiful Home Renovations der the Loan Agreement.
Aldridge Pite, LLP, Six Pied- pacity but solely as owner trust- unless said date falls on a Fed- above. BATTLE FORREST DRIVE, LLC (the “Grantor”) to and in fa- The indebtedness evidenced
mont Center, 3525 Piedmont ee for RCF 2 Acquisition Trust eral Holiday, in which case be- U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSO- A C C O R D I N G TO T H E vor of ELS Holdings LLC (the by the Note is due and payable
Road, N.E., Suite 700, Atlanta, is the holder of the Security ing the first Wednesday of said CIATION, as Trustee for Struc- PRESENT SYSTEM OF NUM- “Lender”), predecessor in in- and remains unpaid. The Se-
Georgia 30305, (404) 994- Deed to the property in accord- month), the following de - tured Asset Securities Corpora- BERING HOUSES IN DEKALB terest to Wilmington Savings curity Deed therefore has be-
7400. ance with OCGA § 44-14- scribed property: tion Mortgage Pass-Through COUNTY, GEORGIA. Fund Society, FSB, not in its in- come and is now foreclosable
1341-1020A 162.2. ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Certificates, Series 2007-BC4 Said property being known as: dividual capacity, but solely as according to its terms. Accord-
THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- The entity that has full author- CEL OF LAND LYING AND as agent and Attorney in Fact 2948 BATTLE FORREST DR trustee for Residential Mort- ingly, the Premises will be sold
ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ity to negotiate, amend, and BEING IN LAND LOT 181, for Noreen Alfred DECATUR, GA 30034 gage Aggregation Trust (the at public outcry pursuant to the
ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A modify all terms of the mort- 16TH DISTRICT, DEKALB Aldridge Pite, LLP, Six Pied- To the best of the “Holder”) dated April 22, 2022, terms of the power of sale
DEBT. ANY INFORMATION gage with the debtor is: Selene COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING mont Center, 3525 Piedmont undersigned’s knowledge, the and recorded in Deed Book provided in the Security Deed.
OBTAINED WILL BE USED Finance, 3501 Olympus LOT 8, BLOCK J, THE PARKS Road, N.E., Suite 700, Atlanta, party or parties in possession 30305, Page 489, DeKalb The Premises will be sold on
FOR THAT PURPOSE. Boulevard, 5th Floor, Suite 500, OF STONECREST, (F/K/A Georgia 30305, (404) 994- of said property is/are CYN- County, Georgia records, as an “as is, where is” basis
++1341-1020A/ALLEN++ Dallas, TX 75019, 7136252034. STONECREST PARK), UNIT 7400. THIA JO GOODMAN or transferred and assigned to without recourse against Hold-
Note, however, that such entity THREE, POD A, AS PER PLAT 1017-6112A tenant(s). Holder by that certain Assign- er and without representation
is not required by law to negoti- RECORDED AT PLAT BOOK THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- The debt secured by said Se- ment of Security Instruments or warranty of any kind or
ate, amend or modify the terms 167, PAGES 80-82, DEKALB ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR curity Deed has been and is recorded May 15, 2023 in Deed nature whatsoever by Holder
of the loan. COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A hereby declared due and pay- Book 30906, Page 728 afore- with respect thereto.
To the best knowledge and be- CORDS, WHICH PLAT IS IN- DEBT. ANY INFORMATION able because of, among other said records (as assigned, The proceeds of the sale are to
lief of the undersigned, the CORPORATED HEREIN BY OBTAINED WILL BE USED possible events of default, fail- amended and/or modified, the be applied first to the ex-
party in possession of the prop- THIS REFERENCE AND FOR THAT PURPOSE. ure to pay the indebtedness as “Security Deed”), securing that penses of the sale and all pro-
erty is Elayne B Bell, Estate of MADE A PART HEREOF. ++1017-6112A/ALFRED++ provided for in the Note and certain Note dated April 22, ceedings in connection there-
Charles M Bell and Charles M The debt secured by said Se- said Security Deed. The debt 2022 in the original principal with, including attorneys’ fees
Bell or a tenant or tenants and curity Deed has been and is remaining in default, this sale amount of $643,000.00 ex- (notice of intention to collect at-
said property is more com- hereby declared due because will be made for the purpose of ecuted by Grantor payable to torneys’ fees having been giv-
monly known as 4184 of, among other possible paying the same and all ex- Holder (as amended and/or en), then to the payment of all
Wyndham Park Cir, Decatur, events of default, failure to pay penses of sale, including attor- modified, the “Note”), there will sums secured by the Security
or warranty of any kind or or by an inspection of the prop- SECONDS 161.31 FEET pany (“Borrower”), to PARK agreements if Grantor is a co- ing and by statutorily sufficient ing the same and all expenses
nature whatsoever by Holder erty; any outstanding taxes, in- WEST (ACTUAL MEASURE- PLACE FINANCE, LLC, a operative housing corporation), delivery, to Borrower contain- of this sale, as provided in Se-
with respect thereto. cluding but not limited to ad MENT) 160.7 FEET (PER Texas limited liability company and all modifications, exten- ing the name, address, and curity Deed and by law, includ-
The proceeds of the sale are to valorem taxes, which consti- DEED) TO AN IRON PIN (the “Assignor”), as assigned by sions or renewals (all of which telephone number of the indi- ing attorney’s fees (notice of in-
be applied first to the ex- tute liens upon said property; FOUND; the Assignor to Lender, pursu- are herein sometimes referred vidual or entity who shall have tent to collect attorney’s fees
penses of the sale and all pro- special assessments; all out- RUNNING THENCE NORTH ant to that certain Assignment to together as the “Leases”); full authority to negotiate, having been given).

ceedings in connection there- The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023Page 59
standing bills for public utilities 79 DEGREES 02 MINUTES 52 of Security Deed, executed as F. All proceeds, products, con- amend, and modify all terms of Your mortgage servicer can be
with, including attorneys’ fees which constitute liens upon said SECONDS EAST, A DIS- of May 15, 2023 but made ef- sideration, compensation and the Security Deed and Note contacted at 800-327-7861 -
(notice of intention to collect at- property; all restrictive coven- TANCE OF 108.86 FEET (AC- fective as of March 22, 2022, recoveries, direct or con- thereby secured in accordance Loss Mitigation Dept., or by
torneys’ fees having been giv- ants, easements, rights-of-way TUAL MEASUREMENT) 109.8 and recorded May 16, 2023, in sequential, cash and noncash, with O.C.G.A. Section 44-14- writing to BSI Financial Ser-
en), then to the payment of all and any other matters of re- (PER DEED) TO AN IRON PIN Deed Book 30908, Page 383 of or arising from, as the case 162.2(a), and such person may vices (Servicer), 314 S. Frank-
sums secured by the Security cord superior to said Security FOUND; with the DeKalb County, Geor- may be, (i) the properties, be contacted by and through lin Street, PO Box 517, Titus-
Deed, and the remainder, if Deed. RUNNING THENCE NORTH gia, Clerk of Superior Court (the rights, titles and interests re- his agent, counsel for Lender at ville, PA 16354, to discuss pos-
any, will be paid to the person PRIME EQUITY INC., Habib 00 DEGREES 32 MINUTES 03 “Assignment,” and together ferred to above in paragraphs the name, address and tele- sible alternatives to avoid fore-
or persons legally entitled Osta, Member/Manager, (770) SECONDS EAST 163.97 FEET with the Security Instrument the (A), (B), (C), (D), and (E); (ii) phone number below. closure.
thereto, all as provided in the 331-7099, as the secured cred- (ACTUAL MEASUREMENT) “Security Deed”), which Secur- any sale, lease or other dispos- THIS PUBLICATION IS AN AT- Said property will be sold sub-
Security Deed. The Premises itor is the entity that has full au- 165.8 FEET (PER DEED) TO ity Deed secures indebtedness ition thereof; (iii) each policy of TEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ject to any outstanding ad
shall be sold as the property of thority to negotiate, amend, and AN IRON PIN FOUND; evidenced by that certain Note insurance relating thereto (in- ANY INFORMATION OB- valorem taxes (including taxes
Grantor, subject to all restric- modify all terms of the mort- RUNNING THENCE NORTH dated March 22, 2022, in the cluding premium refunds); (iv) TAINED IN THIS REGARD which are a lien, but not yet
tions, easements and other gage with the debtor. 89 DEGREES 19 MINUTES 27 original principal amount of the taking thereof or of any WILL BE USED FOR THE due and payable), any matters
matters of record that are prior Please understand that the se- SECONDS WEST, 111.44 $184,070.00 (the “Note”). rights appurtenant thereto by PURPOSE OF COLLECTION. which might be disclosed by an
to the Security Deed and to cured creditor is not required by FEET (ACTUAL MEASURE- Lender, being the owner and eminent domain or sale in lieu TOORAK CAPITAL PART- accurate survey and inspection
which the Security Deed is sub- law to negotiate, amend or MENT) 110.0 FEET 9 (PER holder of the Security Deed and thereof for public or quasi-pub- NERS LLC, a Delaware limited of the property, any assess-
ject and to any unpaid city, modify the terms of the mort- DEED) TO AN IRON PIN acting in its capacity as attor- lic use under any law; and (v) liability company, as attorney- ments, liens, encumbrances,
county and state ad valorem gage instrument. Notice has FOUND; ney-in-fact for Borrower, will any damage thereto whether in-fact for ++AUBYN INVEST- zoning ordinances, restrictions,
taxes or assessments relating been given of intention to col- RUNNING THENCE SOUTH sell at public outcry to the caused by such a taking (in- MENT LLC++, a Georgia lim- covenants, and matters of re-
to the Premises. lect attorneys fees in accord- 00 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 52 highest bidder for cash before cluding, without limitation, ited liability company. cord superior to the Security
To the best of the ance with the terms of the note SECONDS WEST 91.46 FEET the Courthouse door of DeKalb change of grade of streets, Counsel for Lender: Deed first set out above.
undersigned’s knowledge and secured by said Deed. (ACTUAL MEASUREMENT) County, Georgia, within the leg- curb cuts or other rights of ac- Andrew C. Shipp To the best knowledge and be-
belief, the owner of the To the best knowledge and be- 95.0 FEET MORE OR LESS al hours of sale on July 5, cess) or otherwise caused; and Polsinelli PC lief of the undersigned, the
Premises is the Grantor and lief of the undersigned, the (PER DEED) TO AN IRON PIN 2023, certain real property leg- G. All other interests of every 1201 West Peachtree Street party in possession of the prop-
the party or parties in posses- party in possession of the prop- FOUND; ally described as (or so much kind and character, and pro- NW, Suite 1100 erty is Solid Water Holdings,
sion of the Premises is the erty is LINDA DUGGANS, RUNNING THENCE SOUTH thereof as has not, as of the ceeds thereof (including, Atlanta, Georgia 30309 LLC; Jonathan Barrett; or ten-
Grantor or tenants of the Grant- LATOINE DUGGANS, or a ten- 75 DEGREES 08 MINUTES 59 first Tuesday, been released by without limitation, declarant’s 404.253.6074 ant(s); and said property is
or. ant or tenants, and said prop- SECONDS WEST 115.88 (AC- duly recorded instrument from rights under any declaration of 420-476295 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 more commonly known as
WILMINGTON SAVINGS erty is more commonly known TUAL MEASUREMENT) 116.5 the Security Deed): covenants affecting the Land, NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE 2 114 Drew Valley Road,
FUND SOCIETY, FSB, not in as: FEET (PER DEED) TO AN ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- which Grantor now has or here- SALE UNDER POWER Brookhaven, GA 30319 a/k/a
its individual capacity, but 36 6 4 D O G W O O D F A R M IRON PIN FOUND; CEL OF LAND LYING AND after acquires in, to or for the DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA 2114 Drew Valley Road NE,
solely as trustee for Residen- ROAD, DECATUR, GA 30034 RUNNING THENCE SOUTH BEING IN LAND LOT 203 OF benefit of the properties, rights, THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO Brookhaven, GA 30319-3918.
tial Mortgage Aggregation Trust The sale will be conducted sub- 17 DEGREES 53 MINUTES 59 THE 16TH DISTRICT, DEKALB titles and interests referred to COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- The sale will be conducted sub-
As Attorney-in-Fact for ject (1) to confirmation that the SECONDS WEST, A DIS- COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING above in paragraphs (A), (B), FORMATION OBTAINED WILL ject (1) to confirmation that the
++BEAUTIFUL HOME RENOV- sale is not prohibited under the TANCE OF 92.78 TO AN IRON LOT 56 OF HAYNES PARK (C), (D), (E), (F), and all prop- BE USED FOR THAT PUR- sale is not prohibited under the
ATIONS LLC++ U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) PIN FOUND; TOWNHOMES, PHASE II, AS erty used or useful in connec- POSE. U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2)
Lisa Wolgast, Esq. to final confirmation and audit RUNNING THENCE SOUTH PER PLAT RECORDED IN tion therewith, including, but not Under and by virtue of the to final confirmation and audit
Morris, Manning & Martin, of the status of the loan with 55 DEGREES 57 MINUTES 37 PLAT BOOK 244, PAGES 33- limited to, remainders, rever- Power of Sale contained in a of the status of the loan with
L.L.P. the holder of the Security Deed. SECONDS, WEST A DIS- 37, DEKALB COUNTY, GEOR- sions and reversionary rights or Security Deed given by ++Sol- the holder of the security deed.
1600 Atlanta Financial Center PRIME EQUITY INC. TANCE OF 159.51 FEET (AC- GIA RECORDS, SAID PLAT interests. id Water Holdings, LLC++, a US Mortgage Loan Trust III as
3343 Peachtree Road, N.E. as Attorney in Fact for TUAL MEASUREMENT) 159.6 BY THIS REFERENCE BEING To the best knowledge of Georgia Limited Liability Com- Attorney in Fact for ++Solid
Atlanta, Georgia 30326 LINDA DUGGANS FEET (PER DEED) TO AN INCORPORATED HEREIN Lender, the Property is in the pany, to Certain Lending, Inc., Water Holdings, LLC++.
(404) 233-7000 Perrie & Associates, LLC IRON PIN FOUND; AND MADE A PART HEREOF legal possession of Borrower. dated April 28, 2022, and recor- Quinn Legal, P.A.
100 Galleria Pkwy, Suite 1170 RUNNING THENCE NORTH FOR A COMPLETE LEGAL The Property will be sold on an ded in Deed Book 30307, Page 19321 US Hwy 19 N, Suite 512
420-476288 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 Atlanta, GA 30339 71 DEGREES 07 MINUTES 57 DESCRIPTION “AS IS, WHERE IS” basis 204, Dekalb County, Georgia Clearwater, FL 33764
NOTICE OF SALE UNDER (770)579-2700 SECONDS WEST, A DIS- TOGETHER WITH (collectively, without recourse against Records, as last transferred to Phone: (727) 474-9603
POWER ++File No.: 23-0048/DUG- TANCE OF 146.90 FEET TO the “Property”): Lender, without representation US Mortgage Loan Trust III by [email protected]
GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY GANS++ AN IRON PIN PLACED ON A. All right, title, and interest of or warranty of any kind or assignment to be recorded in By: /s/ Erin M. Rose Quinn
By virtue of a Power of Sale THIS LAW FIRM IS ATTEMPT- THE EASTERN SIDE OF THIS Grantor in and to (i) all streets, nature whatsoever with re- the Office of the Clerk of Super- Erin M. Rose Quinn, Esq.
contained in that certain Secur- ING TO COLLECT A DEBT OR RIGHT OF WAY OF DOG- roads, alleys, easements, spect thereto, without any as- ior Court of Dekalb County, Georgia Bar Number 547833
ity Deed from LINDA DUG- TO ENFORCE THE TERMS WOOD FARM ROAD; rights-of-way, licenses, rights of surance afforded to the exact Georgia Records, conveying
GANS, to PRIME EQUITY INC, AND CONDITIONS OF THE RUNNING THENCE ALONG ingress and egress, vehicle acreage and square footage the after-described property to 420-476296 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29
dated MAY 15, 2015, recorded SECURITY DEED. ANY IN- THE EASTERN SIDE OF parking rig hts and public contained in the Land descrip- secure a Note in the original NOTICE OF SALE UNDER
in Deed Book 24988, Page 6, FORMATION OBTAINED WILL DOGWOOD FARM ROAD places, existing or proposed, tion, and subject to all of the principal amount of five hun- POWER
said Security Deed having BE USED FOR THAT PUR- SOUTH, 12 DEGREES 48 abutting, adjacent, used in con- following, without limitation: dred fifty-five thousand and DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA
been given to secure a Note of POSE. M I NU TE S 1 1 SECO N DS , nection with or pertaining to the (a) all outstanding taxes, as- 00/100 dollars ($555,000.00), Under and by virtue of the
even date in the original prin- EAST A DISTANCE OF 59.2 real property or the Improve- sessments, and utility bills with interest thereon as set Power of Sale contained in that
cipal amount of SEVENTY EXHIBIT “A” FEET TO AN IRON PIN ments (as hereinafter defined), which are valid liens and en- forth therein, there will be sold certain Security Deed given by
THOUSAND and 00/100 DOL- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- PLACED AND THE POINT OF (ii) any strips or gores between cumbrances upon any of the at public outcry to the highest THE ATLANTA 10 GROUP,
LARS (U.S. $70,000.00) with CEL OF LAND LYING AND BEGINNING; the real property and abutting Property and which are prior in bidder for cash before the LLC (“Borrower”) to and in fa-
interest thereon as provided for BEING IN LAND LOT 63 OF BEING IMPROVED PROP- or adjacent properties, and (iii) right to the lien and security in- courthouse door of Dekalb vor of Georgia Home Partners,
therein, there will be sold at THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB ERTY HAVING A HOUSE all water and water rights, tim- terest of Lender (including County, Georgia, within the leg- LLC (“Lender”) dated October
public outcry to the highest bid- COUNTY, GEORGIA, AND BE- THEREON IN DEKALB ber, crops and mineral in- taxes which are liens, but not al hours of sale on July 5, 7, 2021, and recorded in Deed
der for cash before the court- ING MORE PARTICULARLY COUNTY, GEORGIA, AND BE- terests pertaining to the real yet payable); 2023, the following described Book 29821, Page 799, et seq.,
house door of Dekalb County, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ING KNOWN AS 3664 DOG- property (such real property (b) any and all easements, re- property: of the DeKalb County, Georgia
Georgia, within the legal hours TO ARRIVE AT THE TRUE WOOD FARM ROAD AC- and other rights, titles, and in- strictions, covenants, encum- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- land records. Said Security
of sale on the first Tuesday in POINT OF BEGINNING, COM- CORDING TO THE PRESENT terests being hereinafter some- brances and other matters CEL OF LAND LYING AND Deed being given to secure an
JULY the following described MERCE AT THE POINT SYSTEM OF NUMBERING times called the “Land”); which would be revealed by an BEING IN LAND LOT 202 OF Interest Only Balloon Note
property: WHERE THE CENTER LINE HOUSES IN SAID COUNTY; B. All buildings, structures, im- inspection or accurate survey THE 18TH DISTRICT OF (“Note”) made by Borrower in
SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED OF DOGWOOD FARM ROAD AND BEING MORE PARTICU- provements now constructed or of the Land; DEKALB COUNTY GEORGIA, favor of Lender, dated October
HERETO AND MADE A PART IS INTERSECTED BY THE LARLY SHOWN ON SURVEY at any time in the future con- (c) all valid zoning ordinances; BEING LOT 11 IN BLOCK L., 7, 2021, in the original princip-
HEREOF. SOUTH LINE LAND LOT 63; PREPARED BY GA LAND structed or placed upon the (d) any and all easements, lim- UNIT SEVEN OF DREW VAL- al amount of FOUR HUN-
BEING KNOWN AS: 3664 RUN THENCE NORTHERLY SURVEYING CO., DATED Land, including any future alter- itations, restrictions, reserva- LEY SUBDIVISION, AS DRED TWENTY-FIVE THOU-
DOGWOOD FARM ROAD ALONG THE CENTER LINE DECEMBER 6, 1988, AND ations, replacements and addi- tions, covenants, and encum- SHOWN ON PLAT RECOR- SAND DOLLARS AND 00/100
PARCEL ID # 15 063 01 109 OF DOGWOOD FARMS CONTAINING 1.652 ACRES tions (the “Improvements”); brances of record to which the DED IN PLAT BOOK 23, PAGE DOLLARS ($425,000.00), to-
The indebtedness secured by ROAD; 448.0 FEET TO A PARCEL ID # 15 063 01 109 C. All fixtures and systems and Security Deed is subordinate in 40, DEKALB COUNTY, GEOR- gether with interest on the Note
said Security Deed has been POINT; RUN THENCE SOUTH 420-476289 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 articles of personal property, of terms of priority; GIA RECORDS. THIS DEED IS from the date thereof at the rate
and is hereby declared due be- 80 DEGREES 56 MINUTES STATE OF GEORGIA every kind and character (all of (e) confirmation and audit of GIVEN SUBJECT TO ALL as provided therein on the un-
cause of default under the EAST 16.2 FEET TO AN IRON COUNTY OF DEKALB which are herein sometimes re- the status of the loan evid- EASEMENTS AND RESTRIC- paid balance until paid, there
terms of said Security Deed PIN PLACED ON THE EAST- NOTICE OF SALE UNDER ferred to together as “Accessor- enced by the Note; and TIONS OF RECORD, IF ANY. will be sold by the undersigned
and Note, including but not lim- ERN SIDE OF DOGWOOD POWER ies”); (f) the effect of the United PARCEL NUMBER 18 202 01 at public outcry to the highest
ited to the nonpayment of the FARM ROAD AND THE TRUE TOORAK CAPITAL PART- D. All rents (whether from resid- States Bankruptcy Code. 012. bidder for cash before the
indebtedness as and when POINT OF BEGINNING. NERS LLC, a Delaware limited ential or non-residential space), The proceeds of the sale of the TAX ID#: 18-202-01-012 courthouse door at DeKalb
due. The indebtedness remain- FROM THE TRUE POINT OF liability company (the “Lender”), revenues, and other income of Property will be applied in ac- SUBJECT TO ANY EASE- County, Georgia, within the leg-
ing in default, this sale will be BEGINNING THUS ESTAB- under and by virtue of the the Land or the Improvements cordance with the Security MENTS OR RESTRICTIONS al hours of sale on the first
made for the purpose of pay- LISHED RUNNING THENCE power of sale contained in that (all of which are herein some- Deed to the payment of the in- OF RECORD. Wednesday in July 2023, the
ing the same, all expenses of SOUTH 80 DEGREES 56 certain Security Deed, dated times referred to together as debtedness owed to Lender un- The debt secured by said Se- following described property
the sale, including attorney's MINUTES EAST 286.70 FEET March 22, 2022 and recorded the “Rents”); der the Security Deed and curity Deed has been and is (the “Property”):
fees and all other payments TO AN IRON PIN FOUND; on March 28, 2022, in Deed E. All present and future Note, and to the payment of all hereby declared due because ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
provided for under the terms of RUNNING THENCE NORTH Book 30224, Page 146 with the leases, subleases, licenses, expenses of sale to the extent of, among other possible CEL OF LAND LYING AND
the Security Deed and Note. 86 DEGREES 29 MINUTES 43 DeKalb County, Georgia, Clerk concessions or grants or other provided by Georgia law. events of default, failure to pay BEING IN LAND LOT 108,
Said property will be sold sub- SECONDS EAST 145.90 FEET of Superior Court (as amended possessory interests now or Lender reserves the right to the indebtedness as and when 18TH DISTRICT OF DEKALB
ject to the following items which (ACTUAL MEASUREMENT) from time to time, collectively, hereafter in force, whether oral credit bid at the sale all or a due and in the manner COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING
may affect the title to said prop- 145.8 FEET (PER DEED) TO the “Security Instrument”), ex- or written, covering or affecting portion of the unpaid indebted- provided in the Note and Se- LOT 4, BLOCK H OF LAVISTA
erty: all zoning ordinances; AN IRON PIN FOUND; ecuted and delivered by AU- the Premises, or any portion of ness owed to Lender under the curity Deed. The debt remain- PARK, AS PER PLAT THERE-
matters which would be dis- RUNNING THENCE NORTH 9 BYN INVESTMENT LLC, a the Premises (including propri- Security Deed and Note. ing in default, this sale will be OF RECORDED IN PLAT
closed by an accurate survey DEGREES 10 MINUTES 53 Georgia limited liability com- etary leases or occupancy Notice has been given, in writ- made for the purpose of pay- BOOK 15, PAGE 35, DEKALB
or by an inspection of the prop- SECONDS 161.31 FEET pany (“Borrower”), to PARK agreements if Grantor is a co- ing and by statutorily sufficient ing the same and all expenses COUNTY, GEORGIA, RE-
erty; any outstanding taxes, in- WEST (ACTUAL MEASURE- PLACE FINANCE, LLC, a operative housing corporation), delivery, to Borrower contain- of this sale, as provided in Se- CORDS, WHICH PLAT IS IN-
cluding but not limited to ad MENT) 160.7 FEET (PER Texas limited liability company and all modifications, exten- ing the name, address, and curity Deed and by law, includ- CORPORATED HEREIN AND
valorem taxes, which consti- DEED) TO AN IRON PIN (the “Assignor”), as assigned by sions or renewals (all of which telephone number of the indi- ing attorney’s fees (notice of in- MADE A PART HEREOF BY
tute liens upon said property; FOUND; the Assignor to Lender, pursu- are herein sometimes referred vidual or entity who shall have tent to collect attorney’s fees REFERENCE FOR A MORE
special assessments; all out- RUNNING THENCE NORTH ant to that certain Assignment to together as the “Leases”); full authority to negotiate, having been given). DETAILED DESCRIPTION.
standing bills for public utilities 79 DEGREES 02 MINUTES 52 of Security Deed, executed as F. All proceeds, products, con- amend, and modify all terms of Your mortgage servicer can be PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1245
which constitute liens upon said SECONDS EAST, A DIS- of May 15, 2023 but made ef- sideration, compensation and the Security Deed and Note contacted at 800-327-7861 - BROOK FOREST DRIVE, AT-
property; all restrictive coven- TANCE OF 108.86 FEET (AC- fective as of March 22, 2022, recoveries, direct or con- thereby secured in accordance Loss Mitigation Dept., or by LANTA, GA 30324.
ants, easements, rights-of-way TUAL MEASUREMENT) 109.8 and recorded May 16, 2023, in sequential, cash and noncash, with O.C.G.A. Section 44-14- writing to BSI Financial Ser- PARCEL ID: 18-108-08-013.
and any other matters of re- (PER DEED) TO AN IRON PIN Deed Book 30908, Page 383 of or arising from, as the case 162.2(a), and such person may vices (Servicer), 314 S. Frank- The debt secured by said Se-
cord superior to said Security FOUND; with the DeKalb County, Geor- may be, (i) the properties, be contacted by and through lin Street, PO Box 517, Titus- curity Deed has been and is
COUNTY, GEORGIA, RE- scribed property, to-wit: ALL Pass-Through Certificates, and audit of the status of the and audit of the status of the southerly 171.4 feet to an iron status of the loan as provided
CORDS, WHICH PLAT IS IN- THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF Series 2005-12, U.S. Bank Na- loan with the holder of the Se- loan as provided immediately pin; running thence northeast- in the preceding paragraph.
CORPORATED HEREIN AND LAND LYING AND BEING IN tional Association, as Trustee, curity Deed. above. erly to an interior angle of 56 Funds used at sale shall be in
MADE A PART HEREOF BY LAND LOR 173 OF THE 18TH recorded in Deed Book 30895, Bear Stearns ARM Trust, Mort- Notice has been given of this degrees 56 minutes with the certified funds and payable to
REFERENCE FOR A MORE DISTRICT, DEKALB COUNTY, Page 37, aforesaid records, will gage Pass-Through Certific- foreclosure and of the intention preceding line 88.5 feet to an “Bell Carrington Price & Gregg,
DETAILED DESCRIPTION. GEORGIA, BEING LOT 2, be sold at public outcry to the ates, Series 2005-12, U.S. to collect attorneys’ fees in ac- iron pin; continuing thence LLC”.
Page 60
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023 
CHARTWELL SUBDIVISION, highest bidder for cash before Bank National Association, as
cordance with the terms of the
note at least 30 days prior to
northwesterly at an interior JP Morgan Chase Bank, Na-
tional Association as Attorney
ACCORDING TO PLAT RE- the courthouse door of Dekalb angle of 194 degrees 29
LANTA, GA 30324. CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 54, County, Georgia, or at such as Attorney-in-Fact for the scheduled sale by writing, minutes with the preceding line in Fact for Andrea Metika
PARCEL ID: 18-108-08-013. PAGE 157, DEKALB COUNTY, place as has or may be law- Jeffrey Adam Kerr sent certified return receipt mail 232.65 feet to an iron pin and Luxella Mackey.
The debt secured by said Se- GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH fully designated as an alternat- Contact: and regular mail to the debtor. the point of beginning all as Any information obtained on
curity Deed has been and is RECORDED PLAT IS INCOR- ive location, within the legal Padgett Law Group: 6267 Old Said property is being sold as shown on survey prepared by this matter may be used by the
hereby declared due because PORATED HEREIN BY REF- hours of sale on the first Wed- Water Oak Road, Suite 203, the property of POGLOG, LLC Carter Land Surveying Co., debt collector to collect the
of, among other possible ERENCE. The debt secured by nesday in July, 2023, all prop- Tallahassee, FL 32312; (850) as the current title holder and dated June 19, 1979; and be- debt. Bell Carrington Price &
events of default, failure to said Deed to Secure Debt has erty described in said Security 422-2520 borrower and the proceeds of ing known as 2670 Kelly Gregg, LLC, 339 Heyward
comply with the repayment been and is hereby declared Deed including but not limited Ad Run Dates: 06/08/23; the sale will be applied to the Chapel Road, Decatur, DeKalb Street, 2nd Floor, Columbia,
terms of the Note. The debt re- due because, among other to the following described prop- 06/15/23; 06/22/23; 06/29/23 payment of said indebtedness, County, Georgia 30034. SC 29201 (803)-509-5078. File:
maining in default, this sale will possible events of default, fail- erty: the expense of said sale, as Tax ID: 15 126 05 018 ++23-41847/ Mackey++
be made for the purpose of ure to pay the indebtedness as ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- 420-476399 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 provided in said deed, and the The debt secured by said Se- 420-476499 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6
paying the same and all ex- and when due and in the man- CEL OF LAND LYING AND NOTICE OF SALE UNDER undersigned will execute a curity Deed has been and is 7/13,7/20,7/27
penses of this sale, including ner provided in the Note and BEING IN LAND LOT 243 OF POWER deed to the purchaser as hereby declared due because Notice of Sale Under Power
attorneys’ fees (notice of intent Deed to Secure Debt. The debt THE 18TH DISTRICT, OF Under and by virtue of the provided in the aforementioned of, among other possible State of Georgia,
to collect attorneys’ fees hav- remaining in default, this sale DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, power of sale in that certain Security Deed, Yieldi, LLC as events of default, failure to pay County of DeKalb
ing been given) and all other will be made for the purpose of BEING LOT 21, BLOCK C, Deed to Secure Debt issued by attorney in fact for ++POGLOG, the indebtedness as and when Under and by virtue of the
payments provided for under paying the same and all ex- SKYLAND ESTATES, AS PER POGLOG, LLC to Yieldi, LLC, LLC++ by virtue of that Secur- due and in the manner Power of Sale contained in a
the terms of the Note. penses of this sale, as provided PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT found at Deed Book 30548 ity Deed found at Deed Book provided in the Note and Se- Security Deed given by Arnita
Said property will be sold on an in the Deed to Secure Debt and BOOK 20, PAGE 3, DEKALB Page 656, Dekalb County in 30548 Page 656, Dekalb curity Deed. Because the debt L. Holman to Mortgage Elec-
“as-is” basis without any rep- by law, including attorney's fees COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- the amount of $650,000.00 with County Records. remains in default, this sale will tronic Registration Systems,
resentation, warranty or re- (notice of intent to collect attor- CORDS, WHICH PLAT IS attorneys’ fees and costs as THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING be made for the purpose of Inc., as nominee for Fremont
course against the above- ney's fees having been HEREBY REFERENCED TO specified therein, and because AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AND paying the same and all ex- Investment & Loan (the Se-
named or the undersigned. The given).Said property will be sold AND MADE A PART OF THIS of the default in the terms of IS ATTEMPTING TO COL- penses of this sale, as provided cured Creditor), dated June 29,
sale will be held subject to the subject to any outstanding ad DESCRIPTION; BEING IM- said Security Deed, having de- LECT A DEBT. ANY INFORM- in the Security Deed and by 2005, and Recorded on July
following items which may af- valorem taxes (including taxes PROVED PROPERTY KNOWN clared the entire amount of said ATION OBTAINED WILL BE law, including attorney's fees 20, 2005 as Book No. 17674
fect the title: any outstanding which are a lien, but not yet AS 2627 BOLAND DRIVE, AC- indebtedness due and payable USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. (notice of intent to collect attor- and Page No. 212, DeKalb
ad valorem taxes (including due and payable), any matters CORDING TO THE PRESENT pursuant to the power of sale For information concerning this ney's fees having been given). County, Georgia records, con-
taxes which are a lien, whether which might be disclosed by an SYSTEM OF NUMBERING IN contained in said Security sale contact: JP Morgan Chase Bank, Na- veying the after-described
or not now due and payable); accurate survey and inspection DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA. Deed, Yieldi, LLC will on the John Ayoub tional Association holds the property to secure a Note of
the right of redemption of any of the property, any assess- Said property may more com- first Wednesday of July 2023, Ayoub, Mansour & Bryant, LLC duly endorsed Note and is the even date in the original prin-
taxing authority; matters which ments, liens, encumbrances, monly be known as 2627 Bo- during the legal hours of sale, 675 Seminole Avenue, Suite current assignee of the Secur- cipal amount of $133,110.00,
would be disclosed by an ac- zoning ordinances, restrictions, land Drive NE, Atlanta, GA at the courthouse door of 301 ity Deed to the property. Car- with interest at the rate spe-
curate survey or by an inspec- covenants, and matters of re- 30319. Dekalb County, Georgia, sell at Atlanta, Georgia 30307 rington Mortgage Services, LLC cified therein, as last assigned
tion of the property; all zoning cord superior to the Deed to The debt secured by said Se- public outcry to the highest bid- Telephone: 404.892.2599 is the entity with the full author- to Deutsche Bank National
ordinances; assessments; li- Secure Debt first set out above. curity Deed has been and is der for cash the following prop- Facsimile: 404.806.7414 ity to negotiate, amend, and Trust Company, as Trustee for
ens; encumbrances; restric- To the best of the knowledge hereby declared due because erty described in the said deed 420-476498 6/15,6/22,6/29,7/6, modify all terms of the loan. Carrington Mortgage Loan
tions; covenants, and any oth- and belief of the undersigned, of, among other possible to wit: 7/13,7/20,7/27 Pursuant to O.C.G.A. §44-14- Trust, Series 2005-FRE1 As-
er matters of records superior the party in possession of the events of default, non-payment All that tract or parcel of land- Notice of Sale Under Power 162.2, Carrington Mortgage set-Backed Pass-Through Cer-
to said Security Deed. property is ++TOP DESIGNS of the monthly installments on ing lying and being in Land Lot State of Georgia, County of Services, LLC may be contac- tificates by assignment that is
To the best knowledge and be- GROUP, LLC++ or a tenant or said loan. The debt remaining 150 and 151 of the 18th Dis- DeKalb ted at: 1-800-790-9502 or by or to be recorded in the DeKalb
lief of Lender, the described tenants and said property is in default, this sale will be trict of Dekalb County, Georgia, Under and by virtue of the writing to 1600 South Dou- County, Georgia Records,
Property is in the possession of more commonly known as made for the purpose of pay- and being Lot 12, of Grace Ar- Power of Sale contained in a glass Road, Suite 110 and 200- there will be sold by the under-
Borrower(s), ++The Atlanta 10 1870 CHARTWELL TRACE, ing the same and all expenses bor West Subdivision, as Security Deed given by Andrea A, Anaheim, CA 92806-5951. signed at public outcry to the
Group, LLC, Kreative King STONE MOUNTAIN, GA of this sale, including attorney’s shown on plat recorded in Plat Metika Luxella Mackey to Mort- Please note that, pursuant to highest bidder for cash at the
Pins, LLC, GG Sells Atlanta, 30087. The sale will be conduc- fees (notice of intent to collect Book 112, Page 80, as revised gage Electronic Registration O.C.G.A. §44-14-162.2, the se- DeKalb County Courthouse
Inc., Emmett Lynch++, or ten- ted subject (1) to confirmation attorney’s fees having been in Plat Book 115, Page 57, Systems, Inc., as nominee for cured creditor is not required to within the legal hours of sale on
ant(s), and said Property is that the sale is not prohibited given). Dekalb County, Georgia re- Wieland Financial Services, amend or modify the terms of the first Tuesday in August,
more commonly known as under the U.S. Bankruptcy The individual or entity that has cords, which plat is in- Inc. (the Secured Creditor), the loan. 2023, the following described
1245 Brook Forest Drive, At- Code and (2) to final confirma- full authority to negotiate, coproated herein by reference dated September 27, 2006, and To the best knowledge and be- property:
lanta, Georgia 30324. tion and audit of the status of amend and modify all terms of and made a part hereof. Sub- Recorded on November 2, lief of the undersigned, the All that tract or parcel of land ly-
The sale will be conducted sub- the loan with the holder of the the loan is Bear Stearns ARM ject to all easements and re- 2006 as Book No. 19326 and party/parties in possession of ing and being in Land Lot 12 of
ject to (1) confirmation that the security deed. The entity hav- Trust, Mortgage Pass-Through strictions of record. Property Page No. 633, DeKalb County, the subject property known as the 16th District, of Dekalb
sale is not prohibited under the ing full authority to negotiate, Certificates, Series 2005-12, better known as 1988 Grace Georgia records, conveying the 2670 KELLEY CHAPEL ROAD, County, Georgia, being Lot 5,
U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) amend, or modify all terms of U.S. Bank National Associ- Arbor CT. NE, Atlanta, GA after-described property to se- DECATUR, GA 30034 is/are: Block D, of Woodstream Subdi-
final confirmation and audit as the loan (although not required ation, as Trustee, 6200 S. Que- 30329, Tax Parcel # 118 150 cure a Note of even date in the Andrea Metika Luxella Mackey vision, Phase II per plat of sur-
to the status of the amounts by law to do so) is: STEVENS bec Street, Greenwood Village, 01 109 original principal amount of or tenant/tenants. Said prop- vey recorded in Plat Book 89,
owed with the holder of the Se- & STEVENS, LLC, 4167 CO. 80111, 800-315-4757. John Ayoub is the individual $132,910.00, with interest at erty will be sold subject to (a) Page 59, Dekalb County, Geor-
curity Deed. Roswell Road, Suite A, Floor 1, Said property will be sold on an who has full authority to negoti- the rate specified therein, as any outstanding ad valorem gia Records, which plat is incor-
Jon David W. Huffman, at Atlanta, GA 30342, Telephone “as-is” basis without any rep- ate, amend and modify all last assigned to JP Morgan taxes (including taxes which porated herein by reference
Poole Huffman, LLC, 3562 number: 770-393-8900. resentation, warranty or re- terms of the security deed. Chase Bank, National Associ- are a lien, but not yet due and and made a part of this descrip-
Habersham at Northlake, Build- DINKEL. A-9552. THIS LAW course against the above- The property is being sold sub- ation by assignment that is or payable), (b) any matters which tion.
ing J, Suite 200, Tucker, Geor- FIRM MAY BE HELD TO BE named or the undersigned. The ject to: (a) any outstanding ad to be recorded in the DeKalb might be disclosed by an accur- Tax ID: 16 012 04 009
gia 30084, Telephone: 404- ACTING AS A DEBT COL- sale will also be subject to the valorem taxes (including taxes County, Georgia Records, ate survey and inspection of The debt secured by said Se-
373-4008, a representative for LECTOR UNDER FEDERAL following items which may af- which are a lien, but not yet there will be sold by the under- the property, and (c) all mat- curity Deed has been and is
Lender, is the individual who LAW. ANY INFORMATION OB- fect the title: a) zoning ordin- due and payable); (b) unpaid signed at public outcry to the ters of record superior to the hereby declared due because
has full authority to negotiate, TAINED WILL BE USED FOR ances; b) matters which would water or sewage bills that con- highest bidder for cash at the Security Deed first set out of, among other possible
amend, and modify all terms of THAT PURPOSE. be disclosed by an accurate stitute a lien against the prop- DeKalb County Courthouse above, including, but not lim- events of default, failure to pay
the Note and Security Deed. 420-476398 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 survey or by an inspection of erty whether due and payable within the legal hours of sale on ited to, assessments, liens, en- the indebtedness as and when
420-476397 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER the property; c) any outstand- or not yet due and payable and the first Tuesday in August, cumbrances, zoning ordin- due and in the manner
NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER ing ad valorem taxes, including which may not be of record; (c) 2023, the following described ances, easements, restrictions, provided in the Note and Se-
POWER STATE OF GEORGIA, taxes, which constitute liens the right of redemption of any property: covenants, etc. curity Deed. Because the debt
GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY COUNTY OF DEKALB upon said property whether or taxing authority; (d) any mat- All that tract or parcel of land ly- The sale will be conducted sub- remains in default, this sale will
Under and by virtue of the By virtue of a Power of Sale not now due and payable; d) ters which might be disclosed ing and being in Land Lot 126 ject to (1) confirmation that the be made for the purpose of
Power of Sale contained in a contained in that certain Secur- special assessments; e) the by an accurate survey and in- of the 15th District of DeKalb sale is not prohibited under the paying the same and all ex-
Security Deed given by TOP ity Deed from Jeffrey Adam right of redemption of any tax- spection of the property, and County, Georgia, and being U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) penses of this sale, as provided
DESIGNS GROUP, LLC to Kerr to MORTGAGE ELEC- ing authority; f) all outstanding any assessments, liens, en- part of Lots 1, 2, and 3 of the final confirmation and audit of in the Security Deed and by
ODD FAMILY REV TRUST, TRO NI C REG I STRATI O N bills for public utilities which cumbrances, zoning ordin- C.E. Pattillo, Jr. Property Subdi- the status of the loan with the law, including attorney's fees
OREN DAVID DINKEL, SYSTEMS, INC., ACTING constitute liens upon said prop- ances, restrictions, covenants, vision, and being more particu- holder of the security deed. (notice of intent to collect attor-
TRUSTEE dated January 3, SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR erty; g) all restrictive covenants, and matters of record superior larly described as follows: Pursuant to O.C.G.A. §9-13- ney's fees having been given).
2023, and recorded in Deed WACHOVIA MORTGAGE easements, rights-of-way and to the Security Deed first set Beginning at a point located on 172.1, which allows for certain Deutsche Bank National Trust
Book 30728, Page 282, DeKalb CORPORATION, dated July any other matters of record su- out above. the east side of Kelly Chapel procedures regarding the res- Company, as Trustee for Car-
County, Georgia Records con- 22, 2005 and recorded on Au- perior to said Security Deed. To The sale is being conducted Road (formerly known as cission of judicial and nonjudi- rington Mortgage Loan Trust,
veying the after-described gust 1, 2005 in Deed Book the best of the knowledge and subject to (1) confirmation that Kelly's Chapel Road) 306.6 feet cial sales in the State of Geor- Series 2005-FRE1 Asset-
property to secure a Note in the 17717, Page 789, in the Office belief of the undersigned, the the sale is not prohibited under northerly as measured along gia, the Deed Under Power and Backed Pass-Through Certific-
original principal amount One of the Clerk of Superior Court of owners and party in posses- the U.S. Banruptcy Code and the eastern side of Kelley other foreclosure documents ates holds the duly endorsed
Hundred Ninety-Two Thou- Dekalb County, Georgia, said sion of the property are ++Jef- (2) final confirmation and audit Chapel Road from the point may not be provided until final Note and is the current assign-
sand and 00/100 Dollars Security Deed having been giv- frey Adam Kerr++ and or ten- of the loan with the holder of formed by the intersection of confirmation and audit of the ee of the Security Deed to the
($192,000.00), with interest en to secure a Note of even ant(s). The sale will be conduc- the security deed. Pursuant to the eastern side of Kelley status of the loan as provided property. Carrington Mortgage
thereon as set forth therein, date, in the original principal ted subject to 1) confirmation O.C.G.A. § 9-13-172.1, which Chapel Road with the northern in the preceding paragraph. Services, LLC is the entity with
there will be sold at public out- amount of One Hundred Sixty- that the sale is not prohibited allows for certain procedures right-of-way line of Rainbow Funds used at sale shall be in the full authority to negotiate,
cry to the highest bidder for Seven Thousand Two Hun- under the U.S. Bankruptcy regarding the rescission of judi- Drive; running thence northerly certified funds and payable to amend, and modify all terms of
cash before the Courthouse dred an d 00/1 00 do lla rs code and 2) final confirmation cial and non-judicial sales in along the eastern right-of-way “Bell Carrington Price & Gregg, the loan.
door of DeKalb County, Geor- ($167,200.00) with interest and audit of the status of the the State of Georgia, the Deed line of Kelly Chapel Road 115 LLC”. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. §44-14-
gia, within the legal hours of thereon as provided therein, as loan with the holder of the Se- Under Power and other fore- feet to an iron pin; running JP Morgan Chase Bank, Na- 162.2, Carrington Mortgage
sale on the first Wednesday in last transferred to Bear Ste- curity Deed. closure documents may not be thence southeasterly 301.9 feet tional Association as Attorney Services, LLC may be contac-
July 2023, the following de- arns ARM Trust, Mortgage Bear Stearns ARM Trust, Mort- provided until final confirmation to an iron pin; running thence in Fact for Andrea Metika ted at: 1-800-790-9502 or by
scribed property, to-wit: ALL Pass-Through Certificates, gage Pass-Through Certific- and audit of the status of the southerly 171.4 feet to an iron Luxella Mackey. writing to 1600 South Dou-
THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF Series 2005-12, U.S. Bank Na- ates, Series 2005-12, U.S. loan as provided immediately pin; running thence northeast- Any information obtained on glass Road, Suite 110 and 200-
LAND LYING AND BEING IN tional Association, as Trustee, Bank National Association, as above. erly to an interior angle of 56 this matter may be used by the A, Anaheim, CA 92806-5951.
LAND LOR 173 OF THE 18TH recorded in Deed Book 30895, Trustee Notice has been given of this degrees 56 minutes with the debt collector to collect the Please note that, pursuant to
DISTRICT, DEKALB COUNTY, Page 37, aforesaid records, will as Attorney-in-Fact for foreclosure and of the intention preceding line 88.5 feet to an debt. Bell Carrington Price & O.C.G.A. §44-14-162.2, the se-
GEORGIA, BEING LOT 2, be sold at public outcry to the Jeffrey Adam Kerr to collect attorneys’ fees in ac- iron pin; continuing thence Gregg, LLC, 339 Heyward cured creditor is not required to
CHARTWELL SUBDIVISION, highest bidder for cash before Contact: cordance with the terms of the northwesterly at an interior Street, 2nd Floor, Columbia, amend or modify the terms of
ACCORDING TO PLAT RE- the courthouse door of Dekalb Padgett Law Group: 6267 Old note at least 30 days prior to angle of 194 degrees 29 SC 29201 (803)-509-5078. File: the loan.
CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 54, County, Georgia, or at such Water Oak Road, Suite 203, the scheduled sale by writing, minutes with the preceding line ++23-41847/ Mackey++ To the best knowledge and be-
PAGE 157, DEKALB COUNTY, place as has or may be law- Tallahassee, FL 32312; (850) sent certified return receipt mail 232.65 feet to an iron pin and lief of the undersigned, the
GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH fully designated as an alternat- 422-2520 and regular mail to the debtor. the point of beginning all as party/parties in possession of
RECORDED PLAT IS INCOR- ive location, within the legal Ad Run Dates: 06/08/23; Said property is being sold as shown on survey prepared by the subject property known as
writing to 1600 South Dou- DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, valorem taxes (including taxes undersigned’s knowledge, the cipal amount of $168,500.00, Mr. Cooper as Attorney-in-Fact
glass Road, Suite 110 and 200- AND BEING KNOWN AS LOT which are a lien, but not yet party or parties in possession the holder thereof pursuant to for Bobby Shepard
A, Anaheim, CA 92806-5951. 38, BLOCK D OF RIVERBEND due and payable), (b) unpaid of said property is/are DE- said Deed and Note thereby File no. ++22-078962/Shep-
Please note that, pursuant to OVERLOOK SUBDIVISION, water or sewage bills that con- BORAH OSBORNE AND EL- secured has declared the en- ard++
O.C.G.A. §44-14-162.2, the se- UNIT TWO, PHASE TWO, AS stitute a lien against the prop- BERT T. OSBORNE or tire amount of said indebted- LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP*
cured creditor is not required to PER PLAT RECORDED IN erty whether due and payable tenant(s). ness due and payable and, pur- Attorneys and Counselors at

amend or modify the terms of The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023Page 61
PLAT BOOK 128, PAGES 30- or not yet due and payable and The debt secured by said Se- suant to the power of sale con- Law
the loan. 36, DEKALB COUNTY RE- which may not be of record, (c) curity Deed has been and is tained in said Deed, will on the 211 Perimeter Center Parkway,
To the best knowledge and be- CORDS, SAID PLAT BEING 420-476841 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20 the right of redemption of any hereby declared due and pay- first Tuesday, August 1, 2023, N.E., Suite 130
lief of the undersigned, the INCORPORATED HEREIN BY 7/27 taxing authority, (d) any mat- able because of, among other during the legal hours of sale, Atlanta, GA 30346
party/parties in possession of REFERENCE. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER ters which might be disclosed possible events of default, fail- before the Courthouse door in (770) 220-2535/***CF_REFER-
the subject property known as Said property being known as: POWER by an accurate survey and in- ure to pay the indebtedness as said County, sell at public out- ENCE_INITIALS***
3566 PORTSMOUTH CIRCLE, 6467 GINA AGHA CIR DEKALB COUNTY spection of the property, and provided for in the Note and cry to the highest bidder for
LITHONIA, GA 30038 is/are: LITHONIA, GA 30038 Pursuant to the Power of Sale (e) any assessments, liens, en- said Security Deed. The debt cash, the property described in *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING
Arnita L. Holman or tenant/ten- To the best of the contained in a Security Deed cumbrances, zoning ordin- remaining in default, this sale said Deed, to-wit: AS A DEBT COLLECTOR.
ants. Said property will be sold undersigned’s knowledge, the given by Pamela Denise Don- ances, restrictions, covenants, will be made for the purpose of All that tract or parcel of land ly- ANY INFORMATION OB -
subject to (a) any outstanding party or parties in possession aldson to Mortgage Electronic and matters of record superior paying the same and all ex- ing and being in Land Lots 322 TAINED WILL BE USED FOR
ad valorem taxes (including of said property is/are ALLIS- Registration Systems, Inc., as to the Security Deed first set penses of sale, including attor- and 335, 18th District, DeKalb THAT PURPOSE.
taxes which are a lien, but not ON SPENCE or tenant(s). grantee, as nominee for Amer- out above. ney’s fees (notice of intent to County, Georgia, being more
yet due and payable), (b) any The debt secured by said Se- icaHomekey, Inc., its suc- The sale will be conducted sub- collect attorney’s fees having particularly described as fol- 420-476844 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20
matters which might be dis- curity Deed has been and is cessors and assigns. dated ject to (1) confirmation that the been given). lows: 7/27
closed by an accurate survey hereby declared due and pay- 9/23/2011 and recorded in sale is not prohibited under the Said property will be sold sub- Beginning at an iron pin on the STATE OF GEORGIA
and inspection of the property, able because of, among other Deed Book 22762 Page 657 U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) ject to the following: (1) any northeasterly side of Flowers COUNTY OF DEKALB
and (c) all matters of record su- possible events of default, fail- and modified at Deed Book final confirmation and audit of outstanding ad valorem taxes Road, 353.5 feet southeasterly NOTICE OF SALE UNDER
perior to the Security Deed first ure to pay the indebtedness as 26680 Page 489 DeKalb the status of the loan with the (including taxes which are a li- from Clay Drive, at the south- POWER
set out above, including, but provided for in the Note and County, Georgia records; as holder of the Security Deed. en, whether or not yet due and easterly line of property now or Because of a default under the
not limited to, assessments, li- said Security Deed. The debt last transferred to or acquired Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section payable); (2) the right of re- formerly owned by E. V. Brack- terms of the Security Deed ex-
ens, encumbrances, zoning or- remaining in default, this sale by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., 9-13-172.1, which allows for demption of any taxing author- ett, SR, and running thence ecuted by Michael Andrichak III
dinances, easements, restric- will be made for the purpose of conveying the after-described certain procedures regarding ity; (3) any matters which might southeasterly, along the north- and Aimee Marie Andrichak to
tions, covenants, etc. paying the same and all ex- property to secure a Note in the the rescission of judicial and be disclosed by an accurate easterly side of Flowers Road, Mortgage Electronic Registra-
The sale will be conducted sub- penses of sale, including attor- original principal amount of non-judicial sales in the State survey and inspection of the 105 feet to an iron pin on the tion Systems, Inc. as nominee
ject to (1) confirmation that the ney’s fees (notice of intent to $93,728.00, with interest at the of Georgia, the Deed Under property; and (4) any assess- westerly line of property now or for Northpointe Bank dated Au-
sale is not prohibited under the collect attorney’s fees having rate specified therein, there will Power and other foreclosure ments, liens, encumbrances, formerly owned by James gust 17, 2018, and recorded in
U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) been given). be sold by the undersigned at documents may not be zoning ordinances, restrictions, Chestnut; running thence north- Deed Book 27104, Page 443,
final confirmation and audit of Said property will be sold sub- public outcry to the highest bid- provided until final confirmation covenants, and matters of re- erly along the westerly line of DeKalb County Records, said
the status of the loan with the ject to the following: (1) any der for cash before the Court- and audit of the status of the cord superior to the Security said Chestnut Property, 204.3 Security Deed having been last
holder of the security deed. outstanding ad valorem taxes house door of DeKalb County, loan as provided immediately Deed first set out above. feet to an iron pin on the south- sold, assigned, transferred and
Pursuant to O.C.G.A. §9-13- (including taxes which are a li- Georgia (or such other area as above. Said sale will be conducted erly line of property now or conveyed to Lakeview Loan
172.1, which allows for certain en, whether or not yet due and designated by Order of the Su- Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. as subject to the following: (1) formerly owned by McJunkin; Servicing, LLC, securing a Note
procedures regarding the res- payable); (2) the right of re- perior Court of said county), agent and Attorney in Fact for confirmation that the sale is not running thence westerly, along in the original principal amount
cission of judicial and nonjudi- demption of any taxing author- within the legal hours of sale on Pamela Denise Donaldson prohibited under the U.S. Bank- said McJunkin property, 40 feet of $144,031.00, the holder
cial sales in the State of Geor- ity; (3) any matters which might August 1, 2023 (being the first Aldridge Pite, LLP, Six Pied- ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- to an iron pin on the southwest- thereof pursuant to said Deed
gia, the Deed Under Power and be disclosed by an accurate Tuesday of said month unless mont Center, 3525 Piedmont firmation and audit of the status erly line of Brackett property: and Note thereby secured has
other foreclosure documents survey and inspection of the said date falls on a Federal Road, N.E., Suite 700, Atlanta, of the loan with the holder of and running thence southwest- declared the entire amount of
may not be provided until final property; and (4) any assess- Holiday, in which case being Georgia 30305, (404) 994- the Security Deed. erly, along the southeasterly said indebtedness due and
confirmation and audit of the ments, liens, encumbrances, the first Wednesday of said 7400. The name, address, and tele- line of said Brackett Property, payable and, pursuant to the
status of the loan as provided zoning ordinances, restrictions, month), the following de- 1000-18183A phone number of the individual 171.3 feet to the northeasterly power of sale contained in said
in the preceding paragraph. covenants, and matters of re- scribed property: THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- or entity who has full authority side of Flowers Road and Point Deed, will on the first Tuesday,
Funds used at sale shall be in cord superior to the Security All that tract or parcel of land ly- ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR to negotiate, amend, and modi- of Beginning; being improved August 1, 2023, during the leg-
certified funds and payable to Deed first set out above. ing and being in Land Lot 94 of ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A fy all terms of the mortgage is property, having a house there- al hours of sale, before the
“Bell Carrington Price & Gregg, Said sale will be conducted the 16th District, DeKalb DEBT. ANY INFORMATION as follows: on known as 4035 (formerly Courthouse door in said
LLC”. subject to the following: (1) County, Georgia, being Lot 70, OBTAINED WILL BE USED Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a 3371) Flowers Road, accord- County, sell at public outcry to
Deutsche Bank National Trust confirmation that the sale is not Unit II of Valley Green Subdivi- FOR THAT PURPOSE. Mr. Cooper ing to the present numbering of the highest bidder for cash, the
Company, as Trustee for Car- prohibited under the U.S. Bank- sion, as per plat thereof recor- ++1000-18183A/Donaldson++ 8950 Cypress Waters Blvd. houses in the City of Doraville, property described in said
rington Mortgage Loan Trust, ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- ded in Plat Book 113, page Coppell, TX 75019 Georgia, as per survey pre- Deed, to-wit:
Series 2005-FRE1 Asset- firmation and audit of the status 112, DeKalb County, Georgia 420-476842 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20 1-888-480-2432 pared by Bracewell, Shirey and All that tract or parcel of land ly-
Backed Pass-Through Certific- of the loan with the holder of Records, which recorded plat is 7/27 Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A. Nelson, Engineers, dated Janu- ing and being in Land Lot 38 of
ates as Attorney in Fact for the Security Deed. incorporated herein by refer- STATE OF GEORGIA § 44-14-162.2, the above indi- ary 10, 1959. the 18th District, DeKalb
Arnita L. Holman. The name, address, and tele- ence and made a part of this COUNTY OF DEKALB vidual or entity is not required Subject to any right of way County, Georgia, and being
Any information obtained on phone number of the individual description. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER by law to negotiate, amend, or deeds or other easements of more fully described as follows:
this matter may be used by the or entity who has full authority The debt secured by said Se- POWER modify the terms of the mort- records. Beginning at a point on the
debt collector to collect the to negotiate, amend, and modi- curity Deed has been and is Pursuant to the power of sale gage. Said property is known as 4035 north land lot line of Land Lot
debt. Bell Carrington Price & fy all terms of the mortgage is hereby declared due because contained in the Security Deed THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING Flowers Rd, Doraville, GA 38, 363 feet east of the northw-
Gregg, LLC, 339 Heyward as follows: of, among other possible executed by DEBORAH OS- AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- 30360, together with all fix- est corner of said Land Lot 38,
Street, 2nd Floor, Columbia, U.S. Bank National Association events of default, failure to pay BORNE AND ELBERT T. OS- TEMPTING TO COLLECT A tures and personal property at- and running thence east along
SC 29201 (803)-509-5078. File: 2800 Tamarack Road, CN-KY- the indebtedness as and when BORNE to BANKER’S DEBT. ANY INFORMATION tached to and constituting a the north land lot line of said
++23-54039/Holman++ TMFC due and in the manner SECRETS, INC. in the original OBTAINED MAY BE USED part of said property, if any. Land Lot 38, a distance of 145
420-476840 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20 Owensboro, KY 42301 provided in the Note and Se- principal amount of FOR THAT PURPOSE. Said property will be sold sub- feet to a point running thence
7/27 855-MYUSMAP (855-698- curity Deed. The debt remain- $101,600.00 dated June 18, NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE ject to any outstanding ad southerly 205 feet, more or
STATE OF GEORGIA 7627) ing in default, this sale will be 1999 and recorded in Deed LLC D/B/A MR. COOPER, valorem taxes (including taxes less, to the center line of Shep-
COUNTY OF DEKALB Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A. made for the purpose of pay- Book 10788, Page 415, DeKalb as Attorney-in-Fact for which are a lien, whether or not pard Road; running thence
NOTICE OF SALE UNDER § 44-14-162.2, the above indi- ing the same and all expenses County records, said Security DEBORAH OSBORNE AND now due and payable), the right southwesterly, along the cen-
POWER vidual or entity is not required of this sale, as provided in the Deed being last transferred to ELBERT T. OSBORNE of redemption of any taxing au- ter of Sheppard Road, 210 feet
Pursuant to the power of sale by law to negotiate, amend, or Security Deed and by law, in- NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, thority, any matters which might to a point; running thence north
contained in the Security Deed modify the terms of the mort- cluding attorney’s fees (notice LLC. in Deed Book 30604, Crane & Partners, PLLC be disclosed by an accurate 304 feet to the north land lot
executed by ALLISON gage. of intent to collect attorney’s Page 558, DeKalb County re- 13010 Morris Rd. survey and inspection of the line of said Land Lot 38 and the
SPENCE to MORTGAGE THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING fees having been given). cords, the undersigned will sell Suite 450 property, any assessments, li- point of beginning.
ELECTRONIC REGISTRA- AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- Said property is commonly at public outcry to the highest Alpharetta, GA 30004 ens, encumbrances, zoning or- Said property is known as 642
TION SYSTEMS, INC., AS BE- TEMPTING TO COLLECT A known as 6152 Valley Green bidder for cash, before the Phone: 470.321.7112 dinances, restrictions, coven- Sheppard Rd, Stone Mountain,
NEFICIARY, ACTING SOLELY DEBT. ANY INFORMATION Road, Lithonia, GA 30058 to- Courthouse door in said Firm File No. ++23-124388 - ants, and matters of record su- GA 30083, together with all fix-
AS NOMINEE FOR AMERIS OBTAINED MAY BE USED gether with all fixtures and per- County, or at such other place LiV/OSBORNE++ perior to the Security Deed first tures and personal property at-
BANK in the original principal FOR THAT PURPOSE. sonal property attached to and as lawfully designated, within set out above. tached to and constituting a
amount of $112,917.00 dated U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSO- constituting a part of said prop- the legal hours of sale, on Au- 420-476843 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20 The proceeds of said sale will part of said property, if any.
February 8, 2016 and recorded CIATION, erty, if any. To the best know- gust 01, 2023, the property in 7/27 be applied to the payment of Said property will be sold sub-
in Deed Book 25397, Page as Attorney-in-Fact for ledge and belief of the under- said Security Deed and de- STATE OF GEORGIA said indebtedness and all ex- ject to any outstanding ad
705, DeKalb County records, ALLISON SPENCE signed, the party (or parties) in scribed as follows: COUNTY OF DEKALB penses of said sale as provided valorem taxes (including taxes
said Security Deed being last Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, possession of the subject prop- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- NOTICE OF SALE UNDER in said Deed, and the balance, which are a lien, whether or not
transferred to U.S. BANK NA- Crane & Partners, PLLC erty is (are): Pamela Denise CEL OF LAND LYING AND POWER if any, will be distributed as now due and payable), the right
TIONAL ASSOCIATION in 13010 Morris Rd. Donaldson or tenant or tenants. BEING IN LAND LOT 33, OF Because of a default under the provided by law. of redemption of any taxing au-
Deed Book 30713, Page 657 , Suite 450 Wells Fargo Bank, NA is the THE 16TH DISTRICT, DEKALB terms of the Security Deed ex- The sale will be conducted sub- thority, any matters which might
DeKalb County records, the un- Alpharetta, GA 30004 entity or individual designated COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING ecuted by Bobby Shepard to ject (1) to confirmation that the be disclosed by an accurate
dersigned will sell at public out- Phone: 470.321.7112 who shall have full authority to LOT 19, BLOCK W, UNIT IV, Mortgage Electronic Registra- sale is not prohibited under the survey and inspection of the
cry to the highest bidder for Firm File No. ++23-100408 - negotiate, amend and modify MAIN STREET, PHASE III, AS tion Systems, Inc., as nominee U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) property, any assessments, li-
cash, before the Courthouse LiV/SPENCE++ all terms of the mortgage. PER PLAT RECORDED IN for Equity Services, Inc. dated to final confirmation and audit ens, encumbrances, zoning or-
door in said County, or at such Wells Fargo Bank, NA Loss PLAT BOOK 71, PAGE 159, February 23, 2007, and recor- of the status of the loan with dinances, restrictions, coven-
other place as lawfully desig- Mitigation 3476 Stateview DEKALB COUNTY RECORDS; ded in Deed Book 19725, Page the secured creditor. ants, and matters of record su-
nated, within the legal hours of Boulevard Fort Mill, SC 29715 WHICH PLAT IS HEREBY IN- 746, and re-recorded in Deed The property is or may be in perior to the Security Deed first
sale, on August 01, 2023, the 1-800-678-7986 CORPORATED INTO THIS Book 30570, Page 245, DeKalb the possession of Bobby Shep- set out above.
property in said Security Deed Note, however, that such entity LEGA L DESCRIPTION BY County Records, said Security ard, successor in interest or The proceeds of said sale will
and described as follows: or individual is not required by REFERENCE THERETO. Deed having been last sold, as- tenant(s). be applied to the payment of
ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- law to negotiate, amend or Said property being known as: signed, transferred and con- Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a said indebtedness and all ex-
CEL OF LAND LYING AND modify the terms of the loan. 5422 POST ROAD PASS veyed to Nationstar Mortgage Mr. Cooper as Attorney-in-Fact penses of said sale as provided
BEING IN LAND LOT 230 FO Said property will be sold sub- STONE MOUNTAIN, GA 30088 LLC d/b/a Mr. Cooper, secur- for Bobby Shepard in said Deed, and the balance,
THE 11TH DISTRICT OF ject to: (a) any outstanding ad To the best of the ing a Note in the original prin- File no. ++22-078962/Shep- if any, will be distributed as
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, valorem taxes (including taxes undersigned’s knowledge, the cipal amount of $168,500.00, ard++ provided by law.
AND BEING KNOWN AS LOT which are a lien, but not yet party or parties in possession the holder thereof pursuant to LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP* The sale will be conducted sub-
38, BLOCK D OF RIVERBEND due and payable), (b) unpaid of said property is/are DE- said Deed and Note thereby Attorneys and Counselors at ject (1) to confirmation that the
OVERLOOK SUBDIVISION, water or sewage bills that con- BORAH OSBORNE AND EL- secured has declared the en- Law sale is not prohibited under the
UNIT TWO, PHASE TWO, AS stitute a lien against the prop- BERT T. OSBORNE or tire amount of said indebted- 211 Perimeter Center Parkway, U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2)
PER PLAT RECORDED IN erty whether due and payable tenant(s). ness due and payable and, pur- N.E., Suite 130 to final confirmation and audit
PLAT BOOK 128, PAGES 30- or not yet due and payable and The debt secured by said Se- suant to the power of sale con- Atlanta, GA 30346 of the status of the loan with
36, DEKALB COUNTY RE- which may not be of record, (c) curity Deed has been and is tained in said Deed, will on the (770) 220-2535/***CF_REFER- the secured creditor.
CORDS, SAID PLAT BEING the right of redemption of any hereby declared due and pay- first Tuesday, August 1, 2023, ENCE_INITIALS*** The property is or may be in
INCORPORATED HEREIN BY taxing authority, (d) any mat- able because of, among other during the legal hours of sale, the possession of Michael An-
REFERENCE. ters which might be disclosed possible events of default, fail- before the Courthouse door in *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING drichak, III and Aimee Marie
Said property being known as: by an accurate survey and in- ure to pay the indebtedness as said County, sell at public out- AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. Andrichak, successor in in-
provided by law. survey and inspection of the AS MAY BE AMENDED. and, pursuant to the power of torney-in-Fact for Edward Carl
The sale will be conducted sub- property, any assessments, li- THIS CONVEYANCE IS MADE sale contained in said Deed, Robinson, Jr.
ject (1) to confirmation that the ens, encumbrances, zoning or- SUBJECT TO THE DECLARA- will on the first Tuesday, Au- File no. ++22-079706/Carl
sale is not prohibited under the dinances, restrictions, coven- TION AND ALL MATTERS gust 1, 2023, during the legal Robinson, Jr.++
U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) ants, and matters of record su- REFERENCED THEREIN, ALL hours of sale, before the Court- LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP*
to final confirmation and audit perior to the Security Deed first MATTERS SHOWN ON THE house door in said County, sell Attorneys and Counselors at
Page 62
of the status of the loan with
the secured creditor.
set out above. The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023 
The proceeds of said sale will
at public outcry to the highest Law
211 Perimeter Center Parkway,
bidder for cash, the property
The property is or may be in be applied to the payment of PAGE 58, DEKALB COUNTY, described in said Deed, to-wit: 420-476848 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20 420-476849 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20 N.E., Suite 130
the possession of Michael An- said indebtedness and all ex- GEORGIA RECORDS, AND All that tract or parcel of land ly- 7/27 7/27 Atlanta, GA 30346
drichak, III and Aimee Marie penses of said sale as provided THE FLOOR PLANS RECOR- ing and being in Land Lot 305 STATE OF GEORGIA STATE OF GEORGIA (770) 220-2535/***CF_REFER-
Andrichak, successor in in- in said Deed, and the balance, DED IN CONDOMINIUM PLAT of the 18th District of DeKalb COUNTY OF DEKALB COUNTY OF DEKALB ENCE_INITIALS***
terest or tenant(s). if any, will be distributed as BOOK 108, PAGES 59-66, County, Georgia, and being NOTICE OF SALE UNDER NOTICE OF SALE UNDER
Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC provided by law. DEKALB COUNTY RECORDS. more particularly described as POWER POWER *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING
as Attorney-in-Fact for Michael The sale will be conducted sub- Said property is known as 1501 follows: Because of a default under the Because of a default under the AS A DEBT COLLECTOR.
Andrichak III and Aimee Marie ject (1) to confirmation that the Clairmont Rd Unit 2012, Dec- Condominium Unit 1705, Build- terms of the Security Deed ex- terms of the Security Deed ex- ANY INFORMATION OB -
Andrichak sale is not prohibited under the atur, GA 30033, together with ing 17 of Ashford Creek Con- ecuted by Kyeda L King to ecuted by Edward Carl Robin- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR
File no. ++23-080028/An- U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) all fixtures and personal prop- dominium, a Condominium, as HomeBanc Mortgage Corpora- son, Jr. to Wachovia Bank, Na- THAT PURPOSE.
drichak++ to final confirmation and audit erty attached to and constitut- more particularly described and tion dated March 26, 2003, and tional Association dated Au- 420-476850 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20
LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP* of the status of the loan with ing a part of said property, if delineated in the Declaration of recorded in Deed Book 14414, gust 14, 2007, and recorded in 7/27
Attorneys and Counselors at the secured creditor. any. Condominium for Ashford Page 734, DeKalb County Re- Deed Book 20290, Page 1, and STATE OF GEORGIA
Law The property is or may be in Said property will be sold sub- Creek Condominium, recorded cords, said Security Deed hav- pursuant to Affidavit recorded COUNTY OF DEKALB
211 Perimeter Center Parkway, the possession of Jeffrey Adam ject to any outstanding ad in Deed Book 18785, Page ing been last sold, assigned, in Deed Book 30785, Page 96, NOTICE OF SALE UNDER
N.E., Suite 130 Kerr, successor in interest or valorem taxes (including taxes 557, et seq., DeKalb County, transferred and conveyed to DeKalb County Records, secur- POWER
Atlanta, GA 30346 tenant(s). which are a lien, whether or not Georgia Records, as may be Netbank as successor in in- ing a Note in the original prin- Because of a default under the
(770) 220-2535/CL Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. as At- now due and payable), the right amended, together with all terest to RBMG, Inc. securing a cipal amount of $25,000.00, the terms of the Security Deed ex- torney-in-Fact for Kerrco Prop- of redemption of any taxing au- right, title and interest in the Note in the original principal holder thereof pursuant to said ecuted by Joan J Thompson to
*THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING erties, LLC thority, any matters which might Common Elements as set forth amount of $96,400.00, the Deed and Note thereby se- Mortgage Electronic Registra-
AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. File no. ++23-080545/ Kerrco be disclosed by an accurate in said Declaration. holder thereof pursuant to said cured has declared the entire tion Systems, Inc. as nominee
ANY INFORMATION OB- Properties, LLC/ Kerr++ survey and inspection of the This conveyance is made sub- Deed and Note thereby se- amount of said indebtedness for Wachovia Mortgage Corpor-
TAINED WILL BE USED FOR LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP* property, any assessments, li- ject to the Declaration and all cured has declared the entire due and payable and, pursuant ation dated December 29,
THAT PURPOSE. Attorneys and Counselors at ens, encumbrances, zoning or- matters referenced therein, all amount of said indebtedness to the power of sale contained 2006, and recorded in Deed
420-476845 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20 Law dinances, restrictions, coven- matters shown on the plat re- due and payable and, pursuant in said Deed, will on the first Book 19534, Page 648, DeKalb
7/27 211 Perimeter Center Parkway, ants, and matters of record su- corded in Plat Book 168, Pages to the power of sale contained Tuesday, August 1, 2023, dur- County Records, said Security
STATE OF GEORGIA N.E., Suite 130 perior to the Security Deed first 25-26, DeKalb County, Geor- in said Deed, will on the first ing the legal hours of sale, be- Deed having been last sold, as-
COUNTY OF DEKALB Atlanta, GA 30346 set out above. gia Records, as may be Tuesday, August 1, 2023, dur- fore the Courthouse door in signed, transferred and con-
NOTICE OF SALE UNDER (770) 220-2535/***CF_REFER- The proceeds of said sale will amended and the floor plans ing the legal hours of sale, be- said County, sell at public out- veyed to Wells Fargo Bank,
POWER ENCE_INITIALS*** be applied to the payment of recorded in Plat Book 168, fore the Courthouse door in cry to the highest bidder for NA, securing a Note in the ori-
Because of a default under the said indebtedness and all ex- Pages 6-24, aforesaid records, said County, sell at public out- cash, the property described in ginal principal amount of
terms of the Security Deed ex- *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING penses of said sale as provided as may be amended. cry to the highest bidder for said Deed, to-wit: $93,490.00, the holder thereof
ecuted by Kerrco Properties, AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. in said Deed, and the balance, Said property is known as 1207 cash, the property described in THE FOLLOWING PROP- pursuant to said Deed and
LLC to Wachovia Bank Nation- ANY INFORMATION OB - if any, will be distributed as Ashford Creek Park NE, said Deed, to-wit: ERTY: Note thereby secured has de-
al Association dated June 28, TAINED WILL BE USED FOR provided by law. Brookhaven, GA 30319, togeth- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF clared the entire amount of said
2006, and recorded in Deed THAT PURPOSE. The sale will be conducted sub- er with all fixtures and personal CEL OF LAND lying and being LAND LYING AND BEING IN indebtedness due and payable
Book 18922, Page 682, DeKalb ject (1) to confirmation that the property attached to and consti- in Land Lot 87 of the 16th Dis- LAND LOT(S) 135 OF DIS- and, pursuant to the power of
County Records, securing a 420-476846 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20 sale is not prohibited under the tuting a part of said property, if trict of DeKalb County, Geor- TRICT 15, DEKALB COUNTY, sale contained in said Deed,
Note in the original principal 7/27 U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) any. gia and being Lot 15, Block D, GEORGIA, BEING LOT(S) 6, will on the first Tuesday, Au-
amount of $30,800.00, the STATE OF GEORGIA to final confirmation and audit Said property will be sold sub- ALADDIN TOWNHOMES BLOCK E, TONEY GARDENS gust 1, 2023, during the legal
holder thereof pursuant to said COUNTY OF DEKALB of the status of the loan with ject to any outstanding ad SOUTH SUBDIVISION, as per SUBDIVISION, UNIT NINE, AS hours of sale, before the Court-
Deed and Note thereby se- NOTICE OF SALE UNDER the secured creditor. valorem taxes (including taxes plat recorded in Plat Book 132, PER PLAT RECORDED IN house door in said County, sell
cured has declared the entire POWER The property is or may be in which are a lien, whether or not Pages 21-26, DeKalb County, PLAT BOOK 35, PAGE 55, IN at public outcry to the highest
amount of said indebtedness Because of a default under the the possession of Robert D now due and payable), the right Georgia records, to which refer- DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA bidder for cash, the property
due and payable and, pursuant terms of the Security Deed ex- Pennala, successor in interest of redemption of any taxing au- ence is hereby made for the RECORDS. described in said Deed, to-wit:
to the power of sale contained ecuted by Robert D Pennala to or tenant(s). thority, any matters which might purpose of incorporating the BEING AND INTENDED TO ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
in said Deed, will on the first Mortgage Electronic Registra- Federal Home Loan Mortgage be disclosed by an accurate same herein. DESCRIBE THE SAME CEL OF LAND LYING AND
Tuesday, August 1, 2023, dur- tion Systems, Inc., as Nominee Corporation, as Trustee for the survey and inspection of the Said property is known as 3099 PREMISES CONVEYED IN A BEING IN LAND LOT 71 & 72
ing the legal hours of sale, be- for SunTrust Mortgage, Inc. benefit of the Freddie Mac property, any assessments, li- Fields Dr, Lithonia, GA 30038, DEED RECORDED IN BOOK OF THE 15TH DISTRICT,
fore the Courthouse door in dated April 25, 2007, and recor- Seasoned Loans Structured ens, encumbrances, zoning or- together with all fixtures and 3075, PAGE 341. DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA,
said County, sell at public out- ded in Deed Book 19923, Page Transaction Trust, Series 2018- dinances, restrictions, coven- personal property attached to KNOWN AS: 2412 GLEN- BEING BUILDING #19,
cry to the highest bidder for 263, DeKalb County Records, 2 as Attorney-in-Fact for Robert ants, and matters of record su- and constituting a part of said ROCK DR WALDROP PLACE, UNIT #
cash, the property described in said Security Deed having D Pennala perior to the Security Deed first property, if any. PARCEL: 15-0135-14-00 19104, OF WALDROP PARK
said Deed, to-wit: been last sold, assigned, trans- File no. ++23- set out above. Said property will be sold sub- Said property is known as 2412 CONDOMINIUM, AS PER
ALL THAT CERTAIN PROP- ferred and conveyed to Feder- 080629/Pennala++ The proceeds of said sale will ject to any outstanding ad Glenrock Dr, Decatur, GA PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT
ERTY SITUATED IN THE CITY al Home Loan Mortgage Cor- LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP* be applied to the payment of valorem taxes (including taxes 30032, together with all fix- BOOK 147, PAGE 35-37. SUB-
OF ATLANTA IN THE poration, as Trustee for the be- Attorneys and Counselors at said indebtedness and all ex- which are a lien, whether or not tures and personal property at- JECT TO THAT CERTAIN DE-
COUNTY OF DEKALB AND nefit of the Freddie Mac Law penses of said sale as provided now due and payable), the right tached to and constituting a CLARATION OF CONDOMINI-
STATE OF GEORGIA AND Seasoned Loans Structured 211 Perimeter Center Parkway, in said Deed, and the balance, of redemption of any taxing au- part of said property, if any. UM FOR WALDROP PARK
BEING DESCRIBED IN A Transaction Trust, Series 2018- N.E., Suite 130 if any, will be distributed as thority, any matters which might Said property will be sold sub- CONDOMINIUM, RECORDED
DEED DATED 07/23/2005 AND 2, securing a Note in the origin- Atlanta, GA 30346 provided by law. be disclosed by an accurate ject to any outstanding ad IN DEED BOOK 16160, PAGE
RECORDED 08/15/2005 IN al principal amount of (770) 220-2535/***CF_REFER- The sale will be conducted sub- survey and inspection of the valorem taxes (including taxes 624, ET. EQ., AFORESAID RE-
BOOK 17779 PAGE 356 $89,000.00, the holder thereof ENCE_INITIALS*** ject (1) to confirmation that the property, any assessments, li- which are a lien, whether or not CORDS, WHICH DECLARA-
A M O N G T H E L A N D R E- pursuant to said Deed and sale is not prohibited under the ens, encumbrances, zoning or- now due and payable), the right TION MAY BE AMENDED
CORDS OF THE COUNTY Note thereby secured has de- *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) dinances, restrictions, coven- of redemption of any taxing au- FROM TIME TO TIME AND
AND STATE SET FORTH clared the entire amount of said AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. to final confirmation and audit ants, and matters of record su- thority, any matters which might WHICH TERMS AND CONDI-
ABOVE AND REFERENCED indebtedness due and payable ANY INFORMATION OB - of the status of the loan with perior to the Security Deed first be disclosed by an accurate TIONS ARE INCORPORA-
AS FOLLOWS: LOT 21, and, pursuant to the power of TAINED WILL BE USED FOR the secured creditor. set out above. survey and inspection of the TION HEREIN.
BLOCK C, LANDLOT 243, DIS- sale contained in said Deed, THAT PURPOSE. The property is or may be in The proceeds of said sale will property, any assessments, li- Said property is known as
TRICT 18, SUBDIVISION SKY- will on the first Tuesday, Au- 420-476847 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20 the possession of Matthew be applied to the payment of ens, encumbrances, zoning or- 19104 Waldrop Cove, Decatur,
LAND ESTATES, PLAT BOOK gust 1, 2023, during the legal 7/27 Smith, successor in interest or said indebtedness and all ex- dinances, restrictions, coven- GA 30034, together with all fix-
20, PLAT PAGE 3. PARCEL ID hours of sale, before the Court- STATE OF GEORGIA tenant(s). penses of said sale as provided ants, and matters of record su- tures and personal property at-
NUMBER: 1824109021 house door in said County, sell COUNTY OF DEKALB Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. as At- in said Deed, and the balance, perior to the Security Deed first tached to and constituting a
Said property is known as 2627 at public outcry to the highest NOTICE OF SALE UNDER torney-in-Fact for Matthew if any, will be distributed as set out above. part of said property, if any.
Boland Dr Ne, Brookhaven, GA bidder for cash, the property POWER Smith provided by law. The proceeds of said sale will Said property will be sold sub-
30319, together with all fix- described in said Deed, to-wit: Because of a default under the File no. ++23-080643/Smith++ The sale will be conducted sub- be applied to the payment of ject to any outstanding ad
tures and personal property at- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- terms of the Security Deed ex- LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP* ject (1) to confirmation that the said indebtedness and all ex- valorem taxes (including taxes
tached to and constituting a CEL OF LAND LYING AND ecuted by Matthew Smith to Attorneys and Counselors at sale is not prohibited under the penses of said sale as provided which are a lien, whether or not
part of said property, if any. BEING IN LAND LOT 60 OF Mortgage Electronic Registra- Law U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) in said Deed, and the balance, now due and payable), the right
This conveyance is made sub- THE 18TH DISTRICT, DEKALB tion Systems, Inc. as nominee 211 Perimeter Center Parkway, to final confirmation and audit if any, will be distributed as of redemption of any taxing au-
ject to that certain Security COUNTY, GEORGIA, AND BE- for CBC National Bank dated N.E., Suite 130 of the status of the loan with provided by law. thority, any matters which might
Deed in favor of Mortgage ING MORE PARTICULARLY January 13, 2017, and recor- Atlanta, GA 30346 the secured creditor. The sale will be conducted sub- be disclosed by an accurate
Electronic Registration Sys- DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ded in Deed Book 26035, Page (770) 220-2535/***CF_REFER- The property is or may be in ject (1) to confirmation that the survey and inspection of the
tems, Inc. as nominee for CONDOMINIUM UNIT 2012 163, as last modified in Deed ENCE_INITIALS*** the possession of Kyeda L sale is not prohibited under the property, any assessments, li-
Wachovia Mortgage Corpora- OF SOMERSET HEIGHTS Book 30610, Page 23, DeKalb King, successor in interest or U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) ens, encumbrances, zoning or-
tion, recorded in Deed Book CONDOMINIUM, A CON - County Records, said Security *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING tenant(s). to final confirmation and audit dinances, restrictions, coven-
17717, page 789, DeKalb DOMINIUM, AS MORE PAR- Deed having been last sold, as- AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. NewRez LLC d/b/a Shellpoint of the status of the loan with ants, and matters of record su-
County Records. TICULARLY DESCRIBED AND signed, transferred and con- ANY INFORMATION OB - Mortgage Servicing as Attor- the secured creditor. perior to the Security Deed first
Said property will be sold sub- DELINEATED IN THE DE- veyed to Wells Fargo Bank, se- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR ney-in-Fact for Kyeda L King The property is or may be in set out above.
ject to any outstanding ad CLARATION OF CONDOMINI- curing a Note in the original THAT PURPOSE. File no. ++23-080349/ King++ the possession of , successor The proceeds of said sale will
valorem taxes (including taxes UM FOR SOMERSET principal amount of LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP* in interest or tenant(s). be applied to the payment of
which are a lien, whether or not HEIGHTS CONDOMINIUM, $247,350.00, the holder there- Attorneys and Counselors at Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. as At- said indebtedness and all ex-
now due and payable), the right RECORDED IN DEED BOOK of pursuant to said Deed and Law torney-in-Fact for Edward Carl penses of said sale as provided
of redemption of any taxing au- 1 0 6 0 9 , P A G E S 6 8 6 - 7 5 2, Note thereby secured has de- 211 Perimeter Center Parkway, Robinson, Jr. in said Deed, and the balance,
thority, any matters which might DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA clared the entire amount of said N.E., Suite 130 File no. ++22-079706/Carl if any, will be distributed as
be disclosed by an accurate RECORDS, AS AMENDED OR indebtedness due and payable Atlanta, GA 30346 Robinson, Jr.++ provided by law.
survey and inspection of the AS MAY BE AMENDED. and, pursuant to the power of (770) 220-2535/***CF_REFER- LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP* The sale will be conducted sub-
property, any assessments, li- THIS CONVEYANCE IS MADE sale contained in said Deed, ENCE_INITIALS*** Attorneys and Counselors at ject (1) to confirmation that the
ens, encumbrances, zoning or- SUBJECT TO THE DECLARA- will on the first Tuesday, Au- Law sale is not prohibited under the
dinances, restrictions, coven- TION AND ALL MATTERS gust 1, 2023, during the legal *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING 211 Perimeter Center Parkway, U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2)
ants, and matters of record su- REFERENCED THEREIN, ALL hours of sale, before the Court- AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. N.E., Suite 130 to final confirmation and audit
perior to the Security Deed first MATTERS SHOWN ON THE house door in said County, sell ANY INFORMATION OB- Atlanta, GA 30346 of the status of the loan with
set out above. PLAT RECORDED IN CON- at public outcry to the highest TAINED WILL BE USED FOR (770) 220-2535/***CF_REFER- the secured creditor.
The proceeds of said sale will DOMINIUM PLAT BOOK 108, bidder for cash, the property THAT PURPOSE. ENCE_INITIALS*** The property is or may be in
be applied to the payment of PAGE 58, DEKALB COUNTY, described in said Deed, to-wit: the possession of Joan J
said indebtedness and all ex- GEORGIA RECORDS, AND All that tract or parcel of land ly- *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING Thompson, successor in in-
penses of said sale as provided THE FLOOR PLANS RECOR- ing and being in Land Lot 305 AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. terest or tenant(s).
in said Deed, and the balance, DED IN CONDOMINIUM PLAT of the 18th District of DeKalb ANY INFORMATION OB- Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. as At-
The sale will be conducted sub- be disclosed by an accurate Said property is known as 1070 of the 16th District, DeKalb amount of $99,500.00, and said Bank, through its division Mid-
ject (1) to confirmation that the survey and inspection of the Forest Path, Stone Mountain, County, Georgia and being Lot Note being in default, the un- land Mortgage’s address is 999
sale is not prohibited under the property, any assessments, li- GA 30088, together with all fix- 15, Block F of Timbers East dersigned will sell at public out- N.W. Grand Blvd., Oklahoma
U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) ens, encumbrances, zoning or- tures and personal property at- Subdivision, Unit Two, Phase cry during the legal hours of City, OK 73118. MidFirst Bank,
to final confirmation and audit dinances, restrictions, coven- tached to and constituting a III, as per plat recorded in Plat sale before the door of the through its division Midland
of the status of the loan with ants, and matters of record su- part of said property, if any. Book 87, Page 119, DeKalb courthouse of Dekalb County, Mortgage may be contacted by

the secured creditor. The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023Page 63
perior to the Security Deed first Said property will be sold sub- County, Georgia Records, Georgia, on August 1, 2023 the telephone at 1-800-552-3000.
The property is or may be in set out above. ject to any outstanding ad which said plat is incorporated following described real prop- To the best of the
the possession of Joan J The proceeds of said sale will valorem taxes (including taxes herein and made a part hereof erty (hereinafter referred to as 420-476855 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20 undersigned's knowledge and
Thompson, successor in in- be applied to the payment of which are a lien, whether or not by reference. the "Property"): ALL THAT 7/27 belief, the party in possession
terest or tenant(s). said indebtedness and all ex- now due and payable), the right Tax ID #: 16 129 02 077 TRACT AND PARCEL OF NOTICE OF SALE UNDER of the property is believed to be
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. as At- penses of said sale as provided of redemption of any taxing au- The debt secured by said Se- LAND LYING AND BEING IN POWER CONTAINED IN Joan Sawyer-Steptoe and Wes-
torney-in-Fact for Joanie J Mor- in said Deed, and the balance, thority, any matters which might curity Deed has been and is LAND LOT 94, 15TH DIS- SECURITY DEED ley F. Steptoe, or tenant(s).
gan if any, will be distributed as be disclosed by an accurate hereby declared due because TRICT, DEKALB COUNTY, STATE OF GEORGIA, MidFirst Bank,
File no. ++23- provided by law. survey and inspection of the of, among other possible GEORGIA, BEING LOT 2, COUNTY OF DeKalb as Transferee, Assignee, and
080559/Morgan++ The sale will be conducted sub- property, any assessments, li- events of default, failure to pay BLOCK A, UNIT IV, MILAM ES- Pursuant to a power of sale Secured Creditor
LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP* ject (1) to confirmation that the ens, encumbrances, zoning or- the indebtedness as and when TATES SUBDIVISION, AS contained in a certain security As attorney-in-fact for the afore-
Attorneys and Counselors at sale is not prohibited under the dinances, restrictions, coven- due and in the manner PER PLAT RECORDED IN deed executed by Joan Saw- said Grantor
Law U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) ants, and matters of record su- provided in the Note and Se- PLAT BOOK 58, PAGE 21, yer-Steptoe and Wesley F. CB Legal, LLC
211 Perimeter Center Parkway, to final confirmation and audit perior to the Security Deed first curity Deed. The debt remain- DEKALB COUNTY RECORDS, Steptoe, hereinafter referred to Attorneys at Law
N.E., Suite 130 of the status of the loan with set out above. ing in default, this sale will be WHI CH I S H EREBY RE- as Grantor, to Mortgage Elec- Glenridge Highlands II
Atlanta, GA 30346 the secured creditor. The proceeds of said sale will made for the purpose of pay- FERRED TO AND MADE A tronic Registration Systems, 5565 Glenridge Connector,
(770) 220-2535/***CF_REFER- The property is or may be in be applied to the payment of ing the same and all expenses PART OF THIS DESCRIP- Inc. as nominee for Republic Suite 350
ENCE_INITIALS*** the possession of Thomas L said indebtedness and all ex- of this sale, as provided in Se- TION. The debt secured by the State Mortgage Co. recorded in Atlanta, GA 30342 Abraham, successor in interest penses of said sale as provided curity Deed and by law, includ- Security Deed and evidenced Deed Book 20707, beginning at (770) 392-0041
*THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING or tenant(s). in said Deed, and the balance, ing attorney’s fees (notice of in- by the Note and has been, and page 591, and as modified at ++23-7128 /Sawyer-Steptoe/
AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE BANK OF NEW YORK if any, will be distributed as tent to collect attorney’s fees is hereby, declared due and Deed Book 23992, Page 753, Steptoe++
ANY INFORMATION OB- MELLON f/k/a THE BANK OF provided by law. having been given). payable because of, among of the deed records of the Clerk THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE
TAINED WILL BE USED FOR NEW YORK as Trustee for The sale will be conducted sub- Your mortgage servicer, Rush- other possible events of de- of the Superior Court of the HELD TO BE ACTING
THAT PURPOSE. FIRST HORIZON ALTERNAT- ject (1) to confirmation that the more Loan Management Ser- fault, failure to make the pay- aforesaid state and county, and AS A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN-
IVE MORTGAGE SECURIT- sale is not prohibited under the vices, LLC, as servicer for U.S. ments as required by the terms by virtue of a default under the DER FEDERAL LAW.
420-476851 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20 IES TRUST 2006-AA2 as Attor- U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) Bank National Association, not of the Note. The debt remain- terms of said security deed, IF SO, ANY INFORMATION
7/27 ney-in-Fact for Thomas L Abra- to final confirmation and audit in its individual capacity but ing is in default and this sale and the related note, the under- OBTAINED WILL BE USED
STATE OF GEORGIA ham of the status of the loan with solely as Trustee for the RMAC will be made for the purposes signed attorney-in-fact for the FOR THAT PURPOSE.
COUNTY OF DEKALB File no.++23-080609/Abra- the secured creditor. Trust, Series 2018 G-CTT, can of paying the Security Deed, aforesaid Grantor (which attor-
NOTICE OF SALE UNDER ham++ The property is or may be in be contacted at 888-504-7200 accrued interest, and all ex- ney-in-fact is the present hold- 420-476858 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20
POWER LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP* the possession of The Repres- or by writing to 15480 Laguna penses of the sale, including at- er of said security deed and 7/27
Because of a default under the Attorneys and Counselors at entative of the Estate of Camya Canyon Road, Suite 1 00, torneys' fees. Notice of inten- note secured thereby) will sell STATE OF GEORGIA
terms of the Security Deed ex- Law Hunt, successor in interest or Irvine, CA 92618, to discuss tion to collect attorneys' fees at the usual place of conduct- COUNTY OF DEKALB
ecuted by Thomas L Abraham 211 Perimeter Center Parkway, tenant(s). possible alternatives to avoid has been given as provided by ing Sheriff's sales in said NOTICE OF SALE UNDER
to Mortgage Electronic Regis- N.E., Suite 130 Rocket Mortgage, LLC f/k/a foreclosure. law. To the best of the under- county within the legal hours of POWER
tration Systems, Inc. as nomin- Atlanta, GA 30346 Quicken Loans, LLC f/k/a Said property will be sold sub- signed's knowledge, the per- sale, to the highest bidder on Because of a default under the
ee for First Horizon Home Loan (770) 220-2535/***CF_REFER- Quicken Loans Inc. as Attor- ject to any outstanding ad son(s) in possession of the the first Tuesday in August terms of the Security Deed ex-
Corporation dated February 28, ENCE_INITIALS*** ney-in-Fact for Camya Hunt valorem taxes (including taxes property is Karen Askew John- 2023, all property described in ecuted by Peter I Otoh to Mort-
2006, and recorded in Deed File no. ++23-080575/Hunt++ which are a lien, but not yet son. The property, being com- said security deed including but gage Electronic Registration
Book 18490, Page 501, DeKalb *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP* due and payable), any matters monly known as 3000 Kelley not limited to the following de- Systems, Inc. as nominee for
County Records, said Security AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. Attorneys and Counselors at which might be disclosed by an Chapel Rd, Decatur, GA, scribed property: Nationstar Mortgage LLC dated
Deed having been last sold, as- ANY INFORMATION OB - Law accurate survey and inspection 30034 in Dekalb County, will be All that parcel of land in county December 20, 2013, and recor-
signed, transferred and con- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR 211 Perimeter Center Parkway, of the property, any assess- sold as the property of Karen of DeKalb, State of Georgia as ded in Deed Book 24194, Page
veyed to The Bank of New York THAT PURPOSE. N.E., Suite 130 ments, liens, encumbrances, Askew Johnson, subject to any more fully described in Docu- 161, DeKalb County Records,
Mellon F/K/A The Bank of New Atlanta, GA 30346 zoning ordinances, restrictions, outstanding ad valorem taxes ment 20153, Page 659 and be- said Security Deed having
York as Trustee for First Hori- 420-476852 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20 (770) 220-2535/***CF_REFER- covenants, and matters of re- (including taxes which are a li- ing more particularly described been last sold, assigned, trans-
zon Alternative Mortgage Se- 7/27 ENCE_INITIALS*** cord superior to the Security en and not yet due and pay- as follows: ferred and conveyed to US
curities Trust 2006-AA2, secur- STATE OF GEORGIA Deed first set out above. able), any matters affecting title All that tract or parcel of land ly- Bank Trust National Associ-
ing a Note in the original prin- COUNTY OF DEKALB *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING To the best knowledge and be- to the property which would be ing and being in Land Lot 43, ation, not in its individual capa-
cipal amount of $183,600.00, NOTICE OF SALE UNDER AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. lief of the undersigned, the disclosed by accurate survey 16th District, DeKalb County, city but solely as owner trustee
the holder thereof pursuant to POWER ANY INFORMATION OB- parties in possession of the and inspection thereof, and all Georgia, being Lot 665, for VRMTG Asset Trust, secur-
said Deed and Note thereby Because of a default under the TAINED WILL BE USED FOR property are Isabelle Hall or assessments, liens, encum- Winslow Crossing North Subdi- ing a Note in the original prin-
secured has declared the en- terms of the Security Deed ex- THAT PURPOSE. tenant(s); and said property is brances, restrictions, coven- vision, Phase VI, Unit One, as cipal amount of $138,417.00,
tire amount of said indebted- ecuted by Camya Hunt to Mort- more commonly known as 909 ants, and matters of record to per plat recorded in Plat Book the holder thereof pursuant to
ness due and payable and, pur- gage Electronic Registration 420-476853 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20 Timbervale Lane, Lithonia, GA the Security Deed. Pursuant to 81, Page 72, DeKalb County, said Deed and Note thereby
suant to the power of sale con- Systems, Inc., as Nominee for, 7/27 30058. O.C.G.A. Section 44-14-162.2, Georgia Records, which plat is secured has declared the en-
tained in said Deed, will on the Quicken Loans Inc. dated NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE The sale will be conducted sub- the name, address and tele- incorporated herein and made tire amount of said indebted-
first Tuesday, August 1, 2023, December 15, 2016, and recor- SALE UNDER POWER ject (1) to confirmation that the phone number of the individual a part hereof by reference for a ness due and payable and, pur-
during the legal hours of sale, ded in Deed Book 25990, Page DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA sale is not prohibited under the or entity who shall have the full more detailed description. suant to the power of sale con-
before the Courthouse door in 355, DeKalb County Records, THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) authority to negotiate, amend APN: 16-043-01-147 tained in said Deed, will on the
said County, sell at public out- said Security Deed having COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- to final confirmation and audit or modify all terms of the above Said legal description being first Tuesday, August 1, 2023,
cry to the highest bidder for been last sold, assigned, trans- FORMATION OBTAINED WILL of the status of the loan with described mortgage is as fol- controlling, however, the Prop- during the legal hours of sale,
cash, the property described in ferred and conveyed to Rocket BE USED FOR THAT PUR- the holder of the security deed. lows: Nationstar Mortgage LLC erty is more commonly known before the Courthouse door in
said Deed, to-wit: Mortgage, LLC f/k/a Quicken POSE. U.S. Bank National Associ- d/b/a Mr. Cooper, 8950 as: 5459 North Winslow Cross- said County, sell at public out-
ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Loans, LLC f/k/a Quicken Under and by virtue of the ation, not in its individual capa- Cypress Waters Blvd, Coppell, ing, Lithonia, GA 30038, or cry to the highest bidder for
CEL OF LAND LYING AND Loans Inc. securing a Note in Power of Sale contained in a city but solely as Trustee for TX 75019, 888-480-2432. The 5459 Winslow Xing N, Lithonia, cash, the property described in
BEING IN LAND LOT 116 OF the original principal amount of Security Deed given by Isa- the RMAC Trust, Series 2018 foregoing notwithstanding, GA 30038. said Deed, to-wit:
THE 18TH DISTRICT, DEKALB $75,339.00, the holder thereof belle Hall to Wells Fargo Bank, G-CTT as Attorney in Fact for nothing in O.C.G.A. Section 44- Said property will be sold on an ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING pursuant to said Deed and N.A. dated March 16, 2012 and Isabelle Hall 14-162.2 shall require the se- “as-is” basis without any rep- CEL OF LAND LYING AND
TRACT 1, WILLIAM C. DUKE Note thereby secured has de- recorded on March 22, 2012 in McMichael Taylor Gray, LLC cured creditor to negotiate, resentation, warranty or re- BEING IN LAND LOT 127 OF
SUBDIVISION, AS PER PLAT clared the entire amount of said Deed Book 22938, Page 554, 3550 Engineering Drive, Suite amend or modify the terms of course against the above- THE 16TH DISTRICT OF
RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK indebtedness due and payable DeKalb County, Georgia Re- 260 the mortgage instrument. The named or the undersigned. The DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA,
92, PAGE 69, DEKALB and, pursuant to the power of cords, and later assigned to Peachtree Corners, GA 30092 sale will be conducted subject sale will be subject to the fol- AND BEING LOT 23, BLOCK A
COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- sale contained in said Deed, U.S. Bank National Associ- 404-474-7149 (1) to confirmation that the sale lowing items which may affect OF PRINCETON PARK, UNIT
CORDS, WHICH RECORDED will on the first Tuesday, Au- ation, not in its individual capa- MTG File No.: ++GA2023- is not prohibited under U.S. the title: any outstanding ad ONE, AS PER PLAT RECOR-
PLAT IS INCORPORATED gust 1, 2023, during the legal city but solely as Trustee for 02232/Hall++ Bankruptcy code and (2) to fi- valorem taxes (including taxes DED IN PLAT BOOK 111
HEREIN BY THIS REFER- hours of sale, before the Court- the RMAC Trust, Series 2018 420-476854 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20 nal confirmation and audit of which are a lien but not yet due PAGES 14-15, OF DEKALB
ENCE AND MADE A PART OF house door in said County, sell G-CTT by Assignment of Se- 7/27 the status of the loan with the and payable); any matters COUNTY, GEORGIA RE-
THIS DESCRIPTION. SAID at public outcry to the highest curity Deed recorded on March NOTICE OF SALE UNDER holder of the Security Deed. Al- which might be disclosed by an CORDS, WHICH PLAT IS IN-
PROPERTY BEING KNOWN bidder for cash, the property 11, 2021 in Deed Book 29153, POWER bertelli Law Attorney for Nation- accurate survey and inspection CORPORATED HEREIN AND
AS 1302 MCLENDON DRIVE described in said Deed, to-wit: Page 513, DeKalb County, STATE OF GEORGIA star Mortgage LLC as Attorney of the property; any assess- MADE A PART HEREOF BY
ACCORDING TO THE All that tract or parcel of land ly- Georgia Records, conveying COUNTY OF DEKALB in Fact for Karen Askew John- ments, liens, encumbrances, REFERENCE.
PRESENT SYSTEM OF NUM- ing and being in Land Lot 34 of the after-described property to Under and by virtue of the son 100 Galleria Parkway, zoning ordinances, restrictions, BEING THE SAME PROP-
BERING HOUSES IN DEKALB the 16th District of DeKalb secure a Note in the original power of sale contained with Suite 960 Atlanta, GA 30339 and all other matters of record ERTY CONVEYED TO PETER
COUNTY, GEORGIA. County, Georgia, being Lot 29, principal amount of Sixty-Six that certain Security Deed Phone: (770) 373-4242 By: Ro- superior to the said Security I OTOH SINGLE BY DEED
Said property is known as 1302 Block E, of Forest East Subdivi- Thousand Two Hundred Sev- dated May 7, 1999, from Karen han Rupani For the Firm THIS Deed. The sale will be conduc- FROM EASTLAND HOMES,
Mcclendon Drive, Decatur, GA sion, Unit Three-A, as per plat enty-Six And 00/100 Dollars Askew Johnson to Charter Fed- FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT ted subject (1) to confirmation INC RECORDED 06/28/2001
30033, together with all fix- thereof recorded in Plat Book ($66,276.00), with interest eral Savings and Loan Associ- COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING that the sale is not prohibited IN DEED BOOK 12241 PAGE
tures and personal property at- 73, Page 160, DeKalb County, thereon as set forth therein, ation, recorded on May 14, TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY under the U.S. Bankruptcy 209, IN THE OFFICE OF THE
tached to and constituting a Georgia, records, which plat is there will be sold at public out- 1999 in Deed Book 10626 at INFORMATION OBTAINED Code and (2) to final confirma- CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR
part of said property, if any. incorporated herein and made cry to the highest bidder for Page 291 Dekalb County, WILL BE USED FOR THAT tion and audit of the status of COURT OF DE KALB
Said property will be sold sub- a part hereof by reference for a cash before the courthouse Georgia records, having been PURPOSE. - ++23-004166 A- the loan with the holder of the COUNTY, GEORGIA.
ject to any outstanding ad more detailed description; said door of DeKalb County, Geor- last sold, assigned, transferred 4788494 /Johnson++ Security Deed. MidFirst Bank, Said property is known as 6645
valorem taxes (including taxes property being known as 1070 gia, within the legal hours of and conveyed to Nationstar 06/29/2023, 07/06/2023, through its division Midland Princeton Park Ct, Lithonia, GA
which are a lien, whether or not Forest Path, according to the sale on August 1, 2023 the fol- Mortgage LLC by Assignment 07/13/2023, 07/20/2023, Mortgage is the entity with au- 30058, together with all fix-
now due and payable), the right present system of numbering lowing described property: and said Security Deed having 07/27/2023 thority to negotiate, amend and tures and personal property at-
of redemption of any taxing au- property in DeKalb County, All that tract or parcel of land ly- been given to secure a note modify the terms of the Note tached to and constituting a
thority, any matters which might Georgia. ing and being in Land Lot 129 dated May 7, 1999, in the and Security Deed. MidFirst part of said property, if any.
be disclosed by an accurate Said property is known as 1070 of the 16th District, DeKalb amount of $99,500.00, and said Bank, through its division Mid- Said property will be sold sub-
survey and inspection of the Forest Path, Stone Mountain, County, Georgia and being Lot Note being in default, the un- land Mortgage’s address is 999 ject to any outstanding ad
property, any assessments, li- GA 30088, together with all fix- 15, Block F of Timbers East dersigned will sell at public out- N.W. Grand Blvd., Oklahoma valorem taxes (including taxes
ens, encumbrances, zoning or- tures and personal property at- Subdivision, Unit Two, Phase cry during the legal hours of City, OK 73118. MidFirst Bank, which are a lien, whether or not
dinances, restrictions, coven- tached to and constituting a III, as per plat recorded in Plat sale before the door of the through its division Midland now due and payable), the right
ants, and matters of record su- part of said property, if any. Book 87, Page 119, DeKalb courthouse of Dekalb County, Mortgage may be contacted by of redemption of any taxing au-
perior to the Security Deed first Said property will be sold sub- County, Georgia Records, Georgia, on August 1, 2023 the telephone at 1-800-552-3000. thority, any matters which might
set out above. ject to any outstanding ad which said plat is incorporated following described real prop- To the best of the be disclosed by an accurate
The proceeds of said sale will valorem taxes (including taxes herein and made a part hereof erty (hereinafter referred to as undersigned's knowledge and survey and inspection of the
be applied to the payment of which are a lien, whether or not by reference. the "Property"): ALL THAT belief, the party in possession property, any assessments, li-
said indebtedness and all ex- now due and payable), the right Tax ID #: 16 129 02 077 TRACT AND PARCEL OF of the property is believed to be ens, encumbrances, zoning or-
penses of said sale as provided of redemption of any taxing au- The debt secured by said Se- LAND LYING AND BEING IN Joan Sawyer-Steptoe and Wes- dinances, restrictions, coven-
Said property will be sold sub- Said property is known as 5190 HOMES SUBDIVISION, AS (including taxes which are a li- which plat is incorporated courthouse in DeKalb County,
ject to any outstanding ad Post Rd Pass, Stone Mountain, PER PLAT RECORDED IN en, but not yet due and pay- herein by reference for a more Georgia, on the first Wednes-
valorem taxes (including taxes GA 30088, together with all fix- PLAT BOOK 207. PAGES able), (b) any matters which complete description. day in July, 2023 (July 5,
which are a lien, whether or not tures and personal property at- 85-90, DEKALB COUNTY, might be disclosed by an accur- Parcel ID(s): 16 102 12 001 2023), to the highest bidder for
now due and payable), the right tached to and constituting a GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH ate survey and inspection of FURTHER LESS AND EX- cash, the following described
of redemption of any taxing au- part of said property, if any. RECORDED PLAT IS INCOR- the property, and (c) all mat- CEPT that property, if any, re- real property:
Page 64
thority, any matters which might
be disclosed by an accurate
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023 
Said property will be sold sub-
ject to any outstanding ad
PORATED HEREIN BY REF- ters of record superior to the
Security Deed first set out
leased of record.
The indebtedness evidenced
survey and inspection of the valorem taxes (including taxes A PART OF THIS DESCRIP- 420-476950 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20 above, including, but not lim- by the Note is due and payable BEIN IN Land Lot 256 of the
property, any assessments, li- which are a lien, whether or not TION 7/27 ited to, assessments, liens, en- and remains unpaid. The Se- 18th District of DeKalb County,
ens, encumbrances, zoning or- now due and payable), the right Said legal description being Notice of Sale Under Power cumbrances, zoning ordin- curity Deed therefore has be- Georgia, being described as
dinances, restrictions, coven- of redemption of any taxing au- controlling, however the prop- State of Georgia, County of ances, easements, restrictions, come and is now foreclosable 0.345 acres, more or less per
ants, and matters of record su- thority, any matters which might erty is more commonly known DeKalb covenants, etc. according to its terms. Accord- survey prepared by Gordon C.
perior to the Security Deed first be disclosed by an accurate as 3286 TARIAN WAY, DEC- Under and by virtue of the The sale will be conducted sub- ingly, the Premises will be sold Story, Registered Land Survey-
set out above. survey and inspection of the ATUR, GA 30034. Power of Sale contained in a ject to (1) confirmation that the at public outcry pursuant to the or, dated 11/30/95 and being
The proceeds of said sale will property, any assessments, li- The indebtedness secured by Security Deed given by Ciara sale is not prohibited under the terms of the power of sale more particularly described as
be applied to the payment of ens, encumbrances, zoning or- said Security Deed has been Clemons to Mortgage Electron- U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) provided in the Security Deed. follows: TO ARRIVE AT THE
said indebtedness and all ex- dinances, restrictions, coven- and is hereby declared due be- ic Registration Systems, Inc., final confirmation and audit of The Premises will be sold on TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING,
penses of said sale as provided ants, and matters of record su- cause of default under the as nominee for Kind Lending, the status of the loan with the an “as is, where is” basis begin at a point where the east-
in said Deed, and the balance, perior to the Security Deed first terms of said Security Deed. LLC (the Secured Creditor), holder of the security deed. without recourse against erly side of the right of way of
if any, will be distributed as set out above. The indebtedness remaining in dated November 22, 2021, and Pursuant to O.C.G.A. §9-13- Lender and without representa- Mountain Industrial Boulevard
provided by law. The proceeds of said sale will default, this sale will be made Recorded on November 24, 172.1, which allows for certain tion or warranty of any kind or intersects the northerly side of
The sale will be conducted sub- be applied to the payment of for the purpose of paying the 2021 as Book No. 29928 and procedures regarding the res- nature whatsoever by Lender right of way of President’s Way;
ject (1) to confirmation that the said indebtedness and all ex- same, all expenses of the sale, Page No. 6, DeKalb County, cission of judicial and nonjudi- with respect thereto. running thence North 04 de-
sale is not prohibited under the penses of said sale as provided including attorneys’ fees (no- Georgia records, conveying the cial sales in the State of Geor- The proceeds of the sale are to grees 06 minutes 36 seconds
U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) in said Deed, and the balance, tice to collect same having after-described property to se- gia, the Deed Under Power and be applied first to the ex- West as measured along the
to final confirmation and audit if any, will be distributed as been given) and all other pay- cure a Note of even date in the other foreclosure documents penses of the sale and all pro- right of way of Mountain Indus-
of the status of the loan with provided by law. ments provided for under the original principal amount of may not be provided until final ceedings in connection there- trial Boulevard a distance of
the secured creditor. The sale will be conducted sub- terms of the Security Deed. $250,635.00, with interest at confirmation and audit of the with, including attorneys’ fees 427.29 feet to a point; running
The property is or may be in ject (1) to confirmation that the Said property will be sold on an the rate specified therein, as status of the loan as provided (notice of intention to collect at- thence North 84 degrees 55
the possession of , successor sale is not prohibited under the “as-is” basis without any rep- last assigned to Carrington in the preceding paragraph. torneys’ fees having been giv- minutes 11 seconds East a dis-
in interest or tenant(s). U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) resentation, warranty or re- Mortgage Services, LLC by as- Funds used at sale shall be in en), then to the payment of all tance of 11.19 feet to a point;
US Bank Trust National Associ- to final confirmation and audit course against the above- signment that is or to be recor- certified funds and payable to sums secured by the Security running thence North 03 de-
ation, Not In Its Individual Ca- of the status of the loan with named or the undersigned. The ded in the DeKalb County, “Bell Carrington Price & Gregg, Deed, and the remainder, if grees 22 minutes 33 seconds
pacity But Solely As Owner the secured creditor. sale will also be subject to the Georgia Records, there will be LLC”. any, will be paid to the person West 72.98 feet to the TRUE
Trustee For VRMTG Asset The property is or may be in following items which may af- sold by the undersigned at pub- Carrington Mortgage Services, or persons legally entitled POINT OF BEGINNING; run-
Trust as Attorney-in-Fact for the possession of The Repres- fect the title: any outstanding lic outcry to the highest bidder LLC as Attorney in Fact for thereto, all as provided in the ning thence North 03 degrees
Peter I Otoh entative o Robert L. Johnson ad valorem taxes (including for cash at the DeKalb County Ciara Clemons. Note and Security Deed. The 22 minutes 33 seconds West a
File no. ++21-078150/Otoh++ and EBA Capital, Inc., suc- taxes which are a lien, whether Courthouse within the legal Any information obtained on Premises shall be sold as the distance of 115.00 feet to a
LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP* cessor in interest or tenant(s). or not now due and payable); hours of sale on the first Tues- this matter may be used by the property of Grantor, subject to point; running thence North 84
Attorneys and Counselors at Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. as At- the right of redemption of any day in August, 2023, the follow- debt collector to collect the all restrictions, easements and degrees minutes 35 seconds
Law torney-in-Fact for Robert L. taxing authority; matters which ing described property: debt. Bell Carrington Price & other matters of record that are East a distance of 115.00 feet
211 Perimeter Center Parkway, Johnson would be disclosed by an ac- All that tract or parcel of land ly- Gregg, LLC, 339 Heyward prior to the Security Deed and to a point; running thence
N.E., Suite 130 File no. ++21-078072/John- curate survey or by an inspec- ing and being in Land Lot 2 of Street, 2nd Floor, Columbia, to which the Security Deed is South 84 degrees 16 minutes
Atlanta, GA 30346 son++ tion of the property; all zoning the 16th District, DeKalb SC 29201 (803)-509-5078. File: subject and to any unpaid city, 01 West a distance of 133.24
(770) 220-2535 LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP* ordinances; assessments; li- County, Georgia, being Lot 12, ++23-54186 /Clemons++ county and state ad valorem feet to the TRUE POINT OF Attorneys and Counselors at ens; encumbrances; restric- Block “A” of Mainstreet Subdivi- taxes or assessments relating BEGINNING.
*THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING Law tions; covenants, and any oth- sion, Unit I, Phase IV, as per to the Premises. Together with all buildings,
AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. 211 Perimeter Center Parkway, er matters of record superior to plat thereof recorded in Plat Foreclosures: Commercial The entity that has full author- structures and improvements of
ANY INFORMATION OB - N.E., Suite 130 said Security Deed. Book 73, page 177, DeKalb ity to negotiate, amend, and every nature whatsoever now
TAINED WILL BE USED FOR Atlanta, GA 30346 To the best of the knowledge County records, said plat being 430-476214 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 modify all terms of the Note or hereafter situated on the
THAT PURPOSE. (770) 220-2535 and belief of the undersigned, incorporated herein by refer- NOTICE OF SALE UNDER with the Borrower is: Velocity land, and all fixtures, ma- the owner and party in posses- ence thereto. POWER Commercial Capital, LLC as chinery, equipment, appliances
420-476859 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20 *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING sion of the property is AN- Subject to all easements and STATE OF GEORGIA agent for Lender, Minerva Val- and personal property of every
7/27,8/3,8/10,8/17,8/24,8/31 AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. DRERIA SIMPSON, or restrictions of record. COUNTY OF DEKALB divia, 30699 Russell Ranch kind and nature whatsoever
STATE OF GEORGIA ANY INFORMATION OB - tenants(s). Tax ID: 16 002 02 133 Under and by virtue of the Road, Ste. 295, Westlake Vil- now or hereafter owned by
COUNTY OF DEKALB TAINED WILL BE USED FOR The sale will be conducted sub- The debt secured by said Se- power of sale contained in that lage, CA 91362; (818) 338- owner and located in, on or
NOTICE OF SALE UNDER THAT PURPOSE. ject (1) to confirmation that the curity Deed has been and is certain Deed to Secure Debt, 9797, avaldivia@velocity- about, or used or intended to
POWER 420-476948 6/29,7/6,7/13,7/20, sale is not prohibited under the hereby declared due because Security Agreement and As- Please under- be used with or in connection
Because of a default under the 7/27 U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) of, among other possible signment of Rents and Leases, stand that the secured creditor with the use, operation or en-
terms of the Security Deed ex- NOTICE OF SALE UNDER to final confirmation and audit events of default, failure to pay from Ynot Enterprises, Llc is not required by law to negoti- joyment of the land including all
ecuted by Robert L. Johnson to POWER of the status of the loan with the indebtedness as and when (“Grantor”), to and in favor of ate, amend, or modify the extensions, additions, improve-
Residential Funding Group GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY the holder of the Security Deed. due and in the manner Velocity Commercial Capital, terms of the Deed instrument. ments, betterments, renewals
dated November 20, 1997, and By virtue of a Power of Sale The entity having full authority provided in the Note and Se- LLC (“Original Lender”), dated To the best knowledge and be- and replacements of any of the
recorded in Deed Book 9717, contained in that certain Secur- to negotiate, amend or modify curity Deed. Because the debt August 26, 2019, recorded lief of the undersigned, the foregoing and all right, title and
Page 369, and re-recorded in ity Deed from ANDRERIA all terms of the loan (although remains in default, this sale will September 4, 2019 at Deed party in possession of the interest of owner in any such
Deed Book 9785, Page 415, SIMPSON to MORTGAGE not required by law to do so) is: be made for the purpose of Book 27771, Page 127, Dekalb Premises is Grantor, Ynot En- fixtures, machinery, equipment,
DeKalb County Records, said ELECTRONIC REGISTRA- Citizens Bank, N.A. paying the same and all ex- County, Georgia records, as terprises Llc or a tenant or ten- appliances, and personal prop-
Security Deed having been last TION SYSTEMS INC. AS , Loss Mitigation Dept., 10561 penses of this sale, as provided assigned to U.S. Bank Nation- ants and said property is more erties, all of which are hereby
sold, assigned, transferred and GRANTEE, AS NOMINEE FOR Telegraph Road, Glen Allen, in the Security Deed and by al Association as Trustee for commonly known as 1993 declared and shall be deemed
conveyed to Wells Fargo Bank, AMERIS BANK, dated Decem- VA 23059, Telephone Number: law, including attorney's fees Velocity Commercial Capital Lown Farm Lane, Lithonia, to be fixtures and accessions to
N.A. securing a Note in the ori- ber 6, 2019, recorded Decem- (800) 234-6002. Nothing in (notice of intent to collect attor- Loan Trust 2019-3 (“Lender”), Georgia 30058-3939. the freehold and a part of the
ginal principal amount of ber 11, 2019, in Deed Book O.C.G.A. Section 44-14-162.2 ney's fees having been given). recorded September 1, 2022 at U.S. Bank National Associ- premises as between the
$95,910.00, the holder thereof 27980, Page 238, DeKalb shall be construed to require a Carrington Mortgage Services, Deed Book 30543, Page 81, ation, as Trustee for Velocity parties hereto and all persons
pursuant to said Deed and County, Georgia Records, said secured creditor to negotiate, LLC holds the duly endorsed aforesaid Georgia records (the Commercial Capital Loan Trust claiming by, through or under
Note thereby secured has de- Security Deed having been giv- amend, or modify the terms of Note and is the current assign- “Security Deed”) securing that 2019-3 them, and which shall be
clared the entire amount of said en to secure a Note of even the mortgage instrument. ee of the Security Deed to the certain Term Note, dated Au- as Attorney-in-Fact for deemed to be a portion of the
indebtedness due and payable date in the original principal property. Carrington Mortgage gust 26, 2019 in the original ++Ynot Enterprises, Llc++ security for the indebtedness
and, pursuant to the power of amount of One Hundred Eighty CITIZENS BANK NA F/K/A Services, LLC is the entity with principal amount of Lisa A. Frank herein described and to be se-
sale contained in said Deed, Thousand Five Hundred Sixty- RBS CITIZENS NA the full authority to negotiate, $108,000.00 (the “Note”); there McCalla Raymer Leibert, cured by the Commercial Deed
will on the first Tuesday, Eight and 00/100 dollars as Attorney in Fact for amend, and modify all terms of will be sold at public outcry by Pierce, LLC to Secure Debt.
September 5, 2023, during the ($180,568.00), with interest ANDRERIA SIMPSON the loan. Lender as attorney-in-fact of 1544 Old Alabama Road Said parcel containing 0.3 +/-
legal hours of sale, before the thereon as provided for therein, THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY Pursuant to O.C.G.A. §44-14- Grantor to the highest bidder Roswell, Georgia 30076 acres and being identified as
Courthouse door in said said Security Deed having BE HELD TO BE ACTING AS 162.2, Carrington Mortgage for cash between the legal (678) 281-6503 Tax Parcel Number 18 256 06
County, sell at public outcry to been last sold, assigned and A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN- Services, LLC may be contac- hours for sale before the Court- [email protected] 049/1356822
the highest bidder for cash, the transferred to CITIZENS BANK DER FEDERAL LAW. IF SO, ted at: 1-800-790-9502 or by house door or any other offi- Being improved property known
property described in said NA f/k/a RBS CITIZENS NA, ANY INFORMATION OB - writing to 1600 South Dou- cially designated area for such 430-476215 6/8,6/15,6/22,6/29 as 2901 Mountain Industrial
Deed, to-wit: there will be sold at public out- TAINED WILL BE USED FOR glass Road, Suite 110 and 200- foreclosure sales in Dekalb NOTICE OF SALE UNDER Blvd. DeKalb County, Georgia
ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- cry to the highest bidder for THAT PURPOSE. A, Anaheim, CA 92806-5951. County, Georgia, on Wednes- POWER 30084, according to the present
CEL OF LAND LYING AND cash at the DeKalb County Attorney Contact: Rubin Lublin, Please note that, pursuant to day, July 5, 2023, pursuant to GEORGIA system of numbering proper-
BEING IN LAND LOT 32 OF Courthouse, within the legal LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place, O.C.G.A. §44-14-162.2, the se- O.C.G.A. § 9-13-161 as the first DEKALB COUNTY ties in DeKalb County, Georgia.
THE 16TH DISTRICT OF hours of sale on the first Tues- Suite 100, Peachtree Corners, cured creditor is not required to Tuesday of the month falls on Under and by virtue of the Together with all easements,
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, day in August, 2023, all prop- GA 30071 amend or modify the terms of Independence Day, the follow- power of sale contained in the rights-of-way, strips and gores
BEING LOT 10, BLOCK Q, erty described in said Security Telephone Number: (877) 813- the loan. ing described property (the Commercial Deed to Secure of land, vaults, streets, ways,
BRIDGEWATER COMMONS, Deed including but not limited 0992 Case No. ++CBN-23- To the best knowledge and be- “Premises”) to wit: Debt and Security Agreement alleys, passages, sewer rights,
AKA MAINSTREET, PHASE II, to the following described prop- 01771-2/SIMPSON++ lief of the undersigned, the All that tract or parcel of land ly- from Biniam Tsegay to Phil waters, water courses, water
SECTION VI, AS PER PLAT erty: Ad Run Dates 06/29/2023, party/parties in possession of ing and being in Land Lot 102 O’Dell dated September 9, rights and powers, and all es-
THEREOF RECORDED IN ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- 07/06/2023, 07/13/2023, the subject property known as of the 16th District, Dekalb 2019 and recorded on Septem- tates, rights, titles, interests,
PLAT BOOK 67, PAGE 156, CEL OF LAND LYING AND 07/20/2023, 07/27/2023 952 LAKE DRIVE COURT, County Georgia, being Lot 1, ber 17, 2019 in Deed Book minerals, royalties, easements,
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA BEING IN LAND LOT 86 OF STONE MOUNTAIN, GA 30088 Block E, Unit Three, Section 27796, Page 21, DeKalb privileges, liberties, tenements
RECORDS, WHICH PLAT IS THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB is/are: Ciara Clemons or Four, Four Great Oaks Subdivi- County, Georgia records, the hereditaments and appurten-
INCORPORATED HEREIN COUNTY, tenant/tenants. Said property sion, as per plat recorded in undersigned will sell at public ances whatsoever in any way
AND BY THIS REFERENCE GEORGIA, AND BEING LOT 5, will be sold subject to (a) any Plat Book 91, Page 40, DeKalb outcry during the legal hours of belonging, relating or apper-
MADE A PART HEREOF. POD C, TARIAN TOWN- outstanding ad valorem taxes County, Georgia Records, sale before the door of the taining to the premises or any
Said property is known as 5190 HOMES SUBDIVISION, AS (including taxes which are a li- which plat is incorporated courthouse in DeKalb County, part thereof, or which by here-
Post Rd Pass, Stone Mountain, PER PLAT RECORDED IN en, but not yet due and pay- herein by reference for a more Georgia, on the first Wednes- after shall in any way belong,
GA 30088, together with all fix- PLAT BOOK 207. PAGES able), (b) any matters which complete description. day in July, 2023 (July 5, relate or be appurtenant
tures and personal property at- 85-90, DEKALB COUNTY, might be disclosed by an accur- Parcel ID(s): 16 102 12 001 2023), to the highest bidder for thereto, whether now owned or
tached to and constituting a GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH ate survey and inspection of FURTHER LESS AND EX- cash, the following described hereafter acquired by owner
part of said property, if any. RECORDED PLAT IS INCOR- the property, and (c) all mat- CEPT that property, if any, re- real property: and the reversion and rever-
Said property will be sold sub- PORATED HEREIN BY REF- ters of record superior to the leased of record. ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- sions, remainder and remain-
ject to any outstanding ad ERENCE AND MADE Security Deed first set out The indebtedness evidenced CEL OF LAND LYING AND ders, the rents, issues, profits
valorem taxes (including taxes A PART OF THIS DESCRIP- above, including, but not lim- by the Note is due and payable BEIN IN Land Lot 256 of the and revenues of the premises
which are a lien, whether or not TION ited to, assessments, liens, en- and remains unpaid. The Se- 18th District of DeKalb County, from time to time accruing (in-
now due and payable), the right Said legal description being cumbrances, zoning ordin- curity Deed therefore has be- Georgia, being described as cluding without limitation all
of redemption of any taxing au- controlling, however the prop- ances, easements, restrictions, come and is now foreclosable 0.345 acres, more or less per payments under leases or ten-
part thereof, or which by here-
after shall in any way belong,
relate or be appurtenant
thereto, whether now owned or
hereafter acquired by owner
and the reversion and rever-

sions, remainder and remain- The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023Page 65
ders, the rents, issues, profits
and revenues of the premises 040-476897 6/29
from time to time accruing (in-
cluding without limitation all DEKALB COUNTY GOVERNMENT
payments under leases or ten- Advertisement for Thursday, June 29, 2023
ancies, proceeds of insurance,
condemnation payments, ten- Sealed bids will be received in the Department of Purchasing and Contracting, The Maloof Center, 1300 Commerce Drive,
ant security deposits and es- 2nd Floor, Decatur, Georgia 30030, for the following until 3:00 P.M. on date(s) designated below:
crow funds), and all the estate,
right, title, interest, property,
possession, claim and demand REQUEST FOR ITEM CLOSING DATE
whatsoever at law, as well as in
equity, of owner of, in and to SOLICITATION NO.
the same.
The debt secured by said Com-
mercial Deed to Secure Debt 23-101579 Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Fuel Station Operations, July 18, 2023
has matured. The debt being in
default, this sale will be made Preventative Maintenance, & Repair Services
for the purpose of paying said
indebtedness including all ac-
crued and unpaid interest 23-101590 DeKalb Industrial Way at Wilscott Drive Traffic July 26, 2023
thereon and attorney fees and
all expenses of said sale. Signal
The property will be sold as the
property of ++Kidanie
Adanech++, who, to the best of
the undersigned's knowledge
and belief, is the party in pos- Specifications and other details will be available in the Purchasing and Contracting Department, The Maloof Center, 2nd
session of said property and
the record title owner of the Floor, 1300 Commerce Drive, Decatur, Georgia 30030. For additional information, please view the DeKalb County
property; provided, however,
that Phil O’Dell has not ap-
Website at:
proved and does not approve DeKalb County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or any part thereof, to waive any technicalities, and to re-
any conveyances made since
the recording of the Commer- advertise.
cial Deed to Secure Debt.
Notice has been given of inten-
tion to enforce provisions for By: Michelle Butler, Procurement Manager
collection of attorney fees and DeKalb County, Purchasing and Contracting Department
foreclosure in accordance with
legal requirements and the
terms of said Deed to Secure
Debt and Note.
The property, commonly known
as 2901 Mountain Industrial
Blvd., DeKalb County, Georgia
30084, will be sold subject to
any and all unpaid taxes, un-
paid water and sewer assess-
ments, matters which would be
disclosed by an accurate sur-
vey or inspection, unpaid as-
sessments, general subdivi-
sion restriction, if any, and oth-
er restrictions and easements
of record, if any.
Pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 44-14-
162.2, the name, address, and
telephone number of the indi-
vidual or entity who has author-
ity to negotiate, amend, and
modify all terms of the Deed to
Secure Debt and related loan
documents is as follows:
Phil O’Dell
P.O. Box 700
Tybee Island, Georgia 31328
Notwithstanding the foregoing,
nothing shall require Holder to
negotiate, amend or modify the
terms of the Commercial Deed
to Secure Debt.
The sale will be conducted sub-
ject to (i) confirmation that the
sale is not prohibited under the
U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (ii)
final confirmation and audit of
the status of the loan with Hold-
Mitchell T. Bagwell, as
Attorney-in-fact for Phil O’Dell
Georgia Bar No. 031499
Martin Bagwell Luke, P.C.
400 Northridge Road, Suite
Atlanta, GA 30350
This law firm is attempting to
collect a debt. Any information
obtained will be used for that
Page 66 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023 
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023Page 67
Page 68 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, JUne 29 - july 5, 2023 

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