Tournament selection is a selection method for genetic algorithms where multiple "tournaments" are held between a few randomly chosen individuals from the population. For each tournament, the winner is selected for the next generation. The selection pressure can be adjusted by changing the tournament size. Larger tournament sizes decrease the chances of weaker individuals being selected. In tournament selection, a tournament size is randomly chosen, then that number of individuals are randomly selected from the population to determine the best individual based on fitness, which is copied into the mating pool. This allows good individuals to be selected multiple times and is computationally faster than roulette wheel or rank-based selection.
Tournament selection is a selection method for genetic algorithms where multiple "tournaments" are held between a few randomly chosen individuals from the population. For each tournament, the winner is selected for the next generation. The selection pressure can be adjusted by changing the tournament size. Larger tournament sizes decrease the chances of weaker individuals being selected. In tournament selection, a tournament size is randomly chosen, then that number of individuals are randomly selected from the population to determine the best individual based on fitness, which is copied into the mating pool. This allows good individuals to be selected multiple times and is computationally faster than roulette wheel or rank-based selection.
Tournament selection is a selection method for genetic algorithms where multiple "tournaments" are held between a few randomly chosen individuals from the population. For each tournament, the winner is selected for the next generation. The selection pressure can be adjusted by changing the tournament size. Larger tournament sizes decrease the chances of weaker individuals being selected. In tournament selection, a tournament size is randomly chosen, then that number of individuals are randomly selected from the population to determine the best individual based on fitness, which is copied into the mating pool. This allows good individuals to be selected multiple times and is computationally faster than roulette wheel or rank-based selection.
Tournament selection is a selection method for genetic algorithms where multiple "tournaments" are held between a few randomly chosen individuals from the population. For each tournament, the winner is selected for the next generation. The selection pressure can be adjusted by changing the tournament size. Larger tournament sizes decrease the chances of weaker individuals being selected. In tournament selection, a tournament size is randomly chosen, then that number of individuals are randomly selected from the population to determine the best individual based on fitness, which is copied into the mating pool. This allows good individuals to be selected multiple times and is computationally faster than roulette wheel or rank-based selection.
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur Rank- Rank-based selection Rank- Rank-based selection: Example Rank- Rank-based selection: Implementation Comparing Rank- Rank-based selection with Roulette- Roulette-Wheel selection Tournament selection • In tournament selection several tournaments are played among a few individuals. The individuals are chosen at random from the population. • The winner of each tournament is selected for next generation. • Selection pressure can be adjusted by changing the tournament size. • Weak individuals have a smaller chance to be selected if tournament size is large. Example • In this scheme, we select the tournament size n (say 2 or 3) at random. • We pick n individuals from the population, at random and determine the best one in terms of their fitness values. • The best individual is copied into the mating pool. • Thus, in this scheme only one individual is selected per tournament and Np tournaments are to be played to make the size of mating pool equals to Np. • Note : • Here, there is a chance for a good individual to be copied into the mating pool more than once. • This techniques founds to be computationally more faster than both Roulette-Wheel and Rank-based selection scheme Tournament selection : Implementation Tournament selection : Example Survey on GA selection strategies Elitisms • Crossover and mutation may destroy the best solution of the population pool • Elitism is the preservation of few best solutions of the population pool • Elitism is defined in percentage or in number Elitisms Comparing selection schemes • Usually, a selection scheme follows Darwin’s principle of ”Survival • of the fittest”. • In other words, a selection strategy in GA is a process that favours the selection of better individuals in the population for the matting pool (so that better genes are inherited to the new offspring) and hence search leads to the global optima. There are two issues to decide the effectiveness of any selection scheme. • Population diversity • Selection pressure Effectiveness of any selection scheme Effectiveness of any selection schemes Analysis of different selection strategies Important GA Operations • 1 Encoding • 2 Fitness Evaluation and Selection • 3 Mating pool • 4 Crossover • 5 Mutation • 6 Convergence test Mating Pool: Prior to crossover operation Important GA Operations • 1 Encoding • 2 Fitness Evaluation and Selection • 3 Mating pool • 4 Crossover • 5 Mutation • 6 Convergence test Crossover operation Crossover operations in Binary- Binary-coded GAs • There exists a large number of crossover schemes, few important of them are listed in the following. • 1 Single point crossover • 2 Two-point crossover • 3 Multi-point crossover (also called n-point crossover) • 4 Uniform crossover (UX) Single point crossover
• Here, we select the K-point lying between 1 and L. Let it be k.
• A single crossover point at k on both parent’s strings is selected. • All data beyond that point in either string is swapped between the two parents. • The resulting strings are the chromosomes of the offsprings produced. Single point crossover: Illustration Two- Two-point crossover • In this scheme, we select two different crossover points k1 and k2 lying between 1 and L at random such that k1 ≠ k2. • The middle parts are swapped between the two strings. • Alternatively, left and right parts also can be swapped Two- Two-point crossover: Illustration Multi- Multi-point crossover Uniform Crossover (UX) Uniform crossover (UX): Illustration Uniform crossover with crossover mask Uniform crossover with crossover mask Important GA Operations • 1 Encoding • 2 Fitness Evaluation and Selection • 3 Mating pool • 4 Crossover • 5 Mutation • 6 Convergence test Mutation Operation Mutation Operation in Binary coded GA Mutation in Binary- Binary-coded GA : Flipping Mutation in Binary- Binary-coded GA : Interchanging Mutation in Binary- Binary-coded GA : Reversing Crossover OR mutation? • Decade long debate: which one is better / necessary / main-background
• Answer (at least, rather wide agreement):
• it depends on the problem, but • in general, it is good to have both • both have another role • mutation-only-EA is possible, xover-only-EA would not work Exploration: Discovering promising areas in the search space, i.e. gaining information on the problem Exploitation: Optimising within a promising area, i.e. using information There is co-operation AND competition between them • Crossover is explorative, it makes a big jump to an area somewhere “in between” two (parent) areas • Mutation is exploitative, it creates random small diversions, thereby staying near (in the area of ) the parent • Only crossover can combine information from two parents • Only mutation can introduce new information (alleles) • Crossover does not change the allele frequencies of the population • To hit the optimum you often need a ‘lucky’ mutation Nature to Computer Mapping Maximize f(x) = x2 example: selection X2 example: crossover X2 example: mutation • REFERENCES 1. D. E. Goldberg, ‘Genetic Algorithm In Search,Optimization And Machine Learning’, New York:Addison –Wesley (1989) 2.John H. Holland ‘Genetic Algorithms’, Scientific American Journal, July 1992. 3. Kalyanmoy Deb, ‘An Introduction To Genetic Algorithms’, Sadhana, Vol. 24 Parts 4 And 5 Courtesy: Slides from Debasis Samanta Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur