2022, Vol. 6, No. 4, 6308 – 6314
Faculty of Economics and Business, Widyatama University, Bandung, Indonesia
Faculty of Economics and Business, Widyatama University, Bandung, Indonesia, [email protected]
The purpose of this study was to determine how the influence of internal audit on the prevention of
fraud case study at Pos Indonesia Co. Ltd. Bandung Headquarters. The factors tested in this study
were Internal Audit (Independence and Objectivity, Proficiency and Due professional) careas the
independent variable, while Fraud Prevention as the dependent variable. The type of research used is
descriptive explanatory research. The population in this study were 30 people. The sampling
technique used in this study is non-probability sampling with saturated sampling technique, so the
number of samples in this study was 30 people. While the analytical method used in this study is
simple linear regression analysis at a significance level of 5% using the SPSS Ver 25 program. Based
on the results of the study, it shows that internal audit has a significant effect on fraud prevention. The
magnitude of the influence of internal audit in contributing to fraud prevention is 47.4%. This means
that the more independent and objective, as well as having the professional skills and accuracy of an
internal auditor in carrying out their duties, the internal audit can run well, and be able to prevent
Figure 5 Simple Linear Regression Test The excecution of fraud enforcement at Pos
Indonesia Co. Ltd. as a whole is in the category
Coefficient of Determination Test of very well and meets the three criteria of
The coefficient of determination test results fraud prevention components. As for the
showed that Adjusted R square of 0.474. then it respondent's response to the fraud prevention
can be concluded that the independet variable variable, it shows that the average highest
in this study is an internal audit (X) affecting scoring value is reducing the "chance" of
47.4% of variable dependents, namely cheating while the lowest scoring is reducing
Prevention (fraud) (Y). The remaining 52.6% the "justification" of fraud by strengthening
was affected by other variables not included integrity. Reducing situational "pressure" that
within the investigate factors. causes cheating has been applied very well with
the highest average scoring of 4.8 and the
Partial Hypothesis Test (t) lowest scoring average of 4.23. Reducing the
"Chance" of cheating has been applied very
Based on the results of the t (partial) test in the
well with the highest average scoring of 4.63
regression model, it can be seen that the
and the lowest average scoring of 4.23.
calculation> ttabel which is 5,214>1,966, then
Reducing the "justification" of cheating by
it can be concluded that Ha is accepted, this
strengthening integrity has been applied very
means that partially internal audit variables
well with the highest average scoring of 4.66
have a significant effect on the fraud prevention
and the lowest average scoring of 4.46.
variable at Pos Indonesia Co. Ltd. Bandung.
Effect of Internal Audit on Fraud Prevention
The results of descriptive analysis of the
influence of internal audits that the total actual
score obtained from all statements that form
variables regarding the influence of internal
audits shows an average result of 4.68 belongs
to the category of excellent. This shows that
Figure 6 Test Hypothesis Testing t respondent answers about the influence of
Discussion internal audits are expected to prevent fraud
belongs to an excellent category. This means
Implementation of Internal Audit in Fraud the prevention of fraud in Pos Indonesia Co.
Prevention at Pos Indonesia Co. Ltd. Bandung Ltd. Bandung Headquarters has been running
The execution of internal audit at Pos Indonesia very well, this is indicated by the execution of
Co. Ltd. as a whole is in the category of the International Standard of Internal Audit
excellent and meets the three criteria of the Professional Practice (SIPPAI) to be specific
internal audit component. As for the Independence & Objectivity, Due Professional
respondent's response to the Internal Audit care, and Proficiency in the company that
variable, the average dimension with the prevention What is done by Pos Indonesia Co.
highest score value is professional accuracy Ltd. is good in terms of implementing or
while the lowest scoring value is proficiency. creating honesty, ethics, and management
Indepedence and Objectivity have been applied responsibilities evaluate fraud risk and
very well with the highest average scoring of supervision of the audit committee.
6313 Journal of Positive School Psychology