Medición de N2O en Matriz de N2 Usando UECD
Medición de N2O en Matriz de N2 Usando UECD
Medición de N2O en Matriz de N2 Usando UECD
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4 authors, including:
Harry Budiman
Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Research Center for Chemistry
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ABSTRACT: Atmospheric nitrous oxide (N2O) as one of the most potent greenhouse gases
significantly contributes to the global warming effect. Therefore, an accurate and valid measurement
method for monitoring its environmental release is of great importance. In this study, an analytical
method for the measurement of N2O in a nitrogen (N2) matrix using gas chromatography and
microelectron capture detection (GC‐μECD) has been validated. The analytical method was
validated in terms of some performance parameters such as system suitability, precision
(repeatability and reproducibility), linearity, limit of detection (LoD) and limit of quantitation (LoQ),
accuracy and method robustness. The results show that the GC system was found to be suitable for
the measurement of N2O in the N2 matrix. The repeatability and reproducibility of the method were
found to have %RSD of 1.42 and 0.71, respectively, indicating that the method is repeatable and
reproducible for N2O measurement. The linearity of the method was excellent, having the R2 value of
0.9998. The LoD and LoQ of the method were found to be 0.10 and 0.34 µmol mol-1, respectively.
Evaluation of method accuracy showed that the method is also accurate for the measurement of N2O
in the N2 matrix. The method’s roughness indicated that the method was quite stable and unaffected
by slight changes in the experimental conditions. From this study, it can be concluded that the
validated method can be used in testing laboratory for internal quality assurance programs purposes
related to the measurement of N2O in N2 matrix.
The concentration of nitrous oxide (N2O) in atmosphere has reached to about 398.55
nmolmol-1 (equivalent to part per billion) in 2014 and tend to increase, where 40% of that
amount was originated from anthropogenic activities such as agriculture, transportation, and
industries (Anderson et al., 2010). TheN2O is one of the most potent greenhouse gases and its
The Journal of Engineering and Exact Sciences - JCEC, Vol. 03 N. 03 (2017) 381–394
atmospheric lifetime is about 150 years (de Miranda et al., 2015). The N2O has very high
global warming potentials (GWPs) at about 298 times relative to CO2 and significantly
contribute to the earth’s climate (Ermolaev, 2015; Komiya et al., 2010). In this regards,
accurate data obtained by a valid measurement method for monitoring the environmental
release of the N2O to decrease its forcing on global warming effect is of great importance.
Regardless its tremendous capacity over other methods, a practical application of the
GC-µECD to provide accurate and reliable results for the N2O measurement has created a
need to re-assess the measurement practice of testing laboratories. Owing to the fact that a
good laboratory practice for the testing laboratories as the basis for accreditation assessment
complying with ISO/IEC 17025 is important. According to ISO/IEC 17025, a reliable and
accurate result can only be obtained by using a validated method (BSN, 2008). Method
validation is a part of quality assurances to declare that a high quality of analytical result is
provided (Budiman and Zuas, 2015). In general, method validation refers to a documented
procedure used by a laboratory to ensure that the method performance for the determination
of particular analyte meets the required criteria (EURACHEM, 2014).
In this paper, the study results from validation of analytical method of GC-µECD for
the measurement of N2O in N2 matrix were evaluated.The evaluation was emphasized based
on the following validation parameters such as method suitability, precision (repeatability
and reproducibility), linearity, limit of detection (LoD) and quantification (LoQ), accuracy,
and roughness. Specifically, the study is designed to provide a practical example to personals
in testing laboratories in implementation of validation method for their existing internal
quality assurance programs in the field of gas measurement.
2.1. Materials
Two standard gas mixtures of N2O in N2 matrix were used in this study. The two
standard gas mixtures were in-house prepared gravimetrically at our laboratory in accordance
with ISO Guide 6142: Gas analysis - Preparation of calibration gas mixtures - Part 1:
Gravimetric method for Class I mixtures (ISO Guide, 2015). The final concentrations of the
two N2O standard are 3.25 µmol mol-1 (labeled as NN-A standard) and 0.37 µmol mol-1
(labeled as NN-B standard). The µmol mol-1 is equal to part per million. The NN-A standard
was used in all experiment runs, while the NN-B standard was only used as a reference
standard on the evaluation of method accuracy.
The Journal of Engineering and Exact Sciences - JCEC, Vol. 03 N. 03 (2017) 381–394
2.2. Instrumentation
2.3. Procedure
Measurement of N2O
A certain volume of gas sample from standard cylinder was injected to the GC system
through a mass flow controller (MFC, Brooks Instrument, USA). The MFC was used to
maintain the consistency of gas flow rate. The MFC was installed between sample cylinder
and a 1 mL sample loop (Agilent Technologies, USA) on the GC system. The detection of
the N2O was conducted by using a µECD under optimized analytical conditions as listed in
Table 1. The output signal was monitored using installed software (OpenLAB CDS
Chemstation Edition Rev. C.01.07, Agilent Technology, USA), on a HP personal computer
(HP ProDesk 490 G2 MT, Hawlett-Packard Company). The measurement data was estimated
by automated integration of the area under the resolved chromatographic profile.
The analytical method was firstly developed by investigating the suitability of the
GC-µECD system. System suitability was conducted by injecting the NN-A standard into the
GC-µECD under the same operating condition (Table 1) and the profile of generated
chromatogram of the N2O was then evaluated in term of its retention time, peak area, and
peak height. The acceptance criterion of each parameter is set to maximum 2.5% of relative
standard deviation (%RSD). After that, the developed method was validated. In the practical
experiment, the validation process was carried out by assessing the measured data for each
following validation parameters such precision (repeatability and reproducibility), linearity,
limit of detection (LoD) and quantification (LoQ), accuracy, and roughness. The assessment
procedure used for the calculation of the validation parameters were adopted from literatures
(EURACHEM, 2014;Zuas and Budiman, 2016). Repeatability of the method was established
by examining the response of the NN-A standard and expressed as percentage relative
standard deviation (%RSD) from seven replications injections under the same operating
condition and over a short time interval. The method reproducibility was determined by a
similar procedure to that of repeatability except the time of 2 days interval was used instead
of the same day. In addition, the method reproducibility was also assessed by using graphical
technique so called control limit chart (Hovind et al., 2001; Masson, 2007). The linearity of
the method was carried out by the evaluation of N2O calibration curve. The calibration curve
was constructed by plotting peak area of some N2O standard as a function of their
concentration. The N2O standards used in constructing the calibration curve were obtained by
The Journal of Engineering and Exact Sciences - JCEC, Vol. 03 N. 03 (2017) 381–394
diluting the NN-A standard (3.25 µmol mol-1) using dynamic dilution method. The LoD and
LoQ of the method was determined at a signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of 3 and 10, respectively,
of the N2O chromatogram at the lowest concentration used. The accuracy of the method was
evaluated by comparing the concentration of NN-A standard against another independent gas
standard (NN-B standard). Robustness of the method was determined by investigating the
effect of small changes of the GC-µECD operating parameters (oven temperature, flow rate
of carrier gas, and detector temperature) on the N2O measurement results.
Table 1. Optimized operating condition of the GC-µECD for the measurement of N2O in N2
Table 2. Suitability data of the GC-µECD system for the measurement of N2O in N2 matrix.
3.2. Precision
where is the concentration of target analyte in decimal fraction. The results of the method
repeatability evaluation are depicted in Table 3. As it can be seen in Table 3, the %RSD of
the method repeatability was found to be 1.42, which is lower than 8.93 (0.67 x CV-Horwitz).
This finding implies that the analytical method is categorized as an repeatable for the
measurement of N2O in N2 matrix (Jichem et al., 2001).
The Journal of Engineering and Exact Sciences - JCEC, Vol. 03 N. 03 (2017) 381–394
Parameters Precision
Repeatability Reproducibility
Moreover, based on the concept of fit for purpose for establishing the reproducibility
of a GC measurement, controlling the quality of the measurement results is required. To
achieve the purpose of such quality control, the process is carried out by constructing a
common control program so called a control limit chart (warning and action limit) (Hovind et
al., 2001). The control limit chart consists of five lines including one average line (AL), two
warning limit (WL) lines, and two control limit (CL) lines. The AL represents the mean of
the control values. The values of the two WL lines are the AL line + two times standard
deviation (AL ± 2SD), while the two CL lines are the AL line ± three times standard
deviation (AL ± 3SD) (Masson, 2007). Figure 2 represents the control limit chart for the
measurement of the N2O in N2 matrix. The results indicate that all control data values lie
within or inside the warning limit, meaning that no occurrence error can be found for the
measurement reproducibility. In a word, the analytical method for the measurement of N2O
in N2 matrix is reproducible, which is in agreement with the above finding related to the
%RSD and CV-Horwitz evaluation. However, if the control data values fall outside the limit,
therefore, a remedial action is required to identify and remove the source of error (Zuas and
Budiman, 2016).
The Journal of Engineering and Exact Sciences - JCEC, Vol. 03 N. 03 (2017) 381–394
Figure 2-The chart of control limit for the measurement of N2O in N2 matrix.
3.3. Linearity
Moreover, the calibration curve was graphically evaluated by using a response factor
model. This graphical model is used to evaluate the linearity data obtained from a calibration
curve model, where the graph was obtained by plotting the response factor (peak area divided
by their respective concentration) against corresponding concentration. The response factor
against analyte concentration in a linear range should be relatively constant, with a minimum
limit of 95% and a maximum of 105 % of the constant response. Figure 4 displays a
graphical evaluation of the linearity of the analytical method for N2O measurement. From
Figure 4, it can be seen that response factor from three concentration points (0.19, 0.29 and
0.39 µmol mol-1) exceeds the maximum limit (105% constant response). Thus, these three
outlier points were excluded and the six remains points (0.59, 0.79, 0.99, 2.28, 2.86, and 3.25
µmol mol-1) were used in constructing a new calibration curve and the result is displayed in
Figure 3b. It can be seen from Figure 3b, the new calibration curve has R2 = 0.9998, which is
The Journal of Engineering and Exact Sciences - JCEC, Vol. 03 N. 03 (2017) 381–394
very similar to the R2 of the previous calibration curve (Figure 3a), implying that they have
same level in linearity. However, from linearity data as shown in Table 4, it can be observed
that new calibration curve (six concentration points as in Figure 3b) has greater slope (65.15)
than previous one (nine concentration points as shown in Figure 3a). The greater slope of the
new calibration curve indicates that its sensitivity is better than previous calibration curve. In
addition, the intercept of the new calibration curve (i.e., 0.057) was found to be lower than
previous calibration curve (1.275). For a linear equation, the intercept represents the constant
systematic error or constant bias and the value of the intercept should be as close to zero as
possible (Jhang et al., 2004). This implies that the constant systematic errors/constant bias of
the new calibration curve (six concentration points) much smaller than the previous
calibration curve (nine concentration points). In conclusion, the linearity of the analytical
method from the new calibration curve for the measurement of the N2O in N2 matrix is more
favorable than previous one.
Figure 3-Calibration curve of: (a) nine concentration points, and (b) six concentration points.
Figure 4-A graphical of control limit chart for the measurement of N2O at nine concentration
The Journal of Engineering and Exact Sciences - JCEC, Vol. 03 N. 03 (2017) 381–394
In every analytical measurement, the LoD and LoQ are also essential to be conducted.
The LoD is defined as the lowest concentration of an analyte in a sample that can be detected,
but not necessarily quantified as an exact value. The concentration of analyte at the LoD level
can only be determined qualitatively. In other hands, a quantitative analysis is also possible to
be performed at the LoD level; however, it may lead produce an inaccurate result since the
uncertainty contribution is larger than the measurement result itself (EURACHEM, 2014).
The LoQ is defined as the lowest concentration of an analyte in a sample that can be
quantified with appropriate precision and accuracy, meaning that the minimum concentration
of analyte in the sample can be reliably determined by conducting the LoQ evaluation). The
LoD and LoQ of the N2O were determined using a signal to noise (S/N) ratio method. Based
on this S/N method the ratio values of LoD and LoQ are 3:1 and 10:1, respectively
(EURACHEM, 2014;Zuas et al., 2016). The LoD and LoQ were determined from 0.59 µmol
mol-1(as the lowest N2O standard used in the linearity evaluation at six point concentrations
range) and the results are tabulated in Table 4. From Table 4, it was found that the LoD and
LoQ of the analytical method were 0.10 and 0.34 µmol mol-1, respectively.
Table 4. Data indicating linearity of the method for N2O in N2 matrix and their LoD and LoQ
3.5. Accuracy
where is the average of measured value of reference standard, and is value from
certificate of reference standard. For assessing the method accuracy, the values of
The Journal of Engineering and Exact Sciences - JCEC, Vol. 03 N. 03 (2017) 381–394
where is standard deviation from reproducibility (inter day precision). is the standard
deviation from repeatability (intra day precision), is number of replications and is the
uncertainty of NN-B standard. The ISO Guide 33:2015 “Reference materials - Good practice
in using reference materials” (ISO Guide, 2015) defines the acceptance criteria, where no
bias is found if the value falls within at confidence level 95% (Eq. 4).
From the Table 5, it can be evaluated that the measured value of the N2O falls within ,
implying that no evidence of bias can be found in the analytical method for the measurement
of N2O in N2 matrix. In a word, the analytical method for the measurement of N2O in N2
matrix is accurate.
Table 5. Accuracy data of the GC-µECD for the measurement of N2O in N2 matrix
(µmol mol-1) (µmol mol-1) (µmol mol-1) (µmol mol-1)
- 0.258 0.173 0.346 -0.346 < - 0.258 < 0.346
3.6. Robustness
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The Journal of Engineering and Exact Sciences - JCEC, Vol. 03 N. 03 (2017) 381–394
Gas Analysis Laboratory, Metrology in Chemistry Research Group, Research Centre for
RESUMO: A presença de óxido nitroso (N2O), um dos gases de efeito de estufa mais potentes,
contribui significativamente para o aquecimento global. Desta forma, é muito importante
disponibilizar métodos de medição exatos e válidos para a monitorização da emissão deste gás para
o ambiente. Neste estudo, foi validado um método analítico para a medição de N2O numa matriz de
azoto (N2) usando cromatografia em fase gasosa com microdetector de captura eletrônica (GC-
µECD). O método analítico foi validado em termos de alguns parâmetros de desempenho, como a
adequação do sistema, precisão (repetibilidade e reprodutibilidade), linearidade, limite de detecção
(LoD) e limite de quantificação (LoQ), exatidão e robustez do método. Os resultados mostram que o
GC é adequado para a medição de N2O numa matriz de N2. A repetibilidade e reprodutibilidade do
método foi quantificada por desvios padrão relativos (RSD) de 1,42 % e 0,71 %, respectivamente,
indicando que o método é adequado para medições de N2O. A linearidade do método foi excelente,
tendo-se observado um R2 de 0,9998. O LoD e LoQ do método é 0,10 e 0,34 µmol mol-1,
respectivamente. A avaliação da exatidão do método demonstrou que este também é exato para
medições de N2O em matriz de N2. A robustez do método indica que o método é bastante estável e
pouco afetado por alterações nas condições experimentais. Pode-se concluir deste estudo que o
método validado pode ser usado em laboratórios de ensaio para programas internos de garantia da
qualidade relacionados com medições de N2O em matriz de N2.