12th Chemistry Practical

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12th Chemistry practical

Organic qualitative analysis - Simple procedure

Salt - 1 Acetophenone
Tests for aromatic nature
Ignition test: Presence of an
1 Take a small amount of the organic compound in a nickel spatula and Burns with sooty flame aromatic compound
. burn it in Bunsen flame

Tests for unsaturation

2 Test with KMnO 4 solution: No decolorisation take Substance is saturated
. Take a small amount of the organic compound in a test tube add 2 ml place
of distilled water to dissolve it. To this solution add a few drops of a
very dilute alkaline KMnO4 solution and shake it well.
Test for organic functional group - Test for ketone
3 Legal' s test: Red colouration Presence of ketone
. A small amount of the substance is it taken in a test tube.1 ml of
sodium nitro prusside solution is added.
Then sodium hydroxide solution is added dropwise.
The given organic compound contains
I) Aromatic
II) saturated
III) ketone functional group
Hence the given organic compound is Benzophenone.

Salt- 2 Cinnamic acid

Tests for aromatic nature

1. Burn with sooty flame

Ignition test:
Presence of an
Take a small amount of the organic compound in a nickel
aromatic compound
spatula and burn i t in Bunsen f lame

Tests for unsaturation

2. Pink colour half KMnO4 Substance is unsaturated

solution is decolorized
Test with KMnO 4 solution:
Take a small amount of the organic compound in a test tube add 2 ml of
distilled water to dissolve it. To this solution add a few drops of a very
dilute alkaline KMn O 4 solution and shake it well.
Test for organic functional group - Test for carboxylic acid

3. Esterification reaction: A pleasant fruity odour is Presence of

Take 1 ml of organic compounds in a clean test tube. Add 1 ml of ethyl noted Carboxylic group
alcohol and 4 to 5 drops of con. sulphuric acid to it. Heat the reaction
mixture strongly for about 5 minutes. Then pour the mixture into a
beaker containing dil. sodium carbonate solution and note the smell

The given organic compound contains
I) Aromatic
II) unsaturated
III) Carboxylic group is a functional group
Hence the given organic compound is cinnamic acid

Salt - 3 Urea
Tests for Aliphatic nature

1. Burn with non sooty f

Ignition test: lame Presence of an aliphatic
Take a small amount of the organic compound in a nickel
spatula and burn i t in Bunsen f lame

Tests for unsaturation

2. No decolonization take Substance is saturated

Test with KMnO 4 solution: place
Take a small amount of the organic compound in a test tube add 2 ml
of distilled water to dissolve it. To this solution add a few drops of a
very dilute alkaline KMn O 4 solution and shake it well

Test for organic functional group - Test for diamide

3. Violet colour is appeared Presence of a diamide

Biuret test:
Take a small amount of an organic compound in a test tube. Hit strongly
and then allowed to cool. Dissolve the residue With 2 ml of water. To this
solution add 1 ml of Dil. Copper sulphate solution and few drops of 10 %
of sodium hydroxide solution drop by drop.
The given organic compound contains

I) Aliphatic
II) saturated
III) Diamide group is a functional group Hence the given organic compound is Urea

Salt – 4 Glucose
Tests for Aliphatic nature

1. Burn with non sooty f

Ignition test: lame Presence of an aliphatic
Take a small amount of the organic compound in a nickel
spatula and burn i t in Bunsen f lame

Tests for unsaturation

2 Test with KMnO 4 solution: No decolonization take Substance is

Take a small amount of the organic compound in a test tube add 2 ml of distilled place saturated
water to dissolve it. To this solution add a few drops of a very dilute alkaline
KMn O 4 solution and shake it well.

Test for aldehydes

3 Tollen’s reagent test Shining silver mirror Presence of an
Take 2ml of tollen’s reagent in a clean dry test tube. Add3-4 drops of organic compound (or 0.2 is formed aldehyde
gram of solid) to it and warm the mixture on a water bath for about 5 minutes

4 Felhing’s test: Red precipitate is Presence of an

Take 1ml each of fehling solution A and B are taken in a test tube. Add 4-5 formed aldehyde
drops of organic compound (or 0.2 gram of solid) to it and warm the mixture on a water bath
for about 5 minutes

Test for organic functional group - Test for carbohydrates

5 Violet ring is formed at Presence of
Molisch' s test: the junction of two carbohydrate
Take a small amount of an organic compound in a test tube. It is dissolved in 2 ml of liquids
water. Add 3 - 4 drops of alpha naphthol to it.Then add con. Sulphuric acid through
the sides of the test tube carefully.
The given organic compound contains

I) Aliphatic
II) Saturated
III) Carbohydrate is a functional group
Hence the given organic compound is Glucose

Salt- 5 Aniline
Tests for aromatic nature

1. Burn with sooty flame

Ignition test:
Presence of an
Take a small amount of the organic compound in a nickel spatula and burn
aromatic compound
i t in Bunsen f lame

Tests for unsaturation

2. Test with KMnO 4 solution: No decolorisation take Substance is saturated

Take a small amount of the organic compound in a test tube add 2 ml of place
distilled water to dissolve it. To this solution add a few drops of a very
dilute alkaline KMn O 4 solution and shake it well.

Test for organic functional group - Test for an amine

3. Scarlet red dye is obtained Presence of an

Dye test: aromatic primary
Take a small amount of an organic substance in a clean test tube, add amine
2 ml of HCl to dissolve it. Add few crystals of Na NO 2 , and cool the
mixture in ice bath.
Then add 2 ml of ice cold solution of β- naphthol in Na OH.
The given organic compound contains

I) Aromatic
II) saturated
III) amine group is a functional group
Hence the given organic compound is Aniline

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