Assignment / Tugasan HBEC1203 Cognitive Development/ May 2023 Semester
Assignment / Tugasan HBEC1203 Cognitive Development/ May 2023 Semester
Assignment / Tugasan HBEC1203 Cognitive Development/ May 2023 Semester
6. This assignment accounts for 50% of the total marks for the course. /
Tugasan ini menyumbang sebanyak 50% dari jumlah markah kursus.
This assignment aims to familiarise the students with the fundamental concepts and
theories relating to children's cognitive development.
Based on the above explanation of creativity, you are required to answer all of the following
1. Analyse one psychological theory that is related to creativity among children.
2. Analyse the psychological factors that can contribute to creativity among children.
3. Imagine that you are a teacher, specify how you will design learning experiences
that support children's creativity and cognitive development, such as through
project-based learning or inquiry-based learning.
You are required to support your explanations with examples and literature reviews from
reputable sources.
[Total: 30 marks]
Children's Theory of Mind is a theory that explains the ability to understand that other
individuals have thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that are different from one's own.
Based on the above statement, you are required to answer all of the following questions:
1. Explain what is Theory of Mind is and how does it develop in young children?
2. Explain how does Theory of Mind impact children's ability to understand and
navigate social situations?
You are required to support your explanations with examples and literature reviews from
reputable sources.
[Total: 10 marks]
This part requires students to participate actively in the myINSPIRE eforum. Discuss the
following topics with your tutor and peers in the eforum online discussion and then submit
proof of your participation.
Discuss how do different types of representation, such as mental imagery and symbolic
representation, contribute to cognitive development in young children? Justify your
discussions with multiple relevant examples.
[Total: 10 marks]
Tujuan tugasan ini adalah untuk membiasakan pelajar dengan konsep dan teori asas
berkaitan dengan perkembangan kognitif kanak-kanak. Tugasan ini juga bertujuan untuk
menilai kefahaman pelajar dengan mengenal pasti faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi
kecerdasan kanak-kanak.
Anda dikehendaki menyokong penjelasan anda dengan contoh dan ulasan literatur
daripada sumber yang bereputasi.
[Jumlah: 30 markah]
Teori Minda Kanak-Kanak ialah teori yang menerangkan kebolehan memahami bahawa
individu lain mempunyai pemikiran, perasaan, dan kepercayaan yang berbeza daripada
pemikiran sendiri.
Anda dikehendaki menyokong penjelasan anda dengan contoh dan ulasan literatur daripada
sumber yang bereputasi.
[Jumlah: 10 markah]
Bahagian ini memerlukan pelajar untuk mengambil bahagian secara aktif dalam eforum
myINSPIRE. Bincangkan topik berikut bersama tutor dan rakan anda melalui perbincangan
eforum dan hantarkan bukti penyertaan anda.
Bincangkan bagaimana jenis perwakilan yang berbeza, seperti imejan mental dan
perwakilan simbolik, menyumbang kepada perkembangan kognitif kanak-kanak? Justifikasi
perbincangan anda dengan pelbagai contoh yang berkaitan.
[Jumlah: 10 markah]
Do the following:
1. Select the best FIVE (5) your own postings from the forum discussion set up by your tutor.
2. Do screenshots of the postings and include them as images in your assignment.
3. The screenshots should be in an image file (either in JPG or PNG format). Refer to the sample of Screen Grab
4. The screenshots should contain: Name, Title of the discussion, Day, Date and Time.
Excellent/ Good/ Fair/ Poor/
*QN/ Criteria/ Weight/ / Tidak Max
CLO Cemerlang Baik Sederhana Lemah
*NS Kriteria Pemberat memuaskan Marks
4 3 2 1 0
Introduction. Excellent and very Good and Quite a good and quite Poor introduction. There is no
comprehensive comprehensive comprehensive introduction
introduction. introduction. introduction. provided.
1 4 1.0 4
Pengenalan. Pengenalan yang sangat Pengenalan yang baik Pengenalan yang agak Pengenalan yang Tiada
baik dan sangat dan komprehensif. baik dan agak lemah. pengenalan.
komprehensif. komprehensif.
Analyse one psychological The analyses were The analyses were clear The analyses were The analyses were There is no
theory that is related to comprehensive with with relevant examples brief with no support vague and analysis
creativity among children. relevant examples and and supported by by literature from confusing. provided.
supported by literature literature from reputable sources.
from reputable sources. reputable sources.
1 4 1.5 6
Analisis satu teori Analisis adalah Analisis adalah jelas Analisis adalah ringkas Analisis yang kabur Tiada analisis
psikologi yang berkaitan komprehensif dengan dengan contoh yang tanpa sokongan dan mengelirukan. diberikan.
dengan kreativiti dalam contoh yang relevan dan relevan dan disokong literatur daripada
kalangan kanak-kanak. disokong oleh literatur oleh literatur dari sumber yang
daripada sumber yang sumber yang bereputasi. bereputasi.
1 4 Analyse the psychological 1.5 The analyses were The analyses were clear The analyses were The analyses were There is no
factors that can comprehensive with with relevant examples brief with no support vague and analysis 6
contribute to creativity relevant examples and and supported by by literature from confusing. provided.
among children. supported by literature literature from reputable sources.
from reputable sources. reputable sources.
Analisis faktor psikologi Analisis adalah Analisis adalah jelas Analisis adalah ringkas Analisis yang kabur Tiada analisis
yang boleh menyumbang komprehensif dengan dengan contoh yang tanpa sokongan dan mengelirukan. diberikan.
kepada kreativiti dalam contoh yang relevan dan relevan dan disokong literatur daripada
kalangan kanak-kanak. disokong oleh literatur oleh literatur dari sumber yang
daripada sumber yang sumber yang bereputasi. bereputasi.
Specify how you will The explanation was The explanation was The explanation was The explanation was There is no
design learning comprehensive with clear with relevant brief with no vague and explanation
experiences that support relevant examples and examples and examples. confusing. provided.
children's creativity and supported by literature supported by literature
cognitive development, from reputable sources. from reputable sources.
such as through project-
based learning or inquiry-
based learning.
Nyatakan bagaimana anda 1.5 Penerangan adalah Penerangan adalah jelas Penerangan yang Penerangan yang Tiada 6
akan mereka bentuk komprehensif dengan dengan contoh yang ringkas tanpa contoh. kabur dan penerangan
pengalaman pembelajaran contoh yang relevan dan relevan dan disokong mengelirukan. diberikan.
yang menyokong kreativiti disokong oleh literatur oleh literatur dari
dan perkembangan daripada sumber yang sumber yang bereputasi.
kognitif kanak-kanak, bereputasi.
seperti melalui
pembelajaran berasaskan
projek atau pembelajaran
berasaskan inkuiri.
Conclusion The conclusion is The conclusion is good The conclusion is There is no definite. There is no
excellent and links the and links the satisfactory but does The writing ends conclusion
introduction, content introduction, content not link with the abruptly. provided.
and is well summarized. and is well summarized. introduction and
1 4 1.0 4
Kesimpulan. Kesimpulan sangat baik, Kesimpulan adalah baik, Kesimpulan Tidak kesimpulan Tiada
menyimpulkan semua menyimpulkan semua memuaskan tetapi yang jelas. Penulisan kesimpulan
bahagian pengenalan, bahagian pengenalan, tidak menyimpulkan akhir begitu sahaja. diberikan.
kandungan dan kandungan dan bahagian pengenalan
diringkaskan dengan baik. diringkaskan dengan dan kandungan.
Report format (Cover All formats are available Most formats are Some formats are Traces of formats Poor report
Page, Table of Content, with the correct APA available and most APA available with some but does not follow format and no
page numbering, APA referencing style. referencing is observed. APA referencing style. APA referencing referencing.
format references, etc). style.
1 4 1.0 4
Format laporan (Halaman Semua format tersedia Kebanyakan format Sesetengah format Terdapat format Format
Muka Depan, Jadual dengan gaya rujukan APA tersedia dan kebanyakan tersedia dengan hanya tetapi tidak laporan
Kandungan, penomboran yang betul. rujukan APA dapat beberapa rujukan gaya mengikut gaya kurang baik
halaman, rujukan format diperhatikan. APA. rujukan APA. dan tiada
APA, dll). rujukan.
Excellent/ Good/ Fair/ Poor/
*QN/ Criteria/ Weight/ / Tidak Max
CLO Cemerlang Baik Sederhana Lemah
*NS Kriteria Pemberat memuaskan Marks
4 3 2 1 0
Introduction. Excellent and very Good and Quite good and quite Poor introduction. There is no
comprehensive comprehensive comprehensive introduction
introduction. introduction. introduction. provided.
1 3 0.25 1
Pengenalan. Pengenalan yang sangat Pengenalan yang baik Pengenalan yang agak Pengenalan yang Tiada
baik dan sangat dan komprehensif. baik dan agak lemah. pengenalan.
komprehensif. komprehensif.
Explain what the Theory The explanations are The explanations are The explanations are The explanations There is no
of Mind is and how it comprehensive with clear with relevant brief with no support are vague and explanation
develops in young relevant examples and examples and by literature from confusing. provided.
children. supported by literature supported by literature reputable sources.
from reputable sources. from reputable sources.
1 3 0.75 3
Terangkan apakah itu Penerangan adalah Penerangan adalah jelas Penerangan adalah Penerangan yang Tiada
Teori Minda dan komprehensif dengan dengan contoh yang ringkas tanpa kabur dan penerangan
bagaimana ia berkembang contoh yang relevan dan relevan dan disokong sokongan literatur mengelirukan. diberikan.
dalam kanak-kanak. disokong oleh literatur oleh literatur dari daripada sumber yang
daripada sumber yang sumber yang bereputasi. bereputasi.
Explain how the Theory of The explanations were The explanations were The explanations were The explanations There is no
Mind impacts children's comprehensive with clear with relevant brief with no support were vague and explanation
ability to understand and relevant examples and examples and by literature from confusing. provided.
navigate social situations. supported by literature supported by literature reputable sources.
from reputable sources. from reputable sources.
Terangkan bagaimana
1 3 0.75 3
Teori Minda memberi Penerangan adalah Penerangan adalah jelas Penerangan adalah Penerangan yang Tiada
kesan kepada keupayaan komprehensif dengan dengan contoh yang ringkas tanpa kabur dan penerangan
kanak-kanak untuk contoh yang relevan dan relevan dan disokong sokongan literatur mengelirukan. diberikan.
memahami dan disokong oleh literatur oleh literatur dari daripada sumber yang
mengemudi situasi sosial. daripada sumber yang sumber yang bereputasi. bereputasi.
Conclusion The conclusion is The conclusion is good The conclusion is There is no definite. There is no
excellent and links the and links the satisfactory but does The writing ends conclusion
introduction, content introduction, content not link with the abruptly. provided.
and is well summarized. and is well summarized. introduction and
1 3 0.25 1
Kesimpulan. Kesimpulan sangat baik, Kesimpulan adalah baik, Kesimpulan Tidak kesimpulan Tiada
menyimpulkan semua menyimpulkan semua memuaskan tetapi yang jelas. Penulisan kesimpulan
bahagian pengenalan, bahagian pengenalan, tidak menyimpulkan akhir begitu sahaja. diberikan.
kandungan dan kandungan dan bahagian pengenalan
diringkaskan dengan baik. diringkaskan dengan dan kandungan.
Report format (Cover All formats are available Most formats are Some formats are Traces of formats Poor report
Page, Table of Content, with the correct APA available and most APA available with some but does not follow format and no
page numbering, APA referencing style. referencing is observed. APA referencing style. APA referencing referencing.
format references, etc). style.
1 3 0.5 2
Format laporan (Halaman Semua format tersedia Kebanyakan format Sesetengah format Terdapat format Format
Muka Depan, Jadual dengan gaya rujukan APA tersedia dan kebanyakan tersedia dengan hanya tetapi tidak laporan
Kandungan, penomboran yang betul. rujukan APA dapat beberapa rujukan gaya mengikut gaya kurang baik
halaman, rujukan format diperhatikan. APA. rujukan APA. dan tiada
APA, dll). rujukan.
Quality of All five comments are Four of the Two or three of the One post submitted. OR Postings done past
Postings good, appropriate, comments are good, comments are All posts done in one day. assignment
relevant, meaningful, appropriate, somewhat good, OR None of the timeline.
Kualiti and respectful. relevant, meaningful, appropriate, comments is good and OR No postings
Postings Postings reflect active and respectful. meaningful and relevant. given as proof of
participation within Postings reflect respectful. OR Comments are short participation in
assignment timeline. participation within Postings show responses that are not discussion
assignment timeline. relatively short substantial or meaningful.
participation time. Minimum effort (e.g. “I
agree with Tina”)
1 3 2.5 10
Satu penghantaran
Kelima-lima komen Empat Dua atau tiga komen ATAU Semua Postings melepasi
baik, sesuai, relevan, komen baik, sesuai, baik, sesuai, penghantaran dibuat tempoh tugasan.
bermakna dan relevan, bermakna relevan,bermakna dan dalam satu hari . ATAU ATAU Tiada
berhemah. dan berhemah. berhemah Tiada komen yang baik dan Postings diberi
Postings Postings Postings menunjukkan relevan. ATAU Komen sebagai bukti
mencerminkan mencerminkan penyertaan dalam hanya respon yang ringkas penyertaan dalam
penyertaan aktif penyertaan sepanjang jangakamasa yang dan tidak meluas dan tidak perbincangan
sepanjang tempoh tempoh tugasan. singkat. bermakna.Usaha minimum
tugasan. (Cth: “Saya bersetuju
dengan Tina”)
Total Marks/
Jumlah 2.5 10
*QN = Question/ Nombor soalan