Ingls 2ano 3B Gabarito
Ingls 2ano 3B Gabarito
Ingls 2ano 3B Gabarito
1) “It has been said that teachers who have been teaching for twenty years may
be divided into two categories: those with twenty years' experience and those
with one year's experience repeated twenty times. In other words, sheer time on
the job does not ensure fruitful experience and professional progress. (...) A
teacher can and should advance in professional expertise and knowledge
throughout his or her career, and such advances do not depend on formal
courses or external input. You have within your own teaching routine the main
tools for personal progress: your own experience and your reflections on it,
interaction with other teachers in your institution. Teacher development takes
place when teachers, working as individuals or in a group, consciously take
advantage of such resources to forward their own professional learning.
Ongoing teacher development is important not only for your own sense of
progress and professional advancement; in some situations it may even make a
crucial difference between survival and dropping out.”
(A Course in Language Teaching, by Penny Ur, p. 317/18. Adapted)
Read the sentence below and classify it according to its verb tense and
a) Carefully, she laid the papers on the table and left the room.
b)These children are very badly brought up. They are always shouting
and fighting each other.
c) We looked at lots of different makes of car but, in the end it was a
question of price.
d) The train is my favorite way of transport.
e) The road out of our village goes up a steep hill.
3) Read the passage below and choose the option that is according to the
English Grammar.
I stayed in London ___ a few days during my vacation. I came back to Brazil
___ May 1st.
a) in – at
b) for – in
c) in – on
d) for – on
Brian started doing a French course, but he __________ after a few weeks.
a) drop in.
b) take off.
c) dropped out.
d) get out.
a) studied.
b) ever studied.
c) has studied.
d) has been studied.
7) The group of words “See and Sea”, “Tale and Tail”, “Where and Wear” are
examples of:
a) False friends.
b) Key words.
c) Contrastive stress.
d) Homophones.
e) Verb patterns.
8) PARENTS is considered a false cognate word. All the words below are false
cognates, except one:
a) baton
b) similar
c) alms
d) collar
13) Assinale a alternativa que contém uma frase que faz referência a um
evento no futuro.
a) but / Will
b) while / Mustn‘t
c) unless / Must
d) whatever / Do
e) besides / Might