4 VAT Exemptions
4 VAT Exemptions
4 VAT Exemptions
GCRO Module 150 eVer.2.0 JAN 2023 75
Transactions Exempt from VAT
16. The following sales of real properties are exempt from VAT:
a. Sale of real properties not primarily held for sale or lease in the ordinary course of
trade or business.
However, even if the real property is not primarily held for sale to customers or
held for lease in the ordinary course of trade or business but the same is used
in the trade or business of the seller, the sale shall therefore be subject to VAT
being a transaction incidental to the taxpayer’s main business (RR 4-2007).
b. Sale of real properties utilized for low-cost housing wherein the price ceiling per
unit is P750,000.00 as set by the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating
Council (HUDCC) and other laws. (effective January 1, 2021, this was removed
by RR No. 4-2021, as amended by RR No. 8-2021)
c. Sale of house and lot utilized for socialized housing wherein the price
ceiling per unit is P450,000.00 or as may from time to time be
determined by the HUDCC and the NEDA and other related laws.
d. Sale of residential lot valued at One Million Five Hundred Thousand
Pesos (P1,500,000.00) and below, or house & lot and other residential
dwellings valued at Two Million Five Hundred Thousand Pesos
(P2,500,000.00) and below, as adjusted in 2011 using the 2010
Consumer Price Index values (increased to P3,199,200.00 as a result
of the adjustment made in 2011 using the Consumer Price Index Values
per RR No. 16-2011 and made effective January 1, 2012, per RR No. 3-
2012; further, effective January 1, 2021, sale of residential lot is subject
to VAT per RR No. 4-2021)
17. Lease of residential unit with a monthly rental per unit not exceeding
Illustration 1:
A lessor rents his 15 residential units for P14,500 per month. During the
taxable year, his accumulated gross receipts amounted to P2,610,000. He is
not subject to VAT since the monthly rent per unit does not exceed P15,000.
He is also not subject to 3% Percentage Tax.
Using the same example, assuming he has 20 residential units with the same
monthly rent per unit and his accumulated gross receipts during the taxable
year amounted to P3,480,000, he is still not subject to VAT even if the
accumulated earnings exceeded P3,000,000 since the monthly rent per unit
does not exceed P15,000. He is also not subject to 3% Percentage Tax.\
Illustration 2:
A lessor rents his 15 residential units for P15,500 per month. During the
taxable year, his accumulated gross receipts amounted to P2,790,000.
He is not subject to VAT since his accumulated gross receipts did not
exceed P3,000,000. He is, however, subject to 3% Percentage Tax
since the monthly rent per unit is more than P15,000.00.
Using the same example, assuming he has 20 residential units with the
same monthly rent per unit and his accumulated gross receipts during
the taxable year amounted to P3,720,000, he is already subject to VAT
since the accumulated earnings exceeded P3,000,000 and the monthly
rent per unit is more than P15,000.00.
Illustration 3:
A lessor rents his 2 commercial and 10 residential units for monthly rent
of P60,000 and P15,000 per unit, respectively. During the taxable year,
his accumulated gross receipts amounted to P3,240,000 (P1,440,000
from commercial units and P1,800,000 from residential units). The
P1,440,000 from commercial units is not subject to VAT since it did not
exceed P3,000,000. It is, however, subject to 3% Percentage Tax. On
the other hand, the P1,800,000 accumulated receipts from the residential
units are not subject to Percentage Tax and exempt from VAT since the
monthly rent is not more than P15,000.
Using the same example, assuming the lessor has 5 commercial units
and his accumulated gross receipts during the taxable year amounted
to P5,400,000 (P3,600,000 from commercial units and P1,800,000
from residential units), he is subject to VAT with respect to P3,600,000
since it exceeded P3,000,000. The P1,800,000 accumulated receipts
from residential units are not subject to Percentage Tax and exempt
from VAT since the monthly rent is not more than P15,000.
Illustration 4:
A lessor rents his 5 commercial and 10 residential units for monthly
rent of P60,000 and P15,500 per unit, respectively. During the taxable
year, his accumulated gross receipts amounting to P5,460,0000
(P3,600,000 from commercial units and P1,860,000 from residential
units) shall be subject to VAT since it exceeded the P3,000,000
threshold and the monthly rent of residential units is more than
1. DTI shall certify that such equipment, spare parts or raw materials for
importation are not locally available or insufficient in quantity, or not in
accordance with the quality or specification required
2. For item (b) within sixty days from effectivity of the CREATE and every
three months thereafter, DOH shall issue a list of prescription drugs
and medical devices covered by this provision (list covered under this
provision was released in RMC No. 81-2021 and clarified under RMC
No. 99-2021).
- Cooperatives and;