Spacing and Lag Effects in Free Recall of Pure Lists: Michael J. Kahana

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Spacing and lag eects in free recall of pure lists

Michael J. Kahana
Center for Complex Systems Brandeis University

Marc W. Howard
Department of Psychology Syracuse University Abstract Repeating list items leads to better recall when the repetitions are separated by several unique items than when they are presented successively: the spacing eect refers to improved recall for spaced vs. successive repetition (lag>0 vs. lag=0); the lag eect refers to improved recall for long lags vs. short lags. Previous demonstrations of the lag eect have utilized lists containing a mixture of items with varying degrees of spacing. Because dierential rehearsal of items in mixed lists may exaggerate any eects of spacing it is important to demonstrate these eects in pure lists. As in Toppino & Schneider (1999), we found an overall advantage for recall of spaced lists. We further report the rst demonstration of a lag eect in pure lists, with signicantly better recall for lists with widely-spaced than with moderately spaced repetitions. Keywords : Human Memory, Repetition, Spacing Brief Report: Word Count is 3760

Repeating items within a list leads to an increase in the probability of their being recalled, with the benecial eects of repetition being greatest when the repetitions are spaced (separated by other unique items). The nding of improved memory for spaced repetitionsthe spacing eectis found a broad range of memory tasks with many different types of study materials (Greene, 1992). In some experiments, the probability of recalling repeated items increases monotonically with the distance, or lag, between the repetitions (Glenberg, 1976, 1977; Madigan, 1969; Melton, 1970; Underwood, 1969). This

This research was funded by National Institutes of Health grants AG15852 and MH55687. We are grateful to Albert Huang for programming the experiment, and to Joshua Jacobs for developing our Linux Experiment Programming Library. Finally, we thank Brad Wellington, Brian Kamins, and Isaac Kurtzer for help with testing subjects. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Michael J. Kahana, Volen National Center for Complex Systems, MS 013, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA 024549110. Electronic mail may be sent to [email protected]


latter nding is termed the (Melton) lag eect (Murdock, 1974). A number of theoretical constructs have been proposed to account for the benecial eects of spacing on memory for repeated items. One popular account sees subjects as devoting less attention or rehearsal to successively repeated, or massed, items (Rundus, 1971; Hintzman, 1976; Greene, 1989). This could either be a consciously controlled strategy of allocating more rehearsal to weaker items or an automatic process that responds to the novelty of a just-presented item. The possibility that rehearsal may partially explain the large spacing and lag eects typically found in free recall was supported by an early study using the overt rehearsal technique (Rundus, 1971). Rundus showed that the total number of rehearsals was a strong predictor of later recall, and that spaced items were rehearsed more than massed items. Thus, whatever process leads to the greater rehearsal of spaced items may account for some or all of the spacing eect in free recall. A concern arises, however, due to the nature of the lists employed in studies of the spacing eect. These studies typically use lists comprising a random mixture of items repeated with varying lags. Consequently, spaced list items will inherently occupy more early list positions. At early positions, rehearsal time is distributed among the current list item and the last few items whereas in later list positions, rehearsal time is distributed among items throughout the list (Murdock & Metcalfe, 1978; Modigliani & Hedges, 1987). Thus, it is possible that the higher level of recall observed for spaced items results from their having more rehearsal opportunities (Crowder, 1976). Although many studies of the spacing eect include additional once presented items at the beginning and end of the list to buer recency and primacy eects, the primacy eect for rehearsal-frequency persists well beyond the rst few list positions (Brodie & Murdock, 1977; Tan & Ward, 2000). Even if serial position confoundings could be completely controlled, rehearsal can amplify any eects caused by the spacing of the nominal positions of the list items. Suppose, for example, that subjects attend more fully to the third repetition of a spaced item than to the third repetition of a massed item. They can use the extra time available during the presentation of the massed item to rehearse other items from the list, and these could be other massed items or spaced items. Because the distribution of rehearsals following a study item exhibits a strong recency eect over earlier presentations (Murdock & Metcalfe, 1978), the items most likely to get rehearsed will be those items that are most widely dispersed throughout the list (i.e., items repeated with relatively large spacings). Thus, the interaction between the varied spacing of massed and spaced items in mixed lists and the manner in which rehearsal operates to support recall could explain both the spacing and lag eects seen in recall tasks. One way to eliminate the list composition account of the spacing and lag eects described above is to use a pure list design; in a pure list of massed items, displaced rehearsal from one massed item must be re-distributed to some other massed item. Using a pure-list design, Hall (1992) failed to nd the classic advantage of spaced over massed presentation. In his critical third experiment, subjects studied two massed and two spaced lists with words repeated twice in each list. In massed lists, items were repeated successively, whereas in spaced lists, repeated words were separated by 2-4 words. Hall found that in massed lists subjects remembered more items from the rst half of the list than from the second half of the list, consistent with the view that in the latter half of the list rehearsal time is reallocated to early list items. Despite this dierence between rst half and second half list


items, overall recall was virtually identical for the two list types (59% for both spaced and massed lists). Based on these results, Hall argued the spacing eect found in mixed list experiments is a consequence of displaced rehearsal rather than some basic memory process. Toppino and Schneider (1999) reexamined the issue of spacing eects in pure lists. They conducted an experiment that replicated the critical features of Halls third experiment, but using a slightly larger range of lags for the spaced items (2-6 rather than 2-4). Toppino and Schneider found a robust advantage for spaced repetition in pure lists, with 57% of words recalled in spaced lists as compared with only 50% recall of words in massed lists. Massed words were better recalled in the rst quarter of the list, but spaced words were better recalled at all other serial positions. Toppino and Schneider noted that in most spacing experiments the rst few and last few items are treated as primacy and recency buers, and that when these items are excluded from the analysis, there is a clear spacing eect throughout the remaining list positions. Whereas Toppino and Schneider demonstrated a signicant spacing eect in pure lists, the question of whether the spacing advantage increases with lag, as it does in mixed lists, remains open. Indeed, even in mixed lists, the theoretically important lag eect has not been found in all studies (e.g., Toppino & Gracen, 1985), leading some investigators to question whether the spacing eect reects a specic decit in the encoding of massed items (Slamecka, 1987; Greene, 1992). As mentioned previously, a deciency in processing massed items in mixed lists could cascade into a signicant lag eect due to the dierential rehearsal of items with varying degrees of spacing. Similarly, a strategy of borrowing rehearsal time from spaced long items and giving that time to spaced short items could mask a signicant lag eect. The present study therefore sought to test for the lag eect in pure lists, where only items of a single class can be rehearsed. Testing for the lag eect in pure lists also gives us an opportunity to examine spacing eects under these more stringent conditions, where displaced rehearsal cannot exaggerate the size of the spacing advantage. To allow for larger lags we used lists of 30 unique words each repeated 3 times (as compared with Toppino and Schneider, 1999, who used lists of 24 unique words each presented twice). Repetitions for each list were either massed, spaced short (lags 2-6) or spaced long (lags 6-20), with each subject studying lists of all three types. Three nal dierences between the present study and both Toppino & Schneider (1999) and Hall (1992) were that (a) words appeared at a faster rate in our study (1.5 s rather than 2.5 s per item), (b) subjects were given a longer and more demanding distractor task following list presentation, and (c) subjects were given more practice in the free recall task (each subject received 15 study-test lists in our study as compared with four in Toppino & Schneider).

Subjects Sixty-six Brandeis University undergraduate students were each paid $10 for serving in a 90 minute experimental session. Procedure Subjects studied and attempted free recall of 15 dierent lists of high frequency nouns drawn from the Toronto Noun Pool (Friendly, Franklin, Homan, & Rubin, 1982). Lists


consisted of 30 words each repeated three times for a total of 90 presentations per list. List presentation was auditory and subjects made their response vocally, into a headset microphone. Words were presented at a rate of 1.5 s. The screen remained blank throughout the list presentation. After list presentation, subjects were given a distractor task involving simple arithmetic problems of the form A+B+C=?. Subjects had to correctly answer 15 problems in a row before they could proceed to the recall phase. After completing the selfpaced distractor task (which took approximately 45 seconds), a tone cued subjects to recall all of the items they could remember in any order. The vocal recall period was limited to 90 s for each subject. A microcomputer controlled all aspects of the experiment including the recording of vocal responses for later scoring and analysis. There were three list types: massed, spaced short, and spaced long. In the massed lists, each word was repeated three times successively. In the spaced-short lists, the presentation order was randomized subject to the constraint that the lags between repetitions was at least 2 and no more than 6. For the spaced-long lists, presentation order was randomized subject the constraint that the lags between repeated words was at least 6 and no more than 20. We allowed for a wide range of lags (especially in the spaced-long condition) to alleviate constraints imposed by the spacing-criteria that might lead to specic subsequences of items being repeated. A large range of lags also prevents subjects from expecting to see each item once in each of the rst third, second third, and nal third of the spaced-long list. Prior to the start of the experiment, subjects were given practice at the arithmetic task. They were also informed that all lists would include repeated items, but they were not informed about the spacing conditions. As is typical in free recall studies, we took measures to eliminate warm-up eects by excluding the rst 2 lists from our data analyses.

Results demonstrated the benecial eects of spaced repetitions and increasing lag in pure lists. Recall probability was lowest in the massed condition, (M= .319, SEM = .006), higher in the spaced-short condition (M=.343, SEM=.005), and highest in the spaced-long condition (M=.367, SEM=.005). The spacing eect was substantial, with a 15% recall enhancement from the massed to the spaced long condition. A repeated-measures ANOVA revealed a signicant main eect of conditions (massed, spaced-short, spaced-long), F (2, 128) = 12.45, M Se = 0.003, p < 0.001. Planned-comparisons demonstrated that both the spacing eect (the dierence between the combined spaced conditions and the massed condition) and the lag eect (the dierence between spaced-short and spaced-long) were statistically reliable (Bonferroni corrected p < 0.001 and p < 0.01 respectively). Figure 1 shows the serial position curves for each of the three conditions. In the case of the spaced-short and spaced-long conditions one cannot calculate a standard serial position curve because each item (token) appears in three disparate list positions. One can nonetheless attempt to characterize the serial position eect by considering each occurrence of an item separately. That is, the probability of recall at serial position i reects the average recall probability for all items that had appeared in position i during study. The massed condition shows a typical serial position function with a large primacy eect and small recency eect. The large primacy eect is typical of studies that utilize long presentation rates or encourage rehearsal (Brodie & Murdock, 1977). The small recency


0.7 0.6 Probability of Recall 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Massed Short Long

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Serial Position

Figure 1. Probability of recall as a function of serial position for massed, spaced-short, and spacedlong conditions. Probability of recall for spaced words was calculated separately for each token. That is, if a word was presented in positions 2, 5 and 12, recall of that word contributed to the probability of recall associated with all three serial positions. Recall probability was computed for bins of three serial positions (i.e., the rst point is the average of serial positions 1-3; the second point is the average of serial positions 4-6, etc.).

eect is to be expected given the lengthy end-of-list distractor task. The spaced conditions also exhibited both primacy and recency eects, though these were probably attenuated by the fact that items in these positions also appeared elsewhere in the list. Using this analytic approach, we nd an advantage for massed items at early serial positions, in contrast to a consistent advantage for spaced items at middle and late serial positions. This primacyrecency shift in the eect of spacing was also observed when the serial position functions for spaced lists were based on either just the last occurrence of a given item (e.g., Ward, Woodward, Stevens, & Stinson, 2003), or just the rst occurrence of a given item. These serial position eects replicate Toppino and Schneider (1999)s report of an advantage for massed items in the rst quartile of the list and an advantage for spaced items in the remaining quartiles. Measuring the dependencies between successive recalls allows us to further characterize the process of recalling massed and spaced items. We know that recall of a given item will tend to follow recall of a semantically related item (e.g. Howard & Kahana, 2002b; Pollio, Richards, & Lucas, 1969; Romney, Brewer, & Batchelder, 1993), or of an item studied in a nearby list position (Kahana, 1996). This latter tendency, termed the lag-recency eect, illustrates the role of temporal associative factors in episodic recall (Howard & Kahana, 1999). Given that a subject has just recalled an item from serial position i, and that the


next response is from serial position j, we can plot this conditional response probability (CRP ) and a function of the lag between i and jthat is, the number of items separating i and j at study. These lag-CRP functions quantify the inuence of encoding contiguity on later recall.1 For the massed condition, it is straightforward to calculate the lag-CRP by treating successive massed repetitions of a single word as a single presentation, and computing the lag based on the word serial positions rather than the token serial position (i.e., absence absence absence hollow hollow hollow . . . , would simply be absence hollow . . . ). Figure 2a shows the resulting lag-CRP for the massed condition of the experiment. The lag-CRP shown in Figure 2a shows a tendency for successive recalls to come from nearby serial positions, as well as an advantage for forward over backward recalls (associative asymmetry, e.g., Kahana, 2002; Kahana & Caplan, 2002). Both of these eects replicate earlier ndings for lag-CRP curves taken from lists of singly presented words (Kahana, 1996; Howard & Kahana, 1999; Kahana, Howard, Zaromb, & Wingeld, 2002). Apparently temporally-dened associative processes operate in massed lists in much the way they do in lists of single words, suggesting that repetition per se does not fundamentally alter associative processes. For lists with spaced repetitions, such as hollow pupil absence darling hollow absence sailor . . . , the recalled pair hollowabsence could be reasonably assigned lags of +2, +1, -2 and +5. With three presentations of each item, as in the present study, it is possible to have 9 dierent lags associated with any successively recalled word pair. As in the serial position analysis shown in Figure 1, it is not straightforward to compute inter-item lags from lists with spaced repetitions. Nonetheless, we can use the simplifying assumption that the minimum distance between two repeated items exerts the greatest inuence on recall to compute the lag-CRPs for the spaced lists.2 Figure 2b shows the results of the minimum-lag-CRP analysis for spaced lists. These curves exhibit the characteristic contiguity and asymmetry eects, with subjects successively recalling items from nearby list positions with a forward bias. In comparing the minimumlag-CRPs for the spaced-short and spaced-long conditions we see that CRP is less sharply peaked in the spaced-long condition. This suggests that there is a broader temporal range for associations in the spaced-long as compared with the spaced-short condition.

1 One calculates the lag-CRP by tallying the number of times a transition of a certain lag, x, is made, and then counting the number of times that a transition of lag x could have been made within a given trial. Summing over all trials for a given subject, the lag-CRP function shows the the number of times a transition of lag x was made divided by the number of times that a transition of lag x could have been made. 2 A complicating factor in this analysis is that there may be multiple potential recalls at a given minimum lag., and that a given minimum lag may be both recalled and unrecalled. According to the method described above, for instance, we would assign a lag of +1 to recalling absence after hollow. However, the transition hollowpupil, which was not recalled would also be assigned a lag of +1. The lag +1 could be considered to be both recalled and not-recalled. This seems unfair in some sense+1 was recalled as often as it could have been. To try to obtain a cleaner measure of the eect of lag, the CRP for a given minimum lag was updated no more than once for a given trial, and that the recalled lag was updated only as a positive response. In the special case where a pair of words appeared at a lag of +N and N , we counted +N as the shorter distance, in acknowledgment of the widespread nding of a forward-biased asymmetry in associative processes (Kahana, 1996).


0.3 Conditional Response Probability Conditional Response Probability

0.3 Short Long 0.2




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 Massed Lag

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 Minimum Lag

Figure 2. Conditional Response Probability as a function of lag (lag-CRP) for massed, spacedshort, and spaced-long lists. In both panels, data are collapsed across all output positions and error bars are 95% condence intervals calculated according to the method of Loftus & Masson (1994). a. Lag-CRP curve for the massed condition. b. Minimum-lag-CRP curves for the spaced conditions (see text for details).

General Discussion
Although the spacing eect has been documented extensively in free recall, nearly all previous studies have used mixed lists lists with massed, spaced and once-presented words interspersed in a random order. In mixed-list studies, the nding of improved recall for spaced repetitions is vulnerable to the alternative hypothesis that subjects redistribute rehearsal time from massed to spaced items. That is, in mixed lists, subjects may use time during encoding of massed repetitions to rehearse spaced repetitions (Hall, 1992). In pure lists, where all repetitions are either spaced or massed, such an account in untenable. The present study compared free recall for three dierent list types: 1) lists whose words were each presented three times in massed fashion, 2) lists whose items were all spaced, but with short lags between the three presentations, and 3) lists whose items were spaced with long lags between the three presentations. We found that recall performance increased monotonically with the lag between the repetitions, thus demonstrating both a spacing eect (e.g., Toppino & Schneider, 1999), and a lag eect, for pure lists. Our novel demonstration of a lag eect under these stringent conditions suggests that the lag eect is a robust feature of spacing phenomena despite some previous failures to observe lag eects in mixed list designs (e.g., Toppino & Gracen, 1985). The observation of a lag eect in pure lists is theoretically important because it suggests that one or more mechanisms, other than dierential rehearsal, underlie the overall benecial eects of repetition observed in free recall. One candidate mechanism is based on the idea of contextual variability (Estes, 1955; Glenberg, 1979). Contextual variability posits that list items are coded in relation to some type of information that changes as a function of the separation of the items. This information may reect the operation of a contextual trace that drifts


slowly over the course of item presentation (Balota, Duchek, & Paullin, 1989; Estes, 1955; Glenberg, 1979; Howard & Kahana, 2002a; Mensink & Raaijmakers, 1988) or by associations among neighboring list items (Johnson, 1972; Kahana, 1996) (See Figure 2). In either case, spacing the repeated items increases the number and/or eectiveness of the retrieval cues, thus providing additional retrieval routes to the target item during recall (Crowder, 1976). An elaborated version of the contextual-variability account posits that during study, the presentation of a repeated item tends to retrieve the contextual information associated with its earlier occurrences. The re-encoding of this contextual (or associative) information along with the current context results in an enriched trace (Greene, 1989; Howard & Kahana, 2002a). Not only do the multiple occurrences of an item have dierent contexts, thus aording multiple retrieval routes, but the context of earlier occurrences, along with the new context, becomes associated with later occurrences of an item. Greene (1989) notes several lines of evidence consistent with the view that study-phase retrieval provides the best account of spacing eects in free recall. Among these sources of evidence is the nding that spaced presentations can actually produce higher levels of recall than what would be expected if the items were encoded independently (Ross & Landauer, 1978). Raaimakers (2003) examined how well a version of the Search of Associative Memory (SAM) retrieval model (Raaijmakers & Shirin, 1980, 1981) could account for spacing eects in paired-associate tasks. Raaijmakers implementation of SAM incorporated mechanisms for contextual uctuation (as in Mensink and Raaijmakers (1988)) and study-phase retrieval. Using these mechanisms SAM could explain a number of key features of spacing eects in paired-associate tasks. Although contextual retrieval theories have been able to account for many of the spacing phenomena observed in mixed list experiments, they also make clear predictions about the existence of robust spacing and lag eects in pure lists. These predictions are strongly supported by the present ndings. It is of course possible that the present ndings reect a phenomenon specic to free recall that does not generalize to cued memory tasks. It will be important, in future work, to determine whether there is some point at which the lag eect reverses, with very long inter-repetition lags resulting in worse subsequent memory for repeated items (as compared with moderate lags). This issue of the monotonicity of the lag-eect in free recall may prove critical in testing the study-phase retrieval version of contextual variability theory.

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