Delfinado 1971 Canaceidae From Hong Kong and Taiwan
Delfinado 1971 Canaceidae From Hong Kong and Taiwan
Delfinado 1971 Canaceidae From Hong Kong and Taiwan
Oriental Insects
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To cite this article: Mercedes O. Delfinado (1971) New species of shore flies from
Hong Kong and Taiwan (Diptera : Canaceidae), Oriental Insects, 5:1, 117-123, DOI:
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-Vol. 5 (t) : 117-124 ORIENTAL INSECTS January 1971
By Mercedes D. Delftnado
Entomology Department, Unh'ersityof Hawaii.
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1. Published with the IIpproval of the Director or the Hawaii Agrl.:ulture Experlment
Stilt/on as Journal Serie. No. 1195.
This species is readily recognizable 'from any other species by having strong
posterior ocellars and the arista not haired to the tip; the female having well
sc\erotized somewhat tubular sternum 8 in contrast to tbe plate-like structures
of the others, and the spermathecae each with a long sc\erotized neck. The
J surstyli are very short. about 4 X as broad as long. posteriorly covered with
numerous short hairs and anteriorly with a small finger-like process.
Male and Female: Moderately large, greyish·brown speck-so Frons seen from
in front reddish·brown, approximately as broad as long, narrowing toward an-
tennae ; ocellar triangle blacldsh with thin olive pruinosity, only slightly J aised ;
face. cheeks and c1ypeus greyish-olive poIlinose; frons anteriorly with 10-11
fairly strong hairs; no interfrontals ; 6·7 short hairs inside ocellar triangle;
ocellars strong, posteriors welI developed as strong as anterior ocellars ; 3 strong
genals, occasionally with a short, weak seta between; 3 pairs of strong orbitals
nnd short setae between. Face high, medianly prominent between antennae,
with a ridge separating face from cheeks; oral margin slightly emarginate.
Antenna brown, third segment orbicutate, finely pubescent; arista swollen at
base, not haired to the tip. Palpus brownish·yellow. slender with 4-5 fine hairs.
Mesonotum and scutellum brown pollinose. with a few short hairs scattered
anteriorly; 4 pairs of dorsocentrals ; no prescutellars ; I humeral; 2 notopleurals
4 marginal scutellars, occasionally with 1-3 discal setae. Pleuron olive-grey
pollinose ; meso-and sternopleuron each with 1 bristle and a few short hairs.
Wing brownish, about 2.5 mm long; squama yellowish with short whitish fringe.
Haltcre yellow. Legs yellowish tinged with olive or bluish-grey pruinosity ;
front tarsomeres 3-4 ventrally each with distal pair of flattened, spatulate spines;
c1nws short, slender. Abdomen predominantly olive-grey pollinose with brown
dusting dorsally. Female lamellae (Fig. 3) long. slender, curved, each with a
very large flattened apical spine, 2 small ones subapically, a few spinules scattered
dorsally and 1 long hair on ventral side. Tergum 7 fused with sternum meeting
narrowly dorsally; tergum 8 (Fig. 3) with 4 very long marginal hairs and 6 shorter
ones between. Sternum 8 somewhat tubular, well sclerotized, posteriorly with a
pair of plates each bearing 10-12 short spines; sternum 9 large (Fig. 2) subquad-
rate, well scJerotized, lacking long hairs. Atrial sclerotization complete, oval in
outline. 2 spcrmathecae as in Figure 1. Male surstylus (Fig. 4) yellow in situ,
tarsomeres 1-3, 4·5 being dark brown; by the brown frons, and by the small
bow-shaped sternum 9 lacking long hairs of ~ abdomen. It is related most
closely to P. williamsi Wirth in coloration and chaetotaxy, but /umdeli, sp.nov.
differs by having straight posterior margin of 9 sternum 7, it being deeply cleft
medially in williams/.
Female: A small predominantly grey pollinose species. Frons brown with
grey fronto-orbital margins and ocellar triangle; ocellar triangle slightly raised;
no interfrontals ; 3 pairs of orbitals and short setae between; anterior ocellars
strong. posteriors very wenk ; 7-8 very short hairs scattered on anterior frons.
Face, cheeks and clypeus grey pollinose; 3 strong gcnals and very short hairs
between. Antenna brown with yellowish spot on inner side of. base; third
segment longer than wide. rounded distally, pubescent; arista haired to tip.
PaJpus yellow. lacking long hairs. Mesonotum grey with thin brownish pruinosity;
4 pairs of dorsocentrals ; no prescutellars ; 1 humeral; 2 notopleurals. Sc~\tellum
entirely grey pollinose, with 4 marginals, no discal setae. Pleuron grey, with 3
short hail'S on mesopleuron, 1 on sternopleuron. Wing length about 2.25 mm,
clear; squama and fringe whitish. Haltere yellow. Femora grey pruinose;
tibiae brownish-yellow; tarsomeres 1-3 yellow; 4·5 dark brown. Because front
tarsomeres were glued te cardboard, the distal spines were not observed; claws
slender, c.urved. Abdomen olive-grey with very thin brown dusting. ~ lamellae
as in Figure 7, each with 2 very large spines and 1 short hair on ventral side.
Tergum 8 (Fig. 7) with 4 very long hairs on posteriol' margin: 7 separated from
sternum 9 (Fig. 6) very small, bow-shaped, lacking long hairs; posterior plates
on sternum each bearing 7 stout blUnt spines. Atrial sclerotizalioll oval. 2
spermathecae rounded, without neck as in Fig. 5.
Male: Unknown.
}[olotype~, TAIWAN: Wulai, Taipei Hsien. 150 m, 23.x.l96S, Call. T.C.
Maa. Paratypc 1 ~, same data and locality as ho)otype.
long hairs on each posterolateral corner. The male surstyli are incompletely
separated from tergum 9, deeply cleft into 2 subequal lobes.
Male and Female.' A small greyish-brown species. Frons seen from in front
dark brown, somewhat greyish pruinose; frontal triangle slightly prominent.
anteriorly reaching beyond halfway to frontal margin; ocellar triangle flat;
3 pairs of strong orbital and shan setae between; 1 pair of strong interfrontals ;
anterior ocellars strong. posteriors weak, very small. Face. cheeks and clypeus
grey pollinose ; upper face prominent between antennae; 3 !.trong gena)s and
1·2 very short hairs ventrally out of line. Antenna dark brown. third segment
Downloaded by [University of Arizona] at 05:21 05 February 2015
longer than wide. pubescent. rounded distally; arista swollen at base. haired to
tip. Pal pus dark brown. slender with a short bristle at apex. Mesonotum
bl'O\\<l1. with thin grey pruinosity. a few short hairs scattered anteriorly. 4 pairs
of dorsocentrals ; 1 humeral; only posterior notop!eura! present; scutellum with
4 marginal scutellars. without discal setae. Pleuran brown. grey polJinose;
mesopleuron with 3 short bristles ar.d a few very short hairs; 1 fairly long
bristle on sternopleuron plus 1·2 very short hairs. Wing about 2.0 mm long.
squama and fringe brownIsh. Ualtere yellowish. Legs dark brown with thin
grey pruinosity ; distal spines of tarsomt'res 3-4 small. not at all differentiated
from other spines; claws sickle-shaped, noticeably long~r in malt.. Abdomen
nearly black, very thinly grey pollinose. Female lamellae (Fig. 10) each with 1
very large somewhat flattened apical spine, dorsally a smaller one and 2 spinules
1 long hair on ventral side. Tergum 8 (Fig. 10) with 2 vcry long hnirs ; sternum
8 with posterior plates each bearing 5·6 long. curved spines; sternum 9 (Fig. 9)
rcct(lngular with posterior margin produced medianly. 3 long hairs on each
posterolateral corner. Atrial sclerotization oval, complete. 2 spermathecae as
in Figure 8. Male surstylus (Fig. 11) incompletely separated from (epandrium)
tergum 9, deeply cleft into 2 unequal lobes, a short inner lobe bearing a group of
spine-like setae on ventral side and a long. blunt outer lobe with 2 prominent
short setae distally.
lIolotype J. TAIWAN: Yehliu Deach. Taipei Hsien, 29-31.iii.1965. CoIl.
C.M. Yoshimoto & D.O. Perkins. Paratypes 2 JJ. 2 <f''t? same data and locality
as holotype. IJ l<f,' ill U.S. National Museum.
large apical spine, a smaller subapical one and spinulcs scattered dorsally, 1
moderately tong hair on ventral side. Tergum 8 (Fig. 14) with 2 very long hairs;
sternum 9 (Fig. 13) small, rounded posteriorly, with 6 short marginal setae 2 of
which are noticeablY stronger than others; sternum 8 with posterior plates each
bearing a group of 5 large, curved spines. Atrial sclerotlzation elongate oval.
2 spermathecae as in Figure 12. Male tergum 8 ventrally narrowly produced;
surstylus (Fig. 15) incompletely separated from tergum 9 (epandrium), simple,
not divided and bluntly pointed with 8·9 short spines and setae en outer posterior
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Ilololype ~ (greasy), HONG KONG: N.T. Sai Kung Station, 5.iii.1965, ColI.
W.J. Voss, Jr. & Hui Wai Ming, light trap. Paralypes 2<f!<f!, same data and locality
as holotype, except 27.L·3J.iii.196S, 10' (headless), 8.xii.I964.
WILLIAMS, F.X. 1938. Diological studies in Hawaiian waler-loving insects. Part IT, Dipteru
or flies. A, Ephydridue and Anthomyiidae. Proe'. IIm1'(liiClII Ell!. Soc. 10: 35·J J9,
I tig.9 pIs. I
WIRTU, W.W. 1951. A revision or the diplerolls family Cllnaceit'ae. B.P. Bishop M/lv. Oce.
Papers 20 : 24S·27S, 6 figs.
WIRTH, W.W. 1969. The shore flies of the genus Canact'oidt'.f Cresson (Dip1ern:
Cnnaceidae). Prot'. Calif, Acnd. Sci. (4) 36: SSI·S70, 35 ligs.
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FillS. J·1. P. faiwanenlll, sp. nov. : 1, 9 spermatbecae: 2, sterna 7,8,9 & atrial
5clerotization (S.1,8, 9 & a); 3, teraulll 8 & lamellae (1·8): 4, (l'surslylus(s),
e-epandrium. P. hen dell. sp. nov. ; S, 9 sperlllalhecae: 6, sterna 1,8,9 & atrial
sclerotlzalion i 1, terllum 8 & lamellae.
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