Questionnaire Draft - Tomato Chewy Survey

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Name (Optional):
Contact No.: Age: Gender: ▢ ▢ Female

Civil Status: Household monthly income:

▢ Single ▢ Married ▢ less than 10,000 php/ mo. ▢ 40,001 – 80,000 php/ mo.
▢ Separated ▢ Annulled ▢ 10,000 – 20,000 php/ mo. ▢ more than 80,000 php/ mo.
▢ Widowed ▢ 20,001 – 40,000 php/ mo.

If married, how many family members are employed or contribute to the household income? _________

How many are you in the family? ▢ 2 people or less ▢ 3 – 5 people ▢ more than 5

1. What snacks do you usually eat? ______________________________________________________________________
2. Have you tried any snacks similar to our product? ▢ YES ▢ NO
If yes, please specify the brand, type, size and packaging of the similar snack:

3. How much do you typically spend on similar snacks per purchase? (Specify amount in pesos):

4. How often do you purchase similar snacks? (Specify frequency, e.g., once a week, twice a month):
5. Do you like our product? ▢ YES ▢ NO
If yes, why do you like the product? (Select all that apply):
▢ Appearance ▢ Aroma ▢ Texture ▢ Taste ▢Others (Specify):_________________
6. Would you be willing to buy the product? ▢ YES ▢ NO
7. Would you recommend the product to your friends and family? ▢ YES ▢ NO
8. How much would you be willing to pay for the product? (Specify amount in pesos):
▢ 45-50 ▢51-55 ▢ 56-60 ▢ 61-65 ▢66-70 ▢ 71-75. ▢ 76-80

9. How often would you be willing to purchase the product if it was sold at [ANSWER TO QUESTION #8] pesos?
▢ Once a week ▢ Twice a week ▢ Once a Month ▢ Twice a Month ▢ Others: (Pls.Specify:_______________

10. Do you like the packaging? ▢ YES ▢ NO

11. Would you prefer a bigger size or smaller size?
▢ Bigger size ▢ Smaller size ▢ I prefer the current size (100g)

If bigger/smaller size, what would you prefer? (Select one):

▢ 50g ▢ 150g ▢200g ▢ 250g

12. Is the product something you could see as being a staple in your kitchen? ▢ YES ▢ NO

13. Are you willing to try dishes incorporated with this product? ▢ YES ▢ NO

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