Jco 23 00293
Jco 23 00293
Jco 23 00293
PURPOSE To update the American Society of Clinical Oncology guideline on the management of anxiety and
depression in adult cancer survivors.
METHODS A multidisciplinary expert panel convened to update the guideline. A systematic review of evidence
published from 2013-2021 was conducted.
RESULTS The evidence base consisted of 17 systematic reviews 6 meta analyses (nine for psychosocial in-
terventions, four for physical exercise, three for mindfulness-based stress reduction [MBSR], and one for
pharmacologic interventions), and an additional 44 randomized controlled trials. Psychological, educational,
and psychosocial interventions led to improvements in depression and anxiety. Evidence for pharmacologic
management of depression and anxiety in cancer survivors was inconsistent. The lack of inclusion of survivors
from minoritized groups was noted and identified as an important consideration to provide high-quality care for
ethnic minority populations.
RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended to use a stepped-care model, that is, provide the most effective and
least resource-intensive intervention based on symptom severity. All oncology patients should be offered
education regarding depression and anxiety. For patients with moderate symptoms of depression, clinicians
should offer cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), behavioral activation (BA), MBSR, structured physical activity, or
empirically supported psychosocial interventions. For patients with moderate symptoms of anxiety, clinicians
should offer CBT, BA, structured physical activity, acceptance and commitment therapy, or psychosocial
interventions. For patients with severe symptoms of depression or anxiety, clinicians should offer cognitive
therapy, BA, CBT, MBSR, or interpersonal therapy. Treating clinicians may offer a pharmacologic regimen for
depression or anxiety for patients who do not have access to first-line treatment, prefer pharmacotherapy, have
previously responded well to pharmacotherapy, or have not improved following first-line psychological or
CONTENT behavioral management.
Appendix Additional information is available at www.asco.org/survivorship-guidelines.
Data Supplement
J Clin Oncol 41:3426-3453. © 2023 by American Society of Clinical Oncology
Author affiliations
and support
information (if
applicable) appear INTRODUCTION 95% CI, 1.14 to 1.45).4 Psychological symptoms
at the end of this In 2023, 1,958,310 new cancer cases are projected to among patients with cancer are under-recognized and
occur in the United States and it is estimated that by undertreated.5,6 Symptoms may be trivialized as a
Accepted on February normal reaction to cancer diagnosis, or interpreted as
17, 2023 and
2040, approximately 26 million people will be living
with and beyond cancer in the United States alone.1,2 secondary to physical symptoms. In an effort to address
published at
ascopubs.org/journal/ Worldwide, 5-year prevalence of all cancers is esti- this problem, American Society of Clinical Oncology
jco on April 19, 2023: mated to be 50.5 million people.3 An often unappre- (ASCO) in 20147 published recommendations for
DOI https://doi.org/10.
ciated aspect of caring for the growing numbers of routine screening using validated, published measures
1200/JCO.23.00293 to provide guidance for referral and treatment.
cancer survivors is the psychological toll of cancer. The
Evidence Based
Medicine Committee
12-month prevalence rate for any mental disorder is Still, identification and treatment of patients with
approval: significantly higher in patients with cancer compared cancer with comorbid psychiatric disorders, either pre-
January 25, 2023 with general population controls (odds ratio [OR], 1.28; existing or newly arising, remains imperative. As noted
Qualifying statement. Information should be culturally informed and linguistically appropriate and can include a conversation
between clinician and patient, and/or electronic or written material on depression and anxiety. Examples of materials can be
found at Cancer.Net, such as ASCO Answers Anxiety and Depression.
Recommendation 1.2. Clinicians should use a stepped-care model, that is, selecting the most effective and least resource-
intensive intervention based on symptom severity when selecting treatment for anxiety and/or depression. Other variables
which may inform the choice of treatment approach include the following:
• Psychiatric history, that is, prior diagnoses, with or without treatment
• History of substance use
• Prior mental health treatment response
• Functional abilities and/or limitations related to self-care, usual activities, and/or mobility
• Recurrent or advanced cancer
• Presence of other chronic disease(s) (eg, cardiac disease)
• Member of socially and/or economically marginalized group (eg, Black race, low socioeconomic status)
(Type: Evidence based; benefits outweigh harms; Evidence quality: Intermediate; Strength of recommendation: Strong)
(continued on following page)
Qualifying statement. Despite the limitations and weak evidence for pharmacologic management, empirically there is some
evidence of benefit to warrant their inclusion as an alternative option.
Treatment and Care Options for Anxiety Symptoms
Recommendation 3.1. For patients with moderate to severe anxiety symptoms, culturally informed and linguistically ap-
propriate information should be provided to patients and patient-identified caregivers, family members, or trusted confidants.
Information might include the following: commonality (frequency) of stress and anxiety, psychological, behavioral, and
cognitive symptoms, indications of symptom worsening, and medical team contact information (Type: Evidence based;
benefits outweigh harms; Evidence quality: Intermediate; Strength of recommendation: Strong).
Recommendation 3.2. For a patient with moderate symptoms of anxiety, clinicians should offer individual or group therapy with
any one of the following treatment options:
• BA
• Structured physical activity and exercise
• Psychosocial interventions with empirically supported components (eg, relaxation, problem solving)
(Type: Evidence based; benefits outweigh harms; Evidence quality: Intermediate; Strength of recommendation: Strong).
Recommendation 3.3. For a patient with severe symptoms of anxiety, clinicians should offer individual therapy with any one of
the following treatment options:
• BA
• Interpersonal therapy
(Type: Evidence based; benefits outweigh harms; Evidence quality: Intermediate; Strength of recommendation: Strong).
Recommendation 3.4. Treating clinicians may offer a pharmacologic regimen for anxiety in patients without access to first-line
treatment, those expressing a preference for pharmacotherapy, or those who do not improve following first-line psychological
or behavioral management (Type: Evidence based; benefits outweigh harms; Evidence quality: Low; Strength of recom-
mendation: Weak).
Please refer to the treatment algorithm in Figures 1 and 2 for symptomatology severity and a visual representation of these
Additional Resources
Definitions for the quality of the evidence and strength of recommendation ratings are available in Appendix Table A2 (online
only). More information, including a supplement with additional evidence tables, slide sets, and clinical tools and resources, is
available at www.asco.org/survivorship-guidelines. The Methodology Manual (available at www.asco.org/guideline-
methodology) provides additional information about the methods used to develop this guideline. Patient information is
available at www.cancer.net.
ASCO believes that cancer clinical trials are vital to inform medical decisions and improve cancer care, and that all patients
should have the opportunity to participate.
in the prior guideline7 and reiterated here, stress, depression, For anxiety, studies using self-report instruments with
and anxiety are prevalent and occur throughout the survi- specified cutoff points (eg, Hospital Anxiety and Depression
vorship trajectory.8,9 Adults diagnosed with cancer report Scale $ 8) find prevalence estimates between 4% and
higher levels of stress than healthy controls, with diagnosis 48%.36 In studies using diagnostic interviews, the preva-
and the start of treatment being the most stressful times. In lence is approximately 10%.37 By comparison, the WHO38
the short term, stress covaries with depressive and anxiety estimates that anxiety affects 3.6% of the global population.
symptoms, negative quality of life, physical symptoms, and Again, a conservative estimate (10%) of the number of
treatment morbidities across patients,10-12 and in the long new cases having a comorbid anxiety disorder would be
term, data show its relationship to cancer mortality.13 200,000 individuals.
The most common depressive disorders among patients In addition to the psychological, behavioral, and biologic
with cancer are major depression and adjustment disorder, disruption associated with depression and anxiety after
with data for other depressive disorders scarce. Depression cancer, a possible danger exists for depressed patients who
is often accompanied by functional impairment, poorer are not treated. Clinical depression does not remit, and
physical health, substance use, and low quality of life, patients remain at risk for self harm and/or suicide. The risk
influenced in turn by impaired relationships, reduced for self-harm and/or suicide has been reported to be 85%
physical activity (PA), and other factors. It is unknown how higher (standardized mortality ratio, 1.85; 95% CI, 1.55 to
stressors of older adulthood (eg, comorbid illnesses and 2.20) than for the general population,39 with the greatest
partner loss) increase risk or severity. Depressive symp- risk during the first 12 months after cancer diagnosis,40,41
toms are elevated for those with advanced disease stage underscoring the importance of screening for the newly
and/or significant symptom burden.14,15 Depression at di- diagnosed.42,43
agnosis and throughout the cancer trajectory16 covaries
The purpose of this guideline update is to gather
with lower adherence to treatment and follow-up care,
and examine the evidence published since the 2014
increased inflammation, impaired immunity, and reduced
guideline by Andersen et al.7 The 2014 guideline was an
adaptation of a Pan-Canadian Practice Guideline
Along with depression, anxiety, of which generalized anx- on Screening, Assessment, and Care of Psychosocial
iety disorder is the most prevalent in this population,19 Distress (Depression, Anxiety) in Adults with Cancer,44
is common and continues to be an underaddressed which addressed the following three research questions:
condition.20-22 Elevated anxiety predicts nonadherence to What are the optimum screening, assessment, and
recommended therapies,23-25 higher use and costs of psychosocial-supportive care interventions for adults with
medical care,26-28 and possibly cancer recurrence.29 As is cancer who are identified as experiencing symptoms of
the case for those without cancer, depression and anxiety depression and/or anxiety? As screening and assessment
usually co-occur.30 Notably, Arch et al19 found that 31% of for depression and anxiety are improving, the research
patients with cancer with an anxiety disorder also had major question was revised by the reconvened panel to focus on
depressive disorder (MDD). management and treatment only. Readers are encour-
aged to review ASCO’s 2014 recommendations on
In 2023, an estimated two million new cancer cases will be
screening and assessment (also available in Appendix
diagnosed.31 Those with depression or anxiety disorders
Table A1), which the panel deemed as still relevant.7 Of
can be estimated by considering prevalence rates from
special note, if through screening and further assessment
studies using symptom reports versus diagnostic inter-
a patient is deemed at risk of harm to self and/or to others,
views, which report lower rates. In comparison with a
clinicians should refer them for emergency evaluation by
control group, depression prevalence rates among people
a licensed mental health professional and should initiate
with cancer are at least two times higher for unipolar mood
interventions to reduce risk of harm to self and/or others
disorders (major depression: OR, 2.07; 95% CI, 1.71 to
(Fig 1).
2.51; dysthymia: OR, 2.93; 95% CI, 2.13 to 4.02).4 Using
self-report instruments with specified cutoff points (eg,
Patient Health Questionnaire-9 $ 10), moderate to severe GUIDELINE QUESTIONS
depressive symptom rates between 13% and 27% have This clinical practice guideline addresses the question:
been reported.32-35 When diagnostic criteria for MDD are What are the recommended treatment approaches in the
used, the prevalence is 14.3%. Viewing these estimates in a management of anxiety and/or depression in survivors of
broader context, the WHO estimates that 4.4% of the adult cancer? Although the Expert Panel also sought to
world’s population, in general, live with depression, which is evaluate the evidence for management of post-traumatic
notably lower than the rate for patients with cancer. Taken stress disorder in cancer populations for this update, very
together, a conservative estimate (14.3%) of the number of few trials were identified (Data Supplement, online only).
patients with newly diagnosed cancer in 2023 with Therefore, no recommendations are made, and the iden-
comorbid MDD will be approximately 286,000 adults. tified evidence will not be discussed further.
Screening and Assessment—Depression in Adults With Cancer
Moderate to severe
None/mild symptomatology Moderate symptomatology (score, 15-19)/
(score, 1-7) (score, 8-14) severe symptomatology
(score, 20-27)
No or minimal symptoms of Has most depressive symptoms Has majority of depressive symptoms,
depression with/without suicidal ideation
Functional impairment from
Adequate coping skills mild to moderate Symptoms interfere moderately to
markedly with functioning
Access to resources (eg, Make referral (psychology or
financial, social) psychiatry) for determination of Make referral to psychology and/or
diagnosis psychiatry for diagnosis and treatment
In this algorithm, the use of the word depression refers to the PHQ-9 screening score and not to a clinical diagnosis
1. Initial diagnosis/start of treatment, regular intervals during treatment, 3, 6, and 12 months after treatment, diagnosis of recurrence or
progression, when approaching death, and during times of personal transition or reappraisal such as family crisis.
2. Presence of symptom in the last 2 weeks, rated as follows: 0 = not at all, 1 = several days, 2 = more than half the days, and 3 = nearly
every day.
3. Content of remaining seven Items: sleep problems, low energy, appetite, low self-view, concentration difficulties, motor retardation or agitation,
and thoughts of self-harm.
NOTE. Reference for PHQ-9 cutoff t8 is Thekkumpurath et al.
FIG 1. Depression algorithm. (A) Screening and assessment—depression in adults with cancer. (B) Care map—depression in adults with cancer.
CBT, cognitive behavior therapy; CHD, coronary heart disease; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; (continued on following page)
Psychosocial (group)
Structured, led by licensed mental health professional, with topics such as stress reduction, positive coping
(seeking information, problem-solving, assertive communication), enhancing social support from
friends/family, coping with physical symptoms (eg, fatigue, sexual dysfunction) and bodily changes, and
health behavior change (diet, activity level, tobacco use).
Consider for individual treatment should depressive symptoms not remit or worsen.
Psychological (individual)
Delivered by licensed mental health professionals using relevant treatment manuals that include some or all
of the following content: cognitive change, behavioral activation, biobehavioral strategies, education, and/or
relaxation strategies.
Relapse prevention additions are also important.
Monitor for efficacy.
Behavioral couples’ therapy can be considered for people with a regular partner and when the relationship
may contribute to the development or maintenance of depression.
Physician-prescribed antidepressants, with choice informed by side-effect profiles, interactions, response,
patient age, and preference.
Consider interventions with short-term duration.
Monitor regularly for adherence, side effects, and adverse events.
Provide education and information (verbal plus any relevant materials) for the patient and family about
Normalcy of stress in the context of cancer
Sources of informational support/resources re: disease/treatment (eg, patient materials’ reliable internet sites)
Specific information/strategies regarding any/all of the following:
Stress reduction (eg, progressive muscle relaxation)
Sleep problems (eg, CBT for insomnia, CBTi)
Information regarding anticipated treatment costs
Availability of financial guidance and support services
Any support services (eg, professionally led groups, informational lectures, volunteer organizations) for the patient and
family at the institution or in the community
Information on nutrition/dietary support services
It is common for persons with depressive symptoms to lack the motivation necessary to follow through on referrals and/or to comply with treatment
recommendations. With this in mind, symptoms should be assessed on a biweekly or monthly basis, until symptoms have remitted
Assess follow-through and compliance with individual or group psychological/psychosocial referrals, as well as satisfaction with these services.
Assess compliance with pharmacologic treatment, patients' concerns about side effects, and satisfaction with the symptom relief.
If compliance is poor, assess and construct a plan to circumvent obstacles to compliance, or discuss alternative interventions that present fewer obstacles.
After 8 weeks of treatment, if symptom reduction and satisfaction with treatment are poor, despite good compliance, alter the treatment course (eg, add a
psychological or pharmacologic intervention; change the specific medication; refer to individual psychotherapy if group therapy has not proved helpful).
FIG 1. (Continued). GAD, generalized anxiety disorder; GED, General Educational Diploma; PHQ-9, Patient Health Questionnaire-9.
at www.asco.org/guideline-methodology) provides additional initial eligibility criteria that included post-traumatic stress
information about the guideline update process. This is the disorder. Sixteen meta-analyses,47-50,52-57,59-64 one sys-
most recent information as of the publication date. tematic review,58 and 44 RCTs66-91,93,95-109 on management
Articles were selected for inclusion in the systematic review of anxiety and/or depression ultimately formed the
based on the following criteria: updated evidentiary base for the guideline recommen-
dations. It is noted that a substantial proportion (73%) of the
• Population: Adult survivors of cancer. Additionally, RCTs did not originate from the United States, but inter-
empirically supported treatments for depressive and nationally: Europe (10 studies), Asia (16 studies), Australia
anxiety disorder in noncancer groups were considered (four studies), and Canada (two studies). The studies are
to supplement or expand upon existing evidence with heterogeneous with respect to the following: (1) subject
cancer patients. characteristics (disease site, stage, time since diagnosis, in
• Interventions: Pharmacologic or nonpharmacologic active oncologic treatment or not, and with or without
randomized clinical trial designed for the management palliative care; social determinants of health); (2) timing
of anxiety and/or depression symptoms or disorders in of accrual and baseline assessment; (3) intervention char-
adults. Integrative therapies, such as acupuncture, acteristics (modality of delivery, content, use of manual,
massage, meditation, music, and yoga, are considered duration, and fidelity), (4) patient-reported outcomes as-
in a separate, future guideline. sessments in addition to psychological symptoms; (5)
• Comparisons: Control conditions variously labeled as no comparison conditions, (6) patient intervention adherence
treatment, standard of care, or treatment as usual; wait and follow-up (presence or absence, and duration), and (7)
list (ie, no treatment during the time of treatment delivery adequacy of sample size, rigor of analytic methods, and risk
for the intervention arm, and then treatment delivery to of bias. Overall, the diversity in the included studies pre-
the wait list beginning at the time of post-treatment for cluded a quantitative analysis and, as such, a qualitative
the intervention arm); comparison of active treatments review was performed. Summary Table 1 outlines the in-
(noninferiority trial) with or without a control arm. cluded studies.
• Outcomes: Depressive and/or anxiety symptoms as
primary trial outcome(s); diagnoses and/or remission Patient Characteristics
of mood or anxiety disorders, as measured by valid Many of the RCTs (36%) included patients with various
self-reported or interviewer-rated measures and/or cancer types and stages, although close to a third of
diagnostic interview. studies were exclusively in patients with breast cancer.
• Sample size: $ 40 participants Patients with other cancer types included hematologic
• Time: Any time from cancer diagnosis or thereafter malignancies, and gynecologic, gastrointestinal, and
Articles excluded were the following: genitourinary cancers. The time elapsed since cancer
• Meeting abstracts not subsequently published in peer- diagnosis ranged from less than a month to 5 years. A total
reviewed journals of 10 studies50,76,80,81,89,93,98,102,104,107 focused on patients
• Editorials, commentaries, letters, news articles, case with advanced cancer and/or in palliative care. The mean
reports, and narrative reviews age of study participants ranged from 47.5 to 64 years, and
• Publication in a non-English language. the proportion of female participants varied from 11% to
100%, with the exception of one trial exclusively in men
Study Quality Assessment with prostate cancer.97 For the US-based studies, ethnic
Each included publication was assessed for methodological and/or racial reporting varied in specificity and numbers,
quality by one methodologist. Systematic reviews and meta- and participation of individuals other than European or
analyses were evaluated using the assessment of multiple American ranged from 1% to 73%, with 12 studies
systematic reviews rating (Data Supplement). To evaluate reporting ,30% ethnic and/or racial minority participation.
RCTs, research design characteristics including random as- Most non-US studies did not provide ethnic and/or racial
signment, allocation concealment, blinding of outcome as- characteristics of the participants.
sessment(s), baseline equivalence between groups, extent of
Research Design Elements
loss to follow-up and/or missing data, and the use of intent-to-
treat analyses were evaluated (Data Supplement). Each el- Accrual of study participants occurred during active on-
ement was rated as having low, uncertain, or high risk of bias. cologic treatment in 20% of all included studies and during
the post-treatment phase in 41%. A total of 17 studies (28%)
RESULTS did not restrict participation to a particular phase of the
cancer continuum and included participants both during
Characteristics of the Studies, Research Design and after oncologic treatment. A notable advance in the
Elements, and Risk of Bias literature was the use of depression and/or anxiety screening
A total of 18 systematic reviews with or without meta analyses47-64 and elevated symptom criteria for enrollment, an important
and 48 RCTs,65-109 one with dual publication,100,101 met element emphasized in the prior guideline.7 Of the 44 RCTs,
screening criteria of some type were used in 15 studies or Study Quality and Rigor of Analytic Methods
34% (42% [eight of 19] of depression studies; 33% [one of Study quality was formally assessed for all 61 studies
three] of anxiety studies; and 27% [six of 22] of depression identified. For systematic reviews and meta-analyses, as-
plus anxiety studies) and not used in 66% of trials. Sample sessment of multiple systematic reviews scores ranged from
sizes ranged from 62 to 500 in the RCTs using screening 8 to 11 out of a possible 11 points (higher scores indicate
and 74 to 2,140 in RCTs with unscreened participants. higher quality; Data Supplement). For RCTs, overall risk of
bias ranged from low to high (Data Supplement). For the
Intervention Characteristics
nonpharmacologic RCTs (39 studies), only four (10%) trials
The included studies used a variety of psychological in- had low risk of bias across all domains.96,97,104,107 Many trials
terventions including, either alone or in combination, had small sample sizes and/or high attrition rates impacting
cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), information, counsel- statistical power and lowering confidence in the findings.
ing, education, problem-solving therapy, behavioral ac- Indeed, the most common domain of high-risk bias, found in
tivation (BA), psychotherapy, PA, and pharmacologic 53% of RCTs, was missing data from attrition due to drop out,
interventions (Table 2). The majority of the interventions loss to follow-up, or patients continuing in the trial but missing
were delivered face-to-face, although 12 studies involved assessments for other causes (eg, illness, administrative
remote options including telephone or virtual sessions. error, etc). Data missingness elevates the risk of bias as the
The duration of the interventions in the nonpharmacologic listed circumstances are nonrandom, and missingness is
studies ranged from a single session to 24 sessions made worse by not determining its origins. High mortality can
spanning 12 months. be expected in trials accruing patients with advanced disease
and/or in the palliative care setting, but even death is a
Comparison Conditions nonrandom event. Also important is determining if data loss is
For the 55 nonpharmacologic studies, the intervention arm differential across study arms. Unfortunately, few trials ex-
was most often compared with a treatment-as-usual (TAU) plored the causes of missingness or contrasted patients with
control (36 studies). However, approximately one third of complete versus incomplete (missing) data.
studies included two or more active treatment arms, either All but four studies67,69,78,102 provided a statistical power cal-
with an additional control arm (seven studies) or without culation and some trials were underpowered to detect change,
(12 studies). a situation worsened without screening. Also, the detection of
differences between active treatments demands large sample
Assessment of Change sizes, as the experimental question is degree of improvement,
Anxiety and/or depression treatment outcomes were not improvement per se. Despite inclusion of only randomized
assessed only before and after treatment in 17 RCTs and trials, randomization failed to establish baseline equivalence in
before, after, and with follow-up in 27 trials. Follow-up 36% of the studies.67,68,73,75-77,79,80,82,88,91,99,103,105 While small
was ,3 months in seven studies and extended to sample sizes substantially increase the likelihood of baseline
3 months or more in 20 studies. An important methodologic differences, for some studies, the sample sizes were more than
advance was inclusion of process measures, that is, as- adequate (eg, N . 145) and yet statistically significant
sessment during the course of treatment, seen in 17 RCTs, baseline differences were found. As is common in psycho-
in addition to outcome measures. social intervention trials, having truly blind assessors is difficult
NOTE. √, difference in outcomes favoring intervention; X, difference in outcomes not favoring the intervention; -, no significant differences reported
between groups.
Abbreviations: BA, behavioral activation; BLT, bright light therapy; BT, behavioral therapy; CBT, cognitive behavior therapy; CT, cognitive therapy; IPT,
interpersonal therapy; MBI, mindfulness-based intervention; MBSR, mindfulness-based stress reduction; MPH, methylphenidate; MTZ, mirtazapine; PST,
problem-solving therapy; RT, relaxation therapy.
Noninferiority trial of self-guided v technician-guided therapy.
interventions and monitor treatment compliance and Recommendation 2.3. For a patient with severe symptoms
outcomes. This type of collaborative care is found to be of depression, clinicians should offer individual therapy
superior to usual care115 and is more cost-effective than with any one of the following treatment options:
face-to-face and pharmacologic treatment for depression. • Cognitive therapy or CBT
In addition to efficacy, other benefits of a stepped care • BA
model are opportunity for tailoring of patient care and • MBSR
optimized resource allocation.116 • Interpersonal therapy
Although few recent trials investigate the effect of educa- (Type: Evidence based; benefits outweigh harms; Evidence
tional sessions, per se, to reduce depression and anxiety, quality: Intermediate; Strength of recommendation: Strong).
the pattern of response to educational interventions is
broadly in line with that identified for depression in people Recommendation 2.4. Treating clinicians may offer a
without a chronic physical health problem.117-119 Effective pharmacologic regimen for depression in patients without
education in people with cancer and their families includes access to first-line treatment, those expressing a preference
normalizing the experience, providing information about for pharmacotherapy, or those who do not improve following
the nature and symptoms of depression and anxiety, and first-line psychological or behavioral management. Phar-
specifying the nature of symptom worsening that may macotherapy should also be considered for patients with a
warrant a call to the health care provider. history of treatment response to medications, severe
symptoms, or accompanying psychotic features (Type:
Author’s note: Current evidence supports that the rec-
Evidence based; benefits outweigh harms; Evidence quality:
ommended treatment interventions for depression and
Low; Strength of recommendation: Weak).
anxiety are effective therapeutic options. However, it is
acknowledged that availability of mental health services, Qualifying statement. Despite the limitations and weak
ease of access, time to service provision, and cost are evidence for pharmacologic management, empirically
important considerations that may vary across treatment there is some evidence of benefit to warrant their inclusion
settings. The choice of intervention to offer patients should as an alternative option.
be based on shared decision making, taking into account Please refer to the treatment algorithm in Figure 1 for
availability, accessibility, patient preference, likelihood of symptomatology severity and a visual representation of
adherence, and cost. these recommendations.
Treatment and Care Options for Depressive Symptoms Depression: Literature review update, analysis, and clinical
Recommendation 2.1. For patients with moderate to se- interpretation. Interventions for managing depressive
vere depressive symptoms, culturally informed and lin- symptoms or MDD were evaluated in four meta-analyses
guistically appropriate information should be provided to and 20 RCTs. Meta-analyses54,60,61 confirm findings from
patients and patient-identified caregivers, family mem- many prior ones120-122 that when delivered to adults without
bers, or trusted confidants. Information might include the cancer, CBT in particular, behavior therapy (BT), and BA
following: the commonality (frequency) of depression, are the most efficacious treatments for treating MDD.
common psychological, behavioral, and vegetative Moreover, the López-López54 analyses document robust
symptoms, signs of symptom worsening, and indications positive effects for both CBT and internet-delivered CBT, in
to contact the medical team (with provision of contact studies using face-to-face, hybrid, or multimedia formats, in
information). (Type: Evidence based; benefits outweigh contrast to increased levels of depression found in waitlist
harms; Evidence quality: Intermediate; Strength of rec- control participants.
ommendation: Strong). Depression outcomes in RCTs were assessed in multiple
Recommendation 2.2. For a patient with moderate symp- ways, with self-reports (Beck Depression Inventory-
toms of depression, clinicians should offer individual or Second Edition and Center for Epidemiologic Studies
group therapy with any one of the following treatment Depression Scale) predominant and some use of struc-
options: tured diagnostic interviews (Hamilton Depression Rating
Scale [HAM-D] and Structured Clinical Interview for Di-
• Cognitive therapy or CBT agnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders).
• BA Twelve studies of psychological or social therapies with or
• Structured PA and exercise without educational components were identified, with
• Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) half screening patients for enrollment.68,69,74,98,105,106 In
• Psychosocial interventions using empirically sup- studies using screening, all patients were described as
ported components (eg, relaxation, problem solving). being in the postoncologic treatment phase. In studies
(Type: Evidence based; benefits outweigh harms; Evidence with high-quality ratings, RCT evidence supports the
quality: Intermediate; Strength of recommendation: benefit of CBT. CBT was also found to be superior to
Strong). bright light therapy.74 There was a single RCT support for
psychosocial interventions106 and psychotherapy,68 with Comparative effectiveness studies indicated similar effects
no differences in whether the psychotherapy was de- across different models of psychological interventions. As
scribed and/or delivered as being interpersonal, problem- such, the panel does not make a recommendation for a
solving, or supportive.69 Some studies with null effects specific therapy for initial treatment among the recom-
were of lower methodological quality103,105 and/or po- mended models of CBT, BA, structured PA, MBSR, and
tentially hampered by using an enhanced TAU control psychosocial interventions with empirically supported
rather than a TAU control.69,98 components. However, the historical weight of evidence for
CBT and BA is most compelling. Combined treatment using
In studies not screening patients for enrollment, CBT plus
CBT or interpersonal psychotherapy with a pharmacologic
BT (relaxation)77,100 and education plus self-care123 sig-
agent may be an option for partial or nonresponders to
nificantly improved depression. Although evidence of long-
initial psychological interventions.124
term benefit has been reported,101 the generalizability of
this finding is limited. Study participants included in the Pharmacologic management was investigated in a 2018
long-term follow-up were older and reported fewer de- Cochrane review of antidepressant use in cancer patients
pressive symptoms and greater well-being at the time of with MDD and no difference between antidepressants (as a
diagnosis than those who did not participate.101 Moreover, a class) and placebo on symptoms of depression at 6-12
self-report bias may have played a role in the measures weeks was found.57 The Cochrane review concluded that
collected.101 Trials of problem-solving therapies alone,103 or the evidence for medications compared with placebo was
behavior change programs72 did not show a statistically of low certainty based on the limited number and low quality
significant benefit for depression. However, neither of these of studies. Also, head-to-head comparisons of selective
trials included participants above a threshold for depressive serotonin reuptake inhibitors versus tricyclic antidepres-
symptoms. One RCT evaluating a combined physical ex- sants showed no difference.57
ercise and healthy eating treatment versus usual care for
Two RCTs, not included in the Cochrane review, inves-
post-treatment female breast cancer patients demon-
tigated the effect of celecoxib, a nonsteroidal anti-
strated a significant effect on depression at 6 months.96
inflammatory drug that acts via the selective inhibition
Two trials investigated patients with advanced disease or of cyclooxygenase (COX)-2, on depression at 4 and
patients in palliative care settings. In one trial of screened 6 weeks in patients with cancer.66,86 The RCT by
patients with mixed cancer types, no significant difference Mohammadinejad found significantly decreased HAM-D
between CBT versus TAU98 was found; however, uptake of scores at 4 and 6 weeks compared with diclofenac, a
CBT was limited, reducing the likelihood of detecting a nonselective COX-1 and COX-2 inhibitor, but no statis-
treatment effect. The other trial93 with unscreened patients tically significant different in response rates (,50% re-
found reductions in depressive symptoms with individual duction in HAM-D scores) at those time points.86 The RCT
supportive psychotherapy compared with TAU. by Alamdarsaravi found significantly decreased HAM-D
scores at 4 and 6 weeks compared with placebo, and
The effectiveness of collaborative care approaches in the
significantly more responders at 6 weeks.66 However,
treatment of depression in screened patients with cancer
both trials were small, with 52 and 40 participants, re-
was found in two99,107 of three trials.99,102,107 Depression
spectively, and included samples in which a COX-2 in-
care consisting of individually delivered multicomponent
hibitor might have also contributed to improved physical
behavioral therapy, including BA and problem-solving,
symptoms. In terminally ill patients with cancer, meth-
significantly reduced depressive symptoms compared
ylphenidate as add-on therapy to mirtazapine improved
with treatment as usual in patients with nonadvanced
antidepressant response from the third day of treatment
cancer,99 as well as in lung cancer patients with advanced
onward, and resulted in clinically significant improved
disease.107 It was shown that depression treatment that was
response rate, as measured by the Montgomery-Åsberg
integrated with medical care, intensive, and systematically
Depression Rating Scale, from the second week on-
delivered by a well-trained and supervised team had large
ward.89 However, this early antidepressant response in
and sustained effects. A published meta-analysis,115 which
terminally ill patients with cancer was associated with an
included these two studies along with five other RCTs,
increased risk of nervous system adverse events.
confirmed that collaborative care interventions were signif-
icantly more effective than usual care (standardized These guidelines make no recommendations about any
mean difference, 20.49; P 5 .003), and depression re- specific pharmacologic regimen being better than another.
duction was maintained at 12 months. A less intensive in- The choice of an antidepressant should be informed by
tervention, that is, a collaborative care coordinator and a current empirical evidence; adverse effect profiles of the
patient accessed web site providing CBT components, did medications; tolerability of treatment, including the potential
not produce a significant improvement in depression for interaction with other current medications; response to
compared with enhanced usual care for unscreened prior treatment; and patient preference.44 Patients should
patients with advanced cancer.102 be warned of potential harm or adverse effects.
Treatment and Care Options for Anxiety Symptoms enhanced with support for female breast cancer survivors.85
Recommendation 3.1. For patients with moderate to severe A psychoeducational intervention for gynecologic surgery
anxiety symptoms, culturally informed and linguistically patients73 and BT provided via a mobile app for patients with
appropriate information should be provided to patients and metastatic disease had no effect compared with an attention
patient-identified caregivers, family members, or trusted control or mobile health education app control, respec-
confidants. Information might include the following: com- tively.76 Despite the limitations of the new evidence, re-
monality (frequency) of stress and anxiety, psychological, sponses are in accordance with previous research for
behavioral, and cognitive symptoms, indications of symp- treatment of anxiety in people with cancer.125-129 In partic-
tom worsening, and medical team contact information ular, psychosocial interventions, stress reduction strategies,
(Type: Evidence based; benefits outweigh harms; Evidence and a combination of CBT, hypnosis, and support are ef-
quality: Intermediate; Strength of recommendation: Strong). fective over standard care. With no newer pharmacologic
trials identified for management of anxiety, previous
Recommendation 3.2. For a patient with moderate symp- evidence130,131 with noncancer patients supports pharma-
toms of anxiety, clinicians should offer individual or group cologic treatment as an addition or as an alternative in those
therapy with any one of the following treatment options: who do not respond to recommended first-line psychological
• CBT and/or behavioral management.
• BA
Depression and anxiety: Literature review update, analysis,
• Structured PA and exercise
and clinical interpretation. Interventions for managing both
• Psychosocial interventions with empirically supported
depression and anxiety were evaluated in 12 meta-analyses
components (eg, relaxation, problem solving)
and one systematic review. In 11 of the meta-analyses, CBT
(Type: Evidence based; benefits outweigh harms; Evidence was evaluated and all found CBT to result in significant
quality: Intermediate; Strength of recommendation: Strong). reductions in depressive and anxiety symptoms. This was
also the case if additional therapies were included, such as
Recommendation 3.3. For a patient with severe symptoms second-wave therapies (MBSR, acceptance, and com-
of anxiety, clinicians should offer individual therapy with mitment therapy).50 A systematic review of 21 studies
any one of the following treatment options: showed CBT and other interventions, when delivered either
• CBT face-to-face or by telephone, to improve anxiety and de-
• BA pression in patients with cancer.58
• MBSR Meta-analyses in patients with cancer report that exercise both
• Interpersonal therapy during and after cancer treatment provides a moderate to large
(Type: Evidence based; benefits outweigh harms; Evidence reduction in depression and may offer a reduction in anxiety.
quality: Intermediate; Strength of recommendation: Strong). In a meta-analysis of 14 studies with over 900 patients, Singh
et al59 reported a large effect in favor of exercise compared with
Recommendation 3.4. Treating clinicians may offer a usual care for both depression and anxiety. While evidence
pharmacologic regimen for anxiety in patients without from other meta-analyses support the benefit of exercise for
access to first-line treatment, those expressing a preference depression, no significant benefit was found for anxiety.47,49
for pharmacotherapy, or those who do not improve fol- The meta-analysis by McGettigan et al55 found no significant
lowing first-line psychological or behavioral management difference in depression nor anxiety with PA in the short term
(Type: Evidence based; benefits outweigh harms; Evidence or medium term. Two additional RCTs not already included in
quality: Low; Strength of recommendation: Weak). the systematic reviews reported a statistically significant re-
Please refer to the treatment algorithm in Figure 2 for duction in both depression and anxiety with PA interventions
symptomatology severity and a visual representation of compared with control with no PA intervention.71,95
these recommendations. Meta-analyses evaluating the impact of MBSR interven-
tions during and after cancer treatment demonstrate sta-
Anxiety: Literature review update, analysis, and clinical
tistically significant improvements in both depression and
interpretation. Interventions for managing anxiety disorders
anxiety compared with usual care.56,62,64 One of these
or anxiety symptoms were evaluated in only three RCTs
meta-analyses reported that mindfulness-based interven-
identified in the updated literature search.73,76,85 None of the
tions were associated with a reduction in the severity of
interventions could be characterized as testing empirically
depression and anxiety in both the short term and medium
supported anxiety treatments (eg, BA, exposure) but rather
term, but not in the long term.56
stress reduction strategies (eg, relaxation, hypnosis), with
some addition of behavioral therapy strategies (activity There were 22 additional RCTs not summarized in the
planning, problem solving), or education. A group inter- meta-analyses and systematic review. Outcomes were
vention combining CBT, hypnosis, and support yielded predominantly self-reported depression (Beck Depression
significantly reduced anxiety compared with standard care Inventory-Second Edition, Center for Epidemiologic Studies
Screening and Assessment—Anxiety in Adults With Cancer
Seven-item GAD-7
Moderate to severe/severe
None/mild symptomatology Moderate symptomatology
If a patient reports a total If a patient reports a total
If a patient reports a total score of
score of 0-4 (none), 5-9 (mild) score of 10-14
None or mild symptoms of anxiety May present as worries or concerns Symptoms interfere moderately to
No/minimal functional impairment regarding cancer but also worry, markedly with functioning
Effective coping skills and access concern about multiple other areas Symptoms not responding to pathway
to social support Fatigue, sleep disturbances, 2
irritability, and concentration Referral to psychology and/or
difficulties may also be present psychiatry for diagnosis and treatment
Functional impairment from mild Consider possible comorbid anxiety
to moderate diagnoses such as panic disorder or
Consider possible comorbid anxiety social phobia
disorders, eg, panic, social phobia
Determine presence of comorbid
mood disorders (eg, MDD)
In this algorithm, the use of the word anxiety refers to the GAD-7 scale scores and not to clinical diagnosis of anxiety disorder(s).
1. Initial diagnosis/start of treatment, regular intervals during treatment, 3, 6, and 12 months after treatment, diagnosis of recurrence or
progression, when approaching death and during times of personal transition or reappraisal such as family crisis.176
2. Presence of symptom in the last 2 weeks, rated as follows: 0 = not at all, 1 = several days, 2 = more than half the days, and 3 = nearly
every day. Content of items: feeling nervous, anxious, on edge; cannot stop/control worry; worry too much; trouble relaxing;
restlessness; easily annoyed, irritable; and, feeling afraid. Final item regarding difficulty of the problems
NOTE. Reference for GAD-7 is Spitzer et al.
FIG 2. Anxiety algorithm. (A) Screening and assessment—anxiety in adults with cancer. (B) Care map—generalized anxiety in adults with cancer.
GAD, generalized anxiety disorder; MDD, major depressive disorder. (continued on following page)
Psychosocial (group)
Structured, led by licensed mental health professional, with topics such as stress reduction, positive coping
(seeking information, problem solving, assertive communication), enhancing social support from
friends/family, coping with physical symptoms (eg, fatigue, sexual dysfunction) and bodily changes.
Consider for care pathway 3 should anxiety symptoms not remit or worsen.
Psychological (individual)
Delivered by licensed mental health professionals using relevant treatment manuals that include some or all of
the following content: cognitive change, behavioral activation, biobehavioral strategies, education, and/or
relaxation strategies.
Relapse prevention additions are important as GAD is often chronic.
Monitor for efficacy.
Physician-prescribed SSRIs or anxiolytics with choice informed by side-effect profiles, interactions, response,
patient age, and preference.
Consider interventions with short-term duration.
Monitor regularly for adherence, side effects, and adverse events.
Provide education and information (verbal plus any relevant materials) for the patient and family about
Normalcy of stress and anxiety in the context of cancer
Specific stress reduction strategies (eg, progressive muscle relaxation)
Sources of informational support/resources (patient library, reliable internet sites)
Availability of supportive care services (eg, professionally led groups, informational lectures, volunteer organizations) for the
patient and family at the institution or in the community
Availability of financial support (eg, accommodations, transportation, health/drug benefits)
Information about signs and symptoms of anxiety disorders and their treatment
Information on sleep hygiene and self-management of fatigue
Information on other nonpharmacologic interventions (physical activity, nutrition)
As cautiousness and a tendency to avoid threatening stimuli are cardinal features of anxiety pathology, it is common for persons with symptoms
of anxiety to not to follow through on potentially helpful referrals or treatment recommendations. With this in mind, on a monthly basis or until
symptoms have subsided
Assess follow-through and compliance with individual or group psychological/psychosocial referrals, as well as satisfaction with services.
Assess compliance with pharmacologic treatment, patients' concerns about side effects, and satisfaction with symptom relief.
Consider tapering the patient from any antidepressant medications if anxiety symptoms are under control and if the primary environmental
sources of anxiety are no longer present.
If compliance is poor, assess and construct a plan to circumvent obstacles to compliance, or discuss alternative interventions that present
fewer obstacles.
After 8 weeks of treatment, if symptom reduction and satisfaction with treatment are poor, despite good compliance, alter the treatment
course (eg, add a psychological or pharmacologic intervention; change the specific medication; refer to individual psychotherapy if group
therapy has not proved helpful).
FIG 2. (Continued).
Depression Scale, and Patient Health Questionnaire-9) and trial, Lepore82 used an internet support group context to
anxiety (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and State- compare one enhanced support group (members received
Trait Anxiety Inventory) symptoms or distress (Symptom individual prompts to reach out to help others) to one not
Checklist-90), with some use of diagnostic interviews enhanced. Analyses showed worsened outcomes for those
(HAM-D, Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale, and Structured in the enhanced condition. These data align with earlier trials
Clinical Interview for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of showing negative effects for peer support conditions,133
Mental Disorders). Statistically significant benefits were seen countering assumptions of peer support being uniformly
for various management strategies across the comorbid beneficial. Finally, Ho79 reported null effects for both sup-
symptoms. There were two notable improvements in the portive expressive therapy and a mind-body-spirit inter-
literature. First, several studies included assessments during vention compared with an unstructured peer support group.
the course of treatment (eg, Zhao111), and second, post-
treatment follow-up data were provided in eight studies DISCUSSION
(36%) to test for sustained effects of interventions.
Following the 2014 guideline7 emphasizing screening and
Consistent with the meta-analyses, all trials of CBT and recommending measures for the assessment of depression
BT (ie, problem solving)67 showed significant effects on anxiety and anxiety symptoms, this guideline reiterates the impor-
with the majority showing significant effects for depression as tance of screening for mental health conditions and prepares
well. The Ren study91 is notable for showing significant effects oncology and mental health professionals to take next steps
for CBT in comparison with both attention control and TAU when elevations of symptoms are found—specifically, to
arms. The one noninferiority trial comparing internet-delivered conduct further evaluation to determine symptom severity, to
CBT without coaching versus with coaching75 showed no refer for treatment if warranted, and to determine choice
significant differences and improvements occurred for both among empirically supported treatments. Since the 2014
groups, contrasting with meta-analyses showing stronger post- guideline, screening is a care aim that has been disseminated,
treatment effects when coaching is used.132 but the principle and procedures remain to be fully
Three RCTs were conducted in palliative care settings or with implemented.134,135 The Expert Panel recognizes that psy-
palliative care specialists. Unique to these studies was the chological symptom screening remains aspirational for some
inclusion of multiple assessments (some extending through settings, but considerable progress toward this standard of
care has been made,136 as witnessed by the inclusion since
12 months) and a final post-treatment assessment. Inter-
2015 of screening for distress as an accreditation criterion for
ventions were similarly themed, including dignity therapy,81
cancer centers seeking Commission on Cancer certification.
advanced care planning,104 and telehealth with a palliative
As for management, our systematic review shows CBT and BA
care specialist.80 All treatments were successful in significantly
achieve robust effects on symptom reduction. This contrasts
reducing anxiety and depressive symptoms, with the ex-
with the limited, low-quality evidence for pharmacotherapies.
ception of the Hoek trial,80 which found null effects on de-
pressive symptoms. Risk of bias was low in one trial,104 with As emphasized in the 2014 ASCO guideline, the following
the others having high risk of bias in two80 or three81 key areas. topics remain important in this update. Education: Many
hospitals or centers provide patient-tailored cancer treatment-
Excluding the studies of education only, many of the
related information on surgery, chemotherapy, immunother-
remaining trials are single examples of experimenter-
apy, and related topics. We recommend that general (first-
developed treatments. Some components of the tested
level) materials on coping with stress, anxiety about treatment,
treatments may have empirical support (eg, problem
and depression be routinely provided as well. For individuals
solving), whereas other components do not (eg, diary
with elevated symptoms, validation and normalizing patients’
keeping). Such approaches limit the interpretation of the
experiences is crucial, with provision of information such as
findings, and hinder replication by other investigators and
common signs and symptoms of anxiety and/or depression,
the accumulation of knowledge supporting one treatment
types of treatments used, and pathways for treatment.
over another. Studies in this category include efforts by
Screening timing: While not the focus of this updated review, it
Børøsund,70 Li,84 Schofield,97 Wang,113 and Wenzel.110
is recognized that how and when patients with cancer and
It is useful to consider the studies showing null effects, survivors are screened are important determinants of timely
assuming adequate statistical power, as they provide valu- management of anxiety and depression.7 The period between
able information for future research. For example, both diagnosis and start of treatment is an essential time for first
Halkett78 and Li83 provided educational sessions to patients screening, as one third of patients report experiencing signif-
about to receive radiotherapy. Noteworthy for each is the icant psychological distress during this period.35 Yet, the need
brevity of the intervention, one described as a single session remains thereafter; many of the interventions reviewed were
and another being 3 hours. It is unknown if the sessions delivered after primary oncologic treatments were completed.
aided patients’ understanding of receive radiotherapy, but Risk correlates: Anxiety and depressive symptoms and dis-
there is no evidence from RCTs to suggest such efforts would orders are not randomly distributed. Correlates of elevated
impact anxiety or depressive symptoms. In a noninferiority symptoms include those with a current or prior psychiatric
diagnosis, other chronic medical conditions, adverse social therapies, or alternatively, consider the transdiagnostic
determinants of health, and poor functional status, among unified protocol for emotional disorders.139-141
others (Table 3). Stepped care: As in the previous version,7 the
With respect to treatment recommendations, this systematic
guideline defines levels for screening follow-up to achieve
review enabled confirmation of previous recommendations
patient care that is tailored, efficient, and cost-effective.
and reference to new therapies with promising evidence. The
It is relevant to note that the focus on depression and prior guideline7 listed CBTs and BA among the recommended
anxiety specifically in cancer remains comparatively new, treatments. This review shows these treatments continue to be
preceded by decades of RCTs of psychological and psy- first-line treatments of choice, with added support for com-
chosocial interventions focused on stress reduction and ponents (eg, problem solving) used alone or in combination.
enhancing coping, and, occasionally, improving health The CBT and BA effects for depression and anxiety are robust,
behaviors or adherence. Psychological screening for trial generalizing across sex, age, disease site, time in the cancer
entry was rare, with the majority of study participants trajectory, and patients from the United States, English-
(60%-70%) likely having no or few symptoms of general- speaking countries, Europe, and Asia, all consistent with
ized anxiety or major depression, and patients with the latter large-scale population-based US tests.142 Relevant to cost of
were more often excluded from trial participation. Even so, treatment, evidence is also confirmatory for multiple modes of
some trials with positive effects on other dimensions (ie, delivery including by app, virtually, telephone, and others.
where anxiety or depression were not among the primary
Unlike the prior guideline,7 pharmacotherapy is not recom-
outcomes) were also found to effectively treat adults with
mended as a first-line treatment, neither alone nor in com-
depression.137,138 In this context, today’s focus on cancer
bination. The evidence is not compelling, a conclusion
survivors with the greatest psychological need is a signifi-
informed by the 2018 Cochrane review of null findings for
cant advance. For them, the predominant affective, cog-
antidepressant use for MDD in patients with cancer at 6-12
nitive, and behavioral disruptor is depression. This
weeks, a sufficient interval in pharmacologic trials for effects to
circumstance is recognized by RCT investigators, as 95%
be detected.57 The Data Supplement outlines two studies89,108
of the reviewed studies focused on depression alone or with
reporting positive effects at day 3, a finding of unknown
comorbid anxiety. Our recommendation remains to treat
consequence, with other studies having sample sizes just
depression first with proven cognitive and/or behavioral
within the cutoff for systematic review inclusion (N 5 40).
Physician choice of pharmacotherapy may be considered
TABLE 3. Risk Factors for Anxiety and Depression in Cancer
when there is no or low availability of mental health resources,
Risk Factor
for patients who have responded well to pharmacotherapy for
depression or anxiety in the past, for patients with severe
Advanced disease neurovegetative or agitated symptoms of depression, patients
Intense or aggressive treatment(s); multiple treatments with depression with psychotic or catatonic features, and/or
Higher symptom/side effect, adverse event burden patient preference. In contrast to the pharmacologic only
Comorbid medical conditions
studies, two rigorous studies from the United Kingdom99,107
both described a 10-session multicomponent BT treatment
Few rehabilitative options
for MDD, which achieved depression remission and other
Poor patient/doctor relationship gains in which medication management was also provided.
The mental health care crisis is a widespread issue that
Prior psychiatric history affects individuals with all types of medical conditions, in-
Past trauma history cluding patients with cancer. Problems with access to psy-
Helpless/hopeless outlook chological care for cancer patients with depression and/or
Low education level anxiety can be attributed to organizational and workforce
obstacles, such as a shortage of mental health professionals,
Low income
and limited referral networks for managing depression and
Marital/interpersonal relationship conflict
anxiety. The choice of intervention to offer patients facing
Younger age (,40 years) such obstacles should be based on shared decision making,
Social taking into account availability, accessibility, patient prefer-
Singleton (without marital or other partner) ence, likelihood of adverse events, adherence, and cost.
Limited social contacts Attention to regular assessment of mental health following
Insufficient social support initial diagnosis is needed. Finding significant pre-treatment
Limited access to service resources to post-treatment effects is necessary but often not sufficient
to confirm treatment effectiveness with depressed or anxious
Socioenvironmental stressors
patients. Adequately timed and repeated follow-ups are
Social stigma needed, particularly for disorders such as MDD known not to
improve or improve and then worsen. Also, use of theoreti- symptoms to lack the motivation necessary to follow through
cally relevant process measures—assessments made during on referrals and/or to comply with treatment recommen-
the course of treatment that provide confirmatory evidence dations. So too is the case for persons with anxiety. With this
that the intervention changed relevant aspects of the disorder in mind, the Expert Panel recommends that the mental
(eg, change in daily sedentary behavior for an exercise in- health professional or another member of the clinical team
tervention) and/or patients engaged in and/or used inter- follow-up with the patient and provider to assure a suc-
vention components (eg, usage of prescribed relaxation)— cessful transition to psychological treatment is made. It is a
enable investigators to determine effective components. To myth that screening takes a long time. Rather, it is the effort
assess change more broadly, other measures could be used thereafter that is time- and resource-intense, and incurs the
(eg, cancer-specific stress, coping strategies, number of sick greatest cost for the patient when not provided.
days, cancer treatment dose received).
There are several known factors that increase the risk of suicide HEALTH DISPARITIES
in patients with cancer, including older age at diagnosis, lower Although ASCO clinical practice guidelines represent expert
level of education, nonpartnered relationship status, living in recommendations on the best practices in disease man-
rural or sparsely populated areas, psychological comorbidity, agement to provide the highest level of cancer care, it is
hopelessness, advanced stages of cancer, and poor perfor- important to note that many patients from socially or eco-
mance status.143,144 Crisis response planning should be readily nomically marginalized communities have limited access to
implemented as a brief, practical strategy for reducing short- medical care and may not receive guideline concordant
term suicide risk.145 For any acutely suicidal patient, institu- care.146 Membership in social and economically marginalized
tional management and referral policies should be followed. groups is defined as facing structural inequity and systemic
inequality perpetuated by discriminatory, sexist, racist, ho-
LIMITATION OF THE RESEARCH AND FUTURE mophobic, and classist sociocultural norms and governmental
RESEARCH DIRECTIONS policy.147 Factors such as race and ethnicity, age, socio-
This systematic literature review provides an opportunity for a economic status, sexual orientation and gender identity,
broad consideration of research design and methodology geographic location, and access to medical and mental health
used in the recent past. Studies can be weakened by early insurance are known to impact cancer care outcomes.148
research design decisions that reduce the likelihood of Racial and ethnic disparities in health care contribute sig-
detecting reliable and valid effects. In RCTs, screening of nificantly to this problem in the United States. Patients with
patients is essential (used in only one third of studies) and cancer who are members of racial and/or ethnic minorities
has the potential benefit of reducing sample size. Regarding suffer disproportionately from comorbidities, experience more
the latter, many studies (one third) began with baseline substantial obstacles to receiving care, are more likely to be
group differences, a circumstance less likely when ran- uninsured, and are at greater risk of receiving fragmented care
domizing within strata, as variables potentially correlated with or poor-quality care than other Americans.149-152
the outcome can reduce nuisance subject variance. Other According to the American Association for Cancer Re-
decisions can reduce statistical power, such as small sample search 2022 progress report on cancer disparities, racial
sizes in general, sizes insufficient to detect effects between and ethnic minorities and other underserved populations
active treatments, or when any sample size is reduced across shoulder a disproportionate burden of the adverse effects of
time. Data loss threatens the reliability and validity of find- cancer and cancer treatment, including physical, emo-
ings. As noted earlier, high mortality may be anticipated in tional, psychosocial, and financial challenges.153 Survivors
trials accruing patients with advanced disease and/or in the who are Black consistently report poorer quality of life and
palliative care setting. Other than the latter, the most com- physical and mental health compared with cancer survivors
mon source of bias in the RCTs was attrition. who are White, found in studies of breast, prostate, or
There are several key points to reflect upon regarding future colorectal cancer.153-157 Disparities in survivors’ mental
research and clinical directions. Considering the reliability health remain even when sociodemographic and psy-
and generalizability of the effects for CBT, be it with indi- chosocial factors are considered.153,155 In addition to racial
viduals with or without cancer, further demonstrations and ethnic minorities, cancer survivors who identify as
would not contribute to the literature significantly. Imple- sexual minorities have two to three times greater risk for
mentation and dissemination research examining treatment depression and/or poor mental health compared with
guideline uptake among oncology providers generally and in heterosexual counterparts among all races.153,158-163 This
community settings is needed. After screening, several disparity widens in survivors who are also from a racial or
action steps are needed, for example, further assessment to ethnic minority, underscoring the influence of inter-
clarify the problem and determine if treatment is needed, sectionality in cancer health disparities.153,158
identification of mental health providers for referral, and Awareness of these disparities in access to care should be
others. The pathway thereafter may not be simple. As noted considered in the context of this clinical practice guideline,
previously,7 it is common for persons with depressive and health care providers should strive to deliver the
1 B.L.A. and J.H.R. were Expert Panel cochairs.
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
American Society of Clinical Oncology, Alexandria, VA
Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, CA INTEREST
Florida Cancer Specialists, West Palm Beach, FL Disclosures provided by the authors are available with this article at DOI
Inova Health Foundation, Falls Church, VA https://doi.org/10.1200/JCO.23.00293.
Legorreta Cancer Center at Brown University and Lifespan Cancer
Institute, Providence, RI
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA Conception and design: All authors
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA Administrative support: Christina Lacchetti
University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA Collection and assembly of data: All authors
Smith Center for Healing and the Arts, Washington, DC Data analysis and interpretation: All authors
Manuscript writing: All authors
Final approval of manuscript: All authors
CORRESPONDING AUTHOR Accountable for all aspects of the work: All authors
American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2318 Mill Rd, Suite 800,
Alexandria, VA 22314; e-mail: [email protected].
The Expert Panel wishes to thank K. Scott Baker, MD, MS, and Jeremy
EDITOR’S NOTE Warner, MD, MS, and the Evidence Based Medicine Committee for their
This American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Clinical Practice thoughtful reviews and insightful comments on this guideline, and
Guideline provides recommendations, with comprehensive review and Clarence Coker for help with literature retrieval.
analyses of the relevant literature for each recommendation. Additional
information, including a supplement with additional evidence tables,
slide sets, clinical tools and resources, and links to patient information at
www.cancer.net, is available at www.asco.org/survivorship-guidelines.
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TABLE A1. Recommendations on Screening and Assessment of Depression and Anxiety (continued)
Screening for anxiety
All health care providers should routinely screen for the presence of emotional distress and specifically symptoms of anxiety from the point of diagnosis
All patients should be screened for distress at their initial visit, at appropriate intervals and as clinically indicated, especially with changes in disease status
(ie, post-treatment, recurrence, progression) and when there is a transition to palliative and end-of-life care.a
The CAPO and the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer (the Partnership) guideline Assessment of Psychosocial Health Care Needs of the Adult
Cancer Patient suggests screening at initial diagnosis, start of treatment, regular intervals during treatment, end of treatment, post-treatment or at
transition to survivorship, at recurrence or progression, advanced disease, when dying, and during times of personal transition or reappraisal such
as family crisis, during post-treatment survivorship, and when approaching death.a
Screening should be done using a valid and reliable tool that features reportable scores (dimensions) that are clinically meaningful (established cutoffs).a
Anxiety disorders include specific phobias and social phobia, panic and agoraphobia, GAD, obsessive compulsive disorder, and PTSD.
It is recommended that patients be assessed for GAD, as it is the most prevalent of all anxiety disorders and it is commonly comorbid with others, primarily
mood disorders or other anxiety disorders (eg, social anxiety disorder).
Use of the GAD-7 scale is recommended.
Patients with GAD do not necessarily present with symptoms of anxiety, per se. The pathognomic GAD symptom, ie, multiple excessive worries, may
present as concerns or fears. Whereas cancer worries may be common for many, GAD worry or fear may be disproportionate to actual cancer-related
risk (eg, excessive fear of recurrence, worry about multiple symptoms or symptoms not associated with current disease or treatments). Importantly, an
individual with GAD has worries about a range of other, noncancer topics and areas of his/her life.
It is important to determine the associated home, relationship, social, or occupational impairments, if any, and the duration of anxiety-related symptoms.
As noted above, problem checklists can be used. Clinicians can amend the checklists to include additional key problem areas or ones unique to their
patient populations.
As with depressive symptoms, consider special circumstances in screening/assessment of anxiety including using culturally sensitive assessments and
treatments and tailoring assessment or treatment for those with learning disabilities or cognitive impairments.
Assessment of anxiety
Specific concerns such as risk of harm to self and/or others, severe anxiety or agitation, or the presence of psychosis or confusion (delirium) requires
referral to a psychiatrist, psychologist, physician, or equivalently trained professional.
When moderate to severe or severe symptomatology is detected through screening, individuals should have a diagnostic assessment to identify the
nature and extent of the anxiety symptoms and the presence or absence of an anxiety disorder or disorders.
Medical and substance-induced causes of anxiety should be diagnosed and treated.
As a shared responsibility, the clinical team must decide when referral to a psychiatrist, psychologist, or equivalently trained professional is needed (ie, all
patients with a score in the moderate to severe or severe range, with certain accompanying factors and/or symptoms, identified using valid and reliable
measures for assessment of symptoms of anxiety).
Assessments should be a shared responsibility of the clinical team, with designation of those who are expected to conduct assessments as per scope of
The assessment should identify signs and symptoms of anxiety (eg, panic attacks, trembling, sweating, tachypnea, tachycardia, palpitations, and sweaty
palms), severity of symptoms, possible stressors (eg, impaired daily living), risk factors and times of vulnerability, and should also explore underlying
A patient considered to have severe symptoms of anxiety following the further assessment should, where possible, have confirmation of an anxiety
disorder diagnosis before any treatment options are initiated (eg, DSM-V, which may require making a referral).
NOTE. Evidence supporting these unchanged recommendations is reviewed in the 2014 guideline publication.7 The sections that follow present the
recommendations adapted from the Pan-Canadian guideline,44 on screening and assessment for depressive symptoms, followed by recommendations for
anxiety symptoms.
Abbreviations: ASCO, American Society of Clinical Oncology; CAPO, Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology; DSM, Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders; GAD, generalized anxiety disorder; PHQ-9, Patient Health Questionnaire-9; PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder.
Recommendations are verbatim from the Pan Canadian guideline. Otherwise, recommendations are the ones adapted by the ASCO panel.
TABLE A3. Management of Anxiety and Depression in Adult Survivors of Cancer Guideline Expert Panel Membership
Name Affiliation Role or Area of Expertise
Barbara L. Andersen, PhD (cochair) The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH Psychology
Julia H. Rowland, PhD (cochair) Smith Center for Healing and the Arts, Washington, DC Psychology
Kimlin Ashing, PhD City of Hope, Duarte, CA Psychology
Jonathan S. Berek, MD, MMS Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, CA Medical Oncology—Gynecologic
Barry S. Berman, MD Florida Cancer Specialists, West Palm Beach, FL PGIN Representative
Sage Bolte, PhD Inova Health Foundation, Falls Church, VA Patient Advocate
Don S. Dizon, MD Legorreta Cancer Center at Brown University and Lifespan Medical Oncology—Breast and
Cancer Institute, Providence, RI Pelvic Malignancies
Barbara Given, PhD, RN Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI Nursing
Larissa Nekhlyudov, MD, MPH Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Dana-Farber Cancer Primary Care, Cancer Survivorship
Institute, Boston, MA
William Pirl, MD, MPH Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA Psychiatry
Annette L. Stanton, PhD University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA Psychology
Christina Lacchetti, MHSc ASCO, Alexandria, VA ASCO Practice Guideline Staff
(Health Research Methods)
Abbreviations: ASCO, American Society of Clinical Oncology; PGIN, Practice Guideline Implementation Network.