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International Journal of Environment and Climate Change journal IF: 0.165

9(4): 204-216, 2019; Article no.IJECC.2019.016

ISSN: 2581-8627
(Past name: British Journal of Environment & Climate Change, Past ISSN: 2231–4784)

Assessing the Alternative Livelihood Options for

Climate Change Vulnerable Coastal Fishing Villages
in Kerala, India
Shyam S. Salim1*, Lina Joseph2, Harsha Elizabeth James2, A. M. Shinu2,
N. R. Athira2 and R. X. Smitha2
ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, Kerala, India.
Socio- Economic Evaluation and Technology Transfer Division, Central Marine Fisheries Research
Institute (CMFRI), Post Box No: 1603, Ernakulam, 682 018, India.

This work was carried out in collaboration among all authors. Author SSS designed the study,
developed the protocol, performed the analysis and wrote the final draft of the manuscript. Authors LJ
and HEJ managed the analyses of the study. Authors AMS, NRA and RXS managed the literature
searches. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Article Information
DOI: 10.9734/IJECC/2019/v9i430108
(1) Dr. Zhenghong Chen, Associate Professor, China Meteorological, Administration Training Centre, China Meteorological
Administration, NO.46, Zhongguancun South Street, Beijing, China.
(1) Atilla Akbaba, Izmir Katip Çelebi University, Turkey.
(2) Moses Mwajar Ngeiywa, University of Eldoret, Kenya.
Complete Peer review History:

Received 02 March 2019

Accepted 08 May 2019
Original Research Article
Published 23 May 2019


Fisheries and allied sectors provide means of livelihood to millions of people around the world. In
India more than 14.5 million individuals depend on fisheries for their livelihood, with Gujarat, Tamil
Nadu and Kerala being the main three marine fish producing states of the country. The social and
economic contribution of fisheries as a sector cannot be ignored or go unnoticed. Similarly the
impact of climate change on fisheries and its resultant impact on the livelihood of fisheries
dependent communities cannot be ignored. To address these pertinent issues, we first need to
understand the impact of climate change on fisheries and the need of alternative livelihood options
from the perspective of the direct stakeholders i.e. fishermen. This study is an endeavour to look at
the need of Alternative livelihood options (ALOs) because of climate change among the coastal
communities in Poonthura and Elamkunnapuzha villages of Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulum
respectively. Among the 222 marine fishing villages of Kerala, Poonthura and Elamkunnapuzha
are the major fishing villages from the South West hotspot locales of India. The examination

*Corresponding author: E-mail: [email protected], [email protected];

Salim et al.; IJECC, 9(4): 204-216, 2019; Article no.IJECC.2019.016

investigated different socioeconomic aspects, for example, fishing activity, basic household data,
economic as well as historic and cultural dependence on fishing, employment and occupational
structure, income distribution and assets, physical capital, financial capital, social capital, and
exposure and awareness of the fishermen families to climate change by interviewing 1259
fishermen from Poonthura and Elamkunnapuzha. The study conducted in the most climate change
vulnerable marine hotspots of Kerala (Elamkunnapuzha and Poonthura) explains the problems and
prospects of the inhabitants in the sector and the importance of Alternative Livelihood Options
(ALOs) in climate change adaptation.

Keywords: Climate change; vulnerability; fishermen; Alternative Livelihood Options (ALOs); adaptive

1 .INTRODUCTION occupation and livelihood for the coastal

population of the state. The fishermen population
Indian fisheries sector is a sunrise sector with is around 3.1 per cent of the state population,
varied resources and potential, engaging over residing in 222 marine fishing villages and 113
14.50 million people at the primary level and inland fishing villages of the state. Out of this,
many more along the value chain. The marine 7.88 lakh fishermen belong to Marine sector
resources of the country comprise an Exclusive while 2.36 lakh fishermen belong to Inland
Economic Zone (EEZ) of 2.02 million sq. km, a sector. Alappuzha (1.90 lakh) is the district with
continental shelf area of 5,30,000 sq. km and a largest fishermen population, followed by
coastline of 8,118 km. The marine fishery Thiruvananthapuram (1.70 lakh) and Ernakulam
potential in the Indian waters have been (1.36 lakh) [2].
estimated at 4.41 MMT constituting more than
47% demersal, 48% pelagic and 5% oceanic It is a fact that, the socio-economic condition of
groups. India had annual marine fish landings of the fisher folk in the State is pitiable, when
3.63 million tonnes in 2016. Around 29.2 per cent compared to the general section of the
of the total fish production of the India is from the population. Backwardness is the hall mark of
southwest region of the west coast of the country fishermen. They are in the grip of subsistence
comprising Kerala, Karnataka and Goa, of which economy and indebtedness in the normal
49 per cent contribution is from Kerala. A state- aspects of their life. Many reasons could be
wise analysis of the estimates indicates that the accounted for this state of affairs. Among social,
maritime states of West Bengal, Kerala, economic and educational and such other
Karnataka, Maharashtra, Gujarat and the U.T. of reasons, the depletion of fishery wealth is a
Daman & Diu registered increase in landings major cause [2].
whereas the other coastal states Odisha, Andhra
Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and Goa In a state like Kerala where unemployment is the
recorded a decline. Gujarat retained the top crucial problem, fisheries sector plays a vital role
position among the states with 7.74 lakh t in providing jobs to thousands. Fisheries sector
landings followed by Tamil Nadu which landed contributes directly and indirectly to the
7.07 lakh t. For the first time Karnataka attained generation of employment in the State, and such
the third position pushing down Kerala into 4th sectors must be given due importance to tackle
position with 5.30 and 5.23 lakh t respectively. In the unemployment problem in the State [2].
Kerala the marine fish landings during 2016 was
5.22 lakh t showing an increase of 7%; pelagics In relevance to Kerala’s fishing scenario, there is
contributed 61%, demersals 25%, crustaceans an urgency to carry out sea-friendly fishery
and molluscs 7% each. Kerala, Karnataka and practices to be adopted soon considering the
Goa together produced 11.13 lakh t which global decline in the marine fisheries production.
accounted for 31% of the total landings in the However while doing the same, there should be
country. In spite of a continuing decline in oil proper checks and balances, as a large number
sardine landings, Kerala attained 8% increase in of populations have been dependent on fishing
the total landings in 2016 [1]. historically and therefore, livelihood concerns of
poor fishermen should be kept in mind [3].
With a coastline of over 590 Km, and an
exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of 218536 Sq Even though the state of Kerala is rated among
Km, Kerala has a significant marine fisheries the top three maritime states of the country, still
sector that has long been an important source of there are illiterate/semiliterate and indigent

Salim et al.; IJECC, 9(4): 204-216, 2019; Article no.IJECC.2019.016

fishermen who lack the knowledge of latest also important to recognize the importance of the
fishery technologies and proper attitude towards changes in these parameters as drivers of
fishery development [3]. change in marine organisms including fish [7].
Initiating a commitment on long- term
Furthermore Shyam et al. [4] reported low level environmental and ecological monitoring
of awareness on climate change among fisher programmes is important as such data cannot be
folk of Kerala owing to the fact that climate collected retrospectively. Projections on climate
change issues are entangled with other change impact on fish populations need to be
developmental issues; thereby community could developed as the first step for future analytical
not decipher climate change issues in particular. and empirical models and for planning better
According to the reports of 5]; the impacts of management adaptations [8,9]. Effort is also
climate change is expected to be observed in the required in- respect of raising awareness of the
southern part of India. The impacts of climate impact, vulnerability, adaptation and mitigation
change are expected to be different within and related to climate change among the decision
between regions and nations, and thus it is makers, managers, fishermen and other
important to investigate where climate change stakeholders in the fishing sector [10].
impacts on fisheries have greatest social and
economic significance [5]. Climate change and its impact was a debated
topic for a long time, but now we know that it is a
According to the study conducted by Shyam et reality. It has changed in past, is changing in
al. [4], Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulum present and will change in future. So it is high
districts are the highest vulnerable villages in time that we focus on the adaptation and
Kerala based on the vulnerability index table mitigation plans at national and regional levels.
formulated by using the Patnaik and Narayin The term mitigation refers to efforts to cut or
method. With respect to the Vulnerability index prevent the emission of greenhouse gases -
table, the highest vulnerable villages of limiting the magnitude of future warming. It may
Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam District i.e. also encompass attempts to remove greenhouse
Elamkunnapuzha and Poonthura Villages were gases from the atmosphere. Mitigation may
selected as the units of study. 4]. The require us to use new technologies, clean energy
vulnerability of Poonthura (2.85) was found to be sources, change people's behaviour, or make
higher than Elankunnapuzha (2.80). The results older technology more energy efficient. Mitigation
revealed that majority of the fisher households in differs from climate change adaptation, which
both the villages were highly vulnerable to refers to the actions taken to manage the
climate change which is a major cause of unavoidable impacts of climate change.
The study undertaken will help in understanding
Under the above pretext, a study directed in the the level of awareness about climate change
selected coastal regions of Poonthura and among the fishermen community, problems
Elamkunnapuzha fishing villages to get an faced by coastal communities due to climate
understanding about the level of awareness of change and the methods followed by them to
fishers about climate change and the importance overcome it, ALOs available etc. Besides this, it
of alternative livelihood options is relevant. It will also help us in finding out the preferred
draws consideration as it is directed at two of the climate change adaptation and mitigation plans
marine hotspots in the nation which encounters among the fishermen community and thus help in
high vulnerability to climate related shocks and preparing a robust strategy to overcome the
stress along with a higher vulnerability index as problems due to climate change. Understanding
the communities are located near the coastline. the impacts of climate change on fisheries is
Hence, a study regarding the socioeconomic crucial as fisheries is important for food security,
profile of such fishing villages is worth enough to livelihood, and generation of employment and
be used as a basis to develop proper adaptation foreign exchange for national government.
mitigation strategies for the fisher folks to climate
change through alternative livelihood options. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS
2.1 Location
As the ability to sustain fisheries will rest on a
mechanistic understanding of interactions The study was conducted in the coastal villages
between global change events and localized of Poonthura and Elamkunnapuzha situated
disturbances, it is important to recognize the in Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam
regional responses to climate change [6]. It is respectively.

Salim et al.; IJECC, 9(4): 204-216, 2019; Article no.IJECC.2019.016

Fig. 1. Study area

Thiruvananthapuram, the capital of Kerala, has 11.52 sq km. It has a distinct ecosystem that
the maximum number of fishing villages (42nos) includes capture and culture fisheries, a variety
in Kerala constituting around 19 per cent of the of agricultural crops, and animal husbandry.
state total [1]. Coastal village of Poonthura is Elamkunnapuzha village is one of the other
inhabited by around four per cent of the total major south west hotspot regions of India lying
fishermen families and six per cent of the total between10°1′0″N 76°13′0″E. Fig. 1 clearly marks
fisher folk population of Thiruvananthapuram the study area.
(CMFRI Marine Fisheries Census, 2010). It is
one of the major fishing villages from the south 2.2 Data Collection
west hotspot regions of India lying between
10°00' N and 76°15 E [1]. A pre-tested interview schedule was used for the
collection of information directly from the
Ernakulam with a coastal length of 46 Km has a fishermen families through personal discussions
fishermen population of 1543 per Km length is and interviews regarding the various aspects of
one of the major fishing district of Kerala. the socio-economic conditions. A total sample of
Elamkunnapuzha village in Ernakulam district 1259 respondents was selected from the coastal
has a total population of 51,197 and an area of villages of Poonthura and Elamkunnapuzha

Salim et al.; IJECC, 9(4): 204-216, 2019; Article no.IJECC.2019.016

through random sampling method. Information Majority (59%) of the respondents from
gathering was done to collect data on socio Elamkunnapuzha belonged to Hindu community,
economic and demographic view of the whereas in Poonthura 90 per cent of them
respondents, level of awareness of fisher folk belonged to the Christian community. Majority
about climate change, fisher’s perception on the (34%) of the respondents from Elamkunnapuzha
impacts of climate change on resources and belonged to the age category 46-55 and 33 per
resource users, sources of information on climate cent from Poonthura belonged to the category
change, Alternative livelihood options available 35-45. (Given in Table 1).
and preferred, climate change adaptation actions
and the need of more training etc. 3.1.2 Family members

3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Family members in Elamkunnapuzha village

comprised mainly adults (86%) and children
The result of the particular study undertaken is constituted only a minor 14 per cent of the total
discussed below under the headings socio- family members. In Poonthura 79 per cent were
economic profile, climate change impacts on adults and 21 per cent were children as shown in
their livelihood and Alternative Livelihood Options Table 2.The dependency ratio of both the
(ALOs). villages is given in Fig. 2.

3.1.3 Main occupation

3.1 Socio-Economic Profile
According to the response, about 44 per cent of
3.1.1 General profile the respondents of Elamkunnapuzha village
considered fishing as their main occupation,
Out of the total 1259 respondents, 588 were from while others see it as a part time occupation. In
Elamkunnapuzha and 671 were from Poonthura. Poonthura 90 per cent of the respondents
The male female ratio was slightly skewed consider fishing as their main occupation as
towards the male side in both study areas. given in Table 3.

Table 1. General profile of the respondents

Sl no Socio-economic parameters Elamkunnapuzha Poonthura

1 Total 588 671
2 Gender Male 327 393
Female 261 278
3 Religious Orientation Hindu 345 16
Christian 183 603
Muslim 56 52
Others 4 0
4 Age < 35 47 117
35-45 127 220
46-55 199 199
56-65 144 106
> 65 71 29

Table 2. Dependency ratio

Family members Elamkunnapuzha Poonthura

Children (< 15 yrs) 302 517
Adults(>15 yrs) 1892 1905

Table 3. Main occupation of the respondents

Main Occupation Elamkunnapuzha Poonthura

Fishing 260 602
Others 328 69

Salim et al.; IJECC, 9(4): 204-216, 2019;; Article no.IJECC.2019.016

Elamkunnapuzha Poonthura

< 15 >15 < 15 > 15



86% 79%

Fig. 2. Dependency ratio of Elamkunnapuzha

Ela kunnapuzha and Poonthura village
3.1.4 Experience in fishing (Years) whereas about 45 per cent of the fishermen
respondents in Poonthura make more than 5
Majority (73 percent) of the fishermen in fishing trips per week. An infinitesimally ssmall per
Elamkunnapuzha village has more tha than 25 years cent of the fishers in Elamkunnapuzha have less
of experience in fishing whereas in Poonthura it than three fishing trips a week. While probing the
was 51 per cent as shown in Table 4. The results details about the duration of a fishing trip it is
of the t test validates the fact that respondents of found out that about 46 per cent of the
Elankunnapuzha village are more interested in respondents from Elamkunnapuzha and 11
fishing and got dominant experience than percent from Poonthura hura did not have any
Poonthura ra village. The results also point out response to the question (Given in Table 5).
prevalence of the people of the Poonthura village
on livelihood activities other than fishing. 3.1.6 Average period of fishing trips (hr/day)

3.1.5 Fishing trips per week On an average 1 to 12 hours per day was the
length of fishing trips taken by 55 percent of the
The study revealed that 32 per cent of the fishermen respondents from Elamkunnapuzha
fishermen respondents in Elamkunnapuzha village
lage whereas 80 per cent in Poonthura were
village make 4 to 5 fishing trips in a week found to be doing the same (Shown in Table 6).
Table 4. Experience in fishing

Experience in fishing (Years) Elamkunnapuzha Poonthura

< 10 23 57
10 to 25 46 238
> 25 191 307
Mean 86.66 200.66
Variance 8296.33 16670.33
Pearson Correlation 0.796
df 2
t Stat -2.498
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.0648
t Critical one-tail 2.9199
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.1297
t Critical two-tail 4.3026

Table 5. Fishing trips per week

Fishing trips per week Elamkunnapuzha Poonthura

<4 4 47
4 TO 5 82 210
>5 54 276

Salim et al.; IJECC, 9(4): 204-216, 2019; Article no.IJECC.2019.016

Table 6. Average period of fishing trips (hr/day

Average period of fishing trips (hr/day) Elamkunnapuzha Poonthura

1 to12 143 481
13 to 24 21 33
>24 2 5

3.1.7 Percentage of income derived from Poonthura were having a debt amounting to the
fishing range Rs. 100000-2000000.This was followed by
20 per cent from Elamkunnapuzha and 17 per
Thirty three per cent of the fishermen cent from Poonthura found to have taken a loan
respondents from Elamkunnapuzha and amounting to less than Rs.100000 as reported in
Poonthura have 26 to 50 per cent of their income Table 9.
derived from fishing. Twenty seven per cent of
fishermen respondents from Elamkunnapuzha 3.1.10 Percentage of debt increased due to
and 34 per cent from Poonthura have more than reduced family income
75 per cent of their income derived from fishing
(Given in Table 7). According to the survey 8 per cent of the
respondents from Elamkunnapuzha responded
3.1.8 Income and indebtedness that their debt increased in the range 26-50 %
Majority of the fishermen from Poonthura (68%) due to reduced family income. In Poonthura 16
and Elamkunnapuzha (97%) responded that their per cent of the respondents found their debt
income reduced due to low fishing income. In increased upto 25% due to reduced family
Poonthura and Elamkunnapuzha 63 and 51 income (Given in Table 10).
percent respectively had taken loan and 59 and
61 per cent respectively had repaid their loan as 3.1.11 Average expenditure pattern
shown in Table 8.
Rent, food, medicine and education were the
3.1.9 Loan amount main expenditure drivers in case of both
Elamkunnapuzha and Poonthura. As depicted in
Forty two per cent of the respondents from Fig. 3.
Elamkunnapuzha and 32 per cent from

Table 7. Percentage of income derived from fishing

Percentage of income derived from fishing Elamkunnapuzha Poonthura

Upto 25 19 22
26-50 87 197
51-75 16 71
>75 71 205

Table 8. Income and indebtedness

Poonthura Elamkunnapuzha
Income and indebtedness
Yes No Yes No
Income decreased due to low fishing income 174 82 517 16
Possess any loan 344 201 330 318
Loan repaid 174 120 149 96

Table 9. Loan amount of the respondents

Loan amount Elamkunnapuzha Poonthura

< 100000 115 113
100000-2000000 245 214
>2000000 3 0

Salim et al.; IJECC, 9(4): 204-216, 2019;; Article no.IJECC.2019.016

3.2 Climate Change Impacts on Their newspaper and media. In case of Poonthura,
Livelihood newspaper, media, family members and friends
were the major sources of information (Fig. 5).
Fisheries’ being heavily dependent on weather
and climate is substantially affected by the 3.2.3 Climate change impacts experienced in
changes in climate and environment. These day to day life
changes can thus directly or indirectly create
repercussions in the life of the fishermen Figs.. 6 and 7 give details of climate change
dependent on it for their livelihood. impacts experienced in day to day life by the
inhabitants of Elamkunnapuzha and Poonthura
3.2.1 Climate change impact awareness villages.

Majority (92%) of the respondents from 3.2.4 Willingness to know more about climate
Elamkunnapuzha and 86 per cent from change
Poonthura have heard about climate change
impacts from different sources such as friends, Sixty three per cent of the respondents from
family members, media, newspapers, social Elamkunnapuzha and 76 per cent from
websites, community groups etc (Fig. 4). Poonthura are willing to know more about climate
change. This shows the interest among the
3.2.2 Source of information fishermen community to know more about
climate change and contribute more towards the
Major sources of information related to climate adaptation and mitigation plans (Given in
change impacts s in Elamkunnapuzha were Table 11).

Table 10. Percentage of debt

Percentage of debt increased due to reduced family income Elamkunnapuzha Poonthura

Upto 25 24 103
26-50 47 58
51-75 25 52
>75 32 80

3000 Elamkunnapuzha
2000 Poonthura

Fig. 3. Expenditure pattern

Table 11. Willingness to know more about climate change

Village Willing to know more about climate change

Yes No
Elamkunnapuzha 373 215
Poonthura 511 160

Salim et al.; IJECC, 9(4): 204-216, 2019;; Article no.IJECC.2019.016

Elamkunnapuzha Poonthura



Yes No

Fig. 4. Climate change impact awareness level

Friends Family Media Newspaper Social Community others
Members websites Groups

Elamkunnamuzha Poonthura

Fig. 5. Source of information


Fig. 6. Climate change impacts of the inhabitants of Elankunnapuzha

Salim et al.; IJECC, 9(4): 204-216, 2019;; Article no.IJECC.2019.016

3.2.5 Willing to participate in any climate displaced due to climate change as shown in
change adaptation activities Table 14. A vast majority of respondents from
both the villages responded that they were not
Majority (60%) of the respondents from displaced due to climate change.
Elamkunnapuzha and 72% from Poonthura are
willing to participate in any climate change 3.2.8 Fear of displacement in future due to
adaptation activities. From this we can conclude climate change
that a vast majority of the fishermen community
are willing to be a part of the climate change In Elamkunnapuzha and Poonthura 10 per cent
adaptation and mitigation strategies (Table 12). and 20 per cent respondents respectively has
fear of displacement due to climate change in
3.2.6 Type of climate change adaptation future. Fifty one per cent of the respondents from
activities willing to participate Elamkunnapuzha and 74 % from Poonthura have
no fear of displacement due to climate change in
Majority (61%) of the respondents from future (Table 15).
Elamkunnapuzha would like to take part in
individual climate change adaptation activities 3.2.9 Climate change adaptation measures
followed by household (37%), social (21%), practiced
institutional (10%) and communal (6%). In case
of Poonthura majority (50%) of the respondents Using transportation alternatives, Organic
favoured social activities followed by communal Farming, increasing energy efficiency, reducing
(27%), household (14%), individual (13%), food waste, avoiding products with lot of
institutional (7%) and political (2%) (Table 13). packaging and rain water harvesting are the
popular climate change adaptation activities
3.2.7 Climate change displacement being practiced among the coastal communities
of Elamkunnapuzha and Poonthura fishing
In Elamkunnapuzha only a small percentage villages. The details of climate change adaptation
(3%) reported to be displaced due to climate measures practiced by inhabitants of both
change whereas in Poonthura 13 percent were villages are given in Tables 16 and 17.


Fig. 7. Climate change impacts of the inhabitants of Poonthura

Table 12. Willing to participate in any climate change adaptation activities

Village Willing to participate in any climate change adaptation activities

Yes No
Elamkunnapuzha 350 175
Poonthura 480 83

Salim et al.; IJECC, 9(4): 204-216, 2019; Article no.IJECC.2019.016

Table 13. Climate change adaptation activities willing to participate

Type of climate change adaptation activities willing to Elamkunnapuzha Poonthura

Individual 360 89
Social 126 333
Institutional 60 48
Household 220 92
Communal 36 179
Political 0 13
Others 0 3

Table 14. Climate change displacement

Village Displaced due to climate change

Yes No
Elamkunnapuzha 21 524
Poonthura 89 506

Table 15. Displacement in future

Village Fear of displacement in future due to climate change

Yes No
Elamkunnapuzha 59 438
Poonthura 137 342

Table 16. Adaptation measures-Poonthura

Poonthura Score Rank

1 Organic Farming 50.32 IV
2 Increase energy efficiency 61.45 III
3 Reduce food waste 66.13 II
4 Rain water harvesting 27.1 VIII
5 Transportation alternatives 49.16 V
6 Avoid products with lot of packaging 73.39 I
7 Use paper judiciously 37.58 VI
8 Limit the use of fossil fuels 18.65 IX
9 Pricing carbon 30.81 VII
10 Others 17.42 X

Table 17. Adaptation measures-Elankunnapuzha

Sl.No Elamkunnapuzha Score Rank

1 Organic Farming 45.62 V
2 Increase energy efficiency 62.35 II
3 Reduce food waste 60.52 III
4 Rain water harvesting 50.12 IV
5 Transportation alternatives 37.33 VI
6 Avoid products with lot of packaging 70.56 I
7 Use paper judiciously 30.56 VII
8 Limit the use of fossil fuels 19.54 IX
9 Pricing carbon 27.23 VIII
10 Others 16.52 X

Salim et al.; IJECC, 9(4): 204-216, 2019; Article no.IJECC.2019.016

3.3 Alternative Livelihood Options (ALOs) fisheries and has no other means to survive, if
left without it (Fig. 8).
3.3.1 Alternative livelihood options
3.3.2 Preferred Alternative Livelihood
Options (ALOs)
Thirty two per cent from Elamkunnapuzha and 19
per cent from Poonthura have Alternative Daily wage labour, SHG, Small scale industry,
Livelihood options whereas 61 per cent from Service Industry and Masonry/carpentry are the
Elamkunnapuzha and 67 percent from Poonthura top five ALOs preferred by fishermen in
have no Alternative Livelihood options other than Poonthura and Elamkunnapuzha fishing villages.
fishing. From this we can conclude that majority The order of preference is given in the Tables 18
of the respondents are completely dependent on and 19.

400 NO

300 YES

Elamkunnapuzha Poonthura

Fig. 8. Alternative livelihood options

Table 18. Alternative livelihood options-Poonthura

Sl. No Poonthura Score Rank

1 Tourism 19.54 X
2 Aquaculture/cage 35.66 VIII
3 Self Help Group 58.65 IV
4 Service Industry 62.53 II
5 Agriculture 47.56 VII
6 Daily wage labour 70.56 I
7 Masonry/carpentry 52.44 V
8 Animal Husbandry 27.25 IX
9 Small scale industry 61.35 III
10 Others 50.12 VI
Table 19. Alternative livelihood options-Elamkunnapuzha

Sl. No Elamkunnapuzha Score Rank

1 Tourism 28.34 VIII
2 Aquaculture/cage 39.55 VII
3 Self Help Group 61.15 II
4 Service Industry 45.62 V
5 Agriculture 36.89 VI
6 Daily wage labour 72.35 I
7 Masonry/carpentry 51.35 IV
8 Animal Husbandry 20.56 IX
9 Small scale industry 60.25 III
10 Others 19.23 X

Salim et al.; IJECC, 9(4): 204-216, 2019; Article no.IJECC.2019.016

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