Wind Load As Per Is 875 - 2015 - Maxion

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Job No: Maxion Wheels Aluminum India Pvt. Ltd.

Date 5/14/2018
Project Name: Maxion Wheels Aluminum India Pvt. Ltd. Designed By BRK
BLDG Name : B01 Checked By SAC
Location : Khed, Maharastra Rev 0

Width of Building ( w ) = 104 M C/C Area :- 20800M2

Total Length = 200 M C/C
Slope = 0.33 10
Height at Eaves h1 = 10.2 M
Height at Ridge h2 = 11.916 M ( Peak height )
Height H = h2-h1 = 1.716 M


Wind Load on Roof & Wall:-

Basic Wind Velocity(Vb) = 39 m/sec

Design Wind Speed (Vz) = Vb*k1*k2*k3*k4 m/sec (Clause 6.3)

Where :-
Average height of structure = 11.058 m
Tarrain category = 2 (Clause 6.3.2)
Type of structure = Important (Ref :-Table 1)
k1 = Risk Coefficients (50 years of Design life) = 1 (Ref :-Table 1)
(All general buildings and structure)
k2 = Terrain roughness and height factor = 1 (Ref :-Table 2)
k3 = Topography factor = 1 (Clause 6.3.3)
k4 = Importance factor = 1 (Clause 6.3.4)
Importance factor:-
Cyclone shelter, hospital,communication tower = 1.3
Industrial shed = 1.15
All other structure = 1

Off shore additional factor = 1 (If required)

Design wind speed (Vz= Vb*k1*k2*k3*k4) = 39 m/sec

Wind Pressure (pz) = 0.60 x Vz2 N/m2 (As per clause 7.2)

Wind Pressure (pz) = 0.6 Vz2 = 912.60 N/m2

= 0.913 KN/m2

Kd =Wind directionality factor = 0.9 (Clause 7.2.1)
For circular,near circular = 1
For Solid sign, lattice framework,trussed tower = 0.9

Ka =Area averaging factor, and = 0.87 (Clause 7.2.2)

Tributary area = 77.25
Tributary area
<10 = 1
25 = 0.9
>100 = 0.8

Kc =Combination factor = 0.9 (Clause

Design Wind Pressure (pd) = pz*Kd*Ka*Kc = 643.11 N/m2

= 0.643 KN/m2

pd > 0.7pz > 0.639 Ok

1) For building less then 10m high pressure may be reduced by 20% for evaluating stability & design of the framing
(Clause 6.3)
2) The Value of pd shall not be taken as less than 0.7pz (Clause 7.2)
Wind Acting Normal To Ridge

External Pressure Coefficients Cpe

Surface = A = 0.7 Table -5 Clause
Surface = EF = -0.838 Table -6 Clause
Surface = GH = -0.4 Table -6 Clause
Surface = B = -0.25 Table -5 Clause
Surface = C = -0.6 Table -5 Clause
Surface = D = -0.6 Table -5 Clause

Internal Pressure Coefficients Cpi

Internal Pressure Coefficient ± 0.2

For 0 to 5 % opening in wall = 0.2
For 5 to 20 % opening in wall = 0.5
For <20 % opening in wall = 0.7
Combined External & Internal Pressure Coefficients (Cpe+Cpi)

Internal Pressure Coff. Trib. Pressure Load (kN/m)

For Surface = A = (0.7) - (0.2) = 0.5 7.5 0.643 2.41
For Surface= EF = (-0.838) - (0.2) = -1.038 7.5 0.643 -5.01
For Surface= GH = (-0.4) - (0.2) = -0.6 7.5 0.643 -2.89
For Surface = B = (-0.25) - (0.2) = -0.45 7.5 0.643 -2.17
Surface = C = (-0.6) - (0.2) = -0.8 7.5 0.643 -3.86
Surface = D = (-0.6) - (0.2) = -0.8 7.5 0.643 -3.86

Internal Suction
For Surface = A = (0.7) + (0.2) = 0.9 7.5 0.643 4.34
For Surface= EF = (-0.838) + (0.2) = -0.638 7.5 0.643 -3.08
For Surface= GH = (-0.4) + (0.2) = -0.2 7.5 0.643 -0.96
For Surface = B = (-0.25) + (0.2) = -0.05 7.5 0.643 -0.24
Surface = C = (-0.6) + (0.2) = -0.4 7.5 0.643 -1.93
Surface = D = (-0.6) + (0.2) = -0.4 7.5 0.643 -1.93

Wind Acting Parallel To Ridge

External Pressure Coefficients Cpe
Surface = A = -0.5 Table -5 Clause
Surface = EF = -0.8 Table -6 Clause
Surface = GH = -0.8 Table -6 Clause
Surface = B = -0.5 Table -5 Clause
Surface = C = 0.7 Table -5 Clause
Surface = D = -0.1 Table -5 Clause

Internal Pressure Coefficients Cpi

Internal Pressure Coefficient Cpi ± 0.2 For 5 to 20 % opening in wall
Combined External & Internal Pressure Coefficients (Cpe+Cpi)

Internal Pressure Coff. Trib. Pressure Load (kN/m)

For Surface = A = (-0.5) - (0.2) = -0.7 7.5 0.643 -3.38
For Surface= EF = (-0.8) - (0.2) = -1 7.5 0.643 -4.82
For Surface= GH = (-0.8) - (0.2) = -1 7.5 0.643 -4.82
For Surface = B = (-0.5) - (0.2) = -0.7 7.5 0.643 -3.38
Surface = C = (0.7) - (0.2) = 0.5 7.5 0.643 2.41
Surface = D = (-0.1) - (0.2) = -0.3 7.5 0.643 -1.45

Internal Suction
For Surface = A = (-0.5) + (0.2) = -0.3 7.5 0.643 -1.45
For Surface= EF = (-0.8) + (0.2) = -0.6 7.5 0.643 -2.89
For Surface= GH = (-0.8) + (0.2) = -0.6 7.5 0.643 -2.89
For Surface = B = (-0.5) + (0.2) = -0.3 7.5 0.643 -1.45
Surface = C = (0.7) + (0.2) = 0.9 7.5 0.643 4.34
Surface = D = (-0.1) + (0.2) = 0.1 7.5 0.643 0.48
Job No: Date 16/1/2017
Project Name: Designed By Rohit bhagat
BLDG Name : Checked By
Location : Rev 0

Width of Building ( w ) = 30 M C/C AREA :- 3000M2

Total Length = 100 M C/C
Slope = 1 20
Height at Eaves h1 = 20 M
Height at Ridge h2 = 20.75 M ( Peak height )
Height H = h2-h1 = 0.75 M


Wind Load on Roof & Wall:- As Per IS - 875:1987 Part-III

Basic Wind Velocity(Vb) = 50 m/sec

Design Wind Speed (Vz) = Vb x k1 x k2 x k3 m/sec (Clause 5.3)

Average height of structure = = 20.375 m
Tarrain category = 2 Table- 2 (Clause
Class C
For 50 Years of Design Life =
k1 = Risk Coefficients (50 years) = 1 ( As per Table 1)
k2 Terrain buildings
and structure)
factor = 1.051 ( As per Table 2)
k3 = Topography factor = 1

Design wind speed (Vz= Vb*k1*k2*k3= 52.55 m/sec

Design Wind Pressure (pz) = 0.60 x Vz 2

N/m2 (As per clause 5.4)

Wind Pressure (pz) = 0.6 Vz2 = 1656.90 N/m2

= 1.657 KN/m2
Pressure Coefficients ( Cpe & Cpi ) for Wind
Building Parameters
Length of Building ( l ) = 100 M
Width of Building ( w ) = 30 M
Average Height ( h ) = 20.375 M
Bay Spacing = 7.5 M

h/w = 0.679 >1/2

l/w = 3.333 >3/2
Wind Acting Normal To Ridge

External Pressure Coefficients Cpe

Surface = A = 0.7 Table -5 Clause
Surface = EF = -0.86 Table -6 Clause
Surface = GH = -0.4 Table -6 Clause
Surface = B = -0.3 Table -5 Clause
Surface = C = -0.7 Table -5 Clause
Surface = D = -0.7 Table -5 Clause

Internal Pressure Coefficients Cpi

Internal Pressure Coefficient ± 0.5 For 5 to 20 % opening in wall

Combined External & Internal Pressure Coefficients (Cpe+Cpi)

Internal Pressure Coff. Trib. Pressure Load (kN/m)

For Surface = A = (0.7) - (0.5) = 0.2 7.5 1.657 2.49
For Surface= EF = (-0.86) - (0.5) = -1.360 7.5 1.657 -16.90
For Surface= GH = (-0.4) - (0.5) = -0.9 7.5 1.657 -11.18
For Surface = B = (-0.3) - (0.5) = -0.8 7.5 1.657 -9.94
Surface = C = (-0.7) - (0.5) = -1.2 7.5 1.657 -14.91
Surface = D = (-0.7) - (0.5) = -1.2 7.5 1.657 -14.91

Internal Suction
For Surface = A = (0.7) + (0.5) = 1.2 7.5 1.657 14.91
For Surface= EF = (-0.86) + (0.5) = -0.36 7.5 1.657 -4.47
For Surface= GH = (-0.4) + (0.5) = 0.1 7.5 1.657 1.24
For Surface = B = (-0.3) + (0.5) = 0.2 7.5 1.657 2.49
Surface = C = (-0.7) + (0.5) = -0.2 7.5 1.657 -2.49
Surface = D = (-0.7) + (0.5) = -0.2 7.5 1.657 -2.49

Wind Acting Parallel To Ridge

External Pressure Coefficients Cpe
Surface = A = -0.5 Table -5 Clause
Surface = EF = -0.8 Table -6 Clause
Surface = GH = -0.8 Table -6 Clause
Surface = B = -0.5 Table -5 Clause
Surface = C = 0.7 Table -5 Clause
Surface = D = -0.1 Table -5 Clause

Internal Pressure Coefficients Cpi

Internal Pressure Coefficient Cpi ± 0.5 For 5 to 20 % opening in wall
Combined External & Internal Pressure Coefficients (Cpe+Cpi)

Internal Pressure Coff. Trib. Pressure Load (kN/m)

For Surface = A = (-0.5) - (0.5) = -1 7.5 1.657 -12.43
For Surface= EF = (-0.8) - (0.5) = -1.3 7.5 1.657 -16.15
For Surface= GH = (-0.8) - (0.5) = -1.3 7.5 1.657 -16.15
For Surface = B = (-0.5) - (0.5) = -1 7.5 1.657 -12.43
Surface = C = (0.7) - (0.5) = 0.2 7.5 1.657 2.49
Surface = D = (-0.1) - (0.5) = -0.6 7.5 1.657 -7.46

Internal Suction
For Surface = A = (-0.5) + (0.5) = 0 7.5 1.657 0.00
For Surface= EF = (-0.8) + (0.5) = -0.3 7.5 1.657 -3.73
For Surface= GH = (-0.8) + (0.5) = -0.3 7.5 1.657 -3.73
For Surface = B = (-0.5) + (0.5) = 0 7.5 1.657 0.00
Surface = C = (0.7) + (0.5) = 1.2 7.5 1.657 14.91
Surface = D = (-0.1) + (0.5) = 0.4 7.5 1.657 4.97

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