Atresia Folicular
Atresia Folicular
Atresia Folicular
Oocyte attrition
Received 25 June 1999; received in revised form 6 August 1999; accepted 29 September 1999
During oogenesis, germ cell numbers sharply decrease when meiosis is initiated. There is solid evidence (DNA ladders, in situ detection)
that this loss is through apoptosis. Oocyte apoptosis appears to hit mitotic primordial germ cells (PGC), pachytene oocytes and early
primordial follicles. The control of oocyte apoptosis is not fully understood, although survival factors (LIF, kit ligand and FGF), as well as
death inducing factors (fas ligand, TGFb), have been identified. Fas ligand binding on oocytic fas may result in caspase 8 activation. Two
pathways inducing oocyte apoptosis may then be operating. In the first one, activated caspase 8 will induce activation of executioner
caspases. In the second one, activated caspase 8 will trigger the cleavage of the bcl2 family member Bid, which will act on mitochondria,
resulting in cytochrome c release, caspase 9 activation and finally, activation of all executioner caspases. As a consequence of caspase
activation, alterations in the cell nucleus (DNAse activation, PARP fragmentation), in the cell cytoskeleton (lamin) and cell metabolism will
occur, producing cell death. During folliculogenesis, germ cell loss, owing to oocyte apoptosis, has been postulated within primordial and
preantral follicles. Its regulatory mechanisms may be even more complex than those operating in foetal oocytes since additional control
factors include EGF/TGFa and bcl2 (survival) and activin (death inducer). In contrast, oocytes from antral follicles appear to be very
unsensitive to death inducing stimuli. © 2000 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fig. 1. Importance of germ cell loss within the pool of primordial follicles and the preantral follicles. These data derive from the counts of follicles in sheep
ovaries at two ages (Driancourt et al., 1985).
K. Reynaud, M.A. Driancourt / Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 163 (2000) 101–108 103
which cell type is apoptotic. This is why in situ
identify a dying cell, are seldom visualized in oocytes. In identification of apoptotic cells was achieved in recent
addition, because the process of oocyte death ap pears to be studies (De Pol et al., 1997; Driancourt et al., 1997) using
fast (see below), the chances of picking up a small fraction terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) me diated
of dying oocytes within several thou sand and several dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) method. This procedure
hundred of primordial and preantral follicles, respectively, uses TdT to catalyze addition of residues of
are rather limited. However, re cent experiments describing digoxigenin-nucleotide to 3% OH ends of fragmented DNA
the consequences on the ovary of targeted expression of generated by internucleosomal cleavage. The apoptotic
bcl2 in mouse oocytes (increased number of healthy cells are then visualized by an anti-digoxi genin antibody
preantral follicles and decreased number of atretic preantral
labeled with peroxydase.
follicles, Morita et al., 1999a), have provided the first solid
Using this approach, De Pol et al. (1997) have shown
evidence demonstrating this event. Furthermore, the
that apoptosis in human foetuses 18-weeks-old is re stricted
observation that bax -/- mice have increased numbers of
primary/ preantral follicles when mature (Perez et al., to germ cells, and that around 8% of them are apoptotic at
1999) also demonstrates that apoptosis is a key regulatory this stage. Furthermore, Driancourt et al. (1997), using
process of primary/preantral numbers. observations of TUNEL stained sections of foetal mouse
Interestingly, once an antrum has appeared within a ovaries (E15.5, E17.5 and birth), have characterized
follicle, there is a clear shift in the respective sensitivi ties changes in apoptosis throughout foetal life in mice and
to cell death of germ cells and somatic cells. This coincides demonstrated a steady decrease in the frequency of
with the disappearance of DNAse I in the oocyte (Boone apoptotic oocytes from 3.691.0 at E15.5, to 2.490.7 and
and Tsang, 1997). Hence, the final tun ing of the number of 1.790.6% at E17.5 and at birth, respectively.
growing follicles to a single ovulatory follicle (cow, Since Morita and Tilly (1999) have shown that germ cell
women) is primarily produced by somatic cell death apoptosis is absent in E13.5 foetal gonads, the above
(reviews, Hsueh et al., 1994; Tilly, 1996). At the large changes in the frequency of apoptotic germ cells suggest
antral stage, it is quite puzzling to note that, at least in that the highest risk of death for female germ cells is
cattle, the oocyte is very resistant to death inducing factors throughout the meiotic prophase (E13–E16, according to
as demonstrated by the ability of oocytes contained in Borum, 1961), with a more limited risk occurring at the
atretic follicles to develop to the blastocyst stage following
time of primordial follicle formation (E18 to birth,
in vitro maturation, fertiliza tion and culture
according to Borum, 1961).
(IVM/IVF/IVC, Blondin and Sirard, 1995).
The rather limited frequency of apoptotic oocytes
estimated in these studies sharply contrasts with the
3. Oocyte apoptosis during oogenesis magnitude of the germ cell loss observed during oogen esis
(see above). Two hypotheses can be put forward to
3.1. E6idence that germ cell loss is through apoptosis reconcile these two findings. Either germ cell apoptosis is
not the only way contributing to the decrease in the number
Solid evidence supporting this claim has been ob tained of germ cells. Some authors (Gondos, 1978) have claimed
in mice using three approaches. Firstly, Coucou vanis et al. that germ cells may leave the ovary by traveling through the
(1993) used flow cytometry to identify (by their small size ovarian epithelium. Alternatively, germ cell apoptosis may
and reduced DNA content) a popula tion of apoptotic cells be a very rapid process, with the TUNEL positive oocytes
within foetal mouse ovaries. Some apoptotic cells were being rapidly destroyed. At least two lines of evidence
identified at E13 (4.3% of the total cells) and their support this last hypothe sis. Firstly, induction of apoptosis
frequency increased to reach 9– 11% of the total cells at by oxidative stress in vitro results in the appearance of an
E15 and E17. Secondly, in a more recent study (Ratts et al., increased propor tion of TUNEL positive oocytes as soon
1995), detection of DNA ladders was achieved on mouse
as 6 h follow ing treatment (Reynaud and Driancourt,
foetal ovaries, starting at E13.5. Apoptosis is associated
unpublished). Secondly, the pioneering studies of Morita et
with activa tion of endonuclease activity with specifically
al. (1999a,b) have demonstrated that in vitro culture of
cleaves cellular DNA between regularly spaced
nucleosomal units (180–200 bp). Such oligonucleosomal foetal ovaries in the absence of specific growth factors
fragments, when separated by agarose gel electrophoresis, results in massive oocyte loss with a 50% drop in oocyte
form a distinctive DNA ladder pattern. While absent in numbers at 48 h and a 90% drop at 72 h of culture. Finally,
E13.5 ovaries, obvious DNA ladders, assumed to be it has been reported (Gumienny et al., 1999) that germ cells
produced by oocyte apoptosis were visualized at E15.5, of Coenorhabditis elegans die by apop tosis and disappear
E18.5 and birth (Ratts et al., 1995). A major drawback of within 1 h.
method is that it does not allow the in situ determina tion of
104 K. Reynaud, M.A. Driancourt / Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 163 (2000) 101–108
Table 1
What can be learned from survival of PGC and gonocytes PGC Sur6i6al factors
SCF, acts on survival (Dolci et SCF, survival factor al., 1991;
Godin et al., 1991; (Yoshinaga et al., 1991) Pesce et al., Support for a positive role of bclXL is suggested by the
1993) and its
receptor c-kit is present
observations showing that transfec tion of PGC with a bclXL
LIF, increases survival (Dolci et LIF, survival factor (De al., containing construction pro motes their survival (Watanabe
1993; Pesce et al., 1993) Miguel et al., 1996) and its receptor et al., 1997). Since bax KO mice (Perez et al., 1999) and
is present bcl2 KO mice (Ratts et al., 1995) have been generated, the
(Cheng et al., 1994)
observation of their gonads, when at the PGC stage, will
FGF2 FGF mitogenic and/or survival , survival factor (Van factor
(Resnick et al., 1992) Dissel-Emiliani et al., 1996) and FGF
provide informa tion on the effect of these two compounds
receptors are on PGC apoptosis. This has yet to be performed.
present on PGC’s (Resnick et
al., 1998) 3.3. Candidates for the control of apoptosis throughout
IL4, survival factor (Cooke et late oogenesis (E14 to birth)
al., 1996)
Death factors The same approaches as before (in vitro culture with
? Fas/fas L, death inducing factors (Lee et al., 1997) compounds known to be present at this stage, gene
? TGFb1 and TGFb2, death inducing factors (Olaso et al.,
knock-out) have been used to identify relevant candi dates.
Extensive information suggesting a role of the kit–kit ligand
interaction is available. With the excep tion of E16 when
neither the mRNA nor the kit protein are present, numerous
data (Horie et al., 1991; Keshet et al., 1991; Manova et al.,
3.2. Candidates for the control of oocyte apoptosis in 1993; Yoshida et al., 1997) demonstrate that the kit–kit
oogonia/PGC ligand interaction may be functional. In addition, the recent
results of Morita et al. (1999b), who cultured E13 foetal
Two approaches have been used to provide informa tion ovaries for 3 days, have provided evidence that kit ligand,
in this field. Most of the data reported below have been in the presence of LIF, is a survival factor for oocytes.
obtained in vitro after addition of compounds present in Positive effects of LIF, retinoic acid and Insulin like growth
young foetal gonads to cultured PGC. These data were factor-1 have been reported on oocyte survival by the same
partly extended by observing the extent of apoptosis in group (Morita and Tilly, 1999; Morita et al., 1999a,b), but
foetuses harboring specific gene manipulations. these data should be considered preliminary since it is
Extensive data on apoptosis of PGC/mitotic oogonia unclear whether the concentrations used in vitro are
(mostly obtained in vitro) and some useful information on physiologically relevant. For example, it is unknown
apoptosis of testicular gonocytes are available (Table 1). whether foetal ovaries have the ability to produce IGF
Strong evidence identifying three families (kit/kit ligand; binding proteins regulating IGF-1 bioavailability. On the
LIF and its receptor; FGF and its receptor) as survival same line, negative effects of TGFb on oocyte survival have
factors have been obtained both from the studies on PGC been reported (Morita et al., 1999b) but it is unknown
and testicular gonocytes. Whether expression of the whether activation of TGFb from its latent form may occur
receptor binding a specific compound and its ligand occur in foetal gonads. As regards the fas/fas ligand interaction,
on the same cell (in tracrine regulation) or involves we (Reynaud and Driancourt, un published) have recently
interactions between cells (juxtacrine regulation) is not yet immunolocalized fas and fas ligand in foetal gonads
known. Further more, the partial additivity of LIF and kit between E15 and birth, the proportion of fas ligand positive
ligand effects on young PGC cultured for 3 days (Dolci et cells being similar to the proportion of TUNEL positive
al., 1993) may indicate that survival signals may differ from cells. Furthermore, addition of 50 ng/ml fas ligand to
cell-to-cell. cultured E16 ovaries produced an increased proportion of
Interestingly, testicular gonocytes have also provided apoptotic germ cells.
information on death inducing compounds (Table 1). Both The intracellular mechanisms modulating life and death
TGFb and fas ligand, through the interaction with their have been partly unraveled through the findings obtained
respective receptors, appear to be inimical to gonocyte following gene knock-out. For example, cas pase 2
survival (Lee et al., 1997; Olaso et al., 1998). knock-out results in increased numbers of pri mordial
It is generally agreed that, within a specific cell, the follicles present at birth (Bergeron et al., 1998). Caspase 3
balance between members of two families present within is also present in some oocytes throughout
mitochondria (survival, bcl2+bclXL; death, bax+bclXS) is a
key intracellular modulator of death or survival factors.
K. Reynaud, M.A. Driancourt / Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 163 (2000) 101–108 105
that bax knock-out does not affect the size of the primordial
late oogenesis (Reynaud and Driancourt, unpublished), was
follicle pool at birth (Perez et al., 1999). Bcl2
although evidence that these oocytes are TUNEL posi tive
is still missing. Reports on the detection of other caspases undetectable by immuno
histochemistry on foetal gonads,
in foetal ovaries are not yet available. Only limited data while the presence of both forms of bclX (bclXL and bclXS) is
support a possible modulating effect of bcl2 family members not yet documented.
on oocyte apoptosis. Bax positive oocytes can be detected
in foetal gonads during late oogenesis (Reynaud and 3.4. Oocyte apoptosis during late oogenesis: which
Driancourt, unpublished) but it is quite puzzling to observe
mechanisms are operating? cytoskeleton proteins and (3) disruption of cell energy
metabolism. Heat shock proteins, particularly hsp90 which
Since apoptosis appears to be a well conserved mech is present in large amounts in oocytes (Ohsako et al., 1995),
anism (Gumienny et al., 1999), the data summarized above, through their chaperone effects, may be involved at this
together with data available on fas-mediated apopotosis (Li stage to control the magnitude of the proteolytic effects of
et al., 1998; Luo et al., 1998), have been used to generate a caspases.
working hypothesis (Fig. 2). Apopto sis in oocytes would This summary figure should be considered prelimi nary
occur as an interaction between fas and fas ligand. This since there is no information at present on Bid or caspase 8
interaction produces activation of caspase 8, which is the in foetal oocytes. The identification of the site(s) of action
apical caspase in the pathway. Active caspase 8 results in of survival factors (block in caspase activation, increased
activation of Bid, a bcl2 family member, and its amounts of mitochondrial bclXL…) also requires further
translocation from the cytosol to the mitochondria. Active investigations.
Bid has the ability to induce complete release of
cytochrome c from mito chondria. In addition, Bid may
inactivate anti apop 4. Oocyte apoptosis during folliculogenesis
totic members of the bcl2 family (particularly bclXL) by
dimerization. The release of mitochondrial cytochrome c 4.1. Follicle/oocyte function in primordial, primary and
may produce caspase 9 activation, followed by cas pase 3 preantral follicles
activation, an event resulting in morphological and
functional changes typical of apoptosis. This in cludes: (1) Changes in gene expression associated with initiation of
alterations within the nucleus occurring as a consequence follicular growth up to the preantral stage have been
of DNAse I activation, PARP fragmenta tion and U1-70 k summarized recently in an excellent review (McNatty et
inhibition; (2) disassembly of cell structure by cleavage of
Fig. 2. Schematic drawing of the apoptotic cascade in foetal oocytes. For details, see text.
106 K. Reynaud, M.A. Driancourt / Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 163 (2000) 101–108
1999) and TGFb and its receptor in primordial to preantral
al., 1999). Amongst the compounds appearing in pri follicles is available. Furthermore, fas mediated oocyte
mordial oocytes, around growth initiation, GDF-9, fol apoptosis is also likely to occur since there are reports of
listatin and activin A can be listed. In addition, at least in fas ligand (Hakuno et al., 1996) and possibly fas (Kondo et
hamsters and pig, EGF/TGFa has been localized to oocytes al., 1996) expression in oocytes (by
of primordial/primary follicles (McNatty et al., 1999). immunohistochemistry). Furthermore, Lpr mice that
Inhibin A becomes detectable in oocytes at the preantral express little fas antigen due to a mutation have increased
stage. numbers of secondary follicles (Sakamaki et al., 1997; Xu
Most of the compounds which were already operat ing in et al., 1998). Com ponents of the TNFa signaling pathway
foetal oocytes are still present in the postnatal ovary. Solid also appear to be present in oocytes of preantral follicles
evidence demonstrating the presence of kit and kit ligand (Cheng et al., 1993). Caspase 3 appears in contrast to be
(Manova et al., 1993), FGF and its receptor (McNatty et al., present in oocytes of immature gonadotrophin treated rats
(Boone and Tsang, 1998) lowing in vivo injection of an antibody blocking the
There is also solid evidence that members of the bcl2 interaction of these two compounds. However, using the
family (bcl2, bclXL, bax…) play a key role in oocyte culture system of Smitz and Cortvrindt (1998), we were not
apoptosis in primordial to preantral follicles. Such a claim able to demonstrate such an effect on follicle survival after
is supported by the increased numbers of such follicles addition of another blocking antibody to preantral follicles
following bax knock-out (Perez et al., 1999) and by the maintained in vitro (Reynaud and Driancourt, unpublished
decreased numbers of primordial follicles in bcl2 knock-out observations). A common lim itation to all the above
mice (Ratts et al., 1995). Caspase 1 and bclXS may not be studies has to be stressed. They all assess follicle survival
important as their expression was not detectable in fully and not oocyte survival (al though the two parameters are
grown oocytes (Jurisicova et al., 1998). tightly correlated (see above)). At last useful information
was generated by the in vitro models. The demonstration of
4.2. Which of these new compounds are rele6ant to identical survival rates of follicles which contained no
oocyte sur6i6al/death? theca cells and those which had some when dissected
strongly suggests that theca cell secretions do not play a
At least two main strategies (i.e. knock-out of specific key role in follicle/oocyte survival.
genes and in vitro culture) have been fruitful to identify Overall, it is likely that the mechanisms operating to
relevant compounds amongst those identified above. control apoptosis in primordial, primary and preantral
Firstly, the generation of transgenic mice which dis follicles may be even more complex than those operat ing
played defects/blocks in follicular growth demonstrated that in foetal oocytes (Fig. 2). The former oocytes may benefit
GDF-9 (Dong et al., 1996) and follistatin (Guo et al., 1998) from the survival effects of EGF/TGFa and of bcl2 in
were likely to be involved in the control of survival of mitochondria but may suffer from the death inducing effect
primary/preantral follicles or in the control of cell of activin.
proliferation in such follicles. In vitro culture systems were
used to check which of these two hypothe ses was valid.
They demonstrated that the primary role of GDF-9 was 5. Conclusions
mostly on cell proliferation (Hayashi et al., 1999). As
regards follistatin, there are no in vitro data analyzing its The process of oocyte apoptosis, despite its numerical
effect on preantral follicles. But one of the proteins bound importance, is still poorly documented, compared to the
by follistatin, activin, has detri mental effects on follicle large amounts of data available on follicle apoptosis (Hsueh
survival in vitro (Smitz et al., 1998). et al., 1994; Tilly, 1997). The present review has attempted
Secondly, the development of culture systems for to gather evidence underlining its relevance and define a
preantral follicles of a range of species (Eppig and O’Brien, few working hypotheses to study its con trol. It is obvious
1996; Wandji et al., 1996; Smitz and Cortvrindt, 1998) has that germ cell apoptosis, both during the prenatal period
been useful to check which growth factors/proteins present and from birth to adulthood, is more likely to be regulated
in preantral follicles could modulate their survival. The by a complex combination of compounds with positive or
most comprehensive study (Wandji et al., 1996) established negative effects rather than by a single signal.
that EGF and FGF were survival factors while TGFb had a A key question which still has no answer at present is
marked detrimental effect on survival. Good evidence why there is so much oocyte apoptosis. In the long term, a
support ing the relevance of the kit–kit ligand interaction better understanding of its mechanisms could have useful
for the survival of the preantral follicles has been reported consequence on: (1) the protection of oocytes of cancer
by Yoshida et al. (1997) who demonstrated a large and patients; (2) devise of efficient culture
quick drop in the population of preantral follicles fol
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