With the help of friends Jocelyn Orb and Kyla Avis, Doha, who came to Canada as a refugee in 2014 and
lives in Saskatoon, is working to reunite with her younger sister and brother, who are now in Malaysia.
They’re raising $25,000 to sponsor Heba, 25, and Wafic, 16, and help them resettle in Saskatoon.
With the help of friends Jocelyn Orb and Kyla Avis, Doha, who came to Canada as a refugee in 2014 and
lives in Saskatoon, is working to reunite with her younger sister and brother, who are now in Malaysia.
They’re raising $25,000 to sponsor Heba, 25, and Wafic, 16, and help them resettle in Saskatoon.
With the help of friends Jocelyn Orb and Kyla Avis, Doha, who came to Canada as a refugee in 2014 and
lives in Saskatoon, is working to reunite with her younger sister and brother, who are now in Malaysia.
They’re raising $25,000 to sponsor Heba, 25, and Wafic, 16, and help them resettle in Saskatoon.
With the help of friends Jocelyn Orb and Kyla Avis, Doha, who came to Canada as a refugee in 2014 and
lives in Saskatoon, is working to reunite with her younger sister and brother, who are now in Malaysia.
They’re raising $25,000 to sponsor Heba, 25, and Wafic, 16, and help them resettle in Saskatoon.
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Friends band together to help siblings reunite
after fleeing Syria
Sibeyears have passed since Doha Kharsa and af her siblings were last together. They lived in Syria,“tewas.a very sa day,” she said inan interview. “I cannot describe it, Full of pain, rears. I's hard ¢o leave
‘your people and to know you might lose them,”
\With the help of friends Jocelyn Orb and Kyla Avis, Doha, who came to Canada as a refugee in 20:4 and
lives in Saskatoon, is working to reunite wit her younger sister and brother, who are now in Malaysia.
‘They're raising $25,000 to sponsor Heba, 25, and Wafic, 16, and help them resextle in Saskatoon.
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Malaysia doesn't recognize the status of refugees, and doesn't have refugee camps or legal policies for
them, according to the United Nations High Commissioner fr Refugees.
Doha says her siblings situation as bad. She worries about their safety.
“They're not allowed co work and even you're not allowed to move freely, like to travel freely inthe city
1s lke (a) risk for them, So, it's terrible,” she said
Concern for safetys what led the three siblings to lave Syria as the civil war progressed. They thought it
‘would be temporary. Doha didn’t expact ito last for years‘They first escaped to Malaysia, which is easier to reach from Syria than ather countties because i doesn’t
require a visa, There, they applied tothe United Nations, which chooses the country where refugees
resetle. It chose Canada fr the Kharsas
‘Three other siblings, and thei ailing parents, remain in Syria,
er childeen found it hatd atthe beginning to adjust to the climate and to make friends at school, Doha
sald, “But now they love i, the life heve, the people, (f you ask them, ‘Do you want to move to another
country? they will say, ‘No, we just want to stay here forever.”
By the time Doha arrived in Canada, Heba had arrived in Malaysia, Wafic made it to Malaysia few
months ago,
Doha describes Heha, a hair dresser, as a smart person who “likes to live" and loves children. She said
Waficis active and energetic and likes study
“{would love (for) chem tobe here with us and tobe unified again,” she said
Her fiends are helping to make that happen. Orb isa manager atthe University of Saskatchewan's
Student Healch Services; Avis sa health care consultant, Both are nurses.
Avis met Doha in 2015 and they soon became friends. O:b met her through Avis, and heard about a
clothing drive forthe family. She asked her staf to collect money and items for donation and delivered
nem to Doha,
“What would do for Doha is what | would do for any of my friends who are in that situation, whose family
is dispersed and not na safe place. I would want to help any of my friends that are in that situation So,
Doha is good friend and I quite like her family, so the more af them that come here, thebetter,” Avis
“The world needs more Kharsas," she added witha laugh“The biggest challenge the three friends face in trying to help reunite the siblings is financial
amount of money it requires to help them not only just come here, but to promise, essentially co support
them forthe first year,” Orb said
‘The other challenge isto get people here to personally connect with Heba and Watic, Avis ade.
“We're both from rural communities where people really come together. Like, fyour neighbour hasa
fire then peoplewill o out and combine their field for them," added Orb, “And to just get people to
densify with people they don’: know in that same sort of way... lke what is your community? It's more
than just Cabri or Cupay, it's like a global community.”
‘The people working together to reunite the family are mot just personal friends. Others area part of
sponsorship g:oup meeting on April co discuss the next steps they will take to case funds to make the
reunion possible,
So far, a GafundMe page Orb and Avis created has raised more than $3,500; however, they need to raise
‘more before the paperwork process begins in Malaysia The estimated wait time between the stat of
paperwarieand arrival in Canada is about 36 months.
The fist $30,000 s key, Avis sai.
“The kindness has let Kharsa struggling for words to describe her friends and others whoare trying to
“'m very grateful to them forall their efforts and to open their heats to help us. So, it means very much
tous,” she said,
‘[email protected]
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