Holton 1994
Holton 1994
Holton 1994
Matthew Holton
This paper presents a technique for the modelling and rendering of realistic botanical tree images. A strand
model is used that is analogous to the internal vascular structure of a tree. The model is “grown” under the
simulated influence of gravity and light. The strand densities at each branching point are used to determine
branching angles, branch lengths and branch thicknesses, taking into account stored, user definable parameters
that characterize the species of tree being modelled. These parameters address such factors as gravimorphism,
phototropism, orthotropism, plagiotropism, planartropism and phyllotaxis, and are distributed according to a
branch ordering system.
Branch segments andjoints are modelled by Bézier splines, with an assumed circular cross-section. Leaves are
made up from numbers of sample ranges from vector plane equations. The trees are rendered using a surface
sampling algorithm with a light Z buffer for shadows and autoregression textures for tree bark and grass.
Branching angle (G, W) that are distributed according to the Gravelius and
Major branching angle Weibull order of the parent branch and according to the
Minor branching angle branch’s type as a major or minor path. The separate
branch lengths allow the visible length of branch in the
model to be independent of the inherited branch length.
This is a very useful feature, particularly when controlling
branch lengths in and around the main trunk of the tree.
The trunk is clearly one homogeneous process and i s
largely independent of the lengths of the branches it gives
2.5. Branch Length
rise to.
The use of strands in the determination of branch lengths
is considerably more involved and less obviously derived Characteristic length of parent branch
than for branching angles. Branch length is an extremely segment
important component of branching models. Many mod- Characteristic lengths of child branch
elling approaches in the past have struggled for realism segments
due to the difficulty in controlling the effect of branch Characteristic branch length ratios
length on the branching structure. Branch length is Active lengths of child branch segments
determined by some proportion which is applied to the Active branch length ratios
length of the parent branch. Initially, this proportion is Maximum characteristic branch length (type,
calculated by taking the ratio (9), (10) between the square G, W)
root of the numbers of strands in the sub-branches and Minimum characteristic branch length (type,
the parent branch. G, W)
Maximum active branch length (type, G, W)
Acting as a limit on this process are two separate Minimum active branch length (type, G, W)
parameter sets. These are used to differentiate two branch
length processes. The first of these i s the characteristic
branch length, a hierarchic property of the branching
structure as each branch will pass on some proportion of
its characteristic length to its sub-branches. The second
process is the active branch length. This controls the
length of the branch as it appears in the final model. The
active length of a branch is independent of the active
lengths of other branches, but does make use of the
characteristic length of the parent branch.
For every branch, a characteristic branch length and
an active branch length are calculated. These lengths are
constrained by certain pre-defined maxima and minima
3.1. Gravity
Figure 5: Gravitational Influences
Botanical trees may be thought of as natural archi-
tecture22-24. They grow and develop in direct conflict with
multiplier may be positive or negative, thus inducing
gravity, and must be strong enough and grow in such a
upward or downward tendencies.
way as to support a large branching structure over long
periods of time, balanced on a single stem. Within these
structural constraints, trees must also aim to distribute 3.2. Phototropism
their leaf surface area as efficiently as possible to facilitate
The influence of light on the growth of plants is well
established. Incident light on plant forms induces that
Trees are able to modify their growth by producing plant form to grow in the direction of the light. In
auxins25. These are growth stimulating hormones which botanical trees, the effect of light is distributed over many
are generated in certain areas of the tree in response to years and acts as a subtle attractor for the branching
specific stimuli. These stimuli may come from many structure, an incentive for it to take on the most efficient
external sources, including light and gravity. The effect of light capturing form.
these auxins may be to straighten a tree trunk that is
Phototropism is incorporated in the model by a vector
leaning too far to one side, or to promote growth in the
quantity that is unique to each branch it affects. The
direction of sunlight. Gravity is included in the model in
vector is calculated according to the position of the
two ways. Firstly, a gravitational effect is included that
branch relative to the tree centre. The resulting outward
acts only on the central trunk of the tree. This effect,
facing vector may be modified slightly to aim at the sky
referred to in the model as gravicentralism, operates by
within certain limits of elevation. The effect of this vector
striving to correct any drift in the trunk’s path away
is to gently force the branching structure to develop
from the central axis of the branching structure. This is
consistently outwards from the centre of the tree. The
accomplished by a vector quantity that is calculated
best results are achieved with a relatively weak photo-
according to the trunk’s position relative to the central
tropic vector.
axis. This vector is added into the trunk’sbranching path,
thus bringing it back towards the centre, see Figure 5. The
vector quantity should not be too large, a relatively gently 3.3. Orthotropism and Plagiotropism
modification of the trunk’spath is most desirable. Too
Orthotropism and plagiotropism are growth tendencies
large a correction and the trunk will appear to writhe
that are characteristic of certain tree species and are often
back and forth about the central axis. The trunk of the
variably distributed within the branching structure16.
tree is defined as being the sequence of branches with the
Orthotropism is the tendency of a branch to grow
lowest Gravelius order.
vertically upward. This is usually a feature of the tree
The second gravitational effect is gravimorphism, the trunk but may extend to higher Gravelius orders. An
general gravitational effect on all the branches of the tree. extreme example of this is the Lombardy Poplar which
The response of a branch to the gravitational force exhibits orthotropism over, practically, its entire struc-
dragging on it depends upon its thickness, its position in ture. Orthotropic effects are included in the model as
the branching structure and the species of tree it belongs vector quantities and are distributed according to both
to. Some trees have their thin, terminal branches and Gravelius and Weibull ordering. Plagiotropism is the
twigs hanging down under the pull of gravity, while complement of orthotropism. It refers to the tendency of
others have theirs turning upward. The gravimorphic a branch to grow in a horizontal direction, and may be
effect is incorporated in the model by a vertically oriented characteristic of any order of branch except the trunk.
vector. A scalar multiplier, acting on this vector, controls Plagiotropism is likewise included in the model as a
the influence of the vector on the branch in question. This vector quantity, see Figure 6.
= Writhe unit vector limb. This operates in conjunction with the overall
b = Initial branch vector branching angle.
q = Intermediate branch vector
B = Final branch vector
There are active constraints on the limb length close to
the trunk. This is to avoid the creation of open areas. The
rapid bifurcation close to the trunk leads to a dense
branching distribution.
The branches departing the tree trunk are much thinner 4. Modelling and Rendering
than the trunk itself, so the vast majority of strands
should remain in the trunk. The Gravelius order 0 (tree To achieve a realistic result, it is inevitable that the tree
trunk) branching probability is therefore set high, at over model must possess some measure of the complexity of a
ninety eight percent. The remaining branching proba- real tree. This presents problems for the construction of
bilities are set to ensure a moderate (sixty percent) the 3D model in the computer. The number of strands
majority for the major sub-branch at each branching necessary to achieve the desired level of realism depends
point. upon the nature of the specific tree being modelled, but,
in general, a realistic model should contain at least 1000
s = 2500 strands. This means that the model will contain around
This number of strands will produce around five thou- 2000 branches. In practice, strand numbers in the range
sand branch segments and is representative of a mature 2000 to 8000 have proved the most satisfactory. The
tree. models produced have a pleasing, natural degree of
complexity. Each branch of the model is a curved sweep
with circular cross section and smoothly diminishing
The branching angle of branches departing the trunk is diameter. Building a model of this complexity using
set at over ninety degrees to ensure that they have an traditional polygonalization techniques would involve
initial downward sweep away from the trunk. Other prohibitive storage and processing overheads, therefore
branching angles are set at thirty five degrees to ensure a alternatives must be used.
narrow spread of branches around each departing limb.
4.1. Branches
The characteristic length of the tree trunk is set ensure All the branches in the tree model are assumed to have a
that there is little reduction at each branching point, no circular cross-section. This allows look-up tables to be
active limits are used as no alteration is required here. created of co-ordinates and unit normals for varying
Where no active limits are specified, the active length is sample rates around a circle. The branching paths are
the same as the characteristic length. defined by cubic Bézier curves, the control points of
which are extracted from the nodes of the wire frame
branching model. At the branching point, an extra joint
The remaining major branch elements are maintained at object is created using a quadratic Bézier curve. This
average reduction to match the reduction in strand curve makes use of interpolated control points lying
numbers. between the last two control points of the parent branch,
the branching point itself and the first two control points
of the sub-branch, see Figure 9. The branches and joints
The minor branches are set at a much more severe are modelled and rendered as sweeps with a circular cross
reduction to constrain them around the path of the major section. The renderer makes use of a surface sampling