Qullamaggie Road To 1M - Main Short Strategy
Qullamaggie Road To 1M - Main Short Strategy
Qullamaggie Road To 1M - Main Short Strategy
Shorting Extreme momentum stock with
questionable story (hype and pump stocks)
Note: @Qullamaggie shared this strategy this month. It is a short strategy
for pump and dump stocks. Below are main points from his posts. In order
to trade this focus on stocks up 300% in a month or more with
unsustainable story.
@thermos I would not consider myself an expert but here is a huge edge
in the hype/pump stocks that run up 3005001000%+ and then you short
on day 34. DGLY PLUG APT LAKE MDBX VSR GENE etc etc. One can
scale in into strength on day 34 or wait for lower highs to confirm. Usually
there are 25 big ones/year and I have been trading this strategy for 3
years. Key to these are DON'T be too early, never short on day 1 or 2 no
matter how big the stock has run. Most times on day 34 the win rate is
about 8090%. Every time the stock goes sideways 2 days or more the
counter resets. See DGLY, ISNS, MDBX why. It's a very high octane
strategy and not for everyone. I have seen lots of people blow up this way
because they were too early and then got stubborn. Also 90% of these
stocks are going to be hard to borrow so you better have a good broker
not that ameritrade etrade crap.
Usually hard to get a 5:1 risk/reward with this strategy but 1:11:3 is fine
since you are going for accuracy.
Also to add, sometimes when the stock is on a secondary run shorting on
day 2 can be okay, example ISNS BLDP. Okay I just gave away my most
profitable strategy.
If anyone is interested I can explain some more rules etc. Hopefully it was
of value to some people.
Okay so a bit of background. When I realized there was an edge in this
kind of trades I needed to confirm that so I went through every chart in the
U.S. on the monthly timeframe in TC2000 and looked for these kinds of
movers 1015 years back. Then I used eSignal to get the daily and
intraday charts and Briefing.com to get the news of what was the
catalyst/reason for that kind of a move. (I have also done this research on
every EP that had follow through the past 1015 years and I encourage
everyone do do this to gain conviction/confidence in these kinds of
Anyways even though there are LOTS of stock every year that have big 1
and 2 day runs (up several 100%) that are up on pure hype or outright
pumps and then fade 5070%+ my findings were that it only took one
stock that kept going and going and going to take you out of the game for
good. I looked at how many % the different stocks went up on day 1, 2, 3,
4 etc, what kind of patterns were on the 30 minute chart etc. Some stocks
put in incredible tight ranges on their topping day and then have huge
mid/late day fades and on these you can actually get 1:5 and 1:10 kind of
risk/reward (example PLUG 11 March 2014). So day 34 it is and there
are not going to be that many/year. The absolute most important thing
with this kind of strategy is to STAY SAFE! Also on day 34 I many times
short partials into strength and scale in until lower highs have been set
and it is very important to get outta the f*ing way if the stock holds up and
takes out
highs after 1.1.5 hours after market open. See DGLY intraday on that big
$2033 day for an example why it is important.
I have a database in Evernote with around 2000 stocks and over 10,000
charts annotated with news and notes with earnings #'s etc on this
shorting strategy and EP and basically every stock that has had a big run
the past 15 years. I think everyone should do this for the EP strategy at
Anyways I'm not an expert in any way but the past 3 years I have run up a
$10K account to mid 6figures for what it is worth. So not anywhere close
to the supertrader "96million dollar man". I just want to reveal how much
work I have put into this to be profitable and I think my results are pretty
damn good so far.
Also I want to once again remind that the shorting strategy is mainly for
hype/pump stocks not for the co. that cures cancer and that makes the
biggest move ever and you blow up :)
Thank you I hope it was helpful to someone. Also I want to point out that
my results are mainly from my shorting strategy so far and I just recently
started studying EP seriously.
@7 I just gave away my whole main moneymaking strategy. Don't know
what I missed besides mentioning cover partials every ~10% down since
you never know if the stock is going to turn around and have a secondary
run and stop you out wishing you had covered more. But don't take my
word for anything I said, do the kind of study yourself as I did and create a
specific setup where you have an edge an conviction(confidence.
VLTC I am short, stock is up 1000% in 2 weeks because Icahn averaged
down on a losing position (symbol then MOTR) he had since 2008. Here
is a video saying his son talked him into this investment and he doesn't
appear very excited about it: https://vid.me/PpnM Also there was a
SeekingAlpha speculating VLTC as a buyout target and some ridiculous
claims that the author admitted overstating in the comments himself. The
stock has rotated its float several times/day for 2 weeks, every long in this
(except Icahn) have probably a $8+ average and once they see red in
their account things will get interesting :) I think a 3050%+ fade possible
from here within 2 weeks. With all this being said my stop is $9.50 and my
average is $9.05 and I have 20% of my account short. And yes I am
aware this thing COULD gap up 100% on Monday in a black swan
scenario and it would put me in a drawdown not a blow up.
@7 Maybe I'll post some chart example that I've traded over the weekend,
I am too tired now it's 10:15 PM in Sweden. @thor I use Centerpoint, and
get the borrows via Quantex. I also use IB.
What you can do if you see a stock up 23 days in a row and think it can
be potentially the short of the year but afraid there won't be shares the
next day to short, you can box the shares if you have 2 different brokers.
VLTC if you scroll on the daily chart and look at it day for day in your
charting platforms it will look very extended already at $6 and I know for a
fact lots of people short these things just because "they are up a lot on
nothing" and they don't really believe it can go up another 50100%+ very
fast. This is why a specific setup with rules is so important. I did short it on
April 10 (2nd day is okay to short on a secondary run, as I mentioned in
my rules earlier) and stopped out for a small loss (2% of my account) 2
days later when the highs were taken out. I reshorted April 15 (2nd upday
on a tertiary run) and have scaled in on pops yesterday and today (I was
also very close getting stopped out today) but the stock closed weak and
put in a wick. Also every times you get stopped out and the stock goes
50100% higher and you get another setup you can do more size since
the risk/reward and odds of success have improved
Also I need to mention this, I have seen a lot of short traders come and
go. Sometimes you don't get these big multi day/multi week movers for
many months and when they come it catches people off guard, they have
been conditioned to short the stocks that fade on the 1st or 2nd day. This
is where my edge comes in, where all shorts are exhausted and covering
after an incredible run that caught so many off guard. For example GENE
back in early February JPM bought a passive stake in GENE after the
stock ran 200% "JPM entered into agreements with clients for control of
the stock and is holding this stock in Prime Broking accounts to lend for
traders who want to short the stock." Then the stock broke the $4.70 flag
and went up another 150%+ in a few days. So there was a lot of smart
short underwater when I shorted and it's these kinds of scenarios I look
for. There are not many in a year but it's a huge edge. I can add GENE
was a pure pump with lots of shady stuff going on, that's why smart JPM
clients wanted to short. and they had to hold through that and wait for a
month to get back break even. GENE was my 2nd biggest trade I can add
@tpz yes I had high expectations for CHOP it's a Chinese steel company,
pure crappola as the multi year chart will tell you, basically they bought a
porcelain collection last year for all their money for $234M they claim to
be worth $1B you can't make this up LOL. Anyways I was hoping it
would have follow through today to get good entries but instead it gapped
down and I left it alone.
@thermosThere is no "upper limit", it's all about the catalyst and the
setup. @ju474 I use IB too but mostly for longs as their short list is not
that good. Define "high cost". Centerpoint is one of the very few places
where a retail guy like me can short the hard to borrow uberturds and I
have made good money on ISNS DGLY PLUG APT LAKE VSR GENE
etc etc shorts thanks to that. Also Centerpoint has the absolutely best
customer service for a broker I have ever encountered and I've used close
to 10 different ones since I started. So if anything they are CHEAP
compared to what I get.
Just get TC2000, briefing.com and eSignal (or any other kind of service
that gives you the same thing) and do the kind of research I did and
before you know it you might find yourself standing on 2 legs armed with a
new setup (might be shorting turds, might be EP or whatever). Yes there
are services out there "teaching" similar thing but no need to pay 1000's
of dollars. (Except for this site of course but don't tell Pradeep it's cheap
here :) )
My edge comes in when a stock gets to a point no one ever thought
possible and then more, for example on day 34 of the first upleg of a
3005001000%+ run or day 23 on a secondary or tertiary run. Today is
day 2 of a (whatever the word is for what comes after tertiary LOL) run