Street Address
City, State zip code
(Area code) phone number
(Area code) fax number
[email protected]
[Right click and scroll down to “Edit Hyperlink” to include your email address]
You may want to include both your professional address and personal contact information. If you include personal
contact information, you should create a heading (Personal contact information) and include your address, telephone
number and email address. If you are using a cover letter, you should specify your preferred contact address e.g.
worksite or personal.
Fellowship, Your University, City, State Years
Residency, Your University, City, State Years
M.D., Your University, City, State Years
B.S. in Discipline (magna cum laude), Your University, City, State Years
Current Position
Chief Resident
Department of Years
Your University
City, State
[Note: include only if it is an appointed position requiring an extension of the residency]
Educational Activities
Identify your teaching activities here or write “See attached Teaching Reflect the years you
Portfolio.” undertake each activity
List in reverse chronological order, noting your role (course developer,
course director, lecturer)
Include supervision of graduate students and thesis supervision in a
research setting
Include graduate student teaching
Identify teaching residents in a clinical setting
Include advising responsibilities
Consider using a table, as it provides a concise, visual way to identify role,
number of students, number of sessions, and evaluation data.
1. List your publications in chronological order for easy updating Include relevant dates
2. Number these and highlight your name in bold
3. Follow this order - peer-reviewed, non-peer-reviewed publications, articles
accepted for publication, books and monographs, evidence of works in progress
(complete articles published in conference proceedings, book chapters, review
articles, editorials as indicated), development and/or publication of educational
materials, development of major curricular offerings or innovative educational
programs, non-print materials, published abstracts
4. Note: if you’re not listed as first author on publications for which your mentored
student is listed, note that role with an asterisk or other indicator
Abstracts and Presentations
Oral Presentations
National/International Meetings
Local/Regional Meetings
National/International Meetings
Local/Regional Meetings
[List CDs, simulations, films, websites, case vignettes you authored and are in use, and any other scholarly
creative work products. Indicate your role in the creation of the product – creator, author, co-author,
webmaster, etc.]
List any technologies licensed to industry or others (military, etc) with dates of
licensure or filing]