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SCT SI (CIVIL) (MEN & WOMEN),SCT RSI (APSP) (MEN), Notification No :163/SLPRB/RECT.1/2022

Medium of Preliminary Written Test Hall Ticket Number

Registration Number 5089605
Telugu 9555010059
5501 - Sri Sivani College of Engineering, Center-A,NH-16,
Examination Centre Code &
Chilakapalem Junction, Etcherla Mandal,Srikakulam
(Dist.), Pin: 532410.

Name of the Candidate DUNGA DHILLI RAO

Father’s / Husband’s Name DUNGA NAGESWARA RAO

Mother’s Name DUNGA LAXMI

Aadhaar Card Number 211265258832

Ex. Servicemen No

Date of Birth 15-Jul-1992 Gender Male

Local to Which State / District Srikakulam Community BC-D


Identification Marks

Candidates Address 10-173 PEDDA VEEDHI, BHAIRI, Srikakulam, SRIKAKULAM, PIN-532405

Examination Date & Time

Paper - I Paper - II
10.00 AM to 1.00 PM 02.30 PM to 05.30 PM

Police Recruitment Board Tests

1.Signature of the Candidate in the presence of Invigilator(FN) Name & Signature of the Invigilator(FN)

2.Signature of the Candidate in the presence of Invigilator(FN) Name & Signature of the Invigilator(FN)

05-02-2023 09:21:35 PM
1. Mere issue of Hall Ticket to the candidate will not imply that his/her candidature has been finally cleared by the SLPRB, AP
2. The candidate must note that his/her admission to the Test is strictly "Provisional”.
3. This Hall ticket is valid only if the candidate's photograph and signature images are legible. To ensure that the print of the Hall Ticket is
to be taken using a Laser Printer
4. Candidates will be permitted to appear for the examination ONLY, after their credentials are verified by center officials. They will be
permitted into the Examination Hall from 09.00 AM for (Paper - I) Forenoon session and 1.30 PM (Paper – II) for Afternoon session
5. Candidate will not be allowed into the Examination Hall once the test commences i.e. 10.00 AM for Forenoon session and 2.30 PM for
Afternoon session and will not be allowed to leave the Examination Hall till the END of the Examination i.e. 01.00 PM for Forenoon
session and 5.30 PM for Afternoon session.
6. Candidates will not be allowed into the examination hall, if they are LATE EVEN BY ONE MINUTE.
7. Hall ticket shall be produced at the Entrance of the Test Centre and also in the Examination Hall, failing which the candidates will not
be allowed to write the test.
8. Candidates will be subjected to frisking to ensure that they are not carrying any electronic or any other gadgets like Mobile/cellular
phone, tablets, pen drives, Bluetooth devices, smart watch, calculator, log tables, wallet , purse, notes, charts, loose sheets or
recording instruments strapped on to the body or in their pockets.
9. Gadgets / Items thus found during frisking will be seized by the Officials. It’s the responsibility of the candidate to safe guard all such
items. Neither SLPRB nor Test Center authorities provide any facility to deposit such items.
10. The candidate shall carry in to the Examination Hall only (i) Black / Blue Ball Point Pen (ii) Hall Ticket and (iii) Any one of the Original
Photo identity Proof like Passport, PAN Card, Voter ID, Aadhaar-UID, Government Employee ID, Driving License, etc., to the
Examination Hall.Photocopy (or) scanned copy is not Permitted.
11. The candidate should also sign on this Hall Ticket in the presence of Invigilator for Both Sessions.
12. Read all the instructions carefully given on OMR answer sheet & question paper booklet before you start answering.
13. Before start answering please check whether personal details printed on the OMR answer sheet are correct or not.
14. The Preliminary Written Test will be for 100 marks in (Paper-I & Paper II, Objective) consisting of 100 Multiple choice questions
and each question will carry one mark. Candidates have to answer them in 180 Minutes (Paper-I) &.180 Minutes (Paper-II). THERE
15. Immediately after opening the question paper booklet, the candidate must ensure that whether all the questions are printed or not. In
case of any discrepancy, immediately exchange the question paper booklet of same Booklet code by bringing the error to the notice of
16. OMR Answer Sheet will NOT be evaluated, if the candidate writes any irrelevant matter, symbols, religious marks, prayers or
identification marks on any part OMR Answer Sheet as it amounts to malpractice. Rough work should not be done on OMR Answer
17. Adoption of any kind of unfair means and any act of impersonation at the time of test will render the applicant liable for invalidation of
his/her OMR Answer Sheet. Further he/she will forfeit the claim of appearing for the test and will make him/her liable for criminal
18. As answers shall be bubbled with Pen, Change of answer is NOT ALLOWED. Hence…
i)While answering, choose the BEST alternative answer from the four choices given below the question and darken the same in the
corresponding circle of the OMR Answer Sheet. Do not shade more than one circle for a question.
ii)The candidates must fully satisfy themselves about the accuracy of the answer before darkening the appropriate circle.
iii) Use of eraser or white fluid on the OMR Answer Sheet is not permitted, as the OMR Answer Sheets are machine gradable and it
may lead to invalidation.
19. The Candidate Should return OMR answer sheet to invigilator before leaving the examination Hall, while keeping Question Paper
Booklet with him/her, till the declaration of results.
20. Candidates are prohibited for communication, consulting (or) conversing with other candidates in examination hall causing
disturbance/disruption in any manner whatsoever.
21. No travelling expenses will be paid for the journey to take up the written test.
22. Hall Ticket must be preserved till the end of recruitment process.
23. Change of Examination Centre will not be entertained under any circumstances.
24. Any infringement of the above instructions shall entail disciplinary action on the candidate which may include ban from future test of
SLPRB, A.P. and other Public Service Commissions in the country.
25. The candidates are informed to visit the Test Center one day in advance and further requested to plan accordingly to reach Test Centre
at least two hours prior to commencement of Examination.

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Candidates are informed to strictly adhere to the following method of darkening the circle to mark answers against
the individual Questions .For ready reference.

05-02-2023 09:21:35 PM

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