Vid 894 03 09 2019
Vid 894 03 09 2019
Vid 894 03 09 2019
302 Comprehensive Handbook, Advanced Notes and Guide for Examinations - Volume II
PHF Academy to Improve & Motivate – Homoeopaths _____________TARGET CEH
provided in the IPC. It can sustain or alter opinion of a person specially skilled in the
the punishment approved forawarded by matter.
a High court ♦ Hostile witness:
♦ Highcourt: a witness who willfully or with some
For criminal cases, usually most of the motive tells lie, suppresses facts partly or
highcourts have appellate section. It can fully in a court may be declared a hostile
award any punishment provided by the witness.
IPC. In a criminal case, when a lower
court awards a death sentence, the High Perjury
court has to confirm it before execution. If a person under oath gives a false
♦ Sessions court / Sessions judge: evidence in a court of law, it is called as
the power of sessions courts a nd perjury. (IPC section 191) Punishment:
Additional sessions courts are same. They imprisonment up to 7 yrs. (IPC section
can award any punishment allowed by 193)
law. But a death sentence ordered by
them has to be confirmed by High court. Evidence
♦ Assistant sessions court: Types:
The y can awa rd any punishment ♦ Oral-
provided by law except death sentence, statement to be made before a court
sentence of life imprisonment, or by a witness in relation to matter of fact
imprisonment for a period exceeding 10 under inquiry.
years. ♦ Documentary-
♦ Chief judicial magistrates: they have any document produce d for the
power to award imprisonment for up to 7 inspection of the court, in relation to matter
yrs. of fact under inquiry.
♦ First class judicial magistrate:
punishment up to 3 years imprisonment
Corpus delicti-
and fine up to Rs. 5000.
means-A dead body, findings on which
♦ Second class judicial magistrate: upto 1
suggest that some illegal (criminal) act
year imprisonment and fine up to Rs
has occurred (relating to death of the
Medical Evidence
♦ Oral evidence-
♦ Common witness
testifies about what he himself has seen, the doctor has to attend the court when
heard or perceived in relation to acase. summoned.
♦ Expert witness ♦ Documentary evidence
304 Comprehensive Handbook, Advanced Notes and Guide for Examinations - Volume II
PHF Academy to Improve & Motivate – Homoeopaths _____________TARGET CEH
Comprehensive Handbook, Advanced Notes and Guide for Examinations - Volume II 305
PHF Academy to Improve & Motivate – Homoeopaths _____________TARGET CEH
306 Comprehensive Handbook, Advanced Notes and Guide for Examinations - Volume II
PHF Academy to Improve & Motivate – Homoeopaths _____________TARGET CEH
Comprehensive Handbook, Advanced Notes and Guide for Examinations - Volume II 307