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Department Of Management Studies (2021 -22)

Project Report
Submmited By :-
1. Suvarna Bhalodkar
2. Abhishek Borse
3. Aaditya Chaudhari
4. Parmeshwar Chopade
5. Susanna Gavit


Dr .Milind Dhanraj Sir




This is certify that, the entire group student of B.M.S.
Department of management studies North Maharastra University ,
Jalgaon has successfully completed project under the “
department of management studies.
Participate student :-
1. Suvarna Bhalodkar
2. Abhishek Borse
3. Aaditya Chaudhari
4. Parmeshwar Chopade
5. Susanna Gavit

Dr. Milind Dhanraj Dr. Anil Dongre

Guide H.O.D.

Main Road old bhaji market near water tank, Erandol Dist. Jalgaon
Phone: 02588-245022 Pincode :425109

This is certify that for the Environment project of

‘Waste Management’.
This students visited our Muncipality, Date .
During visite time period they have been sincere about their
project also we have ,provided concern information about
their project .

Visited student name are as follows :-

1 Suvarna Bhalodkar
2 Suanna Gavit
3 Aaditya Chaudhari
4 Abhishek Borse
5 Parmeshwar Chopade



Sr. Particular Page

No. No.
1 Executive summary 6 to 8
2 Introduction 9 to 13
3 Types of waste management 14 to
4 Objective of the study 19 to
5 Importance of the study 20 to
6 Classification of waste 26 to
7 Principal of waste management 31 to
8 Finding`s 34 to
9 Waste management 37 to
System in India 42
10 Suggestion for future improvement 43 to
11 Conclusion 53 to
12 References 56

Executive Summary

Solid waste management has become a

measure Environmental Issues in India. The
increase in population and urbanization are
largely responsible for the increase in solid waste.
Municipal solid waste includes mostly residential
waste, commercial waste, and market waste,
domestic house waste, street sweeping etc. It
Consist of biodegradable waste, recyclable waste,
inert waste, combustible and non -combustible
waste etc.

At present any scientific system is rarely

been practiced for the safe disposal of municipal
solid waste in city. Inefficient storage, collection,
transportation, treatment and disposal of waste
lead to contamination of air, surface and ground

water, which result in formation of breeding

grounds for vectors, pests, rodents etc. causing
public health problem. Propper planning for
collection, transportation, treatment and disposal
of solid waste are therefore, extremely essential
for the protection of environment, health,
sanitation and social wellbeing of the people.

There needs to be access to training and

education for everyone involved in waste
management and increasing awareness of
networking opportunities is required to facilitate
the information flow.

 From a global point of view, the most urgent

need is to close the gap between developed
and developing countries… the first priority in
this context is to make sure that there are
collection service available to as a large a part
of the world population as possible and to
raise the quality of landfills.

The key priority and the most efficient measure

with the biggest possible benefit for the
environment have to be identified on the basis of
the relevant fact and figures. Tools such as
environmental Impact assessment material flow
analysis or macroeconomic cost benefit analysis
must be applied more for improve and
scientifically based decision making. A broad
range of stake holders must be involved to
achieve substantial progress in the minimisation
and detoxification of waste.
Step by step the isolated ‘end of pipe’ view of
waste management must be transformed into a
concept of integrated resources and waste
management. This will be help to realise genuine
sustainable development. The system definition
of analysis use in decision and policy making must
include the global picture of waste generation and
resource consumption outside national system.
This is especially important in developing country

“There are few things certain in life – one
is death, second is change and the other is
waste.” No one can stop these things to take
place in our lives. But with better management we
can prepare ourselves. Here we will talk about
waste and waste management. Each of us has a
right to clean air, water and food. This right can
be fulfilled by maintaining a clear and healthy
environment. Now for the first question, what is
waste? Any material which is not needed by the
owner, producer or processor is waste. Generally,
waste is defined as at the end of the product life
cycle and is disposed of in. Most businesses define
waste as “anything that does not create value”
(BSR, 2010). In a common man’s eye anything that
is unwanted or not useful is garbage or waste.
However scientifically speaking there is no waste

as such in the world. Almost all the components

of solid waste have some potential if it is
converted or treated in a scientific manner. Hence
we can define solid waste as “Organic or inorganic
waste materials produced out of household or
commercial activities, that have lost their value in
the eyes of the first owner but which may be of
great value to somebody else.” (Robinson,
W.D.1986). Generation of waste is inevitable in
every habitation howsoever big or small. Since the
dawn of civilization humanity has gradually
deviated from nature & today there has been a
drastic change in the lifestyle of human society.
Direct reflection of this change is found in the
nature & quantity of garbage that a community
generates. We can dispose the waste or reuse the
waste and can earn money through proper
management. Indian cities which are fast
competing with global economies in their drive
for fast economic development have so far failed
to effectively manage the huge quantity of waste
generated. There are about 593 districts and
approximately 5,000 towns in India. About 27.8
percent of India’s total population of more than 1
billion (as per Census 2001) lives in urban areas.

The projected urban population percentage is

33.4 percent by the year 2026. The quantum of
waste generated in Indian towns and cities is
increasing dayby-day on account of its increasing
population and increased GDP. The annual
quantity of solid waste generated in Indian cities
has increased from six million tons in 1947 to 48
million tons in 1997 with an annual growth rate of
4.25 percent, and it is expected to increase to 300
million tons by 2,047 (CPCB, 1998).

Population explosion, coupled with

improved life style of people, results in increased
generation of solid wastes in urban as well as rural
areas of the country. In India like all other sectors
there is a marked distinction between the solid
waste from urban & rural areas. However, due to
everincreasing urbanization, fast adoption of ‘use
& throw concept’& equally fast communication
between urban & rural areas the gap between the
two is diminishing. The solid waste from rural
areas is more of a biodegradable nature & the
same from urban areas contains more non-
biodegradable components like plastics &
packaging. The repugnant attitude towards solid
waste & its management is however, common in

both the sectors. Universally ‘making garbage out

of sight’ is the commonly followed practice.
In India, the urban local bodies,
popularly known as the municipal
corporations/councils, are responsible for
management of activities related to public health.
However, with increasing public and political
awareness as well as new possibilities opened by
economic growth, solid waste management is
starting to receive due attention. The various
initiatives taken by government, NGOs, private
companies, and local public drastically increased
in the past few decades.
Nonetheless, land filling is still the
dominant solid waste management option for the
United States as well as many other countries like
India around the world. It is well known that
waste management policies, as they exist now,
are not sustainable in the long term. Thus, waste
management is undergoing drastic change to offer
more options that are more sustainable. We look
at these options in the hope of offering the waste
management industry a more economically viable
and socially acceptable solution to our current
waste management dilemma. This paper outlines

various advances in the area of waste

management. It focuses on current practices
related to waste management initiatives taken by
India. It also highlights some initiatives taken by
the US federal government, states and industry
groups. The purpose of this paper is to gain
knowledge about various initiatives in both
countries and locate the scope for improvement
in the management of waste.

Types of waste management

The most popular types of Waste

Management are:
 Recycling

 Incineration
 Landfill
 Biological Reprocessing
 Animal Feed
Let’s explore these different types of waste
management methods with examples in
further detail:

Recycling makes a huge difference

in protecting the environment. Amongst the
various types of waste management,
recycling means that garbage is not disposed
of in landfills or water sources by making
usable litter components. Many
entities/communities have made it easier to
recycle goods by introducing labelling to show
whether or not a material is recyclable.
The great thing about this waste
management system is that it has economic
and environmental advantages. It saves the

government resources needed for waste

projects, provides thousands of jobs, and will
make a decent deal of money. Only bring
recyclable waste to the closest recycling
centre to get money from recycling.


This type of waste management

includes the disposal of waste materials by
means of burning. The thermal treatment is
another name for this disposal method. You
may incinerate on a commercial or human
scale and dispose of a broad variety of waste
materials. Most countries with limited land
consider the incineration process. You may
use the power produced by burning waste
materials to produce heat, energy or steam.
One of the drawbacks of this disposal
process is that it can be a source of air


It is one of the most popular types of

waste management systems in the world. It
includes the collection, transportation,
disposal and burying of waste in designated
property. Many towns are planning deserted
and barren areas to cope with waste. 
Authorities are committed to ensuring
that the construction of each landfill is
successful in terms of sanitation and
economic land use. However, landfill sites are
a significant cause of health and
environmental problems that concern many
communities. For instance, gas from these
landfills is often incredibly dangerous. 
Biological Reprocessing

Chemical waste materials, such as

kitchen waste and paper goods, can be
reused after a procedure called biological
reprocessing which is another popular system

amongst the varied types of waste

management. Multiple physiological systems,
including recycling and biomass gasification,
are used in biological reprocessing.
Composing is a normal biological mechanism
that is carried out under control conditions.
One of the ends of the stock is natural gas,
which is used to produce heat and electricity.
Biological reprocessing is commonly used for
the disposal of industrial waste.
Animal Feed
Food waste is a serious issue and needs
serious consideration. According to the
United States Department of Agriculture,
between 30 and 40 percent of all food created
by the United States is spent on food by
retailers and customers. This is a major
problem as the food value is estimated to be
$161 billion. The nation is leading the world in
terms of food waste, and the cause is self-
explanatory. Food can be preserved by
manure and livestock feed and this is also

one of the ecological types of waste

management methods.

1: To establish and maintain an ongoing planning
and plan implementation process to meet current
and future needs for the service area based on the
state's adopted hierarchy of waste management
2: To assist in meeting the solid waste
management needs of the Central Virginia Waste
Management Authority service area and the
individual member localities through the year 2024
in an efficient, cost-effective, reliable and
equitable manner, while providing adequate
flexibility in meeting unforeseen needs and
integrating new and innovative processes.
3: To continue to meet or exceed the state
mandated recycling goals for the CVWMA
Service Area.
4: To secure maximum public support for the
regional solid waste planning and implementation
process through public participation and education

5: To asses the activities involve for the propose

and determine the type, nature and estimated
volumes of waste to be generated.
6: To identify any potential environmental impact
from the generation of waste at the site.
7: To recommend appropriate waste handling and
disposal measure routing in accordance with the
current legislative and administrative
8: To categorise waste material where practicable
(inner material, waste fraction) for disposal
considerations i.e. public filling areas.

Importance of waste management

Planning the waste management and
recycling for all of the rubbish produced in
this country is an enormous task which
involves both logistical planning and
scientific knowledge and understanding in
order to balance the impact on the
environment and the cost effectiveness of the

Waste management and recycling companies

are also feeling an extra pressure to perform
their role in the greenest ways possible. It is
important to remember that the UK’s
resources and landfill sites are limited and
this has a major bearing on the kind of
activities that are carried out.

Waste collection and rubbish disposal play an

extremely important role in the global
cleanliness and sustainability drive, with
people’s health and the conservation of
resources being the responsibility of every
government. To ease the pressure on
government agencies, numerous privately-
managed organisations also play a part in
these waste management and recycling
programs. In many cities it means that local
government agencies have been left with the
responsibility of overseeing the work done by
these privately held organisations.

Thousands of years ago humans simply dug a

hole and buried their refuse and waste. This
was an effective technique for these early
people because their population was
relatively small and they did not produce
waste on the same scale or with the levels of
complexity that modern humans do. Burying
the rubbish helped to prevent bugs and
rodents from becoming a nuisance and
spreading diseases.

In the modern world burying all of our

rubbish is not a sustainable solution. While
primitive humans produced very little waste,

and that which was produced would

biodegrade quickly, modern humans produce
much larger amounts of waste, much of
which is not biodegradable. Additionally,
many types of waste may be damaging to the
soil, ground water and surrounding habitat.

The most important reason for waste

collection is the protection of the
environment and the health of the

Rubbish and waste can cause air and water

pollution. Rotting garbage is also known to
produce harmful gases that mix with the air
and can cause breathing problems in people.
By inspecting the vegetation around landfill
sites carefully you can determine the damage
that can be caused by garbage and waste if
left untreated in the open. To address this
problem modern waste management
professionals place garbage in lined holes
and use bacteria to help facilitate its rapid
decomposition. Rotting garbage and waste

emanates a foul smell that can cause nausea

among people who come into contact with it.
It can also be a source for waterborne
diseases such as cholera and abdominal
conditions and discomfort. Since water
sources need to be protected the role of waste
disposal companies is very important. These
organisations should make it a priority to
secure their landfill sites so that water bodies
are not affected by the garbage and waste
collected from homes and commercial

Waste collection companies also sort the

garbage into recyclable columns, as recycling
the products that leave our homes is of
utmost importance. Recycling not only helps
in conserving our natural resources but also
reduces the cost of production of many
products. Products such as glass, oil, plastic,
paper can all be recycled which will
ultimately put less pressure on the natural

resources used to manufacture these


Lastly, waste management and recycling

collection can help conserve our planet’s
natural beauty which can be flawed by
thoughtless disposal of waste, fly-tipping and
senseless littering. Landscapes can be ruined
through littering and places of tourist interest
can lose their attraction; it is also a blight for
those who live in areas where waste
collection and recycling is not managed
effectively and responsibly. Natural beauty is
a legacy and a right for future generations
and conserving it, as well as our natural
resources, for their benefit is our
responsibility today.

There are many challenges facing the waste

management and recycling industry but there
is also a lot of excellent work going on to
ensure that this is an industry to be proud of
and one that will continue to secure effective,
sustainable and ecologically sound waste
management and recycling for many years to

Classification of waste
There may be different types of waste such
as Domestic waste, Factory waste, Waste from oil
factory, E-waste, Construction waste, Agricultural
waste, Food processing waste, Bio-medical waste,
Nuclear waste, Slaughter house waste etc. We can
classify waste as follows:
• Solid waste- vegetable waste, kitchen waste,
household waste etc.
• E-waste- discarded electronic devices such as
computer, TV, music systems etc.
• Liquid waste- water used for different industries,
tanneries, distilleries, thermal power plants
• Plastic waste- plastic bags, bottles, bucket, etc.
• Metal waste- unused metal sheet, metal scraps
• Nuclear waste- unused materials from nuclear
power plants Further we can group all these types
of waste into wet waste (Biodegradable) and dry
waste (Non Biodegradable). Wet waste
(Biodegradable) includes the following:

• Kitchen waste including food waste of all kinds,

cooked and uncooked, including eggshells and
• Flower and fruit waste including juice peels and
house-plant waste
• Garden sweeping or yard waste consisting of
green/dry leaves
• Sanitary wastes
• Green waste from vegetable & fruit
• Waste from food & tea stalls/shops etc.
Dry waste (Non-biodegradable) includes the
• Paper and plastic, all kinds
• Cardboard and cartons
• Containers of all kinds excluding those
containing hazardous material
• Packaging of all kinds
• Glass of all kinds
• Metals of all kinds

• Rags, rubber
• House sweeping (dust etc.)
• Ashes
• Foils, wrappings, pouches, sachets and tetra
packs (rinsed)
• Discarded electronic items from offices, colonies
viz. cassettes, computer diskettes, printer
cartridges and electronic parts.
• Discarded clothing, furniture and equipment In
addition to the above wastes, another type of waste
called “Domestic Hazardous Waste” may also be
generated at the household level. These include
used aerosol cans, batteries, and household kitchen
and drain cleaning agents, car batteries and car
care products, cosmetic items, chemical-based
insecticides/pesticides, light bulbs, tube-lights and
compact fluorescent lamps (CFL), paint, oil,
lubricant and their empty containers. Waste that is
considered hazardous is first required by the EPA
to meet the legal definition of solid waste. The
EPA incorporates hazardous waste into three
categories. The first category are source-specific
wastes, the second category is nonspecific wastes,
and third, commercial chemical products.

Generally, hazardous waste “is waste that is

dangerous or potentially harmful to our health or
the environment. Hazardous wastes can be liquids,
solids, gases, or sludge. They can be discarded
commercial products, like cleaning fluids or
pesticides, or the by-products of manufacturing
processes (EPA Wastes Website, 2010). Similarly
there is “Non Hazardous waste”. There are many
definitions of hazardous and non-hazardous waste
within the US federal government, states and
industry groups. The Department of Defense
(DOD) and The Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) define waste as “the extravagant, careless,
or needless expenditure of DOD funds or the
consumption of DOD property that results from
deficient practices, systems, controls, or decisions.
In addition, “abuse is the manner in which
resources or programs are managed that creates or
perpetuates waste and it includes improper
practices not involving prosecutable fraud” (EPA
Wastes Website, 2010). The Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) defines solid
nonhazardous waste as “any garbage or refuse,
sludge from a wastewater treatment plant, water
supply treatment plant, or air pollution control
facility European Scientific Journal June 2015 /SPECIAL/
edition ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 109

and other discarded material, including solid,

liquid, semi-solid, or contained gaseous material
resulting from industrial, commercial, mining, and
agricultural operations, and from community
activities” (EPA Wastes Website, 2010)., The definition
of non-hazardous waste can also include financial
waste. In 2009 the US Presidential Executive
Order, Reducing Improper Payments and
Eliminating Waste in Federal Programs was
initiated to eliminate payment error, waste, fraud
and abuse in major Federal. 3.1.4 OBJECTIVE 4.0: To secure
maximum public support for the regional solid waste planning and implementation process
through public participation and education programs.

programs due to public zero tolerance of fraud,

waste and abuse. This Executive Order is based
upon a transparent, participatory and collaborative
comprehensive framework between the
government and public

Principal of Waste Management

 Waste hierarchy

The waste hierarchy refers to the "3

Rs" Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, which classifies
waste management strategies according to their
desirability in terms of waste minimisation. The
waste hierarchy is the bedrock of most waste
minimization strategies. The aim of the waste
hierarchy is to extract the maximum practical
benefits from products and to generate the
minimum amount of end waste; see: resource
recovery. The waste hierarchy is represented as a
pyramid because the basic premise is that policies
should promote measures to prevent the generation
of waste. The next step or preferred action is to
seek alternative uses for the waste that has been
generated i.e. by re-use. The next is recycling
which includes composting. Following this step is
material recovery and waste-to-energy. The final
action is disposal, in landfills or through

incineration without energy recovery. This last

step is the final resort for waste which has not been
prevented, diverted or recovered. The waste
hierarchy represents the progression of a product
or material through the sequential stages of the
pyramid of waste management. The hierarchy
represents the latter parts of the life-cycle for each

 Life-cycle of a product
The life-cycle begins with the design, then
proceeds through manufacture, distribution, and
primary use and then follows through the waste
hierarchy's stages of reduce, reuse and recycle.
Each stage in the life-cycle offers opportunities for
policy intervention, to rethink the need for the
product, to redesign to minimize waste potential,
to extend its use. Product life-cycle analysis is a
way to optimize the use of the world's limited
resources by avoiding the unnecessary generation
of waste.

 Resource efficiency
Resource efficiency reflects the understanding that
global economic growth and development can not
be sustained at current production and
consumption patterns. Globally, humanity extracts

more resources to produce goods than the planet

can replenish. Resource efficiency is the reduction
of the environmental impact from the production
and consumption of these goods, from final raw
material extraction to the last use and disposal.

 Polluter-pays principle
The polluter-pays principle mandates that the
polluting party pays for the impact on the
environment. With respect to waste management,
this generally refers to the requirement for a waste
generator to pay for appropriate disposal of the
unrecoverable material.


At present, around 62 million tonnes of

solid waste is generated annually out of which 5.6
million tonnes is plastic waste, 0.17 million tonnes
is biomedical waste, hazardous waste generation
is 7.90 million tonnes per annum and 15 lakh
tonne is e-waste. The per capita waste generation
in Indian cities ranges from 200 grams to 600
grams per day. Shri Javadekar underlined the fact
that 43 million TPA is collected, 11.9 million is
treated and 31 million is dumped in landfill sites,
which means that only about 75-80% of the
municipal waste gets collected and only 22-28 %
of this waste is processed and treated. “Waste
generation will increase from 62 million tonnes to
about165 million tonnes in 2030”, Shri Javadekar
said. The responsibility of generators has been
introduced to segregate waste into three
categories – Wet, Dry and Hazardous Waste. The
generator will have to pay ‘User Fee’ to the waste
collector and a ‘Spot Fine’ for littering and non-
segregation, the quantum of which will be
decided by the local bodies. The government is
keen on the integration of ragpickers from the
informal sector to the formal sector. The

Environment Minister highlighted that in case of

hilly areas, land for construction of sanitary
landfills in the hilly areas will be identified in the
plain areas, within 25 kilometers. The waste
processing facilities will have to be set up by all
local bodies having 1 million or more population
within two years. In case of census towns below 1
million population, setting up common, or stand-
alone sanitary landfills by, or for all local bodies
having 0.5 million or more population and for
setting up common, or regional sanitary landfills
by all local bodies and census towns under 0.5
million population will have to be completed in
three years.
The Government has also constituted a
Central Monitoring Committee under the
chairmanship of Secretary, Ministry of
Environment, Forest and Climate Change to
monitor the overall implementation of the Rules.
The concept of common waste treatment facility
(ENVIS Newsletter, December 2010) is being
widely promoted and accepted as it uses waste as
a resource by either using it as a co-fuel or co-raw
material in manufacturing processes. This has led
to rise of Public Private Partnership (PPP) models

in waste management which has open doors for

doing business in waste management. Bio-medical
waste (management and handling) rules, 1998
prescribe that there should be a Common
Biomedical Waste Treatment Facility (CBWTF) at
every 150 kms in the country. CBWTFs have been
set up and are functioning in cities and towns.
However, establishment of functional CBWTF
throughout the country must be ensured.
Integrated common hazardous waste
management facilities combine secured landfill
facility, solidification/stabilization and incineration
to treat hazardous wastes generated by various
industrial units. They contribute about 97.8 per
cent of total landfill waste and 88 per cent of total
incinerable hazardous waste generated in the
country, as per an environment ministry report.

Waste Management System in India

Waste management market comprises of

four segments - Municipal Waste, Industrial
Waste, Bio- Medical Waste and Electronic Waste
Market. All these four types of waste are
governed by different laws and policies as is the
nature of the waste. In India waste management
practice depend upon actual waste generation,
primary storage, primary collection, secondary
collection and transportation, recycling activity,
Treatment and disposal. In India, municipality
corporations play very important role in waste
management in each city along with public health
department. Municipal Corporation is responsible
for the management of the MSW generated in the
city, among its other duties. The public health
department is responsible for sanitation, street
cleansing, epidemic control and food adulteration.
There is a clear and strong hierarchy of posts in
the Municipal Corporation. The highest authority
of Municipal Corporation rests with the Mayor,
who is elected to the post for tenure of five years.
Under the Mayor, there is a City Commissioner.
Under the city commissioner, there is Executive

Officer who supervises various departments such

as public health, water works, public works, house
tax, lights, projection tax, demand and a
workshop, which, in turn, all are headed by their
own department heads. The staffs in the Public
health department are as follows: Health officer,
Chief sanitary and food inspector, Sanitary and
food inspectors, Sanitary supervisor, Sweepers,
etc. The entire operation of solid waste
management (SWM) system is performed under
four headings, namely, street cleansing,
collection, transportation and disposal. The
cleansing and collection operations are conducted
by the public health department of city
Municipality Corporation, while transportation
and disposal of waste are carried out by the
transportation department of city Municipality
Corporation. The entire city can be divided in to
different zones. These zones are further divided
into different sanitary wards for the purpose of
solid waste collection and transport operations.
Currently waste management in India mostly
means a picking up waste from residential and
industrial areas and dumping it at landfill sites.
The authorities, usually municipal, are obligated

to handle solid waste generated within their

respective boundaries; the usual practice followed
is of lifting solid waste from the point of
generation and hauling to distant places known as
dumping grounds and/or landfill sites for
discarding. The treatment given to waste once
thus emptied is restricted to spreading the heap
over larger space so as to take away the waste
from the public gaze. Waste collection is usually
done on a contract basis. In most cities it is done
by rag pickers, small- time contractors and

Waste Collection in India:

Primarily by the city municipality
• No gradation of waste product eg bio-
degradable, glasses, poly bags, paper shreds etc.
• Dumps these wastes to the city outskirts Local
raddiwala / kabadiwala (Rag pickers)
• Collecting small iron pieces by magnets
• Collecting glass bottles
• Collecting paper for recycling In Delhi - MCD-
Sophisticated DWM (Delhi Waste Management)
vehicle There are different sweepers employed in

street sweeping and primary waste collection in

each city. Each sweeper is responsible for the
daily cleansing of a fixed area, usually a street
including all side lanes. Domestic solid waste is
usually thrown on the streets directly or in plastic
bags from where road sweepers collect it into
heaps. These waste are then transported by hand-
cart trolley to the nearby open dumps or to bins,
or directly by tractor trolley to the out-skirt of the
cities. The road sweepers are equipped with a
broom, pan, favda (spade/showel), hand-carts,
panji (small pointed hand-rake), gayti (pointed
small spade to clean road-side open drains) and
buckets. The waste from street cleansing is
collected in wheelbarrows and thereafter; it is
dumped into roadside bins or at open dumping
space along with household waste. Municipal
workers collect waste from collection points
(open dumping spaces or bins) into various
vehicles including tractors and bull carts and haul
it to disposal sites. In some cases, the workers
collect the MSW from the collection points using
chabra (wooden baskets) and transfer it into the
vehicles manually. Normally, bull carts make only
one or two trips a day to the final disposal site; a

tractor makes two or three trips per day whereas

refuse collectors/dumper placers make four trips.
Finally recycling and reuse takes place by recycling
units in different cities. Recycling is related to
processing of a waste item into usable forms. The
concept of recycling and reuse is well embedded
in India largely due to prevailing socio-economic
conditions and partly due to traditional practices.
In India some cities have become a hub for
recycling activities as considerable amounts of
recyclable materials also come from adjoining
towns and villages. Recycling industry mainly
process paper, plastic, glass and metals. But
recycling is not a solution to all problems. It is not
a solution to managing every kind of waste
material. For many items recycling technologies
are unavailable or unsafe. In some cases, cost of
recycling is too high. Recycling forms a big part of
informal sector engaged in solid waste
management. Waste recycling has, in fact, both
organized and unorganized sections. The lower
segments working as waste and dump-pickers,
itinerant waste buyers, and small traders come
under the unorganized segment, while European
Scientific Journal June 2015 /SPECIAL/ edition

ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 113

the big traders, wholesalers and manufacturers
come under the organized segment of the waste-
recycling sector.

Suggestions for future improvement

The political will is the first priority.

Generally Government bodies and municipalities
give priority to present problems which they face
but do not think for future problems due to
environmental decay. Their view is that, they will
solve problems when they will face it but not
now. Because doing something for environment
does not provide political gains or assure next
time seat. Now questions is that how can we
change this mentality? We believe there should
be a positive approach for a long time planning
and implementation. Legislation and its effective
enforcement is a key to sustainability for which
the framework requires to be established. Efforts
to improve waste storage and collection are
required. This can be done when each household
and locality are provided standard bins that are
placed outside for ease of collection. In areas
where this is not appropriate, centrally located
waste collection points should be established that
are shared by a number of households. Wastes
need o be increasingly sorted at the source, to
separate materials that can be recycled and to

educe the amount of wastes requiring collection

and disposal. Co-operation is required among
communities, the informal sector, the formal
waste collectors and the authorities. An effective
Solid Waste Management system should aim at
minimizing manual handling and 100 % collection
& transportation of solid wastes should be
achieved. In solid waste management, one thing
became very clear that segregation at source is to
be practiced. There are lots of initiatives to
manage wastes but goes in vein because of not
identifying wealth in wastes. In India, we cannot
afford sanitary land filling as land is precious here
and there are lot of municipalities who do not
have land as trenching ground. The source
segregation needs lot of study on human behavior
against waste littering. A continuous sensitization
programme is to be planned according to the
sentiments of the residents towards their city and
ultimately it will work as wonders. If waste
segregation is practiced, the potential threats can
be minimized directly. Besides, the quality of
materials retrieved will be better due to absence
of mixing. The pickers can thus, fetch better
money on the materials retrieved besides having

lesser threats of catching diseases, cuts and

wounds encountered in the usual practice of
waste picking. The adoption and transfer of the
technologies from the developed countries
without adapting them to the local or regional
perspective would be fallacious on the part of the
developing countries. Therefore, the technical
aspects for a waste management would have to
take into account many points for planning and
implementation of strategies according to
situation of the country. It would call for the
strengthening of the management sector which
has to go hand in hand with technical planning.
General public can play a very important role.
Public participation is necessary for a proper
waste management system. Changes in the habits
of segregation, littering, can change the approach
towards wastes. For example in a heritage town
of West Bengal, there was a movement related to
waste management. Within a span of two years it
successfully sensitized residents for segregation at
source and not littering in open areas. Now the
city is really becoming clean and other people are
also participating in the movement. In order to
improve the system efficiency and increase the

coverage to 100 percent in each city, it is

recommended to explore alternative
arrangements for collection of waste like involving
private operators. A mechanism to generate
revenue from the citizens should also be
developed. However, the approach to public-
private partnerships pursued in the developed
countries cannot be replicated for Indian towns in
general. This approach can only be implemented
after some modifications taking into account the
local conditions. There may be separate parallel
decentralized schemes by the government.
Financial support by the community based on
decentralized schemes will provide the right
impetus for the development of waste
management method. For example the
municipality of Bangalore has a parallel scheme,
“Swaccha Bangalore”, which levies mandatory
fees for all households, businesses and
educational institutions to increase its financial
resources. These user fees imply that the
residents will expect the municipality to provide
proper waste collection services. It integrates
them into the overall waste management strategy
in all localities thereby helping to reduce the

amount of wastes going outside the locality. The

levying of waste collection and disposal fees
should be based on waste generation rates and
according to the economic standard of the area,
whilst considering the nature of the waste
wherever necessary. However, these fees should
not be levied solely to meet the financial lacunae
for management and the equipment demand. In
India waste management could materialize only if
service delivery will be linked to private sector
participation. “It is imperative that the private
sector comes forward and enables the public
sector stakeholders to devise appropriate
frameworks that result in a win-win for both
sides.” Although there are some initiatives taken
by corporate but there is strong needs that all
corporate must come forward to take first step. At
least they should manage their industrial waste
rather littering and throwing in the rivers as we
can find many examples in Indian cities like
Kanpur, Varanasi, Agra, etc. The private sector
could also play an important role in building the
capacities of municipal bodies. Solid waste
management, along with recycling, presents
plenty of opportunities for partnerships. For

example, EXNORA is an NGO in Chennai that

focuses on the environment through their solid
waste management program, which works in
municipalities throughout Tamil Nadu. In fact,
despite the lack of proper legal and financial
support by public agencies, the informal sector
has a firm standing and gives an invaluable service
to a large section of the society in relation to
waste management. There is an urgent need to
understand the vital role of this informal sector
engaged in municipal solid waste management,
study their socio-economic conditions, and to
integrate them with the formal sector to achieve
sustainable solid waste management on one hand
and improve their living conditions on the other.
The possible future policy options available with
the policy makers for management of municipal
solid waste are to promote either/all of the
existing alliances between private-private
enterprises, private-public enterprises and
private-public-community. The selected scenario
should be based on socio-economic,
environmental and health considerations. It
should fulfill the basic goal of recycling the
maximum waste generated, creating maximum

employment through cleaner methods without

bringing any threat/reducing the potential health
hazards to the lower rung of the waste recycling
sector and improving their socio-economic
conditions, as well. Another option is to promote
formation of micro-enterprises among the waste-
recycling sector through various policies. It is
observed from various case studies of developing
countries like Latin America, Egypt, etc. that if
waste pickers and recyclers get official recognition
from the local authorities and they organize
themselves and institutionalize their activities,
there is an overall improvement in the living
conditions of these people. Micro-enterprises in
the field of solid waste management sector are a
new process in India and only few examples are
available. The Self Employed Women’s
Association (SEWA), Ahmedabad, India
successfully improved the living conditions of
women paper pickers, by organizing them into
cooperatives and by searching for easily
accessible raw materials in bulk quantity.

There are several missing links and many

loose ends both in terms of management,
technology and professional skill. The solutions

need thorough understanding, for example,

deployment of competent persons qualified in
solid waste management (real hard taskmasters
and not people who turn up with a handkerchief
to cover their nose to keep the stink away),
application of efficient combination of waste
handling equipments in cost effective manner and
streamlining of the handling of waste at various
stages throughout its journey from source of
generation to ultimate safe disposal site, without
intermediate dumping and accumulation of waste
for days together. A flawless continuous flow
sheet of waste management has to be developed.
Matching financial support, discipline and
attitudinal change in all concerned will obviously
be the key for effective and successful waste
management in India. In India the landfill,
sometimes described as `sanitary landfill’, does
not go beyond filling up of low-lying areas with
stinking waste conveniently bypassing the
recommended requirements for `sanitary landfill’.
In the end, anything that is emptied at dumping or
landfill sites continues to cause serious
environmental depredation. The developed
countries do boast that they handle their waste in

a more scientific manner at landfill sites by laying

the dumping grounds with a vulcanized plastic
sheet to avoid leaching of toxic digested and
undigested waste into the ground underneath. In
our countries authorities practicing landfill do
declare that they assiduously implement
requirements for recommended landfill to
assuage citizen concern. The quantum of solid
waste is ever increasing due to many reasons.
Plastics waste is a significant portion of the total
municipal solid waste (MSW). Recycling of plastics
should be carried in such a manner to minimize
the pollution level during the process and as a
result to enhance the efficiency of the process and
conserve the energy. Newer techniques related to
recycling and reuse of plastic can be adopted. Any
new paradigm should include a cradle-to-grave
approach with responsibility being shared by
many stakeholders, including product
manufacturers, consumers, communities, the
recycling industry, trade, municipalities and the
urban poor. The Ministry of Urban Development
and Poverty Alleviation, as well as Agriculture,
should develop the market for compost, and if
required provide subsidies for compost manure –

first to provide organic soil nutrients to the

farmers and to solve the urban waste problem
which continuously is polluting land through
uncontrolled dumping.


It is suffice to say that we require a more

stringent integrated and strategic waste
prevention framework to effectively address
wastage related issues. There is an urgent need to
build upon existing systems instead of attempting
to replace them blindly with models from
developed countries. To prevent any epidemic
and to make each city a healthy city-economically
and environmentally, there is an urgent need for a
well-defined strategic waste management plan
and a strong implementation of the same in India.
To achieve financial sustainability, socio-economic
and environmental goals in the field of waste
management, there is a need to systematically
analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the
community as well as the municipal corporation,
based on which an effective waste management
system can be evolved with the participation of
various stakeholders in India. The public apathy
can be altered by awareness building campaigns
and educational measures. Sensitization of the
community is also essential to achieve the above
objectives and we need to act and act fast as

every city in India is already a hotbed of many

contagious diseases, most of which are caused by
ineffective waste management. All these above
said suggestions are given in relation to India and
will be effective only when we individually feel the
responsibility of making environment clean. As
general public, we can not do much in policy and
regulations formulation, adoption of newer
technologies related to recycling and other waste
management options but we can play a very
important role in this process if we can adopt only
few tips. Here are a few tips to achieve this goal.
Keep ourself informed: It is important that we are
in the know about what is happening on the
environment front. Read about how untreated
sewage is thrown into the rivers, attend public
lectures about air pollution, & keep in touch with
new policies that affect our environment.
1, The more informed we are, the better equipped
we are to fight such issues.
2. Consume less: Motto:
Refuse…..Reduce….Reuse… Recycle .This means
consuming fewer resources, reusing whatever we
can and finally recycling what cannot be reused.
This process greatly reduces the garbage.

3. Say ‘No’ to plastic bags: One of the biggest

sources of pollution in Indian cities is the
ubiquitous plastic bag. Refuse to accept one.
Instead, carry a cloth shopping bag with us.
4. Separate our garbage: India has one of the
world’s most efficient recycling mechanisms. Use
the service of our raddiwalla. Newspapers, bottle
cans and other such recyclables can fetch us
money and in the process we can help to save the
environment. Rag pickers, too, perform a vital
function for the city. Kitchen garbage
(biodegradable) should be separated from
nonbiodegradable waste.
5. Compost our organic waste: Start a
vermiculture bin. We can convince our neighbors
to start a vermiculture bin also to produce
6. Stop burning garbage: Ask our neighbors to
desist from burning solid wastes. It may seem
harmless but smoke emitted from leaves
contributes to air pollution. Also, when there are
plastic in the heap, it emits dangerous toxic
fumes. Leaves can be converted to fertilizer
through composting & plastic can be recycled.

 Municipal Solid Waste (Management and
Handling) Rules 2000, Ministry of
Environment and Forests, Government of
India, Erandol Jalgaon issues on 1 April 2022
 Department of management studies (SOMS)

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