Vettorel - Lopriore 2013
Vettorel - Lopriore 2013
Vettorel - Lopriore 2013
Department of English Studies, Faculty of Pedagogy and Fine Arts, Adam Mickiewicz University, Kalisz
SSLLT 3 (4). 2013. 483-504
Paola Vettorel
University of Verona, Italy
[email protected]
Lucilla Lopriore
Roma Tre University, Italy
[email protected]
This article aims to explore whether well-attested findings in the fields of World
Englishes (WE) and of English as a lingua franca (ELF) have determined a shift in
perspective in the overall approach to English language teaching (ELT), and how
far this shift has permeated teaching materials and coursebooks. The research
study was carried out in Italy, a country where ELT coursebooks have often
played a relevant role in introducing innovations in language teaching method-
ology. The research design included a corpus of ten coursebooks that have been
published and adopted in Italian secondary schools in the last 6 years. The
coursebooks were evaluated in terms of the presence or absence of references
to WE and/or ELF, of awareness-raising activities, of the promotion of using Eng-
lish outside the school environment and of the use of effective English commu-
nication and intercultural strategies among nonnative speakers. Findings show
that there have been no significant changes in the inclusion of WE- and ELF-
oriented materials and related tasks, apart from the area of promotion of cultur-
al and intercultural awareness.
Keywords: English as a lingua franca (ELF), World Englishes (WE), ELT materi-
als, intercultural awareness, language awareness, communication strategies,
localization, nonnative bilingual speakers of English
Paola Vettorel, Lucilla Lopriore
The central role that coursebooks play in English language teaching (ELT)
is undeniable, since they have always represented a reference point both for
teachers and learners, and are “an almost universal element of ELT teaching”
(Hutchinson & Torres, 1994, p. 315). Even if coursebooks have been under
scrutiny and criticism on several grounds (see among others Alptekin, 1993;
Cortazzi & Jin, 1999; Gray, 2002, 2010b; Prodromou, 1988), textbooks still con-
stitute one of the main teaching tools “because they satisfy certain needs, . . .
and prosper because they are the most convenient means of providing the
structure that the teaching-learning system – particularly the system in change
– requires” (Hutchinson & Torres, 1994, p. 317).
Many innovations in foreign language teaching have been successfully
anticipated and diffused mostly thanks to their implementation in teaching
materials, particularly through coursebooks and their teacher’s guides. Indeed,
in Italy foreign language manuals have in many cases played an important role
in familiarising both teachers and students with new, and often innovative,
methodological routes, at times anticipating themes and approaches that were
then tackled during in-service courses. More recently, the web has also pro-
vided many opportunities for access to linguistic and cultural resources to ma-
terials authors, publishers, as well as to teachers and students, whose more
traditional paper-and-audio format coursebooks may be thus complemented.
Web resources, mostly videos, are at times presented for teaching purposes in
their original unadapted versions, thus exposing learners to a variety of au-
thentic language excerpts that can be exploited in class in addition to, and to-
gether with, the materials specifically created for teaching purposes. One of
the main goals in foreign language (FL) teaching materials and coursebook
development is to support classroom language work oriented at making learn-
ers effective language communicators, and to familiarize them with real com-
municative settings. This, particularly in ELT, is even more so in a period when
communication has become more and more global, with English functioning as
a common means of communication across linguacultural boundaries and
reaching out to local cultures. The fields of World Englishes (WE), and, increas-
ingly, English as a lingua franca (ELF) studies have represented in the last cou-
ple of decades two of the most vibrant and challenging research areas in lin-
guistics and applied linguistics. In their different but complementary fields
both research areas have shown how English cannot any longer be considered
as a monolithic entity, not least in didactic terms. In this light, activities and
tasks in the FL classroom should be oriented at fostering the development of
language and (inter)cultural awareness as well as communication strategies,
that is, at providing learners with tools to become effective communicators
with English in its pluralized forms and differentiated contexts of use in today’s
Is there ELF in ELT coursebooks?
Given its spread at a global level, English is increasingly seen as the lan-
guage to be obligatorily learnt, particularly in Expanding Circle countries, in
Europe and elsewhere in the world, both in state and in private institutions.
Indeed, over the last couple of decades English has become part of most
school curricula, and increasingly so from an early age, in Europe and in the
rest of the world (Graddol, 1997, 2006).
At the same time, the spread of English at a global level has resulted in a
kaleidoscopic plurality, where “the grammatical ‘rules’ and lexical forms of
English used today are far more varied than ever before” (McKay, 2012, p. 73).
Furthermore, the majority of English users are nowadays bilingual speakers
(e.g., Crystal, 2012), who communicate more frequently with other L2 users
than with native speakers, in contexts that are multilingual and multicultural
by default. Rather than adherence to standard English norms, it is the ability to
effectively communicate about aspects of one’s own and of the interlocutors’
Paola Vettorel, Lucilla Lopriore
Is there ELF in ELT coursebooks?
This was probably due also to the different styles of junior and senior school materials
(cf. Takahashi, 2010, p. 137).
Paola Vettorel, Lucilla Lopriore
Coursebooks focusing on civilization.
Is there ELF in ELT coursebooks?
The Study
A survey of how recent and most sold ELT coursebooks in Italy respond
to and represent the global spread of English and the new forms of communi-
cation was thus needed. The study meant to investigate whether a perspective
on WE and ELF had been taken into account in the best selling ELT coursebooks
in Italy, starting with the following initial research questions:
1. Do ELT coursebooks currently used in Italian high schools for pre- and
intermediate learners represent WE and ELF?
2. How far do the observable changes in ELT manuals reflect, and are con-
sistent with, most relevant findings in WE/ELF both in terms of the lan-
As to appropriateness in ELF cf. Seidlhofer (2011, pp. 199-200) and Widdowson (2012).
Paola Vettorel, Lucilla Lopriore
The study identified some among the most recently published course-
books addressed to Italian secondary school students at the pre- and interme-
diate levels, that is, at the biennio (the first two years of high school) and the
triennio (the following three years) school levels.
Our analysis focused primarily on the aural and oral skills components,
the listening and speaking activities, taking into account all sections of the ma-
terial available to students as well as in teacher’s guidelines. Specifically, we
looked into the degree of inclusiveness as to speakers and contexts in the
situations presented, and in terms of tasks provided to raise learners’ lan-
guage, sociolinguistic and cultural awareness of different instantiations of Eng-
lish, both in terms of WE and ELF.
We also examined whether the coursebook materials and activities were
in any way connected to the learners’ experience of language use in ELF set-
tings, and to the presence of English(es) in their linguistic environment; in
other words, to effective localization (Tomlinson & Masuhara, 2013). We inves-
tigated if, and how, the materials and tasks aimed at creating a link with the
use of English in real, outside-school contexts and situations (Tomlinson & Ma-
suhara, 2013), in order to familiarize learners with the role of language (and
ELF) use in such settings. One further point of investigation was the presence
of activities oriented at fostering communication strategies, given the impor-
tance they play in spoken interactions, particularly among speakers of different
linguacultures (e.g., Mariani, 2010; Seidlhofer 2011).
The analysis was carried out by systematically examining all units, and
different sections within units, in each textbook in the corpus, encompassing
both linguistically oriented and culturally oriented texts and tasks.
Is there ELF in ELT coursebooks?
2012; McKay, 2012; Tomlinson & Masuhara, 2013), the following criteria were
agreed upon in evaluating the coursebooks under consideration:
These criteria were identified as the most relevant to our research study,
aimed at investigating to what extent awareness of the plurality of English is
promoted, and what support is given in classroom activities to a pluralistic and
ELF-oriented language use. Some of the criteria are partly derived from
Tomlinson and Masuhara (2013), given their relevance in contexts of use related
to the plurality of English and ELF. It is also noteworthy that Tomlinson and Ma-
suhara’s recent coursebooks survey is to our knowledge the first to have taken
into account ELF-related criteria, too, and specifically the issue of to what extent
ELT materials “help the learners to develop cultural awareness” (p. 241), to
“make use of the English environment outside the classroom” (p. 242), “to use
ELF “ (p. 244), “to become effective communicators in English” (p. 245), and to
“provide the flexibility needed for effective localization” (p. 243).
A number of questions were associated with the criteria:
Paola Vettorel, Lucilla Lopriore
Our research aim was first of all to find out whether a pluralistic and ELF-
oriented approach has been incorporated in recently published ELT materials;
secondly, we aimed at investigating whether the promotion of intercultural
and communication strategies has been overtly given room to, in order to sup-
port effective language use in the outside-class environment. Indeed, although
ELT materials are addressed to learners, with activities that take place in class-
room contexts, opportunities for learners to become ELF users are widely pre-
sent in today’s world, so that the roles of learner and user can be seen as over-
lapping rather than separate (e.g., Seidlhofer, 2011): Not only do L2 learners
become L2 users “as soon as they step outside of the classroom” (Cook, 2002,
p. 3; cf. also Seidlhofer, 2011, p. 187), but opportunities to step into the role of
ELF users are very often provided also within educational activities, interna-
tional school exchanges in the first place (Vettorel, 2013), as well as
telecollaboration (e.g., Grazzi, 2013; Guth & Helm, 2011; Kohn, in press). Giv-
ing room to effective examples of ELF users’ language on the one hand, and to
communication strategies on the other, would therefore appear highly advisa-
ble in ELT materials in order to prepare learners for actual language use be-
yond the classroom walls.
Is there ELF in ELT coursebooks?
ones, and (c) the coursebook authors include Italian, or Italy-based, ones. This
choice of coursebooks was intended to provide as comprehensive a picture of
materials on the Italian scene, with their local characteristics, as possible.
Ten coursebooks were eventually selected for the analysis and constituted
our audio-video and written corpus of reference.4 All the components of the se-
lected coursebooks were analysed, that is, the student’s book, the teacher’s guide,
their accompanying booklets (lexical books, CLIL, culture, test, etc.) and their au-
dio and video components and, if available, web-based materials.
The findings were quite informative and answered the research ques-
tions initially posed. All coursebooks make reference, to some extent, to issues
related to the role of English, to its varieties and to the effects of globalization,
particularly in the areas devoted to intercultural communication, and in the
choice of nonnative characters. However, most of the overall coursebook
structure and of the language activities offered very rarely represent WE, not
to mention ELF, and the gap between what is announced and what is imple-
mented is still a largely unexplored territory. Findings are summarized below
and organized according to the criteria listed earlier in the paper and the relat-
ed questions. References to each coursebook will be provided in brackets (see
the appendix for the complete corpus).
Two different coursebooks (Books 1 & 2; see the appendix) from the same publisher,
written by the same authors, with the same title, but geared at different level groups were
included in the corpus since, even if published at a short time difference (2008-2009), the
most recent one showed some signs of a new perspective in terms of intercultural issues.
Paola Vettorel, Lucilla Lopriore
asked to “listen to different speakers and decide whether they are American or
English” (Book 5, Vol. B, pp. 278-279). One aspect that, on the contrary, has
been introduced more recently in order to raise learners’ awareness are differ-
ent English accents (Irish, Welsh, Scottish, etc.), which have been included in a
number of the coursebooks analysed (Books 3, 5, 6, 8). These accent differences
are usually presented as part of the listening, pronunciation or vocabulary sec-
tions, where learners are asked to focus on comprehension and to compare the-
se varieties with Standard English. One interesting example is the “How we
speak” section in Book 8, which focuses on dialects in Britain and Ireland and
also includes reflection on accents and dialects in the students’ own country. A
similar reflection activity is found in another coursebook with reference to New
Zealand English and Maori (Book 7).
On the other hand, only some of the coursebooks under examination ei-
ther just mention or explicitly address the issues of World Englishes, ELF and
NNSs. They usually use the notion of “authentic English” (Book 9, Teacher’s
Guide, p. 5), a notion underlying all those coursebooks that include the use of
web-based materials (Books 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10), corpora-informed language (Book
3, Teacher’s Guide, p. 8), or samples of “wrong English usage” (Books 1, 2) de-
rived from learner corpora.
Specifically, it is interesting to note when and where these references
are made and the way in which they are exploited. References to global English
or WE are often made in readings and in cultural sections (Books 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
9, 10). In the video “Varieties of English” linked to a unit on British and Ameri-
can English of one of the coursebooks (Book 5), several NSs of various English
dialects are being interviewed while learners are asked how difficult they find
to understand them, without however the provision of further opportunities
for guided reflection.
As for the presence of NNSs, despite a growing tendency to use them as
main characters in the storyline or in the dialogues, they are more than once (and
still) portrayed as tourists or visitors to an Inner Circle country (the UK mostly;
Books 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9). Not always though their accents in the recordings can
be defined as authentic, as at times they sound like fake foreign accents produced
by NS actors. In some coursebooks WE and ELF interactions are introduced both in
readings and in activities, but seldom with clearly defined awareness-raising tasks.
In one coursebook (Book 5) in the activities related to a video on varieties of Eng-
lish, explicit mention is made of ELF and learners are invited to read the Wikipedia
section on the theme, and to answer the question “Do you think that ELF is a valid
form of English?”, which sounds somewhat biased.
In almost all coursebooks NNSs are seldom represented in interactions
with other NNSs. At times it is done in the context of the Outer Circle (e.g., call
Is there ELF in ELT coursebooks?
centres in India, Book 9, p. 10), even though not with the specific purpose of
highlighting ELF interactions. Even if they are occasionally presented in non-
native (ELF) settings, the NNS characters are already part of a NS context, and
the English produced is ELF only in terms of pronunciation, while lexis, and
discourse markers are predominantly NS ones (Books 1, 2, 9, 6, 10); their pres-
ence does not therefore lead to reflection on the part of the students on dif-
ferences or similarities between varieties of English.
In one coursebook (Book 3, p. 10) a specific paragraph in the Teacher’s
Guidebook introduction is devoted to Englishes and to ELF. It mentions how Eng-
lish has changed and explicitly draws teachers’ attention to WE and the emerg-
ing ELF; however, even if several NNS characters often interact in the activities of
that same book, the tasks are not specifically meant to highlight communicative
linguistic and strategic characteristics of ELF interactive settings.
To sum up, signs of a shift in perspective in a number of coursebooks in
terms of WE do emerge, but that shift is in the majority of cases only realized
in terms of acknowledging the co-existence of varieties besides standard Brit-
ish English, of stimulating recognition of differences in vocabulary, in spelling
or in pronunciation, and in the use of varieties of English in the audio and vid-
eo materials. Explicit encouragement for teachers to focus their and their
learners’ attention on the existence of WE and ELF is provided in only one of
the coursebooks (Book 3); however, the shift to a consistent presence of NNSs
as successful bilingual users of English, and of activities aimed not just at de-
veloping learners’ recognition but at actively involving them in enacting com-
municatively effective ELF strategies, is still largely missing. In some of the
coursebooks (Books 2, 3, 9, 10) several activities are set in non-Anglophone
countries, but the locations are predominantly used only to illustrate aspects
of local history, geography or cultural elements.
It should be noticed, however, that one interesting dimension emerging
in many of the coursebooks sold on the Italian market, and partly present in
our corpus too, is the elicited reflection on learners’ L1 as compared to English
(Books 1, 2, 3, 6, 7). More and more frequently translation activities and prag-
matic differences between the two languages are presented as part of the
learners’ general language education, as well as, in one case in particular (Book
6), instances of other languages and of the presence of English in the students’
environment (e.g., Book 7). This might be considered as a first step in terms of
language and sociolinguistic awareness and may lead to further activities and
tasks on both WE and ELF.
Furthermore, most of the explicit or implicit references to global Eng-
lish/Englishes emerge in the coursebook sections officially dedicated to no-
tions of cultural and intercultural communication, which are gradually substi-
Paola Vettorel, Lucilla Lopriore
tuting the so called culture and civilization (civiltà) sections where most tradi-
tional British culture samples, for instance, the English breakfast, the Royal
family, the British parliament, were once introduced. In one case, the objective
to “build across-cultural awareness” is explicitly mentioned in the Teacher’s
Guide together with that of encouraging discussion and “lead up to mini-
projects” (Book 7, Teacher’s Guide, p. 5). In another case, the Teacher’s Guide
specifies that the culture sections deal with the UK and “world culture” (Book
4, p. 14, our translation). The notion of culture underlying these new sections
is linked to the emerging multiculturalism and to the multilingual contexts typ-
ical of most European countries. Sometimes, even though not explicitly stated,
the texts and activities are focused on other parts of the world (e.g., Book 3,
Vol. 2, section on India and Bangladesh, pp. 140-141; and section on the “all
different, all equal” European policy, pp. 146-147). In most cases the sections
devoted to culture/s make specific reference to religion, food or historical
events. For instance, themes include breakfast around the world or world food
(Book 3, 5, 7), carnivals in the world (Books 3, 6), and even social situations in
different areas (Book 6; Book 3, Vol. 2, p. 137, section on Muhammad Yunus
and micro-credit in India and Bangladesh). In some cases stereotypes about
what is “typically English” are presented (Book 4, “British food sucks”), or sev-
eral points of view are introduced (e.g., Brazilian, Dutch, Turkish, Italian and
Spanish people, Books 3, 8). Very seldom specific references to other lan-
guages or to how English is used in those contexts are made. However, activi-
ties aimed at fostering reflection on the students’ own culture are increasingly
present (Books 1, 2, 3, 4), particularly in web-based materials (Books 1, 2, 3, 6,
7); the fact that specific reference is made to intercultural communication may
naturally lead in the near future to further reflections on the way English is
being used also among bilingual users in cross-cultural WE and ELF settings.
Is there ELF in ELT coursebooks?
learners to look for English in the press, on TV or on the Internet, and active
critical reflection on the presence of English in the learners’ environment is
rarely included (e.g., Books 3, 7).
In line with previous studies, our findings show that, on the whole, there
have not been significant changes in the recently published ELT coursebooks in
our corpus, particularly as to a shift towards awareness-raising activities relat-
ed to the plurality of Englishes, not to mention ELF. Characters continue to be
prevalently NSs, settings and accents overwhelmingly Inner Circle, Anglophone
ones. The idea that interactions among nonnative bilingual users of English can
be successful, which may constitute a positive and attainable model, is not
taken into consideration, apart from one textbook, where the characters do
nevertheless sound like native speakers in the recorded materials. In a similar
vein, there seems to be no consistent encouragement to take advantage of
outside-school opportunities for language use.
The area where more comforting findings emerge is that of intercultural
awareness. Several viewpoints appear to be increasingly acknowledged, espe-
cially in supplementary materials downloadable from websites. These materi-
als not only provide reflection activities, but also support for learners’ use of
the language in their local contexts.
Although it has often been the case that Italian English language teach-
ers have been made familiar with methodological innovations through ELT
materials, and teacher guides have played an important role in familiarizing
Paola Vettorel, Lucilla Lopriore
educators with innovation in didactic approaches,5 this does not seem to have
taken place yet for WE, and even less so for ELF. In the ELT profession ELF is still
a highly debated issue (e.g., Maley, 2010), and a tendency towards conformity
to established and traditional conceptions in materials can indeed contribute
to the reinforcement of ideologies of native-speakerism and language stand-
ards (Houghton & Rivers, 2013), which are however challenged by the wide-
spread changes that have affected English over the last decades. The non-
inclusion of bilingual L2 speakers in their role of ELF users can also be seen in
relation to “traditional” teachers’ expectations (Kivistö, 2005) and beliefs
(Dewey, 2012), to which coursebooks still seem largely to conform.
Acknowledging the deep changes English has been going through in
terms of language use, as well as contexts of use (exposure to several varieties,
effective ELF interactions), could have an empowering effect, both on teachers
and learners. Including a plurilithic approach in ELT materials would not only
support the legitimization of their role of language users, setting bilingual ex-
pertise as an attainable goal, but also foster awareness that English is increas-
ingly (and authentically) used in cross-linguistic and cross-cultural settings. This
could be done by positively building on aspects of language and intercultural
awareness which, as we have seen, are increasingly included in textbooks, to
“reach out” to reality and prepare today’s learners to effectively interact in
real-life communicative settings
For instance, this happened with respect to early versions of communicative language
teaching in the 1980s, or an increased attention to vocabulary through the lexical ap-
proach (Lewis, 1993, 1997; Porcelli, 2004), as well as, more recently, the development of
cross-curricular topics and CLIL.
Is there ELF in ELT coursebooks?
Paola Vettorel, Lucilla Lopriore
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Is there ELF in ELT coursebooks?
Coursebook corpus
No. Authors and materials Title Publisher(s) Year
of publication
1 Puchta, H., Stranks, J., & English in Mind Loescher / Cam- 2008
Thacker, C., & Ackroyd, S. Pre-intermediate bridge University
Student’s Book, Workbook with CD, Press
Companion, Revision
2 Puchta H., Stranks, J. English in Mind Loescher / Cam- 2009
Student’s Book, Workbook with CD, Intermediate bridge University
Companion, Revision Press
3 Lopriore, L., Ceruti, M. A. Voicing English Loescher 2010
2 volumes
Student’s Book , Workbook, Voicing
Word, Voicing Progres, Voicing Grammar,
DVD Viewing Voices
4 Vol. 1: Prodromou L., with Cowan, A., Flash on English ELI 2011
Minardi, S., Prodromou, P., Bowie, J.;
Vol. 2: Prodromou L., with Elliot, R.,
Minardi, S., Prodromou, P., Bowie, J.
Teacher’s Guide (one volume): Tite, J.,
Bowie P.
5 Calzoni D. , Viviani, A. with Brelstaff, T., Star Prize Loescher 2011
Phillips, A., Walker, S.
Vols. A and B
Student’s & Resource Book, Vocabulary
Notebook, DVD
6 Vols. 1 and 2: Garton-Sprenger J. , New Inspiration MacMillan 2011
Prowse, P.; Italy
Workbook: Garton-Sprenger, J., Prowse,
P. with Gomm, H.;
Teacher’s Guide Vol. 1: Garton-Sprenger,
J., Prowse, P. with Bailry, A., Gomm, H.,
Smith, P.;
Teacher’s guide Vol. 2: Garton-Sprenger,
J., Prowse, P. with Bladon, R.
7 Spencer D. New Gateway MacMillan / Mon- MacMillan 2011/
dadori Education Mondadori Education
8 Vol. 1: Comyns Carr J., Parsons, J. with Speak Your Mind Pearson 2102
Foody, E.;
Vol. 2: McKinlay, S., Hastings, B. with
Foody, E.;
Teacher’s Guide Vol. 1: Fricker R., Kent, J.,
Kempton, G. with Bettinelli, B., Fantoni, P. E.;
Teacher’s Guide Vol. 2: Kent J., Kempton,
G., Fricker, R., Reilly, P. with Bettinelli, B.,
Fantoni, P. E.
Paola Vettorel, Lucilla Lopriore
9 Radley P., Simonetti, D. New Horizon Oxford University 2012
Digital Press
10 Latham-Koenig, C., Oxenden, C. English File Oxford University 2013
Student’s Book, iTutor , Video Intermediate Press