PBSSFTJSA005-Work at High

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DOC NO : LSN HSE F 05 01 01 EN



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Nama Pemohon Tanggal pelaksanaan

Requester Name Date execution
Jenis Pekerjaan Jumlah pekerja
Job Description Number of personel
Lokasi Peralatan Utama
Location Main Equipment
Nama Perusahaan
JSA hanya dibuat oleh penaggung jawab pekerjaan atau Pengawas pekerjaan
Note :
To established JSA should be carried out by Job Leader or Job Supevisor


Safety Helmet Chemical Resistence Gloves Lock Out Tag Out (LOTO)
Safety Glasses Disposable Chemical Wear Barricade
Safety Shoes Mask Gas Test Required
Work Gloves Life Vest Others……………………………………………
Ear Plug/Ear Muff Face Shield/Welding Mask/Googles Others……………………………………………
Full Body Harness Fire Extinguisher



1. Mempersiapkan area kerja (Prepare - Tersetrum, terjatuh dan terperosok ke - Welder harus fit sebelum bekerja dengan - - -
the work area) dalam lumpur/lubang galian. pengecekan suhu badan (Welder must be fit
(Electrocution, fell and fell into the before working by checking body temperature)
mud / dug hole) - Inspeksi perlatan sebelum digunakan (Equipment
inspection before use)
- Pemasangan Grounding pada Mesin Las dan
genset (Grounding installation on welding
machines and generators)
- Menjaga pakaian dan peralatan lainnya tetap
kering (Keeps clothes and other equipment dry)
- Jaga kabel tetap kering dan bila tergenang air
segera buat tiang penyangga untuk kabel (Keep
the cable dry and if it gets flooded, immediately
make a support pole for the cable)
- Isolasi peralatan pengelasan/kabel (Insulation of
welding equipment / cables)
- Menggunakan APD (Safety shoes/rubber boot/
safety gloves (sarung tangan las), safety helmet

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(kedok las), (Using PPE (Safety shoes / rubber
boot / safety gloves (welding gloves), safety
helmet (welding mask)
- Welder harus mempunyai kompetensi (sertifikat)
(Welder must have competence (certificate))
Proses pengelasan Joint tiang (joint - welder harus fit sebelum bekerja dengan
pile), pengelasan Hammer/perlatan - Tersetrum (Get electrocuted) pengecekan suhu badan (The welder must be fit
laiinya. (Joint pile welding process before working by checking body temperature)
(joint pile), hammer welding / other
equipment.) - Welder harus mempunyai kompetensi (sertifikat)
(Welder must have competence (certificate))
- Inspeksi perlatan sebelum digunakan
(Miller/mesin las, gerinda, dan generator).
(Equipment inspection before use (Miller /
welding machine, grinder, and generator).)
- Pemasangan Grounding pada Mesin Las dan
genset (Grounding installation on welding
machines and generators)
- Menjaga pakaian dan peralatan lainnya tetap
kering (Keeps clothes and other equipment dry)
- Jaga kabel tetap kering dan bila tergenang air
segera buat tiang penyangga untuk kabel (Keep
the cable dry and if it gets flooded, immediately
make a support pole for the cable)
- Isolasi peralatan pengelasan/kabel (Insulation of
welding equipment / cables)
- Menggunakan APD (Safety shoes/rubber boot/
safety gloves (sarung tangan las), safety helmet
(kedok las). (Using PPE (Safety shoes / rubber
boot / safety gloves (welding gloves), safety
helmet (welding mask).)
- Pastikan tidak ada material-material yang mudah
terbakar di sekitar area pengelasan. (Make sure
- Percikan api yang menimbulkan there are no flammable materials around the
kebakaran (Sparks that cause fire) welding area.)
- Siagakan APAR (Set the fire extinguisher)
- Inspeksi perlatan sebelum digunakan
(Miller/mesin las, gerinda, dan generator).
(Equipment inspection before use (Miller /
welding machine, grinder, and generator).)
- Siagakan APAR (Set the fire extinguisher)
- Pastikan tidak ada material-material yang mudah
terbakar di sekitar area pengelasan. (Make sure
there are no flammable materials around the
welding area.)
- Kebutaan (blindness) - Pastikan Welder memakai APD seperti Kedok
las, sarung tangan las, apron, kacamata safety

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hitam, sepatu rubber boot sebelum melakukan
pengelasan. (Make sure Welder wears PPE such
as welding mask, welding gloves, apron, black
safety glasses, rubber boots before welding.)
- Pastikan Pastikan Welder memakai APD seperti
Kedok las, sarung tangan las, apron, kacamata
safety hitam, sepatu rubber boot sebelum
melakukan pengelasan. (Make sure Welder
wears PPE such as welding mask, welding
gloves, apron, black safety glasses, rubber boots
before welding.)

2. Proses pemotongan plat/besi - Percikan api yang menimbulkan - Pre Check Tabung gas dan oksigen (Pre Check - - -
dengan gas dan asetelin dan kebakaran (Sparks causing fire) Gas and oxygen cylinders)
proses repair peralatan dengan - Pastikan Flasback aerator, reglator, gas &
gas dan asetelin. (The process of oksigen hoses dan check valves dalam keadaan
cutting plate / iron with gas and amandan baik (tidak ada kerusakan) (Make sure
acetylene and the process of Flashback aerators, regulators, gas & oxygen
repairing equipment with gas and hoses and check valves are in good condition (no
acetylene.) damage)
- Pastikan tabung gas dan oksigen dalam keadaan
berdiri dan diikat (diberi rak dorong) (Make sure
the gas and oxygen cylinders are standing and
tied (given a push rack))
- Pastikan tidak ada material-material yang mudah
- Bahaya gas bertekanan menyebabkan terbakar di sekitar area pemotongan. (Make sure
meledak dan kebakaran (Hazard of there are no flammable materials around the
compressed gas causing explosion and cutting area.)
fire) - Siagakan APAR. (Set the fire extinguisher.)
- Pastikan Tabung Gas Asetelin dan Oksigen
dalam keadaan baik dan tidak ada tanda
kebocoran (Make sure the Acetelin and Oxygen
Gas Cylinders are in good condition and there is
no sign of leakage)
- Pastikan tabung oksigen dan asetelin di
tempatkan pada rak dan diikat berdiri. (Make
sure the oxygen and acetylene cylinders are
placed on the shelf and secured to a stand.)
- Siagakan APAR (Set the fire extinguisher)
- Pastikan Flasback aerator, reglator, gas &
oksigen hoses dan check valves dalam keadaan
amandan baik (tidak ada kerusakan) (Make sure
the Flashback aerator, regulator, gas & oxygen
hoses and check valves are in good condition (no

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- Pastikan tidak ada material-material yang mudah
terbakar di sekitar area pemotongan. (Make sure
there are no flammable materials around the
cutting area.)

Dibuat oleh/Prepared by Diperiksa oleh/Reviewed by Diketahui oleh/Acknowledged by *) Disetujui oleh/Approved by

(Contractor - Foreman/Supervisor) (Contractor - HSE Representative) (EPCM) (HSE Lesaffre Sari Nusa)

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