UT General

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Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)

Ultrasonic Testing (UT)

General Exam - level II
General Exam - level II
1- Of the following sound wave modes, which one has multiple or varying wave
A- Longitudinal waves
B- Shear waves
C- Transverse waves
D- Lamb waves

2- The only significant sound wave mode that will travel through a liquid is:
A- Shear
B- Longitudinal
C- Surface
D- Rayleigh

3- The acoustic impedance of a material is used to:

A- Determine the angel of refraction at an interface
B- Determine the attenuation within the material
C- Determine the relative amounts of sound energy coupled through and reflected at
D- Determine the beam spread within the material

4- When angle beam contact testing a test piece, increasing the incident angle until
second critical angle is reached results in:
A- Total refraction of a surface wave
B- 45º refraction of a surface wave
C- Production of a surface wave
D-None of the above

5- Acoustic energy propagate in different modes. Which of the following represent a

A- Longitudinal wave
B- Shear wave
C- Surface wave
D- All of the above

6- The crystal thickness and transducer frequency are related. The thinner the
A- The lower the frequency
B- The higher the frequency
C- There is no appreciable affect
D- None of the above

7- The random distribution of crystallographic in alloys with large crystalione

is a factor in determining:
A- Acoustic noise levels
B- Selection of test frequency
C- Scattering of sound
D- All of the above

8- The length of the zone adjacent to a transducer in which fluctuations in sound

Pressure occur is mostly affected by:
A- The frequency of the transducer
B- The diameter of the transducer
C- The length of transducer
D- Both A and B

9- The difference in signals received from indicate reflectors at different material

distances from a transducer may be caused by;
A- Material attenuation
B- Beam divergence
C- Near field effect
D- All of the above

10- It is possible for a discontinuity small than the transducer to produce indications
of fluctuating amplitude as search unit is moved laterally if testing is being
performed in the

A- Fraunhofer zone
B- Near zone
C- Snell field
D- Shadow zone

11- Which of the following may result in a long narrow rod if the beam divergence
in a reflection from a side of the test piece before the sound wave reaches the back
A- Multiple indications before the first back reflection
B- Indications from multiple surface reflections
C- Conversion from the longitudinal mode to shear mode
D- Loss of from surface indications

12- Where does beam divergence occur?

A- Near field
B- Far field
C- At the crystal
D- None of the above
13- As frequency increases in ultrasonic testing, the angle of beam divergence of a
given diameter crystal

A- Decreases
B- Remains unchanged
C- Increases
D- Varies uniformly through each wavelength

14- When examining materials for planar flaws oriented parallel to the part surface,
what testing method is most often used?
A- Angle beam
B- Through-transmission
C- Straight beam
D- Dual crystal
15- If a contact angle beam transducer products a 45˚ shear wave in steel, the angle
produced by the same transducer in an aluminum specimen would be:
(Vs Steel = 0.323 cm/ μsec , Vs Al = 0.310 cm/ μsec
A- Less than 45˚
B- Greater than 45˚
C- 45˚
D- More information is required

16- The angle formed by an ultrasonic wave as it enters a medium of different

velocity than the one from which it came and a line drawn perpendicular to the
interface between the two media is called:
A-the angle of incidence
B-the angle of refraction
C-the angle of rarefaction
D-the angle of reflection

17- The ultrasonic test method in which finger damping is most effective in locating
a discontinuity is:
A- Shear wave
B- Longitudinal wave
C- Surface wave
D- Compressional wave

18- The process of adjusting an instrument or device to a reference standard is

referred to as:

C-correcting for distance-amplitude variations

19- The ratio of the velocity of sound in water compared to that for aluminum or
steel is approximately:
A- 1 : 4
B- 1 : 2
C- 1 : 8
D- 1 : 3

20- The scattering of the rays of an ultrasonic beam due to reflection from a highly
irregular surface is called:

21- In an immersion test of a piece of steel or aluminum, the water distance appears
on the display as a fairly wide space between the initial pulse and the front surface
reflection because of:
A- Reduced velocity of sound in water as compared to test specimen
B- Increased velocity of sound in water as compared to test specimen
C- Temperature of the water
D- all of the above

22- What law can be used to calculate the angle of refraction within a metal for both
longitudinal and shear waves?
A- Poisson's ratio law
B- Snell's law
C- Fresnel's field law
D- Charle's law

23- At an interface between two different materials, an impedance difference results

A- Reflection of the entire incident energy at the interface
B- Absorption of sound
C- Division of sound energy into transmitted and reflected modes
D- None of the above

24- The phenomenon by which a wave strikes a boundary and changes the direction
of its propagation within the same medium is referred to as:

25- During straight beam testing, test specimen with non-parallel front and back
surface can cause:

A- Partial or total loss of back reflection

B- No loss in back reflection
C- A widened (broad) back reflection indication
D- A focused (narrow) back reflection indication

26- In the immersion technique, the distance between the face of the transducer and
the test surface (water path) usually adjusted so that the time required to send the
Sound beam through the water
A- Is equal to the time required for the sound to travel through the piece
B- Is greater than the time required for the sound to travel through the piece
C- Is less than the time required for the sound to travel through the piece
D- None of the above

27- In a B-scan display, the length of a screen indication from a discontinuity is

related to:
A- A discontinuity's thickness as measured parallel to the ultrasonic
B- The discontinuity's length in the direction of the transducer travel
C- Both A and B
D- None of the above

28- On an A-scan display, what represents the intensity of a reflected beam?

A- Echo pulse width
B- Horizontal screen location
C- Signal brightness
D- Signal amplitude

29- Of the following scan types, which one can be used to produce a recording of
flaw areas superimposed over a plan view of the test piece?
A- A-scan
B- B-scan
C- C-scan
D- D-scan
30- A 45˚ shear angle beam transducer produces a wave in the metal which is
A- Perpendicular to the direction of propagation and parallel to the entry surface
B- In the direction of propagation and at 45˚ to the normal to the entry surface
C- Propagation to the entry surface
D- Perpendicular to the direction of propagation and at 45˚ to the entry surface

31- In straight (normal) beam contact testing, a reduction in the back surface
reflection amplitude could indicate:

A- Inadequate coupling
B- A flaw which is not normal to the beam
C- A near surface defect that cannot be resolved from the main bang (initial pulse)
D- All of the above

32- When adjusting the flaw locating rule for a shear wave weld inspection, the zero
point on the rule must coincide with the:

A- Sound beam exit point of the wedge

B- Point directly over the flaw
C- Wheel search unit
D- Circular scanner

33- A special scanning device with the transducer mounted in a tire-like container
filled with couplant is commonly called:
A- A rotating scanner
B- An axial scanner
C- A search unit
D- A circular scanner

34 Which best describes a typical of a crack whose major surface is perpendicular to

the ultrasonic beam?
A- A broad indication
B- A sharp indication
C- The indication will not show due to improper orientation
D- A broad indication with high amplitude

35- A primary purpose of a reference standard is:

A- To provide a guide for adjusting instrument controls to reveal discontinuities that are
Considered harmful to the end use of product
B- To give the technician a tool for determining exact discontinuity size
C- To provide assurance that all discontinuities smaller than a certain specified reference
D- To provide standard reflector which exactly simulates natural discontinuities of a
critical size

36- The change in direction of an ultrasonic beam when it passes from one medium
to another whose velocity differs from that of the first medium is called:


37-Gas discontinuities are reduced to flat discs or other shapes parallel to the
surface by:

38-in which zone does the amplitude of an indication from a given discontinuity
diminish exponentially as the distance increases?

A-Far field zone

B-Near field zone
C-Dead zone
D-Fresnel zone

39-Using pulse-echo technique, if the major plane of a flat discontinuity is oriented

at some angle other than perpendicular to the direction of sound propagation, the
result may by:

A- Loss of signal linearity

B-loss or lack of a received discontinuity echo
C-focusing of the sound beam
D-loss of interference phenomena

40-As transducer diameter decreases, the beam spread:

B-remains the same
D-becomes conical in shape

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