Trellix Email Solution Brief Final

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Trellix Email
Protect against dynamic threats to
keep your email infrastructure safe

Email is crucial for modern businesses. But its widespread use also makes
it vulnerable—it’s the number one threat vector and main entry point for
cyberattacks because it can be highly targeted and customized.

Many email security solutions

today use antispam filters and
antivirus software that don’t
respond fast enough to attacks
and leave security gaps. And
with traditional tools focused on
detecting malware, cybercriminals
are adapting and using dynamic
malwareless techniques. This can
open your organization to risks
ranging from wasted time to the
complete shutdown of operations.

To keep your email infrastructure

safe and build a confident,
resilient organization, you need
a new approach that prioritizes
email protection as a key
component of holistic extended
detection and response (XDR).

The Trellix solution

Using a combination of technology, intelligence, and expertise,
Trellix Email Security solutions empower your organization to:

ƒ Detect and defend against ƒ Leverage threat intelligence to

the most sophisticated prioritize alerts so you can help
business email compromise analysts respond quickly to
(BEC), ransomware, and high-severity attacks
phishing attacks ƒ Connect your email security
ƒ Protect on-premises with other Trellix solutions for
and cloud-based email end-to-end protection and
infrastructure, including easily consistent insights across
integrating with Microsoft 365 your enterprise
and Google Workspace
ƒ Identify critical threats with
minimal false positives and
block threats inline to keep
them out of your environment

Trellix Email Security 2


Trellix Email Security benefits

Protect cloud-based quickly address both malware
infrastructure and malwareless attacks. To help
With Email Security, your business your business streamline response,
can identify, isolate, and respond the solution gives analysts the
to malware, phishing URLs, context they need to simplify
impersonation techniques, and alert prioritization. And globally
spam campaigns with a single, shared real evidence enables you
comprehensive offering that to identify threats with minimal
includes an antivirus and antispam false positives.
add-on. Microsoft 365 and
Detect and prevent
Google Workspace integrations
multistage attacks
mean your email is seamlessly
protected, enabling your business Many threats combine network
to consolidate its email security and email tactics in multiple
stack, fully embrace the cloud, stages to evade traditional
and proactively address threats. defenses, which often focus on
just one stage. They easily avoid

Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace integrations mean

your email is seamlessly protected, enabling your business
to consolidate its email security stack, fully embrace the
cloud, and proactively address threats.

Simplify your email security most sandboxes, and by the

Many email security tools can’t time security products discover
accurately detect threats the a problem, these email-led,
first time they’re seen, and multistage attacks have often
the technologies used often already encrypted a victim’s data.
don’t stop advanced attacks By integrating Email Security
like BECs and ransomware. This with other Trellix controls, you
leads to organizations using can correlate the attack lifecycle
multiple solutions, causing an to trace it back to an original
overwhelming uptick in alerts phishing email and threat actor.
and creating an overly complex This allows you to seamlessly
security environment. detect and quickly respond to
Email Security allows you to cut blended attacks, keeping your
through the noise. It combines organization safe from even the
many advanced detection engines most complex breaches.
in a single solution so you can

Trellix Email Security 3


Get dynamic protection from email-specific intelligence, you’ll

advanced threats get minimal noise and false
Difficult to detect attacks like positives, freeing your security
ransomware and impersonation team to focus on handling real
are increasing, and they can attacks and improving operational
disrupt businesses both financially efficiency.
and operationally. Because they Choose a deployment to fit
lack traditional indicators such your organization
as malicious attachments or links,
they’re difficult to stop. For the most control, deploy
Email Security inline, so you can
scan emails before they reach
users’ inboxes to keep malicious
and malwareless content from
ever being delivered. Migrating
your email infrastructure to the
cloud? Email Security integrates
seamlessly with cloud-based
email systems including Microsoft
365 and Google Workspace—and
there’s nothing for you to install,
so deployment is simple.

With a streamlined out-of-band

or monitor-only mode deployment,
you can observe traffic for
malicious activity and generate
a report, but you won’t have an
automated prevention mechanism.
You also have the option of
Reduce the risk of costly deploying an on-premises
breaches by using Email Security Email Security appliance.
to identify and isolate these
advanced, targeted, and evasive
attacks. With cutting-edge
machine learning and analytics
in Trellix Advanced URL Defense
and Multi-Vector Virtual Execution,
you can uncover threats that
evade traditional defenses.
Once stopped, Email Security
fingerprints them for future
identification. And with

Trellix Email Security 4


Trellix Email Security components

Minimize the risk of breaches and identify, isolate, and protect against
advanced URL and attachment-based attacks before they enter your
environment with Trellix Email Security solutions.

Trellix Email Security – Server

With the on-premises solution,
you can satisfy data sovereignty
requirements and protect
sensitive email deployments that
can’t be moved to the cloud.

The shifting email Trellix Email Security – Cloud

security landscape Choose the Advanced Threat
ƒ Business email compromise protection option to combine
attacks cost organizations context and detection plug-ins
$1.8 billion in 20201 to identify malicious URLs on
a big data, scalable platform.
ƒ Average attacks per
company increased 31% With the Full Hygiene option, get
from 2020 to 20212 added protection against spam,
unwanted bulk email, and BECs.
ƒ 75% of organizations
say 20% or more of email
security incidents get past
To schedule a demo,
their controls3 visit:

1. Internet Crime Report, IC3, 2021

2. State of Cybersecurity Resilience

2021, Accenture, 2021

3. Take Control of Email Security with

Human Layer Security Protection,
Forrester, 2021

6220 American Center Drive
San Jose, CA 95002

About Trellix
Trellix is a global company redefining the future of cybersecurity. The company’s open and native extended detection and response
(XDR) platform helps organizations confronted by today’s most advanced threats gain confidence in the protection and resilience of their
operations. Trellix’s security experts, along with an extensive partner ecosystem, accelerate technology innovation through machine learning
and automation to empower over 40,000 business and government customers.

Copyright © 2022 Musarubra US LLC 042022-01

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