Closure of Oroantral Fistula Comparison Between Buccal

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Closure of oroantral fistula: Comparison between buccal

fat pad and buccal advancement flap: A clinical study
Background: The oro antral fistula (OAF) is an unnatural epithelialized communication between oral cavity and maxillary sinus. It may heal
spontaneously but a larger fistula requires surgical intervention. OAF causes excruciating pain, escape of fluids from nose, escape of air from
mouth into nose, epistaxis, change in voice due to resonance, purulent discharge in case of chronic OAF, post nasal discharge, popping out of
antral polyp into oral cavity and sinusitis. Closure of OAF is strenuous, technique sensitive and challenging.
Aims and Objectives: To compare and evaluate the efficacy of buccal fat pad and buccal advancement pad for closure of oroantral fistula.
Materials and Methods: Twenty patients of age ranging from 24–64 years with complaint of OAF were included in this prospective,
comparative analytic study. In group I, OAF was treated with a buccal advancement flap and in group II, BFP was sutured over the defect. All
patients were called for follow up on 1st, 7th, 14th and 21st day post operatively. Pain, mouth opening, edema, infection and wound dehiscence
were evaluated on each visit.
Result: The mean age of selected patients in both the treatment groups was comparable. The mean age of patients in group I was 45.00 ±
13.33 years whereas in group II the mean age was 44.00 ± 13.13 years. Pain, edema was less in Group I. Mouth opening was less in group II.
We did not encountered infection and wound dehiscence in any case.
Conclusion: Various techniques can be utilized for the closure; regardless of the technique used, success of the surgical procedure depends
on effective removal of fistulous tract and complete extermination of any sinus pathology and/or infection. The major factors determining the
type of surgery for closure of OAF are dimension and location of the defect. The other decisive factors could be the adequacy and health of
adjoining tissue. We observed buccal fat pad to be better option for closure of OAF, despite of its more morbidity; as all the complications were
of some time period and when evaluated for long term.

Keywords: Buccal advancement flap, buccal fat pad, oroantral fistula closure, oroantral fistula, Rehrmann flap

Bharat Shukla, Gaurav Singh1, Madan Mishra2,

INTRODUCTION Gourab Das3, Abhishek Singh4
Apex Trauma Centre, Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute
Oroantral fistula (OAF) is unnatural epithelialized of Medical Sciences, 1Department of Oral and Maxillofacial
communication between oral cavity and maxillary sinus. It Surgery, Sardar Patel Post Graduate Institute of Dental and
occurs predominantly during extraction of posterior maxillary Medical Sciences, 2Department of Dentistry, Dr Ram Manohar
teeth; it may also occur due to complications of trauma, Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh,
surgery, radiation therapy, infection, cyst, or neoplasm. 3
West Bengal Dental Services, West Bengal, 4Department of
A fistula of size up to 5 mm heals spontaneously, but a larger Dentistry, AIIMS, Patna, Bihar, India

fistula requires surgical intervention.[1] OAF of size <5 mm Address for correspondence: Dr. Madan Mishra,
may also require surgical closure if sinus infection is evident.[2] 5C/19, Vrindavan Colony, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.
E‑mail: [email protected]

OAF causes excruciating pain, escape of fluids from nose, Received: 09 February 2021, Accepted in
escape of air from mouth into nose, epistaxis, change in voice Revised Form: 14 May 2021, Published: 13 December 2021

due to resonance, purulent discharge in case of chronic OAF,

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For reprints contact: [email protected]

How to cite this article: Shukla B, Singh G, Mishra M, Das G, Singh A.
10.4103/njms.njms_323_21 Closure of oroantral fistula: Comparison between buccal fat pad and buccal
advancement flap: A clinical study. Natl J Maxillofac Surg 2021;12:404-9.

404 © 2021 National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
Shukla, et al.: Closure of oroantral fistula – Comparison between buccal fat pad and buccal advancement flap: A clinical study

postnasal discharge, popping out of antral polyp into oral with complaints of OAF were included in this prospective,
cavity, and sinusitis. comparative analytic study. All the patients included in
the study were informed about the surgical procedures
The closure of OAF is technique‑sensitive, arduous, and and the associated complications, and written informed
challenging. Various techniques can be utilized for the consent was signed by all of them. Medically compromised
closure; regardless of the technique used, success of the patients, smokers, drug and alcohol abusers, malignancy
surgical procedure depends on effective removal of fistulous cases, patients with history of previous sinus disease or
tract and complete extermination of any sinus pathology previous sinus surgery, patients with previous radiotherapy
and/or infection. The major factors determining the type of to the maxilla, and patient not willing to participate in the
surgery for closure of OAF are dimension and location of the study were excluded from this study. Intraoral periapical,
defect. The other decisive factors could be the adequacy and panoramic, and occipitomental view radiographs were taken;
health of adjoining tissue.[1] computed tomography was kept optional and advised only
for selective cases. Routine blood investigations along with
The most popular and commonly used method for surgical viral markers were done. The patients were randomly divided
closure of OAF is buccal advancement flap, which is known as into two groups. In Group I, OAF was treated with a buccal
Rehrmann flap.[3,4] It is simple, easy to harvest, and versatile advancement flap, and in Group II, BFP was sutured over the
flap. It has an excellent blood supply because of its broad defect. In both groups, local anesthesia (LA) was administered
base, which makes it a reliable and highly successful surgical via posterior and middle superior alveolar nerve blocks and
option for OAF management. Its vicinity to the surgical site greater palatine nerve block using 2% lidocaine and 1:80,000
makes it an ideal choice, thus avoiding second surgical site epinephrine. Fistula lining was excised, and bony defect was
morbidity. As it has adequate bulk of tissue, the closure of exposed. Two divergent incisions were given, and a standard
OAF is tensionless, ensuring adequate blood flow to the trapezoid buccal flap was reflected in both groups. Cleaning
tissue. It has a major disadvantage of subsequent reduction and necessary debridement of the maxillary sinus were done.
of buccal vestibular depth.[5] Furthermore, the tented mucosa All surgeries were done by the same surgeon in this study.
even after healing may get traumatized during chewing, and
it invariably hinders with prosthetic rehabilitation of missing In Group I (control), the bony defect was closed by advancing
tooth/teeth in the same region. the buccal flap over the fistula and suturing the flap to
the undermined palatal mucosa using horizontal mattress
Another relatively less popular technique for closure of OAF is sutures (3.0 polyglactin); buccal and palatal alveolar bone
the use of pedicled buccal fat pad (BFP). It was first described reduction was done as needed before final closure. In
by Egyedi.[6] It has a constant and reliable blood supply Group  II  (experimental), the BFP was transferred to the
when it is used as a pedicled flap. The size of BFP remains surgical area through the same incision. BFP was gently
constant in an individual, regardless of the body weight and dissected out and delivered over the defect avoiding
fat distribution of an individual. It is present adjacent to the excessive traction and sutured to the surrounding tissue with
surgical site, so it reduces surgical time. It is easy to harvest, 3.0 polyglactin. Then, the buccal mucoperiosteal flap was
is easy to mobilize, has excellent blood supply, and causes sutured to its original position with 3.0 polyglactin suture.
minimal donor‑site morbidity. Complete epithelialization Duration of surgery (from incision till closure) was noted in
takes place over a period of 2–3 weeks. Buccal sulcus depth each group. All the patients were advised not blow through
is also not affected by this procedure; hence, it overcomes nose, avoid sneezing coughing and vigorous mouth rinsing
the disadvantage of reduction in the vestibular depth that for next seven days. Antibiotics, anti‑inflammatory‑analgesics,
occurs if reconstructed with buccal advancement flap.[7] and nasal decongestants were prescribed for 7 days in both
The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the clinical
outcomes of the buccal advancement flap and BFP used for All patients were called for follow‑up on the 1st, 7th, 14th,
closure of OAF. and 21st day postoperatively. Pain, mouth opening, edema,
infection, and wound dehiscence were evaluated on each
MATERIALS AND METHODS visit. Pain was assessed on a 10‑mm visual analog scale
and allotted four categories: 0 ‑ No pain, 1–3 ‑ mild pain,
This study was conducted at the department of oral and 3–7 ‑ moderate pain, and 7–10 ‑ severe pain. Edema was
maxillofacial surgery of our institute after taking permission evaluated by preoperative and postoperative extraoral
from the institutional ethical committee. Twenty ASA measurement of tragus‑pogonium and tragus‑subnasale,
Group I and II patients of age ranging from 24 to 64 years by a tape measure laid on the skin.[8] Mouth opening was
National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery / Volume 12 / Issue 3 / September-December 2021 405
Shukla, et al.: Closure of oroantral fistula – Comparison between buccal fat pad and buccal advancement flap: A clinical study

evaluated by measuring maximum interincisal distance on Pain was absent in both the groups at immediate postoperative
each follow‑up. period because of effect of LA. On intergroup comparison,
pain scores were slightly higher in Group  II (3.50 ± 0.97)
The data were analyzed using descriptive statistical on postoperative day 1; the difference was statistically
methods including the Mann–Whitney U‑test, Chi‑square insignificant when compared with Group I. On days 7 and
test, Student’s “t”‑test, and paired “t”‑test, to compare the 14, the pain score was higher in Group II and the difference
independent groups and repeated‑measures ANOVA with was statistically significant (P = 0.040 and P = 0.030). No
SPSS software version  15.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago Ill., USA). pain was observed on day 21 in both groups [Table 2 and
Statistical significance was defined at P < 0.05. Figure 2]. On intragroup comparison, in Group I, pain was
increased (2.90 ± 0.57) on day 1 as compared to baseline;
RESULTS and it was statistically significant. On day 7, pain was
higher  (1.30  ±  0.95) than baseline but not statistically
The mean age of selected patients in both the treatment significant. On days 14 and 21, no pain was reported by any
groups was comparable. The mean age of the patients in patient. However, in Group II, on day 1 (3.50 ± 0.97) and
Group I was 45.00 ± 13.33 years whereas in Group II was day 7 (2.20 ± 0.79), the pain was more than baseline and
44.00 ± 13.13 years [Table 1]. was statistically significant as well. On day 14 (0.60 ± 0.84),
pain was slightly higher than baseline, but it was statistically
Duration of surgery in patients of Group II (29.90 ± 2.88 min) insignificant. On day 21, no patient reported for pain
was slightly higher than that of Group I (27.90 ± 2.28 min), [Table 3 and Figure 3].
and the difference in mean duration of surger y
between the two groups was found to be statistically In both the groups, at baseline (preoperatively), there was no
insignificant (P = 0.103) [Figure 1]. statistically significant (P = 0.638) difference in maximum mouth
opening. At each postoperative follow‑up, we did intergroup
Table 1: Comparison of Age of Study Population Between the evaluation. We found out that maximum mouth opening was
Groups less in Group II. On postoperative days 7 and 14, reduction in
Age Group Group I Group II Total (n=20) maximum mouth opening was statistically significant [Table 4
(years) (n=10) (n=10)
and Figure 4]. On intragroup evaluation, in Group I, maximum
No. % No. % No. %
mouth opening was less than baseline on day 1. On days 7, 14,
21‑30 2 20.00 2 20.00 4 20.00
31‑40 2 20.00 2 20.00 4 20.00
and 21, maximum mouth opening was more than baseline. In
41‑50 2 20.00 2 20.00 4 20.00 Group II, maximum mouth opening was less than baseline on
51‑60 3 30.00 3 30.00 6 30.00 days 1 and 7, whereas on days 14 and 21, it increased up to a
>60 1 10.00 1 10.00 2 10.00 level more than the baseline [Table 5 and Figure 5].
χ2=0.000 (df=4); P=1.000
‘Min.‑Max. (Median) 25‑64 (46.50) 24‑61 (45.50) 24‑64 (45.50) On intergroup comparison, we observed that in both groups,
Mean±SD 45.00+13.33 44.00+13.13 44.50+12.89 postoperative edema was present on day 1. On day 7, two

Table 2: Comparison of Pain Score at different time intervals Between the Groups
Group I (n=10) Group II (n=10) Mann Whitney test
Range Med. Mean SD Range Med. Mean SD ‘Z’ ‘’P’
Baseline 0‑0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0‑0 0.00 0.00 0.00 ‑ ‑
Day 1 2‑4 3.00 2.90 0.57 2‑5 3.00 3.50 0.97 1.500 0.134
Day 7 0‑3 1.00 1.30 0.95 1‑3 2.00 2.20 0.79 2.054 0.040
Day 14 0‑0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0‑2 0.00 0.60 0.84 2.166 0.030
Day 21 0‑0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0‑0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 1.000

Table 3: Intragroup Change in Pain Score (from Baseline) at different time intervals (Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test)
Group I (n=10) Group II (n=10)
Mean ch. SD Z P Mean ch. SD Z P
Day 1 2.90 0.57 2.913 0.004 3.50 0.97 2.844 0.004
Day 7 1.30 0.95 2.565 0.010 2.20 0.79 2.842 0.004
Day 14 0.00 0.00 0.000 1.000 0.60 0.84 1.857 0.063
Day 21 0.00 0.00 0.000 1.000 0.00 0.00 0.000 1.000

406 National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery / Volume 12 / Issue 3 / September-December 2021

Shukla, et al.: Closure of oroantral fistula – Comparison between buccal fat pad and buccal advancement flap: A clinical study

patients of Group I and 8 patients of Group II had edema; on Egyedi first described the use of BFP for the reconstruction of
day 14, three patients of Group II had edema. On day 21, no intraoral defects.[6] Since then, many surgeons have advocated
patient had edema in each group [Table 6 and Figure 6]. On
intragroup evaluation, in Group I, edema reduced in 80% of
cases on day 7, and on day 14 and 21, none of the patient
had edema. Thus, changes in edema status at day 7, 14, and
21 were found to be statistically significant. In Group II,
edema reduced in 20% of cases on day 7, 70% of cases on
day 14, and 100% of cases on day 21. Thus, changes in
edema status at day 14 and 21 were found to be statistically
significant [Table 7].

We did not encounter infection and wound dehiscence in

any of the group on follow‑up.
Figure 1: Between‑group comparison of duration of surgery (minutes)

Closure of OAF can be an arduous task for surgeon. There

are numerous techniques which can be employed for this
task; however, before finalizing the technique, the local and
general factors are to be kept in mind. Such as, Presence
of sinus infection, status of periodontium, status of BFP
available, general condition of patient etc.[1]

Local flaps are the first choice of any surgeon due to

multiple reasons, such as avoidance of second surgical site,
extensive surgical trauma, postoperative pain, and proximity
to the defect. Thus, they are well tolerated by the patient. Figure  2: Comparison of pain score at different time intervals between
They can be used for single‑ or multiple‑layered closures. the groups
Most commonly used flaps are buccal or palatal flap. Major
disadvantage of the buccal flap is loss of buccal vestibular
height, and that of the palatal flap is that it leaves a denuded
palatal area which heals by secondary epithelialization.[7,9‑11]

Table 4: Comparison of Mouth Opening at different time

intervals Between the Groups
Time Group I Group II Independent ‘t’
interval (n=10) (n=10) test
Mean SD Mean SD ‘t’ ‘P’
Baseline 34.90 1.52 34.60 1.26 0.479 0.638
Day 1 33.00 1.83 31.20 1.69 2.290 0.034
Day 7 36.30 1.89 33.50 1.43 3.734 0.002
Day 14 37.90 1.91 35.70 2.06 2.477 0.023
Figure 3: Intragroup change in pain score (from baseline) at different time
Day 21 39.30 2.83 38.00 1.63 1.258 0.224 intervals (Wilcoxon signed‑rank test)

Table 5: Intragroup Change in Mouth Opening (from Baseline) at different time intervals (Paired ‘t’ test)
Group I (n=10) Group II (n=10)
Mean Ch. SD % Ch. Z P Mean Ch. SD % Ch. Z P
Day 1 ‑1.90 1.97 ‑5.44 3.051 0.014 ‑3.40 1.35 ‑9.83 7.965 <0.001
Day 7 1.40 2.17 4.01 ‑2.040 0.072 ‑1.10 0.88 ‑3.18 3.973 0.003
Day 14 3.00 2.21 8.60 ‑4.291 0.002 1.10 1.73 3.18 ‑2.012 0.075
Day 21 4.40 2.41 12.61 ‑5.766 <0.001 3.40 1.43 9.83 ‑7.520 <0.001

National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery / Volume 12 / Issue 3 / September-December 2021 407

Shukla, et al.: Closure of oroantral fistula – Comparison between buccal fat pad and buccal advancement flap: A clinical study

Table 6: Comparison of Swelling at different time intervals

Time Group I Group II Total Statistical
interval (n=10) (n=10) (n=20) significance
No. % No. % No. % χ2 P
Day 1 10 100.00 10 100.00 20 100.00 ‑ ‑
Day 7 2 20.00 8 80.00 10 50.00 7.200 0.007
Day 14 0 0.00 3 30.00 3 15.00 3.529 0.060
Day 21 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 ‑ ‑

Table 7: Intragroup Change in Swelling (from Day 1) at

different time intervals
Group I (n=10) Group II (n=10)
No. % χ2 P No. % χ2 P Figure 4: Comparison mouth opening at different time intervals between
Day 7 8 80.00 13.333 <0.001 2 20.00 2.222 0.136 the groups
Day 14 10 100.00 20.000 <0.001 7 70.00 10.769 0.001
Day 21 10 100.00 20.000 <0.001 10 100.00 20.000 <0.001

the use of BFP for closure of OAF.[7,12‑14] BFP has a central body
and four processes, namely buccal, pterygoid, superficial,
and deep temporal extensions. Buccal and deep temporal
branches of the maxillary artery and transverse facial and
small branches of the facial artery are its blood supply.[5,15]
Baumann et al. had stated that, because of the ease of access
and rich blood supply, BFP is suitable for closure of defects
of the posterior maxilla as far as the region of the hard and
soft palate and the retromolar region of the mandible.[16]
Figure 5: Intragroup change in mouth opening (from baseline) at different
time intervals (paired t‑test)
Utmost care should be employed for BFP removal. The
incidences of complication are very less. Few of the possible
complications include injury to facial nerve, hematoma,
infection, and edema. Tideman et al. stated that BFP should
cover the defect satisfactorily, and it should not be sutured
under tension, as it may impede the blood supply.[15,17] In the
present study, we did not encounter any case of infection or
dehiscence. It may be attributed to the fact that BFP has ample
blood supply.[17] If excess fat is harvested and sutured over the
defect or there is herniation of fat on postoperative follow‑up,
it may be easily trimmed off by a pair of scissors or dissectors.[5]

Edema is inevitable complication of any surgery. Since

exposure and harvesting of BFP are more extensive procedure Figure 6: Comparison of swelling at different time intervals
than the advancement of the buccal flap, we observed
obvious increase in the duration of edema in such patients. Group I as compared to Group II. It may be ascribed to
The manipulation and transfer of BFP should be done gently the fact that BFP harvesting causes more tissue trauma.
so as to preserve its blood supply, avoid hemorrhage, and No patient complained of pain on the 21 st follow‑up
prevent excessive edema.[2,18] Nezafati et al. had stated that day. During the entire follow‑up period, no patient
the edema appears from next day of the surgery, further it complained about unbearable pain, so we believe that
increase for next 2- 3 days, and it gradually subsides in 7 days. these procedures can be well tolerated by the patients.
Our results are in corroboration with their study.[2] These results are in accordance to the study by Nezafati
et al. [2] However, the result of our study does not
Mild‑to‑moderate pain can be expected after a minor correspond to the clinical evaluation done by Hariram
surgical procedure. We experienced less pain scores in et al.[19]

408 National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery / Volume 12 / Issue 3 / September-December 2021

Shukla, et al.: Closure of oroantral fistula – Comparison between buccal fat pad and buccal advancement flap: A clinical study

The occurrence of reduced mouth opening was more evident Financial support and sponsorship
on Group II; it had profound trismus on all follow‑up days. Nil.
However, in Group I, trismus subsided up to 21st follow‑up
day. According to Colella et al. and Chien et al., reduced Conflicts of interest
mouth opening can be due to scar retraction and lack of There are no conflicts of interest.
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