Damage Limitations Check EC8

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According to EN 1998-1 (Equation 4.

23) the actual displacements of a point of the structural syste

(ds) shall be calculated as a product of the behaviour factor q and the displacement of the same point (de) obtained by modal respon
response spectrum (with included torsional effects). The damage limitation requirement should be verified in terms of the interstorey dri

n is the reduction factor which takes into account the lower return period of the seismic action associated with the damage limitation
requirement. It depends on the importance class of the building.

a = 0.005 for brittle nonstructural elements attached to structure

a = 0.0075 for ductile nonstructural elements attached to structure
a = 0.01 for nonstructural elements not present or not interfering with structural response

n = 0.5 for importance classes I and II

n = 0.4 for importance classes III and IV

Storey drift dr is evaluated as the difference of the average lateral displacements ds in CM at the top and bottom of the storey (EN 1998-
q = 2.0000
a = 0.0050
n = 0.50

Damage limitation check in X direction

Load Case Story h (mm) Story Drift X (mm) Story Drift X (mm)
Storey Height Average Value Average Value
(From Model) (Actual-SLS)
EX 20 9500.00 31.00 31.00
EX 19 0.00
EX 18 0.00
EX 17 0.00
EX 16 0.00
EX 15 0.00
EX 14 0.00
EX 13 0.00
EX 12 0.00
EX 11 0.00
EX 10 0.00
EX 9 0.00
EX 8 0.00
EX 7 0.00
EX 6 0.00
EX 5 0.00
EX 4 0.00
EX 3 0.00
EX 2 0.00
EX 1 0.00

Damage limitation check in Y direction

Load Case Story h (mm) Story Drift Y (mm) Story Drift Y (mm)
Storey Height Average Value Average Value
(From Model) (Actual-SLS)
EY 20 9500.00 31.00 31.00
EY 19 0.00
EY 18 0.00
EY 17 0.00
EY 16 0.00
EY 15 0.00
EY 14 0.00
EY 13 0.00
EY 12 0.00
EY 11 0.00
EY 10 0.00
EY 9 0.00
EY 8 0.00
EY 7 0.00
EY 6 0.00
EY 5 0.00
EY 4 0.00
EY 3 0.00
EY 2 0.00
EY 1 0.00
al displacements of a point of the structural system.
of the same point (de) obtained by modal response spectrum analysis based on design
should be verified in terms of the interstorey drift (dr) (EN 19981/ using equation

action associated with the damage limitation

tructural response

M at the top and bottom of the storey (EN 1998-1/

Story Drift X (mm) Ratio Remark


47.50 0.65 O.K

0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
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0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

Story Drift Y (mm) Ratio Remark


47.50 0.65 O.K

0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
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