This document is a checklist used to inspect restaurants and ensure compliance with Clean Bay Certified standards. It contains over 50 criteria across various categories including general operations, dumpster/trash areas, equipment cleaning, grease handling, employee education, and optional criteria. Inspectors verify practices like proper labeling of storm drains, no visible discharges to drains, recycling programs, cleaning product usage, and training of employees on spill prevention. Receiving a passing inspection means the restaurant has implemented various best management practices to prevent water pollution.
This document is a checklist used to inspect restaurants and ensure compliance with Clean Bay Certified standards. It contains over 50 criteria across various categories including general operations, dumpster/trash areas, equipment cleaning, grease handling, employee education, and optional criteria. Inspectors verify practices like proper labeling of storm drains, no visible discharges to drains, recycling programs, cleaning product usage, and training of employees on spill prevention. Receiving a passing inspection means the restaurant has implemented various best management practices to prevent water pollution.
This document is a checklist used to inspect restaurants and ensure compliance with Clean Bay Certified standards. It contains over 50 criteria across various categories including general operations, dumpster/trash areas, equipment cleaning, grease handling, employee education, and optional criteria. Inspectors verify practices like proper labeling of storm drains, no visible discharges to drains, recycling programs, cleaning product usage, and training of employees on spill prevention. Receiving a passing inspection means the restaurant has implemented various best management practices to prevent water pollution.
This document is a checklist used to inspect restaurants and ensure compliance with Clean Bay Certified standards. It contains over 50 criteria across various categories including general operations, dumpster/trash areas, equipment cleaning, grease handling, employee education, and optional criteria. Inspectors verify practices like proper labeling of storm drains, no visible discharges to drains, recycling programs, cleaning product usage, and training of employees on spill prevention. Receiving a passing inspection means the restaurant has implemented various best management practices to prevent water pollution.
Site Address: Owner/Manager: Staff On-Site: Mailing Address: Date: Time: Phone Number: Email: Inspection Results Y N N/A NOTES General Storm drain inlets are labeled □ □ □ Area free of visible discharges to the storm drain system □ □ □ Implements a recycling program: □ □ □ Two water conservation measures in place, specify: □ □ □ 1 2 Use less toxic, biodegradable and phosphate-free cleaning products for outdoor cleaning □ □ □ * Does not use plastic bags for take out (instead use paper, reusable, only upon request, etc.) □ □ □ * May vary by city Does not use polystyrene take out containers □ □ □ Dumpter Area Garbage container area free of trash (ground, walls, etc.) □ □ □ Outside area is free of trash □ □ □ Outside trash bin free of leakage □ □ □ Dumpster free of any liquid waste □ □ □ Trash bin lids closed □ □ □ Equipment and Outdoor Cleaning Areas around restaurant are dry swept and if needed spot cleaned with high pressure low volume □ □ □ Parking areas are kept clean & regularly swept (no evidence of food, litter, heavy staining, oils, grease) □ □ □ No evidence of floor mats being washed outside □ □ □ Liquid waste from equipment cleaning is drained into an approved sewage system □ □ □ No evidence of cigarette butt litter □ □ □ Outdoor drains have no evidence of stains or non-stormwater discharge entering outdoor drains □ □ □ Loading/unloading areas are free of leftover trash, food waste, debris, etc. □ □ □ Effective clean-out plugs on all exterior drain lines □ □ □ Outdoor storage area is free of litter □ □ □ Grease Handling and Spill Disposal Maintenance records that show when grease traps/interceptors were last cleaned are on-site for review □ □ □ Proper grease trap installed and maintained □ □ □ Maintenance records that show when rendered grease was picked up are on-site for review □ □ □ Grease bins and/or outdoor containment area labeled □ □ □ Grease disposal containers & surrounding areas are clean and free of overflow, liquid waste,and spills (ground, wall) □ □ □ Spill prevention mechanisms or spill containment in place around grease disposal area □ □ □ Spill absorbent kit available on-site (i.e. kitty litter, sand, etc.) □ □ □ Grease disposal containers are kept closed with lids □ □ □ Education and Training There is information posted for employees informing them about the following areas: □ □ □ Spill prevention & control, prohibiting discharge of wastewater outside, keeping dumpster areas clean Additional environmental educational materials posted in a visible area on-site for employees to read □ □ □ Management conducts regular training of employees regarding above criteria (i.e BMPs) □ □ □ Clean Bay Options (must choose 2) Restaurant implements a local and/or certified Organic food purchasing policy □ □ □ Biodiesel vendor, specify: □ □ □ Bike racks on property for patron or employee use □ □ □ Purchase paper products made of recycled content, specify: □ □ □ Purchase plastic products made of recycled content, specify: □ □ □ Participates in a sustainable seafood program, specify certification: □ □ □ Food scraps are: unused food is donated □ , to whom: reused for other dishes □ composted □ , specify what: hauler: Staff regularly trained on waste management (i.e. recycling, composting, waste reduction) □ □ □ Implements a take back program or bring your own policy, specify: □ □ □ Offer disposable products only upon request □ □ □ Does not use poison bait boxes □ □ □ Structural BMPs in place, specify: (i.e. bioswales) □ □ □ Other, specify: □ □ □