sr11 - 035acc-Body Measurements-NHANES-1962
sr11 - 035acc-Body Measurements-NHANES-1962
sr11 - 035acc-Body Measurements-NHANES-1962
Skinfolds,Body G irths,
Biacromial Diameter,a nd
Indicesof Adults
United States, 19604962
Introduction---------------------------------------------------------- 1
Measuring Techniques----------~--------------------------------r-- 3
Findings ________________________________________--------------------- 5
Infrascapular Skinfold----------------------------------------------- 10
Sum of Skinfolds---------------------------------------------------- 13
Chest Girth-------------------------------------------------------- 17
Waist Girth-------------------------------------------------------- 19
100 :< Sitting Heigllt/Sta:ure _______ --- - --____ ___ -_-- ___________ __ -__ 28
General Discussion---------------------------------------.--------- 33
Refel-ences------------------------------------------------------------ 36
Detailed Tables------------------------------------------------------- 38
Survey Design---.-------------------------------------------------- 56
Reliability--------------------------------------------------------- 56
Small Categories--------------------------------------------------- 57
IN THIS REPORT findings fov adults in the United States on six of the
18 mQasuYQmQ?zts of body size taken during the examinations of the first
cycle of the Health Examination SuYvey aYQ pYQsQntQd as well as CQY
tain commonly used anthvopometric indices. Field OpQYation phases of
the suvvey WQYQ stuvted in October 1959 and completed in DQCQmbQY
1962. Out of the nationwide probability sample of 7,710 persons 18-79
years of agQ selected to YQpYQsQnt the 111 million pWsons in the U.S.
civilian, noninstitutional population, 6,672 (oY moYQ than 85 percent)
WQYQ QXaminQd.
The measurements and indices contained in this YQpoYt aYQ ones which
aYQ commo?lly used in clothing design, Qpidemiology, physical educa
tion, and rehabilitation. As indicatovs of body build they aYQ useful in
evaluating wowth, na&ition, metabolic stutus, and disease ~YOCQSSQS.
In the YQpoYt avefindings by agQ fov men and women on Yight a’ym skin-
fold, infvasc&ulaY skinfold, sum of the two skinfolds, Yight aYm giYth,
chest giYth, waist giYth, biacvomial diUmQtQY, pondeva index (height/
weight lj3), 100 x sitting height erQct/statuYQ, 100 x chest circumfer
encQ/statuYQ,~ and 100 x biacvomial diametW/statuYQ. The degree of
1inQaY association of the oviginal measurements and equations for the
pYediction of QaCh of themfrom height, weight, and agQ aYQ also in
cluded. Inaddition, measuvement techniques fov the six direct measuvs
ments aYQ descm’bed.
Data not available ________________________ ---
epidemiology, physical education, and rehabili Table A. Percent of weight of subcutaneous
tation. A high ratio of chest to waist circumfer fat in total weight, by age and sex,
ence suggests an athletic build, a low ratio the estimated for persons of “standard”
weight for height
reverse. Historically, the chest circumference
to stature ratio has been regarded as an index
of robusticity; men with low values of the ratio Estimated
were often rejected as candidates for military of total
service or for insurance, as being particularly Age body weight
prone to tuberculosis.5
Arm circumference, at the level of the tri
ceps (midback of arm) skinfold, measures three I I
Men Women
35 years--------------------
roughly follows the “laws” of animal distribution, ments were made with the examinee seated on a
in that inhabitants of cold climates tend to be flat, horizontal board, with the knees and ankles
stockily built, conserving body heat, while those at right angles, thighs horizontal, and popliteal
in hot climates are linear in build, maximizing areas lightly touching the seat surface. This was
surface area and dissipating heat. accomplished by inserting or removing the nec
Certain body measurements, including those essary number of M-inch plywood boards under the
in the first cycle of the Health Examination feet. All measurements not in the midsagittal
Survey, are designed for use in analyzing body plane (parallel to the long axis of the body) were
bulk, or stockiness of build, into its components measured on the right side of the body, unless
of fat, muscle, and skeletal mass. otherwise noted.
Measurements were taken by a team of two
The sitting height/stature index is likewise
trained observers using the following standard
useful in medicine and anthropology. Patterns of
ized procedures as illustrated in appendix I. The
growth and of adult proportions can signify
nurse member of the team took the chest girth
accelerated or retarded growth. Since most
measurement of women.
linear growth occurs in the long bones, leg length
is the main factor in stature variations. En Skinfold measurements. -These were taken
docrine , genetic, and chromosomal anomalies on the right side using the standard cali
cause characteristic patterns of relative trunk per developed by Oscar Lange of the
and leg length, such as the high sitting height/ University of Kentucky in Lexington, Ken
stature index in Turner’s syndrome (X0 chro tucky, manufactured by the Cambridge
Scientific Instruments, Cambridge, Mary- from the acromion (at the shoulder) tothe
land in accordance with accepted stand olecranon process iat the elbow). Withthe
ards. Two measurements were made and zero mark of the tape at the acromion, the
recorded for each skinfold in the following tape was allowed to hang free and themid
order: point of the acromion-olecranon distance
was marked with a ballpoint pen or skin-
Right upper arm
marking pencil on both sides of the tape.
Right infrascapular
The arm girth measurement was made
Right upper arm
horizontally at this level, while the arm
Right infrascapular
was hanging loose, with a steel tape held
When a skinfold was difficult to measure in contact without deforming the contours
an indication of “tight skin” was recorded of the arm.
next to the measurement so that this could Zhes t girth. - On men this measurement was
be taken into consideration in analyzing taken while the examinee was standingre
the data. laxed, breathing normally, with his arms
Upper aym skinfold.- The examinee stood slightly raised. A steel centimeter tape
with his arms hanging loosely at his sides. was applied, without deforming the skin
The observer grasped a skinfold parallel contours, in the horizontal plane around the
to the long axis of the right arm over the chest at the nipple line.
triceps area (back of arm, not side) and On women the measurement was taken
1 centimeter above the midpoint mark without a brassiere while the examinee
(see arm girth). Applying the caliper at was standing relaxed, breathingnormally,
the level of the mark for arm girth the with her arms slightly raised. A steel
observer counted silently, l-2-3, and centimeter tape was applied in the hor
called out the reading to the recorder who izontal plane at the uppermost part of
repeated and recorded it as for all other the axillary folds, without deforming the
measurements. skin contours.
Infvascapulav skinfold. -This measurement Waist givth.- For this measurement, men
was taken 1 centimeter below the tip of were asked to loosen their belt so that the
the right scapula. The observer grasped steel tape could be applied horizontally at
a skinfold below the lower border of the the natural indentation of the waistline or
scapula with his fingers on top, thumb at a level midway between the iliaccrests
below, and forefinger at the lower tip of and the lower edge of the rib cage, if no
the scapula. The skinfold was angled about natural indention was present.
45 degrees from the horizontal, going
medially upward and laterally downward. Biacvomial diameter.- The observer stood
behind the examinee, who was standing
The calipers were placed 1 centimeter
without support, placed his hands on ‘Z-X
below the forefinger, l-2-3 was counted
examinee’s shoulder, asked him to roll his
silently and the reading called out, re
shoulders slightly forward, and assisted
peated, and recorded as for the upper
him to do so. The observer located the
arm skinfold.
outermost edges of the acromial process
Aym @th.- This measurement was taken by following the scapular spines laterally
from the right side. With the examinee and forward. The location of the acromial
standing and holding his forearm at a right process was marked with a ballpoint pen
angle to the upper arm, the arm was or skin-marking pencil without distorting
marked with a steel tape on the lateral the position of the skin over the acromion.
aspect (outer side, not back) of the right The measurement was taken with the bars
arm. The observer measured the distance of the anthropometer held short, fingers at
the tips of the bars, and palms on the rod. record, where they could be taken into consid
The movable bar was adjusted tomeasure eration in data analysis. Measurements, other
the width betweenthe most lateral surfaces than weight, were recorded to the nearest milli
of the acromial process with firm contact. meter. Body dimensions measured with the upper
The reading was taken at the inner edgeof sections of the anthropometer were recorded as
the movable bar, without changing the po read from the anthropometer scale, and the
sition of the movable bar, on the scale that length of the base section not used was later
increased downward from the fixed bar. subtracted mechanically. Conversion of all linear
measurements, other than skinfolds, from centi
~!eliability of Measurements meters to inches, was also done later mechani
As indicated in the first physical measure Statistical notes on the survey design, reli
ment report in this series,3 the quality of the data ability of the data, and sampling and measure
obtained through standardized measurement pro ment errors are shown in appendix II.
cedures was maintained in three ways-by train
ing, by using automatic measuring devices where FINDINGS
possible, and by building safeguards into a team
system. Anthropometric data are presented here for
Prior to the start of the survey, the staff the adult, civilian, noninstitutionalized population
nurse and technician on each of the two caravans of the United States aged 18-79 years. These
were given intensive training by two of the authors; estimates were obtained from direct measure
who advised on the selection of the series of ments taken on a highly representative national
measurements and developed the specific tech sample of examinees in the first cycle of the
niques used in the survey. At several times during Health Examination Survey during 1960-62. These
the course of the survey, theseauthorsvisitedthe measurements and indices are in addition to those
examining units to observe and retrain the staff included in an earlier publication in this series. 3
team. Determinations of the reproducibility of the The findings are discussed, and comparisons are
measurements were made on a small group of made with data from recent reliable anthro
subjects. The more difficult of the measures to pometric surveys of segments of the U.S. pop
reproduce closely, the skinfolds, were takentwice ulation and of certain foreign populations as well.
for each examinee. Differences between this and other studies could
All measurements, other than height and result from secular (long term) changes in body
weight for which automatic measuring devices size and proportion as suggested by somestudies
were used, were taken by a teamof two persons- repeated over time among specific subgroup;
the nurse and the technician-one acting as ob from differences in socioeconomic status, OCCU
server and the other as recorder. The observer pation, race, ethnic group or national origin; or
took: the measurements, calling out the results from other factors. Where the data are not
(read to the nearest millimeter) to the recorder, strictly comparable for technical reasons such as
who repeated them and then called out the name of differences in measuring instruments or proce
the next measurement. The observer kept the dure, these special problems are discussed.
measuring instrument in place until the recorder In evaluating changes with age in the data pre
repeated the number. The recorder generally sented below, the possibility of a secular trend
checked the examinee’s position during the pro toward an increase in overall body size, as
cedure. measured by height and weight, should be kept in
Any modification in measurement tech mind. This trend is suggested from the cross-
niques-such as left-side rather than right-side sectional data reported earlier from the Health
measurements required because of amputations Examination Survey? and it has beendocumented
or casts, abnormal conditions such as height de- from other sources as well, particularly those
creased from a hunched condition, or girth in- dealing with national samples of young men ex
creased from pregnancy-were noted on the amined for military service.
When subjects of different generations are
compared, for example, older and younger age
subgroups in the present series, some body-size
differences could, be expected to result solely
from these secular changes; that is the older
subjects, who are smaller in overall size, might
be expected to have slightly smaller body dimen
sions for that reason alone. However, this tend
ency must be evaluated in conjunction with the ob
served chronological increases in body fat and
fat-related measurements with individual aging. O 1 I I I I I I
Here, as with all “cross-sectional” data- 20 40 60 60
those obtained for many age groups at one point AGE IN YEARS
in time -a basic question may be raised as to the
meaning of physical changes with age. Infrascap
ular skinfold, for example, increases to ages 54 Figure I. Average right-arm skinfold for adults,
18-79 years.
in men and 64 in women, and thereafter decreases,
Do people tend to lose fat beyond middle age, or
do fewer fat people survive into the older age
groups7 Are both factors at work? Only “longi decade to a maximum average of 2.5 centimeters
tudinal” studies, where the same persons are at 55-64 years. By 65-74 years there was a
followed for many years, will give the answer. slight drop to 2.4, and finally a decline to 2.0
centimeters at 75-79 years.
Right Arm Skinfold
Maximum values in triceps skinfolds occur
considerably later in life for women than for men,
The average right arm skinfold, taken over 55-64 compared with 25-44 years. The oldest
the middle of the triceps muscle, was 1.3 centi women have skinfolds slightly but not significantly
meters among American civilian males. About 90 larger than the youngest women, whereas for men
percent of men fell between 0.5 and 2.8 centi the values are the same for both extreme age
meters, a range of 2.3 centimeters, and 98 per- groups (table 1 and fig. 1).
cent between 0.4 and 4.1 centimeters, a tenfold Comparison of skinfold measurements from
range of 3.7 centimeters. Changes with age were the present study with those of other studies should
not marked except for the 0.3 centimeter rise be made only when the measuring site and tech
from 1.1 centimeters at 18-24 years to 1.4centi- niques are similar. In addition, the same type of
meters at 25-34 years. The triceps skinfold re caliper should have been used, since the present
mained constant through the next decade, then authors from Harvard University have found dif
declined slowly to 1.1 at 75-79 years (table 1 ferences between the three most commonly used
and fig. 1). models, the Lange, Harpenden, and the Minnesota.
For American women the values for triceps Among 46 men whose triceps skinfolds were
skinfolds were consistently larger than for men. measured by each of the three calipers, with
Their average triceps skinfold measured 2.2 identical technique and systematically altering the
centimeters, or 0.9 centimeter larger than the sequence of caliper use, the mean with the Har
male average. Approximately 90 percent of women penden caliper was 1.07 centimeters, the Lange
varied between 1.1 and 3.8 centimeters, a range 1.13 centimeters, and the Minnesota model, 1.27
of 2.7 centimeters and about 98 percent between centimeters. The direction of the difference for
0.8 and 4.6 centimeters, a sixfold range of 3.8 the individual subjects was similar to the differ
centimeters. The minimum average value for ences for the means. Such differences need to be
women, 1.8 centimeters, occurred at the youngest tzken into consideration in comparing studies
age, 18-24 years, increasing to 2.1 centimeters based on different calipers. These results differ
at 25-34 years. From there it increased each somewhat from those reported by Keys et al,28
who stated that “no significant differences were tical mean values. Healthy U.S. veterans”’ dif
observed when different calipers [Harpenden and fered by only 0.1 centimeter at 25-34 and 35-44
Lange] were used for repeated measurements on years, and at 45-54 years the values were iden
the same men,” but who nevertheless reported tical. A series of 133 Spanish-American War
mean differences of up to 0.04 centimeter. Dif veterans ranging in age from 72-91 years3” had
ferences between individual calipers of the same the same value as the present men aged 75-79
manufacture are negligible compared with inter- years. A group of 407 young white Army men.33
caliper differences. The Minnesota caliper, no were found to have average values which did not
longer in production, has the largest intramanu differ significantly from those in the present
facturer variability. study. Thus the triceps skinfold values for
The most nearly comparable large study in various group studies in the United States appear
which skinfold measurements were obtained is the quite similar to those for the general population.
survey of Canadian civilians in which a strati When compared with foreign populations,
fied random sample of that population was meas however, the U.S. values generally are appre
ured. In the Canadian study as reported by Pett ciably larger. Taking the age groups in the
and Ogilvie,“g triceps skinfold was measured by forties and fifties as an example, the American
Minnesota calipers. The pattern that emerges in men had median values larger than three Italian
this comparison (table B) is the consistently, and groups by about 0.2 centimeter, and substan
substantially, larger values found in the United tially larger than a third Italian group by about
States. The differences vary from 0.5 to 0.6 0.6 centimeters.“8 They had larger medianvalues
centimeters greater at each age interval. The than Yugoslavs and Greeks by about 0.6 centi
magnitude and consistency of these differences meter, larger than Finns by about 0.5 centi
cannot be attributed to the different caliper used, meter, and even larger than Netherlanders,
since the Minnesota caliper used in the Canadian usually considered a well-fed population, by
survey gives larger values than the Lange caliper about 0.2 centimeter. %8
in the Health Examination Survey. In all likeli When comparisons are made at the upper
hood, Americans have fatter arms than their end of the range, i.e. “fattest versus fattest”,
Northern neighbors, These differences hold the contrast is even more marked. For example,
throughout the percentile range, but are more U.S. men at the 95th percentile from the present
marked at the upper end of the distributions, study were 1.l centimeters larger than their
ranging from 0.2 centimeter at the 10th percen counterparts in the Netherlands study, 0.4 centi
tile to 1.1 centimeters at the 90th percentile. meter larger than 95th percentile Italians from
The arm skinfold values for adults in the one group, and fully 1.8 centimeters larger than
United States as determined in the Health Ex those from another group. They were also 1.5
amination Survey are similar to those of other centimeters larger than 95th percentile Greeks
groups in this country, such as those in the from the island of Crete.
Tecumseh, Michigan Community Health Study. 30 Women in the United States as determined
Only about 0.1 centimeter or less difference was from the present study showed a pattern like
found between median values in these two studies that of the men when they werecompared with the
for comparable age subgroups. The very slight Canadian civilian, female population at similar
tendency for the Michigan subjects to be larger ages. U.S. women had larger mean triceps skin-
could be explained by the Minnesota calipers folds than their Canadian counterparts, the dif
used in the latter study. The railroad switchmen, ferences ranging from 0.5 centimeter for those
clerks, and executives reported by Keys et al.,26 18-24 years of age, 0.6to0.7centimeterfor those
had slightly larger median values than the pres 24-64 years, and 0.8 centimeter for the oldest
ent study, but only by 1 or 2 millimeters. A group. Again the differences held consistently
large group of former naval aviators3* had mean throughout the distribution. For the 35-44-year
values similar to those of the present study over age groups, for example, the 10th percentile
the comparable age range, while subjects in a differences were 0.4 centimeter, while the 90th
longitudinal growth study in Boston36 had iden percentile differences were 1.0 centimeter. As
Table B. Right upper arm skinfold in centimeters for selected groups
present studya-----------. 3,091 mm- -mm
18-79 ---
--- ‘v-m
18-24 5 mm
72 --- S-M
75- 79 1.1 --I
Canadiansb(29)_ ________
---- --- e-w
18-24 a--
--- ---
35-44 -mm
E --- M-w
i:: -mm
mm- w-v
25- 29 m-m m-w
--m ---
30-34 -mm ---
--- -mm
35-39 m-w w-m
--- S-N
40-44 w-m s-m
--- mm-
45-49 s-s mm
--- ---
50-54 s-m ---
--- -mm
55-59 --- ---
-es ---
EEi -mm s-m
-mm ---
70174 --- -mm
--- ---
75-79 --- w-m
m-m M-w
z-2 ;:; 0.c
--- mm-
45154 113 0,4
Spanish-American War
veteransa(32)------------- 133 81 305 72-91 1.1 0.4
U.S. Army, whitea(33)------ L-m --- 18-24 0.6
"ii --- w-w 25-34 1':; 0.5
Former naval
aviatorsa(34)------------- 675 47 em- 42-62 102 0.4
Italians, Romec(28)-------- 766 -es -w- 40-59 --- s-s
Italians, Crevalcorec(28)-- 990 s-s w-m 40-59 W-M ---
Montegiorgioc(28)--------- 715 --- -mm 40-59 w-w -mm
Yugoslavs, DalmatiaC(28)--- 670 --- --- 40-59 m-w e-w
Finns, Westc(28)----------- 859 --- --- 40-59 m-w -mm
Netherlandersc(28)--------- 877 a-- --- 40-59 e-w ---
Greeks, Corfuc(28)--------- 529 --- s-w 40-59 m-w m-m
See footnotes at end of table.
Table B. Right upper arm skinfold in centimeters for selected groups-Con.
Italians, militarya(35)---- 18-59 1.0
4; o”*:
Table C. Infrascapular
skinfold in centimeters
for selected groups
present studya------------- 3,091 -me --- 18-79 1.5 m-s 1.4
?i 1:5
Table C. Infrascapular skinfold in centimeters for selected groups-Con.
- -
T Age TInfrascapular skinfold
Present studya------------- 3,581 m-m -mm
18-79 m-s
534 -mm m-w
18-24 ---
746 --- mm-
25-34 ---
784 m-e ---
35-44 -ma
705 --- ---
45-54 ---
443 --- -mm
55-64 -a-
299 --- mm-
65-74 ---
70 m-e --m
75-79 ---
Tecumseh, Michigan Com-
munity Health Studyb(30)--- 171 --- ---
20-24 -mm --- 1.3
193 -mm ---
25-29 -m- mm-
226 m-m ---
30-34 m-m --- 22
216 --- mm-
35-39 --w ---
149 --- -w-
40-44 --- --- 28'
135 --- -mm
45-49 m-m ---
95 B-m m-w
50-54 -mm mm- I:?
mm- mm-
55-59 mm- ---
E --s -m-
60-64 -m- mm- ;:2"
-mm m-m
65-69 -mm ---
2 mm- m-s
70-74 --- --- z-3'
24 --- W-B
75-79 s-m mm- 2:2
age in this combined measurement were greater 1.4 centimeters. The one Asiatic population rep
for women than for men. The lowest mean value, resented, from Japan, had a sum ofskinfoldvalue
3.1 centimeters, was found again in the youngest similar to that of the leaner Europeans. They were
group with the increase for ensuing decades of 1.2 centimeters smaller than American men at
0.3 to 0.5 centimeters to a high of 4.7 centi the median, and less variable with a striking 3.2
meters at 55-64 years, followed by a decline to centimeter difference at the 95th percentile.2*
3.7 centimeters at 75-79 years (table 3 andfig.3). For foreign military groups, the Italians from
For both men and women, the magnitude of the Rome are fairly similar to the present findings
difference from the thinnest to the fattest, as for civilian men in the United States, whereas
measured by these skinfolds, was quite striking. the Greeks and Turks had markedly lower
The results of comparison with special pop values.35
ulation groups in the United States, civilian and When the women in the entire United States,
military, can easily be inferred from the discus as estimated from the present study are compared
sions above of the two components of the sum of with the Tecumseh, Michigan Community Health
skinfolds. However, it is of interest to compare Study,30 the differences in the median values are
the present data with those of several selected found to be very slight. “Normal women” from Up-
studies. Taking men in their forties and fifties, state New York 37 are slightly larger, while those
the span within which maximum values are usually from the Boston longitudinal growth study36 are
found, the present findings for men in the United slightly smaller, when approximately the same age
States showed median values around 2.7 centi ranges are considered (table D).
meters (table D). Four groups within this age
range were reported by Keys et al.,28 to show Right Arm Girth
somewhat higher median values: railroad switch-
men 3.1, nonsedentary clerks 3.3, sedentary Men in the general civilian population had
clerks 3.4, and executives 3.4 centimeters. For right arm girths averaging 12.1 inches. About 90
the Tecumseh, Michigan Community Health percent of these men varied between 10.1 and
Study,30 median values for sum of skinfolds 14.2 inches, a range of 4.1 inches, and 98 percent
were more similar to those from the present varied between 9.2 and 15.4 inches, a range of
study. Differences here, if any, showedtheformer 6.2 inches. The youngest age group had an average
to have slightly higher values. Healthy U.S. arm girth of 11.8 inches. After a rise to 12.3
veterans31 had nearly identical mean sums of inches at 25-34 years, there was little change
skinfolds-0.1 centimeter higher at 25-44 years, with age until 55 years, the mean values for the
but larger by 0.3 centimeter at 45-54 years than three intervening age decades varied only from
the present study. Former naval aviators34 had 12.3 to 12.4 inches. By 55-64 years, there was a
values very similar to those in the present U.S. decline to 11.9 inches, a further decline to 11.6
population over the same general age range. The inches by 65-74 years, and a group low of 10.9
group of young military males 33 were also very inches for those 75-79 years of age (table 4 and
close in size to those in the present study, taking fig. 4).
age distributions into consideration. The Boston For women in the general population, rig$X
longitudinal growth study36 again had the largest arm girths averaged 11.2 inches, or 0.9 inches
skinfolds, a mean of 3.3 centimeters as against less than the comparable figure for men. Some 90
2.9 for the roughly comparable age group in the percent of these women varied between 9.0 and
present study. 14.4 inches, a range of 5.4 inches, while 98 per-
With foreign populations, the expected differ cent fell between 8.3 inches and 15.8 inches, a
ences were also found. Civilian men in theunited range of 7.5 inches. Thus it is evident that women
States from the present study had larger sum of were more variable in this measurement than
skinfold measurements than any foreign group men. Age changes in arm girth for women differed
presented in table D. Only the group of Italians somewhat from.those for men in that there was a
from Rome are close, only 0.1 centimeter less; fairly steady increase from 10.2 inches for the
with the other groups the differences range up to youngest group to a high of 11.9 inches at 55-64
Table D. Sum of skinfolds in centimeters for selected groups
Sum of
Age skinfolds
Sex and group Number
measured Range
Mean deviation in Mean Median
present studya--------------_---------- 3,091 --v SW-
mm- ..--
18:24 I::
i71: --- e-e
z: --- ---
20 --- ---
75-79 -em ;:;
Bostona 2(36)------------------------ 60
e-e --- 28-36 3.3 B-m
Italians, RomeC‘(28)------------------ 767
mm- -mm 40-59 v-m
Italians, Crevalcorec (28)------------
--- -..- -mm f:"2
Italians, MontegiorgioC (28)---------- Eli
s-w m-m :kz; w-s
Italians, NicoteraC (28)-------------- 470
-mm -..- 40159 w-w ?5
Yugoslavs, Dalmatiac (28)-------------
L-m w-m 40-59 mm- 1:4
Finns, WestC ~28)--------------------- :;; e-M m-e 40-59 ---
Netherlanders (zS)------------------- 876 -mm -mm 40-59 w-m i:!
Greeks, Corf$ (28)------------------- 529 --- mu- 40-59 ---
JapaneseC (28)------------------------ 499 e-w --- 40-59 w-m 1'15'
See footnotes and note at end of table.
Table D. Sum of skinfolds in centimeters
- for selected groups-Con.
Standard Range
Mean deviation in Mean Median
militarya (35)-------------- 18-59
Italians, 1,358
2: 2.5
present studya------------------------ 3,581 --- ““”
534 """ ““”
18-24 ;:"1
746 """ ““”
784 "_" ““”
35-44 22
705 """ ““”
443 """ ““”
55-64 2
299 """ ““-
65-74 414
70 """ ““”
75- 79 3.7
Tecumseh, Michigan Community
Health Study (30)------------------- 171 _"" ““”
20-24 """
193 """ _“”
25- 29 """
226 _"" ““”
30-34 "S"
216 """ ““”
35-39 """
65 """ ““”
60-64 "W"
""" ““”
65-69 """
2: """ ““” """
24 "_" ““”
505:;t """
years of age, when it declined to 11.5 inches at
65-74, and to 11.0 inches at 75-79 years. The
oldest women were 0.8 inches lay@?+ in this
measurement than the youngest women whereas
the oldest men were 0.9 inches smaller than the
youngest men (table 4 and fig.4).
Right arm girths measured in the same way on
special groups in the United States showed the
following patterns (table E): A group of healthy
male veteransS1 aged 25-34 years and 45-54 years
had a mean value 0.2 inch greater than the same
age subgroup from the present study while those
aged 35-44 were the same size. Spanish-American
War veterans32 with an age range between 72 and
‘0 l-
91 years had a mean value in this girth only OT ’ I I I I I I
20 40 60 80
slightly larger than this value for men 75-79
years in the present study. A group of former
naval aviators 34 with a mean age of 47 years had
two sexes cannot be compared. For all women, With regard to age changes in chest girth,
chest girths, as measured, averaged 34.7 inches; the youngest women 18-24 years of age were the
90 percent fell between 30.4 and 40.5 inches, a smallest, 32.9 inches. Thereafter there was a
range of 10.1 inches; and 98 percent between29.0 steady increase by decades of age to ahigh of 36.2
inches and 43.5 inches, a range of 14.5 inches. inches at 55-64 years. A decline then set in with
r Age
IIXght arm girth
present study---------------------- 3,091 -mm ---
18-79 L2.1 ---
72 -a- -a-
75-79 10.9 ---
of data,
mm- 50-60
-a- 60-70
see references,
I 11.7
the average measurement dropping steadily to American men in the present study also had
34.8 inches at 75-79 years. Thus for women, chest higher values, onthe average, than three European
girth was fully 1.9 inches Zar&~?’for the oldest military populations.35 They were larger than
group than for the youngest group (table 5 and recently measured military groups of roughly
fig. 5), a pattern different from that for the men, comparable age in Turkey, Greece, and Italy by
where it was noted that the youngest and oldest 1.9, 1.4, and0.4 inches, respectively-all statis
groups were of virtually the same size. The tically significant differences.
women’s measurement as taken included rela The generally larger chest circumferences
tively more fat. found for American men in the general population
When compared with various subpopulations is difficult to explain, especially when compared
of comparable age, the civilian American men in with military populations who would not be ex
the general population tended to have slightly pected to have small chests. However, thediffer
larger chests. Compared with a group of 25-34- ences are not great, and could result from minor
year-old healthy veterans,31 for example, the variations in measuring technique, more fat among
present men of the same age were 0.5 to 0.6 the present civilians, or both.
inch larger at each decade of age (table F). Air Women in the United States have a chest
traffic controllers,39 averaging 27 years of age, girth which appears to be somewhat smaller than
were smaller on the average by 0.9 inch than a large group of women measured in a previous
those 25-34 years of age from the present study. clothing survey, though differences in the age
However, chest girths of a group of Spanish- distribution make direct comparisons difficult.
American War veterans,sg72-91 years of age, In addition, the measurements were taken at a
were identical on the average to the oldest group slightly lower anatomic level in the earlier
of American men; while a group of former naval study. This lack of standardization of the
aviators34 had substantially larger measure anatomic location for chest circumference among
ments, averaging 40.4 inches. The latter were, females makes other comparisons inadvisable
however, unusually large in overall body size and where the measuring techniques are even more
might be expected to have larger chests for that divergent.
reason alone.
Compared with two groups of “Old Ameri
Waist Girth
cans ,‘I Harvard fathers and sons ,a* measured for
the most part between about 1904 and 1929, the Waist girth, for men in the general civilian
present men had considerably larger chests. population of this country, averaged 35.0 inches,
Those in the 18-24-year group averaged 3.6 the middle 90 percent falling approximately be-
inches larger than the Harvard fathers at age 19, tween 28.4 and 42.9 inches, arangeof 14.5 inches,
and 2.0 inches larger than the Harvard sons at and the middle 98 percent between 26.8 and 46.6
age 18. While part of the difference is attributable inches, a range of 19.8 inches. There was a
to the slightly older average age of the present marked increase with age in this dimension, as
18-24-year age group, some of it also possibly would be expected; the greatest increase-2.2
reflects greater body size of American people inches-occurring between the youngest men,
today or of the general population whencompared 18-24 years, with the smallest waist circumfer
with that group. ences, and the 2%34-year age group. The mean
When compared with U.S. military popula values were 31.9 and 34.1 inches, respectively.
tions, men in the present study were again some- The dimension increased steadily with age to a
what larger. Groups of Army men from the maximum of 36.6 inches at 55-64 years. From
United States,53 Army separatees,@ Air Force that point there was a decline to 35.7 inches for
flying personnel:O and Army aviators44 were the oldest men, 75-79 years (table 6 and fig. 6).
all smaller on the average than those of nearly Women in the United States averaged 30.2
comparable age in the entire American civilian inches in waist girth, 4.8 inches less than men.
population from the present study while “older” About 90 percent of all women fell between 24.1
Air Force pilots”t were about the samesize. and 39.1 inches, a 15.0-inch range, and 98 per-
Table F. Chest girth in inches for selected groups
present study---------------------- 3,091 --- 18-79
-em m-e
72 -mm ---
75-79 37.9 m-m
U.S. Air Force basic trainees(42)-- 3,330 18 1.9 17-36 35.6 2.4
U.S. Army(43)---------------------- 24,470 23 --- w-m 36.4 2.3
U.S. Army aviators(44)------------- 500 30 406 20-47 37.7 2.1
Italians, military(35)------------- 1,358 ---
18-59 2.07
Greeks, military(35)- ---___- ------- 1,084 2 -mm
17-43 32: 2001
Turks, military(35)---------------- 915 22 ---
17-45 3519 1098
U.S. Aymy(33)---------------------- 514 24 w-e
17-51 37.7 2.G
Present study---------------------- 3,581 --- ---
18- 79 34.7 ---
70 --a ---
75-79 34.8 ---
cent between 22:9 and 44.3 inches, a 21.4-i&h
range. Women were more variable in this meas
urement than men with the largest waists almost
twice as large as the smallest. At the upper end
of the distribution, around the 99th percentiles,
the difference between the sexes in thismeasure
ment was smallest, 2.3 inches.
For women, the pattern of changes with age
in waist girth differed slightly from that of men.
Fromthe youngest group, 18-24 years, to the 25-
34 group there was an increase of 1.1 inches,
half that of the men. Thereafter the increase by
decades was greater than for men-- 1.4,1.4, 1.6,
and finally a rise of only 0.4 inches to a maxi-
mum of 33.1 inches at 65-74 years, one decade
later than the maximum value for men. Only
with the last age group, age 75-79 years was
there a very slight decline-namely 0.3 inch, to oT ' I 1 I I I I
20 40 60 60
32.8 inches (table 6 and fig. 6).
Comparisons of the waist circumference val
ues from the present study, measured at the natu
ral “waistline” or indentation, with the results
of other studies are also only valid where the Figure 6. Average waist girth for adults,18-79 years.'
latter have been taken in a similar way. Civilian
data on “Old American” fathers and sons meas Air Force flyers: c averaging 27 years of age,
ured at Harvard by D.A. Sargent during the first the American civilian men aged 25-34 years
third of this century3* show the present findings from the present study are 2.1 inches larger.
for American men aged 18-24 years to exceed the They are also 1.4 inches larger than Army avia
fathers at age 19 by 3.2 inches, and the sons at tors, with an average age of 30years. The 18-24-
age 18 by 3.0 inches (table G). Some of this is year-old civilians are 1.6 inches larger than a
attributable to the older average age for this group of Air Force basic trainees42 with an aver-
group in the present study but some may also age age of 18 years, though this might be expected
reflect overnutrition of a large segment of the because of the difference in the age distributions.
contemporary population. For women, where comparable data are
When compared with contemporary U.S. mili available, the pattern is the same as that for
tary populations, one would expect the men from men-that is, American women from the present
the present study to have the larger waist cir study had larger waists. When compared with
cumferences, since civilians in general will be “Old American” mothers and daughters of Eastern
less physically fit, with more fat deposition, than women’s colleges, measured over 50 years ago, 38
service men. This proves to be the case. The sole the American women from the present study aged
exception from the present comparative data are .18-24 years averaged 2.9 inches larger than the
the 18-24-year-old Armymenfrom Fort Devens,33 mothers at age 19 and 1.5 inches larger than the
who were significantly larger (0.5 inch) in waist daughters at age 18. As with the “Old American”
girth than the present civilians of comparable age. males, part of this increase may be due to differ
However, much of this difference probably stems ences in the age distribution, and part to the dif
from the preponderance in the military group of ference in overall size. One hundred working
men in the upper part of the 18-24-year range. women with an average age of 36 years46 had a
When Fort Devens men aged 25-34 years are waist circumference of 28.8 inches which the
compared with the present group, the latter have present 35-44-year-old women exceeded sub
larger waists by 0.5 inch. When compared with stantially, by 0.9 inch. As for military compari-
Table G. Waist girth in inches for selected groups
Sex and group Number
l- Waist girth
sons, World War II WAG and Army nurses,
with an average age of 26,‘7 were 1.8 inches
smaller than the most comparable age group of
the present series. WAF basic trainees,48 with an
average age of 19 years, had a mean waist 1.3
inches smaller than the 18-24-year-old civilians
in the general population.
In generai, both American men and womenas
determined in the study had larger waists than
almost all other groups in the civilian and mili
tary population available for comparison.
or ’ I I I I I I
20 40 Go 80
Biacromial Diameter
Table H. Biacromial diameter in inches for selected groups
Sex and group Number
T Biacromial
Standard Standard
Mean deviation in Mean deviation
U,S. Air Force older pilots(41)---- 398 --- -mm 30-54 1509 ---
Table H. Biacromial diameter in inches for selected groups-Con.
Age diameter
Sex and group measured Range
Mean deviation . Standard
Mean deviation
y EL s
70 -w- m-m
75- 79 13.6 ---
For women, height/weightti3 averaged 12.15, percentiles had fairly similar values for both
or 0.25 index units lower than the comparable men and women, but women were lower by about
value for men. About 90 percent of women in the 0.70 units at both the 5th and 1st percentiles.
United States ranged between 10.63 and 13.37, a Age changes in this index were more marked
range of 2.74, and 98 percent varied between 10.12 for women than for men, the values ranging from
and 13.82, a range of 3.70. The 95th and 99th 11.72 to 12.66 for the former. There was a con-
Age weight c*“3
Sex and group Number
measured Range
Mean Standard Standard
deviation Mean deviation
y Zr s
sistent decline in this index with age from the
youngest age group to the oldest for women, ex
cept for a slight rise in the very oldest age group
(table 8 and fig. 8).
Since women generally are less muscular
and have less robust skeletons than men, their
lower ponderal index is due entirely to their
greater adiposity. The fall in middle adult life
reflects weight increase, whereas the rise at age OT I I I I I I I
20 40 60 60
75-79 shows that weight loss exceeds loss in
stature. AGE IN YEARS
Table K. 100 x sitting height, erect/stature for selected
Age r 100xsitting
ht./ stature
Sex and group neasured
Standard Range
Mean deviation Mean
Table K. 100 x sitting height, erect/stature for selected groups-Con.
100 xsitting
Age ht./ stature
Sex and group Number
measured Range
Mean Standard Mean
deviation ytirs
The range from the 5th to 95th percentiles is
from 20.0 to 24.0, a total of 4.0 units, and that
from the 1st to 99th percentiles, from 19.1 to 25.0,
a total of 5.9 units difference (table 11 and fig. 11).
Age-related changes in this index were negligible,
except for the very oldest group which was slightly
more narrow-shouldered.
W o m e n in the general civilian population had
an average value in this index of 21.7, or 0.8
units less than men. W o m e n were thus, as ex
pected, more narrow-shouldered than men, rela
tive to stature. About 90 percent of women were
between 19.3 and 23.2, a range of 3.9 units, and
98 percent between 18.3 and 24.1, a range of 5.8
units. Age changes for women were likewise
L 1 I I I I I I
20 40 60 60 negligible (table 11 and fig. 11).
Relationship of Measures
Figure IO. 100 x average chest circumference/stature The interrelation of these various physical
for adults, 18-79 years. measurements provides more definitive informa
tion on body build and compostion and on the ex-
marked increase to 57.9. Thereafter the value tent of variation in them than do the previously
remained fairly constant, over the next three de mentioned indices.
cades, i.e., 58.3, 58.4, and 58.2, declining to 57.5 Correlation coefficients showing the degree
at 75-79 years (table 10 and fig. 10). of rectilinear relationship of the various body
For women, the chest circumference/stature measurements obtained in Cycle I of the Health
ratio had an average value of 55.1 or 2.3 points Examination Survey with height, weight, and age
less than that for men. However, these values are shown in table 12. Partial and m u ltiple cor
are not comparable since chest circumference was relations and the linear regression equations for
measured at different anatomic locations for prediction of each of the other measures from
women and men. Ninety percent of the women height, weight, and age are given in tables 13 and
varied between 47.4 and 65.1, a range of 17.7 14. Since not all of these measures are normally
while 98 percent varied between 45.1 and 49.9, a distributed, prediction will be more precise in
range of 24.8. The general pattern of changes
with age in this index for women roughly paralleled
that for the men. The lowest value, 51.6occurred 23
American m e n in the general civilian popula Figure II. 100 x average biacromial diameter/stature
tion had an average value for this index of 22.5. for adults, 18-79 years.
the region of the means than at the extremes of tinue’to show a low positive or negative relation-
the distributions. ship indicating no change or a decrease with age.
As would be expected, body lengths among The association of each measure with height,
men are more closely associated with height weight, and age combined for men is increased
while breadths, girths, skinfolds, and other meas over that for the highest corresponding simple
ures involving adipose tissue show lower degrees and partial correlations as may be seen in tables
of relationship. The association with body lengths 12 and 14 and appendix III. The improvement is
ranges from +0.60 for buttock-popliteal length to statistically significant only for chest girth, el-
+0.80 for knee height. Correlations with meas bow-to-elbow breadth, infrascapular skinfold, and
ures involving adipose tissue ranged from +0.39 biacromial diameter.
for weight to 0.00 for the infrascapular skinfold. As is true for men, the body lengths among
Correlations of less than +O.lO were found for women are more closely associated with height
elbow-to-elbow breadth, arm skinfold, sum of than are measures involving breadths and adipose
skinfolds, and waist girth. tissue. The range among the lengths is similar
Measures affected by adipose tissue are con to that for men, from +0.51 for buttock-popliteal
versely more closely associated with weight in length to +0.78 for knee height. With the exception
men than are the body lengths. The degree of of biacromial diameter, elbow rest height and
relationship of the former ranges from +0.55 for sitting height which are roughly similar for both
buttock-knee length to +0.88 for chest girth. The sexes, the degree of association for all themeas
correlation also equals or exceeds +0.80 for arm urements is lower for women than for men.
girth (+0.85), waist girth (+0.82), seat breadth Measurements involving breadths and adipose
(+0.81), and elbow-to-elbow breadth (+0.80). There tissue generally show a similar order of associ
tends to be a higher degree of association for all ation to weight for women as was found for men.
measures with weight than with height. The lowest For women, these range from +0.62 for buttock-
order of association was found for popliteal height knee length to +0.88 for chest girth. With the
(+O.lS). exception of buttock-popliteal length, the length
In general among men the measurements show measurements are not as closely associated with
a low degree of association with age. The most weight in women as they were in men.
closely associated with age are waist girth (+0.30), With age a higher degree of association was
and elbow-to-elbow breadth (+0.16). All but these found among women than men for the girths, skin-
two measures, chest girth (+0.06), infrascapular folds, elbow-to-elbow breadth, and seat breadth.
skinfold (+0.04), and seat breadth (+0.04), show a Height, with the effect of age andweight removed,
negative association with age, ranging from a shows a relationship to these measurements
negligible -0.04 for arm skinfold to -0.27 for among women generally similar to that found for
sitting height erect, reflecting the decrease in men, with the lengths remaining closely associ
these measures with age. ated to stature while the degree of association of
When the effect of age and weight for men is the others with weight is reduced substantially
removed, the six body lengths remain the most from that for the simple correlations.
closely associated with height but the degree of Weight, with the effect of age and height
relationship is reduced somewhat for each. The removed, is less closely associated with buttock
relation of the other measures with height is popliteal length, sitting height erect and normal,
substantially reduced. Removing the effect of age knee height, and popliteal height while the re
and height increases the degree of association lation to the remaining measures is not altered
with weight for the girths, elbow-to-elbow breadth, significantly among women in contrast to thefind
arm skinfold, and infrascapular skinfold but re ings for men.
duces it somewhat for the rest, The relationship When the effect of height and weight is re-
with age, when the effect of height and weight is moved, the association of age with length meas
removed, increases the association of this factor ures is increased or shows a smaller negative
with waist girth (+0.30 to +0.57), elbow-to-elbow relationship while for the others the associations
breadth (+0.16to+0.26),chestgirth(+0.06to+0.16), are reduced or show negligible changes.
and seat breadth (t 0.04 to 0.16). The rest con
The association with height, weight, and ageof The importance of fat is that it constitutes a
only five of the measures are increased signifi hazard to health, but it is the most labile body
cantly over that for the larger simple or partial tissue and the most amenable to alteration. Obese
correlations-waist girth, buttock-knee length, persons have been found to have lower life ex
elbow rest height, biacromial diameter, and but pectancy, to be at greater risk during surgical
tack-popliteal length. procedures, and to be more subject to cardio
Correlation coefficients showing the degree of vascular diseases, strokes, and diabetes than per-
linear association among all of the 18 measures sons of lean or average physique.
are shown in appendix III. Since these are based
on unweighted data they can be expected to differ SUMMARY
slightly from the true linear association which
could have been found had full use been made of The seven body measurements and four in-
the sample design. dices reported here from the Health Examination
These measures of the degree of association Survey of adults in the civilian, noninstitutional
found in a highly representative sample of the population aged 18-79 years in 1960-62 showed
population of the United States and the correspond the following characteristics:
ing estimates for the population are included here . 1. Men had right arm skinfolds averaging
for use in further studies of body size, its relation 1.3 centimeters, with about 90 percent falling
to various genetic and environmental factors, and between 0.5 and 2.8 centimeters, and approxi
for other purposes. mately 98 percent between 0.4 and 4.1 centi
meters. This skinfold increased with age
General Discussion from 1.1 centimeters at 18-24 years to a
high of 1.4 centimeters between 25-44 years,
Men and women in the civilian, noninstitu
thereafter decelining to 1.1 centimeters at
tional population of the United States were found
the oldest age range, 75-79 years.
to be larger and fatter than those groups from
other countries for whom comparable data were Women had right arm skinfold values con
available. Body size, shape, and composition are sistently larger than those for men. Their
determined by both genetic and environmental average was 2.2 centimeters, with about 90
factors. Disease and undernutrition can prevent percent falling between 1.1 and 3.8 centi
persons from reaching their full genetic potential, meters, and about 98 percent between 0.8
as demonstrated by the rapid increases in stature and 4.6 centimeters. Women had their lowest
and correlated body dimensions among migrant value, 1.8 centimeters, in the youngest age
groups within a single generation after coming to range, increasing consistently thereafter with
the United States. The amount of such growth has age to a high of 2.5 centimeters at 55-64
been found by Shapiro”” to be as much as 1.2 years, then falling to 2.0 centimeters at 75-
inches for groups of Japanese migrants to Hawaii, 79 years.
and by Damons7, 2.1 inches for Italian-American
2. Infrascapular skinfolds for men averaged
factory workers near Boston, Massachusetts.“’
1.5 centimeters. About 90 percent fell be-
Once full genetic endowment has been achieved,
tween 0.7 and 3.0 centimeters, and 98 per-
further environmental amelioration will not in-
cent ranged between 0.6 and 4.1 centimeters.
crease height, but may increase weight according
Changes with age were relatively small,
to findings of Bakwin and McLaughlin58 and Da-
ranging from 1.3 centimeters at 18-24 years
mon.59 Since skinfolds, a direct measure of fat,
to a high of 1.6 at 35-54 years, then falling
correlate negligibly with stature, greater height
to 1.3 centimeters again at the oldest ages.
cannot explain the greater adiposity of men and
women in the United States compared with other Women had infrascapular skinfold values
national populations. Overnutrition and sedentary larger than those for men though the differ
habits with little physical exercise are probably ences were less marked than for the right
responsible. arm. The average was 1.8 centimeters. About
90 percent ranged between 0.7 and 3.6 centi lation ranged between 34.3 and 44.9 inches,
meters, and 98 percent between 0.6 and 4.5 and 98 percent between 32.5 and 47.7 inches.
centimeters. The lowest value was found in The lowest value of chest girth, 37.8 inches,
the youngest age group, after which there was was found in the youngest age group, 18-24
a consistent increase to 2.2 centimeters at years, the highest value, 39.8 inches, at 45-
55-64 years, and an ensuing decline to 1.7 54 years. By 75-79 years, chest girth had
centimeters at 75-79 years. dropped to 37.9 inches.
3. Men had a mean sum of skinfolds of 2.8 Women had an average chest girth (measured
centimeters. Approximately 90 percent fell at a different anatomic location than for men)
between 1.2 and 5.4 centimeters, and 98 of 34.7 inches. Roughly 90 percent fell be-
percent between 1.0 and 7 .l centimeters. tween 30.4 and 40.5 inches, and 98 percent
From 2.4 centimeters at 18-24 years, mean between 29.0 and 43.5 inches. By age, the
values increased to a high of 3.0 at 35-44, lowest value was found at 18-24 years, 32.9
followed by a consistent decline to a low of inches, followed by a consistent increase to a
2.3 at 75-79 years. For men the infrascapular maximum of 36.2 inches at 55-64years,fol
skinfold contributed the larger portion of the lowed in turn by a decline to 34.8 inches at
sum of skinfold value. the oldest age group.
Women had a sum of skinfolds averaging 4.0 6. Waist girth for men averaged35,0inches,
centimeters, with about 90 percent falling be- with about 90 percent varying between 28.4
tween 1.8 and 7.1 centimeters,and98percent and 42.9 inches, and 98 percent between 26.8
between 1.4 and 8.6 centimeters. Women had and 46.6 inches. By far the smallest value,
their lowest value, 3.1 centimeters, at the 31.9 inches was found in the youngest age
youngest age, 18-24 years, and their highest, group. The largest waist girths, 36.6 inches,
4.7 centimeters, at 55-64 years. Thereafter occurred at 55-64 years, followed by asmall
there was a decline to 3.7 centimeters at75- drop to 35.7 inches at 75-79 years.
79 years. For women the right arm skinfold Women had an average waist girth of 30.2
contributes the larger portion of the sum of inches. Approximately 90 percent fell between
skinfold value. 24.1 and39.1 inches, and 98 percent between
4. Right arm girth in men averaged 12.1 22.9 and 44.3 inches. The lowest value again
inches. About 90 percent varied between 10.1 was found among the youngest subjects, 27.2
and 14.2 inches, and 98 percent between 9.2 inches at 18-24 years, the highest value at
and 15.4 inches. At 18-24 years this meas 65-74 years, 33.1 inches.
urement averaged 11.8 inches, at 35-44years
there was a high of 12.4 inches, and at 75-79 7. Biacromial diameter (or bony shoulder
a low of 10.9 inches. breadth) had an average value for men of ’
15.6 inches. About 90 percentranged between
For women, right arm girth hadameanvalue 14.3 and 17.0 inches, and 98 percent between
of 11.2 inches. Approximately 90 percent fell 13.5 and 17.5 inches. There were relatively
between 9.0 and 14.4 inches, and about 98 few age changes in this measurement until
percent varied between 8.3 and 15.8 inches. the older age groups were reached. There was
The lowest value, 10.2 inches, was found in an average value of 15.8 inches between 18-34
the youngest group, followed by a consistent years followed by a small steady decline to
increase to a high of 11.9 inches at 55-64 14.7 inches at 75-79 years.
years, and followed in turn by a decrease to
For women, biacromial diameter averaged
11.0 inches at 75-79 years.
13.9 inches, with about 90 percent falling
5. For chest girth, men had an average value between 12.8 and 15.2 inches, and 98 percent
of 39.2 inches. About 90 percent ofthispopu between 12.3 and 15.7 inches. Changes with
age were even smaller than for men. From 10. The 100 x chest circumference/stature
13.9. ‘inches at 18-24 years, there was an index for men had an average value of 57.4.
increase to a maximum of 14.1 inches at ages About 90 percent fell between 49.7 and 65.8,
35-44, followed by a gradual decline to 13.6 and about 98 percent between 47.6 and 70.8.
inches at 75-79 years. There was a fairly marked increase with age
in this index from a low of 55.1 at 18-24
8. For men, height/weight1*‘3 (or the pon
years to a high of 58.4 at 55-64years. There-
deral index) had an average value of 12.40.
after there was a decline to 57.5 at 75-79
The 5th percentile of this index was about
11.31, and the 95th percentile, 13.44. For
the 1st and 99th percentiles, theapproximate Women had an average value in this index of
values were 10.82 and 13.84, respectively. 55.1 (with chest circumference taken in a dif
The general age pattern was that of a de- ferent anatomic location than for men).
cline in this index with increasing years, from Approximately 90 percent fell between 47.4
12.67 at 18-24 years, to 12.30at45-64years, and 65.1, and about 98 percent between 45.1
followed by a small rise to 12.42 at 75-79 and 69.9. Age changeswere even moremarked
years. for women than for men. From a low of 51.6
there was an increase to 58.1 at%-74years,
Women had an average value in this index of
followed by a slight drop to 57.1 at 75-79
12.15, with about 90 percent falling between
a low of 10.63 and a high of 13.37, and about
98 percent between 10.12 and 13.82. Thepat 11. For men, the 100 x biacromial/stature
tern of age changes was generally similar to index had an average value of 22.5. About 90
that for men. The highest value, 12.66, was percent ranged between 20.0 and 24.0, and
found at 18-24 years, the lowest value, 11.72, 98 percent between 19.1 and 25.0. Age changes
was found at 65-74 years after a series of were slight: the highest value, 22.6 occurred
gradual declines, followed by a small rise at 18-24 years, thereafter varying by small
to 11.88 for the oldest age group. amounts to 22.3 at 65-74, and finally toa low
of 21.9 at 75-79 years.
9. For men, 100x sitting height erect/stature
has an average value of 51.8. Approximately The average value of this index for women
90 percent varied between 49.9 and 54.6 was 21.7, with 90 percent varying between
in this index, and 98 percent between 48.5 19.3 and 23.2 and 98 percent between 18.3
and 55.8. Age changes were fairly small: and 24.1. Age changes,as for men, were slight.
from a value of 51.6 at 18-24years, there was From a low of 21.4 at 18-24 years, there
an increase to a maximum of 52.0 at 35-44 was an increase to 21.6 at 25-34, thereafter
years, followed by a gradual decline to a stabilizing at 21.8 for 35 through 79 years.
low of 51.4 at 75-79 years.
Comparisons are made for each of the above
For women, the average value of this index measures and indices with other comparable
was 52.4. About 90 percent ranged between domestic and foreign studies.
50.3 and 55.2, and 98 percent between values
The linear interrelationships of these meas
of 49.0 and 56.2. From an average value of
ures are considered and equations for the
52.3 at 18-24 years, there were slight in-
prediction of each from height, weight, and
creases to a high of 52.7 at 45-54years, fol
age are given.
lowed by a decline to 51.4 at 75-79years.
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Table 1. Right arm skinfold, average, and selected percentiles for adults,by age and sex:
Unit-d States, 1960-62---------------------------------------------------------- .39
2. Infrascapular skinfold, average, and selected percentiles for adults, by age and
sex: United St-t-s, 1960-62----------------------------------------------------- 40
3. Sum of skinfolds, average, and selected percentiles for adults, by age and sex:
United States, 1960-62---------------------------------------------------------- 41
4 . . Right arm girth, average, and selected percentiles for adults, by age and sex:
Unit-d Stat-s, 1960-62----------------------------------------------~----------- 42
5. Chest girth, average, and selected percentiles for adults,by age and sex: United
States, 1960-62----------------------------------------------------~------------ 43
6. Waist girth, average, and selected percentiles for adults,by age and sex: United
States, 1960-62------------------------------------------------------------~---- 44
7. Biacromial diameter, average,and selected percentiles for adults,by age and sex:
Unit-d States, 1960-62---------------------------------------------------------- 45
10. 100 x chest circumference/stature, average, and selected percentiles for adults,
by age and sex: United States, 1960-62------------------------------------------ 48
12. Correlation coefficients of body measurements with height,weight,and age for men
and women: United Stays, 1960-62----------------------------------------------- 50
14. Partial and multiple correlation coefficients and standard errors of estimate
around the corresponding multiple linear regression lines (table 13) for adults:
Unit-d States, 1960-62---------------------------------------------------------- 52
Table 1. Right arm skinfold, average, and selected percentiles for adults, by age and sex:
United States, 1960-62
Sex, average,
and percentile
Measurement in centimeters
Average right arm skinfold------- 1.3 1.1 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1
Average right arm skinfold------- 2.2 1.8 2.1 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.4 2.0
'Measurement below which the indicated percent of persons in the given age group fall.
Table 2. Infrascapular skinfold, average, and selected percentiles for adults, by age and sex:
United States, 1960-62
18-79 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-79
Sex, average, and percentile years years years years years years years
Average infrascapular skinfold--- 1.5 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.3
Average infrascapular skinfold--- 1.8 1.3 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.0 1.7
'Measurement below which the indicated percent of persons in'the given age group fall.
Table 3.
Sex, average,
Sum of skinfolds,
and percentile
-I and selected
United States,
adults, by age and sex:
Average sum of skinfolds--------- 2.8 2.4 2.9 3.a 2.8 2.7 2.7 2.3
Average sum of skinfolds--------- 4.0 3.1 3.6 4.1 4.4 4.7 4.4 3.7
IMeasurement below which the indicated percent of persons in the given age group fall.
Table 4. Right arm girth, average, and selected percentiles for adults, by age and sex:
United States, 1960-62
18-79 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54
Sex, average, and percentile 55-64 65-74 75-79
years years years years years years years years
Average right arm girth---------- 12. ll.E 12.3 12.4 12.3 11.9 11.6 10.9
Average right arm girth---------- 11.2 10.2 10.8 11.4 11.7 11.9 11.5 11.0
IMeasurement below which the indicated percent of persons in the given age group fall.
Table 5. Chest girth, average,
and selected percentiles
United States, 1960-62
for adults, by age and sex:
Measurement in inches
Average chest girth-------------- 39.2 37.8 39.1 39.6 39.8 39.3 38.5 37.9
Average chest girth-------------- 34.7 32.9 33.7 34.7 35.3 36.2 35.7 34.8
IMeasurement below which the indicated percent of persons in the given age group fall.
Table 6. Waist girth, average,
and selected percentiles
United States, 1960-62
for adults, by age and sex:
Sex, average,
and percentile
I Measurement in inches
Average waist girth-------------- 35.0 31.9 34.1 35.0 36.0 36.6 36.5 35.7
Average waist girth-------------- 30.2 27.2 28.3 29.7 31.1 32.7 33.1 3208
'Measurement below which the indicated percent of persons in the given age group fall.
Table 7. Biacromial diameter,
average, and selected percentiles
United States, 1960-62
for adults, by age and sex:
Sex, average,
and percentile
I Measurement in inches
Average biacromial diameter------ 15.6 15.8 15.8 15.7 15.6 15.4 15.2 14.7
Average biacromial diameter------ '13.9 13.9 14.0 14.1 14.0 13.9 13.7 13.6
Table 8. Ponderal index-height/weight 113- average,and selected percentiles for adults,by age
and sex: United States, 1960-62
Average of height/weight's ------ 12.40 12.67 12.48 12.32 12.30 12.30 12.35 12.42
Average height/weightli3 --------- 12.15 12.66 12.45 12.18 11.97 11.75 11.72 11.88
'Measure below which the indicated percent of persons in the given age group fall.
Table 9. 100 x sitting height-erect/stature,average,and selected percentiles for adults, by age
and sex: United States, 1960-62
Average ratio-------------------- 51.8 51.6 51.7 52.0 51.9 51.8 51.5 51.4
Average ratio-------------------- 52.4 52.3 52.5 52.6 52.7 52.4 51.8 51.4
IValue below which the indicated percent of persons in the given age group fall.
Table 10. 100 x chest circumference/stature,average,and selected percentiles for adults, by age
and sex: United States, 1960-62
18-79 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-79
Sex, average, and percentile years years years years years years years
- Measurement in index units
ratio-------------------- i
Average 57.4 55.1 56.7 57.9 58.3 58.4 58.2 57.5
Avel;age ratio-------------------- 55.1 51.6 52.9 54.7 56.2 58.1 58.1 57.1
'Value below which the indicated percent of persons in the given age group fall.
Table 11. 100 x biacromial
and sex: United States,
percentiles for adults, by age
Average ratio-------------------- 22.5 22.6 22.4 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.3 21.9
Average ratio-------------------- 21.7 21.4 21.6 21.8 21.8 21.8 21.8 21.8
Table 12. Correlation coefficients
women: United States,
of body measurements with height,
weight, and age for
men and
Body measurement
r Men
-.270 -.289 -.058 +.204
-l-.394 +.189 -.270 -.289
+. 394 t.189 -.058 t.204
Sitting height, erect----------------------------------
+.770 t.772 +.403 +.197 -.272 -.339
Sitting height, normal---------------------------------
+.717 +.729 -I-.433 +.165 -.183 -.300
Knee height-------------------------------------------
+.802 t.782 +.404 i-.322 -.172 -.128
popliteal height---------------------------------------
+.767 t.723 t.153 -.035 -.215 -.196
Elbow rest heighr--------------------------------------
+.212 t.258 +.324 +.253 -.192 -.177
Thigh clearance height---------------------------------
+.210 t.137 +.684 t.693 -0190 -.026
Buttock-knee length------------------------------------
+.751 t.609 +.551 +.620 -.151 -.036
Buttock-popliteal length-------------------------------
+.600 t.514 +. 379 +.490 -.108 -.005
Elbow-to-elbow breadth---------------------------------
+.069 -.070 +.804 +.844 +.156 t.393
Seat breadth-------------------------------------------
-I-. 309 t.137 +.813 +.805 +.043 +.187
Biacromial diameter------------------------------------
+.381 t.407 +.474 t.443 -.261 -.116
Chest girth--------------------------------------------
+.189 t.016 +.885 +.882 +.062 t.317
Waist girth--------------------------------------------
+.054 - .090 +.821 +.844 t.299 +.432
Right arm girth----------------------------------------
+. 139 -.026 +.849 +.888 -.115 C.272
Right arm skinfold-------------------------------------
t.060 -.022 +.562 +.641 - .039 -l-.203
Infrascapular skinfold---------------------------------
-.003 -.136 +. 709 +. 729 +.045 i-.278
Sum of skinfolds--------------------------------------
+.032 -.088 f.705 +.738 +.021 +.260
Table 13. Multiple regression equations for measurements as a function of height, weight, and
agel for men and women: United States, 1960-62
'Measurement in inches; weight in pounds; and age in years. 'See appendix III.
Table 14. Partial and multiple correlation coefficients and standard errors of estimate around
the corresponding multiple linear regression lines (table 13) for adults: United States,1960-62
Multiple Standard
Partial correlations correlation error of
Variable(y)' estimate
ly is the dependent variable in the tndicated correlation coefficients (r) and standard errors
of estimate(s), xlis height x2 is weight and x3 is age-the latter three designated by the sub-
scripts 1, 2, and 3 above.
2. Biacronlal
3. Right Arm
u. Chest
5. waist
Hale 0 6. Female
wearing girdle YES q NO[3
Right Am
8. Right
1nrrascapu1ar 0
9. Hslght I
Height decreased :orved Spine 0
by NO 0
.o. Height
14. Popliteal
height ---.-
16. Buttock-knee
length --.-
17. Buttock-popliteal
length --.-
19. Elbow-to-elbow
Survey Design stand of the same age-sexgroup who were not examined.
This inflation procedure would be expected to introduce
The sampling plan of the first cycle of the Health little, if any, distortion, judging from the data obtained
Examination Survey followed a highly stratified multi- in the physician followup, Here the height and weight
stage probability design in which a sample of the civilian, data for the subsample of examined and unexamined
noninstitutional population of the conterminous United sample persons were found to be in good agreement.
States, 18-79 years of age, was selected. In the first Measuring techniques used for these two measurements
stage of this plan a sample of 42 primary sampling by the physicians and in the examination were also ap
units (PSU’s) was drawn from among the 1,900 geo parently comparable, since physicians’ reports showed,
graphic units into which the United States was divided. on the average, good agreement with the examination
In this report a PSU is defined as a standard metropol findings on height and weight.
itan statistical area or one to three contiguous counties. In addition to persons not examined at all, there
Later stages result in the random selection of clusters were some whose examination was incomplete in one
of typically about four persons from a small neighbor- procedure or another. Age, sex, and race were known
hood within the PSU. The total sampling included some for every examined person, but for a number of ex
7,700 persons in 29 different States. The detailed struc aminees one or more of the anthropometric measure
ture of the design and the conduct of the survey are ments were not available. The extent of these missing
described in references 1 and 2. measurements is indicated in table I.
There were, in addition to these 158 examinees,
Reliability 21 for whom one of the recorded measurements was
obviously in error-for example, popliteal height the
Measurement processes employed in the survey same as or only one-half inch shorter than knee height,
were highly standardized and closely controlled. This and a few similar discrepancies.
does not mean, of course, that the correspondence Estimates for missing (and erroneous) data.were
between the real world and the survey results is exact. generally made subjectively on the basis of a multiple
Data from the survey are imperfect for three major regression-type decision, substituting for the missing
reasons: (1) results are subject to sampling error, (2) measurement those for anindividual who was of the same
the actual conduct of a survey never agrees perfectly age, sex, and race, and who hadotherdimensions simi
with the design; and (3) the measurement processes lar to the ones available for the examinee with incom
themselves are inexact, even though standardized and plete data. The findings were essentially unaffected by
controlled. the few deviations that had to be made in standard
A first-stage evaluation of the survey is reported measurement techniques for amputees and others.
in reference 2, which deals largely with an analysis of For those with no measurements available, a re
the faithfulness with which the sampling design was spondent of the same age-sex-race group was selected
carried out. This study notes that out of the 7,700 sample at random, and his measurements were assigned to the
persons, the 6,672 who were examined-a response unexamined person.
rate of over 86 percent-gave evidence that they were
a highly representative sample of the civilian, noninsti Sampling and Measuring 6rror
tutional population of the United States.
Imputation for the nonrespondents was accom In the present report, reference has been made to
,plished by attributing to the unexamined persons the minimizing bias and variability of the measurement
characteristics of comparable examined persons as techniques.
described in reference 2. The specific procedure used The probability design of the survey makes possible
amounted to inflating the sampling weight for each ex the calculation of sampling errors, Traditionally, the
amined person to compensate for sample persons at that sampling error is used to determine how imprecise
Table I. Number of examinees with one or more volved techniques for the calculation of variances; and
missing anthropometric measurements: Health (3) from the survey come thousands of statistics, many
Examinatfon Survey, 1960-62
for subclasses of the population for which there are a
small number of sample cases. Estimates of sampling
Number error are obtained from the sample data andare them-
Measurement missing of
examinees selves subject to sampling error, which may be large
when the number of cases in the cell is small or, even
occasionally, when the number of cases is substantial.
Total examinees--------------- 158 Estimates of approximate sampling variability for
selected statistics used in this report are presented
in table II for the averages and in table III for per-
All measurements--------------------
Height------------------------------ centages. These estimates have been prepared by a
Weight------------------------------ replication technique, which yields overall variability
Sitting height normal--------------- through observation of variability among random sub-
Sitting height erect---------------- samples of the total-sample. The method reflects both
Knee height-------------------------
Popliteal height-------------------- “pure” sampling variance and a part of the measure
Thigh clearance height-------------- ment variance.
Buttock-knee length----------------- In accordance with usual practice, the interval
Seat breadth----------------------- estimate for any statistic may be considered to be the
Elbow-to-elbow breadth-------------- range within one standard error of the tabulated statis
Elbow rest height-------------------
Biacromial diameter----------------- tic, with 68 percent confidence; or the range within two
Right arm girth-------------;------- standard errors of the tabulated statistic, with 95 per-
Chest girth------------------------- cent confidence.
Waist girth-------------------------
Right arm &infold----
---------- ---- An overestimate of the standard error of difference
Infrascapular skinfold----.---------
g = 5 -p of two statistics x and-y is generally given by
the formula
s=(x2”2+y2y2)1’~ , where v and v
I - -x - - 2 -x .-?I
are therelativesam$ingerrors, respectively,of ~and_y.
the survey results may be because they come from a
sample rather than from the measurements of all ele Small Categories
ments in the universe.
The presentation of sampling errors for a study of In some tables magnitudes are shown for cells in
the type of the Health Examination Survey is difficult which the sample size is so small that the sampling
for at least three reasons: (1) Measurement error and error may be several times as great as the statistic
“pure” sampling error are confounded in the data -- it itself. Obviously, in such instances the statistic has no
is not easy to find a procedure which will either com meaning in itself except to indicate that the true quantity
pletely include both or treat one or the other separately; is small. Such numbers, if shown, have been included
(2) the survey design and the estimation procedure are in the belief that they help to convey an impression
complex. -and accordingly require computationally in of the overall story of the table.
Table II. Standard errors of estimates,for averages of selected body measurements and indices:
United States, 1960-62
Sex and body measurement
1% 79
lr Age
Right arm skinfold-------------------------------- 0.02 0.06 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.03 0.10
Infrascapular &infold-------- ------ ----- -_-------
Sumof skinfolds----------------------------------
Right arm girth----------------------------------- 0.04 0.11 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.12 0.24
Chest girth--------------------------------------- 0.08 0.26 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.12 0.23 0.49
Waist girth--------------------------------------- 0.07 0.13 0.14 0.14 0.18 0.22 0.33 0.64
Biacromhl diameter------------------------------- 0.03 0.06 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.12
Height/weight1'3 ----------------_---------------- 0.01 0.05 0.04 0.04 22 0.02 0.07 0.11
100 x sitting height erect/stature---------------- 0.04 0.12 0.05 0.07 0:os 0.09 0.08 0.16
100 x chest circumference/stature----------------- 0.12 0.44 0.17 0.17 0.29 0.52
100 x biacromial diameter/stature------------------ 0.04 0.11 0.07 0.07 0.07 E. E. 0.11
Right arm skinfold-------------------------------- 0.04 0.07 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.07 0.07 0.09
Infrascapular skinfold---------------------------- 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.06 0.06 0.08
Sum of skinfolds---------------------------------- ES 0.11 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.12 0.13 0.14
Right arm girth----------------------------------- 0:03 0.05 0.03 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.18
Chest girth--------------------------------------- 0.07 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.14 0.11 0.18 0.17
Waist girth--------------------------------------- 0.09 0.19 0.11 0.15 0.19 0.30 0.26 0.39
Biacromial diameter------------------------------- 0.01 0.04 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.04 ;.$ 0.05
Height/weightlf3 --------------------------------- 0.01 0.04 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.07
100 x sitting height erect/stature---------------- 0.04 0.07 0.05 0.06 0.04 0.07 0:11 0.35
100 x chest circumference/stature----------------- 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.22 0.22 0.23 0.23 0.51
100 x biacromial diameter/stature----------------- 0.02 0.06 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.07 0.07 0.17
Group a---------------------------------------- 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.08 0.08
Group b----------------------------------------
Gj-oup c---------------------------------------- 0.08
0.10 0.14 0.14 8-E E
Group d---------------------------------------- 0.27 0.60 0.34 0.37 0.50 0.52 0.76 1.20
&-up e---------------------------------------- 0.04 0.10 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.12 0.12 0.18
Group f---------------------------------------- 0.08 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.16 0.22 0.36
Group c---------------------------------------- 0.14 0.38 0.22 0.25 0.34 0.34 0.50 0.85
Group d---------------------------------------- 0.27 0.60 0.34 0.37 0.50 0.52 0.76 1.20
Group f: Arm skinfold, sum of skinfolds, arm girth, 100 x sitting height erect/stature.
Measures of the mutual relationship between each The multiple regression equations of the form
pair of the physical measurements, and between each
of the physical measurements and height, weight, and
Y=a +b Xl+b X,+b X3
age are given in terms of linear regression equations Y.123 Y1.23 Y2.13 Y3.12
and correlation coefficients. It is recognized that the
relationship among at least some of these variables were fitted by the method of least squares again with
is not linear. For these the actual degree of relation- Xl denoting the height; X2 wei&; X,age; and Y the de-
ship among them will be somewhat understated. How- pendent variable (physical measurement). The con-
ever, the determination of the precise type of relation- stants-regression coefficients (b) andY-intercept (a)-
ship would be extremely complex; consequently for ex- in the regression equation are of the form:
pediency only the linear relationships are shown here.
For the simple correlation coefficients determi- b 'Y 123
nations of the mutual relationship between two vari- Y1.23 = 'Y1.23 b
ables were made by the usual formula: and
ey.123 =F - b
Y1.23 x,-bY2.13x2 -bY3.12j?J
rx Y-c ZgY - rry ) /sx sy
The goodness of fit of themultiple linear regression
where 5 and x are the two variables in question. equation to the observed data is determined by the usual
The relationship of each physical measurement formula:
(other than height and weight) with either height,
weight, or age but holding constant the effect of the S
other two of these latter variables was determined Y.123 =
by the partial correlation coefficients which may be
( x1 1, weight ( x2), and age ( x a) is given by the multiple values than the extremes of the distributions.
correlation coefficient of the form The simple correlation coefficients for each meas
regression lines (table 14); and the multiple linear various kinds of ratio and poststratification adjust
‘regression equations for the prediction of each of the ments.
other measurements from height, weight, and age It can be assumed that these estimates of the stand
(table 13) are population estimates obtained by making ard errors of the transformation values of the corre
full use of the complex probability sample design used lation coefficients would apply approximately for women
in the survey. For this reason the usualerrors of esti also where the correlation coefficients are of roughly
mate derived from simple random sampling theory are the same size as those of men.
not applicable, The logarithmic transformations for The simple correlation coefficients based on un
these statistics together with their appropriate standard weighted data for each pair of the physical measure
errors of estimate are shown for men in table IV. The ments for men and women are given intables V and VI.
standard errors of estimate were based on values de- The determinations here have beenmade for convenience
rived using a pskudoreplication procedure, called bal using unweighted data from the sample of examinees and
anced half-sample replication, which has been de- do not take into account the differential weighting and
scribed more fully in a previous Vital and Health Stu adjustment for nonresponse needed to obtain estimates
bktics publication; 60This method uses the results from for the entire civilian noninstitutional population of the
the multistage sample design of the survey in which United States. These values will differ slightly fromthe
the individual observations have been subjected to National estimates. 60
Table IV. Z transformation and the corresponding standard errors of estimate for men: Health Examination Survey, 1960-62'
- - - - - -
Y 2 zY2 =Y3 '~1.23 '~1.23 :y2.13 zy2.13 +3.12 zy3.12 'y.123 'y.123
Yl "Yl =Y2 =Y3
Sitting height
erect -_-_---- 1.021 0.029 0.427 0.021 -0.279 0.018 0.877 0.027 0.179 0.026 .0.117 0.024 1.048 0.030
Sitting height
norml ------- 0.902 0.031 0.464 0.026 -0.185 0.019 0.768 0.029 0.240 0.030 0.002 0.022 0.940 0.031
Knee height--- 1.104 0.036 0.429 0.017 -0.174 0.023 0.992 0.037 0.159 0.021 0.069 0.025 1.123 0.036
height------- 1.013 0.027 0.154 0.022 -0.218 0.028 1.011 0.030 .0.258 0.029 0.001 0.024 1.055 0.029
Elbow rest
height _-_--_- 0.216 0.024 0.336 0.024 -0.194 0.018 0.051 0.022 0.285 0.026 .0.165 0.021 0.387 0.023
Thigh clesr-
ante height-- 0.214 0.020 0.836 0.032 -0.192 0.026 .0.153 0.027 0.837 0.035 .0.244 0.028 0.884 0.034
length------- 0.975 0.029 0.619 0.022 -0.153 0.020 0.847 0.027 0.444 0.025 0.064 0.018 1.102 0.027
liteal length 0.693 0.021 0.399 0.019 -0.109 0.023 0.585 0.021 0.193 0.022 0.060 0.022 0.727 0.021
breadth------ 0.069 0.019 1.111 0.012 0.158 0.023 .0.422 0.029 1.267 0.018 0.263 0.027 1.289 0.017
Seat breadth-- 0.319 0.022 1.134 0.035 0.043 0.023 0.021 0.022 1.075 0.037 0.156 0.028 1.149 0.037
diameter----- 0.401 0.024 0.515 0.018 -0.267 0.020 0.183 0.020 0.420 0.016 .0.218 0.019 0.618 0.022
Chest gi.rth--- 0.192 0.020 1.397 0.013 0.063 0.023 .0.340 0.031 1.466 0.018 0.164 0.023 '1.495 0.015
Waist girth--- 0.054 0.015 1.159 0.023 0.308 0.017 .0.494 0.026 1.493 0.025 0.645 0.025 1.557 0.024
Right arm
girth -_____-- 0.140 0.019 1.253 0.017 -0.115 0.023 .0.492 0.028 1.380 0.017 .0.269 0.027 1.395 0.017
Right arm
skinfold----- 0.060 0.020 0.636 0.024 -0.039 0.019 .0.226 0.028 0.676 0.028 ,0.069 0.020 0.679 0.028
'Y represents
the measure
to the base 10,of the
0.036 0.045 0.023 .0.449 0.020 1.026
1.023 0.032
the respective logarithms of the- correlati& cbefficients as estimated by the pseudoreplication procedure, called balanced half
sample replication, for the complex probability sample design used in the Health Examination Survey.
Table V. Simple correlation coefficients for the 16 body measurements, excluding height and
weight among men: Health Examination Survey,1960-62
- -
Sitting Sitting Knee Popliteal Elbow Thigh
Body measurement height height height height rest ,c learance
erect normal height height
Table VI. Simple correlation coefficients for the 16 body measurements, excluding height and
weight, among women: Health Examination Survey, 1960-62
Table V. sin&e correlation coefficients for the 16 body measurements, excluding height and
weight, among men: Health Examination Survey 1960-62-Con.
Table VI. Simple correlation coefficients for the 16 body measurements, excluding height and
weight, among women: Health Examination Survey, 1960-62-Con.
Buttock- Buttock- Elbow- Seat Biacromial Chest Waist Right Right Infra
knee popliteal elbow breadth diameter girth girth arm arm scapular
length length breadth girth skinfold skinfold
0.347 0.231 -0.032 0.204 0.350 0.059 -0.076 0.052 0.057 -0.063
0.327 0.230 -0.029 0.197 0.317 0.045 -0.091 0.034 0.064 -0.063
0.689 0.585 0.106 0.254 0.406 0.180 0.121 0.128 0.100 0.041
0.429 0.387 -0.200 -0.101 0.255 -0.126 -0.166 -0.219 -0.193 -0.248
0.051 -0.045 0.143 0.275 0.094 0.179 0.111 0.222 0.191 0.150
0.465 0.352 0.597 0.609 0.370 0.594 0.523 0.641 0.539 0.541
0.740 0.774
Public Health Service Publication No. 1000
Series 1. Programs and collection procedures.- Reports which describe the general programs of the National
Center for Health Statistics and its offices and divisions, data collection methods used, definitions,
and other material necessary for understanding the data.
Series 2. Data evaluation and methods research. - Studies of new statistical methodology including: experi
mental tests of new survey methods, studies of vital statistics collection methods, new analytical
techniques, objective evaluations of reliability of collected data, contributions to statistical theory.
Series 3. Analytical studies.- Reports presenting analytical or interpretive studies based on vital and health
statistics, carrying the analysis further than the expository types of reports in the other series.
Series 4. Documents and committee reports.- Final reports of major committees concerned with vital and
health statistics, and documents such as recommended modelvital registration laws and revised birth
and death certificates.
Series 10. Data from the Health Interview Survey. -Statistics on illness, accidental injuries, disability, use of
hospital, medical, dental, and other services, and other health-related topics, based on data collected
in a continuing national household interview survey.
Series 11. Data from the Health Examination Survey.- Data from direct examination, testing, and measure
ment of national samples of the population provide the basis for two types of reports: (1) estimates
of the medically defined prevalence of specific diseases in the United States and the distributions of
the population with respect to physical, physiological, and psychological characteristics; and (2)
analysis of relationships among the various measurements without reference to an explicit finite
universe of persons.
Series 12. Data from the institutional Population Suvveys.- Statistics relating to the health characteristics of
persons in institutions, and on medical, nursing, and personal care received, based on national
samples okestablishments providing these services and samples of the residents or patients.
.:(,*I ;,;;
Series 13. Data froth the Hospital Discharge Survey.- Statistics relating to discharged patients in short-stay
hospitals, based on a sample of patient records in a national sample of hospitals.
“, .
Series 14. Da&??on health resources: manpower and facilities .-Statistics on the numbers, geographic distri
bu+n;“and characteristics of health resources including physicians, dentists, nurses, other health
manpower occupations, hospitals, nursing homes, and outpatient andother inpatient facilities.
Series 20. Data on mortality. -Various statistics on mortality other than as included in annual or monthly
reports- special analySeS by cause of death, age, andother demographic variables, also geographic
and time series analyses.
Series 21. Data on natality, marriage, anddivorce. -Various statistics on natality, marriagg, and divorce other
than as included in annual or monthly reports- special analyses by demographic variables, also
geographic and time series analyses, studies of fertility.
Series 22. Data from the National Natality and Mortality Surveys. -Statistics on characteristics of births and
deaths not available from the vital records, basedon sample surveys stemming from these records,
including such topics as mortality by socioeconomic class, medical experience in the last year of
life, characteristics of pregnancy. rtc.
For a list of titles of reports published in these series, write to: Office of Information
National Center for Health Statistics
U.S. Public Health Service
Washington, D.C. 20201