Especies de Clentocamptus

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Four new species of Cletocamptus

Schmankewitsch, 1875, closely
related to Cletocamptus
deitersi (Richard, ) (Copepoda:
a b
Samuel Gómez , John W. Fleeger , Axayácatl Rocha-
c b
Olivares & David Foltz
Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología , Joel Montes
Camarena s/n , Ap. postal 811, C. P. 82040, Mazatlán, Sinaloa,
Mexico E-mail:
Louisiana State University , Department of Biological
Sciences , 508 Life Sciences Building, Baton Rouge, LA
70803-1715, USA
Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior
de Ensenada , Km 107 Carretera Tijuana-Ensenada , A.P. 2732,
Ensenada, Baja California CP 22860, Mexico
Published online: 19 May 2010.

To cite this article: Samuel Gómez , John W. Fleeger , Axayácatl Rocha-Olivares & David
Foltz (2004) Four new species of Cletocamptus Schmankewitsch, 1875, closely related to
Cletocamptus deitersi (Richard, ) (Copepoda: Harpacticoida) , Journal of Natural History, 38:21,
2669-2732, DOI: 10.1080/0022293031000156240

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JOURNAL OF NATURAL HISTORY, 2004, 38, 2669–2732

Four new species of Cletocamptus Schmankewitsch, 1875, closely

related to Cletocamptus deitersi (Richard, 1897) (Copepoda:
{Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnologı́a, Joel Montes Camarena
s/n, Ap. postal 811, C. P. 82040, Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Mexico;
e-mail: [email protected]
Downloaded by [UNAM Ciudad Universitaria] at 03:56 21 December 2014

{Louisiana State University, Department of Biological Sciences, 508

Life Sciences Building, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-1715, USA
§Centro de Investigación Cientı́fica y de Educación Superior de
Ensenada, Km 107 Carretera Tijuana-Ensenada, A.P. 2732, Ensenada,
Baja California CP 22860, Mexico

(Accepted 17 April 2003)

In 1897, Richard presented a brief and incomplete description of Mesochra

(~Cletocamptus) deitersi from a site in the Naposta Grande River in Argentina.
Since Richard’s description, C. deitersi has been reported from inland brines as
well as coastal estuaries and mangroves from North, Central and South America,
India, China, Ethiopia, Hawaii, Australia, Iran and Malaysia. However, there
is ample evidence to support the hypothesis that all these records belong to
new and as yet undescribed species. Erroneous identification of specimens
attributed to C. deitersi has been due to a high degree of polymorphism
within and between populations, to the incompleteness of Richard’s original
description, and to the fact that Richard did not archive material for future
comparisons. Recently, the existence of four extremely differentiated mole-
cular lineages in specimens of Cletocamptus collected from the Salton Sea
(California, USA), Jackson (Alabama, USA), Port Fourchon (Louisiana,
USA) and Mazatlan (Sinaloa, Mexico), all previously identified with C.
deitersi, was observed. Morphological differences among these populations are
subtle but congruent with the patterns of genetic differentiation, suggesting,
in fact, that each of these lineages belongs to different species.

KEYWORDS: Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Cletocamptus, taxonomy, USA, Mexico.

In 1897 Richard described Mesochra (~Cletocamptus) deitersi from the
Naposta Grande River, presumably close to the city of the same name (Naposta,
Argentina). Unfortunately, Richard did not give any other indication regarding the

Journal of Natural History

ISSN 0022-2933 print/ISSN 1464-5262 online # 2004 Taylor & Francis Ltd
DOI: 10.1080/0022293031000156240
2670 S. Gómez et al.

exact location of the type locality. More unfortunate is the fact that he did not
archive material of his C. deitersi. Since Richard’s description, C. deitersi has been
reported from inland brines as well as coastal estuaries and mangroves from several
sites in North, Central and South America as well as in India, China, Ethiopia,
Hawaii, Australia, Iran and Malaysia.
Of the 13 valid species of Cletocamptus (C. retrogressus Schmankewitsch, 1875,
C. confluens (Schmeil, 1894), C. albuquerquensis (Herrick, 1894), C. deitersi
(Richard, 1897), C. kummleri (Delachaux, 1917), C. trichotus (Kiefer, 1929), C. feei
(Shen, 1956), C. affinis Kiefer, 1957, C. gravihiatus (Shen and Sung, 1963), C.
helobius Fleeger, 1980, C. merbokensis Gee, 1999, C. axi Mielke, 2000, C. schmidti
(Mielke, 2000), C. deitersi seems to be the most problematic due to its high degree
of polymorphism within and between populations. This situation was briefly
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analysed by Fleeger (1980; see also Lang, 1948; Löffler, 1963; Yeatman, 1963).
Several authors (e.g. Dexter, 1995; Suárez-Morales et al., 1996; Gee, 1999;
Mielke, 2000, 2001) have previously suggested that C. deitersi consists of a number
of morphologically indistinguishable sibling species, and recent evidence (personal
observations by S.G.; Rocha-Olivares et al., 2001; Castro-Longoria et al., 2003),
strongly supports the hypothesis that all these records are not of C. deitersi but of
new and as yet undescribed species. Rocha-Olivares et al. (2001) observed four
extremely differentiated molecular lineages in specimens collected from the Salton
Sea (California, USA), Jackson (Alabama, USA), Port Fourchon (Louisiana, USA)
and Mazatlan (Sinaloa, Mexico), and suggested that each of these lineages cor-
responds to a different species. The findings by Rocha-Olivares et al. (2001)
instigated the morphological analysis of the known populations of Cletocamptus
previously identified with the Argentinean C. deitersi. This contribution is the first of
a series of papers towards the revision of the known records of C. deitersi worldwide.

Material and methods

Specimens used in this study were collected by S. Gómez (see Gómez
Noguera and Hendrickx, 1997), A. Puello (CIAD-Mazatlan, unpublished data) and
Rocha-Olivares et al. (2001). Briefly, sediment samples were collected at an inland
brine seep in Jackson (Alabama, June 1998) and at Port Fourchon (Louisiana,
December 1998). Specimens were also obtained from laboratory cultures estab-
lished from collections made in the Salton Sea (California) (see Dexter, 1995), and
from the mouth of El Yugo estuary in Mazatlán, Sinaloa (north-western Mexico,
January 2000). Sediment samples were sieved through 500 and 63 mm sieves and
fixed in 95% ethanol for molecular analyses (for more details see Rocha-Olivares
et al., 2001). Morphological observations and drawings were made from whole and
dissected specimens. Intraspecific variability in armature formulae of P1–P6 was
assessed only from dissected specimens. Aberrations, deformed setae/spines and/or
segments were not considered as intraspecific variability. Only the presence or lack
of well-developed and/or reduced setae/spines was considered as intraspecific vari-
ability. Observations and drawings were made using a Leica compound microscope
equipped with drawing tube at magnifications of 10006. Additional observations
were made also at 12506. The type material has been deposited in the National
Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution) (USNM) and in the collec-
tion of the Mazatlán Marine Station of the Institute of Marine Sciences and
Limnology (EMUCOP). The terminology proposed by Huys and Boxshall (1991)
Four new species of Cletocamptus 2671

for morphological descriptions was adopted. The following abbreviations are used
in the text and tables: P1–P6, first to sixth swimming legs; EXP, exopod; ENP,

Taxonomical account

Family CANTHOCAMPTIDAE Sars, 1906 (incertae sedis) sensu Por, 1986

Genus Cletocamptus Schmankewitsch, 1875
Cletocamptus deborahdexterae sp. nov.
(figures 1–13)
Cletocamptus deitersi (Richard, 1897) sensu Dexter (1995), Simpson et al. (1998).
Cletocamptus deitersi type IIIC sensu Rocha-Olivares et al. (2001).
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Cletocamptus from Salton Sea, California sensu Castro-Longoria et al. (2003).

Type material
One female holotype (USNM 1010499) and one male allotype (USNM 1010500)
preserved in alcohol, 10 dissected female (EMUCOP-0799-08, EMUCOP-0799-09,
EMUCOP-0799-10, EMUCOP-0799-11, EMUCOP-0799-12, EMUCOP-0799-13,
EMUCOP-0799-14, EMUCOP-0799-15, EMUCOP-0799-16, EMUCOP-0799-17)
and five dissected male (EMUCOP-0799-03, EMUCOP-0799-04, EMUCOP-0799-05,
EMUCO-0799-06, EMUCOP-0799-07) paratypes, six female and three male
paratypes (USNM 1010501) and six female (EMUCOP-0799-01) and two male
(EMUCOP-0799-02) paratypes preserved in alcohol. July 1997; coll. A. Rocha-
Olivares, J. W. Fleeger and D. Foltz.

Type locality
Salton Sea, California (33‡13’N, 115‡52’W).

The species was named in honour of Dr Deborah Dexter (San Diego State
University, Department of Biology), who provided us with Cletocamptus specimens
from the Salton Sea (California).

Female. Habitus (figure 1) tapering posteriorly; total body length measured
from tip of rostrum to posterior margin of caudal rami ranging from 540 to
715 mm (mean, 605 mm, N~12; holotype, 620 mm). Rostrum set off, triangular,
with pair of setules subapically. Cephalic shield ornamented with fine and long
spinules along margin dorsolaterally (figure 1A, B). Dorsal and lateral surface of
free thoracic somites (P2–P4 bearing somites) ornamented with transverse rows of
minute spinules, with longitudinal row of small spinules close to posterior margin
and with long spinules along posterior margin (figures 1A, B, 2). Dorsal and lat-
eral surface of first urosomite (P5 bearing somite) with transverse rows of
minute spinules, with row of small spinules close to posterior margin and with
relatively longer spinules along posterior margin (figures 1A, B, 3). First and
second genital somites distinct dorsally and laterally (figure 1A, B), completely
fused ventrally (figure 4A); dorsal and lateral surface of first and second genital
somite with transverse rows of minute spinules, with row of long spinules along
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FIG. 1. Cletocamptus deborahdexterae sp. nov., female. (A) Habitus, dorsal; (B) habitus,
lateral; (C) anal somite and caudal rami, dorsal; (D) anal somite and right caudal
ramus, lateral. Scale bars: 100 mm.

posterior margin of both somites, and with relatively longer spinules laterally,
ventrally ornamented with spinules as shown in figure 4A. Fourth and fifth uro-
somite as in second genital somite dorsally (figures 1A, B, 3), ventral surface
ornamented with transverse rows of spinules as illustrated in figure 4A. Dorsal
surface of anal somite (figure 1A, C) ornamented with transverse rows of minute spi-
nules and with dorsolateral strong spinules close to joint with caudal rami; rounded
Four new species of Cletocamptus 2673
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FIG. 2. Cletocamptus deborahdexterae sp. nov., female. SEM microphotograph showing

ornamentation along posterior margin of cephalic shield (CPH), dorsal ornamentation
and ornamentation along posterior margin of first to third free thoracic somites
(1–3FTS) and first urosomite (1US).

FIG. 3. Cletocamptus deborahdexterae sp. nov., female. SEM microphotograph showing

dorsal ornamentation and ornamentation along posterior margin of first to fifth
urosomite (1–5US) and anal somite (AS).
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FIG. 4. Cletocamptus deborahdexterae sp. nov., female. (A) Urosome, ventral (P5 bearing
somite omitted); (B) P5. Scale bar: 100 mm.

anal operculum furnished with spinules close to posterior margin (figures 1A, C, 3,
5H); with median row of strong spinules laterally. Caudal rami (figures 1A, B, C, D,
5H, I) about 1.5 times longer than wide; dorsal and ventral surface smooth, except
for inner set of spinules close to insertion site of seta VII and close to posterior
margin dorsally and ventrally; with seven elements in all.
Antennule (figure 5A) six-segmented; surface of segments smooth except for
two rows of spinules on first segment. Armature formula, 1-(1), 2-(8), 3-(5),
4-(1z[1zae]), 5-(1), 6-(9z[1zae]).
Antenna (figure 5B) with small coxa. Allobasis armed with two abexopodal
setae. Free endopodal segment ornamented with inner strong spinules proximally
and subdistally; with two lateral inner spines and a slender seta (the latter arrowed
in figure 5B), and five distal elements. Exopod (figure 5B, C) one-segmented; about
Four new species of Cletocamptus 2675
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FIG. 5. Cletocamptus deborahdexterae sp. nov., female. (A) Antennule; (B) antenna;
(C) antennal exopod, another view; (D) mandible; (E) maxillule; (F) maxilla;
(G) maxilliped; (H) anal somite and left caudal ramus; (I) right caudal ramus, lateral.
Scale bars: 100 mm.
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FIG. 6. Cletocamptus deborahdexterae sp. nov., female. SEM microphotograph showing

mandibular palp with two setae and small seta arising nearby.

seven times longer than wide; ornamented with few spinules, and armed with one
lateral and two apical smooth setae.
Mandible (figures 5D, 6) robust, ornamented with rows of spinules proximally;
chewing edge with four strong teeth, four elements as in figure 5D, one pyriform
element and one lateral pinnate strong seta. Palp (see figure 6) one-segmented, with
two long setae unequal in length, with one small seta arising nearby.
Maxillule (figure 5E) robust; arthrite of praecoxa ornamented with few spinules,
armed with one surface seta, seven distal spines and one lateral strong seta, the
latter ornamented with long spinules (see insert in figure 5E). Coxa ornamented
with some spinules and armed with two slender setae. Basis ornamented with some
median spinules, and armed with three apical setae; exopod and endopod repre-
sented by three setae each.
Maxilla (figure 5F): syncoxa ornamented with minute spinules along inner
and outer margin, and close to joint with allobasis; with two endites, each bearing
three setae (see insert in figure 5F). Allobasis drawn into strong claw bearing one
accompanying seta. Endopod represented by three setae.
Maxilliped (figure 5G) subchelate. Syncoxa ornamented with two rows of
spinules and armed with a small seta on inner distal corner. Basis without armature
and ornamented with one anterior and one posterior row of spinules, and with few
spinules close to joint with endopod. The latter drawn into long and slender claw
with one accompanying small seta.
P1 (figure 7A): praecoxa ornamented with spinules close to joint with coxa. The
latter ornamented with anterior transverse rows of spinules, and with posterior long
Four new species of Cletocamptus 2677
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FIG. 7. Cletocamptus deborahdexterae sp. nov., female. (A) P1; (B) P2. Scale bar: 100 mm.
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Table 1. Armature formula of the females of C. deborahdexterae sp. nov., C. stimpsoni sp. nov., C. sinaloensis sp. nov. and C. fourchensis sp. nov.

P1 P2 P3 P4

S. Gómez et al.
C. deborahdexterae sp. nov. I-0;I-1;I,I1,1 0-1;0,I1,1 I-0;I-1;II,2,1 0-0;I,1,1 I-0;I-1;II,2,1 0-0;I,1,1 I-0;I-1;II,2,0 0-0;0,2,0
C. stimpsoni sp. nov. I-0;I-1;I,I1,1 0-1;0,I1,1 I-0;I-1;II,2,1 0-0;I,1,1 I-0;I-1;II,2,2 0-0;1,1,3 I-0;I-1;II,2,1 0-0;0,2,0
C. sinaloensis sp. nov. I-0;I-1;I,I1,1 0-1;0,I1,1 I-0;I-1;II,2,1 0-0;I,1,1 I-0;I-1;II,2,1 0-0;I,1,1 I-0;I-1;II,2,0 0-0;0,2,0
C. fourchensis sp. nov. I-0;I-1;I,I1,1 0-1;0,I1,1 I-0;I-1;II,2,1 0-0;I,1,1 I-0;I-1;II,2,1 0-0;I,1,1 I-0;I-1;II,2,0 0-0;0,2,0
Four new species of Cletocamptus 2679
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FIG. 8. Cletocamptus deborahdexterae sp. nov., female. (A) P3; (B) P4. Scale bar: 100 mm.
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FIG. 9. Cletocamptus deborahdexterae sp. nov., male. (A) Habitus, dorsal; (B) habitus,
lateral; (C) anal segment and caudal rami, dorsal; (D) anal segment and right caudal
ramus, lateral. Scale bars: 100 mm.

and slender spinules in outer distal corner. Basis ornamented with median row of
spinules, and with stronger spinules at base of exopod, between rami and at base of
inner spine of basis. Exopod three-segmented. Endopod two-segmented, nearly as
long as exopod. Armature formula as in table 1.
P2 (figure 7B): coxa ornamented with median row of small spinules and with
strong spinules close to outer distal corner anteriorly, and with some spinules close
to outer distal corner posteriorly. Basis ornamented with spinules between rami and
at base of endopod, and with stronger spinules at base of exopod; outer element
spine-like. Exopod three-segmented and ornamented as in figure 7B. Endopod two-
segmented, reaching about the middle of second exopodal segment; first segment
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FIG. 10. Cletocamptus deborahdexterae sp. nov., male. (A) P1; (B) P2. Scale bar: 100 mm.
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FIG. 11. Cletocamptus deborahdexterae sp. nov., male. (A) P3; (B) P4. Scale bar: 100 mm.
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FIG. 12. Cletocamptus deborahdexterae sp. nov., male. (A) Urosome, ventral; (B) antennule.
Scale bar: 100 mm.

small, slightly wider than long and ornamented with outer and inner spinules;
second segment ornamented with long spinules as shown in figure 7B, and armed
with one inner spine, one apical and one inner seta. Armature formula as in table 1.
P3 (figure 8A): praecoxa ornamented with transverse row of spinules close to
joint with coxa. The latter as in P2. Basis as in P2 except for seta-like outer element.
Exopod as in P2. Endopod as in P2 except for comparatively shorter second
segment. Armature formula as in table 1.
P4 (figure 8B): praecoxa, coxa and basis as in P3. Exopod as in P3, except for
armature formula of third segment (without inner seta). Endopod two-segmented,
barely reaching tip of first exopodal segment; first segment small, slightly wider
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FIG. 13. Cletocamptus deborahdexterae sp. nov., male. SEM microphotograph showing two
distal teeth on last segment of male antennule.

than long; second segment ornamented with inner and outer slender spinules and
armed with two apical setae.
P5 (figure 4B): exopod and baseoendopod fused. Baseoendopodal lobe longer
than exopod, ornamented with sets of inner spinules, with spinules at base of apical
seta and with some outer spinules; armed with one outer, one apical and four inner
setae; relative length of setae as in figure 4B. Exopod ornamented with spinules as
shown in figure 4B, and armed with five setae in all, plus outer seta of basis.
P6 (figure 4A) represented by median plate in anterior half of first genital
somite, each vestigial leg represented by a long and slender seta. Copulatory pore in
the middle of genital double segment.
Male. Total body length measured from tip of rostrum to posterior margin of
caudal rami, ranging from 515 to 650 mm (mean, 562.8 mm, N~9; allotype, 605 mm).
Habitus (figure 9A, B), anal segment and caudal rami (figure 9C, D) as in female
dorsally, except for genital somite and for two rows of spinules on anal operculum.
Ventral ornamentation of third, fourth and fifth urosomites (figure 12A) coarser
than in female.
Antennule (figures 12B, 13) six-segmented; subchirocer. Last segment with two
acute teeth (figure 13).
Antenna, mandible, maxillule, maxilla and maxilliped (not illustrated) as in
P1 (figure 10A) as in female except for dimorphic projection on inner distal
corner of basis.
P2 (figure 10B) as in female except for relatively stouter outer spines of male
Four new species of Cletocamptus 2685

exopod, dimorphic inner spine on male ENP 2, and relatively shorter apical setae
on second endopodal segment.
Exopod of P3 (figure 11A) as in female except for relatively stouter outer spines.
Endopod three-segmented; second segment with inner distal apophysis reaching
far beyond third endopodal segment; second segment barely reaching tip of first
exopodal segment, with one inner and one apical seta relatively shorter than their
female homologues.
P4 (figure 11B) as in female, except for stouter outer spines of exopod and
relatively shorter setae of second endopodal segment.
Both P5 fused (figure 12A); exopod and baseoendopod fused. Exopod orna-
mented with spinules at base of outer seta of basis, at base of apical elements and
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along inner margin; with four setae. Endopodal lobe ornamented with spinules
along outer and inner margin, and at base of apical setae; with three elements in all.
P6 (figure 12A) represented by plate; without armature.

Male. Paratype (EMUCOP-0799-05) possesses an aberrant right P4.
Female. Paratype (EMUCOP-0799-10) possesses two inner setae on left P3
ENP 2; paratype (EMUCOP-0799-14) possesses two inner setae on left P4 EXP
2, and five setae on right P5 BENP; paratype (EMUCOP-0799-15) possesses one
inner seta on right P4 EXP 3, and five setae on right P5 BENP; paratype
(EMUCOP-0799-16) possesses an aberrant outer spine on right P1 EXP 3, three
setae on left P4 ENP 2, and five setae on both P5 BENP; paratype (EMUCOP-
0799-09) possesses five setae on right P5 BENP; paratype (EMUCOP-0799-18)
possesses a reduced inner seta on left P5 BENP (see table 2).

Cletocamptus stimpsoni sp. nov.

(figures 14–23)
Cletocamptus deitersi (Richard, 1897) sensu Fleeger (1980), De Laune et al. (1984),
Decho (1986, 1988), Chandler (1986), Chandler and Fleeger (1987), Sun and
Fleeger (1994), Pace and Carman (1996), Carman et al. (1997, 2000).
Cletocamptus deitersi type I sensu Rocha-Olivares et al. (2001).
Cletocamptus from Jackson, Alabama sensu Castro-Longoria et al. (2003).

Type material
One female holotype (USNM 1010502) and one male allotype (USNM 1010503)
preserved in alcohol, 12 dissected male (EMUCOP-0698-15, EMUCOP-0698-16,
EMUCOP-0698-17, EMUCOP-0698-18, EMUCOP-0698-19, EMUCOP-0698-20,
EMUCOP-0698-21, EMUCOP-0698-22, EMUCOP-0698-23, EMUCOP-0698-
24, EMUCOP-0698-25, EMUCOP-0698-26) and 12 dissected female paratypes
(EMUCOP-0698-03, EMUCOP-0698-04, EMUCOP-0698-05, EMUCOP-0698-06,
EMUCOP-0698-07, EMUCOP-0698-08, EMUCOP-0698-09, EMUCOP-0698-10,
EMUCOP-0698-11, EMUCOP-0698-12, EMUCOP-0698-13, EMUCOP-0698-14),
20 female and nine male paratypes preserved in alcohol (USNM 1010504), and 13
female (EMUCOP-0698-01) and eight male (EMUCOP-0698-02) paratypes preserved
in alcohol. June 1998, coll. A. Rocha-Olivares, J. W. Fleeger and D. Foltz.
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Table 2. Intraspecific variability of C. sinaloensis sp. nov., C. fourchensis sp. nov., C. stimpsoni sp. nov. and C. deborahdexterae sp. nov.

C. sinaloensis sp. nov. C. fourchensis sp. nov. C. stimpsoni sp. nov. C. deborahdexterae sp. nov.

Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male

(N~6) (N~5) (N~5) (N~7) (N~12) (N~12) (N~10) (N~5)
Female P4 EXP 3 with one inner setae 1 (16.7%) 1 (10%)
Female P1 EXP 3 with five setae/spines 1 (16.7%)
Male P1 ENP 2 with two setae 1 (14.3%)
Male P5 BENP with four setae 1 (14.3%)

S. Gómez et al.
Male P5 BENP with two setae 1 (14.3%) 1 (8.3%)
Male P2 ENP 1 with one inner seta 1 (14.3%)
Female P4 ENP 2 with reduced inner seta 2 (40%)
Male P2 ENP 2 with two inner setae 2 (16.7%)
Female P2 ENP 2 with two inner setae 6 (50%)
Female P5 EXP with six setae 1 (8.3%)
Female P1 ENP 1 without inner seta 1 (8.3%)
Female P3 ENP 2 with two inner setae 1 (10%)
Female P4 EXP 2 with two inner setae 1 (10%)
Female P4 ENP 2 with three setae 1 (20%) 1 (10%)
Female P5 BENP with five setae 4 (40%)
Female P4 ENP 2 with three setae 1 (10%)

Intraspecific variability was assessed in dissected organisms only. Only the presence or lack of well-developed and/or reduced setae/spines was
considered as intraspecific variability.
N, specimens analysed.
Four new species of Cletocamptus 2687
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FIG. 14. Cletocamptus stimpsoni sp. nov., female. (A) Habitus, dorsal; (B) habitus, lateral;
(C) anal somite and right caudal ramus, lateral; (D) anal somite and caudal rami,
dorsal. Scale bars: 100 mm.

Type locality
Brine seep, Fred Stimpson Wildlife Refuge, Jackson, Alabama, USA (31‡23’N,
The species was named in honour of the Fred T. Stimpson Wildlife Refuge
(Alabama, USA).
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FIG. 15. Cletocamptus stimpsoni sp. nov., female. (A) Urosome, ventral (P5 bearing somite
omitted); (B) P5. Scale bar: 100 mm.

Female. Habitus (figure 14A, B) tapering posteriorly; total body length mea-
sured from tip of rostrum to posterior margin of caudal rami ranging from 415
to 660 mm (mean, 529 mm, N~26; holotype, 550 mm). Rostrum set off, triangular,
with pair of setules subapically. Cephalic shield ornamented with small spinules
along posterior margin dorsolaterally (figure 14A, B). Dorsal and lateral surface
of free thoracic somites (P2–P4 bearing somites) ornamented with transverse
Four new species of Cletocamptus 2689
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FIG. 16. Cletocamptus stimpsoni sp. nov., female. (A) Antennule; (B) antenna; (C) mandible;
(D) maxillule; (E) maxilla; (F) maxilliped. Scale bar: 100 mm.

rows of minute spinules, and with very small spinules along posterior margin.
Dorsal and lateral surface of first urosomite (P5 bearing somite) ornamented as
preceding somite. First and second genital somites distinct dorsally and laterally,
completely fused ventrally (figure 15A); dorsal and lateral surface of first and
second genital somite with transverse rows of minute spinules, with row of
stronger spinules along posterior margin of both somites, and with relatively
longer spinules laterally; ventrally ornamented with spinules as shown in figure 15A.
Fourth and fifth urosomite as in second genital somite dorsally, except for more
abundant transverse spinular rows; ventral surface ornamented with few median
spinules as illustrated in figure 15A, and with longer spinules along posterior
margin. Dorsal surface of anal somite (figure 14A) ornamented with transverse
rows of minute spinules and with dorsolateral strong spinules close to joint with
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FIG. 17. Cletocamptus stimpsoni sp. nov., female. SEM microphotograph showing mandibular
palp with two setae only.

caudal rami; rounded anal operculum furnished with small spinules close to pos-
terior margin. Caudal rami (figure 14C, D) about 1.5 times longer than wide;
with few spinular rows dorsally and ventrally (figures 14C, D, 15A); with seven
elements in all.
Antennule (figure 16A) six-segmented; surface of segments smooth except
for two rows of spinules on first segment. Armature formula, 1-(1), 2-(8), 3-(5),
4-(1z[1zae]), 5-(1), 6-(9z[1zae]).
Antenna (figure 16B) with allobasis armed with two abexopodal setae. Free
endopodal segment ornamented with inner strong spinules proximally and
subdistally; with two lateral inner spines and one slender seta (the latter arrowed
in figure 16B), and five distal elements. Exopod one-segmented; about seven times
longer than wide; ornamented with few spinules and armed with one lateral and one
apical smooth seta.
Mandible (figure 16C) robust, ornamented with rows of spinules proximally;
chewing edge with four strong teeth, four elements as in figure 16C, one pyriform
element and one lateral pinnate strong seta. Palp small, one-segmented, with two
long setae (see also figure 17).
Maxillule (figure 16D) robust; arthrite of praecoxa ornamented with few
spinules, armed with a surface seta, seven distal spines and one lateral slender seta
(see insert in figure 16D). Coxa ornamented with some spinules and armed with two
slender setae. Basis ornamented with some median spinules, and armed with three
apical setae; exopod and endopod represented by three setae each.
Maxilla (figure 16E): syncoxa ornamented with minute spinules along inner and
Four new species of Cletocamptus 2691
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FIG. 18. Cletocamptus stimpsoni sp. nov., female. (A) P1; (B) P2. Scale bar: 100 mm.
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FIG. 19. Cletocamptus stimpsoni sp. nov., female. (A) P3; (B) P4. Scale bar: 100 mm.

outer margin; with two endites, each bearing three setae. Allobasis drawn into
strong claw bearing an accompanying seta. Endopod represented by three setae.
Maxilliped (figure 16F) subchelate. Syncoxa ornamented with spinules and armed
with a small seta on inner distal corner. Basis without armature and ornamented
Four new species of Cletocamptus 2693
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FIG. 20. Cletocamptus stimpsoni sp. nov., male. (A) Habitus, dorsal; (B) habitus, lateral;
(C) anal somite and caudal rami, dorsal; (D) anal somite and left caudal ramus,
lateral. Scale bars: 100 mm.

with longitudinal spinules anteriorly and posteriorly. Endopod drawn into long and
slender claw with one accompanying small seta.
P1 (figure 18A): praecoxa ornamented with spinules close to joint with coxa.
The latter ornamented with anterior transverse rows of spinules, and with posterior
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FIG. 21. Cletocamptus stimpsoni sp. nov., male. (A) Urosome, ventral; (B) antennule. Scale
bar: 100 mm.
Four new species of Cletocamptus 2695
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FIG. 22. Cletocamptus stimpsoni sp. nov., male. (A) P1; (B) P2. Scale bar: 100 mm.
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FIG. 23. Cletocamptus stimpsoni sp. nov., male. (A) P3; (B) P4. Scale bar: 100 mm.

long and slender spinules in outer distal corner. Basis ornamented with median row
of spinules, and with stronger spinules at base of exopod, between rami and at base
of inner spine of basis. Exopod three-segmented. Endopod two-segmented, some-
what shorter than exopod. Armature formula as in table 1.
P2 (figure 18B): praecoxa as in P1. Coxa ornamented with median row of small
spinules and with strong spinules close to outer distal corner anteriorly, and with
some spinules close to outer distal corner posteriorly. Basis ornamented with median
row of spinules close to inner distal corner, and at base of exopod; outer element of
basis seta-like. Exopod three-segmented and ornamented as in figure 18B. Endopod
Four new species of Cletocamptus 2697

two-segmented, reaching proximal quarter of second exopodal segment; first segment

small, about as long as wide and ornamented with outer and inner spinules; second
segment ornamented with long spinules as shown in figure 18B, and armed with one
inner spine, one apical and one inner seta. Armature formula as in table 1.
P3 (figure 19A): praecoxa ornamented with transverse row of spinules close to
joint with coxa. The latter and basis as in P2. Exopod as in P2, except for two inner
setae on third segment. Endopod as in P2, armed with three inner, one apical and
one outer seta. Armature formula as in table 1.
P4 (figure 19B): praecoxa, coxa and basis as in P3. Exopod as in P3, except for
armature formula of third segment. Endopod two-segmented, very small; first
segment small, slightly wider than long; second segment ornamented with inner and
outer slender spinules and armed with two apical setae.
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P5 (figure 15B): exopod and baseoendopod fused. Baseoendopodal lobe longer

than exopod, ornamented with sets of inner spinules, and with spinules on distal
part of ramus; armed with one outer, one apical and four inner setae; relative length
of setae as in figure 15B. Exopod ornamented with spinules as shown in figure 15B,
and armed with five setae in all, plus outer seta of basis.
P6 (figure 15A) represented by median plate in anterior half of first genital
somite, each vestigial leg represented by a short and thick seta. Copulatory pore in
the middle of genital double segment.
Male. Total body length measured from tip of rostrum to posterior margin
of caudal rami, ranging from 310 to 540 mm (mean, 406 mm, N~18; allotype,
540 mm). Habitus (figure 20A, B), anal segment and caudal rami (figure 20C, D)
as in female dorsally, except for longer spinules along posterior margin of cephalic
shield and free thoracic somites. Ventrally as in female except for genital somite
and median spinules on fourth urosomite.
Antennule (figure 21B) six-segmented; subchirocer. Last segment with two acute
Antenna, mandible, maxillule, maxilla and maxilliped (not illustrated) as in
P1 (figure 22A), as in female except for dimorphic projection on inner distal
corner of basis.
P2 (figure 22B): praecoxa, coxa, basis and exopod as in female, except for
somewhat stouter outer spines of male exopod. Endopod two-segmented; first
segment small; second segment reaching about proximal third of second exopodal
segment, ornamented with spinules along inner and outer margin, and armed with
one outer dimorphic spine, one apical seta and two inner slender setae.
P3 (figure 23A) as in female except for somewhat stouter outer spines of male
exopod and for dimorphic three-segmented endopod. First endopodal segment
small; second segment with inner distal apophysis reaching slightly beyond third
endopodal segment; second segment barely reaching tip of first exopodal seg-
ment, with one inner and one apical seta comparatively shorter than their female
P4 (figure 23B) as in female, except for somewhat stouter outer spines of exopod
and relatively shorter setae of second endopodal segment.
Both P5 fused (figure 21A); exopod and baseoendopod fused. Ornamented with
spinules at base of outer seta of basis, at base of exopodal and endopodal setae.
Exopod with four, endopod with three setae.
P6 (figure 21A) represented by plate; without armature.
2698 S. Gómez et al.

Male. Paratype (EMUCOP-0698-16) was found with an aberrant outer seta
of left P2 ENP 2, and right P2 ENP 2 possesses two inner setae; paratype
(EMUCOP-0698-20) possesses two setae only on right P5 BENP; paratype
(EMUCOP-0698-15) possesses two inner setae on right P2 ENP.
Female. Paratype (EMUCOP-0698-13) was found with inner setae of left P5
BENP closer to adjoining seta than in right ramus; four female paratypes
(EMUCOP-0698-10, EMUCOP-0698-12, EMUCOP-0698-03, EMUCOP-0698-06)
possess one inner seta on left P2 ENP 2 and two inner setae on right P2 ENP 2;
two paratypes (EMUCOP-0698-05, EMUCOP-0698-14) possess one inner seta
on right P2 ENP 2 and two setae on left P2 ENP 2; paratype (EMUCOP-0698-
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07) possesses an aberrant left P1 EXP 3; paratype (EMUCOP-0698-08) possesses

six setae on P5 EXP; paratype (EMUCOP-0698-11) lacks inner seta on P1 ENP 1
(see table 2).

Cletocamptus sinaloensis sp. nov.

(figures 24–33)
Cletocamptus deitersi type IIIM sensu Rocha-Olivares et al. (2001).

Type material
One female holotype (EMUCOP-300392-37) preserved in alcohol and one
dissected male allotype (EMUCOP-300392-38) from Ensenada del Pabellón lagoon,
five dissected female (EMUCOP-300491-42, EMUCOP-030192-69, EMUCOP-
300392-39, EMUCOP-300392-40, EMUCOP-300392-41) and four dissected male
paratypes (EMUCOP-300392-42, EMUCOP-300392-43, EMUCOP-230691-44,
EMUCOP-240691-41) from Ensenada del Pabellón lagoon, and one dissected
female paratype (EMUCOP-0100-02) from El Yugo estuary, seven female para-
types (EMUCOP-0100-01) from El Yugo estuary preserved in alcohol, 27 female
paratypes (EMUCOP-300491-40) from Ensenada del Pabellón lagoon preserved in
alcohol and one male paratype (EMUCOP-300491-41) from Ensenada del Pabellón
lagoon preserved in alcohol. April and June 1991 and January and March 1992
(Ensenada del Pabellón lagoon) and January 2000 (El Yugo estuary), coll. S.
Gómez (Ensenada del Pabellón lagoon) and A. C. Puello-Cruz (El Yugo estuary).

Type locality
Ensenada del Pabellón lagoon, Sinaloa (24‡19’–24‡35’N, 107‡28’–107‡45’W).

Other localities
El Yugo estuary (23‡18’14@N, 106‡29’W) and Urı́as system (23‡11’06@N,
106‡25’06@W), Mazatlán, Sinaloa.

The species was named after the region (Sinaloa State) where the species was
Four new species of Cletocamptus 2699
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FIG. 24. Cletocamptus sinaloensis sp. nov., female. (A) Habitus, dorsal; (B) habitus, lateral;
(C) anal somite and caudal rami, dorsal; (D) anal somite and right caudal ramus,
lateral. Scale bars: 100 mm.

Female. Habitus (figure 24A, B) tapering posteriorly; total body length mea-
sured from tip of rostrum to posterior margin of caudal rami ranging from 510 to
750 mm (mean, 658 mm, N~11; holotype, 560 mm). Rostrum set off, triangular, with
pair of setules subapically. Cephalic shield ornamented with fine and long spinules
2700 S. Gómez et al.
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FIG. 25. Cletocamptus sinaloensis sp. nov., female. (A) Urosome, ventral (P5 bearing somite
omitted); (B) P5. Scale bar: 100 mm.

along margin dorsolaterally (figure 24A, B). Dorsal and lateral surface of free thor-
acic somites (P2–P4 bearing somites) ornamented with transverse rows of minute
spinules, with longitudinal row of small spinules close to posterior margin and with
long spinules along posterior margin. Dorsal and lateral surface of first urosomite
(P5 bearing somite) with transverse rows of minute spinules, with row of small spi-
nules close to posterior margin and with relatively longer spinules along posterior
margin. First and second genital somites distinct dorsally and laterally, completely
fused ventrally (figure 25A); dorsal and lateral surface of first and second genital
somite with transverse rows of minute spinules, with row of longer spinules along
posterior margin of both somites, and with relatively longer spinules laterally, ven-
trally ornamented with spinules as shown in figure 25A. Fourth and fifth urosomite
Four new species of Cletocamptus 2701
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FIG. 26. Cletocamptus sinaloensis sp. nov., female. (A) Antennule; (B) antenna; (C) mandible;
(D) maxillule; (E) maxilla; (F) maxilliped. Scale bar: 100 mm.

as in second genital somite dorsally and laterally (figure 24A, B), ventral surface
ornamented with transverse rows of spinules as illustrated in figure 25A. Dorsal
surface of anal somite (figure 24A, C) ornamented with proximal transverse rows
of minute spinules, with transverse rows of stronger spinules, and with dorsolateral
strong spinules close to joint with caudal rami; rounded anal operculum furnished
with two transverse rows of strong spinules (distalmost spinules relatively smaller)
close to posterior margin (figure 24A, C). Caudal rami (figures 24A, B, C, D, 25A)
about 1.5 times longer than wide; dorsal and ventral surface smooth, except for
inner strong spinules close to site insertion of seta VII and close to posterior
margin dorsally and ventrally; with seven elements in all.
Antennule (figure 26A) six-segmented; surface of segments smooth except
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FIG. 27. Cletocamptus sinaloensis sp. nov., female. (A) P1; (B) P2. Scale bar: 100 mm.
Four new species of Cletocamptus 2703
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FIG. 28. Cletocamptus sinaloensis sp. nov., female. (A) P3; (B) P4. Scale bar: 100 mm.
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FIG. 29. Cletocamptus sinaloensis sp. nov., male. (A) Habitus, dorsal; (B) habitus, lateral;
(C) anal somite and caudal rami, dorsal; (D) anal somite and right caudal ramus,
lateral. Scale bars: 100 mm.

for two rows of spinules on first segment. Armature formula, 1-(1), 2-(9), 3-(5),
4-(1z[1zae]), 5-(1), 6-(9z[1zae]).
Antenna (figure 26B) with small coxa ornamented with outer spinules and some
inner spinules close to inner distal corner. Allobasis armed with two abexopodal
setae. Free endopodal segment ornamented with inner strong spinules proximally
and subdistally; with two lateral inner spines and a slender seta (the latter arrowed
in figure 26B), and five distal elements. Exopod one-segmented; about seven times
longer than wide; armed with one lateral and one apical smooth setae.
Mandible (figure 26C) robust, ornamented with rows of spinules proximally;
Four new species of Cletocamptus 2705
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FIG. 30. Cletocamptus sinaloensis sp. nov., male. Urosome, ventral (P5 bearing somite
omitted). Scale bar: 100 mm.
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FIG. 31. Cletocamptus sinaloensis sp. nov., male. (A) Antennule; (B) P5. Scale bar: 100 mm.

chewing edge with four strong teeth, four elements as in figure 26C, one pyriform
element and one lateral pinnate strong seta. Palp one-segmented, with two long
setae unequal in length, and a small seta arising nearby.
Maxillule (figure 26D) robust; arthrite of praecoxa ornamented with few
spinules, armed with a surface seta, seven distal spines and one lateral strong seta,
the latter ornamented with long spinules. Coxa ornamented with some spinules and
armed with two setae. Basis ornamented with some median spinules, and armed
with three apical setae; exopod and endopod represented by three setae each.
Four new species of Cletocamptus 2707
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FIG. 32. Cletocamptus sinaloensis sp. nov., male. (A) P1; (B) P2. Scale bar: 100 mm.

Maxilla (figure 26E): syncoxa ornamented with minute spinules along inner
margin; with two endites, each bearing three setae. Allobasis drawn into strong
claw bearing one accompanying seta. Endopod represented by three setae.
Maxilliped (figure 26F) subchelate. Syncoxa ornamented by two rows of
2708 S. Gómez et al.
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FIG. 33. Cletocamptus sinaloensis sp. nov., male. (A) P3; (B) P4. Scale bar: 100 mm.
Four new species of Cletocamptus 2709

spinules and armed with a small seta on inner distal corner. Basis without armature
and ornamented with an anterior and a posterior row of spinules, and with few
spinules close to joint with endopod. The latter drawn into long and slender claw
with one accompanying small seta.
P1 (figure 27A): praecoxa ornamented with spinules close to joint with coxa.
The latter ornamented with anterior transverse rows of small spinules, with strong
spinules close to outer distal corner anteriorly, and with somewhat slender spinules
posteriorly. Basis ornamented with median sets of spinules, and with stronger
spinules at base of exopod, between rami and at base of inner spine of basis.
Exopod three-segmented. Endopod two-segmented, second segment reaching far
beyond third exopodal segment. Armature formula as in table 1.
P2 (figure 27B): praecoxa as in P1. Coxa ornamented with median row of small
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spinules and with strong spinules close to outer distal corner anteriorly, and with
some spinules close to outer distal corner posteriorly. Basis ornamented with
spinules between rami and at base of endopod, and with stronger spinules at base of
exopod; outer element spine-like. Exopod three-segmented and ornamented as in
figure 27B. Endopod two-segmented, reaching distal quarter of second exopodal
segment; first segment small, somewhat wider than long and ornamented with
slender inner spinules; second segment ornamented with long spinules as shown in
figure 27B, and armed with one inner spine, one apical and one inner seta.
Armature formula as in table 1.
P3 (figure 28A): praecoxa, coxa and basis ornamented as in P2. Exopod as in
P2. Endopod as in P2 except for relatively shorter second segment. Armature
formula as in table 1.
P4 (figure 28B): praecoxa, coxa and basis as in P2. Exopod as in P2, except for
armature formula of third segment (without inner seta). Endopod two-segmented,
barely reaching distal third of first exopodal segment; first segment small, somewhat
wider than long; second segment ornamented with inner and outer slender spinules
and armed with two apical setae.
P5 (figure 25B): exopod and baseoendopod fused. Baseoendopodal lobe longer
than exopod, ornamented with sets of inner spinules, with spinules at base of apical
seta and with some outer spinules; armed with one outer, one apical and four inner
setae; relative length of setae as in figure 25B. Exopod ornamented with spinules as
shown in figure 25B, and armed with five setae in all, plus outer seta of basis.
P6 (figure 25A) represented by median plate in anterior half of first genital
somite, each vestigial leg represented by a very small and slender seta. Copulatory
pore in the middle of genital double somite.
Male. Total body length measured from tip of rostrum to posterior margin of
caudal rami, ranging from 570 to 610 mm (mean, 582 mm, N~4; allotype, 570 mm).
Habitus (figure 29A, B), anal segment and caudal rami (figure 29C, D) as in female
dorsally, except for fewer rows of spinules on anal operculum. Ventrally as in
female except for genital somite, ornamentation of third and fourth urosomites (see
figure 30) which are coarser than in female; fifth urosomite seemingly without orna-
mentation ventrally.
Antennule (figure 31A) six-segmented; subchirocer. Last segment with two acute
Antenna, mandible, maxillule, maxilla and maxilliped (not illustrated) as in
2710 S. Gómez et al.

P1 (figure 32A) as in female except for dimorphic projection on inner distal

corner of basis.
P2 (figure 32B) as in female except for relatively stouter outer spines of male
exopod, dimorphic inner spine on male ENP 2 and relatively shorter apical setae on
second endopodal segment.
Exopod of P3 (figure 33A) as in female except for relatively stouter outer spines.
Endopod three-segmented; second segment with inner distal apophysis reaching
beyond third endopodal segment; second segment reaching little beyond first
exopodal segment, with one inner and one apical seta relatively shorter than their
female homologues.
P4 (figure 33B) as in female, except for stouter outer spines of exopod and
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relatively shorter setae of second endopodal segment.

Both P5 fused (figure 31B); exopod and baseoendopod fused. Exopod orna-
mented with transverse row of strong spinules; with four setae. Endopodal lobe
ornamented with sets of spinules along outer and inner margin, and at base of
apical setae; with three elements in all.
P6 (figure 30) represented by plate; without armature.

No variability was observed in males.
Female. Paratype (EMUCOP-300491-42) without inner seta and with two sets
of spinules on left P4 EXP 3, and with one inner seta and without spinules on
right P4 EXP 3; paratype (EMUCOP-300392-40) with five setae/spines on P1
EXP 3 (see table 2).

Cletocamptus fourchensis sp. nov.

(figures 34–42)
Cletocamptus deitersi (Richard, 1897) sensu Fleeger (1980), De Laune et al. (1984),
Decho (1986, 1988), Chandler (1986), Chandler and Fleeger (1987), Sun and
Fleeger (1994), Pace and Carman (1996), Carman et al. (1997, 2000).
Cletocamptus deitersi type II sensu Rocha-Olivares et al. (2001).
Cletocamptus from Port Fourchon, Louisiana sensu Castro-Longoria et al. (2003).

Type material
One female holotype (USNM 1010505) and one male allotype (USNM 1010506)
preserved in alcohol, five dissected female paratypes (EMUCOP-1298-01, EMUCOP-
1298-04, EMUCOP-1298-05, EMUCOP-1298-06, EMUCOP-1298-07), three female
and five male paratypes (USNM 1010507), two female (EMUCOP-1298-13) and four
male paratypes (EMUCOP-1298-14) preserved in alcohol, and seven dissected male
paratypes (EMUCOP-1298-02, EMUCOP-1298-03, EMUCOP-1298-08, EMUCOP-
1298-09, EMUCOP-1298-10, EMUCOP-1298-11, EMUCOP-1298-12). December
1998 (Port Fourchon) and January 1999 (Cocodrie), coll. A. Rocha-Olivares, J. W.
Fleeger and D. Foltz.

Type locality
Port Fourchon, Louisiana (29‡05.42’N, 90‡05.8’W).
Four new species of Cletocamptus 2711
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FIG. 34. Cletocamptus fourchensis sp. nov., female. (A) Habitus, dorsal; (B) habitus, lateral;
(C) anal somite and caudal rami, dorsal; (D) anal somite and right caudal ramus,
lateral. Scale bars: 100 mm.

Other sites
Cocodrie, Louisiana (29‡15.2’N, 90‡39.8’W); Graveline Bay, Mississippi
(29‡15’N, 91‡21’W) (Carman et al., 2000).

The species was named after the region (Port Fourchon) where the species was

Female. Habitus (figure 34) tapering posteriorly; total body length measured
from tip of rostrum to posterior margin of caudal rami ranging from 560 to
725 mm (mean, 603 mm, N~10; holotype, 567 mm). Rostrum set off, triangular, with
2712 S. Gómez et al.
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FIG. 35. Cletocamptus fourchensis sp. nov., female. (A) Urosome, ventral (P5 bearing somite
omitted); (B) P5. Scale bar: 100 mm.

pair of setules subapically. Cephalic shield ornamented with fine and long spinules
along margin dorsolaterally. Dorsal and lateral surface of free thoracic somites
(P2–P4 bearing somites) ornamented with transverse rows of minute spinules, with
longitudinal row of small spinules and with long spinules along posterior margin.
Dorsal and lateral surface of first urosomite (P5 bearing somite) with transverse
rows of minute spinules, and with comparatively longer spinules along posterior
margin. First and second genital somites distinct dorsally and laterally (figure 34A,
B), completely fused ventrally (figure 35A); dorsal and lateral surface of first and
second genital somite with transverse rows of minute spinules, with row of long spi-
nules along posterior margin of both somites (spinules of second somite longer),
and with relatively longer spinules laterally, ventrally ornamented with spinules as
shown in figure 35A. Fourth and fifth urosomite as in second genital somite dor-
sally, except for fewer transverse rows on fifth urosomite, ventral surface ornamen-
ted with transverse rows of spinules as illustrated in figure 35A. Dorsal surface of
anal somite (figure 34A, C) ornamented with few transverse rows of minute spinules
and with dorsolateral strong spinules close to joint with caudal rami; rounded anal
Four new species of Cletocamptus 2713
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FIG. 36. Cletocamptus fourchensis sp. nov., female. (A) Antennule; (B) antenna; (C)
mandible; (D) maxillule; (E) coxa and basis of maxillule; (F) maxilla; (G) maxilliped.
Scale bar: 100 mm.

operculum without ornamentation; with median row of strong spinules laterally

(figure 34D). Caudal rami (figure 34A–D) about 1.5 times longer than wide; dorsal
and ventral surface smooth, except for inner set of spinules close to insertion site of
seta VII and close to posterior margin dorsally and ventrally; with seven elements
in all.
Antennule (figure 36A) six-segmented; surface of segments smooth except for
two rows of spinules on first segment. Armature formula, 1-(1), 2-(9), 3-(6), 4-
(1z[1zae]), 5-(1), 6-(9z[1zae]).
Antenna (figure 36B) with small coxa ornamented with two sets of spinules.
Allobasis armed with two strong abexopodal setae. Free endopodal segment ornamented
with inner strong spinules proximally and subdistally, and armed with two lateral inner
2714 S. Gómez et al.
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FIG. 37. Cletocamptus fourchensis sp. nov., female. (A) P1; (B) P2. Scale bar: 100 mm.
Four new species of Cletocamptus 2715
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FIG. 38. Cletocamptus fourchensis sp. nov., female. (A) P3; (B) P4. Scale bar: 100 mm.
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FIG. 39. Cletocamptus fourchensis sp. nov., male. (A) Habitus, dorsal; (B) habitus lateral;
(C) anal somite and caudal rami, dorsal; (D) anal somite and left caudal ramus,
lateral. Scale bars: 100 mm.

spines and one slender seta, and five distal elements. Exopod one-segmented; about five
times longer than wide; ornamented with few spinules, and armed with one lateral
and two apical smooth setae.
Mandible (figure 36C) robust, ornamented with rows of spinules proximally;
chewing edge with four strong teeth, a multicuspidate tooth, a pyriform element
and a lateral pinnate strong seta. Palp small, one-segmented, with two long setae
unequal in length, with a small seta arising nearby.
Maxillule (figure 36D, E) robust; arthrite of praecoxa ornamented with few
spinules, armed with a surface seta, seven distal spines and one lateral strong seta,
Four new species of Cletocamptus 2717
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FIG. 40. Cletocamptus fourchensis sp. nov., male. (A) Urosome, ventral; (B) antennule. Scale
bar: 100 mm.

the latter ornamented with long spinules. Coxa ornamented with some spinules and
armed with two slender setae. Basis ornamented with some median spinules, and
armed with three apical setae; exopod and endopod represented by three setae each.
Maxilla (figure 36F): syncoxa ornamented with minute spinules along inner and
outer margin; with two endites, each bearing three setae. Allobasis drawn into
strong claw bearing one accompanying seta. Endopod represented by three setae.
Maxilliped (figure 36G) subchelate. Syncoxa ornamented by anterior and poste-
rior rows of spinules and armed with a small seta on inner distal corner. Basis
without armature and ornamented with two longitudinal rows of spinules anteriorly
2718 S. Gómez et al.
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FIG. 41. Cletocamptus fourchensis sp. nov., male. (A) P1; (B) P2. Scale bar: 100 mm.
Four new species of Cletocamptus 2719
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FIG. 42. Cletocamptus fourchensis sp. nov., male. (A) P3; (B) P4. Scale bar: 100 mm.

and posteriorly, and with few spinules close to joint with endopod. The latter drawn
into long and slender claw with one accompanying small seta.
P1 (figure 37A): praecoxa ornamented with spinules close to joint with coxa.
The latter ornamented with anterior transverse rows of spinules, with comparatively
stronger spinules close to outer distal corner anteriorly, and with some spinules
posteriorly. Basis ornamented with median row of spinules, and with stronger
spinules at base of exopod, between rami and at base of inner spine of basis.
2720 S. Gómez et al.

Exopod three-segmented. Endopod two-segmented, second segment reaching beyond

third exopodal segment. Armature formula as in table 1.
P2 (figure 37B): coxa ornamented with median row of small spinules and with
strong spinules close to outer distal corner anteriorly, and with some spinules close
to outer distal corner posteriorly. Basis ornamented with median set of spinules,
with spinules between rami and with comparatively stronger spinules at base of
exopod; outer element spine-like. Exopod three-segmented and ornamented as in
figure 37B. Endopod two-segmented, reaching beyond the middle of second
exopodal segment; first segment small, slightly wider than long and ornamented
with some inner spinules; second segment ornamented with long spinules as shown
in figure 37B, and armed with three elements in all. Armature formula as in table 1.
P3 (figure 38A): praecoxa as in P1. Coxa ornamented with transverse rows of
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spinules, with strong spinules close to outer distal corner anteriorly and with
slender and long spinules on outer distal corner posteriorly. Basis as in P2 except
for seta-like outer element. Exopod as in P2. Endopod as in P2 except for relatively
shorter second segment reaching proximal third of second exopodal segment.
Armature formula as in table 1.
P4 (figure 38B): praecoxa, coxa and basis as in P3. Exopod as in P3, except for
armature formula of third segment (without inner seta). Endopod two-segmented,
barely reaching tip of first exopodal segment; first segment small, slightly wider
than long; second segment ornamented with inner and outer slender spinules and
armed with two apical setae.
P5 (figure 35B): exopod and baseoendopod fused. Baseoendopodal lobe longer
than exopod, ornamented with sets of inner and outer spinules, with spinules at
base of apical seta; armed with one outer, one apical and four inner setae; relative
length of setae as in figure 35B. Exopod ornamented with spinules as shown in
figure 35B, and armed with five setae in all, plus outer seta of basis.
P6 (figure 35A) represented by median plate in anterior half of first genital
somite, each vestigial leg represented by a long and slender seta. Copulatory pore in
the middle of genital double segment.
Male. Total body length measured from tip of rostrum to posterior margin
of caudal rami, ranging from 430 to 640 mm (mean, 539 mm, N~15; allotype,
640 mm). Habitus (figure 39A, B), anal segment and caudal rami (figure 39C, D)
as in female dorsally, except for some minute spinules along posterior margin of
anal operculum. Ventrally as in female except for genital somite (figure 40A).
Ventral ornamentation of third, fourth and fifth urosomites (figure 40A) coarser
than in female.
Antennule (figure 40B) six-segmented; subchirocer. Last segment with two acute
Antenna, mandible, maxillule, maxilla and maxilliped (not illustrated) as in
P1 (figure 41A) as in female except for comparatively shorter endopod and
dimorphic projection on inner distal corner of basis.
P2 (figure 41B) as in female except for relatively stouter outer spines of male
exopod, dimorphic inner spine on male ENP 2, and relatively shorter apical setae
on second endopodal segment.
Exopod of P3 (figure 42A) as in female except for relatively stronger outer
spines. Endopod three-segmented; second segment with inner distal apophysis
reaching beyond third endopodal segment, the latter reaching tip of first exopodal
Four new species of Cletocamptus 2721

segment, with one inner and one apical seta relatively shorter than their female
P4 (figure 42B) as in female, except for stouter outer spines of exopod and
relatively shorter setae of second endopodal segment.
Both P5 fused (figure 40B); exopod and baseoendopod fused. Exopod
ornamented with spinules at base of outer seta of basis, at base of apical elements
and along inner margin; with four setae. Endopodal lobe ornamented with spinules
along outer and inner margin, and at base of apical setae; with three elements in all.
P6 (figure 40A) represented by plate; without armature.

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Male. Paratype (EMUCOP-1298-03) possesses a reduced apical seta on right

P1 ENP 2, and an abnormally swollen apical element on right P2 EXP 3; para-
type (EMUCOP-1298-09) possesses an aberrant right P1 ENP 2, with two setae;
the gap between innermost and adjoining seta of P5 BENP is larger in right P5
(EMUCOP-1298-09); paratype (EMUCOP-1298-10) possesses two and three
setae on right and left P5 BENP, respectively; paratype (EMUCOP-1298-11)
possesses one inner seta on left P2 ENP 1 and four setae on P5 BENP.
Female. Paratype (EMUCOP-1298-05) possesses a reduced inner seta on left
P4 ENP 2; paratype (EMUCOP-1298-06) with three setae on both P4 ENP 2;
paratype (EMUCOP-1298-07) possesses an abnormal inner distal seta on left P1
ENP 2 and a reduced seta on right P4 ENP 2.

Taxonomic status of nominal species
In 1897 Richard described Mesochra (~Cletocamptus) deitersi from the
Naposta Grande River, Argentina. Unfortunately, Richard gave no other indi-
cation regarding the exact location of the type locality. At the time of Richard’s
(1897) description of C. deitersi, only three other species (C. retrogressus, C.
albuquerquensis and C. confluens) of the genus were known. Following the available
identification keys and tables (i.e. Lang, 1948; Fleeger, 1980), it is clear that
C. deitersi could be separated easily from the other three species. This ease of
separation probably is the result of the incompleteness of Richard’s (1897)
description of C. deitersi.
Since Richard’s (1897) description, C. deitersi has been reported from inland
brines as well as coastal estuaries and mangroves from North America (Willey,
1930, 1932; Yeatman, 1963; Fleeger, 1980; De Laune et al., 1984; Chandler, 1986;
Decho, 1986, 1988; Chandler and Fleeger, 1987; Sun and Fleeger, 1994; Dexter,
1995; Pace and Carman, 1996; Carman et al., 1997, 2000; Simpson et al., 1998;
Rocha-Olivares et al., 2001; personal observations by S.G.), Central and South
America (Richard, 1897; Daday, 1902; Brian, 1926; Kiefer, 1933, 1936; Brehm,
1937; Harding, 1955; Herbst, 1960; Löffler, 1963; Reid and Esteves, 1984; Sitjar,
1988; Escaravage and Castel, 1989; Zamudio-Valdéz, 1991; Suárez-Morales et al.,
1996; Reid, 1998; Suárez-Morales and Reid, 1998; personal observations by S.G.),
India (Ranga Reddy and Radhakrishna, 1979), China (Tai and Song, 1979),
Ethiopia (Dussart, 1974; Defaye, 1988), Hawaii (Chappuis, 1934), Australia
(Hamond, 1973), Iran (Löffler, 1961) and Malaysia (personal observations by S.G.).
2722 S. Gómez et al.

However, recent evidence (Rocha-Olivares et al., 2001; Castro-Longoria et al.,

2003; personal observations by S.G.) strongly supports the hypothesis that all these
records are not of C. deitersi but of new and as yet undescribed species.
Cletocamptus deitersi, as constituted above, expresses a high degree of
polymorphism within and between populations, making the correct separation
between species related to C. deitersi difficult. Discrepancies between the different
descriptions forced Chappuis (1924) to consider Godetella dadayi Delachaux, 1917
as a synonym of Mesochra (~Cletocamptus) deitersi. Chappuis (1933, but see Lang,
1948: 1274) recognized the discrepancies between the different descriptions and
suggested that, given the small differences that were used to separate the genera
Marshia Herrick, 1894 and Godetella Delachaux, 1917 from Cletocamptus, the
former two genera should be equated to the latter. Similarly, Chappuis (1933),
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Kiefer (1936) and Brehm (1937) suggested that both C. brehmi Kiefer, 1933 and
C. bermudae Willey, 1930 were synonyms of C. deitersi. Similarly, Chappuis (1933)
placed Wilson’s (1932) Attheyella bicolor Wilson, 1932 from Massachusetts within
Cletocamptus since ‘Sie scheint C. bermudae sehr ähnlich zu sein, gehört also in die
Nähe von C. deitersi’ [‘It seems to be very similar to C. bermudae, thus belonging to
C. deitersi’]. Later, in his redescription Yeatman (1963: 201–204) concluded that
Wilson’s paratypes of A. bicolor and C. bermudae are the same species. Moreover,
upon comparison with Kiefer’s (1936) and Richard’s (1897) descriptions of
C. deitersi, Yeatman (1963) concluded that C. bermudae was a synonym of the
latter. Having been found in the same area, A. bicolor and C. bermudae could well
belong to the same species. However, since Richard’s (1897) and Kiefer’s (1936)
descriptions of C. deitersi were based on highly conservative features that are not
useful for species separation, their respective species are considered herein as species
inquirenda within Cletocamptus (see below). In the light of current research, it is
quite possible that Godetella (~Cletocamptus) dadayi, C. brehmi and C. bermudae
belong to different species. It is suggested to consider these three species as species
inquirenda within Cletocamptus pending redescription based on type or topotype
Chappuis (1934) found some specimens of Cletocamptus from Oahu island
(Hawaii). He identified his specimens with the Argentinean C. deitersi and presented
only four illustrations including the male P2 ENP, P3 ENP, P4 ENP and P5
(Chappuis, 1934: 634, figures 7–10). It is suggested to consider Chappuis’ (1934)
Cletocamptus deitersi as species inquirenda within the genus until redescription
of topotype material since Chappuis’ material is not available for revision or does
not exist.
Kiefer (1936) found some specimens of Cletocamptus in Trou Caiman (Haiti).
This material was examined by Chappuis (Kiefer, 1936: 301) who was of the
opinion that Kiefer’s material of Cletocamptus from Haiti could be attributed
to C. deitersi even though he also recognized the lack of detail of Richard’s (1897)
and Daday’s (1902) description of the species upon which he based his conclu-
sions. Unfortunately, Kiefer (1936) omitted the written description since ‘die …
Zeichnungen ein genaueres Bild vom Aussehen der wichtigsten Merkmale zu
vermitteln vermögen, als es Worte könnten’ [‘the drawings give a more detailed
description of the most important characteristics than words’]. On the other hand,
Kiefer (1936) included 11 illustrations (dorsal and ventral view of the female
abdomen, antennal endopod and exopod, female P1–P5, ventral view of male
abdomen, male P3 and male P5), but the mandible and maxillule were omitted and
Four new species of Cletocamptus 2723

nothing can be said regarding their armature formulae. Taking into account that
Chappuis attributed Kiefer’s (1936) material to C. deitersi based on Richard’s
(1897) and Daday’s (1902) descriptions which lack the necessary detail, that nothing
is said about the armature of the mandible and maxillule in Daday’s (1902) and
Kiefer’s (1936) descriptions, and that these two descriptions and the drawings
included therein lack the necessary detail for species separation, Kiefer’s (1936) and
Daday’s (1902) material of C. deitersi are considered herein as species inquirendae
within Cletocamptus.
Herbst (1960: 50–52, figures 63–70) found some Cletocamptus specimens (four
females and two males) in samples taken from the Lake of Nicaragua, which he
identified as C. deitersi. However, Herbst (1960) based his identification on
four female appendages (caudal ramus, P4, P5 and antennal exopod) and three
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male appendages (P2 ENP, P3 ENP and P5). The structures of these appendages
are highly conservative among the populations previously identified with the
Argentinean C. deitersi worldwide, and are of minor value to separate them.
Therefore, the identity of Herbst’s material remains questionable and it is suggested
to consider the Nicaraguan species as species inquirenda within Cletocamptus until
revision of his material. In the same paper Herbst (1960) briefly described some
Cletocamptus specimens that were suggested to be a variety of C. bicolor. It is
suggested to consider Herbst’s (1960) Cletocamptus cfr. bicolor as species inquirenda
within Cletocamptus.
Löffler (1961) described a new species, C. gabrieli from Iran, but Fleeger (1980:
31) relegated it to a junior synonym of the Argentinean C. deitersi based on the fact
that the armature formulae of P1–P4 and antennal exopod of the fomer falls into
the range of variation for the latter. Based on the fact that Fleeger (1980) observed
some differences in the spinular ornamentation of C. gabrieli and that the species
was found in Iran, far from the region where C. deitersi could be distributed (see
below), it is possible that Löffler’s specimens belong to a different species. However,
given the quality of Löffler’s (1961) original description, C. gabrieli should be
considered as species inquirenda within Cletocamptus.
Later, Löffler (1963) described C. deitersi ecuadorianus Löffler, 1963 from a site
in Upano River, somewhere between Latacunga and Riobamba (Ecuador). Löffler
(1963) also recognized that allocation of Cletocamptus specimens to new or known
taxa was almost impossible due to ‘sehr mangelhafter Beschreibungen’ [‘deficient
descriptions’], and questioned Chappuis’ (1924) decision to consider Godetella
dadayi as a synonym of C. deitersi. He also recognized the similarity between C.
kummleri and C. deitersi, and suggested to consider C. dadayi and C. kummleri as
subspecies of C. deitersi. Löffler’s (1963) C. deitersi ecuadorianus exhibits a set of
characters suggesting that this subspecies could be a different species: (1)
mandibular palp with one seta only (Löffler, 1963, remained silent about the
small seta arising near the mandibular palp), (2) caudal rami three times longer
than wide, (3) female P2 ENP 2 with four setae in all, (4) female P3 ENP 2 with five
elements in all, and (5) female P5 with 11 elements in all. Cletocamptus bermudae as
described by Willey (1930) was shown to possess also one seta only on the
mandibular palp, but the author did not comment on the small adjacent seta.
During inspection of the material of Cletocamptus deitersi housed in the National
Museum of Natural History, one of us (S.G.) found some specimens from Embalse
Nihuil (on the Atuel River) in Province of Mendoza (Argentina) (USNM264522)
possessing the same armature formulae of mandibular palp, female P2 ENP 2, P3
2724 S. Gómez et al.

ENP 2, P5 and width/length ratio of caudal rami as described for C. deitersi

ecuadorianus by Löffler (1963). It is suggested to upgrade C. deitersi ecuadorianus to
full species rank as Cletocamptus ecuadorianus grad. nov. Löffler, 1963. However,
the description of the species lacks necessary detail and should be considered as
species inquirenda within Cletocamptus until redescription. It is also suggested to
remove the Peruvian C. kummleri from its synonymy with C. deitersi and to
consider it as species inquirenda within Cletocamptus.
Hamond (1973) reported and described C. deitersi from Australia for the first
time. Unfortunately, he did omit a detailed description since his material ‘agreed so
closely with the descriptions in Lang (1948) and Yeatman (1963) as to make a
detailed description unnecessary’ (Hamond, 1973). From his illustrations, it can be
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observed that Hamond’s (1973) material seems to be unique among the specimens
assigned to C. deitersi, since it differs in the armature of antennal allobasis (with
one inner seta only), presence of a slender seta on basis of maxilliped, claw of
maxilliped without accompanying seta, armature formula of proximal endite of
maxilla (with two setae only), armature formula of maxillary endopod (with two
setae only) and armature of claw of maxillary basis (without accompanying seta).
Some other features observed in the Australian specimens do not correspond to
C. deitersi as described by Richard (1897), but with C. stimpsoni sp. nov. from
Alabama (USA): mandibular palp of mandible with two setae and without the
small seta arising nearby, lateral seta of maxillulary arthrite slender, and armature
formula of female P1–P5. Assuming that the Australian specimens belong to a
different species, it is suggested to consider Hamond’s (1973) C. deitersi as species
inquirenda within Cletocamptus until careful re-examination.
Dussart (1974) reported C. deitersi from Ethiopia for the first time. Some years
later Defaye (1988) redescribed Dussart’s material and stated that ‘Cette espèce,
découverte en Ethiopie par Dussart (1974) et encore inconnue ailleurs en Afrique,
n’a pas été retrouvé’ [‘This species found in Ethiopia by Dussart (1974), and
unknown from Africa so far, has not been found again’]. Although Defaye (1988)
claimed that the presented figures ‘permettront aisément son identification’ [‘will
allow its identification easily’], Dussart (1974) observed subtle differences between
his material and Kiefer’s (1936) illustrations of C. deitersi. Again, the appendages
illustrated by Dussart (1974) and Defaye (1988) are of minor value for species
discrimination. It is proposed to consider Dussart’s (1974) C. deitersi as species
inquirenda within Cletocamptus until detailed redescription of his material.
Tai and Song (1979) reported and described some Cletocamptus specimens
which they assigned to C. deitersi. Tai and Song’s (1979) specimens resemble
C. stimpsoni sp. nov. from Alabama (USA) in the armature formula of female
P1–P5. Unfortunately, Tai and Song (1979) did not illustrate the male of their
C. deitersi and remained silent about the morphology/armature of mouth
appendages. In the light of current research and given the fact that Tai and
Song’s (1979) description lacks necessary detail, it is suggested to consider their
C. deitersi as species inquirenda until redescription of the material upon which the
description was made.
That same year, Ranga Reddy and Radhakrishna (1979) reported C. deitersi
from India, but decided to omit any description ‘since the species is one, already
well defined, presenting no problem of identification’ and ‘any mention of its
Four new species of Cletocamptus 2725

characters appears redundant’. Therefore, Ranga Reddy and Radhakrishna’s (1979)

record of C. deitersi is considered herein as doubtful until thorough description of
the Indian material.
Dussart and Frutos (1986) reported C. deitersi from Pilagá River (Argentina), but
they did not include any figure or comment about the Cletocamptus specimens. This
record of C. deitersi is considered herein as doubtful.
Sitjar (1988) found some specimens of C. deitersi from the type locality.
Unfortunately, Sitjar (1988) did not present any description of any appendage to
support his identification, and mentioned only that the species is restricted to
Chaco, Santa Fe, Buenos Aires and Santa Cruz, having been found in Parque
Mayo in June and August 1985. More unfortunate is the fact that Sitjar’s material
is almost certainly unavailable as it could not be traced. As mentioned before, the
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brief original description of C. deitersi and lack of voucher material for detailed
comparisons have caused researchers to erroneously attribute specimens of
Cletocamptus worldwide to the Argentinian C. deitersi. Consequently, this has
led to an underestimated harpacticoid diversity, at least in the neotropics, where at
least 24 populations of Cletocamptus have been erroneously identified with
C. deitersi. Given the fact that C. deitersi is far from being a well-known species,
and that there is not a single specimen from the type series available for detailed
study, it is suggested to consider C. deitersi (Richard, 1897) as species inquirenda
until rediscovery of the species from the type locality and designation of a neotype
in terms of Article 75.5 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature
(International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, 1999). Due to the fact
that Sitjar’s (1988) material is not available for further studies, it is suggested to
consider his record as unverifiable at present.
Zamudio-Valdés (1991) reported some specimens from Coahuila (central
Mexico). Unfortunately, Zamudio-Valdés’ (1991) material seems not to be available
for it could not be traced. Therefore, Zamudio-Valdés’ (1991) record of C. deitersi
is considered herein as doubtful until rediscovery and detailed description of the
Coahuilan specimens of Cletocamptus.
Suárez-Morales et al. (1996) reported C. deitersi from the Yucatán Peninsula.
These authors stated that the species was found in Cenote Gigantes (Quintana Roo)
(see Suárez-Morales et al., 1996: 226). However, in their figure 125 (p. 267), C. deitersi
is indicated to be found in northern Yucatán. Dr Tomas Iliffe assured that the species
was found in Cenote Khala-Ha and Cenote Chan Hoch in central Yucatán (see
Suárez-Morales et al., 1996: 70, figure 15) (T. Iliffe, 2001, personal communication).
On the other hand, Dr Eduardo Suárez-Morales suggested that the samples where
C. deitersi was found could have been taken from Cenote Gigantes by someone else
(E. Suárez, 2001, personal communication). Unfortunately, this material does not
seem to be available for it could not be traced. It is obvious that this material was
identified based on the very conservative armature formula of female P1–P5 and
armature formula of mandibular palp (Suárez-Morales et al., 1996: 242, figure 84).
Although the high-quality illustrations of the female habitus (Suárez-Morales et al.,
1996: 241, figure 83) suggest that the Yucatán specimens bear a strong resemblance to
C. sinaloensis sp. nov. and C. deborahdexterae sp. nov., some other features should be
redescribed in more detail (i.e. ventral ornamentation of body somites, maxillule and
female antennule). Given the fact that the identity of the Yucatán specimens is
uncertain, it is suggested to consider such material as species inquirenda within
Cletocamptus until rediscovery and detailed redescription.
2726 S. Gómez et al.

Recently, Mielke (2000) described two new species from the Galápagos, C. axi
and C. schmidti. Despite Richard’s (1897) brief description, Mielke (2000) argued
that ‘the two new Cletocamptus species from the Galapagos Archipelago, C. axi and
C. schmidti, are closely related to the almost cosmopolitan C. deitersi (Richard,
1897)’. He also noticed that according to the intraspecific variability observed by
some other authors ‘both forms of Galápagos specimens could also be classed with’
C. deitersi ‘without any problems’. He goes further and noticed that
‘if Richard’s (1897) original description of C. deitersi is taken as a basis for
comparison, then C. axi most closely resembles this species …’. Mielke (2000) found
some differences between his C. axi and Richard’s (1897) description of C. deitersi.
However, as suggested by Mielke (2000), the ‘differences between Richard’s and’
C. axi ‘could be due the different interpretation of the minute body appendages’.
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Since C. axi could well be identified with the Argentinian C. deitersi and given the
fact that Mielke (2000) did not support the creation of C. axi with any other
argument than ‘…although partial populations of so-called cosmopolitan species
can show morphological discrepancies, the common occurrence in the same area …
is rather an indication of the existence of two distinct species’, a more detailed
decription of dorsal and ventral ornamentation of body somites of C. axi is
Cletocamptus schmidti is considered herein as a valid species different from
C. deitersi based mainly on the ornamentation of the anal operculum and surface
ornamentation of body somites dorsally, armature formula of P3 EXP 3 (with two
inner setae), and dimorphic outermost apical spine on male P3 EXP 3. About the
armature of mandibular palp and maxillulary arthrite, Mielke (2000) just noticed
that it agrees with those of C. axi. Although we are certain about the specific
identity of C. schmidti, based on the fact that this species resembles Cletocamptus
specimens (previously identified with C. deitersi) from São Luis island (Maranhao,
Brazil) (USNM-250011) in the armature formula of female P1–P5 (the male of the
species USNM-250011 remains unknown) (S. Gómez, 2001, personal observations),
it is highly advisable to redescribe in detail the dorsal and ventral ornamentation of
body somites of C. schmidti. Mielke (2000) observed that some specimens of C. axi
and C. schmidti possess a small seta on the male P6. We have not noticed this
feature in the North US species herein described, however, the presence of a small
seta on male P6 on specimens from São Luis island (Jansen lagoon, Maranhao,
Brazil) (USNM242172) suggests that this character may provide useful phylogenetic

Geographic distribution and diagnostic characters

The allegedly wide distribution of C. deitersi is best explained by the high
intraspecific variability of Cletocamptus species, and by the fact that virtually all
specimens attributed to this species around the globe are morphologically similar
and cannot be differentiated on the basis of Richard’s (1897) original description.
Morphological analyses of armature formula of female P1–P5, body ornamenta-
tion, and mandible and maxillule armature formula, strongly support the erection
of separate species for the specimens examined here.
Cletocamptus deborahdexterae sp. nov. and C. sinaloensis sp. nov. seem to be
very closely related (based on morphology). In fact, their body ornamentation is
similar in that they show the typical long spinules along the posterior margin of the
Four new species of Cletocamptus 2727

cephalothorax and first to third free thoracic somites. Also, the dorsal and ventral
spinular pattern is similar in the female of both species, but somewhat different in
the male. The only remarkable difference between these two species is the orna-
mentation of the anal operculum (with more and stronger spinules in C. sinaloensis
sp. nov.). The armature of the mandible (with a one-segmented endopod armed
with two long setae, and with a small seta arising nearby), maxillule and P1–P5 are
also identical. Cletocamptus fourchensis sp. nov. from Louisiana seems to be related
to some extent to C. deborahdexterae sp. nov. and C. sinaloensis sp. nov., the only
differences being the ornamentation of the anal operculum (without spinules in the
female and with tiny spinules in the male of C. fourchensis sp. nov.) and the ventral
ornamentation of the female and male urosome. Cletocamptus stimpsoni sp. nov.
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can be easily separated from the other three species by the dorsal ornamentation of
body somites (with very short spinules along the posterior margin of the
cephalothorax and first to third free thoracic somites). Also, the surface spinular
ornamentation of the anal somite is different, being ornamented with several
transverse rows of tiny spinules. The ventral spinular ornamentation of female
and male urosome is also different, being more sparse in C. stimpsoni sp. nov. The
most striking feature observed in C. stimpsoni sp. nov. is the lack of the small
accessory seta of the mandible, the shape of the innermost spinulose element of the
maxillular arthrite, which is markedly more slender than in C. sinaloensis sp. nov.,
C. deborahdexterae sp. nov. and C. fourchensis sp. nov., and above all, the armature
formula of P2–P4 (the second endopodal segment of female P3 and second
endopodal segment of male P2 with three and two inner setae, respectively; the
third exopodal segment of male and female P3 possesses two inner setae and the
third exopodal segment of P4 possesses one inner seta). Another salient feature of
C. stimpsoni sp. nov. is the setiform element of basis of P2. The same element is
typically spiniform in the other three species.
Richard (1897) gave an incorrect interpretation of the armature formula of
some swimming legs of his C. deitersi. Recently, Mielke (2000) presented some
amendments to Richard’s description. According to Mielke’s (2000) amendments
and to Richard’s (1897) original description, C. deitersi could well be similar to
C. deborahdexterae sp. nov. and C. sinaloensis sp. nov. in the ornamentation along
the posterior margin of the cephalic shield and first to third free prosomites.
Following Richard’s description, Cletocamptus deitersi also seems to share the
armature formula of the antennal exopod with C. fourchensis. Unfortunately,
Richard (1897) remained silent about the shape of the maxillulary arthrite and
nothing can be said regarding the lateral strong element ornamented with long
spinules. Richard (1897) described the mandibular palp as ‘formé de trois courtes
soies grêles insérées sur un sorte de petit bouton trés difficilement perceptible …’
[‘constituted by three short and slender setae on some sort of bud difficult to
see …’]. Obviously this must be a misinterpretation. What Richard (1897) probably
observed was, as in the case of other Cletocamptus species, a one-segmented
mandibular palp with two setae and a small element arising nearby. The armature
formula of the endopod of P1 of Richard’s C. deitersi is not clear yet (P1 ENP 2
was originally described with only two apical setae and without inner armature). In
his amendments to Richard’s (1897) description, Mielke (2000) included also some
data regarding the armature formula of female P2–P5. The anal operculum was
2728 S. Gómez et al.

described by Richard (1897) as having ‘six dents grêles près de la naissance de la

furca’ [‘six slender teeth close to the caudal rami’]. Some median spinules are shown
in Richard’s description (1897: 268, figure 5).

Congruence of genetic and morphological differentiation

Rocha-Olivares et al. (2001) analysed 121 nominal members of C. deitersi from
North America for DNA sequence variation in two mitochondrial gene regions
(cytochrome oxidase I and large subunit rDNA) and three nuclear gene regions
(internal transcribed spacer region 1, 5.8S rDNA and internal transcribed spacer
region 2). Four extremely differentiated molecular lineages were discovered, and
designated ‘major types’ I, II, IIIC and IIIM. Rocha-Olivares et al. (2001) suggested
Downloaded by [UNAM Ciudad Universitaria] at 03:56 21 December 2014

that the major types qualified as separate species using the genealogical
concordance, phylogenetic and biological-species criteria. The morphological
analysis presented here was stimulated by these findings, and specimens used in
both studies were from the same collections. Morphological and molecular con-
clusions are completely congruent. The type I of Rocha-Olivares et al. (2001)
corresponds to C. stimpsoni, type II to C. fourchensis, type IIIC to C. deborahdexterae
and type IIIM to C. sinaloensis. The phylogenetic and molecular clock analysis of
Rocha-Olivares et al. (2001) suggests that C. deborahdexterae and C. sinaloensis
are most closely related and diverged 4–8 million years ago (based on the
cytochrome oxidase I gene). These two species are also most similar to each other
based on morphology. Further, sequence data suggest that C. fourchensis is most
closely related to the type III lineages (C. deborahdexterae and C. sinaloensis),
and that divergence from these lineages occurred 11–29 million years ago.
Finally, C. stimpsoni is very different from the other three types based on
morphology and molecular data; C. stimpsoni diverged from lineages II and III
13–37 million years ago. These data further justify erection of new species for
these lineages.
The distribution of genuine C. deitersi is, in all probability, limited to the Bahı́a
Blanca region, with probable extensions into the Province of Buenos Aires and La
Pampa (Argentina). Erroneous identifications of Cletocamptus have led to an
underestimation of its diversity worldwide and conceivably resulted in failure to
recognize species complexes at individual sites. Rocha-Olivares et al. (2001)
reported that C. stimpsoni and C. fourchensis are sympatric both in coastal
Louisiana marshes and at an inland brine seep in Alabama, isolated from the open
coast. Mielke (2000) also found two species in the same general area in the
Galápagos Islands. As a result of inaccurate identifications, conclusions regarding
pollution effects on species diversity and genetic diversity may be biased. For
example, nominal C. deitersi from Louisiana has been shown to increase in
abundance under the influence of hydrocarbon pollutants (Carman et al., 1997) but
it is not known if C. stimpsoni and C. fourchensis both respond or if species-specific
responses occurred. Rocha-Olivares et al. (in press) found that C. stimpsoni and
C. fourchensis have similar tolerance to a hydrocarbon exposure but different
tolerances to metals, suggesting that these two species may respond differently to
toxicant exposure. Misidentifications may also impact studies of pollutant effects on
genetic diversity (as found by Street and Montagna, 1996). Care must be taken
Four new species of Cletocamptus 2729

when identifying and/or describing nominal C. deitersi, and special attention should
be paid to the surface ornamentation of body somites both ventrally and dorsally,
and armature of mandibular palp and maxillular arthrite.
Comparison of the illustrated records of C. deitersi (or its alleged synonyms)
generates the misleading impression that this species displays a high degree of
intraspecific morphological variation. As shown in table 2, intraspecific variation
of C. deborahdexterae sp. nov., C. stimpsoni sp. nov., C. sinaloensis sp. nov. and
C. fourchensis sp. nov. occurs in specific appendages (i.e. the intraspecific variation
of one species seldom overlaps the intraspecific variation of other species),
suggesting that intraspecific variability is under genetic control.
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Number of species and rates of morphological and genetic evolution

Two independent lines of evidence suggest that a combined morphological/
molecular analysis of additional geographical samples of nominal C. deitersi will
result in the segregation of more species. First, the above review of previous reports
of C. deitersi indicates that many prior identifications were based on conserved
morphological characters (primarily armature formula of swimming legs; table 1)
that are generally not diagnostic for species within the C. deitersi complex. Second,
the four widely separated North US sampling locations surveyed by Rocha-Olivares
et al. (2001) yielded four morphologically similar but genetically divergent (and
presumably geologically old) species. Depending on the biogeographic history of
this species complex, additional samples from North America and other continents
may yield additional divergent lineages and/or older lineages. These considerations
suggest that the C. deitersi species complex may prove a good model system for
combined morphological/molecular analyses that will improve our understanding of
(1) the patterns of phylogenetic congruence between morphological and molecular
characters in harpacticoid copepods and invertebrates in general, (2) the relative
rates of evolution of different suites of characters, and (3) the possible evolutionary
significance of morphological stasis. More pragmatically, additional morphological/
molecular analyses of the C. deitersi complex offer the possibility of validating the
taxonomic utility of particular morphological characters by using genetically iden-
tified species as a benchmark.

The first author is indebted to Dr Frank Fiers from the Koninklijk Belgisch
Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen (Brussels, Belgium) and Dr Ernest Schockaert
from the Limburgs Universitair Centrum (Diepenbeek, Belgium) for their support
during a stay in Belgium. We are also grateful to Ms Sc. Ana C. Puello (CIAD-
Mazatlán) for providing us with specimens of C. sinaloensis sp. nov. from El Yugo
estuary, to Mr William G. Keel and Mr Chad T. Walter (Smithsonian Institution)
for providing us with the USNM catalogue numbers, and to Berenit Mendoza
Garfias (Institute of Biology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico)
for the scanning microphotographs. This study is a contribution to project IN202400
and project G.0086.96 and was financed by the ‘Programa de Apoyo a Proyectos
de Investigación y de Innovación Tecnológica (PAPIIT-UNAM)’ and by the Fund
of Scientific Research Flanders. This contribution was greatly improved through
the thorough revision and criticism of two anonymous referees to whom we are
2730 S. Gómez et al.

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