Mixed-Integer Programming Models For Flowshop Scheduling Problems Minimizing The Total Earliness and Tardiness
Mixed-Integer Programming Models For Flowshop Scheduling Problems Minimizing The Total Earliness and Tardiness
Mixed-Integer Programming Models For Flowshop Scheduling Problems Minimizing The Total Earliness and Tardiness
Dbora P. Ronconi e
Ernesto G. Birgin
Abstract Scheduling problems involving both earliness and tardiness costs have received signicant attention in recent years. This type of problem became important with the advent of the justin-time (JIT) concept, where early or tardy deliveries are highly discouraged. In this work we examine the owshop scheduling problem with no storage constraints and with blocking inprocess. In this latter environment, there are no buers between successive machines; therefore intermediate queues of jobs waiting in the system for their next operations are not allowed. Performance is measured by the minimization of the sum of earliness and tardiness of the jobs. Mixed-integer models that represent these scheduling owshop problems are presented. The models are evaluated and compared in several problems using commercial known software. Key words: Flowshop scheduling, earliness and tardiness, blocking in-process, mixed-integer programming formulations.
This paper addresses the owshop scheduling problem. This environment is characterized by n jobs being processed on m machines always in the same order, that is, the k-th operation of every job must be conducted on machine k. We will consider the case with the same job sequence in all machines, known as permutation schedule. As pointed out in [7], permutation schedules do not always include the optimal schedule for a given problem, but their importance should not be underestimated, since only permutation schedules are feasible in most real-life situations. A static and deterministic environment is assumed here, where the processing times and due dates are known and all jobs are available for processing since the beginning. Preemptions are not allowed, that is, when a job starts to be processed on a machine, it cannot be interrupted. Among its several applications, one of the most relevant applications of owshop can be found in the chemical industry [3, 13]. Since specic equipment for chemical processes is expensive, there is a strong motivation to optimize this production environment.
This work was supported by PRONEX-CNPq/FAPERJ (E-26/171.1510/2006-APQ1), FAPESP (Grants 2006/53768-0, 2006/03496-3 and 2009/10241-0), CNPq (308000/2009-9 and 304484/2007-5). Department of Production Engineering, EP-USP, University of So Paulo, Av. Prof. Almeida Prado, 128, Cidade a Universitria, 05508-900, So Paulo SP, Brazil. e-mail: [email protected] a a Department of Computer Science, IME-USP, University of So Paulo, Rua do Mato, 1010, Cidade Universitria, a a a 05508-090 So Paulo, SP - Brazil. e-mail: [email protected] a
Two dierent storage conditions are considered in this work: (a) unlimited buer and (b) blocking in-process. In the owshop scheduling problem with blocking there is no buer storage between machines, and then queues of jobs waiting in the system for their next operation are not allowed. A job completed on one machine blocks it until the next machine is available for processing. Note that this environment is dierent from the no-wait owshop environment. In the latter, there is no machine blocking: once a job is started on the rst machine, it must be continuously processed (without interruption) until its completion on the last machine. As mentioned in [5], blocking can be related to the production process itself. Some examples of blocking can be found in concrete block manufacturing, which does not allow stock in some stages of the manufacturing process [4]. Another example appears in a robotic cell, where a job may block a machine while waiting for the robot to pick it up and move it to the next stage [16]. The considered objective function is the minimization of the total deviation of job completion times in relation to their corresponding due dates. Meeting due dates is a common objective for many manufacturing processes. Tardy jobs may generate contractual penalties and loss of credibility, causing damages to the companys image and loss of clients [15]. Early jobs were discouraged since the advent of Just-in-Time approaches due to the costs generated by those jobs, such as tied-up capital and inventory costs [1]. Mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) models, can be used to generate optimal schedules for moderate size problems. With the evolution of computers, in addition to the development of specic software to solve this kind of problem, research in this eld has been greatly leveraged. See, for example, [11, 17, 18, 22]. The main goal of this paper is to evaluate, in terms of computational cost, mixed-integer linear programming formulations for the job scheduling problem in the owshop environment with unlimited and zero buer, for the minimization of total earliness and tardiness. The rest of this work is organized as follows. In Section 2, models for the unlimited buer environment are presented. Models for the blocking in-process situation are introduced in Section 3. Section 4 is devoted to the numerical evaluation of the dierent formulations. Concluding remarks are given in Section 5.
The production environment with unlimited buer is characterized by the existence of intermediate buers between all machines with no constraint in terms of their capacity. At rst, we introduce three formulations to be analyzed for this environment. According to [11], the owshop environment with unlimited buer minimizing the makespan is better represented by Wagners [20], Wilsons [21], and Mannes [10] formulations. Therefore, these rst three introduced models are based on them. Note that, dierently from the problem considered in [10, 20, 21], in the present work, the insertion of idle time in the schedule can be advantageous. See [6] for a literature review about scheduling with inserted idle time. The problem parameters for all the formulations studied in the rest of this work are (a) n: the number of jobs, (b) m: the number of machines, (c) pik : the processing time of job i on machine k, and (d) di : the due date of job i. The model for the minimization of total earliness and tardiness based on the Wagners formulation [20] with some modications suggested in [17], called MUB1 from now on, is presented below. Variables of the model, with their corresponding bound constraints, are: xij {0, 1}, i = 1, . . . , n, j = 1, . . . , n, Ej 0, j = 1, . . . , n, Tj 0, j = 1, . . . , n, Wjk 0, j = 1, . . . , n, k =
1, . . . , m 1, Ijk 0, j = 1, . . . , n 1, k = 1, . . . , m, and Cjm , j = 1, . . . , n. The meanings of the variables are: xij is equal to 1 if job i is in j-th position of the sequence, 0 otherwise; Tj is the tardiness of the j-th job, Ej is the earliness of the j-th job, Cjm is the completion time of the j-th job on machine m, Ijk is the idle time between the j-th and the (j + 1)-th jobs on machine k, and Wjk is the waiting time of the j-th job in the buer between machines k and k + 1.
E j + Tj
(1) xij di ,
subject to Tj Cjm
j = 1, . . . , n, j = 1, . . . , n,
Ej C1m =
xij di Cjm ,
i=1 n1 n
k=1 i=1
xi1 pim , j = 2, . . . , m,
Ijk +
xij = 1,
i=1 n
j = 1, . . . , n, i = 1, . . . , n.
xij = 1,
Constraint (2), in conjunction with the non-negativity constraint Tj 0, correspond to the linearization of Tj = max{Cjm n xij di , 0} and provide us with the value of the individual i=1 tardiness of each job. Constraint (3), in conjunction with the non-negativity constraint Ej 0, play the analogous role related to the individual earliness of each job. Constraints (4) and (5) are involved in obtaining the completion times of each job on machine m. Constraint (4) applies only to the job ordered in the rst position, whose completion time depends on its own processing times and the waiting time between the machines. On the other hand, constraint (5) is general, based on the sum of the completion time of the previous job, the idle time of the last machine between two consecutive jobs and the processing time of the job. Constraints (7) and (8) ensure that a job can only be allocated to a sequence position and that each sequence position can only be related to one job. Constraint (6) expresses the relationship among several times, such as processing, waiting and idle times, among machines and jobs. Figure 1, based on Gantt chart, illustrates these relationships. The following formulation, based on Wilsons model [21] and called MUB2 from now on, uses neither variables of idle time nor waiting time, but it introduces the variables of processing start time. Variables of the model, with their corresponding bound constraints, are: xij {0, 1}, i = 3
(j + 1)-th job
Wjk Machine k + 1 t1
j-th job
(j + 1)-th job t t2
Figure 1: Graphical representation of the MUB1 model constraint (6) that expresses the relationship among processing, waiting and idle times. 1, . . . , n, j = 1, . . . , n, Ej 0, j = 1, . . . , n, Tj 0, j = 1, . . . , n, and Sjk , j = 1, . . . , n, k = 1, . . . , m. Cjm , j = 1, . . . , n, dened in (12), representing the completion time of each job on the last machine, are not variables but intermediate values used to simplify the earliness and tardiness expressions in (10) and (11). Variables Sjk represent the starting time of the j-th job on machine k. The other variables have the previously dened meaning.
E j + Tj
(9) xij di ,
subject to Tj Cjm
j = 1, . . . , n, j = 1, . . . , n, j = 1, . . . , m, j = 1, . . . , n 1, k = 1, . . . , m, j = 1, . . . , n, k = 1, . . . , m 1,
xij di Cjm ,
Cjm = Sjm +
i=1 n
xij pik ,
S11 0,
xij = 1,
i=1 n
j = 1, . . . , n, i = 1, . . . , n.
(16) (17)
xij = 1,
Constraints (1315) impose the rules for the starting time of each job on each machine; while, as mentioned above, equality (12) gives the completion time of each job on the last machine as a 4
function of its start time and its processing time. Constraint (13) says that between the starting times of consecutive jobs on a machine, there must be enough time for the rst (of the two jobs) to be processed. Constraint (14) indicates that between the starting times of a job on two consecutive machines, there must enough time for the job to be processed on the rst machine. Constraint (15) simply says that the starting time of the rst job on the rst machine must be non-negative, i.e., the insertion of idle time at the beginning of the schedule is allowed. The remaining constraints were already explained before. The next formulation, based on Mannes model [10] and called MUB3 from now on, uses a dierent denition of decision binary variables, based on whether a job occurs before others: zij is equal to 1 if job i precedes job j in the sequence (not necessarily immediately before it), 0 otherwise. In addition, the completion time Cjk now refers to job j and not to the j-th job in the sequence as dened earlier. Constant M , used in the formulation, represents a very large positive number. The formulation is presented below. Variables of the model, with their corresponding bound constraints, are: zij {0, 1}, i = 1, . . . , n 1, j = i + 1, . . . , n, Ei 0, i = 1, . . . , n, Ti 0, i = 1, . . . , n, and Cik , i = 1, . . . , n, k = 1, . . . , m.
E i + Ti i = 1, . . . , n, i = 1, . . . , n, i = 1, . . . , n, i = 1, . . . , n, k = 2, . . . , m, i = 1, . . . , n 1, j = i + 1, . . . , n, k = 1, . . . , m, i = 1, . . . , n 1, j = i + 1, . . . , n, k = 1, . . . , m.
subject to Ti Cim di , Ei di Cim , Ci1 pi1 , Cik pik + Ci,k1 , Cik pik + Cjk M zij , Cjk pjk + Cik M (1 zij ),
Constraints (21) and (22) deal with completion times of individual jobs. Constraint (21) indicates that the completion time of a job on the rst machine must be greater than or equal to the processing time of the job on the rst machine. Constraint (22) says that between the completion time of a job on two consecutive machines there must be enough time to process the job on the rst of the two machines. Constraints (23) and (24) ensure that only one operation is processed on each machine at any given time and that some order must exist between dierent jobs on the same machine. The remaining constraints were already explained before. Finally, we elaborate on an improvement to Mannes model proposed by Liao [9]. Constraints (23) and (24) can be re-written as Cik Cjk pik + M zij Cik + Cjk + pik M zij respectively. Dening qijk = Cik Cjk pik + M zij , inequalities (25) and (26) reduces to 0 qijk M pik pjk . (27) 0, pjk + pik M, (25) (26)
Note that inequalities in (27) are in fact a lower and upper bound constraint for qijk . Thus, to solve subproblems of the branch and bound tree, the bounded simplex method can be used and achieving an optimal solution may be easier. It is worth noticing that with these new relationships, there is a reduction of one constraint for each pair of jobs in each machine, but it leads to an increase in variables qijk in the same amount. Model MUB4 below incorporates the Liaos suggestion into model MUB3. Variables of the model, with their corresponding bound constraints, are: zij {0, 1}, i = 1, . . . , n1, j = i+1, . . . , n, Ei 0, i = 1, . . . , n, Ti 0, i = 1, . . . , n, Cik , i = 1, . . . , n, k = 1, . . . , m, and 0 qijk M pik pjk , i = 1, . . . , n 1, j = i + 1, . . . , n, k = 1, . . . , m.
E i + Ti i = 1, . . . , n, i = 1, . . . , n, i = 1, . . . , n, i = 1, . . . , n, k = 2, . . . , m, i = 1, . . . , n 1, j = i + 1, . . . , n, k = 1, . . . , m.
subject to Ti Cim di , Ei di Cim , Ci1 pi1 , Cik pik + Ci,k1 , qijk = Cik Cjk pik + M zij ,
Summing up the characteristics of the four models presented in this section for the owshop scheduling problem with unlimited buer and minimizing earliness and tardiness, Table 1 shows the sizes of each model, expressed by their number of constraints, binary and continuous variables. Model MUB1 MUB2 MUB3 MUB4 binary variables n2 n2 n(n 1)/2 n(n 1)/2 continuous variables nm + 2n m nm + 3n nm + 2n n2 m/2 nm/2 + 2n constraints nm + 3n 1 2nm + 3n m n2 m + 2n n2 m/2 + nm/2 + 2n
The zero buer environment is characterized by not having intermediary buers between machines. Therefore, a situation known as blocking can occur, when a machine interrupts its production cycle (and it can also interrupt the production of previous machines), even though it has completed a job, because the next machine is not free. Moreover, when minimizing tardiness and earliness, it may be convenient for a job to stay on a machine after being completed even if the next machine is ready to process it. A model, based on MUB1 (for the unlimited buer environment) and on Ronconis model [14] for the zero-buer situation minimizing the total tardiness, is presented below. This model will be called MZB1 from now on. Variables of the model, with their corresponding bound constraints, 6
are: xij {0, 1}, i = 1, . . . , n, j = 1, . . . , n, Ej 0, j = 1, . . . , n, Tj 0, j = 1, . . . , n, Bjk 0, j = 1, . . . , n, k = 1, . . . , m, Ijk 0, j = 1, . . . , n, k = 1, . . . , m, and Djm , j = 1, . . . , n. The new variable Bjk stands for the blocking time of the j-th job that, after being completed on machine k, stays on the machine. Djm represents the departure time of the j-th job from the last machine.
E j + Tj
(34) xij di ,
subject to Tj Djm
Ej D1m =
xij di Djm ,
i=1 m n
k=1 i=1
j = 2, . . . , n, (38) j = 1, . . . , n 1, k = 1, . . . , m 1, (39)
Ijk +
xij = 1,
i=1 n
j = 1, . . . , n, (40) i = 1, . . . , n. (41)
xij = 1,
Constraints (35) and (36), which are used to identify the tardiness and the earliness of each job, are analogous to those of the unlimited buer models, replacing the completion time of a job on a machine by its departure time. Constraint (37) states that the time when the rst job leaves the last machine is equal to the sum of its processing and blocking times in each machine. For the departure time of the other jobs from the last machine, we have constraint (38), which also involves the idle times of the last machine. Constraint (38) says that the departure time of a job from the last machine is equal to the departure time of the previous job, plus the idle time between both jobs, plus the processing time of the job plus the time the job blocks the machine. Constraint (39) establishes the relationships required to keep the consistency between machines idle times and machines blocking times. These relationships are illustrated in Figure 2. Constraints (40) and (41) are those already presented in previous models, which ensure that each job will only have one position in the sequence and that each position will be taken only by one job. Model MZB1 presented above uses variables to measure times related to two dierent states of the machines: empty and busy. When a machine k is empty, its idle time Ijk between every pair of consecutive jobs in positions j and j + 1 is used in the formulation. When machine k is being
(j + 1)-th job
Machine k + 1 t1
j-th job
Bj,k+1 + Ij,k+1
(j + 1)-th job t t2
Figure 2: Graphical representation of model MZB1 constraint (39) that expresses the relationship among processing, blocking and idle times. occupied by the j-th job, the time is divided into the time needed to process the j-th job, given by
xij pi,k ,
and the time Bjk during which the j-th job blocks machine k after having been processed. In fact, it is not hard to see that there is no need to divide the time on this way, as the j-th job can be processed on machine k any time between its arrival time and its departure time. In this way, we eliminate the unnecessary imposition of processing the job as soon as it arrives. Therefore, the job can arrive to the machine, block it for a while, then be processed and nally block the machine again before leaving it. The alternative formulation below, called MZB2 from now on, models the problem by imposing very intuitive relations between the departure times of the jobs from the machines. Variables of the model, with their corresponding bound constraints, are: xij {0, 1}, i = 1, . . . , n, j = 1, . . . , n, Ej 0, j = 1, . . . , n, Tj 0, j = 1, . . . , n, and Djk 0, i = 1, . . . , n, k = 1, . . . , m. Djk stands for departure of the j-th job from machine k. The other variables have the same meanings dened before.
E j + Tj
(42) xij di ,
subject to Tj Djm
j = 1, . . . , n, j = 1, . . . , n, j = 1, . . . , n,
i=1 n
Djk Dj,k1 +
i=1 n
j = 1, . . . , n, k = 2, . . . , m, j = 2, . . . , n, k = 1, . . . , m, j = 2, . . . , n, k = 1, . . . , m 1, j = 1, . . . , n, i = 1, . . . , n.
xij = 1,
i=1 n
xij = 1,
Constraints (45) and (46) indicate that a job must be processed on a machine before leaving it. Constraint (45) is a special case for the rst machine and says that the departure time of a job from the rst machine must be greater than or equal to its processing time on the machine. Constraint (46) indicates that the departure time of a job from a machine must be greater than or equal to its arrival time (i.e, departure time from the previous machine) plus its processing time. Constraint (47) says that between the departure times of two consecutive jobs from a given machine, there must be enough time for the second job to be processed. In other words, the departure time of a job from a machine minus its processing time (that is something greater than or equal to its arrival time to the machine) must be greater than or equal to the departure time of the previous job from the machine. Constraint (48), deeply related to the zero-buer situation, says that a job can departure from a machine, and arrive to the next one, only when the previous job in the sequence leaved the machine. Note that, for most of the combinations of indices j and k, constraints (4648) are the linearization of
n n
That is, for each Djk , if Dj,k1 + = Dj1,k + = Dj1,k+1 , only one constraint will be active. It is worth noticing that inequality (51) resembles a formulation presented by Leisten [8] for the minimization of the makespan in the owshop problem with blocking. Summing up the characteristics of the two models presented in this section for the owshop scheduling problem with zero buer and minimizing earliness and tardiness, Table 2 shows the sizes of each model, expressed by their number of constraints, binary and continuous variables. 9
binary variables n2 n2
constraints nm + 4n m + 1 3nm + 3n 2m + 1
Numerical experiments
In this section, we aim to compare the presented formulations based on the performance of the commercial solver CPLEX when applied to a set of instances varying the number of jobs n, the number of machines m, and considering dierent scenarios for the jobs due dates. In the numerical experiments, we considered instances with (n, m) {(5, 3), (10, 3), (10, 7), (10, 10), (15, 3), (15, 7), (15, 10), (20, 3)}. Processing times were uniformly distributed between 1 and 99 (as suggested in [19]). Due dates were uniformly distributed between P (1 T F DR/2) and P (1 T F + DR/2) (as suggested in [12]), where T F and DR are the tardiness factor of jobs and dispersion range of due dates, respectively, while P is a lower bound of the makespan on the owshop with unlimited buer [19] dened as:
n v1 m m
P = max
pkv + min
+ min
pkq }
, max
The scenarios represent dierent congurations by varying T F and DR, as follows: Scenario 1: low tardiness factor T F = 0.2 and small due date dispersion range DR = 0.6, Scenario 2: low tardiness factor T F = 0.2 and wide due date range DR = 1.2, Scenario 3: high tardiness factor T F = 0.4 and small due date range DR = 0.6, Scenario 4: high tardiness factor T F = 0.4 and wide due date range DR = 1.2. For each combination of n, m and scenario, we considered ten dierent randomly generated instances. Therefore, as a whole, the test set consists of 8 4 10 = 320 problems. We set the value m of the big M parameter in formulations MUB3 and MUB4 as M = 100 n j=1 k=1 pjk . Formulations were written in AMPL (IBM ILOG AMPL 12.1.0) modelling language and solved using CPLEX 12.1. The experiments were performed in a 2.4GHz Intel Core2 Quad Q6600 with 4.0GB of RAM memory and Linux Operating System. The computer implementation of the models as well as the data sets used in our experiments and the solutions found are publicly available for benchmarking purposes at [23]. Table 3 shows the results of solving formulations MUB1, MUB2, MUB3 and MUB4 for all the instances in the test set. In the table, CPU Time means computational CPU time in seconds used by CPLEX to solve the problem, Simplex It is the total number of simplex iterations, and B&B nodes is the total number of explored nodes in the branch and bound tree. Each cell in the table represents 40 instances (4 scenarios and 10 instances per scenario). The mean was computed 10
excluding 2 instances from the top and 2 instances from the bottom tails of the CPU times. From the table, it can be seen that formulations MUB1 and MUB2 are very similar, when referring to the used CPU time. On the other hand, solving instances of formulations MUB3 and MUB4 is very time consuming. As MUB3 and MUB4 have half the number of integer variables of MUB1 and MUB2, the experiment conrms that, at least for the present set of test instances, it is not true that the computational eort needed to solve a MILP problem is proportional to the number of binary variables of the model, as claimed in [11]. When comparing the eort needed to solve MUB3 and MUB4, it is not possible to conrm either the claim that replacing regular constraints by new variables with lower and upper bounds (as in the modication to the Mannes model suggested by Liao [9]) makes the subproblems easier to be solved using CPLEX. This result may be related, as pointed out in [18], to the chosen value for M that greatly aects the solver performance. A note on solving the large instances using models MUB3 and MUB4 is in order. Table 3 shows that those models need one order of magnitude more computational time to be solved when n = 10 and m = 10. Moreover, in instance with n = 10, m = 10, scenario 2, 8-th seed of both models, CPLEX solver with its default parameters reported as nal point a non-integer solution with objective function value 1148.99678 (the optimal value of this instance is 1162). As pointed out in [18], the performance of the solver when applied to solve those models, is strongly related to the choice of the big M parameter in (23), (24) and (33). In [18], the authors mention that better performances were achieved for large values of M . However, our numerical experiments suggested that, due to rounding issues and scaling, large values of M prevent the solver from nding optimal integer solutions in many cases. Therefore, for using models MUB3 and MUB4, a user should face the problem of setting an adequate value for parameter M capable of providing optimal solutions in a reasonable computational time. n 5 10 10 10 15 15 15 20 m 3 3 7 10 3 7 10 3 CPU Time 0.03 0.61 1.94 4.59 10.81 91.25 281.25 105.90 Model MUB1 Simplex It B&B nodes 131.03 14.17 7,517.03 533.08 25,943.47 1,082.28 66,336.97 2,065.44 194,452.58 8,230.92 1,501,181.78 34,280.94 4,506,249.72 86,486.28 1,719,383.14 68,800.81 Model MUB3 Simplex It B&B nodes 182.31 22.17 37,891.92 2,956.08 316,057.22 28,688.97 417,254.75 32,041.25 CPU Time 0.02 0.49 1.65 3.65 9.63 75.50 227.75 89.59 Model MUB2 Simplex It B&B nodes 111.89 10.33 7,341.31 497.03 23,295.50 1,093.39 51,774.64 2,037.33 159,715.39 7,343.39 1,207,768.81 36,477.86 3,566,364.53 91,435.28 1,456,790.72 54,698.81 Model MUB4 Simplex It B&B nodes 331.08 33.17 58,925.89 5,075.83 461,485.92 44,965.47 635,131.11 50,661.58
n 5 10 10 10
m 3 3 7 10
Table 3: Numerical evaluation of formulations MUB1, MUB2, MUB3 and MUB4. Table 4 shows the results of solving formulations MZB1 and MZB2 for all the instances in the 11
test set. From the table, it can be seen that these formulations are very similar, MZB1 been a slightly easier to be solved in the smaller cases while the opposite situation occurs in the larger instances. The quotients between the number of branch and bound nodes used to solve models MZB1 and MZB2 are 1.32, 1.10, 0.99, 1.00, 1.10, 0.97, 0.94 and 1.13, for each of the instances dimensions listed in the table, respectively. Their average is 1.07, showing that 7% more nodes need to be explored in the branch and bound tree to solve model MZB1 in comparison with MZB2. The average number of simplex iterations needed to solve each node of the branch and bound tree is 38.91 for model MZB1 and 32.81 for model MZB2. Both models have the same binary variables, while model MZB2 has fewer continuous variables and more constraints than model MZB1. It seems that this situation helps to reduce the number of explored nodes and the number of simplex iterations needed to solve each node. n 5 10 10 10 15 15 15 20 m 3 3 7 10 3 7 10 3 CPU Time 0.02 0.79 2.67 6.06 20.33 203.06 645.71 558.15 Model MZB1 Simplex It B&B nodes 147.56 14.72 12,171.28 753.50 39,232.25 1,561.97 101,268.08 3,058.47 392,951.31 14,895.53 3,334,785.25 71,643.31 9,658,414.00 179,901.81 8,680,575.50 299,238.36 CPU Time 0.04 0.94 3.08 6.86 21.10 188.79 629.83 458.06 Model MZB2 Simplex It B&B nodes 154.50 11.17 12,850.72 685.78 37,722.58 1,578.14 90,915.25 3,073.31 331,480.81 13,569.50 2,740,222.69 74,074.36 8,440,086.14 190,989.08 6,320,653.61 263,867.06
Concluding remarks
In [2], it is stated that the problem solution time using branch and bound algorithms is unpredictable and that it depends on the numerical values of data. In the tests conducted, it could be noted that several factors interact, in addition to the number of binary variables, so that favorable or adverse conditions can be established to solve the model. That is, the time to solve a branch and bound algorithm does not have a direct relationship with the size of the model, although it is one of the factors involved in this relationship. Observing the numerical results, it can be seen that the number of binary variables by itself does not indicate precisely the level of diculty in solving mixed integer problems, contradicting the claims in [11]. This can be conrmed by the analysis of Table 3, which make it clear that formulations with a small number of binary variables (MUB3 and MUB4) took longer to achieve an optimal solution in the various scenarios analyzed. Our numerical study strongly suggests that models based on n2 positioning binary variables xij , named MUB1, MUB2, MZB1 and MZB2, are easier to be solved than models based on n(n1)/2 precedence binary variables zij , named MUB3 and MUB4. The experiments also seem to suggest that, for models with the same number of binary variables, the ones with similar or less number of continuous variables and more constraints (MUB2 versus MUB1 in the unlimited buer case, and MZB2 versus MZB1 in the zero buer case) are slightly easier to be solved.
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