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Responda todas las preguntas en la hoja de examen, incluidas las preguntas tipo test (no utilice hoja de lectura
ica se deben responder en el espacio
proporcionado, Puntuacién total del examen: 6 puntos (8 puntos sino se ha realizado la PEC).
6ptica). Las preguntas cortas de desarrollo y la transcripcién fon
1. Read the following questions and tick the right answer. Only one answer is correct.
(Puntuacién: 2 puntos, 0.2 por respuesta correcta. No penalizan las respuestas incorrectas
1. Which of the following organs is a passive articulator?
. tongue b. voeal folds c. lips d. teeth
2. The position of the vocal folds for the production of voiceless sounds is the same as in
a. creaky voice b. whisper c. breathy voice d. modal voice
3. Vowels are produced with
a. vocal fold vibration and a velic opening b. no voeal fold vibration and a velic opening
. vocal fold vibration and a velic closure d. no vocal fold vibration and a velic closure
4, [9:] and [0] differ in
. tongue position. lip rounding _c. tongue height and tongue position. tongue height
. Which of the following terms does not correspond to a manner of articulation?
. glottal b. trill . affricate d. approximant
6. Which of the following English sounds is not a post-alveolar consonant?
afi bf «. [3] afl
7. Which is the right pronunciation of the underlined consonants in the phrase fake your time fo write
the letter?
au fe] fe) fe] ce] be fe) ety et]. tht) fey et) [ty (t) tt")
8. Which of the following two-consonant clusters is possible in English at syllable onset position?
a. [Sf] b. [3r] c. [6] d. [8r]
9, The tendency in stress-timed languages to keep the same amount of time between feet is called
a. anacrusis b. stress shift. c. isochrony d. tonicity
10. Which of the following sentences cannot be a question that prompts the answer JOHN é very
{fond of singing with the main accent on JOHN?
a. Is Peter very fond of singing? b. Who8l very fond of singing?
c. Whats|Joha very fond off d. Is anyone very fond of singing?2. Questions with short answers. (Puntuacién: 2 puntos, 0.5 por respuesta correcta).
ixplain the main differences between phonetics and phonology; phonemes and allephones, Give examples.
2, Parameters to describe English consonants. Define and give example:
3. Regressive and progressive assimilation in English. Define and give example
4, Analyse the intonation of the sentence My 'brother will ‘call yon to" morrow according to the British
School of intonational analysis3. Transcribe the following text with stresses, weak forms and connected speech processes.
(Puntuacién: 2 puntos. Sino ha entregado la PEC este ejercicio computa sobre 4 puntos).
entregado la PEC de esta asignatura? Osi ONo
4 very popular English tradition that has been goin
Day in Oxford, On May the first
y on for at least five hundred years is May
people get up vet
early (or are still out from partying the
night before) to hear the choir of Magdalen College. In previous years revellers have jumped
om the bridge into the river, a practice now banned for health and safety reasons.