BNS 2nd YEAR 2023 Revise
BNS 2nd YEAR 2023 Revise
BNS 2nd YEAR 2023 Revise
2nd Year
(Revised Courses BNS 206, 207 & 208)
Please take note of the following points before writing your assignments:
Use only foolscap size paper for writing your responses. Only handwritten assignments will be
accepted. Typed or printed copies of assignments will not be accepted.
Tie all the pages after numbering them carefully.
Write the question number with each answer.
All the questions are compulsory.
Every assignment will be evaluated out of a full mark of 100. Weightage is indicated in parenthesis
against each question.
Suggestions for writing an assignment:
Read the assignments carefully. Scan through the whole material of the course, answers may be linked
within the blocks/units. Draw a rough outline of your answer in your own words. Support your answer
from your clinical/community experience. Make a logical order. Then write your answer neatly and
submit. Give illustrations and tables wherever necessary. You may keep a xerox copy of the answer
sheets for future reference.
Do not copy from print material.
Answer each assignment in separate sheets. On the first page of the assignment response sheet, write the
course code, course title, assignment code, name of your programme study centre (PSC) and date of
submission. Your Enrollment No. Name and Full address should be mentioned in the top right comer of
the first page. The first page of your response sheet should look like the format given below:
Course Code Enrollment No.
Course Title Name
Assignment Code Address
Date of Submission
Please submit the assignments to the Programme In-charge of the Programme Study Centre allotted
to you.
Assignment -1 (Block 1, 2) (Tutor Marked)
Part – A
1. a) Define Shock.
b) Discuss its various types highlighting their clinical manifestations, diagnosis and
management in detail
(2+13= 15)
2. a) Define Cardiomyopathy and list its types.
b) Enumerate the diagnostic tests to detect Dilated Cardiomyopathy.
c) Describe the treatment and nursing care of a patient suffering from Dilated
(2+3+2+4+4 =15)
Part – B
3. a) Define acidosis and alkalosis.
b) Discuss the various types of acid- base imbalances studied by you.
4. a) List the different types of Post-operative complications.
b) Describe any two delayed post-operative complications..
(5+2 ½ +2 ½ =10)
5. a) Define Peptic Ulcer.
b) Explain its pathophysiology and clinical manifestations. .
c) Discuss the Nursing care plan of a patient with peptic ulcer. (2+3+5=10)
a. Approach enabling the nurse to cluster assessment data for identifying potential
problems is called:
i) Problem Based Approach
ii) Holistic Approach
iii) Bio-Medical Approach
iv) Clinical Pathways
b. All the following can be used as a graft for Coronary Artery Bypass Graft except:
i) Internal Mammary Artery
ii) Radial Artery
iii) Saphenous Vein
iv) Renal Vein
c. The following article in the emergency kit helps only in assessment of the patient :
i) Pen
ii) Bandage
iii) Antiemetic medicines
iv) Scissors
d. One of the following is attributed to stress:
i) Peptic ulcer
ii) Intestinal obstruction
iii) Ulcerative colitis
iv) Hernia
e. “PQRST” is an approach used to gather subjective data about:
i) Shock
ii) Allergy
iii) Pain
iv) Hyperthermia
10. Match the statements given in column A with items given in column B: (5x ½ =2 ½)
Column A Column B
a) Restricted Lung disease i) Passive immunity
b) Immunization ii) Complete Rescuer Exhaustion
c) ABG iii) Used in thrombosis
d) Termination of CPR iv) Embolism
e) Streptokinase v) Pulmonary fibrosis
vi) Active immunity
vii) Bronchitis
11. Fill in the blanks: (5x ½ =2 ½)
a. The use of High-energy physics and computer techniques to study lung functions occurs
in _______________________.
b. Frostbite is the freezing of _________ when temperature is below 32 degree Fahrenheit.
c. The first cells to arrive at the spot of injury are _______________
d.___________________ is the drug of choice to treat angina attacks.
e. ____________ care units offer day care facilities for treating patients without admission.
12. Place a tick mark (√) against “T’ if you consider the statement as true and “F” if you
consider the statement as false. (5 x ½ = 2 ½)
Assignment -2 (Block 3, 4 and 5) (Tutor Marked)
Programme Code: B.Sc. N (PB)
Course Code: BNS 206
Assignment Code: BNS 206/TMA-2/2023
Maximum Marks: 100
Last date of Submission: August 31, 2023
This assignment has three parts – Part A, B, and C
Part A consists of two long questions. Each question carries 15 marks
Part B consists of six short questions. Each question carries 10 marks
Part C consists of four objective type questions. Each question carries 2 ½ marks.
Part – A
1. a) Discuss the causes and pathophysiology of Chronic kidney disease.
b) Describe the medical and nursing management of these patients.
(3+3+4+5= 15)
2. a) Define Parkinson’s disease.
b) Discuss its causes and pathophysiology.
c) Describe the management of this patient in detail.
(2+6+7 =15)
Part – B
7. a) Define Adenoiditis.
b) Discuss its causes, clinical manifestations and management. (2+3+5=10)
8. Describe the various structural and functional changes that occur in Elderly. (10)
Part –C
9. Place a tick mark (√) against the most appropriate answer given under each statement
(5x ½ =2 ½)
a) Creatinine clearance test is most commonly used for:
i) Assess GFR
ii) Find the pH
iii) Assess the urea level
iv) Scan the kidney
e) The characteristic signs and symptoms shown by a person with Hyperthyroidism are
termed as:
i) Thyrotoxicosis
ii) Exophthalmos
iii) Grave’s Disease
iv) Thyroid Storm
10. Match the statements given in column A with items given in column B: (5x ½ =2 ½)
Column A Column B
a. First step in chemical carcinogenesis i) UV light
b. Wood’s lamp ii) Initiation
c. Jaeger’s chart iii) Vitiligo
d. Hypo pigmentation iv) Asses near vision
e. German Measles v) Assess distant vision
vi) Congenital cataract
a) The time period for which the dialysate is left in the peritoneal dialysis is
________________ .
b) Presence of Rheumatoid Factor (RF) in serum is identified by _________________
c) One of the major problem with Anti-seizure drug is _________________
d) __________________ serve as the fulcrum of the lever served by bones.
e) Large number of ANA’s are characteristic of ____________________
12. Place a tick mark (√) against “T’ if you consider the statement as true and “F” if you
consider the statement as false. (5 x ½ = 2 ½)
Assignment – 1 (Block 1 & 2) (Tutor Marked)
Programme Code: B.Sc. N. (PB)
Course Code: BNS 207
Assignment Code: BNS 207/ TMA-1/2023
Maximum Marks – 100
Last date of submission: July 31st, 2023
This Assignment has three parts i.e. Part A, B and C
Part A consist of two long answer questions. Each question carries 15 marks.
Part B consist of six short answer questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
Part C consist of four objective type questions. Each question carries 2½ marks.
2) a) Explain Triaging of a sick new born with the help of a flow diagram.
b) Explain the concept of triaging.
c) Describe the steps of triage. (2+6+7=15)
3) a) Differentiate between the following:
i) Live birth and new born
ii) Neonatal and Perinatal period
iii) Preterm and small for date baby
5) a) Define low birth weight baby
b) Describe nursing care of a low birth weight baby (2+8=10)
6) a) Define Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) and lists the purposes of KMC
b) Describe advantages and procedure of kangaroo mother care (5+5=10)
Part – C
9) Place a tick mark () against the most appropriate answer given under each statement
12) Place a tick mark (against “T” if you consider the statement as true and “F” if you
consider the statement as false.
(5x½ =2½)
a) Sucking reflex is developed after 24 hours in normal new born. (T/F)
b) Phocomelia is the absence of proximal portion of a limb or limbs. (T/F)
c) Injury of fifth and sixth cervical spinal nerve indicates facial palsy. (T/F)
d) Indian red cross society is an international agency. (T/F)
e) Birth, death and marriage are vital events. (T/F)
Assignment – 2 (Block 3 & 4) (Tutor Marked)
Programme Code: B.Sc. N (PB)
Course Code: BNS 207
Assignment Code: BNS 207/ TMA-2/2023
Maximum Marks – 100
Last date of submission: July 31st, 2023
This Assignment has three parts i.e. Part A, B and C
Part A consist of two long answer questions. Each question carries 15 marks.
Part B consist of six short answer questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
Part C consist of four objective type questions. Each question carries 2½ marks.
1) a) Define Leukemia.
b) Describe the types of leukemia
c) Differentiate between thalassemia and hemophilia.
d) Describe the nursing problems and nursing intervention of a child with Leukemia based
on nursing process. (2+3+3+7=15)
2) Mohit, a 5 year old child has come to outpatient department with complain of pain in the
right eye. Examination of the eye revealed redness, inflammation and watery discharge:
6) a) Define Pneumonia
b) List the clinical features of Pneumonia.
c) Describe Nursing management of a child with Pneumonia.
7) a) Define cleft lip and cleft palate.
b) Describe clinical features of cleft lip and cleft palate.
c) Explain the pre and post operative management of a child with cleft lip. (2+3+5=10)
8) Meenu has been admitted to paediatric Medical Ward with anaemia, Mongoloid slant and
protruding maxilla. She has been diagnosed as a patient with thalasemia.
a. All India league for maternity and child welfare was established in
b. A disease of skin produced by burrowing action of parasite mite in the epidermia is
c. Water logging of the head literally means ...............................
d. A congenital anomaly in which the urethral opening is situated on the ventral surface
of the penis is called ...................................................
e. Blood glucose level of less than 54 mg/dl in first 72 hours is suggestive of
…………… in newborns
11) Match the statement given in column ‘A’ with the term given in column ‘B’
Column A Column B
a) Koplik’s spot i) Enureies
b) Blood in the stool ii) Measles
c) Deficient secretion of growth hormones iii) Hypo-pituitarism
d) Abnormal development of red blood cells iv) Dysentry
e) Drooping of the upper eyelid v) Hydrocephalus
vi) Megaloblastic Anemia
vii) Strabismus
viii) Aplastic Anemia
12) Place a tick mark (√) against “T” if you consider the statement as true and “F” if you
consider the statement as false. (5×½=2½)
This Assignment has three parts – Part A, B and C
Part A consist of two long answer questions. Each question carries 15 marks.
Part B consist of six short answer questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
Part C consist of four objective type questions. Each question carries 2 ½ marks.
Part - A
Q.1 Explain Principals of Psychiatric Nursing. Support your answer with examples (15)
Part - B
Q.3 Describe history of Psychiatry including significant period via flow chart (10)
Part - C
Q.9 Place a tick mark (√) against the most appropriate answer given under each
(1/2 X 5=2.5)
a) SMCR model is application for
i) Communications
ii) Principles
iii) Objections
iv) Evaluations
Q.11 Match the following: (1/2 X 5=2.5)
Column A
Column B
a) Libido
i) Sigmud Freud
b) Super Ego
ii) Touch with reality
c) Psycho- analytical Model
iii) anything pleasurable from eating to creativity.
d) Psychosis
iv) Inner control system to cope with uninhibited desires of the
e) Dysthymia
v) Pull away from loved ones
vi) Physical complaints but normal laboratory findings
vii) A very mild mental illness.
Q. 12 Place a tick mark (√) ‘T’ if you consider the statement as True and ‘F’ if you
consider it as false. (1/2 X 5=2.5)
Assignment – 2 (Block 3 & 4) Tutor Marked
Part - A
Q.1 a) Define Anxiety and explain development of Anxiety. (1+2+5+2+5=15)
b) Discuss level of Anxiety and manifestation of Anxiety.
c) Explain causes of Anxiety.
d) Describe Nursing management of a patient suffering with Anxiety
Part - B
Q.3 Describe Psychotic disorders of Children. (10)
Part - C
Q 9 Place a tick mark (√) against the most appropriate answer given under each statement.
(1/2 X 5=2.5)
a) Age of onset / or conversion disorder is usually
i) 10-15 years
ii) 15-20 years
iii) Late adulthood
iv) Young Elderly
Q.11 Match the following: (1/2 X 5=2.5)
Column A Column B
a) PTSD i) Tab. Disulfiram
b) Anticonvulsant medication ii) Substance use Rehabilitation.
c) Alcohol de addiction iii) Night mares of the events are common.
d) Self Help Group iv) Language is defective or absent due to injury
Injury of cerebral cortex
e) Aphasia v) Carbamazepine
vi) Muscular incoordination
vii) Difficulty in Swallowing
Q. 12 Place a tick mark (√) ‘T’ if you consider the statement as True and ‘F’ if you
consider it as false. (1/2 X 5=2.5)
a) Mild anxiety serves as a motivational force by making one alert physically and mentally. (T/F)
b) Involuntary micturition is normal by the age of 3-5 years. (T/F)
c) Insomnia and sleep walking are chronic disturbances of sleep patterns. (T/F)
d) In Autism, puberty can be the turning point for either improvement or further deterioration (T/F)
e) Mental retardation is classified on the bases of growth and development. (T/F)