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PERFORMANCE TASK – 2nd Quarter Business Math

TOPIC: Salaries and Wages

Activity: Survey and Data Presentation
Goals: 1. To create survey questionnaire.
2. To learn how to gather data using survey.
3. To present data gathered using table and charts.
4. To collect current insights about status of salaries and wages in their local community.

Role: Form a group of 5-6 people. Your group will conduct a survey within your community asking about working
conditions of your neighbors, particularly about their salaries and wages.

Audience: The report shall be presented during class in a business-meeting set-up; each group will only have 10 minutes
to discuss the results of their survey.

Performance: .
A. Create a survey questionnaire which shall include the following
a. Basic demographic information: Age, Sex, Marital Status
b. Current occupation and Nature of work
c. Current basic monthly Salary:
below 13,800
40,001 and above
d. Rank your priority when it comes to budgeting, 6- lowest priority, 1-highest priority
Food expenses
Medical/ Health expenses
Utilities expenses (this includes rent, water, electricity, and internet bills)
Daily living expenses (Fare, daily allowance, etc.)
Other expenses (non-essential expenses)
e. Is your monthly salary enough for you and your family’s current living situation? YES or NO
f. If your answer is No in the previous question, briefly tell us why you think it is not enough?

B. You should gather 50 respondents to answer your survey. Tally their response and present this in a table format.

Question: Current monthly salary

below 13,800 IIII-III 8
13,800-15,000 IIII-IIII-IIII-IIII 20
15,001-20,000 IIII 5
20,001-30,000 IIII-IIII 9
30,001-40,000 IIII-I 6
40,001 and above II 2
C. Create appropriate type of chart (pie or bar) to represent your data.
D. Prepare a Power Point presentation that will help you report the data that you have gathered.
E. You can conduct an online survey using google forms or a face-to-face survey.

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