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Idioms Nghĩa Ví dụ

incredibly quickly or speedily - nhanh như Did you see that martial arts expert? He threw
(as) quick as lightning
chớp those kicks as quick as lightning!

in this place at this time - ngay tại đây và We're going to solve this problem right here and
(right) here and now
ngay bây giờ now.
a chance for somebody/something to
live/last longer; a chance to get more
 The successful heart operation gave him a new
a new lease of life enjoyment and satisfaction out of life
- một cơ hội mới để sống khỏe mạnh, làm lease of life.
lại cuộc đời
a person who does not fit in or is not
comfortable with others or in a particular
situation; someone who is unsuited to a John was a bit of a round peg in a square hole
a round peg in a square certain task, position, situation, or group throughout high school, but when he went to
hole of people - người không cảm thấy thoải college, he found all sorts of people he could
mái với người khác hay trong một tình
huống; một người không phù hợp với relate to.
nhiệm vụ được phân công

happening or having an effect on people at The improvement has been across the board,
across the board every level and in every area - toàn bộ, with all divisions either increasing profits or
toàn diện, trên mọi lĩnh vực
reducing losses.

used to add information that shows that

after all what you have just said is true - sau tất cả, A car is after all a means of transportation.
sau cùng thì, dù sao thì

quickly and without warning - đột nhiên, It seemed to happen all of a sudden - I felt dizzy
all of a sudden
đột ngột and I just collapsed.

despite what has just been said - mặc dù It rained every day of our holiday - but we had a
all the same
vậy good time all the same.

apply oneself to to put forth effort toward some task or I'm impressed with how much Greg has applied
something goal - cố gắng, chuyên tâm himself to this project.

as a (general) rule usually - theo thói quen, theo lệ thường As a general rule, I don't read detective novels.

at a rate of knots very quickly - rất nhanh She got through her work at a rate of knots.

for what something appears to be - dựa I took the offer at face value because I didn’t
at face value
trên giá trị bề ngoài think they would try to trick me.

behind; also; supporting - đằng sau, ủng Franklin stood at the back of me in everything I
at the back of
hộ wanted to do.
be in the mood (for
to feel like doing or having something - có
something/to do We could go out to eat, if you're in the mood.
tâm trạng làm gì, muốn làm gì
If two people are like chalk and cheese,
be like chalk and cheese they are completely different from each My brother and I are like chalk and cheese.
other - khác nhau một trời một vực
very different and they cannot exist
together or be mixed with each other Like oil and water, the worlds of work and
be like oil and water
successfully - hoàn toàn trái ngược, quá pleasure do not blend easily.
khác biệt, không thể hòa hợp

be on the point of to be going to do something very soon As we were on the point of giving up hope, a
something - sắp sửa làm gì letter arrived.

be on the point of to be ready or about to do something - sắp I'm sorry I'm running late - I was on the point of
something sửa làm gì getting in the shower when the doorbell rang.
to no longer be in danger or difficulty -
Her surgery went as well as we could have
be out of the woods thoát khỏi nguy hiểm, không còn gặp rắc
rối, khó khăn hoped, but she's not out of the woods yet.
be unable to/can't make
to not be able to understand something I can't make head nor tail of these instructions on
head nor tail of
- không hiểu đầu đuôi ra sao the packet.

breathe a word to tell a secret - nói ra bí mật, tiết lộ I promise not to breathe a word to Dad about it.

to make someone understand something

much more clearly than they did before, When I saw for myself the damage that had been
bring something home
especially something unpleasant - giúp ai caused, that really brought home to me the scale
(to someone)
hiểu rõ điều gì, làm nhận ra sự nghiêm
of the disaster.
trọng của vấn đề
a list of the things that a person would like
to do or achieve before they die - danh Sky-diving is the number-one thing on my
bucket list
sách những việc mình muốn làm trước khi bucket list.

I'll need to burn the midnight oil to have any

to stay up late working or studying - thức
burn the midnight oil chance of finishing this paper before class
khuya làm việc, học tập
tomorrow morning.

used to give permission - chắc chắn, tất "Could I have a glass of water, please?" "By all
by all means
nhiên means – I'll get it for you."

not at all; not in any way - không đời nào, It is by no means clear what the president can do
by no means
không chút nào, chẳng có nghĩa lý gì to end the strike.

not in any way; not at all; absolutely not

It is by no means certain that we'll finish the
by no means  - không đời nào, không chút nào, không
có nghĩa lý gì project by June.

call it a day to stop what you are doing because you do to stop what you are doing because you do not
not want to do any more or think you have
want to do any more or think you have done
done enough - quyết định dừng việc đang
làm (để nghỉ ngơi) enough

to be the person who controls or organizes

a situation - chịu trách nhiệm, làm chủ
call the shots You're the boss here – you get to call the shots.
một vấn đề gì đó hoặc đưa ra những quyết
định quan trọng

catch sight of to see something only for a moment - bắt I caught sight of someone with red hair and
someone/something gặp knew it was you.
to keep changing your ideas, opinions,
After six months of chopping and changing,
chop and change  activities, or job - thay đổi liên miên,
không có thái độ dứt khoát  we've decided to go back to our old system. 

to happen - xảy ra, diễn ra, trở thành hiện It came to pass that their love for each other
come to pass
thực grew and grew.
to start thinking reasonably - bắt đầu suy
come to someone's
nghĩ, hành động một cách hợp lý, minh It’s time she came to her senses and got a job.
mẫn, nghiêm túc

to gradually accept a sad situation, often

come to terms with the death of someone you love - chấp nhận I think he's still coming to terms with the death
something sự thật (thường đau buồn, không may, khó of his wife.
prearranged, unchangeable, and dull - đã The coursework is cut and dried, so don't even
được sắp xếp, chuẩn bị trước và không thể
cut and dried think about coming to me in pursuit of extra
thay đổi; đơn giản, rõ ràng, dễ hiểu hoặc
không thú vị credit.

to be difficult to stop or end - khó kết thúc, Old habits die hard, so I'm not surprised that
die hard
khó từ bỏ, khó chấm dứt you've struggled to stop smoking.

draw someone's to attract someone to notice or focus on Because Alison was late, she crept into the
attention to someone or someone or something - gây sự chú ý, thu conference room quietly, in an attempt to avoid
something hút sự chú ý
drawing attention to herself.
to strongly defend a position that is very
much to your advantage when reaching an
agreement - đàm phán, giao dịch khéo He drives a hard bargain, but we finally made a
drive a hard bargain
léo, kiên định; đòi hỏi về phần mình quá deal.
nhiều; mặc cả, cò kè, bớt một thêm hai
to die suddenly and unexpectedly - bất
Brett always seemed so healthy - I'm shocked
drop dead thình lình ngã lăn ra chết; đột ngột qua
đời that he dropped dead at age 55.
every minute counts every minute is crucial; any additional When you take a test, you must work rapidly
time could make a difference in the
outcome of something - tận dụng từng because every minute counts.
giây từng phút, tranh thủ từng giây phút,
thời gian là vàng bạc

to accept criticism or punishment for

If she lied to me, then she'll just have to face the
face the music something you have done - chấp nhận hậu
quả của những điều mình làm ra

to feel delighted and content - vui sướng The newlyweds are so cute - they really seem to
feel a glow of happiness
và mãn nguyện be feeling a glow of happiness.
to sense something strongly and intuitively
feel something in Something bad is going to happen tonight - I can
- cảm thấy chắc chắn, tin hoàn toàn, có
someone's bones feel it in my bones.
linh cảm

an opportunity to begin something again Ramirez is looking forward to a fresh start with
fresh start
- cơ hội bắt đầu việc gì mới mẻ his new team.

to establish communication with someone Cairo, as you must have surmised, got in touch
get in touch - kết nối với ai, liên lạc hay giao tiếp với with me after he left police headquarters
yesterday night or morning.
to retaliate against a person, group,
organization, etc., for a wrong done to The team is looking to get revenge on their
get revenge on oneself; to seek or exact vengeance cross-town rivals for knocking them out of the
against someone or something - trả thù,
state playoffs last season.
trả đũa

get someone's wires to have a different understanding of the We must have got our wires crossed – I thought
crossed same situation - hiểu nhầm ý nhau she was arriving tomorrow, not today.

I know we could have beaten them in last week's

get the better of to defeat someone - đánh bại, vượt mặt,
someone thắng thế, ăn đứt game, but they just got the better of us from the
to learn how to do something, especially if
get the hang of I’ll teach you how to use the design program –
it is not obvious or simple - nắm được, sử
something you’ll get the hang of it after a while.
dụng được, làm được

It's all right, don't say any more - I get the

get the picture to understand - hiểu, thấu hiểu

to be fired from a job or task - bị sa thải, I tried so hard to do a good job in Mrs. Smith's
get the sack
bị đuổi việc garden, but I got the sack anyway.

get the wrong end of to not understand a situation correctly Her friend saw us arrive at the party together and
the stick - hiểu nhầm tình hình/lời nói got the wrong end of the stick.

get to the bottom of to discover the truth about a situation I'm not sure what is causing the problem, but I'm
something - làm cho ra nhẽ, làm cho rõ ngọn ngành determined to get to the bottom of it.

International support has given rise to a new

give rise to to cause something - gây ra, dẫn tới, tạo ra
optimism in the company.

give someone's word to promise - hứa hẹn, hứa He gave his word that he would marry her and
she had no cause to doubt him.

to be or become extremely eager to have, I never thought I'd see the day when people went
go mad for something engage in, or pursue something - phát mad for rainbow parachute pants, but here we
điên, phát sốt vì rất thích/muốn có cái gì
are. Local stores just can't keep them in stock.

to do what other people are doing or to

agree with other people because it is the When you’re new in a school, it’s easiest to just
go with the flow easiest thing to do - "ai làm gì tôi làm go with the flow for a while, and see what people
nấy", gió chiều nào xoay chiều ấy, thuận are like.
theo người khác

My daughter loves being on stage, so she is just

green with envy very jealous of another person - ghen tị green with envy that Alice got the lead in the
school play.
strictly or rigidly adhered to; strong,
I have some hard-and-fast rules in my company -
hard and fast binding, and clearly defined - cứng nhắc,
nghiêm ngặt break them, and you're out of here.

to have a great deal in one's life that is She had everything going for her—a fantastic
have (got) everything
favorable, beneficial, or advantageous career, an amazing family, a beautiful home. Her
going for (one)
- có tất cả mọi thứ 
sudden death was just so tragic.

to have a plan or intention - có ý tưởng, I have in mind to ground you for a month for
have in mind
có ý định, có kế hoạch disobeying me like that!
to be able to believe a piece of information Once that witness's story was verified, we had it
have something on because you trust the person who told you
good authority it - có được từ một nguồn (thông tin) đáng on good authority that the man we'd arrested had
tin cậy, theo căn cứ đích xác in fact committed the crime.

There were a few books here and there, but apart

here and there  in different places - đây đó
from that the room was quite bare.
to appear in the news suddenly or receive
He hit the headlines two years ago when he was
hit the headlines a lot of attention in news reports - được
phổ biến rộng rãi  arrested for selling drugs to the mayor's nephew.
to wait for something to happen, often
She said we might hear from the council next
hold breath feeling anxious - hy vọng, tin tưởng chờ
đợi điều gì sẽ xảy ra, nín thở chờ đợi week, but I'm not holding my breath.

according to one's opinion, judgment, or She's never lied to me, and in my book that
in someone's book
values - theo quan điểm/góc nhìn của ai counts for a lot.

earning more money than you spend - có I'm pleased to announce that the company is in
in the black
tiền, có lời, không nợ nần gì the black for the fifth consecutive year.

in the light of In the light of recent incidents, we are asking our

because of - bởi vì, do
something customers to take particular care of their
personal belongings.

after something; as a result of some event

in the wake of Airport security was extra tight in the wake of
- ngay sau đó, theo sau; là kết quả của điều
something yesterday's bomb attacks.
đã xảy ra

seeing someone or communicating with

in touch (with someone) someone regularly - gặp gỡ thường xuyên, We kept in touch for a while after college.
giữ liên lạc
for no purpose; as a failure - không có kết
in vain All the police's efforts to find him were in vain.
quả, không ăn thua gì, vô ích
to hope strongly that something will
keep someone's fingers We’re keeping our fingers crossed that he’ll be
happen - hi vọng rằng điều gì sẽ trở thành
crossed healthy again very soon.
hiện thực

to recognize a person's face, but not know Even after working there for a year, there were
know someone by sight
the name - biết mặt mà không biết tên still some co-workers I only knew by sight.

to resign oneself to something's outcome My boss always scrutinizes the smallest details
being determined forces outside of one's
leave (something) to of any deal she makes - she says there's nothing
control. - để mọi việc được sắp đặt ngẫu
chance more foolish than leaving things to chance in
nhiên; mặc kệ kết quả/tác động từ bên
ngoài ra sao business.

to do something that helps a company or The Federal Reserve is expected to lend a hand
lend a hand
person - giúp đỡ, hỗ trợ by continuing to cut interest rates forcefully.

lend someone a to listen to someone carefully and with My mother was always willing to lend an ear and
sympathetic ear concern - chăm chú lắng nghe offer what advice she could.
a sign that something difficult or Now that the doctors have been able to diagnose
light at the end of the unpleasant is almost at an end - ánh sáng
tunnel cuối đường hầm, tia hy vọng những điều what's wrong with me, there is finally light at the
tốt đẹp sẽ tới end of the tunnel.

a very effective solution to a problem There's no magic bullet that will solve the
magic bullet
- giải pháp hiệu quả, giải pháp toàn diện homelessness crisis in this country.

to earn a lot of money - khấm khá, hái ra We'll make a bundle if we can manage to secure
make a bundle
tiền, kiếm được nhiều tiền a trading partner in China.

to have just enough money to pay for the After the large income tax hike, many people
make ends meet things that you need - kiếm chỉ đủ tiền để suddenly found it difficult to make both ends
chi trả cho cuộc sống meet.

make good on to do what you have said you would do My grandfather said he would pay for me to go
something - thực hiện những gì đã nói to college, and he made good on that promise.

make light of to act as if something is not serious, esp. They've both had knee injuries, but the two
when it is serious - coi nhẹ, xem nhẹ, coi
something friends make light of their weaknesses.
là không quan trọng

to not change or improve a situation It doesn’t make any difference now what he says
make no difference
- không khác biệt là mấy – it’s too late for apologies.

to provide a space or an opportunity for

make way for Some beautiful old buildings were torn down to
something else - nhường chỗ cho; tạo điều
something make way for the new parking garage.
kiện cho

to not understand something correctly or What you say is true, but you've missed the point
miss the point
what is important about it - hiểu sai ý of my argument.
used to say that someone is very happy
much to someone's Much to our delight our mission was
about something - rất vui sướng, rất hạnh
delight accomplished and with great satisfaction.
phúc về điều gì

used to emphasize that something is

no matter what, when, We've got to get to the airport on time, no matter
always true, or that someone must do
why, etc. what.
something - bất kỳ ai, bất cứ cái gì,...
to not be the right type of person for
not be cut out for I'm sorry, but I quit. I'm just not cut out for
something - không phù hợp, không có khả
something dealing with customer complaints.
năng thực hiện việc nào đó

sometimes, but not very often - thi thoảng, We meet up for lunch now and then, but not as
now and then
thỉnh thoảng often as we used to.
various things of different types, usually
small and not important, or of little value I took most of the big things to the new house,
odds and ends
- đồ vật linh tinh, không có giá trị lớn; sự but there are a few odds and ends left to pick up.
việc nhỏ nhặt, vụn vặt
not recorded for official publication;
This is off the record, but I disagree with the
off the record informally; in confidence - không được
ghi; không chính thức mayor on this matter.
near to someone or something, and ready
A 1,200-strong military force will be on hand to
on hand to help or be used if necessary - ở gần,
sẵn sàng giúp đỡ, có sẵn để sử dụng monitor the ceasefire.

not working correctly - không hoạt Mom called the repairman because our TV is on
on the blink
động/chạy bình thường, chập chờn the blink again.

We have several products on the point of

on the point of ready or about to do something - sắp sửa
something làm gì becoming global successes. We just need another
strong marketing push.

on the verge of very near to doing or experiencing He was on the verge of saying something but
something something - sắp, gần, suýt stopped and shook his head.
on top of something in addition to something, especially We missed our flight, and on top of that we had
something unpleasant - ngoài ra, thêm to wait seven hours for the next one.
nữa, hơn thế
contrary to or in violation of acceptable Mr. Thomson, you're out of order! If you don't
rules, conventions, or standards; improper
out of order rein in your behavior, I'll have you charged with
or inappropriate - cư xử không đúng mực,
làm người khác khó chịu contempt of court.

not possible or not allowed - bất khả thi, The class ends at 2, and leaving before then is
out of the question
không được phép out of the question.

not possible or not allowed - không thể The class ends at 2, and leaving before then is
out of the question
chấp nhận được, không thể được out of the question.
not aligned with, aware of, or receptive to
current trends, styles, or attitudes - lạc
A few of the older teachers are completely out of
out of touch hậu, lỗi thời, không hiểu vấn đề, không
cập nhật thông tin mới, thiếu hiểu biết; touch with their students.
thiếu cảm thông hoặc quan tâm
too extreme and not suitable, or
demanding too much attention or effort,
over the top I thought the decorations were way over the top.
especially in an uncontrolled way - quá
mức, quá thể, quá đỗi, quá mức cần thiết
to make an effort to improve one's work or
behaviour because it is not good enough - He's going to have to pull his socks up if he
pull someone's socks up
cố gắng cải thiện phong độ, hiệu suất, wants to stay in the team.
công việc 
to make demands on someone; to try to get
We put the pressure on him to get him to come,
put pressure on someone to do something - thúc bách, thúc
ép but he refused.
to try to understand someone's real
feelings or intentions from what they say She said she could afford it, but reading between
read between the lines
or write - hiểu được ẩn ý hay sự thật đằng the lines I don't think she has enough money.
sau hành động, lời nói nào

On the night of September 2, 1666, a fire broke

out in a baker's shop near Fish Street Hill in
to destroy or make something useless - bị
reduce to ashes London before the flames were finally
tiêu diệt, làm cho vô dụng 
extinguished, nearly the entreaty has been
reduced to ashes.

to take a chance that something (bad) will

run a risk of something Don't worry. You won't have to run a risk.
happen - mạo hiểm, làm liều
to happen exactly as planned, without any
I want this office to run like clockwork—with
run/go like clockwork trouble - mọi việc diễn ra suôn sẻ theo
đúng kế hoạch everything on time and everything done right.

to agree with each other - hoàn toàn đồng My sister didn’t see eye to eye with me about the
see eye to eye
ý, có cùng quan điểm với một người khác how to tell my parents about the problem.
see red to become very angry - vô cùng tức giận, People who don't finish a job really make me see
tức tối, nổi điên

to be very difficult or impossible to change The schedule isn’t set in stone, but we’d like to
set in stone
- cố định, khó hoặc không thay đổi được stick to it pretty closely.

So far, only two Democrats have entered the race

so far at this particular time - tại thời điểm này
for governor.
used to say that you do not know exactly
Sooner or later she's going to realize what a
sooner or later when something will happen, but you are
certain that it will happen - sớm hay muộn mistake she's made.

I plan to spend the day cleaning so that this place

neat and clean - gọn gàng sạch sẽ, ngăn
spick and span is spick and span when my mother-in-law
to have a chance of success - có khả năng
If we could just get an interception, we might
stand a chance thành công, đạt được điều gì, nắm bắt thời
cơ stand a chance of winning this game.

stand a chance (of to have a chance of doing something - có If we could just get an interception, we might
doing something) cơ hội làm gì, có khả năng, có cơ may stand a chance of winning this game.
to make someone come to a complete halt
Hearing the gunshot in the distance stopped us
stop someone dead immediately or very suddenly - làm bất
ngờ, làm giật mình both dead.

rest, relax, or be calm - bình tĩnh, thư I told John to take it easy and stop worrying
take it easy
giãn, thoải mái nào about everything.

take notice (of to give something your attention - chú ý, Voters are beginning to take notice of him as a
something) chú tâm tới điều gì serious candidate.
to support one person or opinion over
My mother never took sides when my brother
take sides another - theo phe ai, ủng hộ ai trong một
cuộc tranh chấp and I argued.
to stop or to cause one to stop thinking Playing video games after work helps me to take
take someone's mind about something, typically a worry or
off something concern - tạm quên đi điều gì không vui, my mind off my work for a while - and
trút bỏ mọi phiền muộn ra khỏi đầu sometimes that's when I get my best ideas.

The company wants to hire her at any cost, so

to choose anything you want - chọn bất cứ
take someone's pick she can basically take her pick of perks during
cái nào mình thích
the negotiation process.
to believe something to be the truth
take something for without even thinking about it - xem/mặc I didn't realize that Melanie hadn't been to
granted định điều gì là hiển nhiên, đúng, sẵn có và college - I suppose I just took it for granted.
phải là vậy

to consider or remember something when I hope my teacher will take into account the fact
take something into
judging a situation - để ý, suy xét đến, chú that I was ill just before the exams when she
ý đến, lưu tâm đến
marks my paper.
the best or only way to achieve something
the key to something - chìa khóa dẫn đến cái gì, con đường để Hard work is the key to success.
thành công
the main idea or facts of something; all
the long and (the) short that can or need be said - điều quan trọng That's the long and the short of it. If you want
of it nhất được đưa ra, sự thật rõ ràng; nói tóm more details, you'll have to ask Laura.

 tired or in poor condition because of a lot

After a month of journeying over rough roads,
of work or use - tình trạng mệt mỏi, đau
the worse for wear  the drivers and their trucks were looking the
nhức; say rượu; hư hỏng, hao mòn sau thời
worse for wear. 
gian dài sử dụng

good and bad times - những thăng trầm She's always been there for me through thick and
thick and thin
trong cuộc sống thin, so I can't turn my back on her now.

used to mean that time passes surprisingly

I can't believe your kid is about to graduate high
time flies quickly - thời gian trôi nhanh thật, thời
school. How time flies.
gian trôi như gió
furiously or fiercely; with all of one's I know my brother has fought tooth and nail to
strength and effort - rất giận dữ, cực kỳ
tooth and nail be re-elected, so his victory tonight is certainly
điên tiết, hết sức bình sinh, chiến đấu ác
liệt well earned.
quietly so that other people cannot hear
I'm glad he said it under his breath. If he had said
under someone's breath exactly what you are saying - (nói) khẽ,
thì thầm, thều thào it out loud, it would have caused an argument.

They got in under the wire just before the entry

under the wire just barely in time or on time - vừa sát nút
requirements for the training program changed.

positive and negative events or

Oh, we’ve had our share of ups and downs, like
ups and downs experiences - những khoảng thời gian tốt
xấu, thăng trầm any married couple.

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