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4 5854898563208709660
ID No: 2475
JUNE, 2019
First of all I would like to deserve a great gratitude to God for me the endurance and
tolerance all through the way.
Next I would to express my deep appreciation and gratitude to my advisor Meaza M.
(MSC) for his patience and dedication in providing his continues valuable and
constructive comments throughout the preceding of this year.
I want to express my heart full thanks to Lion international Bank of Ethiopia employees
for their full-fledged assistance and cooperation in distributing, answering and collecting
the questionnaires and providing the necessary materials for this study.
I also indebted to my friends, parents for their moral and financial support during the
This paper aimed at assessing the credit collection management of Lion international
bank in Hawassa branch. To assess some procedure related to granting loan, to evaluate
how the bank evaluates the credit worthiness of its borrowers. The investigator used
descriptive method of approach, and also judgmental sampling techniques were carried
out. The study was accomplished primary and secondary data was used. The findings of
the study showed many strengths and weakness of the branch regarding credit collection
management practice. Among the weaknesses identified in this study include the bank
does not regularly follow up the customers that are the reason for customers being
default in repaying the loan, the bank set the same interest rate for all types of loan.
Among the strength identified was the bank grants mostly short term loans to minimize
collectability risk. Based on the weakness identified the bank was recommended to follow
up regularly to decrease the default rate of the borrowers, and the bank has to set
different interest rate depends on the loan size of the debtors. In conclusion when we
generally consider the credit collection management of Lion international bank going to
be good and mood, this would justify by using efficient method of customer screening
Table of Contents
Acknowledgementi……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. i
CHAPTER ONE……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..1
1.1. BACK GROUND OF THE STUDY……………………………………………………………………………………1
1.2. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM…………………………………………………………………………………1
1.3. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY…………………………………………………………………………………………….2
1.3.1. GENERAL OBJECTIVE………………………………………………………………………………………………...2
1.3.2 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE………………………………………………………………………………………………….2
1.4. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY……………………………………………………………………………………2
I. 1.5. SCOPE AND LIMITATION OF THE STUDY……………………………………………............3
1.5.1. SCOPE OF THE STUDY…………………………………………………………………………………………….3
1.5.2. LIMITATION OF THE STUDY...............................................................................................3
CHAPTER TWO.......................................................................................................................................5
2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE...........................................................................................5
2.1. MEANING AND DEFINATION OF CREDIT............................................................................5
2.1.1.MEANING OF CREDIT............................................................................................................6
2.1.2.CREDIT CREATION.................................................................................................................6
2.2. TYPES OF CREDITT......................................................................................................................6
2.3. FORMS OF CREDIT.......................................................................................................................7
2.4.ATTRIBUTES OF CREDIT INSTRUMENTS.................................................................................8
2.5. CREDIT CONTROL........................................................................................................................9
2.5.1. OBJECTIVE OF CREDIT CONTROL.....................................................................................9
2.5.2. METHODS OF CREDIT CONTROL.....................................................................................10
2.6. CREDIT RISK................................................................................................................................13
2.6.1. NATURE OF CREDIT RISK..................................................................................................13
2.6.2. CREDIT RISK AND COLLECTION MANAGEMENT........................................................13
2.6.3. DEFICIENCIES IN CREDIT RISK MANAGEMENT...........................................................14
2.6.4.PRINCIPLES IN CREDIT RISK MANAGEMENT................................................................14
2.6.5.METHOD OF REDUCIN CREDIT RISK...............................................................................15
2.7.CREDIT POLICY...........................................................................................................................15
2.7.1. CREDIT POLICY IN ETHIOPIA.......................................................................................15
2.8.SETTING THE COLLECTION POLICY.......................................................................................16
2.8.1.THE NEED FOR CREDIT MANAGEMENT..........................................................................16
3. METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY................................................................................................17
3.1.RESEARCH DESIGN...................................................................................17
3.1.1 DATA TYPE………………………………………………………………………………………………17
3.2. METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION...................................................................................17
3.3. POPULATION AND SAMPLE SIZE............................................................................................17
3.4. METHOD OF DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION...........................................18
CHAPTER FOUR.....................................................................................................................................19
4. DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION...................................................................................19
4.1.DATA ANALYSIS BASED ON PRIMARY DATA......................................................................19
4.1.1.DATA ANALYSIS BASED ON QUESTIONER....................................................................19
4.1.2.DATA ANALYSIS BASED ON INTERVIEW...........................................................................28
4.2. DATA ANALYSIS BASED ON SECONDARY DATA...............................................................30
CHAPTER FIVE.......................................................................................................................................34
5. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.....................................................................................34
5.2. RECOMMENDATION..................................................................................................................35
List of tables
Table page
Table4.2: To summarize sex structure of respondents:………………………..
Table4.9: does the bank asses borrowers past financial history credit
to pay the loan, what mechanism do you apply in order the loan to be collected……
Table4.12: which type of loan disbursement is your bank use for borrowers?.......... 26
Table4.14: does your bank permitting over draft for the customers? ……………….. 27
Table4.15: how your bank set the same interest rate for different amount of loan?.......
A banking institution various types of service are providing among those credits is
one of the most important core businesses of most banks. The word credit itself is
derived from the Latin word“credere” to believe to put confidence in some one trust
same one( Conant 1899, baltnsperger 1987)
Bank is financial institution that are established for lending , borrowing, issuing,
exchanging, taking deposit, safe guarding or handling money under the law and
guidelines of respective country. Among their activities credit provision is the main
product which bank provides to potential business entrepreneur as main source of
income. While providing credit as main source of income bank takes in to account
many considerations as factor of credit collection management which helps them to
minimize the risk of default that result in financial distress and bankruptcy. This is
due to the reason that while a bank providing credit they are exposed to risk of
default( risk of interest & principal payment) which needs to be managed effectively
to acquire level of loan growth and performance (bass, 1991)
In competitive environment more lines of business which need huge environment
are being opened. Some of this investment is financed through commercial bank
loan. With this respect bank play major role in the overall economy development of
the country. However, in this process of extending credit to customers. A bank
should have a way securing its borrowers so that it will minimize the risk of default
(Bas, 1998) fundamental of risk 3rd edition).
Credit collection management is one part of the bank service. But it has wide
approaches. There is high demand of borrowing money used for different
purposes.Investors, individuals and government itself needs money for their own
purposes. Most of the time the economic units needs to satisfied the banks. The
previous studies focused their attention only on credit collection management of
lion international bank of Ethiopia. Thus it focused on determining efficiency
and effectiveness of assessing credit collection of the company. Thus study was
try to investigated the problem of lion international bank due to the fact that
some of loans and advances grant to its users turned to be bad loans. Because
level o loans that grant by lion international bank to its uses to be bad loans
(probability that loan returned by the customer is low) is increased year to year.
Therefore it is necessary to raise the following research questions to identify the
1. How the bank evaluated the credit worthiness of the debtors?
2. What are the criteria used by lion international bank credit worthiness of the
3. What are the causes of customer in ability to pay the loan to the bank?
study is useful in bringing in to light the strong and weak point in managing credit risk.
The paper was mentioned several important ideas, which is relevance for the researcher.
Banking signifies some form of dealing in money and securities. It is essentially the business
of playing between the lenders and borrowers. It is middling and intermediation function
between the saving surplus and saving deficit economic units within the society ( B.M.L.all
Nigam, 2988)
In the extension of bank accommodation, nothing is more significant than the ability and
characte0r of the borrowers. Practical bankers theoreticians alike suggest that safest and
the most dependable security that could be obtained is integrity and business like dealing of
customers. It is not the tangible collateral to generate earnings and maintain solvency. This
measurement of the overall standing of the firm and its future is what is called “credit
analysis” or “credit investigation” it is in effect financial analysis conducted by supplier of
funds with a view to finding the position, progress, and prospects of a borrowers (B.MLall
Nigam, 1988).
The business of banking is credit and credit is the primary basis on which banks quality
and performance are judged studies of banking crises show that the frequent factors in the
failure of banks has been poor loan quality. The credit risk management process of banks
is believed to be a good indicator of a quality of the bank’s loan portfolio (HR Machiraju,
Credit risk covers all risks related to a borrower not fulfilling his obligations on time. Even
where assets are exactly matched by liabilities of the maturity, the same interest rate
conditions and the same currency, the only on the balance sheet risk remaining would be
credit risk.
Credit risk exposure is measured by the current mark to market value. The magnitude of
credit risk depends of the likelihood of default by the counter party, the potential value of
outstanding contracts, and the extent to which legally enforceable netting arrangements
allow the value off setting contracts with that counter party to be netted against each other
or the value of the collateral held against the contracts. (HR. Maharaja, 2003)
The word credit is derived from Latin word(credo) which means I believe to the creditors
believes that the debtors will return the loan and so decides to give the loan. Advancing
credit or loan essentially decides to give the loan, confidence, character, capacity, capital
and collateral of the debtor. It is a medium of exchange to receive money or goods on
demand of the some future date. R.p kent defines credit as the right to receive payments of
the obligation to make payment on demand of some future time on account of the
immediate transfer of goods (R.R Paul, (1996)
A bank differsfrom other financial institutions because it can create. Banks have the
ability to expand their demand deposits as multiple of their cash reserves. This is because
of the fact that demand development of the banks serve as the principal medium of
exchange, and in this way the banks manage the payments system of the country.
In short the ability of banks to expand the deposits makes them unique and distinguishes
them from other non-banking financial institution. The whole structure of banking is based
on credit. Bank credit means bank loans and advances. Bank keeps a certain proportion of
its deposits as a minimum and lends out the remaining excess reserve to earn income. The
bank loan is not paid directly to the borrower but is only credit in this account; every bank
loan creates an equivalent deposit in the bank. Those credit creations means multiple
expansion of bank deposits(R.R Paul, 1996)
2. Long, short and intermediate
Short term credit includes any period up to a year in length, intermediate credit
generally runs from one to five years and long term credit extends over five years.
3. Direct versus indirect
Originally all credit was direct. Someone lent spare money on goods directly to the
borrowers. But an important character of modern society is the financial institution
which extends credit indirectly. Funds are deposited with a saving bank, which take
over the responsibility of finding safe and profitable lending opportunities.
4. Public credit
Public credit which includes governmental units on all levels from municipal to
national. The credit extended to the public sector depends primarily on its ability to
tax. Since this ability to represent its capacity for repayment public credit like
private credit, may be long term, short term or intermediate. Like most private
credit also, it may be for production or consumption credit is not entirely clear in
this area, however because most government operation are not operated like
business to make a profit.
Some credit is handled informally with little or no actual evidence. Small sums are often
lent with only an oral promise to repay. Charge accounts involve no regular credit
instruments.Telephone and electric bills usually are paid monthly and in many other cases
credit is commonly extended to customers on a retail,whole sale or manufacturing level.
Credit instruments
They are formal documents drawn up as evidence of credit. They are of two types: promise
to pay and orders to pay. Most instruments may be transferred easily from one holder to
another. Some such as checks, used as a means of payment, almost entirely replacing coins
for all but the smallest transactions.
Promises:There are two types of promises to pay;
Notes: which tend to be concerned with short term credit and bonds which usually involve
long term credit. This distinction, however, does not always hold. In either case we simply
have an instrument of credit which indicates that the borrower agrees (promises) to repay
the sum lent aspecified annual rate of interest and at a specific time.
Order: a credit instrument may be an order to pay is called drafts. A draft may be drawn
against persons, a corporations or a bank. The most common draft is the check.
Scale of economics
Credit allows mass production economics to develop. If manufactures used only retained
earnings to expand their production, many companies would never be able to expand.
Extension on of credit provides manufactures with capital to expand their production and
potential profits. Also in some industries the large the production volume, cheaper the
production costs. This means more profit for manufactures can again expand production
and renew the cycle. In this cyclical expansion pattern, credit is almost indispensable.
Financial intermediaries, especially the Federal Reserve System are largely responsible for
credit conditions in our economy. They can encourage credit expansion or force a
contraction in credit. When inflationary pressures are strong, the banking system
primarily is responsible for containing them by putting brakes on credit easier the
regulation of credit together with the allocation of credit are the primary function of
Federal Reserve System. Through its dominant role in the credit structure the banking
system carrier a formidable responsibility for regulating the economic.
Credit control is the regulation of credit by central bank for achieving some definite
objective. Modern economy is a credit economy because credit has come to play
transactions in the modern economic system. Change in volume of credit influence the level
of business activity and the price level in the economy unrestricted credit creation by the
bank by money, by pose a serious threat the national economy. Hence, it becomes
necessarily for the central bank to keep the creation of credit under control in order to
maintain in the economic system (R.R Paul, 1996).
1. Price stability
Violent price fluctuations cause disturbances and maladjustments in the economic
system and have serious social consequences. Hence price stability is an important
objective of credit policy.
2. Economic stability
Operation of the business cycle brings in stability in capitalist economy. The
objective of credit control policy of cent fluctuations and ensure economic stability
in the economy.
3. Maximization of employment
Unemployment is economically waste full and socially undesirable. Therefore
economic stability with full employment and high per capita income has been
considered as an important objective of credit control policy of a country.
4. Economic growth
The main objective of credit control policy in the under developed countries should
be the promotion of economic growth with in shortest possible time. This country
generally suffers from the deficiency of financial resources. Hence, the central banks
in these countries should solve the problem of financial scarcity through planned
expansion of bank credit.
5. Stabilization of money market
Another objective of central bank’s credit control policy is the stabilization of
money market so as to reduce fluctuations in the interest rates to the minimum.
Credit control should be exercised in such a way that the equilibrium in the demand
and supply of money should be achieved at all times.
6. Exchange rate stability
It can also be an objective of credit control policy. In stability in the exchange rates
is harm full for the foreign trade of the country. Thus, the central bank in the
countries largely dependent up on foreign trade, should attempt to eliminate the
fluctuations in the foreign exchange rates through its credit control policy.
minimum rate charged by the central bank for discounting approved bills of
Bank rate policy aims at influencing
The cost and availability or credit to the banks.
Interest rates and money supply in the economy.
The level ofeconomic activity of the economy.
A rise in the bank rates makes the credit costs lies reduces the volume of credit,
discourages economic activity and brings down the price level in the economy. Similarly the
volume credit encourages as the level of economic activity and the price level.
In sensitivity of investment.
In effective in controlling deflation.
Conflicting effect.
In effective in controlling balance of payment disequilibrium.
In discriminatory.
II. Open market operations
Purchase and sell government securities and other credit instruments in the
open market as an additional and to some extent, alternative instruments of
central bank policy are a logical step.
Effect of open market operation
Effect on interest rate.
Effect on future expectation.
Simultaneous determination of interest rate and money supply.
Open market operation during inflation.
Effect on balance of payment.
Determining minimum down payments
Regulating the period of time over which the loan is to be repaid
Partly be netted against each other or value of the collateral to be netted against each other
or value of the collateral held against the contracts (HR Machiraju, 2003).
access to all the tools they need to take adequate measures. Collection managers can
monitor the collection process at any time and take appropriate action when necessary.
1. Selection: Whom to lend. this is usually based terms of filling all the information
required in a printed loan purpose of loan, repayment and collateral. Information
on the organization on the business proprietorship, partnership, company and other
banking relationships would be required.
2. Limitation: in view of up foreseen changes in the financial conditions of companies,
industries, geographical areas or whole countries, a system of limits for different
types could adopt credit limits in different ways and at different levels, the essential
requirement is to establish maximum amount that may be loaned to anyone
borrower or group of connected borrowers and to anyone industry. Loans may be
classified by size and limits put on large loans in terms of their proportion to total
3. Diversification: involves the spread of lending over different types of borrowers,
different economic sectors, and different geographical regions. To certain extent
credit limits which help avoid concentration of lending insure minimum
diversification. The spread of lending is likely to reduce serious credit problems, size
however confined an advantage in diversification because large banks can diversify
but industry as well as region large banks can diversify by industry as well as
Credit policy is a set of positions that include a firm’s credit period, credit standards,
collection procedures and discount offered.
i. Credit period which is the length of time given to pay for their obligations
ii. Credit standards which refers to required financial strength of acceptable
iii. Collection policy which is measured by its toughness or laxity in attempting to
collect on slow paying accounts. (Br, pham,Houston,2004)
Because the elaborate paper work, bureaucratic lending procedures and stringent
collateral requirements, the institutions do not deliver credit as and when needed. More
over them operate at high transaction costs.
During imperial regime (1974-1991) all financial institutions were nationalized and credit was mainly
channeled to public enterprises.The provision of credit was not based on economic rationality but the
discrimination against the private sector was not only in credit access but entirely on government
preference also in interest rate, which was for instance 9% for private sector as opposed to 6%for
public industrial enterprises since July 1986.
( Abraham,2002) noted that with the down fall of Derge, the private sector got equal access to credit
with other sectors, banks were also given autonomy to decide by themselves based on purely
commercial criteria and establishment of private banks and insurance companies was permitted. As a
result loan disbursed to the private sector, which was 49% in1992/93 rose considerably and reached
87.7% in 2000/01. In fact there is still unsatisfied demand for credit from this sector of economy due
to inability to meet banks leading requirements.
significantly affected as consequences. To minimize possible failure of the financial
institutions service operation clear working policies and procedures should be designed &
implemented accordingly. This policy and procedures are in targeting the client
management and supervision and follow up issues.
The necessary data will be collected from both primary and secondary data
The primary source will be collected through questionnaire and interview from
employees . of lion international ban in Hawassa branch
The data will be collected mainly from credit collection management department of
lion international bank. Necessarily primary data will be collected through interview and
questionnaire of lion international bank employees and secondary data will be collected
from internet, and relevant written documents
The study will be conducted with the contacting concerned bodies to get relevant data
from employees of lion international bank in hawassa branch. The total number of
selects will be 10 employees from the purposively the reason behind the selection of
only 10 employees from the 22 to solve the time and cost.
The impossible to collect equals information from all employees. Sampling is using small part
of large population to make conclusion about the whole population. So research will select 10
employees as a sample from 22 employees by establishing judgment sampling technique.
Because to save money and time constraint. .
Sampling method that will be used for this study will be stratified and
sampling technique. This is because it permits the researcher to have complete freedom
to select individual who provid relivant information
The data gather interview and questioner method and try to analysis descriptive
method that are percentage and appropriate explanation of the table.
As indicated in the above table 40% of respondents are at the age of 20-30 and 60% of
respondents are between the ages of 30-40. From the above table we can understand
that majority of respondents are between the age of 30-40
Table4.2: To summarize sex structure of respondents:
According to the above table we can understand that from the total respondents 40% are
female and 60% are male. From this we can understand that majority of respondents are
According to the above table we understand that 70% of the respondents have BA
degree and 30% have diploma.
Respondents who have diploma may not have enough knowledge about credit
collection management of the bank this shows they may not give accurate or
relevant data for the study.
Respondents who have BA degree may have good knowledge about credit
collection management this is useful for collection process of the bank.
Table 4.4: summarizing work experience of employees
From table 4 work experiences of employees23 % of the respondents has less than 2
year experience, 36% of respondents has between 2-4 year experiences and 32% of
respondents have 4-6 year experiences and 9% of respondents have above 6 year.
From this table we can understand majority of employees has between 2-4 year
work experiences.
Employees were asked whether the bank gives loan service for the borrowers and
100% of respondents answered yes as we can see from the above table. According to
the above table we can understand that the bank generate revenue by granting
credit to borrowers.
Table4. 6: Summarizing the types of loan term mostly customer use.
As shown from table 6 from the total respondents 55% answered that the loan terms
mostly used by customers is short term loan, 27% said the loan term used by
customers is medium term and 18% of the respondents answered that the loan term
used by the customers is long term.
Using short term loan is good for the borrowers because of low interest rate than
long term loan and it is also useful for the bank by increasing the liquidity of the
asset and it also decrease the risk of uncollectability 0f the loan from the borrowers.
From this data we can conclude that most of loan of the branch are classified under
short term loan. Which enable the branch to maintain liquidity and help the branch
to minimize risks associated with the advancement of loan. The second part of the
table presents the possible reasons behind the preference of short term loan by
customers. Here again all of the respondents select the interest rate associated with
the term of loan as the reason behind the preference of the term. It is known that
short term loan have low interest rate. This shows that customers of the branch are
sensitive to the interest rates associated with specific loans.
Response Frequency Response in%
Yes 10 100%
No 0
Total 10 100%
Source: own survey (2019)
Employees were asked whether the bank prepare credit collection report and 100%
of respondents answered yes as we can see from the above table. According to the
above table we can understand that the bank is prepare credit collection report.
From the above table it can be observed that all of the respondents agreed that a
loan officer is the personnel that have to be contracted first in applying for a loan.
This shows that the company let customers to contract a loan officer firstly when
they apply for a loan. Loan officers are believed to have adequate knowledge
regarding a loan. This has an advantage for both the debtor and bank.
The debtor is benefited from contracting the loan officer in a way that she/he will
have a clear knowledge regarding the credit term and related issue.
Table4.9: does the bank asses borrowers past financial history credit worthiness and
perform in detail before extending the loan?
Table4.10: when the borrower faces a certain problem and unable to pay the loan,
what mechanism do you apply in order the loan to be collected?
Regarding the loan repayment techniques different opinions are observed. 50% of
respondents have believed that when the borrowers face a certain problem and unable to
pay the loan, the life time of the loan will be extended in order the customer to get time for
revival and pay the loan.30% of respondents have repaid that injection of additional loan
will be given so that the customer will make money and becomes in a better condition to
pay the loan and 20% of them said that rearrangement of loan repayment structure would
be established.
Table4.11: which kind of screening techniques that the bank uses to evaluate credit
worthiness of borrowers?
As shown from table 11: 100% of respondents answered that the bank implements the 5 c s
to screen the debtor’s credit worthiness. So when the bank evaluate the credit worthiness of
the borrowers the branch asks the head office to send the engineers to evaluate the debtors
collateral as this time the borrowers intentionally misleading the engineers about their
collateral value so, the bank has to deal with this problem by using deep evaluation
Table4.12: which type of loan disbursement is your bank use for borrowers?
The above table shows that 100% of respondents answered that the bank uses all types of
loan disbursement method. This implies that the bank use all types of loan disbursement
because it is depends on the borrower’s ability to convert the loan to the liquid assets and
the success of their business. A business like which engaged in petrol station has the
access to convert the liquid asset, in this situation the bank lend the loan for short because
this type of business has a capability to disburse the loan shortly.
According to the above table employees were asked whether the bank evaluate
collateral before granting a loan and 100% of respondents answered yes.
This implies the bank uses qualified man power to estimate and evaluate the
customer’s collaterals whether the collateral fit the credit term or not. But in some
cases the debtors intentionally mislead the evaluators to get high amount of loan this
may the bank give the loan inappropriately.
Table4.14: does your bank permitting over draft for the customers?
Employees were asked whether the bank permitting over draft for the customer and
100% of respondents answered yes as we can see from the above table. From the
above table we can understand that to permit over draft for customers are depends
on the type of business of the customers. For the company who have quick
transaction and for the company who have quick converting rate of loan in to liquid
assets, bank permits over dr for it’s this types customers.
Table4.15: how your bank set the same interest rate for different amount of loan?
From the above table 60% of respondents have believed that the bank set the same interest
rate for all types of loan, and 40% of respondents have believed that the bank set different
interest rate for all types of loan. So the bank has to set flexible interest rate to in terms of
the loan amount.
Interview was prepared, which enable the researchers to address the research
question more specifically or to concentrate more on the research objective.
This implies that the bank follows good and efficient procedures of credit collection process
to screen the credit worthiness.
2. What are the criteria’s that are used by the bank for granting loan?
Identifying the business type.
Identifying the purpose whether for existing business or new business.
Location of the business.
Whether the borrower have collateral as pledge for granting loan.
Assess if the business is market oriented.
Evaluating the credit worthiness of the borrowers.
This implies that the bank use effective and efficient criteria to evaluate the debtors if they
fit with bank credit policy and terms of loans.
3. How the borrowers become default in repayment of loan?
Borrowers inability or unwilling to meet the obligation under the term and
condition of a credit agreement may be caused by;
This implies the bank does not follow up the debtors this may increase the chance of
uncollectability, so the bank has to follow up regularly to decrease the default rate of the
If the bank faces default customers firstly the bank addresses the customers to pay the
loan, if the borrowers unable to pay the bank will force to take legal action against the
debtors who cannot pay loan.
5. How you motivate your borrowers who pay earlier before the due date?
The bank uses the following methods to motivate the debtors who pay early and on
the due date
This implies bank uses few motivational techniques to motivate the debtors to pay early, so
this may discourage the debtors to pay early and May the bank loses its debtors to the
6. What are the effects of non-performing loan on the bank financial position?
The bank may be face cash shortage.
It decreases interest rate which can be generate by lending the
loan returning.
The bank will be more conservative to provide loan because of
this the bank losses income from interest.
So the bank has to regularly follow up the debtors to minimize the non-performing rate the
This refers that loan size, this means how much provide to a particular customer, and
credit term, this refers the bank properly evaluate the credit worthiness of the customer.
This specific question refers that the bank considers the debtor purpose of borrowing the
From this we can understand that the bank has criteria to provide a loan for the borrower.
This refers the time when customer wants to borrow a loan; this means does the bank have
enough cash to lend the loan to the customers.
This refers that the bank grant loan by checking whether the business has got eligible
license to take a loan from the bank.
This shows us the bank effectively evaluates and estimate collaterals used as pledged by
using qualified man power.This also shows the engineers evaluate quality of the collateral,
the obsolescence and physical deterioration characteristics and the marketability of the
collateral but the collaterals is a second way out due to uncertainty of forecasting future
profitability and cash flow.
From the above sentence we can understand that the bank crosses check the ability of the
borrowers to pay the loan with head office and weather they have good credit worthiness
or not.
From this we can understand that the branch manager has responsibility to add its
recommendation on the approval form.
After finishing all the necessary steps here above compiled all the documents and
send the file to the head office for further investigation and approval.
5. Analyzing pre-disbursement
1st we should let know the applicant about the head office decision.
2nd if the applicant is willing to take the approved loan as per condition to put on loan
approval form, we inform the customer to come with original collateral documents in order
to register nearby municipality or appropriate government organ.
3rd be sure the collateral is/or have insurance coverage, if not we should issue request for
insurance policy.
4th loan contact agreement will be signed with customer and his /her spouse.
5th deduct the deductible item like stamp duty, revenue stamp, estimation and inspection
fee, others fee.
6th after all the necessary prerequisites are fulfilled the loan will be disbursed as per the
condition put on the loan approval form.
This implies the bank follows good procedure to collect the loan which is given previously.
Even if it is in the credit process the bank doesn’t regularly follow up the customers that are the
reason for customers being default in repaying the loan.
Managing of credit (loan) is the main role of any financial institutions (banks). Therefore lion
bank need to further develop workable and realistic strategies to further improve the credit
collection management.
Based on overall evaluation, observations and findings the following recommendations were
recommended in order to increase the workability of policies, strategies of the credit collection
management of the organization.
The bank has to use the different method to motivate the borrowers who pay
early and on due date like granting cash discount.
The bank should give consulting services to the borrowers to minimize
collectability risk of the loans.
The bank should make deep screening method before granting the loans.
The bank has to set different interest rate depends on the loan size of the
The bank should have to continue granting short term loans to minimize the
collectability risk.
The bank should have to evaluate the collaterals properly and effectively.
(Bass,1998),fundamental of risk 3rd
B.M.Lall Nigam professor of commerce Delhi school of economics university of Delhi.
Banking law and practice, 5th edition.
Conant 1899,Baltnsperger 1887
Divid R.kamerchen distinguished professor department of economic university of
Athens, Georgia. Money and banking 8th edition 1984.
DR.R.R Paul MA(economics and philosophy) PhD post graduate department of
economics, money banking and international trade
Eugene brigham and Joel F.Houston university of Florida fundamental of financial
management, 2004, 10th edition.
H.R. maharaja, financial economist.
TO RESPONDENTS: The purpose of this survey is to assess the credit collection management on
lion bank of Ethiopia; Hawassa branch. However, the effect of this questionnaire study is highly
dependent upon your honest cooperation.
Therefore, I kindly request your kind cooperation in filling out the questionnaire. I confirm you
that all the data gathered will be held confidential.
Diploma Ba degree
Less than 2 years between2-4 years between 4-6 years above 6 years
5, does the bank give the loan service for the borrowers?
Short term
Medium term
Long term
Branch manager
Loan officer
Any employee
9, does the bank asses borrowers past financial history credit worthiness and perform in detail
before extending the loan?
Yes definitely not at all
10, when the borrowers face a certain problem andun able to pay the loan what mechanism do
you apply in order the loan to be collected?
11. Which kind of screening techniques that the bank uses to evaluate credit worthiness of
12. Which type of loan disbursement is your bank use for borrowers?
Yes No
14. Does the bank permitting over draft for the customers?
Yes No
15. How your bank set interest rate for different amount of loan?
The bank set the same interest rate for all types of loan
Interview question