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In order to better understand people's W Mark for Review :
receptiveness to opposing viewpoints, public . --------- ----- - - --- -- ------- --- - - - -- -- -- -·
I policy scholars Julia Minson of Harvard University Which choice best states the function of the
and Frances Chen of the University of British underlined sentence within the text as a whole?
Columbia reviewed dozens of studies spanning
® .It highlights a potential outcome of a strong
1984 to 2021. Among their findings was the fact
that people who feel strongly about an issue can
be receptive to others' views without altering their @ It describes a process by which people's
own opinions. As the researchers point out. two opinions can evolve.
thoughtful people might examine each other's
ideas seriously and. recognizing that it is possible © It emphasizes the importance of considering
for reasonable people to hold either perspective. multiple perspectives.
respectfully agree to disagree.
It discusses a strategy that permits opposing
-. -
parties to reconcile their differences.
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To be a female artist in the nineteenth century was iW Mark for Review ,
challenging enough, but to be a female sculptor . --- --- - - - - -------- - - - - --- --- --- - - - - - - --- -·I
was nearly unthinkable. Not only were sculptors Which choice best describes the function of the
expected to have a familiarity with the human underlined sentence in the text as a whole?
form that no woman in that age could acquire. but
® It discusses some of the expenses involved in
they had to work with heavy materials. such as
becoming an artist.
blocks of marble weighing many hundreds of
pounds. Nevertheless, a few intrepid American @ It emphasizes the antagonism between
women wound their way to Italy and learned to women and the nineteenth-century artistic
sculpt. establishment.
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The following text is from Charlotte Grimke's
poem "Wordsworth."
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i;:J Mark for Review
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Which choice best describes the function of the
Poet of the serene and thoughtful lay! underlined portion in the text as a whole?
In youth's fair dawn. when the soul. still untried.
® To criticize the human tendency toward
Longs for life's conflict. and seeks restlessly
Food for its cravings in the stirring songs.
The thrilling strains of more impassioned bards: @ To describe the power of music to express
Or, eager for fresh joys, culls with delight emotions
The flowers that bloom in fancy's fairy realm -
We may not prize the mild and steadfast ray © To highlight the consequences of
That streams from thy pure soul in tranquil song uncontrolled restlessness
In recent years, many companies have shifted
from a model in which workers are placed in
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ill Mark for Review
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individual cubicles to one based on open-office Which choice best describes the function of the
plans, with the goal of fostering employee underlined portion in the text as a whole?
interaction and collaboration. Studies suggest,
however, that such strategies may backfire, I ® I To describe a drawback of open offices
increasing job dissatisfaction and leaving workers
@ To present an explanation for an unintended
no more likely to work together than before.
Researchers at Harvard Business School theorize
that employees' tendency to avoid one another in © To emphasize the importance of
open offices may be attributable to the "fourth collaboration in the workplace
wall"- the imaginary curtain that prevents actors
from being distracted by the audience and @ To compare office work to theatrical work
preserves the imaginary world of a play. To
preserve a sense of psychological autonomy,
employees in open offices establish their own
fourth walls, which their colleagues quickly come
to respect.