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In order to better understand people's W Mark for Review :
receptiveness to opposing viewpoints, public . --------- ----- - - --- -- ------- --- - - - -- -- -- -·
I policy scholars Julia Minson of Harvard University Which choice best states the function of the
and Frances Chen of the University of British underlined sentence within the text as a whole?
Columbia reviewed dozens of studies spanning
® .It highlights a potential outcome of a strong
1984 to 2021. Among their findings was the fact
that people who feel strongly about an issue can
be receptive to others' views without altering their @ It describes a process by which people's
own opinions. As the researchers point out. two opinions can evolve.
thoughtful people might examine each other's
ideas seriously and. recognizing that it is possible © It emphasizes the importance of considering
for reasonable people to hold either perspective. multiple perspectives.
respectfully agree to disagree.
It discusses a strategy that permits opposing

-. -
parties to reconcile their differences.
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To be a female artist in the nineteenth century was iW Mark for Review ,
challenging enough, but to be a female sculptor . --- --- - - - - -------- - - - - --- --- --- - - - - - - --- -·I

was nearly unthinkable. Not only were sculptors Which choice best describes the function of the
expected to have a familiarity with the human underlined sentence in the text as a whole?
form that no woman in that age could acquire. but
® It discusses some of the expenses involved in
they had to work with heavy materials. such as
becoming an artist.
blocks of marble weighing many hundreds of
pounds. Nevertheless, a few intrepid American @ It emphasizes the antagonism between
women wound their way to Italy and learned to women and the nineteenth-century artistic
sculpt. establishment.

© It explains the virtual impossibility of

becoming a female sculptor in the nineteenth

@ It describes some of the physical limitations

placed on nineteenth-century women.

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The following text is from Charlotte Grimke's
poem "Wordsworth."
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i;:J Mark for Review
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Which choice best describes the function of the
Poet of the serene and thoughtful lay! underlined portion in the text as a whole?
In youth's fair dawn. when the soul. still untried.
® To criticize the human tendency toward
Longs for life's conflict. and seeks restlessly
Food for its cravings in the stirring songs.
The thrilling strains of more impassioned bards: @ To describe the power of music to express
Or, eager for fresh joys, culls with delight emotions
The flowers that bloom in fancy's fairy realm -
We may not prize the mild and steadfast ray © To highlight the consequences of
That streams from thy pure soul in tranquil song uncontrolled restlessness

To convey the soul's youthful desire for

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One of the most persistent and problematic biases • H Mark for Review :
in science involves motivated reasoning-that is, . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _:
the tendency to interpret observations to fit Which choice best states the primary purpose of
preconceived notions. According to Professor the text?
Brian Nosek, a specialist in human biases and co-
® To describe a phenomenon detrimental to
founder of the Center for Open Science at the
the reliability of scientific findings
University of Virginia, psychologists have
demonstrated that "most of our reasoning is in fact @ To suggest that true objectivity in science
rationalization." In other words, people begin by cannot be attained
making decisions about what to think or do, and
their "explanation" later serves as a means to © To emphasize the inaccuracy of many
justify what they believed or how they intended to scientific conclusions
act in the first place.
To call attention to the dangers of motivated
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In recent years, many companies have shifted
from a model in which workers are placed in
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ill Mark for Review
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individual cubicles to one based on open-office Which choice best describes the function of the
plans, with the goal of fostering employee underlined portion in the text as a whole?
interaction and collaboration. Studies suggest,
however, that such strategies may backfire, I ® I To describe a drawback of open offices
increasing job dissatisfaction and leaving workers
@ To present an explanation for an unintended
no more likely to work together than before.
Researchers at Harvard Business School theorize
that employees' tendency to avoid one another in © To emphasize the importance of
open offices may be attributable to the "fourth collaboration in the workplace
wall"- the imaginary curtain that prevents actors
from being distracted by the audience and @ To compare office work to theatrical work
preserves the imaginary world of a play. To
preserve a sense of psychological autonomy,
employees in open offices establish their own
fourth walls, which their colleagues quickly come
to respect.


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