Psychiatry Unit 4 5
Psychiatry Unit 4 5
Psychiatry Unit 4 5
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PSYCHIATRY 1 Lableenguiaa
4. Perception and Cognition 10. Eating Disorder
a. Look for disturbances (illusions, hallucinations) 11. Internet Gaming Disorder
b. Disturbances of the thinking process
i. Form
ii. Flow
iii. Content of thought I. MENTAL RETARDATION
iv. Incoherence
• Significantly impaired cognitive functioning
v. Autistic thinkers
vi. Delusions • Deficits in adaptive behaviors
vii. Phobia • Onset before age 18
5. Mental Grasp and Capacity
1. Orientation- awareness of one surrounding • Mild (50-70 IQ)
a. Ex. Time, place, persons • Moderate (35-55 IQ)
b. Good, fair, poor • Severe (20-40 IQ)
2. Memory
• Profound (Below 20 IQ)
a. Recent- what did you eat for breakfast
b. Remote events- questions about childhood, past Also: educable, trainable, and custodial
3. Abstraction (very different portion) Manifestations
a. Similarities between objects
b. Proverbs, interpretation • Delays in oral language development
4. Reading and Writing • Deficits in memory skills
5. Mathematical ability (MDAS) • Difficulty learning social skills
a. Tailored to educational background of patient • Difficulty with problem-solving skills
b. *100-7*- test for college student • Delays in development of adaptive behaviors
6. Intelligence • Lack of social inhibitors
7. Judgement and Insight
a. the ability to solve problem
i. ex. What will you do if there is fire in II. AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS (INFANTILE AUTISM)
the building
b. self-awareness • Complex neuro-psychiatric disorders characterized by
deficits in social interaction and communication
UNIT V: Psychiatric disorders in childhood and adolescence • Unusual and repetitive behaviors
• Diagnosed before age 4-6 years
Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence
• Studies in the United States and New Zealand suggest • Genetic
prevalence 17-22%
• Environmental
• More boys are diagnosed with childhood disorders than
• Prenatal factors
• Girls are more likely to have internalized problems (anxiety
and depression) and boys are more likely to have
externalized problems (ADHD, conduct disorder, etc…)
• ADHD and Separation Anxiety are most common.
1. Mental Retardation
2. Infantile Autism (Autism Spectrum Disorders)
4. Learning Disorders
5. Conduct Disorder
6. Oppositional Defiant Disorder
7. Anxiety Disorders
8. Symptom Disorders
9. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
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PSYCHIATRY 1 Lableenguiaa
III. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD Treatments and Outcomes
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PSYCHIATRY 1 Lableenguiaa
Learning Disabilities Destruction of property
VI. Oppositional Defiant Disorder Criteria
• Challenge is parent’s reluctance to become involved in
• A pattern of negativistic, hostile, and defiant behavior treatment and learn new parenting behaviors.
lasting at least 6 months, during which four (or more) of the
following are present:
• often loses temper VII. Anxiety Disorders of Childhood
• often argues with adults
• often actively defies or refuses to comply with adults'
requests or rules
• Children typically cope with anxiety by becoming overly
• often deliberately annoys people dependent on others.
• often blames others for his or her mistakes or misbehavior • Prevalence is higher in girls than boys.
• is often touchy or easily annoyed by others • Separation Anxiety Disorder
• is often angry and resentful o Most common childhood anxiety disorder
• is often spiteful or vindictive o Essential feature is excessive anxiety about
separation from major attachment figures.
o Characteristics Include: unrealistic
Conduct Disorder Criteria
fears,oversensitivity, self-consciousness,
• A repetitive and persistent pattern of behavior in which the nightmares, lack confidence, chronic anxiety,
basic rights of others or major age-appropriate societal apprehensive in new situations, worry that
norms or rules are violated, as manifested by the presence parents will become ill or die, difficulty sleeping,
of three (or more) of the following criteria in the past 12 school refusal problems .
months, with at least one criterion present in the past 6
Anxiety Disorders: Treatment
months: Aggression to people and animals
• often bullies, threatens, or intimidates others • Psychopharmacological treatment is questionable in its
• often initiates physical fights effectiveness
• has used a weapon that can cause serious physical harm • Behavioral Therapy Procedures are Effective
to others (e.g., a bat, brick, broken bottle, knife, gun) o Assertiveness Training, Mastering
• has been physically cruel to people Competencies, and Desensitization and In Vivo
• has been physically cruel to animals Methods (using graded real life situations)
• has stolen while confronting a victim (e.g., mugging, purse • Group Therapy as a Modality is Effective
snatching, extortion, armed robbery)
• has forced someone into sexual activity
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PSYCHIATRY 1 Lableenguiaa
VIII. Childhood Depression o Adolescent males seem to be at greatest risk of
developing Internet gaming disorder, and it has
• Prevalence greater in girls than boys (2x) been speculated that Asian environmental and/or
• Causal Factors Include: genetic background is another risk factor, but this
o Biological Factors remains unclear.
o Learning Factors
▪ (negative parental behavior, divorce, Functional Consequences
modeling of depressed mother, marital
stress, mother-infant attachment, • Internet gaming disorder may lead to school failure, job
depressed mothers are less loss, or marriage failure. The compulsive gaming behavior
responsive) tends to crowd out normal social, scholastic, and family
▪ Children of depressed mothers are activities.
more likely to become depressed • Students may show declining grades and eventually failure
themselves and commit suicide in school. Family responsibilities may be neglected.
• Treatment
Differential Diagnosis
o Medication is no more effective than placebo
o Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy • Excessive use of the Internet not involving playing of online
o Providing a supportive emotional environment games (e.g., excessive use of social media, such as
Facebook; viewing pornography online) is not considered
Treatment Challenges for Childhood Disorders
PSYCHIATRY 1 Lableenguiaa