07 - Chapter 3

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Accumulation of large quantities of biomass ashes in the future world is a significant
point to focus on its disposal problem. Geopolymer concrete shows vital potential to
be a building product for the long run as a result of it's not solely atmosphere friendly
however additionally possesses glorious mechanical properties, because of lesser
contribution towards carbonic acid gas emission by contents of ingredients of
geopolymer primarily based composites compared to those of standard ordinary
Portland cement concretes, the new composites like biomass ashes will be thought of
to be a lot of eco-friendly and therefore their utility in sensible applications has to be
established and inspired. Eventually the project work results are a base to
commercialize the concrete combine style and can be a boon to concrete production
The main aim of the present research work is to conduct an extensive study on
biomass ash based geopolymer concrete. As cited earlier, most of the published
research work on geopolymer concrete explained the properties of pastes with various
types of source materials like fly ash, GGBS etc,. The present investigations deals
with the production of biomass ash-based geopolymer concrete, the parameters
influencing the mixture proportioning, The mechanical behavior and its durability
properties in all three different biomasses, three different ratios of liquid to biomass
ash, three different ratios of sodium silicate solution to sodium hydroxide solution and
with six different molarities of sodium hydroxide solution.
 To obtain optimum Mix proportions for sugar cane bagasse ash based
geopolymer concrete (SCBAGC), Ground Nut Shell Ash based geopolymer
concrete (GNSAGC) and Cattle Dung Cake Ash based geopolymer concrete (

 To analyze the changes in mechanical properties of SCBAGC, GNSAGC and

CDCAGC with change in curing conditions (Ambient curing and Heat
 To obtain mix design for M20 grade geopolymer concretes in SCBAGC,
GNSAGC and CDCAGC (without partial replacement of biomass ashes with
fly ash).
 To obtain mix design for M40 grade geopolymer concretes in SCBAGC,
GNSAGC and CDCAGC (with partial replacement of fly ash with biomass
 To obtain optimum Mix proportions for sugar cane bagasse ash based
geopolymer concrete (SCBAGC) with partially replaced by fly ash.
 To analyze the changes in mechanical properties of SCBAGC with change in
curing conditions (Ambient curing and Heat curing).
 To analyze the changes in mechanical properties of GNSAGC with change in
curing conditions (Ambient curing and Heat curing) with partial replacement
of Ground Nut Shell Ash with fly ash.
 To analyze the changes in mechanical properties of CDCAGC with change in
curing conditions (Ambient curing and Heat curing) with partial replacement
of Cattle Dung Cake Ash with fly ash.
 To study the durability of SCBAGC, GNSAGC and CDCAGC against acids
attack such as H2SO4 and HCl.
 The objective is to conduct a cost-benefit analysis of geopolymer concrete that
utilizes biomass ash as a precursor material and compare it with traditional
cement-based concrete. This analysis will include evaluating the costs and
benefits of both types of concrete and providing a comparative statement on
the economic feasibility of using biomass ash-based geopolymer concrete.
An elaborate experimental program was prepared to achieve the above objectives of
the present research work and is shown in the following five phases.
3.3.1. In phase 1 as the part of preliminary investigations we will find out chemical
and physical properties of all the ingredients of the three types of biomass based
geopolymer concretes i.e., Sugar Cane Bagasse Ash based Geopolymer Concrete

(SCBAGC), Ground Nut Shell Ash based Geopolymer Concrete (GNSAGC) and
Cow Dung Cake Ash based Geopolymer Concrete (CDCAGC). Figure 3.1 shows the
flow chart of experimental work held in the phase 1.

Fig.3.1 Flow chart of Phase I

3.3.2. As the part of phase II we will develop the mix proportions for all three types of
biomass based geopolymer concretes i.e., Sugar Cane Bagasse Ash based
Geopolymer Concrete (SCBAGC), Ground Nut Shell Ash based Geopolymer
Concrete (GNSAGC) and Cow Dung Cake Ash based Geopolymer Concrete
(CDCAGC). In the process of phase II we planned to caste cubical specimens of
above three geopolymer concretes with the following variations:

(a). NaOH Concentration (b).Ratio of alkaline liquid to biomass ash (c).Ratio of

Na2SiO3 to NaOH (d).Curing methods. We establish 18 mix proportions for each
biomass based geopolymer concrete. Further in this phase optimization of mix
proportion is developed basing on the compressive strength of all 18 variations for all
the three biomass based geopolymer concretes.

Figure 3.2 shows the flow chart of experimental work held in the phase II.

Fig.3.2 Flow chart of Phase II

3.3.3. In phase III of research work we conduct tests on mechanical properties like
Compressive, Split tensile and Flexural strength of all three biomass based
geopolymers with optimum mix proportion which will obtain from phase II work.
Figure 3.3 shows the flow chart of experimental work held in the phase III.

Fig.3.3 Flow chart of Phase III


3.3.4. As the part of the phase IV work preparation of Sugar Cane Bagasse Ash based
Geopolymer Concrete (SCBAGC), Ground Nut Shell Ash based Geopolymer
Concrete (GNSAGC) and Cow Dung Cake Ash based Geopolymer Concrete
(CDCAGC) will be taken part by considering the replacement of biomass ashes by fly
ash in percentages as mentioned in the above flow chart. Figure 3.4 shows the flow
chart of experimental work held in the phase IV.

Fig.3.4 Flow chart of Phase IV

3.3.5. In phase V of this research work will conduct durability studies on Sugar Cane
Bagasse sh based Geopolymer Concrete (SCBAGC), Ground Nut Shell Ash based
Geopolymer Concrete (GNSAGC) and Cow Dung Cake Ash based Geopolymer
Concrete (CDCAGC) by soaking the specimens in 5% of HCl acid and 5% of H2SO4
acid and these specimens will be tested for following physical changes: a. Visual
appearance b. Compressive strength c. Mass d. Diagonals length. Figure 3.5 shows
the flow chart of experimental work held in the phase V

Fig.3.5 Flow chart of Phase V

3.3.6. In the last phase VI of the experimental work was about obtaining optimum
Mix Proportion for biomass ash geopolymer concrete for oven cured and ambient
cured. Figure 3.6 shows the flow chart of experimental work held in the phase VI.
Figure 3.6 shows the flow chart of experimental work held in the phase VI.

Fig.3.6 Flow chart of Phase VI


The three different biomass ashes (Sugar Cane Bagasse ash, Ground Nut Shell Ash
and Cattle Dung Cake Ash) were used as the base materials for making three types of
biomass ash based geopolymer concrete respectively in the present research work.

The biomass ashes were obtained from three different sources, because the main
limelight of this research work was on the mechanical properties and durability
studies of biomass ash based geopolymer concrete. As far as possible, the equipment
and the technology currently used to produce Ordinary Portland cement (OPC)
concrete were also used to make the biomass ash geopolymer concrete. The biomass
ash geopolymer concrete investigated included the compressive strength and split
tensile strength, Flexural strength, workability of fresh concrete and durability
aspects like permeability, sulphate attack and chloride attack of biomass ash based
geopolymer concrete with all three biomass ashes and in 18 different proportions as
explained in the abstract were studied.


This chapter explained the motivation for research and aim of the research work. In
addition in this chapter schematic representation of the flow of experimental work
was given. In this representation different phases of work took place were explained
in the form of flow charts. Finally the scope of the present research work was also

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