Mar 2002
Mar 2002
Mar 2002
Scripture Focus:
Matthew 5:1-12
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are
those who mourn, for they will be comforted” (Matthew 5:3-4).
When Jesus looked out on the crowds, He saw the richly dressed Pharisees, proud
of heart. He saw the common working people, poor and needy, looking for hope. He
saw them as sheep without a shepherd and had compassion on them.
He pointed out that the humble in heart will become part of God's family. The proud
reject Him because they are self-sufficient. The humble, knowing they need the
Lord, turn to Him for help. Jesus says they are the blessed ones.
The single parent is blessed even as she struggles to raise her children and make
ends meet. She has greater opportunity to exercise her faith in God and watch Him
work to meet her needs.
We will be going to Scripture in the month ahead to see the people God used to do
great things for Him. We will see how He worked through weakness so He would
receive the glory.
Do you feel you are not very important in God's plan? Everyone has a special place
and special task. God wants to bless others through you.
INSIGHT: God bypasses the proud and chooses to work for the humble in heart
that He might bless others through them.
2 Corinthians 8:1-9
“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that thought he was rich, yet for
your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich” (2
Corinthians 8:9).
How does a king come? He is usually born of royal parents in a palace and his birth
is announced to the world with a 21-gun salute.
In contrast, the Son of God left the riches of heaven to enter very humbly this world
which He had made. He was born to a simple village maiden, and the only room
made for Him was a corner of a stable. His first bed was a manger filled with hay.
The royal announcement of his birth was made by angels to shepherds in the hills
surrounding Bethlehem, men who were on the bottom of the social scale.
INSIGHT: God chose to clothe the divine Son of God in the weakness of human
flesh so that we could be saved from our sins and enter God's family.
A Bunch of Losers
Scripture Focus:
When Jesus began His public ministry, He chose twelve men to walk with Him and
learn from Him. They became His inner circle. Now we probably would have gone
to the Hebrew University and chosen the men with the best grades and greatest
potential for leadership.
God does not think as we think. His ways are often totally the opposite of the
world's ways. He lets the proud follow their independence and chooses the poor to
become rich in faith. They have faith and know they need Him to redeem their
mistakes and help them start over. He will bless the world through those who are
weak in their own estimation but are strong in the Lord.
INSIGHT: God continually turns things upside down. He chooses the weak and
despised to accomplish His plans on earth.
Mark 11:1-11
“When they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their cloaks over it, he sat on it.
Many people spread their cloaks on the road, while others spread branches” (Mark
When Jesus entered Jerusalem that day, He did not come as a mighty conquering
hero on a white charger. Instead, He chose to ride on a lowly donkey surrounded by
the poor who acclaimed Him gladly. Children shouted “Hosanna!” echoed by their
Every year my husband and I attend the “No Greater Love” Easter production
performed by a large church in our valley. Each time something new moves me to
tears as the life of Christ is depicted. I especially love the scene in which the
children come running barefoot down the aisles waving their palm branches and
joyfully singing “Hosanna.” I think it captures a little of what that first entry into
Jerusalem was like - the great joy of the moment when Jesus, the humble itinerant
healer-teacher, triumphed for a little while.
The day of the white charger is yet to come when Jesus will rule with a rod of iron.
But on this day so long ago He was the humble One choosing the way of
INSIGHT: We can identify with this Jesus so gentle and humble, yet so very much
the Son of God, strong and true.
John 13:1-17
“So he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel
around his waist. After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his
disciples’ feet” (John 13:4-5).
Jesus and His disciples were preparing to eat the last Passover meal together.
Evidently one thing had been overlooked - a servant to wash dusty feet, a common
Jesus got up from the table, poured water in a basin, and began to wash His
disciples' feet. They were astonished that their Teacher and Lord had assumed the
task of the lowliest servant.
When he sat down again, He explained that He had set them an example. As He
had served them, they ought also to serve one another.
Sometimes we have to look long and hard to find someone with a servant spirit, but
it should not be so in God's family. Our Lord came to serve. Can we do any less?
Let's be willing to take the lowly place of a servant. Most of us are in jobs in which
we serve other people. Few of us are the top boss, and even then we would be
accountable to God. Let's serve with a joyful, thankful spirit, knowing that God has
promised to reward us with His “Well done.”
INSIGHT: Jesus is our example of a true servant attitude. He served not for thanks
but out of love.
Like a Lamb
Scripture Focus:
Luke 23:1-25
“He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a
lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so he did not
open his mouth” (Isaiah 53:7).
When we are falsely accused, we are quick to let that be known and to defend
ourselves. Yet when Jesus was on trial on trumped-up charges, we read that He did
not defend Himself. He simply let his accusers do their worst, even bringing in false
witnesses. We are so quick to vindicate ourselves, but Jesus did and said nothing.
Have you ever watched sheep being sheared? The shepherd tosses the sheep
onto its back and clips until the fleece is off. It never fights or bleats. When the
shearing is done, the sheep trots away.
Recently I heard of a father falsely accused by his teenage daughter. I was not at
the trial, so I do not know what he said in his own defense. The court believed the
daughter, and her father will spend ten years in prison. His mother will finish raising
his sons. How could God let this happen to one of His children? We don't know, but
He let it happen to His own Son, and God's purpose was fulfilled. We can't see how,
but God will work in this situation also.
Luke 23:26-49
“The soldiers also came up and mocked him. They offered him wine vinegar and
said, `If you are the king of the Jews, save yourself.'” (Luke 23:36-37).
When Jesus came the first time, He chose the path of suffering and death. He
became the God-man, totally God yet totally human, yet without sin. He
experienced being totally human, even experiencing death. When He hung on the
cross, it looked as if the enemy were winning. But God turned dark Friday into
triumphant Sunday with a victorious resurrection from the dead.
All of our sin was nailed to that cross when Jesus hung there. He paid the price of
death for me, so I don't have to die for my sins. By accepting Jesus Christ as
personal Savior, I have eternal life and become part of God's forever family.
Philip Yancy writes, “God made Himself weak for one purpose, to let human beings
choose freely for themselves what to do with Him. The cross redefined God as One
who was willing to relinquish power for the sake of love.”
Jesus loves you so much, enough to die for you. What are you going to do with
Him? Make your decision today. Don't put it off!
INSIGHT: God let the human race do their worst so that He might give us His best -
eternal life in His Son.
Luke 24:13-35
“He said to them, `How foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the
prophets have spoken! Did not the Christ have to suffer these things and then enter
his glory?’” (Luke 24:25-26).
Their dreams lay shattered at the foot of a cross and locked behind the stone door
of a tomb. They were so sure Jesus was the long-promised deliverer who would
free them from Roman oppression to rule and reign in righteousness.
Sadly they walked along the way to Emmaus, pondering the events of the past
week. As they talked, a stranger joined them and asked, “Why the long faces?”
Astonished, they responded, “Where have you been? Don't you know what has
happened in Jerusalem these last days? Also some women have reported He is
Then Jesus explained to them how He had to die and then be glorified. When they
broke bread together, their eyes were opened and they believed.
God’s way was so different from the way they were thinking, and isn't it the same
for us today? We lean on the world's way of thinking and lose our way. We need to
get back to seeing things God's way and let Him show us His perspective.
INSIGHT: There is a time to shift gears and let God be God in our lives, to get His
point of view on our circumstances. Perhaps that time is right now.
1 Corinthians 1:26-31
“Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were
wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth”
(1 Corinthians 1:26).
Who does God choose to serve Him? Those with a willing heart. Who does He
choose to make a blessing to others? Those who have faith in Him and are faithful.
He chooses the weak of this world to confound the mighty. He chooses the foolish
of this world to amaze the wise with their insights.
A friend went through cancer treatment. He was probably as weak as he had ever
been in his life. Yet what did people comment when visiting him? “O his faith!” His
trust in the Lord was shining brightly to all who cared for him even in his weakness.
God chooses to take our weaknesses and work through them so that He receives
the glory. Some time ago I wrote an issue of Anchor on the theme of suffering. It
came out of a period of deep depression, yet it brought an outflow of reader
response. What I considered a time of great failure in my life, God used to touch the
hearts of others.
Are you weak today? Do you feel that you've failed or made a major mistake? Give
it to God. He delights to work through weakness.
INSIGHT: God chooses to work through weakness and what men consider
foolishness, so He receives the glory.
A Speech Problem
Scripture Focus:
Exodus 4:1-17
“Moses said to the Lord, `O Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither in the past
nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue’”
(Exodus 4:10).
God called Moses to deliver the Children of Israel out of Egypt and lead them to the
Promised Land. But when God assigned the task, Moses began to make excuses.
“I can't talk very well.” God's answer for his excuse, “I will help you speak and will
teach you what to say.” Did Moses trust God? No, he asked God to send someone
One summer we attended a family camp out in Billings, Montana. Our main speaker
was an evangelist who had a speech impediment, requiring us to listen closely. This
man had obeyed God's calling and did not let his speech problem stop him. Isn't
that just like God, choosing to work once again through a man's weakness?
Have you made excuses when God has called you to step out and do something for
Him? Has there been a time in your life when you asked God to choose someone
else? I have, but God ended up sending me. What a blessing I would have missed
if I had not obeyed!
INSIGHT: When God calls you to a task, He will enable you to do it. You need not
be afraid. If you trust Him and do what He asks, He will supply what you need.
Excuses, Excuses
Scripture Focus:
Judges 6:1-24
“`But Lord,' Gideon asked, `How can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in
Manasseh, and I am the least in my family.' The Lord answered, `I will be with you’”
(Judges 6:15-16).
God chooses some very unlikely people to do His will. When the Midianites were
totally overrunning Israel, God called Gideon to save the people. But Gideon said,
“God, I'm a nobody. I'm not a great leader or warrior. You'd better look for someone
else.” This young man did not have much courage or confidence. His first
assignment was to throw down the altar of Baal. He was so fearful that he did it at
Then he needed a great deal of encouragement to pursue the task God had given
him. He set a fleece out, not once, but twice, seeking God's guidance. Finally
Gideon ended up saving Israel from the Midianites, and God received the glory.
Are you fearful today because God is asking you to step out and do something for
Him? Be encouraged. Gideon was afraid too, but God used this fearful young man.
He sent the right encouragement at the right time to infuse him with confidence in
his God. You may be a nobody, but God will encourage you and use you for His
1 Samuel 16:1-13
“Do not consider his appearance or his height. . . . The Lord does not look at the
things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at
the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7).
Samuel had been sent by God to anoint a king among Jesse’s eight sons. As the
eldest, Eliab, tall and good looking, passed before Samuel, he thought, Surely this
is the Lord's choice. Yet God rejected him, warning Samuel that He looked at the
heart. Seven of Jesse's sons were rejected.
“Only the youngest out with the sheep,” Jesse replied. David wasn't even
considered important enough to call in to the feast honoring God's prophet. His
brothers looked down on him, and he was given the lowliest job in the family. Yet it
is this shepherd boy, with a heart of faith, that God chose to be the next king of
How easy it is for us to judge people by outward appearances instead of seeing the
love and faith shining through their lives. God often chooses the most unlikely
people to be used to bless others or to have a special ministry. When God helps us
see others as He sees them, we can appreciate the blessing they share with others.
INSIGHT: It's not outward appearances that count but what God sees and knows
about one's heart attitudes. He sees and will reward in His time and way.
Only a Boy
Scripture Focus:
1 Samuel 17:32-51
“He looked David over and saw that he was only a boy, ruddy and handsome, and
he despised him. He said to David, `Am I a dog, that you come to me with sticks?'“
(1 Samuel 17:42-43).
Goliath, the Philistine giant, shouted to Israel's army, “Send a man to fight me!”
Young David heard the challenge, but when he inquired about the matter, his
brothers became angry with him. Jesse had sent him to see how the brothers fared
in the battle. They bitterly resented his bold questions. Yet David was brought
before King Saul and volunteered to fight the giant.
When David went down in the valley to meet Goliath, he was armed only with a
staff and a sling. When Goliath saw he was only a boy, he threatened to make
mincemeat of him and feed him to the wild animals. Cursing David, Goliath
advanced to carry out his threats. David, fearless and full of faith in God, ran to
meet him, slinging a stone into Goliath's forehead and felling him, then cutting off
his head with his own sword.
Others were much taller and stronger, but useless through fear. A young shepherd
boy whose confidence was in God alone became the instrument in God's hand for
Israel's victory.
INSIGHT: God constantly chooses those whom others consider too young or
inexperienced or not talented enough to do great things for Him.
An Orphan Girl
Scripture Focus:
Esther 2:5-18
“This girl, who was also known as Esther, was lovely in form and features, and
Mordecai had taken her as his own daughter when her father and mother died”
(Esther 2:7).
Esther was an orphan girl carried away from her home to a foreign land. She
probably had lost her parents when Nebuchadnezzar captured Jerusalem. Her
uncle Mordecai had raised her and she had grown up to be a beautiful woman.
After King Xerxes deposed his queen and began to look for another, Esther was
taken into the royal harem. When Esther's turn came to go before the king, he
chose her to be the next queen. Esther went from being an orphan in exile to queen
of a kingdom, but her hardest test was yet to come.
Wicked Haman conceived a plot to destroy all Jews. Would Esther take her life in
her hands and plead with the king for her people? She rose to the challenge
Mordecai laid before her. After three days of fasting and prayer, she appeared
before the king, and he showed her favor and mercy.
The Jews were saved by the unselfishness and courage of a young woman whom
God had placed in the right place at the right time.
INSIGHT: What counts with God? Is it having the right background or the right parents and
a cultured upbringing? No, He is looking for a willing, courageous heart.
Too Old
Scripture Focus:
Genesis 18:1-15
“Sarah was past the age of childbearing. So Sarah laughed to herself as she
thought, `After I am worn out and my master is old, will I now have this pleasure?’”
(Genesis 18:11-12).
If we were planning to build a nation, we would choose a young couple in the prime
of life and give them a large family. But God called a man, Abraham, whose wife is
barren, and promises them a son. Yet the years go by. Both of them grow old.
Sarah was not only barren, she was now past the age of childbearing. Then, when
all looked hopeless, God announced, “Sarah will bear a son next year.” How
Abraham and Sarah laugh - he in faith and she in doubt. But baby Isaac, whose
name means laughter, was born right on time, and the promised nation began.
God’s ways – how they astound us – and the people He uses! He may choose
individuals we call senior citizens and set aside as being too feeble or “out of it” to
contribute to His work.
You are never too old to be used of God. Determine now to serve Him until your
last breath. “Too old” isn't in God's vocabulary, only in ours. If you doubt that, just
remember what God did with Abraham and Sarah.
INSIGHT: God chooses to work through the people we consider too old and
accomplishes His purposes through circumstances we consider hopeless.
Too Poor
Scripture Focus:
1 Kings 17:7-15
“I don't have any bread - only a handful of flour in a jar and a little oil in a jug. I am
gathering a few sticks to . . . make a meal for myself and my son, that we may eat it
– and die” (1 Kings 17:12).
During the drought Elijah predicted, God hid His prophet by a brook and sent
ravens to bring him food morning and evening. One day the brook dried up, and
God sent Elijah to the poorest of the poor, a widow down to her last meal.
Elijah had been fed by unclean birds and then sent to a Gentile widow about to die.
We would at least have sent him to a family with a cellar full of supplies to last out
the drought. When God gets ready to do a miracle, He often lets us get down to the
end of our resources.
Because the widow obeyed Elijah and fed him first, her oil and meal lasted until the
drought ended and the rain came. Imagine her sense of wonder after having used
all her meal to make a cake then going back and finding there was enough for one
more cake day after day.
Again God chose to use someone we would call weak and to work through unusual
circumstances. God is not limited, no matter how inadequate you feel or how
difficult your circumstances may be.
INSIGHT: You are never too poor to give to God. What you give to Him, He will
return to you many times over.
A Jewish Captive
Scripture Focus:
2 Kings 5:1-14
“Naaman was commander of the army of the king of Aram. . . . Now bands from
Aram had gone out and had taken captive a young girl from Israel, and she served
Naaman’s wife” (2 Kings 5:1-2).
A young girl, torn away from family, friends, and home and carried to a foreign land,
became the slave of Naaman's wife. Now Naaman was a great soldier, but he was
a leper in a day when there was no cure for the disease. This young slave knew
about the prophet Elisha and the miracles God had enabled him to perform. She
spoke boldly to her mistress, saying, “If only my master would see the prophet who
is in Samaria! He would cure him of his leprosy” (v. 3).
This is all we know about the girl, but her words and faith set a miracle in motion.
Naaman went to see the prophet, eventually obeyed him, and was healed. Not only
that, he came to worship the true God. This child became God's messenger to
impact a foreign military leader for Him.
Young children can be used by God. More than one child has been the key that
turned an entire family to the Lord. Too young, too old, too poor - God uses them
all, working through weakness that He may be glorified.
INSIGHT: Jesus had a special place in His heart for young children. Their hearts
are open to Him. They have much to teach us, so let's observe and learn from
A Slave Protest
Scripture Focus:
Exodus 19:1-6
“I carried you on eagles' wings and brought you to myself. Now if you obey me fully
and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession”
(Exodus 19:4-5).
The nation that God promised would come of Abraham grew until, in the days of
Joseph and widespread famine, the family went down to Egypt. Seventy souls
arrived, and 400 years later, some two million slaves would leave Egypt for the
Promised Land.
The years of slavery did not appear to have taught them faith in God. Camped by
the Red Sea and pursued by Pharaoh, they complained to Moses, “Have you
brought us out in the desert to die?” They grumbled when there was no water, and
later when there was no bread, they wailed, “Have you brought us out here to
Yet God promised them, “If you will obey me, you will be to me a treasured
possession, a holy nation” (see vv. 5-6).
What a merciful, forgiving God! He chose a doubting and complaining crew to be
His special people. He had power to take them from slaves to become a holy nation
which would show His glory to a sinful world.
INSIGHT: What is so special about you and me? Nothing, except that God has
chosen to use us and make us a blessing to others.
A Common Herdsman
Scripture Focus:
Amos 7:10-16
“I was neither a prophet nor a prophet's son, but I was a shepherd.. . . But the Lord
took me from tending the flock and said to me, `Go prophesy to my people Israel’”
(Amos 7:14-15).
Amos was a simple shepherd and farmer. His only qualification for service was
God's call. He did not claim to be a prophet, or even the son of a prophet. But he
obeyed God, left Judah and traveled to Israel to proclaim God's words.
There, he was not well received. Crowds did not gather to hear him. Instead, they
stopped their ears against his warnings and told him to go back home to do his
Amos did not let the opposition stop him, and eventually his words came even to
the king.
Has God called you to a ministry for Him? When God called my husband Dan and
me into prison ministry, we went, though I felt God was calling two very unlikely
people to serve behind prison walls. After all, we had never been where they are.
People are very effective who have been in prison and get out, then go back to
serve God there. But who was I to question Him? We obeyed and went, and God
has blessed us beyond anything we could have dreamed.
INSIGHT: Has God called you to a ministry for which you don't feel qualified? Obey
and go. God knows what He is doing, even if you don't. He will go with you and help
Matthew 18:15-20
“If two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by
my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I
with them” (Matthew 18:19-20).
It takes only two or three believers praying together to multiply the power of God in
the lives of others, and it is not just doubled.
I don’t concern myself with numbers. If only one woman shows up for my Bible
study at the work center, I know God has something special to say to her. If there
are only two or three, they tend to open up and share more than they would in a
larger group. I've watched God minister in a special way in the life of only one or
two. Of course I love to see eight or ten come, but I would be there for one.
Often our Sunday evening prayer group has only three of us. Then I am reminded
of today's scripture. We will never know this side of heaven what God has done
through those faithful prayers for others.
It’s not numbers but individuals that count with God. Always Jesus singled out one
person in the crowd. He healed a woman who touched the hem of his garment,
though the crowd pressed Him.
INSIGHT: God doesn't deal with crowds but with individuals. What counts is the
work God does in a single heart.
A Bruised Reed
Scripture Focus:
Isaiah 42:1-9
“A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. . . .
He will not falter nor be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth” (Isaiah
One of our most prized possessions is an old oak chest. It was given to us after a
neighbor left it when she moved. I set about to refinish it, spending hours with paint
remover and sandpaper to remove its coating of layers of black varnish. Eventually
I gave it a new, clear finish. Today its warm oak beauty draws comments of visitors
in our home. What one person discarded as useless has become for us a piece of
value and beauty.
That’s how God works to redeem broken, discarded lives, restoring them to beauty
and usefulness. Nothing is wasted with God, not even our mistakes, our
brokenness, and pain. When we give God the broken pieces of our lives, He puts
us back together again.
INSIGHT: God is first and foremost a Redeemer. He treasures and restores the
most broken of us and makes us useful in His service.
Have you ever struggled, not knowing how to pray for someone? Do you
sometimes groan, unable to express in words the cry of your heart? Be
encouraged. You have a helper in prayer – the Holy Spirit.
When I don’t know how to pray for an individual, I trust the Holy Spirit to pray
through me for that person. Because He prays according to God's will for that one, I
know those prayers are going to be answered. We are weak humans, and we fall
short of what God wants us to be. But He helps and works in our behalf, even
through those weaknesses.
I find it helpful to pray Scripture back to God for ourselves and for others. For
example, for a man just out of prison, I pray, “Lead him in the paths of
righteousness for Your name's sake. Don't let him get off the path you have for
I believe that every cry of the human heart is found somewhere in the Psalms. Find
your heart cry and express it to God in the words of Scripture. God will hear.
INSIGHT: Human beings are weak, but God has sent us a helper in the person of
His Holy Spirit. His prayers are always right on target.
Vessels of Clay
Scripture Focus:
2 Corinthians 4:1-12
“God . . . made his light shine in our hearts. . . . But we have this treasure in jars of
clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us” (2
Corinthians 4:6-7).
I love the song, “Ordinary People, God Uses Ordinary People.” It’s based on Paul’s
teaching that God has chosen to entrust ordinary humans with the glorious light of
the Gospel. We carry this treasure in the common clay pots of our humanity. Why?
So when the glory shines through, people can see it's God's power at work, and He
gets the glory.
We have been entrusted with something very precious, and we need to let it shine
through. One of my prayers for a friend in cancer treatment is, “Let his faith shine
brightly so all who see it will see Christ. May he touch many lives by the way he
goes through this time of weakness and suffering.”
God could have chosen a spectacular way to share His Gospel, but He chose you
and me, ordinary human beings, to share His truth. He has taken us, weaknesses
and all, to carry around this glorious light and let it shine forth.
Are you willing to be a common clay pot to be used every day? Or do you want to
be fine china brought out only occasionally for company?
INSIGHT: God chooses ordinary people for His work. He chooses to bless the world
through them so that He will receive the praise and glory.
He Remembers
Scripture Focus:
Psalm 103
“As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those
who fear him; for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust”
(Psalm 103:13-14).
Our Heavenly Father does not expect the world of us. He understands us, for He
made us. He knows the strengths and weaknesses He has built into each of us.
Those weaknesses keep us depending on Him.
We hurt when our children go through difficult times. We would bear the pain and
confusion for them if we could. Likewise, our Heavenly Father hurts with us when
we are suffering.
Coming in Weakness
Scripture Focus:
1 Corinthians 2:1-15
“I came to you in weakness and fear, and with much trembling. My message and
my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration
of the Spirit’s power” (1 Corinthians 2:3-4).
The apostle Paul was an educated man. He had an impressive list of qualifications,
but he laid them all aside to simply preach Christ. He did not rely on his religious
training, but in weakness and much trembling, on the Spirit of God. He did not use
his persuasive power of speech, but depended on the Spirit to persuade men to
believe God's truth.
My husband Dan is in the early stages of Alzheimers. I watch him struggle with
speaking and reading, yet he never turns down an opportunity to serve the Lord in
our prison ministry. I'm reminded that God works through our weakness not our
strength. He has been invited to help with the death row services on Sunday. The
men love him because he is gentle and compassionate, and he cares about them.
The year he was the Maximum Security Prison chaplain, he won their hearts, and
they are delighted to see him again.
The Spirit of God persuades men to believe - not our eloquence or education. God
loves to work through weakness so that His power can be seen.
INSIGHT: God worked through the confidence of a David, a shepherd boy, and
through the fear and trembling of the apostle Paul. He can work through you.
1 Corinthians 4:1-21
“We are fools for Christ, but you are so wise in Christ! We are weak but you are
strong! . . . Up to this moment we have become the scum of the earth, the refuse of
the world” (1 Corinthians 4:10,13).
Have you ever been called foolish by the world when you knew you were doing
what God wanted you to do? We have.
We left a secure ranch job and a nice house in Salmon, Idaho to move to Weiser,
Idaho, to teach in an evening Bible school. As we prepared to leave, our boss said,
“You're crazy to move with no place to live and no job.” We made the move anyway
because we knew God was calling us. The job and house were soon provided.
Later when we lost our construction business and owed so much money, people
asked us why we didn't go through bankruptcy. We knew we could sell our home
and pay our debts. It was the right thing to do, and God graciously left us enough
money to start over.
God is faithful when we obey Him and do things His way. Yes, the world may call us
foolish, but it is never foolish to do what God calls us to do. Our job is to obey and
let Him take care of the consequences.
INSIGHT: Be willing to be a fool for Christ's sake for the foolishness of God is far
stronger than the wisdom of men.
No Boasting
Scripture Focus:
1 Corinthians 1:18-25
“Since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God
was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who
believe” (1 Corinthians 1:21).
The message was simple, “Christ died to save you,” but people in all their brilliance
and wisdom stumbled over the simplicity of the good news. God was making sure
that the way to Him would not be through human wisdom. The humblest of
individuals could come to Jesus simply by believing in His death, burial, and
“This so called ‘foolish’ plan of God is far wiser than the wisest plan of the wisest
man, and God in His weakness - Christ dying on the cross – is far stronger than any
man” (1 Corinthians 1:25, TLB).
Over and over God has chosen to work through weakness - not strength; through
foolishness - not wisdom. Why? So not one of us can boast in His presence. None
of us can say, “I did it myself. Look how smart I am.” No, all of us have to admit that
it is only through God and His power that anyone is saved and can enter heaven.
The wise depend on their wisdom, the rich on their wealth, the celebrities on their
talent, but those who are saved put their full trust in the Lord.
Hebrews 11:32-40
“Who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what
was promised. . . . Whose weakness was turned to strength” (Hebrews 11:33-34).
Carol Cymbala was ready to flee the city and the work to which God had called her
and her pastor husband. Their oldest daughter Chrissy had forsaken the family and
the God they served. They had no idea where she was, and their hearts cried out
in an agony of prayer for her. Then Carol had to have surgery. During her recovery,
she became very depressed.
At this low point and time of weakness, Carol went to the piano and wrote the song,
“He's Been Faithful to Me.” That song has been used of God to minister to
thousands - more than anything else Carol has written.
God came to Carol in her weakness and gave her those words of encouragement,
making her a blessing to many.
Are you at a weak point in your life? Do you feel that God is indifferent to your
desperate need? He is faithful. When we so desperately need a word from the Lord,
He comes with His comfort and encouragement.
INSIGHT: Don't despise your weakness. God delights in taking what we consider
failure and using it for His glory.
Crucified in Weakness
Scripture Focus:
2 Corinthians 13
“For to be sure, he was crucified in weakness, yet he lives by God's power.
Likewise, we are weak in him, yet by God's power we will live with him to serve
you” (2 Corinthians 13:4).
The cross stands at the focal point of history. God took the worst that man could do
to His own dear Son and made it the best that God would do for man --his
salvation. God took the hatred and cruelty of men and caused it to fulfill His divine
purpose. The weakness of God - Christ dying on a cross - would be stronger than
Jesus could face the terrible suffering of the cross with joy, knowing it would bring
many sons into glory.
God would have us realize our weakness so that we may serve in His strength.
Even though my husband Dan is in the early stages of Alzheimers, God has opened
the door so he can return to the Maximum Security prison where he once was
chaplain. He continues to teach two classes at the Medium Security prison. He also
counsels men on Saturday afternoons. God is literally working through a weak
vessel who is willing to serve Him in God's power.
INSIGHT: When we serve God in our weakness rather than in our human strength,
others realize that the power comes from God alone.
Luke 17:1-10
“The apostles said to the Lord, `Increase our faith!' He replied, `If you have faith as
small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, “Be uprooted and
planted in the sea,” and it will obey you’” (Luke 17:5-6).
I have often wanted to pray, “Increase my faith,” but Jesus says this is the wrong
request. Rather, He says, we should put the faith we have to work. It's not the size
of our faith that counts but the person in whom we place that faith.
Remember that Jesus chided His disciples, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?”
(Matthew 14:31). Remember the father who said, “I do believe; help me overcome
my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24).
Is God asking you to step out in faith for Him? That first small, trembling step of
faith may lead you to opportunities of ministry you never even dreamed possible.
I’ll never forget the first time I stepped into a county jail and heard the door clang
shut behind me. I was obeying the Lord's leading, but I did so as a step of faith.
Now every Sunday Dan and I step through the gates of a state prison to guide a
prayer group of prison inmates, and great is our joy to serve the Lord in this way.
INSIGHT: Remember, it isn't the amount of faith you have. It's the great God in
whom that faith is placed.
2 Corinthians 12:1-10
“He said to me, `My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in
weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that
Christ’s power may rest on me” (2 Corinthians 12:9).
Don't despise your weaknesses. That's the very channel through which God works.
When others observe Him working through your weaknesses, they glorify Him as
they see His power.
Delight in the difficulties that come your way, for then you have the opportunity to
see God work, and your heart will be filled with joy. When you have to do something
you are sure you can't do, throw yourself on the grace of God, and you will find it
sufficient. God is faithful; He will not fail you.
Paul said, “I am going to boast only about how weak I am and how great God is
because He chooses to use such weakness for His glory.”
I trust you have been encouraged this month to see how God chooses to work
through our weaknesses. We may be common clay pots, but we hold the glory and
power of God. Let's let it shine through, for God's power shows up best in weak
people. May He be glorified in your life and mine - even in our weakness.
INSIGHT: The less we have, the more we depend on God. The weaker we are, the
greater others see God's power at work in our lives.